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HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 7 - FINAL CHAPTER 19 Thursday morning, six months later... I heard the hand bell ringing from the dining room. My Mistress was calling me. I hastily wiped my hands in a tea towel, adjusted my apron and rushed to the front of the house. She was reading her morning paper and finishing her second cup of coffee as I entered. I bobbed automatically and said in a soft voice, "Yes Mrs. Manley!" She didn't answer immediately, something in the newspaper held her attention for a couple of minutes. Finally she raised her eyes and looked at me. "Nikki, I have to go in a few minutes and I want to be certain that you understood all the instructions I gave you last night. Could you please summarize for me?" Her tone of voice was polite but indifferent; she was simply addressing her maid. I bobbed again and said, "Certainly Madam!" After all those months I still felt a bit uneasy standing in front of my employer, hands kept neatly in front of my apron as I started to speak. "I have to clean very thoroughly and prepare the house for Saturday's dinner party. Then I have to run out for a major shopping, I have the list on the kitchen table. In the afternoon I have to start food preparations for the dinner party based on the menu list and I'll print name tags for you and your seven guests Madam." I stopped to catch my breath, my employer wanted me to speak quickly and to the point, she didn't want to waste any valuable time on unnecessary blathering. I started again, "And tomorrow I'll..." This time she interrupted me, "I don't care about tomorrow at the moment Nikki, we will review that in the morning. I want something light to eat tonight, probably smoked salmon and a nice green salad. And prepare your pedicure kit, after dinner I want the full treatment for my toenails." She started to get up and I understood I was dismissed, I slightly bobbed again as I turned to go. She stopped me with her hand. "You did organize for this colleague of yours, I believe her name is Arka, to come and help you on Saturday? She will be quite exotic serving around the table. And you said to me that she has an identical black and white uniform to wear. I want this dinner to be quite formal. It means a lot to me, the top people from our Firm will be attending." "Of course Madam, Arka is coming at three on Saturday afternoon, she has permission from her employer and she is bringing her black and white uniform. We both got them from Miss Annie's shop, they are identical." "That's settled them, you can clear here now and I am off to work. Bye for now." "Enjoy your day Madam," I said and bobbed again. It became a habit by that stage; as soon as my Mistress was out of the house I would settle in the kitchen table with a fresh cup of coffee and my favorite magazine for about half an hour. That was my relaxing morning break before starting my chores. But this morning my mind was elsewhere; the Saturday's dinner party became quite a concern for me. Seven guests plus Mrs. Manley that is four couples, invited to a very formal three course dinner. And I was expected to do all the cooking to the last detail including the dessert. I was quite confident by that stage for my cooking abilities, but the formal serving was a big worry for me. Then I had this brilliant idea to ask Arka if she was willing to help with the serving, provided of course that our respective employers would agree to that. Fortunately that was arranged very quickly and now Arka was going to be assisting me. What a relief. Gosh, so many things have changed in my life the past six months. I barely could remember now that only six months ago I was a successful high ranking manager in a top firm. My early retirement and my persistence to become a housekeeper/maid changed everything dramatically for me and for my wife then, employer now. The changes were in all levels; my looks to start with. I was quite relaxed with my appearance now. I was visiting Jennifer's beauty shop once a month to maintain or in some cases enhance my feminine looks. My beard has been removed by laser treatment months ago; my hair and semi permanent makeup were done at least once a month and my breast forms were now permanently glued to my chest. Finally I learned to speak with a soft husky voice, the voice of a woman who used to be a serious smoker in the past as some people commented. I even heard people saying that my voice was sexy! I was permanently dressed as a female now. Even in my unisex track suit I looked very womanly. My greatest thrill was when I was going shopping wearing my maid's dress, just the dress not the apron, and depending on the weather a light cardigan or a coat. I was clearly the domestic and I had no intention of hiding it. I forgot to mention the most important thing. We were not in the same house anymore. My employer put the house in the market soon after I started living permanently as a female. We both agreed that our old neighborhood was too risky, people knew us there as a couple and I had to move cautiously in and out of the house. At the end I was certain that most of our neighbors 'knew'. A new house was found in another part of town, definitely in a more up market area, my employer was after all a high ranking executive and she needed the 'status' of a 'correct' neighborhood. We both had to sign for the selling of the old and the purchase of the new property. It was a rather traumatic experience, because I appeared dressed as a female and signed with my old name for legal reasons. My wife explained to the solicitors that I was testing my 'other side'. They didn't seem to