- 2 years ago
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"And the world's shrunken to a heap
of hot flesh straining on a bed."
-E.R. Dodds
British Classical Scholar
To be frank, I wanted her the moment I saw her, which is strange because she was 20 years older than me. But there was that certain something about her that attracted me to her, and I knew that if the feeling was even slightly mutual, I would act on it.
Courtney was the wife of a co-worker. Don had come to our company first as a consultant, and then as he proved himself with his performance, he was invited to stay on at a much higher salary. Moving from the cold midwest to sunny San Diego was probablly a mitigating factor, but just the same, he packed his wife and two kids up and moved to southern California.
He was a management specialist, and I was in Information Systems, working as the senior database analyst. As such, we had ample opportunity to interact both professionally and socially. It was the first social interaction, however, that started this entire...affair. And I suppose, after all is said and done, that that is what this is. Courtney has no desire to leave her husband or end her marriage, and I have no desire to become her husband or a stepfather to her children, both of which are only younger than me by a few short years. Frankly, all Courtney and I want to do is screw the living daylights out of each other. But I digress; it took me a while to get to that point, so I'd better back up and let you all join us here as well.
Don had invited me over to his new house for dinner and discussions about business. Wanting to appear friendly, I accepted. The door was answered by a goddess. She was somewhere between forty and forty-five, of that there was no doubt. She was short and slim and had a wonderfully warm smile, and dark, intelligent eyes that drew me in like a buglight. She reached out and shook my hand, introducing herself.
"You must be Dan. I'm Courtney, Don's wife." I smiled and nodded at her, too stunned to immediately speak. She took my windbreaker, and led me into the kitchen. It was one of those wonderful California kitchens, all light and air and room to manuever. A huge butcher-block counter dominated the middle of the room, complete with a working stove and ample room to prepare meals. An opened bottle of rose wine was on the counter, and she offered me a glass.
"Thank you, no" I said. "I'm not much of a wine drinker."
"Hmmm," she said, playfully stroking her chin. "I suppose you're more of a beer drinker, hmm?" I nodded, and she turned, opened the icebox, and bent down to rummage around the lower shelves.
At that point, I nearly fainted. She was wearing a light-colored (peach or ivory,) silky blouse, and tight, black pleated trousers that were now stretched tightly across her buttocks, revealing to me that although she could count four decades of time on this planet, she had fought Mother Nature tooth and nail. Her ass looked invitingly tight and firm, and I wondered for a moment how it would feel filling my hands as I thrust my slowly stirring cock into her cunt.
"Hey, Dan!" I heard from behind me, and turned to see Don staring at me from the family room. To my sudden horror, I realized that he'd caught me ogling his wife, and to add to my humiliation, I could feel myself beginning to blush. "You've met Courtney, I see," he said, indicating with a sweep of his hand his wife, still bent over in front of the icebox. I nodded, dumbly, and shook hands with her husband and my co-worker.
His big, meaty paw covered my own hand, and I wondered if we were going to get into one of those insane hand-squeezing tests. Perhaps I should add that although I'm six-three and 250, Don made me look like a dwarf. He was six foot six, and weighed close to four hundred pounds. And not an ounce of it, a single ounce of it...was muscle. He was a huge blob of a man, with swinging jowls that reminded me of those things on a chicken. (What do you call those, anyway?) I looked back at Courtney, all five foot three and about 90 pounds of her, and instantly, several questions jumped into my mind:
How did they EVER have children? How did they NOW have sex? And if the answer to #2 was "We don't",; Would she like to sleep with ME?But that was best put off for another time. Suffice it to say that I had an instant attraction to Courtney, but fearing for my own job-related political life, I decided to bury those feelings deeply inside.
Flash foward about two months. Don and I played golf more than a few times, went shooting more than a few times, and shared more than a few beers at his house before and after these various events. Every time I was treated to the sight of Courtney, and I began to realize that each succeding time I came over, Courtney was dressing more and more...well, suggestively. After two months, she answered the door in a pair of tight nylon running shorts and a t- shirt. It was obvious from the press of her nipples through the shirt that she was not wearing a bra, and I tried to keep myself from staring at her still-firm, supple 36C's. (We later measured...)
