Batwoman meets Catwoman Part One
- 3 years ago
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There were a couple delays to be dealt with before our next women were to be brought to life, but the decision on who to animate was made well before Rogue arrived: Wonder Woman and Zatanna!
The decision was made partly because we had a built-in method to bring them in due to the backstory we wrote for Power Girl. The story was that Kara was on her way to meet the other two ladies for a girls' night out when she was transported here for her "vacation". From there, it's a tiny step to have Zatanna transport the two of them between dimensions chasing after a missing Kara.
As soon as the decision had been made, I got together with Kara and we prepared 'just in case' any of her friends follow her here. (More on that later.)
Anyway, about the delays I mentioned. First, due to recent market "corrections" our portfolio needed some work.
(As an interesting side-note, Alpha says there are now at least a dozen major investors who keep a close eye on her investment strategies, often mimicking our market adjustments themselves. Alpha has started taking this into consideration, using this ability to start small market shifts to her advantage. I'm not sure how legal their tracking of our stock movements was, but I don't really care much. Alpha can handle it.)
Alpha needs at least half of her processing power to do her market planning properly, which she is unable to do when she's growing bodies with her nanites, since the nanites use from half up to 95% of her processing power.
Now lest someone protest that I could just add more and/or better systems to make up the difference, I do still regularly upgrade Alpha's existing systems, but we've found that after we go beyond 32 systems, the overall processing improvement provided by each additional system drops off significantly. I think it's probably a programming limitation somewhere, but I'm not sure how to overcome it yet.
The second delay was creating Wonder Woman's lasso. We certainly couldn't create a lasso that compels truthful answers from anyone held within its coils, but we could create a golden-colored rope of amazing tensile strength. Alpha was going to use a mix of nano-tubes and other materials woven to form rope strands, and braid the strands together to a degree that only nanites could. At 3/4 inch thick, 57 ft long, and with the appearance of a braided silk rope, it should have a breaking point somewhere in the 80-90,000 lb range and be VERY hard to cut.
Creating this was much, MUCH easier than creating a person, but it was still a new procedure to be developed and executed. It worked out well enough that we used the same method to grow/weave Wonder Woman's outfit too.
For her other equipment -- tiara, belt, and bracelets -- we bought the tiara and belt online as part of a Wonder Woman costume. The bracelets I had made custom with titanium. Since Diana actually had the reflexes and hand-eye coordination to be able to deflect bullets (with a variety of ifs and provisos), I wanted her to have bracelets which might survive such an encounter.
For Princess Diana herself, we gave her the same musculature and toughness as Kara, but not her vision or hearing. She had eye-hand coordination as perfect as Alpha could build it. We gave her excellent fighting skills, including weapons, armor training and, of course, the roping skills.
For her personality and personal history, we had a wide range of choices. We ended up just cherry-picking the elements from the comics that worked best for our situation. We decided that our version would have had plenty of lesbian history, but not be anti-men or a virgin. She'd be intelligent and thoughtful, willing to be a leader but also willing to let others lead depending on the situation. She's had boyfriends before -- most notably Steve Trevor -- but no solid long-term relationships with men or women.
For Zatanna Zatara, her powers were completely unworkable in the the real world. Magically reshaping reality through reversed voice commands is not something that Alpha could build into her DNA or physical structure. We did at least give her all the skills and knowledge we could for magic tricks and escape artistry, along with the physical reflexes and double-jointed-ness to pull it all off.
We kept her background simple too. Zatanna has gone through a few different attempts to change her, both visually and power-wise, including an old miniseries that saw her abandon her trademark outfit and alter how her powers work. She's one of the characters who frequently crossed over into the Vertigo line, known for adult weirdness and literary pretensions (and yes, it's true that not all of the Vertigo titles were 'pretensions' ... some actually were excellent literary works).
Fortunately whatever any writer or artist did to her, she always eventually shifted back to her traditional appearance and powers, which is how I wanted her anyway. She normally dresses in a very sexy version of a tuxedo, with top hat and fishnet stockings. Oh, so beautiful.
We kept her simple. Our version was a magical super-hero when needed, an entertainer when she wasn't needed. We left out her apprentice as an unnecessary complication. Her personality would be friendly and determined, playful and a showman. Not a virgin with men, but never kissed a girl.
So with the delays and growth time, my two new raven-haired beauties weren't ready to appear until a little over 4 months after Rogue arrived. And they would probably be my last super-heroes for the time being.
Alpha and I were now old hands at secret character activations, and this one followed much the same plan as we did when we activated Kara.
Since they were following Kara, Alpha and I decided it would work best if they showed up where she did, outside my lake cabin.
Once this had been decided, I had raised the question with Kara of what we should do if any of her friends came looking for her. Most likely, they would suddenly find themselves without their normal powers in a strange version of the United States.
At my encouragement, Kara wrote a note to "Friends of Kara" and we tacked it onto the door of the cabin. The note basically said that she was fine and gave a phone number to call to contact her. I reactivated the phoneline at the cabin, and we reburied the key under the PG marker on the tree.
Months later, when the new ladies were ready to be born, I cleaned and dressed them in their costumes and drove them out to the cabin in the middle of the night, storing them safely inside the cabin for the time being. I also left Alpha's disguised transmitter.
The next morning, I drove off to get a haircut and run a couple errands alone. After a quick haircut, I drove out to the cabin and moved them near Kara's tree marker, making sure they were not within view of the lake or road.
While driving back to the house, I called Alpha and had her activate the new ladies. The end result was that Kara called me excitedly as I was approaching my driveway.
