Renting a Room
- 4 years ago
- 23
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I was still shaking the next morning from the climactic experience with Melody and our feminine audience, but by noon had dealt with commitments at the lab and to the project. I had just begun to think about a sandwich when arms descended around my neck and kisses landed on my face.
‘I suppose the lunch menu on a day like this includes more naked tanning?’
‘You are so spoiled. Each of your tenants is a star in her own right, and you have arranged it so we are all willing to share our fabulous bodies with you. Speaking of which, I hope you appreciated the treat you got last night.’
Valerie nuzzled me and added, ‘I am so thrilled with the job and the help with admission to Haas. I was in a state of shock yesterday and didn’t thank you properly.’
I glanced up to find Sharon and Maggie in the doorway, frowning. ‘Stop hitting on him, Valerie. There has to be some discipline around here.’
Lunch was on the patio, with acres of succulent female flesh to get excited over and rub lotion into.
I had a pad and pencil and used the time to generate ideas about the two new living units. I was trying to concentrate when I discovered the women were talking about a wedding. Mine.
‘Sharon, you are on a scholarship, and Scott isn’t much better. That fancy salary won’t show up for a while. I know the bride makes wedding decisions, but you would delight an old woman’s heart if the wedding were here and the expenses were on me.’
Maggie was sitting by her side, rubbing lotion into the naked back while Sharon sniffled and mumbled, ‘Everyone is being too nice to me…’
Valerie walked over with a towel and sat her greasy back in my lap. I went to work on shoulders while she talked. ‘Sharon, the two of them are going to build you a home as a wedding present. Think of it. Just steps from the altar to the bed and making the first baby! I’m incredibly jealous.’
What an uproar! Sharon pounding on Valerie. Maggie kissing me. Everyone laughing like crazy.
Maggie stood behind, gripping my ears and twisting my head back and forth. ‘Scott dear, I’m seeing my new home nestled into the hillside. A wonderful dream you have to make come true. I’m afraid there has to be a pool here on the flat space. The babies will need water play…’
I put my head down and cried.
Before the end of the day, Maggie had found an architect, Nancy Atwater, who was the daughter of another one of Maggie’s endless string of friends, and we had a meeting scheduled for noon the next day. When the tenants heard about this, there was a unanimous cry that tenants needed to be on the design ‘committee.’
In fact, there was so much energy floating in the dining room that another conference on the big bed was necessary. Melody was still hyped from the other night and got into a terrific wrestle, claiming rights to my body. Disputed rights.
With the help of duvets, a large warm pile was constructed and the room lights extinguished. The last twilight shone into my bedroom and low voices, ignoring me, discussed the Saturday party, now only two days away, and how it would work in the future to have me not present in the old house.
‘He will be shacked up in the back, paying no attention to us!’ ‘We will go naked in the pool, holding up signs saying ‘unfair to coeds.’ ‘
Helped by my fingers, the pile dissolved in giggles. Sharon got Melody in a death grip and hissed, ‘You promised to be nannys. He told me every nanny had to have a complete compatibility test!’
The twins sat on my chest and said, ‘Sharon, there has to be more talk about getting pregnant. Your team really needs you this year. You could be Division 1 champs.’
A great sigh went up. ‘Ohhh. He can’t throw the condoms away yet.’
Sharon snuggled in my arms and said, ‘What do you think, football player?’
‘I think the tenants and the house mother are supersmart, as usual.’
The next morning at breakfast, there was more hip checking than normal. I wrapped my arms around Maggie and whispered, ‘That was good last night, wasn’t it?’
She turned around and found my lips for a long tender kiss. ‘I don’t know how you do it. Most guys would wilt under just one of these fabulous women.’
My hands were in her hair, pulling gently as I kissed her forehead and ears and nose. ‘Those crazy twins on my chest are the most fun ever. When is their mom going to visit?’
Before Maggie could answer, two bodies danced in, ‘Professor, professor! She is coming, she is coming for the Saturday party!’
They held out the phone and Maggie took it. ‘Michelle! It has been too long. Can we pick you up?’