mind; after all they were getting quite lucrative fees for those transactions. In the other hand I was reassured that I was by 50% the owner of the new property as well. Mrs. Manley was unscrupulously fair; she said that she wouldn't jeopardize my future even if I was a humble domestic at this particular moment. The new house had a small servant's quarter attached to the kitchen and scullery area. It consisted of a small sitting area, an even smaller bedroom and a WC-shower facility. I felt quite happy there, I had my privacy, my spacious closets and most importantly I could stay out of sight if needed. I was going in and out from the back door, the 'traders' entrance' as it was called in Victorian times. The rest of the house was for me the space to clean and to look after, but this tiny apartment was my niche. An electric bell board above the door with indicative lights was specially installed to summon the maid. There were four lights, for the central living area and dining room downstairs, the master bedroom and guest room upstairs. It was old fashioned but necessary. Once my apartment door was closed I couldn't hear a thing. The intense ringing of the telephone startled me. I answered in my polite maid's voice, "Good morning, Mrs. Manley's residence, how can I help you?" "Good morning Nikki!" I heard Arka's singing voice. "Are you still in the middle of your coffee, you lazy maid?" My heart jumped from excitement. Arka was my closest friend at the moment. We enjoyed a lot each other's company and we often had long chats on the phone. "I am about to finish it, as a matter of fact I'm running a bit late; I have to clean the whole house today and then go for a major shopping. You know how worried I am about Saturday's event." "But I'll be there to help you; I'll be doing the serving and you can stay behind the scenes. I thought we discussed that already," she said in a slightly annoyed voice. "Don't be such a coward Nikki, you can do it," she concluded in a confident voice. I knew she was right, but for the first time I would be exposed as a maid in front of my wife's, I mean Mrs. Manley's, colleagues. I met a few of them before in social occasions as my former self, but I was reassured by Pam that as I looked today nobody would be able to link me with her husband who was on a trip abroad for the past few months. I heard Arka's voice again in the other side of the line, "How about meeting for coffee at four pm at the mall you would be shopping. I have to do some shopping myself." I liked the idea, I liked meeting with Arka, she made me feel good, "That's a great idea Arka, I'll meet you at four in 'Rialto', you know the nice Italian Caf?; I have to run now. And I'll be out of uniform for a change; I want to feel a bit more elegant today, so wear something nice as well. Bye for now." CHAPTER 20 I put the phone down but my mind stayed with Arka. We became quite close the past few months. At one point I told her partly the truth about myself, that I was simply a cross dresser and not a TS. She accepted it but she asked more questions, she pushed me for answers. Finally I admitted the whole truth; that my employer was really my wife and everything happened with my full consent and agreement. She accepted my explanations very graciously with no further comment. We became closer friends and gradually an erotic feeling started to emerge. I could sense it in her as well. But, I was tormented by my feelings towards my wife/employer. I was very loyal to her. I couldn't make any move unless I had some sort of consent. And the consent came the moment I was less expecting it. Mrs. Manley in her usual to the point manner said to me one evening after dinner, a couple of weeks after we moved in to the new house, "Nikki after you finish in the kitchen make some coffee for both of us and join me in the living room I would like to have a chat with you." I rushed to the kitchen to finish my chores slightly puzzled. It wasn't her style to invite me back to the living room ever since we moved to the new house. On the contrary she encouraged me to tidy up the kitchen and then retire in my tiny apartment. I must admit I felt a bit lonely there but I had to remind myself that the life of a live in domestic wasn't exactly an exciting one. And I chose to be a domestic so I shouldn't complain. Soon in a highly unusual manner and feeling slightly uncomfortable I was sitting in the living room opposite Mrs. Manley sipping my coffee, still wearing my dove grey evening uniform dress. She asked me to remove my apron, simply saying that I was off duty at this particular moment. I was genuinely puzzled and slightly worried when she started talking to me. She looked at me though in an amused manner without any trace of confrontation, "My God Nikki, you seem like a fish out of water, I can see now how much you adapted to your servant's role; you genuinely look worried as I am about to punish you for something. Don't worry I have not such an intention at the moment; I simply want to revalue our domestic situation and where we stand at this point six months later." She noticed how my expression changed to pure wonder and all of a sudden she approached and hugged me! I had to stand up as she was hugging me not knowing how to react. At this moment I felt how much I lost my ability the past few months to interact sexually with my wife! I felt the sexual excitement of our encounter but I was not able to initiate anything. She felt my embarrassment and went back to her seat. I sat down again at the edge of the chair as modestly as I could, keeping my knees together and resting my hands on my skirted lap. I realized that I was missing my apron. I