"Hi, honey."
"Hi, Kara. What's up?"
In the background, I heard her say, "Yes, I'm talking to him now. Stay on the line. I'll be out to pick you up in a few minutes, but it's at least a 45 minute drive. Yes, I'll explain in a minute. Hold on."
"Sorry, I'm on my cell right now too. Honey, you know how after Rogue arrived, you were worried that someone might come looking for me and get lost or stranded?"
"Yeeeessss..." I drew the word out as if it had multiple syllables.
"Well, congratulations! You were right. I'm about to drive out to the cabin to pick them up."
"Them? How many? Not the whole Justice League or JSA, I hope."
"No, just two."
"Well, I'm about to pull into the driveway. Hold on and I'll drive you to the cabin. Is Kasumi there? Have her prep a couple more rooms just in case."
"Just in case?"
"In case their powers don't work either. In case they're stuck here for now."
"Oh, yeah. It definitely sounds like that's the case. Kasumi!" Fortunately she held the phone away from her ear before she yelled.
While she was talking to Kasumi, I parked and hung up my cell phone.
I found Kara in the kitchen, talking to Kasumi, holding her cell phone in one hand and the house phone in the other.
I took the house phone from her hand (making her jump a bit in surprise) and hung it up. I gently herded Kara to the minivan, telling Kasumi we'd be back in a couple of hours.
"So, who followed you?" I asked as I pulled out of the driveway.
"Diana and Zatanna."
"Diana ... Wonder Woman?"
"Yes." She suddenly seemed to remember that she had a cell phone in her hand. "Diana? Oh, good. Sorry about the delay. We're on our way."
I interrupted her conversation. "There should be dried granola-type food in the pantry." She looked blankly at me. "You're always really hungry when you arrive, maybe they are too."
"Oh, right. Di, if you and Zana are hungry, Frank says there should be dried foods in the pantry ... Good ... Okay, we're on the road, so we'll probably see you in 45 minutes to an hour ... Okay ... Okay ... We'll see you soon ... Bye."
Kara closed her phone, but looked a bit uneasy.
"What's wrong?"
"I ... I don't know how they're going to react to all this. What they're going to think about me ... us ... all of us."
"You mean about our ... umm ... loving household?"
"Yeah, pretty much. And about me not being a superhero here. And ... well..."
"I think I understand. This is your private vacation spot, separate from your other life. And now your other life is intruding."
"It sounds terrible, doesn't it? I suddenly feel so selfish and ... and greedy ... and ungrateful. I mean, they came planning to rescue me, to help me, and I just want them not to be here."
"Don't worry about it. It's a natural reaction. After all, you're only huma ... uhhh ... Kryptonian. Maybe you can view it as ... you're the host and they're the visiting guests from your old hometown."
She laughed a little at this. "And what about our ... what did you call it? ... our 'loving household'? I'm pretty sure they'd be fine with it if it was just you and me, but with the harem-like atmosphere we have ... I don't know."
This time I laughed a little. "Well, if they have a problem with us, then they can't join in."
"Hey, lover, I'm not sure I'm willing to share you with them."
"Actually, from what you've told me about Wonder Woman, I have to think about whether or not I want to share you with her, hmmmm?"
She grinned. "Come on. I know you want to see me make out with the Princess."
"True," I admitted. "But do you think she'd be willing to allow an audience?"
"Well, maybe if you turn on your charm."
"Charm? Check. But seriously, are you going to be okay?"
"Yes. Well, I don't know, but I think I'll be fine." She sighed deeply. "You know, back home, there's no one I would be willing to talk to like this. Thank you."
"Hey, just remember, if there are any problems with them, you are much more important. If worse comes to worse, I'll give them a wad of cash and they can go off by themselves. But I doubt it'll come to that. You, my dear, are going to be their lifeline.
"First of all, they're probably going to a bit messed up without their powers, so they'll need to adjust to that. Second, you're their ticket home. When you eventually go back, you can tell your super-scientist friends and they'll retrieve Diana and Zatanna remotely or something. Y'know, using the super-science from your world to pluck them out of this one."
We had actually discussed this before. She was fairly sure someone from her world would be able to grab people from other dimensions without actually having to visit the other dimensions.
She stayed silent.
"I think they'll actually end up being jealous. You get to visit here regularly, get to unwind and relax and have fun. They'll only get this one visit. Probably. Can't imagine they'll want to come back if they can't guarantee a return trip."
"Jealous? You certainly have a high opinion of your world."
I reached over and put my hand on her leg. "Kara, I'm judging by you yourself. I can see you miss your home sometimes, but I'm pretty certain you're happy here most of the time."
She put her hands over mine, squeezing me affectionately before returning it to me so I could concentrated on driving.
"You're right. I wish I could switch back and forth between worlds whenever I wanted to."
I moved the conversation to inconsequentials for the rest of the drive out to the cabin.
As we pulled up in my minivan, two women stepped out to meet us. Despite it being late July, middle of the day, in Texas (i.e. slightly over 100 degrees), both were wearing trench coats.
I had included them as part of their outfits, given they were supposedly coming from an evening out (and needed to hide their costumes ... seriously, a lot of comic book characters hide their costumes with trench coats, as if that ever actually worked), but why in the world were they wearing them in this heat? It's not like they're in the middle of a crowd.
Regardless, the two of them looked beautiful.
Princess Diana had long beautiful raven-black hair hiding most of her tiara. I'm no stylist, but it had a natural curving sweep to it. Her figure was well hidden by the coat, but I knew it was slim and powerful with D cups held up by the golden eagle of her costume's neckline.
