Falling Ch. 01 free porn video

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Chapter 1, In which I do a good deed

I was lying on my back staring at the ceiling when the phone rang. It was too much effort to move, so I continued pondering the cobwebs on the fan overhead and waited for the answering machine in the front room to cover for me.

‘Michael, please pick up!’ It was a young woman’s voice. ‘It’s Stacey — I really need to see you, and you aren’t answering your cell! Please call me as soon as you can.’ There was a breathless pause and then she hung up.

Some women might get upset when their good-looking roommate got a call from a strange girl, but I wasn’t one of them. It happened pretty often, actually, but usually Michael was there to answer them. See, he was a sex addict.

It’s not what you’re thinking — he was a member of one of those ‘Anonymous’ organizations and it had really straightened him out. He was a sponsor, too, and most of the time they were women, I guess they were less of a temptation because he was gay.

That was how we’d met, sort of. Not that I was a nympho or had a thing for gay men. Actually, with my travel schedule, I barely had any time for a social life, but when I did, I wanted a man who was ready to scratch my itch, if you know what I mean.

Apparently, Michael and my brother Peter had been scratching each other’s itches, a lot. It had been a shock to discover Peter swung that way, because we were pretty close and he’d never given even the slightest hint he wasn’t ‘normal.’ Sorry, that was my parents’ viewpoint, not mine.

Anyway, they didn’t take it well when he came out of the closet, probably because he really came out, if you know what I mean, and I guess Peter couldn’t handle their rejection. Emotionally, I mean, he was financially self-sufficient by then. When he committed suicide, Michael was just totally broken up over it.

Daddy and Mommy wouldn’t even acknowledge he existed, and I sort of felt we owned him and Peter more than they’d gotten. Michael had enrolled in this program and I’d moved in with him for awhile so he wouldn’t be all alone. Daddy had cut me off, too, but it was something I’d needed to do. That had been two years ago, neither of us had raised the subject of my moving out again.

I liked our arrangement a lot. Aside from the benefits of sharing rent on a larger apartment than I could have afforded by myself, it was simply wonderful to come home from the trip of the week knowing there was unexpired milk in the refrigerator and my mail would be stacked on the end of my dresser. Michael told me having a totally unappealing shoulder to lean on had been literally a life saver.

It was the nicest rejection a girl could have.

The phone rang. ‘It’s Stacey again,’ the woman said after the beep. ‘I’m sorry to keep bothering you, but I think I’m about to fall off the wagon. Please call me as soon as you get this, okay?’ She sounded pretty frantic.

Reluctantly, I forced myself to sit up. The problem was, I had no idea of Michael’s whereabouts. It was late Saturday morning and I’d just gotten home after spending an unwanted evening in Atlanta, courtesy of airline snafus, and he’d been gone when I arrived. I’d seen his phone sitting on the kitchen counter, probably forgotten when he set it down to write the cheery ‘welcome home!’ note that had been waiting for me.

As if the mobile phone’s electronic ears had been burning, I heard it beep in the other room, reminding its owner of waiting messages. I could guess who had left them.

I blew an errant strand of hair out of my face and leaned over to pick up the cordless handset on the nightstand. Michael had warned me, several times, not to get involved with any of his acquaintances from the program — that they could be dangerous. I wasn’t ready to go hang out with some hulking would-be rapist, but the girl on the phone didn’t sound that threatening.

She sounded like she was in trouble. Maybe if somebody had been there for Peter, he’d still be alive. I couldn’t just leave her hanging, waiting until whenever Michael might decide to return.

Stacey hadn’t left a number, but that was what caller ID was for. I punched a few buttons and she answered on the first ring.

‘Michael, thank God!’ she gasped.

‘I’m sorry, this is Linnea,’ I told her politely. ‘I just wanted to let you know that Michael is unavailable at the moment. Is there some way that I can assist you?’

There was silence on the other end of the line. Finally, she spoke up. ‘Linnea? I don’t know you, do I? Are you with the, um, counseling group?’

