The Motorcycle Diaries Couples Ride
- 2 years ago
- 29
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Opening scene:
Wide-angle helicopter view of low rolling hills ablaze with full autumn colors. The helicopter pans right and we see a majestic bridge crossing a large river. Those in the know will recognize it as the Tappan Zee Bridge crossing the Hudson River in New York State. The sun dances on the dying leaves, bringing out their full and dazzling hues. But thunderclouds are closing in from the west, lightning bolts rippling through them. The helicopter zooms in slowly and we see two motorcycles riding side-by-side in the right lane. Each bike has a man-woman couple atop the seats, dressed in warm leather attire, hoping to outpace the storm.
Cut to the camera following the duo down a winding road. The two male drivers are moving their heads slightly, looking at each other now and then. The right-hand driver gesticulates with his hand, the two drivers appear to be talking, but they are in full-face helmets.
Cut to stationary cameras on a two-lane highway nearly buried in flaming foliage. The two motorcycles roar by; fallen leaves whirl in their draft.
That’s how I pictured the opening of this story, we two couples roaring through the gorgeous countryside. I’m not a Hollywood director by any means, but it sounded pretty good, right? Okay, here’s the story...
The dark clouds threatened our ride. By my reckoning, and by reckoning I mean my phone’s GPS, we had about forty-five minutes to go before we got to our hotel in Ridgefield, Connecticut. We left yesterday from our home in Richmond and stayed the night in Stanhope, New Jersey. We didn’t like riding more than about four hours a day. We just wanted to cruise the New England countryside, take in the gorgeous sights, stay off the freeways, and get reacquainted with our spouses.
Our riding partners, Max and Shelby, rode the right tire track while we, Paige and Vic, hugged the left track as we cruised up Route 35. We’ve been neighbors and friends for over twenty years, and this was our fifth year as riders. Max and I both had pretty decent Hawgs (2015 V-Rods) that rode well and had tons of power.
But our motorcycles didn’t like rain. None do, really. It’s just too slick and unsteady when it rains. It becomes downright dangerous as you would have to slow way down to be safe, which would then get you run over by our enemies. Enemies being anything with four or more wheels.
I flicked the communications switch from ‘A’ over to ‘B’. See, our helmets had these radios where we could talk to each other. I could talk to just Paige, or I could talk to her and Max and Shelby. It was really handy to be able to speak to each other.
“Hey, Max. We’re gonna go left at this upcoming water fountain. Then take a right on Branch something. I can’t see it…oh, Branchville Road.”
“You know, I got a phone too, numbnuts.” But Max was not an accomplished navigator. He forgot to pay attention to things like directions, distances, those sorts of minor details.
“Right… I mean left! Go left! But yes, you’re so awesome with it. Remember when you got lost less than two miles from home?”
“Suck my dick, Vic!”
“Only after you suck mine, asshole!”
We made the left, and the right, and went down the twisty hill. Sprinkles began to fall. Shit, we just needed another ten minutes.
“Let’s spread out, Max. Keep it safe.” He acknowledged and we stopped riding side by side on the wet street.
A minute or so later, Shelby’s voice came up in our helmets.
“Max, I need that long cock the minute we get inside.”
Paige squeezed me tight and I could feel her shaking as she sat behind me. She was trying to stifle a laugh at this inadvertent exchange.
“I don’t want to unpack or anything,” Shelby continued, unaware of her broadcast. “Tell Vic whatever you need to, but make sure we check in first. I need to get fucked right away.”
Paige pounded my back a few times. We were all great friends and knew a lot of things about each other, but we never got down to this level of intimacy. I just couldn’t let it slide; this was a classic moment that we could re-live in our golden years.
“Paige,” I called out. “If I knew you were that horny I wouldn’t have stopped at that lookout point back at the Tappan Zee!”
“Oh shit!” she screamed, her hand fumbling for the switch. “This goddamned fucking radi—““
Silence filled our ears. Only for a moment, though. As Paige and I burst out laughing. Not a word was heard from their bike the rest of the way, even though we could tell they were talking rather animatedly to each other.
We parked the bikes under the carport at the lobby and slowly got off our rigs, stretching and getting the damn helmets off. We timed it perfectly; the rain unloaded just as we went inside to check in.
“Um… yeah… there’s a problem with one of your rooms…” The gawky counter clerk was banging furiously on his keyboard. But it didn’t look good.
“You see,” he began. “Ridgefield is having its Revolutionary War Remembrance Day, which is the whole weekend. And, well, they have re-enactors, you know. They dress up in uniforms and fire muskets and—“
“I don’t need a history lesson. Are you gonna give us our rooms or what?” Shelby was apparently very horny. She looked like she was going to tear the clerk a new one.
“Well, that’s the problem. Some of the re-enactors were getting their muskets ready in the room and… there was a fire. An explosion, actually. You should have seen it! Smoke was like, everywhere and—“
“Clive!” Shelby menaced. “Is that your name? Clive? Get to the point.”
“Your room burned. This morning. We called you several times and left messages. But... we’re booked solid. We’ve contacted the other hotels and B and B’s in the area and they are all booked, too. The nearest room is in Stamford, maybe an hour away? Danbury is all booked up, too.”
We looked at the pouring rain outside. We looked at the massive weather front on Paige’s phone. We weren’t going anywhere, and Stamford was completely the opposite way and kind of a shitty town.
“Clive,” I broke in. “What have we got?”
“You have a junior suite which sleeps four, it has two full-size beds.”
“Full? Come on Clive! That can barely sleep four kids!”
A ‘full’ sized bed is actually the smallest double bed made. Next up is a queen, then king. Full is… tiny.
Clive just apologized. Another couple entered the lobby, dangerously close to one another, and interrupted our little non-party.
“You got vacancies, right? Your sign says so.”
Clive looked at me, then at Shelby. “We might. It depends on these people—“
“We’ll take it. Fuck.” I fished out my ID and payment card. “But I want a damn discount and restaurant vouchers. I swear to God this Yelp review is going to sting.”
“Lighten up, Karen.” Paige smiled at me. “We’ll be fine.”
Shelby just stood there, fuming at Max as he looked at his phone and noticed four voicemails. She looked like someone just killed her cat. And maybe they did; killed her pussy, anyway.
We got our stuff from the saddlebags, parked our bikes, and got them covered. Then, it was exactly like a scene in the movie: Four of us stood there just inside the door, dripping wet, our faces blank, just staring at the tiny room and its two baby twin beds. The decor was top-notch Days-Inn: crappy floral bedspreads, nondescript paintings over each bed, a round table, and two chairs. We couldn’t even all sit down comfortably.
“Window,” I finally called and headed toward that miniature bed nearest the door and window. I like to be in control of the air temp, and this put us farthest away from the bathroom with its potential odor issues. Max was known for his legendary farts, and I didn’t want to be anywhere in the vicinity when the real thing showed up.
“What, exactly, makes this a mini-suite?” Paige stood there with her hands on her hips, dumbfounded by our accommodations. “I mean, I get the mini part, but I don’t see a suite.”
“It’s probably that microwave,” offered Max. “Gotta be the smallest one I’ve ever seen.”
Shelby stomped off into the bathroom, locking the door behind her and turning on the shower. Max dropped the clothes he was putting in the drawers and followed after.
“Honey?” he asked, tapping on the door. “Don’t you want some company?” He looked at us sheepishly, then gave up after a few moments.
“Guess not,” he pouted as he finished putting away their stuff and hanging up his gear.
“Fucking phone,” he muttered.
Paige and I hopped on our midget bed… that’s probably a politically incorrect way of saying that. Sorry. I meant our fucking midget bed. We bumped elbows as we checked our phones for messages and such.
“I’m about to goddamn fall off.” I elbowed Paige’s boob in an effort to get her to move over. It’s a nice boob; I've always liked it.
“You want an elbow in the balls, mister? I’m on the edge already.” We settled into an uneasy peace.
Shelby emerged sometime later from the bathroom, looking quite refreshed.
“Your turn, Skippy.” She actually smiled when she spoke to her husband; he kissed her and got in the shower.
“You seem... a little more at ease,” Paige ventured, a little tease in her voice.
“Yeah,” Shelby smiled. “You know that bike gets to me. I needed to release.”
I gave Paige a look as if to say, Why aren’t you all horny after the ride? She elbowed my gut, a little more than a playful poke.
“Ow!” I complained. “Just for that, I get the next shower.” I got up and started getting my clothes ready for us going out to dinner.
