Pathways To A Feminine Future free porn video

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I opened my eyes slowly. Everything hurt. Especially down below. Last thing I remembered was the screaming, then the crunch. I looked over, and saw Mom and Dad sitting next to the bed I was in. The settings started to be more recognizable, as I realized I must be in a hospital bed. I heard a faint beeping and whooshing from what appeared to be a respirator behind me. I got the sense that I had been here a while. I looked at Mom and Dad, an unfamiliar hose tugging at my mouth Bruises covered their faces, and it looked like my mom had a broken arm at the least. I tried to speak. Mom stopped me. "Honey, don't try to talk yet. You can't with the hose in your throat. The doctor will be by to remove it shortly. But we wanted to talk to your first. We've... You've been through a lot. We were in a car accident. Do you remember that?" I nodded. Mom smiled a grim smile, trying to keep a brave face. I could tell there was something they wanted to tell me but weren't yet sure how from the looks on their faces. Mom continued, as dad gripped her hand. "It was, uh, well, bad is an understatement. the Semi truck forced us over into the guardrail when the driver fell asleep, and the rail, well, it punched through the side of the car. I got off relatively easily, with a busted wing and a few missing fingers, but you, ... weren't quite as lucky." She lifted her bandaged arm. I could see the cast and what looked like a finger and a thumb left on her right hand. I shivered. Dad kissed mom on the head, then squeezed her close as he took up the tale. "The Guardrail, it punched through the side door, sending jagged metal back towards your mom and then into you." He closed his eyes, trembling at the memory. It took a moment before he went on. "The jagged metal it, well it hit your crotch. The ... device... you were wearing on your penis stopped the metal from punching through your hips and spine, but it, and some of your ribs took the brunt of the impact." He shivered at the mental image of the damage. My own mind was reeling, both from the probably level of damage I had endured, and from the revelation that at least a little of my secret was out. Mom continued the tale. "Honey, you took a lot of damage. You... you won't be able to have kids of your own. And there was some other trauma as well. When they were extracting you from the car, and stripping you to start first aid for the trauma, they, er, found your painted toenails, and the tights and panties. Why didn't you come to us if you wanted to transition? We would have supported you!" Mom started to cry. Dad continued where she left off. "The trauma was very bad, and we had some decisions to make. You've been in a coma for a week, but you needed emergency surgery. To your genitals. We had to decide for you if you would be happy with essentially nothing down there, with a glorified balloon in place of what you were born with, or with something closer to female anatomy. Soooo, er, surprise, you're a girl now! It was at that point I started to cry It had just been a silly game Carla and I had played, just a game of dress-up to spice things up, a game a boyfriend was happy to play for his girlfriend. It was then that the door opened and Carla arrived. In between my tears, I noticed her looking me over, speculatively. She seemed upset and sad that I was hurt, but it seemed that there was another facet to her inspection. It almost looked like there was a bit of a gleam in her eye, maybe even a hint of... Excitement? Huh. Maybe things would be ok after all. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Are you ready dear? My beautiful wife asked me as she handed me a small shot glass filled with an odd silvery liquid. I nodded, breathless and shaking slightly as I looked down at the concoction. My wife sauntered over to the couch across the way, flinging her leopardess tail off to the side as she sat down, her new Cheetara clone-like form purring as she sat down to watch, next to our next-door neighbor, the formerly petite and shy Judy, who was now going by the handle Dan. She seemed to be adjusting well to her new big burly biker form. The rest of the room was taken up by the other members of the neighborhood transformation club. Fred, rocking his shiny black rectangle monolith form, still sitting on his furniture dolly. His wife Linda, playing idly with her trademark bone femur, rethinking her own transformation into the iconic opening scene ape from 2001 for the hundredth time. Roger and Marsha, the twinned Siamese conjoined cyclopes, Fembot 912901-a, aka George the Barista, and her partner Rita, the sentient flock of seagulls. They all looked on expectantly as I pondered the fate before me. My mind made up, I downed the silvery nanite concoction in one shot. I didn't know what was going to happen to me, I had left the details up to my fierce and lovely wife. She was the reason we were even in this club, transformation was her fetish, making her happy was mine. I felt a warmth run down from my lips, down my throat, spreading out through all of my limbs and extremities and outward to my skin. It wouldn't be long now. I looked expectantly at the mirror across the way. Medical nanotechnology had changed the 23rd century forever. After a few false starts and minor incidents like the Seattle merge plague, they were now considered a safe and essential technology, no more controversial than an old-fashioned medical adhesive band aid might have been back in the day, and it had only taken a few short years for people to come up with other, more esoteric uses for them. With hundreds of settled worlds out there, and near immortal lifetimes to contend with, no one was really worried about who or what anyone wanted to become anymore. Humanity would survive, one way or another, and if a handful of creative types wanted to look a little different, were was the harm? I felt like something was about to happen. I was fairly excited to see what was going to happen next. The minimum 25 year sentence the club had decided on for transformations weighed in the back of my mind, as I noticed my fingernails start to extend. You could certainly add more transformations, you just couldn't undo any for a quarter century. That wasn't the only thing extending, and two large fleshy globes began to creep out from my chest. I watched as my form began to shrink a little in the mirror, the picture behind me that had been level with my head now 2, then 5, then 8 inches above the top of my head, even with the cascade of hair starting to spill out from my head. My features started to become softer, more feminine, and it was clear I was becoming some sort of woman. I could feel the bulge in my crotch start to shrink, and then begin to invert. I felt a rush similar to orgasm as my now vanishing testicles vanished along with my penis, retracting up inside under my pants. I could feel my body hair start to fall away everywhere else on my body. I was nearly a complete woman, when the more esoteric changes started happening. My hands felt different, and I held them up before me as I watched my arms begin to melt away to nothing, and retract into my shoulder. I found I could still control my disembodied hands though, and even move them through motions that I never could have contemplated before. It was then that I felt the next change, as silver-gray latex started crawling out of my skin. Large silver rings formed around my neck and thighs and legs, as well as what used to be my wrists, as silver latex like skin crept up and over my head. In and out of my mouth, my lips forming to what appeared to be a large penis gag with a bonded strap. Then up over my eyes, thick completely solid lenses forming over my eyes, my ears disappearing behind smooth rubberlike flesh. I could still hear and see and speak of course, and eating wasn't really a concern for me with the microfusion reactor forming where my stomach once was. I felt more creeping rubber down the rest of my body, and into my new vagina and ass, then down my legs. I felt plugs form in both of them as well, though I got the sense that those were more removable. Super tall high heels formed down on my feet, as the rubber turned into a thick corset, shrinking my waist to impossible dimensions. In short, I was now the poster child for bondage monthly magazine. A featureless apparently armless rubber sex doll, chastised and raring to go. My disembodied hands could hide away to complete the illusion. I turned my sightless looking face to my lovely wife, and tried a wink. I said, "Oh honey, I love it!" She just purred at me. It was at that point I felt my libido start to ramp up. Everyone clapped, and the rest of the meeting continued. I found myself increasingly fidgeting and agitated as I became more and more horny by the second. I looked over at my wife periodically, who just had a grin as she avoided meeting my eyes, as I noted an unexpected bulge forming in her skirt. 