Renting a Woman
- 3 years ago
- 25
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‘Scott! The damn toilet’s plugged again.’ Valerie’s shout carried from the third floor to the kitchen, where Sharon and I were having a first cup of coffee. I wandered out to the foot of the stairs.
‘That’s it, Valerie, I warned you the last time. Your indoor plumbing days are over.’
Seconds later, the hard body landed on my back and a hand grabbed away the coffee.
‘I am reporting you to the city this very morning. Tenants can’t be treated like this!’
She perched on the counter, helping herself to coffee and staring at Sharon and me. ‘You promised,’ she said. Sharon repeated, ‘You promised.’
I nudged myself between her legs and lay my head on her shoulder. ‘I was supposed to go to the lab this morning. You are interrupting the course of scientific history.’
She ran her fingers through my long hair and kissed the top of my head. ‘I’m sure Professor Tilton-Jones would want your lodger to be able to take a dump in peace and quiet, confident that it is going to go where it is supposed to go.’ She giggled and pulled harder at my hair.
My fingers were inside the striped robe, rubbing her modest tits and tweaking the fine nipples on the end of them.
‘I had to loosen my bra strap.’
‘I told you! Mom’s technique works!’
Valerie Longchamp was the first lodger in my newly converted Victorian house in Berkeley. Over the summer, my emeritus professor grandparents had decided to move to Oregon to a retirement community in the Rogue River Valley, and give the house to me, their only grandchild. My grandmother, still full of energy at sixty-eight, said that I should take a lodger or two to help with the student housing shortage, and provide some company.
‘Scott, you are married to that darn project. You will end up the state’s leading expert on seismic structural failure and be the loneliest man in town. I want to hear you are chasing girls again, or something like that.’
In the spirit of never leaving a chore untouched, my grandmother had cleared the house of everything except essential furniture, followed by cleaning and painting. Even the floors had been sanded and varnished. I was almost afraid to move in.
A week after carefully carrying things into one of the second floor bedrooms, the front door bell rang. ‘Hello, I am wondering if your room is still available?’
I asked her in and explained about it being my grandparents’ home. ‘If you like, we could go upstairs and see the rooms.’
I was basically clueless about house renting, and stumbled in my explanations. Finally, I said, ‘I have some notes from my grandmother. Perhaps it would be best if you looked at them.’
When I returned, she was on the third floor, which had low ceilings and dormers and was cozy. She looked over my shoulder. ‘That is in French!’
‘Yes, my grandmother was in the French department before she retired. She writes notes to me in French to remind me of my French heritage. She was born and raised in Paris.’
‘Your grandmother is Maggie Fourneau? She is famous.’
‘Yes, I am afraid so. When I was growing up and visited, the house was always full of young women with a cause.’
Valerie was tallish and lean. Dark brown hair cut and bobbed just at her shoulders. High cheek bones and dark eyes with heavy brows. No chest to speak of.
It turned out I didn’t need to translate. She turned and spoke to me in French, ‘These don’t say how to divide the space up?’
I began to have a feeling about smart attractive women who speak French. ‘Hmm. If you are interested in renting here, perhaps you could help decide?’
I noticed she had been giving me sidewise glances. ‘Do you have a girlfriend?’
‘It’s complicated, but the answer is yes.’
‘Good, I was trying to decide what to do if you hit on me. I haven’t been close to many men as large as you are.’
I smiled at her. The truth is that I do intimidate women. My genes, plus football training, produced a six foot, two hundred pound defensive end that had played varsity football for Cal for three seasons.
Her eyes suddenly opened wider. ‘OMG, you are Jeff Anderson. I’ve watched you play.’
‘Is that good or bad? Are you leaving now?’
‘No. Absolutely not! I am just floored about renting from you. So unexpected.’
‘I think we had better go down for a glass of wine. Just to calm your nerves.’
I wasn’t much of a conversationalist, and let Valerie babble at me. I helped her with her jacket and she sat back in grandma’s expensive down sofa.