Very rapid French went back and forth. The twins had me in a death hug, whispering to themselves in French. Aimee bit my ear and said, ‘You will like our mother. She is a famous dancer in many New York shows.’
I groaned, ‘Another tough body to beat on me!’
‘Yes, yes. You must flirt with her and make those terrible football player noises.’
There was no discussion. I was directed to collect Michelle on Friday afternoon, while the others worked on readying the house.
The web feed from Parkfield was very quiet, so I went down to the department to work on forms and a new project description. Emily noticed my woeful look, closed her door and took me in a tight hug.
‘What’s the matter?’
I was noticing yet another tight body moving on mine when she pulled my hair and said, ‘You feel good. No wonder those coeds like you. Maybe I deserve a kiss.’
A long time later, she whispered, ‘Yes, I definitely know why.’
A very subversive thought went through my head. ‘But you said I couldn’t screw up?’
I turned her back to my front and got a firm grip on soft breasts, licking under her ear. She sagged against me, giggling, ‘Maybe there are exceptions.’
I spoke into her ear, ‘This is a hot body, are you getting enough loving?’
She pushed me against the wall and rubbed on my erection. ‘No, I don’t get any these days. And you already have girlfriends.’
I gathered her in my arms and sat in the upholstered chair, wondering when the phone was going to ring and wreck our playing.
‘You know why I had that long face? Because my women are too nice to me. I’m cracking under the pressure!’ My tongue was exploring her face and she sighed. ‘My god, Scott, you do turn an old woman to mush.’
I was just starting to respond when the phone did indeed ring. I extricated myself and found a corner in the lab to do my work. She had a sweet fragrance about her and I was badly distracted. At the last moment, I remembered the architect’s visit at home for lunch, and rose abruptly, to find myself with Emily’s arms around me.
‘I was going to suggest some lunch.’
Thinking quickly, I said, ‘You are coming with me. Maggie is having an architect visit and you will be a welcome addition.’
Luckily, she had sneakers on and we made good time uphill to the house. Maggie shouted a warm hello and they embraced. The two of us were led to the patio and introduced to Nancy Atwater, our new architect.
I offered ice tea, lemonade or wine. Everyone chose lemonade and I disappeared to do drinks.
Maggie had Nancy seated facing the hilly slope to the rear of the house. She extracted a sheet of paper from her portfolio, and studied it.
‘I’m looking at a property map I downloaded. This will be tight. There is a twenty foot setback requirement from the side and rear lot lines, but we might get a waiver if the neighbors don’t complain.’
Maggie smiled, ‘Phil and Gloria Smith are long time friends and tell me they intend on staying right where they are for the duration. Call it aging in place.’
‘There are plenty of trees up there. With careful design, it won’t look like the Maginot Line from their side.’
Sharon and Emily were sitting together and whispering quietly as they ate. Valerie appea
red in the doorway and I pointed her to Emily.
I said, ‘Maggie and Sharon should tell you their ideas about how much space they need.’
Sharon answered, ‘I’m used to dorms and this house has been like a dream, with all the space. Aren’t we going to want to spend time with future tenants and throw parties like tomorrow? I’m not sure how to cram Scott into a one bedroom, but willing to try.’
At that moment, the twins showed up bubbling with energy and doing walkovers on the patch of lawn. ‘We heard that. We are experts on small places, and also squeezing football players!’
They laughed gaily and I made threatening gestures, which produced giggles all around.
Emily was at my ear. ‘I have to get back. Stay here and protect your interests. I’ll see you tomorrow.’
Nancy was sketching as Maggie said, ‘I know these are called ‘Granny’ units, but I don’t feel like a granny and I’m not ready for the rocking chair yet.’ She tried to give me a fierce look, but I gave her my best ‘come hither’ look back. Before I knew it, Maggie and Sharon had me down on the grass, sitting on my chest.
‘Nancy, don’t pay any attention to him. He is very disruptive. It takes all of us to hold him down.’
Grabbing a sandwich, five bodies made me a pillow and pretended I was Gulliver.