25 years of this? I couldn't wait! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The old-fashioned door chime tinkled as the balding, middle aged, clearly single, man opened the door. He looked around nervously, then slowly made his way inside. The astute might have noticed a hint of a bra strap on his back if they were looking at the thin silk shirt he was wearing. He made his way towards the waiting room area, and checked in with the very cute front desk lady. She was kind and understanding as he stammered through the words that he had an appointment. She directed him to the waiting seats. Another lovely looking lady shortly came to the door of a waiting hallway, and called out a single name. "Karla?" The man nodded, hesitantly, then stood up and followed her into a back room. She gestured at the door to the room with a perfectly manicured hand and a smile that truly lit up her eyes and whispered, "Have fun!" He entered the room, the brightness causing him to blink as the light inside temporarily blinded him. The man that answered to the feminine name Karla barely heard the door close behind him as he walked inside and sat down in the unoccupied seat in the middle of the room. Nowhere did he see the racks of clothing or makeup stations or anything else that a feminization day spa might normally have. He was starting to get worried that this was some sort of scam, or even worse some sort of sting operation, though what he wanted wasn't illegal. He started to get up and pivoted towards the door, when a soft voice called out from the second, unnoticed chair across from him. "Leaving so soon Mr. Fentwaithe? Or should I say, Ms.?" The soft voice emanated a woman dressed in a soft silver business suit. He blinked as he looked at her. It seemed difficult to focus on her form, but he got the sense that she was basically his ideal of feminine beauty, a goddess made manifest. He sat back down. She grinned. "Very good, Karla, is it? That is a lovely name. It suits you. or it will..." she said cryptically as she crossed and uncrossed her legs. The blood red stiletto heels contrasting against the white sheer fabric of her silk stockings and the hemline of her white business suit. She continued "I know this isn't what you are expecting exactly, and its both less and more than that. I started this business because, well, frankly I was bored. Things get that way after an age or two sometimes. Most of the time, people with your particular quirk are brought to the other rooms in the hall, to be primped and pampered by equally bored and well paid middle aged housewives looking to spice up their life with a bit of harmless feminization of young men like yourself who want to see the other side of life. But every once in a while I take a personal interest in the process. And here we are." She gestured around the empty white room. The man who would be Karla shifted uneasily. This wasn't really what he had signed up for at all. He knew he was never going to be pretty, his old life was too invested in the male world to start over again without a lot of pain for him and his friends and even family. So he settled for this, treating himself to these little makeover sessions and photo shoots as the mood took him. He wasn't sure what this was though. The stunning lady in front of him noted his unease, and spoke more. "Relax my dear, No one is going to hurt you here. In fact, I'm going to give you everything you desire, even that which you hide from yourself." She smiled. "I'm what your kind has called many things over the years. A Djinn, a Genie, a being of light and magic, usually bound in service. I'm a bit unusual though, in that I'm more of a freelancer. None of that 3 wish bullshit, or wish lawyering, or any of that nonsense. Nah, I get a charge out of changing lives. The catch is that I'm making the changes based off what's in your mind. You get little, if any say in it. But you get a happy new life, so congratulations!" She finished with a flourish and a wave of her perfectly manicured hands. Karla felt a wave of energy pulse through him, as he became a she in body and spirit. The transformation was instant, one minute he was a middle aged dowdy businessman, the next he was a mid 20's blond bombshell, perhaps a bit too perfect in figure and form to be natural, but the envy of women and desired by men, and more than a couple of those same woman as well. She looked down at her own nailed hand, almond shaped perfect nails clasping her perfect tiny wrist, just as she had always wished for. No trace of a bulge of any sort marred her silky skirt. "But... but how?" she wondered aloud, continuing her inspection, the obligatory hands on her bra and crotch confirming the changes were very, very real. The Genie laughed, and said "Magic!" with a snap of her fingers. Karla found herself teleported back to her office, subtitle, feminine touches differentiating it from what she remembered from before. A new set of memories merged with her own as her own reality shifted just enough to accommodate the new Karla. Karla looked up, and whispered "Thank you!" It may have been her imagination, but she swore that the brand-new old kitten poster on the wall winked back at her as Karla stood up from her desk, eager to explore her now familiar life for the very first time. Curious, she noticed that she was now wearing a wedding ring on her slender finger. She gasped as the implications and accompanying memories flooded into her about that. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The archeologist looked down at the exposed tile in awe. It couldn't be! there was absolutely no way! Yet here it was. He had flown out here on the mere rumor that Greek ruins existed on a sub tropical island. His colleagues thought he was simply taking a sabbatical vacation. He imagined the looks on their faces when he came back with proof of the long lost temple of Poseidon not only being an actual real thing, but located thousands of miles outside the known travel range of the ancient Greek mariners. He looked around at the collapsed sand covered ruin, a glint of metal catching his eye. He stood up, walking towards what would likely have been a central alter of some sort. The glint of gold, unmistakable in the noon day sun caught his eye once more. He walked over, entranced. The shape of a three lobed pitchfork was barely visible on the sand. A hint of a Greek word not uttered in thousands of years just visible under the sand. He recited it aloud as his hand reached to brush sand away from the artifact, making the barest hint of contact. A pink spark, visible despite the bright sunlight struck him in the arm, making him stagger back. Suddenly he felt... strange. His breaths started to come in gasps, as the air seemed to no longer provide the means of supporting life. He clawed at his neck, pulling the kerchief he used to keep the sun off his neck away, an itching feeling driving him nearly mad. His eyes defocused in his glasses, rendering the surrounding area fuzzy even after he tossed the glasses aside. With his fading vision he noticed that his fingers seemed to be growing some sort of webbing between the fingers, almost like a fish fin. He felt a searing pain from the waist down and heard more than saw his pants tear away. he fell over backwards, his balance suddenly lost as his support structure seemed to melt away. He landed in a small tide pool, a splash of water on his neck seemingly providing his first breath of air in seconds. He scrambled towards the sound of the ocean, unsure of what exactly was happening, but reacting to his only clue. Crawling seemed to be difficult, it was as if his legs were useless, and there seemed to be some sort of obstruction on his chest that wasn't there a minute ago. In less of a panicked state he might have noticed the new feelings and sensations coming from those obstructions. he gasped uselessly for air, his gasps altering pitch as he got closer to the water, until it reminded him distantly of a few memorable sessions back in college. It was almost like he was hearing a girl gasp for air. That was the last thought he had for a while as he finally reached the edge of the water and flopped head first into the cool blue waters. As water rushed into all of his