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First of all, thank you all for your all of your supportive comments. Secondly, since I have created a little sub-universe within NMF, let me be the first to cast the first stone with this new entry. As always, i enjoy your opinions. A word of warning. On the last one a lot of things happened off stage in response to the recent TG Cliche thing that went around. This one will be much more graphic once it gets going full throttle. Tales of Djinnar: NEPENTHE By Raven ne-pen'the n. 1. a drug supposed by the ancient Greeks to cause forgetfu- lness of sorrow; also, the plant from which this drug was supposedly obtained. 2. anything that brings forgetfulness of sorrow. * * * * * * * * * * * * I sat on the beach watching the pretty girls go by. It seemed as if each one was more beautiful than the last. Each time that I saw one that I was particularly attracted to made me wonder what it would be like to be her. I guess that I was like most guys in that we always wondered what it would be like to be the opposite sex. What would it be like to be small and soft? What would it be like to be so pretty that everyone wanted you? What would it be like to have a set of big boobs? Most of all, what would it feel like to have sex as a member of the opposite sex? These questions played themselves over and over in my mind. It wasn't that I was gay, or even ever had a homosexual thought. This fantasy was derived from my curiosity about women, and my need to understand them inside and out. I'm not the kind of guy women go "ga-ga" over. I'm just an average guy, with average looks. How- ever, I always imagined that if I understood women intimately, I could more than make up for any physical deficits, real or perceived, which nature gave me. "Perceived or real" were the operative words, and my true sorrow. I just figured that every other guy had some type of advantage over me when it came to the fairer sex. As a result, I was very insecure, which affected my ability to start or maintain a relationship with a woman: a self fulfilling prophecy! As I sat there, I began to play a little game with myself. I imagined that if I had the power to change places with anyone, just by uttering a single, magical word, like "KAPLOWIE," who would I change with? The game was to see how many different girls I would trade with. There weren't too many girls walking up and down my particular section of the beach, so I decided to go on a little walk myself. I decided to walk in the surf because I liked the feeling of the waves lapping on my feet. I liked the feeling of wet sand beneath my feet. I got about 100 yards away from my blanket, when I stepped on something hard in the wet sand. Rather than continuing on with my walk, I stopped to dig out the object. I wanted to see what it was, since you always here stories about people losing jewelry or watches at the beach. A friend of mine actually found a Rolex once! I reached down, scooping up a handful of the heavy, wet sand in my hands. I put my hands into the water to gently wash away the sand, leaving only the object. When I accomplished that task, I was left with what looked like a marble. I wasn't perfectly round like a marble, and it was also covered by a hard, crusty surface, much like hardened clay. I found a rather large rock nearby, or more accurately a piece of coral, to crack the clay-like surface. In fact, that surface cracked very easily, indicating that there was something inside. Carefully, I pealed of the remainder of the clay surface. To my surprise, inside was a star sapphire about the size of a marble. It was dark blue, and the iridescent white star inside moved, and changed shape, as I moved the object. It was beautiful. All of a sudden, I heard a deep, baritone voice inside my head say, "Why have you called me from Djinnar? I was right in the middle of an interude with my newest initiate, Scheherazade, of incomparable beauty..." "What?" I said aloud, turning around to see who said that. There was no one within 100 feet of me. "Who said that.......?" I questioned aloud to no one in particular. I thought that I must be imagining things. "No one other than the holder of the gem can hear me!" There it was again! I thought that must be going nuts. "You are not mad, my master. You can simply hear my thoughts." Came the same voice into my head. "WHO ARE YOU?" I yelled aloud. Several people in the distance turned to stare at me as if I was a lunatic. To all of the world it must have appeared like I was having a conversation with thin air. Actually..........I was! "You do not need to speak aloud for me to her you. All you need to do is think, and I will respond.....master" Now you can imagine how disorienting to have another voice, other than your own, inside your head. It was very strange! How- ever, I had no other way to get to the bottom of this than to have a mental conversation with this voice. "Who are you" I asked mentally? "You are a fast learner, my master" the voice said. I noticed that the voice had a heavy Arabic accent to it. "Why do you keep calling me "Master"?" "It is written that whoever will possess the Eye of Allah will be the master of the Blue Djinn. You hold in your hand the sacred Eye of Allah. I am the Blue Djinn, and it is my destiny to serve my master." "Is this some type of joke?" I asked mentally. "There's a camera right, like Candid Camera?" "This is no jest Master. Please let me demonstrate. Think of something that you want, and I shall cause it to be." I thought. "Well........I am thirsty. I could use a Diet Cok........." I hadn't even completed my other thought when an ice cold can of Diet Coke appeared in my free hand. I was so stunned that I dropped it onto the ground. "Oh my God..............." I said aloud. "Not God. I am a Djinn." came the mental response. I had to sit down. Fast. This was almost too much to take in. I ran as fast as I could back to my blanket. I plopped down onto the blanket, and just stared at the gemstone in my hand. I tried very hard not to think, lest the voice in my head hear me. It was no use. Literally millions of questions ran through my head. I tried one ex- perimentally. "Do you have a body?" "Yes, but it