Brother s Teenage Sex Slave
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The Slave Girl
My name is Elisa I am a twenty-year-old blonde and we had been warned thatlocal bandits were attacking villages to capture women and girls for sale tomen a long way away. One night when a group of armed men attacked our villageI knew there was no way for me to escape so when I had the chance hoping Iwould not be found out I cut my blonde hair strapped my chest and dressed asa boy. After the fight they rounded up the men and boys but before taking themaway and looking young I was put with the women. We were taken to their campcompound where they sorted us into two groups and I counted thirteen of weyounger ones and about nine older women. As we were kept waiting I heard themen arguing and knew why when a bunch of them started shouting and hittingthe older women to make them take their clothes off. When they were all nakedthe men selected the ones they wanted forced them to the ground and startedraping them. A girl next to me shouted out please stop it that's my motherbut the girl next to her said shut up or they might do it to us. After theyfinished with them the women dressed and were taken away. When they came forus it was late afternoon and one at a time one of we younger ones were takenaway. When it was my turn two men took me to a room where one of them saidto a third man we kept this one because these Arabs also like pretty boys.I heard one of them say lets have a look at him but as soon as my trousersand pants were off and they saw I was a woman the same voice said this onewill be worth more than any pretty boy. The binding around my chest was removedand my breasts although not big were firm without any droop and sprung forwardfor the men to see they were fully formed. After all three men had weighedthem and fondled my nipples until they were quite enlarged I was put on thetable and two of them held my ankles and pulled my legs over each shoulder.I knew all my genitals were now fully exposed and felt the third man put hishands between my legs part my outer labia and roll his fingers around my vulva.No one had touched me there before and being numb from the shock it didn'thurt as it moved around but there was one spot he touched that made me feelfunny. After telling me to sit-up I was given my clothes taken to a small sideroom and put with three other girls where a few minutes' later two men broughtin another girl and told us we were going to be taken on a long journey. Thefive of us were tied together put in a cart and after travelling overnightarrived at a house. Still tied together the driver led us into a large roomand after speaking to three new men untied us then made us stand in a linein front of the men. All three looked closely at each of us and seeing theoldest of the three men talking to the driver I guessed he was the man whowas going to buy us. I couldn't understand what they were saying but it wasobvious they were negotiating a price and when I saw him giving money to thedriver I knew all five of us had just been sold. The three men sat at a tableand we all understood the older one when he said one at a time each of us wasto stand in front of the table and take our clothes off. We were all too afraidto disobey and as each of us stood naked we were told to raise our arms overour heads then open our legs before turning and bending over still with ourlegs apart. After looking at us he said he was glad we were suitable for aprivate sale because we would earn him more money than being auctioned forbrothel use. But before I offer any of you for sale I have to be sure noneof you are not infected in any way so all five will have to be properly preparedand examined. After the things the other men had done to me I could guess whathe meant when he said I don't want any of you to resist the things I will dobetween your legs.
I was the nearest so when he pointed to me I knew I was to be the firstand walked to him After he measured and weighed my breasts his two helperslaid me on the table and parting my legs I was too frightened to move as heshaved my pubic hair and the hair around my labia. When he finished he openedthe flesh and I wondered how many more times I was to feel men's fingers strokingtouching and moving inside me. Because the other men had not done this to meI was afraid of what he was going to do when he pulled my inner lips apart.I could feel his finger circling the rim of my vagina then it being openedbefore I felt him start to enter me but pleased he did not go any deeper. Afterhe rubbed that sensitive spot at the start of my vulva I had the same funnysensation as before but this time I also felt wetness running from me. He calledthe other two men over and while he held my labia apart both of them fingeredthe same spot until I couldn't stop wriggling and making funny sounds in mythroat all three men started laughing. At last it stopped and I was told todress then placed so I could watch the next girl being examined. After herbreasts had been felt she was put on the table and after being shaved and herlegs pulled back I saw what we women had between our legs. When he parted herlabia then the two pieces of inner flesh I could see the opening of her vaginaand the tube at the start of her outer bulges. I watched the man use two fingersto open the mouth of the girl's vagina just like he did to me before he rubbedthe white tube at the start of her vulva. When I saw mucous running from herand watched her wriggling I knew that was what they had done to me and howwe women reacted when men done it. After all five of us had been examined andstimulated we were given some food then locked in the back of a caravan whichtravelled over rough ground for many days. We were quite well looked after,the food was eatable and we slept on mattresses on the floor but were watchedall the time. Arriving at a house a man took us to a fancy room where I sawfive more young girls and he said I am Raja the man who will train you in waysto please your master and teach you how to display your bodies for inspectionwhen presenting your bodies for intercourse or when being sold or auctioned.When he left all ten of us talked among ourselves about the things the menhad done to us and several of them said the thing the men rubbed between ourlegs that made us feel funny and got us wet was called the clitoris. It wasthe way men aroused women to get us wet enough to make the penetration of ourvagina less painful and to make it more enjoyable for them. This then had ustalking about the way we thought we would be treated and what we would haveto do as slave girls. It wasn't hard to realise that as a twenty-year-old girlthe man who bought me would do so for my body and like the other men wouldwant to see if I was worth what he would have to pay for me. For him to dothis I would have to be naked so he could examine my breasts and nipples andfeel how much fat was on my body. Then he would make me part my legs in orderto open the two pieces of flesh and put his fingers inside to feel if I wasa virgin. I would have to sexually please the man that bought me which meanthe would penetrate me but never having been with a man or seen one naked Itried to imagine how I would be trained to do it and how I would prepare myself.As a slave it was obvious I would receive punishment if I resisted the thingsI would have to do and therefore had to accept everything that was done tome. The next day Raja returned told us to form a line and took us to the bathroomwhere he told all ten of us to strip and lie in the large communal bath. Itwas wonderful to soak away the grime on our bodies after our journey then relaxin the warm scented water. It was some time before Raja returned and told usto dry ourselves then lie on the warm stone slabs that surrounded the pool.
Raja said as you can see that was quite good but at the same time you mustalso hold your inner lips apart so the buyer can easily put his fingers intoyour vagina. As his hand went between her legs she quickly started taking deepbreaths and wriggling and when he told her to stand on one leg and lift theother out to her side I saw how difficult it was to do. When she did find herbalance Raja called us all forward to see how wide it had opened her vulvaand to watch his fingers moving inside her. When it was my turn I stood inthe block parted my outer labia and opened my inner flesh waiting to feel whatit would be like with his fingers moving inside me. Raja looked into my eyesas I felt his fingers start to enter my vagina but instead of them going furtherinside he said because all of you are virgins none of you will have deep insertionsuntil after the master has penetrated you. Telling me to release my inner lipshe pinched and pulled them making me cringe and draw back and for this he gaveme two cuts of the cane across the top of my thighs. As I screamed with thepain and with tears running down my face he said out loud we were not to makeany movement at all regardless of what the man done inside us. I leaned backagain legs apart and holding my inner flesh open accepted his fingers gentlecircling my vagina again before he rubbed my clitoris tube which excited meso much I made the same throaty grunts the other girls had done. Then I hadto stand on one leg and after several goes I managed it and to test me I triednot to cringe or move when he hurt me by pinching and pulling my inner lipsapart. Satisfied I had learnt my lesson I was told to get down but quite afew of the remaining girls had to have several cuts of the cane on their thighsbefore they accepted what he was doing to them. Raja spent the rest of theday feeling our breasts and nipples preparing us for the way men would inspectus and each time the way he touched my vulva and clitoris made me so wet Iwas so aroused I couldn't resist thrusting myself onto his fingers. Raja knewthen I had accepted that as a slave girl this is how I would be examined andthat I would show the man I was ready and wanted him to enter me. As part ofthe training Raja took all ten of us to the Dancing girl's quarters to showus how we would present ourselves for penetration. A guard entered and pointedto one of the girls who stripped and prepared for intercourse by lying withher legs apart and holding her labia open. It was the first erect member Ihad seen and watched fascinated as it entered and moved in and out of her body.To show us how we would be punished if we disobeyed we were taken to watchas two attractive girls with light skins were tied upside down with their legsapart. Their inner thighs were caned before it was done to each side of thelabia and from the way they screamed it was obviously very painful. Raja tookus to the next room where we saw three coloured girls undressing before layingon the floor. This seemed strange until three eunuchs entered and Raja saidwhen a girl is to be whipped she offers herself to the man hoping he will findher attractive enough to penetrate and if she can satisfy him he will not hurther to much. When the men had finished with them the girls stood up and theman that had just fucked her lowered a rope from the ceiling tied her wriststogether and hoisted his girl in the air until her toes just touched the floor.Raja continued saying with a girl hanging like this if she has given us a goodfuck it is for us to decide which whip we will use and where we will applyit then showing us several whips told us which would be used on a girls shouldersand buttocks and the ones used on her breasts and pubes. The master decideshow may lashes but it is usually five on the back from the shoulders to thethighs and five on the front one on top of the breasts and one underneath.The third curls around the waist the next across the stomach the last overher pubes.
While we were watching and listening to the screams of all three Raja saidafter the master had taken our virginity we would entertain his guests duringthe meal and if one of them beckoned we had go to him and in front of everyonestrip and present ourselves for inspection. If he liked what he saw we wouldbe taken to his room and if we failed to satisfy we would be punished likeany other girl by having our breast and buttocks whipped or being caned betweenour legs. On our return to the harem we were all very subdued and spent therest of the day preparing for the ordeals to come. The following days werespent learning how to dance remove various garments and when naked how to revealevery part of our bodies as we twirled about. Raja told us that to ensure wewere ready to be penetrated at any time we would now learn how to positionfor our vulva to be washed and have the contraception syringe inserted. Wehad to start by parting our labia then having pulled our inner lips apart tofully expose our vagina and clitoris Raja would dip a swab in a solution thenwash the whole area. This made our entire vulva and the walls of our vaginavery sensitive. This was followed by having a small nozzle inserted into thestart of our vagina and the contraceptive forcible injected deeper into ouruterus but Raja told us after the master had taken our virginity a bigger nozzlewould be inserted deep inside and until we were accustomed to this it wouldbe painful and we found both of these to be a dreadful daily experience. Wewere also told how to do our hair enlarge our nipples and labia before applyingmake-up to them and how to hold our inner flesh in such a way that the entranceto our vagina and clitoris tube would be fully revealed for the man who wasgoing to penetrate us. One morning Raja told us that since two of us had alreadybeen sent to the master and two were bleeding he thought we six were readyfor our master and his friend and we spent the day practising with him actingas the master. He inspected us just as they would by feeling our breasts partingour labia then having us hold apart the two pieces of inner flesh for him tofeel around our vagina and clitoris tube. After the evening meal and the dancinggirls had finished Raja told us that every time a slave girl was sent to hermaster she would stand naked before him waiting for his approval but that wasrarely refused because we were always desirable then we were told to run intothe room and stand in front of the two men facing us. Standing in line themen were looking at six beauties with firm breasts enlarged red nipples slimwaists pubes shaved to reveal large red painted labia long slender thighs andlegs. I could see one man in particular looking at me with my blond hair cutshort and my body so slender that if it weren't for my well-formed breastsand the split flesh between my long legs I knew I would be taken for a boy.I listened to the older man say there were ten virgins with this delivery butI've sampled two of them and with two bleeding you are looking at the othersix. Raja has quick ways of making girls accept they are here to please usand tells me these are ready for our inspection. Raja cracked his whip thenone at a time we displayed in front of the men waiting for their approval ofour hairless bodies and when it was my turn I lifted my arms but my firm breastshardly moved. I saw him looking how my small waist tapered to rounded hipsand flat stomach then down to the two painted bulges between my spread thighs.I was conscious of the two pieces of glistening pink flesh hanging out of themthen leaning back I opened my legs parted my labia and held apart the two piecesof mucous covered flesh. After he had felt my breasts and nipples I knew whenhis fingers entered my vagina he would find I am a virgin then he would excitemy clitoris to see if I could be aroused enough to give him a good fuck. Ishuddered as I felt his fingers on my inner flesh before they circled my vaginathen entered it to feel my hymen.
