Getting By Ch. 03 free porn video

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Pete’s Recovery

Pete sat in the small park alongside the Current River. His mind was nearly blank. He was listening to the laughing screaming children as they ran back and forth playing. Conversations around him provided a quieter background to the noise of the playing children. He watched the children run and play and smiled at their antics. Their laughter and screams of pleasure transported him back in time to when his two were young and playing in this very same park when he and Cindy brought them home for similar July 4th celebrations. The years had seemed to fly past. He remembered when he was a child and playing in this same park during community picnic’s and celebrations. He had just celebrated his 46th birthday last month. He wondered where the time had gone.

Emily walked up beside him and sat down in one of the chairs he had placed earlier. Closely behind Emily came Jack and their children, now grown as were Pete’s. Pete looked at them and smiled then said, ‘I was beginning to think you had gotten lost. Where are Slim, DD and their crew?’

Jack laughed and said, ‘We almost did get lost. I think the traffic and crowd gets worse every year. I think next year I’ll just come down here like you did and miss the parade. Let all those other fools stand in the hot sun on hard concrete watching everyone march or drive by. Hell, you can see almost all the parade here anyway since it ends here.’

Emily punched him in the arm and said, ‘You’ll do no such thing and you know it. You have to see the grandbabies doing their thing.’ Emily looked up and smiled then stood and waved. She yelled, ‘Hey guys. Here we are.’

Jack and Pete turned to look in the direction she was looking and saw the rest of their immediate friends walking toward them. After everyone had placed their chairs and coolers they got down to some serious laughter and conversation.

Emily looked up at Pete and said, ‘So, what’s this I hear about Randy? Are the rumors true?’

Pete smiled and proudly said, ‘Yep. I got back from Pensacola a couple of days ago. He’s now an Ensign, US Navy. I knew he had been taking night college courses for years and was super proud when he finally got his degree. The little asshole didn’t tell me he had been selected for Officer’s Candidate School until a week before his commissioning. I had to leave three days after he called to get there in time for the commissioning. I have pictures of the ceremony and Joanie pinning on the new rank. It took him almost 9 years to get his degree and the commission but I couldn’t be any more proud of him. Joanie is about to pop her buttons she’s so proud of him. I was proud of him for making Chief Petty Officer in eight years but this is even better.’

‘What does Cindy say about it?’

Pete looked over at Emily with a blank expression. He frowned and said, ‘I have no idea. Apparently she was too busy to come to the commissioning. Randy said he called her to invite her but she wasn’t home. He left a message on her machine but she didn’t show and never even called. As of the date of commissioning he hadn’t even heard from her.’

Emily looked upset. She touched Pete’s arm gently and said, ‘Oh, Pete. I’m so sorry. I know better than stir up bad memories but damn. I can’t believe Cindy would act this way to her own son. I know how much he must be hurting from her actions. The next time you talk to him you be sure to tell him how proud we are of him and give him our congratulations.’

Pete nodded his head and turned to watch the officials guiding the old vehicles that had been in the parade into their parking positions. He would soon have to go look at all the old cars and trucks. He was in the middle of a frame off restoration of a numbers matching true 1967 Chevelle Super Sport. In his spare time he was completing a dream he had when he was young. He had always wanted one of the SS’s but had been too poor to get one when they were new. Now he could and by golly he did.

After lunch Pete grabbed a beer and wandered off. He made a tour of the booths and then headed for the car show. He was almost through the entire show when he came to an old faded 1967 Malibu sitting under a tree on the back row. There was a surprisingly good looking woman in her early 40’s he guessed sitting beside it.

Pete moved closer to the car and bent over being careful not to touch it. It had a 283 cid engine with a power glide in the floor, bucket seats. From its looks it was a true survivor. There was no evidence it had ever been restored or had body damage repaired. Pete smiled over at the woman watching him examine the car. He said, ‘Nice. It looks like a survivor. You’ve got it cleaned up really well. I used to dream about having a car like this one except I wanted the SS version. One of the families here in town owned one just like this when I was young. I used to watch it drive down the street and almost die of jealousy. I haven’t seen you around here before though. You drive far to get here?’