orifices, he found that he could breath freely, even as he should be drowning. The minutes without air had taken their toll though, and he quickly passed out, completely submerged. An unknown time later, he woke up. The sun overhead was trending to sunset, so a fair amount of time must have passed. He quickly realized he was looking at the sun from under the surface of the waves. He also soon realized that he was not in fact dead. The third and most disturbing realization was that he was no longer a he, or even technically a human. The first giveaway was the long flowing red hair that seemed to have grown from his, er, well her, head. Then there was the pair of globe like breasts that had apparently ripped open her tan expedition shirt. Then there was her hands, with their long nails and webbing between the fingers. It was a kind of pretty teal green if she thought about it. She blushed at the thought of a part of her being called pretty. Without a mirror, it was hard to tell, but there seemed to be some sort of structure growing on her neck. It felt like some long slits, like you might see on the side of a shark where the gills would be. The biggest change undoubtedly had to be the new tail she was sporting where her legs had been. A few experimental attempts at swimming proved that it was both very powerful and very functional. She estimated her new top swimming speed was something about 9 times faster than the fastest Olympic athlete that ever lived. Feeling experimental, she stuck her head above the water. The fuzzy vision immediately returned. Eyes adapted for seeing underwater. Right. That was going to be a problem. Further experiments proved that drying out on the beach both didn't turn her back into a human, and didn't feel particularly pleasant either, due to the whole suffocation thing. Her equipment bag with the precious cell phone might have been miles away rather than the 30 feet inland that it was. It seemed that her ability to make noises or call out above the water was also severely hindered by the lack of lungs. She sat herself on a nearby hunk of temple ruin under the waves, and said aloud underwater, "Well, fuck." She was very surprised when a nearby sea turtle swam towards her and politely said "Er, can I help you miss?" with a wave of its fin that might have been a salute. She boggled and nearly popped out of the water in startlement as she replied "YOU CAN TALK???!!!". The turtle took one long look at her, then looked at the destroyed temple, then did what can only be described as an underwater sigh. "Of course, another one. Look lady, you're a mermaid now, like it or not. Temple of Poseidon, home of the long lost trident of really bad ideas made manifest, blah blah blah, and now poof, here you are. What's important for you to know right now is that there are others of you, I'll show you how to get there, and that you have certain powers over sea creatures, like yours truly and more importantly sharks. Soooo, if you see any sharks as we swim, please kindly tell them to fuck right off and not eat me? Sound fair?" the turtle finished with an arched eye ridge. She nodded. They swam for a short while as the turtle kept up a general tour guide dialogue. Eventually he said, "so, what do they call you anyways? I'm swims-with-the-big-surf." She blushed again and said, "er, well, Fred. Up until a few hours ago I was a guy. But then I read the writing on that trident." she finished lamely. Swims-with-the-big-surf stopped and turned on a dime, looking her straight in the eye. "You... can read the sacred writing?" he asked with astonishment. She nodded. "yeah, ancient Greek with a bit of Minoan thrown in for color is no problem for me. That and quite a few others. I can write it too. Not that its going to do me much good down here." she said with a shrug. Swims-with-the-big-surf threw back his head in the turtle equivalent of a laughing fit. Finally, he calmed down enough to continue. "I wouldn't be so sure of that... Your highness. Welcome to your new home, my queen" he said with an elaborate for a turtle bow. The mermaid looked up at the submerged golden letters that seemed to spell out a word long lost to history. She read it out loud in awe. "Hail Atlantis" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Come on! We don't want to be late!" Nina said as she dragged me from the car towards the doctor office door. I tottered along behind her. "My aunt works here, I got you an appointment with her, so you gotta make sure you get your cute ass inside and get you some of that E-juice!" She said with a grin, her bubblegum popping as she talked. Nina was a very sexy looking girl, clearly a 10 out of 10, but she could tend to be a little, direct. I still wasn't sure quite what she saw in shy and nerdy little me, but when the opportunity comes up to have a smoking hot girlfriend, you put up with a few of her quirks, even if it means you find yourself wobbling unsteadily behind her on unfamiliar high heels in a somewhat scandalous dress out in public for all the world to see. The waiting room inside didn't take very long, and soon the nurse called out "Ted?" I nodded and got up. Nina followed behind me as the nurse took my vitals. 98 pounds soaking wet, 5'1" tall in heels, 19 years old, just started community college, collector of owl figurines, etc. All my information was dutifully entered into a chart, along with Nina's suggestion for a nickname of "Tessa" I shivered a bit as the reality of why I was here started to really sink in. The nurse led me inside. The doctor inside, one Aunt Margaret, aka Nina's Aunt, or in this case Doctor Valentine according to her name tag, looked over, saw me, then saw Nina, then sighed a deep and audible sigh. "Nina, you know the rules, it's always nice to see you, but please go wait in the lobby while I am with the patient." Nina waved at her aunt, gave me a pair of thumbs up, then vanished to the waiting area. Doctor Valentine looked me over, shook her head, then sat down. "She found another one I see. Figures. Look, I love my niece, but she is a bit of a fetishist for anything having to do with feminization. Ted, is it? You're not the first guy she has dragged in here trying to get them to start gender transition for sexual favors. What you two do in your own time is your business, but I run a reputable gender clinic here, ok? If this is something you want for you, that's a whole other story and I'll be happy to help. I have to say you made it further than most do though, The blood draw usually scares them off." She shook her head again, then idly flipped through my chart. I was looking down at the floor, beet red and feeling pretty low. I dug imaginary holes in the vinyl floor with my spike heeled boot. "I, uh, I really like your niece, ma'am, but I kind of... I kind of like this too. All of it." I looked up, hopeful. "I do think I want this. I don't think that's just my hormones talking either. It just feels, good?" I finished, with a shrug of my silk ruffle covered shoulders. Doctor Valentine looked at me speculatively. Finally she nodded to herself, some decision made. She wrote a paper up in silence, then handed it to the nurse that arrived as if by magic. The nurse returned after about 10 minutes with a set of 4 pill bottles, 2 sets of 2 seemingly identical containers. One with yellow lids. Doctor Valentine inspected the bottles, then handed all 4 of them to me. "You seem sincere, so I'm going to take you at your word, but with an out. the bottles with the yellow lid are sugar pills. Placebos. The other bottles contain estrogen and hormone blockers. I'm going to give you both, and schedule an appointment for follow up in a month. The next time you have sex with my Niece, shortly after you are spent, make your choice. Just know that your choice is for life. Good luck! Nina was ecstatic as I showed her the prescription bottle as Doctor Valentine watched us head to her car. I could practically feel the heat rising from her pussy at the thought. I was pretty turned on as well, but thoughtful. I wasn't sure I saw a lifetime with Nina in the cards, but I was beginning to think I might walk more than a mile in her shoes... