Pathways Part 11- Darker Ending free porn video

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This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Special thanks to Rezai Balo for helping edit the story and bring it to your eyes. Standard disclaimers, this is a story of fiction and all characters and situations are by definition fictional. Approval is given to redistribute or submit this story to other sites as long as full credit is given no monetary gain is sought. Don't sell it or claim it as your own. Pathways Part 11- dark ending By Roxana Riley My life was nothing like I expected it to be. Just ten months before, I had been a high school junior, hanging out with my friends and my biggest concern was if I could afford a car. Now I was a headliner stripper working at one of the hottest and nastiest clubs in town. I had a lesbian girlfriend and a young stud with benefits on the side. May started to blossom and I wondered what was next? In April I had finally paid off my surgery. It was great as I started to make some decent money and had been able to replace my car. I ended up getting a used Mini Cooper that was black with some pink highlights. I missed the convertible but this one was more fun to drive and I could zip around town. I had started to slip a little money to Nick as well when I could. I had more than enough for my short term needs I knew he could use every dime. Bailey had finally opened up about her past. She knew most of my story and one late night over our second bottle of wine I heard hers. First her given name was Samantha. She had been a runaway from an abusive older brother. Her mother had passed away a few years ago and her father, who did love her and should have been looking out for her, couldn't believe that the brother was at fault. After one too many bruises she sneaked out of the farm and headed to town. Yes my sweet Bailey was a farm girl and when she was feeling better I made sure to look up every Farmers daughter jokes I could find. Her luck didn't improve as she fell in with a boy who was just as abusive. One night out he asked her to drive as he ran into a liquor store to get some beer. Five minutes later he was jumping back in the car, and asked her to go. She read the newspaper the next day and was a stunned to find she was a wanted fugitive for armed robbery. Scared out of her mind she ran to the bus station and took the first ride out of town. Making it across the country she landed here meeting a girl at the bus station who introduced her to Scott. Scott promised to make her disappear and provide her with a new life. He had given her a new name, a new ID and a new life. The rest I knew. She was jaded about the whole experience but felt she was better off now than when she left home. Life had been hard at the club but in her view there was good as well. She had a job she had come to enjoy. For the first time she had money and a new name. Last she met me. A smile spread across her face when she admitted this part. Business at the club was steady. I spent more time in private dances than was good for me but I was starting to crave the thrill. It wasn't healthy but like an addict it was hard to pull myself away. Getting some guy off or going down on a woman was like a drug some days. Popularity did have some benefits though as I got to be very choosy on whom and when I went into the back room. Nick and Bailey kept me grounded too. When I spent time with Nick he had this infectious charm that just made it impossible to slip into my jaded bitch mode. With Bailey it was just pure love. When she smiled it was hard to do anything but smile with her. May had blossomed into a warm June and Bailey and I had been playing the game of 'what if' a lot. What if we were not here dancing, could we go on vacation? What if we were both students what classes would you take? What if we asked Scott for time off for bad behavior? The last one was one of our favorites. How nasty would we have to be in order to be let free? It was a Friday that I will always remember. Bailey and I had come into the club early to switch out some costumes. We switched up our outfits every few weeks so it was new and fun. The club was still closed as the wait staff was working on restocking the bar and cleaning up the tables. Bailey and I had just come in the back door when we saw Christy come in and rush for Scott's office. The door was locked but she pounded at the knob for 2 or 3 minutes before I went over to ask what the hell was going on. Christy looked a mess. Her mascara was running and she looked terrified out of her mind. "Christy what the hell happened to you? Where is Scott?" The two of them spending tons of time together of late. With a spaced look on her face Christy gazed at me "Oh Roxana..." before breaking down into fits. "He, he... he got picked up by the cops" "Who did?" "Scott! I don't know what I am going to do. He was making a pickup and they grabbed him. I am so screwed." She cried. Having no idea what the hell was going on I tried to calm her down but nothing worked. She was freaking out big time. It was weird too as I knew she had been picked up by the cops herself for hooking and always blew it off. "Shit, shit, shit. I have to get out of here." She panicked and ran for the door. Shrugging my shoulders I wandered back to the dressing room where Bailey was hanging up her dress. "So what was up with super slut?" She asked "No idea. She was panicking and babbling" I answered "She said something about Scott getting busted." As I reached down to pull out my own dresses Bailey stopped moving. "Say that again?" She asked. "Christy said Scott got arrested for something" "Oh fuck....." "What's the matter Bailey? Scott's a fuck up, we all know that. I am just surprised he has stayed out of jail this long." Bailey came over to me and held my face in her arms. Kissing me quickly she whispered. "Roxana we are fucked if he got arrested. Think baby girl. If he got arrested they are going to search his property, house, car and this club. That little safe he has in his office has all our files. My previous arrest records, new name, your new name, the fact that you had been working at the club underage, your faked death. Shit I know he has tapes of us up in the private rooms with some of the clients too. I caught the bastard whacking off to you and me going down on the Wilson twins from last month. What the fuck are we going to do?" As she was talking a sense of dread spread over me. I was fucked if I got picked up. I could go home but no one would believe that I wasn't an accomplice in the fire. And Bailey was right, our parties could be considered prostitution by an aggressive lawyer. If Scott went down we were all going down. Bailey fell into one of the chairs and started to whimper. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck what are we going to do...?" And like a bolt out of the blue it came to me "Bailey this is our chance. I know we can do it just listen to me. Veronica told me that Scott keeps a key to his office behind the bar. If you run cover I can grab it and be in his office in 2 seconds flat." "Yeah but what then? Everything is in that safe" I grinned "I know. Scott was always sloppy though with the combination. I know it" "How the hell do you know it?" She asked with hope in her eyes "I can't remember but I think the bastard opened it once when I was in there. I am sure I know the combination. Besides what do we have to lose?" That got her moving. Bailey was a survivor and if there was a chance she would take it. Getting the key was as easy as can be. No one was in the main room when we came out and it took all of a minute to find the place Veronica had described. Bailey stayed out in the main room to run interference as I ran to the office and slipped inside. With total conviction I started to twist the dial and had the door open in seconds. When the door opened up I realized that the safe was much bigger than I had thought and that it was stuffed with files. Not just Bailey and my file but EVERYONE's files. There was also $387,000 dollars stacked in nice even bundles. I knew I could not take everything. The cops would notice and start a full scale investigation. But as luck would have it Scott was more like a bookkeeper than just in looks. Everything was organized and quick to search. Pulling the files to couch I begin to search and within 5 minutes I was hit with a bombshell. Scott didn't own the club. He had a silent and very powerful partner. Not only that but they were silent investors in everything. The club, the salon, some dance clubs in the area, a tattoo parlor a few gambling and prostitution rings, the clinic and even a dry cleaners. Oh Shit we were fucked! My mind was a whirl as I tried to figure out what to do. Getting our files from Scott was one thing but getting away from the some syndicate was another. Even thinking about it I knew they would not let us go easily if we knew everything they were tied into. Bailey and I needed leverage or we would end up dead, dead, dead. I split the files quickly. One