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"I've seen the way you look at me," I whispered in her right ear, my body brushing against her back, my nose flirting with her straight hair, my mouth hanging an inch away from her skin, my own flesh surprised that I had the will to halt its road to her neck and achingly begging me to tilt forward just a little bit more.

It had taken me six months to muster up the courage to say those words, six months of internal struggles over the nature of my feelings, of debates on how she'd take it and of covering the broad spectrum from wonderful to near disastrous consequences. But as I leaned into her, that brief moment when I could sense my heart skip a beat against her back, I knew I belonged there. It felt sensual, overpowering, and just the perfect amount of right. I hadn't planned on lingering, I wanted to be swift, say the words and move away, let her battle her own demons, and probably start battling my own.

However the sensation of her, so close, so delectably sweet, made me stop a fraction of a second longer and I kicked myself mentally for letting her guess that she had a hold on me. That wasn't how I had played it in my head, night after night for six months. But I did linger, and could I even blame myself? She was painfully breathtaking that night, in a black top and a sweet slim jeans that hugged her in all the right places... God, she had me jealous of a piece of fabric! How I would give everything to be sprawled there on her body, hugging every inch of her skin, breathing with every pore, caressing every forbidden spot.

She was sitting across from me at the table, during dinner, with her eyes looking down my cleavage with every sip of wine she was taking, glances becoming longer stares as she got more tipsy, almost exactly like that dinner that started it all, six months ago. When I caught her eye after she had it buried in my white skin, she shrugged and as her lips danced in an innocent smile, my heart shuddered and I found myself actually tempted to do it. It was the women's turn to clean up, which, I analyzed, would give me the perfect privacy I needed to make my move. I had spent days playing this fantasy's scenario in my head over and over, but I always thought it was just that: a fantasy. I had never even considered acting on it.

When the realization came that I had to make that step, I gulped more wine and deeply hoped my inhibitions were as easy to remove as hers. When we were done eating, I followed her as we cleaned the dishes from the table, and in the small hallway leading to the kitchen, I grabbed my guts with both hands before chickening out and leaned in to whisper those words into her ear.

"I've seen the way you look at me."

I still couldn't believe I said it, and as I tore myself away from her and moved ahead, my hands slightly trembling while holding the few dishes and going into the kitchen, I kept waiting for the sound of her movement, and I knew I had frozen her. Good for her. I was a hot mess and she was frozen. I thought for a second that we'd make a great physics exercise: find the final temperature when body A and body B are mixed together. I inhaled sharply and smiled as I picked up the conversation with the others, all the while my eyes riveted on the door frame, waiting for her to come in. She would be searching for my eyes, for answers to all the questions that would be swirling in her mind, and I was looking forward to denying her that pleasure.

I sensed, more than heard or saw, her come in and I instantly twisted around to the fridge, opened it, leaned forward to grab some beer bottles, giving her a perfect view of everything but my eyes. I felt her come near me, so without looking up, I handed her three bottles.

"Take them to the men before they start sobering up, God knows we'd all hate that!"

Two other womanly chuckles echoed in the kitchen, and my heart pinched because her laugh wasn't there. Did I mess up? Did I act too loosely and too quickly telling her I had noticed the improper chemistry between us? When she grabbed the bottles from my hand, I saw hers shaking, and I had to fight the urge to look up at her, hug, apologize and tell her it was going to be OK. I was too weak around her, I had anticipated it, so I knew I had to resist. She left the kitchen, the beer in her hands forcing her to go out as quickly as she came in. I stayed there for a brief moment, calming myself, before grabbing the remaining beer bottles and walking out to the patio. I distributed the bottles and sat on the edge of the large bean bag, next to Mark.

"You boys know how to act pretty when it ain't your turn in the kitchen!" I said, as I let my hand wrap around Mark's neck while the other layed on his thigh. I gave him a peck on his cheek, all the while feeling her eyes drill into my skull, willing my head to turn and look at her. Enough torture, I thought, and I spun my head directly to face her.

Goodness me, she was a mess! To everyone else, she might have looked normal, but I knew her too well to tell that she was having all sorts of internal struggles from the slouch in her posture and the frown in her eyes. I felt sorry for her and I had to exert all my self control not to fly to her. Then I noticed her ultimate discomfort tell-sign: she was twisting her hair around her index. There were other things I could think of that would twist perfectly around that finger. Darn. Stop thinking like this! I felt myself blush and prayed that the low lights wouldn't let her see it. It was already silly that I had lingered when I leaned in, she didn't have to see me blush. It all took less than a second then I gathered myself up and remembered I had to give her "the look".

I had studied my expression countless hours in front of the mirror, with the exact mix of mischievousness and carelessness. I tried my best to emulate that look. I wanted her to think I was flattered about her sentiments, but that I was neither disgusted nor interested. But boy did I know I was interested! As a matter of fact, it had been my only interest for half a year. Playful. Stay playful. Don't scare her away with an excess in any direction. I held her struggling gaze for as long as it was appropriate, sending back at her the shrug she had given me during dinner, then I finally shifted my eyes.

Slowly though, I saw her relax from the corner of my eyes. She still hadn't said a word since I startled her but she had stopped twisting her hair. She might have come to the conclusion that we'd pin it down on booze and summer heat, and maybe the full moon. Or she realized that I wasn't going to do anything about it.

"Let your guards down, sweetie, let them down, so you won't see the next one coming," the mischievous voice echoed in my head when she eased back into the conversation. But as her colors came back and I heard her giggle again half an hour later, I knew I was too doomed to pretend having any control over the situation. She had me.


"Chicken wings?" I asked her, as I passed on the food platters. She glanced up and shook her head.

