- 2 years ago
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The year is two thousand one hundred twenty-one on planet earth.
Sina, the youngest of three children, has just turned twenty-one.
The day of her birth held special significance as she would be counseled on her possible mission.
Her father, Joseph, was one of the few elders left on the planet, and it was his task to explain it to Sina.
Since a young child, Sina had been educated by computers almost robot-like.
She knew nothing of love and sex only what computers clinically explained to her.
The real world was a complete mystery to her.
She was not allowed outside her shelter, which was necessary because of all the disease and killing outside.
Her father sat her down on her twenty-first birthday to explain what awaited her outside her shelter should she choose to help mother earth.
He started reading from his notebook, “All the wars that man had raged against man since the beginning. The homelessness of people the disease and viruses that man had suffered has almost let us to extinction.”
Sina began to turn pale.
He stopped and told her, “There is so much more to say to you, but I am not sure you are ready for this."
She said, "Please continue, father."
He continued with reading his notes and explained to her, "The earth is dying and needs help, the earth is mostly just a wasteland now, and it will extinguish in existence in the next few years as the food and air supplies are running out."
Joseph started explaining history to her, "In the nineteen forties, there was a man named Hitler, and he damn near destroyed humanity with his reign of terror. Killing millions of people with war and hate was the beginning of many leaders like him."
Sina stopped her father and told him, “I know all about history, father. The computer fed me all this information."
Joseph said, "Yes, I know, dear Sina, but what I have to tell you is how you may change all of this now, please let me finish.”
Sina nodded her head.
Joseph sat back in his chair and, with a sigh, began to read again from his notes.
"You had two brothers, the eldest Adam, and the younger Joshua. They did what I am about to ask you to do. Adam was the first. We have a time machine, but it has flaws, and if you do not follow my directions entirely, you may not be able to return to this time. All your efforts will be for not."
He pulled out a small box, and in it was a bracelet.
He said, "This bracelet is the time machine I know it is small, but it is powerful. All you do is hold the green button-down, speak into the bracelet and tell it what year and location you wish to go. I know this sounds easy, but you must be sure to give it an exact place and time; otherwise, you may find yourself in the middle of a battle or worse."
He continued, "There is also a time delay of about a minute, so if you are trying to escape peril, you may act too late to save yourself. I know your mind must be full of questions by now, but I assure you that I will have filled you in on most all your questions when I get done. Anything you do back in time influences how things are today, and through the earth's history, so you must be incredibly careful."
He said, "Adam was first to try this, and he traveled back to nineteen thirty-three to prewar Germany. He was able to stop the rise of Hitler and save millions of lives, and what happened by doing this was extremely helpful for a short time. Alas, his efforts were for not as the virus that began in two thousand twenty wiped out almost all of them."
He told Sina, "The earth was full of foolish leaders who ignored the virus that began then and the other virus that followed, which were even deadlier. They also ignored the pollution that man was doing to the earth. That combination led is to where we are today living in isolated shelters.
"Adam came back to see his results from Germany and saw that he needed to do more, and that is the last I have ever seen of him. Joshua was next, and when he turned twenty-one, I had the same talk with him, and he followed the path that Adam had laid out. He did as Adam had done in Germany, and he also had succeeded replacing the leaders that were controlling many countries in the years that the first Covid-19 began.
"His success was incredible. The earth had healed itself, and animals and plants that had been extinct were suddenly back in midcentury here, and the planet began to repopulate. Man seems never to learn as the ugly Covids thirty and thirty-one came back and wiped out almost all of us here.
"Joshua went back to attempt to fix those diseases, and he made a fatal mistake. This may be the most important thing I tell you, but you cannot bring anyone with you to this time and date. Joshua met a woman he wanted to marry and tried to bring her back to this time and date, and everything he did was gone. He perished right before my eyes.
"There is one more thing I must tell you because you are a woman. If you become pregnant, that will nullify everything you do."
Joseph stopped at this point and asked, “Do you have any questions for me?”
She said, "Yes, I have a few. First, I do not intend to become pregnant. I do not even understand sex completely only what the computers have taught me. My question is, if I did become pregnant, why would that change everything? My second question is, what is the red button on the bracelet for?”
Joseph said. "Good questions, If you become pregnant, you would be bringing back another life to this time and date, nullifying everything. The red button is a self-destruct button. If you hold it down for thirty seconds, it will explode, and you will perish. The bracelet can also detect your heartbeat, and if it stops for one minute, it will destroy itself and you immediately."
Joseph looked at her and could tell this was not sitting well with her.
Joseph told her, “Let me tell you the rest now. Our family was not the only one to try this. At one time, we had over two dozen bracelets you are holding the last of them. If you were to fail like your brothers and the others earth will die along with the few thousand left alive."
