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Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are your reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn they from bad experiences. This is not as fictional as I would like. Much of this happened. The who, where, and other salient details have been changed to protect the guilty. It is not as smooth or well-written as my newer stories. But it says what I thing is important. All constructive comments are welcome. Please e-mail to me: [email protected] Finally, this is a piece of adult fiction. If you are underage, or if you find it offensive, please go elsewhere. Quickly. --------- Thomasina Copyright 1997 by Samantha Michelle I had been in the military too long. Too much bureaucracy, way too much of the "new peacetime all volunteer force". In other words, how the government had managed to increase the level of mediocrity. True, all the new recruits had at least some light in their eyes, but to quote from a Goldie Hawn movie, the lights flickered. It was even worse trying to hire civilians. I was, again, in the process of interviewing the group of misfits and mental cripples that Civilian Personnel had deigned to send us. The job was relatively hard and required dedication, but was only a GS-4. When the outfit gained another Colonel, he needed a receptionist, and so they gave him our GS-5 position to answer phones and look pretty. I had just finished interviewing the only two people who were interested, and was on the telephone with Civilian Personnel asking for more. I got the usual reply. Pick the best one. I told them there was no best, just a least worst. They said I was stuck with them. Another waste of taxpayer money. Just before the end of the day, I got a rather frantic call from Tim, the assistant director of Civilian Personnel. It seemed that they had been amiss in helping out the local VA office in placing vocational rehabilitation candidates, and someone had gotten to a sympathetic congressman. They said they could provide another interviewee if I was willing to at least consider someone trying to qualify as a GS-3. They said they had a second candidate if I was willing to work with a less-than-complete history, and accept some rather unusual employment requirements. I had the feeling I was getting the bottom scrapings of a very deep bucket. I smelled something a bit cheesy about the second person, but decided to take a chance. They said they would set the interviews up at their offices for 0900 and 1100 tomorrow. Having the interviews at the personnel office was decidedly non- standard, and I suspected there would be unwelcome visitors. So I dug out my interview checklists, to ensure that everyone received the exact same questions and was rated in the same manner (I believe in EEOT, but there is a reality check needed). I went back and filled in checklists for the two I had already interviewed, and closed up the office late. At 0800 the next morning I was at Civilian Personnel preparing to review the two applicant's folders. The first individual was ex-navy, with less than two years service. The folder was clearly flagged for special handling, and had a strong EEOT smell. It did not take much effort to determine that whoever he was, he was not qualified for the job. His SF-171 was almost illegible, and full of grammatical and spelling errors. Since no other language skills were listed, if English was his primary language he had skipped school since third grade. I completed the appropriate portions of the pre-interview listing, and asked for the folder on the second candidate. Instead of a folder I got the assistant director of Civilian Personnel. We already knew each other, and kept our respective distances when possible. Holding the folder firmly in his hands, he told me that the individual was a special case, and that much of the information I would normally have available from the personnel folder was confidential. I asked if the person was in the witness protection program, and he shook his head. He then told me that there would be a senior VA EEOT representative at the interview, and that my selection would have to be based entirely on, and supported by, the interview and the information he was about to provide. I told him I had already figured this out, and shrugged. He then added that there might be a need for special accommodations for the person, and that these would be provided by his office immediately and without hassle if she was selected. I told him our building was fully accessible, and he muttered that that was not the type of accommodation he was referring to. He then handed me a typewritten summary of what I would normally find in the individual's records. The candidate was in her mid-thirties, with over six years active Air Force military training and experience in several non-clerical fields, including aircraft maintenance and electronics. She had just completed with honors an associate degree in management from a junior college, but had absolutely no job experience listed outside of her military service. This puzzled me, and I looked for service dates and found they were missing. Her civil service tests were very recent, and the scores were outstanding. Her curriculum vitae was detailed, and yet did not list where, or when, she had attended each of a long listing of differing courses. I noted she formerly held a secret clearance, and the paperwork indicated that she would not accept entry into any position requiring top-secret access. When I asked who she was, as her name was not on the sheet, I was told that her name was