When the men had seen all six we continued the entertainment by bending andtwirling in ways that revealed every part of our naked bodies. One by one wedropped from our exertions then lying on our backs with our legs apart we providedboth men with an erotic sight. I lay there my body covered in sweat and withmy vulva partly opened I could see him looking at me as if to say since yourcunt is as untouched as any of the other girls I am going to fuck you. Theolder man noticed him looking at me and I heard him say you haven't had a virginyet and having just had her vulva washed and contraception sprayed into hervagina she will be very sensitive and ready for intercourse so take her virginityin that room over there. The room was intended for this purpose and fully equippedfor any taste with restraints, various whips, and a large bed with shacklesat the four corners together with a frame that could hold a woman in any positionfor any intended purpose. Looking at him I said you won't need any of thesebecause I know my only use as a woman is what I have between my legs and afteryou have taking my virginity other men will penetrate me before I am sold atauction. You know I have had my vulva washed with a liquid that makes my innerlips so sensitive it arouses me enough to want satisfaction. You also knowwe slave girls are given a daily contraception that makes our vagina very responsiveso when we are being fucked it's hard to resist having orgasms and our responsesshould give the man satisfaction. I am fully prepared for the loss of my virginityand I accept the shame of having to hold myself open to show you I am wet enoughfor penetration because I know it will make the entry less painful. He lookedsurprised that I spoke English and was prepared to let him enter me withoutany fuss so I thought it would be nice to tell him my name was Elisa. SinceI had only watched Dancing girls being entered it surprised me that I couldI lay with my legs apart shyly open my labia and pull my inner lips apart toshow him my vulva was covered with mucous and I was ready for penetration.Holding it open for him was a humiliating experience and anticipating the unknownI was trembling all over which made my upright breasts pulsate so he kept mein this embarrassing position until tears came to my eyes. I had seen womenbeing fucked but not the man's erect member and seeing his when he was undressedI took several deep breaths and gritted my teeth. He stood closer and holdinghis penis inserted it between my fingers then through the two pieces of fleshheld open in front of me. As soon as I felt it enter I took my hands away andtried to push him off but it slid in and as my flesh closed over it I had athrobbing feeling in my lower half. When it started to enter my vagina I felta slight resistance and knew he was touching my hymen and being my first timewas anxious that as it went inside would I do what was expected of a slavegirl but with one deep thrust he was through and I cried out. Feeling my vaginabeing expanded was a new experience and hurting me so I pleaded for him tostop but he ignored it and went further in until his testicles touched my buttocks.My legs were wide open now and with the feeling of him moving in and out ofmy vagina I didn't want him to leave. Feeling my wetness I knew I would soonrespond and as his penis went in my vagina muscles gripped his penis to stophim coning out then I started thrusting my pelvis with him until I felt hisgushing discharge. Pulling out and stepping back I felt my vulva closing slowlyover and saw the red tinged mucous running from it. Having had my legs so wideapart I had to slide off the bed in order to stand naked in front of him andin abject humility said thank you master for not hurting me too much when youtook my virginity. He was so absorbed he hadn't realised my embarrassment atthe way I had given in and said now you have been broken in show me how slavegirls please their master.
When he said if you fail I will have you whipped it frightened me so I layback on the bed with my legs apart exposed my vulva again and he entered withoutgiving me any stimulation. Although tight I was still wet which made it easyfor him to go deep and as he fucked me I feared the thought of a whip acrossmy breasts or a cane between my legs. This made me perform and I was surprisedhow quickly I had learned to work my vagina muscles and by moving my body toachieve clitoral stimulation how it gave me multiple orgasms. It took him along time to ejaculate again but I knew if I was to avoid a whipping I hadto continue working on him until he was ready for release. Telling me to goI stopped at the door turned and although exhausted said I know it was my firsttime but I did try and hope you are satisfied with me. He said for your firsttime you were quite good then returning to the hall I saw the older man sittingwith a girl kneeling between his legs. As I got closer I was surprised to seethe girl had his member in her mouth and with four girls still naked standingeither side he said to my young master she must have been good for the timeyou took. If she is that good I will have her later, but now she must practisethis. I hoped they didn't see my look of disgust as the older man cruelly claspedmy breasts and pulled my mouth onto his erect penis. He pulled and pushed myhead making it go in and out as it would if he were fucking me until he pushedme off him. With his hands between my legs I winced as his finger went deepinto my sore vagina as he said I can feel you are no longer a virgin so iftonight you don't perform better than the other two I have had I will caneyour cunt lips myself. I listened to him say to the younger man I like takinga woman's virginity but the blonde I had yesterday stayed as dry as a boneand was no fun at all. I will have her prepared and sent for you to use tonightand looking at we girls said if any of you fail to give us a good time I willcane your fannies myself then he told us to go back to our quarters. Sincethis was the first time we had stood naked in front of the men who owned usall we could talk about was how difficult it was to accept without moving theway they felt our breasts and fingered inside our body. I was asked what itwas like to lose my virginity and while I was relating what I had to do andwhat he done to a girl called Katrina interrupted and said when she was sentto the older man and felt his thing going inside her she froze. He said shewould regret it and threw her out and I am the girl who will now have to goto the man who used you so I hope he will treat me as well as he seemed todo to you. Another girl named Petra said she also had been sent to the olderman and when he entered her it was awful and very painful. That night as Rajaprepared me he said the older man was master of them all and was called Francathe younger man who had taken my virginity his friend and named Daniel buthe could also do anything he wanted to any slave man or woman on the estate.I then had to stand with my legs wide apart for him to syringe my vulva vaginaand uterus. He washed me with the arousing solution and said I told you thatafter you had been penetrated the contraception would be given by having alarger nozzle inserted. It is always done this way so layback holding yourlegs over your shoulder and for the next few times expect it to hurt. I feltthe cold steel enter and with Raja doing it slow to not hurt too much it wentso deep I wondered when it would stop and when it did I saw him push the plungerand cried out in fright as I felt the liquid being forced past my cervix. Nowyou know how the insertion feels when it is pulled out you will feel as ifyour internals are being sucked out with it and if it is done fast it willhurt. Some men do this because they like to see and hear you women in painthen when you stand up the liquid will run down your vagina and you will feelas if it is shrinking and closing up.
It is this that allows the inner muscles to clasp the penis that gives bothyou and the man maximum stimulation. Although he withdrew the nozzle slowlyto break the vacuum Raja was quite right it did hurt and I did have the tightfeeling in my vagina so I wasn't looking forward to having contraception everyday. After my nipples and labia had been repainted bright red Raja pulled bothmy inner lips through my labia and painted them a darker pink than they alreadywere. He said Master Franca likes to see them hanging but Master Daniel prefersa clean split. Now you are ready I will take you to his room where you willcrawl to him kiss his feet and wait for the master to tell you to display forinspection. You have practised this enough times and after doing it beforeMaster Daniel entered I will tell you this Master expects a perfect displayof your body and if you cringe when he feels the walls of your vagina you canat the least expect a caning between your legs. As a slave girl my master wasnot cruel to me but the things he done to my body and the different ways Iwas entered made it a night I will never forget. We new slaves were left alonefor several days then one morning after assembling all ten of us Raja toldus he was to prepare us for sale and but instead of being auctioned in a publicsale he was to make us ready for a private examination. Having had Raja trainus for this we all knew what the buyer would do in order to examine in detailall the intimate parts of our bodies and it would be a most unpleasant experience.We ten girls showed anxiety and Raja tried to console us saying nothing wouldbe done to us that he had not trained us for. I didn't mind having my breastsand nipples felt although not now a virgin I was never at ease when Rajas'fingers opened my inner lips and fingered the muscles of my vagina. I spenta restless night wondering how I would respond with a strange man fingers insidemy vagina and exciting my clitoris. Raja had us soak in the baths then aftershaving what little body hair he could feel he had us lay on our backs forthe insertion of the contraceptive. Katrina Petra and myself not being virginshad the deep penetration and with all three of us crying with the pain theother seven girls looked very frightened. Raja told them while they were virginsdeep insertions were not done so it wouldn't be any different from the othersthey had been given. One at a time we then stood in front of him spread ourlegs wide and lowered to allow easy access to our vulvas for him to wash allten with the liquid that would start our arousal when we felt fingers enteringour vulvas. Raja had us practise how to stand for our breasts to be felt andweighed how to bend back and how far apart our legs must be to allow the buyerto open us enough for him to inspect our vulva and vagina. When satisfied hetook us to the hall and stood us in a row in front of the dais where our twomasters were sitting with another man who must be the buyer. After lookingat us the third man said they are attractive but to be tested they must benaked and I heard Raja say with pleasure Huanda I hope none of them disappointyou. I guessed he would start with we three non-virgins and bringing forwarda nervous Katrina wearing the bolero and skirt we had all been given stoodher on a block in front of Huanda. Knowing this was a real inspection she wasanxious because like me she didn't mind the man feeling her breasts and nipplesbut when her panties were removed he would put his fingers into her vagina.Part of Rajas' training was to prepare us for this but we all disliked havingour inner lips pinched and pulled apart. Finding she was not a virgin his fingerswould go deeper and she would be finger fucked before he manipulated her clitto see how quick she achieved orgasms. I knew that every time Rajas fingersparted Katrina's labia even before he touched her vagina she resisted and wehad all been told that if we cringed or pulled back when we were having thisdone we would be whipped.
