Daddies Fall Pt 2_(1) free porn video

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daddies fall part two-

I woke up the next morning to the small of frying bacon. Following the smell to the kitchen, I beheld a wondrous sight. Heather was standing in front of the stove stirring scrambled eggs wearing only two things: an apron that said ‘screw the cook, I want my bacon‘, a gift an old body of mine gave me back in my bachelor days, and my shorts. She noticed me staring at her and smiled at me. After she lowered the heat to keep the eggs from burning she walked over and gave me a kiss.
“good morning daddy. How do you feel?”
“honestly with the way your dress and everything, what do you think?” I said smiling “why aren’t you at school?”
“well, to everyone’s knowledge, I’m sick with the flu. I woke up half an hour before you.”
“mmkay well I’m gonna go take a cold shower now if you don’t mind. I still reek from last night.”
“yeah. You do.” Heather said scrunching up her nose, “p.u. course I’m not much better, maybe I’ll join you when I’m done cooking, but only if it’s a hot shower. I am NOT getting naked under cold ass water.”
“aww… but it’s only that much more fun. Plus I’d be there to keep you warm.”
“mmmm when you say it like that…” she stretched up to give me a kiss and turned back toward the eggs, only to squeal a second later when I pinched her ass. She chased me to the bathroom, where I pinned her to the wall.
“meanie.” She said, pouting. “let me go or the eggs will burn.”
I just put a bit more pressure on her arms and started kissing her bare shoulder and up to her neck.
“daddy please.” she said, desire flaming in her eyes, “ at least let me turn off the eye.”
Smiling fiendishly, I grabbed the apron strings and pulled. It folded over to cover part of it, making it read ‘screw my bacon’. Taking its as her opportunity, Heather broke my hold and escaped to the kitchen, giggling as she ran. Turning in the kitchen doorway she turned around and jiggled her tits at me.
Laughing I turned and entered the bathroom. The first thing I noticed was the garbage can had a lot of toilet paper in it. The second was that the towels seemed to be pushed further forward than usual.
That can’t be right. Walking over to the towels, I tried to scoot them back a bit to keep them from falling whenever someone grabbed a towel. Weird. They wouldn’t scoot back. When I removed them, I saw why. There were two boxes of pregnancy tests and an unopened box of B.C. pills. Hmmm Heather needs to put them in a better spot. Grabbing the boxes, I went over to the cabinet by the toilet and clear some room for them. After I closed the cabinet, I glanced around the bathroom. Why was there so much clean toilet paper in the trash can? Looking a bit closer, I saw some of the test had been used and it looked like it was recent. Moving the paper aside gently, I looked at the results. What I saw made my heart. All of the tests read positive. Heather was pregnant.
“I meant to tell you after breakfast.”
I turned around. Heather was standing in the doorway, a look of fear and despair written all over her face. Not saying anything, I set the tests on the bathroom counter. My grandchild was going to be my own offspring. I knew It was bound to happen eventually, no matter how careful we had been. Financially we were alright. I could easily buy a new baby bedroom set, thanks to a savings account I’d been pumping money into since I was able to start earning a paycheck plus 33 years of interest. So I wasn’t worried about money. What I was worried about was Heather. She was only 16. Is she ready to be a mother? Hell on that note was I ready for another baby? I was five years ago, but that didn’t turn out too well. And what about school? It would kill her sociably. I was capable to home school her, but her friends would come to visit and see her swollen.
“daddy” Heather laid a hand on my arm, tears welling up in her eyes. Well, for better or worse, she’s gonna need me and I swore I would be there, only now I wasn’t just her father, I was her lover as well.
Heather flinched when I finally moved, but before she could move to far away, I wrapped my arms around her.
“baby, it’s ok. It was bound to happen no matter how safe we were. I’ve been planning to expand the house anyways, this just gives me and excuse. I have more than enough money put away from all my books plus Sharon says my newest draft was a hit with the publishing company, so we’ve got nothing to worry about. I can home school you for your junior year and have you back in school for your senior. It’s going to be fine.”
“so you don’t hate me?”
“are you kidding? How could I hate the most unselfish, giving, most beautiful woman in my world? Not happy with the fact that you hid the evidence, but I’ll just spank you for that.”
“you really think I’m that beautiful? What about Sharon?”
“what about her?”
“don’t you think she’s pretty.” She said looking into my eyes
“not as beautiful as you, plus she isn’t here as much as she would have to be to catch my eye like that.”
Heather blushed. “so you don’t think it’ll be a burden?”
“ not in the least. We’ll set up a test at the hospital to be sure the result are sound. How many of your friends can you truly trust?”
“well there’s Amanda and Jenna, after them not really any one. Why?”
“because people will snoop around. We need to come up with a convincing story to tell everyone about the pregnancy.”
“I don’t care about that shit, daddy. But I had already thought that through. The story can be that I got raped. You went to a conference out of town, and while you were gone someone broke into the house and raped me in my bed. I was too scared to call the cops and I don’t believe in abortions so I’m keeping it. When you came home and found out what happened, you did what any dad would do, tried to find the rapist. Though you didn’t find him, you’re still keeping your ear to the ground, but what about Amanda and Jenna? What does it have to do with them?”
“We need someone to tell the story, don’t we?”
“Well, yeah, I see your point.”

