Confessions of a Teenage Pussy Eater
- 4 years ago
- 23
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Author’s Note: Here’s another in cauda venenum story that could go in multiple sections on this site. I think you would agree that it belongs here, despite some of the elements some readers have come to expect from me. Please remember that this is fiction, and it follows its own rules, so please suspend your disbelief before reading. I do believe there are some reasonable questions raised by this, so I hope that this is worthwhile for you to read.
This story started from me overhearing a single word and then immediately took a life of its own, wrapping plot, characters and setting around itself.
There’s some sex, but it’s not a stroke story. All characters engaging in sex are represented to be over 18.
“It would kill the past, and when that was dead, he would be free.”
― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
I had just come downstairs after taking a post-work shower when the doorbell rang. It was early summer, about 7p.m. so the soft dusk light didn’t yet require the street lamps to be lit.
“Honey?” my wife called from the kitchen. “Can you grab that? I’m finishing the risotto.” I grinned. I loved her black truffle risotto. Jenny was always a solid cook, but that risotto was her signature dish, perfected over the twenty years of living together as husband and wife. In a lot of ways, that risotto signified our relationship. Hearty and reliable; tweaked and fine-tuned in small adjustments over the years to become perfectly balanced and enjoyed tremendously.
“Got it,” I called out and made my way to the door. The open windows on the first floor let in the warm air that had the baked, lazy scent of pollen and grass.
I opened the door to find a woman of indeterminate build standing at the door. She looked to be about five-foot-five or so, with dark hair pulled back from her sunbaked face into a ponytail which seemed to hang well past her shoulder; it made it difficult to place her age - it could be anywhere from her late-30s to her early 50s but she could have been much younger, too. Her dark eyes were small with the easy crow’s feet at the corners. Her nose was broad but not pronounced and she had full, sensuous lips. I guessed she was from Central or South America, based on the features. She was beautiful, or had been at one time.
Her clothes looked to be a simple linen blouse and loose-fitting trousers. On her feet were some kind of sandals. Taking that all in at a glance, I noted that she had what looked to be a very expensive pedicure. I remember that seemed at odds with the rest of her simple, unadorned appearance.
“Hi. Can I help you?” I asked. She flashed an easy smile which reached her eyes. They darted and cast playful glances at me which hinted that she had some kind of secret she was keeping. ‘Mischievous’ came to mind, which made me adjust her age downwards, maybe making her much younger. When she adjusted her posture, I was struck by the way the simple clothing clung to her breasts and hips; there were implied plush curves hidden underneath.
“Mr. Rhinehart? Carl Rhinehart?” Her smile revealed white, even teeth. Her voice was rich and accented, but not with the Latino accent I was expecting. It was more guttural and harsher. I actually couldn’t place her native language, but it wasn’t English.
“Yes? Can I help you?” I repeated.
“Hello, Mr. Rhinehart. My name is,” and it was the oddest thing. When she told me her name, it was as if I couldn’t understand it. Maybe it was her odd, choppy accent? Maybe I was tired? But at that moment, a breeze wafted through the door frame, carrying with it a rotten, sour smell and it distracted me, at least for that moment. “But you can call me Zolli,” she continued. She extended a hand in a fluid, graceful gesture.
Out of habit, I responded. Again, I expected a working woman’s hand but was surprised. It was a delicate woman’s hand - long, slender fingers, but not a delicate woman’s grip; it was dry and surprisingly strong. A well maintained, and probably quite expensive, manicure graced her hands as well.
“Mr. Rhinehart, my purpose to see you today is a serious matter regarding you and your wife. Is she here?” She continued to shake my hand while she spoke before finally releasing it. I found the extended contact oddly exciting.
“Ummm, yeah. She’s here, but she’s cooking dinner.” I looked back towards the kitchen. “Can this wait? We’re just about to eat. Can you come back, maybe a little later?”
Those dancing, laughing eyes twinkled. I knew the answer, oddly, as soon as I asked.
“Mr. Rhinehart, I’m afraid this is an important matter, and one which significantly affects you. And I think my timing is perfect.” The smile.
I stared.
“Mr. Rhinehart, there is a filth here in this house. I am here to perform a cleansing.” I looked behind me, searching for the stain she spoke of. I couldn’t see anything like that. Among her many skills, Jen kept a tidy house.
I looked back to Zolli; or rather where she had been. Somehow, she was past me and standing just inside the threshold of the door. I wondered how she had moved past me without me knowing. I’m a pretty big guy, and took up a lot of the open doorframe, but apparently not enough to keep her outside on the front doorstep.
“I’m sorry? You’re a cleaning woman? A service?” I asked, adjusting myself sideways so I didn’t touch her. Something told me that would be a bad thing.
She shook her head, giving me a brief look with that coy smile. I didn’t have to be an expert in body language to see the look that said I was too slow to understand. I felt a bit insulted, but only a small amount.
“Ah, won’t you come in, please, Miss -ah, Zolli.”
“Thank you, Mr. Rhinehart.” Honestly, the more she spoke, the more I detected an almost musical, sing-song nature to her speaking voice. It was enchanting, and I found myself wanting to listen to her.
“Carl,” she echoed. Her laughing eyes were enjoying my puzzlement.
Jen and I tried to have an honest sit-down meal at least twice a week. Modern living made it too easy to fall into the trap of disposable time, of takeout or informal meals eaten right off the stove top. Junk food for junk time together. These were meals without communication or a chance to bond. How many opportunities for good talks were lost in that way? So, we had resolved to try and commit to real time together. We weren’t perfect at it; we weren’t slaves to the ritual. But if we had the chance, if both of us were home and had a clear schedule, why not take an extra thirty minutes together to know your partner better?
