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I turned twenty-five and planned my death.

I'm not sure exactly why I waited until then, except I think I always knew I'd do it, and for as long as I can remember, I've known I'd do it before I turned twenty-six.

It wasn't hard. In fact, it made a lot of things much easier. Life always gets hard. That's a given, and anyone who'd tell you otherwise is selling something. Religion, diet supplements, or hair dye. Take your pick. So, whenever the bills piled up, or the boyfriend didn't call, or my hair looked awful, I could always reassure myself that there would be an end to it, so it didn't matter. Life may be hard, but fuckin' suicide is easy.

Don't misunderstand me. When I was alive, I was very much alive. I did all the things that alive people did. I went to school, I dated, I graduated college, and I started a profession. I kept an apartment. I ate, I exercised, I put on makeup, and I kept my clothes ironed. I didn't spend my days listening to dark harpsichord music or making practice cuts up and down my arms. I didn't do drugs, and I drank only socially. I was well adjusted and, by all appearances, happy.

Except I wasn't. I don't think I ever had been.

I watched happy people and tried to figure out how they were happy. Not why. The why was the easy part. You have money in your pocket and a good- looking guy to hang on to, ergo, you're happy. You have an orgasm most of the time and you have perky tits, ergo, you're happy. You have a home, and a job, and enough money left over at the end of the month for some nice new outfits, ergo, you're happy. You drive your car to your middle- management job and come home at night to your two-point-five tow-headed children and loving spouse, ergo, you're happy. Those are the whys. It was the hows I didn't get.

Happy people always seemed so natural. They just seemed to have "happy" as a part of their skin. I remember, I must have been eight or nine-couldn't have been much older-I asked a classmate how. Just how.

"Allison? How are you happy?"

She gave me a funny look and walked away, and I was called to the principal's office the next afternoon. My parents were there. So was Mr. Ratcliff, the school counselor. I spent Tuesdays and Fridays for the next nine weeks in "sessions" with Mr. Ratcliff. I don't know what he said to my parents, but by the end of the quarter he must have figured out that I didn't intend to do anything to myself, not at ten years old, and after the Christmas break he stopped coming in to get me on Tuesdays and Fridays. I liked Mr. Ratcliff. He was nice enough and we had a pizza party for lunch before the holidays, but we also had gym class on Tuesdays, and I always resented having to miss it.

The adults seemed so settled. The kids seemed so simple. I couldn't imagine being either. Once I realized that I was different, I stopped trying to be the same. I also learned not to ask questions. Once I stopped trying to really be like them, it was easier to figure out how to act like them. So I watched, and I listened, and I copied, and I became what Mr. and Mrs. Davis wanted for their little girl. I became Well Adjusted.

When I was eleven I started hiking with my father. Outings To Bring Father And Daughter Closer Together. A Chance To Bond. I think it was something they read in a How To Keep Your 'Tween Healthy and Happy or some other pop-parenting bullshit. I went at first expecting to 'Yes, Daddy' and 'Of course, Daddy' and 'This was fun, Daddy' my way through the afternoon. But we were both surprised. I loved it. Something about the expanse of world around me. No people, no lights, no noise save what we ourselves made. Massive trees surrounded us. I should have felt small and insignificant, but I didn't. I felt more real. More human. More alive than I ever felt at home, or at school, or with friends, or at the mall.

I reveled in the times that my father could escape from home with me for an afternoon. Sometimes for an entire weekend. We'd take bedrolls, and fire starter, and beef jerky, and canteens, and we'd be mountain folk for a weekend. Just the two of us.

I was my parents' only child. There were no sons upon whom my father could shower his masculine words of wisdom. No testosterone-laden little-boy reflections of his DNA. So, like so many sonless fathers, he compensated by indulging my non-girly interests. Our first full-weekend trip to the woods was, in short, an invitation to disaster.

We hiked for an hour or so, him pointing out bear and deer tracks, listening to squirrels chatter angrily at us from overhead, stomping our boots to scare away snakes, until we came to The Camping Clearing. I cleared rocks and twigs from the camping area while he scavenged for fallen firewood. But that night, as soon as he started the fire and put water in the cook pot for soup, the clouds moved in. Storms come on fast sometimes. One moment it's clear and moonlit and you're counting the stars in Orion's belt, and the next the sky is black with storm clouds and you're wondering just how waterproof your tarp really is. It was one of those storms. For about fifteen seconds, it was huge drops falling and then it was solid sheets of water and any creature with any sense had moved up into the trees and caves to wait out the torrents.