"No thanks, I never really liked wings or understood the fuss about them," she paused then continued, almost to herself, "I love breasts though, I'd take that over a wing any day." I nodded and passed the platter on. That's when it hit me, the double meaning of what she just said without even realizing it.

I took my phone out and typed, "So you're a breast person?". Terribly mean, but it was too easy of an opportunity to pass on. I sent the instant message to her, convinced I might regret that impulse, but to hell with it, I'd worry about it later. Instant Messaging had been our secret communication tool for a few months, ever since the big debacle of the frozen roast-beef. We liked our neighborhood couple get together, but some jokes were better shared in private, and we had the same eye for details and quite a similar twisted sense of humor. So we IM'ed on our phones, when something funny, silly or weird happened.

She felt her phone vibrate and picked it up. I fixed my eyes on her, anxiously waiting for her reaction. It was only two days after the dinner incident but we hadn't mentioned it again and she had already let her guard down. She had a white summer dress on, with sunglasses propped on her head, holding some short hair strands. There was something about that casual look that snuck up on me and had me catching my breath when I first opened the door for her and Steven. Maybe it was the fact that she was even more stunning without make-up on, maybe it was the way she looked in white with her face beaming stronger, and maybe I just had it so bad for her that I was getting excited at the slightest thing.

She was sipping water while reading the message, a bad, bad idea, but it was too late to warn her. She coughed and almost spit out the water, glancing at me for a second then quickly locking her phone's screen before she went into another series of coughs.

"Honey, are you OK?" asked Steven, and we all stared at her as she calmed down and her cough roughly transformed into a weird laughter.

"It just (cough) hit me (cough) that I said (cough/laugh) I loved (laugh) breasts (giggle)," she squeezed out.

"You might wanna get a boob job Steven!" I instantly added and everyone burst into laughter.

"Ah Steven, you better do that fast or your woman will start hitting on ours!" my Mark echoed. That was followed by about fifteen jokes that went even more downhill from there.

While everyone was laughing, our eyes met several times, and while the first few were short and impossibly riddled with discomfort, we always seemed to gravitate back towards each other, and I eventually smiled at her hoping she'll forgive my distasteful joke. When she arched her lips in a half smile, I felt relieved then heard my phone beep.

"You ass!" she had written.

"I'm sorry, it was too easy to pass on," I responded and I inserted a winking smiley face. I might live to regret that joke's impulse, but at least we were OK now.

After lunch, it was the boys turn for cleaning up, so we moved away from the table. She walked to our swing couch and sat there, taking a grip from the floor then lifting her legs up as the swing began moving back and forth. There was a mesmerizing simplicity and delicate innocence about her, I didn't even notice I had moved towards her until I was standing almost in front of her. The others had joined us, and they threw themselves on the lounge chairs. I looked at the chairs then back at her, in a hazy debate between following my instincts or common sense.

"Swing with me," she said calmly, almost in a mixture of a whisper and a song, while tapping the couch next to her.

It was all I could take. I plopped myself down as close to her as I could without touching her. She started humming a tune, I moaned my fatigue over preparing lunch, and got the perfect alibi to nuzzle next to her and lay my head on her shoulder.

We continued swinging, slowly, almost nonchalantly, with her humming punctuating the stillness in the air. We could hear the distant sounds of the men talking in the kitchen and a dog's bark in the neighborhood, but they felt surreal, as my cheek caressed her shoulder, and her head leaned in on mine. I kicked my sandals off, and let my toes trail on the grass as we swang back and forth, then for a moment, i felt her leg next to mine. I didn't move away, waiting for her reaction. She didn't either. And we continued swinging, our legs barely touching, our heads entwined, with her humming, and the distant dog barking. We were out in the open, with two other women a few feet away from us, but it still felt like the most private moment ever. I reveled in that intimacy, in the little goosebumps I'd get every time my toes touched hers, in the smell of her jasmine perfume, and the feel of her skin on my cheek. It was simple, easy, and erotic in its simplicity.

I wondered if she could hear how loud my heart was beating despite its calm rhythm, or how hard I had to fight my hand not to jump to her thigh, or how often I stopped my lips before they kissed her smooth shoulder. I wondered how many muscles it would take for me to spin around and sit in her lap and how much restrain I had to exert to stop them from doing it. I wondered if she was battling the same demons, or if we could win that battle if we joined forces. I wondered how innocent we looked in the eyes of the others, how outraged they'd be if only they knew what was going on in my head now, and if Mark or Steven would be turned on or repulsed by it.

Then I stopped wondering, I let myself go, my senses, my sanity, my control.

"I like this," I whispered almost inaudibly, vanishing in the laziness of her humming, and falling asleep.

I woke up ten minutes later, to the sound of the men coming back. They always waited for approval when they finished their chores, so I reluctantly raised my head from her shoulder and slowly applauded them.

Mark almost ran to me and leaned in for a kiss. I imagined them to be her lips holding mine, her tongue in my mouth, then I felt her foot brush more demandingly against mine. Mark was about to pull away from our embrace, but I bit his tongue and held him in place, not wanting to lose the feeling of the moment. Her hand slid between her thigh and mine, where no one could see her nails digging in the side of my pants. I was kissing my husband yet she made me feel like I was cheating on him. My whole body belonged to her, I was shuddering for her nails on my thigh and her toes on my leg. It felt unbearably teasing to know she shared the same temptations as me, but that this was the most intimate we had ever been. The sensation was becoming overwhelming, a sigh escaped me and Mark used this slight distraction to stand up, he probably thought that if we kept our kiss a while longer, we'd be putting on an adult rated show for everyone. He looked at me questioningly, wondering where that passionate kiss came from, I smiled innocently, then he backed off. And just like that, her nails and leg were gone. I suspected I was flustered so I used the alibi that I wanted to pour us glasses of ice tea and get some fruits in order to rise from the swing to breathe away from her, to think away from her, to be away from her.

