Ordinary Morning a Swiss College story
- 2 years ago
- 28
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I pulled the BMW into the long Atherton driveway and parked alone just in front of the house. After circling around the car, I helped Amber out of her seat. And as I closed the door, I gestured to the mansion and commented, "Sweet place, huh?"
Amber's eyes just glittered as she smiled at me. "Mine's bigger."
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, well real estate is probably cheaper than the Bay Area."
Amber and I then walked hand-in-hand up the flagstone pavers to the large entryway and rang the doorbell. A second later, I thought about exactly who I was about to introduce Amber to and turned to my girlfriend. "Uh, you let me meet Cameron and shared with me a pretty intense part of your history. I just want to warn you that my own history with Paige is pretty complicated. I mean, I told you about her pregnancy and all. It's just ... Paige has a habit of being rather ... affectionate."
Just then, the door opened and a fireball of auburn hair and excessive energy burst through, hitting me right in the chest and nearly bowling me over. Expecting it, I simply took a step back to absorb the impact, sliding my hands down to catch Paige in my arms. "Hiya, Red," I greeted.
"Ben!" Cheerily, she nuzzled her nose against mine before stealing a quick kiss from my lips. A moment later, she realized there was a young woman standing beside me and immediately dropped her feet to the ground. "Oops. Uh, sorry about that."
Amber just giggled mirthfully. "Don't worry about it. I'm used to girls throwing themselves at him. And he did just warn me."
"I don't know if Ben told you our history yet. I feel like I owe him my life."
"Uh, he told me about taking you in after you became pregnant and caring for you until your Aunt and Uncle came by." Amber waved at the house in reference. "It takes a really special guy to do that."
Paige giggled and hugged herself against my chest. "So he didn't even tell you the hero part."
Amber popped her eyebrows. "Taking in a pregnant girl isn't heroic enough?"
Paige giggled. "First day we ever met, there were two guys attacking me in the street. I was sure they were going to drag me off into some bushes and rape me. I just knew it. But out of nowhere, this big lug comes swooping in and kicks the crap out of them. Saved my life. Saved my virginity, even. He'll always be my hero."
Out of the blue, Amber spaced out on me again. But unlike previous times, she didn't come right back to Earth a few seconds later. This time, she shook her head and immediately stepped away from us, walking off the front patio and across a few of the flagstone pavers before coming to a stop with her head down.
Immediately, I let go of Paige and went over to my girlfriend. I touched her arm, and she jerked a head around to me, tear tracks already evident on her cheeks. "Hey ... what's wrong?"
Paige was suddenly behind us. "Um, was it something I said?"
Amber quickly turned back to us, sniffling and wiping her eyes. "I'm sorry. That was terribly rude of me."
I shook my head. "It's okay. What just happened?"
"It's nothing."
"Clearly, it's not 'nothing'."
"I'm fine," she stated stubbornly. Sniffling, Amber took a deep breath. And then extending her hand, she said, "Let's start over. I'm Amber. Very pleased to meet you."
"Paige," the redhead replied, shaking the proffered hand. But then she still gave me a look of some concern.
Amber forced a bright smile, clearly seeking to change the subject. And gesturing up to the house, she asked, "Can I see the baby?"
Paige immediately grinned, always thrilled to show off April. "Absolutely. Come on in."
Eleven months old today, little April was by definition a toddler. She couldn't walk very much, but she could toddle forward about three or four steps before collapsing into an adult's arms, something she apparently loved to do.
Uncle Frank and Aunt Polly sat on the floor about six feet apart with their knees up like a corral. The baby girl with pretty dark auburn hair laughed delightedly as she wobbled forward, with Uncle Frank letting go of her waist so that she would stumble a few steps and then fall against Aunt Polly's chest. Falling made the baby laugh even more, and she joyously got back up to her feet, turned around, and toddled her way over to Uncle Frank for the return trip.
Amber and I quickly got down to floor level along with Paige and joined in. The five of us adults formed a ring, letting April bounce back and forth between us seemingly at random. If two adults were fun, five was even better. And April was having the time of her young life.
In the meantime, we all exchanged pleasantries. Uncle Frank flirted lightly with Amber, complimenting her looks and saying that Kady's description had not done her justice. Aunt Polly teasingly slapped her husband for letching, but then cracked that she'd probably get plowed extra hard tonight. Paige was properly scandalized.
At least we could understand where Kady's wisecracking came from.
But then it was time for April's dinner, and the parentals insisted that they take care of it and let Paige socialize with us.
"You don't get out of this house nearly enough, young lady," Aunt Polly scolded. "And you're going to have to learn to let us handle these things before you go back to school."
Paige sighed and acquiesced.
"So that answers that question," I commented. "You're coming back?"
Paige nodded. "Leave of absence is over. I'm already enrolled in three courses for the coming semester. Not a full load, but what I think I can handle while still being a single mom."
"So how is that going to work? Are you commuting? Staying up in Berkeley for the school week?"
"Commuting," Paige explained. "I can't bear to think of being away from April for even a single night. Don't get me wrong, there are some days I just want to hand her off to my Aunt and Uncle and disappear for a week. But after about an hour being away from her, I miss my little girl terribly."
Amber touched Paige's arm, and little Red smiled and nodded.
"How about you? How is this whole thing going to work out?" Paige then asked, gesturing to the two of us.
"Uh, well..." I hedged. "We're ... kinda just playing it by ear."
Paige wasn't the first to ask us this very question. Lynne, Kady, and Noelle had all weighed in on the subject with slightly varying opinions. Noelle thought that I should move in with Amber and commute to Berkeley since I had a semi-regular schedule and wasn't on-call for a hospital. But Lynne and Kady thought I should stay in my own house and let Amber stay here. We could visit each other on weekends or any nights when the drive didn't seem too much.