A partition separated the room from the bathroom sink and mirror, and then a door closed off the shower and toilet. As I got some clean socks from the dresser, I looked towards the bathroom to see Shelby doffing her robe. She was hidden from view from the bed, but not from this side of the room.
Thicker than my petite wife, she sported big but-I-don’t-know-how-big breasts. My wife was a lovely and spectacular C-cup. These were as big as Max’s head. And they swung freely as she bent over, pulling up a bright yellow thong. She began putting on an industrial-strength bra and caught me looking. She smiled as I tried to look like I wasn’t looking.
Paige sat there, glued to her phone, thankfully unaware of the preceding thirty seconds.
The water shut off in the bathroom. Shelby winked at me and asked if I was ready, and I mumbled something.
My cock was hard when I got in the shower, but I somehow left him alone. I thought I might need him later.
“Yes to another round of drinks, no to dessert.”
“Speak for yourself, Vic! These tits didn’t get this big by skipping dessert!”
The waitress looked bored as the drunken foursome howled with laughter. And by drunken foursome I mean us.
“Two Decadent Delights, please. But only three forks. He gets nothing!”
I begged and pleaded and Paige did end up giving me some bites. It was so good. Salted caramel and chocolate cheesecake with… other stuff I don’t know what, but it was heavenly.
“It’s like… someone is having sex in my mouth right now,” I claimed, a dreamy expression crossing my face.
Max laughed and sprayed half his bite everywhere, which made us all laugh even more.
We finally settled down after a little while. The place was thinning out. It was just a Thursday night in suburbia. Except we were partying hard. Until Max decided to talk about the elephant in the hotel room.
“I want to fuck my wife tonight. What are we gonna do?”
We talked back and forth, suggesting ideas. Like, one couple could take a separate Uber back home thirty minutes later. But then what would the first couple do? Get dressed and stand outside in the rain? This was a sparse little area; there was nothing else to do, nowhere to go. We talked for five minutes and came up with nothing satisfactory. The room went silent and the waitress hoped we were done.
“Well…” Everyone looked at me. I didn’t realize I had actually spoken. A crazy idea had popped into my brain. But like Dana Carvey once said, it was so crazy, it just might work.
“We could just, you know…” I paused for effect. I love pausing for effect… it infuriated Shelby. “Turn the lights out and… go for it.”
There. I said it.
It got really quiet at the table. I mean, you could hear the pin falling through the air; when it dropped, it would’ve sounded like a thunderbolt.
Paige was the first to speak. “I’m gonna need another drink for that.”
Shelby and Max jumped in quickly with “Yeah” and “Me too” and “Make it a double.”
The waitress reluctantly took our drink orders, figuring we weren’t ever going to leave now. But a funny thing happened. We were still very quiet, and when she brought the new drinks we downed them in less than a minute. Max had already dialed-in the Uber and he was waiting for us in the rain. We scrambled into the car very quickly. On the short ride to the hotel, we tried talking about football, but it was awkward. Nobody mentioned what was going to happen in about eight minutes.
We got to the room, and the girls said they needed to use the bathroom. Max and I went around the back to piss in the rain and give the gals a chance to freshen up.
“I’ve… never done anything like this before, Vic.”
“You and me both, chief.”
We continued pissing into the rain-swollen gutter.
“How do you feel, knowing I’m going to see your wife naked?”
I thought for a moment.
“It’s going to be dark, right?”
“Yeah, not that dark.”
We both shook our cocks to get the final drops out.
“Honestly, Max. I’m okay with it. And I’m looking forward to seeing your wife naked.”
“Okay, good. I’m pretty excited to see Paige naked, too.”
“We’ve been friends a long time, I hope this doesn’t fuck it up.”
“Me too, buddy, me too.”
I reached into my pocket and pulled out one of those bubble cards for medication. Popping out two blue diamond-shaped pills, I handed one to Max.
“We are gonna need these, I think.”
“Dude!” Max laughed. “Can’t you get it up? You’re only forty-four! I don’t need this.”
“Yeah, I can get it up. This will keep it up, though. Again and again. And probably again. What’s Shelby going to say when I’m fucking Paige for the fourth time and you’re laying there with a dead whiskey dick? It’s chewable.”
He looked at me, smiled, and chewed his pill.
We waited another minute or two, then returned to the room.
Max stepped in first and I followed him. We found ourselves staring into two small but bright spots of light; the ladies were using the flashlight function on their smartphones to light us up. It was effective; we couldn’t see them and they could see us. I held up my hand to shield the light and so did Max; we looked at each other.
“Well, this is different.”
Max nodded his head in agreement.
“Quiet, you two.” That was Shelby. “Max, stand in front of our bed. Good. Now both of you, strip.”
I was very well buzzed; so was Max. I waited about four seconds before I took off my jacket and kicked off my shoes. Max joined in and it became a race. We got down to our boxers and looked at each other, shrugged, and pulled them down.
The ladies hooted and catcalled as we stood there stark naked. When they stopped, Paige gave us a command.
“Get them hard, boys.”
Max and I both chuckled.
“Now!” she growled.
“Paige, we need a little stimulus here. Come on.” I was willing to play along, but looking into a flashlight isn’t exactly sexy.
“Both us girls are naked, sitting in bed. Our breasts are exposed. Start stroking.”
We did, but it wasn’t enough, for either of us.
“You gotta give us something, Paige.”
“Hmmm… okay.” And she turned her light so that she lit up Shelby sitting naked in her bed.
“Hey!” Shelby responded by turning her light onto Paige. Both girls twisted and turned their phones on the other so it sort of gave a party light effect.
That did the trick. Seeing both of our women, laughing and playing with their phones while their naked breasts bounced got me going.
“Ahem, ladies.”
Both flashlights returned to us. My cock was at full attention and so was Max’s. Yeah, I looked. It was a competition, after all. No winner, though. We were both equally hard.
“Max’s cock is longer,” Paige announced.
“Gee, thanks a fucking lot, hon.” I can always count on Paige to state the obvious.
“Yeah,” agreed Shelby. “But look how fat Vic’s is!” Well, that was true, too. Thank you, Shelby.
“You can see why I won’t let him fuck me in the ass.” Both girls laughed.
I looked at Max; he nodded his head towards the bed. I nodded in agreement. We both climbed onto our respective beds.
I shut off Paige’s phone but Max just tossed Shelby’s phone towards the dresser. It landed on the carpet, its light shining up and bathing the room in a soft glow.
I didn’t fucking care. I wrapped my arms around Paige and squeezed her hard. We kissed frantically, noisily, moaning into each other’s mouths. Max and Shelby were just as loud.
My cock was harder than it had ever been. I felt my wife’s sex and her juices flowed over my hand. She moaned loudly as I slid two fingers inside her so easily. She arched her back as my thumb rubbed her clit; it was already swollen to its full size, too.
Our tongues pushed deep and danced dirty with each other as our passion rose higher. The combination of our pent-up lust combined with this whole other level of excitement of being next to a sexy couple made everything much more intense.
I felt Paige climbing. Her breathing changes, her movements become very pronounced and rhythmic, and she looks at me as she pants harder and faster. That’s how I know.
“Don’t stop,” she moaned. I curled my two fingers upwards a bit, then I leaned down and took a nipple into my mouth, tonguing and sucking it hard and deep. That sent her over the top.
“Jesus Christ Yessssss!” Paige wailed in ecstasy. My hand continued to manipulate her as I felt her pussy contract on my fingers. When she squirmed a little, meaning it was time for me to let go, I pushed those two fingers into her mouth. I kissed her lips with my fingers still in there, tasting her love juices.
“Oh God, yes! Yes! Yes! Ohhhhhh.”
Paige and I looked over at ShelMax (I’m tired of typing Shelby and Max) to see her face down on the bed with Max’s fingers plunging in and out of her. She continued to scream into her pillow. It was erotic as hell.
Paige rolled me onto my back. That’s not as easy or natural as it sounds. I had to help her a lot so that we both stayed on the bed. She took my aching cock into her mouth.
Normally, she does this thing she calls the “slow blow”, a long and drawn-out tease of my cock until I’m begging for release. But the lust was high tonight and Paige quickly took my cock all the way down. I felt him enter her throat, opening it. Fuck… she found my hands and placed them on the sides of her head. She wanted me to fuck her mouth! This was an absolute rarity! Like, maybe, we’ve done this three times in twenty years?