While walking to the kitchen, I glanced over to my phone and saw I had an instant message notification.

"I like this too," she had written, about 13 minutes earlier. I smiled then frowned. Did I lose control over the situation? I was supposed to be the one steering this ship, but her transforming my breast remark into a group joke, her swinging and humming to me, her foot and nails against me when I kissed my husband... she was claiming back control and I knew too little how to stop her. Oh, who was I k**ding? I didn't even believe I wanted to stop her. An easy win wasn't enticing, but her fighting and flirting back, that was exciting beyond belief.

"Need help?" I jumped, startled, not having heard her come in.

She was standing barefoot on the kitchen's floor, her disheveled hair coming into her eyes after she had removed the sunglasses holding it away. I cracked the ice cubes tray with all my strength and it was all I could do not to lose control and run to possess her then and there.

"Yes, grab the peaches and plums from the fruit drawer please," I half-stuttered.

I was putting the ice cubes in the glasses and I glanced over to see her bending in front of the refrigerator. Her buttocks stuck up in the air, her dress rising almost to the top of her thighs. If only she knew how good she looked! I wished I could freeze that moment and use it as my computer wallpaper, with the My Computer icon right in the middle were her thighs joined her buttocks. Everything I wanted access to, everything I dreamed of opening and exploring, was there. I shook myself then turned my head back and started pouring the ice tea in the glasses.

She came to me, holding the dish of peaches and plums in one hand, lifting a plum in her other hand and biting it.

"I stole a plum," she said jokingly. "Couldn't help myself".

I looked at her, there was a drop of dark red juice stuck slightly out of her mouth, I instinctively lifted my finger and wiped her lip.

"Wouldn't want anyone to know you're secretly stealing juices." I winked.

For a moment, she inhaled sharply when she saw my finger come near her lips then her whole face turned a red darker than the plums when she heard my reply, and I applauded myself internally over my fast reaction. She spun around and headed out to the garden. I followed her, and as I caught up behind her, my eyes drifted again to her behind, wondering where I'd put my Recycle Bin icon, as she was so perfect there was no garbage and nothing needing deletion or riddance in all of her. Halfway, I felt my phone vibrate and unlocked it.

"Stop staring at my ass."

I almost stumbled with the drinks and the glasses. How did she know? Most importantly, how fast was she bouncing back from all my discomforting remarks? It was less than 10 seconds ago that she had blushed to my words, and now she was kicking me back. Were we on equal grounds now? Would anyone win or were we bound to keep teasing each other, scoring one point each?

I debated answering her, "Not just your ass," or "Don't flatter yourself," but I didn't. I did not want to give her the satisfaction of an easy reply, I'd have my chance later.



She picked up her phone and wrote back, "What?" then lifted her eyes questioningly at me.

We were playing a game of Scrabble, one week later, with Nicole and Sherry. She was facing me. It was weird that we'd always end up facing each other. Was it pure luck, or was she intentionally doing that?

I typed, "You're not wearing a bra."

That was bound to get her head spinning. I squirmed, took a sip of beer, waiting for her reaction. She stared at her phone for a while then raised her eyes again, confused. I smirked. She had a red top on, and some tight jeans shorts that went to her knees. I knew every single bra she owned, had memorized them all, but I couldn't find a sign of any of them today. Besides, her breasts were ever so slightly sagging. It didn't take a savant mathematician to add 1 + 1 and come up with an answer. It was her turn to play and she used the H on the Scrabble board to write HOW. Just the question I had been waiting for.

I could picture the angel and the devil battling over my shoulders for a brief moment. What I was about to do, there was no going back from that. Our innocent flirtations, the to and fro of naughty remarks, they would all take a different dimension if I moved ahead. I looked up into her eyes, into the sweet confusion spreading on her face, into the slightest hint of a cleavage I could perceive from her top, and for a moment, I saw in the glint of her eyes the reflection of the devil poking his fork into the angel on my shoulder. I was already too far gone for the angel to be battling on even grounds, let alone winning.

I slid my leg ahead then stopped when my foot touched hers. Her eyes instantly flew even more open. Say what you want, but foot seduction under tables is never overrated. It's corny, it's overused, but the hormonal surge of knowing you're doing and hiding something naughty with witnesses right next to you, is the best form of teasing and excitement there ever was. If someone pulled a stunt like that on me, especially with the sexy charged looks I was giving her, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't last sixty seconds before finding my rapture. Luckily for me, she didn't know that, so I got to be the attacker instead of the embarrassed aroused woman.

I maintained her gaze as my toes slightly brushed hers, then lifted further and further. I lazily, almost innocently, strolled my leg up, caressing hers, reveling in the smoothness of her skin and the naughty nature of the move. I reached her knees and my heart caught in my chest, knowing all too well that the direct skin contact ends there. Damn them tight shorts! I debated going over them or stopping there. My leg felt like it had a mind of its own, wanting desperately to go up, higher and higher, until it reaches the final destination, the secret landmark where no other woman's leg had ever been. However, my mind was trying to gain control and to stop things before it was too late.

She sensed my hesitation, a brief darkness passed in her eyes and I heard her catch her breath. I maintained eye contact with her for a few seconds then I grazed the hem of her shorts, she breathed out, so I broke our gaze and looked at her chest. Thanks to the absence of a bra, her excitement was showing all too clearly and her two jewels were almost begging to be freed from the confines of her top. She looked down instantly and saw what caught my attention. She could pretend not being affected by my presence, but her body was a traitor with no secrets for me. I immediately pulled my leg away, just when she thought I'd go higher. We looked at each other and I smirked again, glancing at her chest several times, while she blushed adorably.