Our daughter, Angie, was still away at school, finishing up her freshman year at the state university. When she was home, we tried to be much more consistent with meal time. With kids and their busy lives, dinner was just about the only time we could force our daughter to sit down and talk with us. Jen and I tried to keep up the habit while she was gone, too. The risotto was a perfect excuse for such a sit-down meal.
“Hon? Is the table set?” Jen called out from the kitchen.
“Yeah,” I called back. I thought about getting a third place setting for the table.
“OK. It’s ready.” Jen came wheeling around from the kitchen into the dining area, carrying the serving dish. She moved to put the steaming dish down on the table. The rich, earthy smell of the food flooded my nose. I didn’t realize how hungry I was.
“Who was at – Oh!” she said, seeing Zolli standing next to me. Jen’s eyes flew open before they went to mine in a silent ‘WTF?’ If I had been paying attention to that first look, I might have asked more questions. It wouldn’t have changed anything, though. Really.
“Hon, who is this?” Her voice was low and soft, but there was a touch of menace. A cat, cornered, will emit that low, gurgling moan that is a prelude to an attack. I couldn’t help but think that Jen had just given the human equivalent of a fight-or-flight reaction.
“Jen, this is –”
Zolli turned to fully address my wife, and she ... she pulsed. I couldn’t describe it, but somehow the air in the room around us changed; it throbbed, really, and the source of it was centered around Zolli as if she was suddenly much larger than the woman I had just met at our front door.
“Jennifer Rhinehart, I am-” and again, there was that staccato whisper as tongue grazed against palate and teeth as rough consonants were invoked and again Zolli’s true name escaped my ears. The delicious smell of my wife’s hearty cooking was replaced by the sickly-sweet odor of decay, of rot corrupting the serenity of our home. It turned something wonderful into something sour and I swooned; my hunger replaced with a passing nausea.
“You have sinned against your husband and you must confess to atone for your crime. I name you, Adulterer!”
Jennifer simultaneously looked both ashen and furious. Her mouth worked like a goldfish, gulping air in great sighs. It was a rare thing to see my wife at such a loss for words, but this swarthy dynamo had usurped and upstaged her in her own house and taken control.
My amazement of seeing Jen in such a state gave way, though. The whole scene was so bizarre that I was more affected by the impact of Zolli’s words on Jen than what she had actually said. Jen had understood right away, of course, but I was a step slow. I did catch up though, and that’s when I felt the room tilt, like I was losing my balance. The pit in my stomach dropped. Then it was my turn for my mouth to open and close like that hungry goldfish.
Well, that was certainly something.
If I was to describe Jen, it would start with “self-assured” and “confident” and then go from there. It was one of the things that attracted me to her when we met at school. I was a chemistry grad student who fell for one of the intro chemistry course students I was TAing for. She was a tall, athletic blonde, complete with the full-complement of good Scandinavian genes. She was not the most beautiful woman in the class, but she had the girl-next-door looks and a warmth in her personality that made people remember her.
My courtship of her had to wait until after my course with her had ended and even then, I had to compete against a host of other rivals for her attention, such as her full course load and her extra-curricular activities. She was even active in student government and did some tutoring on her own.
I reasoned that I couldn’t be jealous of the schoolwork. But the guys? That was a different challenge entirely. There were frat boys, jocks and multiple others vying for Jennifer Strelhorn’s charms. I wasn’t the most handsome or richest, not even close! But I had other tools I could use. Chief among them, I was pretty clueless.
Say what you will about stereotypes, they exist for a reason. Young men have the reputation of being woefully inept at reading social cues, and especially those cues of women during the courtship dance. During my years at university, I more than reinforced that well-worn image.
That period of my life was a time of great personal growth for me. I learned that I would put up with a lot for this woman. I had reached deep inside me in the first place to approach her after a TA session to plant the seed, a stunning act of bravery I never thought possible before that. I surprised myself to take a chance, to be vulnerable and risk rejection. And then I had to preface the whole thing so that I couldn’t date her while she was in my class either, so my initial contacts were merely place-holders for afterwards. Talk about planning ahead!
When I could finally meet with Jen socially, when I could finally carve some time out of her busy schedule, I tried to be upbeat and focus on us; our time together was just that - ours. I didn’t talk about the things I couldn’t control. I was a lot of things, but I wouldn’t be a whiner. Besides, what good would it do? If I complained about it, and made myself more of a killjoy around her, she could just replace me by refusing my calls and move on. And then where would I be? No, I had to be the bigger man, and let the real me come through. I had to bite down on it and focus on the positive.
I was not without pride, and there was a price I had to pay for that. But for Jen? I paid it. Willingly.
But I couldn’t help but feel the pain when she would turn down a date to attend an invitation-only fraternity mixer, or travel with one of the university’s sports teams for a game at a rival’s campus. I mean, I knew she was a popular girl, and we were not in a committed relationship, so she was free to do what she would. During that time, I had to watch from the sidelines as she sampled and enjoyed the privileges that an attractive, young woman often feels they are entitled to. She wasn’t in a devoted monogamous relationship and was determined to sample and satisfy her urges. On the outside, in public, she was in control and happy. But, every once in a while, there was a gleam in her eye.
Jen wasn’t a liar; had I asked her what she was up to, I was pretty sure she would’ve told me. And if I was the type to ask for details, I’m sure that would’ve been no problem either. But she more or less just avoided the topic of what she did when I wasn’t around and that was good enough for me. What would I gain by pushing? Not much. My choice was to keep my peace of mind.
Like I said, it stung though.