One of the things I’d learned in sales was that it was important to be assertive and confident. Nothing spooked a prospect like uncertainty. I couldn’t help this girl if she hung up on me. ‘Oh yes,’ I assured her cheerfully. ‘In fact, I’m Michael’s sponsor.’ We’d spent so much time talking together about Peter that it was a very small white lie. ‘I’d be happy to talk with you about whatever is bothering you, and lend you my support.’

‘I don’t know,’ Stacey whispered. I let the silence stretch, feeling it wasn’t time to push. She let out something that sounded halfway between a moan and a growl of exasperation. ‘I’ll take the chance. Can you meet me at the Starbucks on Third in 15 minutes?’

It was my turn to hesitate. I could make it, but not unless I went in what I was wearing. I hated the thought, for several reasons. Another one of the things I’d learned in sales was that you didn’t make the deal if you couldn’t get the prospect to pay attention to you. And that it was still a sexist boy’s club in the executive offices.

I wouldn’t say I dressed like a slut, but my skirts were shorter, my heels higher, and everything generally tighter than I would have preferred them to be. I was a cup size short of the point where I’d never have been thought of as anything except ‘that blonde bimbo with the rack,’ but I had to fight to be twice as good as my male coworkers just to stay even, and they didn’t have to spend two hours every morning in the hotel exercise room working off drinks from the previous evening. I tried really hard not to be jealous of Michael, who worked from home and could wear anything he wanted.

I’d resigned myself to it on the job, but the pinstriped pencil skirt and silk shell I had on wouldn’t have been my first choice to meet with some poor woman who was in a sex rehab program. Worse, it all looked slept in, which technically wasn’t true, but was damn close.

My hair looked equally bad. It was overdue for a shampoo, long past the staying power of my hair spray, and showing a little more ‘dirty’ and less ‘blonde’ at the roots than I preferred. I’d planned to have it fixed the previous week, but Annie had been out sick and I wasn’t going to trust my look to somebody I wasn’t familiar with. I’d had to cancel that morning’s appointment, too.

I reminded myself it was all small potatoes next to this girl’s problems. ‘I’ll be there,’ I promised Stacey.

‘Oh, thank you so much, Linnea!’ she gushed. ‘You’re a lifesaver!’ Stacey hung up before I could ask how to recognize her.

‘Shit!’ I vented to the empty room, and stood up. I didn’t have the energy to change shoes, and I’d need all the time I had to walk the half mile in my pumps, so I left without writing a note for Michael. I’d see him in a bit, anyway.

I thought I had Stacey identified about 30 seconds after I walked through the door. There was this intense-looking girl seated by herself at a table, staring hungrily at every woman that entered the place. I studied her, trying not to be too obvious about it, while I waited in line to get my iced double espresso. Laugh if you will, but it was warm out and I needed the caffeine.

She looked like she was probably in her mid-twenties, a few years younger than myself, and might have been a vampire if it had been night instead of daytime and this had been a fantasy novel. Her complexion was pale, but she had jet black sh
oulder-length hair, apparently favored really dark lipstick and nail polish, and everything she wore was black. I hadn’t seen so much eyeliner since the last issue of Vogue.

‘Stacey?’ I asked, after approaching her table.

Her eyes raked me from head to toe. ‘Linnea, I presume?’ She suddenly smiled, her white teeth incongruous against the lipstick. ‘The world works in strange ways.’

‘Forgive the appearance,’ I smiled back, seating myself across from her. ‘You caught me at a bad time, but it sounds like you’re having a worse one.’

Stacey took a sip from the cup in front of her. ‘Yeah, thanks for coming.’ She stared at her hands for a moment, and released an explosive sigh. ‘Jesus, it’s been hard! They tell you to put yourself in a good place, to stay away from temptation, but…’

I nodded understandingly. ‘You have to keep working at it, stay strong. There’s no quick fix.’ I’d heard Michael say that a million times.

She looked up at me beseechingly. ‘I don’t know if I can hold out or not. I caught myself outside a salon today, they had a help wanted sign posted. My hand was on the door. Do you know how hard it was to turn away?’

