Growth SpurtMonth 6 free porn video

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The vehicle that picked me up in the desert was a Hummer. A Sheriff's Deputy, my dad, Jenny girl, and Hal Williams occupied the awkward-looking but spacious and powerful SUV. When the Good Samaritan neighbor called my dad, Dad called Jenny, and after learning about the abduction, she sicced Dad on Hal Williams and Royce Edwards. Two hours later, Dad and the police found the drunken foursome together at Hal Williams' house. Hal caved first when told the police would give him a break if he showed them where they'd dumped me.

"The whole thing was just a joke, a way to take Paul down a peg or two," Hal told the police. "We were just about ready to go out and pick him up when you showed up. We do the same thing to initiate new letterman at school."

Joke or no joke, did I let them off the hook? Hell no, I pressed charges. Besides multiple contusions I had two cracked rips. My feet were cut and bleeding, and as feared, I was seriously dehydrated. I spent the night in the hospital.

While lying in the hospital bed, I was a captive audience, and that's when Jenny told me how things would be from now on.

"Okay, buddy boy, listen up and listen good," she said with her hands on her hips. "It's time for you to grow up and fly right, feel better about yourself, and stop doing things that come back to haunt you, like the beating and abuse you took today."

I nodded. I couldn't agree more.

"You asked if I was in love with you. Well, I am, I surely am. I loved you when you were short and skinny and I was big and fat. We were misfits together, you and I, and I figured when you were ready that we'd become lovers, get married, have some kids and live happily ever after, remaining misfits, but sharing a wonderful life, misfits or not. Then you started to grow, and I saw you slipping away from me. A pretty, slim girl paid attention to you, and you fell hard for her. I knew it wouldn't last, though. Why? Because you're decent and Claire isn't.

"I checked her out, buddy boy. I found out about Helen and her and how they were. Besides Helen, Claire cheated on you with another boy, and I'm not talking about Hal Williams, although I think she did him, too. I wanted to tell you what kind of girl you were in love with, but I knew you wouldn't listen, so I waited. I told myself that I'd be there for you when the doxy broke your heart, and I was, too.

"I also knew if you turned into a hunk, and it looked like that was exactly what was happening, that I'd better do something about the way I looked, so I started to run with you. You can't imagine how difficult and painful running was for me as fat as I was back then, but I endured both the physical and mental pain, and I ran. At first, my muscles were so sore I could barely get out of bed in the morning. And the charley horses! They woke me up in the night. I spent many nights in tears from the pain caused by muscles tied into intricate knots."

I chuckled. "What happened to your lazy diction, Jenny girl? You're actually sounding out the G's at the end of I-N-G words."

She laughed. "I'm speechifyin', buddy boy, not talkin' cute, girl trash. Hush now, I'm not finished, not by a long shot. After the Claire fiasco came to a head, you had the audacity to start running not only in the afternoon but also every goldurned morning! I wanted to strangle your no-longer scrawny neck. Oh, the torture you put me through! But I rolled from my bed every morning before the durned sun came up and ran with you. If I hadn't loved you so much, I would've hated you, and then a strange thing happened. I started to like running. Painful or not, I liked what running was doing for me. The pounds were falling off. The charley horses stopped waking me up in the night. I suddenly realized I had the means to stop being a misfit, and you did it for me. I started to feel good about myself. A first for me, Paul. Can you imagine? Of course you can. The same thing happened to you.

"Then I wanted to strangle you again. You came up with that cockamamie dating experiment of yours. Instead of wrapping my no-longer chubby fingers around your neck, I bit my tongue and waited — and ran and practiced Kung Fu. I thank you for Kung Fu, too, Paul.

"And the pounds kept coming off. You grew some more, shot up taller than me, filled out, became so sexy that just looking at you made my heart go pity-pat and my pussy tingle and get all wet. Don't looked so shocked, buddy boy. A girl has needs, too, as you durned well know."