is in Djinnar. Only Djinnees walk your plane. How- ever, there are a few condiuts by which you can speak to a Djinn, master of Djinnees." came the answer. "Can you do anything?" was my query. "As with all things, I do have limitations. I cannot make anyone love you, nor can I make you love anyone else. That is a matter of free will, which is something that I cannot interfere with." "Anything else" "I cannot create life, nor can I through direct action destroy it. Other than these limitations, I can do what you ask of me" "Do I have any limitations on the number of wishes that I can make?" "You have no such limitations. As long as you possess the stone, I am bound to do your bidding" I looked at the stone. It would be inconvenient to have to carry this thing around. That would make it easier to get lost. In response to my thoughts the Djinn said, in my head, "I can make the stone as large or as small as you wish it to be. It can be made into any size or form. In its true form, it is about the size of a roc's egg, and fits inside the Statue of the Dreaming Allah." I thought, "It would be nice if it were in a ring....." As soon as I thought it there was a flash of light in my hand. The stone had been changed into a man's gold ring, with the Star Sapphire set into the gold. The Star Sapphire was a little smaller now, faceted and polished. It looked just like an expensive man's ring. I slipped the ring on my left index finger. It fit perfectly! "Thank you," I thought. "You are welcome, Master," was the reply. "Tell me about the Statue of The Dreaming Allah," I asked mentally. "I need to understand all of this." "The Statue of the Dreaming Allah is a representation of the great being in repose. One eye is closed, and one eye is open to see the mortal world. Into the open eye was placed the Eye of Allah, which you now possess, to grant the requests of mortals through one such as I while he slept." "Where is this Statue? I have never heard of it." "The statue was in Baghdad. It was there since ancient times, in a mosque, until the Knights Templar destroyed it during the Crusades. The Knights took the Eye into their possession. However, they did not know what they had. The Eye was stolen back by the Shadow Bedouins, and has since then passed from hand to hand. Now I am in your hands, Master." I was stunned. None of this appeared on any history book that I ever read. I couldn't believe that I now owned an honest to good- ness Djinn, or as he said master of even Djinnees.. I needed to learn some of the ground rules of how this worked. "Will you always be in my head? This is very distracting you know..........." "I will always be with you, if that is what you desire. Some masters have wanted that, while others, like yourself, find it to be annoying. Whatever you wish." "If I don't want it, what then?" Already, so much thinking was giving me a headache. "I will sleep until I am summoned forth again. Otherwise, I will not hear you, nor will I be able to do your bidding." "How will I summon you forth," I asked? "You must think of a word that only you will know that will call me from my rest. I will hear it, and I will respond," it replied. "Kind of like a computer password," I thought to myself. "What is a computer, Master?" it asked. It was clear that I would have to choose the second option. I didn't have a single thought to myself. "Never mind. Can you at least change your voice to make it more pleasant? Another man's voice in my head is very disturbing." "Is this better?" came a soft and melodic woman's voice. "I can sound however you wish me to be." The voice was very pleasing, with just the trace of the Arabic accent. "Yes. That will do fine. I wish you to slumber until I call you forth. You will come when you hear the word....."KAPLOWIE." Is that okay?" "As you wish, Master," was the response. "How do I send you away?" "Simply say the words "be gone" and I shall disappear." By now I did have a headache, and I needed time to think with just me. I sent the djinni away by thinking the words "be gone". I ex- perimentally tried to see if it was still there by thinking, "Djinni? Are you there?" No response. I tried wishing for a new Diet Coke. There was still no response. For all "intents and purposes," I was alone. Without the other voice in my head, my headache cleared up quickly. I began to wonder what I would wish for with my new- found treasure. I could wish for wealth, or good looks, or almost anything. The Djinn said he could not make others love me, but it said nothing about making others lust after me, or making me ir- resistible. This had definite possibilities! About that time an utterly beautiful woman walked by. That reminded me of the game that I was playing before I found the Star Sapphire. This woman was someone that I would trade bodies with. "Hey. Wait a minute," I thought to myself. "With the Djinn I can see what it would really be like to be a woman. Screw all of the other stuff. The greatest treasure would be to know what makes them tick, and what they think." I found myself thinking the summoning word, "KAPLOWIE." Instantly there was an answer, "How may I serve you master.?" The voice was still the pleasant feminine tone. I thought, "Is it possible for you to change my body to make it look any way that I wanted?" "It is possible, Master." "What if I wanted to be a woman?" "It is of no matter. Form change is very easy to do." "It wouldn't be permanent, would it?" " would last as long, or short as you would wish it to be." "Then I wish for you to transform me into a woman." "Do you wish it to be here, where everyone can see you?" it asked. "You are right. I need to go somewhere where I won't be seen." "Master, swim out into the water until it is deep enough for you to be submerged. I will place a spell upon you. When you go under the water, picture in your mind the image of what you wish to become. When you break the surface of the water that is what you will be. You may summon me again when you wish to return to your true shape." I didn't see anything wrong with the Djinn's suggestion, so I ordered, "That's fine. However, when I change, change my ring so that it fits my form." I didn't want to lose the Star Sapphire in the