He told her, “I would love for you to succeed, but understand if you find yourself in the perfect relationship or place in time you love, then my instructions would be to enjoy your life, live it fully, and forget this place and time."
She said, "I understand, father, but I do intend to try and fix everything, and I will follow your instructions.”
She asked one more question, "What happened to all the other time machines? Why did they fail?"
He said, “There were many reasons they all failed. Some were lack of education others were lustful and used the time machine for their pleasure. Your brothers had the most success by far, and that is why you have been chosen to have our last time machine."
Sina asked, “I am sorry to be asking so many questions. What do you mean they used the machine for lustful pleasure?”
Joseph told her, "Sex can be an enormously powerful feeling and bring about the strongest of emotions may be the most powerful."
Training time.
Joseph took Sina to a secret location to begin her trials with the time machine.
He gave her instructions on how to set the time and coordinates to their location.
"Sina, I want you to go back to yesterday before I instructed you then return right here.”
With a flash, she was gone, and just as quickly, she reappeared.
Sina came back with a smile on her face and told Joseph, "Wee, that was fun."
He smiled a little then said, "I want you to keep doing this all day and for the next two weeks and each day go back ten years until you reach Germany before Hitler's reign.”
Sina did precisely that and, after two weeks, felt extremely comfortable with the time machine.
Joseph inquired, after all her test runs, "Are you ready, my darling Sina?”
Looking at him, she nodded her head yes.
He told her, ”You will begin tomorrow morning.”
Missions begin.
Sina hardly slept a wink, thinking about what she was about to experience. She knew fun and games were over, and this is life and death.
Sina and Joseph went to the secret chamber so she could begin her efforts.
Joseph told her, ”Sina, I love you, my loving daughter, and I wish you all the best luck."
He took Sina in his arms, giving a long loving hug.
She looked at him and saw a tear in his eye and told him, "Father don't worry, I will do this, and I will return to you, I promise."
Sina armed with her bracelet and notes from her brothers gave her time machine the coordinates to prewar Germany.
Adams's notes told her where to go and whom to talk with. She found a young man named Hans, who had helped her brother.
He was a tall, slender, blue-eyed German man, and she noticed his build.
She introduced herself to him. "Hallo,ich bin Sina.Es ist ein Vergnugen, Dich zu treffen.”
Hans told her, "I speak good English, so no need to speak German to me. I can tell you are not German as your accent sounds American.”
She told him, "Thank you. I am sure I would make many mistakes."
She explained to Hans the story of who she was and how he had met her brother. She asked him, "Do you remember him?"
Hans, not being sure of her story, was reluctant to talk with her and acted like he knew nothing.
She showed him her bracelet and asked, “Does this look familiar to you?”
Staring at the bracelet then turned his head in all directions, he grabbed her hand and whisked her away to his home.
Out of breath, he asked her, "Are you crazy, showing me that in broad daylight? There are many eyes on the streets these days just looking for any unusual activity."
She apologized to him.
Hans asked her, “Why are you here your brother did all of this already?”
She explained in detail, "What happened was that it did work but, failed because of the future things he did."
This took some time, and night began to fall, and Hans told her, “I think I understand, and now you want me to help you?”
She said, “Yes, please.”
He then told her, "Let me fix some dinner for us and have a glass or two of wine, and we will discuss our plans."
Sitting by a warm fire and sipping their wine, they finalized their plans and would do as her brother did.
She got to know Hans and found out that all his family was dead all by dubious means. She explained about her family and how ugly the world had become.
Hans told her, “You know you are a very wunderschonen." Slipping back into his native tongue.
She blushed and told him, "Danke."
He walked over to her and kissed her. Being her very first kiss, she was unprepared for the feeling that it gave her.
Enjoying the moment and feelings, they kissed for several minutes.
She noticed the bulge in his pants and the wetness she felt in her panties.
Her mind was flashing back to what her father told her about becoming pregnant.
She knew she could not let her desires overcome her mission.
She tried to explain this to Hans, and she could see the disappointment in his face.
She told him, “I have to tell you I am curious about sex, but you know I can’t.”
He inquired, "You mean, you have never seen a man's cock for real?"
Shrugging her shoulders, she said, ”Nope.”
Hans asked her, “Would you like to see mine?”
Sina told him, “Okay, if you insist.”
He unzipped his pants, exposing his cock to her and said, "Come here, you can touch it if you wish to."
Sina giggled and took his cock in her hand, and she felt it grow and stiffen.
He told her, “You know you can masturbate me, and it won’t get you pregnant.”
She replied, "Yes, I know I have read all about masturbation."
She took off his pants and stroked his cock to full attention.