I watched as Huanda felt her breasts and enlarged her nipples and when Rajaslid her panties down she opened her legs and lowered her body to reveal heropen pouting lips. Waiting for the mans fingers between the two bulges of herpubes she was breathing hard knowing that after he pulled her inner flesh apartshe would feel his fingers enter her vagina. Feeling she was not a virgin hewould rub the walls and Katrina hoped it would not hurt too much and she wouldbe aroused and wet before he excited the hard bud of her clitoris. As soonas she felt Huanda's fingers on her inner flesh and her vagina was spread openshe tensed herself but as he finger fucked her she squirmed so much he pushedher away and as Raja took her back I was next. Raja removed my bolero and Huandaweighed my breasts enlarged my nipples and standing naked if front of thisman as a slave girl who was now going to have her vagina inspected I realisedI was aroused just thinking of the sexual things he would do to my body. Whenmy panties were removed I lowered with my legs wide apart and felt the dampnessof my swelling labia and the pulsing of my clit even before Huanda fingerstouched them. Huanda squeezed my buttocks and thighs and as his fingers partedmy sex lips and pulled out my inner flesh I drew a deep breath as his fingersentered my vagina. Knowing I was no longer a virgin and wet I tensed myselfas Huanda put several fingers inside my vagina and it hurt as he stretchedme wide enough apart to rub the walls. I was afraid to move a muscle as hisfingers went deeper to feel how tight my muscles gripped them before fingerfucking me to see how quickly I could achieve an orgasm. With each thrust Icould feel my juices running long before he excited my clitoris but I cringedand recoiled as he squeezed my outer labia together in such a way my throbbingbud was pushed out of my flesh tube. As Huanda teased it with his fingers thebud grew bigger and I repeatedly clenched my buttocks to thrust my drippingwet pubes onto his hand and with his fingers also moving inside me it was obviousfrom my sounds I was having orgasms and near a climax. When I did he was satisfiedand taking his fingers out he went back to my breasts to feel how hard andhow large my nipples had become then it was over and with Petra next I wastold to watch. Standing naked having her breasts and nipples felt she didn'tshow any emotion but after she opened her legs I watched the buyers fingersenter her vulva and seeing her bite her lips and take a deep breath and I knewhis fingers were in her vagina and he was hurting her. Her arousal was slowerthan mine when she was having her clitoris excited although her orgasms werejust as intense. When Huanda had seen and tested the remaining seven virginsand all ten of us were lined up naked for his final comparisons he said toFranca they are the best women I have ever seen and touched, if you can geta continuous supply like that we will both be rich men. I listened but couldn'thear what the two men were saying as they negotiated a price. But I did hearHuanda say for that money its only the virgins that will earn enough to repayme Franca said I can appreciate what you say so here is my hand the deal isdone. He said to Raja you will now prepare seven for the journey and the threeused girls are to be trained and treated like any other slave girls. As anexample the girl that failed her inspection today is to be whipped in frontof the others then you are to prepare all three for intercourse after the eveningmeal. Raja made us run back to the harem where he took the seven girls awayleaving Katrina Petra and me waiting. It was quite a while before he returnedthen looking at Katrina said for your disobedience while being inspected youwill be whipped. Our master is not a cruel man but his punishment of slavegirls who disobey is severe but you have been kept here to pleasure him sohe would not want your body scarred.
However your body must show marks that prove to the master it has been welldone and to make this possible with agonising pain a whip master will do theflogging. Our master has also told me that after you have seen Katrina whippedand until the next sale all three are to be treated like any other slave girls.When the evening meal has finished you will be selected for intercourse andsince this will be the first time you have offered your bodies when standingin front of your masters remove your clothing. When you are selected you willdisplay like this morning, which will allow Katrina to show them that her labiahas tasted the lash and as he left the room he said I will not keep you waitinglong but I have to arrange for you to attend the whip master session. Petraand I understood how the sobbing Katrina must have been feeling and tried toconsole her with the thought of not having her body marked for life but whenshe said Raja has just told us I will be whipped between my legs all threehugged each other. Raja wasn't long and called all three girls to follow himand taking them to the dancing girls quarters entered a room where three ofthem waited. One of them asked if all three were to be whipped but when Katrinasaid only me she said then we three will be first and being sentenced to tenlashes you will hear us screaming when we have the two between our legs. Thedoor was opened by a tall white man who beckoned one of the girls forward andwe soon heard her pleading but when we heard her screams one of the girls saidthat was the whip between her legs and it hurts then when she and third girlwere called we heard the same sounds but none of them returned to tell us aboutit. The door opened, who is next the tall man asked and Katrina walked forwardwith us following into a room where we saw a bar across the ceiling with chainshanging down and underneath rings in the floor wide apart. I am told only oneof you is to be whipped she is to strip and the others stand against the sidewalland watch. Katrina undressed and standing naked the man felt her shouldersand buttocks her breasts stomach and thighs before telling her to open herlegs to feel between them. He took her wrists and putting cuffs on them fastenedthem to the hanging chains then cuffed her ankles and fixed them to the floorrings so her leg's were spread so wide apart we knew her labia would be parted.Slave girls here are not whipped in a frame or against a post because thisway ensures both her front back and between her legs is available to the lash.Raja tells me you are to be given the standard punishment but because you areto display tonight there must be no blood. Since this is your first whippingyou will find the pain agonising especially the two between your legs so trynot to tense yourself but relax after each lash. We watched him stand to herleft and the whip struck high across her shoulder the tip curling around tothe side of her right breast then we heard her first scream. He waited forher to recover before doing the same from the right. The next curled aroundher waist and across her stomach two more went across her buttocks the tipcutting into the crease of her cheeks all done slow because he waited for herscreams to stop between each lash. Petra and I squeezed each other's hands'knowing that now it was to be done to her breasts and between her legs Katrinawas about to face the worse pain. We could see the agonised look on her faceas the next cut went just above her nipples and after the second went belowshe fainted. The man revived her by putting something against her nose beforestriking her pubes followed by one curling around each of her thighs. The manhad us face Katrina saying Raja wanted us to see everything that is done toslave girls when they disobey. He waited again for her to recover and knowingwhat would follow would give her the ultimate in pain he had us stand closeenough to Katrina for us to see him push her inner lips back inside her vulvasaying we don't want those hurt do we.
He stood between us and we had to watch as the tip of the lash cut into eachof her labia. The man released her and telling us to take her away we carriedher back to Raja who examined her red weal's anointed her with a cream sayingit is well done and she will be fit for display tonight. After resting a whilehe had us strip and starting with our feet he turned and twisted all threelooking at every inch of our bodies in such detail we felt more humiliatedthan at any other time. Taking us to the bathhouse we soaked until told tolie on marble slabs where he positioned Katrina Petra and me with our kneesdrawn back to our shoulders telling us to hold that position. With a stickypaste he removed any body stubble he could find under our armpits and aroundour Genitals then after massaging us with oil told us our nipples and labiawere to be coloured red and our hair must always be raised above our heads.Showing us how to do it was so arousing we felt shamed with him seeing howwet we had become as he washed inside our vulva before giving us contraception.After the meal Raja placed the three of us before Daniel and Franca and saidthe girl that resisted when her vagina was inspected became fully aroused whilepreparing her on the slab and I believe that pain and the thought of receivinganother whipping stimulates her. Franca said I like seeing a girl whipped andglad we have some who are stimulated with a little pain but now they have beenfully prepared have them show for selection. When Franca nodded we removedour boleros skirts and panties then spreading our arms to the side raised themin the air to show our breasts to full effect. Franca indicated we were tolower with our legs wide apart and show the two men if our inner flesh washidden or hung outside our open labia before we opened our vulva to show themwe were wet and ready for penetration. I knew by now Franca was the real masterand it was he who pointed to me and said she is for me then pointing to Katrinasaid she goes to my friend. The other girl will not be used tonight so takethe two away see they are prepared and made ready to please us. We all stoodand followed Raja to our quarters where he had me and Katrina lie down andhold our legs over our shoulders in readiness for the preparation. Raja saidthis time we had to be cleansed before the wash and contraception and he startedwith Katrina. Positioned as I was I couldn't see what he was doing but heardthe noise of water being sprayed followed by her sobbing and knew that afterhaving her labia whipped Katrina would be in considerable pain when her vulvawas washed and the contraception nozzle inserted. She was still crying whenRaja came to me to say now you are no longer a virgin and with this being yourfirst real preparation you must learn to accept that from now on it will notbe as gentle as before and it is going to hurt so cry out as loud as you like.He parted my labia and inner lips them seeing him with a spray in his otherhand I felt him force it into my vagina painfully twisting and pushing untilit was deep inside. I gritted my teeth with the pain of being so stretchedapart but I had to scream out when he opened a tap and I felt this terriblepressure in my uterus and womb. I was in agony as the spray was slowly pulledout and the pressure released only to have my vulva washed with the sensitisingsolution and a full size nozzle forced back into my very sore vagina. You arenow both ready to go to your masters as slave girls and until you have hada few more preparations and penetrations a member moving inside you will hurtbut you must show it. You must use your pelvis and inner muscles to provideyou master with maximum satisfaction and continue until he pulls out or achieveshis climax but you must avoid achieving any satisfaction orgasm or climax withhim still inside you. Since this will be your first test as slave girls Elisawill find our Master rather more demanding than his friend but you Katrinawill come out of this best and may even find you will like it.