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The author hit submit on the upload button, her latest and last for a while story uploading to the que. She hoped her small legion of fans would enjoy it. It was going to be a while before she had a chance to learn the new system and get another one done. She felt her little clitty drip a little bit down the cage as the noises of her wife having a very nice time indeed upstairs reached another in the series of long running crescendos. The two guys she came back with this time seemed like they were well equipped for the task at hand. A soft chime sounded from the alarm clock behind her. She stretched one long stretch, then stood up. She stared at her fingers, marveling at the perfect nails and manicure job. That had taken ages to get right. After what seemed like another age, she shivered a little, then set about her own task. First up, the chastity. She took the key where it sat on the dresser, then unlocked this particular cage for the last time. She tossed it away, and picked up the new, smaller cage. The noises upstairs continued towards another crescendo. She thought about masturbating, but mistress had said not to, and she did so much want to be a good girl. On went the new cage, anchored this time just to her little clitty by her tiny and cute piercing. The new lock wasn't so much a lock as it was a latch. A special, one time latch. She dutifully poured in the epoxy as directed, then snapped it closed with a shiver. Now she picked up the strange looking set of reverse pliers, and stretched open the first of 4 orange tiny rubber rings. She slid them up over her dangling and unsightly scrotum, making sure to get it all, then let the ring snap home. The force brought her to her knees for a moment, but then she continued until all 4 rings were in place. She paused to make sure the ice pack was in position on the bed, it wouldn't do to forget that detail. She paused again to take some pain medicine, the water swirling the pills around her metal plate clad tongue. She longed to taste the bitter taste of those pills, or anything other than the metallic taste she now expected. The rivets did pinch a bit too. She raised one perfectly manicured eyebrow as the sounds upstairs reached another crescendo. Perhaps it was time for the ear plugs. She coated both plugs with the biocompatable epoxy, and shoved them deep inside her ears. Instantly all sound was lost, save for the robot female voice stating, "System initialized, permanent installation mode detected. Presets are now locked." That voice, and a few set commands were all she would hear from now on. The total absence of sound otherwise was both a little bit of a relief from the noisy trio upstairs, and a new frightening step in her journey. Almost done now. She set the half opened hand spheres on the bed, the epoxy half filled inside them already. She sat down on the bed, carefully locking first one, then the other leg in the shackles on the bed, ensuring her darkening sack was sitting squarely on the ice. Mistresses friend would be by to finish the job there soon enough. She positioned the headband over her forehead, ready to pull down over her eyes in a minute. She looked at her hands, one last time, admiring the play of the lights overhead on her splendid nails. She was going to miss those. But mistress's love was more important. Mind made up, she placed her left hand into the epoxy covered sphere, and closed it. She could feel the epoxy flow around her balled fist inside the hand sphere. She then inserted her right hand in the other one. With an unheard click, it slammed closed. her hands were lost to her, just as she planned. Writing new work was going to be much slower with the new foot activated chaordic keyboard, but she figured she would manage. She also figured the stories would have a much more erotic tinge to them from now on. She placed her left arm into the mounted shackle at the corner of the bed, it closed with a click. She used her right arm to awkwardly pull down the cloth headband, shutting out light for now, then placed her other arm in the last shackle. It closed, locking her in place on the bed. Nothing to do now but wait. An unknown time later, she felt sharp jabs, then some tugging down by her groin. Probably Mistress's friend finishing the task. She wondered what her clitty would look like without that ugly scrotum flopping around. She felt said clitty try to harden in her new, unforgiving cage. It never really went back down from there. She heard one phrase in her ears via the same robotic voice as light flooded her vision. "Mistress loves her husband, she is a wonderful slave". The smile beaming down from her goddess was all the reward she needed, as her mistress moved her well used and dripping pussy up for her slave to lick clean. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The giggling couple marched in hand in hand, sundresses and purses matching despite their height and build differences. They walked to the front desk, their faces smiling and eyes lit up with a sparkle of joy and excitement. The receptionist could smell a distinctive smell on them as they checked in for their appointment. She smirked a bit, and raised one arched and plucked brow as she typed on the keyboard, her nails clacking away as she pulled up the appointment logs. There was a reason there were so many single occupancy restrooms out in the lobby. "Welcome to Bressler Retrogenics Applied ero-tech division! You're a bit early for your appointment, but if you would be so kind to wait, a technician will be right with you. In the mean time, please take a look at our latest 2031 catalog offerings!" she finished with a smile, pointing at the smart table in the waiting room that was displaying a dizzying array of life altering options and features. The giddy couple sat down and quickly started scrolling through the new stuff. The front desk lady looked over at her co worker, an absolutely ripped looking guy named Janet, and whispered "$10 bucks says they go for package 347-b." Janet's eyebrow rose on his left side, and he shook his head. "No way, you're on. They'll go for 22-beta like everyone else." 22-Beta was the most popular general upgrade package. New, larger and much more sensitive genetalia, sensate nipples for the dudes, turbocharged ones for the ladies, the usual throat pleasure package, and the ever popular "butt fun time enhancement suite" that essentially crammed a pussy and a cluster of prostates in the back. Very popular, and on sale this month. 347-b was a new variant on that particular line. All the pleasure pieces, cranked up to 10 from the levels 22-beta were set at, but with one very important distinction. That gun had no trigger. You could race the race, but there wasn't a finish line. The first test group had nearly gone mad from lust and pleasure in the month before the test was over, and then once it was over, half of them signed right back up again. In an age when nothing was forbidden or taboo, it was the ultimate option. Always the simmer, never the boil. The receptionist trembled a little just imagining it. So far there had been less than a handful of takers for that particular setup. But she had a feeling about this couple. As it turned out, she was partially right. they were also here for a bit of cosmetic plumbing work as well. The former male wanted to be a female down below, while his wife wanted to be a particularly well hung hermaphrodite, and they both wanted a set of mouth labia. But they did also end up opting for 347-b. It was always fun watching new converts leave their first conversion session. They inevitably walked slowly and deliberately, as their senses got used to the new inputs from their new plumbing. Cram 80 times the nerve ending density per square centimeter into any dick or vagina and anyone was going to have a bit of trouble walking without climax. Then couple that with a bunch of new, never before felt sensations, and you had a recipe for comedy gold for anyone watching. Usually they never made it past the last of the bathrooms without a quick stop. And this couple was no different from those others. I mean, they were clearly different. The former guy was a good foot shorter than he started the morning if nothing else. The receptionist trembled at the thought. Another week or so and she would have enough saved up to get her own member converted on the company discount plan. She hoped that having a pussy was everything it was cracked up to be. She couldn't help but think of other options as well though. So many to choose from. She loved her job though! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Well, I hope you enjoyed some or all of these short vignettes. They are just flights of fancy that occurred to me as I was thinking up possible ideas for new stories. Some of them are more extreme than others. If you like any of them well enough that they should be expanded on, let me know in the comments. Or if they are all terrible and should be expunged from the net, let me know that too. Feedback makes me a better writer. Thanks! Kimmy