I held her head tightly and guided her up and down my cock. She could make her lips and tongue so much like a pussy that it never ceased to amaze me. I forced her head up and down, faster and faster, and always to the root.
It felt amazing. So fucking good. But the viagra had kicked in, and when it does, the penis can become a little insensitive. Which… isn’t really a bad thing.
I fucked Paige’s face for another couple minutes at least. Usually, I can only last a certain number of strokes. But tonight, man, I was killin’ it. I finally released her head and she pulled off, gasping and panting as a half-pint of saliva poured from her mouth. The strings stretched from her mouth to my cock, so sexy.
We heard the familiar “guk guk guk” sound and looked to see what ShelMax were doing. He was lying on top Shelby in a sixty-nine position. Except it was only a sixty or only a nine as he was fucking Shelby’s mouth but wasn’t doing his part to her pussy. He looked over at us and gave a big smile as he saw the saliva dripping down between my wife’s tits.
“Is your cock,” Max panted. “Is it like, dull or something?”
“Yeah. The blue pill can desensitize it a little. Don’t worry, you’ll still cum. Flip her over, that’s what we’re doing next.”
Max and I both got our girls turned over and stuffed pillows under their pelvises. When they were ready, he gave a three, two, one countdown and we both rammed into our wives from behind.
We stayed on our knees as we fucked our women. I slapped my wife’s ass; he slapped his. He grabbed Shelby’s long brown hair; I grabbed my wife’s short blonde hair. We both shook their heads and kept fucking. Within a minute, a sheen of sweat broke out on everyone. Both girls grunted under the onslaught. I don’t think either of them had been fucked like this in a while.
“Okay, girls,” Max called out. “Get your hands up under there.”
“Yeah, get to work, bitches!” I never called my wife a bitch before. Both of them worked their hands underneath themselves to rub their pussies. Wait. Time for more dirty talk.
“What are you rubbing, bitch?” God, it was hot talking this way.
Paige answered, “My pussy, Daddy.”
I spanked her ass about as hard as I could. She yelled at the sudden sting.
Max joined in. “Yeah, baby, what are you rubbing!”
Shelby thought for a moment. “I’m rubbing your pussy, Daddy.”
Max looked at me; I shook my head. He spanked Shelby very hard.
“Paige. That isn’t a pussy anymore. Tell me what it is.” And I spanked her again in the same place just as hard as before.
“Owww! I’m not saying that! You know I hate that word!” I grabbed her hair and shook her head while I rained down a huge number of unceasing spanks on her ass.
Max started spanking Shelby continuously, too. But he stopped when she caught on much faster than Paige.
“Max, Daddy! I’m rubbing your cunt for you.”
I shook my head, though, and Max started spanking her again.
“That’s correct, Shelby,” I spoke raggedly, my breath coming in gasps. “But we’re all in this together. Nobody gets to cum until Paige says it.”
SPANK SPANK SPANK! Max and I got in sync with our spanks and the girls whimpered and withered under our hands.
“Paige.. (huff) say it…(huff)... then we can all cum…”
I gave her one more very hard spank. She yelled again one more time. I stopped and Max did too.
“Well?” I whispered.
“Daddy, I… I’m rubbing my cunt. I mean, I’m rubbing your cunt.”
“I love you, Paige, good girl. You too, Shelby. Now let’s all cum as soon as we can before I have a heart attack.”
I leaned forward and put most of my weight on Paige’s back as I fucked her silly. The sudden change in position really increased the friction for us both. I nibbled on her neck as we both climbed, both our orgasms fast approaching. ShelMax were both grunting and moaning, too.
I felt her pussy begin its contractions, and my orgasm powered through me hard. My throbbing cock thrilled me as it shot jet after jet of hot sperm deep into my wife. Paige screamed into her pillow several times as her body stopped moving and she just collapsed like a rag doll.
Our orgasms must have triggered ShelMax; they started cumming just as we were winding down.
I collapsed on top of Paige, both of us panting hard. My cock slipped out after a minute or so. I moved around my wife until we were able to face each other in a warm hug. We kissed gently, lovingly, as we clung to each other. I kissed her forehead, then her nose and cheeks. A little tear leaked out of her downside when.
“What’s that for, love?” I whispered.
“I’m just overwhelmed with everything. It was sooo good!”
We hugged each other tighter and kissed harder. It seemed so strange that having another couple there would make us feel so much closer. But we both felt invigorated, renewed by the experience.
After a few more minutes, Shelby spoke up.
“Paige, let's go to the powder room. Okay?”
The gals got up and walked hand-in-hand towards the bathroom.
“Daddy?” Paige asked with her little girl's voice. “Can you do something about the beds?”
The door closed and I looked at Max. I turned on the light and we looked at the room again. The lights between our beds were mounted on the wall. A small nightstand stood in between them with a clock radio on top.
The girls squealed and cackled in the bathroom, but we couldn’t make out anything intelligible.
“Get the radio,” I told Max. He did, and I grabbed the nightstand and stuck it in the corner by the door.
Max came over to my bed, and we pushed it so that it bumped up square against their bed.
“That’s better, right?”
“Yeah,” Max agreed. “Much better, right?”
The girls squealed again from inside the bathroom.
“They’re up to something.”
“You think so, Captain Obvious? How’s your cock, Max?”
“He’s ready for more, good call on the vitamin V.” Both our cocks were at about half-staff. Usually, mine would be ready for a nap right about now.
“Max, are you pondering what I’m pondering?”
“I think so, Vic. Maybe we should...”
“Switch beds?”
We hastily jumped into the other’s bed, grinning like idiots, and awaited the wives.
The door cracked open. Paige called out to us.
“Lights out, boys, sit in your beds.”
I reached up and turned the light off. The room turned nearly pitch black as Shelby must have picked up her phone earlier. We heard the girls giggling and stumbling out of the bathroom.
“They pushed the beds together!” Paige squealed as I felt them bumping the beds.
They stopped at the foot of our beds; all I could see was indistinct, vague shapes. I couldn’t make out who was who.
In the quiet, I heard what could only be kissing noises. Little lip smacks, lips joining and separating, soft sighs and moans, the sounds of two ladies enjoying themselves. Our wives were making out in front of us. Well, in the goddamned dark, but still, I was fully turned on.
“Shall we?” whispered one of them.
I felt someone crawling on the bed. I was excited beyond belief. I loved my wife, dearly, and truly. But to have somebody new, and to have her be with somebody new, it was mind-blowing.
I felt an arm against my leg as Shelby crawled up my body. I expected to feel her long hair on me, but maybe it was tied up. She leaned down to kiss my hairy chest. I thought I would feel those huge breasts of hers. What is going on…
“Hey!” Paige exclaimed loudly in the dark. “Vic? Is that you?”
“What the fuck!” cried Shelby.
Max burst out laughing. “We switched, but you gals switched too? Holy shit!”
We all couldn’t believe how goofy this was. We try and swap wives, and it doesn’t work. Of all the dumb luck.
“You idiot.” Paige kissed me hungrily, passionately, and I wrapped my arms around her. Suddenly, I felt something warm and squishy against my arm.
Now that feels like a huge tit on me.
“Come on, sister,” breathed Shelby. “Get back in your own bed.”
They fumbled a bit in the dark for a moment, and then a soft and fleshy body settled on top of me.
Shelby nuzzled me for a few moments before we kissed. And when we did, sparks flew. And fireworks went off. And a band played… well, it was fucking hot.
You know, there’s whispering, and there’s ultra-quiet whispering. That’s what Shelby and I did, whispered so softly that we could barely hear each other. Paige and Max, Pax, sure couldn’t hear us.
“Hi, Shel. I can’t believe you’re here.”
“Hello, Vic. I can’t believe we’re going to do this.”
We kissed more as my hands ran up and down the length of her back.
“I’ve thought about you, a lot, over the years.”
“Me too, Vic. I saw your fat cock about five years ago.”
She wiggled on me, grinding her sopping wet pussy on my cock. She continued on.
“You were changing at our house. I was in the backyard, you didn’t close the curtains.”
“No shit? That’s hot.” I laughed a little, then wondered if Pax heard me. But they were deep in their own little conversation and weren’t paying us any attention.
She reached down and grabbed my cock, aiming it, and I quickly felt hot liquid velvet settle on top of him.
“Oh god,” I moaned in a barely audible whisper. Shelby was incredibly tight on me. Maybe it was her two cesarean births. Maybe my cock was just fat and she was used to the skinnier (but a little longer, as my wife so kindly pointed out) Max-cock.