Raja was right Franca took me from the front the back and in several uncomfortableposition but I knew I had to suffer in silence and perform as Raja had toldme or I would be stripped hung and whipped like Katrina. In spite of the stimulatingsolution making me wet enough for easy entry I was too frightened of the consequencesto achieve any sort of orgasm let alone a climax but at last he finished insideme. He then amused himself by seeing how I responded to him teasing my breastsand at times hurting my nipples and clitoris before I was told to go. KatrinaPetra and me were shared between the two men and in spite of how he treatedme on my first night I preferred being sent to Franca rather than his friend.This continued for what seemed ages but in fact it was only a few weeks beforeRaja told us that within a few days a new consignment of girls was expectedand he had been told to prepare us for sale. This would mean we were to begiven an enema to clear our bowels and bladder in case we soiled ourselveson the slave block when we were being inspected. This worked throughout theday and we were not fed so next morning Raja said before you are put on theblock you will be examined and it will be a new experience. It will be doneby two boys who will measure and record every intimate part of your bodiesboth inside and out. He then put collars on our necks joined us together andtook us in a cart to the sale hall where a row of men were seated just insidethe entrance. Raja walked us past them until he stopped us in front of a manhe seemed to know and after talking to him the man stood up. He looked at usfelt our breasts then lifted our shifts above our waist before giving Rajaa package. I took this to be some sort of payment then without saying anythingto us Raja left and the man led us into a narrow corridor. He said before youare sold you will be examined and your bodily details recorded I will instructthe boys then when I return you will go in one at a time. He went through thedoor at the end and soon returned to remove our collars leaving me standingbetween Katrina and Petra in front of the door. Waiting for it to open andthe inspection of our bodies to begin I was surprised when a teenaged boy openedthe door and Katrina being the first was taken through leaving Petra and Iwaiting uncomfortably for our turn. I had stood naked in front of men and acceptedthe things they had done when feeling my body but I waited anxiously wonderinghow I would react while a boy was examining me. I went in next only to seehim and yet another young boy standing beside a narrow platform with arms andstraps at one end. I knew that when I lay on this table my legs would be putin the straps and with the arms extended outward my genitals would be fullyrevealed to allow the boys to do anything they wanted inside my vulva. Theboys then sat on a sofa to my left reading some papers and talking a languageI couldn't understand then one of them moved his hands in a way that indicatedI was to remove my shift and spread my legs. Realising I wore no underclothesI hesitated but since I had no options I dropped the shift stood with my legsapart and watched as the boys pointed to parts of my body. I realised theywere making notes about the way my body looked and as an attractive girl standingnaked before them the thought of them feeling my breasts parting my labia tofinger inside my vagina then rubbing my clitoris soon had me wet with anticipation.They looked pointed and talked about my firm thrusting breasts large erectnipples and with my legs apart the sight of my inner flesh dropping from mypartly opened labia. One of them indicated I was to turn and bend over andI wondered how many other women and girls they had seen as naked and exposedas I was then. Feeling my labia being opened and my inner lips being partedI wondered if doing this to attractive girls and women ever stimulated theseboys or having done it to so many it was no longer a novelty.
They turned away had me stand up then approached with metal instrumentsand putting them on my breasts and nipples I had to accept they could do anythingto any part of my body. I was told to lift my arms and taking a breast eachlifted squeezed and bounced it before measuring and weighing them then theytightened the clamp on my nipples until it hurt. One measured my chest waistand hips the other my thighs calf and length of leg from crutch to heel thenindicated I was to lie on the platform. I was right the straps were fastenedto my ankles and the arms swung out until I felt my labia being pulled openthen as a handle was turned I felt my buttocks being lifted raising my genitalarea almost upright. Going to a tray holding an assortment of plastic thingsthat looked like men's members they took turns inserting different ones intomy vagina and from the way they pushed it in it was to cause me maximum painand humiliation. Although I was quite wet the various sizes forced into myvagina hurt me but the one that fitted tightest hurt the most and was reinserted.From their chatter they took pleasure doing this because the way they movedit in and out stimulated the clitoris so much it was very arousing and theyliked seeing the mucous running out of me. After the plug was removed I thoughtthat would end my humiliation but I was wrong. They done the same things tomy anus then soaped down my inner thighs everything between my legs and overmy pubes to prepare me for shaving. I knew what this would mean and that itwasn't really necessary but as each boy held one lip of my labia and stretchedit up I nearly sobbed with the shame. They shaved the outer sides through thecrease of my buttocks then down the thighs and finished with my pubic mound.The ultimate humiliation was the clasping of my inner flesh stretching it outas far as they could then after measuring its length they done the same tomy clitoris tube. I was released and started to pick up my shift but it wasindicated that I should leave it making me wonder if I was to be put back onthe table and positioned for them to fuck me. They were both busy talking andwriting on a board so I assumed all my details were now being confirmed andrecorded ready for when I was displayed for sale. I hadn't appealed to thembecause one of them opened the other door and gave the board to the man behindit who then grabbed me by the hair pulled me to line of cages and in brokenEnglish said drink this. It was awful but I had to swallow it then my legswere forced apart my labia squeezed together and the number nine stamped onmy pubic mound just touching my split flesh then I was locked in the cage nextto Katrina. She looked distressed so asking her if she was all right she startedto cry and said when those rubber things were put in my vagina one was toobig. It was forced in and tore me so when they found a fit and one for my arsethey shaved me and still on the table having finished between my legs one ofthe boys stood between my legs and started to fuck me but it hurt so I pushedhim off. Nothing was said as they released me but I expect I will be punished.I guessed now why they had not fucked me and stayed comforting Katrina untilPetra was put next to us. I could see from the way she stood she had been hurtfrom the things the boys had done inside our vagina but she told me it hadbeen made worse for her because both of them had fucked her. The potion didits work and it was humiliating to have to drop our waste into a gutter thatrun through all the cages. We had no sleep that night and it was light whenour cages were opened and twelve naked women lined up in front of two well-dressedmen. We were told to stand behind each other and clasp the breasts of the womanin front excite her nipples until they were hard and enlarged and to keep thrustingour pubes against her buttocks until it aroused us. It was the first time Ihad felt another woman's breasts and was surprised how soft and pliable theycould be and how hard nipples could become.
With Petra in front and Katrina behind I was surprised how cupping Petra'sfull firm breasts and rolling her nipples while feeling the flesh of her buttocksrubbing the top of my labia was so very arousing for me. With Katrina cuppingmy breasts and squeezing my nipples and the feel of her pubes pressing intomy buttocks I needed relief and squeezed my labia together until the mucousrun down my legs. The cage attendants walked down the line to see we had obeyedbefore telling us that we had to keep thrusting our pubes into the buttocksof the woman in front until we were aroused because the man who was about toinspect us would expect to feel wetness inside our vulva. The next instructionto the first woman in the line was to step forward and hold herself open thenwith Petra before me and seeing her part her legs I knew we were going to haveour vaginas spread open. When it was my turn I stood in front of the men insuits and as one of them weighed my breasts and excited my nipples and knowingthe other would finger inside me I parted my labia. I was totally shamed knowinghow wet and aroused I was as some of his fingers parted my vagina and enteredme while the others stroked my clitoris. When they finished with the last womanone of the men pointed at we three white women and in English said turn bendover spread your legs and clasp your ankles. I heard Petra gasp and lookingbetween my legs saw one of the men behind me then my labia was parted againbut this time my inner lips were pulled and I took a deep breath when he forcedhis other hand into my vagina. Katrina was the next to cry out and I heardone of the men say I think all three will be tight enough for most men andI also like the way their breasts are hanging. He turned to us saying we thinkyou women are too good to be auctioned here and decided you will be taken toyour new masters estate to be inspected and sold to private buyers. I couldn'tcount how many other women there were in the wagons and the journey was muchlonger this time so I was glad the potion had worked last night because wedidn't stop and when we did we were all lined up and two eunuchs reading ourreports told us to strip. After looking carefully at each of us they calledout our numbers sorted us into groups of girl's young married women and olderbut still attractive and desirable women. Still naked we three were left standingas all the others were taken away and when the eunuchs returned we were takento the baths and examined in the usual intimate way then after soaking therewas no need for me to be shaved the boys had been so thorough. After the bathand inspection the eunuchs said that we were to be given contraception andthe nozzle would be inserted deep into our vagina and to reduce the pain aswe were enlarged we were to bend over spread our legs and clasp our and anklesand I found it arousing as it went in. We were given a shift each but stillnaked a eunuch took us to a group of small sheds at the rear of the big house.Inside were four mattresses and before he left the eunuch told us that beforewe went for our food our bodily waste was to be done in the trough and whenwe finished we were to stand in front of the hose to be washed down. It wasseveral days before I was taken to our new master and told when I entered Iwas to approach him naked. I expected this because watching me walk towardshim naked he would see how my breasts and buttocks swayed. With my legs aparthe could see if I had flesh hanging outside my labia and I would have to turnfor him to see the back of my body. He was middle-aged and said I was to showhim if I was capable and anxious to sexually satisfy any man I would be sentto. When I was close I expected him to see if my stomach and pubes were firmand smooth, feel my breasts put his fingers into my vulva and pull out thetwo pieces of my inner flesh to see how big they were but instead he said Iwas to fully expose my genitals.
I knew that to do this I had to open my legs and hesitatingly lowering myselfand I was kept like this as he walked around me several times. After lookingat my partly opened labia and the natural hang of my breasts he told me I hada fine arse to bend over spread my buttocks put my fingers in and pull my fannyopen because I will have to show it all. I knew he was preparing me for thethings I would have to do so I bent and with my legs wide open held my innerlabia apart and with my head low I could see him looking at my open vulva andthe way my breasts hung down between my legs. From the cold way he felt mybreasts and nipples and the painful way he inserted fingers into my vaginapinched my clit then fucked me he had done this to many women and knew howto hurt us. When he finished he told me that I had performed well and afterthe evening meal we were to be inspected by his friends then after we had pleasuredthem we would be taken with other women to the sales. That evening I was takento a room and saw Katrina and Petra but we had no chance to talk as the twomen and our master were waiting to see our naked bodies. This would be ourfirst inspection as slave girls and we knew we would have to see each otherbeing examined and then penetrated. We watched each other having our breastsweighed and nipples enlarged our buttocks and thighs felt then our sex lipswere parted and the inner flesh pulled down. We drew deep breaths as fingersentered our vagina and cringed as our outer labia was squeezed together insuch a way the little bud at the top of the flesh tube was pushed out. As itwas teased the bud grew bigger and with fingers moving inside our vaginas atthe same time we had orgasms and being ready we knew what was expected of us.We lay on cushions with our legs apart and looking at each other being fuckedwas a sight we never ever expected to see. Next morning Katrina Petra and mewere taken to Kalani and put in cages until the next morning when we had ournumber marked low on our pubes. We were then taken to the sale hall where wewere separated with Katrina and Petra almost opposite me each of us standingon a wooden stand that held our number and record. Raja had told us early inour training that when we were on the sale block and a man stopped in frontof us he would first feel our breasts then we would bend at the knees withour legs wide apart and prepare for his fingers to enter our vagina feelingfor our virginity before exciting our clitoris. Down the first aisle on bothsides I had never seen so many naked young girls and older women white blackcoloured or half-caste all at the same time.. I was a surprised how very differenta women's breasts and nipples could be and with their pubic hair shaved I wasastonished at the different sizes and shapes of their labia and the inner fleshthat hung from some of them. Nearly opposite me was an attractive white blondeand when a man stopped in front of her she immediately bent at the knees soher breasts would be easy to feel and her genitals level with his eyes. Afterhe weighed her breasts and enlarged her nipples she opened her legs to revealher labia. Knowing he would now feel inside her vagina then stroke her clitorisuntil she was wet I could see her face and shoulders going red with shame beforehe passed on to the next woman. She was a woman who must have been in her thirtiesbut had a wonderful body and I could read her board, which said because sheresisted every man who touched her naked body she had been caned between thelegs to convince her any man or boy could do whatever he wanted with her body.The man started by weighing her breasts and rubbing her nipples then had hercrouch with her knees wide apart and I heard her cry out as parted the redand swollen flesh between her legs. He put his fingers inside her and spentsome time moving them about which must have caused her considerable pain beforehe moved on to Petra.