Thomisina Alina MacAllister. Something about the name triggered a dim memory, but not enough to grasp. I asked him if there was anything else, and he remarked that he would be very, very happy if she met our requirements. I got the feeling that it meant getting her and the EEOT types out of his hair and into mine. We conducted the first interview in the main meeting room, with a dour looking VA representative present. The interview was short, and to the point. I remained professional throughout, and thanked the individual for the interview, telling them I had to complete all interviews before making my decision. After they had left, I handed Tim my check-sheet and asked him to total the score. Out of 200 points the candidate managed just over 30. He nodded, and handed the same sheet to the VA representative, who also nodded his head in agreement. Tim said the second candidate was already in his office, and he would bring her in momentarily. When Tim returned, he was escorting a stocky, well-dressed woman who stood over 6 feet tall in her heels. Tim seemed to be trying to stay as far away from her as possible. She neither plain nor pretty, with a face that was both hard and sad. She moved with exceptional poise and grace for someone of her size. Extending her large, well-manicured hand to me in an almost formal manner, in a rather deep and throaty voice said her name was Thomisina MacAllister, but to please call her Tommie. She added that she was pleased to be a candidate for the position in my office. Something did not feel right. I looked at Tim, but he had already moved to the other side of the table, and was looking at the folder in his hands. I asked her to please take a seat, watching as she made a production of sitting carefully and neatly. The nagging feeling that something was screwy grew stronger. Keeping my eyes on her face and body language, while listening to her replies, I worked through my checklist. It was clear after a few minutes she was intelligent, well read, and had thoroughly studied the job description. She was extremely well mannered. Too well. Everything was amplified, or it struck me, almost like it had been rehearsed. Even her voice and diction were over-correct. And she never broke eye contact. Almost like an animal trying to make sure it was not about to be attacked. I began to wonder if she was a psycho case they were trying to place. When I reached the final, open question phase of the interview, I decided to see how much additional information I could accrue. So I asked her where she had been stationed. She looked distressed, looked at the VA rep and Tim, and answered that she preferred not to say for personal reasons. Tim nodded. I tried a different tact. I asked her if she had any combat zone experience, and she nodded, then stiffened, looking frightened. BINGO. A woman with combat zone experience, at the time very unusual. She again looked at the VA rep and Tim for assistance. Tim immediately asked if was finished with the interview, and I told him in no uncertain terms I was not. The VA person looked nervous, but they both knew I was following the regulations, and had spent far less time with her that the previous candidates. So I then asked several general questions that would require long, yet non-threatening answers. And disengaged my ears and thought. And it hit me. I felt that I had met her, or her alter ego somewhere before. And it was almost certain that she did not recognize me. But if I was wrong, I did not want to embarrass her, or get myself into a tight spot with the EEOT types. As she finished a carefully worded answer to the last of my smoke-screen questions, I looked at her, and mentally stripped off the long hair, makeup, and fashionably tinted glasses. Thomisina Alina MacAllister and I had been stationed together over ten years ago, in sister units. But I knew her as Tom. And that explained all the secrecy. But I needed confirmation. So I looked her in the eye, smiled, and decided to ask her a couple of questions that would have no meaning unless she was actually Tom. I first asked her if she played pinochle, she looked surprised, but nodded, and I got the next question out before Tim or the VA rep could say anything. "Have you ever lost to someone with quad aces and triple 'nuks'?" She absently nodded, then looked absolutely horrified and collapsed to the table sobbing uncontrollably. Tim looked puzzled, then shocked and disgusted, and the VA rep hurried over to her. I got up, pushed the VA bozo out of the way, and putting my arm around her shoulder, said quietly, "It's OK Tom, I don't know what has happened, but you still are my friend." I could hear Tim mutter "Oh Shit". A moment later Tom/Tommie had her long arms wrapped around me and was crying her heart out. I asked her if she knew who I was, and she stammered out "no". I asked if she remembered the Sergeant that used to run the best wargames in Korea. She yanked herself upright, looked at my nametag, stared me in the face, and said "Sam?" I smiled. She grabbed me again and still crying, tried to apologize for her behavior and for embarrassing me. I finally told her to shut up. That got her attention, and I said that whether she was a she or he did not matter to me, this started her on another crying jag. The VA rep finally decided to butt in, and told me that the interview was obviously over, there was no need to continue, and that I should forget everything that happened. I looked at him, and asked if the military had forgotten to issue him his sensitivity. I then told him to leave Tom, or Tommie, alone until she was