Sex With My Awesome Elder Sister
- 4 years ago
- 23
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Mark’s friend Jesse had a big basement. There was a pool table, air hockey, a whole TV/Stereo set up with lounge chairs and a big couch. But no one was playing the games or watching a movie. The lights had been dimmed at strobe lights were flashing and moving with the music.
Mark had never been to a Mactown party before, he spent most of his time an hour north, on the other side of the city. But it was more than he’d ever dreamed. This high school party made college parties he’d been to look like they’d been run by Mormons. Mark had been struggling on which university to go to after high school, and this was the selling point for the local schools. Alcohol was flowing and weed was getting passed from hand to hand. By themselves this wasn’t special from other parties of course. What did make them special were the girls.
The modest ones were wearing corsets, string bikinis, tassels, and outfits as revealing as they could make them. The shameless ones were already on the couple of stripper poles, naked as the day they were born, some with anal plugs and nipple clamps.
“Your parents are good with this?” Mark asked Jesse, shouting over the music.
Jesse shrugged, “Didn’t tell them about the drugs and alcohol, but nothing wrong about inviting girls, right?”
“Yeah but,” Mark watched a blond girl, no older than sixteen with obviously fake tits wildly riding on top of someone’s dick shouting submissive obscenities. “Well we’re eighteen, you don’t think we could be in serious trouble?”
“More than that, some of these girls we paid for, and the ones we didn’t, well let’s just say it’s an offer they don’t refuse.” Jesse put a hand on Mark’s shoulder, “And that’s part of the fun isn’t it, the risk?”
Mark couldn’t argue there. But his skin still crawled. Not that he had a problem with girls flashing their bodies at him. These were the kinds of girls he’d only dreamed of and here they were offering themselves to him. But his dad was investigating the whole of Mactown, and Mark and his sister were explicitly forbidden from coming here. But Mark took the risk, after much pressure and hints from Jesse that Mark wouldn’t regret it. Now that he was here, a naked fifteen-year-old brunette with heavy breasts and an ass he could suffocate in grinding into his groin, he was coming to the conclusion the risk was well worth it.
“You like how I move my body on yours?” the girl whispered to him.
His hands glided to her tits, “Fuck yes.”
“But you boys didn’t only call us here to dance, did you?” She kissed him deeply then released, “Don’t you want to fuck my brains out?” She asked sweetly.
“Hell yeah,” Mark laughed as she took his hand and led him to the couch where he was finally going to lose his virginity.
It felt early in The Classroom. But Sarah wouldn’t have been able to tell since it was always dark inside. The strobe lights and windows made constant and powerful glares. Only what they were listening to on the bar’s playlist could give a hint of what time it was. But Sarah wasn’t listening to the music.
Sarah was dressed in the remnants of a maid outfit. Only the stockings and gloves left on. With red nipple clamps and a ball gag in her mouth. Her curly black hair pulled back in a messy ponytail. Her smooth suntanned skin barely visible except in the flashes of light, and her rosy cheeks were flushed even redder.
She was on top of her mathematics teacher Mr. Teller, his meat sword balls deep and hitting her cervix. While the vice principal Mr. Ivormore had his shaft deep in her underage colon ravaging at her insides in an angry desperation. Sarah leaned back and hung her head on Mr. Ivormore’s shoulder. The two of them moved roughly underneath her. Their erections swirling and digging deep inside Sara’s holes. Sarah was huffing and puffing through her nostrils, her eyes switched back and forth between widening like saucers when the two men pumped into her in savagery, and half-lidded when they were hitting her sweet spots hard, but slowly.
Mr. Teller was a short and stocky man with a white beard and glasses. Mr. Ivormore was tall and stooping, his hair in a crew cut and a surprising tattoo of an eagle on his shoulder.
They’d came in a few hours ago while Sarah had been dancing on the pole. She’d been dressed in black leggings and ‘X’ pasties that said ‘Sex please’ on them. Her panties were black see-through with pink bows at the top. There’d been a generous crowd gathering at her pole shouting derogatory things and filming her dance. A couple of dollar bills were thrown at her feet. If she was feeling really generous, she’d let someone tuck a bill or two in her leggings. But most people knew to pay the club directly, since she was underage and not allowed to work. But as her boss said, “no problem against serving your community, right?” about an hour later and someone requested she wear her maid outfit, a popular piece for Sarah. That’s when the schoolteachers came over to fuck their underage student.
Sarah was nervous about dancing and prostituting herself for money at first. But her dad had been so excited about it that she couldn’t say no. She also wasn’t allowed to of course. She quickly fell in love with it. She loved giving her body over and getting money for it. She loved even more that her dad was getting the money directly. It felt hotter to her. And she loved the excitement and danger that came with it.
Mr. Ivormore roughly grabbed at her bare breasts. Sarah yelped through the ball gag as he pawed at her.
“This is very indecent of you Sarah,” he growled at her. “It’s no wonder you come late every morning.”
Sarah would have argued that she only worked three days out of the week, and rarely through nights. It was actually her dad and brother who took up all of her time. Except she couldn’t speak.
“You can’t blame her though,” Mr. Teller huffed as he pumped into her. “Her body was made for fucking.”
He put his hands around her neck and Sarah’s eyes rolled into her head. Her body was going through too much stimulation. But it was also just so erotic. Mr. Teller was fifty-seven and had been eye raping her for weeks. He prayed on all the girls in class, but Sarah was clearly his special target. At first it was just passing glances, a pat on her shoulder. Then lingering eyes and him touching her hand when he gave her a marker to write on the board. Until recently when he was directly staring down her cleavage as he rubbed her shoulders while everyone in class watched. Sarah would have to keep her legs pressed tightly together so her pussy wouldn’t leak so much. But then that also stimulated her clit.