She looked up at Hans and said, ”I know more than you think I do.”
She took his cock into her mouth and sucked it as she was stroking him. She used her tongue around the tip of his cock, feeling his balls with her other hand.
She slurped and sucked him till he came in a huge explosion.
She pulled back and asked him, “Did you just pee in my mouth?”
He smiled and said, "No, I came."
Sina was not sure what to think. She knew he received pleasure, but where was hers?
Hans asked her, “You know I would love to pleasure you.”
She told him, "I think I would like that.”
He walked over and slipped off her panties and gently had her lay back in the bed. Her scent filled the air, and he knew she was ready.
He slid his fingers to caress her moist folds. He ran his tongue up her thighs as he put his hands below her butt. Pulling her pussy towards his mouth.
She began moaning and soaked his face with her pussy juices. She came and let out a loud moan.
She now knew what her father meant about sex is a powerful feeling.
They spent the next two weeks completing their plan by day and having oral sex at night.
The last night before they would be done with the mission Hans said to her. "Sina, I love you, and I want to marry you."
She felt her heart sink as she knew this was not possible.
She told him, "I love you, Hans, but you know my limitations."
With a sigh, he said, "Yes, I know, but if you ever figure out how that could work, I will be here waiting for you.”
They went out and did what had to be done to eliminate Hitler and his party.
Completing their mission, she was ready to go to the future and deal with the Covid nineteen.
She kissed him goodbye with tears in her eyes.
She was ready to hit the bracelet and head into the future. Then there was a knock at the door. She looked out the window, and there stood Adam.
Now what to do, she thought.
She answered the door, and Adam saw her and was stopped in his tracks and asked her, "What the hell are you doing here?"
She pulled him inside and told him, What his fate would be, and she was here to try and do the same thing except she would try to complete the mission.
No sooner had she finished, then Joshua knocked at the door.
Repeating the same thing she had done with Adam and told him, The same story and what his fate would be.
They all figured out that she arrived in a time before they did. That is what made it possible for all of them to be there now.
Her two brothers were not sure what to do at this point.
Sina looked at them and told them, “I know I can’t take you to father, but I think we can go to another time in the future.”
The two brothers looked at each other and told her, "It's worth a shot."
They decided to go to the nineteen seventies thinking if they got stuck there, they would be fifty years from the first Covid.
She kissed Hans again and whispered to him, “If there is any way I can be back here. I will come to you.”
Sina and her brothers arrived in the nineteen seventies, and they found a quiet place for both to stay.
She asked them both, “May I please have your bracelets I can’t have you jumping back and forth traveling time as I am trying to fix things you may hurt my efforts.”
They complied, and Adam said, "Please come visit us and lets us know how the world is shaping up."
Joshua piped in, "Don't be in too big a hurry. I have always wanted to learn disco dancing. Please be careful and follow my notes and don't make my mistakes."
The three of them hugged and shed a few tears, and she was off to two thousand sixteen.
Joshua's coordinates sent her the UK to a tiny village outside of London. She went to a bed and breakfast that he wrote about.
She spent the next two days going over his notes again and again. He wrote about a man that was going to hurt an election hiding out in the Ecuadorian embassy.
Finding him and eliminating him was the first step in helping the world rid itself of Covid nineteen.
His notes read that he first tried to go to the source of Covid nineteen but was unable to locate it. Joshua then knew he had to change the leaders who ignored the disease and had poor records in environmental issues.
She followed it entirely, but there was no way to know if it had the desired effect unless she entered the future.
Next, she went to midcentury and found the cures for the nasty Covids that Joshua had failed to find. Having had done what she thought was necessary to change the earth. She decided to see her father the day before she left initially to see what had taken place.
She set the time machine to the desired coordinates. When she got back, she landed in what was their secret location. All it was now was a dark and damp cave.
Sina sat there for an hour or more crying, thinking she had failed. She decided to go outside the cave and was amazed at what she was seeing. Birds were chirping. The air was clean, but where was her father?
She saw in the distance a large city, so she decided to look there for him.
The tallest building in the city bore her last name. She walked in and saw her father's picture on the wall, and below it said founder and CEO of Time Machine incorporated.
She went to the guards and told them who she was, and they just laughed at her. She left and thought laugh at me, will you? She set her time machine to the same time, except she went to the top floor of the building.
Her father was standing in the hallway when she arrived.
He could not believe his eyes.
He hugged her and twirled her. He was so happy to see her.
They celebrated her success that night. She told him what she had done with all the leaders. She had filled out all her notes so he could see them and handed them to him.
Sina asked, "What is the business you run now? Do you sell time machines?”
Joseph told her, "No, what we sell is a virtual time machine which allows you to visit any place you want to and interact with the people, but it is not real.”