Other women had told us that at every sale to test how tight a woman wasa man would see how many fingers he could get inside her vagina and it wouldbe stretched apart until it hurt. Then to see how aroused she could becomeher clitoris tube would be pinched until the bud was exposed which he wouldrub until it was sore. I didn't mind my breasts and nipples being squeezedbut it was the discomfort of having my inner flesh pulled apart and fingerspushed inside my vagina that I disliked and I was soon to learn how sensitivemy clitoris was. This was the first time I had stood on the block at a publicslave sale and watching both Katrina and Petra being inspected and how theyclenched their buttocks and faces I knew when it was my turn the vaginal inspectionwould be no different from any of the others I had been given. The first manto come to me was the young and good looking one I had watched inspecting Katrinaand Petra. He started by feeling my breasts and nipples and knowing he wouldnow finger my vagina and clitoris I opened my legs and lowered. He parted mylabia and inner flesh and feeling I wasn't a virgin kept putting fingers intomy vagina to see how wide he could make it. The women had also told us thatas used woman we should show how tight we were by getting the fingers as deepinside as possible and having pushed down on them I moved up and down whilesqueezing them with my vagina muscles. Doing this his hand rubbed my clitorisand I became aroused then when the mucous run over his hand I felt so ashamedand more humiliated than usual. Before I could do anymore he took his fingersout and going to the next row I was afraid I had not been good enough. Twomore men mauled me before two young boys run down our isle one collecting theboards of we three the other herding us outside into a line of girls and youngwomen all naked like us. As the boys read our boards and pointed to the numberson our pubes it was obvious from the bulge in their trousers the naked breastsand pubes of attractive young women was a big temptation. We were sorted intotwo lines and in ours there were eight girls' four young women and we three.Two men quickly arrived and after talking to the boys collected the boardsand took the other women away leaving we three with the boys. Still in a linethe boys walked past shyly touching my breast and pubic bulge but realisingas slave girls we had to allow them to do whatever they wanted one boy stoodin front of me the other in front of Katrina and after weighing and squeezingmy breasts and nipples I felt his fingers parting my flesh moving around myvulva then going inside my vagina. I think they would have done more but themen returned and putting us in a cart took us on a fairly long journey. Onarrival we were put in a hut along with many other women and girls given foodwater and mattresses and early next morning taken to a larger shed. Seeingthe instruments I knew it was where we would have our vulva and vagina washedbefore being given deep contraception and having had it done before I knewthe men would not be gentle when they opened our vulva and pushed the nozzlesinto our vagina. For obvious reasons the young girls had smaller nozzles andit wasn't inserted deep into their vaginas but when larger ones were fittedI knew they were to be used on we women and with these nozzles being metaland harder than a mans member it was going to hurt. When they were insertedinto the bodies of the young women their screams did not surprise us. Whenit was Katrina's turn I could see she was suffering as her vulva and vaginawas washed but screamed as the contraception was injected. I found out whywhen I bent over clasped my ankles and waited for the hands to pull my labiaapart wash the walls of my vulva then push the nozzle into the start of myvagina and spray the walls with the cleaning fluid. Then the nozzle was pusheddeep into my vagina and the contraception injected.
It was so agonising I felt as if my inside was ablaze and I had to screamlike all the others then when it was withdrawn we were all suffering and itwas some time before we were given a shift and taken to a large shed with rowsof cages. When we entered I counted three rows ten cages to a row meaning thirtywomen could be held but as we were led down the first row I counted only sixcaged girls. We were each given a cage and thankfully the pain had eased beforewe heard men talking. The first cages held girls in their late teens to earlytwenties and I recognised the attractive brunette who had been in front ofme on the slave block. Then three men appeared one of them being the man whohad inspected the three of us and passing us I heard him say I recognise thesethree women from the sale so I don't think there is any need to examine themhere but I haven't properly tested them and if you will agree I would liketo have a closer inspection. The older man turned to the third man saying Ihave no objection I will have them prepared. It was a little while before KatrinaPetra and myself were taken to the estate house where we were handed over toanother man who took us to a room, which he said was used for private sales.He said his name was Alamba and we were to wait here then on his return itwould be him who would present us to the buyer before he took us in for thefull examination. Very soon he entered with the young man told us to standin a row and said to the man they are certainly the most attractive I havehad for some time but here you will be able to study them in more detail thanon a slave block. When he told Katrina to step forward and drop her shift Iknew this inspection was going to be much more intimate than any before. Shewas sideways on toward me when he told her to lift her arms then he held hernipples and lifted her breasts to show how elastic their were. He told herto spread her legs apart and when she hesitated he slapped both of her breastsquite hard then stepped back for the young man to look at a perfect femalebody. Alamba pulled her hair back over her shoulders saying not many have breastsso firm and well formed with such an hour glass figure and soon you will beable to part the flesh between her legs to see and feel what is hidden behindthem. The young man said there were only seven women in the sale that interestedme and these three were worth a closer look so lets begin by doing this onefirst. Although we were left alone and with Alamba having locked the door therewas no way for us to leave the room so we waited for our turn. It was quitea while before Alamba brought Katrina out and as he took her out of the roomI could see she was quite flushed and agitated making me wonder just what theman had done to her. The man came out looked at us both then told Petra toremove her shift stand like the other girl with her arms raised and legs apart.He had just started to lift Petra's nipples in order to bounce her breastswhen Alamba returned so he done nothing more than look at her then both ofthem took her into the other room. On her return she also looked very shy andflushed as she was taken away which made me even more concerned about the thingsthe men would be doing to me. I couldn't think why because there was nothingelse men could do to me that they had not already done. While I waited I thoughtbeing blonde white and twenty none of the earlier men had thought I would stillbe a virgin and never bothered to give me a deep examination but this man would.The only man to fully examine the inside of my vagina was Huanda and that wasafter I had been penetrated. This time it would start like before with me standingin front of him so he could see the hang of my breasts my shaved pubes andthe painted swellings between my legs. I had lain in front of Franca and Danielwith my legs apart before they entered me but this was different and I startedto get excited remembering the feel of his fingers inside my vagina when Iwas being sold.
Now I was here for a young and handsome man to decide if my body was attractiveenough for him to buy as a pleasure slave and I felt myself becoming arousedat the thought of being positioned for him to open my vulva do it all again.I was imagining how it would feel with this mans fingers inside my vagina andstroking my clitoris until the bud came out when Alamba opened the door. Pointingto me I knew it was my turn and followed him to the viewing room where he saidwhen you are naked spread you legs and raise your arms. Entering the room andseeing the frame I was to be put in frightened me because when Alamba operatedthe movements I could see it was designed to rotate a girl from top to bottombackward or forward so the buyer could compare her body from every angle. Removingmy shift I stood naked in front of a young man with my legs wide open and inthese surroundings it was surprisingly embarrassing knowing without pubic hairthe fold in my labia was very obvious and would soon be opened and looked atin detail. Alamba gripped my reddened nipples and rolling them in his fingersuntil they were enlarged lifted my breasts then let them fall. Because theywere solid and quite big I guessed doing it a second time was to show the manhow firm they were. The young man only nodded and Alamba secured me in theframe then left. I guessed this was for him to see my front first then by turningthe frame forward until I faced the floor it allowed him to see how my breastshung down. Another half turn to the rear and he was looking straight betweenmy legs, which would show him the full extent of my Genitals. With the waymy breasts could be felt and how easy it was to fully open my fanny to lookinside I could see how these were two of the frames most favoured uses. I guessedhe had seen the vulva of many women but stretched apart and opened as I washe had not seen many in such detail. He stood between my legs parted my labiaand separated the inner folds to see the start of my vagina and the tube ofmy clitoris. I felt fingers in my hair over my face and neck and when I wasturned upside down massaging my hanging breasts and nipples. When he turnedme on my back it was arousing as his hands moved over my stomach and thighsand into my groin. His fingers parted my labia slipped inside then moved forwardto touch the place that gave me tingles when the other men had done it butwasn't prepared for him clasping the two inner pieces of flesh and holdingthem apart. No one had done it like this before but feeling his fingers moveI guessed they were circling the entrance to my vagina before spreading itopen and feeling the walls inside. Now he was satisfied he started strokingmy clitoris and with moisture running through my buttock fold and with me wrigglingmy hips and gasping he was making sure I could give him satisfaction beforehe bought me. I was making throaty noises before he finished and never heardhim call Alamba to release and return me to the other girls. They saw how frustratedI was and told me the young man had done the same to them and they were leftunsatisfied but Alamba hearing this said we would have to wait for the saleto be completed before we were presented for intercourse. He took us back tothe slave cages but instead of putting us in led us to the rear of the hallinto a large shed where I saw some of the women who had been in the cages withus. I was shown a mattress on the floor and told I would stay here until mynew master sent for me. Food would be brought twice a day and I would be allowedthe toilet each morning and evening. I counted ten or twelve women in theretwenties very pretty and from what I could see under the loose smock we allwore they had good figures. It was obvious from our looks figures and agesall twelve of us had been carefully picked and on our first morning it cameas a surprise when four men entered and told us all to stand in a line.
One at a time each of us had to stand in front of them drop our shifts andpart our legs. We then had to completely open our vulvas for them to fingerinside our vagina and I thought how lucky I was my bleeding finished only daysago but sorry for those women who had or would be just starting. The men thenwatched as we stood to wash under the water running from the ceiling pipe thenuse the gutter for our body fluids and waste. What was more worrying was seeingthe number of women who had the marks of a whipping on their front and backs.When we finished the men lined us up again and after looking at each of usthey selected four women who were told to put on their shifts then taken away.Later they returned with our food the men watched as they shared it out. Whenwe had all eaten the women went away and being new I asked what would happento them. There was only one woman who could speak our language and what shesaid had the three of us quite concerned. She told us she had not been selectedand was only able to tell what she had heard. The selected women had to preparethe food then bring the trays and share it out to the women in the room. Afterthey had cleaned the trays they are taken to the fields and the work thereis very hard and made worse with the whippings they are given. In the eveningsthey again make the food and after sharing it out and eating with us they spendthe night with the men then return the next morning to stand in the line forthe selection process to be repeated. The longer we were kept waiting the moreanxious we three became so when a guard entered we were all glad when we weretold to follow him. He took us to the back of the house where we entered aroom with no windows but was brightly lit and against one wall was a queerlooking long frame with a drop down curtain half way over. He said my nameis Celini and since I have the power of life and death over all you femaleslaves it is I you must obey without hesitation. Telling us to strip and standwith our backs to the frame he walked up to each of us lifting and weighingour breasts then after squeezing and enlarging our nipples said you are aboutto be tested and if found satisfactory you will become pleasure girls but ifyou fail you will be whipped then sent to the field brothels. Lay across thebar was his next command and with the bar wide and angled backward there wasplenty of support for our backs as we lay with our feet just off the ground.This made our stomach and pubic area stick in the air and laying back so farI couldn't see what he was doing but I heard Sandi sobbing as he told her tostop wriggling before I felt his fingers enter me and rub my clitoris untilI had a throbbing in my lower half. When he finished with us he said we wereall to put our hands behind our knees pull our legs back to our shoulders thenspread them open. Make sure your legs are very wide apart because that is howyou must position every time you get the protection. I heard a cry, then anotherbut in this position I could see nothing until he came to me and run his handsover by lower half checking everything had been shaved. But there was moreto come; I felt something cold on my labia then it went inside me. It wasn'tthe first time anything had touched my vagina but I was frightened when I feltsomething squirting inside me. As the thing came out I realised we had beeninjected with a contraceptive when my vagina and vulva started burning. Youcan relax now but stay on the bar because when I return it will be time foryou to be entered and when I tell you to position you will do what you havejust done. When he had gone I thought in that position they will be able toenter us with no trouble at all, they will be able to go all the way in withone push and we won't see who is doing it. We were not kept waiting long beforethe guard returned and walked to see if we were in the correct position toallow an easy deep entry for the men I knew would soon arrive to fuck us.