Mr. Ivormore had his eyes on her for weeks as well. He’d wait outside watching students come into the school, searching for misbehaving students. Then he’d catch Sarah’s eye and pull her into a side hallway in the guise of privacy, but everyone could see anyway. He’d search her, saying he kept getting tips that she was bringing drugs into the school. There was no ramp up to his manhandling. He directly put his hands on her body, touching every inch of skin he could. Eventually he started going behind her clothes, and even had her strip down to her nakedness in front of all the passing students. He’d bend her over and stick his lubed fingers into her holes, allegedly searching for drugs. When she was cleared only then would he give her, her clothes back. His gaze and rough hands always sparked a fire between Sarah’s legs, no matter how much she protested to him that she had nothing.
Finally, the sexual tension had broken, and Sarah was on the verge of her sixth climax of the evening.
“That—ugh—doesn’t excuse—ugh—tardiness,” Mr. Ivormore grunted as he forced himself deeper into Sarah. She whimpered at his forcefulness, and he slapped her perky tits for good measure. “I now see I had good reason to expect drugs.”
Mr. Teller pulled the ball gag out of Sarah’s mouth and she gasped for a deep breath. She didn’t get a full one though because he dove straight for her mouth and kissed her deeply. He gripped onto her ass greedily and smacked her fourteen-year-old cheeks.
When he pulled from her face he squeezed her cheeks with a hand. “Don’t listen to him Sarah. You’re a model student in my book. Literally, you’d be great for our school catalog. We could put you in the mathematics section if you joined the Math Club. The boys would love to have you, I’m sure.”
Sarah imagined all the math nerds in their glasses holding calculators and pencils and notebooks, all staring shamelessly at her lewd body. She knew all she’d do was serve her body up like a plate of meat. Sarah smiled and bit her lip at Mr. Teller.
“You—you want to use me? You want to give me—pass me over—like a little toy? I could be a good little toy for you Mr. Teller,” Sarah said desperately.
He nodded, “That’s right you little minx. I want you for our little sessions. I want the boys too share you like the piece of meat you are. Give them a little reward for doing a good job. You can be their trophy.”
“If I go, can I get better grades on my quizzes?” Sarah panted and bounced her hips back and forth between the two of them. She already had pretty good grades, but she knew she could get better ones, and all the sex was getting in the way of studying. That was true for a lot of girls. So many tried using sex to help their cases out.
“Maybe,” he whispered harshly at her. “But you’re going to have to pay for it with this body of yours a lot than just once.”
“I will. I will. I can do that! Yes, yes, YES, YES! YES!” Sarah screamed as she climaxed again. Stars flashing in her vision and a huge crash of ecstasy flooding her body.
Mr. Ivormore grabbed her hair in a fist and pulled her back so they were looking at each other. Her face was sweating, and he had a hungry and animalistic look in his eyes.
Sarah licked her lips at him, “Am I being a good student Mr. Ivormore. I promise I’m just trying to be good. If you—if you—if you fuck me really good like this, I promise I’ll keep being good. Please, just treat me like your little sex doll.”
Mr. Ivormore responded by slapping her across the face and pumping into her with a fervent zeal so assertive Sarah was screaming and pumping back at him. Sarah’s movements only tightened her hole around Mr. Teller and he was pumping into her just as hard. Before any of them knew it the two men were pouring their cum loads into Sarah’s underage body.
The three of them panted and froze as they recovered. They eventually separated and Mr. Ivormore sat on the couch. Sarah was able to extricate herself as the two men cleaned up and dressed.
“Do you think that was enough to get a bump in my last quiz grade?” Sarah asked.
Mr. Teller shook his head and looked smug, “No, no, no, little girl. I can’t give you a better grade for something you did in this place. That would be very improper. You want better grades, you come to my office hours or math club. But make sure to bring ... ah ... the right outfit.”
Sarah pouted and rose up to her feet to collect her skimpy clothes. She took the ball gag completely off and her nipple clamps, sighing at the relief that it gave her. Then she yelped when Mr. Ivormore slapped her naked ass.
“I want you to send me photos before school every morning. Make sure you’re still following the rules,” he said.
Sarah nodded with excitement, “Yes sir, I promise.”
It was late and the two teachers left Sarah behind. She was already past her shift, and it was time for her to go. But she had to check in with her boss or else her dad wouldn’t make the cash she worked for. This was one of the most demeaning parts of her job, and one of her favorites.
Outside her office flanked two bouncers. They were easily over a foot taller than Sarah and she had to almost look straight up to see either of their faces. Each had a big beard and tattoos up to their neck. They were barrel chested with vast bellies and thick arms. Sarah wasn’t necessarily attracted to muscle men, but they were so big and imposing all she ever wanted was to be underneath them taking their meaty rods.
There was a moment’s hesitation. Sarah was stark naked and they were both drinking in her exposed flesh. Then one of them raised an eyebrow and Sarah went down to her knees. The other put a collar attached to a chain around her neck and inserted a butt plug attached to a long furry tail. Then progressed to lead her into the office, Sarah walking on all fours, her ass up in the air.
Inside the office was a trio of rooms connected by one long hallway. The bouncers led her down to the one at the furthest end where her boss was waiting. Jerry Summers was on the computer working on some kind of spreadsheet. He turned to the door when they entered.
“Sarah, it’s you. You had a very good day baby girl,” he said.
Sarah, on her knees, sat back so her round butt was resting on her feet. She smiled and tucked her chin her hair behind her ear. “Thanks, I had so much fune.”