I was about to type my answer in an IM to her when Sherry's voice brought me back to the game. I glanced at my letters, I could easily make THREW with the W from the HOW, but it instantly occurred to me: where's the fun in that? I used the W to write WET, for less points in Scrabble but more points in the ultimate teasing game.

Then I grabbed my phone and typed, "That's how," for her to read. I knew she'd get back at me for that. In fact, I was eagerly anticipating the revenge.


I raised myself on both elbows and wiped the water from my face. I had been swimming laps for a while, and I felt excited and calm, a mix only gliding in a pool could provoke in me. I stood there, propped on the pool's border, enjoying the summer heat on my head and arms, and the cold water on the rest of my body. I could spot Nicole and Sherry in the kitchen, while all the men were acting like experts around the barbecue, debating whether a well done meat needed 15 or 16 minutes on the grill.

Her. I couldn't find her. I looked closely at the house's windows and outside but she was nowhere to be seen.

That's when I felt it, a gentle caress on my back, steadily trailing a line between my shoulders down to my waist. I didn't need to look back to know it was her. Only her hand could raise this much fire from my skin while in ice cold water. She slowly approached me even more and my mind swirled picturing her biting my neck, following the trail of goosebumps on my back with kisses, and claiming my ownership, regardless of who could see or hear us. Just at the thought of that scenario, I started feeling the budding signs of pleasure coursing through my body and I suspected I would soon have to retreat myself to the ladies room.

She raised herself on her elbows next to me, no, actually glued to me. Her whole left side was touching my right side, making it hard for me to control anything in the situation. I couldn't move, I could barely breathe, and I definitely was no longer planning on excusing myself. She turned her head towards me and I barely stifled the instinct to turn mine, because from this close distance, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from kissing her. I saw her smile from the corner of my eye, and I suspected it was a mischievous devilish grin. Her hand was still grazing my lower back and I thought that if I wiggled slightly, I could probably have it where I wanted it to be. If only I could move, that is. She leaned her head into the back of my neck, I forgot how to breathe. I kept looking ahead, at the men standing by the barbecue, and wondering what would happen if they turned and saw her nuzzled into me like that. She blew some air onto my neck and lowered her head slightly more.

Touch. First, it was almost perceptible, then I felt it. A tongue. Her tongue. On my skin. She licked the back of my neck, raising hell from my skin. My eyes sealed themselves. I wanted to shut down all my useless senses and focus on how she was making me feel. Then I noticed she had shifted her body's position, and her left leg was already creeping up between mine, pushing them apart. I instinctively gave her more access and her knee raised to lodge itself high between my thighs. The direct contact was too much to handle and I was instantly too far gone and probably less than a minute away from hitting ecstasy.

"Honey, how do you want your meat?"

I jolted and my eyes flew open when I heard Steven's voice. Did he see us? No. Thank heavens. They were all still focused on the barbecue and the beers, they didn't spot the ongoing seduction in the pool.

She took her mouth off my neck and said, "Medium," while caressing my back with the hand that was still there.

Hence it began, the devil's dance in five steps: she lowered herself onto my neck again to lick it, moved her knee slightly out then forced it back in, raised her head and said, "Well done on the outside," then caressed my back.

Lick my neck, hump her knee, raise her head, "Tender on the inside," caress my back.

Lick my neck, hump her knee, raise her head, "With lots of juices," caress my back.

"How about you, baby?" asked Mark.

I wasn't thinking straight and I knew that if I opened my mouth to answer something, the only sound that could escape would be a loud moan of pleasure.

Lick my neck, hump her knee, raise her head, "She'll have it juicy like mine, right?"

That did it. I shuddered and cried out "YES!" slightly more excitedly than a burger should make me. I had tried to control the pleasure with all my strength but it was overpowering.

I roamed blissfully for a second then I heard her snicker loudly next to my ear, "I didn't know you were that passionate about burgers!" while caressing my back to end the fifth dance step. I remembered where we were. I opened my eyes to see the four men staring at me inquiringly. How much had they seen?

I was starting to panic when Mark smiled and said, "She takes her meat quite seriously!" They all chuckled and returned their eyes to the barbecue. The bastard! He always knew how to turn my discomfort into a sexual joke.

For a split second, I had forgotten about her, about the way her knee was lodged into me, about the fire her tongue had ignited on my neck, about the utter pleasure she had just made me feel. She surely noticed my distraction and wasn't going to let it last. Her face was turned towards me, eyes fixed, her knee slid away from me, the hand that was on my back trailed down to my rear cheeks, then lower and to the front. I could no longer ignore her stare and I spun my face towards her. She barely gave me a split second to focus on the hungry look in her eyes and the thought that I could feel her breath on my lips and would potentially feel a lot more than just her breath if I leaned forward just a bit.

Her finger darted between my inner folds, collected its reward and withdrew. Split second: gone. Hungry eyes look: forgotten. Thought of kissing her: the boat sailed on that. The only thing in my mind was the regret over not having the reflex to contract my muscles to keep her finger there, prisoner of our intimacy. I sighed. She took her hand out of the water, brought her index to the back of my neck, where my skin was still aching for the feel of her tongue, and smeared it there. My brain had completely shut down. She then pushed my face away and leaned again, bringing back her tongue and licking my neck and my arousal together in one slow motion. I tried my best to hold still as my own lips were envious of the skin on my neck, and I wished humans could twist their heads around.

She pulled away slightly and whispered in my ear, "Look who's W.E.T now," and just like that, she raised herself out of the water quickly and walked back to the lounge chairs to pick up her towel.

I closed my eyes and lowered my head into the water to block all noises and distractions. In less than ten minutes, she had just claimed back control over the situation and avenged both plums and Scrabble incidents. She definitely was playing in a different league now. And her tongue, her knee, her finger, her eyes... I relived the ultimate joy of those moments, I imagined how it would feel to have more privacy and more freedom with her, I pictured all the devious little things that she would enjoy, that I would enjoy, that we would enjoy. I felt myself getting excited again and I had to stop it before losing control again. I raised my head out of the water then got out of the pool.