got so used the past few months to wear one at all times inside the house. "Now that I look at you more closely I realize how much you changed the past few months Nikki", Pam started talking again. "You do look less and less like a man in drag and more and more like a slightly masculine woman. That beautician Jennifer is quite good, she knows how to enhance your feminine aspects and disguise the unwanted masculine ones." I blushed all over as she was talking to me, I knew she was up to something but I couldn't figure what. She continued, "What I am about to say might be a bit hurtful to you but you know me, I like to be straightforward and speak my mind. I want to emphasize once more that whatever happened so far happened with you full consent; I keep mentioning that but I want both of us and all the others who know our present condition, to be aware that nothing of the sort would have happened if you were not fully cooperative and willing. In fact you were the one who initiated all this." I realized I had to say something at this point. "I do agree with you Ma'am, I am the one who started everything and I must say Ma'am, six months later I never regretted it. In particular after I managed to explain successfully my new phase to our daughter. I feel much more relaxed now; I have nothing to hide anymore from the people that really and truly matter to me." It became so natural for me to address her as 'Ma'am' at all times now. She accepted it equally naturally. She gave me a satisfied look, "I am glad to hear that Nikki; you reconfirm to me your commitment to your current condition in life. In fact you make it easier for me to say what I have in mind." I was very curious now and slightly nervous. Pam had this unique ability to surprise me. She smiled warmly again, obviously she wanted to make me feel more relaxed, and started talking, "I'll start with the obvious Nikki, you changed the past six months, you changed a lot, not only visually but in character. I see now more and more a female servant and less and less my cross dressing husband. I often catch myself thinking of you as 'the help' or 'the maid', I even started thinking of you as a 'she'. The other day Tania noticed that. We had lunch at Mario's and we were talking about you and I was telling her 'she did this or that'. It was quite a revelation for me." She stopped and looked gently at me. Her look was totally benign; she didn't want to frighten me; that was obvious. I was peculiarly relaxed now, as if the pieces of the puzzle were about to be placed in their correct position. I also had the feeling that we were about to change chapter again in our relationship. Pam continued, "I accept the new Nikki. It is very much you and I don't want to change it, but even if I tried you would have resisted me. So I accepted all those recent developments, even encouraged them at one point. But...." She stopped and looked at me again reassuringly, "There is obviously a 'but' to what I've said so far. I am afraid I can't see you as my husband or even partner anymore. I feel more and more that our worlds are miles apart. We share the same house and we have common legal interests in property etc and I respect that, but you are not part of my professional or social life anymore; you moved yourself to another class you are a maidservant now." I felt more and more nervous; what she is trying to tell me? Why she is so persistent in the 'class' thing? Is she getting ready to announce some sort of separation or even divorce? I valued my wife/employer very much; I couldn't face life without her. Panic started building up, I had to say something, "I am worried Pam, the way you are talking you make me think that a separation is imminent, I don't feel ready for..." She stopped me with a big good hearted laugh, "Don't be silly Nikki, I never mentioned such a think and please don't forget your place, you just called me Pam, you take liberties girl, this is an official warning." "I am sorry Ma'am," I rushed my answer, "I didn't mean to be impertinent but.." "Please let me finish Nikki and then you can express your opinion." I remained silent as she continued talking, "I was just saying that we are socially apart now; you might be still the same intelligent person but to my eyes you are Nikki my maid. You have more friends now in your new world like Arka that Indian woman who calls you very frequently, those Filipinas you met in Miss Annie's seminars, you usually go out with them on your day off and probably other people I don't even know. On the other hand I am more involved with my colleagues at work now, they invite me to parties and excursions, I have been already in a private boat cruise with them, and I meet new people through them. They all face me now like a single lady. They know my marital status, but to them my husband is abroad for several months now and his return day is not known." She stopped and looked at me unthreateningly, "Do you see where I am getting?" I looked at her in an uncertain way and managed to say, "Yes and no Ma'am, I understand you want to pass a message but I am not sure what this message is." "It is a very simple message really; all I try to say is that we both should feel free to make relations outside our commitment to each other. Probably nothing serious but we can be more open flirting with other people and stop giving the impression that we 'are taken'. Do you know what I mean?" I blushed all over as I understood what she was trying to tell me. I was confused, I wasn't certain I wanted that but I had a strong feeling that her decision was made. All I had to do is to go along with it. I managed to say in a quiet but steady voice, "Yes, Madam, I