“Glad to hear it,” he stood up and Sarah stared at his body. It wasn’t very impressive. He was lanky and tall and stooped. But behind his shirt he had a hairy chest and strong arms. Plus, he was so domineering it was hard for Sarah not to be severely turned on.
“Do you think I was the MVW?” She asked. She felt silly asking, but she wanted to know so badly. “I tried really, really hard today.”
“Yes, you did.” Jerry nodded, his hand on his chin. “Do you know what the Most Valuable Whore entails?”
Sarah shrugged, “You don’t tell my dad?”
Jerry shook his head, “Well maybe, but that’s not what I’m talking about. You know, your dad tells me you’re a smart girl. Finished middle school with practically all A’s. So, you really know how to use your head. But I was wondering if you knew the answer to a bit of a science question. We use our mouths for talking and eating and breathing, but do you know what the most important function your mouth has?”
Sarah shook her head, but she thought she had a feeling.
“It’s using those pretty little lips of yours for sex, obviously,” then Jerry pointed at the bouncers.
The bouncer holding her leash pulled Sarah into his groin. She yelped, surprised, and he forced a gargantuan member that he’d pulled out when she wasn’t looking between her lips. Sarah’s eyes filled with wetness and everything was blurry. All she could see was a massive form thrusting above her while her mouth was soaking his cock. His hand wrapped around her head and he shoved her face into his groin. His cock was forced past her mouth and down her throat.
She loved the feeling of getting choked by dick. Her throat stretched to accommodate his girth and she bobbed her head to stroke him on the inside. Sarah put her hands on the back of his legs and pulled herself in. She could feel his massive balls resting at her chin. He slowly drew back out so only his tip was inside. Then proceeded to jam his cock straight back in as hard as he could. Sarah gagged and some saliva dribbled down her chin.
She was finally able to blink the tears out of her eyes and stare up at the bouncer. He was staring at her tits, not at her. Sarah realized she’d been working there for almost a month now and doubted he knew her name. She knew his, it was John.
Sarah remembered less than a year ago she would have been disgusted with someone who would do the kind of thing she was doing now. That she’d be ashamed of letting herself be used by someone like this. Worse that he probably didn’t know her name. And so quickly Sarah turned into a girl who was willing to do anything for her body to be appreciated. To feel appreciated and desired. She loved feeling wanted. It was the greatest feeling and only sex got her there anymore. Somewhere not so deep-down Sarah knew this was bad. That his was wrong and she should be more than a sex puppet. And every now and again she’d try and be someone else, she’d try to be respectable and not such a degenerate. But it never lasted long. As soon as she got a whiff of man her pussy soaked, and she’d become putty in someone’s hand.
Her subservience was at its extremes when someone was abusing her. Just like John was doing to her now. Sarah did everything to make him happy. To get him to rough her up more even though he was already positively beating her throat up. Her nose was even starting to hurt a little. Sarah bounced on her ass, she jiggled her tits, she messaged his balls and put them in her mouth while she stroked his dick. She put his hand around her throat and on her tits and he responded by grabbing them both tightly. She made loud gagging noises and got things really sloppy, smearing all the juices and slime on her tits and face. Not soon enough Sarah felt him tense up and jam her face as far into her groin as she could, and he pumped his bucket load of cum straight down her throat and into her stomach.
It was so far back her throat she didn’t even get to taste it. Sarah could feel the powerful spurts land against her walls and ricochet down her gullet. She wanted to taste his cum too, and had to settle for the little dribbles that were left as he pulled out. Sarah licked her lips and looked up at the other one. His cock just as big.
“Ok, your turn,” she said with a cute smile and laugh.
He was on her immediately and treated her just as roughly.
Jerry was behind giving encouragement, “You really know how to take a big cock don’t you slut.”
She felt him snatch her hair up and grab at her naked breast. He started spanking her ass and Sarah’s eyes watered. She couldn’t cry out or anything because she was silenced by the bouncer’s fat dick.
“Look at you, degenerate little cum guzzler,” Jerry tweaked Sarah’s nipple. “You love being treated like a cum dumpster, don’t you?”
Sarah nodded and whined. Her face and throat still being ravaged by the bouncer.
Jerry stood up and pulled his lengthy member out. “Come on baby girl, share the love.”
Sarah wrapped her fist around his shaft and jerked him off. She quickly started going back and forth between the two men.
Jerry laughed as he pumped his cock in Sarah’s throat. “Nothing like using a teenager’s throat to get off, am I right Terrance?” the two of them fist bumped, and Sarah’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as he kept his cock soaking in her throat.
The two of them would share her mouth, both dicks inside, each trying to invade her gullet. Sarah had to be careful they didn’t shove her down, but she let them do what they wanted with her. They had her hair in their hands and bounced her mouth up and down their shafts, switching every time she resurfaced.
Jerry put her face in his hands while she stroked him. He was squeezing her cheeks. “You are such a pretty little fourteen-year-old,” he said.
The bouncer slapped her chest, “Fucking sexy body to. Puberty did her good.” Again, they laughed.
Soon Sarah had them both in her mouth. She was stroking them with her hands and messaging their heads and shafts with her dexterous tongue. Then they both touched fists and said “Together.” Before she knew it, on count of three, they both let their loads free. The two organs spasmed in Sarah’s wet mouth and quickly filled her up until it was overflowing.
Sarah swirled her tongue around its new contents, savoring the delicious salty fluids. It was leaking onto her chin and cheeks, but she didn’t care. She let Jerry take a few photos and put them on the club’s website. Sarah closed her mouth and continued to bask in its flavors just before swallowing it all.
Jerry sat back down on his chair. And the bouncers let go of Sarah’s chain.
“Alright, it’s time for you to head on home baby.”