Amanda and Jenna were sisters that grew up with Heather, Their dad and I didn’t see eye to eye… well maybe that’s putting it to nicely, since the last time I saw him, I told him if I ever did again I would shoot him between the eyes. See he liked the sauce, and that’s how I met him. I’d known his daughters for years, fourteen if I remember correctly. Sarah, the girls’ mother, was real close friends with Tracy, so I used to see her on a regular basis. She had had a pretty face, until her husband sliced it open with a broken beer bottle three years ago, and that’s what made me want to kill him. Still Sarah was still a very sweet woman, even after her divorce, (that asshole’s in jail for the next 30 years with no parole. Gotta love Karma) offering to watch Heather when she could, bringing me homemade pies, you know the neighbor thing. Amanda was a little bit older than Heather at being seventeen, with chestnut eyes and auburn hair that, the last time I saw her, went down passed her waist. She was a skinny little thing like her mother, with the medium build of a runner. Jenna was more into that punk stuff. Jet black hair cut short, with a pink strip cutting down it. Unlike her sister, she had more of a healthy look to her. Save for the fact that she kept herself paler than a piece of paper. Amanda was highly protective of Jenna, which made sense. I’m not sure what David put them through but if he was willing to attack Sarah with a broken beer bottle, it’s possible he did worse to the kids. I had Sarah’s number around here somewhere.
“Hello?” Jenna had answered the phone when I found where the number was written down at.
“Hi, Jenna, how are you?”
“Oh, hey Mr.S! I’m alright”
“Is your mother there?”
“Yeah, but she’s in the kitchen. If you can hold on, I’ll go get her.”
“I would be very appreciative.”
The mike on their handset must have been a little too sensitive, because it sounded like Amanda was having a very bad day. Amanda was one of those brain children, one of those that graduate high school really early. She was already a sophomore in college, and after a bit of convincing from me, Sharon had hired her on at the editor’s office as a secretary. Jenna wasn’t too far behind either, because I had never heard of her ever making an F. according to Heather, Jenna was even teaching the teachers a thing or two. She had been offered the ability to skip ahead, but in her words ‘I have more fun making my math teacher go red in the face, why would I give that up?’
“Hi Arthur, it’s good to hear from you after all this time, how you been?”
“I’m doing a lot better, actually. Listen I’m ordering some food for me and Heather and thought what would be better than to have some old friends over, plus I have a proposition for you, if you’re interested, that is.”
“ Arthur, I think you just saved my ass again, I just burned the chicken I was cooking for dinner an nothing else was thawed out enough to even try to cook it. What kind of proposition are we talking about?”
“Well to be blunt, Heather might be pregnant.”
“WHAT!” came all three voices, making me come to the conclusion that I was on speaker.
“Just come over, and I’ll explain everything, ok?”
“We’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“Ok, see you then.”
After I ended the call, I dialed up the pizza parlor up the street and order 6 extra large pizzas of various toppings, making sure to get one with anchovies and pineapples for Jenna. I like anchovies myself on occasions but they’re just so salty that I can’t eat them often. It was fifteen minutes later when the doorbell rang and there was Sarah, looking absolutely livid, followed by a very scared very nervous pizza boy that Jenna was eyeing with a smirk.
“Where is she?” Sarah said when I opened the door.
“Calm down Sarah and wait in the living room, please.”
“Hey Mr.S!” came Jenna, bouncing her way through the door
“Hello, Mr. Sherpnel.” Said Amanda, followed by the pizza boy, who was doing his best to stare at Amanda’s ass.
“Eyes up here, friend, she’d eat you alive.” I said.
“Sir, you have to tell me your secret.”
I leaned out of the door frame and looked around like I was making sure no one was listening.
“You see the one with the scar?”
The pizza boy nodded
“I killed the asshole that gave her that. That and the fact I have a nine inch cock helps”
The pizza boy’s eyes went white as he handing me the bill