She knew (I know now,) that I was interested in her, and she was trying to encourage me without tipping her husband off. She had a basically happy marriage, as far as the straight emotional aspects of the relationship went, it was just that the sexual side had all but died. I wondered about that at all, but Courtney had shown me a photo album filled with snapshots just after she and Don were married, and I was stunned to see that if anything, he had lost weight since they were married. What a beautiful, petite woman like Courtney would see in a gargantua like Don was beyond me. But then again, love is blind, right?
Well, flash foward about another two months. Don's administrative assistant was pregnant, and had to take six weeks off to have the baby and all that. The company didn't want to hire new help, so Courtney voulenteered to work for free as Don's assistant. Which means, of course, that I got to see even more of her.
When Courtney started appearing at the job, I found it harder and harder to concentrate on the tasks at hand. She was always wearing chic business attire, but just the way she wore it turned me on. And then it started, the awful teasing that had me wondering what the hell was going on, if anything, between us. She would appear in my office to ask me a question about something, and lean over to show me or point something out, and I would always get a clear shot down her unbuttoned-just-enough blouse to see her creamy breasts being lightly cupped in some really outreageous lingerie. I always wanted to reach out and cup one gently swelling breast with my hand, and scrape my thumb across a nipple to see what it felt like...but since my office had front-facing windows and no blinds or shades, I always kept my hands to myself.
This kept up, and then she started touching me. Every chance Courtney had, she would touch my arm or my hands or my shoulders, the feather-light feeling of her fingers on my body sending butterflies directly to my stomach. I wanted her to touch me everywhere.
And finally, I did it. I called her on the intercom. As her extension rang, I noticed that my hands were shaking and there was an awful taste in the back of my mouth. I knew, instantly, what it was as I flashed back to my high school days, days when I would ask a girl out and pray to the mightiest God there was that if she did turn me down, that she wouldn't laugh and call me a silly boy.
"Courtney." It was a word, not question.
"Hello, Dan." Her voice was soft and soothing.
"Do you feel it?" I asked, without any preliminary. I knew she would understand what I was talking about instantly, and I didn't want to preface it, give her time to build defenses.
There was the slightest of pauses, and then, "Oh my, yes. Since the beginning."
We sat in comfortable silence for a few moments. And then she asked, "Can you be discreet?"
"For a chance to find out how we are together...I wouldn't tell God himself if he appeared before me."
She chuckled at my exggeration. I clarified: "I have as much to loase here as you do, perhaps more."
"I have a husband," she said pointedly.
"I know you do. But, apparantly, you're not as married as he thinks you are."
There was a long pause. "I suppose you're right," she conceded. "But I do not want to divorce Don. I'm not in love with you."
"Neither am I. In love with you, I mean."
"I know what you meant," she said.
Another long pause.
"You can't come to my house," she said.
"I know. And you can't come to my apartment." My roomate also worked at the company in the Marketing department. Lawrence just wouldn't understand, and he had a huge mouth to boot.
"So how are we going to do this?" she asked.
"I don't know. I'm waiting for suggestions."
"It's not like I've ever done this before!" she snapped.
"Courtney. I wasn't saying you had. It's just that...well, you and I have both obviously been thinking about this for a long time. Do you have any ideas?"
When she answered, her voice was so soft and distant, I wondered if she was speaking to me...or something that was not quite there, not quite real. "When I think of you...of us...all I see is you and I together in glorious physical harmony." She fell silent. "I suppose that sounds corny."
"Not at all." My own voice had dropped a few decibels. I felt like I was in a church. "I knew the instant I laid eyes on you that...we would be wonderful together."
"Did you? Did you really?"
"Yes," I almost whispered.
"What took you so long?" she fairly cried. "I've been...hungry since I met you at the door. Hungry for your touch, your kiss...your cock." Her use of the word surprised, but did not shock, me. I was beginnning to zoom in on her erotic core. She was tired of playing The Good Wife, and wanted to have some physical fun. So much the better if it were someone who knew the score, didn't want anything from her that she chose not to give. Someone who was as intelligent...and as she was.
That, of course, luckily, was me.
"Don has to travel," I offered. And it was true, he travelled often for the company, sometimes he was gone for weeks at a stretch, communicating through faxes and cellular phones and pagers.
"The kids," Courtney whispered. I could hear it in her voice, the desire to shed, if only for a moment, the emotional and societal restraints that her marriage and family that were keeping us apart. I would never suggest to her that she outright lie and scheme to her family to provide situations for us. That would be going too far.