She woke up the next morning knowing she had told her father about her brothers and Hans. She came up with a plan that might make the world perfect for her father and her.
She set her time machine and went back to see Hans.
He was sitting alone, having some soup and wine when she knocked at his door. Speechless, he waved her in.
Hans stuttering, “But but you're here.”
She smiled at him and said, "Yes, here in the flesh to see you."
They kissed for an eternity.
She told Hans, "Go sit down. I have some news for you."
She told him of all her exploits and what she had done.
He looked at her and said, “I am so proud to know you and feel so lucky to have you as a friend.”
She said, "A friend? I thought you wanted to marry me. I thought you loved me?"
Hans again barely able to speak, “But that’s not possible."
She said, “Maybe it is, but right now, I want to make love to you.”
“I went to the nineteen seventies, and they had birth control pills outlawed in my time in the future, and I have been taking them for weeks now."
She grabbed his hand and walked back into his bedroom. She pointed at his bed and told him, “Sit there like a good Hans.”
She began to do a slow strip for him, first removing her dress and exposing her seventies-style lingerie. White see-through panties along with a see-through bra. She bent over. She was looking right through her legs, giving him a full view of her ass.
She smiled at him and asked, “Like what you see?”
Hans barely said, "Yes."
She walked over to him and took off his pants first and could see a full-fledged hard-on poking out of his underwear.
She then told him, "Now be a good Hans again and take off your shirt.”
He complied and told her, ”I will do you one better.” Then removed his underwear.
She climbed into bed and told him, "I must have a taste of your cock."
She sucked his raging stiffness for a few seconds but wanted to make sure she could feel his cock inside herself.
She mounted him and slid her soaking wet pussy down over his cock and rode him.
She felt his cock push against her clit.
Her pussy clamped around his cock.
She could feel her muscles contract as she had her first orgasm.
Jerking her head back and screamed, “Those fucking computers never told me sex was like this.”
She had orgasm after orgasm as she rode him.
Hans pulled her down on the bed and wanted her to feel missionary style. He slid in out of her pumping her.
Looking at her, he kissed her and whispered, “I am going to cum.” He exploded inside her, filling her with his spunk.
Sina looked over at him and told him, “I love you, Hans.”
He replied, ”I love you, Sina.”
The next morning, she jumped into the bathtub. Hans entered the bathroom and said, "Perfect, you are naked already."
He handed her a towel and walked into the bedroom and said, "Now I want you to put your hands on the bed, and your ass in the air, and we are going to do it doggie style."
Sina told him, “Are you going to be my good Hans and treat me to another round of orgasms?”
Without another word being said, he filled her pussy with his cock.
Biting her lip as he pounded her pussy.
Sina was yelling out, "Oh, I love this."
They made love, and both came almost in unison.
After cleaning up, she told him, "Now, let me fix you some breakfast."
As they were eating, Hans asked her, "Are you staying here? Are you going back to the future? What are your plans? What are our plans?"
She said, "I do have a plan, and I hope it works; otherwise, I may have to do this all over again."
Hans inquired, “What’s the plan?”
She told him, "It's a little complicated, so you are just going to have to trust me."
He nodded his head and said, “I do trust you.”
She placed Adams time machine on his arm and told him, "I am sending you into the future, and whatever you do, don't leave the cave I am sending you to. I have stocked it with food and water for two weeks. If, after two weeks, you do not see me go to a place called Time Machine incorporated. My father works there and will take care of you. I will be right behind you in a few days if all goes well."
She knew that sending him back with the time machine bracelet if she failed, her father would have another bracelet to use.
She pushed his green button, and he was gone.
Sina then went back to the nineteen seventies to find her brothers.
She found them just as she had left them except Joshua now knew how to dance like John Travolta. Adam was so proud he learned how to do The Time Warp dance again and again.
She had one bracelet left beside her own and told them, "I am taking you both into the future one at a time. She explained the cave where she was taking them too and not to leave there until she came to get them."
First was Adam, and she sent him to the cave and told him, “I will be right behind you in a few days.” As promised, she arrived at the cave and took Adam's bracelet so she could get Joshua.
She brought him to the cave the following day to reunite with his brother.
She took the time machine bracelet and said, “Do not leave here until I come to get you both.”
She then went back to see her father the day she left him. She flashed back into his house.
Joseph was having some dinner when she arrived. He asked her, "Where did you go?"
She told him, "I have a surprise for you, but you can't have the first part until tomorrow."
The next morning, they woke and had some breakfast. Sina asked her father, "Ready to go get your surprise?"
He said, “Yes, I cannot imagine what it could be.”
They jumped into his jetcar and went to the cave, which used to be their shelter.
They walked in, and there stood Hans.
