Growth XXX Yeah we help your dick get bigger
- 4 years ago
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"Do ya wanna run the 5K or the 10K, buddy boy?" Jenny asked as the sun rose casting its morning light across the running track. "I don't think high schools run the 8K, at least that's what I figured from checking out record running times for high school track and field events on the Internet last night."
"What are the records?" I asked.
Jenny checked her notebook. "13 minutes 44 seconds for the 5K and 28 minutes 32.7 seconds for the 10K. Those are the best times for all the high schools everywhere — I think."
"Why don't I run the 5K, check the time, and then keep going for the 10K?" I suggested.
"Sounds like a plan. I believe one time around this track is 400 meters, which means you'll need to run around the track 12 1⁄2 times for the 5K. Double that for the 10K, or 25 full circuits."
"Okay. Where do I start?"
She shrugged. "Here's as good a place as any. I'll need to do a little guessing about the half circuit for the 5K, but I don't think that's a big deal. Okay?"
"Fine with me."
"I'll call out your time for each 400 meters. I'll also give you the total time elapsed and calculate your projected time for the 5K first and then the 10K - if you keep goin'. The 10K is about 6 1⁄4 miles. Have you run that far before?"
"I don't know, Jenny girl. I just run. I roughly estimate the distances based on 8 blocks to the mile. You've got me curious now. Let's just do it and find out how fast I am."
"Okay. Are you ready?" She held a stopwatch in her hand.
"Ready — set — go!"
As I ran, I did the math, which wasn't easy because seconds had to be changed into a percentage of a minute, and I had to do the calculations in my head. The high-school record for the 5K averaged somewhere around one minute six seconds per 400 meters. I remembered a mile was close to 1600 meters, so I figured the record holder for the 5K averaged 4-minute 24-second miles. The 10K record holder averaged roughly 1 minute 9 seconds per 400 meters, or 4-minute 36-second miles.
Fuck! They were sprinting, not jogging!
My mood sunk until I remembered that I started running to shape my growing body. I ran until running became a habit. Now, if I missed a day, my body complained. Running made my body feel good like a well-maintained machine.
When Jenny girl suggested I could become a jock, I was elated. I imagined my fellow students in the bleachers cheering me on as I crossed the finish line in record time. With a grimace, I realized I'd not only been a lovesick sap but also harbored delusions of grandeur.
Ten strides later I remembered today was an anniversary of sorts. Three months ago (figuring 4 weeks to the month), my growth spurt started. I'd grown like gangbusters the first two months, so much so that I feared I'd change from a short, scrawny nerd into a freaky giant. When my growth rate started to slow I breathed a sigh of relief. I'd grown nearly 4 inches taller the first two months, but I'd added only another inch and a bit in the third. At 6'1" I weighed in at 176 pounds, mostly muscle, and my dick now stretched out to 8 inches, my proudest accomplishment. Would Eve appreciate its size this afternoon? Or was I reading her wrong?
"1 minute 12 seconds," Jenny huffed as she started to run along with me. "That translates into a 15-minute 5K and a 30-minute 10K, buddy boy. Lookin' good."
The time surprised me. I figured I'd run a 1-minute 20-second 400. How about that! But could I maintain this pace through 10,000 meters? With a little extra effort, I thought I could break the 15-minute mark for the 5K, but...
There was only one way to know. I ran, picking up my pace a little.
I'd told Jenny girl that she didn't hold me back while she ran with me, but she did, not much but a little, and I did increase my pace after she dropped off, mostly to take myself close to failure as soon as possible, failure for me being the point in time while running when my body told me to stop.
I'd read about the physiology of running. All of the work done by running muscles is supplied from the chemical breakdown of adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. During exercise, food takes a metabolic journey until the body is presented a sort of fork in the road. One direction produces ATP aerobically, the other anaerobically. The aerobic path produces glucose much better than the other path, plus the anearobic system has the disadvantage of producing the by-product lactic acid. Jenny girl dropped out when lactic acid overcame her, in other words, when she reached her lactate threshold. I did the same but remained aerobic longer than she before reaching my threshold. I also figured that my growth spurt included my heart, and an enlarged heart helped runners by increasing the time spent on the aerobic pathway.
