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I turned twenty-five and planned my death.

I'm not sure exactly why I waited until then, except I think I always knew I'd do it, and for as long as I can remember, I've known I'd do it before I turned twenty-six.

It wasn't hard. In fact, it made a lot of things much easier. Life always gets hard. That's a given, and anyone who'd tell you otherwise is selling something. Religion, diet supplements, or hair dye. Take your pick. So, whenever the bills piled up, or the boyfriend didn't call, or my hair looked awful, I could always reassure myself that there would be an end to it, so it didn't matter. Life may be hard, but fuckin' suicide is easy.

Don't misunderstand me. When I was alive, I was very much alive. I did all the things that alive people did. I went to school, I dated, I graduated college, and I started a profession. I kept an apartment. I ate, I exercised, I put on makeup, and I kept my clothes ironed. I didn't spend my days listening to dark harpsichord music or making practice cuts up and down my arms. I didn't do drugs, and I drank only socially. I was well adjusted and, by all appearances, happy.

Except I wasn't. I don't think I ever had been.

I watched happy people and tried to figure out how they were happy. Not why. The why was the easy part. You have money in your pocket and a good- looking guy to hang on to, ergo, you're happy. You have an orgasm most of the time and you have perky tits, ergo, you're happy. You have a home, and a job, and enough money left over at the end of the month for some nice new outfits, ergo, you're happy. You drive your car to your middle- management job and come home at night to your two-point-five tow-headed children and loving spouse, ergo, you're happy. Those are the whys. It was the hows I didn't get.

Happy people always seemed so natural. They just seemed to have "happy" as a part of their skin. I remember, I must have been eight or nine-couldn't have been much older-I asked a classmate how. Just how.

"Allison? How are you happy?"

She gave me a funny look and walked away, and I was called to the principal's office the next afternoon. My parents were there. So was Mr. Ratcliff, the school counselor. I spent Tuesdays and Fridays for the next nine weeks in "sessions" with Mr. Ratcliff. I don't know what he said to my parents, but by the end of the quarter he must have figured out that I didn't intend to do anything to myself, not at ten years old, and after the Christmas break he stopped coming in to get me on Tuesdays and Fridays. I liked Mr. Ratcliff. He was nice enough and we had a pizza party for lunch before the holidays, but we also had gym class on Tuesdays, and I always resented having to miss it.

The adults seemed so settled. The kids seemed so simple. I couldn't imagine being either. Once I realized that I was different, I stopped trying to be the same. I also learned not to ask questions. Once I stopped trying to really be like them, it was easier to figure out how to act like them. So I watched, and I listened, and I copied, and I became what Mr. and Mrs. Davis wanted for their little girl. I became Well Adjusted.

When I was eleven I started hiking with my father. Outings To Bring Father And Daughter Closer Together. A Chance To Bond. I think it was something they read in a How To Keep Your 'Tween Healthy and Happy or some other pop-parenting bullshit. I went at first expecting to 'Yes, Daddy' and 'Of course, Daddy' and 'This was fun, Daddy' my way through the afternoon. But we were both surprised. I loved it. Something about the expanse of world around me. No people, no lights, no noise save what we ourselves made. Massive trees surrounded us. I should have felt small and insignificant, but I didn't. I felt more real. More human. More alive than I ever felt at home, or at school, or with friends, or at the mall.

I reveled in the times that my father could escape from home with me for an afternoon. Sometimes for an entire weekend. We'd take bedrolls, and fire starter, and beef jerky, and canteens, and we'd be mountain folk for a weekend. Just the two of us.

I was my parents' only child. There were no sons upon whom my father could shower his masculine words of wisdom. No testosterone-laden little-boy reflections of his DNA. So, like so many sonless fathers, he compensated by indulging my non-girly interests. Our first full-weekend trip to the woods was, in short, an invitation to disaster.

We hiked for an hour or so, him pointing out bear and deer tracks, listening to squirrels chatter angrily at us from overhead, stomping our boots to scare away snakes, until we came to The Camping Clearing. I cleared rocks and twigs from the camping area while he scavenged for fallen firewood. But that night, as soon as he started the fire and put water in the cook pot for soup, the clouds moved in. Storms come on fast sometimes. One moment it's clear and moonlit and you're counting the stars in Orion's belt, and the next the sky is black with storm clouds and you're wondering just how waterproof your tarp really is. It was one of those storms. For about fifteen seconds, it was huge drops falling and then it was solid sheets of water and any creature with any sense had moved up into the trees and caves to wait out the torrents.