The woman smiled again and stood. She walked over beside Pete and said, ‘No. I live here now. From what you say I bet this is the car you drooled over when you were young. It was my father’s. I moved back last fall to teach at the school. I’m living with mother and the old car was still in the garage. She hadn’t driven it in years. It was Daddy’s car and when he died she couldn’t bear to part with it but she had her own car she drove daily so just left his sit in the garage.

‘I needed something to help fill my spare time and get my mind off my problems when I came home so I began working cleaning the old car up. After I got it clean and running Mom gave it to me.’

Pete smiled and said, ‘Becky? Are you Becky Livingston? Jesus I haven’t seen you since I left for college. You sure have changed a lot.’

The woman looked at Pete and smiled once again. She nodded he head yes and said, ‘Yep. That’s me. Or at least I used to be. I got married to Sherman Potter and kept the name after we divorced.’

‘Wow. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.’ Pete stumbled and hurriedly continued talking. ‘I mean about not recognizing you. Not the divorce. I’m sorry. I know how that must have hurt. I think you were still in Jr. High School when I left home. You’re what, 37 or 38 now?’

Becky laughed and laid her hand gently on Pete’s forearm. She smiled once again and said, ‘Boy you’re a smooth tongued devil aren’t you? I was 40 in June.’

Pete hurriedly changed the subject back to cars. He said, ‘I sort of know what you mean about needing to fill in your spare time. I moved home a little over two years ago after my divorce. I spent the first six months or so helping Dad on the farm feeling sorry for myself and drinking way too much. After several one sided conversations with my mother and a couple of friends wives I decided I had to do something to fill my time in also. I didn’t want to work full time and I sure didn’t want to just sit around and get fatter so I found a part time job doing taxes for the Stiles accounting firm and I bought my dream car to work on in my spare time.

‘I’m about half done with a frame off restoration of a true 67 Chevelle SS. It’s even numbers matching.’

‘Wow. Cool.’ She looked around and frowned slightly then continued, ‘Where is it? I walked through the cars earlier and I didn’t see it.’

Pete smiled and said, ‘Its home. The interior is still ratty and I haven’t painted the body yet. I have it running like a top and the frame is powder coated. I have part of the body back on the frame but there is still a heck of a lot of work to do before I let anyone see it. In fact the fenders, grill, hood and trunk lid are still lying on the floor.’

Pete sat visiting with Becky for over an hour before he reluctantly told her he needed to get back to his friends. After he stood to leave he hesitated for a moment then said, ‘I still live out at the folks place. They sort of need help and I suppose I just never got around to finding
a place in town. I am working on the car in the shop there. If you wanted to come out and see it someday I’d be happy to show it to you.’

Becky smiled and said, ‘I’d love to. What are you doing Saturday? Got time to do a show and tell then?’

‘Heck yeah. I’ll probably just be messing around, probably doing a little work on the old car anyway. Come on out. Ya know how to find me?’

Becky laughed and said, ‘Come on Pete. Your family’s been around here as long as mine has. What do you think? If I can’t remember how to get to your place I know Mom does. I’ll just have to ask her.’

Pete laughed and said, ‘Yeah, guess that’s right. I know where you live so why wouldn’t you know where I live? See ya Saturday.’

Pete was about ten feet away when he heard Becky yell, ‘Hey Pete!’

He stopped and turned toward her. She had her phone out and said, ‘What’s your number in case I need to call? Or do you have a cell? I guess I can call your house.’

Pete smiled and said, ‘Heck, I didn’t even think of that. It’s 314-267-7778.’

Becky smiled and said thanks as she punched his number into her phone. Pete started to ask for her number when his phone rang. It rang twice then stopped. He glanced at the number and didn’t recognize it so put it back in his pocket. He started to again ask Becky for her number when she said, ‘There. Now you have my number if you need me.’

‘OH. I’m dense I guess. I didn’t recognize the number and was going to ask you for yours too.’ Pete looked puzzled and continued, ‘I guess you can tell I’m not very good at this phone number and getting together thing. Sorry.’

Becky laughed and said, ‘I hadn’t noticed. I mean it sure didn’t take you long to try to get me to come to your house now did it? And you seem to have the right bait too.’

To his mortification Pete felt his face heat up. He quickly turned and almost trotted off. He said over his shoulder, ‘Well, gotta go. See ya Saturday.’

Becky stood watching him hurry off with a frown of her face. She wondered if she had said something wrong.