She sighed, but when I opened my mouth to speak, she placed a finger over her lips to shush me and said, "I'm not done yet. One day I realized that you and I, buddy boy, weren't misfits anymore. Being a female, I'm sneaky. Sneakiness comes natural to us girls."

I huffed a laugh. "I know."

"Hush! One night I surreptitiously timed your run, timed it from beginning to end, and figured you could compete in middle-distant running events, not only complete but also win if you started training properly instead of just running down a street somewhere when the urge struck you. I also realized I could compete, too, in the 3K, at least, but I figured I could move up to the 5K without a lot of extra effort."

She paused and a mischievous look entered her pretty, slim face. Her green eyes filled with mirth and with a laugh, she pulled the drapery hanging from the track around the hospital bed, pulled it completely around us, creating a private cocoon.

"Grand unveiling indeed!" she exclaimed with a huff and proceeded to remove her baggy clothes until she stood before me naked, hip cocked, proud, unashamed.

"My God, Jenny girl! You're svelte!" I gushed. Picture a svelte Xena, the warrior princess, and you'll see what I saw. "Beautiful!" She was, too, as beautiful as Danielle, as graceful as Eve, and sexier than both of them put together.

She giggled nervously. "Yeah, I am. What I've got, buddy boy, is a body that doesn't quit. I'm a babe! And you're a hunk. I love you and whether you believe it or even know it, you love me, too. So, here's what we're going to do. You're going to stop fucking Eve and whatever you're doing with Danielle. On Valentine's Day, I'm going to give myself to you, and after that I'll give you so much loving you won't want another girl — ever. I've never wanted another boy but you, and never will, so you won't need to worry about me either. We're going to keep on running and doing our Kung Fu thing. By the way, I really enjoy Kung Fu, actually prefer it to running, and it truly has helped me to become more graceful."

"I noticed."

"Thought so. Anyway, you're going to get so many trophies and medals you won't know what to do with all of them, and I'll win a bunch of them, too. In a few years, Sifu will tie black belts around our waists, and we'll refuse harm from anyone. This spring, we're going to graduate from high school and enjoy each other over the summer - in bed and out. This fall we'll enroll in the same college. Within reason, I'll even let you select the college. While we're on the subject, have you decided what you want to be when you grow up, that is, besides being my husband and the father of our children?"

"I've been thinking about sport's medicine."

"Good choice. I've almost decided to become a coach. I say almost because I haven't ruled out becoming a dietician. Maybe I'll do both. They're related. I want to coach high school girls. Many of them need a lot of compassionate attention."

"Jenny girl, whatever you decide to do, you'll do it and do it well."

"I know."

I heard noises outside the curtain, as did Jenny. In seconds, her sweats covered her astonishing body. She stuffed her bra and panties in her purse.

"I'll accept and follow your plan under one condition," I said.

"And your condition is... ?"

"No more baggy clothes."



Danielle wasn't a problem. I broke up with her over the telephone. Informing Eve that I couldn't be with her anymore required a face-to-face meeting. I took her for a drive. She knew something was up. When she gets nervous, her speech patterns speed up, and she was talking lickety-split, rambling mostly, so I pulled into a park, and suggested a walk.

Before I could exit the car, her chin started to quiver and tears welled in her eyes. "Are you planning to tell me you can't see me anymore, Paul?"

"Yes," I said simply, dreading the upcoming emotion-ladened scene.

"Why? Did I do something wrong. If I did, I..."

"You've done nothing wrong, Eve."

She looked at me, I mean really looked. "You finally figured it out, didn't you? You finally realized how much you love her."


"Will she share? Never mind. Of course, she won't. Fuck!" She wrung her hands and sniffed. "I knew this day would come, and I promised myself that I wouldn't cry, that I'd comport myself with dignity, but it's difficult, Paul, really, really hard. I love you. I love you so much it hurts. Just think how you'd feel if you loved Jenny, and she didn't love you, and then multiply the hurting by ten. That's how much I'm hurting. Still, I love you, and I want you to be happy, and you'll be happy with your Jenny. She's clean and fresh — unused." Her voice cracked and she swallowed a sob, but she squared her shoulders and gave me a smile.