Zatanna's legs showed under her slightly shorter coat, encased in her trademark fishnet stockings. She wore a classic black top hat, which was actually fairly expensive since I had ordered the best magician's hat I could find (no rabbit included). Under the coat, she had on a cross between a classic tuxedo and a Vegas showgirl outfit. Her figure was approximately the same as Wonder Woman's. Her breasts were slightly smaller and her legs and neck slightly longer.
Kara hopped out of the van and headed straight to the raven-haired duo.
"Di, Zana, welcome to my vacation world," she said as she gestured around her with her hands.
"Kara, are you all right?" Wonder Woman asked.
"Yes, I'm fine." She hugged them both at the same time. "How long have I been gone?"
"About half an hour," Zatanna responded. "We only noticed so quickly because Diana was sure you should have arrived early or on-time to the club. I did a quick tracking spell and found you weren't in our dimension, so we followed."
Kara grinned ruefully. "You should have checked in with the League or JSA first."
Diana replied, "We did. We radioed in. Arrow was on duty, and we told him that you had left the dimension and we were tracking you."
"But you didn't wait for him to check my file, did you? It's a long story, but this happens regularly. I randomly come here every so often and then return. The good news is that I'm only gone for a few minutes or hours. The bad news ... well, there are a couple points of bad news for you.
"First, as I'm sure you noticed, the laws of physics are slightly different here and most superpowers don't work. Second, time flows differently between the two worlds. The 30 minutes back home has lasted almost a year here."
"A year?" they said simultaneously.
"Over 11 months, to be more precise."
"When will you go back? And how?"
"Like I said, it's random. But it's longer every time. My first visit, I was here less than five minutes and disappeared back home for a few seconds. My last visit, I was here about 8 or 9 months and disappeared back home for a couple hours.
"The time spent here and time lost there is inconsistent, but it has significantly increased each time."
I joined in at this point. "Our best guess is that she'll probably remain here for a few more years. I hope."
They both looked at me directly for the first time.
Kara gestured between us. "Diana Prince, Zatanna Zatara, may I present my best friend in this world, Frank. Frank, may I present Wonder Woman and Zatanna."
Diana jumped a bit at Kara's use of her psuedonym.
"It's a pleasure to meet you both." I extended my hand. "Kara's told me so much about you."
Zatanna never really had a secret identity. Or maybe more accurately, she's not as public a super-hero as Wonder Woman. Diana did not rely much on her civilian identity, but still apparently didn't like it being thrown about so freely.
As I shook each hand, I noticed a small shiver run through each of them at my touch. So it begins, I thought, grinning to myself. But I think I was able to keep my smile pleasant, free of plotting lust.
"If Kara trusts you, we'll give you the benefit of the doubt, right Di?" said Zatanna warmly.
"Of course," said Diana, obviously not entirely convinced. "Now, what are the chances of us getting home?"
Kara and I put on our serious faces. "Not good."
"I'm sorry, but their science is ... Their laws of physics don't allow the same things ours do, and..." Kara looked at me helplessly.
"The super-science you seem to have in your world doesn't exist here. I like to think we're a technologically modern world, but we've never been visited by aliens ... at least as far as I know. We haven't visited any planets other than our own moon, though we have sent a few probes out to land on Mars and Venus. We don't have any working theories about dimensional travel."
Turning to face Zatanna directly, I continued. "Magic almost entirely consists of stage magicians doing tricks. Some people believe in real magic, but the existence of anything real has never been proven."
"I've already tried a few basic spells to no effect." She cleared her throat. "Nruter su ot ruo emoh noisnemid. See nothing."
I had a thought. "Here, let's do a quick experiment ... ummmm ... Princess, could you bring out your lasso? Here, loop it around me. I bet it's still super strong, because that would be intrinsic to its physical existence. But I doubt its magic truth-telling ability still works."
She put the loop around me and tightened it slightly.
"Ok, tell me the truth. Can we go home?"
"Yes, but not with anything we have here. But that question actually doesn't help prove things either way. Here, if I may. I love ice cream. I hate ice cream. I'm a black teenage girl. I'm an old Chinese Kung Fu master. See?"
They were silent for a moment as I pulled off the golden lariat. Then Diana spoke up. "So, we're stuck here?"
Kara jumped in. "Not forever. From my conversations with Dr. Hamilton at STAR Labs, they can probably pull you back home from our world once they know you're gone. There's even a chance that your call to the League triggered a call to Dr. Hamilton who'll start setting up to do that. And if not, then once I get back, I can tell him."
"Why don't we continue this in the minivan with air conditioning?" I suggested. I locked up the cabin, and we all piled in the van.
"Are you hungry?"
They both perked up at this and responded strongly in the affirmative. I took suggestions for fast food and drove us through a Wendy's on the way home.
But before we got home, I had to stop for a gas refill. "Hey, we haven't gotten to the best part!" I cackled gleefully. "Kara, while I pump the gas, why don't you take them into the station and take a look at the magazine rack?"
She immediately caught on to my idea and escorted them inside. When I finished filling up, I went inside to find them stunned and sorting through the comics.
"Grab as many as you'd like, my treat. We have more back at the house."
They left with half a dozen comics each.
Back in the van, Diana said, "I know Kal talked about a world like this, but I ... it just never seemed real."
"As far as I can tell, this isn't that world. But yes. Here in this world, you're both comic book characters. Oh, and I should point out that there are no supervillains here either. And while the police are usually happy to accept community support, they tend to send vigilantes to prison."