Nancy said, ‘I get the impression this household has a lot of fun together.’
Valerie hopped up and took her hand. ‘Yes. Come with me for a moment.’
Shortly she returned, pushing Nancy in front, who now wore a crop top tee and short shorts. Valerie gave her a place of honor reclining on my chest and provided a floppy sun hat.
‘This is a better way to advise the clients.’
Nancy was shaking and I pressed her hand. ‘Relax, we all do that to each other. Tell us your thoughts about the project.’
She laughed, ‘When I was in school, my boyfriend used to buy me these tops so he could stick his hand up under it.’ She guided me just where the boyfriend’s hand had gone and slipped my fingers under her bra strap to grasp a very nice boob.
‘I guess I can talk now.’
Amid a lot of giggles, I leaned to kiss her cheek and got lips instead. She wrapped her hand in my hair and kept us tight for a long minute.
‘Maybe if we have lunch like this everyday, I will work for free.’
Maggie said, ‘Nancy, you will get carried upstairs and ravished if there is any more of that. Architecture first, play later.’
Kneeling in the grass facing us, she held up the sketch pad. ‘This is very primitive, but the space lends itself to a simple rectangular design. In fact, I think we can use the golden rectangle proportion. I have to play around with dimensions, but 22×35 should allow for bedroom, bath, pantry and storage along the back, and a linear great room in front with dining area and kitchen at the far end. What do you think?
Maggie sat up, ‘A good start. Do schematics overnight and come back in the morning. We will put you to work making pastries for the party and talk about your plans.’
Sharon crawled over and knocked Nancy on her side for a tight clinch. ‘Yes, I think this one is back in school and needs help with her studies.’
Valerie leaned in to me and said, ‘Take her to your room.’
A squirming Nancy, minus her clothes, was deposited in the middle of the bed. She glanced around wildly, only to see the door closing and four female students disrobing before her. They gestured to me to stay back against the wall, and made a circle on the bed, sitting in the lotus position and looking serious.
Valerie took charge and said, ‘You cannot be our architect until you have been initiated. Turn over and bury your face in the pillow.’
Nancy looked unhappy but did as she was told. Four pairs of hands, armed with lotion, descended.
The small fingers of the twins made a tracery on her back, kneading softly. Sharon bent the legs up at the knee and worked on toes. Valerie’s thumbs dove deep into the muscular behind, finding tight places to loosen. Melody took charge of scalp massage.
The architect was twitching and moaning. ‘I am so turned on. Somebody better get me off.’
Smiles from the tenants. Gestures for me to drop my shorts and join the party. I shook my head. An all girl initiation would be fine. Sharon gave me a fierce look and pointed to a spot next to her. Maggie quietly entered and stood next to me. I pushed her in front and wrapped my arms so that each breast was properly cupped. We rocked quietly back and forth. On the bed, hands were nudging the body onto its back. Her eyes opened to a slit and roamed around. Small mouths with very sharp teeth took most of each boob for licking and nipping. Valerie’s nasty fingers and thumb were assaulting a pink clit attached to a hip that could not stop gyrating. The attack accelerated until the pretty architect lost control and shook from top to bottom in a wonderful, blushing climax that was a treat to watch.
She reached out for an offered tissue and said, ‘I am going to get revenge. I will sneak in the back door and attack in the night.’
Sharon gestured in my direction. ‘He protects us. You will be caught and impaled on his mighty weapon.’
Nancy looked worried for a moment, and then noticed the smiles.
‘Scott, please come rescue me from these devils. I don’t know how I can design anything with every nerve in my body shooting off.’
Maggie pushed me in the direction of the bed. ‘Take care of your new woman. We need her skills on the project.’
By the time I got a knee on the mattress, expecting a warm hug, the legs were spread wide and a glistening pussy was humping in the air. Her look could mean only one thing.
Sharon had my ear. ‘Scott, she is joining the club. Take her properly.’
A little voice was warning me, ‘This is a pussy whipping exercise. Watch out!’