set for the files that related to Bailey and me. Another set that only had Scott's name or did not indicate an owner. A third set that detailed the network. I kept stack one and three and put the rest back in the safe. I also put in $17,000. I figured we could use the rest but if there was nothing the cops would suspect. Fortunately these were the bulk of the files and it didn't look like too much was missing. I quickly tidied up and closed up everything before putting on a smile and headed out to the bar, the files stuffed down in my bag. The place was like a party. Everyone had heard and started to filter in. Like all gossip we gathered bits and pieces as people coughed up little tidbits they had gathered. Scott's bust was on the local news. They were reporting a local "crime" figure had been arrested for drug and human trafficking. Someone heard he had been at his partner's house when the bust went down. Someone else thought it had been a traffic stop. The TV had a live shot of him being walked into the police station in hand cuffs and ten minutes later there was Christy being dragged in as well. I knew now why she was so freaked out. Catching Bailey attention we drifted off to a corner where I could talk. "I have the files. We are so screwed though." I whispered "What's up" she asked "Not here. I need to disappear for an hour and then I will be right back. Don't tell anyone I left ok?" Bailey looked into my eyes and kissed me hard as she wrapped her arms around me. I was slightly taller but she liked bigger heels so I always seemed like I was the short one. "Stay safe" She whispered before watching me go out the back door. I knew I had to be quick about where to hide the files and money. I wracked my brain and remembered a warm spot out in a local meadow I use to sunbathe at. It had a big tree and lots of rocks around plus it was mostly ignored by the locals. 10 minutes to buy some zip lock bags and another 20 to drive out to the tree and I was down on my hands and knees pushing them under a stump. Before the hour was up I was back at the club in party mode trying to pretend everything was normal. Bailey and I talked and figured we would be missed if we tried to leave early. It turned out to be a good decision too as 2 hours later a few uniformed officers showed up and broke up the festivity. Everyone was pulled aside to the back room for an interview with the very sexy and very single Detective Samulson. Mmm he was tasty looking. When it was my turn I got to do my best Sharon Stone impersonation. I teased the hell out of the poor Detective and reveled in seeing his hardon go up and down as I answered his questions. I promised to call if I needed ANYTHING and I watched him take a quick break to the bathroom after we spoke. Bailey was laughing when I came back. "Leave it to you to hit on the poor boy" she teased "Love, poor has nothing to do with it. Did you see the size of his cock?" The two officers standing guard just about choked on their water when they heard me say that but we quickly soothed their feelings by hitting on them while we waited. After a few hours we were all released with promises not to leave town. Bailey and I were planning on disappearing as we were sure our fake ID's would not stand up but we promised to be good. When we got home I filled Bailey in on everything I had found out. "They own everything? No way." She exclaimed "I know I felt that way too" "Look let's just get on the bus and be out of here." "We need to stay the night. I think Detective Samulson send someone after us when we left. I don't think they suspect us of anything but I do think we have a babysitter for the night. Plus I need to think. Running may not be best plan." Bailey looked troubled but she trusted me "Ok but if we both get arrested you get to be my prison bitch ok?" Laughing I agreed and dragged her off to the bedroom. It was easy to forget our issues and concentrate on Bailey. Who knew what lay ahead but I was going to make the most of tonight. Pushing Bailey back on the bed I licked and sucked on the soft skin of her stomach. My hair slid over her skin, teasing her with my now long soft locks. Bailey moaned as I took control and was the aggressor. I dragged my hands over her breasts and locked my mouth down onto her waiting eager lips. I slid my own legs up over her head so I could properly get to work between her thighs. Bailey took the hint and started to lick and suck on my own crotch. I didn't have anything there, yet, but Bailey was creative and knew just what was sensitive. Before long she was flicking the tip of her tongue over the exposed tip of my cock and down the folds of my faux pussy. That crazy doctor was wacko but she knew what she was doing and had grafted my folds like the mad scientist she was. They were very enflamed and full of sensitive skin. Bailey's tongue felt divine as it ran all over me. No one else knew my secrets so no one could do this but her. Not wanting to forget my own mission I tenderly licked her thighs, teasing my way forward. I had learned over the last year that slow always worked better than fast in bringing your partner to pleasure. I wanted this to go oh so slow. Using my nose I rubbed her softly as the soft silk of my hair draped over her legs. I used my tongue stud to drag along every exposed inch of her sweet smooth pussy. I drew long slow circles around every sensitive inch as she squirmed under my touch. Her own mouth quivered each time I hit a sensitive skin. Moaning she gasped "I give in, please..." and I knew I had her just at her peak. Switching speed I gave her slit a long slow hard lick all the way from her ass up along to her clit. When I arrived I wrapped the whole thing in my lips and pushed forward with the stud. Her gasp and quick orgasm made my own pleasure build. Before she could recover I slid in my long nailed finger and felt around looking for her G-Spot. I knew right where to find it and brought her whole body up off the sheets once I pulled up. Bailey lost all ability to control her own mouth and screamed out "YES. OH GOD YES!!" I knew I might not get off but I was going to make sure Bailey was done properly. Licks, flicks and breaths sped up and I drove her to a crest and pushed beyond. Every time she started to come down from one mind blowing orgasm I drove her right back up to another. Two, three then finally four racked her body as she collapsed under my care. As she lay panting I crawled along her body and nuzzled her nipples. Her own hands twisted in my hair and stroked me as she caught her breath. "Was that not what you had in mind tonight?" I asked coyly. She laughed as she tried to catch her breath and just looked me in the eyes smiling. "You are too good to be true." We held each other in our post sexual bliss and fell asleep. In the morning I did an inspection of our street while I pretended to go get coffee. Like I suspected the cops had left sometime in the night to search for real crime and we were finally free. Bailey and I packed very lightly, only things that would point to us and few changes of clothes went into the bags. I was going to miss all the outfits and the items but I knew we couldn't take them all. Before noon we were at a local car rental place, getting an invisible compact that would blend in. For a few extra dollars no ID or credit cards were needed. As we drove around I filled Bailey in on my idea. She was thought it crazy but when questioned could not come up with a better plan. We would call the 'Syndicate' and arrange for a transfer. Exchange the files and cash for new IDs and escape from the mess of our past lives. It sounded good but I was shaking in my boots when I called the number I found in the safe. "Hello, we want to make a trade" I stammered "Of course you do. Is everything safe?" "Yes I have everything. You and I both don't want this to get out. Lets meet and we can both walk away happy." "My office..." "NO, I want somewhere public, open." "You are a cautious bird. Ok love, have it your way. The E Street Cafe at 3:00." And hung up. Giving Bailey an encouraging nod I squeezed her hand and we left the pay phone. At 3:00 we pulled up to the Cafe. I swear to god it looked just like the dinner in Pulp Fiction but it was open, bright and had people in several booths. Bailey had suggested running again but I had talked her out of it, knowing this was our best shot. Holding my hands we walked in the door and scanned the crowed. I saw them immediately. How could you miss the blond and black haired duo? Bailey slid in first and I followed as we looked up into the eyes of Barbra Paterson and her sister Dr. Sue Paterson. I felt like a fool to not notice earlier but I never saw the connection. Now 4 feet away you could see how much they looked like each other. They were both crazy in their own way. Bailey cowered in the corner. Taking a big swallow I started to talk before I lost my nerve. "Um. Hi..." "Oh she is so polite Sue. I knew this one was special from the start." Barbara said. She looked over Bailey and me like a proud mother. It was strange, for