‘Well, you made it,’ I reassured her. I absently pushed my hair behind my ear while I tried to figure out the subtext of what Stacey was saying. What would be so bad about a salon? Belatedly it occurred to me that perhaps she was a lesbian. Well, if she was, there was nothing I could do now — and that didn’t make her less deserving of whatever support I could provide. After all, my brother had been gay.

And he’d died thinking he’d been rejected by his family. I reached out to squeeze Stacey’s hand reassuringly. ‘Be fierce! You can do it, Stacey! Just stick with what’s gotten you here.’

‘What’s gotten me here.’ Stacey not quite giggled. ‘Linnea, do you really work with Michael?’ She plucked a blonde hair from her hand and stared at it.

‘Well, yes, of course,’ I prevaricated. I didn’t want to lie more than I had, but it seemed like a bad time to admit we were only friends.

Stacey coiled the hair about a finger until it formed a little loop. ‘I was just wondering,’ she said, more casually, and surprised me by popping the hair into her mouth. She washed it down with another swig of her drink.

‘Yes, about two years now,’ I said, taking a drink of my own. I don’t know what happened, but somehow my hand froze an inch short of my mouth and I poured espresso right down the front of my blouse. ‘Shit!’ I yelped, hurriedly setting down the cup, but the damage was done.

‘Are you alright?’ Stacey gasped, eyes wide.

‘I can’t believe I did that,’ I admitted, feeling horribly embarrassed. ‘Please excuse me for a minute and let me go clean up.’ I rose to my feet and hurried to the women’s room without waiting for her response.

A huge dark spot covered the front of my blouse when I looked in the mirror. It could easily have been worse, but somehow I’d managed to pour my drink right down my cleavage, the blouse had contained the splash, and my bra had absorbed the excess liquid.

It might already be too late, but I quickly removed my blouse and began rinsing it in the sink, hoping the stain hadn’t set in the silk. A trickle on my belly reminded me of the bra and the danger to my wool skirt. Leaving the blouse to soak for a moment, I removed the bra as well, setting it aside for later.

I used a few damp paper towels to wipe myself clean, and then looked at the blouse. Fortunately, it looked like I’d been fast enough to avoid any permanent damage, but it was completely soaked. I caught sight of a diaper changing table to one side, rolling my blouse in an unconscionable number of paper towels reduced it from soaking wet to uniformly damp.

There really was no alternative, so I pulled it on and fastened the buttons, leaving it out instead of tucked in so it wouldn’t get the skirt so wet. My nipples hardened immediately from the evaporative cooling, but I couldn’t do anything about them, either. Looking in the mirror, I could see the points where they pushed against the damp silk, but it wasn’t really risque. Pathetically, it didn’t look any more rumpled than when I’d walked in, either.

After cleaning up the mess I’d made, and leaving the trash can near to overflowing, I took a last look in the mirror and pushed unhappily at my hair before leaving. Stacey was still sitting at the table, guarding my purse — I’d completely forgotten it in my panic! — and smiled when she caught sight of me.

‘Everything okay?’ she asked, handing me the purse.

‘This day just keeps getting worse,’ I groused, and then laughed lightly so she wouldn’t take it personally. ‘I haven’t felt so rumpled since I attended school.’

Stacey shook her head. ‘Nonsense, you’re smokin’, Linnea.’

‘Freezing is what I am.’ The air conditioning was blowing right on me, leaving my poor nipples feeling like tiny ice cubes. A stray draft wafted across my bare crotch, suggesting a rivulet of espresso must have made it that far after all. ‘Can we go outside and continue this while we walk?’

‘Certainly! I’m sorry to have put you to so much bother, honestly.’ Her mood already seemed more upbeat.

If comic-relief was what it took, I was happy to assist. Our spirits rose higher when a man entering the store as we left crashed into a display because he was watching us instead of where he was going. I realized I needed the laughter too, after my stressful week and long flight home.

We walked aimlessly, talking about trivial things, like two old friends. Eventually I started feeling warm and called a stop at an empty bench.