There we were. A middle-aged advertising executive and his eleven-year-old daughter, armed with a catalogue-ordered Orvis two-man, three-season tent and a couple of flashlights. I was in heaven. We sat in our tent and listened to the rain beat on the nylon. My father told me stories about his grandfather's adventures as lobster fisherman. For a night, I was happy.

The next day, back home, I was clean and warm and in bed, still hearing the patter of rain in my ears and ready to drift off imagining the feel of the ground under my shoulders, when my father came to tuck me in. He had a book in his hands.

"Dani. This is for you. My father gave it to me when I was a bit older than you are now. Keep it with you. Read it, and understand it, and let it guide you."

I turned it over and over in my hands and traced the lettering on the cover and the spine. Wildwood Wisdom by Ellsworth Jaeger. I flipped the pages and marveled at pictures of rope knots and fires and animals and knives and bows and tents. I was hooked.

My father and I spent as much time as possible over the next two years in those woods. At least one weekend a month-maybe two, depending on how often he could get away and how often my mother would let us disappear from the house. We tromped all over Montana, and he taught me how to survive with what I could carry on my back. He taught me how to read a map, and how to use a compass, and to read directions by the stars, and to find water, and to figure out which plants were okay to eat and which ones to avoid, to track away from predators and to shoot a gun if necessary. On my thirteenth birthday, he gave me a new map, and a new compass and a new all-purpose knife and set me loose to plan and scout and prepare and set up our trip. The whole trip was my call, and we would live or die by my decisions. It was perfect.

Then, a few months later, he decided we were done. He and my mother told me over pot roast and potatoes and carrots and gravy. "You're getting too old for weekends with Daddy, Dani. You're not a little girl anymore. You should be spending time with your friends instead."

I should have seen it coming. But I was young and I had started to believe that maybe my pretending-to-be-happy had brought it to be.

I fought with them for hours about it. All the way though the roast and through the apple pie with ice cream and through their after-dinner coffee until the news came on and they declared the matter settled.

"No, Dani. It's not right for a teenaged girl to spend the weekend in a tent with her father. The matter is closed."

So it was closed. No more weekends with Daddy in the woods. But I realized that it didn't really matter.

School started in September and the new Junior High School experience brought a new set of pretend relationships and friend making and blending in. It wasn't all that different from elementary school. Dress the dress, walk the walk, and as long as you don't really care, you'll do just fine. The people who had the hard time in school were the ones who wanted to belong. They tried so hard to be part of the in crowd they lost themselves to the effort.

Junior high and high school were relatively easy. I know what all the literature says about hormones and changes and emotional mood swings and personality difficulties that kids go through from age twelve to eighteen, but it never seemed to hit me that hard. My face broke out, but it didn't matter, so I didn't worry, so it didn't break out as much. I wasn't all that interested in boys-or girls, for that matter-so that made them automatically all the more interested in me. So I dated, and kissed, and let them feel my growing tits while I fumbled at their denim-covered crotches. But I never went any further than that. I knew it didn't matter in the long run whether or not I let the quarterback fuck me in the backseat of his Camaro, but I also couldn't see the point of it. From what I'd heard from the other girls, it wasn't all that great and I couldn't see that it was worth the hassle of a back-seat cleanup. So I kept my virginity intact, and the guys kept sniffing around.

But at night, in bed, after the post-football-game party, I'd lie in bed and run my fingers over my breasts, and I'd remember the feel of his groping, grabbing fingers through my cheerleader sweater. With my own hands, I'd rub and stroke the way that it should have been done. I'd imagine what it must feel like, the cock (I let the forbidden word rest in my throat) without the jeans to cover it. I'd seen pictures, magazines sneaked into the girls' locker room after cheerleading practice. I'd heard the other girls talk about it, about the smooth head and the veiny shaft. I'd explore my own pussy with two fingers, feeling the heat of my own body. I tightened around my fingers, and pictured his hands around a football. Strong hands. Good for handling a football, but so clumsy on my body.