Kara joined in. "If I may, I recommend trying to view your stay here as a vacation. Or maybe a chance to learn any mundane skills you want to as a private citizen.
Zatanna said, "It sounds like we're going to need to get jobs while we're here. Do they require ID or birth certificates or anything like that?"
"Yes, but I can get you workable IDs while you're here. They probably won't be good enough to let you get passports or high publicity jobs or high security positions, but they should be sufficient for most anything else.
"But at the same time, you don't have to work. You're friends of Kara, so I'll be more than happy to put you up."
"Thank you, but if we're going to be here for years, I wouldn't want to impose..."
Kara interrupted. "Wait until you see his new house before you turn him down. Frank here is loaded."
"So how did you two meet?"
"I met Frank on my very first visit. He was the cutest little 10 year old kid you've ever seen." And she launched into the story (see Chapter 5).
I had never heard her tell the story all at one time before, and it was interesting to hear it from her perspective. She gave hints that we were in a relationship but only hints. She also left out any mention of Alpha, which I appreciated.
She had covered all the basics of our story by the time we arrived home. I parked out front so they get a good view.
"Welcome! It's no Wayne Manor, but it's home."
Zatanna said, "Very nice." Diana was silent, but gave a nod.
"We'll go shopping..." I looked at my watch. It was already mid- afternoon, and I really hated driving in and out of the metroplex area during rush hour. " ... Probably tomorrow and get you each a wardrobe to use while you're here. I'm sure Kara and Anna can loan you clothes for tonight."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm also hosting a friend from Japan who lost her home, a pilot and engineering student, a couple of college students and another lady tossed adrift through the dimensions. Anna Marie was a mutant super-hero in her home dimension. She made a wish with a genie's lamp and ended up here."
I paused. "Actually, have either of you ever met the X-Men? They're a mutant super-hero team from a dimension similar to yours."
They looked at each other.
Diana said, "I have. There was a young man who could travel between dimensions and there was something strange that happened with Doctor Fate. It's all a bit fuzzy, to tell the truth."
"Well, then there's a chance you've met Anna before. Her super-hero name was Rogue, if that helps."
She shrugged.
Actually, they had no memory of each other. I was pretty sure they didn't actually meet in the comics in question, but I wasn't positive. Regardless, their memories did not include any meeting between them. On the other hand, they definitely knew some of the same characters. In particular, Storm and Wonder Woman had been merged into a single person for the storyline in question. [There are a variety of crossover comics between DC and Marvel, but here I'm mostly referring to the DC vs Marvel/Amalgam comics.]
"Come on, take off your coats and come inside. You must be close to a heatstroke in those things."
We went inside and I introduced them to Kasumi and Rei. Anna was outside sunbathing, so she didn't meet them until I gave the house tour.
They seemed a bit in shock, and I tried to be as accommodating as possible. I set them each up with a debit card to one of my accounts and had basic ID to go with them by morning. (Or rather, Alpha did.)
Rogue bonded with the newcomers much more easily than she had with Kara, and they quickly figured out Diana's link with Storm. By this time, Anna had decided she preferred life here where she could touch and be touched freely, though she still missed her friends and colleagues. The unexpected link to Ororo made her misty-eyed and sad, so much so that I spent the night with her to try to cheer her up.
I offered to let them borrow a car to drive wherever they needed to go, knowing that they had nowhere else to go. Diana briefly jumped at the chance, but rapidly deflated once she realized her situation.
Diana also started talking about going to see if Themyscira (Paradise Island) existed on my world too. Since our world has the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle as well -- where Themyscira was located apparently -- she felt that it might actually exist here too.
I wasn't moving in on them as quickly as I had the previous ladies in the house, but I made sure I paid close attention to them and made skin-to-skin contact as often as possible. When we were close, I could see their eyes dilating, focusing on me. They would stumble over their sentences as they talked to me.
When I took them shopping the next day, I did my old trick of asking them to put on a fashion show for me for fun, and I could see their faces blushing and skin flushing as they did so. I thought Diana might balk at this, but she agreed. (Zatanna was a natural showman and very flirty.)
Diana bought conservative but stylish clothes ... and everything she bought had a relatively low neckline. Plus she selected a number of large purses and handbags so she could continue to keep her lasso with her.
Zatanna bought a wider variety of clothes, but made sure everything showed off her legs. We made a separate trip to a magic shop for her, but it turns out that the quality of most materials there just wasn't up to her standards. Eventually she was able to find some good magic resources online. When she looked into materials for "real" magic, she found very little that was familiar to her.
Kara had more than one private conversation with Diana and Zatanna, all of which Alpha monitored.
The conversation on their third day turned out to be the most interesting one. Here is part of it:
Zatanna: That reminds me, Kara. Am I misreading the situation or has Frank slept with almost everyone in the house?
Kara: Ummm ... that's a complex subject.
Diana: How so? It sounds like a simple Yes or No question to me.
Kara: The short answer is Yes.
Zatanna: Including you?
Kara: Yes. I started sleeping with him a few years ago, when he turned 21.
Diana: 21?
Kara: I know how it sounds. At first I thought it was a mistake, but then I realized how much he meant to me. He was the first man I was friends with before ... Look, I make no apologies for my costume. But when I wear it, men tend to see it, not me. Frank was the first person who was friends with me before he noticed the costume. And he's an amazing lover. If I could do it and keep him safe, I'd bring him back with me and marry him. But we don't know what would happen to him if he came back, let alone whether or not it's even possible.
Zatanna: And the other women?