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This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Standard disclaimers, this is a story of fiction and all characters...

2 years ago
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Pathways Part 2

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Standard disclaimers, this is a story of fiction and all characters...

4 years ago
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Pathways Part 3

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Standard disclaimers, this is a story of fiction and all characters...

2 years ago
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Pathways Part 4

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Special thanks to Rezai Balo for helping edit the story and bring it...

4 years ago
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Pathways Part 6

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Special thanks to Rezai Balo for helping edit the story and bring it...

4 years ago
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Pathways Part 7

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Special thanks to Rezai Balo for helping edit the story and bring it...

3 years ago
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Pathways Part 9

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Special thanks to Rezai Balo for helping edit the story and bring it...

4 years ago
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Pathways Part 10

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Special thanks to Rezai Balo for helping edit the story and bring it...

2 years ago
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My Pantyhose Part 14 A feminine future

Pantyhose Part 14: Gisela took off her coat and it turned out that she too was wearing a French Maids dress and fishnet stockings and stilettos! So I now had Gisela, Tracey and their daughter Rachel all dressed as French Maids in my front room. As I watched them Tracey was helping Rachel to tie her hair up in a bun. I thought about how they all looked so feminine but only Gisela was really a woman. Gisela had not intended to stay for long but asked if she could have a coffee...

2 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 2

Angel stirred. Nina was instantly awake, as she had been off and on throughout the day and now into the hours of darkness. Exhaustion was apparently not enough to keep the nightmares away. The blonde woman suspected he was not just reliving the fight in the alley but much more. There had been a stab of jealousy when the restless vampire had mumbled "Buffy", but she determinedly smothered it and simply held him and soothed him whenever his thrashings woke her. He would clutch at her and...

2 years ago
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This is the hub. The story does not start here. This is a little place to explain the rules and the way the story works. A place for everyone to come in and navigate through the different storylines. The main two rules are essentially this... 1 Please do not post directly into any of the storylines that I START. Short & simple. (Comments don't count) 2 The story is led by the readers so to make the main character do something or try to do something, then tell me in the comments of this story....

2 years ago
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Pathways Part 5

Part 5 They say changes come in threes. I think I may be living proof of that. On Monday night my parents returned home after my bliss filled weekend. They seemed agitated after their big conference and asked me to stay in Tuesday for a family meeting. I was in a panic all day that I had been found out, wondering where I had gone wrong. Crazy ideas flew through my head. I was convinced I was headed off to military school in a week and would be disowned. My birthday was on...

2 years ago
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Pathways Part 8

Part 8 I finished my shift, working as quickly as possible. I didn't want to be here but if I didn't keep control of my thoughts I would find myself flirting with some guy and begging for a private dance. I had to think not to slip into Roxana and god forbid, Roxy. When I found a quiet place I could even force myself back to Riley, but it was very hard. Thoughts and memories would slip in and I had to question each and every one. I found I could reach a balance between the three...

2 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 1

"Why do they always have to make speeches?" Angel asked himself, through the aches and pains that defined his world right now. In the movies they do that so that the good guy can get rescued at the last moment. But there wouldn't be any of that for him. Not today. There wasn't anyone left to rescue him. As he had foreseen, Gunn was the first one to fall. He had taken a heavy toll of the attacking army, heavier than anyone could have thought possible. It had been possible only because he...

3 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 3

(Nearly a month has passed since the events of NFA and the first two chapters.) "Clang!" Steel rang on steel. One sword twisted and spun blindingly to one side and thrust again. The other blade hesitated and only a leap backwards by its wielder allowed it to interpose itself in time. "You have to be faster, Nina. Don't think, react. Let your training take over." The woman nodded. She took a second to rake the blonde locks that had escaped from her pony-tail away from her face and then...

