Growth SpurtMonth 4A
- 3 years ago
- 17
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The vehicle that picked me up in the desert was a Hummer. A Sheriff's Deputy, my dad, Jenny girl, and Hal Williams occupied the awkward-looking but spacious and powerful SUV. When the Good Samaritan neighbor called my dad, Dad called Jenny, and after learning about the abduction, she sicced Dad on Hal Williams and Royce Edwards. Two hours later, Dad and the police found the drunken foursome together at Hal Williams' house. Hal caved first when told the police would give him a break if he showed them where they'd dumped me.
"The whole thing was just a joke, a way to take Paul down a peg or two," Hal told the police. "We were just about ready to go out and pick him up when you showed up. We do the same thing to initiate new letterman at school."
Joke or no joke, did I let them off the hook? Hell no, I pressed charges. Besides multiple contusions I had two cracked rips. My feet were cut and bleeding, and as feared, I was seriously dehydrated. I spent the night in the hospital.
While lying in the hospital bed, I was a captive audience, and that's when Jenny told me how things would be from now on.
"Okay, buddy boy, listen up and listen good," she said with her hands on her hips. "It's time for you to grow up and fly right, feel better about yourself, and stop doing things that come back to haunt you, like the beating and abuse you took today."
I nodded. I couldn't agree more.
"You asked if I was in love with you. Well, I am, I surely am. I loved you when you were short and skinny and I was big and fat. We were misfits together, you and I, and I figured when you were ready that we'd become lovers, get married, have some kids and live happily ever after, remaining misfits, but sharing a wonderful life, misfits or not. Then you started to grow, and I saw you slipping away from me. A pretty, slim girl paid attention to you, and you fell hard for her. I knew it wouldn't last, though. Why? Because you're decent and Claire isn't.
"I checked her out, buddy boy. I found out about Helen and her and how they were. Besides Helen, Claire cheated on you with another boy, and I'm not talking about Hal Williams, although I think she did him, too. I wanted to tell you what kind of girl you were in love with, but I knew you wouldn't listen, so I waited. I told myself that I'd be there for you when the doxy broke your heart, and I was, too.
"I also knew if you turned into a hunk, and it looked like that was exactly what was happening, that I'd better do something about the way I looked, so I started to run with you. You can't imagine how difficult and painful running was for me as fat as I was back then, but I endured both the physical and mental pain, and I ran. At first, my muscles were so sore I could barely get out of bed in the morning. And the charley horses! They woke me up in the night. I spent many nights in tears from the pain caused by muscles tied into intricate knots."
I chuckled. "What happened to your lazy diction, Jenny girl? You're actually sounding out the G's at the end of I-N-G words."
She laughed. "I'm speechifyin', buddy boy, not talkin' cute, girl trash. Hush now, I'm not finished, not by a long shot. After the Claire fiasco came to a head, you had the audacity to start running not only in the afternoon but also every goldurned morning! I wanted to strangle your no-longer scrawny neck. Oh, the torture you put me through! But I rolled from my bed every morning before the durned sun came up and ran with you. If I hadn't loved you so much, I would've hated you, and then a strange thing happened. I started to like running. Painful or not, I liked what running was doing for me. The pounds were falling off. The charley horses stopped waking me up in the night. I suddenly realized I had the means to stop being a misfit, and you did it for me. I started to feel good about myself. A first for me, Paul. Can you imagine? Of course you can. The same thing happened to you.
"Then I wanted to strangle you again. You came up with that cockamamie dating experiment of yours. Instead of wrapping my no-longer chubby fingers around your neck, I bit my tongue and waited — and ran and practiced Kung Fu. I thank you for Kung Fu, too, Paul.
"And the pounds kept coming off. You grew some more, shot up taller than me, filled out, became so sexy that just looking at you made my heart go pity-pat and my pussy tingle and get all wet. Don't looked so shocked, buddy boy. A girl has needs, too, as you durned well know."
She sighed, but when I opened my mouth to speak, she placed a finger over her lips to shush me and said, "I'm not done yet. One day I realized that you and I, buddy boy, weren't misfits anymore. Being a female, I'm sneaky. Sneakiness comes natural to us girls."
I huffed a laugh. "I know."
"Hush! One night I surreptitiously timed your run, timed it from beginning to end, and figured you could compete in middle-distant running events, not only complete but also win if you started training properly instead of just running down a street somewhere when the urge struck you. I also realized I could compete, too, in the 3K, at least, but I figured I could move up to the 5K without a lot of extra effort."