Sarah shouldered her backpack and left the club in red and white tennis shoes, a thin bright yellow tank-top that cut off just below her nipples and was too small to contain her side-boob or cleavage, and a pleated yellow miniskirt. The sun was still up and she had to meet her dad so they could both go home. All in her provocative getup, Sarah headed brazenly through the city.
The school bus had driven the fifteen minutes into downtown and dropped her off in front of the club but didn’t run past the afternoon. Luckily her dad worked in the city relatively nearby. All she had to do was walk about a half hour worth of streets to get to her dad’s office.
The walk was a little uncomfortable. The city was on an awkward transition zone in Mactown where the club was able to exist normally, but most of the people who lived around the area weren’t as caught up with Mactown’s type of normalcy. So, Sarah was getting a lot of stares. Most people weren’t used to seeing fourteen-year-old girls dressed like pornstars.
But as uncomfortable as it was, it was even better than getting stared at in Mactown. In Mactown she was expected to look like this. She was supposed to be stared at. And she had to share it with all the other girls. But here, Sarah wasn’t supposed to be dressed as she was. Here men were supposed to stare straight ahead and avoid looking or else be branded as a predator. The upstanding gentlemen had to try as hard as they could to avoid looking despite how much Sarah stuck out. And perverts had to sneak their glances. Sarah was like a beacon of degeneracy and sexual corruption. She felt so objectified and fetishized and it was turning her on all over again. It was all she could do not to masturbate on the side of the street right there.
Sarah made sure to walk in the big crowds. Not once did she go through one and not notice at least one person feel her up. If she got on a bus or train, she made sure to stand in a crowd of men. That was good for a at least five different hands touching her.
Eventually Sarah came close to her dad’s office. It was just two blocks away. She could take the normal way and take time around the corner, but there was a shortcut through the alley she decided to take.
The alley was grungy, smelly, and dark despite the time of the day. It opened in the middle into a square that served as a loading area. She could see the office building on the other end of the alley. The wall was all large windowpanes. And the garage was on the first floor. All she had to do was walk less than five minutes through the alley.
She was about ten steps in, just past a dumpster when a voice stopped her.
“Where you off to in such a hurry?” It was a tall and lanky black boy. Easily early twenties in sweats and big brand sneakers with cornrows. He’d appeared from just behind the dumpster, waiting for Sarah.
He approached and Sarah instinctively backed away, bumping her bubble butt into the brick wall. More boys were approaching from the end Sarah had come from.
The black boy caressed her face and Sarah shuddered, “You still must’ve missed us babe.”
Sarah licked her lips. “You have more this time,” she whimpered.
This guy had ambushed her before. The first time he’d raped her with only two buddies. She remembered that time well. It had been so surprising and quick it was hard to forget the dirty and cruel things they said to her. Each time they said something mean or demeaning, and every time it got worse, Sarah involuntarily spread her legs wider and wider. She knew she shouldn’t go down the same short cut again, but they jumped her somewhere else to, this time with five friends. The third time there were a dozen of them. She gave up going down different paths and just chose the alleyway this time. It was better to be raped in the alley than pulled into a shop or an abandoned building.
“Fuck you weren’t lying my man.” Sarah didn’t recognize who said that. She barely recognized any of them.
Someone pulled her backpack off her and threw it by the wall. Some of them started going through it.
“Hey stop!” Sarah moved forward, but the boy held her back.
He tsked at her, “Relax baby, we’re just giving it a good look. Not gonna take nothin.”
“Maybe,” One of the said before snickering.
“You think she’ll let me fuck her in the butt?”
“Let you? Man, pay attention. She doesn’t get a say. Just do it. It’s not like anyone’s going to report you.”
“Shit look at those tits, and at her age? They get sluttier and tastier every year.”
He must have really been spreading the word because there were over twenty guys milling into the alleyway. He tore her top off in one quick motion, her tits revealed and nipples proudly erect. It was a stripper’s top, designed to be easily ripped and it fell away like paper, tossed into the dumpster.
Someone pulled out her phone. He was tall and had his shaggy blond hair tied up in a messy man-bun. He used her facial recognition to open it. Almost immediately he opened Instagram and started a livestream.
He flashed a peace sign and went, “Heyyyy y’all, we out here with a fine ass chick.” He pointed the camera at Sarah while she was still being caressed. “Stay tuned, cause we going to see what this bitch is made of.”
His friends cheered and hollered. Sarah couldn’t see, but the viewership started skyrocketing.
“Please, don’t be too rough,” Sarah said softly, looking at the ground.
She heard the main boy lick his lips, “Yeah ... there’s a lot of my boys here. Not sure I can promise that.”
Sarah was shoved up against the dumpster, just out of sight from the sidewalk. Her tits were mashed up against the grimy cold metal. A curious eye would have easily been able to investigate. Only the wall of twenty-something boys was really providing anything stopping passerby from discovering what they were doing to Sarah.
“Anyone know how old she actually is?”
“Man, I don’t think that’s something we want an answer to. Just say she’s eighteen and move on.”
“Shit her ass if fucking thick.”
The blond-haired guy lined up their growing member under Sarah’s skirt and shoved her face into the filthy metal. He pressed his cockhead at her backdoor and pressed into her. Sarah was glad for her training because without it his unceremonious insertion into her butthole might’ve have been excruciating. But no, it was only a moderate level of pain, and an undeniable pleasure. Her ass stretched and stretched. Her colon accommodated for the invasion and spread a painful warmth all over Sarah’s body. Her mouth opened and she hung her tongue, out despite the risk of it touching the dumpster. She began to heave her breaths.
“Listen to the slut, panting like a bitch.” Someone slapped her ass and Sarah yelped.
Whoever was behind her moaned in pleasure, “Fuuuuuck. I never fucked a high schooler in the ass before.” He started pumping in and our faster and harder.