‘Let me see if I have this straight. The house has just been refurbished. You have moved in and are going to rent part of it out. You are not sure how to do that, and I can help decide. Because it is a hundred years old, and your grandparents are both academics, there may be some issues with plumbing and so forth.’
‘What year are you, what’s your major?’
‘I’m starting junior year and I’m still undeclared.’ She grimaced, which implied not everyone was happy about that.
‘Are you going to invite a lot of friends over and smoke pot in the attic?’
‘How much are you going to charge me to live in this historic wreck?’
She walked over and sat in my lap in grandad’s recliner. I leaned back and she fell into my arms, laughing. I stuck out my tongue and she kissed me.
‘I should be ashamed. Making out with the landlord. I don’t even know if he will take me in. By the way, I just got back from summer in New England with my folks and have nowhere to stay tonight. Do you offer your gorgeous floor to strays?’
‘I suppose I’ll need to take you to dinner too. There isn’t any food in the house yet.’ The second kiss was better than the first. Much better.
‘I thought there was a girlfriend.’
‘We’ll talk about that at dinner. Do you have things for me to help with?’
‘I rented a car so I could crash in it if I had to. My luggage is in the trunk.’
I had a large, heavy suitcase in each hand and led the way to the sunny bedroom on the third floor. ‘This will keep you a safe distance from me and has great sun in the morning. We will have to explore for the bedding.’
She stood in the middle of a completely bare room except for the unmade bed. The walls were freshly painted off white and the ceiling was low except in the dormer. Her clothes started coming off. ‘Do I get a shower? I’ve been on an airplane all day.’
I started. The view of the trim body clad only in underwear had paralyzed me. ‘Yes, of course. I’ll find a towel and some soap.’
When I returned, she was naked, except for her briefs, standing in the bathroom across the hall. Her front was reflected in the vanity mirror. She stared at me with the dark eyes and asked, ‘You don’t mind a little nudity? My family is very relaxed about skin.’
I hesitated and stepped forward with the soap and towel, and a fresh bathmat. And made a hurried exit.
I was in the kitchen writing down a shopping list when she called me. There was a vision on the second floor landing, hair wrapped in a towel, no top and hips covered in skin tight boy shorts.
‘Can you come up for a second?’
She headed into one of the two large front bedrooms. ‘These are gorgeous rooms. Would you mind terribly if we made one into a yoga/dance room, and the other into a workout space with a machine or two and some mats? The tenants will love you for them.’
I was trying desperately not to look at her bare tits, and failing.
‘Go ahead and look at my chest. There is nothing there, so I don’t cover it much. Is that ok?’
The next thing I knew, her arms were around my neck and the chest was being pressed into my tee shirt very firmly. In an incredibly sexy low voice, she said, ‘I don’t get attention from guys. I’m used to it. Can we just be friends?’
In a few minutes, we were back in the kitchen, making lists again. She had on respectable shorts, a
tee shirt about as faded as mine, and white sneakers.
‘No bra?’
‘Are you kidding? With these? This is Berkeley.’ She hopped up on the counter, which brought us more or less face to face. ‘I love your expression when I tease you. I think this is going to work.’ She slipped my hands under the hem of the shirt and up to her tiny tits.
‘Do I get to know what is going to work?’
‘Not yet. Rub my boobs and see if you can make me feel less inadequate in that department.’
The third kiss was even better. ‘I should be scared of you. Football players have a terrible reputation for taking women first, and asking later.’
‘Sharon would kill me.’
‘She is around?’
‘Not yet. Maybe tonight. Driving from New Mexico. Had a summer internship at the Santa Fe Institute. Her folks live here and she stays with them during the school year.’
‘You said it was complicated. Why?’
‘We had a big fight in the spring and broke up. She sent me an email last week asking if we could talk when she got back to town.’
‘But you could be in a whole new relationship by now. You’re big and sexy. Girls must hit on you all the time.’
My hands had fallen to her hips. She put them back and said, ‘More. You have to build my self-esteem. I read that in a book.’