Kara: Since I can't stay here permanently or take him with me, I can't expect him to be exclusive to me. Besides, I don't mind ... or rather, I LIKE sleeping with women almost as much as sleeping with Frank. And most of them are my friends too.
Diana: "Almost as much"? You prefer sleeping with men?
Kara: Yes, I do. Or at least I prefer sleeping with Frank. You probably would too if you tried it.
Diana: Is that an invitation?
Kara: Maybe. Maybe for both of you. I just ... Look, I'm not always as emotionally secure as I should be. I don't mind sharing him, but you're the first people I might share with who I already know. You're the first ones I'll have to continue to work with on an ongoing basis. I would have to be sure that we could continue to work together just fine."
Zatanna: And that we wouldn't go telling stories, right?
Kara: That too. The way I think of it is ... Okay, their version of Las Vegas has this slogan. 'What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.' That's how I think of this world. I don't do anything I would be ashamed of, but still...
Zatanna: That doesn't mean you want it in the papers, huh?
Kara: Right.
Zatanna: Is he really that good of a lover?
Kara: Oh god, yes. I think all of the girls have come so much we passed out.
Zatanna: Really...
Kara: He's not super-human, but he is in great shape. And he treats each one of us differently. He always makes sure we come more than once and he seems to understand us at some basic, primal level. He can do things simply or break out the Kama Sutra.
Diana: Cunnilingus?
Kara: Definitely. Sometimes I think he enjoys it as much as actual fucking.
Diana: Well, that's a pleasant surprise at least. So are all of the women here bi-sexual?
Kara: To one degree or another. Jane is the most enthusiastically bi, but I've spent the night alone in bed with each of them. Rei and Daria are probably the most hetero of the group, but they still enjoy a night of lady-lovin on occasion. I think Daria is equally in love with Frank and Jane, and any night spent with someone else is just for fun.
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My first time with a transwoman was a very unique experience I must say. Having explored my options on the internet wasn't an easy one. I was nervous and curious about my first experience having sex with a transwoman. I only had sex with biological women throughout my entire sexual life and this was a new experience for me. I checked for several months on Backpage and Craigslist on the dating classifieds ads for transwoman.What I was looking for is an mature erotic, sexy and beautiful...
The day began like many others had for our superheroine friend with the usual easy capture of common criminals and petty thieves. But it would end like no other, for on this day our sexy super heroine would begin an adventure like no other, one that would change her life completely. On edge of the steamy jungles of South America a volcano erupted with astounding ferocity, shooting ash and lava as far as the eye could see. The lava's roaring torrent ate away at the landscape as it rushed down...
Sarah's husband Robert had only been away on assignment for a few weeks when he informed her that he was involved with a woman in Europe. He hoped that any legal proceedings could wait until he returned. In the meantime he instructed a lawyer to draw up papers transferring the house to her name and providing financial support for her. He said he knew she had been unhappy and hoped that she would try to move on without him. Otherwise, he was unapologetic. Sarah assured him she would be fine and...
Group SexSome comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The story I posted last night was a scenario joining events from the Lois & Clark TV show and the Lois Lane comic books #70 and 71. I hope most of you remember some of the details I put out for background there. This story is derived from events in the story in LL #71. The opening paragraph...
This story uses characters owned by Warner Bros./DC Comics. They are used here strictly in a not for profit fan story meant for readers enjoyment. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given credit. CATWOMAN AND BATMAN - THE WAGER by Eric and Steve Zink Part 1 Catwoman walked in to her meeting with Batman. It was hardly surprising that she moved with such a feline grace. Selina enjoyed Batman's admiration, and she smiled...
Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The Further Adventures of Lois Lane Lois Lane and Catwoman, part 2 by Steve Zink In part 1, Lois had watched the police cart the original Catwoman, Selina Kyle, and her gang off to jail. A policeman had found the unconscious Lois in a complete Catwoman costume from her earlier time...
Bat girl Aka Barbra Gordon is searching for Catwoman hell bent on revenge after what she did to her. Bat Girl then thinks back to a week ago when Catwoman captured her stripped off her costume and left her in nothing but her underwear. Bat Girl tracks Catwoman to old where house. Bat Girl sneaks inside looking for Catwoman as she looking around suddenly she shocked. When Bat Girl wakes up she is tied to metal table with Catwoman looking down at her. Hi Batbrat Catwoman laughing so you didn’t...
Wonder Woman flew her invisible plane through the dark sky heading west out of Washington, D.C., the home of the IADC agency, of which she was the most famous field agent in their history. However, she had only rejoined the agency 4 days ago after a 30 year absence. She had returned to her home on Paradise Island back then because Orcs, large fierce green creatures, had invaded the Amazons. Thirty years later after the war had ended and the defenses had been strengthened so no such surprise...
Wonder Woman: After the InvasionAuthor’s Note:This was a story that I had wanted to do since 2004 but never did. As much as I am a fan of DC Comics, I never did like what direction DC took when they did the Final Crisis storyline in 2008, but will never complain for their choice of doing so, and always pondered about the future of DC Comics beyond 2013, when Warner Bros loses the rights to the greatest comic book superhero known to man – Superman.My story is about...
The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. Wonder Woman - Dr. Psycho's Mind Games by Steve Zink This story was inspired by and done in tribute to a number of pictures done by...
[ Update: Free Use World !! The main storyline will continue. Please enjoy using Catwoman's lesbian anal fetish mind control Gotham City. ] Prologue: Batgirl struggled with the nylon ropes binding her in place. They dug deep into her costume across her nips and down the crack of her pert ass. There was little else she could do. The thin ropes bound her thighs and ankles together in kneeling position. Her arms were firmly tied behind her back and those ropes were tied to the ones around her...