She paused and a mischievous look entered her pretty, slim face. Her green eyes filled with mirth and with a laugh, she pulled the drapery hanging from the track around the hospital bed, pulled it completely around us, creating a private cocoon.
"Grand unveiling indeed!" she exclaimed with a huff and proceeded to remove her baggy clothes until she stood before me naked, hip cocked, proud, unashamed.
"My God, Jenny girl! You're svelte!" I gushed. Picture a svelte Xena, the warrior princess, and you'll see what I saw. "Beautiful!" She was, too, as beautiful as Danielle, as graceful as Eve, and sexier than both of them put together.
She giggled nervously. "Yeah, I am. What I've got, buddy boy, is a body that doesn't quit. I'm a babe! And you're a hunk. I love you and whether you believe it or even know it, you love me, too. So, here's what we're going to do. You're going to stop fucking Eve and whatever you're doing with Danielle. On Valentine's Day, I'm going to give myself to you, and after that I'll give you so much loving you won't want another girl — ever. I've never wanted another boy but you, and never will, so you won't need to worry about me either. We're going to keep on running and doing our Kung Fu thing. By the way, I really enjoy Kung Fu, actually prefer it to running, and it truly has helped me to become more graceful."
"I noticed."
"Thought so. Anyway, you're going to get so many trophies and medals you won't know what to do with all of them, and I'll win a bunch of them, too. In a few years, Sifu will tie black belts around our waists, and we'll refuse harm from anyone. This spring, we're going to graduate from high school and enjoy each other over the summer - in bed and out. This fall we'll enroll in the same college. Within reason, I'll even let you select the college. While we're on the subject, have you decided what you want to be when you grow up, that is, besides being my husband and the father of our children?"
"I've been thinking about sport's medicine."
"Good choice. I've almost decided to become a coach. I say almost because I haven't ruled out becoming a dietician. Maybe I'll do both. They're related. I want to coach high school girls. Many of them need a lot of compassionate attention."
"Jenny girl, whatever you decide to do, you'll do it and do it well."
"I know."
I heard noises outside the curtain, as did Jenny. In seconds, her sweats covered her astonishing body. She stuffed her bra and panties in her purse.
"I'll accept and follow your plan under one condition," I said.
"And your condition is... ?"
"No more baggy clothes."
FortyDanielle wasn't a problem. I broke up with her over the telephone. Informing Eve that I couldn't be with her anymore required a face-to-face meeting. I took her for a drive. She knew something was up. When she gets nervous, her speech patterns speed up, and she was talking lickety-split, rambling mostly, so I pulled into a park, and suggested a walk.
Before I could exit the car, her chin started to quiver and tears welled in her eyes. "Are you planning to tell me you can't see me anymore, Paul?"
"Yes," I said simply, dreading the upcoming emotion-ladened scene.
"Why? Did I do something wrong. If I did, I..."
"You've done nothing wrong, Eve."
She looked at me, I mean really looked. "You finally figured it out, didn't you? You finally realized how much you love her."
"Will she share? Never mind. Of course, she won't. Fuck!" She wrung her hands and sniffed. "I knew this day would come, and I promised myself that I wouldn't cry, that I'd comport myself with dignity, but it's difficult, Paul, really, really hard. I love you. I love you so much it hurts. Just think how you'd feel if you loved Jenny, and she didn't love you, and then multiply the hurting by ten. That's how much I'm hurting. Still, I love you, and I want you to be happy, and you'll be happy with your Jenny. She's clean and fresh — unused." Her voice cracked and she swallowed a sob, but she squared her shoulders and gave me a smile.
I admired her courage.
"Paul, I'll get over you somehow, but knowing you, loving you has been a revelation for me, an epiphany, if you will. I'm going to college this fall, and not a local community college, either. I've already been accepted at one good school, and I have applications out to others. I'll take modeling jobs for extra cash and get a good business education, because I plan to run my own business some day, a boutique probably, maybe a chain of them if I'm lucky. My parents have promised to love and support me whatever I decide." She smiled broadly. "Frankly, they're quite proud of me, happy with the direction I've been taking lately. They like you, even attribute some of the new me to you. They'll be upset when I tell them we've broken up."