someone who was so close to being picked up 24 hours ago I expected her to be nervous. The files we had would put her away for 60 years if released. Dr. Patterson, Sue that is, just looked at us like meat. I could see the clockworks in her brain as she evaluated everything. Breasts just right, cheek bones flat, could pop them up. Waist fine, lips could use a little work. "So um... We thought that we could make a deal. You know the files for our freedom." "Oh right down to business. I always liked that about you Roxana. So direct." It was clear she would be the one to talk to. "What is it you want love?" "Bailey and I want ID that can't be traced back to our old lives. We want money to replace what we just walked away from and we want a trust, both of us want to go to college." I figured since I was this far, might as well go for it. "Plus I want you to help out Nick so he can go back to school to..." "My, my, my and a little mercenary as well. Let's see, school for three, plus expenses. That would be about $250,000 total I think. Very expensive my dear, but you were kind as to keep our name out of everything. Scott was always such a liability, but he so loved working at the club. This would be for the files and the cash?" "Yes, but we keep our own files. You get everything else." "Bailey you agree to this?" She asked Bailey was trembling in fear but shook her head in agreement. "You said I could finish her!" Dr. Paterson whispered "She is not done! I need to finish her before we let her go." "I know love but what are we to do? It's a fair offer and think of what option we have." Something wasn't right. She was taking this all too calmly. Licking my lips I thought maybe Bailey had been right and we should have just disappeared. Barbara looked over at Bailey and spoke. "I think we need to get everyone's opinion don't you?" Having no idea what the hell she was saying I just sat there. "Bambi Breaks Barriers" and with a look of horror I saw a change come over Bailey. She sat up straight, threw out her tits and got this vapid smile on her face. "Hello Bambi, how are you?" "Like Hello Mistress Barbara. Thanks for that, I feel so much better now." She reached into her purse and pulled out a tube of pink lip gloss and started to darken up her makeup. I felt sick inside. My Bailey was gone in a flash and replaced by a Christy clone. I could see that her whole demeanor had changed as she adjusted her top to push out her breasts and started scoping out the guys. I just about died inside. "So dear, Roxana here just ask if you two could leave us. How do you feel about that?" "Leave the club? Like no way Mistress. I would just die without all those nice hard cocks and sweet pussy. Do you want me too Mistress?" Her voice even went up an octave. I swear she sounded like a bimbo. "Has she been good Bambi?" "Oh yes Mistress, she is the best pussy licker in the place and my god, can this girl party. When she comes out to play it's like so hard to keep pretending to be Bailey. I can't wait to rock the world once she has her sex change." "Thank you dear. I think it's time we spoke to Roxana alone. Bailey Blinks Bye bye." And she was out like a light. I sat there stunned. It was all fake. I loved her and she was just a spy for Barbara and Sue. My tears started to come before I knew what was going on. I had dreamed of sharing my life with her and now to learn it was all fake. When you put something under pressure for so long it can do only two things, conform or break. I felt like I was doing both. My heart and mind were about to break and I was just about willing to do anything at this point to just make it stop. "You shouldn't cry love. She does love you. We have our sessions every Monday when you are at cooking class. She tells me everything and I know she loves you. Bambi is just a side of her like Roxy is of you. Plus it was so sweet seeing your face when she came out. A look of horror, fascination and just a tinge of lust. You two have been my favorites for some time. "I loved how you thought up this whole thing on your own. Not realizing that the combination I gave you weeks ago. The plan was my backup if Scott ever got picked up. Bailey and you were sleeper agents so to speak. I bet you don't even remember our weekly appointments" With growing dismay I could see it all. Once a week I would sit in the office of Dr. Barbara Paterson, licensed psychologist and hypnotherapist. She had been messing with me even more than I dreamed. "I do think it's sweet how you improvised though. The original plan was for you to take the files and hide them under the tree then go never remembering a thing. I loved how you tried to save us. I thought the file drop would trip you up. Riley never sunbathed out under an oak tree. You just went with the flow. Leaving some of the files and money was genius. The cops have already closed the case and Scott, I am sorry to say will be going away for a long time. It's wonderful, a friend on the force says he may be mentally unstable and need a session or two. I can't wait to play with his mind." "I get to finish her?" Sue jumped in "Oh I don't know dear. It was sweet how she tried to save us. I think maybe college would be a nice reward. What do you think Riley, should we let you go?" I was stunned. Not knowing what was up or down. Would they let me go? What about Bailey? I couldn't leave her. I didn't know what to say and just sat there in stunned silence. "I guess I will have to decide. I can never refuse my sister anything so. Riley Requires Rest " Thinking I was going to black out any second, I just stared at them with panicked eyes. Oh shit my life was a mess. "Well would you look at that. She does not think of herself as Riley anymore. Oh this could be a great paper. But later I think. Roxana Requires Rest" and I blacked out. I woke up once more, strapped to a table, lines drawn all over my body and crotch. I had an oxygen mask on my face and an IV in my arm. I could hear someone humming before Dr. Sue Paterson appeared in my vision. She had a big smile on her face. "You are going to be perfect" then she adjusted something and I blacked out again. Epilogue I loved college. I loved everything about it. I loved the parties, the boys, even my classes. Bailey and I were just about to start our second semester. Life flew by in a blink of an eye when you were not paying attention. But the last 6 months were like a fantasy dream. Barbara had agreed to our demands and by the start of fall semester, both Bailey and I were freshman at State. I had panicked waking up on that table but the second time I came to, it was all done. Riley was no more and I felt complete for the first time in my life. I still felt odd thinking of myself as a boy. When I ran my fingers along my beautiful new clit and pussy I knew this was what I wanted. Dr. Paterson could not help to make a few more changes as well. I was sporting a full DD cup now. I loved them but their weight reminded me every day I would never go braless again. My cheekbones were higher and my lips a little more full. Plus I don't know what she did to my waist but it gave me this perfect hard body with a pear shaped ass. Bailey had gone under the knife as well but it was mostly little stuff around her face. The impact was stunning. Most of the summer was a blur. Our deal with the sisters was not without consequence. Two appointments a week for 8 weeks with Miss Barbara left big holes in my memory. It was worth it though, I think. I wondered what I was missing. I try not to think about it as it makes me cry some times. I do hear that Nick is back in school again as well. I talk to from him from time to time but being two states away make it hard to keep close. We had a great time over Christmas break though. Bailey and I joined Sigma Tau Nu. I swear it is the nastiest sorority on campus but the parties are epic and the two of us never missed one. We have to play down our past but there are a few girls who could be great dancers. Bailey and I joke about what it would take to get them up on the pole. We may have to try and turn out one or two. I ended up with a boyfriend - Tad. He doesn't know anything about my past but he is dumb as a post so it was easy to keep him in the dark. He was a fun fuck though. The first time I felt his cock slide inside it felt so right. We tried to keep it light but I think the poor boy was falling in love with me. His loss, my heart still belonged to Bailey. She has her own boy toy on the side as well. We didn't want to look like sluts or anything. Bailey and I were sitting on the couch looking over our spring schedules when the bell rang. Our house was a bit of party central so it was not that suppressing to have uninvited guests. When I opened the door I got a huge surprise waiting for me. "Monique!!!" I squealed "What are you doing here girl?" She walked in and held my arms out to each side. "Damn girl you look amazing. Aren't you going to give me a hug and welcome me inside?" I squealed as I wrapped her up in my arms and dragged her over to the couch. "Bailey this is...." I