I handed him the money along with a big tip for the boy. I took the pizza to the living room, where the four women were chatting.
“Yay pizza!” yelled Jenna, running and grabbing the boxes from me. She looked suspiciously at them then gave me a dirty look, “anchovies?”
“Of course” I laughed.
“So, who’s the father?” asked Sarah.
Heather gave me a worried look. I shrugged, “might as well.”
“Sarah, don’t lose your cool, as I initiated it…”
“Who?” Sarah demanded
“I am.” I said, stealing everyone’s attention.
“What. The. Fuck. Arthur.” Sarah said. If looks could kill, I would be pushing up daisies.
“Sarah, listen…” Sarah began to explain the course of the couple of weeks. When she finished, the living room fell silent
Sarah spoke first.”Heather, do you realize what you’ve done? What you’re asking of us? You’re asking us to cover for you.”
“I know”
“Arthur, you’re not blameless here either. You could have stopped this and nipped it in the bud. Sarah I understand you were trying to help your dad, but this? You never bothered to ask anyone for their advice or anything. Have you even tried to think of the repercussions? Arthur could go to prison for statutory rape. I could go for conspiracy to commit statutory…”
“let me intervene there Sarah. I actually looked into that. At the age of 16, state law mandates that she is physically an adult and thus, legal with her parents consent. So, on that note no one is going to prison. At eighteen, she doesn’t need her parent’s consent.”
“Dammit Arthur, it’s the principle of the matter. Fuck, now I lost my train of thought” she pressed her hand to her forehead, “how are you going to afford everything the baby will need with just and author’s salary?”
“savings account” I said
“savings… wait when did you set up a savings account?”
“fonty beers abo.” I said with a mouthful of pizza.
“twenty…”she hesitated. “Arthur how much money do you have?”
“four hundred and ninety-two million, nine hundred and forty-five thousand, six hundred and seventy two dollars and forty five cents. Since I last checked.”
Everybody just looked at me.
“what, is there something on my face?” I said, obliviously
“Mr.S, you’re a millionaire? And you live in a four bedroom house? Five if you count the basement.”
“I actually have been looking for an excuse to expand it. Look I know what money does to people and Tracy and I agreed that it was better to live simply than to live luxuriously. I live in this house because Tracy loved it and it grew onto me. When Heather was born Tracy said it was to be converted to her college fund. After I put some of it on a CD and locked it, I began to build it again.”
“wow. That’s just….. wow Arthur, I never knew.”
“now as I said, I plan to expand on the house, and how much depends on your next decision. I would like some help for Heather and I, when the baby is born, and I am willing to pay all the finances. Heather will be pulled out of school until the baby is born, and I’m sure she would like friend around to keep her company. God knows I can be a stick in the mud. The add-on rooms will be built with enough room for one person to live in. I plan to redo this part of the house as well, basement excluded. If you agree, that is”
“do we have to pay rent?” asked Amanda.
“only if you want.” I said “my account jumps up every year when I do my taxes, and when I get paid I take a part of the royalties from my books and stick the rest into it, so I have plenty. Ask Sharon, because I actually own the editing office. She runs everything and keeps what it makes in income, but I own the deeds to it. So, in a nutshell, I don’t need rent. If you want to pay me, fine, I’ll stick it in another account for you to use later.”
“why us? Why not hire a nanny?” asked Sarah
“as I said I prefer things simpler, because I trust you more, because Heather needs her friends, because you’re a trained nurse, Sarah. Pick any of those and it would be the truth. Sarah if you want, I can put you back in school for your PhD. I have no qualms what so ever. I need this because I won’t always be here. I have conferences and book signings that I have to go to. “
“I have two words, Mr.S, holy and shit, batman. Where do I sign?” said Jenny
“I’m in, if you can get my professor off my ass”
“I don’t meddle in school work, Amanda”