I felt obligated to stay at the Berkeley house. For one thing, Brooke and DJ were still returning, and I needed to be there to watch over them. I wasn't sure whether or not Dawn was coming back. The last time I'd asked Dayna if she'd heard anything, she'd told me that Dawn herself had not yet decided whether she could be in the house with me.
Moving in with Amber would solve that problem. Dawn could be in the house with our younger sisters, watching over them. My staying with my girlfriend would remove me from the awkwardness of living with Dawn. And being able to spend every night with Amber would help keep my mind and soul off of Dawn, period.
But so far, Amber had resisted that idea. Even though I'd moved in with her for now, and we were quite comfortable playing 'married couple' in her apartment, she had been adamant about my returning to Berkeley. "This summer thing is temporary. I love having you here, but you distract me from school and I don't want you to lose focus of your academics, either. We'll still see each other on weekends and that'll have to be enough for each of us."
Rationally, I had to agree. It would take a lot of effort and energy to commute, and I would have precious little time as it was trying to finish off my degree. But emotionally, well ... I didn't want to sleep alone.
Despite my telling Paige that we were playing it by ear, Amber shook her head and stated confidently, "Ben's moving back to his Berkeley house."
Paige looked at me skeptically, but I just shrugged and said, "Yeah, probably."
And that was the end of that. Paige smiled brightly. "Okay, new topic."
"Are you SURE you're okay with this?" I asked as my girlfriend took hold of my collar and looked pensively at my chin.
After a moment's hesitation, Amber flicked her eyes up to mine and took a deep breath. "You were never in love with her?"
"No. But I did care a lot about her."
Amber shook her head, dismissing that concern. "You're not going to do anything with her?"
"Of course not."
Amber raised her eyebrows. "How do I know that?"
"Because I'm telling you I'm not. And if you don't trust that, then I really shouldn't be meeting up with her."
Amber took a deep breath. "No, no. I trust you. I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around this, that's all. If Kim were just an ex-girlfriend, I'd get that. But the way you explained this whole Master/sub thing ... And the way you just walked away ... She really GAVE herself to you. And I can't help but worry that she'll want to give herself to you again."
I sighed. "I doubt that. Like Bert said, I broke her heart."
"But she's willing to see you again. She wants to see you again. And she specifically asked that you don't bring me. That sets off some warning bells in a girl's head, you know?"
I nodded. "She said she had some deeply personal things to talk to me about, things she can't discuss with a stranger around. I feel like I owe her at least that much for the way I dumped her. She didn't deserve that. And if she needs some closure, I think that's something I need to do. With any luck, we'll be able to go back to being friends, and next time I'll be able to bring you along and introduce you."
Amber nodded.
"But I'm not going if you're not comfortable with this."
"No, no. You should go," Amber insisted. "You're right; she does deserve that much from you at least. If I were in her shoes, I'd probably want the exact same thing: closure ... and with no new girlfriend lurking nearby."
I nodded. Wrapping my girlfriend up in my arms, I pulled her close to me and pecked her forehead. She hummed quietly before tilting her face up so that our lips could meet. And then with a final pat on my butt, Amber sent me on my way.
Twenty minutes later, I arrived at the chosen location, a Starbucks on El Camino in downtown Sunnyvale. Kim didn't want me to come to her house, explaining that her father would be home. She was waiting just inside the door when I arrived, sitting on a chair with two coffee cups already in her hands. Standing up, she handed me one of the cups, saying without preamble, "Just the way you like it."
Blinking in surprise, I took a sip. Indeed, in moments of nervousness I liked something sweet and warm to comfort me, and Kim had provided me with a caramel macchiato with just the right amount of sugar and cream. I smiled and popped my eyebrows in surprise, and instantly felt all the guilt of just coldly abandoning Kim back in May slam into me like a brick wall. Grimacing, I frowned and began, "I'm really sorry, Kim. What I did to you was unforgiv-"
Holding up a hand to stop me, she shook her head. She then extended the hand out the door and stated, "You're driving."
For a relationship that had been built on my supposed "Mastery" for nearly a year, Kim was certainly taking charge of the situation. I started to relax, realizing that she indeed would not want me to once again become her Master. And I felt even more proud to see that Kim was self-initializing quite a bit in order to orchestrate and arrange our meeting.
I led Kim to the parking lot, seeing her motorcycle parked nearby before she left my side to walk around to the passenger door of the Mustang. Once we were seated, she quickly rattled off directions for getting out of the lot and heading down El Camino. And after three quick turns, we arrived at a cute neighborhood park.
The moment I turned off the engine, Kim opened her door and got out. She led me away from the playground surrounded by little kids and their mothers enjoying the summer afternoon and toward an isolated park bench. Sitting down on it, she patted the seat beside her, and I obediently took my place.
Taking a deep breath, Kim exhaled and said, "Okay."
And then she went dead silent.
Having been led by the nose all this way, I waited for Kim to make the first move. She seemed to have meticulously planned every step for getting here, from the time and location to the coffee to the isolated park bench. But now that we were here, she simply looked at me blankly as if waiting for ME to speak first.
I hadn't said a word since that first aborted apology, having just obeyed her every direction on the way over. Now arching an eyebrow, I asked, "Uh, did you want to go first?"
Kim looked at me in confusion and replied, "You called ME and said you wanted to meet up."
I shrugged. "Actually, that was because my new girlfriend Amber wanted to meet up with my friends as a way of getting to know me better. But you didn't want her here."
She shook her head. "I wouldn't be comfortable around a stranger."