I finished the 5K in 15 minutes 9 seconds. Jenny girl was so excited that she squealed happily and jumped up and down, an interesting sight that made me wonder again what she'd look like naked. Still, her excitement confused me. I was off the record by a minute and a half.
At 7,000 meters, I figured my ADT was being produced simultaneously by both aerobic and anearobic systems. At 8,000 meters I knew I'd reached and moved beyond my lactate threshold, and if I'd been merely running for exercise, I'd have slowly stopped.
I pressed on.
Visions blurred my vision. Incredible legs. Eve's? A tiny, red rose. A different rose, a feminine flower, red, too. Puffy. Damp.
Other senses intruded. My nostrils flared with the imagined scent of pheromones. My mouth watered. My tongue waggled, then dangled.
Slap, slap went my feet. Muscles screamed. My heart beat alarmingly fast. I sucked in oxygen and pressed on.
Jenny girl? Big. Healthy. A different flower. Not dainty. Not svelte. She'd never be svelte. A svelte Jenny would look silly. She'd be big and sexy, all curvy, all woman. An earthy fragrance. Spicy flavors.
"Paul, you're finished. You can stop now."
I staggered, nearly tripping over my running shoes, staggered onto the winter grass and collapsed. I rolled to my back gasping, gazing up at a clear blue sky. Would my heart beat out of my chest?
"The 10K is a bitch!" I muttered to myself, and then smiled when I recognized the female reference. Yep, the 10K produced about the same amount of pain as an unscrupulous girl.
Laughing gaily, Jenny cuddled on the grass next to me, hugging me, a joyful embrace of appreciation. Her breasts pressed against me, feeling like large, soft pillows. I wanted to burrow my head between them and blissfully fall away into a regenerating nap. I didn't. I didn't have the strength to burrow.
"You're amazing!" she gushed and kissed me, just a peck, but I think the kiss surprised both of us, mostly Jenny. She rolled off me onto her back.
"33 minutes flat, buddy boy. Congratulations!"
"Why? I'd need to take off more than four minutes to approach the record."
"Doesn't matter. Mark my words. You'll still run the local yocals into the ground. Too bad ya missed the New Times 10K in November. Your time today would a put you in the top 20. I think you oughta register for the Desert Classic 10K, which takes place between Christmas and New Year's Day. You need some serious competition ta keep your head from gettin' too big. I'll help ya train for it."
I groaned. Like the 10K, Jenny was a bitch. I'd do as she suggested, though. I wouldn't disappoint my Jenny girl for the world.
She laughed. "No pain, no gain."
"Easy for you to say."
Twenty-TwoEve opened the door wearing a bikini. I whistled my appreciation and handed her a single red rose.
She laughed, which did marvelous things to the perky breasts barely covered by a dusty-yellow bikini top.
"I can see where your mind is," she teased.
I blushed, dammit, which produced another happy laugh from Eve.
I gotta tell ya, as small as her bikini was, I couldn't see how anything but her pussy could be just below the bikini line. In my calculations, a small area for a pubic patch occupied the only possible location for the rose. Did the tattoo occupy that space?
She guided me to a half-bath. "Change into your suit in here, Paul, and join me outside by the hot tub. Would you like something to drink?"
When I called Eve earlier, she told me the date was on and asked me to bring a bathing suit to wear in the hot tub. I happily complied with her request. Hot tubs brought to mind exciting erotic overtones, not to mention old fantasies with new participants, well one new participant, if I didn't count myself. I almost always took top billing in my fantasies.
"Water with lots of ice would be good." I was still dehydrated from the 10K run that morning.