started "Hello Bailey, it's been a while. You look stunning as well" Monique cut in. Bailey looked surprised as I was. "You two know each other?" "In a manner of speaking, I found little miss Samantha here at a bus stop one night." "Bailey, Monique was my next door neighbor." I fell back onto the love seat with her as Monique took the chair across from us. Monique gave this low throaty laugh as she looked in my face. "After all you have been through Roxana, you are still the same happy trusting person inside. It's what I always loved about you. I told Professor Paterson that you would figure it out but she knew you better than I did. That's just so precious." I took a big swig of my glass of wine as the implications filtered through. "Baby, wipe that shock off your face. I'm not here to do anything to you. But you still don't get it do you...?" "When I went away to school, Veronica was my recruiter. After opening my world to a little sapphic love and some S&M she introduced me to Professor Paterson. Professor Barbara Paterson, head of the school of Psychology here at State. Remember my internship? Who do you think it was with Roxana? You were my first project. I was to see if we could take an average everyday boy and turn him into a sex starved, cum loving party girl. Looking at you and hearing about what happened I think I got a passing grade. I wasn't going to do it at first. After a few days I could see deep in your eyes that you would thank me for it one day. You wanted to be a girl so bad it dripped from you every time you walked into the room. "I met Bailey here on my way back to school. She was a bonus and we brought her into the program as well." Bailey and I held on to each other as the shock settled in. "What do you want Monique?" I mumbled "Why to offer you a job offer sweetie. Veronica recruited me; I recruited you and Bailey, now it's your turn. I was ever the over achiever and I am graduating a year early so Mistress Barbara needs a new recruiter. From what I hear the two of you could do it in your sleep if you wanted." Standing up, she finished her wine and picked up her bag. "I would love to stay but I have a flight to catch. I am setting up my own small business in New York this summer and I don't have time to waste. I have to scout out locations this week. "Mistress Barbara wants to see the two of you in her office Tuesday morning at 10:00. You better be prepared with at least 3 candidates for her to review." She walked over and gave me a long passionate kiss. I was too surprised to stop her before she walked out the door. "Ta ta for now ladies. I will see you later this month since I am your TA until May." Bailey and I sat on the couch in silence for a good ten minutes. My thoughts were running wild in my head. Monique had set this all up. She was the start of my pathway that had led me to this point. For some reason I couldn't be angry at her. She was right I loved being a woman and without her I would never have met Bailey. I was scared, forced and coerced to this point but looking back I think I loved every inch of the journey. Bailey looked into my eyes as I gazed back. "Do you think Tad could end up as a Tabatha?" She asked I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a long hard kiss "If we did it right she would look just like the girl next door." The End........ Characters Monique: Mistress Monique started her own BDSM business in New Your City. She was an immediate hit and specialized in forced feminization work. Rumor has it that two state senators and a US congressman were on her client list. When her parents found out there was a very loud argument at home but it ended ok. Her mom had a satisfied smile and her dad can been seen most weekends with a collar around his neck. Veronica: Veronica went on to leave the recruiting business and make her mark in music. She was the behind the scenes producer on Pink's last album and rumor has it she is working with Adele on her world tour. She is still working on her issues with men but is close friends with Roxana, figuring she was always a girl underneath to begin with. Scott: Scott is still serving 4 consecutive 30 year sentences for drug trafficking and human trafficking. He was planning on turning states evidence on a reported bigger crime syndicate but after a state order psych review his testimony never held up. The renowned Dr. Patterson testified that he was mentally unstable and even contemplating leaving prison by growing wings like an angel. Christy: Christy ended up serving 5 years as Scott's business partner and accomplice. While in jail she found the lord as her savior and has gone on to preach about the evils of drink, drugs and sex. Still, no one likes her. Paris and Chastity: Both girls are still working the club circuit. Paris's boyfriend in Miami ended in a quick divorce and her coming back home within a year. Chastity rotated back as well and the two moved in as roomies. Rumor has it two of them might have something going on. Sierra: Sierra found she loved to teach the art of the strip more than she loved to dance. She opened her own studio teaching aerobic exercise though pole dancing and is currently booked 6 nights a week with bored housewives and giggly co-eds. Every now and then she finds a gem and directs them on. No one is sure who put up the money for her to open the studio. Bella: Bella still owns the salon. She also opened a side business as a style consultant to the local strip clubs. She will make customer costumes, give advice on makeup and even throw the odd bachelorette party where everyone gets a stripper makeover. Sue: Sue is still the grumpy bartender at a club in town. The Sugar Shack was closed but a new club, Wild Cats, opened up within weeks with some mystery backers. Mark: Mark moved up from head bouncer to club manager. When the Sugar Shack closed he too moved over to manage Wild Cats. Nick: Nick went on to finish college and get his degree in business management. He now lives in the suburbs with a sweet wife who he met in school and two boys he adores. He jokes about the good old days when you get him drunk but at his core he is still one the good ones. I never said I was. I sent a Barbie doll to his eldest son last Christmas. Elliot: I ran into Elliot years later at a party. He and I ended up having a torrid affair for 6 months before our passion petered out. He is designing the new city center project and has recently been recognized for his outstanding creativity. I still dream some day if might have been the one under different circumstances. His friend Nathan now runs the local hospital. David and Allen: David comes to town from time to time. He still offers to make me kept woman but I am too much of a free spirit. That doesn't stop me from keeping him in the friends with benefits category. His friend Allen fared less well as it came out that he was a juicer during his playing days. Sadly he died of a heart attack at an early age. Bailey still swears that it had nothing to do with her as they had finished at least an hour earlier. My Parents: They went on to deal with their grief very quietly. There project was a huge success but it always felt hollow after the loss of their son. I made a promise to myself that I would go home for Christmas and see them this year but it's been several years in a row I have broken it. Bailey keeps telling me I need to do it but she is a better person than I and I am scared of where to start. Dr. Sue Paterson: Sue retired into seclusion after she announced to the world her masterpiece was complete. Always an odd ball she is known to stay with her sister and rarely goes out. A few pioneering new techniques in sexual reassignment surgery have cropped up accredited to unknown sources over the last few years. Dr. Barbara Paterson: Miss Barbara is still the dean of State University School of Psychology. She has a couple of ground breaking articles on the facets of the mind as well as induced multiple personality complexes. To all she is a pillar of the local community. When she is behind her mask at the local BDSM club she is known by her other moniker of Mistress B. She is revered for her skill in training subs and having served a time or two on my knees, I can attest to her methods. Tad: Tabatha can be found dancing at Wild Cats on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Her tits are small but we all have high hopes they will finally develop. Bailey: Samantha was able to clear her name when her old boyfriend was finally caught. Through some back channels her record was expunged. She went on to open a clinic devoted to child welfare and abuse cases. She even consults with the local DA's office on relevant cases. In private she is still Bailey to me. She admits thats who she was when she found love. We are planning to go to NY and make it official next year. Veronica and Monique have offered to be our maids of honor. Roxana/Riley: Riley is thankfully no more. His pathway was a long and torturous one but it was the right one. As for me, Roxana, well that story may take another day.