I pounded my chest and let out an unearthly roar. My cock was cooperating well, pulsing and waving, ready for its next victim. Suddenly, Nancy wasn’t sure she needed him. The legs began closing.
Another roar and he was buried. Caught up in the excitement, my roars continued and the tight cunt received a pounding like it had never experienced before. Nancy was shouting. ‘Bastard, you can’t treat me like this. Stop!’
Too late for that. Way too late. With a final roar, I climaxed, spurting everything I had into the writhing body.
Minutes later, she was resting on my chest, still filled with cock, catching her breath. The tenants were apologizing for my rough behavior.
‘He is not supposed to act badly. We are sorry.’
‘Shut up! I’ve never been fucked like that before. What do you put in his food?’ Do I get to be a friend of the family? A close friend?’
‘Why is he still in you?’
Her tongue reached out and played with mine. My fingers were dancing up and down her spine. She shivered and clenched. ‘How do you survive being around this much male?’
I sat up and walked to the shower. Her arms around my neck were tight. As the steaming water enveloped us, I opened my mouth, but she put her finger across it, saying, ‘Don’t you dare tell me you are sorry. I want you to give me a bear hug and say ‘You are mine!’ and make more of those growling noises.’
I did all that and she started crying.
I asked, carefully, ‘What’s going on?’
She led me out of the shower and down the hall, dripping and crying, to my room where the tenants were relaxing, waiting for their turn in the shower.
‘You have to let him be my lover. Please?’ There was a new burst of crying and I took her in my arms to the bed. I got down on my knees and said it was going to be all right, and there was lots of loving to go around, and close your eyes.
We tiptoed out and looked at each other. I asked, ‘Too much enthusiasm?’
From the head of the stairs, Maggie said, ‘Too little loving. Come down to the kitchen when you are clean.’
I was not allowed to leave. Each body wanted to feel my soapy fingers in familiar places, and my lips on theirs.
The twins climbed on my hips and held very tight. I grabbed towels and walked to the front room. We sat on the mat and dried off, absorbing quiet energy from their new gym, with the pretty views to the street and the tall trees. Soon, it was one guy and four women, tight to each other, not talking.
I caressed Sharon’s shoulder and said, ‘That’s powerful stuff we have been playing with.’
Voices whispered, ‘Yes.’ We put clothes on and went to help Maggie.
I was rolling dough when a hand wrapped itself in my hair and pulled. ‘I should have known you would be good in the kitchen on top of everything else.’
The architect had her own clothes on and looked very professional. ‘You are not to worry about me. That was one of the best experiences of my life. I am going home to my drafting table and work on the project. Save some party chores.’
I walked out with her. Standing on the front steps, I said, ‘It is required that you punch me.’
Her eyes widened. ‘Why, exactly.’
‘Do it. Do it really hard, and I’ll tell you.’
She wound up and smacked the middle of my belly. Good, hard blow.
She looked intently at me, expression not giving any emotion away. ‘Why?’
‘Evens the field a bit. Feels good, doesn’t it?’.’
She turned away and hurried down the stairs. There were more tears in her eyes. I waved.
Sharon was behind me. ‘That was nice of you.’ Her lips kissed the back of my neck.
‘But she cried again.’
‘Women can be like that, sometimes. When I’m pregnant, I’ll probably sit in your lap and cry every night.’
Inside, I grabbed Valerie for some work time on project schedules.
She straddled across my knees and played the keyboard much better than I did. The project software she had found displayed large colorful charts on the big display. All we had to do was make them mean something.
In a low voice, she said, ‘I started that with my dumb teasing.’
My hands carefully fastened to her front. ‘I’ll beat you if I don’t get teased. You heard what she said about best experience?’
‘Yes, but we must have pushed her too far. There were a lot of tears.’
‘What about calling after dinner and asking if she would like some company?’
Her hands reached up for my hair and pulled. I allowed my head to bend to a warm kiss.
She said, ‘I’d drag you upstairs, but we really do have to get this ready to send to the project advisory committee.’