She was lying on a chaise lounge when I stepped out onto the patio. With a lazy wave of her hand, she motioned toward a tall plastic glass on a patio table. I picked it up, gulped half its icy contents and set the glass back on the table. I wanted my hands free of any encumbrance.
"Good water," I quipped inanely and sat on the lounge chair next to her. Now what? I couldn't just ask her to show me her tattoo, could I? "I ran a 10K this morning, a first for me, ran it in 33 minutes flat."
"Yes, 10,000 meters, equivalent to around 6.2 miles."
"Is 33 minutes a good time?"
"Who timed you?"
"Jenny Hall, my running partner. She's helping me train and wants me to run in the Desert Classic 10K at Scottsdale Community College after Christmas."
"Jenny runs with you?"
"Uh-huh. She says she wants to be svelte."
Eve chuckled, which I didn't think was very nice of her, but then I'd recently discovered that girls weren't truly nice. Still, I couldn't let Eve make fun of my running partner and friend with impunity. "Careful, Eve. Jenny's down about 30 pounds. She might not become svelte, but in a month or two after losing an additional 20 pounds, she'll reach her weight goal, and like she says, after peeling off a few layers some pretty curves will shine through." I paused and grinned. "I'm proud of her."
Eve blushed and said, "Sorry. It's strange. Before last night, when I pictured you in my mind, I envisioned you as short and skinny, intensely shy, too. When I think of Jenny Hall, I see a really big girl. You're neither short nor skinny and far from shy, so I should be able to envision Jenny... well, svelte, but I can't. Sorry."
"I understand. I can't see her svelte either, but I've watched her put forth a monumental effort to do something about her weight problem, and I've become her greatest fan and a cheering section of one." After a short pause, I continued, "I admit that lately I've wondered what she looks like under all those baggy clothes she wears, even at school." It was my turn to chuckle, but not at Jenny's expense. "I think she's planning a grand unveiling."
Eve grinned. "That answers a question I had."
"What question?"
"Whether you and Jenny..."
I didn't understand until her sentence tapered off. "Oh, no, Jenny is a friend - just a friend."
Eve raised an eyebrow, expressing doubt, but remained silent. She also raised a knee, the one closest to me, and let it fall toward me a little. My eyes naturally wandered to her barely-covered pussy. I knew she'd noticed where my mind was, so I grinned, raised my eyes to hers, and said, "Roses."
She laughed gaily. "Talk about a one-track mind. Bring your drink, and we'll hop in the hot tub."
I helped her to her feet and pulled her into my arms. She didn't move back, so I kissed her, a soft romantic kiss, not passionate like the night before. I wasn't ready for passion, but I did want to hold her, touch her. I didn't get a hard-on.
"May I refill my glass first?" I asked.
"I'll do it. Go ahead, hop in."
I was settled in the frothing, massaging water when she stepped back out onto the patio. When she bent over to hand me the glass of water, her bikini fell away from her breasts, giving me a clear view of one turgid nipple, larger than I expected and dark brown in color. The areola was small, barely containing the nipple.
I guess I must have been staring because Eve chortled and said, "Well, you've seen them. Would you think me brazen if I removed my top?"
"Hah! Bold yes, brazen no, and definitely a sweetheart." I took the glass she was offering me and gazed over the rim as I slugged down some more water. I gazed because I refused to miss watching her take off the bikini top. I smacked my lips, appreciating the chilled water and the view. "Nice."
"Thanks. They're small."
"But proportional and perfectly formed - perky and proud. You'll probably label me untruthful, but I actually prefer nicely shaped, small breasts like yours to huge, sagging hooters out of proportion with the rest of a girl's body."
"Oh, my, you are a surprise, Paul. My last boyfriend thought I should have them augmented."
"Don't you dare!" I exclaimed.
She laughed, a trilling, pleasant sound.
Cuddling next to me, she placed her hand on my thigh and pressed her naked breast against my arm. I set my glass of water on the cool deck and put my arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to me. Her lips nibbled my neck where it met my shoulder as she moved her fingers up and grasped my hard-on over my swimming trunks.