She was standing, drying herself, chatting with Nicole and Sherry who had come out to the terrace. I grabbed my towel and tried my best to look as casual as possible, then I saw her excuse herself to the ladies room.

It should have been a difficult decision, but really, it wasn't. There was no angel and devil fight on my shoulder, mainly because there was no longer an angel on any of my shoulders, just a very red devil with a very strong fork. I followed her inside, caught up behind her when she was about to close the bathroom's door, pushed her against the wall just as the door was shutting closed, and claimed possession of her chest and hips while her tongue returned to me, to my mouth, and to all the places I had desperately wanted it to be for the past six months.

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ScourgeChapter 7

Audra wakes up in a very cushiony and comfortable bed. She can’t remember the last time she was in a bed that felt this good. She also finds herself alone in a private room. Looking around the simple room, she is struck by how luxurious it seems to be. The clean sheets are crisp and fresh, the furniture looks brand new. As a rebel she never came close to being in a room this nice let alone having crisp, clean sheets. Often times, before and after joining the rebels, she was lucky to have...

2 years ago
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Courtesan Ch 07

We pulled onto Jackson Street. Jackson was a three lane one way street going towards downtown. Charles Street was one block west. It was a three lane one way street leaving downtown. Kelly and I both agreed that when we were driving downtown it was faster to take Jackson and Charles than to drive a mile east and get onto the freeway. It was 5:00 o'clock, rush hour. Most of the cars were on Charles Street heading south out of downtown, but Jackson was still busy. As soon as Kelly settled her...

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Courtesan Ch 06

"So how did you make the transition from having sex with your bosses to becoming a courtesan?" Looking at me with a puzzled expression, Kelly asked, "Why do you keep using the word courtesan?" "I thought that was the term you and your fellow workers preferred." "It was. It makes what we do seem almost elegant, but why would you use it? I'd think you'd choose a word like hooker or even whore." "Those words are pejoratives, especially whore. They imply that there was something wrong with what you...

1 year ago
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Courtney and Robin Meet

Courtney and Robin meet Again, here are two characters originally created by other writers of TG fiction-Courtney by Katie Leone and then expanded on by me in a previous sequel to her work. Robin Smith was created by Zoe Taylor in a (so far) three volume trilogy. Since martial arts figures so prominently in many of my stories, and Robin is already established as a student of Kenpo Karate, it seemed a natural to write her into one of my own crossovers. Again, I take no credit for...

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Chapter 1 "And the world's shrunken to a heap of hot flesh straining on a bed." -E.R. Dodds British Classical Scholar To be frank, I wanted her the moment I saw her, which is strange because she was 20 years older than me. But there was that certain something about her that attracted me to her, and I knew that if the feeling was even slightly mutual, I would act on it. Courtney was the wife of a co-worker. Don had come to our company first as a consultant, and then as he proved himself...

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CourtneyOne Crazy Little Bitch Part 2

I knew what we were doing was wrong. What more can I say? That I knew it was wrong and that I didn't care? Well,fine. "I didn't care!". There. I said it. Does That Make You Happy? I had pleaded with Samantha,Courtney's Mother,never to ask me to babysit for her again! Granted,I didn't go into any great detail,but that's besides the point,damnit! I'm sure She has a pretty good idea as to my reasons why.I mean,it's not My fault,that Courtney is litterally "certifiably insane"! It's not My...

2 years ago
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CourtneyOne Crazy Little Bitch Part 1

Courtney has been a bubble off plumb since she was a toddler. There's just no two ways about it. If You don't keep a constant eye on the girl,she'll do the damndest things! Like the last time I had to watch her. We were in the den,watching cartoons on the TV,and all I did was go to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. When I got back she was gone! I searched the whole house and finally found her,after I heard her voice coming from the back yard. I was in the attic by then,so I looked out the...

4 years ago
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Our Bedroom Boardgame

My wife Donna is the love of my life after eight years of marriage and having sex is always good but we had become somewhat bored with ‘the same old thing’ in the bedroom. We wanted to keep the sexual spark alive and to please each other so after some discussion we agreed on several erotic activities that we could feel comfortable with ‘if we worked up to it.’ We got the idea to invent a bedroom game. We agreed to try just about anything once and thought that the game would make things...

3 years ago
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Courtney Part 1

The wind was blustering outside Adam’s window. October’s colored tears swirled in the streets as a chill descended upon the town. The trees were almost completely bare and heavier jackets were becoming an essential part of any trip outside. Winter was slowly creeping in. Courtney stared out his bedroom window into the gray dismal sky. Heavy snow was forecasted to begin falling this evening and continue into the next day. Like every other teenager, she couldn’t help but hope school would be...

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Courtney the Crazed Athlete

After a refreshing day at the golf course in which Vince sunk an eighty-yard chip for birdie, we decided to celebrate the shot of his life with a trip to I-Lounge. I had always been a fan of I-Lounge. It wasn’t a huge club, but it had a certain dynamic that made it perfect for my style. I loathe bars that are simply one giant room. The animal in me thinks it essential to hit on girls without the whole damn place as witnesses. I-Lounge was different; there were six separate areas where I could...

Straight Sex
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Courtney Rich Mans Teen Niece

Courtney: Rich Man’s Teen Niece The Tower Organization’s Boeing Business Jet made a super smooth touchdown at New York’s JFK Airport. One of my stewardesses unlatched the airtight hatch and swung the door open. I exited the aircraft and raced down the mobile staircase with the ease and vigor of a man half the age of my fifty years. My Cadillac limousine pulled up and the driver jumped out then opened the rear door. “Welcome home, Mr. Tower,” he said with genuine enthusiasm. On...