“ no the guy’s in his eighties and is always trying to hit on me. He is quite literally always on my ass. I tried to report it but he and the dean are like brothers or something and he’s starting to take it out of my grades. That in turn is affecting work which makes Sharon get onto me, which stresses me out beyond comprehension.”
“that makes it another affair entirely. I’ll have a talk with Sharon, and see what I can work out. As for college, I’ll talk to my old friend in the council and find out what the problem is, ok.”
“thank you Mr. Sherpnel”
“what about you, Sarah?” I said turning to Sarah.
Sarah looked up with tears running down her face.
“all this time…” she said grinning “ are you the David got shanked? Did you pay someone off?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about” I said honestly. I really didn’t have a clue that David was even dead. I mean, there was no love loss there, I mean the guy was lower that the worm shit in the manure that a farmer uses to fertilize his crops in my eyes.
“I’ll do it on one condition.” Sarah said.
“and what would that be?” I asked
“pay for Amanda and Jenna’s college tuition, until up to their fourth years.”
“that’s kind of already been done.” I said scratching my nose. “I began putting money away for them when we met.”
Amanda’s face lit up “ so you’re the anonymous sponsor!!! I tried to find out who you were for the longest of time. Good job, even a private investigator couldn’t find out who you were.”
I laughed at the complement
Sarah was shocked.
“why?” she said
“because Tracy asked me to.” I said. The air in my lungs vanished as I got hit by a hug with the force of a mac truck. What was with women and powerful hugs? I mean their arms aren’t that thick.
“ I was actually hoping to hear yes but…”
“Arthur I could kiss you right now.” Sarah said picked herself out of me
“so kiss him.” Said Heather, speaking up for the first time
Her exclamation shocked me. What was she doing? Sarah shocked me more by actually following through! I think everyone had forgotten the pizza.
When Sarah pulled back, I noticed how beautiful she really was. The scar went from her hairline down along her jaw line kind of framing her face with a pencil eraser thick line that faded as it got to her chin. Eyes like pecans in color and ruby red lips that kind of stood out thanks to the pink of the scar. Her hair wasn’t as long as Amanda’s was; it went down to her shoulders.
“so Mr.S, when do we move in?” said Amanda, breaking up the reverie.
At first I couldn’t think of what she was talking about, then my train of thought realigned itself.
“the architect will be here tomorrow at 1230 to draw up the plans. I’m relying on the four of you to tell me what your thoughts are to the add-ons. I want to add an underground pool with a workout room, sauna, and jaccusi, an entertainment room, attic, the rooms for the three of you, and a panic room.”
The girls laughed, including Heather.
“so does that mean we need to buy swim suits?” said Heather, thoroughly amused.
“well, unless all of you want me to see you nude, I would suggest it. I don’t mind either way, because no one but the four of you would see my pasty white ass.”
Everyone laughed.
“Mr.S, what about a tanning booth?” said Jenna
“first off, my name is Arthur. Mr., sir, or anything but daddy, makes me feel old, and only Sarah can call me that.”
“why doesn’t daddy make you feel old?” said Sarah.
“well, it’s hard to explain. Only Heather has ever called me that.” I said scratching my nose and sitting down in my recliner.
“mom, remember how we always wondered how Mr.… Arthur always had the best tech? Well now we know.” Said Jenna, laughing.
“you never answered my question, Arthur.” Said Amanda.
“when can you move it? Well that’s up to your mom and Heather. If they don’t mind then as far as I’m concerned than you can move in today.”
“actually, I like that idea,” said Heather.
“how much of our stuff do we need to bring with us?”asked Sarah.
“as much as you want. A buddy of mine works at the movers in town and he owes me a favor, so I can have the out there before you. I will also pay for cleaners so that your landlord won’t bitch about the apartment being left a mess.” For the things that won’t fit yet I’ll open a storage to put them in. i.e. beds, dressers, couches, pretty much furniture altogether. Bring your clothes, your books, and any small items. Don’t worry about your food, as I have plenty. So yeah, when and whatever you deem necessary.