"When Don leaves, if the kids sleep over friends houses...anything like that. Call me, at once."
My stomach dropped again. "It's..." she started. "Please don't take this the wrong way. I want to be with you very, very much. I want to explore every inch of your body and have you explore every inch of mine. But...I have a family, like I said. And more importantly, I have neighbors. I can't imagine making love with you in my husband's bed... and I don't want you to be seen coming and going when my husband is out of town. We have to think of somewhere... else."
My secretary appeared in my window, making motions like she wanted to come in. I held up a hand, staying her as I finished the conversation. "Courtney...I will think about...ways to make this happen. Until then, remember to act natural."
"What's natural?" she asked.
"What's natural is the fact that just talking to you, just hearing the sound of your voice over this telephone has giving me an erection that I'm going to have to beat down with a baseball bat! Think about that, Courtney. Think about the fact that every fiber of my being hungers for you, the feel of you and the taste of you. I have to go."
I hung up the phone without letting her respond, and motioned for me secretary to enter.
"Jeez," she said. "Did you win the lottery or something?"
Confused, I looked at her. "What?"
"You have a very strange expression on your face, like the cat that ate the canary or something."
I just smiled.
Chapter 2"Tisn't beauty, so to speak, nor good
talk, necessairly. It's just IT.
Some women'll stay in a man's memory
if they once walked down a street."
-Rudyard Kipling
Two nights later, the phone rang just as I was drifting off to sleep. Lawrence and I had seperate lines into the apartment, because I mostly used mine to connect with the mainframe at work. Sleepily, I lifted it to my ear.
"What are you doing?" I was instantly awake. Her soft, slightly husky voice was instantly arousing.
"I'm getting ready to go to sleep," I said.
She didn't say anything for a long, pregnant moment. "Ask me what I'm wearing," she finally said.
Agreeably, I asked. "OK. What are you wearing?"
"Well," Courtney said, "I'm wearing very, very high heels, almost five inches tall. Black seamed stockings, fishnet, with a wide weave. A black leather garter belt, black satin panties, and a demicup bra. What do you think of that?"
I let her stew for a second. "I'm thinking of what you would look like, wearing that."
"I think you'd look good enough"
"And to fuck, I hope." There she went again. At work and publically, she was always so ladylike and proper. And now, on the phone, having what I devoutly hoped was a private conversation, she was telling me that she was dressed like a slut and using words like "fuck."
"Courtney, can I ask you something?"
"Mmmmmm," she said, with a tone in her voice that led me to believe she was touching herself in very naughty places. "Go ahead. Ask me anything."
"How do you like your sex?"
"What do you mean?" Her voice was hesitant.
" you like it soft and gentle, or hard and rough? Do you like to talk dirty? Do you like giving or getting oral sex? Do you take it up the ass? What?"
There was a very long pause this time, and I was sure I'd gone too far.
"What prompted you to ask that question?"
"Well, in public, you never say 'shit' and 'fuck'. And I damn sure know that you don't normally wear the kinds of things you have on now!"
"How do you know?" she asked.
"Because," I said smugly, "I've been staring down your shirt for months!" She laughed, and then grew serious. " sex life with my husband was never that great. We managed through trial and error to concieve two children. Aside from that, my sexual experience is next to nil. I've done what most good wives have done over the years: I fantasize, masturbate and read lots of trashy novels. You're the first man in a long time to make me feel attractive, feel like a woman again, like a sexy plaything. You have no idea how important that is to me, and how flattering it is coming from...from someone like you."
"You mean someone as young as I am."
"Well...," she hedged, "...yes."
"Look, Courtney. I don't know why I'm attracted to you, I just know that I am, and that I want nothing more right now then to be next to you, gently tracing the lines of your shoulders and necks with my fingertips, tasting the sweat at the base of your neck and behind your ears..."
"Oh...MY!" Courtney stage-whispered into the phone.
"If my age is going to be a problem...perhaps we should deal with that now. But I'd much rather tell you what I'm going to do with you the first time we're alone and free from interruptions."
"Oh, God...tell me, please!"