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Courtney Sure Grew Up

Courtney Sure Grew Up I hadn’t seen Courtney in about two years then one day she knocked on my front door. Courtney said, “Hi. Before Judy left she said that if I ever need to talk to a real adult that would help me, that I should talk to you. May I?” I invited her in and assured her that I would listen and give her whatever advice or help that I could. That seemed to calm her down somewhat. I offered her a soda and she asked for something stronger like Vodka and orange juice....

2 years ago
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Courtney Who Needs Pictures with a Memory Like Mine

You may want to read about my first date with Courtney but it certainly isn't required reading. Courtney and I dated for only 3 or 4 months. It turned out that since we didn’t really have that much in common and came from completely different backgrounds that we weren’t as compatible as I had hoped. Don’t get me wrong, when we were between the sheets, life couldn’t get any better. Once we had out clothes on, we had little in common and it was like the pink elephant in the room. At least it was...

Straight Sex
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Courtney and Michael

I wrote this last Christmas Eve and sent out to friends who've provided me their email. I tried to include the photo that was the inspiration but couldn't get it to show ... it was stellar! So enjoy ..."Oh Michael, you're company's holiday party is always so boring! Do we really have to go?""You know Courtney that I am expected to be there. I AM the Senior Vice President, after all."Michael wore his typical grey business suit with a festive tie to the event. Courtney, a tall,...

3 years ago
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ScourgeChapter 6

Within a week, Saige was dead. Audra spends the days afterward in a haze. The loss of her lover has hit her hard. She rarely left the quarters they were assigned and because she never saw any other stalkers or chasers near, she assumed she was alone, that the Scourge had forgotten about her. If it fine with her because the only tow that mattered any are Saige and the queen and neither are there. Today is no different than the past few. The only difference today is that she finally decided to...

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ScourgeChapter 10

Over the next few weeks things begin to settle down a little. Patrols reported in less and less encounters with the Scourge. Recon teams reported the same. It seemed the Scourge was pulling back. The red fungus that covers the trees and other plants seem to even vanish, leaving behind incredibly healthy plants. General Eisley took it as a warning where as many of the others a victory. But the woman is not fooled. Though she is young, she is far more experienced than her years. A handful of...

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ScourgeChapter 14

Morning comes quickly for the group and despite Gunnar’s previous night’s activities he is ready and waiting for the rest to fill in. Kate is the first to arrive with Harlan right behind. Caprice is the last, but after those activities, Gunnar isn’t surprised. “We have a general idea where the Scourge headquarters are,” Gunnar begins once everything is settled in on the chairs placed before him. “Our goal is to rescue Audra. Of course if we can deal a major blow to the queen’s forces then we...

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I was barely 16 that hot and humid July afternoon I admitted to Amy, my sweet little cousin, that I’d been having sex with my father for two months. “What?!” she gushed. “Courtney! Oh, my God!” Also, that I was on birth control, but that my up-tight mother had no idea or she’d have killed me! Of course, at St. Katherine’s, where we both went to school, they wouldn’t have been too thrilled at that part, either. “I can’t believe this!” Amy was almost panting at the news. “You’re doing your own...

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I was barely 16 that hot and humid July afternoon I admitted to Amy, my sweet little cousin, that I’d been having sex with my father for two months.“What?!” she gushed. “Courtney! Oh, my God!”Also, that I was on birth control, but that my up-tight mother had no idea or she’d have killed me! Of course, at St. Katherine’s, where we both went to school, they wouldn’t have been too thrilled at that part, either. “I can’t believe this!” Amy was almost panting at the news. “You’re doing your own...

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The Strangers Secret Game

CHAPTER GUIDE _________________ 1. The Ad 2. The Glory Hole and Invitation 3. The Participants 4. The Intro 5. The Game (1st Half) 6. The Game (2nd Half) 7. The Bukkake Finale 8. A Night with “K” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CHAPTER 1: The Ad >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It’s been over a year since my divorce from my wife. We met each other in high school and dated throughout college. We got married the year we both graduated from our university. She went to med school...

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The Dildo Board Game

Loosely based on a dream I once had "Shawna and Jake are coming over right?" Felix asked his sister. Felix was a man of average height and build with short blonde hair. 'Yeah, tonight is game night after all," his sister, Jenna, responded. Jenna was a pretty redhead with C cup breasts. "What do you want to play?" Felix asks. "I don't know, any suggestions?" Jenna asks back. "Not really, whatever works for me," Felix says, "Hey you think Jake will ever confess to...

4 years ago
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Christmas Wedding Part 9 More Than A Football Game

College football wasn't big in New England but it was big enough to earn the city of Boston a bowl game. It wasn't a glamorous game, just a mid-to- low level game for teams that barely made it into a bowl game. The inaugural game was one that caught the sport by surprise but it was fitting as it would feature the two, "Local" teams in Boston Cambridge University vs. UMass-Amherst. BCU was unofficially the "host" team for the game as the university was "down the street" from the game's...

2 years ago
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The Initiation Game

The Initiation Game By Morpheus It was a nice day with great weather. The sun was out and a slight breeze whispered through the area to keep things from getting too warm. Countless people were surrounding me, all out to enjoy the weather. Unfortunately I was too preoccupied with some problems to enjoy it very much. My name is Dylan McKenna, and I'm an 18 year old Freshman who just started college. I was lucky enough to get most of the courses I wanted, but just found out that...

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The Game

The Game By Cassandra Morgan In the late afternoons, when the sun started to fade, our home was dark and lonely. When I got home from work, it felt lifeless and empty. I walked into the living room, and Zoe wasn't there. I went to the kitchen. Nothing there, either. Zoe was that way. She could be gregarious, the life of the party. But she was happy alone, too, getting lost in her own thoughts, retreating into herself. Finally, I found her in the den, sitting in the big leather...