Using my fingers under her chin, I raised her face to mine and kissed her, softly, romantically at first, but the kiss quickly escalated with passion. She had her fingers around my cock. Surely she wouldn't object if my fingers explored her pussy. She didn't, unless a passionate moan could be considered an objection.
My touch discovered something strange — two, hard, little objects in her crease. Curious, I inserted my fingers under her bikini and moved them around until they encountered the bumps.
My God! She's had her pussy pierced! I thought, and then blurted, "Damn! That had to hurt!"
Eve laughed. "Not as much as you'd think, and it has its advantages. You can't believe how stimulating it can be."
I removed my hand from under her suit and lifted her so she sat on the lip of the hot tub. "This I've gotta see," I stated and, without asking, started to pull off her bikini bottom. She helped.
The small, red rose came into view. My assumption had been correct. The tattoo occupied the area normally reserved for a pubic patch. Eve obviously shaved her pussy — all of it. I couldn't see even one stray strand of hair.
I could see what looked like two diamonds connected with a half-ring, a smaller gem at the top and a larger one directly below. I discovered later that the half-ring pierced her clitoral hood, not her clitoris, a procedure referred to as a vertical clitoral hood piercing, which was evidently the easiest, least painful, most stimulating and quickest healing female genital piercing there is. The jewelry is inserted into the hood tissue just above the clitoris and rests easily on the sensitive bundle of nerves. Because it runs parallel with the natural contour of a woman's shape, it yields to normal movements with little or no twisting or binding.
Strange, I'd daydreamed about seeing Eve's rose tattoo. With it finally in view, I ignored it. My eyes and complete attention were captured by the genital jewelry.
"Are those diamonds?" I asked.
"No, cubic zirconium. The facets aren't sharp. They won't cut. Lick me and find out."
Ah, a test I could wrap my mind... no, my tongue around. I leaned forward and licked between the jewels. Eve gasped passionately, so I rolled my tongue around to test the validity of her statement. My tongue remained unharmed, but I decided I still preferred the soft, swampy feel of just plain pussy. My mind rejected the jewelry as if it was a organ transplant, which in a sense it was. I kept my preference to myself.
Eve's flavors were stronger than Claire's and a little less pungent than Mrs. Jensen's. She had large inner lips, soft and pliable flaps that gave me pleasure when I sucked them into my mouth. Her clitoral hood retracted, exposing a large clit, not as hard as the gems above and below, but still stiff and excited. I licked and sucked on it while pushing first one finger and then another into her cunt until she climaxed under my assault.
I stood and pulled off my trucks, my stiff shaft waving in the sunshine, begging to be surrounded by wet, throbbing girl heat.
"Oh, my!" Eve gushed when her eyes fixed on my hard-on.
I knelt on the seat in the frothing water, and draped her legs each side of my hips while aiming my shaft at her bald, disfigured pussy. She helped by reaching for my cock with a dainty hand and guiding it to her center, inserting it at just the right place. She hunched forward, seating the head firmly inside her, and I ratcheted forward, burying myself fully with the first lunge. Her cunt was large and loose and very wet...
Fuck! I'd forgotten the rubber!
When I pulled out of her and started to stand, she asked, "What... ?"
"I have a condom in my suit."
"No need. I'm on the pill." Her hands pulled at my hips and my throbbing stalk slipped back inside her large, grasping pussy. "Besides, I hate those things. I adore semen. I want to feel it inside me, and later I'll taste it, swallow it when I go down on you. Come on, Paul. Fuck me, dammit!"
Sorry, Dad, I apologized silently.
I soon discovered an inward thrust met little resistance, but when I pulled back so I could thrust into her again, her talented glove tightened around my shaft sending thrills up and down my spine. I appreciated what was happening because the loose inward thrust delayed my orgasm while the gripping sensation when I pulled back slowly increased my excited state. She'd intimated that she'd fucked around, and the control she exhibited over the interior muscles of her cunt indicated she'd told the truth. Eve knew what she was doing. She fucked me but still made me believe I was fucking her. She was multi-orgasmic, climaxed quickly and often. Did the genital jewelry help?