3 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 4

Willow carefully hung up the phone and sat there thinking. She didn't stir until Kennedy's arms slipped around her. Even then she merely covered her girlfriend's hands with her own and continued to stare off into space. "That must have been some phone call." "It was." willow shook her head and began to recount what Nina had told her. When she was finished Kennedy summarized for her. "So we have a female that none of us has ever heard of before. She claims that Angel had never...

4 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 5

Angel yawned. Business was slow. There hadn't been a client of any kind in three days now and he was getting a bit bored. Of course there was also the fact that he had slept alone for the last two days. With the Hyperion safe again thanks to Willow and with the "helping the helpless" thing in neutral, she had gone to spend some time with Jill and Amanda. He had encouraged her to do that but was ready for her to come back home now. She had called this morning to say that she had one more...

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PathwaysChapter 7

Buffy and Nina watched, almost serenely, as the ring of vampires tightened around them. Buffy appeared almost bored and Nina was getting a glint in her eyes that had nothing to do with fear. If the vampires had not been so arrogantly full of themselves they might have sensed that these two women were not the ones who needed to be afraid. Even Buffy raised an eyebrow when Nina started taking her clothing off. "Is that necessary?" she inquired. "If I'm going to have anything to wear...

2 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 8

Angel woke to a splitting headache. Not surprising him in the least, he was spread-eagled and chained to a stone wall. He winced as the gnomes wielding their sledgehammers on the inside of his head increased their tempo. "Ah, back with us at last," came a mock cheerful voice. Angel pried one eye open, then the other. He gave his best glare at the figure in front of him. "Doesn't anyway in the damn city ever STAY dead?" "That's pretty rich, coming from you. But just because I'm...

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PathwaysChapter 9

The fight was on. The two Slime Demons that Lindsey had brought along to help him ambush Angel were not the only ones he had enlisted. The pair of young women counted a total of six demons in the room. They attacked anyway. While Nina had heard vague comments about Lindsey from Angel she had never laid eyes on him. She did recognize his scent though as being the human male she had detected at the kidnapping site. Then the demons counterattacked and the brawl filled the room. Buffy was in...

2 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 4 Holly and Robin

Ian: My sophomore year was coming to an end. I would be working at Maxwell Marine again, while Deb went home to Sechelt and spent the summer at her dad's hardware store. I was going to sorely miss her over the next three months, and I told her so. "Don't get hung up on me, Ian. We've had a great time together and maybe that's all there will be. Whatever you do, don't fall in love with me. You don't have enough experience with women to know what you want yet. You need to find another...

3 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 5 Short and Sweet

That was my one and only date with Holly. We weren't right for each other. You probably think I'm crazy for turning down regular sex, but she made me uncomfortable. I don't know what her problem was, but I didn't want to be part of it. Strangely, Terry and Robin became an item. Well, maybe it wasn't strange at all. They were a lot alike and it was good to see two shy, nice people hook up. In the meantime, I was getting email and text messages from Holly wanting to know when we could get...

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PathwaysChapter 6 What comes next

Ian: My fourth and final year at UBC was pretty uneventful. I had several dates with several different girls, but none of them were long-term girlfriend material. I was surprised that I shared a class in Computer Science with Debbie Cummings. She wanted to help her dad modernize his bookkeeping and inventory control at the hardware store. He was part of a buying group and they were putting a lot of pressure on to get him to get up to date and onto their new network. I had similar ideas for...

3 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 7 The Last Thing I Expected

I was putting in long hours at the Guelph operation, as well as flying to Moncton every two weeks to make sure they were staying on schedule. Liz was doing well and all I could do was say "thanks" as she continued to show she could do the job. I wondered if she wasn't the answer for a manager. She certainly knew what was going on in the Moncton operation. I also sensed that the staff were with her. She was making my job easier because I didn't have to worry about her dropping the...

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PathwaysChapter 8 Decision Time

We stood on the bridge over the Elora Gorge as the dusk slowly turned to night. Neither of us was in any hurry to end the evening. A lot was unspoken, but I could feel the excitement growing in me as we talked about the future. If there was a way for us to be together, I wanted to make it happen. It meant I would be staying here in Ontario. I would have to let Bob know my feelings and see what that meant for my future in the company. But I knew what I wanted and I was sure of it. I drove the...

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PathwaysChapter 9 Returning West

I didn't see Bernie that weekend. We had been pretty much getting together on a casual basis. One of us would phone the other and we would decide to do something. Bernie didn't call on Saturday or Sunday and that was okay with me. I wasn't in a dating mood. I did go to the local wheelchair basketball tournament games, but sat up in the bleachers, well out of sight of her. The attendance was sparse and I thought I knew why. Many of us were still reeling from the shock of the attacks on the...

5 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 10 My Own Little Bandbox circa 2002

The rental market in Vancouver had always been very tight. Too few places for too many people. As a result, the prices were high because the demand was high. I had some money saved, but not enough to make a down payment on any kind of place that was within thirty miles of my job. It looked like staying at home and saving enough to get in on the bottom rung of the housing ladder was going to be my fate. Happily, I'd meet no resistance to that from my parents. I went to work after a good...

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PathwaysChapter 11 A Change of Scenery

By May, I knew that there was going to be no happy ending for the Cummings family. There was no improvement in Ralph's condition, and in fact, he seemed to be wasting away before our very eyes. I said nothing to him or to Deb about my observations, but it was impossible to believe they didn't see what I could see. He was very weak after his treatments now, eating nothing at all and sleeping more than waking during the day. When I brought him into my home in May, he thanked me as he always...

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PathwaysChapter 12 A Bit of Good Luck

When I awoke on Sunday morning, I was confused for a moment, wondering what was different. The scent and warmth of the young body occupying the other side of the queen size was enough to stir my memory. Deb was my houseguest who had turned into my roommate. Sometime during the night, she had backed herself into me and my arm was over her hip and my hand tucked under her t-shirt, resting on her belly. If she was awake, I was sure she would feel my erection. It was the first time that I had...

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PathwaysChapter 13 Settling In and Getting Involved

I saw a notice in the sports page of the paper about a wheelchair basketball tournament. It reminded me of how much I enjoyed watching Bernie's team compete in their tournaments. I made a note of the time and location of the tournament. I wanted to attend and see if I still had an interest in the sport. "Deb, there's a wheelchair basketball tournament on this weekend. I'd like to attend. Maybe I can be of some help ... if they need any." "Okay," she said with a smile. "I remember...