"I dated the new you, Eve, and like your parents, I'm proud of you. More importantly, you have every right to be proud of yourself. I worried how you'd take my announcement, worried you'd become seriously depressed and backslide, maybe even take up with another loser. Don't do it, Eve! Don't let anyone demean you, including yourself. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're unworthy in any way."
She gave me another smile that lightened my heart.
"I won't, and that's a promise from me to you, a promise from me to me, too. Paul, although you might be rare you're not unique. You've shown me that there are some good men out there, men like you, and I'm going to find me one, and I'm going to love him as deeply as I love you, and unlike you, he'll love me right back. This lucky man and me, we'll make a life together, create a family and raise happy, healthy children. We'll grow prosperous and old together. That's my plan, my goal, now."
"Jenny and I have a similar plan."
"I'll harbor a secret, though. As I'm growing old with my man, I'll still think of you sometimes, and that's a promise, too." She faced me. "Paul, I know we need to make a clean break, but this fall when I'm far away, may I let you know where I am? And I'd like to know where you and Jenny are, and what's happening in your life. What I'm saying is I'd like to stay in touch, that's all, sort of like Christmas cards or letters, but a little more."
"I'd like that."
She sighed. "Take me home now. You can kiss me goodbye after you open the passenger door and help me from the car because I want you to kiss me while we're standing up, not here in a cramped car. After you drive away, I'll have me a good cry, and tomorrow I'll start the rest of my life."
Forty-OneOne more relationship needed closure. My break-up with Claire was so abrupt and painful for me I wondered if she felt the same way. Besides, I needed to know if she was behind the assaults perpetrated against me.
I didn't want my meeting with her witnessed by anyone, principally because I had no intention of telling Jenny about it, and catching Claire alone wasn't easy. Then I got lucky. One day she didn't show up at school, and if she were skipping, she was alone because I noted Helen, Hal (out on bail) and Phoebe in school.
I skipped lunch. When she answered the door, I said, "We need to talk."
With a shrug, she turned and walked back into the house. I followed her. She sat in a large chair and curled her feet under her, motioning for me to sit on the sofa.
"I didn't spread the rumors that floated around about you and Helen," I said.
"I know. Chuck did that, but you gave him the information that gave the rumors an element of truth, but even the truth was exaggerated. It took me a while, but I finally figured out that you must have looked in my bedroom window the day we broke up. That's the only way Chuck could've known all he knew."
"Why me at the window instead of Chuck?" I asked.
She snorted. "Chuck would've joined us. He isn't a boy scout like you."
"I'm ashamed to say that your conclusion was correct. I sensed something wrong that day and returned to your house."
Tears welled in her eyes, and she sniffed. She pulled some tissues from a box on the table next to her and blew her nose. "I've got a cold."
I ignored her attempt for sympathy. "What I saw through the gap in your shade devastated me, Claire."
"I figured." She hesitated and added, "I'm sorry you had to find out about me, how I am period, let alone the way you did. I told everybody that I broke up with you, telling them you were too serious about me, because that's just what I'd planned to do anyway. I should've ended us sooner, but... why now, Paul? Why do you want to talk about all of this now instead of right after everything happened?"
"I didn't realize that you and I, what we had together, needed closure until recently."
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Time marched on. I dated Eve and Danielle, trained for the 10K, practiced the basics of Kung Fu, and at the last minute, faced the fact that I needed to buy gifts for Christmas, now only two days away. Shopping was imperative. Argh! I bought Danielle a Van Cliburn CD I knew she didn't have and wanted. Eve would receive a 3-step skin care system from Clinique she'd looked at longingly when we were together at the mall one afternoon after we'd made love. The frequency of our assignations...
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xmoviesforyouI am Meeta and I am 24 years old. I got married about a year back and my husband Ashok works for a company that has a lot of work with the central government so he is posted in Delhi currently. I am a very beautiful and sexy woman who was very sexually active during the school and college days. I was the college bicycle, anyone and everyone who wanted could and did ride me. I stand at 5 feet 5 with a figure of 36D 26 38 which when clad in a saree looks very enticing. My husband Ashok`s job...
I was only eighteen when I got married the first time. We were high school sweethearts and all seemed right with the world until one night when a semi ran a red light and killed him on his way home from work. Suddenly while still in my late teens, I was widowed. I moved in with my mother and kept to myself for the first year after the accident, just trying to figure out what was next. I finally started going out with friends to some of the local bars just to socialize. Back then if you were...