settle down settle down the next one will be out soon. but as i'm running out of ideas, advice or suggestions always welcome. please leave your interesting comments in the section below and i will do my best to incorporate it into my story. so recap: no trolls, lesbians welcome, juggalos wanted. hold your hatchet high.


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Daddies and their Whores Pt 3

My 19 year old, Callie was home from college for the summer and I couldn't be happier to be reunited with her. It had been hard having her so far away, unable to see her, touch her, kiss her, fuck her. She'd been home a week and a half and my dick should have fallen off, as many times as I'd fucked her with it. But I hadn't yet had my fill. Instead of 42, I felt 20 again, getting hard just from looking at my girl, coming three or four times a day. And no matter what the day had been like,...

1 year ago
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Daddies Love

Note : This story is completely fictional! On Saturday mornings I lay in bed and ponder the wonders of the world. My wife gets up early and goes to grocery store. Our 21 year old daughter Crystal has been living with for a short amount of time. My usual horniness was showing with a full mast causing a tent under the blankets. Having seen Crystals bare-ass protruding from under her blankets on numerous occasions it did not take long for the stroking to begin. I had just started hammering my cock...

3 years ago
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Teddys WorldChapter 12 The Magic Of Fallon

The next morning came so quick I had to ask myself did I even go to sleep. As I showered last night I just freshened up, got dressed even I had to admit these girls dressed me well. When the girls came down I told them we would be doing dinner at my parent’s house. I called mom to ask her, if tonight was spaghetti night? She said, “Yes it is if I was going to be there.” I asked her “If we needed to bring anything?” “No just a big appetite,” was her response. I let her know it would be just...

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The GlimpseChapter 2 Fallow vs Fallow

I eventually took residence in St. Louis and got a job as a test pilot for a military aircraft manufacturer. I let my employer know what was going on with my soon-to-be ex-wife and that I needed a week off. He understood and gave me all the time I needed. Once I was settled I drove back to Jacksonville to arrange the divorce process. It has been a month since I left and I have to say that things started looking positive in a different way. I was still distraught over Lisa, but I was learning...

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Daddies little girl

A story that is totaly ficional.As a little girl dad was always there from when mum left us to find herself (what the hell does that mean anycase.) I was always comfortable around him in nothing more than a pair of nickers and a vest even being naked. I was going to school like any k**, dad would drop me off go to work, nan would pick me up take me to her house for tea, dad would pick me up later.This caried on until I was 14 when my nan died, we sold both houses and decided to move up the...

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Teddys WorldChapter 14 the Fallout From Getting Fallon

As the plane touched down and motored over to where it could be serviced, we stood around less than five minutes waiting for the courtesy van to take us to long-term parking. We cruised the lot until we found the two Broncos next to my dad’s 1976 Cadillac Sedan Deville, I had keys to the blue Bronco, and so I unlocked the doors. We put all the luggage in my truck Pam and my ladies got in her truck, My parents and their ladies got in the Caddy; they let me drive my own truck Whoopee! We all...

3 years ago
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Die Falle

Autor: Elana Adra Thema: Forced Fem, Pony, Operation, Romantik, Bondage Rating: X Dist.: Diese Geschichte darf von jedem der es will, auf welchem Medium auch immer gelesen und vervielfaeltigt werden, solange der Inhalt inklusive dieser Erklaerung unveraendert bleibt. Diese Geschichte darf niemals als solche verkauft werden, oder andersartig kommerziell vermarktet werden ausgenommen von der Autorin selbst. Erwachsenenchecks die im Internet gebraeuchlich sind und...

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The Family Taboo 8211 Part 6 Fucking In The Waterfalls

Coming to the story in the last part I fucked my mom in the bathroom. Now my sex adventures continued in grandma’s house with my mom. After a fuck in the bathroom, I am still in the mood and I need to fuck, but I don’t know how. So I started to cook up a plan. My grandma’s house is in a forest area and it has a small waterfall nearby where nobody comes. So I asked everyone shall we go to the waterfalls. Every one said no because Grandma was ill. I pleaded with my mom at least you come with me...

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Bildhbsche Polizistin tappt in miese Falle

Sandra, die bildhübsche 27jährige Blondine mit der Traumfigur, bei 1,80 wiegt sie 62 kg und hat endlos lange Beine, eine Wespentaille, Knackpo, eine Handvoll festen Busen und leuchtend blaue Augen, die Haare gewellt und gut schulterlang, im Dienst immer zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden. Sie ist erst Polizeiobermeisterin weil sie zuerst eine Ausbildung als Einzelhandelskauffrau gemacht hatte. Als die Frage kam wer bei der EM 2008 eingesetzt werden möchte und in die Schweiz und nach Österreich...

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Die Falle

Die Uhr im Polizeiwagen zeigte 4:50 Uhr an, als die Polizeioberkommissarin Bettina Zimmermann und ihr Kollege Polizeihauptkommissar Hermann Hagen über Funk zum nächsten Einsatz gerufen wurden. "Die Bande hat bestimmt wieder zugeschlagen, Eichenstraße 24! Die Alarmanlage ist ausgelöst worden. Die sind wohl noch drin im Haus. Vielleicht könnt ihr sie aufhalten, bis Verstärkung kommt. Aber seid vorsichtig!" "Ist klar, Zentrale, wir versuchen es. Ende!" antwortete Hermann. Jetzt, in der...