She also offered a strange dichotomy of submissiveness and aggressiveness that delighted me. I discovered that she'd do anything I asked of her, but she rarely made any suggestions herself. Oh, she'd asked me to lick her and insisted that I fuck her without protection, but then it was if she turned her body over for my use and pleasure.
After coming inside her, I suggested that we find a more comfortable location to continue our sexual odyssey. She took me to her bed where we talked while she made love to my cock with her mouth and lips and tongue and fingers. I say make love as opposed to going down on me because she appeared to love it, expressing her adoration not only with words but also by her actions. "The perfect size for me," she gushed a few times.
She gulped down my semen as if it was honey and she was a she-bear. A little later, I managed to get hard again, and she rode me like a cowgirl, bouncing and expressing happiness and passion with moans and words. I toyed with and mauled her perky breasts, and we kissed and cuddled a lot.
I brought the afternoon bacchanalia to a close, not her. She expressed her disappointment, telling me that her parents wouldn't be home for at least another hour, but I had another date that night with a lively, pretty blonde, Jenny referred to as a snot.
At the door with me fully dressed and Eve still stark naked, she said, "My parents will be gone tomorrow afternoon for a while."
James felt as if he was going insane. It was summer, the sun was shining and he was at the beach ogling girls. Tits of all shapes and sizes surrounded him, wrapped in bikini tops, one pieces and other pieces of fabric of varying coverage. James' heartbeat pounded in his ears and throbbed in his crotch, digging a furrow in the sand beneath him. He was lying on his stomach, sunglasses hiding his wide open eyes flitting around from bust to bust. He felt pretty safe with his setup - no one would...
I can't believe what my hand is telling me. I feel it, but I just don't believe it. She actually went through with the procedure. My girlfriend actually went and did it. We talked about our fantasies for weeks, months. And now here she is: lying on our bed, topless, her face alternating between kissing me hungrily or that wide smile or that pained arousal I know so well. And my hand...I can't even believe I'm... I should back up a bit to tell you a little about our story. Not...
Time marched on. I dated Eve and Danielle, trained for the 10K, practiced the basics of Kung Fu, and at the last minute, faced the fact that I needed to buy gifts for Christmas, now only two days away. Shopping was imperative. Argh! I bought Danielle a Van Cliburn CD I knew she didn't have and wanted. Eve would receive a 3-step skin care system from Clinique she'd looked at longingly when we were together at the mall one afternoon after we'd made love. The frequency of our assignations...
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the long wet strands and tossing it back over her head. She grabbed another towel and wrapped it around herself. As she brought it around her back, she caught herself in the mirror in front of her. ”Well hello,” she whispered to her image, smiling at herself. She held the towel open and dropped her hip, posing for nobody. All those weeks in the gym were starting to pay off, she thought to herself. She turned from side to side. It was a good day when she admired the size of...
Ivy Wolfe is wearing a brand new dress and wants to show it off to her stepmom, Cherie DeVille. When she asks her if she likes it, Cherie doesn’t even bother turning around. Ivy is disappointed and points out the fact that she’s not even looking. Cherie glances at her and nods as she gets up to leave. She stops at the doorway and tells her stepdaughter that her friend Scarlett Sage could improve her social standing – she should definitely make it a point to hang out with her...
xmoviesforyouStory so far: i was forced by varsha aunty to roam around her house naked. She had given me a blowjob. Her friend nilima also gave me a blowjob. But they never had removed their clothes. After some 2-3 days, varsha aunty called me to her room. Aunty(a): today you will experience some new thing. Saying this she went and picked up some pieces of cloth from her cupboard. A: lie on the bed and stretch your arms and legs. Me(m): why? What are you going to do? A: do as i say. I lay on back on the...