In my most male dominant voice, I said, ‘Girls who tease me get fucked.’
‘Oh shit, I’m sorry. Honest, I’m not trying to hit on you. I don’t think we are ready for full benefits yet.’
The fourth kiss was soft and intimate, and made me harder than before. She noticed and stroked the front of my shorts.
‘We better go shopping before I get in more trouble. What if we bring beer and takeout back? There is a lot to talk about. Do you even have lease paperwork?’
I was starting to get the drift that the woman who had suddenly appeared in my life was smart. Really smart. She knew where everything was in the market and sent me for things while she did others. The checkout tab was $230, which she insisted on using her card for. ‘I need some credits for when we get to the tough negotiations.’
She laid out the food on the kitchen table. I opened two beers and she started talking about what was rentable in the house.
‘Unless you start moving walls, there are only four, possibly five bedrooms. You get one. So, that means three. I get one and Sharon gets one, leaving one. I don’t think we are ready for another woman right now. Maybe you better take that ad down.’
Her eyes were sparkling. and a smile kept flashing across her face.
I interrupted, ‘You are very beautiful when you are in charge and explaining how things are going to be.’
She said, ‘Oh shit,’ and covered her face with her hands. Then came around the table and pulled me to the living room. Pointing to the sofa, she said, ‘Lie down. On your back.’ She unfolded the sofa blanket and stretched herself on top with blanket over us. Her head went down on my chest and she started crying.
‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say anything wrong. You are pretty, you know.’
‘It’s not you, idiot. It’s me. I do this every damn time. No wonder no guy will have me.’
I closed my eyes, trying to absorb the outburst. Wondering about a high strung tenant making my life miserable. The crying subsided and a little voice at my ear said, ‘You have the most wonderful big warm chest to cry on. Even if I don’t live here, can I come and cry on you once in a while?’
‘There has never been a bundle of brilliant nervous energy like you on my chest before. I may not be able to let you go.’
She wiggled around and kissed me. The little voice spoke again, ‘I don’t want to make up that cold bed in the attic. Can I share yours tonight?’
I had a firm grip on the hard butt. She pressed her pubic bone against me. ‘Miss, I’m not sure we’ve been properly introduced…’
She raised up and beat on my chest. ‘I told you this would work.You can have me. All of me. Except actual screwing. We have to save that for a special occasion and we have to have Sharon’s permission.’
‘You are pretty optimistic about my lovelife. Maybe we don’t kiss and make up. She is varsity swimming and tough as nails. And she has a 4.0 in biochem.’
‘Do you love her?’
‘I’m confused.’
‘Confused? We are going to beat on you.’
‘You haven’t even met her. What if there is bad chemistry? She is a chemist, you know.’
‘I’ll take my chances. We need to talk more about the house.’ She folded her legs and assumed the lotus position, still on my chest. I could tell she really liked being up there. My chest didn’t mind either.
I took the closest toe, sucked on it, and said, ‘Here’s what I think is going to happen by the time you finish with me. In return for shopping, cooking, washing, dusting, and keeping my bed warm, you are going to suggest free rent.’
I stood and twirled her above my head. She screeched to be let down. I held her in the air and climbed to my bed, where she flew through the air and landed, breathless, on her back.
I growled and started taking my clothes off. ‘I get all of you, do I?’
She scrambled around, looking for a way out of the room. ‘Take those clothes off before I rip them off.’
She was pulling items off while saying, ‘Jeff, you can have me, except for that one little bit. Please?’
I paid no attention, and in moments we were naked under the sheet, rolling and beating and laughing and kissing.
I perched her back on my chest and said, ‘Damn, you are some woman. With even half that much teasing, my teammates would have had you in every hole by now.’
She shuddered and clung to me. The little voice was back. ‘You know, I have a 4.0 too, even if it is scattered all over the course catalog. But I am the stupidest twit about guys and loving you ever met. Will you work me into it?’