I admired her courage.

"Paul, I'll get over you somehow, but knowing you, loving you has been a revelation for me, an epiphany, if you will. I'm going to college this fall, and not a local community college, either. I've already been accepted at one good school, and I have applications out to others. I'll take modeling jobs for extra cash and get a good business education, because I plan to run my own business some day, a boutique probably, maybe a chain of them if I'm lucky. My parents have promised to love and support me whatever I decide." She smiled broadly. "Frankly, they're quite proud of me, happy with the direction I've been taking lately. They like you, even attribute some of the new me to you. They'll be upset when I tell them we've broken up."

"I dated the new you, Eve, and like your parents, I'm proud of you. More importantly, you have every right to be proud of yourself. I worried how you'd take my announcement, worried you'd become seriously depressed and backslide, maybe even take up with another loser. Don't do it, Eve! Don't let anyone demean you, including yourself. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're unworthy in any way."

She gave me another smile that lightened my heart.

"I won't, and that's a promise from me to you, a promise from me to me, too. Paul, although you might be rare you're not unique. You've shown me that there are some good men out there, men like you, and I'm going to find me one, and I'm going to love him as deeply as I love you, and unlike you, he'll love me right back. This lucky man and me, we'll make a life together, create a family and raise happy, healthy children. We'll grow prosperous and old together. That's my plan, my goal, now."

"Jenny and I have a similar plan."

"I'll harbor a secret, though. As I'm growing old with my man, I'll still think of you sometimes, and that's a promise, too." She faced me. "Paul, I know we need to make a clean break, but this fall when I'm far away, may I let you know where I am? And I'd like to know where you and Jenny are, and what's happening in your life. What I'm saying is I'd like to stay in touch, that's all, sort of like Christmas cards or letters, but a little more."

"I'd like that."

She sighed. "Take me home now. You can kiss me goodbye after you open the passenger door and help me from the car because I want you to kiss me while we're standing up, not here in a cramped car. After you drive away, I'll have me a good cry, and tomorrow I'll start the rest of my life."



One more relationship needed closure. My break-up with Claire was so abrupt and painful for me I wondered if she felt the same way. Besides, I needed to know if she was behind the assaults perpetrated against me.

I didn't want my meeting with her witnessed by anyone, principally because I had no intention of telling Jenny about it, and catching Claire alone wasn't easy. Then I got lucky. One day she didn't show up at school, and if she were skipping, she was alone because I noted Helen, Hal (out on bail) and Phoebe in school.

I skipped lunch. When she answered the door, I said, "We need to talk."

With a shrug, she turned and walked back into the house. I followed her. She sat in a large chair and curled her feet under her, motioning for me to sit on the sofa.

"I didn't spread the rumors that floated around about you and Helen," I said.

"I know. Chuck did that, but you gave him the information that gave the rumors an element of truth, but even the truth was exaggerated. It took me a while, but I finally figured out that you must have looked in my bedroom window the day we broke up. That's the only way Chuck could've known all he knew."

"Why me at the window instead of Chuck?" I asked.

She snorted. "Chuck would've joined us. He isn't a boy scout like you."

"I'm ashamed to say that your conclusion was correct. I sensed something wrong that day and returned to your house."

Tears welled in her eyes, and she sniffed. She pulled some tissues from a box on the table next to her and blew her nose. "I've got a cold."

I ignored her attempt for sympathy. "What I saw through the gap in your shade devastated me, Claire."

"I figured." She hesitated and added, "I'm sorry you had to find out about me, how I am period, let alone the way you did. I told everybody that I broke up with you, telling them you were too serious about me, because that's just what I'd planned to do anyway. I should've ended us sooner, but... why now, Paul? Why do you want to talk about all of this now instead of right after everything happened?"

"I didn't realize that you and I, what we had together, needed closure until recently."