water, and be a woman permanently. "Now be gone." Mentally I heard it say, as it faded out, "It is so............" I got up from my blanket, and began to walk toward the water tentatively. As I walked by the lifeguard stand, I notice a sign which read: SWIMMERS BEWARE! Hazardous conditions. Riptides! I didn't pay much attention to the warning because I was an extreme- ly strong swimmer. In fact I used to be a lifeguard myself, and even taught other lifeguards what to do. When I got to the water, I waded out until the level of the water met my upper thighs. I laid myself out upon the surface of the water, and began to take strong strokes further away from shore. The riptides were very strong. I could only imagine the effect the undertow would have on a weaker swimmer. However, they were no-match for my swimming ability. With effort I was able to make my way a good distance from the shore. I stopped, and began to tread water. The undertow was strong, with a constant pull against my body. It was nothing that I couldn't handle. I surveyed the shore. I was far enough out that no one would see the transformation. I ran through various images in my mind. What should I look like? As many images that floated through my mind, I kept on coming back to one. SaReena Lee. She was a model that was featured in big boob magazines. Her entire body was slim, and slender, except for her breasts which were enormous. She was extremely beautiful, with a gorgeous face, thick kissable lips, and light blonde hair that went to the lower part of her back. The other thing about her which I found to be erotic was the fact that she was so small, at 5'1", and petite. She was truly a woman among girls. The only thing was I would have to have a different face, or else I would be mistaken for her. I pictured her face in my mind making some changes. I made the image of the face twice as pretty as it was before! "This is it!" I thought to myself. I took a deep breath of air, and submerged underneath the surface of the water. Almost instantly, I felt a warmth, and a sensation of itching covering my entire body. Something was definitely happening! I felt sensations like I had never felt before. My insides felt like they were being twisted internally, and distorted in a strange way. I felt as if my body was being pulled in every direction at the same time. I felt as if my body was being molded. I felt my waist being squeezed smaller, while the rest of my body flowed like putty. It wasn't exactly painful, but just.....tight. I felt my chest begin to expand. My pect- oral muscles seemed to be gaining weight, a lot of weight, and were being forced out. My swimming trunks felt as if it were growing tighter. They were squeezing my penis very tightly against my body. I almost lost all of my air when I felt one ball, then the other slip up inside of me. I felt my penis being withdrawn up into my body. My entire insides felt like they were moving, and rearranging themselves. At the same time, I felt the "rearranging" feeling all over my body. On my face I felt a tickling sensation. My lips felt thicker somehow. I felt something crawling down the back of my neck, and back which I thought must be hair growing. I felt as if my arms and legs were being stretched thinner, yet shrinking, while my upper body was being compressed. I was out of air. I struggled to the surface of the water. When I broke the surface of the water, I pulled one hand to my eyes to clear away the salt water. When I did, I saw that my fingernails were now long, manicured, and painted red. On my ring finger was the ring, however, it was smaller now, and in a feminine setting. "Oh my God. It worked!" My voice was high feminine and sweet. As I attempted to look down at myself, I felt long wet hair pull at my scalp, as it lay heavily on my shoulders. When I could look down, I saw two extremely large tits bobbing up and down in the water. It occurred to me that there was one thing I forgot to ask the Djinn for......a woman's bikini. Before I explored myself further, I thought I had better take care of that small detail. I started to think the word "ka........" when my thoughts were rudely interrupted by the strong pull of the undertow. This time I was too weak to fight it. This was something I hadn't thought of when I decided to do this. This woman's body that I now wore wasn't equipped to handle these riptides. Just before I was dragged under, I was able to shout out, as loud as I could, "HELP!" The next thing I knew I was underwater. I hadn't had a chance to get a breath of air before being dragged under. I was in such a state of panic that I couldn't think straight. I struggled to get to the surface, but could not. I was just too weak. Instead, I was taken further under, near the sandy bottom. The last think I remember was the sight of a big rock coming right toward me, and searing pain on the side of my head. Afterward, there was only darkness. I woke up. I had a splitting headache. There was an overpower- ing urge to cough. I did, and retched up salty water. "What happen- ed to me?" I wondered. "Easy miss. You took a nasty blow to the head. You swallowed a lot of water. You were without oxygen for over 5 minutes," came a male voice. I was laying on my back somewhere. I was aware of a towel on my chest. "Wh-where am I?" I struggled to say. For some reason, which I could not explain, my voice sounded strange, different.... somehow. It was nothing that I could put my finger on. "You're still at the beach. We have you at the first aid station," the man said. I turned my head to look at him. It was a lifeguard because he had on red trunks with the word "lifeguard" on them. The man was about 6'2" and was tanned and muscular. He had a swimmers build. "How do I know that?" I wondered. Other than that, the man had long thick hair, and a very hand- some face. He tried to reassure me, "Don't worry. The ambu- lance is on the way." The lifeguard paused for a second before asking, "Miss? Why are you wearing a man's swimming trunks? Why don't you have a top on?" I searched inwardly for an answer to his question, but there was nothing. I could only respond, "I-I don't know." I was very confused that I didn't know the answer to his