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First snowfall

First snowfall First snowfall ? Mistress Maria and meat were wrapped in each other?s arm nuzzling and caressing, while warming themselves by the flickering light of the log fire.? The snow had begun to fall four hours after the sun had set and an ankle-deep blanket of powdery white covered the patio.The mistress studied his bare feet.? The soles swept from toe to heel in a graceful arch.? Each toe had a pliable bottom pad and a wisp of short hair on top.? The skin looked soft and seemed...

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The Deadfall

The hill was an escape, a portal to an easier world. In fact it wasn’t much of a hill at all, more like a rise in the ground and a path that went up among the rocks under the trees. Kaiser, the Rottweiler, watched them from behind the fence and barked at Chano because it was too stupid to see that he was a trusted friend and that no one had put Chano in the back of the yard inside a fence. The smart dog lived in the house where it was warm because she was old and gentle and took a piece of...

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Der Liebe verfallen

Ich gab meinem Pilgerkostüm den letzten Schliff und betete, dass Mandy am Ende der Nacht eine neue Mutter haben würde. Alle Männer in der Garage sagten dasselbe: „Marcus, du musst dir eine Frau zulegen, Mandy kommt in das Alter, in dem sie eine Frau braucht, die ihr beim erwachsen werden hilft!“ Verdammt, diese Hosen waren ein bisschen zu eng, sie zeigten mein Paket wie eine Fleischwurst! Aber ich wusste, dass sie Recht hatten und ich hatte ein paar Frauen im Sinn, als der Himmel dunkel wurde...

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Marvel Heldenfall

In Mojouniversum wandte sich Mojo an sein Publikum "Hallo und willkommen bei Heldenfall. Wir habe unsere unwissend Kandidaten mit Techologie ausgerüßtet die ihnen ermöglich ihre Feinde zu versklaven und köperlich zu verändern. und hier sind unsere Kandidaten. Kandidat 1: Apokalypse. Er braucht 4 Horseman und einen Harem Kandidat 2: Mesmero und Masque. Sie wollen ein Bordell eröffnen Kandidat 3: Dr. Doom. Sein Land braucht eine Königin Kandidat 4: Superia. Sie will eine Amazonenarmee Kandidat...

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Der Unfall

Es war Dienstag so gegen 10 Uhr, als es an der Haustür klingelte. Ich schaute aus dem Fenster und sah das ein ziemlich hübsches Mädchen vor der Türe stand, also schnell an die Gegensprechanlage. Sie sagte sie sei mit meinem parkenden Fahrzeug kollidiert also was blieb mir weiter übrig als hinauszugehen und nachzusehen. Als ich rauskam stand sie schon bei meinem Fahrzeug. Weißes Top, dünne Träger eines BH´s schauten an den Schultern heraus, weißen kurzen Rock, braungebrante Haut, kurze blonde...

4 years ago
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Bankfiliale der Kreissparkasse Frankfurt, Freitag 9.30 Uhr Filialleiterin Silvia Wegberger ist schon in Gedanken im Wochenende. Dennoch kontrolliert die 34 jährige, 176cm große Frau gewissenhaft die Kassenbestände. Mit ihrer strengen und arroganten Art hat sie sich unter den Mitarbeitern nicht viele Freunde gemacht. Mit ihren Kollegen pflegt sie ein rein berufliches Verhältnis und lässt dabei jeden spüren wer Chef im Haus ist. Noch wesentlich vehementer lässt sie diverse Anmachen ihrer...

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Altered Fates Freefalling

Freefalling By Elliot Reid My name was Joseph, but now you can call me Jo. I have been through some changes, courtesy of the Medallion. The Medallion appeared out of nowhere. I have no clue how it came to me. One day I didn't have it, the next day it turned up in an old shoebox at the back of the closet. The box was full of junk, the lifetime bric-a-brac you gather like lint; a sewing kit, some nail clippers, a tape measure, lengths of elastic. I was searching for a spare shirt...

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Pauline McFall

Copy-right, [email protected] Another short story about Pauline's by Pagan The Perils of Pauline. Pauline McFall. The four men sat in the pub, several empty glasses littered the table asthey watched the barman throw another log on the fire, "That's it kid, stokethe fucking fire, my ass has been fucking cold all day." The man in the check shirt nudged his arm, "Keep the language down I don'twant to be slung out of another pub because of you." Another man asked, "Ain't we going then,...