‘I hope I’m not getting sick,’ I complained, unfastening a few buttons and fanning myself. It was a warm day, but Stacey didn’t seem to be uncomfortable and she was wearing layered long-sleeved tops, a leather miniskirt over knit leggings, and tall boots.

‘I’m sure it’s just the sun, Linnea. I can’t thank you enough for taking so much time out of your day to talk with me, when you’re not even my sponsor. Is there anything I can do to repay you?’

‘Oh, please, Stacey — I was happy to help!’ I objected. Then my mouth shot off before my tired brain could catch up. ‘You mentioned almost applying for work at a salon — could you do anything with my hair? I don’t know how I’m going to get it taken care of before tomorrow afternoon.’

Stacey surprised me by leaning forward and running a hand through it. ‘Sure! What would you like done?’ She carelessly twisted another hair about her finger and popped it in her mouth.

It felt wrong to have asked, but backing out would have been awkward, and I didn’t want to offend her. Besides, I really did need to do something, and my flight out was at 5 PM the next day. ‘Just a trim and maybe touching up the color? I don’t want to be a bother.’

‘You came to the right girl,’ she answered with a smile. It dimmed slightly. ‘That is, if you don’t mind coming back to my place?’

Dim echoes of Michael’s warnings filtered through my head, but I felt I knew Stacey so well it was impossible to take them seriously. ‘Let’s go!’

I almost had second thoughts when we entered her tiny apartment, but then I realized the decor was just Stacey. Everything was dark earth tones, with drapes pulled across the windows and candles sitting on every unoccupied surface. However, the place was neat and tidy, with no trace of neglect.

Stacey pulled a chair out from the kitchen table, and then disappeared to collect her supplies. When she returned a minute later, she handed me an old stained T-shirt and told me I could change into it in the bathroom so my blouse wouldn’t get ruined.

Grateful for her hospitality, I slipped into the bathroom and unfastened the last few buttons on the blouse. I took the foam hanger Stacey handed me and hung the blouse on it, then hooked it on the shower rod to dry some more. The T-shirt was tight and scandalously thin, but it se
emed like it would serve its purpose, I didn’t intend to wear it in public.

I also took the opportunity to use the toilet, but was stunned when I hiked up my skirt and discovered my underwear and hose were missing! I was absolutely sure I’d been wearing them that morning — like I said, I was no slut — but they were gone. Worse, I couldn’t remember removing them. I just sat there on the toilet, biological needs forgotten, while my brain locked up.

‘Is everything okay in there?’ Stacey asked.

‘Um, sure, I’ll be right out,’ I replied, and flushed the toilet to cover my hesitation. I’d have to figure it out later.

Putting on a confident smile, I walked out to the kitchen and sat down on the chair, feeling the nubby upholstery scratch gently against my skin. A half dozen or so flickering candles added ambiance to the utilitarian ceiling light, soft music was playing somewhere.

Stacey draped a towel around my shoulders and tilted my head back to begin wetting my hair. The feel of her grooming was so soothing, and I was so tired, that I fell asleep almost immediately.

‘Hey, sleepyhead — what do you think?’

I blinked and wrinkled my nose at the faint smell of burning hair, hoping nothing had gone wrong while I’d been dozing. I looked at the mirror Stacey was holding in front of me, and then rubbed my eyes and looked again. When I’d sat down, my hair had been a medium blonde with some highlights. Now it was a bright platinum blonde, cut asymmetrically but very stylishly, and with masses of waves that added texture and color variations.

‘I love it!’ I gushed, and felt a wave of happiness at the sight of Stacey’s pleased smile.

‘I always did prefer blondes,’ she quipped, setting aside the mirror.

My glance fell to the bare mound between my spread legs. The familiar dark thatch I’d known since puberty was gone, leaving only ruddy swollen lips and gleaming skin. Stacey’s glance frankly was predatory, and I felt a rush of moisture at the thought of how attractive I was — and how attractive she was.

She unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor, revealing that her leggings were crotchless. The hair on our heads might have been as different as night and day, but I was thrilled to see her sex, like mine, was completely bared and dripping with desire.

‘Oh God, I want you,’ I moaned, my mouth suddenly dry.

Stacey came a step closer and I literally poured out of the chair onto my knees so I could worship her pussy. I’d never even thought of doing such a thing before, but as soon as the first drop of her nectar reached my yearning tongue, I knew I’d be doing it a lot in the future.

‘That’s it, baby,’ she cooed as I began lapping frantically. ‘We both know what a girl needs.’

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My name is Bella and I am not happy. I thought my senior year of high school would be great. Isn’t this supposed to be the time when you’re both on top of your own little world, but also excited about entering a new frontier next year? But still, I am not happy. Or should I say that I am not satisfied. My situation is not one that provokes much sympathy. I know it may sound like bragging but I happen to be rich, hot, and smart. First, the brains, I am in the top 10 in my class and my school is...

2 years ago
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24 hours 5 years 10 months Ch 04

The door bell rang and Marie yelled out from the kitchen, ‘Jim, should be my folks, I’m draining the pasta. Where do you hide the colander, quick before I over cook it.’ Walking to the front door I yelled back, ‘Wall with the fridge, floor cabinet, third door from the right.’ The door bell rang again as I opened it. Standing there looking slightly amused and very tired were Dot and Carl, Marie’s parents. ‘Well, come on in, I can take your sweaters and you can put your luggage off to the side...

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First LoveChapter 44

Danny had his spring break, and he came back down to his old neighborhood. He of course stopped to see Jen. He was worried about her anyway, he knew she was upset. Jen was thrilled. She hadn't seen Danny in awhile, since the last time he returned to their town. Maybe a year. But they had kept in touch and had become quite good friends since his letter. Now she was thinking about him again. He was still good looking, extremely sexy. She remembered kissing him during their brief romance....

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What If

It started when he caught me staring while he did squats.I'd gotten home from a work trip late that afternoon and the last thing I'd wanted to do was lift, but my wife had insisted. She was going, and she knew I'd regret it the next day if I didn't. So we drove down to the college where she worked and made our way across campus to the gym.We'd only been there for about twenty minutes when I spotted him. I was resting between sets when his lean body caught my eye in the mirror wall. He wore...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Self Facial Extrodinaire

Then it was my turn to draw a card…..nervously I reached to the top of the pile and lifted the card from the sex board game on the table. “You must masturbate, turn upside down and ejaculate on your own face!” Steve, my very good friend said…"oh yes…this is gonna be awesome!” He was aware that I was a very heavy cummer….”Wait till you see this guys. Bill can shoot a bucket of come. He’s gonna drown himself in his own jizz”. “Not fair”, I said. “I come way too much. And if I flip over, it will...

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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 34

“You can still walk!” he complained when I opened the door. “Very cute. It’s my shoulder that’s the problem,” I said dryly, “not my hips.” “Your shoulder looks good. Not perfect yet, but it’s healing up nicely. Better than I expected, to be honest. Let’s work it out, push it some and see how you feel,” he suggested and we went out to the clinic where he pushed me a lot harder than he had before. By the time we were done, I was in a lot of pain, but I also felt like we were making big...

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How I Became the Family Slut Part 3

It was summer, glorious summer! Tommy was out of school and Ben had shifted back to a normal day work schedule. For weeks I had been fucking my brothers Tommy and Ben, one at a time. I swear to god I couldn't get enough. Ben wanted me in his bed on weekends when he didn't have to work late, and Tommy had me in his bed on Tuesday through Thursday mornings, before his chores. I had two hard horny cocks thrusting in and out of my hungry cunt (and mouth) five times a week. But it still wasn't...

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Sweet Seduction

His eyes couldn't look away. The sight of Rosa's small, delicate tongue,  was just mesmerizing. Her captivating jewel eyes were half-closed, rolling back at times when the satisfying taste of the ice cream dripping down the edges of the cone was sucked into her mouth and over her swirling tongue.Jacob's hips bucked slightly, but luckily for the sweating man, Rosa didn't seem to notice. He pressed his hands gently over the bulge in his pants, tearing his gaze from Rosa's hard-at-work figure.The...