‘You meant to say, ‘Work me onto it, didn’t you?’ ‘ I was very hard and sticking up between her thighs. She pushed back and rubbed her sex on me. My fingers had another grip on her butt, moving us back and forth in a gentle rhythm. Her tongue found my mouth and the thrusting of my cock got more active. I decided I needed to stop before I couldn’t stop and flipped us over.
‘Valerie, you are one hot woman. But I’m not having sex with you until Sharon agrees.’
‘OMG, I am so ready to come. I was just going to tell you to finish me.’
I did what grandmother would have said, and took a cold shower. It was hard to do that, because the body in my arms was squirming wildly, trying to escape the cold.
I wrapped her in my biggest beach towel and descended to the sofa. ‘Wine or beer with takeout?’
I brought us two beers and two plates and the cartons.
‘Please call Sharon on her mobile. I have to talk to her.’ The eyes were wide and she fluttered her eyelashes at me.
Sharon answered on the first ring. ‘Where are you?’
‘About an hour away from Berkeley. Where are you?’
‘In the grandparents’ house. I just moved in yesterday. You will like it. It is immaculate and freshly painted.’
‘You and I still have issues. That was shitty, what you did in June.’
‘I know. I deserve more punishment. There is someone here who needs to talk to you.’
‘Hi, this is Valerie Longchamp. I think I am his first tenant. He hasn’t decided. I’m a junior. I asked if he had a girlfriend, because you definitely need protection from someone his size. He said yes, but you broke up in the spring. Maybe a summer in Santa Fe has helped with the bad memories? Do you think the two of us can keep him under control? This really is a gorgeous house. He says we can decide how to rent it. Why don’t you come straight here and we will provide a shower and dinner?’
Sharon asked Scott, ‘She is the first person who applied? Sounds nice. Already has your number.’
‘Yes. I am afraid so. She is damnably smart, just
like you.’
‘I will hurry up and get there. Give me directions.’
We managed to maneuver a parking space for Sharon, and were standing in it when she drove up. She jumped into my arms and pounded on my back, ‘Beast! I hate you.’
After several hot kisses, she calmed down and hugged Valerie too. ‘Nice to meet you. He is a problem, isn’t he? A big problem.’
‘Yes, a very large problem, but so far he has been a gentleman. I told him he couldn’t do me until you said it was ok, and he is being honorable about it.’
‘I told him we were finished, but maybe not.’
Enough of Sharon’s stuff for overnight was taken inside. Valerie gave me a hard stare and said, ‘I am going for a walk. You are to assist Sharon with her shower, and see if you can’t repair the damage from last spring. You have exactly one hour and then I am getting into bed with you. Both of you.’
As Valerie’s cute rear disappeared out the door, Sharon said, ‘Holy shit, that is some woman.’
She rubbed on me as I shampooed her hair. ‘Why am I doing this? There are other guys in the universe. That was so nasty of you telling my mom about our night of kinky sex.’
‘I was drunk. So was she. We all were, for that matter. Maybe she doesn’t remember.’
‘Bullshit. I talked to her when I got to Santa Fe and she was all over me for details. Said she had decided it was time for dad to take her that way.’
I was toweling her down and asked, ‘Did he?’
She didn’t answer until we were in bed and I was buried. ‘God you feel good in there. I guess I can’t break up after all.’
I gave her a good hard thrust and asked, ‘What about …’
‘They did it. She liked it. They are still doing it. I suppose that means you’ll be after my butt again too.’
‘Honey, I am just a big bull in your chinashop.’
‘Oh no…’ she wailed and came and beat on me. ‘Why do I put up with you? I’ve only been here a few minutes and already you are killing me.’
The front door closed with a bang and we heard feet on the stairs. Valerie was smiling and half undressed. ‘Well, it’s quiet and I don’t see bruises and you are in there together. Things can’t be all bad.’
Before Sharon could say anything, Valeria was under the sheet with us, one leg across my thigh and her lips searching for mine.