I heard Katrina breathing heavy Petra sobbing and men talking but not seeingthem I counted six who fingered my vagina then rubbed my clitoris until I hadthat throbbing feeling in my lower half and felt my juices running. Then Ifelt something bigger than a finger passing my inner lips and stopping againstthe entrance to my vagina I knew it was a penis. Not yet having had many menenter me as it went deeper inside it stretched me apart and I screamed out.Positioned as I was it went up to my cervix then kept moving inside me, inand out each movement making me shudder and squeeze him then thrust to meethim and not knowing whom it was I felt disgusted with the way I was startingto respond. Waves of pleasure run through my body and I groaned and wriggledwith each orgasm? I yelled out as I climaxed at the same time as the man. Feelinghis hot juice over my stomach I knew that as a slave girl I was expected togive satisfaction to any man. As women we had not experienced and didn't knowyet what it meant to be real slaves but we would soon be taught in painfuland humiliating ways how we were to give sexual pleasure but not receive it.Another man entered me and when I felt the third one pulling my labia apartI knew I would have to take all six of them and perform well enough to giveeach of them full satisfaction. At last it was over and listening to the menleaving I sat up and looked at Katrina and Petra who were also sitting up andasking how they were both said they felt as if their insides had been rubbedraw. Before I could say any more Celini returned and telling us to stand gaveus a tube of cloth told us to drop it over our heads and fasten it on the shoulders.He said he was glad we had accepted all the men without resisting and sincethey were satisfied we would join the other pleasure girls. He took us backinto the house then to a room that seemed to be full of lovely looking girlswearing smocks like ours who on his entry immediately jumped up and stood ina line. He told us to face them and walking down he line he slipped the strapsof each girls shoulders so it fell to the floor leaving them naked. Celinistood by the side of the last girl and said to us look at them and you willsee their bodies are every bit as good as yours and in some cases better soremember it is easy to replace you if you don't obey and perform to satisfaction.He then told them to dress and said we three were to replace the ones theyhad just watched being whipped then left. None of the girls talked to us oramong their selves perhaps because they were frightened or didn't speak ourlanguage but that was the way it remained for the next few days. The room wewere in had a pool for bathing with open toilets and showers at the lower enda separate room for sleeping another for eating and other than Petra Katrinaand me talking to each other the silence was bizarre. Each day Celini wouldwatch twenty odd naked girls bathing before forming a line for him to inspectour breasts. We would then lay on our backs holding ourselves open for himto see if we were having our periods before he washed our vulvas and gave usthe injection of contraceptive. The only other daily event was the women bringingour food and several days past like this then one morning after the bath andinspection Celini said girls having their periods were told to stand to oneside. This left twelve of us to be told that our master was entertaining thisevening and we were to decorate the dinner table before servicing the needsof his guests. We all watched as one at a time each of us lay on the punishmentframe that served as the centrepiece of every harem although I had not seenit used since I had been here. This frame forced the woman to have her legshanging over the side in a way that exposed the whole of her genital area.Celini started by painting the nipples red then rubbing a cream over the pubesthen both inside and out of the labia and right back to the anus.
I was about the tenth to have it done and before he finished the earliergirls were all wriggling grunting and rubbing between their legs and as thelast two were being done I also felt the stinging between my legs and had torub my labia. We then had to lay back on the frame for Celini to tear the pastefrom our body which by now had hardened over any stubble we had grown sinceour last shaving. None of us could avoid it we had to scream as the hairs werepulled out especially those on the inside of our labia and the way the pastehad stuck to the start of our clit tube. The next part didn't hurt but havingmy labia painted red my inner lips pulled out and painted a bright pink wasto me most demeaning. This preparation took most of the day and we were notgiven anything to eat or drink then when it was finished Celini led us deeperinto the house then into a very large room and told to remove our smocks leavingus naked. In the middle was the largest round table I had ever seen with anothercircular one in the centre that supported a round display of narrow chrometubes? Three bars lay on the table and raising up from them three more tubesangled outwards and up to form a centre supporting a platform. The first girlin our line was told to stand on the table then climb to the platform on topof the display. The next girl in our line was told to climb on the table laybetween two of the tubes and put her legs against the upright ones making herinto a V shape. I was fifth Petra next then Katrina then all 12 of us weretold to lie in this exposed position and with our legs spread so wide apartour genitals were fully exposed to view. Celini done something to make ourdisplay turn within the table then after several turns it stopped and two mencame in with a sack. Taking some metal pieces they clamped our arms to theside rods and our legs to the uprights leaving us unable to move. I heard criesand sobbing but couldn't see what else they were doing until one of then cameto me holding an oval piece of metal curved at the sides with a projectionat the bottom. He put his hand to my labia and opening them put the projectioninto my vagina leaving my pink inner lips outside as my labia lips closed overthe oval sides. He went on to the next girl as the second man put a large longcandle into the metal device between my legs. As he pushed it in the projectionwent further into my vagina making me cry out with pain. The cries of painwent on as each girl had her candle inserted. We lay in this most uncomfortableposition while the waiters laid the table for the meal. The thing inside hurtand the pushing of my muscles trying to eject it aroused me and my juices startedto flow. The guests finally arrived and the one behind me leaned over and startedto fondle my breasts. This and the feeling in my lower body from the thinginside me started an orgasm but as soon as I wriggled my buttocks he stoppedand leaving me unsatisfied I heard him laugh at my predicament. When the maincourse was over the man behind me lent over and I braced myself for anothersession of touching, but with a match he lit the candle between my legs. Thelights were lowered and the table now provided a most erotic spectacle, 12naked girls each with a candle burning between her legs. After the desert andthe fruit the wine was passed and I heard a scream very quickly followed byseveral more. Then it was my turn to scream out as I felt the burning heatof the melting candle grease run over my labia and down to the brown bud ofmy anus. We were all screaming now and continued to do so until the port wasserved. These must have been quick burning candles because by then sufficientwax formed a barrier over our love lips and our cries of anguish, which hadprovided some sick entertainment for these perverted men stopped. What I didn'tknow was that 7 of we girls had been given numbers and although I had beenmissed both Petra and Katrina had been given numbers.
The inner table supporting us started to turn and when the candle of a girlwith a number went out it stopped and the man in front of her called a waiterto release her then took her away. The table continued to turn and when Katrina'scandle went out it stopped and I listened to her sobbing as the candleholderwas pulled out of her. The table turned a few more times before I heard Petracry out then when seven lucky man had a girl for the night and the last pairleft the room the waiters cleared the table. Celini then climbed on it andstarted to take the wax and holder from the first of we remaining girls beforereleasing our arms and legs. There were cries of pain and not until he cameto me did I realise it was the removal of the wax from our genitals that causedthe anguish some of it having gone into our vulva. Having been kept in thebent position for so long it was very difficult and painful to drop to thefloor and stand up and Celini helped down the girl who had been standing forso long on the platform then giving us our smocks said how much worse takingthe wax off would have been if he had not removed hair around our pubic parts.Having provided the centrepiece we were excused further duties and returnedto our room. Through the night the girls returning from servicing the men wereall crying or sobbing so when Katrina came in weeping I asked why. As soonas the man took me to a room I was told to position for contraception and afterhaving that candle thing pushed into us you must know how raw it left our vagina.It was bad when he pushed the nozzle into me but the sprayed liquid was agonisingso every thrust he made inside me was excruciating making me squirm so muchhe must have thought I was responding with pleasure. It was some time beforePetra returned and asking if she was hurting she said her man was most considerateand she had enjoyed everything he done to her. At the morning inspection Celinispent more time than usual looking and feeling inside our vulva and vaginathen took five girls away. From the way my vulva and vagina felt it was reasonableto suspect theirs had been damaged and required attention. On his return hesaid we three had to learn how to do erotic dancing and pointed to three ofthe older girls saying they had two more days to teach us and if he wasn'tsatisfied with our performance he would whip all six of us. The girls didn'ttalk our language so we could only watch and copy all they done hoping thatby the end of the third day we would prove satisfactory. Petra seemed to enjoythe things we had to do especially the way we had to masturbate not only ourselvesbut also each other. At the end of the third day Celini watched all six ofus go through the whole routine and told us he was satisfied because he neededtwenty girls to perform that evening. We had no meal that evening but whenwe had to present for the contraception I knew more than dancing was expected.Because most of the display required we would be nude in order to expose allof our body we were dressed in flimsy costumes we knew we would have to removeas we danced. we entered a room full of men and because the routine was veryenergetic and we were all soaked with sweat before the music stepped. Whenit did we formed a line in front of the audience hands behind our heads andlegs wide a part. It was like being on sale again as men walked past us feelingour breasts and between our legs then when he found a suitable girl the manled her away. I thought I was lucky when the one that chose me was young andgood looking because I was aroused with the things I had to do during the danceand was looking forward to being penetrated by this man. Back in his quartershe pointed to the bed and having walked to it I lay down put my hands behindmy knees and pulling my legs back to open them wide expected him to penetrateme straight away. He started by parting my labia with one set of fingers thenholding the mucous covered inner lips apart his other hand touched my clitoris.