When Pete got back to his friends Emily looked up and said, ‘There he is! Damn Pete we thought we were going to have to send out a search party for you. What happened? Did some horny female jump your bones?’

Pete once again felt himself blush. He stammered, ‘NO! I was just looking at the old cars and talking to some of the owners.’

DD saw Pete’s red face and laughed. He almost yelled, ‘Whoa Dude. Who is she? Look at his face everyone. I think our Pete HAS been flirting with some female. Come on dude you can tell us.’

‘Look asshole I wasn’t flirting. I just ran into Becky Livingston at the car show. She has her Dad’s old Chevelle over there and we talked cars for a while. That’s all.’

The three women looked at each other with small smiles. Dottie, the youngest of the three said, ‘Pete you need to be careful with Beck. She’s doing better now but she was hurt awfully bad. Have you heard about her?’

‘No, what do you mean?’

‘Well, you know she and Sherman Potter had twins. The kids were 16 when her son had a car wreck on the way to school one morning. His sister was in the front seat with him and didn’t have her seat belt on. She was thrown from the car and didn’t make it. Sherman couldn’t handle everything and blamed Becky for the accident and their daughter’s death. They went to the same school Becky taught at and he blamed her for letting them drive instead of making them ride to school with her when she went to work. He began beating her. The third time she ended up in the hospital she filed charges on him and divorced him. He went to prison for assault and she moved home. She doesn’t socialize much and doesn’t even have many friends around any longer either. Her son went into the Army and they don’t see each other much now.’

‘Oh. She didn’t say anything about that, only that she was divorced and worked on the car to fill her empty time.’

The next evening, Friday, Pete was at the local grocery store picking up some things for his mother when he saw Becky and a very frail, unsteady looking older woman. Their shopping cart had several groceries in it already. He assumed the woman was Becky’s mother. He debated for a moment then walked up and said, ‘Hi Becky. How are you doing?’

Becky’s head jerked around rapidly. She looked startled then she smiled when she recognized Pete. She said, ‘Hi Pete. You startled me.’ She gestured toward the older woman with her and said, ‘Do you remember my mother Irma? Mom this is Pete Youngblood.’

The three stood and visited for a short while then Pete said, ‘I really need to be going. Mom sent me in for some things she said she needed before she finished supper.’ He looked at Becky and continued, ‘Are you still coming out to see the old car in the morning? I’ll probably be in the shop after about 8:30 or 9:00.’

‘You’re sure it won’t be a bother? I would really like to see it if I won’t be in the way.’

‘No. I’d like to show her off if you’re really interested.’

Pete had only been working on the old car for a few minutes when he heard a car crunching the gravel of the driveway. He looked up and smiled. Not only was Becky here but she had driven her old 67! He walked out to meet her with a smile on his face.

After their greeting Becky stepped past Pete and headed for the garage. She stopped about five feet from the left front tire of his car and put her hands on her hips. She gave the car a careful look over then walked up to look in the driver’s window. After giving the interior a close look she stood and faced Pete.

Becky smiled and said, ‘You sure have your work cut out for you still. I see what you mean about the inside too. It is pretty ratty. What’re you doing today?’

‘I’m block sanding today. In a couple of weeks I hope to have it all painted so I can put the body back together and get started on the interior. I’m getting anxious to get her done so I can take her to shows.’

‘Cool. Ya want some help? I think I can sand and I really need to learn how to do it if I can’t. I want to redo the paint on my old car as soon as I can find the money and someone to help me spray it.’

Pete protested with Becky about her helping. Finally she said, ‘Look Pete. If I didn’t want to help I wouldn’t have offered. I like to work on old cars. I followed daddy around the garage when I was a girl and learned a lot from him before he got sick and had to close it. If you just don’t want me to help for some reason fine but if you’re just being polite forget it. I really do want to help or I wouldn’t have offered ok?’

Pete felt a lurch in his stomach when Becky began haranguing him. He said, ‘Whoa, I’m sorry Becks. I don’t mind the help if you really mean it. I just didn’t want to take advantage of you is all.’

Becky smiled and said, ‘Ok then. Whatcha want me to do boss?’