Sharon said, ‘She’s cute, and tough.’ One of Sharon’s hands was exploring the tight behind.
Valerie crawled across me and applied kisses to Sharon. ‘I like you already. Are you willing to share? He seems pretty nice for a football player.’
‘He graduated summa in Mechanical Engineering. His grandparents think he walks on water and assume a mechanical engineer can fix anything in this house. We used to get invited for dinner so his grandmother could get something attended to.’
Valerie shifted to kissing me and asked, ‘What are you doing now?’
I told her about my professor’s project with advanced sensors for seismic prediction. I was his field research assistant, which was very interesting, but also involved grunt work hauling heavy stuff around in out of the way places.
‘I have to take a new sensor to Parkfield in the next couple of days. Anyone want to go along?’
The girls giggled at each other, ‘Cutting class before we’ve hardly started? Because of a football player!’
I left them kissing each other and went back to the abandoned takeout food. We needed to find a tv for the living room. My research stipend was hardly enough to starve on. Maybe that is why the grandfolks decided I needed a free house.
Sharon arrived in sweats and said. ‘She says she won’t try to steal you. Says we have to share because two of us hardly makes one of you. But she says you haven’t passed the compatibility test yet, so I am going to catch up with my folks and spend the night there.’
By the end of that sweet little speech, she was wrapped around my head and licking my ear. I guessed that we were a couple again.
‘Sharing means you are taking me back? Are you going to live here? It might be fun.’
A good yank on my hair was accompanied by, ‘You horny thing, you just want two pussies to chase.’
A quick moment and I had them both on my knees. My hands bounced off hard muscle.
‘Ouch! Stop that. You aren’t allowed to beat us for a little teasing.’
In another moment, they were on top, kissing.
‘Am I allowed to say it is nice to have two hot babes in my arms?’
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One night after my wife and I had a bit of a spat, I went to a gay bar in town. I was pissed off and did not want to be around any women. Of course the wife thought I just went to the “a bar” but I wanted a bit more than a ‘cooling off’ beer. Being new to town I was just learning the scene and had passed this small bar with a rainbow flag a number of times on my commute. I decided to check it out. The windows were all coated as to let a little light in, but no one could see inside. I opened the...
Ashley and her boyfriend of a year were your average couple. Jake, her boyfriend, had just been laid off work and Ashley was a receptionist at a small dentist’s office. Struggling to make ends meet they decided to bring in a roommate for a bit of extra cash. Finally, after a hot and sticky hour long drive through peak hour traffic, Ashley walked through the door of her home. Immediately she felt the cool air from the air con all over her body. “Babe, I’m home!” she called out to Jake who’d no...
Straight SexClaire Ingram sighed when she entered the lecture hall. She was late and the room was packed already. Professor Babcock was still busy hooking up his laptop to the projector. Claire let her gaze sweep the room. There! An empty seat, in the second to last row. She made her way over and asked perfunctorily. "Hey, may I have this one?" The girl who sat on the next seat jerked before she nodded without looking. Claire did not know her; she was sitting hunched over as if to avoid contact....
You have gone to the hardware and bought a broom. The purpose of the broom is not to clean your apartment. Instead, its purpose is to provide you with yet another way to torment your body for our mutual pleasure. Namely, after cutting its handle to the right length and trimming its bristles so that their ends form a sharp ridge, you are going to introduce that prickly ridge into the tender cleft between your labia and stand with the broom suspended between your crotch and the floor. You...
(Authors note: This story was inspired by femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af023.jpg) ALTERED FATES: THE BITTER BRIDEGROOM By BobH (c) 2002 It was going to be the wedding of the year. Hollywood's new golden-haired wonder boy Tom Hudson was marrying supermodel Gina Carter, and the press couldn't get enough of them. It was a pairing that had synergy, they said, one in which their combined fame and glamor would be greater than the sum of that which...