Sarah heard someone hitting the guy behind her and she suppressed a whine. She didn’t want to tell them that she should be the one getting hit.
“Man, don’t say that shit. We don’t know how old she is. If anyone asks, she’s eighteen, remember that.”
“Right,” he was huffing and puffing, really pounding into Sarah’s ass. “Sorry boss.”
Sarah couldn’t suppress the moaning and groaning any longer. They tried shutting her up by covering her mouth but it didn’t do much. Her tits and ass jiggled as he pounded into her small and curvaceous frame. Her skirt fluttered in the air. Her body shook as a climax washed over her. She could barely suppress her scream as the ecstasy thrummed through her spine.
In her climax she clenched around the boy’s dick and it sent him into the peak. In a mad frenzy he threw his hips into her naked butt. Then he tensed and she could feel his warm semen flood into her backdoor. Together they panted shuddered from the pleasure.
“Man, there’s a fucking line. Move.”
Sarah heard jostling and then her ass was empty. Sarah wished they’d fill it again soon. Some hands pulled her away deeper into the alley. Around the corner into the larger square clearing there was a small collection of filthy used mattresses. They were covered in stains of all kinds of colors. Sarah remembered the pile from last time. There were new stains since then, and some looked almost fresh.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes, FUCK YES! This bitch is fucking delicious,” whoever was buttfucking Sarah at that moment leaned over and sucked face with her. His tongue was rough and excitedly explored her teenage mouth. Sarah barely could kiss him back he was so assertive.
“Hey, make sure you get a shot of my dick in her ass.”
“Oh fuck, her ass is so tight,” her next rapist said. “It’s squeezing the life out of me. She’s truly a perfect little fuck-toy. Aren’t you baby girl.” He slapped her ass and Sarah screamed.
“Please, be nicer to me,” she said softly. But no one responded.
They threw her onto the pile. Face down, ass up. Someone spread her ass cheeks wide, and they proceeded to run a train on her butthole. One after the other they ravaged her gaping sphincter. They spat in her face and slapped her ass as it jiggled in front of them. They called her degrading names and yanked on her hair so they could slap her across the face. Most didn’t take long, but each took their time to enjoy every bit of her they could. Someone threw down a cap near her face and singles and five-dollar bills started getting tossed in. Some only threw in coins and called her a cheap whore.
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They talked for a while and Helen reassured him that both surgeries could be done during his winter break and he'd be perfectly healed before classes began in February. "Do you really think it would be safe? I mean, would I still be able to teach class without anyone noticing?" "Sure. We wouldn't be making you a woman, just a smoother man. No Adam's apple and no more large nose to take up your whole face. You could even change your frame prescription and all people will say is ?hey,...
Pet had a new assignment last night. Certainly video reinforcement of her slutty sissy desires was on the agenda. But this time, she used multiple neural pathways for her reinforcement. very nice hypnotic trainer, with lots of flashers and captions. But... i wonder? What do ALL those captions really say?Thanks to pet... we now...
Changing Trains By Akira Marx Damn, damn, dammit! Of course the day I planned to get in early to put the finishing touches on that presentation for the new account is the morning I sleep through all three alarms I had set. I rushed around my cramped apartment, a couple rooms carved out from the larger whole of a pre-war brownstone, throwing on whatever clothes I've got that aren't too wrinkled. Fuck it, black jeans and this blue and white flannel will have to do. I barely had time...
Starvation and disaster had long devastated the world. No catastrophe had ever been so thorough, or so final. Slow and stealthy, like a stalking lion, it had crept up on the human race, hidden in the long grass of denial, tensing muscles of complacency, before finally pouncing to tear its prey apart with the teeth of climate change. There were floods, and sudden droughts, and then drastic food shortages, with resulting war. Famine and plague spread their long shadows over the land, ushering in...
I lay sleeping in bed, dreaming. Dreaming of the girl that hated my guts - Natalie Harvey, who thought she was god's gift to men. I could see her in my dream vividly - long, glossy, black hair, perfectly round bosoms, slender figure with a silver dress on. She was winking at me and showing her leg. I felt myself begin to breathe heavily as I saw in my dream Natalie was touching herself and then lifting her fingers to her mouth. Suddenly my eyes burst open when I felt something strain against my...
TransI had been racking my brain all week about how they knew the house was supposed to be empty. They clearly could have gotten my name from the wallet they stole. The leader's voice sounded somewhat familiar. Where did I know that voice from...If that movie ever got out, my life would be ruined. I thought about hiring a detective, but that would expose my situation. There had been no activity on any of my stolen credit cards. They probably took the cash and tossed the rest. I scrolled through...
Anch was worried. When she had got back to her household the night before, Natalya had gone. One of the doenyes had told her that Natalya had borrowed a chanoosh and slipped out just before dusk. Then there had been all sorts of a fuss later on when the Overseer had discovered that a pistol was missing from the hunting cabinet. Now it was morning again and there was still no sign of Natalya. When she got to the office Henry was already there, giving her a smile as she came in. She returned...
Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian/bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently,...
Introduction: Jenny and Mallory get Three House Guests Adult Passions – A family that plays together&hellip,. If you havent read my Young Passion and Young Adult Passion series yet. Look Up my old account Author name PASSIONFRUIT. I lost my account password so I cant access it anymore. This story is the first part of the THIRD SERIES. Hope you like. I have to post this as fiction just to protect myself. Enjoy. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- I personally...