question. I tried to sit up. However, since I was so weak, the lifeguard had to help me. As soon as I was in a sitting position, I felt a large weight on my chest. I felt wet hair on my shoulders and back. I looked down at myself to see a towel wrapped around my upper body. The towel did nothing to hide two extremely large boobs. "I-I'm a girl.........," I said as if I expected a different answer. The lifeguard was confused. "Uh.........yeah. Of course you are......." He had an expression on his face like he didn't know what was going on. "Look miss, if you just tell me where your stuff is down on the beach, I'll go and get it for you." Again, I tried to search my memory for an answer. Again, there was none. It was a complete blank. I was beginning to grow very scared. "I don't know........" The expression on the face of the lifeguard changed again to one of grave concern. "Who are you.........?" he asked, concern in his voice. I repeated my memory search. I began to tremble all over, and felt the urge to cry. "I don't know. I can't remember who I am!" "Damn," cried the lifeguard. "I was afraid of this. The blow to the head, plus lack of oxygen to your brain, has scrambled your memory. I'm glad we're taking you to the hospital." He had a look of grave concern on his face. I thought he was going to cry too. I grabbed his hand. "You saved me didn't you? What happened?" "Yeah, I guess I did. You were caught in the undertow. You just weren't physically strong enough to fight it. It almost got you too. I got to you just in time." "Why are you so concerned? Do you know me?" " Although I wish that I did." Then it occurred to me what the problem was. "Am I pretty?" "Er....ahem......yeah. You could say that....." "You're attracted to me aren't you?" "Miss, any red-blooded, heterosexual man would be attracted to you....." There was a heavy moment of silence. He finally stated, "We can't let you go to the hospital like that, with only a man's trunks and a towel. I've got to see if I can find you something else to wear." He started to walk away. For some reason a sense of panic and fear gripped me. He was my rescuer, and I felt very close to him. He was my only connection with.......anything! I wouldn't let go of his hand. I felt tears form in my eyes. I sobbed, "Pl-please don't go. I'm scared...." He tried to reassure me. "I'm just going into the lockers to find you something to wear. I'm just going to be a few steps away. It'll be okay......really" I reluctantly let go. "O-okay...." He was only gone for a few seconds. However, I was so fright- ened that I seemed like hours. When he returned, I was trembling. He saw my terrified condition, and said, "You poor little thing. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I took his hand again, squeezing it tightly. "It-it's just that I don't know who I am. I don't even know where I come from, or even my name. I'm just so scared. Promise me that you won't leave me!" He said, reassuringly, "Sure. I promise. I promise." I looked him in the eyes. He looked very sincere. There was just something about him that just made me want to trust him. He did save my life, after all. He saw the pleading look in my eye, responding, "Really! I promise." That made me feel a lot better. I let go of his hand, and soon, my trembling stopped. The lifeguard, sensing that a crisis had past stated, "The am- bulance will be here any second to take you to the hospital. Be- fore you panic, yes, I'll go with you to the hospital. However, you can't go dressed like that." He handed me a balled up piece of red material, that he had been holding in his other hand. "Here. This is a spare woman's lifeguard suit that I found in the locker room. You'll have to go into the ladies room, and put it on. Do you think you'll be okay." I mentally scanned myself in response to his question. I didn't seem to hurt anywhere, except for my splitting headache. My body did feel strange.....different somehow. It wasn't anything that I could put a finger on. It was just a feeling of....wrongness! I didn't think that it was anything that would prevent me from putting on the swimsuit. "I think I'll be okay. Where's the ladies' room?" The lifeguard gestured to a room about ten yards to his right. I started to get up from where I was laying. As soon as I stood up, I was overcome by an intense feeling of being unbalanced. It was the oddest thing. I tried to take a step, but started to fall forward. My knight in shining armor was right there to catch my fall. He said, "See? I told you that I wouldn't leave you!" "Thanks," I said, straightening myself. I noticed how big he was, and how small I was, by comparison. I had to look way up just to see his face. Without thinking, I blurted out, "Wow! I'm really, really short!" "What you lack in height, you definitely make up in beauty. Be- lieve me!" he stated, matter-of-factly. I tried to walk again. I tried to put the strange feelings my body was sending aside, and just concentrated on handling my balance. After a few steps, I was able to at least move around. I looked at him before disappearing into the ladies' room. "You won't go anywhere, will you?" "No. I'll be just outside the door. I swear!" I replied, "Okay. I'll be right back." I managed to walk into the ladies room. It looked very odd to me, almost....alien. Again, it was nothing that I could explain. I found the mirror over the sinks. The reflection looking back at me was no one that I recognized. However, the girl in the mirror was absoultely beautiful. The lifeguard was telling the truth! I reached out an touched the surface of the mirror with my hand. "Is that really me?" I thought to myself. "Why can't I remember who I am?" I reached up and touched my face with my hands. The reflect- ion in the mirror did the same. Those hands were so manicured, that I thought that I must have money. They look so expensive. The ring that I wore also looked very expensive. I had to have place in this world. I just had to find it! I touched my hair. It too was very beautiful. Although it was only partially dried, I could tell, somehow, that it had been impeccably cared for and styled. Even now, although it was slightly tousled, it was falling into place. It