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A week later I couldn't get the last experience out of my head. All I could think about was the two Dad's I had serviced and how much I enjoyed drinking their cum. I was addicted, and I had major cravings for more. I began looking at Craigslist posts again hoping to satiate my hunger, but just as I was about to respond to another Dad looking to get sucked off, fate stepped in. It was my Daddy. In his message he complimented me on how good my mouth was and how well I handled two cocks. He wanted to use me again, and he had a surprise for me for being so obedient. I thanked him profusely and we set the date. It was a couple days away so I begged him to save his cum for me because I was so hungry for it. He told me I was a good boy and that I shouldn't worry.
The next few days were intolerable, I could barely get any work done. Every waking moment was filled with thoughts of sucking cock and eating cum. I was a hooked and desperately needed my fix.

Finally the day came. I woke up and immediately jumped in the shower scrubbing myself head to toe getting squeaky clean for my Daddy. There would be no breakfast for me today. I was saving all of the space in my belly for his cum. I left my apartment and headed to his house. The entire way there I had butterflies in my stomach, a rapid heartbeat, I felt light headed, and my cock was leaking precum. I could feel my wetness with every step I took. I got to his building and pressed his number. The lock buzzed and I entered. I took the stairs to his floor and headed to the end of the hallway. Before I could knock Daddy opened the door and ushered me inside.

"Good boy, you're right on time for your surprise, go into the living room. I'll be there in a second." A little shiver of uncertainty hit me.

Everything was a blur as I walked the hall and turned the corner into the living room, but once I got there my surprise was revealed. On the couch are two men, big Dads, like construction workers or ex cops, drinking beers. They're both looking at me grinning. "Hey boy" the one with the goatee says "come sit with us" and pat's the open space on the  couch next to him. I make my way there and sit down. A second later Daddy walks into the room with a six pack of beer, opens a few up and says "These are my friends from out of town. This is Peter(the goateed one) and Anthony. They've come a long way to get here. I've told them all about you and they really wanted to meet you. Do you like your surprise boy?"
My face flushes a deep red. Not from embarrassment, but of joy. He must have known how bad my craving was and I'm sure he told his friends what a complete fucking cumslut I was.
I stood up, give him a big hug and said "Thank you Sir. I can't believe it" and kissed his cheek. Peter laughs and says "That's a good boy alright. See how your Dad takes care of you? You're going to show him how much you appreciate this".
I sit back down looking at Daddy and reply "I most certainly will Sir".
Daddy sits next to me and hands me a beer. I take a big gulp and exhale all the nervousness I had built up.
He puts his hand on my lap and says "We're going to have lots of fun with you today my boy. I hope you're ready."
They eye me like a piece of meat as I down my beer.

"Yes Sir. You can do whatever you want with me. I need it. The only thing I ask is that you please, please, please let me swallow all of your cum". Peter replies "You're gonna get a whole lot more than that boy".
Anthony (who's been quiet this whole time) says "Take your clothes off". I get up and strip naked. They can see the wetness my dick is leaking. I get on my knees and crawl to my Daddy. I unbutton his pants to free his cock and begin sucking on it. While he's in my mouth I hear Peter and Anthony begin taking their clothes off too. Dad then pushes me back, stands up and drops his pants. I look up at them as they surround me with their dicks dangling in my face. Dad's got a nice cock with a helmet shaped head. Peter has a thick veiny one that curves left. Anthony, to my surprise, is uncut. All three have cockrings on. I begin salivating like a dog does before a meal. I take Dad's cock back into my mouth and grab Peter and Anthony's cocks in each hand. Dad grabs me by my ears and uses them to direct my rhythm while I'm sucking on him. He lets go shortly and I switch to Peter's curved penis. It takes a little manoeuvring in order to take him as deep. As I suck him I wonder what his curve would feel like buried in my ass. He holds my head and grabs his cock by the base, pushes it into the side of my cheek then pops it out with a loud pop. They express their delight each time he does it. Because of his shape, massive amounts of drool slip away while he fucks my mouth. My face, chin, neck, and chest are soon smeared in saliva. Now it's time to taste Anthony's uncut cock. I've always wanted to try one so I pay special attention to the extra flesh wrapped around his head. I use my tongue to slip it in between the fold and work it in a circular motion. Anthony approves with a "Yeah, thaaaat's good. Your Dad was right, you do have a good mouth. Damn." I dip down under his cock and suck his balls, then further behind just before his asshole.
At this point I have no idea who's hand is on my head, but it directs me onto Dad's cock, pushing me as far as I can go. Another hand pinches my noses and cuts off my air. I can't breath, and start to gag, but I hold steady. They like that. The hand pulls me off and threads of saliva stretch from my mouth to Dad's cock while I gasp for a breath before being stuffed on Peter's cock. Again, a pinch on the nose. I look up and see their smiles. They own me. My eyes are welling up. I'm gagging, but refuse to back off until told. The hand pulls me off, one breath, then onto Anthony's piece. Same treatment. Loving it. I feel someone spit on my face. I like it. The hand let's go. I gasp and say "oh my god spit in my fucking mouth please!". They take turns drooling spit onto my tongue. "Dirty bitch" "Fucking slut" "Eat it boy" they say. I close my eyes and envision it as cum before swallowing it. They are pleased. Someone pat's my head. I go right back to sucking and jerking. Anthony takes my hand off his cock and kneels down behind me. I hear him spit in his hand. He slides two fingers into my ass. He curls them like a fish hook and starts digging in getting me prepped, wet, and stretched.
He gets close to my ear and whispers "We're going to fuck your ass till it's gaped. Run a train on you. You're not going to walk easy after this, but you'd love that wouldn't you bitch boy." With a cock in my mouth I do my best to reply "fuck yes, I love it" but it just comes out as a drooling, whiney, sputtering.