There we were. A middle-aged advertising executive and his eleven-year-old daughter, armed with a catalogue-ordered Orvis two-man, three-season tent and a couple of flashlights. I was in heaven. We sat in our tent and listened to the rain beat on the nylon. My father told me stories about his grandfather's adventures as lobster fisherman. For a night, I was happy.

The next day, back home, I was clean and warm and in bed, still hearing the patter of rain in my ears and ready to drift off imagining the feel of the ground under my shoulders, when my father came to tuck me in. He had a book in his hands.

"Dani. This is for you. My father gave it to me when I was a bit older than you are now. Keep it with you. Read it, and understand it, and let it guide you."

I turned it over and over in my hands and traced the lettering on the cover and the spine. Wildwood Wisdom by Ellsworth Jaeger. I flipped the pages and marveled at pictures of rope knots and fires and animals and knives and bows and tents. I was hooked.

My father and I spent as much time as possible over the next two years in those woods. At least one weekend a month-maybe two, depending on how often he could get away and how often my mother would let us disappear from the house. We tromped all over Montana, and he taught me how to survive with what I could carry on my back. He taught me how to read a map, and how to use a compass, and to read directions by the stars, and to find water, and to figure out which plants were okay to eat and which ones to avoid, to track away from predators and to shoot a gun if necessary. On my thirteenth birthday, he gave me a new map, and a new compass and a new all-purpose knife and set me loose to plan and scout and prepare and set up our trip. The whole trip was my call, and we would live or die by my decisions. It was perfect.

Then, a few months later, he decided we were done. He and my mother told me over pot roast and potatoes and carrots and gravy. "You're getting too old for weekends with Daddy, Dani. You're not a little girl anymore. You should be spending time with your friends instead."

I should have seen it coming. But I was young and I had started to believe that maybe my pretending-to-be-happy had brought it to be.

I fought with them for hours about it. All the way though the roast and through the apple pie with ice cream and through their after-dinner coffee until the news came on and they declared the matter settled.

"No, Dani. It's not right for a teenaged girl to spend the weekend in a tent with her father. The matter is closed."

So it was closed. No more weekends with Daddy in the woods. But I realized that it didn't really matter.

School started in September and the new Junior High School experience brought a new set of pretend relationships and friend making and blending in. It wasn't all that different from elementary school. Dress the dress, walk the walk, and as long as you don't really care, you'll do just fine. The people who had the hard time in school were the ones who wanted to belong. They tried so hard to be part of the in crowd they lost themselves to the effort.

Junior high and high school were relatively easy. I know what all the literature says about hormones and changes and emotional mood swings and personality difficulties that kids go through from age twelve to eighteen, but it never seemed to hit me that hard. My face broke out, but it didn't matter, so I didn't worry, so it didn't break out as much. I wasn't all that interested in boys-or girls, for that matter-so that made them automatically all the more interested in me. So I dated, and kissed, and let them feel my growing tits while I fumbled at their denim-covered crotches. But I never went any further than that. I knew it didn't matter in the long run whether or not I let the quarterback fuck me in the backseat of his Camaro, but I also couldn't see the point of it. From what I'd heard from the other girls, it wasn't all that great and I couldn't see that it was worth the hassle of a back-seat cleanup. So I kept my virginity intact, and the guys kept sniffing around.

But at night, in bed, after the post-football-game party, I'd lie in bed and run my fingers over my breasts, and I'd remember the feel of his groping, grabbing fingers through my cheerleader sweater. With my own hands, I'd rub and stroke the way that it should have been done. I'd imagine what it must feel like, the cock (I let the forbidden word rest in my throat) without the jeans to cover it. I'd seen pictures, magazines sneaked into the girls' locker room after cheerleading practice. I'd heard the other girls talk about it, about the smooth head and the veiny shaft. I'd explore my own pussy with two fingers, feeling the heat of my own body. I tightened around my fingers, and pictured his hands around a football. Strong hands. Good for handling a football, but so clumsy on my body.