Mind ControlThe following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! Wonder Woman - Who's Who In The...
HumorTitle: Wonder Woman takes one for the team Author: slaveboyusa Date: 12/11/2009 Please send comments to: [email protected] Synopsis: Wonder Woman’s car breaks down in the middle of the suburbs. Wonder Woman becomes the prisoner of two boys. They have something nasty in store for her. Wonder Woman was driving through a residential part of town one Saturday afternoon. The weather was warm, so she let down the top of her convertible. The wind was playing with her long...
Story: It was a quiet and peaceful day. In fact it has been very peaceful for the last two months. Wonder Woman had been flying on the air, inside her invisible jet. The only other things up on the sky with her were the birds. Right now she was flying across the airspace of America. America was a big country, full of cities and towns. Some towns were big, but others were small, and in the middle of nowhere. Right now she flew over the skies of the small town of Desolate, a town that was...
Author: slaveboyusa Please send comments to: [email protected] Date: 9/19/2009 Title: Sailor Moon v. Wonder Woman Wonder Woman choose to fly her invisible jet to Japan. She was more than a woman, she was an amazon and she deserved better than to sit in a crowded plan next to a fat man and a crying kid. Peanuts and a soda? No thank you. Wonder Woman would enjoy the abundant leg room of her private jet and land it in a semi-secluded air strip in Japan. She was on her way to visit the...
THE OTHER GROUP ON WONDER WOMAN Wonder Woman stood in a dark corner of the warehouse, where there was only neon lights above her. Roughly 20 men, Hispanics, were looking and gawking at her. they were the armed Uzi-wielding men working for Sanchez and it was like after 1 in the morning. Sanchez told his men that from now till dawn, they could do whatever they wanted with Wonder Woman. The team leader Enrique stood out from the group and then gave Wonder Woman as order, while she stood there...
Inspired by a story on The character of Wonder Woman belongs to DC comics. This is just a fan fiction. Thanks to Steve Zink, matchless and generous Prince of Editors for all his help. Wonder Woman ? Obsession By Eric Princess Diana sighed. She hated going to public fundraisers or any large functions. She did not enjoy being the automatic center of attention. She was used to it both as Wonder Woman and as her real identity, Princess Diana on Paradise...
Wonder Woman was flying her invisible jet as fast as she could towards Frankfurt, Germany. She had just learned, through her alter alias of Diana Prince, that her friend Steve Trevor had been captured. He was being held in an underground base run by Klaus Mueller. Klaus was known for being particularly vicious and rumour was that he frequently gave young woman as prizes to the most loyal officers in Hitler’s army, who would be raped. She landed a few miles away from the base and travelled...
Despite quitting the Justice League and retiring from being a superhero, everyone believed her to be Wonder Woman, yet she had so far avoided meeting Wonder Woman's people, the Amazons, worried they would realise she was an imposter. But no meeting can be put off forever.... (Note: This story is part of a series. If you haven't read the others then, at the very least, you should read WHATEVER HAPPENED TO WONDER WOMAN? before reading this one.) WHATEVER HAPPENED TO WONDER WOMAN:...
This is the events of 'Whatever Happened to Wonder Woman?', as experienced by Maggie Jones. Think you know the full story? You don't. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO WONDER WOMAN: THE FIRST DAY by BobH (c) 2020. (Note: Obviously, this one contains spoilers for 'Whatever Happened to Wonder Woman?') - 1 - I woke shortly before 1 p.m. and sighed, my breath misting before me in the cold air of my trailer. The afternoon light coming in through...
The time was somewhere 7 in the evening. There was a full moon up on the sky, shining very brightly. It was a very large restaurant, surrounded by palm trees and the sea behind it. In front of it was a vast car parking space. Tonight tons and tons of limousine have been coming by, as the filthy wealthy and the criminal elements from America and all over the world had been coming just for one thing — expensive nyotaimori dining. Inside the restaurant the space was very large, even larger than...
“Oh my head.” Robin whispered as he stirred awake. It took a few moments for him to fully regain consciousness. His last memory was of chasing someone across the Gotham rooftops, now he was in someone’s apartment. “I’ve been captured!” He screamed in his mind as he suddenly realized he was under restraints. Taking a deep breath, he willed himself to think calmly, just as Batman as taught him. Take stock of the situation, then form a plan of action. The room was in semi-darkness, illuminated...
This is not the story of how my mother, my sister, and I escaped that catastrophe, of how the starliner Pegasus II tried to escape the disaster into FTL only to be destroyed by debris, of our flight to and rendezvous at the lifeboats, of the 24-person lifeboat jettisoning with just the three of us aboard. There are at least a dozen such accounts from the 87 survivors from the Peg, and most, to be honest, are more compelling. This is not the story of the first tumultuous hours after the...
Nancy Hite carefully straddled the head of the woman who called herself Wonder Woman. She had never given any thought to having sex with a woman, but she had never seen a woman with such an amazing body. When she read the mythology of the Amazons and saw they did this, she had suddenly wanted it, especially with this woman. Wonder Woman firmly clamped her lips closed. She had no intention of eating this woman's cunt, especially with the smell coming from it. When was the last time she had...