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End Game

Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Author can be contacted at [email protected] This story might appear to be quite vanilla, and, indeed, to begin with itis simply about a wife swapping party. But like all my stories there's a twistat the end, and the twist in this one is decidedly Femdom. So have patience.  End Game ?I am not going to fuck in front of other people! You can forget that', Tracypouted from the front seat of the car. We were on our way to my first swinging party. This was...

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The WhoreforaDay Game

The Whore-for-a-Day Game by Ashley B. D. Zacharias?Let me be blunt,? Alex said. ?We've been married for more than a year and a half and it's not as good as it should be. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to have a better marriage. I just don't know what I should do.? ?I think everything's fine,? Leslie said, but there was no conviction in her voice. Alex waited for a long time, hoping that she would elaborate, but she remained mute. Eventually he asked, ?Are you happy?? ?Yes. Are you?? ?Not...

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Sex Game

The Sex Game by Randomking Warning: This story contains material of sexually graphic nature. I take no responsibility for anyone reading who shouldn't... yada, yada, yada. I used to be a normal business man who was only trying to make a living, but, alas, I was proving to be poor at what I did. As I came to the realization of that, I started getting very depressed. I realized that my love-life was not going anywhere, that I was just getting bored with life. Eventually, I...

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The Perfect Game

(The perfect game for lowering inhibitions is invented)When I was 23 years old, I invented the perfect adult party game.There may be some situations where other games may be preferred, but for my purposes (and probably yours) this was the greatest game ever. I have dozens of friends and partners who will back my claim.I never chose to share it, rather saving it for my own purposes, but now you will learn the secret that worked so well, so many times for yours truly. It started with a couple of...

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"Hey Polly!" Susan called from the kitchen. "Yeah?" she said, digging around in her bag. "Did you find any candles?" she called back to Susan. Susan was silent for a moment. “No, I just found an old board game.” Susan called back. “Oh?” Polly replied. “What is it? Candyland?” she asked. “No...” Susan trailed off. “Hard to tell in the dark.” she said. “Well, bring it in here by the fire!” Polly called, withdrawing a flashlight from her bag. Susan returned to the den, where Polly waved...

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Courtneys caning

Courtney had been summoned to the Headmaster's after school, as she made her way to his office along the corridor, she sees her Mum and her younger brother, who she had just collected from school, waiting outside.Her mother shakes her head in disbelief that Courtney had been caught smoking for the umpteenth time.The Headmasters door opens, Courtney's form teacher Miss Jenkins looks out and calls Courtney, her mother and brother inside.They all go inside and look at the Headmaster, who is sat...

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The Baby Game

The Baby Game by Pamela ([email protected]) I've had a major crush on Karen's kid sister Penny for at least a year now. Karen is my stepsister Kristina's best friend. Karen and Kristina are both 15 years old and two of the most popular and attractive girls in the local high school. Where Kristina is vivacious and self-confident, I'm shy and a bit socially awkward. Though my name is Peter, Kristina and most other kids call me Petey, perhaps because I project a sort...

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Changing the Game

The season was only two and a half games old when Jordan crumpled to the floor of the gym, clutching his ankle. We gathered around in gathering horror as he rolled around in agony, beads of perspiration accumulating on his already-sweaty brow. Jordan was our biggest and best player by a significant margin, and had led us to a winning season in the tough conference last year. Chris and I helped him to the bench, but the trembling I felt in his shoulders told me he was done for quite a...

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The Game

The game was played at the conference center in downtown Clanton every third Saturday of the month. The game was called "Your Number is up". It was a voluntary hanging game that had six women contestants, two who would hang themselves and the other four remaining women and their families were paid a cash prize of $100,000. It was one of the highest rated shows in the Valley. The object of the game was that the women would stand nude on small stools with a noose around their necks on the...

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The Game

The game is simple. Six guys, six girls, on the farm for the weekend. The farm was out in the wilds, and the nearest neighbour was over three hours away.The girls would be restrained, and allowed to run for an hour, before the guys chased them.Each of the girls had a number painted on their backs, and on their thighs. Each of the guys, after the girls were sent off, would draw a number from the tub, and that was the girl he chased. They were not allowed to interfere with any other girl, only...

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The Fantasy Game

Walter (Walt) Simpson and Victoria (Vickie) Taylor met their junior year at college. They were a handsome, athletic couple who took good care of their slender bodies. Walt was 6' tall with chestnut brown hair, and Vickie was 5' 9" with sandy blond hair. They both loved the excitement and living on the edge. Vickie was probably the more daring of the two. Their favorite past-time was watching other people and fantasizing about what they would look like naked and what they may be like in bed....

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The Fantasy Game

What started as a Fantasy becomes a Reality.Walter (Walt) Simpson and Victoria (Vickie) Taylor met their junior year at college. They were a handsome, athletic couple who took good care of their slender bodies. Walt was 6' tall with chestnut brown hair, and Vickie was 5' 9" with sandy blond hair. They both loved the excitement and living on the edge. Vickie was probably the more daring of the two. Their favorite past-time was watching other people and fantasizing about what they would look like...

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MNF Club Game

Looking for a free sex MMO game like meet and fuck club? I have been delving into the world of online porn games a lot lately. For those of you who follow my reviews, you may already be aware of the fact that this is a new interest of mine and that porn games have never really been my thing. I am generally the kind of guy who likes his porn to be direct and to the point.When I am horny, I am horny … Do you know what I mean? I don’t necessarily want to have to run around, save damsels in...