"Well, first...we'd dance to some slow music, to really get in tune with each other's body. I'm about a foot taller than you, so in heels, your head will be just high enough to rest on my shoulder. I want to feel your body next to mine, through our clothes, the gentle, pleasing weight of your breasts pressing against my chest as we sway to the music.
"I want to drop my hands to your incredible ass and feel you through the material of your skirt. A short, tight skirt that makes your legs look like they reach all the way up to your armpits. I want to lower my head and gently brush the hair away from your ears so I can get at that sensitive part where your neck and shoulder meet, so I can taste it with tip of my tongue, and gently, oh, so gently, suck at it. Not hard enough to leave a mark...but enough to let you know that I want you."
"Mmmmmm, don't stop," Courtney whispered.
"I want to pull away for a long, slow instant, to see your incredibly deep eyes locking with mine. I want to watch your mouth open slightly, in this little surprised 'o', so that I can move in and taste the heat and warmth of your lips against mine. I want to feel your fingers suddenely clutching at my shoulders as the kiss intensifies and wettens.
"I want to kiss that throbbing vein in your neck, the one that tells me that you're as scared as I am about fucking this up..."
"And then?" she fairly screamed. "THEN what?"
A sudden evil thought popped into my head. "I'll tell you the rest...when we can be alone." And I hung up the phone.
I sat up for about an hour, waiting for the phone to ring. It didn't so just before I turned the light off, I called her back. If one of the kids answered, I'd just disconnect.
She answered. "Hello?"
"I just wanted you to know," I said softly, "that you're the last thing I'm thinking about before I go to sleep."
And I hung up again.
The phone woke me at about seven.
"I just wanted you to know," Courtney said, "that you were the first thing I thought about when I woke up." The phone went dead in my ear, and with a smile, I replaced the reciever and rose to greet the new day. It was a work day...a Friday, and I knew that Don was leaving for Florida... for three entire weeks. And I also knew that Scott and Kathy, Courtney's children, were leaving for summer camp for a month. Courtney did not know that I knew this.
Leverage. God, how I loved it.
And then, as always, she turned the tables on me. I was sitting behind my desk, smugly thinking of ways to tease and please her, when Courtney walked into my office. She smiled at me, leaned over and planted a quick peck on my lips, enough of a taste of her to make my cock start throbbing immediately.
"I've been thinking about you all morning," she said. "I've been so incredibly wet thinking about you touching and stroking and kissing me that I just have to give you these..." And then I noticed that she was holding something in her hand, something small and silky. It was her panties, little black lace things. The crotch panel was stained with her juices. She dropped them into my lap and turned to leave, stopping at the door to say one last thing over her shoulder to me.
"Just think about the fact that I'm not wearing any underwear under this skirt...for the rest of the day."
She smiled, waved a little wave at me, and then vanished back to her own office. Looking down at my lap, I rubbed my finger across the moist crotch of her panties, and raised the finger to my nose. She smelled like ambrosia, like strawberries in a soft summer wind. I kept those panties in my lap for the rest of the afternoon, letting them drape across my thumping cock. If anyone came in and asked me to stand, I'd be in a shitload of trouble, but I didn't care.
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Rebecca Are you ready Rebecca Are you ready? Part I ?Stop, please!? She begged him. ?You always do this.? He sighed and slid his fingers out of her pussy. ?Look, I told you already. I don?t want to cum until I know I love you for sure. I want to share it with the right person.? She pulled her panties up and leaned over to kiss him. ?Does this mean I can?t cum either?? He looked over at her, his eyes pleading with hers. She got on her knees and crawled in between his crotch. She slowly...
I took my car, an Infiniti G37, the previous year’s model. Sometimes we traded vehicles for various reasons, but today I took my own. I loved driving it, and for me it was the perfect combination of power, sportiness, and luxury, and yet not so ostentatious that I felt like it stood out in a crowd, it fit my personality very well in that regard. I turned to a classic rock station on the radio. They were playing something instrumental, no lyrics, Stevie Ray, I was pretty sure. As I drove I let...
Finn helped Liv pull herself off the ground. She winced in pain as her body rebelled. When she opened her eyes, she could see that the wind had died down and the sun was starting to shine again. Liv brushed her hair away from her face and adjusted herself. Both inserted fresh magazines into their assault rifles and stared at the gaping, black hole in the mine's door. "You think there's more than one bad guy left in there?" Finn wiped the dust from his clothes. "Hopefully not," Liv...