I had come from the proverbial Smalltown, USA where I was smart, but not exceptional. I was big boned, strong and reasonably good looking, but I was never going to be anything beyond a weekend athlete. I dated, a bit. Brenda Aiello and I dated for a few months for my junior year in high school and had let me get her shirt off, but it never went further. And senior year, I got to finger a very drunk Birdy Jenkins, who then promptly ignored me for the rest of the year.
Getting out of town to college was better. Competition was far fiercer, but the talent pool was much bigger, so after much trial and error, I lost my V-card and became a man.
I made my way through undergraduate classes but never connected with ‘the one’. That was OK. I knew that there was someone out there for me. I wasn’t in a hurry to get to the finish line. I had made enough mistakes, and I was convinced that I would rather not repeat the same mistakes again.
On to graduate school, I focused on organic chemistry and really took to it. And, as fate would have it, it led me to her. The One.
We ran in different social circles, so our paths didn’t really cross until she was enrolled in my TA seminar. She made an impression, on me at least. I didn’t play favorites, so it’s not like I was some sap that pined for her in the session. But she was smart, and did engage in the lessons, so I was able to plant the seeds for later contact. I had never had a relationship arise from those roots before. Again, this seemed to have been fated.
Like I said, I never noticed her prior that class, but after that, I saw her everywhere. She was my own personal Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. We’d run into each other outside of class, and acknowledge each other with a knowing nod or smile. After the course ended (she got a well-earned B+), we still bumped into each other, and laughed about each of us stalking the other. Well, we both knew that she was the attractive one, so the odds were that I was doing the stalking. But I wasn’t. The world could be a strange place, and who was to say synchronicity wasn’t a thing?
I finally got a spine and gave her my number. She took it with that easy way she had, and after the required three days, I got a call asking if I was free to meet for coffee. For her? Of course, I was.
When we finally slept together, we were comfortable. Don’t get me wrong, I was happy. We both were. But it wasn’t like the earth moved and time stopped. I think we were both mature enough to treat it as two young people enjoying their bodies and having fun. Not much more than that. We weren’t committing to anything more than that. But still, I was happy to be around her.
While she was doing that, I learned about my own desires and how to push down the need for immediate gratification, as well as the crippling inferiority I felt inside as she unabashedly flirted, teased and played the field. I stayed true to her; I’ve always been a one-woman man. I know how that sounds, like I was some pussy-whipped fool pining for a girl out of my league. Maybe it wasn’t far off, but I was gonna play this out while I had the chance.
Somehow, my persistence and resolve had won her over. When others wouldn’t or couldn’t meet her requirements, she simply moved on. She made it clear to her dates that she had plenty of options for companionship and if they didn’t want to meet her needs on her terms, then she’d move on to another who would. I stayed as a place of stability. It didn’t hurt that I was a little older and more focused on my career. I liked to think she appreciated the sober and mature balance I brought to her life.
Of course, there were guys who were into just adding Jen as a notch on their bedpost. I can understand why. She was worth it. She was aggressive in bed, and her strong, lush body made her seem like a fertility goddess.
I held the course and continued. Eventually, the others had fallen by the wayside and I had won. We continued dating and right around the time we graduated, I popped the question and we were married not long after. We bought our house, made it into a home, complete with a backyard garden. I had to admit, that was my pride. Over the years, I had developed quite a green thumb and had arranged the space into a refuge from the rest of the world. It always got comments from guests about it being our own Eden. I suppose we stayed in the same house for so long partly because I didn’t want to leave my garden and start over again.
Jen started a career as a teacher, but Angela was very motivated to come along, an early ‘oops’ baby, and after year on the job, Jen left to become a stay-at-home mother. At least until Angela entered secondary school.
After that, Jen slid right back into teaching, as if she had never missed a beat. It wasn’t that she even needed to work. She didn’t know any other way. Just a motivated woman; that was my Jen. Over the years, she took part in activities at the school, like class trips, and oversight of different clubs. And then also took part of several neighborhood groups.
She was the real thing – a beautiful, smart and vibrant woman who loved me and our daughter.
Jen’s silence was short lived. She positively seethed at our guest. Her voice was low and hushed, squeezed through clenched jaws and teeth.
“Carl! What ... what is she doing here?” There was something happening here that I missed. Hell, there was apparently a lot I missed. Like I said, I could be pretty clueless. But something else was going on between these two. The tension in the room was palpable. Jen looked to be a few inches taller, a couple dozen pounds heavier and had a fury about her from having just been accused of, if my memory of the last ten seconds was correct, of cheating on me. I half expected her to launch herself at her accuser at any second...
Zolli, for her part, didn’t give an inch. She stood her ground, fearless and ready to bell the cat. Both of Zolli and I stared at my wife.
“Carl!” Her strained voice brought me back.
Spurred into action, “Uh, honey, this is Zolli and I thought she was here as part of a maid service to clean the house, but apparently I misunderstood.” I still stared at Jen. I think that focus was the only thing to keep me from collapsing onto the floor in a heap and crying like a child.
Zolli turned to me and once again seized the initiative. “Carl Rhinehart, I have been welcomed into your home. Will you offer me my due as a guest?”
Well, wasn’t she just full of surprises? She was right. Mom and Dad has passed, but they had ingrained the rules of hospitality into me.
“Carl...” the tension in Jen’s voice alone was a warning that I had better not even entertain the idea of hosting this ... disruption.