I couldn’t quite believe it, but she did wonders on the machine for the next hour, insisting that I make out with her the entire time. Towards the end, we saw Sharon’s reflection in the monitor.
She was aggrieved. ‘Have you quite finished with my fiance?’ Her front mashed into my back.
Valerie didn’t even look up. ‘Don’t get your panties in a swivet. You’re the one with a ring on her finger, after all.’
‘The department would be upset with your working conditions. Aren’t women entitled to respect?’
Sharon’s hands reached over our shoulders and down Valerie’s front. My assistant shivered and complained, ‘That’s a strange way of showing respect. If this wasn’t so important, I’d have you on the floor.’
I turned around, lifting Valerie into Sharon’s arms and applying my hands to both bottoms. ‘What about lunch?’ There were giggles behind me as I walked to the kitchen.
Headed to the airport after a sandwich and a description from Maggie of the twins’ mother, Michelle, I pondered my recent good fortune with the opposite sex. It seemed the closer I got with the tenants, the more attention I received from other women. Something was rubbing off on me? The inner voice said, don’t ask too many questions. Some things about women are not explainable. Nancy had shown up with a big folder just as I was leaving. Not a sign of yesterday’s breakdown. A passing kiss and a flash of her eyes.
The airport was busy, but I had hardly approached the baggage carousel when a small body launched itself at me. ‘You must be Scott. My god, you are big. No wonder the twins call you Papa Bear.’
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Adult HumorHi all lusty readers. Myself Raaz from Ranchi (Jharkhand) and any horny female from Ranchi looking for hot sex or chat pls mail me on “”. Coming to the story, She was one of an average horny girl always looking for a cock to fuck her glory hole and ass. How Hot and steamy sex with girlfriends lusty Roomie in theater. KAISE MAINE USKI CHUT KA KACAHMOOR NIKALA AUR USKI GAAND KA gURGAON BANAYA. yE STORY EK THEATRE ME HUI FAST SEX AUR LUST KI KAHANI HAI. Kaise hum dono ne theatre me khule aam sex...
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This is a story i found on a page that's been inactive for a few years. This is such a hot story and it needs to posted again for people to view and enjoy. I am only copy pasting this story. Please read and enjoy. Have any problem tell me and it shall be removed. Thank you.Storeroom with Father-in-lawMy name is Suganya, a house-wife aged 30. I reside with my husband and our four c***dren, at Chennai in India. We are a middle-class South Indian family. My husband is a nice man and takes good...
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Ashley and her boyfriend of a year were your average couple. Jake, her boyfriend, had just been laid off work and Ashley was a receptionist at a small dentist’s office. Struggling to make ends meet they decided to bring in a roommate for a bit of extra cash. Finally, after a hot and sticky hour long drive through peak hour traffic, Ashley walked through the door of her home. Immediately she felt the cool air from the air con all over her body. “Babe, I’m home!” she called out to Jake who’d no...
Straight SexClaire Ingram sighed when she entered the lecture hall. She was late and the room was packed already. Professor Babcock was still busy hooking up his laptop to the projector. Claire let her gaze sweep the room. There! An empty seat, in the second to last row. She made her way over and asked perfunctorily. "Hey, may I have this one?" The girl who sat on the next seat jerked before she nodded without looking. Claire did not know her; she was sitting hunched over as if to avoid contact....
You have gone to the hardware and bought a broom. The purpose of the broom is not to clean your apartment. Instead, its purpose is to provide you with yet another way to torment your body for our mutual pleasure. Namely, after cutting its handle to the right length and trimming its bristles so that their ends form a sharp ridge, you are going to introduce that prickly ridge into the tender cleft between your labia and stand with the broom suspended between your crotch and the floor. You...
(Authors note: This story was inspired by femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af023.jpg) ALTERED FATES: THE BITTER BRIDEGROOM By BobH (c) 2002 It was going to be the wedding of the year. Hollywood's new golden-haired wonder boy Tom Hudson was marrying supermodel Gina Carter, and the press couldn't get enough of them. It was a pairing that had synergy, they said, one in which their combined fame and glamor would be greater than the sum of that which...