understand now, we can develop a certain freedom of movements without the guilt complex. I'll try to accept that if you really see it that way." She looked at me a bit more aggressively now, "You just called me Madam Nikki, I like that, you can continue addressing me that way from now on; please don't call me 'Ma'am' anymore, it sounds a bit vulgar to me now." She stopped, waiting for my acknowledgment and when I said a simple, 'Of course Madam, it sounds better to me as well,' she continued, "I am glad to hear that Nikki; I can add that much for you to know though, I'll never embarrass you in front of other people and be certain you don't embarrass me, do you understand girl." For some reason her attitude was changing as she was speaking, a bit more aggressively now. "Can I ask you Madam what exactly you mean by embarrassment in front of others?" I asked using my neutral polite voice. "What I mean Nikki is that I'll never bring a boy friend in this house, I'll never make you uncomfortable that way, I still respect our past together to do that, so I expect a similar attitude from you. We both can have our freer moments outside this house. Of course you can bring your friends in your servants' quarters and I can bring guests in the house but not intimate situations. Do you agree with that?" I felt an overwhelming sense of relief as she finished her last sentence. All I managed to say was, "Of course I agree Madam, thank you for being so understanding." She looked at me in a serious way, "It is not a matter of understanding Nikki, it is a matter of survival for us both. I think we have to protect our private lives respectively without hurting each other." I thought the conversation was about to finish but then she added something that got me off guard completely, "And Nikki darling, of course you will continue to be my sex toy, I can still use you that way; for instance I feel a strong erotic feeling when you do my toenails sitting in your little stool, then I want to eat you alive." She saw my surprised and excited look and smiled mischievously at me, "I thought you would like that idea Nikki; now you can go back to your quarters, I think our chat is over, goodnight darling, come and give a kiss to your Mistress." We both stood up at the same time. She came and kissed me passionately in the mouth, playing with my tongue, and then she pushed me gently away with a "Good night maid!" CHAPTER 21 The ringing of the phone brought me back to reality. It was Arka in the other line. "You said to me before to wear something nice to meet you at the Mall. I know what I want you to wear darling; I want you to wear your green saree and come out as my beautiful Indian hijra!" Arka's voice startled me, I didn't expect her call. I was even more surprised with her request. I never appeared in public dressed as an Indian transgender woman, a hijra as they were called. I had a beautiful silk green saree that Arka gave me as a present when we became closer friends together with a black hair wig and she taught me how to wear it and use the right make up etc but that always in private. I started protesting but she cut me short, "Listen Nikki, this is not a request, it is an order, and I want you to come out dressed in your saree, proper make up and your black wig with the braid, the one I gave you. You are going to be my Indian companion this afternoon. Of course I'll be wearing normal street clothes so I'll be there to protect you in case someone tries to harass you. You do that for me otherwise I'll think again if I am going to help you on Saturday serving in the dinner party." She was blackmailing me in her own way! But her authoritarian attitude brought out my submissive streak so I meekly answered to her, "All right Arka don't get angry with me; I simply don't want to stand out in public and in that outfit everybody will be looking at me." "Don't worry about that Nikki, I'll be there for you; and I'll be calling you with your Indian name, do you still remember it? "Of course I remember it Arka, it is 'Harita' which means green and matches my saree and my eyes." I checked the watch in the kitchen wall, it was nearly ten o'clock and I had the house to clean; I had to rush now, I would need more time to prepare myself for the afternoon outing. Then I though of my supermarket shopping, I couldn't do that dressed in a saree! I continued talking to Arka, "But Arka we both forgot my major supermarket shopping, I can't go around dressed in a saree in the bright lighted supermarket, every body will be laughing at me." "You shouldn't worry about that, in fact I can join you for the shopping so we can meet in the supermarket at 3.00 o'clock, do all the shopping, put everything in the car and then we can enjoy ourselves for an hour or so. Now run along girl you you're your housework to do. See you later Harita!" And she hung up on me before I had time to answer. I put the receiver down having my usual mixed feelings of excitement and anxiety. I realized that since I started changing my status and looks six months ago this has been the prevailing feeling, this mixture of sentiments. Probably it was good for me. It certainly accelerated my metabolism because I managed to lose a lot of weight in the past few months. I was certainly more careful with my food but it wasn't the only reason. My metabolism changed as well. I rushed to the utility room where I kept all my cleaning material, I put my full working apron on and I started carrying the vacuum cleaner upstairs, I had work to do and a maid's work is never done!... To be continued with part 8 (the last part), and I am terribly sorry for the delay in finishing this part.