Casey eased the white earbuds into his ears as the computer screen on his desk opened a window showing the business meeting, already in progress. Casey was in his work cubicle, but this wasn’t one of his company’s teleconferences. This was something special. The video conference streamed from the boardroom of Master Plan Ventures, where Malik Masters sat at the head of a long table in front of the floor to ceiling window that overlooked downtown San Francisco. These offices were his kingdom,...
Oral SexIntroduction Hi, I'm Mick and I write stories that are role-plays meaning I write a chapterand then my female co-writer writes a chapter. I haven't yet succeeded findinga co-writer for this story but I hope to find one or more interested now thefirst chapter is uploaded. Please read the last pages of the story as wellto read more information about this issue. When reading the story I want you to know that I'm not a native English writer.I therefore hope you will excuse grammar faults and so on...
‘Those are the last boxes,’ said Kyle. Moving into my brother’s old apartment is already pathetic enough, but moving in with my brother’s old roomate, Hunter, is worse. Ever since Kyle got married it has been awkward living with the newlyweds. Kyle thinks that he can keep an eye on me when I’m living with Hunter and he trusts Hunter because they’ve been living together for three years. Kyle thinks I am not responsible enough to be living in an apartment of my own. I guess I better make the best...
Mike made sure we would be alone for the weekendhe wanted me to help him with something he has been building this semesteri was eating with him in our student appartement , dinner was over and i started to feel numbsit in the living room , my head feeling heavy and the room looking blurryi didnt understand why he wanted me to stand up and get in his roomi tried but my limbs woudnt cooperate''you look like you need some help ''he walk me to his room and i was sit on his bed''ive been working in...
I could hear him moan as my tongue slowly circled his balls. I felt him quiver as my lips sucked each ball into my mouth. I could see the thin sheen of saliva as I pulled back, his had lightly pressing my face back. Then as I slid my tongue up the under side of his cock I heard a quiet gasp, this time it seemed to come from behind me. Of course he never heard that, his panting was loud enough to cover any noises he wasn't making. I pressed his cock head to my lips, kissed it and slowly pushed...
When I was in college I lived with an older roomate. At the time I was 18 and he was 23 and he only lived one year with me before he finished and went away. The house we lived in was on old house with those big old keyholes, every voyeurs dream... And being a voyeur like i am i took advantage of it to the max.The first time i spied on him was in the shower. There, for the first time I got to see his naked body. He was of normal build, not fat nor skinny, a bit tall and had few hair on him (i...
Fucking my Roomate Part 1 I was 22 and I remember it was the day before my roommate's birthday. For the sake of the story let's call her Hillary. She is a lesbian (but I had heard stories of her fucking guys a couple of times). Good looking, great body (she was really athletic), and an admitted slut. But I had known her for so long it wasn't really a big deal. I did my thing, she did hers, and I never really thought about fucking her because she always talked about how sex with guys was "gross"...
My roomate melissa is a beautiful blonde we live together in an apartment. One day she came home and said "I have a surprise for you..." saying that she opened up her shopping bag and pulled out a neon pink strap on. She went into the bed room for a while then opened the door enough for her hand to motion me indide. As i walked down the hallway i couldnt help wondering what she was doing in there for such a long time. i reached the door and without heasitation quickly opened it there she was...
"Those are the last boxes," said Kyle. Moving into my brother's old apartment is already pathetic enough, but moving in with my brother's old roomate, Hunter, is worse. Ever since Kyle got married it has been awkward living with the newlyweds. Kyle thinks that he can keep an eye on me when I'm living with Hunter and he trusts Hunter because they've been living together for three years. Kyle thinks I am not responsible enough to be living in an apartment of my own. I guess I better make the best...
Straight SexIt was about three six years ag o, i was staying the night at my girls place, and we had been out the night before partying hard. My girl had to get to work early, so when I finally got up she was gone, but her roomate missy was still there. She was still asleep on the couch where she passed out. She was a brunette with a wonderful pair of. I watched her laying there. Her tits moving up and down as she breathed, her legs slightly spread and her dress just barely covering her panties. My cock...