As an aside, someone from the outside may be of the opinion that I was horribly henpecked and that Jen ran all over me. I can see that and understand the perspective. However, those that would say that are on the outside looking in. Our life together was far more equal and balanced than my actions may have shown. Truth be told, I believed that we were a pair always aligned. We were a strong couple because we shared so many common interests. And when we disagreed, Jen could articulate her perspective in a way I could understand. I may not always agree with her opinions or her actions, but I could understand them. And to that point, I often went along with her opinions simply because her happiness was important to me. And there were so few life choices that we were making at that point in our lives where what I wanted far outweighed the peace I chose to keep and maintain. Simply put, she made some decisions and I chose to make my own peace with them. It worked well for us, but some people outside our pairing may have had questions. Let them talk; I knew what I knew and we were happy.
But this was one of the rare cases. I was having none of what she was offering.
“Jennifer,” I said in my own low and serious tone, with our eyes locked. I almost never used her full name. To me, that had a certain weight to it. “Something very serious is happening here. ‘Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.’ Isn’t that how the saying goes?” I felt that I was standing at a crossroads and that there was no simple path for me to follow. This evening was to be a huge change in my life. In our lives.
“You can’t possibly believe this bit-”
“Frankly, I don’t know what to believe,” I interrupted. Jen’s mouth ovalled again. She was not used to me taking a lead against her wishes. “And I won’t know whether to believe anything until I hear what our guest has to say. I am obviously not happy with this accusation, so there had better be some kind of explanation here from both of you.”
Jen sensed the change in the room, and while she didn’t relax, not really, she did de-escalate. Good.
“Where are my manners, Zolli? We’re just about to eat. Would you care to join us? You apparently have something to say.” My mouth was dry and my knees were barely able to hold my weight, so there was a real urgency for me to get off my feet before I broke down.
I turned to see Zolli’s smile, with her eyes crinkled. There was a lot in just that simple gesture. She nodded, a small dip of her chin.
“Thank you, Carl. We’ll need to talk first. This must be done. The food will keep until we are ready.”
OK, this was her show; we’d do it her way.
I nodded and then gestured to the living room set. The earthy aroma of the meal came back full force. I hoped I could eat; Zolli’s accusation had more than soured my stomach.
Jen’s dissatisfaction at me escaped in an exhaled hiss as she rose to her full height. “This is nonsense,” she muttered, but followed us to the living room to talk.
I offered Zolli a chair, but she politely refused. Instead she gestured that Jen and I were to sit together on the loveseat. I wasn’t feeling like I wanted to be that close to Jen, for multiple reasons.
“Please. Humor me,” our guest asked. I sat, as far to one side as possible.
Jen refused entirely. Arms crossed, foot tapping, her eyes went back and forth between us. I noted again that something unspoken yet profound was exchanged between the two. Damn my cluelessness!
Zolli was unfazed by Jen’s temper and to me, gestured at the coffee table. “May I?” I nodded and she slid it out of the way, leaving marks in the carpet. Again, she gestured for Jen to take a seat next to me.
To say I was conflicted would be an understatement. The pit in my stomach gaped and threatened to consume everything. I swooned while I sat as the recent events swirled through my brain.
“You’re not gonna do anything?” My wife’s eyes blazed at me. “You’re just gonna sit there and let her do this? What kind of man are you?”
I was used to her trying to impose her will on me. I had always chalked it up to her way and the price of keeping the calm in our relationship.
But as she railed at me, as my own guts rebelled, as I tried to process how my world was slipping away, I came to the realization that there would not be any calm in our relationship, at least not any time soon. That if what I thought was about to come out ... The pieces were on the table. The game was set. It had to play out.
Our eyes locked. From ten feet away, she leaned in at me, sneering. “I can’t believe you’d sit there and –”
Jen recoiled as if I had slapped her. In a way, maybe I had. As I’ve said, Jen is a big girl. I am quite a bit bigger still and with that sheer physical presence, and despite my tendency for passivity, I knew I could be intimidating in my own way in case my words failed me.
Another pause. “Spare me your self-righteous indignation and sit down. Now!” I said at a much more appropriate volume. I felt the heat in my ears rise. I knew this as a sign that despite my outward calm, that a real anger was building up in me. And if Jen chose to push it, well then...
She chose not to push it and sat next to me, as far from me as possible, shooting glares and muttering a string of curses under her breath. If looks could kill, local homicide would be cleaning up Zolli and I using a wet-vac.
Zolli watched the whole exchange in silence, and seemingly quite pleased with herself. Once we were in place, Zolli addressed me.
“Mr. Rhinehart. Carl. Thank you for the hospitality. I appreciate the disruption to your evening routine but this is an issue which requires addressing if you two are to continue your marriage. This impacts not just you but several people outside your marriage.”
My mind went to Angie. My folks. Her parents. Jen’s sister. This would impact all of them. Thinking of our family softened my unease.
“This will be painful, and for that I apologize. This must come out, though, and when it does, and when we are finished, there are certain decisions which must be made. Only then can we move forward.”
Ha! I thought. Understatement of the day!
Zolli turned to Jen. “I need for you to talk about the first time you cheated on your husband.” Jen’s anger came off her in waves.
“You bitch!”
“Wait,” I interrupted. “Who are you in this? I still have no idea who you are.”
She smiled, without menace or guile. “Yes. Who am I? Frankly, I could tell you everything. We don’t need her to tell us anything. However, if I were to tell you about your wife’s infidelity, it wouldn’t have much weight. I have all of the information, and I can give you facts and dates. The ‘who’s and the ‘what’s. But why believe me? Those are your wife’s confessions, not mine. As you have your own.
“We don’t need your wife here. But for us to move past this, then she must tell her own story.”
“Are you some kind of private investigator?” I asked. I just wasn’t getting it. “How do you know this?”
“I’m the reason she cheated,” she said, looking at Jen
My wife growled next to me but only hung her head before softly sobbing.
“Randall Higgs,” Jen spat.