"Oh, I get it. I, uh ... I just thought you were taking charge of this whole conversation."
Kim cocked her head and gave me an inquisitive look, as if wondering why I would ever think such a thing. Only then did it really hit me: Kim hadn't actually been taking charge; she had merely been setting the stage. Kim didn't do spontaneous. When given a set of instructions, she was hyper-efficient. It was one of the things that made her such an excellent student. But off-the-cuff creativity wasn't her strong suit. So when told that I was coming by to meet up with her, she'd created her agenda ahead of time, planned out her route, and then executed her plan to get us into a quiet location where we could talk privately. After that ... the rest was up to me.
"How have you been?" I finally asked.
Kim shrugged and gave me a neutral look. "I've been okay."
"Your father?"
Now she gave me a faint smile. "He is my father. He will always be there for me."
"That's good, that's good." I nodded, not really sure what else to say. It was a relief to know that Kim had been taken care of.
"I missed you," she finally blurted, and the faint smile was now gone. In its place was an expression of confusion, an expression of hurt. Realizing she'd let out a burst of emotion, Kim quickly retreated back inside her shell. She looked at the ground and clasped her hands together, wringing her palms.
She was tense, I realized, far more tense than I would have thought. I mean, I was nervous; and I suppose I expected she might be nervous about seeing me again. Heck, I wouldn't have been surprised if she were angry, given the way I'd summarily dismissed her and walked away without so much as a backward glance. But she didn't seem angry, and instead just seemed ... wound up. Like a rubber band that had been twisted and twisted and twisted to the breaking point, Kim was on the verge of snapping. And yet her face was still neutral, almost serene. I had to look closely to see the tightness of her muscles beneath to recognize the strain she was under.
I leaned forward and hugged her just then.
Ever see a venus flytrap? I'm not saying that Kim was trying to kill me or anything, but the instant we touched, her arms wrapped around me so fiercely that I was dead certain she would never, ever let go. Like a dam had burst, the tears poured out of Kim's eyes. And suddenly she was bawling with her nose pressed up against my neck, squeezing me tight and crawling her fingers across my back trying to hold me even tighter. I felt my lungs being compressed by her unexpected strength. And I had to pat her back and wheeze, "Can't breathe ... can't breathe..." before she finally got the hint and relaxed her grip just a bit.
But she still didn't let me go. Kim's whole body began shuddering against me, and her nose remained buried in the crook of my neck as she cried and cried and cried. It was as if she'd held onto the anguish of me dumping her three months ago, trapping it inside and letting that pain build exponentially until it completely filled her up. And only now was she finally letting it flood out of her in the form of tears.
All I could do was continue to hold her and ride out the storm. She cried, and she shuddered. And then she cried and shuddered some more. I kept waiting for a lull in her sobs, a break within which I could say something that might help to calm her down. But there were no breaks for some five minutes, so I simply continued patting her back and shushing her gently.
Eventually, Kim began to calm down. As if the well of pain was finally starting to run dry, her sobs slowed down in both pace and force. And at last, she pulled her face off my neck and bleary-eyed, stared right at my chin. "I'm sorry," she blubbered.
"Whatever are you apologizing for?"
She wiped my neck, which was saturated with tears by now. My shirt was rather damp as well. I chuckled lightly, not worried about my shirt. And then before I knew it, her lips were pressed up against mine and my nose was filled with the scent of her.
It was a soulful kiss, an intense and yet tender liplock of pure love without lust. Kim held my cheeks and poured her heart into that kiss, and I felt such passionate energy radiating off her that I couldn't help but kiss back.
But she didn't linger. After kissing me for a good ten seconds, Kim pulled back and whimpered plaintively, "I love you."
The L-word snapped me out of my momentary trance. Blinking rapidly, I pulled back and took a deep breath. "Kim..." I began.
"I still love you," she stated before I could continue. "I understand what happened. I understand the pain you were going through after Dawn broke up with you."
The deep-rooted hurt in her eyes was obvious. I got the distinct impression that Kim 'understood' because she had felt the exact same way after I broke up with her.
"You feel like your world is coming to an end," she continued. "The very foundation upon which you've built your life is cut out from beneath you. It's shattering."
"Kim, I'm so sorry," I sighed, recognizing the anguish she was still in.
"There's nothing to forgive. You are my Master. You couldn't take care of me because you had to deal with your own problems. I understand. You apologized for making the decision you did. Knowing that you would be unable to properly care for me, you encouraged me to return home to my father. You knew he could still take care of me, and you were looking out for my best interests. It was the right decision."
I smiled, relieved that she wasn't angry.
"But I see that you are healthy again. You've moved on. You've found a new girlfriend. And Bert tells me she is a very nice person."
"Uh, yeah."
"So everything can go back to normal now, right? I still love you. I understand why you left me. But we can fix that now. You can take care of me again, right?"
I blinked in surprise. "Wait, what? You would want that again?"
She smiled hopefully. "Of course."
I frowned. "But I broke your heart!"
"You did. And it hurt." Kim frowned sadly and wrenched her hands together. "But I understand. And I still love you. I still want you to be my Master."
Ah, HELL. My mind immediately flashed back to this morning, with Amber expressing her concern that Kim would want to give herself to me again. I couldn't do it. The situation before with Dawn had been unique. My girlfriend was friends with Kim, and understood a bit about Kim's mental makeup. She had willingly accepted, and even encouraged, my taking care of the submissive girl. But that wasn't the case anymore. It's not like I'd asked Amber if she'd be okay with me being Kim's Master again, but in this case, I didn't need to.
"Kim..." I stated stiffly, and as she read the tone in my voice, the frown on Kim's face deepened. "We can't go back."