ready to move. I think my continued use of the female pronoun got to him and he muttered something about "another damn don't ask, don't tell" as he walked away. Tim was giving me a disgusted look, and her one of loathing. I told Tim to go get Tommie a Pepsi and a box of Kleenex, and that if he said or did anything stupid, he would be the one up on EEOT charges. Tim knew I almost never bluffed, and did not want to challenge me, so he was back in a few minutes with both. Shortly Tom/Tommie regained her composure, and when I had assured her that her secret was safe with me, she started to mechanically repair her appearance. I decided that the charade had gone on far too long. Looking at both the VA rep and Tim, I told them that Tom/Tommie and I had been stationed together in sister units almost ten years ago, and had been friends back then. I said I was going to take her to lunch off-base, and I would bring her back to the CPO after lunch so she could fill out the paperwork to accept the job at my office. Tommie grabbed me and hugged me, and then drew back as if she had done something terrible. I realized that she was still uncertain of her role. I pulled her close, and told her that emotional displays were not considered to be appropriate when I was in uniform. She broke out with the first real laugh I had heard. I told Tim I was going to have a long talk with him later about professionalism, and he looked like he had just eaten a toad. A very warty, lively one. We headed out to lunch. I took her to the local Denny's, and got a private booth in the back. She spent far too long in the ladies room, and when she returned her makeup was repaired, and the lines from her crying were gone. Without fanfare she launched into how she had completed her second enlistment in the service, but was so depressed about her life that she got out and drifted from part time job to homeless shelter. Finally her health deteriorated so much that someone who knew her got her to the VA, and they hospitalized her and began on therapy. After about a year her lifelong desire to be a woman surfaced, and she realized that she had entered the military because it she thought it would make a man out of her. We both shook our heads sadly about that. After another year in therapy, she decided to become a woman, and started on hormones and living as a woman full time. That was a little over a year ago. She said it took a congressional act to get the VA to pay for her to get special help in learning how to act like a woman, and she still was not good at it. She was able to get breast implants with some money she recently inherited, and told me that they were the real turning point. Smiling, she said that even her hair was real, and the implants gave her what other girls grew up getting. "Now when I get up in the morning, I look at least a little like the woman I have always felt I should be, not a woman trying to impersonate a man." I asked if she had completed SRS, and she shook her head, and said that she had another few months before she would meet the Harry Benjamin standards for SRS. When I asked what that meant, she explained, and I nodded understanding. She said that the VA had been forced to agree to pay for the surgery, and she would probably be off work for a couple of weeks after. She looked downcast, and asked if I had offered her the job out of pity. I laughed, and explained that she was by far the most qualified candidate. I got another hug, and a kiss, with which I had a more than a bit of trouble. We then headed back to the base, and at Civilian Personnel I pinned Tim and the VA rep down and read them the riot act behind closed doors. When I left I had their assurances that they would support whatever Tommie and I worked out for her history, short of breaking the regulations, and that she could start on Monday. Tommie worked at my office for almost a year before I forced her to move on to a better position. There was a lot of speculation about her history and orientation from some of the less-liberal types in my office, but only once did I have to use official channels to eliminate a problem. When I escorted that particular SSgt asshole back from the Wing Commander's office, he looked like he had been castrated. With a dull butter knife. He went from mean to meek at Mach III. Perhaps the threat of courts-martial was enough. But he really changed spots when I told him if he went to jail I would make sure that his interest in "faggots" was well known to the other inmates. For some reason he did not decide to continue in the service when his enlistment expired. Good riddance. Tommie is now post SRS and is so much happier. It took her almost two months to be back to her energetic self after surgery, but from then on she was a new person. I helped her develop a really good history that was given the official stamp of existence with the help of the VA. It was sort of like playing a war game. It had to be real without being verifiable. A couple of more classes in the evening, and her resume and recommendations from the base got her hired as a trainee legal secretary, and shortly as an office manager for a local law firm. I lost track of her when she left the state to attend law school somewhere in the Midwest. But I have received postcards and letters without a return address from her over the years, even after I retired, and she says that when she passes the Bar in her state, which she described as the most homophobic group of bigots she had ever encountered, she would send me her address, and perhaps we could get together and discuss old times. --- Finis