2 years ago
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Sibling MagusChapter 21

I didn’t even get to the corner of my apartment building before I heard footsteps following me. I thought it might have been Linda, but when I turned, I spotted Dalton. I thought she left, but didn’t say anything to her. Jordan was more important at the moment. Danielle was waiting in the doorway when I arrived. I was about to ask what was wrong when I heard something I thought was a lion roaring. I pulled Danielle out of the way and looked inside. I almost didn’t recognize Jordan. Earlier,...

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Ronni Tempted MeChapter 6

Jack and Brooke were numb as they ascended the stairs to their bedroom. Neither could begin to grasp the possibility that had hit them like a sledgehammer. Both thought it could not possibly be true. Yet they also felt there was a great chance it was. Could their well-planned weekend of wild, very risky sexual abandon have turned so quickly into their worst nightmare? Could it really have been their daughter Emily who had performed oral sex on each of them ... on her father and her...

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BethChapter 411

August 10, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written August 13] Practice today was mostly nominal, except for two items of interest, plus Heather missing practice because of her meeting at the school with Dad. At the initial gather, during stretching, Coach announced that Alex, our backup left wing, had had her appendix removed yesterday evening (she had missed practice yesterday morning due to a “stomachache.”) “Padme,” Coach said, “what does that mean for you?” “Umm, I get to play both right and...

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My High School Buddies

Me, I'm a junior in Belmont High and my two best buddies are seniors. They have been best friends for years but I only met them last summer. Whenever we can we go hiking, wilderness biking and swimming in a hole off one of the trails. My buddies have never been shy and they are always pissing and jerking off in front of each other and me. They are straight and I've seen them fuck girls a lot but they don't mind being horny and getting naked when the three of us are alone. I'm the shy one but...

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My wifes first interracial experience

This is a true story that took place a couple years ago. My wife and I had been married for a couple years at this point. We are both on our second marriage and couldn't be more happy with our lives. Our sex life was completely amazing and it wasn't uncommon for us to go at it at least three or four times a day. Amy is 38, 5' tall 115lbs with short blonde hair. She has beautiful fake large C cup tits and an ass that's out of this world. I always describe her as being built like a Russian...

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Cathar CastleChapter 2 The Bishops of Cather

Jenny, Joe (her husband) and Sammy were boarding the plane at Dulles for the last leg of their flight to France. Sammy had dressed her. Jenny was in her traditional outfit for public humiliation. This sophisticated, educated middle aged woman was thoroughly uncomfortable with the way she was being presented. Standing, walking through the airport, she was constantly starred at, but did not seem inappropriately dressed. Sure they stared at her because she was beautiful; but did not seem...

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Naughty Slutty shopping

By Dina PetroI was walking through a shopping center when a sign of 50% discount clearance sale attracted my eye sight which was posted on the glass show case of a very high class store, I knew the place had very expensive materials, women clothing, and underwear, but the sign was clear saying only part of our merchandise are on sale.I walked in, being a woman of late twenties, very good looking with a nice curvy body, wearing a mid-thigh floral fluffy skirt, a low cut tank top, showing my...

1 year ago
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Dead Heroes

DEAD HEROES by MAGGIE FINSON Chapter One Awakenings Taizu swam slowly to wakefulness, prodded by the coldly insistent, metallically hard voice within her head. COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS ON LINE. Her thoughts were slow, reluctant, floundering through the murky currents of a mind mired in shadowy dreams of death and pain. Fighting to flee those non-memories, her mind thrashed in terror. Uncaring, the sexless, cruelly emotionless line of glittering words caught her thrashing...

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She couldnt resist him Part 1

Jack saw her across the bar. It was his ex-girlfriend and just seeing her made the blood flow to his cock. They just broke up a few months ago and he could still feel her soft, supple body under him. She was one of the horniest woman he had ever met and she could never deny her desires when she felt his hard cock. He remembered the first time he pressed it up against her. The surprise on her face and the way she instantly pushed back into it let him know how much she wanted it. He had a...