Pete thought a moment then suggested a task for Becky to do. The two new friends worked quietly and carefully on the old car. There was very little conversation and most of what there was related to the job. They were both surprised when Pete’s mother came into the garage. She said, ‘Pete what’s the matter with you? I’ve called you three times now for lunch.’ She looked at Becky in surprise and then said, ‘Well who’s this? Hi, I’m Pete’s mother Pauline. Would you like to have lunch with us also? I made plenty. We’re having fried chicken and the rest of the trimmings today. I always make a lot.’

Becky introduced herself and then said, ‘Thank you for the offer. I really couldn’t impose on you like that. Besides I really should be getting home. I only planned to come see the old car and I got carried away helping.’

After a short conversation Pauline had browbeat Becky into eating with them. They all had a pleasant conversation over the meal and to Pauline’s disgust Becky insisted on helping with the clean up after the meal. Pete and his father sat in the living roo
m and listened to the drone of female voices and occasional laughter coming from the kitchen.

Pete’s father looked at him and said, ‘You be careful there son. That girl’s had a real tough time. She doesn’t need any more hurting now.’

‘Yeah, I heard Dad. Emily and the girls filled me in. I just met her again July 4th and she wanted to see my old car. I think she needed to be doing something today. She’s worried about her mother and still hurting from her daughter’s accident and the divorce. She needed something to keep her busy. Well, I guess I’ll go back to the shop for a while.’

Pete was sanding the car again when he heard a noise. He looked up and Becky was working on the project she was on before lunch. Pete looked at her a moment and returned to his job. The next thing he knew they had finished all the sanding he had to do on the sheet metal. He stood with a groan and put his sanding block down. Becky finished the fender she was working on at almost the same time and stood also.

Pete looked around and stretched his back. He slapped his hands together then whipped the dust from his jeans. He walked over to the old refrigerator sitting beside the open garage door and opened it. He looked at Becky and asked, ‘You want something to drink? I have beer, coke or unsweetened tea.’

‘What’re you going to have?’


‘Great. That sounds really good. I’ll have one too please.’

Pete and Becky took their ice cold beer outside and sat under the large tree beside the driveway. Pete looked out over the current river and stretched his legs out in front of him. He sighed and said, ‘Thanks for your help today. I didn’t think I’d finish the sanding until at least next weekend. Heck, I am ready to paint at least a week earlier than I thought I would be thanks to you.’

‘I really enjoyed it Pete. I didn’t think once about…’ Becky stopped talking and pressed her lips together. Pete saw the tears in her eyes. She shook her head and made a broken sigh.

Pete thought a moment. He really didn’t know what to say or do or if he even should say or do anything. Finally he decided to say, ‘Becky I heard. I mean, well I was told about your daughter and husband. I’m sorry. I know that doesn’t help much and I know I really don’t know what you are really going through but I sort of do too. My life turned to shit and I had to divorce Cindy. I lost my daughter then too because she took Cindy’s side and won’t talk to me at all. I know it’s not the same as you had to go through but I sort of know. If you want to talk about it or something I’ll listen.’

Becky was sitting in her chair silently crying. Pete didn’t know what to do. Finally he stood and walked over to Becky. He put his hand on her shoulder. She turned to him and rested her face on his hip while her body shook in her sorrow.

Finally Becky stood. She didn’t look at Pete. She said in a quivering voice, ‘I need to go Pete. Thanks. I had a really good time today. And thank your mother for the great lunch. I need to get home and check on Mom.’

Pete watched Becky drive off. For some reason he felt like crap. He hated to see her cry. It was almost as if he had done something to her.

The next Thursday afternoon Pete answered his phone and it was Becky. She said, ‘Hi Pete. Are you going to work on your car Saturday? If you are can I help? I really enjoyed myself last Saturday and thought if you didn’t mind I would really like to help some more.’

Pete laughed and said, ‘Do I look that stupid? Free help from a nice and pretty woman and on my car to boot? Sure come on out. I’ll be starting about the same time. I’ll tell mom to expect you for lunch too.’

‘Oh, NO. I couldn’t do that. I’ll just go home or bring something.’

Pete laughed and said, ‘Oh no you won’t. You’re not going to get me in trouble with mom. If you help you’ll eat here and like it young lady.’

Becky laughed and said, ‘Oh, ok. If you insist. I’ll see ya Saturday morning.’