“Hope ur goin 2 dis ting 2nite, its been way 2 long! Colin :) ”, the message beeped through just as I finished gathering my footing. I’d never been graceful, and my clumsy trait lingered still.Colin, my closest friend in school had always kept in touch with me, but we hadn't met face to face since graduation as we were in colleges that were across the country from each other. He always looked after me when I hung around with the boys, and I was eternally grateful for it. He’d always try his...
Deanna Robbie was already gone to the airport for his flight to Italy when i awoke the next morning. I got up to go to the bathroom and immediately noticed Robbie’s cum dripping on the floor with each step. He had filled me twice last night during our wonderful love making. I noticed that Joey had not crossed my mind too much over the weekend. I cleaned up and went to my doctors office where they removed the cast from my foot and leg. Dammmmmm ... that felt good. I just want to run my...
“How are you feeling?” Grace asked Mo, over their second coffee. It was the third time she’d asked. “Okay thanks,” Mo smiled. “Thanks to you.” “I didn’t do anything.” “I know what you did.” “I helped get you shot, and now I’m helping you get captured. Are you sure you won’t go back and be with the others?” “I’m not going to leave you on your own.” “Okay. Thanks.” Grace smiled into his eyes and gave his hand a squeeze. “Perhaps we should go out and walk a bit? They might not want to come...
Before Emma could ask what she meant, Jess’ hands moved down to Emma’s crotch. Emma shivered at Jess’ touch as her fingertips tickled her sides on the way. Jess’ experienced digits had no trouble finding Emma’s clit, swollen from the excitement of screwing me. Emma settled back down onto me as Jess worked her magic. Emma’s eyes closed and she rested her head against the crook of my neck. I could feel her breath there as she sighed heavily. Emma rocked her hips back and forth against my lap...
Introduction: A young girl finally gets to meet her idol after a gig The Concert was easily the best Id ever been to. I was so excited about coming to see you play live in my little town and you didnt disappoint me. I told my mom I was studying with a friend because she really didnt want me coming here knowing your reputation with girls my age, but I spent the whole night jumping and screaming your name and dancing wildly right at the front, hoping you would notice me in my skimpy little dress...
Hi everyone. This is my first story and I am not a very good writer but I am writing. This is fictional story of my imagination and not a real life story. I hope you all enjoy the story. Please read and leave your comment. Girls if interested in having real fun can write to me at my email address secrecy is guaranteed as I expect the same. To begin with, my name is Nick and I am from Pune. I am 24 year old handsome dude. That is what my friends (girls) say to me. My family includes dad, mum &...
IncestI stepped out of the shower and began to plan my first night of freedom. What should I choose out of the many options like the all night keg parties, little get together parties, or should I just relax in my big empty house alone with my girlfriend Crystal. Yeah, I think I’ll pick door number three, so I grabbed my cell phone and gave her a call. Just hearing hear voice, even on the phone, just makes me want to do back flips. Finally I was finished getting ready as I heard the knocking...
Last January my life changed in a way I never would have thought possible. The following story tells of the even that triggered this change. Before I get into the story let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Angela and I am 21 years old and a housewife in Tucson, Arizona. I am five feet six inches tall and weigh 110 pounds. My husband Travis always tells me I have a great body and he says he loves my 34B breasts. We have been married for a year and a half. Travis is 36 years old. He...
As you were taking a walk around your local park you see your friends ex girlfriend Bronagh also walking through the park. You had always had a major crush on her but were never able to act on it due to her being with your friend but even now you were nervous about talking to her. As you were trying to come up wuth something to say to her you felt your mind start to wander and found yourself staring at her tits and her nipples poking through her light t shirt. As you were gazing she noticed you...