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Missy stood naked in front of the bathroom mirror. She turned slightly from side to side admiring the shape of her naked ass. Her tight shirt hugged her slender waist and accented the curve of her smooth booty. Half way across the small cheeks of her ass the color changed from coffee brown to creamy light latte. She couldn’t decide if she liked the tan lines left from her bikini but when would she ever be able to lay out naked with her father and brother watching her constantly?Steam lifted in...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Natasha Starr Cuck Caught On Camera

Natasha Starrs husband saw one of his employees who was staying with them for a while was still sleeping on his security cameras when he was supposed to be at work. He had Natasha go wake him up, which was a bad idea because she was unbelievably horny. She knew her husband could see them, but did not care one bit. She gargled down this mans cock not caring about the consequences and got her limber euro pussy mangled. Even though her husband was pissed as he watched his security cameras he could...

3 years ago
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Caning Her Bottom

Having had her first-ever genuine lesbian experience at the age of fifty-nine, Christine Hargreaves was wanting more. She had been, sort of, picked-up by sixty-year-old lesbian Brenda Sutcliffe and had recently tasted cunt juice for the first time as well as having her own cunt receive a female tongue for the first time ever.During her so far only visit to Brenda's house for an afternoon and early evening of sapphic sex, Christine was shown an implement that Brenda wanted to use at a future...

3 years ago
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You Cant Hurry Love Chapter 2

For about the thousandth time, Dan pulled one of those red three-ring binders down off the shelf at the dating service he had joined. These metal-and-wood bookshelves lined the exterior of the room, from floor to ceiling. Red binders full of women's written profiles lined two walls of the room. Green binders full of men's written profiles lined the other two sides of the room. Dan knew that his own written profile was in one of those green binders. As a professional writer, he had written and...

Love Stories
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Sians CousinsChapter 14

Before we went out for our Sunday afternoon walk round Cardiff, we had a thorough tidy up of both flats, and filled the linen baskets with items for tomorrow's launderette trip. Some of the sheets and quilt covers we had been using had some amazing stains; Sian's was particularly impressive. "Dad told me that in the Army, when someone had got drunk and wet their bed, the others would call the pee stain on the mattress cover 'a map of Africa", and everyone else knew what they were...

3 years ago
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She Really Likes It

My ex girlfriend let’s call her Shel and I had great sex and I want to share with you our first time and then how I taught her to give the ultimate blow job.   I noticed Shel at work and how well she filled her jeans out, so one day I asked her supervisor about her. The Supervisor being a female that I had also tangoed with was very direct, she’s easy go for it. Soon a date was arranged and we hooked up at a company party. We danced for hours then I ask her if she wanted to follow me home,...

3 years ago
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MagicianChapter 91

Once the liberation of Kedyrn began, Morgana more or less ordered Imelda to take Jukar back to the villa near Auckland to begin her Mage apprenticeship. I also noticed Rowenna doing a little mental editing on the young Finian to remove traces of her witnessing of higher magic and wondered just how much mental editing had been done on me in my training. Not that it would have done me any good, Morgana removed memories, she didn’t seal them off. Rowenna did the same, it caused fewer incidents...

3 years ago
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Rugby mates

Daniels parents owned a newsagent, which meant they started work around 4.30am and finished around 7.30pm each night. It wasn’t much of a life and certainly not a career I or Daniel ever thought about pursuing.   Because Daniel’s parents were rarely home we got to hung around his house a lot and watch his dads collection of porn. This is how my first encounter started, I was 15 at the time, athletic build, a winger on the local rugby team, and not too bad looking if I do say so myself. Daniel...

2 years ago
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Afraid of getting caught

It was doing the early spring, just before the final thaw and cold front would pass thru our area, I was in ninth grade and cutting class. Our urban high school was situated in a community that afforded it a large area of grounds. It was not by far the largest but it was one of the most secluded areas you could find in a sprawling inner city. We had a three tier filed that afforded us the privilege of have a parking area for teachers and staff, another for holding fire drills or assemblies on...