He squeezed and rubbed it until the little head slide out and I was so arousedhis hand was wet with my mucous. I lifted and sitting on top of him gentleeased his hard member between my love lips. I remembered I was not to givemyself any satisfaction, I was only to please the man so easing it in a littlefurther but not enough for him to go deep inside I waited for him to thrustin. Instead he rolled me over thrust deep into me then moving in and out mymuscles griped him until he couldn't hold it any more and shot his juice intome. He entered me several more times before he sent me away and back in theharem Katrina was already there shivering and crying her eyes out so cuddlingher I asked what happened. I am very frightened because the man fucked me severaltimes and I don't know what I did wrong because he said I gave him no satisfactionso a good whipping should convince me to do better next time. When Petra returnedI told her what had happened but we both knew there was nothing we could doand all the sympathy we could offer would not prevent the pain she would soonsuffer. It was midmorning when Celini went to the harem and called the womentogether saying Katrina has failed to pleasure a man as a slave woman shouldand for this offence she is to be whipped in the rope frame. This is designedto remind women and girls that what they have between their legs is there forthe pleasure of men. She must be whipped and feel pain but so her body won'tbe scarred a silk whip will be used. She will be secured in the rope frameand with the rope running through her labia it will cut into her clit tubeand give her additional pain. I know how to do this and will administer thepunishment so all you women are to watch her suffer. Neither Petra or me couldbelieve what we were hearing but when two male house slaves brought in an oddshaped frame and placed it in front of Katrina we knew there was no escape.Celini ordered the rest of us to stand in a line and putting a collar aroundKatrina's neck told her to strip. The two male slaves put their hands towardsthe back of her breasts and squeezed them forward then tied a thin rope aroundthem and pulled so tight they looked like balls then she was bent over a bar.The men pulled her arms wide apart and fastened them to the side supports thendone the same to her legs making sure her labia and anus were exposed. It musthave been painful in itself being spread so much but when Celini turned a wheelat the side of the frame we watched the bar across her stomach raise and stretchher even further hurting her until she was crying with the pain. The ropesaround her breasts were now passed under her body through her labia inner fleshand buttocks then fastened to the back of her collar. Any movement of her headwould now tighten the rope, which would rub her clitoris and the walls of herlabia while pulling on her breasts. Celini whispered it will be difficult buttry to keep your head and shoulders as still as possible because every timeyou move the rope will drag through your flesh rubbing them and your clit rawand your breasts will ache for weeks. I was sickened when Celini stood betweenher legs telling each of we girls to go and shake Elaine's' head so he couldwatch and listen to her screams each time the rope pulled on her breasts andslide between her labia. He looked at we girls saying after ten cuts her clitwill be so raw she won't be any use to a man for weeks but anxious to pleasethe next man that enters her then he applied the first lash. I watched in horroras the strands spread across her taught buttocks, thighs and back. Katrinascreamed with each strike and as her head thrashed about the rope done itswork well. Her breasts were blue and blood run down her legs then after thetenth cut she fainted and Celini threw down the whip and turning to we horror-strickengirls said, that is what you woman must expect if you fail to please the manto whom you are sent and I wondered how long it would be before it was my turn.
"Undress me, Slave-Daddy," I told my father. "Yes, Mistress," he replied and there was eagerness in his voice, as well there should be, considering I'd been the distant object of his incestuous desires for almost ten years. My mother was recovered from her orgasm, which was something akin to spontaneous human combustion, I thought with a smile. It had happened suddenly and without any real physical stimulation of her sex, but she might have cheated. My attention had been focused on my...
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A few weeks go by, we are all packed and headed for the airport. Omar's private jet taxis over to us, the door opens and the ladder comes down,we go inside. Anna is wondering who we know who has their own jet. Hours and hours later we are landing in Dubai. The limo picks us up then a hour later we are at Omar’s palace. Omar comes out and escorts us into his living room, there sits Sasha and Jane in their burkas. Omar introduces everyone, then says Anna it is so nice to meet you, I...
There is a rattling sound and for a moment, I don't know where I am. "Wake up, slave!" Then it comes back to me. I slept the night in my cage. Usually I would wake up in bed next to my master but I was bad yesterday. He put me in here as part of my punishment and told me to think about what I had done wrong. It's cold and uncomfortable and I don't like being sent away from my master like that. It is a relief to open my eyes and see him looking in at me, even with his expression so stern. It...
Introduction: the story of a slave and her first days with her new Master Hello all this is my first post I hope you all enjoy the madness that come from my mind , I am currently the property of my loving Master and though most of the events in theses stories are 100% fictional a lot of the inspiration for the Master was taken from my own amazing Master. The spirited slave in this story is me or was me before I was broken and turned into the beautiful slave I am today. They say no one is as...
part 1 -buying of the slave Walking into the basement of the hotel you look around to see many men sitting at tables waiting for the auction to being. The smell of smoke and sex hits your nose hard as you slowly scan the walls you see girls standing there some of the tied and gagged all of them naked and open for any man to have there way with them ,gently you lick your lips thinking of the fun your going to have with your new slave. You sit down and wait, one by one slave girls are...
The Doc’s Three Slave Girlsby Lewis ChappelleDoctor John Grey made arrangements for his hand-picked, all-girl, television crew to do a two camera shoot of his three slave girls while they conversed about their experiences with him. He wanted a permanent visual record of their recollections and opinions to show to his friends at their next kinky BDSM gathering. What follows, is a nearly exact transcript of the conversation between his slave girls as well as Dr. Grey’s follow-up questions as...
Chapter 1 I become a slave How could I have been so stupid to end up on a bright Saturday afternoonwith my hands handcuffed behind my back through a park bench while a girl mademe lick her patent leather shoes? The girl was cute but her shoes really stank. It all started when I and my friend Ted and his girl friend Debbie acceptedan invitation at a disco to go back to the condo of two cute blonds. They werereally sexy and we were a bit drunk. I was interested but hesitant until Debbiesaid she...
The naked 18 year old white girl struggled in my bed. She was a slendergirl with long dark brown hair and flawless skin. Her soft, sweetlyfeminine voice moaned in despair as she struggled in her chains as I laynext to her. Jamie Sullivan was her name, and I had k**napped her from her schooljust an hour ago. She was now in my bed. A smart girl and all-honorsstudent, she would learn that her only purpose in life would be to sexuallyserve me- utterly- with her mind, body, and soul. She was...
Here I will lay out how I, William Steelforth, progressed from the unqualified slavery enthusiast I was in high school to the qualified slavery advocate I had become as managing partner of the agency which bore my name. After high school, the next opportunity to have an animated exchange about my ideas with a teacher came in a discussion with Professor Petersen, my philosophy teacher, in my sophomore year of college. Unlike my high school civics teacher, he was actually a proponent of...
Thank you, guys, for your appreciation and feedback. It really means a lot. This is the story where Simi and I explored our BDSM fantasy. If you haven’t read the previous parts, I would recommend to please read them to get the context and characters of the story about the BDSM slave girl. I woke up in the morning at around 8.30 AM and found my slave was awake and struggling with her bondage. From her face, it looked like she didn’t have a sound sleep. I reached near her. She was expecting me to...
“Good morning all,” I greeted the office staff. “G’morning they returned.” I turned and was about to leave when the Secretary called out, “Oh, Sophie. Just a minute.” I looked around the door at the slight figure of Margaret, the wiry-haired and bespectacled secretary. “I should have told you last week, but as Harold has his exhibition on for two weeks in Manchester, you’ll have a new instructress this morning.” “Oh,” I said. “Who is she?” “Laura Lee from the Godiva Art...
"I just can't believe he cheated on me," Cheryl sighed. "I mean, we just got married, you know?" I nodded sympathetically. We'd spent much of the afternoon talking about BDSM, or I'd talked, I should say. Cheryl had asked a lot of questions and I'd done my best to answer them. But her mind kept wandering back to James and his infidelity. It was going to take some time before she could forgive him We were sitting at a small round table in a hotel bar after our lunch, the same hotel...
Hi, this is Rahul (obviously fake name) and this is my first story. Sorry for my poor English. This story is a real incident happened one year ago. Only a few parts are fiction. I live in a flat with my colleague named ankit. He works in a software company and he won’t be available at home during weekdays. At that time I worked in a marketing agency. I hardly go to office. Most of the time I’ll be at home or in client’s place. Sathiya is my neighbour, good looking girl and has got a very good...
Introduction: Plantation owners family enjoys having slaves This story is about black slavery before the civil war and in a couple places it uses the N word. If this will bother you, please do not read this story. ____________________________________________________ The location is southern Georgia near the coast just before the Civil War. Horace Franklin was a successful businessman in his late thirties. He owned a small plantation where he lived. It was only about forty acres. He did not...
Naomi's obstetrician, Dr Davis was a well known and highly in demand obstetrician who also happened to be one of her very best friends from high school. Hence why the couple had chosen her as their doctor. Naomi felt much confident that her baby would arrive safely as she was in the care on one the most established doctors out there. Dr Davis was equally excited for her friends as she knew how hard the journey of them conceiving had been. "Now the next couple of months are going to be a...
If this will bother you, please do not read this story. ____________________________________________________ The location is southern Georgia near the coast just before the Civil War. Horace Franklin was a successful businessman in his late thirties. He owned a small plantation where he lived. It was only about forty acres. He did not farm it but let two sharecroppers pay him for the place to grow crops. He had a wife, Ellen, and two...
Mother’s Sex SlaveSon discovers the pleasure of being a sex slave to his mother This is a personal account of my life’s experiences. All the characters and incidents are real. I dedicate this article to my beautiful sexy loving insatiable mother, Bharathi Devi from whose cunt I was born and have been trying relentlessly to go back into her cunt.My name is Shiva. My mother, Bharathi Devi is sex goddess, kamarani, kamarupini, Kama swarupini, Kamuki, Kamadasi, kamadevatha, Kamakshi, Kama...
Jenna Slave Fisted by SchoolgirlsTrisha grabbed the back ofJenna's neck and pushed her toward the car, "Hurry up and get in whore."The older female stumbled a bit, but hurriedly scampered to the car and gotin. As she sat behind the wheel and awaited instructions from her teenagementor, Jenna tensed."Drive, whore," Trisha ordered.Jenna started her car and easily rolled off the judge's property."Head downtown," Trisha instructed. She was quickly formulating a plan tohumiliate her older teacher...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
This is a personal account of my life’s experiences. All the characters and incidents are real. I dedicate this article to my beautiful sexy loving insatible mother, Bharathi Devi from whose cunt I was born and have been trying relentlessly to go back into her cunt.My name is Shiva. I am 30 and my mother is 50 now. My mother, Bharathi Devi is a sex goddess – kamarani, kamarupini, Kama swarupini, Kamuki, Kamadasi, kamadevatha, Kamakshi, Kamasundari, Kameswari, Kamini. She was a school teacher...
IncestIt was about six months ago that our life changed, shortly after Papa had been killed tragically in the terrible accident at t Chapter 1 ? Sir Michael Winston?s Offer It was about six months ago that our life changed drastically, shortly after Papa had been killed tragically in the terrible accident at the textile plant that was owned by Sir Michael Winston. Our mother had departed from us 17 years ago after the birth of my younger twin sister Jamie. So we are now legally orphans. My...