Shelby felt it too, cooing as she lowered herself on my hard cock.
Max called out, “You guys fucking already?”
“We wanted to get at least one in before somebody changed their mind,” Shelby shot back.
I laughed. But, I guess I should check on my wife? “You all good, Paigey?”
“Mmmph. Sorry, I had a dick in my mouth. I’m good, Daddy-oh!”
My eyes had adjusted to the dark; some trace light from the parking lot snuck through the edges of the blackout curtains. I could see definite shapes and even expressions on one side of Shelby’s face. Her mouth curled up on the one side; that crooked little smile always made me a little crazy. I gently pulled her head back down to me.
Shelby’s breasts squashed into my chest, thrilling me to no end. And the feel of this new, this strange pussy on my cock, well, it was almost beyond belief. Besides, this wasn’t cheating; this was sanctioned by my wife, her own self with a strange cock in her throat. Fuck.
“Hey,” Shelby whispered a little harshly to me. “You still here?”
Dammit, she caught me drifting.
“Paige,” Max’s voice urgently called out. “You keep doing that I’m gonna… gonna… oh fuck yesssssss.”
“Come on, Shel, let's show those two a thing or two about fucking.”
I pushed her up and she squirmed around so that instead of lying on me, she now straddled my cock in true cowgirl fashion.
“Giddy-up,” was all she said.
I thrust hard into her, up and down like a bucking, fucking bronco. Her hands on my chest, she rode me hard and strong as my cock kept driving into her tight pussy. I grabbed her breasts and mashed them hard back and forth, side to side, all over the damn place while she slid up and down my shaft.
“It’s… it’s so fat… fuck me… oh god, it’s gonna happen...”
She planted herself deep on me and ground her clit hard on the root of my cock. I watched as she threw her head back, holding her breath and arching her back as her pussy contracted on me, and then she flopped forward with a huge moan of ecstasy. I managed to catch her shoulders and let her down easy on me as she quivered and whimpered. My balls felt wet, then I felt more fluid on my stomach and thighs; she was leaking fluid at a prodigious rate. I flexed my still hard cock and was rewarded with little moans and pussyquakes. When she recovered a little bit more, Shelby kissed me hard and passionately, her tongue so deep in my throat.
Still hard, I rolled her over for some real pounding. This put her head right on and even over the junction of the two beds… right next to her husband's head. Paige rode Max’s cock right beside me as I plowed into Shelby. My wife and I reached out for a few moments and awkwardly held hands.
“Hello, love,” I grunted between fuck strokes.
“Hey, Daddy,” she moaned back.
We tried to kiss but couldn’t quite reach. Instead, I put my hand on her ass while she rode Max’s cock.
“Quit fooling around and fuck me!” Shelby cried out. I let go of my wife’s ass and I gave Shel’s face a gentle slap. She purred, but Max got a little defensive.
“Hey, don’t hit my wife.”
Paige leaned down and slapped his face, and told him that I do whatever I want. Then she laughed and fell on him, kissing him hard.
“You can… you can slap me again… if you want… please…” Shelby thrust her pelvis up on me hard to show she wanted more. I leaned on my left arm while I gave her cheek a few mild slaps. Paige never let me slap her! Fuck, this was hot. Each little slap produced an audible moan from Shelby, followed by her nails digging into my back. I reached up and squeezed her cheeks so that her mouth opened; I dropped a big glob of saliva right into her open mouth.
The room burst into white light for a moment as a thunderbolt struck outside. A huge boom immediately followed and shook the room. I’ve never been so close to a strike, it must have hit the building or a tree outside.
More strikes followed, creating a stroboscopic effect in our room. The girls screamed and the men roared as the lightning also struck our nerves and our primal fears. You know the lightning is close when you hear the hiss and crackle before the boom.
I fell completely on top of Shelby and power fucked her tight cunt like I haven’t fucked anyone in years. I bit her neck while she dug her nails into my back. I wanted her to never forget this fucking and I pounded her pussy as hard as I could. The pressure built inside me quickly; that fantastic pressure built inside both of us.
With perfect timing, a lightning bolt struck just as the nerves on my cock exploded into a body-shaking orgasm. I roared like a caveman as I fired my hot semen into Shelby’s womb. I wanted to flood her body with so much cum she would leak for a month. I wanted my cum to make her pregnant, I wanted her swimming in my cum, I wanted it coming out of her each and every pore… okay, my mind went a little sideways there for a moment. I just felt like a true caveman dominating his cavewoman.
Throughout this, I did notice Shelby arching her back as she came also, her screams and moans mixed with the thunder creating a surrealistic moment. I also heard and felt Paige and Max cumming despite the near-continuous roar of thunder. She lay in a heap on top of him, both clinging to each other.
Shelby held me in a death grip also. Yet another flash highlighted her tear-streaked face. I thought her face was wet from me spitting in her, but no. These were tears. I kissed her hard as she tightened her arms around my neck, her legs around my back as she still pumped my softening cock.
Both of us couples lingered and clung to each other as the storm began receding, the thunder now following the lightning instead of arriving simultaneously.
Gradually, our grips loosened, my cock softened, and the thunder drifted away. I reached up to turn the light on. I wanted to see how everyone was doing, ya know? Take the temperature of everyone’s feelings. But the switch produced nothing; the power was out.
“You okay, Daddy?” Paige’s voice sounded like heaven to me. I rose up off Shelby to find her crouching very close to me.
I kissed her softly, lovingly, almost as if it were our first kiss. I sensed Max moving over to his woman, which gave us a place to lie down. We crashed back down on our side of the bed, our sweaty bodies blended together as I gripped her tightly.
“Paige, I’ve never… I’ve never been more in love with you than right this very moment.”
She began weeping, almost to the point of sobbing. “But Vic, after what we just did… without each other? I’m so ashamed.”
I held her close, whispering in her ear that I loved her, that I needed her, that she was the best thing that ever happened to me. She clung to me tightly, nodding her head now and then as I continued praising her. In the few gaps between our little conversation, I heard sniffles coming from Shelby’s bed, also. Guilt must be catchy.
“I love you, my lady. All of you.” I kissed her again.
“And I love this, too,” I cupped her breast firmly, pinching and rolling her nipples. She moaned softly into my mouth as we kissed again.
“And here. I love this.” I slid my hand down her taut tummy to cup her sex. Juices flowed over my fingers and I smelled semen; my hand was in Max’s cum. I stopped myself from pulling my hand out and yelling “Gross!” but just barely. I was on a roll with Paige and I didn’t want to upset her. “I love this pussy a lot. It’s still mine, right?”
She looked at me in the dark and whispered, “Yes, Vic.”
“We can loan it out sometimes, but it’s mine.”
She giggled a little and held me close. We kissed more fervently as my hand explored her juicy and cummy pussy. As my whole slippery hand pushed across her clit she cooed like a baby. “You got anything left for me, Daddy?”
My cock rose to the occasion. I need to write a fan letter to Pfizer for their wonderful invention. She raised her leg and he just crawled right in as we lay beside each other. Max’s cum no doubt paved the way; I could feel how extra slick she was.
She whispered super quietly, “Mmmmm there you are. I love this fat boy.”
”Yeah, you do!”
I pushed him in more as she lowered her leg. She shuddered as the extra tightness on my cock created little pussy tremors for her. I could actually feel her hard little clit on my cock as he pumped in and out of her. I rolled her over, my legs on the outside of her. My cock couldn’t go as deep, but it sure was fricking tight. After maybe a half a minute, Paige just jerked and came again. It seemed like it surprised her; I didn’t even see any of her ‘tells’ as she approached her peak. I kept fucking her gently, in and out… just sliding back and forth past her clit… and she came again, and then again.
After the last one, she pushed me off as it suddenly got too sensitive. She just held me more.
“Babe...I’ll take care of you in a couple of minutes… I’m... I’m just wiped out right now. Okay?”
I told her it was fine. My cock relaxed a little, but he could definitely go again. However, even though Paige was really tight just then, I don’t know if it was enough to penetrate my cock’s insensitivity. I didn’t know how many times I’d cum tonight, but it was more than I had before. I sat up against the headboard while Paigey curled up on my chest, playing with my chest hair.
Max got up slowly and went to the dresser; he rummaged around in the drawer where we put our snacks with his phone.
“God, Max, We need something too! Water, and whatever else you got in there.”