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Senior Year Part IChapter 8 Game of Phones

Sunday September 25 I woke up because my bed moved. When we arrived at the hotel, Cindy Lewis was there with her boyfriend Kevin. He played defensive end for Ohio State and had taken to the training a little too seriously. If I had to guess, he was juicing. I shuddered to think of him looping around a tackle with me in his sights. Cindy wanted to go to a party, but I begged off. The last time I’d seen Cindy, she’d talked me into a threesome with her and Kevin. I didn’t want to do that to...

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BugsChapter 4

Jeff's stomach did a flip-flop as he stared, bug-eyed, at Julie. "Are ... Are you sure?" he stammered, having to work to form the words and force them through his nearly paralyzed lips. "Yes, I am. Or, at least, as as much as I can be at this early date. I hope that you are pleased. After, all, I couldn't have done it without you." Julie self consciously giggled at this last statement. "Honey, I don't know what to say. I am as pleased and proud as it is possible for a prospective...

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chutyion me maza loota part 2

Chutyion me maza loota part -2to dosto aap ne pada hoga app ke mail mile mujey bahut khushi hui app logo ki demand par me aage ki gatna batane jha rahi hu dance floor par gaye jaha par kiran humara intajar kar raha tha.jaise hi kiran ne hum tino ko dekh kar pasme aya anita se pucha tum kiya logi beer ya wisky to anita ne muje pucha mene kaha me to pepsi lungi to beach me nikita boli ek kam karo aaj hum sab hi wisky pite hai maine mana kiya aur boli nahi mene aaj tak drink nahi le boli...

2 years ago
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The CavemanChapter 51

Linda says she wishes for our ceremony, our wedding, to take place in religious house. “I want to do it up proud,” she tells me. “Just like most girls, I’ve always dreamed about walking down the aisle in a flowing white gown to meet my man at the altar. I know you don’t think a lot of religion, but the only place I can do that is church, so could we?” I say that it is not religion that troubles me. She has told me, and I have read, of the teachings of religion, and they seem to me very...

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CuckoldSessions Mandy Muse 10282018

Mandy Muse and her Hubby flip homes for a living. They’re doing the final clean out of their latest investment, and they’ve already got a buyer lined up! Let’s call him “The Investor”, and, more importantly (for Mandy), he’s handsome…and black! She knows he’s well-endowed, too. So, like any good cuckoldress, Mandy sends Hubby over to pitch The Investor: not only is Hubby going to try and sell the home, but Hubby is going to offer up his beautiful,...

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Private Sofia Curly Sofia Curly And Silicone Doll Treats Husband To Anal

Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to Sofia Curly, a natural busty brunette who debuts in our Barcelona Nights. She seems to be having trouble with her boy Dorian Del Isla, they try everything and even with those big natural tits nothing works. After Sofia overhears him in telephone call she suspects the worst, is he really cheating? Curious, she follows her man to find him fucking a silicone doll! But Sofia is not mad, she is intrigued. The couple leave their troubles behind and...

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Trust (Transvestite, Hetero sex, Spanking)This story contains elements of cross-dressing, a somewhat dominant female, and a rather submissive and effeminate male. If such things make you want to toss cookies, don't read it, eh?This story also contains one fairly graphic scene of eroticism between two consenting adults. If *that* squicks you, what the hell are you doing on this group? Grow up and get a life.Part 1: The File on LeeI was pretty tired when I got to Nancy's. Long day with the...

2 years ago
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Horny High

Your name is John Bell and you have just turned 18 years old the week before your last year of high school. You are 5'9 short brown hair, hazel eyes, 160lbs, average looks, with a 8 inch cock. You aren't the most popular person in your class and are considered a bit of a nerd but, you have friends in every clique in the school.

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HerLimit Arian Joy Stretch it out

This gorgeous Ukrainian was hungry for a big black cock & some crazy sex, so she came next to meet Mike hoping for a fantastic wild ride. He was impressed by her sexy black dress and her cute small ass. Craving to test her goodies, he deepthroated her kinky mouth and worshiped Arian’s beautiful body with a strong pussy rubbing and a hardcore fucking that stretched her juicy holes. When he fucked that ass passionately deep, she moaned and screamed shivering with pleasure. Riding her...

2 years ago
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Banged My Hot Cousin

Hi readers. This is my first story on ISS. My name is Aman (definitely name changed). I’m 5’10” tall, dark and handsome and my tool is of 6.1″ So this started off when I went to visit my grandparents house in Bhopal where my cousin was also living. I was 18 at that time and she was 19. Her name is Neha (name changed) and she’s 5’5″ and has a perfect figure of 36-28-36. She’s as white as a marble. And her hair so long and smooth. Her eyes were brown. Overall she was every guys sex goddess....

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Cadet Student

Kendra walked along the wooded path away from the Cadet Camp in her uniform on a hot hazy late August day distraught. She was dressed studiously with glasses, in dark green flannel pants, a dark green blazer, a light green collar shirt, a green beret and black shoes. She just failed an exam that would boot her out of this cadet program which was to generate money for her college year. She was a fair skinned redhead 20 years old with a freckled face, green eyes, her red hair up in a bun. She was...