It has been two weeks since Wonder Woman and Batgirl had been serving Sanchez and his men. Their lives became routine. Their morning began with their training in sexual techniques. In the afternoon, they would be at Sanchez's office, giving him his daily blow job. When Sanchez wanted a break, he would unzip and stand next to their heads, as they knelt down under his desk, and Batgirl and Wonder Woman would obediently suck him and swallow his cum. If he had no time for having his cock sucked...
Just a short story I wrote during my German language lessons. It contains non consensual sex situations, bondage, brainwashing and domination. If you don?t like, just stop reading now for your own good. If you have any thoughts, don?t be afraid to write at: [email protected] Woman belongs to the Dark Horse comics. Uberhure Wonder woman gasped, when she open her eyes, noticing that she was sitting on the cold, metal chair. Her hands and legs were cuffed to it, so she couldn?t move. Then...
Wonder Woman was on a routine patrol when she saw trouble down in a school yard. Three boys had a girl up against the schoolhouse wall and 2 of them had her arms, holding her prisoner. She quickly flew down and assumed her hands on hip, me superior to you, stance. "Release that girl you hooligans," she declared. The leader of the trio spun around to see who had the audacity to challenge him. He and his 3 buddies ran Central High, they beat up any boys who didn't instantly do anything they...
Mom and Dad had been planning to renew their vows that very evening, and Mom had arrived at the lifeboat directly from the station where she had been shopping and getting made up for the ceremony. She was already in her white dress, tight around her torso to accentuate her remarkable figure but flowing in the skirt to give her an ethereal look. She wore white stockings underneath, the lacy tops barely visible where the skirt had ridden up. Like the rest of us, she was shoeless, probably...
PART 1 Them fuckin’ Armed Services get all the credit, but who gets their asses blown out of the water to get them their crap, for chrissake? Us fuckers in the Merchant Marine, that’s who. Goddamn sub-bait. And then they don’t send nobody to fish us out. Goddamn Krauts. Goddamn war! Cookie bobbed in his lifejacket and watched his ship disappear, a sorry excuse for a vessel, to be sure, but nonetheless, his ship. Sailors deep-six all the time, the risk they signed on for, perhaps. Bad luck,...
Before I start this story, you should know that I'm not really up on my comics. Infact I'd only knew of Wonder Woman from that campy 70s TV series staring the lovely Lynda Carter, but other than that I've never taken much notice/interest in the character...That was until my gorgeous girlfriend showed me there's plenty to admire about her!It all happened on one pleasant spring day when I was helping my girl move in with me, carrying her boxes of things up to my room. Lucky she didn't have too...
Lois Lane walk into the room where Lobo waiting, sitting on the bed. She starred at the bulge in his pants, licking her lips a bit. "They'll be here soon, hun," she said. She swayed her hips on the way out, knowing full well he was checking out her ass in her tight skirt. She smiled.As she left, Superman and Wonder Woman were just arriving. The chalky white Czarnian and golden Kryptonian and promised the promiscuous princess a double stuffing. Her hot Amazonian ass and pussy puckered, begging...
Col. Steve Trevor was in a bad humor even although he had good news for his commanding officer. He had broken up a group that threatened a major National Monument. He learned of a plot to plant explosives in George Washington's image on Mt. Rushmore that would have turned the face of the Father of Our Country into that of an international terrorist. Steve had foiled the attempt, but only with Wonder Woman's help. And that was the source of his frustration -- Wonder Woman. Working with the...
Wonder Woman is a property of DC Comics and this is a non profit story and for no one below 18. It is 2060AD and Wonder Woman is one of the last few Superheroines around as she is a goddess, who doesn't age, in this post apocalyptic world. The world is just like the one depicted in the movie 'Mad Max'. But she is still a heroine as she is on the trail of a captured Blonde girl called Melissa. Melissa has been a hostage victim of 3 Redneck boys named Dan, Logan and Bucky. Wonder Woman has...
Fate, Catwoman and Steve Zink By Eric (HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE!) Selina Kyle was feeling pleased with herself. It was so much fun being the evil Catwoman! A glow came into the cat lair and a stern looking woman dressed like a Greek Goddess came walking out of thin air and she said in a voice like thunder. "Selina, you must answer for your crimes!" "Er..., come again, you dully dressed bitch?" "You have been a bad Catwoman! Very bad." "But I am supposed to be bad, you...
Wonder Woman now lives to serve her new Master and Mistress Sanchez de La Gama and the supervillainess Katana, to the point of planning the capture of her sister Donna Troy aka Wonder Girl. Right now Katana and Wonder Woman are in Wonder Woman's invisible plane on their way to do some aerial reconnaissance of her home on Paradise Island. After several hours of flying Paradise Island comes into view. Katana instructs her not to fly to close, as she doesn't want to be spotted by rest of the...
The Womanizer by X_Zero_23 Ye know my Lords and Ladies, of the tales of certain adventures in this and neighboring kingdoms. Warriors, students of magical lore, and even cunning thieves who have made a name for themselves in life and more often afterward with treasures won, villains vanquished, and beasts and demons beyond the ken of man overcome. All know the well-worn players of a thousand different names. Fighter. Paladin. Magic-User. Thief. Ranger, and Monk are some that...
Early the next morning, Wonder Woman showed the men how to rig the harness for her "belly ride", as she called it. When the sling was ready, to her satisfaction, Jessie asked why she called it that. "In South America, women used to have a sport that they called belly riding. They would ride their horses in competition, mounted like this, as their horse fucked them. Their dismounting from the horse after they finished, and the amount of cum leaking from their cunts, counted for points in...