I got out of bed and grabbed my phone from my pants lying in a heap of our clothing. I turned its flashlight on and set it on the dresser so it gave the room a little light. I put on my mellow playlist to give us a little atmosphere since the thunder had left. I turned around and was stunned by the sight. The girls, being suddenly left alone, crawled towards each other and embraced in the middle of the two beds. They were giggling and whispering.
“Hey, Max, check it out.”
He turned and huffed a little, like a small laugh.
“We turn our backs for thirty seconds and they act like they can live without us.”
“We CAN live without you!” Shelby laughed. But my Paige, good girl that she was, shook her head as she looked at me. But then Shelby grabbed her and kissed her hard, pushing Paige onto her back.
Max and I stood there watching for a moment. Then Max blurted out, “I found some Pringles. Sour cream and onion flavor.” (Pringles are potato crisps.)
“Open ‘em up. Here’s a water.”
We munched some chips and drank our waters. Rue water quenched my dry throat from all the huffing and puffing, and the salt from the chips sure felt good.
Max spoke with a mouthful of chips. “Good call on the Viagra, man. I can probably go again in a few minutes.”
I nodded to him, then called out, “Hey, bitches! Why don’t you quit that kissing crap and just sixty-nine each other, get it over with.”
Max laughed. “Yeah! Lick that semen out of each other.”
To our amazement, they did just that. Shelby crawled around on top of Paige and buried her face between her legs. We couldn’t see Paige but she appeared to be smothered by Shelby’s pussy.
“Should we…?” Max asked me.
“Naw, give them a few minutes. Let them have their fun. I need to rest a little anyway.”
“Yeah… so… Vic, are we still cool? I mean, this has been pretty fucking crazy.”
“Yeah, for sure, Bru. You’re still in love with your wife, right?”
“Like, pretty much more than ever.”
“Me too. But, your wife was… amazing.”
“Oh fuck, Vic. Paige was—“ he stopped and we turned to face away from the girls and turned the music a little louder.
“Paige is incredible, Vic. She’s insatiable!”
“Christ, it’s the same with Shelby. Being with someone new after all these years. And honestly, I’ve thought of Shelby and her big tits quite a few times over the years.”
“Man, your wife has such a smokin’ little body, though. She’s been in my spank bank for so long. And her ass, fuck, I need that.”
We tipped our water bottles to each other. Both girls erupted in muffled moans as they seemed to be climaxing at about the same time.
“Maybe she will let you, I hurt her I guess.”
“You can fuck Shelby’s, dude.”
“Don’t say it if you don’t mean it.”
I looked down. This talk of buttfucking each other’s wives had gotten us both hard again.
“Point that thing somewhere else, Max. Why are we over here anyway? So uh, you got some lube?”
Max fished out a small bottle from his drawer and we crawled back onto the bed. We left the little phone light on; I wanted to see my cock in Shelby’s asshole.
Both girls were licking and kissing each other’s dripping faces. My only thought was I wish I had filmed all this; it was like my entire bucket list was getting checked off in one night.
“Ladies,” I interrupted. “Max and I have come to a decision. Neither of us can live another minute without taking your asses.”
They gasped and fussed and moaned, but they also complied as we pulled them to their hands and knees, facing each other. I could see the relief on Paige’s face as she saw that she was going to get the skinnier cock of Max. Still, she looked concerned.
“You two can go on kissing, we will warm you up, don’t worry.”
Max and I traded the bottle back and forth as we lubed our fingers and began working their back doors. Shelby’s head jerked up and she moaned with pleasure as my finger eventually entered her. My other hand rubbed her pussy; soon I had two fingers in each of her holes.
Max and I took our time, and I could see our efforts paying off in Shelby’s squirming and by the look on Paige’s face.
Max looked at me, but I shook my head and mouthed the word “wait” to him. I wanted to tease them more, show them more love before we attacked them.
After another couple of minutes of playing and stretching their assholes, I spoke to Paige.
“Baby, you want Max’s cock in your asshole, don’t you?”
Without hesitation, she answered, “Yes, Daddy.”
“Well then, ask him. Ask your new Daddy.”
“Daddy Max? Please fuck my asshole, Daddy. Please fuck me. I need to feel you inside me.”
Shelby felt left out. “Daddy Vic! For the love of god, fuck my ass, hurry!”
I swatted her ass cheek hard. “I’m gonna fuck this fat ass, bitch. You ready for that?”
“Ohhhh Daddy, take me…”
Max and I lubed up our cocks and then looked at each other. We moved in behind our new bitches. I watched as my mushroom head pressed against her opening… and popped right past her ring piece.
Shelby moaned as I wiped my fingers that were in her ass a moment ago on her face, pushing them into her mouth. I sank my cock into her tight tunnel further, deeper. My previously insensitive cock was now fully charged; her ass gripped me perfectly as I hit rock bottom.
“You in, Max?”
“Bout halfway.”
“Take your time, Chief. We’ll wait.”
Paige looked at me gratefully. I could see the strain on her face, but she also was enjoying it. I played with Shelby’s clit and just barely fucked her asshole as we waited.
Presently, Max sighed deeply. “All in, baby, you ready?”
“Make me your bitch,” was all Paige said.
I pulled my cock almost all the way out of Shelby’s ass and rammed it back in. She howled but met my stroke, pushing back on me with her thick ass and thighs. I pumped harder and harder into her ass, taking her roughly and not giving a fuck. I was just a caveman with a woman I stole, and I needed to make her mine.
The girls both dropped to their forearms soon under our assault. Max was taking Paige almost as hard as I was fucking Shelby. Both girls moaned almost continuously as we fucked their assholes.
“Shelby, bitch, I’m gonna cum so deep in your ass.”
She dropped further down and snaked a hand to her clit. “Do it, fucker. I’m ready. Do whatever you want.”
What I wanted was to slap my bitch’s face, so I did. Grabbing her hair with one hand and twisting her head sideways, I slapped her cheek rapidly as I rutted inside her. The pressure was building fast and I grunted louder.
“Vic,” Max panted. “I’m there.”
“Yeah, do it!”
I slammed into Shelby’s ass a few more times, then gripped her tits as hard as I could as I came deep in her bowels. My orgasm shook me to the core and I felt dizzy like the blood was leaving my brain. I collapsed on top of the orgasming Shelby; her pussy pulses worked their way through her and I could feel them on my cock.
Lightheaded, I tried kissing Shel but kinda missed. My cock slipped out and I fell to the side, utterly spent. She crawled on top of me and clung tightly, holding on for dear life. Paige lay on her back next to me, panting and exhausted also. We giggled, laughed, and cooed as everyone came down. I rolled Shelby onto her side so I could spoon her. Then Paige crawled in behind me with Maxwell spooning her, a stack of four spoons.
I’m pretty sure I was the first to pass out.
I woke up to find myself facing Paige. Shelby had left her position with me and was over with Max. Paige’s eyes fluttered open. I caressed her cheek; she nuzzled her face into my palm.
I leaned over and kissed her soft lips gently. We snuggled up body to body and kissed a little firmer, a little hotter. The warmth between us grew as I continued to hold her face in my hand. My cock also grew, much to my surprise. I didn’t think he would get hard for a week.
My lovely wife rolled on top of me and situated herself on my cock, taking me inside her wetness. She gently slid down, slowly engulfing me as we continued to kiss like teenagers. Softly, languidly, we made gentle love in the dim morning light. I was harder than I have ever been, and the viagra should have worn off by now. This was just my love for her. She flexed on me, signaling her readiness. We peaked together, flooding us both with endorphins and feelings of love.
Quietly, we got up and got dressed so we could head to the breakfast area and get some coffee. We walked hand in hand as young lovers do, our shoulders bumping together.
“I love you so much, Paige.”
“And I love you more, Victor.”
“You’re not gonna run off with long cock Max now?”
She punched my arm. “You aren’t getting rid of me that easy, buster. Plus, you make more money, and I didn’t even notice his length.” She stopped me, though, and got in my face a little bit. “Don’t you get any ideas about Shelby, either. I’ll come find you, and you know I know how to shoot.”
“I am with you to the bitter end,” I promised. “However, I’m glad we did this. As long as you and I are okay.”
“I’m glad too, Daddy. But…”
“But what?”
“You… fucked Shelby like you didn’t care, like she was a piece of meat.”
“Umm… I’m sorry?”
“No, that's not what I mean. I just… want you to fuck me like that too. Once in a while.”