I don’t often share a guy with my girlfriend, but sometimes you have to make an exception. Greg is one of them and to be honest that’s about it - until now that is. Although Laura and I are an item and our relationship is solid, we both feel the need to dabble with the opposite sex now and then. We’re both very picky when it comes to guys and I had one particular friend who I had been keeping all to myself. Monday is my gym night now. After going a bit mad in the new year I’ve settled down to...
Oral SexThis story is a collaborative work between Kim and myself. Thousands of evil thoughts raced through her mind, as she stared at Ben’s phone bill. He was at it again, and Samantha was sure of it. You would think that with his military research job, he would want to avoid the limelight. Ben, an attention whore, could not keep a secret to save his life. She knew all about the top secret medical research he was doing with a blonde-haired woman. Research was probably not all he was doing with the...
Straight SexStanding on stage, the entire student body lay below my feet. My naked body illuminated and presented to all of them. Hundreds of eyes, all taking in my nude form. Legs shaking and heart racing, my hand dived between my legs. All while my eyes stayed focused on the faces of the audience. I studied the reactions and reveled in them. Many adults looked disgusted, while my peers were mixed between intrigue, lust, and shock. As I directed my hand to pick up a tempo, everybody's mouths suddenly...
The Bordunes Morning, Mid-April 1882 Chapter One Lorelei Langley Part 1 On an unseasonably balmy April morning in Manhattan, a young woman in a peach colored satin dress made her way down Fifth Avenue. Catching her reflection in the window of a hat shop, Lorelei Langley paused to admire herself. After looking around to ensure no one was nearby, she leaned closer to her reflection and opened her cashmere shawl to reveal a shocking amount of décolletage for day time. Watching her reflection, she...
I'm sure we aren't the first to have experimented this way, and we probably won't be the last, but for me it was a very unique and educational night. I learned a lot about myself and have elected to share that night with you. I'll admit up front that I was hesitant at first, but I was never one to pass up a challenge regardless of how other challenges faired in the past. Well let's get the story set, the characters defined and then go from there. My name is Angie and I'm a late twenties...
It just got to be too much, too many hints, too many inconsistencies. Sally and I had been married a dozen years. When we wed it was for all the right reasons, but things had changed. We both 'grew', as they say. For me, it meant I settled down and saw a future. At least that's what I called it. The bar scene bored me now, the loud music and drunks weren't fun any longer. The music was so loud I couldn't really talk over it, and it was important to me now to connect with people. The...
Two women sharing a bathroom with a little over an hour to get ready was a bit of a mad house, but we made it, and were ready when Brad and Tim came to get us. The trip into Houston was uneventful. Traffic wasn't bad, but then most people didn't go into Houston for dinner on a Monday night. Dinner was great, the dancing after was even better, but since both men needed to go to work in the morning, we called it an early night. We dropped Tim off at his house and the three of us went back to...
Yes, today’s the day I’m going to have a complete check-up, 1 I prolonged for far too long.Nervously I sat in the newly refurbished Doctors Surgery pondering how much longer I needed to wait. And, since I didn’t have my own doctor I wasn’t sure what to expect. I only recall ever having 1 physical prior to my first job about 20 odd years ago; a strangely different experience.Well, it was time; I heard a husky male voice call out my name from behind me, and when I turned around, what should...
It wasn’t that Mona disliked being referred to as the ‘Cream Queen’, or the ‘Queen of Cream’, or whatever. It was just that it annoyed her that she herself couldn’t help but play up to the naked innuendo the nicknames inferred. Probably that’s why she named her dessert shop Sweet Mona’s, and seriously considered spelling it as Moan-ahhs. Her friend, Teaghan, slapped a restraint on her with one cold, harsh glare. Okay, that would have been a bit cheap-and-cheesy. Above her tiny but quaint...
Before I went to my son's room, full of butterflies and uncertainty, I did two things. First, I showered and trimmed my pussy. I left a small, short patch above my slit, and a thin ring around my labia, clearing away most of the hair from my Mons and around my anus. Second, after rinsing, drying, putting on a sexy bra and white cotton panties, and then wrapping a robe around my naked body, I went to Kira's room a moment and retrieved a couple of condoms from the pack she'd gotten at the...
Since getting a divorce several months back, I have had newfound freedom to do things I had always wanted to do but was unable to due to my marital commitments. One of the things I had started doing was taking flying lessons, which I thoroughly enjoy and the other thing I always wanted to do was to take a truly exotic vacation. I had been planning this vacation for some time. I have a friend named Pete who has family in South America. Our plan was to fly down to South America and stay...