Same as Pathways Part 11- Darker ending Videos

3 years ago
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Pathways Part 7

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Special thanks to Rezai Balo for helping edit the story and bring it...

4 years ago
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Pathways Part 6

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Special thanks to Rezai Balo for helping edit the story and bring it...

3 years ago
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Pathways Part 9

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Special thanks to Rezai Balo for helping edit the story and bring it...

4 years ago
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Pathways Part 10

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Special thanks to Rezai Balo for helping edit the story and bring it...

2 years ago
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Pathways Part 1

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Standard disclaimers, this is a story of fiction and all characters...

1 year ago
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Pathways Part 2

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Standard disclaimers, this is a story of fiction and all characters...

2 years ago
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Pathways Part 8

Part 8 I finished my shift, working as quickly as possible. I didn't want to be here but if I didn't keep control of my thoughts I would find myself flirting with some guy and begging for a private dance. I had to think not to slip into Roxana and god forbid, Roxy. When I found a quiet place I could even force myself back to Riley, but it was very hard. Thoughts and memories would slip in and I had to question each and every one. I found I could reach a balance between the three...

1 year ago
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Pathways Part 5

Part 5 They say changes come in threes. I think I may be living proof of that. On Monday night my parents returned home after my bliss filled weekend. They seemed agitated after their big conference and asked me to stay in Tuesday for a family meeting. I was in a panic all day that I had been found out, wondering where I had gone wrong. Crazy ideas flew through my head. I was convinced I was headed off to military school in a week and would be disowned. My birthday was on...