2 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 14 Doing the Deed

We were lying in bed, going over the afternoon and evening of our Thanksgiving family feast. I knew that it was time for me to bare my soul to Deb. Mother had laid it all out on the table this afternoon, but when I thought about it later, eventually someone would ask that very question. After all, Deb and I had known each other for almost five years. Sure, it wasn't a continuous five years, but I think we were close enough over that time that we could say we truly understood each other. I...

4 years ago
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A Feminine Sense of Accomplishment Chapter 5

Intro Hi everyone, here's the very very late chapter 5... Oh my god..I am such a slow writer! LOL. I wish I could write faster...but I'm sorry, I just can't. Hope you will forgive me :) As always, please tell me what you think about this latest chapter. Every comment is welcome! And by the way, you know it's going to take me forever to write again, it may be months before you see anything again from as always, thanks for being...

2 years ago
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A Feminine Sense of Accomplishment

Intro This is a story about a woman who just wants to live a blissful life as a housewife. But when her husband refuses to work again after losing his job, she struggles with the role changes that happen in her life. All she wants is for her husband to go back to work but he seems to like being at home too much... This is my first story so please leave a review and be kind. I'm sorry if the story is a bit long winded in some areas. It's a slow story with a lot of conversation and...

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A Feminine Sense of Accomplishment Chapter 4

Intro Hi everyone, here's chapter 4... I'm so so sorry it took me so long to get this out! And thank you again for being so patient! With this chapter, I decided to get back to what I always felt was the core of the series - the inner dialogue, the feelings that our heroine goes through as she tries to make sense of everything that is happening. I hope I captured that well enough. So apologies in advance - it's a bit slow and there is not as much titillating stuff in here as there...

2 years ago
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A Feminine Sense of Accomplishment Chapter 2

Intro Hi everyone, here's the next chapter... And believe me, I couldn't have got this out if you hadn't left all those wonderful reviews for the first chapter. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. All those comments were amazing. Like I said, I'm new at this and I had no idea if my style or my ideas would mean anything to anyone else. But I guess they do...Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Like before, please please leave a review after you read this. Again, lots of internal...

2 years ago
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Decidedly Feminine

Decidedly Feminine By Angie Renee Rineheart My story begins with a little bit of history. As far back as I can recall, mom always told me I was a beautiful little boy and my eyes and eyelashes should be on a little girl. My sister, who was the only girl in the family among four boys constantly, teased me about it. I complained to my parents, but secretly liked it, but do not recall acting on my desire to dress as a girl until starting puberty. Ironically, I wore my sister's...

3 years ago
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The Feminine Mystique

The Feminine Mystique Bonnie Lea "You had better stop doing that or your face will stay that way forever." I'll bet that is a line you have heard time and time again. My mom had always seemed to know the proper thing to say at the right time. Sometimes you would listen and sometimes the comments went in one ear and out the other. And sometimes when you should have been paying attention was the time that you ignored all the signs. I am sitting in front of my vanity, dressed in...

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The Adventures of Jock Crankshaft and the Feminine Wave Episode 1 The Pink Menace

The Adventures of Jock Crankshaft and the Feminine Wave Episode 1, The Pink Menace Jock bounded up the last three steps to Colonel Fixtures office, and flung it open. In a loud booming voice he said, "I'm ready for action." Colonel Fixture looked up and said, "Thank goodness. We have quite a situation developing near the Panoplen Expanse." He tapped the ash off his cigarette and said, "What do you know of the Feminine Wave?" Jock shrugged. "Not much. To tell you the truth I...

4 years ago
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Feminine by Busko Part I: The first change. "My name is Bob. Bob Bones. I'm a 25 year old clerk and I know more about women than many other man. I'm married to Dr. Lucy Baines. Maybe you know her, last year she was nominated for the Nobel-prize for Science for her study about the hormonal interference during sexual intercourse. It is..., no I must say, it was much to complicated to me." Last year we had our 5 year anniversary of our marriage. For this occasion I had bought a...

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A Feminine Family Sequel to Flipping the Frat

A Feminine Family (Sequel to "Flipping the Frat") @2005 by Karen Elizabeth L. May not be distributed or posted on a pay site. It's been some time since I took my revenge on the old officers of the Sigma Tau fraternity. They used my brother Joey's desire to become a member to lead him into doing things so filthy and perverted that no decent person would stomach them. Joey was blind in his drive to join the frat. He had been willing to put up with dressing as a girl, attending...

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A Feminine Sense of Accomplishment Chapter 3

Intro Hi everyone, here's chapter 3... I decided to let our heroine take a big step forward here, and added a little more spice... and remember, this is I took some you may need to suspend reality just a bit. :) As always, please tell me what you think. Every comment is welcome and I just absolutely love reading everything that you write. Reading your reviews make my day. Thank you so...

3 years ago
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Rags and Chauvinism turn to Riches and Honour of the Feminine

(Most of the names have been altered to protect the guilty). Rags and Chauvinism turn to Riches and Honour of the Feminine: A TRUE STORY! By Laurence Part 1: The Beginning I was almost always a child of smiles and meekness. When I was only about three and a half years old I remember my mother taking me to a student's day parade. Most were dressed in funny costumes but one man was dressed as a ballerina with a white tutu. I was shocked but my mother explained that this was...

4 years ago
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My Feminine Side

gay – lesbian – feminization - cross dressing - panties - oral sex – blow jobI just want to get this out of the way first, before anything else. I am a dude - 100% male. I just like dressing up in girl's clothes.I'm actually a much better looking girl than I am a boy. Dressed in sexy clothes, with makeup on and my hair done, I make a very pretty, very sexy girl. I'm thin and I have long legs that look great when I shave them and I have heels on. Guys hit on me all the time when I'm dressed like...

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Feminine Fugue

Feminine Fugue Feminine: (fem e nin) adj. 1 female; of women or girls 3 suitable or characteristic of a woman 4 effeminate, womanish Fugue: (fyoog) n. (2) Psychiatry a state of psychological amnesia during which the subject seems to behave in a conscious and rational way, although upon return to normal consciousness he cannot remember the period of time nor what he did during it; a...