3 years ago
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The DilemmaChapter 21 Gareth Chancelor Saturday afternoon 10 days later

I leaned back in my deck chair and rested my head on the back, facing up towards the sky but with my eyes closed. My ears rang with the excited shrieks of 21 little girls. We had 19 out of the 22 in the class plus 2 younger sisters. Have you ever noticed that one excited girl will squeal occasionally? A group of 3 or 4 girls will break out into periodic bursts of shrieking. But when you go past a certain number of little girls, the shrieking all joins together into a continuous noise that...

3 years ago
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Black PlagueChapter 12

For two weeks Stefan sat on pins and needles waiting for the royal summons that he hoped would never come. His small hope had been the report that he had given to his captain when he first arrived had been passed along and up the chain of command. "Sat" was the wrong word, because a sergeant had many duties, and ten spoiled, rich young men who did not appreciate the position that their fathers had purchased for them. For the first time, Stefan understood the withering looks of the Black...

1 year ago
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Awoke the other night like I have so often recently, with a leaky dick straining to burst. Falling back to sleep was out of the question so I grabbed hold and slowly started rubbing my cock, closed my eyes and started dreaming.....She came into my room and climbed on top of me. We were both naked and our hands roamed freely all over each other. She let out a sweet sigh of delight as I cupped her beautiful breasts, and spread her legs a bit as my hand found its way to her damp crotch. I...

3 years ago
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MY GirlFriend Fucks Another Guy PT2

A couple years had passed since Aaron fucked Noele at that party and not much had changed in my love life. I found myself getting into similar situations frequently. Not quite as brazen as another man fucking my date in front of me, but I was becoming very subservient to the women I was dating. I would pay for everything, shower them with gifts and oral pleasure, but as soon as it came time to fuck them I would either cum too quickly or be unable to get it up and they would use me for awhile...

1 year ago
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Nikki Teaches A Friend

Nikki is 5'3" 115 pounds with blonde hair down to her shoulders with a tight ass and natural 32D tits and is a junior in highschool. Her best friend amanda was only 4'11" and weighed 100 pounds. She had brown hair to the middle of her chest with B sized breasts and a tight athletic ass and is only a sophmore. "I can't believe you fucked him!" Amanda couldn't believe her best friend had just lost her virginity. "Well i really do love him and it was the most incredible feeling you could ever...

First Time
2 years ago
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Checking the night at work

Normal bat as always Railway control room Featuring an hour. 23:40A car drew up behind trumpeted opened the window to find out who and went to open the door.Mr. Thomas was a nice hunk controller always liked it. Elegant cool little that is low.Consequently, that turns me off sex with men recently came over me on anglers or guys in rubber boots or waders fishing.So, as always, I sit alone on duty brought himself to work waders that at the time of excitement with masturbation excite them and...

2 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 42 One Last Nervous Pee

As Keith drummed his fingers on the side of his new canoe he took a quick look at his waterproof watch and then a scan up and down the length of the boat he was sitting in. For some reason, he thought, that boat just seemed a whole lot bigger sitting here in the water with him in it than it did hanging from the wall in that Mitre 10 store in Hamilton. This was not the same boat as was on display but identical to it. Gemma’s father had purchased seven of the things and given one to Keith with...

3 years ago
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First Time Meeting the Neighbors

Tad and Sherry arrived at their new house early in the morning, excited about their very first home. They were tired of apartment living and desperately wanted a place of their own. The moving company had dropped off their container of belongings and they began the task of carrying everything inside and setting it in the appropriate rooms. It was a typical hot August day it didn’t take long for the sun and temperature to climb. Tad was down to only a pair of gym shorts and Sherry was wearing a...

2 years ago
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Sexy Journey With Archana

Hello friends I am Ranjan here to share my real story with all the readers of ISS. 1st let me tell a small description of myself, I am 24 years old and working in a call canter near Velachary, Chennai. This is the incident happened few days back while I am coming to my home town Balasore from Chennai by Coromandal Express. I had reserved the lower berth in the train as usual train journey I was in my seat and waiting for the train to be started. After some time I saw one family with come to my...