She said, "Father, I want you to meet Hans. He is from nineteen thirty-three, and he will be my husband very soon with your blessing."
They shook hands.
Joseph stood there stunned for several minutes, finally asking Sina, "But how did you do this? How is this possible?"
She said, “You remember when you told me I could not bring anybody with me to the time and date I left here?”
He replied, "Yes, of course, I do."
She explained, "I found Adam and Joshua, and I took them to the nineteen seventies first, which told me that it is possible to take someone with you just not to the same time and date.”
Joseph asked, “I don’t understand how you got Hans here?”
She replied, "I brought him into the future and not the same time and date, and tomorrow you will get an even bigger surprise when we come out to the cave. Adam and Joshua will be here. I sent them into the future one day after Hans arrived here. Our family will be whole again."
She handed Joseph her bracelet and took the one off Han's hand and told him, "Now, please put these someplace that they will be safe forever.”
She then asked, "One last question, father, do we have your blessing to be married?"
With the biggest smile possible, he said, "Yes, of course, and I want to be a grandfather.”
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As u know every family like to watch movies at night so my family in my family me john my wife with nice assests 34 36 32 kelle my daughter 36 32 36 a boobs and ass that everyone stares kale my son johnson One December, both of my kids were home for a winter vacation. My son was in the middle of his first year of graduate school and our daughter was 19 After a dinner with a couple of bottles of wine, my son suggested renting a couple of movies and bringing back Family Movie Night for the...
I was gagging my college crush whom I’ve been stalking for over three years now. I could feel her tender lips moving back and forth over my 7” steaming rod of manhood. She kneeled down and playing with my balls while sucking dick with so much flair that one could cum a truckload just by looking at it. When this was going at full swing, my dick took over my body and I was involuntarily placing my hands over her head and was pushing her head over and over my dick that pleasant moans turned to...
Cleveland, Ohio, same time It was one of those days that makes living in Cleveland, Ohio worth all the winter weather and lake effect snow. The southerly breeze brought the early spring temperatures into the high 70's, and energized the few scattered wisps of clouds. The brilliant blue sky highlighted the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's glass pyramid and the rounded dome of the Science Center. My daughters walked out of the large downtown Galleria Mall after sneaking lunch in the food court....
I was happy to have my Niece Connie staying with me for a couple of weeks last summer while her parents went on a long anticipated cruise to the Caribbean. She is a sixteen year-old beauty, with long blond hair, blue eyes, and a nicely developing figure. She loves to display her abundant blessings in her string bikinis. She wears a different one every day, and they seem to get skimpier and skimpier--or is she just a "growing girl"? In any case, she struts around the house giving me quite...
Mai ek iss reader hu. A meri dushri story hai, a story mere dost ki hai, raju nam hai , uske family me wo 5 log hai uski mammy papa, raju se choty bahan, aur usse chota bhai. Raju 1st year me hai kar raha hai ,midiam health hai, wo jab 11th me tha tabse sex karne laga tha per usne kisi ko choda nahi tha per wo roj computer per bule film dekhta tha aur muth mar tha tha, uske ghar me tin kamre the ek me ummy papa, dushre me bahan aur thrid kamreme dono bhai sote the, raju jab uska chota...
Hi friends mera naam rikky hai aur mai iss ka regular reader hun Aaj mai aap logon se apni pehli kahani share kr rha hu..Mai aapko apne baare me bata du mera naam rikky hai aur mai 22 saal ka ladka hun aur mujhe lund lene me bhot maza aata hai…Ye kahani tab ki hai jab mai sirf 5th cls me ..Tha mere dad ki death k baad ghr me mai aur meri mummy rehte the..Mere dad ki death tab ho gyi thi jab mai sirf 8 saal ka tha aur mummy 30 saal..Ab mai aap logo ko apni mummy k baare me bata du.. Meri mummy...
Gay MaleFirst Sissy tell me. Who are you? Jenn- A tall long and blonde sissy. Platinum blonde locks that go all the way down to her back, glossy pink lipstick, long manicured nails, a model face, and killer ass and legs. One of the favorites for this year. Racheal - A brunette Sissy, with wonderful perky titties and plush ass, dark skin and luscious lips. Kim - An Asian Sissy, looks like a K-pop model, with doll like features, large glimmering eyes, and soft pink lips, long legs, toned midsection and...
FetishAuthors note: I strongly urge you to read all of the preceding chapters. With the context they provide, this chapter and those that follow will be much more enjoyable for you. Without knowing the characters and from whence they sprang the story may not make much sense. Many of the chapters contain highly erotic scenes of adults having intimate sexual relations. If you are somehow offended by this or are under 18, please stop reading here. To all the rest I wish you the very best and Thank you...