I'd listen to the tick of my Mickey Mouse clock and close my eyes and imagine that he knew what he was doing as I fingered myself to sleep.

When I graduated from high school and packed my things for my first year in college, I came across Wildwood Wisdom, given to me so many years earlier. I hadn't looked at it since my parents declared the outdoors verboten. It was shoved to the back of my closet, forgotten and dusty. I sat there on the floor that day, the book in my hands, drinking in the remembered smell of damp leaves under my feet and the sounds of rain pelting nylon. The book came with me.

My college roommate was a twit. But she was a happy twit, caught up in the whirlwind of sorority rush week and fraternity after-football parties. It made her giggle and she thought it was important, and it didn't really matter to me, so we got along just fine.

Besides, I knew two things. I had rediscovered the woods, and I'd be dead within the next seven years. So, if she wanted to chatter away like a squirrel about her pomponsand midterms and next week's bonfire, so be it. I could listen and nod and she'd still be happy.

There are advantages to knowing you're not going to live for long. Primarily, it's a lot easier to get involved in so-called extreme sports and activities when you've already got a picture of the absolute longest you're going to live anyway. When there's a definite end in sight, it's much simpler to take risks. After all, what's fear if not the knowledge that your activities could quite easily damage your future? When there's no long-term future, there's nothing to fear.

I spent the weekends hiking.

Serious hiking. Not quite mountain climbing, but only because I couldn't afford it, and real mountains were scarce within driving distance of my dorm. But there were some amazing rock climbs within a few hours' drive. And spelunking. Enough to keep my interest from wavering. Caves abounded in the mountains and hills. I had a car, so with the investment of a nominal amount of gas money, I could escape for the day or the weekend.

At first, my folks worried. Their little girl risking her beautiful face and oh-so-perfect body out there amongst the rocks and the trees and the wild animals when she should instead be looking for a good husband like all college girls. But then they looked at their friends' children and saw the neon spikes and the black eyeliner and the piercings and the tattoos, and realized that the risks I was taking were minor in comparison. I was healthy and wholesome. I was Well Adjusted.

So, they bought me equipment for birthdays and holidays and supported my outdoor hobbies. I did climbs, and scaled rocks, and rafted Class IV rivers. By the time I finished my bachelor's degree (advertising, of course; my father was so proud) I knew every inch of the woods within 200 miles of campus, and I could handle myself in almost any situation.

I was twenty-two. I had my degree, a job lined up, and a rented apartment, and I knew I only had to maintain the image of 'alive' for another three years, tops.~~~~~

I dated. A few flings. Physical attractions, nothing more. Dinner and dancing and movies and concerts and sweaty nights in tangled sheets. They were fine. Nothing that lit sparks, and nothing that I couldn't walk away from the first time either of us got bored. The sex was usually good, and sometimes very good. But nothing as earth shattering and knee shaking as the magazine articles and novels spoke about. An orgasm was an orgasm was an orgasm, and I could get the same release with my own fingers as I could get from any of the men I took to bed with me, but we always had fun. And I figured that was a reasonable result for all concerned.

One night I was lying in a post-coital warmth with Mark, a sometimes bed- buddy. We'd known each other through work for a few months and had dated off and on for about three weeks.

I traced the curve of muscle on his chest and listened to him breathe.

"Dani. You don't let anyone in, do you?"

"In? Mark, you just spent the last twenty minutes 'in'."

"Stop, Dani. I'm being serious. You let me into your bed, but that's it. You've got your heart closed off. Hell, you've got it buttoned all the way up to your collar. You swing through, then wipe out your tracks behind you. It's like you're trying to keep from making a mark anywhere. Like you've taken the idea of 'leave-no-trace' camping and made it part of your entire life."