BDSMMy stepsister Dixie can be a real bitch, she is so stuck up about everything. I can barely get her attention she is always making me do her chores to even consider acknowledging me. Dixie uses my love for her feet to her advantage making me do things for her just to be able to look at her feet. She made a real mess today with her laundry all over the living room, Dixie is purposely sitting on the couch… barefoot showing off her amazing feet and high arches. I beg her to taste them, she...
xmoviesforyouRufus got us up late the next morning, knocking on the door. "Rise and shine kiddies if you want to go. Breakfast is on the table." Rufus asked me how my head was feeling as I was sitting down at the table. He opened his hand to show me two aspirin. I took them with a mumbled "Thanks." I managed to drink the coffee, that was all. It helped. I had a horrible headache and felt sick as well. Rufus asked if I remembered anything about last night. "I remember Paul dumping me onto the floor...
The more I've thought about the idea of a secret room it recently expanded to an even more exciting dungeon fantasy. The idea of renting a climate controlled storage unit and turning it into a sex dungeon full of BDSM gear and furniture along with a long series of various sex toys. So with that in mind, this is my more recent fantasy.Agreeing to meet at my storage unit, she arrives in a tan trench coat, appearances seem as though she is completely naked underneath. As I escort her to my...
I’m in my late 20’s and manage a local restaurant/bar. I am 5ft 8 and slim with quite feminine features. To most people I’m just Tom, a regular guy who has occasional girlfriends, likes a beer and watching the football. To my closest friends I’m Lucy, a sissy slut who loves cock. Recently I’d found a ‘daddy’ online. He was an older more experienced man. We started off chatting and I sent him some naughty photos and video clips of Lucy playing. As we talked I revealed that I like to be...
“Alexandra? Are you okay?”, asked Rone, who had stopped eating to look at me. “Ugh, I feel really sick. I think it’s the food.”, I replied, clutching my stomach. “Food doesn’t seem too fond of you either.”, Kai smirked. Rone glared at him foully, before looking back at me. “Please excuse yourself if you feel that bad. Wait for me in your room.” I nodded to him before dashing from the room ... Sitting on the end of my bed, I trembled, knowing what was coming next. I dreaded hearing...
I walked into the station meeting room and frowned at the two girls standing to one side. I looked at the force commander, "I have a lot of work to do." She smiled, "Oliver you are the best fortress hunter we have. Gypsy is an old world, the fortresses show that. The colony has a problem that central has said we must solve on our own." I looked at the girls, "available men." She nodded, "I know you have had a few bad experiences but I personally selected these two. They should be...
Hello everyone, thanks for your feedback to my previous stories, those who want to contact me and talk about your fantasies and suggestions, my email id: . Early in the morning, and I open my eyes, I see mom sleeping naked beside me. Man, this is one of the best things to wake up to. I caressed her hair, kissing her on the cheeks. I take the blanket off us, uncovering our naked bodies. My dick always got hard on seeing that hot body of hers naked. Still sleeping, I spread her legs and brought...
IncestThe Illustrated Life and Times of a Horny Couple Chp. 8 This is a continuation of our real life experiences as we explore our sexuality. I hope you enjoy reading about our recent cruising adventure. We always enjoy reading your comments. We decided it was time for a vacation, and were looking for an escape to a tropical climate. A cruise seemed like the perfect choice. A warmer climate seemed like a great idea to me because Kristen would get to wear some of her sexier, more revealing...
The morning after Sarah and Miss Shapely’s erotic adventure together, the alarm rang loud and clear. Sarah rolled over to see Miss Shapely on her bed and looking her way. Both young women smiled at one another. With the memories of last night’s sexual adventure still fresh in their minds, the taste still on their lips. The young ladies got up, dressed and headed to the mess hall for breakfast. “Is there anything not done communally at this camp? The sleeping quarters are communal. The eating...
This is a true story and my first writing one . I have more stories so if u like it comment or email me at [email protected] . Married guys please read this before going through with any plans you my have . You can also email meThis story begins with me on the internet on yahoo chat in the user rooms ( god I miss them yahoo user rooms ) . I was on there seeing what trouble i could get myself into and checking on the girls that was online . And just chatting asking if there was any girls...