My name is Tabitha. No, I'm not a witch and I can't wiggle my nose. My mother, however, was a big fan of the old television show "Bewitched" and yes, that's where she came up with my name. Anyway, the firm I work for insisted I attend the grand opening of a new branch office in Baltimore. I didn't relish the thought of being away from my husband for a week but my employer wasn't looking for a volunteer, it was part of my job. My unusual story really began on the last night of my...
Ruth took great pleasure in sifting through Bruce's things while he knelt naked in silence with the other male pets in the selection room; she made a note of his address from his driving licence before slipping the amended admission card into his wallet, and her interest in him increased when she found a batch of c.v.'s and cheap business cards in his jacket pockets. She now guessed from his address and the plethora of advertising material that he was not earning a fortune; he would easily be...
* First, I wanted to say thank you to all the people who read my work and comment on it. It helps me grow as a writer to know what people like and don’t like. Secondly, This is the first part of what could be an on-going story. If it gets as much love as some of my other stories (ie. Comments) I will continue to write. Again, thank you to all the readers. * * He came out of no where. I didn’t know he was watching be, but it was almost as if I knew. I would catch myself starring out the window...
To catch up: Tom is a 54-year-old man who still loves sex even if his wife is not interested. He stumbles on Lush and reads sexy stories to pass his lonely hours. He discovers the chat rooms and cybers with young women, usually one-offs. But he meets Paisley and they connect. Regular cybering ensues. He sends a video of himself in hopes that she will return the favor. She loves it but mysteriously disappears from online activity. Tom is dejected until he meets Kianna in the chat rooms. ...
First TimeMy Name is Mathew Ronald I am now 18; currently in Vancouver Film School. I am a British. I had an amazing experience once in India. I went to a place called Pune in India for vacation on finishing my High school in 2013. I visited Pune film school for application and visited the film studio in the outskirts of Pune had fun in the beach cafe Living in a star hotel sweet room I was having my time. One day my brother called he said he knows this guy he works in United India Insurance Pune very...
Chapter 1, In which I do a good deed I was lying on my back staring at the ceiling when the phone rang. It was too much effort to move, so I continued pondering the cobwebs on the fan overhead and waited for the answering machine in the front room to cover for me. ‘Michael, please pick up!’ It was a young woman’s voice. ‘It’s Stacey — I really need to see you, and you aren’t answering your cell! Please call me as soon as you can.’ There was a breathless pause and then she hung up. Some women...
44 year old Jane looked at the Notice and squirmed. It was her son’s fault. 21 year old Steven had held a party when she and John, her 45 year old husband, were away. There had been a lot of noise, far too much, and the rules were clear. If too much noise comes from a flat the owner has to submit to being disciplined. The rule was set at a Management Committee meeting last year. Most people found it funny but they voted it through, just as a dozen other blocks had voted in the policy, and just...
I met jimmy james on a solo camping trip. I needed to get away so off I went to the national forest. I always go skinny dipping at the boat launch area after dark or walk down to the beach. That night I chose the boat ramp as no one was around and all cars and boats were gone. I left my summer dress on a large rock, and slipped into the warm night water. I was swimming and lying on my back and enjoying the solitude. My son and his friends come out a lot and I heard and saw a car that looked a...
My Wonderful Obsession Part 45: Career Girl The next morning, Julia and I were too busy to talk much as we packed our bags and got ourselves all made up for the flight home. It was Jeff's day off and he'd offered to drive us to the airport, an offer we couldn't very well refuse. I had a very emotional parting with Rob, judging by all my tears as we embraced and kissed one last time. He promised to stop in Cincinnati on his way to the east coast in May, which sounded like an eternity...
There's a pretty decent current flowing down the St. Clair River. Speed according to knot meter is different than the speed over the ground. Speed over the ground is the combination of knots on the water and mph over the ground. While it is possible to sail the St. Clair, it is much easier ... and more prudent ... to motor. (Hull speed is the designed speed that a displacement hull sailboat can go. It depends on several factors. The author looked it up. Kings Knight has a hull speed of just...
As they pulled up to the farm, they first went to the villa. It was a huge house that was mostly empty except for a cook and maid that stayed there in case someone came by. They were both excited to have guests and did everything to make them feel welcome. The girls were soon off to find Hans and start training. Tom went to his private room and locked himself in. He went through his inventory to see if he could find something to help move his projects along. Some of the inventory they had...
Vanessa could not believe her luck. Or rather, her lack of it. She had just barely left the airport, rented a car, and was over a hundred miles away from Mexico City when her rental car blew up. ‘No, no, no!’ Vanessa pleaded with the vehicle, as she heard a second loud bang and smoke began pouring out of the engine. ‘Damn it, not now!’ She was only an hour away from her business meeting with the corporate bigwigs of El Dorado Financing Group, and now she would be stranded. On top of that, her...