As the Segrove household came to life the following morning, the new family to be sat at the table eating breakfast, Samuel and Charlie looked at their Dad, when he said, "Boys we have something to share with you." Samuel knocked the wind out of his sails when he popped up and said, "When are you going to marry our new mommy?" Dave almost said shit out loud, and then he started sputtering, and couldn't form a sentence, let alone a word. Nancy laughed, and said, "Soon Samuel, soon."...
Hi It was 9 months after we were married. My hubby Marc and I decided to go south of the border for a weekend trip shopping. it wasn't a long drive so we got there early and we did a bit of shopping and went to dinner. We decided to go have a few drinks in our hotel lounge (it was 1978) We had 3 or 4 drinks and it doesn't take that much to get me going,there was music so we danced a bit. We went back to our table and there was another drink there for me that we didn't order. I took it and...
When I open the door, the delivery man stands right here before my very own eyes with a very bright and big smile, saying out happily and composedly the words, "Good morning, Miss Mila Brooks." I don't want to be rude to him, but honestly speaking, I woke up in a sour, bitter mood today. With a feigned, insincere, and faked-up smile, I reply him: "Good morning. What can I do for you, sir?" He is standing there with a bunch of cutely and amazing-looking flowers. They must be fairly...
I wasn't feeling over confident but, as what I was about to do was for my husband, I did my best to conceal my doubts and apprehension. I mean, it's not every day that you are about to be fucked by a stranger while your husband watches. Well, it's not for me. I was definitely nervous.The time had arrived and, as requested, I had dressed in high heels, silky hold up stockings and a small g-string with tie sides. Otherwise I was naked except for a dash of my favourite perfume.I was waiting in one...
Philip laughed to himself at all the hot sexy experiences he had enjoyed over that period of years when he was fucking more women than he could keep an accurate count of. It wasn't really funny but as he remembered the entire scenario of how he'd finally decided to fuck his own daughter and his two daughters-in-law to ensure that he and his wife, Mary, had grandchildren, Philip wondered how in the end he kept from fucking himself into a cardiac arrest. He wasn't that old but keeping that...
MONTHS AGO "So is this the lot that you mentioned?" Asked the goth girl standing next to her tanned brunette friend as they were standing before a large empty lot of land in the suburb. "Big enough to build a mansion with the money we have currently" Her friend replied as Gwen looked at the lot and then around the suburb where they were surrounded by villas of different design of shape, size, color and layout. Currently, they are in the most expensive suburb area with one villa causing over...
Sir called. He said very little, as usual. "Boy, be here at 7:30". He didn'thave to say anymore. He knew that i would arrive, open the door, strip offmy clothes and kneel in the foyer. He knew that i would wait. If he took oneminute or three hours. He knew. His boy would wait. And so, after a day ofnegotiating with colleagues and clients, of being in charge, sometimesenjoying the little victories and sometimes pissed because i didn't win, iwas walking to Sir's townhouse. My cock ached because...
The elevator door swung open and we stepped out into the lobby. I was on high alert, very conscious of my nakedness underneath the towel. Grace and I had made a bet on our card game; the loser couldn’t wear anything under their towel to the hotel steam room. I lost.Grace led the way through to the lobby towards the steam room. As we walked, she looked back at me and giggled at my situation. With one motion, she dramatically unwrapped her towel and draped it over her arm, taunting me for not...
Quickie SexHere's a shot of Sassy on the big screen. It didn't load onto the computer as well as it looks on the screen.As for me pleasing myself while looking at Sassy's photos I would take all the photos I have right now {HINT:please send more} and run them in a slideshow format so I could more easily concentrate.Where to begin? Oh, yeah, with a very good grip. I'd cycle through the photos along with several videos of equally alluring women who are being videotaped by their husbands as they are first...
Harry slammed into his captives butt till he passed out form the intense pain of having 14 inches of enormously huge man meat pushed deep into his bowels. Harry laid there for a while, he rose and looked at the window, I moved to the door, Harry opened the door. I walked over to check on the young man as he panted and gasp for air. I turned to look at Harry, he was standing behind the door stroking his enormously elongated cock. He smiled at me and said 'Well, well, well if isn't my little...
Sorry, this is a little long.I need to lay this one to rest (I think) about the sex thing and the guys I’ve been with. Especially after talking to some of my gf’s on here and I think we all agree on it. I have given this some thought – at least more thought than I do when I’m spreading for a cock…Most of the guys who got into our pants, panties, knickers or ‘other’; aren’t gay. Maybe bi, but certainly not gay. Most of mine – maybe with the exception of Roger - were all man. They wanted the...
When Kathy came into the office the next morning she saw Judy sitting behind her desk and stopped dead in her tracks. "He's the one, isn't he? It worked out the way you hoped, didn't it? Judy Jeffries, you are the most beautiful girl in the world this morning. And you look very well fucked!" Kathy and Judy went to the conference room to get coffee and then went to Kathy's office to talk. Judy gave her a blow-by-blow account of the weekend. When she mentioned that Mike had the Medal of...
It was raining when I woke up the next morning. The rain tapping gently against the windows in my bedroom, wind shaking the trees in the backyard. It was one of those days where I wanted to curl up in bed and read, cozy and warm under the covers. But unfortunately at 17 I still needed to go to school. As quickly as I could I scurried into the bathroom and turned on the shower, closing the bathroom door to keep the steam in. Hopefully it would heat the room up a little and take away my chill....
The world is coming to an end, and everything is in complete chaos. I am not sure what is happening. We gather all of our things, that we need, and hurry and get out of this city. There is so much confusion. Is it a bomb? Is it terrorists? We just don’t know. The city is just a mess. Glass everywhere, buildings coming down, smoke, and ash everywhere. People are running, and screaming, and trying to get out of the city. We are together, and we need to find a safe place to hide. I take your hand,...