The name meant nothing to me. I don’t know whether that made me feel better or worse. Was it a good thing that my wife’s lover’s name meant nothing to me?
“Huh? Who?”
“He was a trainer at my gym. After trying to lose the baby weight after Angie was born.”
Oh. How cliché.
Zolli crossed her arms and shook her head. “The first time.” There was that pulsing again. It was the damnedest thing. She never moved, but there was a power that came from her, something that just went through the room. And with it came that eye-watering stench.
“You goddamned bitch!” Jen looked ill but still angry enough to want to tear Zolli apart. Her fists were balled and the skin white and bloodless from squeezing so hard. I wasn’t sure why she didn’t act on it.
Zolli seemed pained, but continued. “I can’t help you unless you’re honest with yourself.”
I still didn’t understand what was happening here.
Jen’s head hung again. There were muffled sobs as she tried to keep it inside, but it was a losing battle. I so wanted to reach out, to comfort my stricken wife. Until I remembered why she was crying. What she was confessing to – her adultery, her adultery on me.
When she spoke again, it was barely above a whisper. “Jerry Raney. I fucked Jerry Raney.”
“Wow,” was all I could say. Unlike the first name Jen had mentioned, Jerry was someone I knew. Pretty well, I thought, but apparently, I was wrong. He was my co-TA for the chemistry class where I met Jen.
“Go on,” Zolli urged in a low, steady voice.
“I hate you,” Jen hissed at her.
It took a moment for Jen to compose herself. By now tears were flowing freely and she looked to the ceiling, wiping her eyes. With a deep breath, she began, speaking to me but not looking at me.
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You have to understand that Jenny is a beautiful gal. Actually, at 5'4", 135lbs, long blonde hair and hazel eyes, she's a stunner. And believe it or not, she's got HUGE tits (38F) and yeah, they're real. (She always makes me add that.). Jen also has great legs and a beautifully rounded ass. She just turned 28; I'm now 31. Jen comes from an academic family. Her family and friends were pretty repressed about sex. In her college days some of her geek friends got together every now and again for...
I'm going to tell you what happened to me and my wife Jennifer as it really happened. We went from mild swinging to...well, you'll see. It's all true. You have to understand that Jenny is a beautiful gal. Actually, at 5'4", 135lbs, long blonde hair and hazel eyes, she's a stunner. And believe it or not, she's got HUGE tits (38F) and yeah, they're real. (She always makes me add that.). Jen also has great legs and a beautifully rounded ass. She just turned 28; I'm now 31. Jen comes from an...
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"... Both parties seem to feel some need of the other: for the torturer, it is a sense of omnipotence, without which he'd find it hard perhaps to exercise his profession - the torturer needs to be needed by the tortured; Whereas the man who's tortured finds in his torturer a human voice, a dialogue for his situation, some partial exercise of his human condition - he asks for pity, to go to the bathroom, for another plate of soup. He asks for the results of a football...
Evilmommie's LittleSperm Eater My husband had a complete aversion to eating his semen, or anyone else's.The first time I asked him to lick his semen out of my vagina after makinglove to me, he was quite annoyed. It was John who had encouraged me to dominatehim, but he didn't want to do anything too icky. Besides which, I had recentlyput John into a chastity device and he'd been abstinent for some time, andhis semen backlog had risen after I'd begun tying him down for long teasingtreatments,...
Have you ever had a wet dream?What or who were you dreaming about?Wasn't it so real that you could feel them on your genitalia?The tender licks, like butterfly kisses. Or the wild flicks and laps. The total engulfment that led you to moan in your sleep. And when it was all said and done, that beautiful release before your eventual waking.Why do I bring this up, you ask?Would you believe that there was another possible explanation?I know what you're thinking. Ghosts, right?Yeah, I thought...
Monster SexMais ou sont les neiges d'antan? There was a temple in the basement. A simple enough place with a wooden altar, solid and sturdy, made by Adam the very day he'd purchased the house. It had been covered with a coarse linen sheet, woven by Eve, and dyed to a pleasant, golden hue. There was a chalice of red clay, also made by Eve, along with a platter and two candlestick holders. The candles had been made from the fat of a cow and Cain had learned the method from his father. One of the bones...
"I mean sure, I was eventually in the back of that same van later getting plowed like a $20 whore. However, at least I waited until we got back to the hotel and then snuck out when I thought you were sleeping!", Cindy was laughing. "My gosh, that was such a great night, I can't believe I let both of those guys fuck me at the same time. I don't need that kid back there, just the thought of that will keep me sopping wet for the rest of the night! You know what Carla? I've been fucked a...
He tossed and turned in his bed, desperately trying to rid his mind of the stunning images that had plagued him since that afternoon. That young woman kneeling so obediently as the altar and crossing herself with an innocence belied by her attire… her presence had called him from the rectory as certainly as the loyal bells ever had. Even a young priest such as himself had been attracted to her sweet looks and tempting manner. Her beauty was stunning to him, so much so that he had nearly...
The year is 2245. Over the course of humanity we have changed so much. From bands of scavengers, to tribes, to communities, to cities, to states, to countries, to the world government. The stone age gave way to the bronze age, the iron age, the steel revolution, the technology age, the fusion age, the antimatter age. We now have a full colony on the moon and Mars is well under development. They say in less than a thousand years the hyper gate will arrive in the Alpha Centuri galaxy and we will...
MatureContrary to what you might have been told, Purgatory is not a waiting room. You do not measure each sin in decades, serving a lonely sentence that’s proportionate to your crimes.If it were, she’d have left by now.Instead, in this place that is not about waiting, she relives her sins.It starts with theft – the kind that you’d think were forgiveable. A thick, purple lipstick that dazzled her five-year-old self. She reached out, smeared the test stick on her hand, then slipped it into Mum’s...