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I have a terrible gambling addiction. I have been through therapy several times, but once again I have lost everything. This time it is bad, really bad. Making things even worse, over time I have become an expert at hiding my financial situation. My wife doesn’t know it but I have put our family in financial ruins. I have gone through everything; our bank accounts, our limited investments, everything we own, even a major second mortgage on the house. About a year ago, when I got out of one...

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Chronicles of Edgefalls

All characters in this story are 18 years or older, and any high school aged character depicted in any sexual situation in any following chapter is a senior 18 years or older. Bryan groaned groggily as his alarm began blaring. Reaching out blindly, he fumbled for the offending device on his bedside table, eventually finding it with his groping fingers and managing to silence it. There was a loud crash as it slid off the table and onto the floor, and the sound of snapping plastic. Bryan swore...

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Prologue: With Josef Stalin’s death on 5 March 1953, an epic struggle for the control and future of the Soviet Union commenced. Four major players emerged very quickly: Stalin’s presumed successor, Central Party Secretary Georgy Malenkov; the hardline Stalinist, Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov; The ruthless head of the MVD Internal Affairs and MGB State Security, Lavrentiy Beria, and the respected, but displaced, Party Secretary Nikita Khrushchev. These were hard men shaped by the...

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Queen of JariloChapter 2 Planetfall

Walker made his way towards the dropship, Kaz following behind him. The hangar bay of the Thermopylae was bustling with activity as the ground invasion force loaded up. The bay was cavernous, open to the darkness of space save for a flickering, almost transparent force field that contained the atmosphere. There were squads of UNN Marines clad in their black, ceramic armor, carrying XMR modular rifles that could be configured for various battlefield roles and users. There were Borealan packs,...

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Taweret and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 18 Technology and Fallacies

“That is what I am saying,” Cassandra said to the others in the chart room. “The males are infertile. I have checked all the male Yuki ... they have no sperm count. It doesn’t stop them from being able to have sex, but they can’t produce offspring.” “Would it matter, though?” Vinayaki asked. “Even if they did, would the sperm be compatible with human women in turn?” “I don’t know,” she replied. “The fact is that until there is some way to encourage sperm production for the males, they can’t...

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RuneswardChapter 41 Landfall

Audette stood in the doorway, her eyes traveling over the deck of the ship as her eyes adjusted to the quasi-darkness of night. The deck was worn, the wood weathered, but it was still basically smooth. It still did its job, keeping the vessel together and allowing a place for the sailors to walk. She wondered if there was wisdom in that. Age might not bring beauty, but it did afford a certain practicality. She looked up into the night sky. Stars twinkled in the black tapestry and the young...

4 years ago
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Every Woman Has a Price15 Sunk Cost Fallacy

Wendy shrank to the back of the elevator. She crossed her arms over her breasts and watched with morbid fascination as Owen shoved the pretty blonde, Elizabeth, next to her. Owen and Elizabeth began to make out furiously. “Quite the show, huh?” Zera slid up next to Wendy and whispered drunkenly in her ear. “Hey, hit the floor button!” “I already did,” Janice, the green haired cousin, answered. “Sweet,” Zera said. “I’m drunk!” Owen cheered. “He’s not that drunk,” Janice...

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Logical Fallacies

Some of my favorite mind control stories involve girls being made susceptible to outlandish premises and made to believe ridiculous things. Logical fallacies are often can be a great starting point for this kind of story. Maybe there is a device that forces a girl to find a slippery slope from point A to some sexy point Z. Maybe instead she must choose between any two options presented to her. Or she finds herself believing her acquaintance is her friend with benefits because she can't prove...

Mind Control
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Crossover Chronicles of Outfall

Some are human & some are furry humanoids in this plot twist co-existant world. This is an alternate Chronicles sample of different pov per page as long as its pointed out. Similar in some aspects to the Passion Humiliation Club story, if need to see a humans only based, read that one as planned for it to be continuous also w/multiple endings. The city is Outfall. County is Canti, has a light rail for other destinations not shown. Canti Park has an indoor public gym for sports & the like,...

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A Supermodels Downfall

A Supermodel's Downfall (East Coast Slavers Organization Story III) by: Desert Dog (Desertlickingdog at yahoo dot com) Prologue – Introductions (or What's E.C.S.O.) Credits : The story that follows is my own work. However, for the energy and inspirationto craft this story, I would like to thank two readers who responded with timelye-mails containing simple story suggestions. One reader's recommendation (whoserequest ended up being mirrored in a number of responses) was to subject...