I didn't know what to say. I wasn't sure there was an answer. I was twenty-four. I figured there wasn't much point in making marks or creating connections. I'd only need to worry about it for another few months.

~~~~~~ I turned twenty-five in January. I've always loved winter camping.

I could hear the trees whisper at the intrusion I was causing. 'Leave no trace' hiking is a misnomer. Despite our best, our most conscientious, efforts to be a part of the woods and the ground and the rocks and the trees, they know we're there. They have their own voices, those growing, living beings. And if, when we enter their world, we show the proper respect and attempt to be a part of where they exist, they'll let us hear them speak. I listened as I walked.

The weight of my pack was reassuring. Months, years, dozens-maybe hundreds-of these hikes had taught me the tricks. The extra padding duct- taped to the shoulder straps, the sleeping pad rolled against the small of my back. I always packed carefully. I wasn't coming back, but years of preparing for trips had taught me not to be sloppy. I had no intention of being sloppy or hurting before I finished.

No, I was nothing if not prepared. Planned and packed and prepared. My rent was paid through the end of the month, and there was a note in the mail to my landlady giving my notice. My fridge was empty, as was my bank account. The day before I left, I put a box in the mail to my lawyer (my will was up to date and signed) containing keys to the apartment and notes for my parents and a few friends. He'd take care of things for me. I had one more paycheck due from the ad agency, and I'd left instructions to turn it over to him. I'd been offended by trail-trash enough times so that I didn't like the idea of my pack and its contents being left in the middle of animal country, but there was no real way around it. And the idea of someone seeing my body, my dead and messy body, repelled me. Eventually, of course, it would be discovered, but the point was that I'd be far enough out and in a remote enough area as not to be "found" until natural processes had taken over and whatever was left would be relatively unidentifiable. And there was always the hope that a bear (or some other forest dweller) would find me and hasten the natural process. If nothing else, the scavengers would come for the bones. I was a 'leave no trace' camper. Figured it was best to end that way as well. The last thing I wanted was to be discovered and to cause a ruckus. This way I'd go quietly and unobtrusively. I wanted to leave life as I had led it.

I parked my car in long-term camp parking lot and paid for three weeks. I'd rather have not had to leave it anywhere-I hated details that weren't wrapped up-but there was nothing to be done. I had to have a way to get to the trailhead. I locked the doors and left the key in a magnet box in the wheel-well. Someone would eventually find it there.

I started thinking about things seriously months before my birthday. The biggest decision to was method. I could shoot, but that didn't really matter. How hard could it be to aim down your own throat? But I decided against it. I didn't like the idea of leaving a gun out there to be stumbled upon. It just didn't seem responsible. I was good with a knife- you have to be to be a successful camper-but while I just didn't want to live, I certainly didn't want to hurt myself in the process of not-living.

I settled on the easy out-pills. Sleeping pill prescriptions are ridiculously easy to get, and I didn't think I'd need more than a couple of months' worth. Combine them with some leftover painkillers and I figured it would be a nice, easy, relaxing drift away.

And the location. It was a valley about four summer-hours' hike from the road. I packed along snowshoes and figured on doubling that time. Maybe a bit less. Regardless, I thought I'd be safe from discovery until spring.

Which left me with nothing else to decide. And it was a comfortable feeling.

The hike was easy. Snowshoes make even the deepest snow relatively simple to hike. I hadn't been out as much as I'd planned this winter, and it took a couple of miles to get my muscles warmed up, but once the blood was flowing and the kinks were out, it was an easier hike than it was in summer. The snow was loose but deep, and it packed easily under my weight. I was making good time.

But it was quiet. Snow does that. Deep snow on the ground wraps the woods in a muffler, and the falling snow adds a layer of soundproofing between the outside world and your ears. I think that's one reason people get lost so easily during winter hikes. It's silent, and there's nothing to listen to except the voices in our own heads. They start listening to what's going on inside, and they stop paying attention to where they are and where they've been. That's a good reason to be in the woods, until you let yourself get too wrapped up in it. Which is what I had done. I was reciting "But I have miles to go before I sleep," for the third time when I realized I was off the trail. Far off.

I was worried. Winter woods are trickier than summer woods. The landmarks change, snow quickly fills up your tracks behind you, everything looks the same, and the normal "find your way back" tricks don't work. And winter woods are less forgiving. In the summer, you can find fresh water and something edible almost anywhere. But in the winter, you're limited to snow and ice-both of which are too cold to be suitable for hydration. Your body has to work too hard to warm snow or ice up to make either of them truly beneficial. And you're competing with winter-hungry deer for what's left of the edible greenery. It's not impossible to survive, but it's damn difficult. And it is impossible to do it comfortably.