Casey eased the white earbuds into his ears as the computer screen on his desk opened a window showing the business meeting, already in progress. Casey was in his work cubicle, but this wasn’t one of his company’s teleconferences. This was something special. The video conference streamed from the boardroom of Master Plan Ventures, where Malik Masters sat at the head of a long table in front of the floor to ceiling window that overlooked downtown San Francisco. These offices were his kingdom,...
Oral SexIntroduction Hi, I'm Mick and I write stories that are role-plays meaning I write a chapterand then my female co-writer writes a chapter. I haven't yet succeeded findinga co-writer for this story but I hope to find one or more interested now thefirst chapter is uploaded. Please read the last pages of the story as wellto read more information about this issue. When reading the story I want you to know that I'm not a native English writer.I therefore hope you will excuse grammar faults and so on...
‘Those are the last boxes,’ said Kyle. Moving into my brother’s old apartment is already pathetic enough, but moving in with my brother’s old roomate, Hunter, is worse. Ever since Kyle got married it has been awkward living with the newlyweds. Kyle thinks that he can keep an eye on me when I’m living with Hunter and he trusts Hunter because they’ve been living together for three years. Kyle thinks I am not responsible enough to be living in an apartment of my own. I guess I better make the best...
Mike made sure we would be alone for the weekendhe wanted me to help him with something he has been building this semesteri was eating with him in our student appartement , dinner was over and i started to feel numbsit in the living room , my head feeling heavy and the room looking blurryi didnt understand why he wanted me to stand up and get in his roomi tried but my limbs woudnt cooperate''you look like you need some help ''he walk me to his room and i was sit on his bed''ive been working in...
I could hear him moan as my tongue slowly circled his balls. I felt him quiver as my lips sucked each ball into my mouth. I could see the thin sheen of saliva as I pulled back, his had lightly pressing my face back. Then as I slid my tongue up the under side of his cock I heard a quiet gasp, this time it seemed to come from behind me. Of course he never heard that, his panting was loud enough to cover any noises he wasn't making. I pressed his cock head to my lips, kissed it and slowly pushed...
When I was in college I lived with an older roomate. At the time I was 18 and he was 23 and he only lived one year with me before he finished and went away. The house we lived in was on old house with those big old keyholes, every voyeurs dream... And being a voyeur like i am i took advantage of it to the max.The first time i spied on him was in the shower. There, for the first time I got to see his naked body. He was of normal build, not fat nor skinny, a bit tall and had few hair on him (i...
Fucking my Roomate Part 1 I was 22 and I remember it was the day before my roommate's birthday. For the sake of the story let's call her Hillary. She is a lesbian (but I had heard stories of her fucking guys a couple of times). Good looking, great body (she was really athletic), and an admitted slut. But I had known her for so long it wasn't really a big deal. I did my thing, she did hers, and I never really thought about fucking her because she always talked about how sex with guys was "gross"...
My roomate melissa is a beautiful blonde we live together in an apartment. One day she came home and said "I have a surprise for you..." saying that she opened up her shopping bag and pulled out a neon pink strap on. She went into the bed room for a while then opened the door enough for her hand to motion me indide. As i walked down the hallway i couldnt help wondering what she was doing in there for such a long time. i reached the door and without heasitation quickly opened it there she was...
"Those are the last boxes," said Kyle. Moving into my brother's old apartment is already pathetic enough, but moving in with my brother's old roomate, Hunter, is worse. Ever since Kyle got married it has been awkward living with the newlyweds. Kyle thinks that he can keep an eye on me when I'm living with Hunter and he trusts Hunter because they've been living together for three years. Kyle thinks I am not responsible enough to be living in an apartment of my own. I guess I better make the best...
Straight SexIt was about three six years ag o, i was staying the night at my girls place, and we had been out the night before partying hard. My girl had to get to work early, so when I finally got up she was gone, but her roomate missy was still there. She was still asleep on the couch where she passed out. She was a brunette with a wonderful pair of. I watched her laying there. Her tits moving up and down as she breathed, her legs slightly spread and her dress just barely covering her panties. My cock...