That Saturday the two friends stripped out the inside of the old car. They took out everything that had not been previously taken out including a lot of the instruments from the dash board. They pulled the weather stripping from the windows and doors that had not been previously taken off and removed all the inside trim. They sanded down the rough spots and Pete used a small portable sand blaster to knock off some difficult rust. He was now ready to prime the interior metal prior to painting.

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Locksmith Cottage Grove a a lot superior way for t

Folks residing at Grove are lucky to create distinct locksmith options to their challenges, they may be now less worried to shield their individual and commercial properties from theft. Locksmiths Grove options and products are a kind of boon to help the individuals dwelling within the city. There have been quite a few corporations involved in generating the life extra comfy for the individuals. Comprehend their concerns linked to the security of their properties, corporations create and style...

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A Full Moon PhaseChapter 6 Meeting in a Were Bunker

"What does it mean?" asked Trixie about the flyer for the Courage Players performing The Merchant of Venice in a nearby Black Forest town, Her question went out through the speaker phone to the speaker phone listened to by her comrades in the werewolves' sausage factory building. Still flushed from an orgy that morning wherein she awoke tied to Kat's bed using silk scarves at her wrists and ankles, tortured exquisitely by Kat's long tongue and sharp fingernails and teeth and fucked...

3 years ago
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Breaking and Entering Two Sisters Home Alone

__________________________________________________________________________________________ Rain pelted down as Zoe and Cynthia waved goodbye to their parents who were pulling out of the driveway, off on another one of their romantic nights out. The sisters didn’t mind, they got to have the house all to themselves and get up to pretty much anything they wanted. Not that they were bad girls, though, quite the contrary. Cynthia was 18, but didn’t go out too much or get up to much mischief....

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CHAPTER ITHE PASSION OF STEELIt is morning 9: am, a beautiful woman arrives at Steele's studio, Steele is a young blonde short hair 24-year-old photographer. She wears a tiny blue short and a white Tshirt."Hi, I came by the notice that you needed a model to ...""Sure, come in, “interrupts Steele,” get comfortable, sorry, this place is a little messy."“It is ok, do not worry,” answers the woman.The girl looks around as walks slowly. She is struck by seeing only photos of beautiful naked women.“I...

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Deputy PorterChapter 164

"Twelve hundred." he said. I looked him in the eye and repeated, "When I said it. it was my final offer, I meant it. Don't came back tomorrow and say you will take it." I headed to the door. "I want to see the color of your money first," he said. I wanted to tell him what a fuck he was. I also wanted to tell him that his wife had good sense, but what I did was pull out my wad of hundreds. "Satisfied?" I asked. "You are a smart mouthed bitch, I could just take the money," he...

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Sexs with my friends mother

Hi my name is ajay sharma. I am 24 years now. I am writing from jabalpur. Ever since I got my adult hood I am very much fond of reading sex stories and watching photos on the websites. For stories I choose ISS as the best one where most are real incidents. Taking motivation of most members posting their own sexual incidents today I have decided to write my real story which happened four years back and continued till date. I was 16 when I had first ever glimpsed of a naked women. Till then at...

3 years ago
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Cock Slave Now Gay

I started sucking cock years ago and got pretty good at it. I still blow several of those guys I started with to this day. I sometimes picked up strangers at bars when I went out and I would blow them in their car or we would get a motel room. Then one night a few years ago I was extremely horny.It was a rare that I didn't have a cock at all that day. I went out to a bar with one thing on my mind, find a guy and blow him. That night I met Clark, we started talking and after a while I got up the...

2 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 19

Outside in the hall, Professor McGonagall wasted no time. "I must leave Hogwarts shortly, and I did not have to time wait until you finished class to speak with you. I take it you noticed Hermione was not around this morning?" she asked. "Yes," replied Imogen. "She wasn't at breakfast and she's not in potions." "I can't tell you where she is, Imogen, but -" "Professor," said Imogen in a tone that a slightly annoyed teenager might use with her parents, "I know where Hermione...

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My Wife Becomes Her Cousins Surrogate 8211 Part 3

The doctor was preparing my wife in a special fuck bed which is designed to restrain her in the best position for getting the sexual stimuli that the doctor was giving her now. And later, she will be impregnated by her cousin Somu in that same special fuck bed, lying on her back restrained in a position for deepest penetration during intercourse. Though the doctor said that he was just making my wife ready for the impending impregnation of her beautiful helpless body in a few minutes, he was...