Hii everyone I m Rajveer from Punjab, 5’11” with muscular body doing I m 20 years old. Women of any age group can contact me ( ) for their physical, mental or social satisfaction, I promise that you will have thrilling experience with me, btw I am deeply interested in married women, bhabhis, aunties. , well this is my first story on ISS & also first of my life. Though I m a regular member of ISS since 5 years but never got a chance to loose my virginity. Basically I am crazy about sex...
I sat at my workbench, toying with the headset and doing, pretty much, nothing. After almost a month of, more or less. Constant, very satisfying sex with Jennifer, I was looking at a long dry spell. She had left for university early that morning, I had gotten up early and driven over for a last, unsatisfying, kiss because her mother had been standing there watching and impatiently tapping her foot. Jennifer wouldn't be back until Christmas and my little Anglia, while good enough for...
After 3 weeks I thought I wouldnt hear from the old slut again, but to my surprise just when I returned home from a pretty heavy night at my local bar my cellphone rang, and yes it was her. Hi I answered, what do you want, I thought you hated me; she cut me off before I could continue, "Well I have every reason to hate you, leaving me naked and vulnerable" Shutup I cut in, I dont need this shit from you, so before I hang up, what do you fucking want. There was a pause and she said "maybe we...
The next morning we were up early and sat down to a delicious breakfast. Alice told me that she really enjoyed her day off. I whispered, "Was Fitzroy good to you?" She blushed and replied, "Better than good." I smiled and so did she. Grace suggested that we take a ride around the estate since she had not yet seen it all. Kim and I were all for it so after breakfast we saddled up and headed out to explore. Kim was getting the hang of controlling her horse so we had a leisurely ride. As...
Sunday morning came bright and shiny through Tanya’s window. She had left Shirley just before supper, after spending some more time relaxing with her in her room. When she was ready to leave, Shirley was too spent to get off the bed and see her out. Tanya bumped into Cheryl when she was moving through the living-room on her way to the front door. She was sitting on the couch alone, reading a book. She was dressed in a light robe that came down to mid thigh. Cheryl looked up as Tanya exited...
This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Special thanks to Rezai Balo for helping edit the story and bring it...
Tears were spurting bountifully from the tiny blonde's big blue eyes. Her wrapper and her flimsy pink nightgown fell away from her generous tits, revealing the softly jiggling mounds of milky white flesh with their dark rose tips. Her husband's guilt inflamed his own temper, and he wrenched her arm cruelly, flinging her brutally onto the bed beside Eflo, who tried but failed to see from her head down position what was going on... "Just lie down and shut up!" the young ambassador ordered...
The first part of my dream was only slightly unsettling as it had been, if not a constant companion at least a frequent visitor since my recycling. Probably a couple of times a month I was my ten year old self, but without a body. I never grew older, I just continued to exist. The five senses were a part of the body that was no longer mine so I didn’t see, hear, smell, taste or feel the world ... but still I sensed it. Smarter people than I have tried to describe the input from a sense that...
First of all, thank you all for your all of your supportive comments. Secondly, since I have created a little sub-universe within NMF, let me be the first to cast the first stone with this new entry. As always, i enjoy your opinions. A word of warning. On the last one a lot of things happened off stage in response to the recent TG Cliche thing that went around. This one will be much more graphic once it gets going full throttle. Tales of Djinnar: NEPENTHE By Raven ne-pen'the ...
After reporting to Alan and having a chat he went to his office. He groaned at the sight of the stack of folders on his desk, and spent the next three hours going through them. Having hardly made a dent in the pile, he then left for the Officers Mess. Finding the other seven pilots sitting around a couple of tables, he had to put up with their bawdy remarks concerning honeymoons. Getting down to business, he turned to Tim. “Tim as second in command of the squadron, I’ve decided that you need...
She grabbed her aviators as we pulled out from the house. We decided to head up to one of the beaches further north, rather than our usual hangout. As we drove and the breeze kicked her ponytail up, I just kept thinking about how insanely lucky I was to have her. When we stopped at a stop sign, she caught me looking and leaned over to give me kiss. Not just a peck, but a full on lip biting kiss. Horns blared behind us and we burst out laughing as we continued on our way. We arrived at...
I woke the following morning to that warm, not-alone feeling I always associated with my marriages. I felt okay, not hung over badly, just enough to know I had been a naughty boy last night. Elyse and I had made love twice when we got back to the bedroom. The first time I had her bend and grab her knees by the bed. I plowed her from behind. Afterwards, still unslaked, I had turned her around and pushed her back onto the bed. Climbing on board, I had shoved her top above her tits while she...