VoyeurValerie and I had just gotten back from a night on the town and were kinda drunk from clubbing. We had started having sex with each other two weeks after we met. So, we were at our one-month point, and the sex was off the chart. We were doing it anywhere and everywhere we could, but never in front of anyone, until now.Anyways, we made our way into Val's bedroom. She was wearing a tiger-striped skirt up to her ass, and a short black tank top was barely held together by strings and high heel...
Interracialok, first story....this is trueI had been working in this pub for near a year now. since i had started i had been constantly flirting with a girl named anne (another lounge staff), but since we both were in relationships we never acted on it, everyone else who worked there constantly teased us both over it, something we would just laugh off. anyway to cut long story short, it was after last call one night and i was to head to stock room to get rid of any rubbish, only to find anne hiding out...
Adam leaned on his broom and sighed. He stared off into space for a few moments, before shaking his head. That wasn't getting anything done, neither the leaning not the staring. He reached for the dust pan and shoveled the accumulated trash into it and dumped it into the trash bag beside him. He started to tie the bag closed, then decided to check the aisles of the store one more time. He firmly told himself that he was looking for dust and dirt. He was not looking for Janey. Adam sighed...
This is a simple gentle story. If you want violence, rape, incest or such stuff please look elsewhere. This story is set in the same village as another of my stories, ‘The Chair in the Corner’, but is in no way a sequel. I hope that it stands up on its own, as they say. I hope you like it. If you do, I’d like to know. If you don’t, then I’d also like to know why, so that I can do better next time. Our house is next door to the Running Fox, one of the village pubs. In fact, in the past, it...
Liz had gone to her best friend’s house for a party earlier that day. Well, not exactly a party; More a bunch of teens and young adults smoking weed, eating mushrooms, and drinking. She hadn’t known many of the people there besides her friend, his girlfriend, and younger brother. A bunch of other guys had also shown up and her friend’s dad. His dad had been the one to supply them with the mushrooms and some of the weed. Nicer strands that they could never have gotten in town. She had never...
Copyright© 2003 by Kien Reti That's right, I collect asses. Women's asses, of course. I'm as straight as they come, and I'll knock you right on your ass if you suggest otherwise. After two years, there are eight items in my collection. Each exhibit consists of a photo album rubber-banded together with a spiral notebook. The albums hold the pictures -- the shots of the women bent over, their bare asses revealed in all their glory. The notebooks contain the case notes: the physical...
Kevin Longquirt was supposed to be doing inventory in the backroom of Warden Automotive parts. Instead he was rubbing his cock through his jeans while thumbing through an old porn magazine. He had found the dirty magazine hidden in the bottom of a dusty old filing cabinet. Kevin was a thin, sinewy 18-year-old with dark black hair and green eyes. He had played football on the high school varsity team and had developed a strong and lean body. What he lacked in bulk he made up in speed and...
Hello friends I am Yash again explaining my threesome experience to you. Me, my gf and her roomy. Meri gf Sarika jo ki bahut sexy ladki h jiske boobs bahut tight h or gand gori chikni. Or meri gf ki roomy Rosini she is soo soo soo sexy that I can’t explain her sexy body mai to usse kapdo m dekh kar hi jhad jata hu uske bade bade boobs ahha haaa or uski jhaat bhari choot maja dila deti h.. Maine meri pehli story m bbatay kaise maine Rosini ko choda aab mai apna doosra experience batane ja rha hu...
The addiction counselor asked the room how they could work on self-improvement. A middle aged white woman was answering first when the door swung open. “Come on in,” said the licensed professional. “You must be Geo.”“Yes, I am,” replied the five-foot-five-inch, dark brown young man.“There’s a seat right over there by Aaron,” the man pointed. “I’m sorry, Barbara, Continue on.”Barbara went ahead sharing her thoughts. Geo sashayed over to the chair and parked his tail next to the older bald...