This has been a long time... I started to come too... it was that type of groggy sleep, where you cant really move your body, or your head, and you just slowly open your eyes. My head was aching slightly, but nothing to worry about. I looked down and saw Nancy's back, blocking the view of my Mother. I could make her out as Nancy's body shifted, but couldnt quite see anything...yet.So there were the two mothers... Nancy's hand still slightly over my Mother's, and both still grasping on the thick...
[ For A & T, in anticipation of their very first, and hopefully not their last, African inseminated c***d. ]Mara's pregnant belly was so very smooth, yet firm; and I leaned over and kissed it, savoring as I did the warmth of her young flesh, and the tiny pale hairs that caught the light from the bedside table lamp that covered it. I also breathed in the special smell Mara's skin always had---her bodies natural aroma, and as I breathed it in, my cock was stiff and erect, and pushing against...
The next day after school Mom heard me coming and shouted from the back of the house, "Take your clothes off and meet me in the living room?" After getting undressed I carefully folded my clothes and set them by the couch. It felt weird to be sitting there naked ... OK I knew Mom was right and I was suppose to act this way but I still wasn't used to it. Mom came in holding something at her side. She looked at me and smiled while gently pushing me back so that I was sitting a corner of...
Pete’s Recovery Pete sat in the small park alongside the Current River. His mind was nearly blank. He was listening to the laughing screaming children as they ran back and forth playing. Conversations around him provided a quieter background to the noise of the playing children. He watched the children run and play and smiled at their antics. Their laughter and screams of pleasure transported him back in time to when his two were young and playing in this very same park when he and Cindy...
The Sunday papers did as expected. Nothing they said was slanderous. They took good care and probably legal advice to avoid that but they noted that Henry and Samantha had lived together at the flat before she married Marty and that when she came home on business Henry was always there during the week even when he was stationed at Windsor. How they knew this was a mystery to Henry and Samantha but they suspected the janitor. Then, of course, they had to tell the story of Rupert and Imogen and...
It was a delightful little party at my best friend Hugh's house, with about a dozen of us present all told. His parents were out of the city, and with their gracious permission we were granted access to Mr. Blackbourne's stupendous collection of liquor. The drinks offered pleasing warmth on a harsh winter afternoon. It was still light out and we were hesitant to imbibe too much so early, so we'd gathered some chairs in a circle and were swapping stories. I was commenting on a trip...
"Can I use your loo?" Tom asked. "Probably, but your aim will need to be better." Vivienne showed him her low toilet with its two large rings hanging by chains from the ceiling. He realised now what she meant earlier about not having a trapeze in the public toilet. Everything else was lower too to accommodate her height in the wheelchair. "Your not going to watch to see how well I aim, are you?" Tom asked when she didn't move from the room. "Just want to make sure you don't wet my...
We flew into Brisbane Airport and made our usual inspection with the Humvee. David and I accompanied Myra and Tom this time. No people were found around the airport as usual. We did see signs of flooding but the airport was good. Locating and checking fuel, we moved the Duck for refueling though it was more a topping off than anything else. We had seen signs of life when flying in but didn't expect anyone to show up soon. The airport was built with an edge at the shoreline of a bay. Looking...
A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 25 I watched as Jill and Anna descended on a brunette American girl, with them all embracing like long lost friends; which I knew they were. In the distance I saw Mr Hobson and Julia watching, with the person who appeared to be the head of the American school. "What's going on?" asked Paula, surprised at the events unfolding in front of her eyes. "I'm sure that Jill or Anna will introduce you in a minute," I said with a big grin on...
I gestured helplessly at the stubborn portal as I brushed my long blonde hair back over my ear. “My back door is too tight,” I complained, turning in the direction of the voice. A handsome young man grinned at me from across the fence of my small back yard. “It looks just fine from where I’m standing, but I’d have a take a much closer look to know for sure,” he replied with a smile. “Hi, by the way. I’ve seen you around, but we haven’t met. I’m Jack.” he said, extending a...