2 years ago
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Somebodys Got To Do It Part 4

Our man just has no time to rest up and recharge. If you haven't already read the previous chapters, I suggest that you do. This chapter has a lot of variety: MM, FF, MMFF, MF and more. If this offends you, why are you here. If you're too young, get out of here before I tell your mother. One more thing: This story imagines a world without protection from dreaded cooties. But this ain't it. Wrap that rascal! Comments, messages, ratings; All are welcome!The next morning, I couldn't sleep past...

Group Sex
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Anjali Ki Chudayi Uske Ghar Mein

Hi all, lo ji aapka apna Akhil vapas aaya hu after great response on my earlier story “Padosan ko apna addicted banaya” , bahut bahut thanks jinko meri story pasand aayi aur un sab se regret jinko na pasand aayi. Jaise aap sab jaante hain ki maine apni padosan ko apna addict banaya hua hai. I am like drug for her. Toh baat yeh kuch din purani hai, hua yeh ki meri aur anjali ki kisi baat ko le kar ann bann ho gayi. Aur main usko call par call kar raha tha par woh na mere calls receive kar rahi...

3 years ago
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Profesor 23Iprv del

Nikogas ne odev na fizicko,nikogas ne mi se dopagase ama bas nisto okolu toj predmet.Vo osnovno se pojavuvav nekolku casa ke sutnam nekolku topki dobivav 5-ka i posle cela godina ne odev.I vo sredno bese slicno,ke se pojavev ednas mesecno kolku da me vidat i tolku.Sve bese dobro dodeka ne go smenija profesorot po fizicko.Noviot bese uzasen,mozebi deka bese nov pa sakase da ostavi vpecatok.Novi patiki t.e cisti,beli corapi,beli maici i slicno.Nema sansi,se zainativ i ne doagav,toj ne prasuvase...

3 years ago
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I get hired as handyman

What does a reasonably active professional man of 60, full head of hair and reasonably libido do when made redundant? In my case it was a case of being realistic and finding any job that pays the bills. So when I saw this ad for a mature concierge porter/handyman, I thought why not?’ After submitting the application I was invited to be interviewed by the ‘property management committee’. As I entered the old upmarket Edwardian mansion block in the suburbs I was met by a smartly dressed lady but...

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A weekend away hots up a small village

A few years ago, a friend of mine was renting a flat in a small village in the Midlands, which he and another friend used when they were called to work in the locality. One weekend my wife and myself had agreed to borrow the flat for a few days away. Before going to the flat we had agreed that it would be an ideal chance to engage in our favourite hobby; that being exhibitionism, with the occasional spot of sex with one or more strangers, thrown in for good measure. Whilst driving to the flat...

1 year ago
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The boat

I am self employed and can arrange a lengthy vacation anytime I wish. I leave things to my office manager. She is very capable of running things as well as I can. I told my office manager I would be in very late or maybe not at all this day. I have a few extra $$$$ in my pocket and decided to go to the casino boats on the Ohio river in Indiana. I like to go as often as my $$$$ allowes me. On my way I pass a nice big marina. I can see beautiful boats from the highway as I drive by. I get to the...

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Search For A Housemate Part 1

It all began when I moved in with my boyfriend. I was the only girl in a house full of boys. It was unbearable, you know the leaving the seat up on the toilet whenever they go and even worse there so tall that when they go to the toilet the pee has to come from such a height it splashes everywhere and they don’t clean it up. There was Greg, who was a forty something prick, then there was, Geoff who is in his early twenties, the same as my boyfriend Lachie. Greg was becoming too much of an ass...

4 years ago
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Meister T Frucht der LIEBE

Meister – T – und Voyourismus als Kunstform -Aus dem Leben eines Meisters - Abdruck von der rasierten Mu - Mu von HillaLest - Was bisher geschah: - - - - -Der Fetisch als moderne Form der...

1 year ago
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Express action The Office Party

The office party never got beyond the boring stage. They never do when senior management pretend they are just part of the team like the rest of us wage salary slaves. No share bonuses in the company for us. I think we were celebrating ten years of the international business in Sydney, so some bright spark decided it should be on the tenth floor.My heels were killing me. I wanted a relaxing spa bath. I needed some quiet personal down time after completing a deadline review just before six. And...