Typically, his so called buddies would crash through the door and subject each other to random acts of humiliation; taking pictures to post online or use as blackmail. It was not like they had complete disregard for my sleep, just that they were drunk morons looking for a good time. Okay, so maybe it was complete disregard. Over time, their activities mutated and one night they brought over a girl, just one, and had their way with her. At first I thought they had planned it, but after peeking...
With a make-up wipe I took the orange glaze, the white glitter and the sweat of my face. It was always such a satisfying moment. After the show was done, my muscles sore, I would take off the sweaty costume of the Sugarplum fairy, but before I jumped into the shower of my private dressing room I first took the make-up off my face. Seeing the Sugarplum fairy disappear and my own face reappear. A moment of self care. A moment off calm, no sounds, no music, just the soft rumbling of the...
I would in all probability never have discovered that Jessica my darling wife had cucklded me with a cad and lothario, Bunty Broomstead to be precise, had my Darraq Motor-Car not broken down twix the Dog and Duck Inn and Hampstead New. I was quite discomfited. The Darraq was usually so reliable. Unlike Jessica. I do not declaim to be the most jovial of coves, nor the most attentive nor passionate of lovers but for my sins I had sampled none but that bitch Jessica for seven tedious...
I’m the type of guy that likes almost all kind of guys, even the not-so-cute ones. I’m 18, and in my life I’ve fucked tall guys, small guys, whites, darks and black guys, all types of cocks and balls, so basically that makes me just a horny guy looking for sex. I study Natural Sciences at my university, and I live in an apartment with two guys I met in a summer Math course, Mark and John. Mark was fair skinned, a pretty boy, kind of hairy, short, with an excellent pair of legs I enjoy...
Cara and Lori had been roommates at nursing college, so it seemed natural that they should share and apartment when they graduated. I had been friendly with Lori’s younger sister, in high school. I finished college and got a junior management job with a courier firm.The job required I move to the city, and Lori was the only one I knew there.I called Lori about helping me find a place to rent close to the airport which is where I would be working. Lori remembered me from high school, and said...
Shared Secret Between Roomates Ilay in my bed listening for the familiar sound of him coming home. He has her in tow, as usual. I rush to hide my half-naked body under the covers as he opens my door to check if I am asleep. Happy that I won’t be walking in on them anytime soon, he closes my door and turns off the hall light. I hear the stereo in the living room come on. I can picture the scene already, they are sitting on the couch and she is sitting in his lap, facing him, arms wrapped around...
Images of Desire, At the Tea-Room Part 1 Lana was bored. She perched on a table at the back of the tearoom swinging her long legs and occasionally looking up at the huge clock on the wall. The minutes seemed to grind by achingly slowly. It was late afternoon on a warm but rainy day and few people were passing by. Even fewer were venturing into the tearoom. Sometimes she saw figures huddled under umbrellas rushing by outside, and heard the sound of their heels clicking on the pavement....
She could still see his wicked detective Victor smile but so sexy when she read his words in this letter she read it like a varoom mistress a blow for a show it said you inflame me if anyone on this earth compares to look as seductive like you could you ever blame me for wanting you so much. I cannot wait to clasp the erotic love body necklace I gave you to lick you all over to my dewy lips to your curves of your innocent hips.That was her main thing Violetta like the play violin. Seeing the...
Group SexToday is the first day of the rest of your life; your destiny awaits, you tell yourself. But who are you kidding. . . you stopped believing in bullshit like fate a long time ago. The universe is governed by dumb luck and strength of will. In that case, today is just another day. You hope it will be better than the day before. You watch your parents pull out of their parking space in their bug splattered minivan, noticeably lighter now that your stuff is not in it. Your mind is flooded by...
I was visiting friends in Germany, a couple that had a small house and no guestroom or extra beds and I felt a little to old to camp out in the livingroom on an airmatras. Luckily there was a hotel nearby where I could sleep for a very reasonable price for a couple of nights. The hotel was quite fancy and breakfast was included, every morning there was a rich buffet which I gladly used to cure any hangovers I had.Every morning I saw the same staff, one of which was a slim girl with short dark...