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This is a work of erotic fiction, and is not intended for viewing by anyone under the age of 18. All characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional, and any resemblance to actual persons or events is coincidental. Comments and helpful criticism are welcome, and may be emailed to [email protected]. ****** Meg eased slowly into the waking world, disoriented and unsure where she was. She was lying on her side on a soft bed, and although she had no covers on, she felt warm and...

4 years ago
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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 17 The Surprise

Restless, Marie turned on the radio to Radio Station KOA out of Denver. A news report, blared loud as Marie grabbed the volume control. The announcer began, "A further update on the FBI sting operation has just come in over the wires. The assistant Special Agent In Charge of the local FBI office here in Denver announced the results of the secret yearlong joint operation with the United States Drug Enforcement Agency. "Special Agent Stroud stated they were able to spring the complicated...

4 years ago
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Blindfolded wife fucked by friend

During sex we often enjoy telling each other little sex Stories centered on each of our fantasies. Over the Years we have both gotten pretty good at spinning a web Of excitement for each other. It really has enhanced Our sex life a great deal. In fact, as it turned out, Much more than i could ever have anticipated. As i said, natasha and i often shared our fantasies, and She had many, to enhance our love making. Among hers Were… But i was about to learn of one, she’d never Shared before, and it...

4 years ago
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Oh What Tangled Web We Weave

She stepped out of the shower and stood in front of the full length mirror, toweling her short solid black hair - still with no gray roots - as she examined her face, searching closely for unwanted lines or blemishes which traditionally adorned and troubled a woman in her sixties. 'Not bad, ' she thought, as water dripped off of her body onto a brand new bathmat, 'if I must say so myself.' Her face still looked as new and unused as when she had been a teenager. She gazed at the glistening...

3 years ago
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First Class Part 2

Chapter 3 – First Class “Ummm, Celeste?” Vicky said. “What?” “These uniforms ….” “Retro chic, I know, right?” Celeste said, her voice ringing with excitement. The girls were standing together in front of the full length mirror in the dressing room at the 100 Years of Civil Aviation attraction. They were both dressed in 1960’s stewardess uniforms: navy blue long sleeved mini-dresses with deep v-necks and lapels, gold braiding around the cuffs and large gold buttons all the way down the front....

5 years ago
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Im Not a Lesbian

"Oops I Did It Again" by E. K. Black "Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think I did it again I made you believe we're more than just friends Oh baby It might seem like a crush But it's a bad case of lust cause I put up my defenses and I am so typically ill Oh baby, baby oops I did it again I played with your twat got lost in your wame Oh baby, baby Oops, You think I'm in love But I'm just a slut I'm not a lesbian You see my problem is this I like sex in too many...

2 years ago
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Punished For Spying Part 2

Tom could only stare at his sister as she entered his room. Tammy had clad herself in a makeshift costume that resembled one of the girls in his beloved hentai videos. A short pleated skirt, white stockings and a crisp white blouse under a blue blazer. The blouse was unbuttoned just enough to display her tiny white bra to be visible. Wasn't she the same girl that he had caught balling her boyfriend not a few hours ago? She looked up from being boned and saw him looking through the partially...

2 years ago
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Late With The Rent Again Part Two

Having sex with my landlord was probably the lowest thing I ever had to do.  He’s fat, has body odor, missing teeth, greasy hair and fat fingers.  He does have a huge dick and loves to eat pussy though.  However, I was completely repulsed with him fucking my asshole.  I’m sad to say, he got me off several times.  Does that make me a freak?I must be sick or into fat men.  I’m a bit worried about myself.  I think about that night where he used me like a complete slut.  He was my best lay I ever...

Group Sex
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 7 Bethany

March 4, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “Well?” Kara asked with a smirk as she, Jessica, and I sat down to a quiet dinner in the ‘Indian’ room. “About as wild as could be. I was more than a little concerned by Abbie’s plan, but in the end, when she told me why, it made perfect sense.” “What was her reasoning?” Jessica asked. “She felt that it had to be raw sex and nothing more, because otherwise Becka would never have left.” Kara giggled, “Abbie seems to get smarter every day.” “I never had a...