Hasina lay stretched out on her bed wearing nothing but a yawn. It was a scorching hot summer day, not to mention boring. Hasina was wondering how in the world she was going to make it through a whole long, hot summer without a man.Hasina, a petite 20-year-old brunette, was home for the summer and separated from her boyfriend, Munna, who'd had to return to his own home town hundreds of miles away. Munna had given her plenty of steady loving over the past three months, and Hasina missed it...
Sin My name is Michael and I am a servant of God. This was not how I imagined my life when I was a young man. Clara. Clara was her name. Beautiful Clara. We were like oil and water as children. As teenagers we were inseparable. By the time we hit twenty we had always felt like we were born to be together, forever. I scraped together what money I had and bought her the nicest ring I could afford. She thought it was beautiful. I put it on her finger and we kissed on the rooftop of my apartment...
Taboo"Well Sin? Would you like to talk about the Chicago trip with Carla? Because I know what happened, so we can discuss the details if you like?" No response. "Tell you what, I'm going to take a shower, it's been a long night for me. I didn't get a ton of sleep to begin with, then I had to go help YOUR friend this morning, maybe when I get out you'll be a bit more talkative. Ok? ....Ok." Jake walked toward their shower, stopping only to shed his clothes into the hamper. From...
This is a pastiche on the current TV show Adventures of Sinbad set in Raven's Djinn Universe. Those familiar with the show can skip the next part & get right to the story if they wish. CHARACTERS SINBAD A cross between Errol Flynn & Tom Cruise. Perhaps the best swordsman of his time. He does not have a self esteem problem. Also telling the truth is not as important to him as poetry. MAEVE Tall, beautiful, extremely well endowed, young sorceress. Red headed Celt with...
There is not just world but many. You probably already know this. However there is not just one universe but many. Familiar with the concept? Well did you know some of those universes are 3D printed copies of other universes? That's because one universe has discovered a way to shrink planets down and serve them for consumption. This requires the creation of new universes. So WorldCorp began 3D printing any universe where a planet was consumed. Because of this, the beings of this universe were...
Mera naam …Naveed hai….meri umer iss waqt 28 saal ki hay….6’3″ ka qud aur kafii tandurast jism….gym jaata rahta hoon…tau jism bilkul fit hai….badun zara dubla sa hoon….aur 148 pound ka ghabroo jawan hoon…..mein university sey farikh hooker abb business kerta hoon…aur forest officer ka bhee kam kerta hoon….forest mein bhee mein ekk guest house banaya huwa hai….kabhhee kabhi….aaram ki garaz sey chalajaata hoon….. Naveed ka aaj mood kucch theek nahi tha…..issliye usaney socha ki kewn na forest ke...
Gay Male"Phoebe Halliwell!" You hear some one shout. "Get your ass up!" You wince at the light streaming in your window as you make eye contact with you eldest sister Piper. "Yeah Yeah!" You give her your baby voice. "I'm up. Quit bitching!" As you swing back the covers Piper leaves the room. No sign of your ex-demonic husband Cole. You quickly jump out of bed and run for your closet. Job interviews today. And you really want to WOW your (hopefully) future employer. "Well, well." You spin around and...
Sin Sity in Sydney In order to reach Sin Sity in Sydney you have to climb a steep set of stairs almost hidden behind a nondescript pizzeria, not far from the of town. At the top of the stairs the space opens up to a bar-room with plenty of wood and in a corner a Jacuzzi, lovely for relaxing with or without friends. A spiral staircase winds itsd way up just next to the Jacuzzi, and behind it several other rooms opened up, variously occupied with beds or sofas for lazily or not so lazily lounging...
The train station was bustling with activity, snow crunching loudly under the feet of everyone who passed by the group of four girls huddled together near the back of the platform. Their puffy jackets and knit caps did nothing to protect them from the blistering cold that whipped through the station as another train approached - hopefully theirs this time.Buffy's face was mostly hidden beneath the collar of her jacket and the part that was left exposed was pressed against Faith's shoulder,...
Sin Sity in SydneyIn order to reach Sin Sity in Sydney you have to climb a steep set of stairs almost hidden behind a nondescript pizzeria, not far from the middle of town. At the top of the stairs the space opens up to a bar-room with plenty of wood and in a corner a Jacuzzi, lovely for relaxing with or without friends. A spiral staircase winds itsd way up just next to the Jacuzzi, and behind it several other rooms opened up, variously occupied with beds or sofas for lazily or not so lazily...
Hello all ISS readers! I’m Susant again. I am happy to say that I could have developed friendship with so many readers thru my stories. Thanks to all my fans and This is my sincerest request to all of u teen virgins that after reading this story don’t forget to give your comments on Rahul’s act. Ok before that, read out his confession…. Hi Susant………..I am Rahul, going to narrate my most dangerous acts in my life which sometimes embarrassed me very much. Please read this patiently and...
IncestHi friends, I am j*** and I am from Cannanore in Kerala.i am narrating my first experience with my neighbour house wife her name is Sindhu whose hubby in abroad about 5’4″ tall, 40yrs old lady she had big boobs and nice round butts She had a sexy walk as she swayed her hips oblivious to the reaction she caused in men who observed her. She dressed in pastel colored sarees and usually wore a pleasant jasmine perfume that was very sensual. She was a good lady and I considered myself lucky to be...
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.The words dance through your mind as you return to the vicarage to the help with the post service coffees and teas. Your mind racing in a million directions as you take a deep breath and tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, re-joining the conversation with the regulars as if you had been there all the time. Offering hot beverages and freshly made bakeries to the older congregation, your warming smile ever more radiant.Acting just as you always had...