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The Falls

You come for solitude, and solace. This place is your special paradise, upstream, above the torrent of the lower falls, which gather into an awesome cascade, attracting so many to its beauty. But these falls are smaller, more personal in scale, and a harder climb to reach for the throngs of tourists who crowd the base of the falls far below. Here you are alone, feeling the special beauty of a natural wonder which is yours to enjoy in peace. As you have done many times before, you've waded nude...

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Rainbow Falls

The afternoon sun shone brightly RainbowFalls Good weather had been so very rare that spring.? A beautiful weekend was promised and Ms. Catherine Langston looked forward to her ride with vast enthusiasm.?  She woke early on Saturday and got an early start.? Traffic was light and she made excellent time.? She parked her car in the designated area at High Gate stables and changed her drab civilian garb and worn cross trainers for her riding attire and shiny boots.? She strapped on her...

4 years ago
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y3013 Chapter One The Fallout

-----What animal life that remained had become scarce in its normality, most having either grown into saddening mutations, or simply died out from a mixture of the toxins contaminating the ravaged landscape, and simple malnutrition. -----The same could be said for man. -----What remained of the nations of man had been reduced to savage anarchy. The bulk of the population's survivors lost their minds in the chaotic conditions they were reduced to, snapping into psychotic, ravenous...

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Make Love To Me Under A Waterfall

It had been quite a long while since I had been camping. Cooking hot dogs and roasting marshmellows over a fire. As a child, I had always loved going on camping adventures. So, my girlfriend decided to surprise me one friday. She came in the door from work and shopping apparently. She had saved up the money, and bought the supplies that we needed to go out on a camping adventure. Just the two of us.....alone. She had taken three days off, this had been planned ahead. But, I had had no clue...

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Our First Snowfall

Colorado is SO beautiful! I fell in love with the place as soon as I first saw it with you. The mountains are gorgeous and the air is so fresh! We moved here in the late spring after spending the winter in Florida and I still had not seen snow yet. We heard on TV that the first snow of the season was expected to fall this weekend and I am so excited! You seem as excited as I do even though you have seen your share of it. It is going to be our first snowfall together as husband and wife in our...

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Der Gefallen

Ich bin Lissi, 19 Jahre alt und Studentin in Berlin. Mit meinen 1,69 Meter und 56KG bin ich recht schlank und gut trainiert. Meine Blonden Haare gehen mir etwas über die Schultern und ich habe blau/graue Augen. Es war früher Samstag Abend als mein Handy klingelte und mich meine sehr gute Freundin Sabrina anrief. Sie war ganz aufgelöst und erzählte mir, dass Sie eben einen kleinen Unfall mit dem Auto hatte. Ihr ist zwar nichts passiert aber sie schafft es jetzt nicht mehr zu ihrem Termin heute...

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Laurie at the Pansanjan Falls

Part 1 After a cold and rainy winter in Taipei, Laurie, my wife, convinced me to take her on vacation to the Philippines where she could warm up a little. After getting "massaged" to orgasm on the beach by a pretty little Filipino named Lupe, Laurie then fucked Lupe's friend, Rey in our room. Me? Well, I had lost a bet and was now paying off... I got Rey hard for her and then licked her pussy clean after he left puddles of cum in her cunt. Laurie offered me to Lupe for the rest of our trip,...

Wife Lovers
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The Last Fall

His son takes his place when his elderly Dad takes his last tumble. My Dad took a fall last week. It was a bad one. He broke his hip. The doctor warned me saying that it was all downhill from here. My Dad’s been falling a lot lately, but this may be his last fall. Having to face reality, it’s so sad to think my Dad is so very old and is on his way out. Yet, at least, with him recovering, I have some time to get used to the idea of him not being around soon anymore. He’s not dead, yet, just...

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DownfallHaving been to the beautician for a full body and face wax I check into the hotel to prepare. The suite consists of a large living room and a comfortable bedroom with a large bathroom. The bedroom has a nice dressing table with mirror and stool. A full length mirror is adjacent. The king size bed is of an older style with metal barred head and framed foot. The living room has a soft leather couch, occasional tables, a desk with cane based chair with arms, and all the usual hotel...

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Sissy Downfall

Sissy DownfallThis story is about my conversion from a cross dressing sissy to submissive transformed slut owned by Mistress Rebecca George. All characters are over 18.Having been to the beautician for a full body and face wax I check into the hotel to prepare. The suite consists of a large living room and a comfortable bedroom with a large bathroom. The bedroom has a nice dressing table with mirror and stool. A full length mirror is adjacent. The king size bed is of an older style with metal...

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