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Chubby Ann and I had a falling out

The last person I thought I’d hear from was Ann. We had been friends for a long time, but our husbands had a falling out and we each ended up taking our husband’s side, so we hadn’t talked for several months. In fact, I’d heard from others that Ann had been bad-mouthing me around town, so I thought our friendship was done for good. But she called and asked if she could come over, that she missed having me for a friend and wanted to get together again. Just to clarify,...

4 years ago
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Tgirl dominated by school Mistress

Mistress said I should tell how I first became sub so here goes.While I was still at school I was very thin, hairless body, high pitched voice and long hair in the most girly look I could get away with. I had started wearing panties under my trousers and I thought nobody knew. Well one day I was told to see the head of year immediately. She was terrifying to us boys, in her 30's, tall, thin, long brown hair in a severe style, she would wear heels with metal tips to announce she was coming...

2 years ago
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Sweet Dreams

My hand slowly creeps down from the top of the pillow, down my neck, and stops at my breast. I cup it in my warm hand then squeeze and pull at my nipple. My movement caused you to turn over onto your back. 'All the better' I think to myself. My fingertips glide down the center of my gently heaving chest and circle my belly button. I can hear you breathing, even though you're sleeping, it's turning me on that you are right there as I'm touching myself. My fingers slowly start to rub my...

3 years ago
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My Workout with an Old Principal

"Sure, Mom. It's not a problem. I can stop by on my way home from the gym." I hang up the phone with my mom and climb into my car. The first thing I do is blast the air conditioning. The radio clicks on and Marvin Gaye's voice croons over the speakers - 'Sexual Healing.' Ugh. I could use a little sexual healing. It's been a while since I was last fucked. I lost my virginity to Derek Marshall on my 17th birthday and we had a bunch of crazy sex for a few months after that. Since Derek and I broke...

Straight Sex
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Stella Maris my sexy ballet blonde

To my youngest daughter - let´s call her Amelia, also a student of ballet - I wrote a few messages about my most beautiful steady love ever, Stella Maris. Three of them added up to this story - my first true account here! ;-)PAmelia, I´ll tell about my second steady girlfriend. A ballet dancer like you.When I met and seduced her she was in her first year in university.I met her at her first day there. I lead her freshman first-week dozen newbies.She was my most pretty girl ever. Also her name...

2 years ago
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First experience with Sobhachechi

Hi friends! I am a new member in this site. After reading so many stories in this site I also thought to share my sexual experiences with you. At first let me introduce myself. I am a 38 years old man and having two children and a beautiful wife. My first experience was with a distant relative who happened to be a maid servant of our house. My family was a big one and we father, mother and five children were living in home. My mother was physically week and she used to keep maids in the house...

4 years ago
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Son Gets Attracted To His Teacher Mom

Hello guys and girls, it’s me Joshua from Chennai. Today, I am going to narrate an incident that changed my and my mom’s life. About my mom: Her name is Christi. My mom works as a teacher in a private school nearby our house. She is in her mid-40s and she looks just like any other typical Indian women in her mid-40s. She is a bit chubby and has long hairs that reach up-to her hips and also has a beautiful face and sexy lips. Her eyes have a glow which is enough to lure eyes of even young boys...

1 year ago
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Raha Porn! Are you fucking horny as hell for amazing ebony porn? Specifically, a lot of porn that comes from Kenya? Then by God, you have come to the right fucking place!I’m talking about RahaPorn! While you are fucking here, you’re going to find a wealth of Kenyan-based pornography that will more than get you nice and hard! You are going to be all over the kind of content that you find right here on this unique fucking tube site, so what the fuck are you waiting for? You know what you want, so...

Black Porn Sites
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How my sweet wife became a black cock slave

My wife, Lola and I liked to watch adult videos as part of our sex life. She liked to be restrained and spanked, then fucked silly. She said that she really liked the feeling of being controlled for the sexual gratification of another. One day we were watching a new film in which a white housewife was being used and dominated by several black men. Lola’s pussy was sopping and she couldn’t take her eyes off of the scene unfolding in front of her. As the men roughly shoved their...

2 years ago
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Building a Dream Part Seventeen