It was late when they got back from the movies, and she was worried that their night would end with nothing but the heavy petting they had shared in the movie theatre. “Well…” she said when they stopped at her door. “I know it’s late but would you like to come in for a bit?” “I would love to,” he said. He brushed his dark hair out of his eyes, and waited patiently for her to unlock the front door. The hall light was off, and she fumbled on the wall for the switch. “Leave it off,” he said....
Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net My name is Anshul and I am a friend of Goa. This is a true story and my granny said you folks might like to read about it. I was almost 63 and still in good shape and very active sexually. I love sex and I am also a member of several swinger sites. I’m also a nudist and I stay naked whenever I can. One weekend I was leaving to go spend a few day at a local nudist resort here in Goa beaches. I have been going there for years and...
IncestHello friends, this side Aarav a 22 years old slim and handsome guy with 5”3 penis which can easily satisfy any woman or girl. So guys, as I am reader of ISS from last from many years, I thought of sharing my experiences too here. Without wasting your time, let me start the story. I live in Pune. Once, there was an important business meeting for which I had to leave for Bangalore. I generally prefer business class as we can relax their much more than economy class. While boarding, I saw so many...
The most frightening times on the island were during tropical storms. Maria and I would huddle together, clutching each other as torrential rain battered the metal shed, praying it would withstand the strong winds. After one such storm, I stumbled upon a large rock while hunting. The rain had washed away the dirt covering it. What caught my attention was the exposed side. It was almost flat. I dug it out and hauled it back to the shed. It took several days using inappropriate tools to...
It may seem surprising that I am a secretary. After all, I am a 27 year- old male with a college degree in finance. The advertisement described the position as 'administrative assistant,' but at the first interview I knew that it was to become someone's secretary. Still, I beat out 20 other candidates to get the job. Maybe being raised by a strict step-mother and older sister caused me to become a little effeminate. At 5' 4" and 130 pounds soaking wet, I was never a good athlete or...
I met Samuel on XHamster and after numerous emails and chats we decided to meet and see what develops. During one of our chats he expressed his love for the color red, so I visited the salon and had my nails and toes done in bright red. For my outfit I choose a red garter belt, matching stockings and shelf bra and red 6" heels. My outer wear was also a red skirt and blouse.We met at a public place, just to be safe. I immediately spotted him, he was even bigger that I anticipated. He was...
The heat had always made Janet feel this way, and with the baking sun of the afternoon high up in the sky, she felt that feeling now, as she lay there stripped to the bare essentials. This weather had taken all of the country by surprise, while most 'conventionals' were planning a weekend in the attic, swapping summer wear for autumn/winter clothing, around the corner waited the hottest weekend of the year, and two days of record breaking temperatures.Looking around the park she wondered if she...
My name is JJ. I have cerebral palsy and confined to a wheel chair. Although my body is constrained, my mind is not, it is rather active especially when it concerns sex. I was 30 and a virgin, at the time of this story. I didn’t get out much, so my chances of meeting women were very slim. The major women in my life is my mother and my cousin Jesse. Jesse is a nurse and takes care of my needs three times a week, she was 27. Well, not all my needs as I said I was still a virgin, but I had a plan....
Soraia and Amy usually got together about three times a week, ever since they both moved to France to "follow their dream." They would update each other's love lives, catch up with the local news and gossip, and eventually, admit that neither one of them was any closer to tracking down the cunning Jean Val Jean. This meeting took place on an unusually warm mid-July afternoon. Amy showed up a bit late at Soraia's secluded villa, but she made up for it by bringing an extra bottle of...
I slipped off my robe and crawled into bed. My boyfriend’s scent made me smile; it stirred in me a lust that I had suppressed the entire week. For a moment I starred at his physique resting next to me. My mind wandered, evoking images of us together. My sexual urge was easily pushing aside my ideas of sleep. I touched his shoulders and ran my fingers down the ridges on his arm. My next move was critical, nothing too abrupt, as I wanted to respect his sleep. I was not in the mood for a hard...