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MomPOV Aliza Hot babe POV sex experience

– Is 32 years old – Southern girl from Louisiana – Decided to do porn, MomPov seemed like the best option – At a young age she hated porn and thought it was gross – In her later years she has watched a lot and loves porn – You might find her watching porn in her car masturbating – She reserved herself for this shoot, no cum for a week – She didn’t masturbate or fuck anyone for a whole week – Wishes she could have one night stands but… – Anytime she fucks a guy he wants to get married – Is into...

3 years ago
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Star PerformanceChapter 05

The trip to Sydney from the rural city they now live in is about half a day’s drive, but Hal wishes to arrive early and refreshed on the day. So they leave home just after lunch on January 19th and they’ll be staying at a nice hotel in the Blue Mountains just short of Sydney. They’ll finish their trip the next morning. They all want to go, so they’re taking both cars. Hal prefers this because it gives them some transport back up for any potential problems on the way there and on the way back....

2 years ago
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Rendezvous IIChapter 9

Karen I can’t believe he’s doing it. “Okay, the house rent is paid, this card is for expenses; coal, gas for the lawn tractor, new tires for the Mazda and the Jeep ... and insurance.” He hands me a MasterCard in my name. “This is for food, gas, and clothing and a night out every now and again.” That got a Visa. “And this is for emergencies.” He passed me the combination to the under bed gun box. He gave me the directions how to set the box for palm print. “And this is for fun,” the key to...

2 years ago
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Swing Shift part 4

Time dragged by. Customers came and went. As it got deeper into evening, people were coming in, buzzed, to buy more beer. At 9:45 Franky pulled up in his brown Dodge Charger; a beat up car with a big block 383 in it that he bought for a hundred bucks. He was inordinately proud of it. As Franky was getting out of his car I saw him greet someone walking up the patio. It turned out to be Derek. That was frustrating. He knew I didn’t get off until 11 and he SHOULD have known there would be no...

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Auntie made a man of me

I had had very little contact with Aunt Mari as a child, principally because my mother was a twisted vindictive bitch. When my uncle came home from the army intending to marry Mari, his childhood sweetheart, he was concerned about the stories he had heard of women playing around especially with the American troops who had been stationed nearby. So Uncle had asked the Old Bitch if she had heard any rumours about Mari. As Mother later said to me “It wasn’t my business to tell him what she’d been...

3 years ago
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Phone Sex Line turns real

We needed some money as things got tighter financially. Suzy had always worked but had not done so since moving to Spain some years ago. I was always a provider and continued to do so but things were getting tight after the big recession had hit everything and everyone we knew. I had always come up trumps with some kind of money making plan so I set to work scanning the local news papers looking for a short term investment or business."Women wanted for erotic chat lines" the advertisement read....

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Toman of the Cherokee 14

------------------ Merlin Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father ------------------------------------------- I was still going over our last action when Naci walked to me with a plate of food. "Here husband, you need to keep up your strength if we are to succeed." Then with a wry smile she continued. "Besides if we are to start a family one day, you will need to be in your best shape." I was startled a moment...

2 years ago
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Behan Ko Patni Banaya 8211 Part II

Apni behan Neerja ko maine uss raat teen bar choda. Dono thak chukey thay. Mera lund bhi dard karne lag chuka tha, Subhah main Neerja ko ghodi bana kar chod raha tha jabgali se akhbar wale ki awaz sunayi padi. Hum bhai behan chudayi mein itna vyast thay ki raat kab beet gayi pata hin na chala. Agla din Ravi vaar tha iss liye koi problem nahin thee. Hum dopahar tak sote rahe. 2 baje jab meri ankh khuli to Neerja naha kar gusalkhane se nikal rahi thee aur ussne jism par towel lapeta hua tha. Jab...

3 years ago
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Wife8217s attracttion for her Teacher

Hello Friends. I am 30 year old guy from Pune. I am married for the last 5 years. My wife is very beautiful and has a sexy figure. She is very fair and has long waist length straight hair. Her breast size is approx 38C. I hope you can imagine how tempting she is to all males. The story I am going to narrate to you will be in her words. He incidence happened around 6 months back. My wife told me about it only few days ago. She was scared about my reaction and so did not tell me before. But once...