I held her close. “We can do that, my love. Maybe after Max gets your ass ready for me? I’d love to explore some more things along those lines. With you, and with them.”
She flushed. “Yes, I… I would too.” She looked away as we prepared our coffees.
“Maybe you need some discipline.”
“Maybe I do, Daddy. Maybe I’m a bad girl who needs some training.”
My cock twitched, and began hardening.
“You and Shelby are definitely in need of some training.”
“Max too. He pretends, but he’s kind of submissive, deep down.”
I laughed. “Uh… I never quite envisioned myself spanking Max, ya know? Not really my dream.”
“Might be his, though.” We both laughed.
“Saddle up!” I called out. The sun shone brightly that crisp fall morning; the rain clouds had parted and left us with a beautiful day.
And the swap continued: Shelby got on the bitch seat behind me, and my wife sat behind Max on his bike.
We launched ourselves northbound onto Route Seven towards Great Barrington, Massachusetts, our next destination. But we had a stop to make, first.
“Guys,” I said on the headset. “There’s a sex shop in Danbury. We’re going. We need some restraints, a flogger, buttplugs… we need stuff.”
Lots of hooting and hollering followed, then the chitchat died down. A few minutes later, Shelby spoke to me in my headset.
“Vic, will you fuck my ass again tonight? I can still feel you there.” She gave me a squeeze.
Paige laughed on the radio. “Shelby! You still don’t know how to work that radio? We can totally hear you!”
“I know you can hear me, my beautiful dyke. You better get ready, though. I think Daddy’s coming for your ass, too.”
I turned to see Paige flip off Shelby.
“Eat me,” Paige laughed.
Stationary camera:
Side of the road facing an empty highway heading north. The autumn leaves are even prettier than before in the bright sunlight. The two motorcycles roar past the camera side-by-side, riding into the distance with leaves swirling in their wake. The two ladies riding bitch are gesturing to each other, obviously having a deep philosophical discussion of some great importance.
The motorcycles shrink in the distance as “Born To Be Wild” plays loudly.
Fade to black…
© 2020 Mojavejoe420
Copyright © 2020 by Mojavejoe420 I felt my phone buzz just once in my back pocket. It was probably my dumbass ex-boyfriend so I waited until I finished making my drink orders. It was a pretty slow Tuesday afternoon but Applebee’s had a strict rule against texting on duty. I snuck back into the walk-in cooler where the cameras couldn’t see. I smiled as I read the text from my dad, aka Daddy-oh! on my phone. Hey Syd You busy Sat? Lenore bailed on me for the charity run. Can you ride with...
I felt my phone buzz just once in my back pocket. It was probably my dumbass ex-boyfriend so I waited until I finished making my drink orders. It was a pretty slow Tuesday afternoon but Applebee’s had a strict rule against texting on duty. I snuck back into the walk-in cooler where the cameras couldn’t see.I smiled as I read the text from my dad, aka Daddy-oh! on my phone.Hey SydYou busy Sat? Lenore bailed on me for the charity run. Can you ride with me? I checked my schedule on my phone and...
IncestOctober is breast cancer awareness month. With that noble cause in mind I invite you to come along on this whimsical journey during which you will learn how two very lucky guys discover the true magic only Princess Diaries backpacks can possess. The Princess Backpack Diaries By: Simonne Danielle [email protected] © 2010 All Rights Reserved "Now here's a story that ought to put every guy's sense of masculinity to the ultimate test," anchor woman Alycia...
During these weeks I saw less and less of Ryan. He'd show up from time to time to run another ad or to spend the night with me, but it wasn't like it used to be. I was tied up a lot of the time in our bed; usually dressed in lingerie and sometimes simply naked. He'd bind my arms over my head on the bed and do cocaine from different parts of my body. Then he'd lift my legs, exposing my cunt and fuck me. Often after he was done using me he'd leave. I stopped asking where he was going...
Ivana arrived as usual and on time to clean Mrs. K’s house. Mrs. K opened the door with her normal smile but saw that Ivana was looking rather more cross than usual. When Ivana walked into the hallway, and Mrs. K had closed the door, she turned and asked, "Is everything okay, Ivana?”Mrs. K was wearing a floral sleeveless dress with a hem a few inches above her knees. She wasn’t plump but wasn’t slim either, and Ivana thought that she looked lovely in her dress. Ivana was wearing a...
SpankingA note to readers - keep in mind that I never had a plan for these diaries. I'm only sharing them with the world because I can now handle the reflection that comes with reading them. As a result, they don't fit into chapter form all that well and at certain spots things skip ahead if I wasn't writing much at that time or had little to say in my entries. I have tried to find logical breaks to fit into a chapter format for this medium. Hopefully it is working for you and you are able...
It had been nearly two years since I'd left, going straight into the service out of high school. It felt good to be home again, though it was still going to feel different even then. For one, dad had died the year I had graduated. That alone had made my leaving all the harder on mom, but she at least had a sister she was very close to, who had seen her through much of that difficult time. Though she lived an hour away from where we did, mom never failed to at least travel to see her once a...
I simply chuckled and helped Tonya get on the bike behind me with a big grin on my face. My ex-wives had refused to ride with him for years, saying it was too scary being on the road with me. I had forgotten how good it felt to have a beautiful woman wrap her legs and arms around me from behind. I liked how the raised back seat made up for their six inch height difference, so that they were head to head as they set out. Tonya was clutching on to me as we went down my driveway and on to the...
Diary Entry: September 2008 What the hell is going on here? Ryan and I both slept in and when we woke up I wasn't exactly sure what to do or say. All he said was, "crazy night, last night." I don't really understand everything that happened. I feel terrible that it did and yet, I don't feel like I did anything wrong. It's not like I wanted this to happen. I was just doing what he told me. I feel dirty. I can still feel Tom's cock inside me, still feel his cum. I don't want...
The Dogging Diaries Diary Entry: July, 2009 "Guys, guys, guys! Settle down. This girl will open her legs for the whole room. As long as you're treating her well and keeping her as the center of attention, she's yours to do with as you please. Just make sure you don't treat her too well." The room laughed. "You can fuck her, cum on her, cum in her, slap her, spank her, she's fucking hot and she will go all night if you can." I could hear Ryan getting the crowd of guys...
Third in a series of reader questions with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries: Q. You seem to have quite a fashion sense when you were dressing to play. You were pretty detailed with what you wore for the events mentioned. Surely there must have been more about your thoughts on sexy fashion. Your fashion ideas may be valuable to other t-girls. Can you share your recommendations on what worked (clothes, makeup, shoes) for you? A. Great question. How much time do you...
Motorcycle Granny I used to laugh at my grandmother when she cruised around town on her little motorized scooter. With that she could do all of twenty-two miles an hour on flat ground. A couple of years later she had a little motorcycle for going up into the woods on but that one wasn’t street legal. A year ago grandma got a better motorcycle that was cheap and older. Then a month ago granny bought an old refurbished Indian Motorcycle. She soon became ‘Motorcycle Granny - the sexy...
The Dogging Diaries Diary Entry: July, 2009 "Guys, guys, guys! Settle down. Now listen. This girl will open her legs for the whole room, so you're all getting laid tonight. As long as you're treating her well and keeping her as the center of attention, she's all yours to do with as you please. Just make sure you don't treat her too well." The room laughed. "You can fuck her, cum on her, cum in her, slap her, spank her, she's fucking hot and she will go all night if you...
What follows is an extract from the diaries of my French grandfather who died after a long, full, amorous life at the age of 90 in 1992. He willed the diaries to me his youngest grandchild because I had followed in his footsteps as a journalist. The diaries are full of erotic encounters and I hope to publish more extracts in due course. This is a fairly typical one. I realize that the style may seem quaint at such a remove in time but as the extract deals with age-old themes I do not think...
Part 2 of a series of questions and answers with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries. These questions cover parts 3 and 4 of the diaries. Again, thanks to Matt for putting the questions together. Away we go ... 1. You obviously had some deep struggles. How close did you come in 2007 to giving the dream of being a girl? How were you able to get past the stress and doubt? Do you have any recommendations for those who might be in that situation now? The answer lies...
Arnie Schmidt had put off the chore as long as he could. His sweet wife, Casandra had been gone for over a year now. She had always been so afraid of breast cancer or an automobile accident ending her life but never something as small as a bacterium. It happened so fast, from a perfectly healthy, vibrant lover of 35 years, to a cold body in a morgue in just under two weeks. Her doctor had thought it was just an allergy at first but by the time all the tests were run; it was too late to save...