Tony could sense her urgency and it drove him wild. Though he was hesitant to leave her sweet delectable peach, he pulled his lips from her pussy and stood up, pushing the chair away behind him. Catching her legs behind her knees, he moved his hands up to and planted them on either side of her waist. Her feet now rested on his shoulders and he held them there by wrapping one arm around them.With her legs held firmly in place, he moved forward slightly until the head of his cock was pressed...
OccupationsMarnie was a small petite girl who at the time probably didn't weigh 90 pounds soaking wet. She had green eyes, curly chestnut hair that hung down to her shoulders and her tits were probably A cups and very perky. Marnie and I were speaking one day and our conversation turned to sexual in nature, Marnie said, "I want to get fucked and I want you to do it." Being a horny teenager, I eagerly agreed and we chose to meet at her house one afternoon. The night before, I could not get...
Katie’s Roommate1 Katie KendalKatie Kendal was extremely proud of the fact that for more than three years, she lived by herself in an rented house and paid all the bills on time. It was difficult, and at times she barely made ends meet. Worse than that was the fact that she was terrified of being alone. It had been the most difficult decision she had ever made when she decided at twenty years old to move out of her parents house and into the real world. She hated living by herself but she knew...
Southern Florida At 0443 the SUV had been unloaded and Clara had entered the canal. She attached the string of waterproof packs to a tether at her waist with a click of a D-ring. The Gator Gone was stowed in a pack, unused. She started swimming with a breast stroke, just under the water; it was nearly silent. Soon, she had moved her hands ahead of her, and was just undulating her body and legs – like a dolphin. She was moving at a rate that parted the water and left a wake, like a 130-pound,...
After more than six weeks trying to find a similar job to the one I'd left I realised that it was pointless. My city was a small one and there were only limited positions and even fewer vacancies. I managed to make two interviews but as soon as I was asked my reasons for leaving my previous position I knew that was it. I told the truth of what I'd done but never the reason why for that was no longer a legitimate excuse to me. I needed to work, both for the financial side of it but also to...
Continue…….second part fir maine apne lund ko jor se dhakka mara to pura ke pura mera lund uski chut me sama gaya. Vo sisak padi. Vo chahkar bi chilla nahi sakti thi. Kyonki aur bhi passanger the. Uski ankhe fati ke fati rah gayi. Maine dheere dheere apna lund andar bahar karne laga. Aur halke-2 sisak rahi thi. Dheere-2 use bhi maja aane laga tha aur vo bhi apni gand uchhal-2 kar mera sath de rahi thi. fir usne kaha jaanu jor jor se karo na, tumhare sath sex karne me bahut maja a raha hai. Fir...
That weekend was kind of a lazy one. On Saturday I had dinner with Linda and Rosie, and we only kissed for a bit before I headed home. Then on Sunday, Linda told me she was not feeling very good (crampy and grumpy, it was “that time”) so she begged out on our date that night.But I still made good use of the time. I spent the weekend mostly working on the new adventure I was going to put everybody through. I also had to make a slew of new monsters for them to fight, magic items, spells, and a...
Solar time unit = year planetary time unit = day ----------------------------------------------- Thantas' mouth was still hanging open. Sam had healed all of them, then without really thinking about it, had gone after the Tetricons. Shaking her head she tried to retrieve her memories. So many were there though, she couldn't reach them. Almost nothing of her time on her home planet, her family, friends hardly anything was there. Her capture, her orders, the last fight all seemed fresh,...
Hi I am Sanju From Banglaore averagely built 31 yrs old, first and for most thanks to the ones who have posted their sorties which has given me the confidence to share my life experience to you all. This is about my friend Luthra’s(Luth) wife Sheeba, Luth became my close friend in the 2008, he and Sheeba had daughter who was all most 1 year old .Luth was a model and he need to travel often. I have only heard from luth about his wife, it was a love marriage and it was against her parents wishes....
There were a couple delays to be dealt with before our next women were to be brought to life, but the decision on who to animate was made well before Rogue arrived: Wonder Woman and Zatanna! The decision was made partly because we had a built-in method to bring them in due to the backstory we wrote for Power Girl. The story was that Kara was on her way to meet the other two ladies for a girls' night out when she was transported here for her "vacation". From there, it's a tiny step to...
I just have to share this - 6:00 AM this morning, BING BING my cell phone sounded. I opened the text it was from one of the older men that contacts me now and then. I met him about 10 years ago. He has contacted me now and then over the years. The message read “Wife just left for the weekend meet me at the lake at 7:00 I want to feel those soft lips of your sliding up and down over my cock, wear one of your the pink skirts.” My reply “OKAY” I hurried to take a shower and get ready seeing I...