2 years ago
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Team Lead Ke Sath Sex Kara

Hi dosto; mera naam Vibha h or m apni phali story likhne ja ri hu. Ye site m mujhe kuch stories he real lgti h. Ye meri real life story h. Me bhaut he sundar hu or mera figure 30, 24, 34 h. M bhaut he sex addictive hu. To m apni story p aati hu. M ek software company m kaam krti hu. Jisko mene college khtn hote he join kra tha. Waha ka environment khafi acha tha. Kyuki m bhaut sundar thi to ladke mujh s aa aa k baat kr re the. Meko bhaut acha lg rha tha. Thode he din baad mujhe dusre prjct m...

3 years ago
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Fucking Sexually Charged MILF Wife Outdoors

Hello, everyone, it was nice to hear from all of my fans. Thank you all for your valuable feedback. For my new readers, “Hello, I am Ankur. I have a perfect athletic body with a 10-inch cock.” These are the assets (or figure) of my hot MILFs. Jasmine my wife has a figure of 34D-24-36. Alura, my mother-in-law has a figure of 34G-29-38. Louise, my wife’s Aunt has a figure of 40F-29-40. After fucking my hot mother-in-law and making her realize who the real man is, it was time to bid a goodbye to...

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Sweety Had Sex With Her Bhava

Cousin Fuck Hi readers , this is my first story in Indian Sex Stories. My pet name is crazy, 24yrs old, i am 5’4″ in ht, my girlfriend or cousin name is Sweety(pet name)19yrs old, she is little shorter than me. Her body status is 30-28-32, round shaped boobs (.)(.) i am working as a engineer, my cousin is doing her degree in Bangalore. Lets come to the story. If any grammar mistake in my story pls forgive me. My native is a village near Mysore, i and my cousin staying in same village. We grown...

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My First Thong

When I was a little boy in grade school, I developed a curiosity so strong that it could not dare be mentioned to my parents…well, except for my father, since he was quite a perv despite being married to my mother who was more conservative than he was. Typical behaviors in a hispanic couple’s life, really. No, it was not about my sexuality, but it involved underwear. Specifically, a particular female underwear that grabs many a man’s attention, because the way it looked on a woman, was that it...

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Obedience Serum Research

Once upon a time, he was an idealist. He wanted science to change the world for the better, and he worked as hard as he could to make that happen. So hard, in fact, that he got noticed by a government agency important enough that it officially doesn’t even exist. Top secret is an euphemist, the President himself is only made aware of this operation on a need-to-know basis, the budget is secret and controlled directly by the Department of Defense. Here, he and many others are allowed to use...

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A New PastChapter 56 Seductions

“What are you doing here so early? I was planning on meeting you in an hour.” Chrissy was wearing a fashionable white dress with a deeply scooped neckline and a demure hemline just above her knees, protected by a totally unfashionable apron. Her hair was pulled back and I noticed her feet were bare, but a pair of heels were sitting by the back door. “We finished early, but don’t you think I should be the one asking the questions?” “No,” she said as she walked around the counter and stopped...

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Older sis Helps out

It was a hot night as Anna pulled into the drive of her parents house in her ratty old Karmann Ghia, turning off the car she opened the door stretching her long legs out in front of her. It had been a long drive, nearly 5 hours and she was so tired, looking at her watch it showed the time 2.37, all she wanted to do was go to bed. Reaching onto the back seat she grabbed her bag and headed into the house locking her car behind herself. Quietly she let herself into the house, it was silent, the...

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Master Marks snivelling sissy

I had been visiting Master Mark for several months, and he was training me to be obedient, punctual,and of course that fact that no matter what, I was always wrongMaster Mark would introduce something new to each of my visits, ruined orgasms, denied orgasms, electro play, extremes nipple torture, CBT, writing insults on me in marker pen, you name it, he was very adventurous and at all times, would keep me in my place by making me look at the floor the whole timeStern Verbal instructions were...

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Fucking Asin

It was one busy film shooting day in a remote village in Kerala. The hero of Asin’s movie Mr. X and Asin struggled hard to get the song scene perfect. The close encounters during the filming process kindled an uncontrollable fire of lust deep inside X. The smiling face of Asin turned him on over and over again and his cock became hard as a rock inside his tight jeans. During the break he moved over to her and said, “Asin, I am very horny for you and want to fuck you now” “What?” Asin asked in...