was long hair too, going all the way to the middle of my back. I noticed that I was also wearing make up. I tried as hard as I could to remember putting on my make up, or styling my hair. There was nothing. Not only could I not remember not doing it, I couldn't even remember how to do it. I wondered just how injured I really was. I felt like a stranger in my own body. It was better to think of that stuff later. I pealed off the towel which was wrapped around my chest, dropping it upon the floor. The sight in the mirror made me gasp. I thought, "No wonder I felt so much weight on my chest. My breast are huge!" They were! The rest of my body was just as curvaseous. The girl in the mirror was absoultely voluptous. I felt myself all over. The sensations that I was getting were so strange. I wondered why I couldn't even remember the bodily sensations. Even they felt odd, and somehow, someway different than what I had known before. All of this was really beginning to bother me. I thought again to myself, "Who am I? With a body and face like this I must be somebody's girlfriend. Why hasn't anyone come looking for me.?" I saw the man's bathing trunks that I was wear- ing, which triggered another thought. "And why am I wearing a man's suit, and not mine?" None of this made any sense. I felt the tears coming again to my eyes. It was not best to think of this. I decided to just put on the new bathing suit. Even that seemed strange. It was almost as if I had never put on a woman's bathing suit before. "That's just crazy!" I thought to myself. I was able to get the suit on after a perplexing struggle. I had an especially hard time putting my breasts into the cups of the bathing suit. Although the chest of the suit was definitely too small to handle my bust, I thought with these breasts I should at least be used to squeezing them into stuff like this. I wasn't. It seemed just as foreign as eveyrthing else. When I was done, I surveyed myself in the mirror. My bust stuck out like a massive shelf. I wondered just how big my boobs were. It made me wonder what I did for a living! I bent over to pick up the towel from the floor. When I did I felt my chest hang heavily from my chest. Such a weird feeling! Anyway, I wrapped the towel around my waist. It just seemed like the natural thing to do. I walked back out to where the lifeguard was waiting for me. In the time that I was gone, more lifeguards and the ambulance crew arrived. They all stared at me, and exclaimed at the same time, "WOW!" Well, not all of them. The female lifeguards gave me a funny look. I had no idea what caused this type of reaction in every- body. "What? What's wrong?" I cried. My' lifeguard answered me by saying, "Uh....nothing. It's just that you are" I felt my face grow warm. I was blushing. All of these men found me attractive. I must have had guys react to me like that in the past. I thought to myself, "Why does even that seem new to me?" My' lifeguard instructed me. "We're going to take you to the hospital now. You're going to have to lay down on this gurney, so that the EMT's can put you in the ambulance." I did as I was told without protest. Everybody treated me with "kid gloves." I felt like I was some kind of piece of art. I tried not to pay attention to it, although it was very annoying. They were all treat- ing me like I was an object, not a person. That is, all except my' lifeguard. When we were in the ambulance, on our way to the hospital, I spoke to the lifeguard again. He was riding in the back, holding my hand, to keep me calm. I asked him, "You saved my life, and I don't even know your name....." "Oh. I'm sorry. My name is Max. Max Samuels." "I wish that I could tell you what my name is, but I don't know it." Max squeezed my hand tightly, "Don't you worry. When the get you to the hospital they will take your fingerprints, and look at your teeth for dental records. I bet by the time they are done runninng tests on you, we'll know exactly who you are. I bet you have a family, a boyfriend, and an entire life out there waiting for you. We'll help you find it." I squeezed his hand back. I really appreciated Max's kind- ness through all of this. I said softly, "You'll stay with the hospital I mean?" "Of course I will, pretty lady." That made me feel warm all over. ********** Approximately 6 hours later, the doctors in the hospital had run every test known to man on me. They all so charted my dental condition, and took my fingerprints. The dental condition would be no help since apparently I had no dental work. They told me that I had perfect teeth. All of the tests that had been done confirmed one thing. There had been peremanent damage to the memory areas of my brain. In all likelyhood, I had permenant amnesia. They were willing to set up a schedule to work with me, to help me to recover as much as possible, however, I was about as good as I would get. In other words, as the doctors put it, I was a blank slate. To make matters even worse, my fingerprints were not able to return any identity. My fingerprints had never been recorded before. Even the FBI had no record of who I was. I was a true to life Jane Doe.' Through it all, Max was by my side comforting me. He was a rock, even when I was falling apart. In the end, there was nothing that anyone could do for me. The hospital kept me there as long as possible, but eventually they had to release me. Max protested vigorously on my behalf. He reminded them that I had no memeory, and no identity. I had no place to go. They all told him the same thing: "Why don't you take her home." There was no all alternative. Max asked me, "If you don't mind you can stay at my place, I guess, while we try to fing out who you really are." Actually I didn't mind at all. By this time, I felt very close to Max. I did feel as if he was my protector. As long as I was around him, I felt like everything would work out. "No, Max. I don't mind, if you don't mind having me there with you." "No. I guess it will be okay for the time being. C'mon. Let's get you dressed and get out of here." Max left while I took off the hospital gown I had been given, and put the bathing suit back on. Max also gave me one of his t-shirts to wear over the bathing suit. I