2 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 2

Angel stirred. Nina was instantly awake, as she had been off and on throughout the day and now into the hours of darkness. Exhaustion was apparently not enough to keep the nightmares away. The blonde woman suspected he was not just reliving the fight in the alley but much more. There had been a stab of jealousy when the restless vampire had mumbled "Buffy", but she determinedly smothered it and simply held him and soothed him whenever his thrashings woke her. He would clutch at her and...

1 year ago
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A Darker Side of Justice Part 1

A Darker side of Justice By LaShaunda Part 1 It never ceases to amaze me, in hindsight, just how quickly and unexpectedly my life turned upside down. It was in my sophomore year of High School, and I NEVER would have seen this coming. And it was not just me, but everyone in my town and family who was ultimately affected. My life growing up was a paragon of normalcy. I was just a...

1 year ago
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This is the hub. The story does not start here. This is a little place to explain the rules and the way the story works. A place for everyone to come in and navigate through the different storylines. The main two rules are essentially this... 1 Please do not post directly into any of the storylines that I START. Short & simple. (Comments don't count) 2 The story is led by the readers so to make the main character do something or try to do something, then tell me in the comments of this story....

4 years ago
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Pathways to a Feminine Future

I opened my eyes slowly. Everything hurt. Especially down below. Last thing I remembered was the screaming, then the crunch. I looked over, and saw Mom and Dad sitting next to the bed I was in. The settings started to be more recognizable, as I realized I must be in a hospital bed. I heard a faint beeping and whooshing from what appeared to be a respirator behind me. I got the sense that I had been here a while. I looked at Mom and Dad, an unfamiliar hose tugging at my mouth...

2 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 1

"Why do they always have to make speeches?" Angel asked himself, through the aches and pains that defined his world right now. In the movies they do that so that the good guy can get rescued at the last moment. But there wouldn't be any of that for him. Not today. There wasn't anyone left to rescue him. As he had foreseen, Gunn was the first one to fall. He had taken a heavy toll of the attacking army, heavier than anyone could have thought possible. It had been possible only because he...

2 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 3

(Nearly a month has passed since the events of NFA and the first two chapters.) "Clang!" Steel rang on steel. One sword twisted and spun blindingly to one side and thrust again. The other blade hesitated and only a leap backwards by its wielder allowed it to interpose itself in time. "You have to be faster, Nina. Don't think, react. Let your training take over." The woman nodded. She took a second to rake the blonde locks that had escaped from her pony-tail away from her face and then...

3 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 4

Willow carefully hung up the phone and sat there thinking. She didn't stir until Kennedy's arms slipped around her. Even then she merely covered her girlfriend's hands with her own and continued to stare off into space. "That must have been some phone call." "It was." willow shook her head and began to recount what Nina had told her. When she was finished Kennedy summarized for her. "So we have a female that none of us has ever heard of before. She claims that Angel had never...

4 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 5

Angel yawned. Business was slow. There hadn't been a client of any kind in three days now and he was getting a bit bored. Of course there was also the fact that he had slept alone for the last two days. With the Hyperion safe again thanks to Willow and with the "helping the helpless" thing in neutral, she had gone to spend some time with Jill and Amanda. He had encouraged her to do that but was ready for her to come back home now. She had called this morning to say that she had one more...

3 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 7

Buffy and Nina watched, almost serenely, as the ring of vampires tightened around them. Buffy appeared almost bored and Nina was getting a glint in her eyes that had nothing to do with fear. If the vampires had not been so arrogantly full of themselves they might have sensed that these two women were not the ones who needed to be afraid. Even Buffy raised an eyebrow when Nina started taking her clothing off. "Is that necessary?" she inquired. "If I'm going to have anything to wear...

2 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 8

Angel woke to a splitting headache. Not surprising him in the least, he was spread-eagled and chained to a stone wall. He winced as the gnomes wielding their sledgehammers on the inside of his head increased their tempo. "Ah, back with us at last," came a mock cheerful voice. Angel pried one eye open, then the other. He gave his best glare at the figure in front of him. "Doesn't anyway in the damn city ever STAY dead?" "That's pretty rich, coming from you. But just because I'm...

4 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 9

The fight was on. The two Slime Demons that Lindsey had brought along to help him ambush Angel were not the only ones he had enlisted. The pair of young women counted a total of six demons in the room. They attacked anyway. While Nina had heard vague comments about Lindsey from Angel she had never laid eyes on him. She did recognize his scent though as being the human male she had detected at the kidnapping site. Then the demons counterattacked and the brawl filled the room. Buffy was in...

1 year ago
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PathwaysChapter 4 Holly and Robin

Ian: My sophomore year was coming to an end. I would be working at Maxwell Marine again, while Deb went home to Sechelt and spent the summer at her dad's hardware store. I was going to sorely miss her over the next three months, and I told her so. "Don't get hung up on me, Ian. We've had a great time together and maybe that's all there will be. Whatever you do, don't fall in love with me. You don't have enough experience with women to know what you want yet. You need to find another...

2 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 5 Short and Sweet

That was my one and only date with Holly. We weren't right for each other. You probably think I'm crazy for turning down regular sex, but she made me uncomfortable. I don't know what her problem was, but I didn't want to be part of it. Strangely, Terry and Robin became an item. Well, maybe it wasn't strange at all. They were a lot alike and it was good to see two shy, nice people hook up. In the meantime, I was getting email and text messages from Holly wanting to know when we could get...

3 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 6 What comes next

Ian: My fourth and final year at UBC was pretty uneventful. I had several dates with several different girls, but none of them were long-term girlfriend material. I was surprised that I shared a class in Computer Science with Debbie Cummings. She wanted to help her dad modernize his bookkeeping and inventory control at the hardware store. He was part of a buying group and they were putting a lot of pressure on to get him to get up to date and onto their new network. I had similar ideas for...

3 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 7 The Last Thing I Expected

I was putting in long hours at the Guelph operation, as well as flying to Moncton every two weeks to make sure they were staying on schedule. Liz was doing well and all I could do was say "thanks" as she continued to show she could do the job. I wondered if she wasn't the answer for a manager. She certainly knew what was going on in the Moncton operation. I also sensed that the staff were with her. She was making my job easier because I didn't have to worry about her dropping the...