Neenu: Everything will be fine if it goes like this. We two are safe. My dad and your mom have someone to satisfy each other. I thought for some time and asked her but how? How can this be possible? How will mom agree to this? How will we manage to get her dad to fuck my mom? Neenu: I know, I have a plan. Next Sunday you invite me and my dad to your home. We will plan a small outing and all. I will tell you the details then. I nodded with hesitation. Neenu told her dad, that I agreed on it. I...
I dashed into the guest room and made a spot check of all the drawers. "Fuck, that was a good catch." One of my buddies left some condoms and a packet of lube in the night stand. Both extremely expired. I snatched them out and buried them under some garbage in the kitchen trash. The hotline for pizza delivery had about a fifteen minute wait. Once I placed the order, I had nothing to do but wait. I tried to relax but a thought cropped up. What would Shelly think? I found myself hoping...
"Hello and how are you?" "I'm doing well. Sit down Mr. Chambers tell me about your problem won't you?" "Well Doctor this feels silly I'm not even sure why I made this appointment. I don't think my situation is any worse than anyone else's problems. I didn't realize you were a woman. I thought Doctor Hadley Lillie would be a man for some reason." "Why would you think that? You think Hadley is masculine sounding, I don't. Do you have a problem with me being a woman? Or is it...
We got home and Sammi, with her daughters’ help, got out the photographic equipment. Michael and Rose helped set it all up, under her direction. My son may have a crush on Samantha! Sarah was on the Internet, looking at something, as Kalista and I went up to change. We got into our matching red outfits we’d purchased while in San Francisco for IGB event. After our pictures were taken, Rose and Michael wanted to have theirs taken, so I told them to change into something they dance in, while...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It was about 2:00AM when there was loud yelling coming from the rooms my niece and nephew share. My sister got up angry as hell punching their door. POP POP POP! She banged on the door, "Yo what the fuck are you two thinking about?", she yelled. My niece comes running out, "This fucking guy with his music! God! He don't let no one sleep!", I thought, ah shit a bullshit quarrel.To late for that shit man! I got up as my niece pushed passed me wearing an...
IncestA number of years ago I had a desire to see my wife stripping in front of other men or better yet having sex with them while I watched. She was an attractive 5"7" blonde around 130 pounds with small B cup titties. Despite my best efforts she would not agree to stripping in front of other men let alone having sex.I pondered what to do about my dilemma as I thought about this constantly. Then I realized our 10th wedding anniversary was coming up. I asked her if she would consider making a porn...
Hot and sexy wife MJ is looking good and fresh in her black lingerie and Jake understands his directions from her husband is to expand her feelings with a blindfold. Now with her eyes covered Jake could not wait to get her nice big tits out of that bra and into his mouth before she goes to her knees to suck his hard cock balls deep. MJ’s pussy was so wet Jake’s cock just slips thru her tight lips and fucks her good especially when she is face down and ass up taking it deep doggy...
xmoviesforyouMolly Little and Mia Kay are having a blast decorating for Halloween. When Nathan Bronson, Molly’s stepbrother, comes in and compliments them, the girls are all smiles. Molly even gets up nice and close to a skeleton and pretends to fuck it and suck it while Mia urges her on. Grabbing a cob of corn, Mia puts it up next to Nathan’s crotch and pantomimes a handie. Molly is curious whether Nathan’s dick is really that big, and he invites her to find out. Molly can’t; Nathan...
xmoviesforyouFor as long as I can remember, I've always had a thing for panties. Not wearing them. Seeing them, smelling them, touching them. And, of course, coming on them. I'm almost always turned on when I see a girl's panties. With the current trend of low-slung jeans and pants, my eyes are always on the lookout for a girl whose panties or thong is in view. I'll go out of my way to enjoy that forbidden view for as long as I can. The sight of those colors or fabrics caressing a woman's ass will almost...
Helen returned a few minutes later with their glasses refilled. “I think Anthea and her dad are having a good chat too.”Jack smiled wondering what exactly they were talking about.“So you met Ben at a party,” Helen started. “You were all watching porn movies and he needed a bed for the night and came back to your place to stay.”Jack nodded.“So what happened?”Jack shrugged. “Nothing happened that night,” he told her. “He went home next morning but he left his phone number with Anthea. He made it...