"Please ... I love you," she begged. "I need you."
Even the n-word didn't faze me. I shook my head, taking a deep breath before reaching forward and taking Kim's hands in my own. Holding them up between us, I made sure I had Kim's eyes on mine before taking a deep breath and saying as plainly as I could, "I told you before: I do not love you, not romantically."
She nodded and replied immediately, "You do not need to."
"I have a girlfriend."
"I understand that. You were with Dawn before. Things would be no different for you and me."
"I disagree. Dawn accepted you. Amber won't. Heck, she even predicted that you would do this, and I had to reassure her that nothing would happen between us before she let me go."
"And nothing has to happen between us. Please, I just need you to care for me."
"I DO care for you. I care about you."
"They are not the same."
I winced. Caring "for" her implied responsibility. It implied involving myself in her decision-making and day-to-day life. Just caring "about" her wouldn't cut it. "Okay, maybe they're not."
"Please, Ben," Kim begged, squeezing my hands. The tears were back, running in rivers down her cheeks. "I need you."
Gawd dammit this hurt. I felt an incredible obligation to her. Once upon a time, I had willingly taken responsibility for her. I had become her Master. How harsh had it been for me to abandon her? Was I really no better than someone like Grace?
On the other hand, how could I do this to Amber? She was my girlfriend. She was the person I was building a new life with. Maybe I could ask her to understand the unique relationship I had with Kim. Maybe she would understand that the girl wasn't a threat to our romance. Heck, maybe I could just care "for" Kim, like a beloved pet, without any physical intimacy that might complicate the relationship I had with my girlfriend?
Who was I kidding? I'd realized it over the course of last semester: there was no half-assing a Master/sub relationship. I couldn't just drop the sexual aspect of my control over Kim, given her lust and love for me. And I couldn't very well put any limits on our relationship knowing how deeply she felt for me.
Beloved pet? That was an insult to Kim. She deserved better than that.
Hanging my head, I whimpered, "Please don't make me do this. Don't make me choose between you and Amber. I want to be your friend."
Kim didn't reply right away. It took me a second to realize that she wasn't moving, and was holding our hands rather rigidly. And as I picked my head up to look at her, I saw that she'd stopped crying and instead stared at me with an almost ... pitying ... look.
Releasing my hand, she put two fingers beneath my chin and pushed upward, causing me to sit up straight again. Shaking her head slowly, she sighed and stated, "Do not hang your head. You must be strong."
Blinking in surprise, I arched an eyebrow.
Turning her gaze away from me, she took a deep breath and stated, "I will not make you choose. I will not be the cause of your anguish. I had hoped..." she choked up. "I had hoped that you would be strong again, ready to take care of me. I see now that you are not yet healed. And I will not be a burden to you."
"You were never a burden," I said quietly.
She looked back at me now, deep sadness on her face. "But now ... I am."
I sighed, feeling truly horrible, as if I'd rejected her again. But Kim was quiet, her emotions bottled up inside herself once again. And in a rather distant voice, she looked away from me and said, "Please take me back to my bike."
After parking the Mustang, I held up the nearly-full cup of caramel macchiato Kim had bought me. Exhaling wearily, I got out of the car. And feeling guilty, I tossed the cup into a trash can just off the lot.
Amber was waiting in her apartment for my return. She turned off the TV the instant I came through the door and stood up. Taking one look at my face, she frowned and came over to me for a big hug.
"You were right," I mumbled.
"Right about what?"
I sighed. "Kim wanted to me to be her Master again."
"And... ?" I heard the caution in Amber's voice, suspicion over what my decision had been.
I gave her a look of disappointment, a little hurt that she didn't trust in my loyalty to her. "I told her 'no', of course."
Amber relaxed and kissed me. I let her lips rub over mine, but when she moved to deepen the kiss, I turned my cheek. Amber wanted to be affectionate, but I just wasn't in the mood. Breaking our hug, I padded off for the bedroom. For some reason, I felt really dirty over what I'd done to Kim. She was a girl who had put her trust and faith in me, and I'd let her down ... again. I needed a shower.
Amber caught up to me as I began stripping out of my clothes. Standing at the doorway to our bedroom, she folded her arms across her chest and said, "Thank you."
"For what?" I asked, half-turning to face her.
"For not becoming Kim's Master again. I don't fully understand what kind of relationship that would be like, but I gather that it was pretty intimate."
I shrugged. "It is."
Amber came up behind me, rubbing my now bare shoulders. "I want to be a good girlfriend to you. We've had some fun, playing around with other girls. Casual sex is one thing, but ... with Kim ... there would be feelings there."
I nodded. "There would."
Amber frowned. Even though I was agreeing with her at every turn, she sensed that I was still upset about this, and perhaps even a little resentful that she wouldn't let me be Kim's Master again.
Perhaps I was a little resentful. After all, Dawn had been able to handle it.
Rubbing my shoulders more firmly, Amber turned me around and looked deep into my eyes. "Is it really so much to ask for me to be your only girlfriend?"
I shook my head. "Of course it's not too much to ask. But that's not what's bothering me. I'm perfectly content for you to be my only girlfriend."
"Then what?"
I sighed, turning it over in my head. "Kim wasn't just a girlfriend. She was a dear friend, someone close to me who knew my secrets and accepted me for who I am. I lost her today. We broke up months ago, but it was today that I really lost her. I've told you before that I feel like I have almost no real friends left. And no matter what context I try to put it in, losing her still hurts."
"I'm sorry."
I sighed. "Me, too."
"C'mon. We're going out." Beside me, Amber took off her wire-rimmed glasses and set down her notepad and ball-point pen, the cap looking fairly chewed to death.