Unquestionably I am a dyke, I was born to subjugate other females and the best part is that I look like an untarnished angel. I am five foot seven inches tall with blond hair, a very cherubic looking face and an average body and looking at me nobody would believe that I live to turn other females into my sex slaves. This whole look I possess allows me to do things with my female lovers that another dyke could never get away with. My first conquest came when I was almost fourteen and I had...
Lesbian"Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! She's here; she can look after her precious son. I can't take any more of this." Throwing a few items into a bag, she went to David, "I'll pick you up in the morning if you wish to go into work SIR. I'll bring the car back then if you don't. Good night SIR." "No Steph, don't go..." Stephanie could hear him calling to her as she closed the door. Her phone rang a few minutes after she'd entered her old flat. It now seemed a cold and uninviting place but at...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
She stood and crossed the room to kiss him. They kissed gently at first, then more roughly, sucking and biting each others lips and tongues. He slowly backed her up against the wall as his hands began to explore her. He then pressed her against the wall, His hands finding her ass and squeezing it. She could feel his hardness through his jeans, pressing into her loins. It made her start to get wet. He then reached up and grabbed her by the hair, pulled her forward and turned her...
She sat on the bed, wearing just bra and panties. He came into the room, wearing only jeans, and holding a pair of handcuffs. She stood and crossed the room to kiss him. They kissed gently at first, then more roughly, sucking and biting each others lips and tongues. He slowly backed her up against the wall as his hands began to explore her. He then pressed her against the wall, His hands finding her ass and squeezing it. She could feel his hardness through his jeans, pressing into her loins. It...
She is extremely sexy. So young. Only eightteen, one month and a day as I write.She is extemely pretty. So yummy. Only a pity that her character has black spots.She is extremely playful. So funny. Only a pity she aims to abuse her hot spots.She is extremely smart. So cunny. Only a pity for her I finally find weak spots.How sexy, surprising, hot and horny is she? Right after we met we got both very wet!How sexy virtual sex we had, when I was licking her pretty very wet teen sexy twat.How sexy...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Six months on, Helen was genuinely experienced now. She had done the sex-party scene to death, and (frustrated with her home life) she had moved out and moved in with Sandra, with whom she had (despite the difference in their ages) managed to fall hopelessly in love. The combination of deep, satisfying romantic love, with the complete freedom to shag anyone she liked was just what the doctor ordered as far as Helen was concerned. People were not built to be monogamous, and an arrangement such...
BDSMIntroduction: Ok guys this is a modified scene from a book called hart of the mirage, you don?t need to have read the book I have modified it so it?s not necessary, however I felt I should mention that where the idea came from or less I?d get some flak for pretending that it was all mine. I grabbed the ewer as I ran out of the house with the shouts of my master behind me. Parvana had forgotten to get the water this morning and I was paying the price as I was the closest slave to my mater when...
Synopsis: This powerful story is about Female Domination. Steve is enslaved by the beautiful Goddess Samantha. She has her slaves crawl for her, worship her, suffer for her and they love every painful moment. THE DIARY OF SLAVE STEVECHAPTER 1 (PROLOGUE) I have been commanded to write a journal depicting my life with my Mistress and Goddess, the Supreme and Radiant Samantha. I worship and obey her every whim. But it wasn't always that way in the sense I had no predisposition or inclination I...
The New Slave The New Slave Putting down my paintbrush, I looked at the clock and saw I had only ten minutes until Master William would arrive.? I covered up the painting and put the brushes away, thinking all the time about the strange direction my life had taken over the last two years.? By the time I had put away my paints and put on the handcuffs Master William insisted I wear each time he visited, it was almost time. I felt the rush of fear I always felt before he arrived and worst...
Not long ago it was a straight and stuffy white male. it was arrogant and self-satisfied with its white male social and economic leverage and advantages. In the rat-race of white society it suppressed its submissive white side. But from time to time it would slip into daydreams of having a Black mistress and becoming a white slave for the Black Race. it had been briefly married to a white trophy wife, but the demands of the rat-race of white society had brought that to an end. Like most...
Whereas Guenter H., Legally identified by passport no. … issued on … by …, Retired business executive, born on …, 1947 in …/Germany and living at … in D-xxxxx L…, Known in the net as slave gunnarsub and registered as Sklavennutte Guenter in The Slave Register under Registration Number 326-878-134, thereafter for purposes of this document, called "SLAVE" has agreed to give up voluntarily all legal, civil, and human rights in order to become the unlimited slave property of the OWNER and whereas...
Olga’s note: Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight novels, wrote a short story retold from the viewpoint of a minor character, someone who walks into the scene of one of her novels and is almost immediately killed. In my stories, at least the ones so far, the first-person viewpoints of characters in my Aghara-Penthay shave all been women on special missions, or women captured to order, which means they’ve been missing out on the experience of a more regular slave – someone unlucky caught...
From A Society Girl From A Society Girl To A Slave Anonymous Chapter I All the inhabitants of the villageof Kronink in Scotland know the castle of Kelingtonwhich stands majestically a few miles outside of the village, and which neverfails to draw all the visiting tourists who are struck by the mysterious charmof its old-fashioned towers looming at the horizon and surrounded by the thickvegetation of an immense park. In that castle lived Lord Kelington, the heir of an oldScottish family...
The SlaveAs it gets later into the night I realize my slave has had nothing to eat or drink, nor has he been allowed personal bathroom time. I excuse myself and head downstairs to allow him up to stretch and take care of things. I asked my roommates to fix him something light to eat and I grab a bottle of chilled water to take with me for him.I sit down on the side of the bed and he jumps, startled at my presence. I grab his balls firmly and ask him if he plans to give me problems if I let him...
Dealing in the darkest parts of the underworld had its upsides. For a start, it garnered me a lot of money. Filthy amounts of it, especially from the slave and weapons trade. For another, I had... oh, other illicit comforts in my life. A slave of my own, for instance. Every morning, when I woke up, I never used a standard toilet for my wastes anymore. Instead I would undo my lovely slave’s gag and she would press her lips worshipfully to my asshole to eat what I dispelled. Or she would gently...
How Jenna’s journey as a slave beganJenna had always been brought up as a proper girl. She was shielded by her parents in aspects of her life. Now at the age of 19 she had just gotten her first computer with internet access. She could not wait to go upstairs and use her pc with the internet. But she was stuck helping her mom with the cleaning of the house for her moms work guests that where coming over. Jenna’s mother came into the room at 6:30 and said she could do what she wanted for the rest...
Immediately after the jury retired to deliberate Stephanie's case, the SlendaBond attorney and I retired to the VIP club in the courthouse to await the verdict. We discussed the fact that the longer the jury was out the better our chances of achieving at least a partial enslavement of Stephanie. If the jurors were having trouble reaching a verdict they would probably settle on a compromise verdict where at least we would have Stephanie under an indenture for 5 or 10 years. That might satisfy...
Blue collar Master, white collar slave. 3by 2NN This story depicts homosexuality and very extreme S&M. If you are aminor or this offends you, go elsewhere now. PrologueI sit on the couch in my owner's house, dressed every bit theslave I am. My body from the tips of my toes to my eyelashes iscompletely and permanently hairless, smooth, soft and beautifullytanned. My upper body is clad in a thin, soft and pink rubber T-shirtand my ass is clad in a pair of outrageously short and...
Submissive slave Kara was lost. All the men she dated just seemed superficial and bland. She needed more or less, she didn’t know. Then she met Phil. He owned his own company and was into the import and export of goods from Africa and Indonesia. He was the most confidant man she had ever known but until she landed the secretary job she only knew his name and his reputation as a businessman. On their first real date they ate a lite dinner and he invited her to his place. They had had lunch in...
Key-words: MMM/m Slavery, gay sex, rape, abuse, forced labor, torture and scatologyBreaking-In Slave Kevin? 2011 by Masostud, the right resides with the authorNote: This is a work of fiction. All persons and names are coincidental. Who feels insulted by descriptions of hard-core slavery and dirty abuse by scat-scenes is requested to leave this story unread. You have been warned.Summary: The gay Kevin (19) was devoted to dominating men. He went deliberately into the fangs of two strong-build...
The time was late in the spring and we were on a late night drivein the countryside watching for all of the new spring animals that wereborn. We spotted a doe that was grazing in the cool grass. My sister and I were on our spring break from college and didn'twant to spend our time in the local bars looking for men. We love natureand watching all the new growth that rises from the dead of winter. As we spotted the new doe, we left the safety of our car to geta closer look when we heard...
MsC, Master slave Colony While reading the Sunday paper my slave/wife noticed an interesting ad for a unique D&s lifestyle retirement community in the desert southwest that gave a website address for interested couples. This is a fulltime, retired, non outside employment community. She showed it to me and said, let’s go check it out to see if it is what we are looking for. I went to the computer and entered the address that the paper gave. MsC came up with two links below on the page. One...
The Foot SlaveNervously my finger pressed the buzzer, within ten seconds the release mechanism clicked and opened the door, I pushed it ajar and entered a dimly lit hallway, a stair case lay in front of me, leading down to a single ominous black door, I walked down and knocked, ?You may enter? was the quick curt reply.Sheepishly I entered, and closed the door behind me.The room was spacious and painted a matt black with a cold stone floor, recess lights in the ceiling were dimmed to give a low...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesGoddess Anun’s slave camp Part one – Abduction in Pattaya As Simon’s taxi ate down the miles from Bangkok to the coastal resort of Pattaya the hypnotic wheel vibrations were making him drowsy. He was not sorry to be leaving the Big Mango (Bangkok); the city was polluted to the point where the traffic fumes made you catch your breath and your throat sore. However, that aside, he had enjoyed the incredible variety of food in the city and the Grand Palace was well worth seeing. He also couldn’t...
Overview of slave ownershipOwning a slave can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life, but you will need to put some energy into training and taking care of your property to get the most out of it.Your slave must constantly be reminded of its place and must never be treated like a human being. Doing so will only confuse it and make the slave unsure of how to please you.The slave must understand that its sole purpose is to please its master(s). It must dedicate all of its energy to...
Chapter 1Charles Greene and his three mates were loitering around the lower floor of the mall. There were lots pf people in the mall. Kids running around and screaming. Cliques of women pacing around, carrying bags of purchases. Elderly couples eating their ice cream cones. Charles Green’s mates were also his classmates and their names were Jim, Casper and Norman. They had finally finished their secondary school education. They had finally finished school and were now on holiday....
Your name was Prince Alexander, though most people knew him merely as, 'Your Highness.' What many did know, however, was that you had received your fathers' perverted personality - except, where he enjoyed fucking multiple women at once, you enjoyed concentrating on you, to get the most pleasure possible. However, you had not found a woman worthy of your attention... until now. You had seen a girl, captured by the slave-masters - a true beauty, one worthy of your desires. Much better was the...