1 year ago
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Instant Attraction

I’m walking through the grocery store on my day off from work, and I pass by this absolutely gorgeous, lovely blond woman who wore a long pony tail, white long-sleeved cotton blouse and starched blue jeans. Her tennis shoes were a throw off though. She wore ugly ass white ‘buddies,’ the cheap, dollar store shoes. This girl stood about 6 feet tall, was shapely and slim. She had the cutest face and the biggest rack of tits you’d ever want to kiss. I locked my eyes on her...

1 year ago
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One Night Stand0

All this time, I was saving myself for that special someone. I finally realized that someone may never come, so I was going to fuck someone tonight. Last weekend at the mall, I bought the sexiest red, low-cut, strapless dress you have ever seen. Today was Friday. It was the last Friday night before New Year's Eve. Perhaps the hottest night of the year, and I was going to go out with a bang. Right after work, I went straight home and put on that dress. It said, "take me now," to...

2 years ago
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Sister Ki Shadi Se Pehle Uski Nanand Ke Sath Suhagrat

Hello mera nam Nikhil hai. Main Mumbai se hu mera age 24 hain. Main iss ka fan hu. Aur yeah meri 2nd story hain. Yeh story meri sister ki sagai se shuru ho gayi. Jab meri age 20 thi. Ghar me bada hone ke karan sab arrangements mere pas thi ladkevale hamare ghar aaye hua the aur main kam me laga tha. Phir main nahane ke liye apne room me chala gaya. Room ka darvaja khoola tha aur main bathroom me naha raha tha. Nahakar main bahar aaya aur dekha to kya ek lady mere room me kapade change kar rahi...

2 years ago
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The End of an Affair

"So this is how it starts," she thinks to herself, "the beginning of the end..." It's not what she'd expected, her brain works on switches; off and on; black and white; indecision, shades of grey, they are not part of her world. But this, this is different and it scares her because she recognises there's no easy way to do this, because a big part of her isn't ready to end this yet. She's not bored, in fact, she's far from bored of him. He still manages to surprise her, make her...

1 year ago
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How many times have you found yourself fantasizing about a sexy as fuck mom? Too many times to count? I know the feeling! There is nothing better than sliding your long hard cock into a seasoned cunt. Especially when that mom is not getting any fucking action in the first place!If you want to know what it looks like for a lucky bastard to fuck a sexy mom that knows what she wants, know that has what you are looking for. This porn aggregator has a fuck ton of mom-only pornography...

Mature Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 4

I couldn't go outside dressed like that could I?Here I was forced to dress like a slut in locked on heels, barely black stockings, mini skirt, frilly white blouse with which could clearly see my black bra and 38d breastforms and heavily made up face. I would have looked like a reasonable vision of a woman, albeit a very slutty woman other than the fact that my new Master and my ex-wife had failed to give me a wig. So to anyone seeing me it would be clear that I was in fact a feminised male....

4 years ago
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The Mothers Day Party

It made so much sense. Four women friends, all submissive masochists who had spanked each other often enough, but none had ever experienced being caned, but wanted to be.Kathy was forty-three years old, her girlfriend Lisa was forty-four years old, Jill was forty-four years old and her chummy mummy girlfriend, who everyone called Mom, was sixty years old. They had been friends for many years, even Mom. Whilst Mom wasn’t really their mum but a chummy mummy, and although almost a generation older...

2 years ago
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Chace McCartson Part I

Here goes some considerations: - Even having good normal sex scenes and some romance, this story is tends to get darker as it goes, involving torture, extreme sex and some other stuff. This chapter is just the introduction. - I'm not an English speaker and I know I make a lot of mistakes, but I have no one to proof-read for me in time to post, cause I'm really busy and the only time I have I write and I post, so, sorry for any mistake or error. - All the characters follows the...

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