I'd listen to the tick of my Mickey Mouse clock and close my eyes and imagine that he knew what he was doing as I fingered myself to sleep.

When I graduated from high school and packed my things for my first year in college, I came across Wildwood Wisdom, given to me so many years earlier. I hadn't looked at it since my parents declared the outdoors verboten. It was shoved to the back of my closet, forgotten and dusty. I sat there on the floor that day, the book in my hands, drinking in the remembered smell of damp leaves under my feet and the sounds of rain pelting nylon. The book came with me.

My college roommate was a twit. But she was a happy twit, caught up in the whirlwind of sorority rush week and fraternity after-football parties. It made her giggle and she thought it was important, and it didn't really matter to me, so we got along just fine.

Besides, I knew two things. I had rediscovered the woods, and I'd be dead within the next seven years. So, if she wanted to chatter away like a squirrel about her pomponsand midterms and next week's bonfire, so be it. I could listen and nod and she'd still be happy.

There are advantages to knowing you're not going to live for long. Primarily, it's a lot easier to get involved in so-called extreme sports and activities when you've already got a picture of the absolute longest you're going to live anyway. When there's a definite end in sight, it's much simpler to take risks. After all, what's fear if not the knowledge that your activities could quite easily damage your future? When there's no long-term future, there's nothing to fear.

I spent the weekends hiking.

Serious hiking. Not quite mountain climbing, but only because I couldn't afford it, and real mountains were scarce within driving distance of my dorm. But there were some amazing rock climbs within a few hours' drive. And spelunking. Enough to keep my interest from wavering. Caves abounded in the mountains and hills. I had a car, so with the investment of a nominal amount of gas money, I could escape for the day or the weekend.

At first, my folks worried. Their little girl risking her beautiful face and oh-so-perfect body out there amongst the rocks and the trees and the wild animals when she should instead be looking for a good husband like all college girls. But then they looked at their friends' children and saw the neon spikes and the black eyeliner and the piercings and the tattoos, and realized that the risks I was taking were minor in comparison. I was healthy and wholesome. I was Well Adjusted.

So, they bought me equipment for birthdays and holidays and supported my outdoor hobbies. I did climbs, and scaled rocks, and rafted Class IV rivers. By the time I finished my bachelor's degree (advertising, of course; my father was so proud) I knew every inch of the woods within 200 miles of campus, and I could handle myself in almost any situation.

I was twenty-two. I had my degree, a job lined up, and a rented apartment, and I knew I only had to maintain the image of 'alive' for another three years, tops.~~~~~

I dated. A few flings. Physical attractions, nothing more. Dinner and dancing and movies and concerts and sweaty nights in tangled sheets. They were fine. Nothing that lit sparks, and nothing that I couldn't walk away from the first time either of us got bored. The sex was usually good, and sometimes very good. But nothing as earth shattering and knee shaking as the magazine articles and novels spoke about. An orgasm was an orgasm was an orgasm, and I could get the same release with my own fingers as I could get from any of the men I took to bed with me, but we always had fun. And I figured that was a reasonable result for all concerned.

One night I was lying in a post-coital warmth with Mark, a sometimes bed- buddy. We'd known each other through work for a few months and had dated off and on for about three weeks.

I traced the curve of muscle on his chest and listened to him breathe.

"Dani. You don't let anyone in, do you?"

"In? Mark, you just spent the last twenty minutes 'in'."

"Stop, Dani. I'm being serious. You let me into your bed, but that's it. You've got your heart closed off. Hell, you've got it buttoned all the way up to your collar. You swing through, then wipe out your tracks behind you. It's like you're trying to keep from making a mark anywhere. Like you've taken the idea of 'leave-no-trace' camping and made it part of your entire life."