3 years ago
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Tara 3 DogsChapter 10

It was a lot darker than Darcy thought a ‘Jewellers and Wards’ shop should be. At the tinkle of the bell over the door a tired, cranky male voice called out, “I’m closed. Go away.” “Sorry to hear that, I’m looking for Mage Martin Rothe,” Darcy replied as he walked towards the back of the shop. The voice sighed and when Darcy stood on the other side of the messy desk, the man said, “If I owe you money your out of luck, I’m broke you’ll have to take it as antiques. If you’re looking for Quaz...

2 years ago
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Something happened on the way to Santa Fe Springs

One day in 1991, my girlfriend asked me to take a short cut on the way back to her apartment. She asked me to turn left at the next street, so I did. A little ways up the street, she asked me to pull over, which I also did. She said, "We're here."I said, "Where are we?"She replied, "At a restaurant. I'd like you to try something. It's called calamari."We went inside and I noticed something odd. There were lots of tables, with absolutely nothing on them, and only two chairs with one...

1 year ago
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Bitch Your Famous! If I was writing this review for any other website, I’d probably start off by saying I’m about to ruin your day. The thing is, I know you sick fucks all too well. definitely ain’t a website for everybody, but you’re going to love it if you’re the kind of freak who likes the seedier side of the Internet.Let me give you a word of caution before we dive right in. If you’ve got a weak stomach, a weak heart or a noble one, go watch something else....

Extreme Porn Websites
2 years ago
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Bugger his wife

I have a married friend whose wife can be quite a bitch and I have often fantasised fucking her in her tight little ass. The other day I was surprised to get a call from her as usually we don’t talk but instead my friend and I do things without her. She asked if I could come over as she needed some help and Mark was at work. I figured what the hell I wasn’t doing anything at the time anyway and I might as well go over, hell I might even get to look at her ass without her noticing. When I...

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The bars pickup

It was a usual Saturday night at the local tavern. I had gone up for a few beverages just to get away from the wife if nothing else, I wasn’t even thinking of trying to pick someone up. The night started as usual with my pulling up a stool to the bar, buying a drink and saying “hi” to a few friends. I sat there drinking my second beer when Kelly walked in the door. She is a regular and to tell the truth quite easy to take home from what my friends had told me. Kelly is 5’3″, around 140 pounds...

4 years ago
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A Chance to AdvanceChapter 23

I looked up when Mr. Burton and Midge approached. I thought they were coming over to say goodnight. Instead, they stopped in front of me. Mr. Burton smiled at Gregg and asked, "If I can talk Jan into letting me use a spare room, would you mind if I borrow your beautiful fiancée for a little while? We'd like to get a little better acquainted." My breath caught in my chest and I felt myself blushing. Suddenly my heart was beating so loudly I was certain that everyone in the room must be...

1 year ago
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Bridge Jack Off

Joey and I were sitting in the front seat of his van, the bridge was up, and we were stuck in traffic. As I looked around I saw we were stopped next to an eighteen wheeler and the driver was looking very intently down at my body. I like to tease old perverts so I casually opened my blouse and gradually gave him a great view of my bare tits and nipples. I was wearing shorts so it would have been a little difficult to show off my pussy casually. I looked out over the river and could tell that we...

2 years ago
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Playing for both teams

"She's not into sex anymore" is what he told me that first time in the garage.I'd lived down the street from Vince and Kathy for over a year and had started helping them with stuff around the house after Vince broke his hand. After he got the cast off, I kept stopping by to help because I wanted to be a good neighbor and because they were genuinely nice folks.He was early 60s, not quite 6 ft, sturdy build but with a few extra lbs around the middle, salt & pepper hair, almost always a little...

2 years ago
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The Anonymous Honeymoon

There he was again, watching me. I’d seen him a few times now, by the pool, on the deck, in several of the bars and, one time, just in the coffee lounge as I walked through to breakfast. I never saw him with anyone, which struck me as odd. But then, I was on this cruise on my own too. It was supposed to be my honeymoon, only I got ditched at the altar, three weeks ago now. For the first few days I’d been a wreck, but now I felt practically fine. Free even. What did that mean? My family had...