Quickie SexThanks to those females who suggested what more i should have done to increase the pleasures of the two queens of my previous story.This is the story which happened over the weekend. I was travelling from Bangalore to Gulburga. This being a long weekend of Good Friday all buses were full and i had to opt for the Red bus which is least comfortable. It was 4 pm and i went and sat on a three seater window side cursing myself for not realising that it was a long weekend i had to plan my trip with...
My late wife Gemma and I were pretty much left to our own devices at age sixteen. Though we,d both had sex education at school we seemed destined to be together being next door neighbours and it seemed natural to lose our cherries to each other. As a result Sindy was born when we were both s*******n. Our parents Didn,t pressure us into getting married, but we decided we would at age eighteen. It was a struggle at first with both of us working and Gemma,s parents helping look after baby Sindy as...
The year is two thousand one hundred twenty-one on planet earth.Sina, the youngest of three children, has just turned twenty-one.The day of her birth held special significance as she would be counseled on her possible mission.Her father, Joseph, was one of the few elders left on the planet, and it was his task to explain it to Sina.Since a young child, Sina had been educated by computers almost robot-like.She knew nothing of love and sex only what computers clinically explained to her.The real...
First TimeRowans parents think he’s strayed from God... Rowan thinks his brother should teach him a lesson... “Rowan, hurry up, we’re going to be late!” My bottom lip quivered as my mother dragged me into the church. As we went up the steps, I wondered if I was going to be disowned for the sins I had committed. My family were very religious people, and due to recent events my mother was taking me to a priest who specialized in extreme cases of lost faith so that I could confess and get...
IncestHello ISS Readers,well I am accidentally had to visit through this sex sites.Initially reading all these stories were very interesting.I feel that most of the mom son fucking stories are imaginary and falsehood.May be some stories with cousin sister or siste in law or with aunties may be true.Reading all those stories make us emotional and horny of course.Most people do not mind about the sin behind sexual contacts. As a suffered man I want to tell my real experience to control the hony mood of...
IncestHello….my name is Mohsin from Islamabad-Pakistan… this story I’ll like to tell you my story in which my gay cousin raped me just as someone rapes a woman . I am 18 and my cousin Habib is 27…..he is better known by the pet name ‘BABU’…. Right from childhood BABU was gifted by a well-built masculine body….. he was 6″ ft tall…..healthy…. about 72 kgs…. with a muscular body…. and above all a 9″ inch long and very thick… steel hard cock. he is wheatish….he lives with his parents in Lahore. I am...
Gay MaleThis recollection is not about me or my daughter as my wife is still very much alive, but a good friend who liked to confess over a few strong whiskeys. Why he confessed to me I can only guess because I,m a good listener and yes from time to time I had an affair with my daughter Christina though that was some while ago and she is now happily married and has c***dren of her own. I,ll call my friend John though of course that,s not his real name. None of the names I used are real names for...
Many years ago I found a library book titled "Mutant 59: The Plastic Eaters". It was very up-beat. It's been swimming around in my head for nigh onto forty five years now. I think that it's time for a different impression. Since so much of our society depends on plastics now compared to the 1960s. Let's just imagine what a catastrophe it would be. The first thing that let me know something was wrong was my shoes fell off my feet. They disintegrated. Then the lights in the grocery store...
Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
Carla was at her Escalade when Jake pulled up with his Dodge Ram. He had just bought it new last year, and Cindy swore he loved it more than her. 2014 Quad Cab short bed with the new Hemi, gun metal grey, completely blacked out, and of course it was 4 wheel drive. He hopped out and asked Carla if Cindy was awake or sleeping. "No, someone must have fucked her good, she's out cold and snoring.", as Carla walked up and rubbed Jakes Cock. "You know, you could bend me over right here Jake...
He saw her wandering down the most famous street of debauchery and sin. Despite the immense crowd of drunken fools, he easily picked her out, sliding easily through the crowd as if it were the Red Sea parting in front of her. Many of the other men in the crowd saw her too. It was hard not to stare- a petite brunette, long hair to her waist, with a tight body emphasized by the tighter jeans hiding her long legs, topped off with spiked heels. Even in her high heels, she moved with a grace that...
Standing on the balcony over looking the beach, wearing my light pink sundress feeling the early morning breeze caress my soft skin. I feel my papi come up behind me. He gently strokes my straight black hair before pushing it to the side, lowering his full lips on to my neck and kissing me softly. “Good morning mami,” he whispers against my neck. I reach back and run my fingers through his short black hair, “Good morning baby.” I turn around and look up, staring deep into his brown eyes before...
In order to reach Sin Sity in Sydney you have to climb a steep set of stairs almost hidden behind a nondescript pizzeria, not far from the of town. At the top of the stairs the space opens up to a bar-room with plenty of wood and in a corner a Jacuzzi, lovely for relaxing with or without friends. A spiral staircase winds itsd way up just next to the Jacuzzi, and behind it several other rooms opened up, variously occupied with beds or sofas for lazily or not so lazily lounging in. Upstairs there...
Standing on the balcony over looking the beach, wearing my light pink sundress feeling the early morning breeze caress my soft skin. I feel my papi come up behind me. He gently strokes my straight black hair before pushing it to the side, lowering his full lips on to my neck and kissing me softly.“Good morning mami,” he whispers against my neck.I reach back and run my fingers through his short black hair, “Good morning baby.”I turn around and look up, staring deep into his brown eyes before...