While we engage with Kris in a tasty threesome with my demanding dear granddodthe three teen dods of Kris enjoy themselves - with Petra's X-box and other gearThey find her lap-top still open at a page with hot porn and all those 'ooh' & 'aah'sWhen we get back at them we find them with flushed faces, hands in their pantiesEverybody is embarrassed by this sexy situation, I keep my cool and see a scenarioKris flushes as red as her teens and my Petra from forgetting to switch off xhamsterWith...
~Little note from Rixie and Crab~ Hey, hey, hey! Rixie came to me and said: Crab, can you write about me? I replied: Of course, it’ll cost you an arm and a leg! The price was settled at two compliments! Give feedback please, I am getting my more erotic pieces ready! ~End of little note~ I :Mental Memo They say that gems hide in treasure chests defended in well constructed fortresses or atop the high ends of towers adorned with traps and deadly mischief, maybe they are right. Nevertheless,...
A glass of wine shared between friends is just the start of a sensual evening for Morgan Rodriguez, Aislin, and Alexis Crystal. The three coeds soon take things inside where they can get comfortable on the couch and really indulge in long, lingering kisses. It’s not long before they have all gotten their hands in on the action, caressing one another’s silky soft skin and moving their clothing out of the way. Morgan is the first to have her thong peeled off and her miniskirt flipped...
xmoviesforyouHi, kusum here thanx for all respons of my stories college tour1-2 & memorable fuck.mai apne bare mai bata du. Mera naam kusum hai. Mai college mai 1st year arts mai padti hu.meri figure34-28-34 hai. Hamare ghar mai mere mummy papa aur bhayia hai.meri umar 17-18 saal ki hai.rang gora chuchi gol hai.maine pehle likha kaise college tour par meri aur hema ki rajesh,sandeep aur jitendar nai khub chudai ki, hum dono un teeno ki unmarried wife ki tarah rahi.hum dono unse puri tarah khul gayi thi puri...
Hi it’s Me Deepak, I from Bellary, I am fan of the ISS form the past 5 years and currently I completed MBA, after reading all stories in this website. I was in need of sex and I am fan of incest and teacher stories I going to share an experience which took 6month ago. I am sorry if any mistake made as it is my 1st story in ISS send me the your precious comment on Now let go to the story without wasting time my GF name Shilpa fake name she is very fare and looks cute, she is the bit fat...
IncestDanielle had the dream again. She was in her apartment, but everything seemed weirdly skewed—the colors were all wrong, tending to the browns and greens of decay, and everything seemed to be in slightly the wrong place. Everyone she saw, she thought she recognized—Nicole, her mom, Liz, Scott O'Connor, even people she hadn't seen in a while: Tom, Shelly Baumgarter, Emma Stanton—but everyone she saw looked slightly wrong—eyes too far apart, nose in the wrong place, skin the wrong color. As...
"My God, Andre!" shouted Margo with absolute glee as she looked into the mirror the following morning. "Wha... ?" "Look!" she cried, running to the bed to show him. "Your ... your hair!" the stunned son gaped. "White as the driven snow!" she beamed. "Do you realize what this means? You're not sterile after all. We had all simply assumed ... but now ... oh, Andre, I'm carrying your child!" "It would seem so." "Perhaps you have a chance with Justine after all." "I...
daddies fall part two- I woke up the next morning to the small of frying bacon. Following the smell to the kitchen, I beheld a wondrous sight. Heather was standing in front of the stove stirring scrambled eggs wearing only two things: an apron that said ‘screw the cook, I want my bacon‘, a gift an old body of mine gave me back in my bachelor days, and my shorts. She noticed me staring at her and smiled at me. After she lowered the heat to keep the eggs from burning she walked over...
Introduction: This is a Fictional Story, Romance, Love and Sex. Enjoy it but dont take it too seriously My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 16 Moving into the New Mansion with New Beginnings and Jessicas Decision Characters Introduced: Maize, 34, 58 Black maid Hazel, 33, 56 Black maid Dominic, 35, chef 62, white, Derrick, 18, Dominics assistant 60, White Charmaine, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chellise, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chemier, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel...
For two weeks, Harriet had stayed in Portsmouth, ever since the news of the great victory had reached England. She already knew from her father that Tony was not among the dead or wounded of the battle, but she wanted to welcome him on the quay, welcome him and comfort him, like her mother had done for her father whenever possible. “Harriet, darling,” Tony exclaimed when she broke the kiss “You here? What a wonderful surprise!” Harriet, her dignity notwithstanding, silenced him with another...