"Out?" I queried as Amber grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. Mid-August like this, there was nothing on but re-runs and crappy reality shows, even during primetime. Dropping the remote, she then took my hand and tugged me off the sofa.
"Yeah. No more studying and no more watching bad TV. We're getting out and changing the scenery a bit." Amber suited action to words by grabbing her purse and nodding toward the door.
"It's almost 10pm. Aren't we going to bed soon?"
"Too horny to wait?"
I rolled my eyes. "I meant sleep. We've both got work tomorrow."
"I'm not sleepy. I'm a little bored, actually. C'mon, let's get out of here."
I shrugged and realized I could go along with things. I grabbed my phone and wallet and followed my girlfriend out the door. Amber led the way to her Beemer and pointed me to the passenger seat. She pointedly ignored my probing questions as to our destination. And even resorting to tickling her didn't work since she ordered me to stop lest she crash the car en route.
It was a short trip, and we pulled up outside a local bar on Emerson. Amber took my hand and led me inside. The place was about half-full, decent for a Wednesday night when Stanford's semester wasn't yet in session. Instead of taking a table, Amber led me to a corner of the bar itself. And hopping up onto the seat, she waved to the bartender at the other end. "Heyyy, Chloe," she greeted warmly.
"Amber? Hey! Haven't seen you around in a while." Wearing a tight black V-neck shirt that showed off her ample cleavage, the bartender sauntered over and dropped her elbows onto the bar top, giving me an even better view of her tits. The dirty-blonde had electric blue-green eyes that seemed to sparkle despite the dim bar lighting. And for the moment, she only had eyes for my girlfriend.
"Blame it on him," Amber jerked a thumb at me. "My boyfriend's been keeping me pretty busy the last couple of months."
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-- JANUARY 2005, JUNIOR YEAR -- "You're kidding." I think I felt my jaw hit the ground. Dawn chuckled, covering her mouth with a hand while her eyes twinkled. "After all that?" Bert just shrugged. "Chevelle dropped the program. If it's any consolation, I went up and asked her point-blank if it had anything to do with you. She said it wasn't. She'd just decided for herself that Business wasn't her career path." I rubbed my forehead. Dawn was right. After all THAT. I could have...
(episode 17)After I finished writing and posting, “The Ménage-A-Trois,” I began to reminisce about all of the great times my friends and I had my last 2 years of college living in that rental house that we had restored in exchange for free rent. It was perhaps the most memorable 2 year period ever for me. It began with that friends-with-benefits period that lasted a few months peaking out during Fall semester of 2006 of my Junior year at the University of Georgia.Chip and Vic, my two best...
College SexRevision of a true life murder. Daniel Sylvester murdered Alicia Ross, in real life.His trial in currently ongoing in Toronto, Canada.I dreamed I was Daniel Sylvester and this is how the encounter with Alicia Ross should have gone down.This is a work of fiction. Page 1. ???? ?????? Life was a bitch and one lived right next door to me. ??????????? While I'd secretly watched her and fantasized often about raping and torturing her, it was all just in my imagination and I did my best...
BEN FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2004, SOPHOMORE YEAR I breathed shallowly while forcing myself not to panic. If Dawn was in trouble, she would have either said so in her text, or the text itself would have been much shorter. Still, she said to hurry so I was walking pretty fast. Dawn's apartment was only a couple of blocks away and it didn't take me long to get there. I was about to knock when I realized the front door was cracked open just a bit. The sense of panic set in again. Something was...
Ordinary Joe - A Beginning Anna Feie I was just an "ordinary joe" when this all began over a decade ago. That Wednesday so many years ago enabled me to change my life forever. Curiously, I never had the urge to think about being a woman before that fateful day. The day that I won 219 million dollars in the lottery, I was looking at 138 million dollars after taxes to be paid to me over a 30-year period or just take the cash option of 112 million. Guess what I did, I took the cash...
Attending the University was not like what I saw in movies, nothing like it. In all movies it would show beautiful promiscuous white girls running around without clothes on. Well this place had beautiful white women, even teachers (but that's a different story) but they allways had there clothes on. I used to think to my self what it took to have girls do to me what they did in movies, you know sex in public places, group sex, or porn activites like cumming in a girls mouth. Well happened to me...
Interracial~~Julias~~ “Tonight, you’re going to communicate with a rat.” “Delightful.” Julias smirked down at his childe, and gave him a pat on the head, the sort he knew would infuriate his friend. “Don’t like rats?” “I think rats raised by humans are awesome creatures. Rats who grew up in a sewer? Not so much.” The two of them stepped out of the car, and Julias waved the driver off before turning to walk toward North Side. Dolareido was a city, a very large city, and that meant crows,...
Hey readers! Haven’t been posting any story for a long time due to a busy schedule. But now I’m back with an incident that happened somewhere, some time and with someone, I wouldn’t expect ever in my life! We have been studying organizational culture (OC) in our college as per our curriculum. The faculty for OC, Ankita looks pretty but her voice is damn irritating! If the students of our class had a choice, we would put cotton in our ears to avoid her voice tearing through our eardrums! But she...
-- MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2005, WINTER BREAK -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" a girl moaned and I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into somebody's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. But this morning I didn't stop at pulling back. I sat up, reached down, and forced my sleepy eyelids open so I could take a good look at the head of...
-- SEPTEMBER 2005, SENIOR YEAR -- "What do you think, deli?" I thought about the three or four different sandwiches I might order at our usual deli, and shook my head. "Kinda in the mood for Blondie's." "Pizza again?" Bert made a face. "How 'bout Thai?" We'd gotten Thai food last week, but I'd ordered Pad Thai then and today the thought of Crying Tiger actually appealed. So I head-nodded south in the direction we'd need to go. Bert turned at the next fork in the walkway, and...