3 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 8 Decision Time

We stood on the bridge over the Elora Gorge as the dusk slowly turned to night. Neither of us was in any hurry to end the evening. A lot was unspoken, but I could feel the excitement growing in me as we talked about the future. If there was a way for us to be together, I wanted to make it happen. It meant I would be staying here in Ontario. I would have to let Bob know my feelings and see what that meant for my future in the company. But I knew what I wanted and I was sure of it. I drove the...

2 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 9 Returning West

I didn't see Bernie that weekend. We had been pretty much getting together on a casual basis. One of us would phone the other and we would decide to do something. Bernie didn't call on Saturday or Sunday and that was okay with me. I wasn't in a dating mood. I did go to the local wheelchair basketball tournament games, but sat up in the bleachers, well out of sight of her. The attendance was sparse and I thought I knew why. Many of us were still reeling from the shock of the attacks on the...

4 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 10 My Own Little Bandbox circa 2002

The rental market in Vancouver had always been very tight. Too few places for too many people. As a result, the prices were high because the demand was high. I had some money saved, but not enough to make a down payment on any kind of place that was within thirty miles of my job. It looked like staying at home and saving enough to get in on the bottom rung of the housing ladder was going to be my fate. Happily, I'd meet no resistance to that from my parents. I went to work after a good...

4 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 11 A Change of Scenery

By May, I knew that there was going to be no happy ending for the Cummings family. There was no improvement in Ralph's condition, and in fact, he seemed to be wasting away before our very eyes. I said nothing to him or to Deb about my observations, but it was impossible to believe they didn't see what I could see. He was very weak after his treatments now, eating nothing at all and sleeping more than waking during the day. When I brought him into my home in May, he thanked me as he always...

3 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 12 A Bit of Good Luck

When I awoke on Sunday morning, I was confused for a moment, wondering what was different. The scent and warmth of the young body occupying the other side of the queen size was enough to stir my memory. Deb was my houseguest who had turned into my roommate. Sometime during the night, she had backed herself into me and my arm was over her hip and my hand tucked under her t-shirt, resting on her belly. If she was awake, I was sure she would feel my erection. It was the first time that I had...

2 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 13 Settling In and Getting Involved

I saw a notice in the sports page of the paper about a wheelchair basketball tournament. It reminded me of how much I enjoyed watching Bernie's team compete in their tournaments. I made a note of the time and location of the tournament. I wanted to attend and see if I still had an interest in the sport. "Deb, there's a wheelchair basketball tournament on this weekend. I'd like to attend. Maybe I can be of some help ... if they need any." "Okay," she said with a smile. "I remember...

1 year ago
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PathwaysChapter 14 Doing the Deed

We were lying in bed, going over the afternoon and evening of our Thanksgiving family feast. I knew that it was time for me to bare my soul to Deb. Mother had laid it all out on the table this afternoon, but when I thought about it later, eventually someone would ask that very question. After all, Deb and I had known each other for almost five years. Sure, it wasn't a continuous five years, but I think we were close enough over that time that we could say we truly understood each other. I...

1 year ago
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Aunty8217s Darker Side Exposed Part 8211 2

A Quick Recap: Sushant happens to stay with her aunty and uncle where he learns about her aunty’s darker side, in which she cuckolds him with another man and also whips him on daily basis. ************* It’s been a week now since I’m living at my aunty’s, and I have been peeping inside of their room through the window daily to watch the harem that has been performed by my aunty on uncle daily. It is the Sunday morning, I woke up following my alarm at 6:00 am and rushed to their room. I...

3 years ago
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Entrapment Two Sides To Every Story Part 5B Alternative Ending

ENTRAPMENT, TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY PART 5B. THE SAME AS PART 5A UNTIL THE LAST CHAPTER WHERE IT CONCLUDES WITH A HAPPIER ENDING FOR THOSE READERS THAT THOUGHT THE STORY A LITTLE TOO BRUTAL AND UNRELENTING XXX MR WILTON'S PERSPECTIVE I drifted off to sleep after she left, briefly waking at about 9AM the next morning. I sent her a text message with the photo I had taken last night to give her something to think about whilst she was at work that day. I wasn't working until...

2 years ago
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Exploration of a Darker Side

Exploration of a Darker SideIntroductionSarah Patterson is a 35 year old mother of two, happily married to Bryan for 11 years, together for 13.  He is a hard working carpenter with his own business.  A successful business and one that affords them a very comfortable lifestyle, a nice 4 bedroom detached house in a leafy rural suburb of Birmingham and a luxury holiday caravan in the Yorkshire Dales.Sarah is a qualified teacher who lectures at a local teacher training college 2 days a week.  She...

First Time
1 year ago
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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

3 years ago
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the birthday part 3ending

She takes a moment to enjoy the moment or maybe she was reconsidering what she was going to say but she said anyways,“I I like “ she hesitates,“you like what, tell me, so I can do it” I respond back as I am caught up on the moment myself her skin felt some soft like silk, she was so dedicated so tender. I love the way her body responded to my every touch I felt a raise with everything.“I too like oral, I like to be sucked slowly take your time, suck the tip tease it with the tip of your tongue”...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 3

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 3 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 12 - Rentr?e des Classes pour Chris Pour des raisons diff?rentes, les deux cousins ?taient tout aussi inquiets. Chris faisait sa rentr?e dans la l'?cole de beaut? et Sam avait mis ses nouveaux v?tements et esp?rait plaire ? Jessica. M?me s'il avait dit le contraire ? son cou...

1 year ago
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Aunty8217s Darker Side Exposed Part 8211 4

Introduction: This is long and rich with eroticism, and would ask your patience. I hope to satisfy the arousing of the indian sex stories dot net readers who wanted this to happen. Thank you. A quick recap: Sushant’s aunty is a dominant partner in her marriage with his submissive uncle. She is a highly empowered woman, the only female Deputy Inspector General (D.I.G.) of the state. Sushant happens to stay with his aunty in his parents’ absence, where he finds out her various instincts as a...