Love StoriesTrinity opened her eyes; the taste in her mouth reminded her of mint! 'At least I don't get a headache from that!' Margaret said. 'No I get it instead!' Maggie complained. 'It's an ill wind' Mahut commented. Trinity got to her feet and looked around. They were in a wide room; there was a fountain in the centre of the room. The floor and couches were covered in fur. On one couch was a blonde haired girl, Trinity recognised her from the drawing that Sister E had done. "You're...
As I step out of the shower in our hotel bathroom I'm not surprised by the outfit you laid out for me. Nor am I surprised that you're not to be found. I assume you are out on the balcony waiting for me to get dressed. I see the white stripper heels first. They are taller than I want but I am doing this for you. The tan pantyhose are laid across my silk black teddy and robe. The elbow length gloves will cover my hot pink nails I had done for you. You have all week to see them and feel them dig...
Cheating WifesAs I step out of the shower in our hotel bathroom I’m not surprised by the outfit you laid out for me. Nor am I surprised that you’re not to be found. I assume you are out on the balcony waiting for me to get dressed. I see the white stripper heels first. They are taller than I want but I am doing this for you. They tan pantyhose are laid across my silk black teddy and robe. The elbow length gloves will cover my hot pink nails I had done for you. You have all week to see them and feel them dig...
Drunk sex‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...
I was having a drink the other day with a friend who knows about my writing, indeed, I suppose I should really call him a fan. He was taking me to task for not writing anything recently. ‘Oh! That’s easy to explain,’ I said. ‘New job, a partner who knows about and doesn’t like my ‘hobby’… oh, and a lack of new plots.’ ‘Jeez!’ he said, ‘You’ll have me in tears next.’ Then he followed it up by saying, ‘Go on, what about that truism we were talking about a minute ago?’ ‘Which one?’ I...
After contacting several couples I get the response I was looking for. Emails and phone calls have left no doubt the He wants to make me a cocksucker. His instructions to me are come to Akron, Ohio wearing panties and leave all thoughts of my manhood behind. Flying into Cleveland and renting a car I drive to the Akron restaurant where we're to meet. Panty is riding up and my cock twitches under them. I am both excited and scared. Can I really do this? Do I really want this? A thousand fears...
She was 48 Black and a BBW and she had just knocked on my hotel room door. I was a little nervous about this encounter specially since I had never done something like this before. I had met her through the net and I knew how wild and kinky she could be – it excited me online but here in real life I was actually scared.10.html[/image]I opened the door and let her in and there she was all 250 pounds of her – 5’9” tall, big –with black hair till her shoulders. She was wearing a denim skirt and a...
I am a 47 year old male and am married to a 39 year old conservative girl for the past twenty years. In my wildest dreams I could not have dreamt what she was like. Our sex live is pretty good but in the last couple of years I have neglected her a bit, because it became actually boring to screw her. Because of her conservative upbringing she did not want to give me blow jobs or any other kinky stuff. We are not actually party a****ls and does not drink often. But one night, about two years ago...
It started with my first and only girlfriend I've ever had, she was a real manipulative bitch but she was smoking hot. She was amazing at giving blowjobs and would have me in heaven in about a minute and a half. The only problem is that she would never swallow. She'd insist on spitting it out. So I had the brilliant idea of confronting her about it one night. That was a big mistake. She flipped out at me and asked if I would ever eat it. I knew she was asking rhetorically but for seasoned I...
I have what just about everyone considers to be a very large cock, I'm also a black guy so am kinda expected to have a big one, I'm supposed to fulfill some racial stereotype. I'm about 8.5 inches long and about 6 inches around. I'm not just long, I'm thick. What people say about girls truly wanting big cocks is bullshit, some girls don't like my cock for whatever reason, it's too big for them or it's intimidating. There are also probably an equal amount of girls who honestly don't care....
I1: OPEN "So, what do you think?" I looked through the looking glass. On our side, it was a transparent plateof crystal, on her side it was a proper mirror. "I think she is going to catch a fever lying naked on the floor." Karen was not actually lying. She was sitting on the floor, her back againstthe wall, her arms wrapped around her knees and her head buried between them.She was completely naked and were the light a touch less sparse, I would havebeen able to see bruises on her forearms....
Sally Sanderson was not exactly a pretty child growing up and when she reached the ripe old age of eighteen; there was not much noticeable improvement in either her looks or her disposition. Her parents never really noticed that she didn't have very many friends because they were so proud of her straight "A"s in school and the fact that she kept her room exceedingly neat and clean. She had a little dog called Dodo who had a short curled tail and seemed to be interested in sniffing...
Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...
Sina's sperm games - Part 1With trembling fingers she ran over the cool leather. It felt smooth. A good feeling, Sina decided and took a leggings size "S" from the pile.The young blonde quickly went to the menswear department of the store and squeezed herself into a changing room.She breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the small stool.She let her handbag sink to the floor, next to the stool, and began to take off her sandals.The high heels had a sinfully high heel and narrow straps of...
Sinn Sage was born in Humboldt County, California, on Sept 4th, 1983. Sinn had known she was a sinner long before she got into the industry. She describes having fantasies about being dominated and spanked before even finding her sexuality.From Hot Topic to Clam LickingDespite harboring these somewhat taboo urges, Sinn's childhood was rather plain and vanilla. As one might expect from someone who dreamed of being tied up before she had even flicked the bean, Sinn was a goth. So everyone pour a...
Twitter Porn Accountsamongst some guys there is an urban legend that the guy that takes a woman's virginity can always have her. while i can't say that's definitely true or not, as i've only taken one woman's virginity, in the case of me and jackie (not her real name) it is. i think jackie fell in love with me the moment she saw me about 25 years ago. i can say that because her eyes got as big as dinner plates and her jaw dropped the day i went to my friend's house where she happened to be babysitting. while...
from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...