Straight SexI think it started out as a joke, at least on my part. My friend Tim and I were playing a game of tennis. Neither one of us were very good or serious about the game, but we were both competitive. Tim suggested a “Bet.” The loser would have to suck the winners cock. We laughed and I said, “Yeah right.” Have joking, I then said, Ok. Time joked that he would lose on purpose now. We both laughed, but there was now a tension in the air. The match went on for about an hour, both of us playing hard...
Before the sun got too hot this morning I went for a run, about 4 miles to the park, some floor work on the grass, sit-ups and press ups that sort of thing, then home again. I am getting back into training for the new football season, plus I like to keep in good shape. I love the feel of the chill air on my skin in the morning and the build up of heat as my muscles start working hard. It often reminds me of the warm up to sex and I often find myself running half-stock. This time of year, women...
Straight SexIt was my first full day in Fiji and I had woken excited to have a day to explore this summer wonderland on my own for the day before my friends arrived. I was half-way through my final year of university and a couple of my best girlfriends had decided to drag me away to some place warm and summery to escape the cold and forget about uni for a couple of weeks. Due to a mistake with our flight reservations, I had ended up flying out a day early, with the instigators of this whole adventure...
Mein Herz klopft bis zum Hals, während mein Finger sich in Richtung des Klingelknopfes bewegt. Ich atme noch einmal tief durch, bevor ich ihn drücke."Ding-Dong", ertönte es aus dem Inneren der Wohnung.Was sie wohl gerade macht? Wie lange würde sie brauchen, bis zur Tür zu kommen? Was sagt mir eigentlich, dass sie überhaupt zu Hause ist? Das ist das Problem an einem solchen Überraschungsbesuch. Ich schüttele über meine eigene Panik den Kopf und versuche, mich selbst zu beruhigen. Schließlich...
Instead of going back to the office I decided to go straight home for a change as I hadn’t had the opportunity to catch up with Gemma, my partner, for some time. As my car slowly came into the cul-de-sac where we live I was surprised, but pleased, to see her car parked outside the front of our houseOpening the front door and just about to shout that I was home, I was stopped by the distant noise of a woman groaning. I knew that groan wasn’t from anything else other than pure pleasure and I...
Thank God, they finally made it! Everybody was pleased to meet Turtle's new wives, and John offered to let them stay in the tavern. Blue Jay and Redbird flatly refused to stay in the White man's house. They insisted on having their accustomed hut, and that fit in with what Turtle wanted, too. The two Nipmuck women looked over the hut that Turtle had been living in and snorted something to the effect of "What could you expect from a man?" They tore down what Turtle had built and assembled...
Truthfully, I tried to pretend it didn't happen. I tried to pretend that the best blow job I had ever received hadn't come from my 18-year-old college-freshman sister. I tried to move on...but the reality was when I was with another girl all I thought about was Lilly. When I had late night fantasies it was my sister I was beating off to. We avoided each other for just over a month, which was pretty easy as she lived at the dorms and I lived with buddies, but my parent's 25th wedding anniversary...
That Ghost Is Our Host by C. Sprite (c) 1999 Prologue When Andy and his pals made plans to party in the old Westervelt Mansion, they never dreamed that they were about to become so well acquainted with their feminine side. Chapter One "Come on Rob, stretch", I yelled. "I'm stretching. I can't reach it." Rob suddenly managed to hook his fingers over the top edge of the wall. As he took some of his weight off of my back, I was able to stand up...
I was pretty much the same as every other kid in High School, with the exception that I used to walk around with a raging a hard on all day long. I was such a horny bastard that even I couldn’t believe it. Because of it, I never missed an opportunity to either peek down a womans top, or up a skirt any chance I got. Any age, any type, any race, as long as she was a woman, I wanted to see. Some times so much so that it would get a little out of hand. Like the time I was openly staring at our...
Elle soon had reason to regret having made the requested to be properly wooed. Flowers were arriving at work by courier each day and the women at reception were generating the rumor that Elle must be spreading it around as no one male would be that devoted, even to someone as glamorous as Elle. Hannah had been over the moon when arrived home that evening of Elle’s return to see her again. Donovan had dropped Elle off at the apartment to have a long sleep to reduce jet lag. The hugs and...
I became aware of my and other peoples assumptions and expectations of my Sexuality early and the Birds and Bees Story was repeatedly told to me and sometimes beaten into me. I knew I was trying to find a way to a least dry fuck my mom and suck her tits when the beating came that almost killed her. I had seen mom naked many times, she was not that hot but she was soft and far from a pig. I was there at home, one afternoon and she was not, and when my father got home I was blamed...
To hear your wife tell it, you are the perfect husband; the only man that she will ever want because no other man has ever – or will ever – love her more deeply and selflessly.Attentive; caring; considerate: these are the qualities that most attract a woman to her mate - qualities that you undoubtedly possess, as she so often tells you. A gentleman to the core, always willing to place your wife’s happiness above your own - as it should be, of course - and in return, she takes more than...
LesbianHi! My name is Sandy from Panvel Mumbai, my mail Today I am going to share the enjoyment of my first sex experience with you people (especially girls). I was a student of bsc.and had done my masters specialization in marketing management and currently working in one of the most reputed concerns of India and posted in Mumbai I am 26 years old. Having a good body not so tall but of 5.9″ with good athlete’s body now at this time I feel beautiful girls always attracted me, and women with...
IncestHello, sex story readers, Thank you all readers for your valuable emails and suggestions. I have been asked many times by readers whether my stories are real or imagination, let me tell again, my all stories are my real experiences and I enjoy it a lot. Let me tell about myself, I am decent, good looking, disease free, educated guy from Mumbai. I am 23 and like to enjoy with couples and women and I like to explore all types of kinks and fetishes. You can connect with me on or kik –...