I didn't know what to say. I wasn't sure there was an answer. I was twenty-four. I figured there wasn't much point in making marks or creating connections. I'd only need to worry about it for another few months.

~~~~~~ I turned twenty-five in January. I've always loved winter camping.

I could hear the trees whisper at the intrusion I was causing. 'Leave no trace' hiking is a misnomer. Despite our best, our most conscientious, efforts to be a part of the woods and the ground and the rocks and the trees, they know we're there. They have their own voices, those growing, living beings. And if, when we enter their world, we show the proper respect and attempt to be a part of where they exist, they'll let us hear them speak. I listened as I walked.

The weight of my pack was reassuring. Months, years, dozens-maybe hundreds-of these hikes had taught me the tricks. The extra padding duct- taped to the shoulder straps, the sleeping pad rolled against the small of my back. I always packed carefully. I wasn't coming back, but years of preparing for trips had taught me not to be sloppy. I had no intention of being sloppy or hurting before I finished.

No, I was nothing if not prepared. Planned and packed and prepared. My rent was paid through the end of the month, and there was a note in the mail to my landlady giving my notice. My fridge was empty, as was my bank account. The day before I left, I put a box in the mail to my lawyer (my will was up to date and signed) containing keys to the apartment and notes for my parents and a few friends. He'd take care of things for me. I had one more paycheck due from the ad agency, and I'd left instructions to turn it over to him. I'd been offended by trail-trash enough times so that I didn't like the idea of my pack and its contents being left in the middle of animal country, but there was no real way around it. And the idea of someone seeing my body, my dead and messy body, repelled me. Eventually, of course, it would be discovered, but the point was that I'd be far enough out and in a remote enough area as not to be "found" until natural processes had taken over and whatever was left would be relatively unidentifiable. And there was always the hope that a bear (or some other forest dweller) would find me and hasten the natural process. If nothing else, the scavengers would come for the bones. I was a 'leave no trace' camper. Figured it was best to end that way as well. The last thing I wanted was to be discovered and to cause a ruckus. This way I'd go quietly and unobtrusively. I wanted to leave life as I had led it.

I parked my car in long-term camp parking lot and paid for three weeks. I'd rather have not had to leave it anywhere-I hated details that weren't wrapped up-but there was nothing to be done. I had to have a way to get to the trailhead. I locked the doors and left the key in a magnet box in the wheel-well. Someone would eventually find it there.

I started thinking about things seriously months before my birthday. The biggest decision to was method. I could shoot, but that didn't really matter. How hard could it be to aim down your own throat? But I decided against it. I didn't like the idea of leaving a gun out there to be stumbled upon. It just didn't seem responsible. I was good with a knife- you have to be to be a successful camper-but while I just didn't want to live, I certainly didn't want to hurt myself in the process of not-living.

I settled on the easy out-pills. Sleeping pill prescriptions are ridiculously easy to get, and I didn't think I'd need more than a couple of months' worth. Combine them with some leftover painkillers and I figured it would be a nice, easy, relaxing drift away.

And the location. It was a valley about four summer-hours' hike from the road. I packed along snowshoes and figured on doubling that time. Maybe a bit less. Regardless, I thought I'd be safe from discovery until spring.

Which left me with nothing else to decide. And it was a comfortable feeling.

The hike was easy. Snowshoes make even the deepest snow relatively simple to hike. I hadn't been out as much as I'd planned this winter, and it took a couple of miles to get my muscles warmed up, but once the blood was flowing and the kinks were out, it was an easier hike than it was in summer. The snow was loose but deep, and it packed easily under my weight. I was making good time.

But it was quiet. Snow does that. Deep snow on the ground wraps the woods in a muffler, and the falling snow adds a layer of soundproofing between the outside world and your ears. I think that's one reason people get lost so easily during winter hikes. It's silent, and there's nothing to listen to except the voices in our own heads. They start listening to what's going on inside, and they stop paying attention to where they are and where they've been. That's a good reason to be in the woods, until you let yourself get too wrapped up in it. Which is what I had done. I was reciting "But I have miles to go before I sleep," for the third time when I realized I was off the trail. Far off.

I was worried. Winter woods are trickier than summer woods. The landmarks change, snow quickly fills up your tracks behind you, everything looks the same, and the normal "find your way back" tricks don't work. And winter woods are less forgiving. In the summer, you can find fresh water and something edible almost anywhere. But in the winter, you're limited to snow and ice-both of which are too cold to be suitable for hydration. Your body has to work too hard to warm snow or ice up to make either of them truly beneficial. And you're competing with winter-hungry deer for what's left of the edible greenery. It's not impossible to survive, but it's damn difficult. And it is impossible to do it comfortably.