We decided to go for a ride on your motorcycle one afternoon. I put on a very short skirt and tank top with no bra and no panties underneath. I grabbed a cover shirt just in case. We finished getting ready and took off. We hadn't been on the road too long before , I had to repositioned myself and sliding up closer to you with my titties pressed into your back and bouncing around with my hard erect long nipples pushing against you hard. I slid my hands up and around you and wrapped myself...
A few months ago, I bought a 1983, Honda VT500 motorcycle. It wasn’t in bad shape for it’s age, but it still needed work. The bike appeared to have been laid down, as three of the turn signal lights were broken. There were a few scratches here and there, along with a dent in the tank, and a missing side cover, to attest to a hard life at times. It hadn’t been licensed since 1993 but whoever stored it, had removed the battery, and drained the gas from the tank. I bought a battery and cleaned...
I have been writing a diary since I was a young boy; every day, I write in my journal explaining what I have achieved or just a random thought for the day. I always do the entries within thirty-six hours, no matter where I am. I never miss an entry. I have been writing them since I was ten years old, sometimes I would go to the big box under my bed where I stored the diaries & read through some of the c***dhood dilemmas I was having at the time. I put everything in those journals. Things...
Charlie Chol scratched his unruly brown hair feeling a little uneasy. Finishing depositing some of the beer he’d consumed against the wall disfigured with graffiti, he shook off the clinging droplets and placed his best friend away and zipped up. It was the other use of his best friend that was the problem. Charlie appeared to be losing interest in females. Deeply disturbed about that Charlie mounted his motorcycle but the key wouldn’t fit. Was he drunk? Of course not, he thought. Wrong bike....
I would love to take you for a ride through the mountains. I’m sure we could find a couple places out west of town that would be ideal. We could go out late at night, cruising along in no hurry at all, watching the moon flicker through the trees passing us by. In the late night chill, your hands would slide under my shirt, exploring the contours of my chest and in response I would lean back, pressing my body more firmly against yours. My hand would slide back to squeeze your thigh, hinting for...
THE MOTORCYCLE COP AND THE HOT ROD By Jim DiamondI sat quietly in the car, wondering what in hell to do — I couldn't afford a ticket, but he had me dead to rights; my '32 Ford street rod was doing 65 in a 45 mph zone. I couldn't help it. When I hear that blower whine and the dual pipes roaring, I can't keep my foot off the gas. Next thing I knew, I had a cycle cop on my tail, lights flashing, and when I pulled over, I knew he wasn't going to ask me to buy tickets to the policemen's ball.I...
Author's Note: Thank you for choosing to read my diaries. Please leave a review when you're done! Wet, slutty kisses, Alexandra Diary Entry: August 2007 What a night. It's 3:00AM and I can't concentrate. Ryan had me over again last night to show me my pictures and to talk about the sites. The pictures came out pretty good. I like some of them, some not so much. Modeling is fucking hard. The camera doesn't lie. I thought I was thin. Thin! Yeah right. There's a little flab...
[Author's Note: The only way I know if people are reading these diaries is if they leave a review or send me an email. I'd certainly prefer both and answer all reader email. Thanks! Alexandra] It took me a while to begin writing in my diary again. They say rape changes a person. I know it changed me. It changed my relationship with Ryan completely. He was there for me, comforting me, helping me, but things were never the same after that. What was this beautiful, amazing love...
Introduction: On a separate note, if you read my story Incest Diaries & would like for there to be another installment, just comment your choice through this storys comments log. THIS IS IN NO SHAPE WAY OR FORM MY STORY. I CAME ACROSS THIS ONLINE. I ENJOYED IT & THOUGHT MANY OF YOU WOULD TOO. THIS STORY DEPICTS ANIME CHARACTERS FROM THE CARTOON INUYASHA (those characters being Rin & Sesshoumaru). IF YOURE INTO FANFICTION , THIS THIS IS THE STORY FOR YOU. NOTE , IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO READ THE...
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It was a great erotic journey till now. I and Pranati both sat on the sofa, discussing how to evoke them. I got a great idea. It is easy to generate new ideas to seduce anyone. She was busy cutting her nails while listening to my plan. Me: Mom, is Keshavi fucked by dad? Pranati: I told you already she does not want to hang out with men. She is a lesbian. Better leave her. Chaap! I slapped my bitch mom. She threw the nail cutter aside. Me: I did not ask for your suggestion, mom. You told me...
IncestIt leaves little to the imagination the title of this escapade. Fucked and wasted drinking all day in the sun, hyped up on x drenched in beer a corner away from the brass band churning out march anthem after march anthem, whilst getting sucked off from a 50 year old squatting behind a kiosk. Her maxi dress was pulled up to her hips squatting as if she was pissing. Looks however may be deceiving as she was actually chin deep with my entire dick shaft. Arm outstretched holding on to the mobile...
Hello all, I’m Kishan from Bengaluru, back to tell my sex saga in a story series – Bengaluru diaries. Thanks for all the responses which mean a lot. This is a continuation of my previous story. After spending a weekend in Ooty with two gorgeous girls, I came back to Bengaluru. After 3 days of total fucking exercise, we were so tired that we didn’t even speak to each other for 2 days. By now our college days were getting over so we had to use most of our time together. One morning as I was...
Hey raj here… This is the continuation of the love diaries 1. While madhu was busy with the guests I kept myself busy with my laptop watching porn and exploring iss. I heard guests leaving but still continued with my work and soon madhu was on the door with transparent maxi and clearly visible nipples. She was looking hot. She came near me and was watching the porn with me. I asked her why are you having sex with me, she said your uncle is not satisfying these days and she knew that I have an...
IncestPart 1: 2We didn't talk about it after that and we never said a word to Tea either, and I was rapidly starting to feel uneasy about what had happened. It didn't help that Paulina's responses to my texts were as minimal as they possibly could be, and didn't give out any hint of her true feelings or thoughts. So, I was happily surprised when Paulina invited me for a sleepover the next Friday.Once we were alone in her room I...
Diary Entry: July 2007 This shit can't go on. I called in sick to work and Mom and Dad were supposed to come over tonight. I had to cancel both because of the big fucking bruise on my face. One thing I'm not going to tolerate is Jack hitting me. That's just not right or fair or anything like that. I'm not going to turn into one of those hookers who get hit by their manager. I'm not fucking doing that. My face is sore. I can barely move from the sex and the massive dildo and...
She was turning another year older. She still had the body of a young woman but the spirit just wasn’t there anymore. At 44, she felt like life had passed her by. She worked two jobs to support herself and her two kids after her ex left town. She wasn’t complaining but she wanted a little excitement. Now that the kids were grown what was left to look forward too. Today after work she had stopped off at the local bar with her co-workers. It was her friends birthday so she was trying to have a...
[Author's Note: I have tried to find logical breaks in these diaries to begin and end the different chapters. It's not easy to do because I didn't write my journal thinking it would ever be read by the public. As a result, it might make it hard for new readers to follow along or for an avid reader to remember exactly what was going on when they read the last installment. This is Chapter 4 ... Chapter 3 ended abruptly, so for everyone's benefit I've duplicated the last little bit of it...
I was sitting at my desk at work and looking at my co-workers. There were sixteen of us the large open area. The boss didn't like cubicles; he said that they cut down on employee interaction and he thought it inhibited productivity. I was sitting there looking at the nine men and seven women — there used to be thirteen men, but that comes later in the story — and I wondered if the men were like me and the women like my wife. What secrets were there that I couldn't see? Were the men as...
I "Niched" this as First Time,because, amazingly I had never been on a Harley in my life! It truly should be "Niched" Sexy Foreplay Fun!”Car or motorcycle?” he asked. I said, “Whatever you prefer”. To which he said I must have an opinion one way or another. I shrugged my shoulders and answered I was flexible. People find it difficult to believe I can be so relaxed and go with the flow so well. I guess I derive my pleasure from knowing if other people are happy, then I am happy.Is it...
Part OneFor ten years I had dutifully ridden behind my husband on his Harley. God what a noisy machine! I like quiet. My helmet broke some of the potato-potato-potato noise, thank god, and for a long time I wore earplugs underneath; that helped a lot. Then my great aunt died and left me with some money. Not a huge amount, but enough that I felt like I could splurge on a motorcycle of my own. I got a Honda Gold Wing. It is wonderfully quiet. In fact, with my helmet I could almost pretend I was...