My phone alarm annoyingly woke me at 5:30 and it took me several attempts of hitting it to shut it up. I nudged Jay who was sprawled out naked on top of the covers and said quietly, “Wakey, wakey. We need to get ourselves up, showered, fed and out of here by quarter to seven.” “Nope,” she tiredly replied. “Leave me alone. I want to sleep.” I reached around and gently caressed a nipple saying, “But today is film day. Just think of all the cock and cunt that’s going to be available.” In a...

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All because of Hamster

A few nights a go, my wife and I were sitting watching xhamster on the computer. We'd been surfing the site for a few hours. The wife was reading a few stories; she's more into reading stories than watching porn. It was getting late and I decided to go to bed. Not long after, my wife joined me. She got into bed, and I did what I usually do. I turned round and gave her a cuddle...I was lying there for a while, dozing in and out. I put my hand down towards her knickers, she was lying on her...

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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 15

“Okay,” said Nathan, “I’ve got Jennifer on it, well, her PI at any rate. She’ll be getting back to me pretty soon. I’m sure of it.” “Okay, and I’ve got some news. Selena came at me after Jack left to go home,” said Victoria. “Oh?” he said. “Yes, she is pressuring me as to what she thinks I’m keeping from her. It’s apparently her belief that John Michael is even worse, not better, than he has so far been portrayed to this point, and she wants the whole truth. I was able to put her off, but...

3 years ago
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Patsy Part 2

Patsy - Part 2 Chapter 5 The following morning as I come to Victor's breakfast table, he hands me a paper sack and says that he wants to help with my medical issue. I open the top of the sack and peer in. I can clearly see, even wadded up as it was, that it's a bra! An orange, silk bra! I look at Victor with a puzzled look. He leans over and whispers that the orange will look very sexy and since our jumpsuits are orange, no one will notice it on me. He continues to say that till...

2 years ago
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SexSelector Jade Kimiko Our Little Secret

You’re staying at your best friends house over summer break, but you didn’t realize he had such a sexy sister. You don’t wanna ruin your friendship, but you’ve gotta take care of these urges. What would you do? You can go sniff her panties, or try to have some flirty fun. Let her worship your cock or you can take control and worship her pretty feet. You can choose whatever positions you’d like to fuck her in, and have the day of your dreams with a little secret...

4 years ago
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Christy Gets PimpedChapter 2

The black guy put on his clothes and stated he had put a large load of cum in her pussy. “She probly gon be pregnent with my black baby” he smirked. He left. Christy closed her legs, put her hands over her face and whimpered, “I am such a whore, not only that but now I’m a whore that fucks niggers!” She got up slowly and hobbled to her bathroom. “FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!” she screamed. When I went to her bathroom, I saw her sitting over her toilet ... my eyes bulged at the long streams of sperm...

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Chapter 1: Crash-landing The pilot turned back and smirked at Paula and Noel. "How are you girls?" he asked. "It's getting boring," Paula replied and slumped into her seat. Noel hemmed, then took out a comb and brushed her curly brown hair. The little Cessna rocked slightly and tilted. The pilot studied the dials. The engine started to whir louder. "Problem?" Paula asked and looked fearfully at the vast expanse of water below them. "No, it's just turbulence," the pilot said....

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My Best Friends Mom Sucked Me Off And Fucked

This is a true story with the names changed.So this all started a while ago when my friends parents got divorced. They moved apart from each other, and their mom needed help moving in to her new place. I offered to help since I was almost always at their house anyway, and I started to notice his mom would always like check me out and say weird stuff to flirt with me. His mom was pretty hot. Brunette, Brown eyes, pretty great body, with about 32 DD tits and a sweet ass you could eat off of. The...

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for my friend

This piece was for a friend a few years back. I wonder how she is.As my eyes finally open, my body is sending so many different signals to my brain. I am not sure if I feel pain from my toes to the ends of the strands of my hair, or is my body just so tired from the past twelve hours that physical exhaustion is disguising how I really feel. Never has my body been put through the wringer like last night. And now my world has changed because I don't think I can ever go back. What she has...

3 years ago
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Life in the NeighborhoodChapter 26 What Goes Around Comes Around

It took about a month for my lawyer and the detective to uncover all the dirty secrets about Elizabeth and Alex's accident and the fallout there from. They found out about what the trucking company had pulled in order to avoid bad publicity. There were quite a few skeletons in their closet. 1- They knew that their driver had been on the road for 15 hours straight. 2- They conspired with the DA and the police department to burry the investigation. 3- They had an employee covertly pay the...