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I was up at six, showered, and dressed to meet Juliet for breakfast. She seemed to be under the weather or a little sickly today. She seemed a little irritable about life in general. Knowing that women can get moody, I let it go and advised her that I was going to see Dr. Morgan to get some questions answered this morning. We said our goodbyes and I didn’t try to be familiar with her because she was being standoffish. I was standing at his door when he came whistling down the hall in his...

3 years ago
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Julies Cut AO

“Johnny, Johnny, can you hear me?” I heard Julie calling out. I went outside and replied “Yes.” “Come here, through the back door, I cut myself badly?” she shouted. I ran into her house and upstairs in the bathroom was Julie, naked, with a cut near her vagina. All most near her femoral artery, I looked at the beautiful and naked Julie. Seeing the towel with blood I got her to show me the wound. Seeing it was a deep shaving cut. I got her to hold pressure whilst I got some supplies. I...

4 years ago
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Connie Spanked

Connie Spanked. Today I met up with a woman who I had been chatting to both by e-mail, text and MSN. Connie was in her mid 40’s and had a good figure, she had contacted me because I had placed an advert on Vivastreet saying that I was a Mature Guy who Spanked Wayward ladies. Connie explained to me how she was nervous but that she needed to be punished for the bad she had done when she was younger, she had let men touch her when she was far too young to allow this, she told me how had sex...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 293

Tuesday morning, Meg Kimbrel awakened early. As she lay there in bed, she thought about yesterday afternoon and last night. She was now the proud owner of a brand new, bright red Jeep Grand Cherokee, and she even had a prepaid Visa card to buy gas with. She, Steve and Marcie had stopped by her house on the way back from Denver. While there, she scooped the cat boxes, then petted and fed her animals. She had also picked up a set of pajamas and a change of clothes to wear while at Steve and...

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The BachChapter 2

'Bored, bored, bored, ' thought Natalie as the car sped along State Highway 1 beside the eastern edge of Lake Taupo. Truth to tell she could hardly wait until they reached their destination so she could escape the vehicle and collect her wits. 'Why don't I feel guilty?' she wondered. 'Why the hell did I do it?' The 'it' was of course having sex with her son on the back seat of the car whilst her husband and daughter sat in the front, even if their view was totally blocked from the...

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Wives Sister Shows Best

This is not my story, but its a good one!My wife’s sister, Gloria, was visiting for a few days. I know, I know – another story about being tempted by a sister-in-law. It’s not exactly like that. Not that I wasn’t immediately tempted.She, first of all, is a knockout. A tennis coach, so she’s fit, but beyond that she’s beautiful. Striking eyes, high cheekbones and a long, supple neck. Many times really fit girls have these flat chests – and that’s fine, too, but she flaunts some very serious...

1 year ago
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It started one Christmas Part 2

That was when the door bell rang! "Who could that be?" said mum. I sat there frozen in fear - my dressing as a girl was meant for juat the three of us -mum, my sister and me. Mum went to the front door and opened it. There stood a policeman and there were other policeman at the doors of our neighbours houses. "Sorry to disturb you ma'am, there's no need to worry too much. Unfortunately there has been a gas leak in a nearby street and despite it being Christmas I'm afraid we have...

2 years ago
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SRU Tuning Bimbos

SRU: Tuning Bimbos by Ellie Dauber copyright 1999 "Man," Larry Bryce said, "I cannot believe the way Old Lady Reese came down on us." "I know," Bret Sanger said. "Two weeks' detention for one little joke." "Yeah, but it was almost worth it," Rick Quint said. "The way she screamed and everybody scattered when the mice jumped out of her drawer. Hell, half the guys in the class screamed." The three laughed, remembering what had happened when their teacher opened a...

1 year ago
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Saturday Afternoon

The kids were at the grandparents for the evening. I was replacing the doorknob on the back door and the wife was going in and out, taking things to the garage. I really wasn’t paying much attention to what she was doing since I was cussing at the non-functioning doorknob. I sensed, more than saw her as she passed by me the last time to go sit on a patio chair on the back porch. When I finally looked up to see what she was doing, I saw that she was topless. She was wearing khaki shorts and...

1 year ago