Hi guys,I come to this idea while watching one of those stupid TV shows. This is kinda experimental story, written with dialogues only, but I hope you'll like it. If you have any ideas about another heroines that could be "asked" to appear in the next episodes of "Fearless and Shameless" write me at [email protected] I'd love to know what do you think about this idea.Erotic Interviews - Wonder Woman"Hi, this is Ian Cummings and let me welcome you, ladies and gentlemen in the first edition of...
Wonder Woman's recovery from this experimental session lasted for 17 hrs. At 9 AM she was fully functional. Dr. Jones had her put her pink uniform on. With it on she became her cover, Diana Prince. She had picked it as the main one she wanted to wear in room 2. It consisted of a pink thong, pink mini skirt and pink bikini type bra made of material so thin, that her nipples were permanently poked through it because of the temperature Dr. Jones kept room 2 at. Her 2nd uniform was as his...
The third person I ever had sex with was my husband so you couldn’t call me promiscuous. I lost my virginity aged 18 during a drunken student party and I was not at all impressed with the whole sex thing. The second man came along two years later; he was my first long term love, well a few months anyway. Then there was Paul, we dated; we got engaged and eventually married. I didn’t know and didn’t care if our sex life was good or not, it was good enough for me. We had and still do have sex...
The wall exploded as Wonder Woman was thrown through it. She rolled across the ground and loose bricks, scrambling to her feet in a low fighting stance. Lobo stepped threw the hole in the wall and cracked his large knuckles. The Amazon Princess flew at him with her left fist extended, which he easily blocked only to get hit square in the face with the right."You're too weak to hurt me!" Lobo exclaimed. He caught her with a backhand."No," she said. "I'm just used to holding back against street...
*Eventually, all spasms passed. Wonder Woman collapsed onto me. I held her in my arms, breathing in and out past her ear. She was gasping for breath as well. She whispered into my ear. “Tonight you fucked Wonder Woman. Tomorrow, you can eat Mommy’s pussy for breakfast.”* I woke up alone in my bed with my mother’s final words of the preceding night ringing in my head. I was wide awake yet bone weary. The sun had been peeping up over the horizon as Wonder Woman and I exchanged final kisses...
It was late. I'd been arrested again. And, I'd been remanded in custody for the rest of the weekend... "Angela... ?" a female voice called. As I looked up, my cell-door opened to reveal 'Probationary' Constable Tania Margarson 23069 - the young policewoman entering the 'Female Cells' with a warm cup of coffee for me. "MMMM, " I sighed, smiling wickedely at the uniformed policewoman, "Thankyou, Constable Margarson!" "I thought, you might like a coffee..." she replied. The...
My Mother As Wonder Woman My mother told me that she needed to be a sexy woman for her office Halloween party. It was a couple of weeks away so she had plenty of time. I suggested that she go as Wonder Woman. I followed that up with the facts. Wonder Woman is a DC Comics super heroine. When she isn’t Wonder Woman she is Diana Prince. That Wonder Woman is a warrior Princess of the Amazons. Her real name is Diana of Themyscira. That she has her Lasso of Truth, which forces those...
"I asked, what the hell is going on here?" the Director repeated. Diana kept licking at the pussy in front of her. The drugs had her in full whore mode and all she cared about was sex. Dr. Jones was about to cum and he kept hammering away at Diana's pussy. Finally the women that Diana hadn't got to yet explained it. That Dr. Jones had gotten Diana to willingly mate with him and was her primary mate, although the other men all had her ask them and then completed the ritual with her. All...
"Welcome to your new home, princess Diana." At the sound of the voice she turned to find Jared Grey or the Dark Emperor as he was called, a new Magical super villain at the cell's steel barred door, a smirk on his face. With a roar of rage she launched herself at the door, ready to tear it to pieces and kill her enemy. As she touched the door however, a green light flashed and she found herself thrown back. Of course, magical spells had been placed on the door to avoid escape....
Hie,this is Prameet srivastava from kanpur.This story is about my neighborhood aunt bubbli singh..Bubbli aunty was very conservative lady..She has dark complex but very attractive figure…She has huge boobs..She looks like bipasha basu…She is tall…Everybody wants to bang her at least once… She used to like me as I was very very good in my study…She was a very good lady till year 2010… Then their family left our neighborhood and settled in delhi… Slowly with the time,we lost contact of her. I...
CONFESSIONS OF A CAT WOMAN By Natalie Wilde Someone once said that the life changing events will not come when you expect them but rather will sideswipe you on a Friday at 3 in the afternoon. Well for me that was true, except it was Thursday. And what seemed like a normal October afternoon would soon have major implications. I am writing this, as way to try and make sense of the things that have happened to me and how my life...
Have you ever fantasized about Wonder Woman? For most people, the answer is 'yes.' With all sorts of fantasies across a whole gamut of dreams, kinks, fetishes -- hey, you do you, right? Here's a more pointed question. Have you ever fantasized about capturing Wonder Woman? Binding Wonder Woman? Dominating and conquering Wonder Woman? I have to believe almost as many people would say 'yes' to that. I mean, think about it. Setting aside the swimsuit uniform... she runs around wearing manacles and...
Wonder Woman & a colleague are ambushed by Baroness Von Gunther, the colleague is taken captive, as Baroness challenges Wonder Woman to a duel as her guards stand ready. Her colleague watches on in cuffs, Paula tells the guards to leave as she's confident enough to be able to take Wonder Woman at full strength. This was a mistake as Diana easily beats down Von Gunther, Paula grabs a stun-gun from the guard. Wonder Woman knocks it out of Paula's hand & lands right in front of the captive. Von...