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Total Feminine Reality

Total Feminine Reality Hypnosis Text of a YouTube Video ( that will alter the listener's (or reader's) total reality such that you will experience the world from within the confines of a beautiful woman's body Dawna Tompson May, 2015 -- I would like to put you into a deep trance. But of course no one can hypnotize an unwilling participant, so I'll need your permission to proceed. Do you agree that you are ready and willing to be hypnotized? Yes...

2 years ago
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SRU Feminine Mystique

SRU: Feminine Mystique By Morpheus Sighing, Randy Long looked at his reflection in the mirror. His friends Jimmy and Chip were standing inside his door, already in their costumes for the party, waiting on him. Unfortunately, Randy had been expecting to be working for the night and hadn't bothered to pick himself up a costume. Then just an hour ago, he'd gotten a call from his boss, saying not to bother showing up, and to enjoy himself. As he looked at his 6 foot,...

3 years ago
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2 Fast 2 Feminine

This is my first, and last story of any kind. This was a one shot deal. I've been reading stories like these for about 3 weeks, and I thought I'd make a story that didn't follow the stereotypes as far as the characters, their interests, their attitude, and how they handle changing. Hopefully you'll enjoy reading about it. In not any of the races thats in the story, but they should be well represented. If you know places that this should be posted, tell me. If you like...

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Chennai Feminine Bottom With The Horny Dominant Top

Hi everybody.. Let me introduce myself, I’m Ram age 26 smooth bottom from chennai. I have a sexy feminine body. I got nice boobs and nipples hot smoothy ass. This is a true incident which happened 6 years ago. If any comments, wanna meet up feel free to write to I am a tamil guy, born and raised in southern part of tamil nadu. I completed my degree there itself. I have been gay ever since I know. I have studied in hostel. So you can imagine, how a smooth feminine boy like me ended up in there....

Gay Male
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Feminine Experience 8211 Part I

Hii all iss readers, mai XXX (name changed) from Nasik (any married women from Nasik can contact me on feminine(dot)lover 86 at gmail dot com), ye story mai narrate kar raha hu joh 100% real hai. Is mai koi kalpanik kadiya nahi hai. Ye story jinki hai woh meri hai jab mai 6th std mai tha tab unki shadi mere bhaiya se yani mere neighbor se hui thi, jo ki ek bungalow ke malik hai aur peshe se businessman hai, ab meri sapno ke rani ke bareme batata hu wo goro chitti hai dudh ka color hai unka. Woh...

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My Feminine Life Part 2

I lived the life of a normal young man for the next 8 years. I eventually buried my feeling for the like of a woman, thinking it best to move on from such frivolous activities. I took a job as a bookkeeper for a shipping merchant just for the experience. I wanted to live my own life. I rented an upstairs apartment in town. I tried to get on with my life. I was just adjusting to a life of simple boredom when the next event occurred in my life. My sister, Margaret, had come to...

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My Feminine Life Part 3

The next two years I spent in feminine bliss. Being the lady-in-waiting to Catherine Delong certainly has advantages. My wardrobe expanded wondrously! I now owned many day and evening dresses, so many that I never had to wear the same one more than once a week. I studied the etiquette and mannerisms of being a woman of culture and taste. Catherine and my sister Margaret Billingsly were both wonderful tutors and have helped me become Isabella Worthington. I have not worn male attire...

1 year ago
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His Feminine Twin 1 Just Before the Holidays

*HEADNOTE* Due to the high number of positive reviews on the "Her Comforting Twin" series, I have decided to do another twin series, and here it is. Enjoy. Note : This story is completely fictional! The story begins on Wednesday, November 25th, 2009--The day before Thanksgiving. The Davies family was reuniting to celebrate the holiday, as they always did. Most of the family had arrived at Mr. and Mrs. Davies' house anywhere between noon and the early evening. Most of the family was in the...

3 years ago
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The Future

THE FUTURE By C PART I CHAPTER 1        It is spring, flowers are in full bloom, and the city is bathed in brilliant color. The year is 2240. Anne is bursting with excitement. Her mother has just picked her up from school after what had seemed by far to be the longest day of her life. The time had dragged by as though it was almost standing still, but school is finally over and she is actually on her way to the "ritual". The "ritual" is an event that all girls, throughout the entire world,...

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Feminine Fate Fulfilled

Like all of my other stories this one had been already published on Literotica. You can find it here: For whatever reason Chyoa doesn't include Crossdressing in the category of Transsexual and doesn't have a separate category for that theme. This story does not include any transsexuals, but I considered this category to be the most fitting nevertheless. Please, send any complaints to the mods of this site. I would like to thank my friend...

4 years ago
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The Secrets Of A Feminine Me

I am usually a fun guy to be around with. I have lot of hobbies like dancing and lots of outdoor games. I was introduced to Masturbation at an early age and have been masturbating since. All my friends used to watch porn and blue films but every time they made me watch it i used to go away. It used to make me feel dirty and stuff but i still masturbated. I had reached my class 12th but i still wasnt able to watch porn. My friend used to reply i react like girls do. I even had a gf but we also...

Gay Male
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Great Cockspectations My Fluctuating Feminine Fortunes Part 1

Great Cockspectations or My Feminine Fortunes By Felicity Curlington Chapter 1: The Road To Girlyhood It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Both combined, it was the sexiest of times. It all started when I went to lunch with Casey Hunt. Casey was a woman that I worked with at Johnson Enterprises. She was a willowy beauty with sparkling eyes and long ringlet tresses. She was definitely the office 'hottie.' So imagine my surprise when she asked me, a skinny nobody...

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Negotiation Tactics His name is Viktor Kurienkov. Loving husband…devoted family man…prominent businessman. For the last two days he has been engaged in negotiations with UnitedFutures Incorporated concerning the acquisition of a small oil production plant that his company – Kurienkov Holdings – owned which had control of the primary distribution line that ran from the Caspian Sea, through the Ukraine and up into Germany. UnitedFutures had made him a very good offer – rather too good in her...

2 years ago
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The day had finally arrived that James Alderman had been waiting forever for it seemed. Two months ago he had put in his order for a robotic companion, and now the day had arrived to pick it up at last. It was late May in the year 2430 when James had gone to J&M Robotics to place his order. He had seen the advertisement for their various robots on his home comm-uplink monitor. He thought having a device that would help him with some of the domestic chores as well as keep him company would be a...

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