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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Two

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Two The Trip Home By Suzie Q Haff I awoke to feel Aunty gently shaking me. The sensual feeling of the satin sheets against my nylons and baby doll PJ's that started driving me wild and making me shiver returned. Darla: "Do girls ever get used to the slippery, arousing feel of nylon and satin or the taste and feel of lipstick?" Aunty giggles: "Never! Furthermore, any female that would give up those spoils just isn't much of a female. Long nails force a...

4 years ago
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Butt Sniffing At Wal Mart

If you've read any of my other stories, you may know that I LOVE the smell of ass! Nothing is more of turn on to me then the smell of a woman's butt sweat! My ass smell fetish started the same time as my panty fetish and it's one of the main reasons I love sniffing them! Anyways, a couple years ago I happened to find another way to enjoy the smell of ass besides panties or a girl letting me sniff her bum. Quite simply, I just sniff women's ass in public places without them knowing! Let me...

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Island Girl Chapter 2

The next morning, Mark got up early and showered, getting ready for his day with his beautiful tour guide. Not sure exactly what they would be doing just yet, he dressed casual in his blue jeans, a lightweight polo shirt, socks and sneakers. Making sure he had plenty of money in his wallet and his credit cards just in case, he locked the room and went downstairs to meet Jennifer. As they had previously arranged, he waited in the hotel lobby for her to arrive. He was sitting in one of the lobby...

2 years ago
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I lay in bed tonight longing for my upcoming date with Spencer. I think about how wonderful the night could be with him. I hate to jinx myself because whenever I want something great to happen it falls through.Spencer is a 24 year old, law student in Chicago. He and I met through mutual friends at a party several weeks ago. We called each other and have texted periodically. I found that we have similar interests and senses of humor, but we both can acknowledge our insecurities. Although I...

4 years ago
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My Friend8217s Sex Trip

Hello again, sometime back we college friends planned for a trip, though not from college side but ourselves. But as obvious, at home we (specially girls) informed at home that we are going as a college trip. the place we had planned was a perfect package as a tourist place, with beach, forest, hill station..Everything with bit distance apart. We guys planned, and purposefully declared in front of girls…to provoke them…so they too joined eventually. 6 guys, 4 girls not bad! When we reached...

2 years ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 6 Kelly

Friday, February 16, 2001 School had just started again after the winter break. I was hanging out after lunch with some friends near the south stairwell lockers, with Tilly next to me, when Terry Watson muttered, “Holy shit!” as he looked at something behind me. I turned around and didn’t see anything unusual, at least not at first. What I did see looked like a bunch of girls hugging. Then I saw one of the girls turn around and come over towards us. She was slim, about my height, with...

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Graduation Party

Not you, though. You’ve always been more elegant and mild-mannered. The decadence and irreverent nature of teenage years had seemed to pass you by. You always were the quiet one, frequently blending into the walls, the type of girl John Green would model his novels after. It would be a lie to say that I never noticed you, though. In the fleeting moments of the day where my brain wandered, it always seemed to wander towards you. I’m such an outspoken and brazen guy, an active participant in the...

3 years ago
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SurprisesChapter 9 A Teachable Moment

Graduation was three weeks to the day after the disaster the prom turned out to be. By then, while I was still in jail, it was more like house arrest than Death Row in Supermax. Daddy was over the grumpies, and Mom had taken me out shopping for summer clothes and goof-off time. School had gotten better. One of the guys arrested at my party had a lawyer for a father who got the charges thrown out on the twits, so they were back in school. The funniest thing that happened occurred the last day...

2 years ago
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The Last Fuck

As I entered the bar thinking of sex, my mind automatically slumped. The bar was full of hot babes, but none of them, wore expressions “I’m easy.” FUCK!So I decided to sit at the bar, playing the depressed lonely guy shit. It rarely worked and tonight was no exception. At 2:00 am the bar flooded with people emptied and I was forced out to find a cub and go home and release myself by jerking off. I phoned up a cab and I waited on a park bench, sitting there whistling “Twinkle Twinkle Little...

2 years ago
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Options Ch 04