Best Porn Games
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Jumanji A New Game

Jumanji "A game for those who seek to find a way to leave their world behind. You roll the dice to move your token, doubles get another turn. The first player to reach the end wins." Adventurers Beware: "Do not begin unless you intend to finish. The exciting consequences of the game will vanish only when a player has reached Jumanji and called out its name." Jumanji, ah yes, Jumanji… that is the name of the game, a name that sparked the imagination, a word with promise of adventure and...

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The Exchange Game

Mark laid out a cheese platter and took a big swig of wine. His wife had decided that they would throw a little party for their college friends. He checked the temperature on the probe thermometer. The chicken would be done soon. He walked to the fridge and checked his tie in the stainless steel reflection. "A tie? Really?" Allison had managed to sneak up on him again. Her lithe form was covered with jeans and a simple white peasant blouse, her long brown hair in a ponytail. "We...

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House Party Game

How many times have you been at a party where you don’t know anyone? Assuming your lame ass has been invited to a party at all, if you’ve been in this kind of situation, you know how shitty it can be. You don’t know anyone, it’s nothing but small talk, and you’re walking around with a raging boner hoping to fuck some strange. It’s usually a no-win situation – that is, unless you’ve been to one of Eek! Games’ house parties.If they are anything like the house party in its appropriately named...

Free Sex Games
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Take Me Out To The Old Ball Game

Take Me Out To The Old Ball Game by Teddie S. I sat there, in my satin robe, curdled up on the chair, watching her sleep. Watching her slow, rhythmic, breathing. And, smiled to myself as I remembered the events of the past year or so. I had met Sandy at work one Friday afternoon. I work for a fairly large engineering firm, and my computer had crashed. I'd called the computer department to get it fixed. The guy on the telephone had me try a number of...

2 years ago
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Courtneys Ebony Goddess

Courtney's Ebony Goddess Prologue "Courtney! Courtney, come here this instant!" Miss Tomyka sounded very impatient, so I knew I had better get out to the pool in a hurry! I stopped preparing her lunch and headed outside, stopping to check my reflection on the way out. My maid's cap was perched atop my head. My crisp black uniform fit perfectly, my cleavage spilling over the top of the ruffled bodice, and was offset beautifully by my little white...

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Courtneys ConversionChapter 5 Coercion ndash Black sex continues

A week ago my wife had non-consensual sex with six black guys and one of their sluts. We had been recovering OK from that incident and even getting turned on by parts of it. She would tease me about how could my one white dick possibly compare to six black ones. And wouldn't I like to see how that black meat looked sliding between her pale pussy lips. Abruptly the hot talk stopped. She still fucked when I instigated it but didn't seem as excited. What was going on? My questions went...

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Lynseys Game

LYNSEY'S GAME Lynsey was bored one night, which isn't the best reason for your life to changecompletely. But then, she didn't realize how far it would go or how much shewould lose. Lynsey was a pretty ordinary young woman, in her twenties. Her parents hadspent a lot of money educating her, so she'd gone to University, learned amarketable skill, and then, well lubricated by family money and family contacts,she'd slid right into a well paying career. Nothing too extraordinary, butcomfortable....

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The SissyGirly Game

The Sissy-Girly Game by SissyKimmy1 Chapter 1 - Let's Play Ballerina I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I was still in shock. It was all my little sister's fault. She was always a little bitch but now she had ruined my life completely. I never thought she would take it this far. I couldn't believe she wouldn't come clean and tell our parents the truth. She was following behind me snickering as we approached my new home. My father rang the doorbell. "Dad! You...

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The Game

Eileen had texted me earlier in the day. “Game night tonight. 8. Coming?” My text was sent almost immediately, and without much forethought: “Yes.” At eight sharp, I knocked on Eileen’s door. The afternoon had been spent wondering what game she had for me this evening. I wondered how she would be dressed. I wondered whether this game would be as exciting and enjoyable as our previous games have been. It’s a strange relationship, what I have with Eileen and its nights like this that have me...

1 year ago
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SRU The Game

Spells R Us: The Game By Morpheus ([email protected]) 26 Jan 98 This story was created after I wondered what would have happened had the game Jumanji come from the Old Man. I make no claim to the idea, but simply tell a story of a magical game. Donny had just seen a new store in the mall named Spells R Us, which he thought was odd, since when he went in, the store seemed to sell all sorts of odds and ends, rather than magic tricks like the name suggested. He'd walked in...

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Every journey has a starting point, but sometimes it’s difficult to tell if there is a destination.Sometimes you just start rolling and you end up someplace you never imagined.That’s true of any journey. Even an innocent bike ride on a warm summer morning.The starting point. A middle-aged man with a wife and kids, not entirely happy but not entirely unhappy either. Happy with most things except between the sheets. It happens to a lot of marriages, after the kids come along. After the partner...

Love Stories
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Courier Office Mein Kaam Karney Waali Ladki

Hello everyone. Main aapka dost Garry hajir hu aap sab ke liye ek nayi story lekar. Sab se pehle to aap sab se maafi mangta hu kyuki bohat lambe time se koi bhi story share nahi ki. So I hope jo story main ab post kar raha hu. Umeed karta hu aapko pasand aaye gi. Agar koi mujhse connect hona chahata hai ya koi bhi sawaal karna chahata hai to mujhe facebook pe add karey mera id Garry singh gkc hai. Aapko bohat easily id search karke mil jaayega So ab jayada bore na kartey huye story btata hu but...

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Vacation Pool Game

A while back, we were on vacation. It was the last night of our trip so we went out to have a nice casual dinner, nothing dressy. I had on jeans and a collared shirt and Stacy had on some pants and a regular button-up shirt.We walked from our hotel to a restaurant around the corner and had a nice dinner with a few drinks (that always helps). We had started the evening early at around 6:00. By the time we finished dinner, it was still early, around 7:30-ish. On the way back, we noticed a nice...

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