Wife LoversBy Dunchad© I was riding my motorcycle home from work when it happened. For some unknown reason, the second car in front of me decided to hit their brakes instead of driving through the yellow light. The car behind it hit their brakes and went to the right. I hit my brakes and went left and then the next thing I know I am on the ground and hurting. Oh yeah, did I mention that I was driving my Anniversary...
Motorcycle Accident My sister Stormy is older that I am. She was nineteen years old and dating a guy with a motorcycle. I thought that he was a jerk and so did our parents. However she was in love with him. Then one Friday night we got a phone call to come down to the hospital…there had been an accident. Stormy had broken both of her forearms. The doctor said that it was a simple fracture but that he had to immobilize the joints on either end so she was in two casts from the palm her...
Motorcycle RoseFather's Day dawned crisp and clear. At least that's what I was told. It happened about 3 hours before I crawled out of bed. By the time I got my eyes open it looked like a great day for a ride. Unfortunately the ride would have to wait for a while. Since the closest of my k**s lives about 1000 miles away, we no longer have family gatherings on these special occasions so we had made arrangements with our friends to meet for lunch at the local truck stop. They had...
This story is like one half of a twin. You can read either one first, itdoesn't really matter as there is no logical order. And yes, this storycontains male-male sex, and no, you do not find that offensive, neither isit i*****l for you to read this otherwise you wouldn't be here, and what amI still slowing you down for, just... enjoy.Motorcycle-Hero I,by Willie Hewes"Hey!""Huh? oh, sorry I...""Well you don't have to jump like that, I only said hi.""Uh, hi""You like it?""Yeah, it's...
I feel like writing another fantasy. over the last 2 years, I have come to realise, that I am the only person, that has yet to see the movie top gun. it's not my first movie pick but it wasnt as boring as some of the other movies I have watched. my only complaint is that, in the locker room scene, no matter how Maverick stands, leans, moves, that darn towel stays on :-p Charlie, as I will call myself, (from the movie) showed up to Maverick's (insert one of my doms here) house in a long...
“I’m Brooklyn, and… whatever… I guess I’m a sex addict.” I glared at the group of pathetic faces in the circle surrounding me. This is so fucking lame. Why did I sign up for this? It was bad enough that I’d had to endure public humiliation when the scandal broke, but being away from the city in this touchy feely rehab centre set my nerves more on edge than they did to soothe them, which I’m sure was their original intention. From the moment I’d checked into The Belleview Retreat for Sexual...
AnalWe have all heard about men and women, somewhere between the ages of forty and sixty going through a mid-life crisis. This can be caused by many things and manifests itself in a variety of behaviors. In our case, we were just trying to recapture some of the excitement of our youth and ward of the loneliness of our children being grown, by purchasing motorcycles and riding and socializing with other like-minded mid-lifers.My name is Jason, and my wife, Emma, and I were forty-seven years old at...
CuckoldFrom Amanda’s diary: Dear diary, It felt strange to wake up alone after three days sleeping with someone. Sure lying at Clara’s feet hadn’t been pleasant, but weird as it might sound I still felt some sort of connection to her while doing it. Sharing a bed with Fiona was a lot better, and I knew I’d be missing that a lot. I got up and dressed, being careful to cover every bit of me that might show any signs of damage, before I went to the toilet. I decided then I’d be sleeping in my...
I thought about that statement for a minute. Of course, I'd never called myself a sex addict out loud, but the idea of it sounded almost kind of sexy. Of course I knew I was supposed to be all serious standing there in the classroom at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health. But really, how can you find the seriousness of group therapy at all? They were a miscellaneous collection of odd personalities from different walks of life sharing intimate and intense details of their sex lives...
Part 1 of a series of questions and answers with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries I'd like to thank Matt who has been such a great friend and pen pal throughout this entire process for putting together these questions. Awesome job. Away we go ... 1. It was almost a year from when you first dressed as Kristy until you even touched another man's penis. How did you drift? What were some of the things done that help you to drift? What would you say to help someone...
After going through some tough times, seventeen year old, Chloe Wilson, was encouraged by her therapist to record her diaries on tape. It was a way to try and get her to open up and talk out loud about her feelings, but Chloe rebelled and the tapes ended up being less about her emotional past and more just a diary about her explorations into adolescent life and the discovery of all things sexual. Listen to her recordings and follow her journey, hearing the events that happened in her own words.
First Time“I’m Kylie, and I’m a sex addict.” I tried not to cry. It would have made things exponentially more embarrassing than just standing in front of the room telling a group of strangers that I was basically a sexual deviant. I bit down on my lower lip instead, producing just enough sharp discomfort to keep the girly tears back. I couldn’t believe I had really committed to this. Of course, I guess one could argue that I wasn’t very good with commitments, as it was. Ever since the depraved incident...
Group SexThe next day they showered and packed. They walked to the diner to have breakfast. After breakfast they strolled around for a bit. They eventually got on the bike to resume their journey. By evening they were pulling into a small hotel. They showered and changed for dinner. They ate at the hotel restaurant then went to the hotel bar to have a few drinks. They were sitting at a table talking when another couple approached them. They introduced themselves as Tom and Kathy and asked if they...
The Princess Diaries - Part 2 Foreword: This is the continuation of Kevins journey into total feminization at the hands of a guy he met online. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The working day dragged along. Seconds seemed like minutes, minutes seemed like hours. I was becoming more restless as my shift on the counter of the plumbers merchants crawled to it's conclusion. I passed the time thinking about my forthcoming weekend away with...
The Princess Diaries - Part 1 Foreword: The following story is partly autobiographical and part fantasy.. Having been a fan of Fictionmania for a while, I thought I would try my hand at writing my own story. This is the first time I've attempted any form of writing since I was at school, well over 25 years ago. I already have the basic outline in mind for part 2, should anyone be interested in a further installment, but I also welcome your reviews and...
Author's Note: The Sex Rehab Diaries is an ongoing series, featuring the intimate confessions of the patients of Dr Clark's group therapy class for sexual addictions at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health "I'm Stacey, and I'm a sex addict." I knew I wasn't the only person in the room that was in denial over that statement even as it left my mouth. ‘Admit that you need help and recovery will come quicker and last longer'. I had to hold back my initial laughter as I'd read the...
SIDE NOTE , IF YOU'RE UP HERE TO COMMENT FOR ANOTHER INSTALLMENT OF "Incest Diaries" THEN COMMENT BELOW. Thank You & Enjoy. Hot Springs- Chapter One kimono: formal Japanese dress -sama: title meant to show respect to the receiver hakama: formal divided skirt for Japanese men Glancing up at the noon sky, Rin took in a large gulp of air as the scent of spring's cherry blossoms gently drifted to her. The breeze was strong that day, and it blew her long, silky black hair around...
This is only my second story. Had the idea for this in my head for a while but needed to work out the kinks (no pun intended). As much as I loathe seeing "part one of nineteen" of stories here, I think this might have the potential to be a series. Interested in your thoughts and feedback. As always, please be firm, but gentle. Kisses. The Vamp-Ire Diaries This was easily just as good as everybody said it was, thought Taylor as the buxom young co-ed with pinup girl looks gave him...
20th May 2015 : I had a busy day today. The long meeting hours with clients really suck and it sucks more when they are old fellows. I was going to the parking in the basement of my office situated in Bandra when my phone rang. It was Siddhartha, my husband. He told me that his flight had landed safely in Mumbai and he would be home within an hour. One part of me was happy that my hubby was coming home after 4 weeks and the other part was sad because I won’t be able to fuck Ishan till Sid was...
Alison grew up west of the Range, among sheep, wheat and summer dust storms. She learned to drive tractors and to repair dam pumps on the farm and everything else in the small school.Each Christmas holiday her brother, her mother and she drove out the farm gate towards the rising red sun. f******n or fifteen hours later they turned into the jungle garden of her grandmother's rambling white weatherboard house overlooking the bay and, beyond, the ocean. Already Alison's grandfather had died and...
I had been playing with my cock for about an hour. You know, edging. I kept watching the precum ooze out of the tip of my cock and thought, “I need to get laid, bad.” I was hanging out on Manhunt, but it didn’t look like a promising night. It was a Tuesday; not much of a fuck night. I was about to give up and jack-off to a hot blog story, when my mail icon started flashing. “Like your look, man.” I opened his profile; Brazilian, 180, 6’2, 26, good shape, “love it wild”. But the guy didn’t have...
Gay Male