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Mums Naughty Knicker Party

By my early twenties, I had been delivering my mother’s Ann Summers parcels for well over a year over a fairly large area. During that time, I had lots of offers of sex and was the subject of many sexual advances from women of all ages, most of whom were my mother’s close friends or their family members.I was though still seeing Carol, my mother’s best friend, and having amazing sex on a regular basis. Basically, she would call when she needed hot sex and I would provide it for her. I think a...

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RegrowthChapter 2

The dinner was excellent. It was some sort of fancy French food that I had never heard of, but it really tasted good. There was wine to go with it, and I had never experienced that before. It looked like they had put on the dog for me, and I was shocked when I was told that Janice had done all of the cooking, with only some minor help from her mother. Most of the dinner conversation was in generalities like the weather, etc. The rest was monopolized by me extolling the virtues of the food. I...

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Affairs of a HousewifeChapter 2

Jessica left the hotel in a hurry. Her legs were weak and she thought she was walking a little weird after the several rounds of sex with Jason. As she walked down the street, she was slowly becoming nauseous. She was nervous about what she just did; afraid of what Rob, her husband, would do if he found out about this affair. She fumbled in her purse for her phone as she walked. She did not realize how long she had been with Jason - longer than she thought she would have been. She was...

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Freedom of AssociationChapter 9

The Minister Louis Farrakhan, bedecked in a black two-piece suit, azure bow-tie, and rectangular glasses took the podium in front of a crowd of one hundred followers at the National Press Club. Claude Carolina, watching this event on cable television, could scarcely believe that the honorable minister, plagued by a mysterious illness, looked as though nothing at all touched him during his prolonged absence from the national stage. The minister’s walnut skin and jet black hair hadn’t changed,...

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Was it only a Dreampart 2

Continued from Was it only a Dream…..part 1 Shannon and I got into my car, she scooted over to sit right next to me as we drove the short distance to her house.. neither one of us spoke on the drive over.. she just quietly held my hand. Once at her house she pulled me into her bedroom, shut the door and turned around. she had a dreamy sort of smile on her face. she slowly walked over to me and put her arms around my neck,  As she did this I was grinning like I had Just won the Indy 500 /...

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Prologue Irysia - a continent fractured by the naivety of it's inhabitants. Decades of armistice between races was broken by the Undyr - a brutish force of tusked monsters, terrifying in stature when compared with their racial peers. Their insatiable lust to interbreed and lack of female counterparts has driven them to return to the old ways, raiding in search of potential slaves to mercilessly impregnate, and subsequently they were responsible for the outbreak of civil war. From the ashes of...

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Dyked Britney Amber Naomi Woods The Devil Does Domination

Naomi stumbled into Britneys office in hopes of getting a spot in her fashion internship. Britney takes one look and says Naomi has no sense of style or fashion, and she should probably be applying elsewhere. Naomi was super sad, until about ten minutes after she left when she got a call back. It turns out maybe Britney might have some use for her after all ;). After about half a day of assisting Britney, Naomi found out that she just couldn‘t get a handle on things, and knew she would end up...

4 years ago
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The Tale of RolandChapter 23

Saturday morning they stepped through the portal and arrived in the white transfer room. They had a longer than usual wait for Susan. "Oh Rolly I'm so glad you're here, you too Rachel, I've missed you so much. We have to go to the war room, right now." "What's wrong?" "I'll tell you there." The war room was simply the conference room adjoining their private suite. It was where they laid out the files, maps and supplementary information. "There is a damsel who we think is...

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Joyce and Me at the Cape Prelude

Joyce was a pretty girl not beautiful like her sister who was 7 years older. She had a brother who is the same age as I am. Joyce is 17 years old soon to be 18. She is 6 feet 4 inches tall. She has 34-19-32 measurements with an AA cup. To say she was thin is putting it mildly. She was skinny. She was a master at having sex. She could/would do anything that involved sex. She was not a nymphomaniac but loved sex. Her older sister Kathryn (Kate) was considered a slut. She was beautiful and had...