VoyeurValerie and I had just gotten back from a night on the town and were kinda drunk from clubbing. We had started having sex with each other two weeks after we met. So, we were at our one-month point, and the sex was off the chart. We were doing it anywhere and everywhere we could, but never in front of anyone, until now.Anyways, we made our way into Val's bedroom. She was wearing a tiger-striped skirt up to her ass, and a short black tank top was barely held together by strings and high heel...
Interracialok, first story....this is trueI had been working in this pub for near a year now. since i had started i had been constantly flirting with a girl named anne (another lounge staff), but since we both were in relationships we never acted on it, everyone else who worked there constantly teased us both over it, something we would just laugh off. anyway to cut long story short, it was after last call one night and i was to head to stock room to get rid of any rubbish, only to find anne hiding out...
Adam leaned on his broom and sighed. He stared off into space for a few moments, before shaking his head. That wasn't getting anything done, neither the leaning not the staring. He reached for the dust pan and shoveled the accumulated trash into it and dumped it into the trash bag beside him. He started to tie the bag closed, then decided to check the aisles of the store one more time. He firmly told himself that he was looking for dust and dirt. He was not looking for Janey. Adam sighed...
This is a simple gentle story. If you want violence, rape, incest or such stuff please look elsewhere. This story is set in the same village as another of my stories, ‘The Chair in the Corner’, but is in no way a sequel. I hope that it stands up on its own, as they say. I hope you like it. If you do, I’d like to know. If you don’t, then I’d also like to know why, so that I can do better next time. Our house is next door to the Running Fox, one of the village pubs. In fact, in the past, it...
Liz had gone to her best friend’s house for a party earlier that day. Well, not exactly a party; More a bunch of teens and young adults smoking weed, eating mushrooms, and drinking. She hadn’t known many of the people there besides her friend, his girlfriend, and younger brother. A bunch of other guys had also shown up and her friend’s dad. His dad had been the one to supply them with the mushrooms and some of the weed. Nicer strands that they could never have gotten in town. She had never...
Copyright© 2003 by Kien Reti That's right, I collect asses. Women's asses, of course. I'm as straight as they come, and I'll knock you right on your ass if you suggest otherwise. After two years, there are eight items in my collection. Each exhibit consists of a photo album rubber-banded together with a spiral notebook. The albums hold the pictures -- the shots of the women bent over, their bare asses revealed in all their glory. The notebooks contain the case notes: the physical...
Kevin Longquirt was supposed to be doing inventory in the backroom of Warden Automotive parts. Instead he was rubbing his cock through his jeans while thumbing through an old porn magazine. He had found the dirty magazine hidden in the bottom of a dusty old filing cabinet. Kevin was a thin, sinewy 18-year-old with dark black hair and green eyes. He had played football on the high school varsity team and had developed a strong and lean body. What he lacked in bulk he made up in speed and...
Hello friends I am Yash again explaining my threesome experience to you. Me, my gf and her roomy. Meri gf Sarika jo ki bahut sexy ladki h jiske boobs bahut tight h or gand gori chikni. Or meri gf ki roomy Rosini she is soo soo soo sexy that I can’t explain her sexy body mai to usse kapdo m dekh kar hi jhad jata hu uske bade bade boobs ahha haaa or uski jhaat bhari choot maja dila deti h.. Maine meri pehli story m bbatay kaise maine Rosini ko choda aab mai apna doosra experience batane ja rha hu...
The addiction counselor asked the room how they could work on self-improvement. A middle aged white woman was answering first when the door swung open. “Come on in,” said the licensed professional. “You must be Geo.”“Yes, I am,” replied the five-foot-five-inch, dark brown young man.“There’s a seat right over there by Aaron,” the man pointed. “I’m sorry, Barbara, Continue on.”Barbara went ahead sharing her thoughts. Geo sashayed over to the chair and parked his tail next to the older bald...