1 year ago
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Sharing the Magic of Loving

Some things are hard to describe in mere words like how I really feel for my baby and how being deeply in love draws out all those prohibitive inhibitions. It is not just kissing and being kissed, it is what those deep passionate kisses release inside. It is so wonderful to feel all those wonderful sensations which were hardly realized until shared with the most intimate experience given to a partner so cherished and loved. When my baby and I are together we enjoy all those wonderful things...

3 years ago
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Staffroom Affair With Sowmiya Part 8211 2

Hey! Iss readers It’s me rahul here again this is my email id this is the continuation to my other story with sowmiya For those who don’t know I’m 22 year old guy with height 6’1″with fair skin and athletic body and a fairly good size dick to please any girl or woman, and I’m doing engineering in kerala now.And basically from kerala so any woman who wants to get laid please do call me and please forgive me for any mistakes from my side Getting back to the story after my incident with sowmiya...

4 years ago
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Mary Felix Observes Georgina Spanking A Mature Woman

Prior to entering Georgina's employment, Mary has been invited to observe her new mistress at work in defence of the realm...So it was that at four o’clock the following day, Jimmy and I entered a cupboard on the landing and slipped down a passage to the window that looked out into Georgina’s boudoir. From her side the window was a mirror and, as she had explained, it was through this that the photographs were taken.It was a lovely room, smaller than the salon and richly decorated in autumnal...

3 years ago
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Womens Health Issues 101Chapter 2

A Surprise Visit The knock on the door caught Cindy off guard. She hadn't been expecting anyone, let alone the person she saw when she opened the door. "Mom?" "Hi honey," Madison smiled. Cindy squealed with joy and stepped into the hall to give her mother a big hug. She got her second surprise when she saw who her mother had brought along. "Holly? Laurie?" "Hey," Cindy's sisters replied in unison. The four women laughed and shouted with glee as they wrapped each other up in a...

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Bed timeso I thought

I was working third shift at a local convience store. Randy was still living with his Mom at this time. I would get off work at 7am and hang out there until 8 until his Mom would leave for work. Randy worked 2nd shift so he liked to sleep in. I would use my key and slide in the back door. Usually he was still asleep when I would walk in his bedroom. I got there this one morning, stopping to make us coffee before heading upstairs. Usually he slept in boxers. I set the coffee on the night stand...

3 years ago
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If love is war then what is lust

It was a beautiful day out. I had just gotten off work and I was headed to my girlfriends house to spend a little time with her. I hadn't seen her in a few days because of our stupid work schedules so I was definitely looking forward to a little alone time with her. I called her on my way over and she said she was excited to see me but I could hear people talking in the background. I asked her about it and she said she had friends over. I said okay and hung up but I was pissed off. She invited...

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Frank and Cookie

I met Cookie in the seventh grade. Her parents had moved to town just in time to enroll her at the start of the school year. I was walking up the steps to the west entrance of the school and I saw her by the front door. She was blocked by three guys who were making fun of her pigtails. She kept trying to get by them, but they kept moving to keep themselves between her and the door. One of the guys was Oscar Walls and he and I had gone at it a couple of times. Once on the playground at the...

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First and Ten Part 3

First and Ten; Part 3 Nancy Cole Chapter Ten Desperately needing some time to think, I took to walking the crowded city streets. Conner, who'd accompanied back down to the lobby, asked if he could join me. I didn't need to be clairvoyant to know that he wanted to speak to me but not there, not in the middle of a federal building. Unable to find a good reason to say no and not wishing to be alone at the moment, I acquiesced with nothing more than a shrug. In silence we headed...

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A Second Opportunity Pt 2

The next few days went by quickly and Mary had gotten better. She was always laughing and making me laugh as well. I had taken her out to the movies after she insisted one day. Afterwards we had walked and she told me about her past and what she wanted for her future. She had been raised by loving parents when she was young but as she got older things had changed. Her parents seemed to argue all the time and the love they once had for each other quickly vanished. Mary had dreams of traveling...

Love Stories
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A Bikini Beach Summer part 02

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 2 Daily Routine Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 207

This one is compliments of Gary The doctor came out of the examining room after checking the older retired sailor and told his young assistant, "Nurse you oughta see this. He has his girlfriend's name, Tina, tattooed on his penis." The nurse says, 'This I've got to see." So she proceeded to go into the examining room. A while later she came back out and told the doctor, "He doesn't have his girlfriend's name tattooed on his penis, he has his ship's name tattooed there. It's the...