Selen Johnson just turned 18 two weeks before she left for nice tits 34d and the prettiest round ass that a girl could ask for. She only had one boyfriend and but unfortunately he broke up with her right before they left for college. He was going to a different school and didn't want to a long distance relationship. So her going off to school was bittersweet because she was still dealing with the breakup. She arrived at her dorm to check in. The girl at the front desk gave her her key and...
Lesbian-- AUGUST 2004, JUNIOR YEAR -- Brooke called me from her cell phone just before they arrived, so Dawn and I were on the porch as the family van turned into the driveway. The asphalt was still cracked, but I'd killed the weeds growing through them. I'd also mowed the lawn, mended the wood fence, and generally cleaned up the place. I wanted to prove to my parents that Dawn and I could live together and maintain a household without supervision from any "adults" or even big sisters. Having...
Dear All, Here I m narrating my true experience which you hard to believe. Incidents & Location is real but names are fake. I am married marwari women age: 26 yrs. from Mumbai, accountant. My husband name is Prakash. Our marriage is arrange and no child yet since we get married before 2 yrs. He is as an accountant but he quiet his job and open a Super Kirana Shopee near our house. I have lots of chapters about my life stories. Whenever I get proper response and comments from you all friends, I...
~~Jack~~ Waking up beside Antoinette was a good way to start the night, normally. Waking up next to the beautiful seductress should have been the best thing ever, like usual. Not this night. He sat up, as did she, and the two of them looked at each other for a little while before she nodded, and got dressed. A perfect opportunity to watch the busty demoness move around naked, normally. He didn’t watch. Couldn’t get into the mood, couldn’t find himself wanting to do anything, except check...
-- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2004, WINTER BREAK -- Daniel and Elaine were getting married. Yeah, Daniel Chen and Elaine Fukuhara were still in college, only halfway through their careers at UCLA. Yeah, 20 was pretty young to be getting married, but with these two, age didn't matter. They were soulmates. They had been each other's one and only since they were fourteen, and their friendship dated back to being 2-year-olds in the same Montessori pre-school class. The day we'd all graduated from...
Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...
Hookup Sites-- FEBRUARY 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- I knocked, and after a little while the door swung open. Brooke gave me a smile and said, "Hey. It's good to see you. Feels like it's been forever." "Seventeen days," I replied. "But yeah, it's been a while." "We've talked on the phone," she protested, recognizing the hurt tone in my voice. I rolled my eyes. "To scold me about the sex tape." She frowned. "There was at least one other call before that ... like a week ago." "When I asked...
The following is a TRUE STORY about an amazing college fling I had — I recently helped a lovely young woman, Zelda, discover her sexual maturity: i.e., lose her virginity. Other than the names have been changed and the exact locations disguised — everything described herein is true and correct and happened the summer of 2015 in western Massachusetts. ZELDA AT AMHERST I think the term, “losing one’s virginity” is a bit old fashioned and has negative connotations of very traditional gender...
~~Julias~~ “The Carthians are rebels without a cause. They don’t do well taking orders from the older covenants, and work to try and establish more modern forms of government.” Julias paced back and forth in his kitchen, glass of red in his hand and his childe at the counter. “They don’t sound bad,” the boy said. “They’re not ‘bad,’ but they’d tear down generations of structure, of heritage, of rules and dynasties just because it doesn’t have the flash of a modern government.” He gave a...
~~Jack~~ Jack’s eyes went wide. Half of Viktor’s head was gone, just gone. The bloody gibs of brain matter and bone turned into tiny fires that faded into ash and embers before they even hit the ground. “Shit! Shit shit, what-” Julias put a hand against Jack’s mouth, and pushed him back against the wall. “Sniper, down the path.” Jack reached up and pulled his sire’s hand down. “What about Viktor!? The fuck are we supposed to do now?” Just as he was about to start ranting, his jaw dropped...
~~Antoinette~~ “Oh god oh god oh god.” Jack, trembling and ready to sweat — though thankfully unable without the blush of life — looked out over the crowd. The two of them were in Bloodlust, one of her fonder establishments to enjoy. The pulsing music, and the dark red lightning with the occasional white light strobe made for a combination of sinister, sexual, and theatrical visual stimuli. Everyone in Bloodlust felt as if they were partaking in a movie. Everyone except her poor little...
~~Beatrice~ Part of her wanted to sneak up on Julias, try and catch him by surprise, see if her scant twenty years could get past the man’s eyes. Have fun! Play with him, like old times. But, these weren’t old times, and her sneaking into his mansion, or trying to at least, was a bad idea. He probably had lookouts about, snipers, and they’d shoot first if they saw suspicious rustling in bushes. So the front door it was. Knock knock. “Good evening Miss Damor, Miss Denver,” the doorman said....
~~Jack~~ His trip to speak with Azamel had been successful, more or less. Azamel looked worse than ever, but he found her speaking with Sándor, and it seemed like they were coming to some sort of agreement. Not that Jack got to stick around long enough to find out more. Azamel promptly booted him out, saying her arrangements with Sándor were none of his business. It was his business, kinda. It was his job to keep the different species getting along. But he left anyway, a bit thankful for...
JANUARY 2003, WINTER BREAK When I returned to my house, it was just before 4pm. All was quiet but the Mustang was parked out on the sidewalk again. Adrienne must be home. I walked into the room and looked over to find my girlfriend sitting on my bed, hugging a pillow. There were tear tracks down her cheeks and her eyes were bloodshot as she glanced up at me. She took one look at my well-fucked appearance and squeezed her eyes shut, pinching her chin in towards her chest while she curled...
-- TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- I was waiting outside her office, leaning against the wall with a paperback of Sudoku puzzles in my hand. I was so engrossed in my current puzzle that I didn't notice her arrival. One minute, I was marking dots to represent the number 2 in a square in the upper-right hand corner; the next, she was clearing her throat right in front of me. "Benjamin. You are in my way," Viktoriya Isakova stated calmly with a bemused smile on her face. I dropped...
-- SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2006 -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" a girl moaned and I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into somebody's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her. My eyes fluttered for a brief second,...
~~Antoinette~~ From the meeting room of her great glass tower in Elysium, Antoinette stood in front of the window-wall, and watched the city burn. Far off in the distance, the night sky had turned slightly orange with the light of flame, as the large fire of the North Side’s warehouse district spread. Sirens filled the air, and flashing lights of firetrucks and other emergency vehicles zipped by. “It burns,” she said. “Quite the sight.” Jacob stood beside her. The old Nosferatu was...
~~One week later.~~ ~~Jack~~ “Twenty million.” “Fifty million.” “Twenty million.” “I’m sorry. Is there an echo in here?” The sly brute adjusted his gloves, even as he put his feet up on the table. A pistol rested in his chest strap, mirrored by the four thugs who stood behind him. Thugs in suits. “I know what the merchandise is worth, and it’s not worth fifty,” Jack said. He was standing, with his arms folded across his chest and a surly look on his face. It was all part of the game, of...
~~Jack~~ Back at the burned apartment building, alone this time, and using his free time as well. Course, Invictus didn’t exactly mandate hours, but you were expected to work a certain amount. Work above that, accomplish things, and you moved up in rank and social standing; which was like gold in the Invictus. And he wanted to figure this out, who burned down this building, who killed Barry. He stood atop the ceiling of a neighboring building. The sun had just set, and he only had a couple...
~~Julias~~ Everything had fallen apart in a matter of seconds. When it was just the six hunters, he and his childe could have handled the situation easily. Even Angela, for all her absurd might and endurance, was only human. Six humans? He could have handled this himself. Having to work quickly, break through Angela’s defenses, deal with a magical barrier, and save Samantha, threw a wrench into what would have otherwise been simple. Unless the hunters managed to nail him with a shotgun or...
~~Beatrice~~ “It this ... everyone?” Sighing, Jack nodded, crouched low on the roof of Robina’s. “Clara’s not here yet, but yea, h this is everyone. If any of the hunters escape into a nightmare, Azamel will send Fiona to help us on that end. You know, assuming she can find us.” Beatrice started counting. Six vampires, one werewolf, and one monster; potentially two monsters, if they had to fight in the nightmare. That was not nearly as many people as Triss was hoping for. And, for some...
-- FEBRUARY 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- Sasha appeared in the archway between the hallway and the living room, clad in a plush terrycloth bathrobe over dark green and red plaid flannel pajamas. "Rough night?" I picked my head up and immediately winced, my temples throbbing as my field of vision moved faster than my sense of balance could handle at the moment. I once had looked up the symptoms of an alcohol hangover. They included dehydration, fatigue, headache, body aches, elevated body...
-- TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2006, WINTER BREAK -- A stray beam of sunlight woke me up in the morning. So much had been going on last night, I must not have been very careful about shutting the curtains all the way. There was about an inch of space between the two curtain halves, and at this very time on this very date, the sunlight came through at just the right angle to hit the very spot where the covers didn't completely cover my head. I found myself in a familiar position, spooned around the...
-- OCTOBER 2005, SENIOR YEAR -- She couldn't see us, not with the stage lights in her eyes and the darkness of the audience. But we could see her, and at virtually the same time Bert and I turned and gaped at each other. Between us, Kim glanced back and forth at each of us with raised eyebrows, although without the expression of utter shock. Kady and Noelle were still out on their private dance, and Lynne was oblivious, her attention on the stage as she checked out the gorgeous brunette....
SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 2004, SOPHOMORE YEAR "I just need some time, okay?" Dawn's words were the same as yesterday, but I didn't feel nearly as scared now as I did then. Yesterday, the mere fact that Dawn was asking for time instead of enthusiastically proclaiming her love and desire to get back together made me worry that she WASN'T going to get back together with me. Today? I knew it just meant exactly what she was saying. She needed time: time to make a clean break with Ryan, time to...
NOVEMBER 2003, SOPHOMORE YEAR "I'm sorry things didn't work out with you and DJ." Dawn squeezed my hand and patted my shoulder. It was Monday morning and we were sitting on a bench by Memorial Glade, just outside the Main Library. After spending the weekend hiding out inside the house with Dayna, Brandi, and Adrienne, I'd finally told Dawn the story while we had an hour to kill in between classes. She seemed a little disappointed that I hadn't talked with her sooner, but now wasn't...
DECEMBER 2002, FRESHMAN YEAR "I was pretty sure I heard Brett and Alan's voices," Matt Kanemura stated, the lanky Hawaiian boy running his right hand through his multi-toned streaked hair before rubbing his scalp. It was the Sunday immediately after Saturday's blindfold orgy, and he, Kevin Weiss, and myself were sitting in the living room. Kevin nodded. "So just the five of us?" Matt shrugged. "Makes sense. Or do you think Ryan was there, too? After all, Dawn is a roommate,...
-- THURSDAY, MAY 4, 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- "So you seem pretty chipper today," Sasha commented while squeezing my hand. She looked absolutely adorable in a navy blue Cal baseball cap, with her rich dark hair poking through the hole in the back as a ponytail. A ringer T-shirt that hugged her big tits and spray-painted jeans completed her sporty but sexy look. I shrugged and replied, "I had a nice night." "And a nice morning, from the sounds of it," Sasha giggled. I let my mind's eye...