Typically, his so called buddies would crash through the door and subject each other to random acts of humiliation; taking pictures to post online or use as blackmail. It was not like they had complete disregard for my sleep, just that they were drunk morons looking for a good time. Okay, so maybe it was complete disregard. Over time, their activities mutated and one night they brought over a girl, just one, and had their way with her. At first I thought they had planned it, but after peeking...
With a make-up wipe I took the orange glaze, the white glitter and the sweat of my face. It was always such a satisfying moment. After the show was done, my muscles sore, I would take off the sweaty costume of the Sugarplum fairy, but before I jumped into the shower of my private dressing room I first took the make-up off my face. Seeing the Sugarplum fairy disappear and my own face reappear. A moment of self care. A moment off calm, no sounds, no music, just the soft rumbling of the...
I would in all probability never have discovered that Jessica my darling wife had cucklded me with a cad and lothario, Bunty Broomstead to be precise, had my Darraq Motor-Car not broken down twix the Dog and Duck Inn and Hampstead New. I was quite discomfited. The Darraq was usually so reliable. Unlike Jessica. I do not declaim to be the most jovial of coves, nor the most attentive nor passionate of lovers but for my sins I had sampled none but that bitch Jessica for seven tedious...
I’m the type of guy that likes almost all kind of guys, even the not-so-cute ones. I’m 18, and in my life I’ve fucked tall guys, small guys, whites, darks and black guys, all types of cocks and balls, so basically that makes me just a horny guy looking for sex. I study Natural Sciences at my university, and I live in an apartment with two guys I met in a summer Math course, Mark and John. Mark was fair skinned, a pretty boy, kind of hairy, short, with an excellent pair of legs I enjoy...
Cara and Lori had been roommates at nursing college, so it seemed natural that they should share and apartment when they graduated. I had been friendly with Lori’s younger sister, in high school. I finished college and got a junior management job with a courier firm.The job required I move to the city, and Lori was the only one I knew there.I called Lori about helping me find a place to rent close to the airport which is where I would be working. Lori remembered me from high school, and said...
Shared Secret Between Roomates Ilay in my bed listening for the familiar sound of him coming home. He has her in tow, as usual. I rush to hide my half-naked body under the covers as he opens my door to check if I am asleep. Happy that I won’t be walking in on them anytime soon, he closes my door and turns off the hall light. I hear the stereo in the living room come on. I can picture the scene already, they are sitting on the couch and she is sitting in his lap, facing him, arms wrapped around...
Images of Desire, At the Tea-Room Part 1 Lana was bored. She perched on a table at the back of the tearoom swinging her long legs and occasionally looking up at the huge clock on the wall. The minutes seemed to grind by achingly slowly. It was late afternoon on a warm but rainy day and few people were passing by. Even fewer were venturing into the tearoom. Sometimes she saw figures huddled under umbrellas rushing by outside, and heard the sound of their heels clicking on the pavement....
She could still see his wicked detective Victor smile but so sexy when she read his words in this letter she read it like a varoom mistress a blow for a show it said you inflame me if anyone on this earth compares to look as seductive like you could you ever blame me for wanting you so much. I cannot wait to clasp the erotic love body necklace I gave you to lick you all over to my dewy lips to your curves of your innocent hips.That was her main thing Violetta like the play violin. Seeing the...
Group SexToday is the first day of the rest of your life; your destiny awaits, you tell yourself. But who are you kidding. . . you stopped believing in bullshit like fate a long time ago. The universe is governed by dumb luck and strength of will. In that case, today is just another day. You hope it will be better than the day before. You watch your parents pull out of their parking space in their bug splattered minivan, noticeably lighter now that your stuff is not in it. Your mind is flooded by...
I was visiting friends in Germany, a couple that had a small house and no guestroom or extra beds and I felt a little to old to camp out in the livingroom on an airmatras. Luckily there was a hotel nearby where I could sleep for a very reasonable price for a couple of nights. The hotel was quite fancy and breakfast was included, every morning there was a rich buffet which I gladly used to cure any hangovers I had.Every morning I saw the same staff, one of which was a slim girl with short dark...