still didn't have any shoes, so I had to go barefoot. All of the people in the emergancy room stared at me as I walked out in my bare feet, and a overly large t-shirt that went down to about my knees. Fortunately, Max had the foresight to call a taxi to get back to his place. The cab ride was only a short 15 minute ride back toward the beach. Ha paid the driver, and made our way to his apartment. Max had a one bedroom apartment on the second story of a house near the beach. The furnishings were modest despite his job as a lifeguard. Actually, the apartment was nicely decorated, compelling me to comment on it. "This is really nice Max." "Thanks," he replied. "My ex-girlfriend decorated it. Actually, I think that I may have some of her clothes around. I'll dig them up tomorrow. You're welcome to them. I'll give you one of my shirts to sleep in tonight." "Okay. That will be fine. I really appreciate it. I don't want to be a problem Max." "Don't worry about You know, if you're going to be staying here until we figure out who you are, were going to have to come up with a name for you. Is there anything you want me to call you?" I thought about it for a minute. Nothing came to mind. "Uh.... I don't know. Why don't you pick a name for me that you like...." "Hmmmmmmm," Max thought aloud. He ran through about a thousand names. There was nothing that particularly caught my interest. Max got tired of suggesting names and asked me, "We can think of a name later. Are you hungry? I think I have some peaches around here......" I interupted him. He said something that caught my attention. "That's kind of nice. You can call me Peaches'."' "That's not a name. That's a kind of a fruit." That made me very sad. I didn't want to disappoint Max. I felt tears starting to form again in the corners of my eyes. Max must have saw the tears because he reacted immediately. "Hold on. There's no need to cry. I guess it would be okay to call you Peaches. Now that I think about it, it is kind of sexy. It fits you somehow. Peaches it is!" That made me happy. At least I had a name now. I thought that we can work on a last name later. Max went into the bed- room, returning with a flannel shirt. He handed me the shirt. "Here Peaches. You can sleep in this shirt tonight. You can sleep in the bedroom, and I'll sleep out here on the couch." That made me feel really bad. "Max, I don't want to throw you out of your own bed." He touched me on my arm. "It's okay....really. The couch is very comfortable. Besides, when Andrea was living with me I kind of got used to the couch, if you know what I mean." I didn't have a clue what he meant. Confusion must have show- ed on my face because Max commented, "Aw, just forget it. Let's just get some rest okay? I have to be on duty early tomorrow morning, and it is kind of late." ********** Somewhere in a pocket between Earth and Djinnar sat the Djinn, in repose, with his mind's eye directed elsewhere. A blonde diminutive, but generously endowed, prot?g? slid in next to him, cooing, "What is it that distracts my Lord from the bountiful treasures of his Scheherazade?" The Djinn cast an admiring eye toward the once and future member of his harem. He mused to himself, that Scheherazade's demeanor had certainly changed since she returned from that one summoning by her earthly master. Not that he was complaining! In the time that had followed, he had certainly reaped the benefit of whatever happened upon that visit. Perhaps she would tell him one day! The only thing that he did know was that Scheherazade was definitely more comfortable with herself, and her new position as a Djinnee. However, she did seem to be preoccupied with sharing the joy she had found with other masters, whatever that meant. It would have to remain a mystery to be solved later. For the time being, the Djinn had his own problems to deal with. The great Allah, the God of Djinnar had mystically bound him to the Eye of Allah. As an initiate, Scheherazade could not know what that meant. On the mortal coil, the Eye of Allah, was manifested in a stone of transcendent beauty. However, in Djinnar, or one of the pockets that border Djinnar, the likes of which he was now within, the Eye manifested as his mind's eye. When it was active thr iris of one of his eyes glowed with the same starburst pattern of the stone itself. Thusly, the connection was forged. The pur- pose was for the Djinn to perceive what was happening to the possessor of the Eye upon Earth. The whole thing operated much like a video camera of earth design. Even as Scheherazade studied her taskmaster's intense concentration, the Djinn was seeing, in his mind's eye the transformed owner of the Eye, inspecting her new self in the mirror before going to bed. It was especially erotic because the owner of the Eye still had no idea who s/he really was. She was almost the equal of Scheherazade in beauty and figure. There was nothing the Djinn could do until he was invoked by her.' He paused. Would he even want to? He was enjoying her' dilemma greatly. The Djinn felt himself begin to grow very erect as he watched the scene in his mental landscape. Scheherazade noticed the growth, massaging it to further it's course. That got the Djinn's attention! "Sweet Scheherazade. Will you never be satisfied?" "Never, my lord," she whispered, as she lowered his garment, taking his immenseness into her mouth. This was the favorite of the new things she had learned to do. For some reason, she felt more fulfilled in purpose, to be submissive, when she was doing this: the work of a well worded wish! Since returning from that fateful summoning with Tony/ Hal, Scheherazade was fully in control of her powers. Now that she was happy with her new station, she found new and unique outlets for her power, rather than assume a male form. She mystically expanded her throat so that she could take all of the Djinn's 20" in one gulp. She rhythmically moved up and down on the shaft taking it's entire length into her mouth each time. She heard her taskmaster moan in delight until, a short time later, he exploded into her. Scheherazade reveled in the gift of the Djinn's essence, even as he watched Peaches inspect herself in the mirror in Max's bathroom. * * *