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Indulgence and Denial

Indulgence and Denial By strangefun It was the most perfect combination: She wanted her releases granted to her immediately, and I wanted mine to be denied. She loved to tease, and I loved to be teased. She enjoyed humiliating and degrading me, and I enjoyed being humiliated and degraded by Her. She got off by watching me, horny and frustrated, trying to get off and failing miserably and I was trying to get off and failing miserably for Her enjoyment. Teasing and tormenting me was...

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Black Gang Bang Virgin pt 1

Black Gang Bang Virgin pt 1 Andrew led me up some stairs and into a small lounge area lit only by gas lamps and the light from the open fire in the corner. It was late, only 30 minutes or so from closing time, I noticed a noisy group of young black guys playing pool in the corner. Stoping at the bar momentarily to order drinks, Andrew and I then made our way over to a bench seat in the far corner of the room. Taking a long slow sip of red wine, I couldn't help wondering what Andrew had in store...

Group Sex
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Train K Birth Se Bister Tak 8211 Part I

Hello doston ye meri pahli kahani hai par akhiri nahi ye meri life ki aisi kahani hai jisme pyar hai sex hai or wo sab hai jo ek iss reader ko chahiye ab ata hun apni kahani pe bat hai 2010 ko tab main 3 year me tha New Delhi me main apni ek freind k sath delhi a raha tha jabalpur se uska nam tha rita panday main aksar usi k sath jaya karta tha hum kabhi kabhi ek hi seat pe soya karte the par mere man me uske liye kuch galat nahi tha Ek bar hum aise hio ek sath ja rahe the delhi mera waiting...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Prelude Part 6 Naming Day

Prelude Part 6: Naming Day A new egg-shaped stone cut from a single two-ton boulder marked the grave of the little girl. The stone had been dug out from underneath the snow; a stonemason had chiseled the name Freya Olafson and the date into the stone and then it was carried to the cemetery behind the community roundhouse. There, also under a thick layer of snow, were the rock mounds and rock markers of the graves of the most revered. On a planet with so little land, the dead usually...

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Fishing for Skinsuits

(Author's note: This is actually my fourth story, but im unhappy about the other two and im considering scrapping them, or just uploading them in their unifinished states. It depends. Also, credit to The-Trash-Bin for editing and Lheriss for inspiration and being a good buddy For teh record, this story also has the same characters as in Convention Preparations. As always, im open to suggestions and ideas, just leave a comment behind). Chad Thundercook was the biggest man of...

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Jetlag drunken boss seduces me 18 yo pretending sm

Seduced by my Boss.When I was 18, my boss and I were called to work in the States. I had never really traveled and never been to America so it was quite exciting. When we arrived in Ft Lauderdale we checked in and went to our room, not long after our contact invited us out to go clubbing, but I was so tired and I stayed in as the jetlag completely killed me. David went out and I had a shower to cool down as I had never experienced such humidity. I lay on the bed with my towel around my waist...

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My captured mom

Hi all!Before you read my story, I wanted to say "Thank you" to "mumlover40" for posting his great "American Nurse Captured in Syria" story.I loved the story so much, I couldn't resist "rebooting" it, adding to it and putting me and my boys in the "starring roles...So once again: Thank you!P.S.: I posted a special pic to go with my story too, you can find it in my "Galleries".Big kiss,Ann xxx!!!Captured mom.Hello, my name is Robert V.I live in London, UK with my younger brother K. and my...

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BangBrosClips Payton Avery Virgin Step Sister

Damion though he had all night to himself. He was ready for a long day of pleasuring himself as he watched some Xvideos on his computer. However, his step sister, Payton Avery, was too nervous to go on her date and decided to stay home instead. This decision was about to ruin his night all together. She snuck up on him as he was getting ready to jerk off. After she almost caught him, she asked for his assistance. Payton revealed to her step brother that she is in fact still a virgin and was too...

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A Walk On The Beach For Three

A few years ago during the summer Tom and I went to Gulf Shores, AL. to visit our friend Greg. Greg invited us to come down for a week and we accepted. Greg and Patsy had been divorced for about three years but they still jointly owned a beach house and took turns using it. Tom and I have remained friends with both of them.We arrived and it was about mid-week before the action began that you would be interested in. I don't know how Tom did it but it all had to be premeditated and planned out....

Straight Sex

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