3 years ago
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Cock Pictures 7

So, the interest areas that I’ll shoot pics of: - With my cock hard and straight up, seated (this one is already on, as a pic and my avatar) - Pointing straight out at the camera, as if the viewer was approaching to give head - In woman’s undies, with an obvious lump in the panties. And some pads in the bra, I’m kinda thin so no tits to fill out the bra. - Recreate a previous picture with a cum load seeping out through red panties at the cock head - Laying in the tub and pissing towards...

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Date a celebrity

Please add to this story. This story takes place in an alternate universe and therefore all main characters are 18 years or older. You are John Smith. You have just received an email from Celebrity Services congratulating you on winning a date with a celebrity The email reads: Dear John Doe We are happy to announce that you have won a date with a star of your choice. Please reply when you have decided who you have chosen. You have two weeks to decide. Thanks Celebrity Services staff. Ahh! You...

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Xtreme Shorts 1

The room was very hot. Ann noticed that it smelled like sex and sweat. Initially the view of what was on the table aroused her, despite her own pain. There was a young girl stretched out on the low table, her legs spread almost into a split, her arms drawn over her head and pulled far enough that her sweat slicked armpits were almost flat. She was young enough that her tits were only small, flattened swells against her chest. Her ribs were outlined against her pale skin and her thin tummy was...

1 year ago
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Swining Family Vacation

Julie and I were totally naked, on top of the bed, making love when our daughter, Candie entered the room. We were at a nudist resort, so she too was clothesless. We were in a version of the missionary position, but Julie’s legs were wrapped around my hips, so there was no question as to what we were doing. Our suite was equipped with curtains rather than doors on the rooms, and our curtains were tied open. Candie had been quiet when she patted in on the lushly carpeted floor. Julie had her...

2 years ago
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How Ramya Became A Bitch

Michael was fucking me like I’m a sex doll. At some point I couldn’t even moan. He drained all my stamina. He finally took his dick out of my pussy. I realized this is the moment and knelt. He removed the condom and shot his cream on my face and threw the condom on my face like I’m a trash can. He got dressed up. Meanwhile, I still can’t stand. He opened the door and walked out. My husband was watching TV in the living room. Micheal patted on Ashok, my husband’s shoulder, and said “I’ll be back...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 356

Since I was all tooled up, and I had a place to go, I walked out the back door of the Downtown House smiling for a change. I stopped on the way to the Spoke and Chain for a tank of gas. It was hard for me to appreciate the mundane things in live, like buying gasoline but there I was. Since small details always came flooding in whenever I did anything, I raised my head and smiled for the surveillance camera I knew would be there. I only mention the big thoughts in this journal, but there are...

2 years ago
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Curiosity killed the Cat

Curiosity killed the catA long week end I was home alone again: my loving Victor flying away until Monday.I was getting a little bit boring, when I saw my neighbor Thomas on the street.He was a handsome guy and was the owner of a sex shop Victor and I had never visited. I went outside just to say hello. Thomas smiled and we chatted about his business.He said it was going very fine, even few women sometimes would find their way there."Women go in too…on their own?" I asked a little...

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The best fuk of my likfe

Things worked very well over the next year and as we were coming to the end of a particularly difficult project I was keen for the team to let some steam off. As this happened near the end of a week I took the team out for a few drinks as a reward with the intention of letting them go home early. It was a hot day and Alex looked stunning in a short demin skirt and tight white t-shirt with a plunging v-neck which showed her ample cleavage. I got a call as we returned to the office and I had to...

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The Helpless

I was so comfortable lying there with the warm mantle of deep sleep covering me like a cosy blanket. In my mind, I had been reliving one of my most pleasant dreams and the whole world seemed so peaceful, so right except for one irritation. After several failed attempts at forcing it out of my mind, I tried to simply ignore it, thinking that if I could do so, it would go away. That didn’t work either. In vain, I tried to hang on to that blissful state that only comes from being in that world...