Let me start with introducing myself. I’m Douglas Steven Hess, most often called Doug. I am thirty-nine years old and have been married for twenty years this coming August. I am an architect who works from an office in the home that I designed shortly after I graduated from college with my masters degree in architecture at nineteen. Not to brag but I have an IQ of 167 and finished high school at thirteen and went right into college. I met my wife Sharon in college; she was a junior and...
True Story The mare switched her tail, and the lips of her vagina blinked and squirted juice from it, as the big stallion nipped at her ribs, and smelled of her pussy. He was already in the mood. His huge cock was hanging down and swinging back and forth in anticipation ready to mount her. It was about three feet long, and as big around as a mans arm. The head of it was as large as a soft ball. Kelly the owner of the mare was holding...
By : Ishant_lover Hello doston men ishaant phir haazir hun ap logon ke samne apni story ka dusra bhaag lekar, jin logon ne meri pehli story “Mera pehla pyar shilpa madam” padhi hai unko dil se thanks aur haan jinhone nahi padhi unko dili guzarish hai ke vo is kahani lo theek se samajhne ke liye pehle part ko zarur padhen. Computer room men hui us raaslila ne mere dimag par itna bura asar kiya ki class me top karne wala ladka unit test men do subject men fail ho gaya or kaise na hota din raat...
Blonde beauty Skye Bleu make short hair looks hot as fuck, so her stepbrother was bound to get some naughty ideas about her after a while. To get out of her chores, she agrees to give the pervy dude a blowjob. But when she finishes, he blows a surprise load in her mouth! Later, Skye calls her stepbrother to pick her up in the middle of the night after her car breaks down. To pay him back, she lets him fuck her tight pussy. A couple days later, Skyes stepbrother walks in on her in the shower....
xmoviesforyouAlarm clock. That's odd, it's not where it should be. Hang on, there's an arm here. Carly, oh my god. Rays of sunlight were struggling through the crack in the curtains and lighting up her beautiful face. It played on her upturned nose and sparkled in her opening brown eyes. Her whole face was just so radiant. She gave me a tired smile as she started to come to terms with the scene. This is the first time I have woken up next to a naked woman, and I hope to god that this will not be the...
Rachel felt the long, damp grass tickle against the back of her legs. Ever part of her body was on alert now as she made her way through the wild field. Dressed in her own homemade outfit of a brown half-poncho and double-sided loincloth, she could certainly feel the cold breeze. She also had on some coverings for her lower legs that went right up to her knees and were strung up at the back and a pair of moccasins on her feet. Rachel had spent all the past week getting the outfit ready and she...
Hello, everyone, this is Ritik here (name changed), aged 28 years old and a practicing psychiatrist living somewhere in Mumbai. This sex story dates back to 2010 when I was studying. This was the incident that tells how I lost my virginity. The central character of this sex story revolves around a 40-year-old woman named Seema(name changed). Seema was 40 years old back then, fair and slim, and was a CA by profession. She had given up her professional life to concentrate more on the household...
This is my first story. I’m not really a writer, so gimme a break. Hopefully it’s good enough for some people to get off on. My wife and I always wanted to take a dip in the hot tub in our apartment complex. One cool night in June, we decided that it was time to see if it was any good. My wife slipped into her blue bikini, which showed off her flat stomach and tight ass. My wife is deliciously petite, coming in at 5’1′ and weighing 98 lbs. Her 34A breasts didn’t completely fill out her top,...
At the Ontario Hockey League priority selection draft in Toronto, the proceedings were organized confusion. Each team was making their selections, in addition to making trades. To cut the costs of draft day for each team and attending families, this year would be the last draft conducted live. Next year, the OHL draft will be done on a secure site over the internet. Carl Benson, Belleville Falcons assistant coach, was returning from Tim Horton’s with the next coffee order for the busy...
Camryn smiled and went out to the deck. There was a lovely spread of scrambled eggs, bacon, bagels and fresh fruit. As she nibbled on a bagel, she noticed that Charles’ suite was adjacent to a secluded part of the hotel’s adults-only pool called “Bare”. As she looked through the fencing, she realized she could see out but no one could see her. She could see a few scantily clad beauties. She had heard that the traffic in this pool didn’t really pick up until late afternoon. As she scanned the...