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I dont know who my baby daddy is

I have a major problem, which I have no idea how to solve. I may be pregnant by someone other than my husband and if I am, the baby will be black. It's an impossible situation, which is mainly my fault, and this is how it happened.I am a 35-year-old woman with 2 c***dren and I work for a large multinational company as a personal assistant to the divisional director. My husband has always encouraged me to involve myself in my job and I always have.A couple of months ago my company had some...

4 years ago
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Kamil and Karim had been blessed many times over. They were tall and handsome with fit, well-formed bodies. Kamil, who was twenty-four and a student at the university, had a beautiful girlfriend who he planned to marry upon graduation. Karim was three years younger and was working in his father’s shop until he entered the university the next year. He had never had a serious girlfriend, but with his good looks, he had many available admirers who were happy for him to fuck them. Therefore, he was...

3 years ago
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My Best Excuse for No Output Lately

The RECENT, mostly boring, history of the life and times of cmsix. Where do I begin? At the begining? Well I guess I could. Not from personal memories of course but I have heard a few things since then. For instance, once, on November second 1948, they held an election and the Chicago Tribune's banner headline the next day proclaimed DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN. What the tribune's reporters failed to make note of was my arrival around eleven PM that fateful November second evening, after what...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 23 Fourth of the Fourth

September 2003 - December 2003 Dad drove me over to Hartsfield International in Atlanta Thursday morning, sometime around the crack of dawn. Mom stayed at home, which was a good thing, because she spent most of Wednesday night and Thursday morning crying. She was a total basket case, even though I was only going to New York. I didn’t want to be around her when I ended up going overseas. I had to be there early, because I was on a very cheap Delta flight, and you had to be there two hours...