4 years ago
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My Mother The BDSM Model

My Mother The BDSM Model As he left he said, “Your mother could use your help up in her bedroom.” I had seen him come in with a big duffel bag and it was quite a bit smaller as he left. Mom had told me to watch television and that she had ordered me a pizza for dinner. Then she took the strange man up to her bedroom. That was at five o’clock in the afternoon and it was now eleven o’clock at night. I walked up the stairs. I was a little tired but I knew that Mom needed me so I...

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Claire ConvertsChapter 9

We got into my car, and I drove over to Becky's house. She pulled me inside, despite how uncomfortable I was being there. As soon as we were inside, Becky stripped off her clothes and yelled, "Chrissy! Front and center!" I heard the pitter patter of bare feet and Chrissy quickly came running up, sliding to her knees in the last few steps. She was breathing a bit from the exertion as she said, "Yes, Mistress?" "I have an assignment for you," Becky said. "Something only a slave as...

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Brians Mom

Brian thought that if he fucked his unconscious mother slowly she would not wake up. A moment later as Brian is beginning a downward stroke, Brian heard her ask. "Are you fucking me?" Her eyes had again opened only half way. She wants to wake up but the medicine and alcohol is just too strong. "No mother," he replied in a whisper. "You are dreaming." Rachel had married at age seventeen to Justin Parker nine years older than she is. It is her first marriage and his second. Neither...

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Derricks Awakening

Let's start by telling you the characters. Derrick: 19 year old college student. He claims to be gay. He is tall (6'4") and lean/muscular (180 pounds). A very good looking and smart kid, well liked by his peers. He has had several 'boyfriends' over his freshman year and is now a sophomore. He lives in the dorms on campus. Dad: This is me. I'm the father of Derrick and two other boys. I'm 40 and in good shape myself. Not as tall (5'7") but muscular (165 pounds). Very successful in business. I'm...

3 years ago
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My Very First Love

You never know when it will happen and you certainly don't know what to expect or how you will feel when it does. At the tender age of sixteen and one month, it's impossible to gauge how a person will behave when faced with affection from another, especially when they are shy, reticent and immature.It's true what they say, that women develop emotionally, far earlier than men, or a teenager in my case.I must have experienced so many emotions in those five months of love, each one causing my...

Love Stories
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Naughty Times With Sexy Bong Neighbor

Hi Friends… I am Gary, originally from Delhi, but currently based in the city of lust i.e. Kolkata. I have been amazingly fortunate to get the love and steamy hot sexcapades of naughty and lusty bong women here in Kolkata. Our sexxy readers, who are reading my real life incident for the first time, I am a 38 year old married guy, but with lottts of sex drive. I keep myself fit by regularly gymming, running, swimming, badminton and yes lotts of sex. Since i stay at a high end residential...

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I was 27 years old when I decided. I had been married to a very pretty woman by the name of Mandy for 3 years. She was about 6 years older than me and very much into her ‘career’. She traveled a lot in her business and most of it took her to the city her parents were retired in. What that meant was that there were many times when she would go on a business trip and then spend the weekend with her parents and then work in the same city the next week. It also meant that I had about every third...

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Pimping my mom 2

hi guys hope you all like ma stories and experiances i had shared with you.Now i am here with a new experiance.Another episode that hapened in my life.hi guys i am Ram, as i told you that i was pimping my mom, there happened an incident.Once when i was out with my friends in beach i saw that one man was watching me, at first i thought he simply looked me but again after some time i saw him he was still watching me. After that we all friends was ready to return home at that time i was about to...

2 years ago
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Love With My Sexy Mommy

Hello everyone, this is Raju age 25, working in MNC, Chennai, I have been reading Indian sex stories for the past 4 years and now I going to post my real life experience with my mom. My mom is very lovable towards me as I am the only son to my parents and I too like her very much. My view on my mom changed when I came to knew about Incest. This happened when I was 22 and my mom was 43. My mom is very fair, 5’4 feet tall and have perfect body, Her boobs are 38′ d and she has little tummy and...

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Carrie and the Portrait pt 01

It all started with a phone call. It was a portrait of her husband. A simple request, you say? Read on for the real story of what happened. This is a true story that took place in the late ‘70s, long before digital photography.Carrie came into the camera store nicely dressed in a business suit, high heels, nylons, and a scarf. Her breasts looked like they were going to burst from the confines of her suit, which kept everything together. She followed me upstairs to the studio, which had been...

Love Stories

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