Janelle looked frightened. "I... I had a nightmare about you; I wanted to make sure you were okay." He let her in. She wasn't even dressed -- short-hem long-sleeve white satin robe and slip-on running shoes. "I'm okay," he lied. For the last fifteen minutes he'd been thinking about not telling her about the marble -- about any of it -- but if he didn't, it wouldn't be over, and he wanted it to be over. He was tired of trying to figure her out, and things were only getting weirder,...
I love to read...and not just erotica! I went to the library this afternoon and grabbed a few books from the "New" shelves. Not having heard of some of the authors, I sat down on one of the couches at the back of the library. It's one of my favorite places to read. The rounded back wall is an expanse of tinted windows that overlooks a beautiful park. There's even a covered veranda with tables, for days like today when the weather is nice. Unless I'm sitting and talking with someone, though, I...
VoyeurI used a Porn App (AIO Streamer) this morning, loading up some lesbian strap-on buttfuck movies before I’d even had my morning cup of joe. Stroking my dick always helps me wake me up in the morning, but I think the Uber driver was kind of weirded out. Then again, maybe he was just jealous, as it’s harder for him to whack off on the job. Hell, I’m typing this one-handed, because whacking off is my job! is the home of AIO Streamer, an all-in-one streaming app for watching a ton of...
Useful SoftwareThis chapter was originally part of chapter 3, but it was getting long. So, this is just a continuation of that chapter. It picks up the following morning. ***** Chapter 4 – Paige Tells Her Parents Paige’s dad freaked but her mom defended us dating. Kind of backwards from what Paige expected. Daddy was trying to protect his little girl. It seemed to me Mom was looking at it from Paige’s prospective. When Paige’s mother and father had met they were 20 and 25 respectively. This was the...
"Mum, Dad, there's someone I want you to meet," Cathy yelled from the small hall once they were in. Her mother - a jolly looking woman in her mid thirties by the very Irish name Molly - came up from the kitchen half a story down towards the garden side of the house. She took one look at the visitor and her welcoming smile turned to astonished shock. "Sweet Mother of God! You must be Jennie!" "You know me?" Jennie asked in amazement. "I have never set eyes on you before. But I can...
I woke up late the next morning. I was satisfied from last night and in no hurry. But I had a morning wood that had to be taken care of. I wanted to go and insert it into my mom’s mouth. But that would not be possible while Dad was at home. He did not go to work as it was my last day at the house, and he wanted to see me off. The other option was Aunt. Even though I still had not had sex with her, I was sure she would not resist. Maybe I could even fuck her in front of Uncle. That would be too...
IncestFlying back to Fairhope, I calmed some. The clouds had cleared and flying was more pleasant. Still, I couldn't get centered, I felt uneasy. I got home about ten. Grandfather said, "You had two calls. Dorothy seemed upset. I think you should call her. And a Linda Scott called." I called Dorothy. "Mr. Jenkins, I need to resign. How long can you allow us to get out of the house?" "There's no need to resign. We can talk next week when I come back to campus." "I'm going to tell...
The vehicle that picked me up in the desert was a Hummer. A Sheriff's Deputy, my dad, Jenny girl, and Hal Williams occupied the awkward-looking but spacious and powerful SUV. When the Good Samaritan neighbor called my dad, Dad called Jenny, and after learning about the abduction, she sicced Dad on Hal Williams and Royce Edwards. Two hours later, Dad and the police found the drunken foursome together at Hal Williams' house. Hal caved first when told the police would give him a break if he...
"Answer me before I decide for you!" I coughed and hacked until I couldn't take the burn anymore... "Okay ! I'll do whatever you want...", the tears blurred my vision. Alex chuckled behind me, releasing my neck before stripping me of my top. I was going to be raped. "Turn the fuck around" he said softly and I obeyed . He curled his fingers around my bra and ripped it off. He scoffed, "Look at your little slut tits. What're you? B cup ?" I whimpered in shame. Alex...
Moving to a white neighbor was kind of odd for me. Being a 22-year-old black man and all. My mom wanted to get away from the ghetto life we once lived. She divorced my dad after a 7 year affair he recently told her. She needed a new life and so a girlfriend of hers who happens to be white, invited us to move in with her until my mom got back on her feet.My mom was a strong woman. She has been very proud of all my achievements, especially when I was in school. She was a nice looking lady at...
Kiara Cole was going to get the whole wine and dine experience tonight, but it turns out she could care less. She would much rather be on her knees eating dick than a nice meal. She gets down and takes our studs hard cock in her mouth, stroking it with her hand and getting it wet with her tongue. Then, she slides her pussy back and forth on our studs veiny prick, spasming as she rides in orgasmic delight. Finally, our stud is ready to explode, and he splashes a sticky load of sperm all over...
xmoviesforyouAT SIX O’CLOCK, Elizabeth returned with steak dinners for everyone on duty—especially Jack and Evelyn. She also began shaking martinis for us. It was my favorite interview technique. We sat at the little table between the chairs playing gin until food and drinks had been pushed between us. Jack was nearly catatonic with fear over the coming press conference. “I never talk to people,” he said. “That’s why I like my job, except for being away from Evelyn. Maybe I can get Indira to let her go...
Hi guys this is Amit from Kolkata. This my experience when i was doing my degree.Now i am 27 years working in kolkata. We are staying in a building where 7 other families in the same building campus. My college is from 1PM to 5PM so i will be free and at home till 12:30PM and go by then. Very rarely i study.. Remaining times i used to go to neighbors house or take rest in home. There is a family next our door. Only husband and wife will be in that house, they dont have any children. Uncle is a...
Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and you can see Peggy’s profile and photo under...