4 years ago
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Ek Mast Aunty Ko Uski Ke H Ghar Mai Choda

Hello friend’s mera nikhil hai . Mai pune rehta hu yeh meri first story hai iss pe maine abhi tak kafi story padhi hai is site par aur tabhi se muze meri pasand wali aunty ko chodne ka man ho gaya . Meri age 24 years hai mai ek software company mai job karta hu aur yaha puna mai mere dosto ke sath rehta hu .Meri personality bhi acchi hai aur mere baat karne ka tarika bhi isiliye mai hamesha confident rehta hu jab bhi mai kisi anjan person ko milta hu. I am sorry par yeh batana jaruri hai kyun...

4 years ago
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The JaysChapter 18

Libby's mobile rang at half past eight the next morning. It was Kristian Timermat. "Good morning, Libby. I spoke to the authorities last night. They did not wish you to play. They said that the people had bought tickets to hear me play, not some unknown girl. I told them that if the unknown girl did not play I would not play either. So now they wish you to have an audition from half past ten until eleven o'clock in the main concert hall. Please be there, Libby." "Yes, Maestro. May I...

3 years ago
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Such Good Friends Chapter 8 Mothers and Fathers

Chapter eight—Mothers and Fathers Jen’s mom, Jean, and Beth’s mom, Molly, got to know each other as a result of the friendship of their daughters. They became fast friends and met at least once a week for lunch and to catch up on the latest gossip. “You seem a little down lately,” said Jean. “Everything alright at Home?” “Frankly, no. My husband seems to have lost interest in having sex—at least with me. When I asked him about it, he said I was getting fat. When he does get...

2 years ago
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Wife invited new female workmate to dinner

We were getting ready for our occasional date night at home. It was something that we both enjoyed allowing us time together in the midst of hectic schedules. Linda ws last to get ready as usual and was wearing a new dress, evening gown style would be my best description. Sexy in that there were big panels of material coverin gher ample breasts, although as it was backless, there was obviously no bra! It was then that the door bell rang and Linda said that will be Pam. I looked at Linda and she...

2 years ago
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A Final Night in India

I have spent many months practically living in India & having my fun there. From spring to the early part of summer I was having a time of my life & there was no way the fun was going to stop. Daddy was making the best of it, yanking my hair & blowing him in his room's walk in closet. Suckling & licking the shaft of his wrinkled, veiny cock. I was not holding back because I knew I was going to miss my indian daddy when I boarded on the areoplane. That whole day my best friend...

1 year ago
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The FETISH Ray Tales Glendas Story Fuckbuddies

The F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray Tales By Fidget Fuckbuddies: Glenda's Story Glen came over the first day of summer after graduating to play basketball and video games, like she always had while we were in high school. Her full name was Glenda, but nobody called her that. She had always been a tomboy, and we had grown up together, exploring the woods, playing sports, and getting into trouble. It never really occurred to me to think of her as a girl, even after both of us hit puberty; she always just...

1 year ago
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Saving the Little Girl Next DoorChapter 11

I went to the bathroom as soon as I got home and checked how red my bottom was in the mirror. Since my bottom was so sore, I splashed a handful of tap water on each bum cheek and rubbed them softly. My bladder felt full after a while, so off I went to the toilet after leaving the bathroom. As I stood and urinated, I stared at the white tiles underneath my feet. I flushed the toilet afterwards and turned around. My feet stepped on a broken tile. Kneeling down, I pushed aside the broken tile...

2 years ago
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Mother teases her son part 1

Let me introduce myself. My name is Carol; I'm 50 years old and married to an insatiably horny and successful man. We were married when I was very young and I gave birth to our son Mark when I was just eighteen. I keep myself fit and my husband is very pleased with my 38D breasts, full ass and a bald pussy. James, my husband introduced me to Literotica a couple of years ago. He had me read some of the milder 'Loving Wives' stories at first, and then gradually led me into some stronger stuff,...

3 years ago
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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser part 13 Missys Turn

Sorry not much sex in this one but its a lead up to 13.5 and I hope you enjoy both of them. Once mom and I had gotten our car back, we took it out for a spin and I have to say it worked and looked like new. It had everything from a new paint job to new parts in the engine. Now in all honesty, I did have to go back a few times and give Ray a few blowjobs to help pay for them but it was definitely worth it and I didn’t mind sucking his huge cock anyway. Mom helped as well by going over to...

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