~~Beatrice~~ Following the Invictus right hands was hard enough, but now she had to follow three. Shadowing Julias was easy. Like a typical Ventrue, he was useless on his own. His power was in creating and controlling armies. But damn he looked good in a suit. Those broad shoulders, the combed back mafia hair, even the damn tie. It was a good thing she wasn’t using the blush of life, or she’d be rubbing her thighs together already. Fuck, the stupid knight made her feel like a cat in...
~~Beatrice~~ She had to get something to eat first, then she’d show Julias. She’d show up and beat the undead shit out of that piece of shit, stupid shit fuck. Eat first though, definitely. She was drained and tired from shadowing the trio, and there was no way she was going to confront big bad ancillae Julias without a stomach full of blood. She’d tried feeding on some people gently lately, using the darkness and her strength to her advantage. It had worked well enough, and she’d had more...
~~Julias~~ A taxi would not do, not for this. Perhaps it was too ridiculous, too absurd, or just too over-the-top, but Julias took great delight in the magnificent limousine they were in. Other Kindred would arrive in their usual ways, but the Prince expected a certain level of presentation for her ball, and Julias got that. There was something beautifully innocent in the mindless indulgence of expensive vice, jewelry, and wearing someone on your arm. Jack was in the limousine with him,...
~~Natasha~~ She stood there in front of Sándor, frowning, arms folded across her chest, and chewed on the inside of her cheek. Antoinette stood beside her. A thrall was busy cleaning of the prisoner’s body; it was a human body after all, and it did things human bodies did. Pooping, peeing, all the nasty realities of trying to keep a dangerous person prisoner. The horror stories prisoners of war shared were never fun reads. “Still unresponsive,” Antoinette said, sighing. “The mark on his...
~~Jack~~ Her. It was her. No doubt about it. As if someone popped a balloon in his face, snapping out of his memory to the present was loud and painful. That was Susanna’s childe, and Jack’s great grandsire. “In the name of peace,” Antoinette continued, “these three hunters were invited to the ball to be shown that Dolareido, my city, is not as devolved as other cities with a Kindred presence. We are better than our baser desires.” She adopted an evil smile, and looked back to the hunters....
Je donne rendez-vous à Mélissa vers 20h dans une commune avec pour consigne une jupe sans sous-vêtement avec un petit mot bien décolleté. Arrivée 20h je rejoins Mélissa nous avons chacun notre voiture je l'embrasse en guise de bonjour et je lui dis prends ta voiture et suis-moi. Nous nous sommes dirigés vers un belvédère la nuit commence à tomber nous descendons chacun de nos voitures et nous nous dirigeons vers le point de vue, là je place Mélissa contre la barrière je lève sa jupe, elle ne...
Hello, guys! This is my fourth story in ISS and hopes you guys had enjoyed my previous stories. But I was very disappointed in the feedback section as major replies were for having sex with me and even some guys have sent there dicks pictures also. This was highly insane. Coming back to the topic in this post you guys will come to know about sexual activity during our college fest and even on the refuge flat. This incident took place when I had shifted to a new building in my home town. The...
-- MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2006, SPRING BREAK -- "Hey you," Bert greeted me from the other end of the phone line. "Thought I'd check in and see how you were holding up. Staying hydrated? Haven't been worked to exhaustion?" "Very funny. You at Stanford now?" "Yeah, spending Spring Break with Lynne. Only she's not on Spring Break, so I figure I'll be spending a good bit of time on my own. She just left for class." "Ah." "So what's this Sasha tells me about life in your house...
Kink and BDSM porns had always intrigued me. I had been so much curious about them that I got a few toys at home. I never got the chance to try them though since most women freaked out at the idea. I eventually stopped telling my dates about the fantasy and my kinky sexcapades. I am a dom, you see. I wanted to meet the perfect submissive who can appreciate my lifestyle. I never imagined it will eventually come true after the array of failed dates. Jennifer- the calm, sweet face deceived nothing...
BDSMHi all this is my second true story.Well this is when I am in college at Towson College as it was called when I was there.This area at the time had 5 colleges with in about 7 miles of each other. So there was and large population of young people. Playboy at this time liked the Towson college area and had called it the number one in the country for best looking girls. This was due to the fact that for every male there were 4 females at the college plus all the other colleges in the area.NOte:...
somewhere in the year of 2011, when I was pursuing my engineering. Our college was located in the outskirt of Chennai, and the final year students had to do an engineering project, and to prepare the project for every little thing we had to visit Chennai around 100 Kms from our college location. So normally we used to go early morning and come back late in the night. All the final year students used to wait for holidays to go to Chennai to finish our projects, which would mean at least 20 -25...
Dear ISS readers, This is Rajesh () from Chennai…This is my first post in ISS so please bear my mistakes Here’s a true story of mine, somewhere in the year of 2011, when I was pursuing my engineering. Our college was located in the outskirt of Chennai, and the final year students had to do an engineering project, and to prepare the project for every little thing we had to visit Chennai around 100 Kms from our college location. So normally we used to go early morning and come back late in the...
(episode 17) After I finished writing and posting, “The Ménage-A-Trois,” I began to reminisce about all of the great times my friends and I had my last 2 years of college living in that rental house that we had restored in exchange for free rent. It was perhaps the most memorable 2 year period ever for me. It began with that friends-with-benefits period that lasted a few months peaking out during Fall semester of 2006 of my Junior year at the University of Georgia. Chip and Vic, my two best...