First Time
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 7

Cal had just skipped lunch. He was impatient and full of questions as he sat in his law office. Edwin and Roxie—what could they want from him? Why did Edwin want the three of them to meet together? Why was Edwin so polite when he called for the appointment? Why did Cal care one way or the other? Should he put them on the clock? He answered ‘no’ to the last one. What would be the point? Edwin hadn’t yet repaid the money Cal advanced to Herb for the damages at the Dew Drop Inn. That had been...

1 year ago
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My Fetish For Panties Ch4

Just a quick warning- this chapter contains bi-sex between myself and another guy, so if that's not your cup of tea you've been warned! Anyways, at this point I was still living in my apartment and Racel in the dorm, and was spending a lot of time online chatting to differant people about panties and body ordors etc. I had started chatting with a guy that lived about 100 miles away and he was the same age as me and inot the same things fetish wise that I was. Now I must admit that at the time...

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Carnival Knowledge

The summer of 1980 seemed to hold nothing but promise for this young man. Just one year out of high school it was an easy decision for me to take a year off before going to college. Heck, I was young enough to enjoy myself and wanted to travel and see the country while I had the opportunity. The year before, just out of high school, I had taken a job as a carnival worker or carnie as they are known. It gave me the chance to schlep across country and get paid in the process. Being a carnie can...

2 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 18

I had a moment of panic when I heard the engaged tone from Cal’s mobile, but I wasn’t going to give in to it. This time while we’d been apart, we’d actually managed to speak to each other every day, and I knew now that Charlie was regularly in touch with both Cal and her mother. I’m sure I would have heard if anything bad had happened. I made my way back to the taxi rank and joined the queue. While I stood there, my phone rang, I took it out and saw from the caller ID that it was Cal. “Hi,”...

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Naruto futa world

Enter the world of Naruto and take the place of Naruto as you venture on in the world of ninjas with a slight difference. This world contains no males only futarani. You are born on the 10 of October year 715. Life finally breathing into you, your parents are very happy with their child. Does the wife of the Yondaime Hokage Minako Namikaze, Kushina Uzumaki, give birth to a boy or girl

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Dirty little secret

Julia was doing some spring cleaning in the house. She had scrubbed everything, cleaned the oven, scrubbed the floors and was in the process of cleaning out the closets. Stuffed in the back of a closet was a bin. She didn't know what was in it. The sight that greeted her caused a jumble of emotions in her. The bin was full of women's clothing. It was all silky and sexy; Nightgowns, little panties and thongs, silk scarves and some thigh highs. But none of it was in her size. It was all too large...

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Mikeys Guide to Great Anal Sex

this is my 1st story ladies & gents what do you think about it?? please comment weather you liked it or not, good or bad.Mikey's guide to great anal sexok well if it is her 1st time or not a nice body temperature enema, let the water in slowly, when she starts to get full rubbing her belly, hold her in your arms, kiss her, tell her how much you luv her, sweet talk her, do it twice so that she is real nice & clean inside, even do this when she empties herself out, give her a nice gentle...

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Talking Parrot

Note to readers: Hi, all. Those interested in a collaboration for a story with me can reach me at [email protected]. If you're feeling terribly lonesome or want to bond with someone from this community during this quarantine period, you must definitely hit me up. After all, it takes two to tango. Take the time to review this story. Love from my side. -Aadina Talking Parrot Henrietta sat on the floor beside the lampshade hugging her knees, her tears streaming down her cheeks....

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A Bride chapter 19

I wondered about mum and what she'd got up to with the black girl. I hoped my little display of concern for her hadn't put the two of them off enjoying each other. From my experience with Belinda, I'd discovered that people act differently in different situations and even in different clothes. I'd gone back to Belinda's flat with her wanting and getting dirty sex, but after we'd got the kinky kind of lust out of our systems, I'd gone to bed with a lovely sexy woman and made love with her and it...


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