3 years ago
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Chasing Love Ch 06

CHAPTER SIX ‘Happy Birthday Danny!’ Jessica exclaimed as Jake led Danny into the mess hall. Danny grinned as he saw the feast in front of him. ‘How long have you been working on this?’ Danny asked in awe. ‘The party, three months, the food, two days,’ Jessica answered laughing at his reaction. Danny kissed her in front of everyone causing some of the newer men to let out cat calls and whistles. ‘What, haven’t you ever seen a man kiss his wife before?’ Jake asked, laughing loudly as Danny...

4 years ago
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SSShotguneagle Part Three

He yanked the whip off her neck, leaving Leah gasping for air. Leah writhed in despair as she welcomed more air into her lungs. It was difficult to soothe her aching neck. All she could do was wait for the pain to go away and sob. Kenny tossed the whip to the ground and walked over to his cart of tools. After he grabbed what he wanted, he walked back to Leah, standing in front of her. She was still sobbing, trying to get used to the discomfort that was steadily growing. Kenny thought she...

3 years ago
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Taking Her

I grab you from behind, swiftly covering your mouth, and whisper in your ear that's it's time for your punishment. Your hot breath against my hand makes my cock pulse just a little, and as you struggle against me you can feel it growing against the top of your arse. With my stiff cock prodding into you, you reach behind your back and rub your fingers across the front of my jeans, groaning deeply as you feel the entire length, marvelling at its thickness, terrified of what it will do to your...

2 years ago
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Vacation With Friends

It was going to be another one of those vacation weekends with friends. One of those weekends that was supposed to be fun but turn out as they usually did... a long and boring two days. That's what I thought as we loaded up the car and headed for the mountains. The drive up was uneventful. When we left my wife sat in the front seat with me and our friends Sara and Jim in the back. After about a hundred miles or so Sara said she needed to make a pit stop so we pulled into a rest area. The girls...

3 years ago
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13th I Join Up

Now my mind was made up that summer seemed to pass slower than ever. I had written to Alan and told him of my plans and his letters got fewer and fewer. He had moved back home after his school year ended, so I managed to take a few days off to go home and see him over one weekend. Emma was off on her holiday to the continent somewhere, so I didn't tell her about going home. I was able to go dancing with Alan on the Saturday night and had a wonderful time, we left the dance early to go and...

Straight Sex
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The Ravishing of Constance Ch 06

Breakfast the next morning was an ordeal for Constance. She had managed to discreetly leave the room last night as Eva, Enrique, and Robert succumbed to their weariness. While they slept on the carpet, in the midst of their strewn clothes, Constance sought the solitude of her own bed. She had been awakened early by Rob, who was cross with her for leaving. He told her that unless her manners improved to the point that she did not desert her duties when they had company, she’d regret it. ...

4 years ago
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Gone FishinChapter 13

The laundry was done, folded, put away. I was awaiting Weena, for "the exchange of joy / That one short minute gives me in her sight." Two months and I was still in Romeo and Juliet. It was amazing. Those few days in Laverton. Ten days in the Territory. It had been so easy in Canberra. Now everything was more complex. I looked at my watch. Just past six. Weena was most likely on her way. I thought about dinner. We'd really been over-eating this week. I had started to get the left-over...

2 years ago
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WildOnCam Eliza Jane Having Fun with Eliza

Eliza Jane knows how to grab your attention showing off her sexy fit body in her lingerie and robe. Stick around as this show is one to remember as she gets to fuck Small Hands! She drops her panties and gets that bra off letting you admire those beautiful little perky tits and neatly trimmed pussy! Small Hands knows he is in for a real treat as she wraps her lips around his hard cock and tries to take it all down her throat! He fucks her hard from all the best positions that really hit her g...

2 years ago
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An intriguing but bi twist

I have a very nice, comfortable home life although I travel way too much for my wife’s liking. Sex has always been great but in the past year things have taken a downturn due to a physical issue my wife has. While she enjoys the intimacy I bring through my hands, cuddling, kissing and oral, she doesn’t have enjoyable intercourse with me due to this ailment, as in her walls are drying up and medication hasn’t helped much yet. Even a finger penetration causes pain. I’ve always been...

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