5 years ago
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Note to the reader: this story contains romance, but not sex. Hope you enjoy. * Sara adored fall. There was something about the changing of the season that spoke to her. As the days grew shorter, and the chill crept into the breeze of fine, sunny days, the colours of her New England world would change slowly into the burnished golds, straw and rich browns accented with fiery reds. It was as if nature was determined not to go quietly. The last flush of energy before the long sleep of winter...

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GF Youre a Complete Faggot Now

As I took the sixth load down my throat, four more already deposited in my ass and I still had a line of at least six black cocks waiting their turn to deposit their load inside one of my two cum deposits, I couldn't help but recall when I was a man and not a sissy bitch whose only purpose was to be a cum bucket for big dicked men. Three months earlier... I had it all. Girls lining up to get fucked by me. In the High School movies it's always the quarterback who is the star of the school,...

2 years ago
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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 6 Thursday Evening

Amanda It was the tortures of the damned, walking home with him. He was holding my hand but his heart wasn't in it. We walked three blocks without him saying a word. The first thing he did say shocked me. "You did get the shot this morning, right?" "Yes," I confirmed. "Good." "Why is that important?" I asked tentatively. "Well, you know," he said. "Why, do you want to get pregnant?" "Of course not, but if I had forgotten to take the shot today, and I got pregnant, it...

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The Neighbor

I looked at my friend Thomas as I chewed the last bite of my hamburger. "No, I'm afraid I can't make it tomorrow," I said. "I know that Saturday is your only free day, but it'll have to be next week. I promised my neighbor I would help her with some minor chores tomorrow." "That's quite all right," Thomas replied. "I guess I'll see you in 8 days then. I have to run, got to hit the books now so that I'm finished before Sunday."I nodded as Thomas pushed himself away from the table. "Bye, Jerry,"...

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That SummerChapter 19

It was nearly noon before Kyle managed to struggle out of bed the next day. Struggle was the operative word here, because Emma had come into his room with a pan full of very cold water and was taking great joy in splashing it on critical areas of his body as he slept. Of course, when she aimed for the most critical part, he was awake and up, well tangled up in wet sheets, but up anyway, and flailing at Emma to capture the water. "Get up, Sleepyhead," she said. "It's the middle of the...

3 years ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 44 If One Sows Trees One Reaps Forest

There was always work to be done. Designs to review. Contracts to revise. New projects to consider. I was being very open to new ideas; anything that was scientifically sound, I was approving for short-term funding. Long-term backing I would give after some time and effort yielded signs of results. Thus far, the tactic had been reasonably successful with some unlikely concepts developing some useful benefits. Two were unintentional and one was, in fact, the opposite of its intended goal. But...

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Another great motherinlaw story I found

My MIL is a mid 40's woman and is exceptionally beautiful, She had my wife when she was 20 years old and still people think they are sisters more than mother and daughter, she has never been married and has not dated since my wife was 5 or so.She had planned to come and stay with us for a few days and when she arrived I was in the utility room doing some wiring, I heard her come in and put her stuff in the downstairs spare room.I climbed down off my ladder and decided to go say hi, Apparently...

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A high school seniors first time with his ma

My senior year was nearly half over and so far, it had been pretty fantastic. I turned 18 before anyone else in my class and maybe that gave me the edge as I earned the starting quarterback position two years in a row. We made it to the state finals where we lost a very close, hard-fought game. In October, I was named homecoming king and was dating the most popular girl in school when I received a writing assignment that would change my life for the next two years.It was the day before...

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My First Cousin Took My Virginity Away

I am Aakash(Name Changed), a regular reader of this site for the past few years. I am 19, from Hyderabad, Here I would like to write down my real life experience how I lost my virginity one month back. Hello All, I am gonna come from the start, We were traveling by train to Delhi, I woke up in the morning and got freshened up and then she came along the beauty of my life and sat behind me and she was caressing my back,I was just awestruck. First I was thinking she is doing it as a gesture of...

2 years ago
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The Training part one

This was the beginning. I posted this message on a sex site. It went on from there."I met her online on another site. She sent me a friend request. I told her she had to have an avatar. I didn’t accept friends who couldn’t take time to create or find an avatar. She did so. Later that week I started a conversation with her. She indicated that she liked to tease. Within a half hour we were having cyber sex. She had so many orgasms that she pleaded for me to be her Master. I agreed. I am still her...

2 years ago
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Friend does a favour

Hi dear ISS readers this is Isha again. Milkman delivers a baby is probably the most successful story I have ever written here, 2 days back another mail came from another husband requesting me to send a story in his name.His name is Abhay and his wife is sexy Shilpa.They are a middle class young couple living in Pune. Abhay has erectile dysfunction problem and his wife is exceedingly beautyful. Our hero found a solution that solved all their problems. Now the story starts in Abhay’s words.Hi I...

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