Options IV: Refracted Options This chapter is a bit of a bridge and has very little sexuality in it. But I felt it was needed to help the tale unfold properly. I hope you, dear reader, will enjoy it for what it is. Thanks. PC Shelly’s lips tightened and her eyes blazed. ‘You fucking bitch!’ ‘Shelly,’ Stacy began, ‘take it easy. I don’t want anybody to get hurt—’ Her fury at finding Barb passed out in Stacy’s room, at knowing Barb lay there without her panties, at smelling Barb’s musk on...

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Literotica Chat

Literotica isn’t as known for its chats as it is for all the dirty, filthy stories they’ve been stockpiling for decades, but it stands to reason they’d be a hub of kinky conversation. You have to figure, much of the site’s userbase is the writers themselves, which means the chat’s got to be full of brainy, well-read motherfuckers. Maybe it’s painting with too broad a brush to call them motherfuckers, though. After all, incest is just one of the many fetishes found in their ever-growing archives...

Sex Chat Sites
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I was able to peep into her boobs

I was alone in my house on a Sunday. My family had gone for a picnic, and that day I had some office work to do, so I stayed in house as usual. Our housemaid had come to do her daily work. I let her in and she came and started cleaning. I was in my room watching a morning program me. She came in and started to clean the room. She was wearing a black blouse without a bra and a green sari. She bent over as she was sweeping the floor and I was able to peep into her boobs. I got horny and I wanted...

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My Best Friends Husband and His Boss

100% fiction! Since I had got trapped with Rafiq, there was no way out. He used my body every day. And I used his. After all, having sex with him was so good. I will not blame it entirely on Rafiq. It’s also because of my huge appetite for sex and my hunger to cheat on my partner. After that night and day of mind blowing sex, it had become unstoppable. Rafiq and I used to meet for sex whenever we could take out even 30mts. Sometimes, when I get through with my shift at night and if Agus is not...

Cheating Wifes
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Nana is so happy you came to visit her

"My, my. Where did those things come from? You didn't even wear a b cup bra last i seen you." I stepped back, checking her from head to toes. "Look at you! You became a really pretty young woman with all these nice curves." She blushed nicely. It was cute. Oddly, i thought she'd be taller than me but i guessed she took from the little shrimp her mom fucked many years ago. We took your stuff from her trunk and got inside. We went in the kitchen. I served us some limonade. She kept...

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Lottery WinnerChapter 3

Helen was there as were five or six guys and Mark. Helen was sucking a cock and her cunt and ass were both leaking cum. She had been thoroughly gang banged. I shook my head and went up the stairs to my bed. I closed the door. It was very late when the sounds of fucking quit and didn’t start again. In the morning, I rose and went into the kitchen. The living room had been cleaned up and no one was to be seen. Mark came down shortly looking tired. He said, “It got a little out of hand last...

4 years ago
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Kerala Mallu Auntyai Matter Adithen

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en udan kalluriyil paditha kerala paiyanuku thirumanam seithu kerala sendrom. Angu oru sexiyana mallu auntyai paarthu pesi correct seithu matter aditha kathaiyai ungalidam solugiren. En peyar Prakash, vayathu 27 aagugirathu. En udan paditha nanbanuku thirumanam endru naan en nanbargal anaivarum kerala sendrom. Engal udan pengal yarum vara villai, jollyaga oru caril 6 per sendrom. En nanban engalai avan veetile thanga vaithaan. Nanban veedu perithaaga irunthathu,...

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Steve and Kyle Episode 1

CHAPTER 1Kyle Sinclair, the main character – let us call him the hero – of this story, is a Chicagoan; aged eighteen at the start of this story, Kyle is active, young, muscular, sexually superbly equipped; and potentially totally gay. Kyle comes from a working-class family living in the western suburbs of the city and has never paid much attention to learning anything at school.When he was eighteen, he left rather precipitously in mid-term without the customary high-school diploma. However, as...

Gay Male
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Ecce Homo

“I don’t want to die” said the man with a note in his voice that said he knew it was inevitable “Then stop, now. We could go North.” she replied, though actually it had been a sort of prayer, and stroked his cheek gently. He looked at her; he wasn’t particularly striking except for his eyes. He was gaunt, from walking so much, so far, his face was almost pinched with a mouth that used to smile she thought, but now hung almost in defeat. His long black hair was lank, it looked like it needed a...

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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 6

There was an insistent knocking at the door. Béla awoke, her headache completely gone. Elaine was lying on top of her, sleeping soundly. "Get off me!" Béla grunted, roughly poking her sister in the side with her fingers. "God, when did you get so heavy?" Elaine stirred and groaned, her slender body reacting to the unpleasant poking. The door was being opened from the outside. It was Jeff. "Come on in," Béla cheerfully called out to him, "we're naked." She was determined to tease...