2 years ago
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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

3 years ago
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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

3 years ago
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Exploration of a Darker Side

Exploration of a Darker Side Introduction Sarah Patterson is a 35 year old mother of two, happily married to Bryan for 11 years, together for 13.  He is a hard working carpenter with his own business.  A successful business and one that affords them a very comfortable lifestyle, a nice 4 bedroom detached house in a leafy rural suburb of Birmingham and a luxury holiday caravan in the Yorkshire Dales. Sarah is a qualified teacher who lectures at a local teacher training college 2 days a week. ...

4 years ago
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Darker Desires

It was 6:47 as I looked over at the alarm. The sun was starting to creep through the window, so like my usual self I pushed my face into the bed and pulled my satin pillow over my head, god I loved the way it felt just like the sheets my nude body was in between so smooth they felt like I would just slide off. OK I thought You have to get out of bed sometime Amber trying to encourage myself. I still had a headache from the night before, by now I should have learn to lay off the drinks, but...

2 years ago
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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 4 Darker Tidings

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 4, Darker Tidings It was Monday morning. Since I'd just left school and college didn't start for another eight weeks, Mondays didn't seem so bad anymore. I'd arranged to meet Monique and her Grandma to talk my suddenly becoming a witch and what it entailed. Especially about what this dark entity was all about? Monique had said that it's probably bullshit and even if it wasn't it would need some kind of anomaly to your regular witch to be able to do...

3 years ago
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A Darker Universe

A Darker Universe by Mermaid Master, Delisha, Dina & slave bodica Copyright © 2008 All rights reserved This material may not be sold but may be freely reproduced and distributed without charge as long as it is done in its entiretyThis is a variation on the NUDEP stories by Nialos Leaning found at  This story takes things another step further.  It includes overt sexual activities between teens.  If this will be offensive, DO NOT READ IT.  It is a...

4 years ago
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Nude Bartending

This story is based on a true news report, however I made up everything in it. This is purely fictional. The actual Associated Press release is at the end of the story. Nude Bartending My car broke down in a small hick town in a rural area called Delhi, Illinois. As I quickly found out they pronounce it Dell-ee rather than Dell-hi. Go figure! The attendant at the local repair shop told me that I would have to stay in town until he got the parts sent in from Saint Louis. It was only...

2 years ago
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Aria di cambiamenti Parte 3 Rachel

Note from the author: The story is in Italian as I realized it is too hard for me to keep writing in English, but I will probably translate it later on. ---------------------------- Capitolo 3: Rachel Matt sedeva al tavolo della cucina di Steve. Una massa indistinta di capelli viola le ondeggiava davanti al viso ogni volta che si muoveva. Indossava ancora il pigiama prestatole da Chelsea. "Non riesco proprio a credere di aver avuto bisogno di un...

3 years ago
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The Body Castaways Part Two The Fate Of the Castaways Erics Ending

The Body Castaways: Part Two -- The Fate Of the Castaways! ERIC'S ENDING! (Eric's conclusion to the story begun in... The Body Castaways Part One: Igor, Hollywood Starlet!) An all-new, alternative version of the classic body- swapping episode of Gilligan's Island! The Characters and original script are copyrighted to others. No claim is made to those concepts by us. All additional elements of the story not in the original TV script nor owned by others are copyrighted to...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 5

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 5 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 21 - Une jolie secr?taire Sam se r?veilla en pensant que jamais il n'avait si bien dormi. Comme Chris dormait encore, il prit son petit d?jeuner en silence. Quand il entendit Chris arriver derri?re lui, Sam leva la t?te pour recevoir un baiser. "Sammy, tu as l'air...

3 years ago
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Introduceing the Spartan Spitter

Introduction: Ron Popeil offers a new invention called The Spartan Spitter. Introducing the Spartan Spitter Story: #25 Copyright 2005 Written: February 06 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Imagine yourself sitting in your favorite easy chair, nagging wife finally went to bed, or those unruly daughters disregarded your rules and ran out again,...

3 years ago
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My Happy Ending

Okay, before we got started here, I want to thank everyone who wrote last week to congratulate me about my upcoming wedding. For those of you who were wondering, yes it's true and I think it's right this time. Now this one is a very long story. it's a character study so those of you who hate long stories might want to pass on this one. On the other hand I have been listening to you and I will be alternating shorter stories that will probably be four pages or less, starting with a short one...

1 year ago
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The Cake An Ending

I read and listen to the words that are written in the reviews that are left after my stories, they are what gives me the incentive to write on. All of you who eave reviews I feel close to and regard you as my friends, but when those reviews diminish and become more critical, then it is time to change, or to stop. In many ways I had wanted to bring the cake story to a conclusion a while ago, but I was persuaded to resurrect it. Recently I wanted to find the best ending and at that time...

4 years ago
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Introduceing the Spartan Spitter

Story: #25 Copyright ©2005 Written: February 06 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Imagine yourself sitting in your favorite easy chair, nagging wife finally went to bed, or those unruly daughter's disregarded your rules and ran out again, you wish there was some way to spit and process them without spending a fortune, flipping...

2 years ago
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Bullies Extended Ending

Bullies Extended Ending When I originally wrote the story I ended at the last chapter including the epilogue. I left the gender of the protagonist intentionally blank. I didn't have any greater truths for anyone. In general, after years of these tg sex stories (even those without sex) I didn't see a need for a happy ending nor justice. If you want happy endings and justice go to the real movies where the hero always wins and the villain gets it in the end. But after reading the...

2 years ago
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For Blood or MoneyChapter 32 My Third Year in Kindergarten I Learned That All Stories Have a Good Ending

BEFORE YOU GO THINKING I was a really dumb little shit, let me set the record straight about why I was three years in kindergarten. Back then, in those olden days fifty plus years ago, there wasn’t an organized nursery school or preschool program, and kindergartens were taught mostly by volunteers in church basements. That was what got my mother into the classroom. She had been a campaigner for teaching the children of Swedish immigrants how to speak proper English and putting them on the...

2 years ago
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My Awakening Grows Darker Part II

In all my trips to the neighborhood, parking was the pits. Because of all the apartment buildings a parking spot was very hard to come by, and tonight was far worse than normal. Not only did I drive around so many times, there were just not the normal number of people moseying around. After about 45 minutes of slow cruising, I did notice a black man that I had never seen before and it seemed he was looking for the same thing as I. I jokingly thought to myself I hope he’s is looking for a...

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