2 years ago
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More with two girls

What an unbelievable weekend with Gwen and Sabrina. I'm almost 70 and am now taking a couple sick days from teaching so my aching body can recover. I had forgotten how many ways passionate bodies can contort but I am now paying for that lapse.I awoke Sunday mid morning alone in bed. I was sore. Sore in places I had not been sore in a long while and it felt really good. I could hear the two of them moving around in the other room getting a hearty brunch ready. As I lay slowly wakening I took in...

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Cuckold Sissy Pimped Out

My wife and I have been exploring he cuckold lifestyle for a little over 2 years now. I love watching her getting fucked and having her pussy stretched by a well endowed man. When we first started doing this, I would just watch until the other guy left and then I would get my chance to reclaim her. After we had a few experiences, she started to include me a little more. At first she would just stare at me while the other guy was fucking her. That is still one of the hottest things I have...

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NuruMassage Cherie Deville Carter Cruise Teach Me Nuru Mom

Carter Cruise and her stepmom, Cherie DeVille, are at the gym pumping some iron. Rooting each other on, the girls work out harder than they ever have before. When they finish their workout, Carter is massaging Cherie’s shoulders. Cherie gets up, tells Carter to sit down and starts massaging her, adding that’s it’s her birthday and she should be getting the special treatment on her special day. Cherie also has a surprise for her – since she’s 18, she can start...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Electra Rayne G344

Electra told us she likes to be told what to do, so naturally the guys start to take her clothes off and tell her to bend over and shake her ass (which is a sight to see). Most of the other Cocksmen follow suit and add more directions before they ask Electra to turn over and get onto the pedestal. Nacho, the winner of GUESS THE V is the first to enter Electra before everyone else gets their turn. Electra makes sure all her hands and holes are being used. We wanted this gangbang to be LEGENDARY...

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The Jonah Ryan IncidentChapter 2

“So, Jonie, I have a confession to make. I’m ... pregnant, and it’s not yours. Before you get all huffy and puffy about me cutting you off and letting another man knock me up, let me remind you that I had just learned that we were actual brother and sister. I was seriously looking at an annulment, Jonie, because, strictly speaking, our marriage isn’t legal. In fact, I still want an annulment, but now that this is out of the way, I’d like to start fucking you again. It will be a lot better now...

2 years ago
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ADULT BOOKSTORE FACIAL AND CUM WALKI stopped in the adult bookstore on Rt. 322 near Duncannon on a Friday late afternoon on my way home. I usually keep some silky shorts and a button down shirt in the car to slip into when I go in so they are easy to slip off when I am in there. One I get in a booth I undress and hand my clits of a book and begin to slowly stroke my smooth shaved little penis (see my pics and you will know what I mean).So the place is pretty busy and I am watching some porn and...

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Mom would like to

Note : This story is completely fictional! Heloo reader this story is for my chronic Incest addicted Incest lovers. So they can read and convince with their own feelings. Here is one of my favourite writing for my readers. I am Rohan I m from the Asian continent my country name is India I lived in the southern state of my nation its name is Tamilnadu, In our country culture is very against to think Incest and the laws are very strict about forbidden sex. But since my childhood I like the Incest...

4 years ago
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The Assistant States Attorneys Prerogative

"What about..." I tried to protest, but she cut me off."Be quiet, or we'll get caught," she insisted.She pulled me into a stairwell, and we quickly went down one level. We moved purposefully without looking like we were in a hurry as we moved to the far end of a long, darkened hallway. We entered another stairwell and raced up two levels. She checked that the coast was clear, and we moved down to the fourth door.She produced a key, and suddenly, we were inside a dark office. She left the lights...

Office Sex
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Jenny and Tanya part 4 acuteCasablancaacute

At their secluded special spot, they weren´t visible for other visitors of the the cabaret club, called ´Casablanca´, as Mr. Peterson didn´t want to disturbe the act of Sam, the magician on stage, while he had his own plans for Jenny and Tanya. With all spotlights on the handsome slender gay and his tricks on stage,Mr. Peterson knew it was safe to ask the girls to bend over their chairs, exposing their still sore bums. To be sure his pretty young ladies wouldn´t interrupt the show with their...

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