I'm picked up by my arms and dragged to the bedroom where I'm thrown on the bed. Dad and Anthony join me and I get to work sucking them off. Peter, standing off the edge of the bed grabs my ankle and pulls me ass first closer to him. He spits on my ass and rubs his cock up and down on it. He grabs my hip with one and uses the other to guide himself inside me. I was right. Because of his shape, it feels thicker. It hurts, in a good way. I let Anthony's cock slide out my mouth and exhale an "oh my god" moan. At that, Peter slaps my ass. Dad holds holds my throat and guides me onto his cock while Peter continues to stretch me in ways I've never been. Anthony reaches underneath me and begins pinching and twisting my nippes. My mind is being blown.

These next few paragraphs roll like a whirlwind of sex so try and keep up.

Daddy switches with Peter and enters me with a deep thrust and a grunt. Peter makes his way around to my face. I suck him clean relishing the taste. He notices my enthusiasm for Ass to mouth. He calls me a true cockslut. Anthony pushes his cock at my face too. I try to get them both in, but my mouth is too small. Peter pulls his out and slaps it across my forehead while I'm sucking Anthony. Daddy spreads my ass cheeks wide and is pulling out and driving back in with his whole length. I hear my boipussy make sucking noises as he does. I switch back to Peter's cock and Anthony is pushing my head onto it causing me to gag and spit. Daddy tags Anthony and he circles round and begins pounding my swollen hole ferociously. Dad feeds me his dick then picks it up to let me lap at his sac. I'm jerking Peter trying to build another leak of precum to ingest. I get another taste. Anthony flips me on my back and hoists my legs up and continues to punish my hole. Daddy and Peter both lay their cocks across my face. I'm doing my best to suck them equally, but who knows at this point. My face is completely doused in saliva.
Peter goes to replace Anthony. I get a taste of Anthony's sex coated bone. Yummy.
Peter pins my legs as far back as they can go, then Daddy and Anthony each take an ankle and pull me back farther. My ass is now in the air. Peter slides in with his magically curved cock and at this angle he hits my spot. I can see and feel myself being milked. Precum is pumping generously from my dick with each thrust he digs into my hole. I'm moaning while sucking Anthony. Daddy grabs my throat and applies pressure cutting off my air.
I explode.
I cum. Hard. Harder then I have and most likely ever will. My body convulses uncontrollably. My dick is bouncing off my belly spraying cum on my chest. I think I'm crying and I'm definitely whimpering like a little girl who's lost her mind. They notice and they keep going. I hear someone say "We own you boy!" and they certainly do. Dad scoops up the drops of cum from my chest and smears it all over my face. I suck his fingers clean.
My orgasm is a continuous pulse of waves, then suddenly I'm numb. It's like an out of body experience. I feel like I'm floating, and then boom. Right back to reality. Peter let's go as Dad moves in to continue bruising my now gaped pussyhole.
Peter, who now knows my dirty little ass to mouth fetish climbs up and sits on my chest with his dick just out of reach from my open mouth. His cock has a juicy, slick sheen and a drop of precum swings like a pendulum before me.
"I'd bet you'd do anything to taste this dirty cock. Tell me how bad you want to taste your ass. Beg me boy!"
I cry "Please sir. I'll do anything. You made made me cum so fucking hard. I'll do anything. Please Sir, let me taste your cock. I need it". He dips it in my mouth. It brushes through my lips and down past my tongue. I release a gutteral moan as his cock wedges into the side of my throat. He steps off to the side and Anthony turns my head back on his cock. Daddy pulls out and is pinching the tip of his cock. Time for my reward. I slide down off the bed onto my knees between his legs. I tilt my head back and open up with my tongue extended. He lets go of the tip and a very large dollop of cum drops onto my tongue. It's warm, sticky, and thick. I grab him and milk every last drop from him. I keep my mouth open and my eyes on him. He looks at me with approval and tells me to swallow. I do, but not before swirling it around to coat my mouth. He gives me a light slap and steps to the side. Anthony is next. He starts to jerk, but I pull his and off. "Please Sir" and I start stroking him from the base while I feast on his fleshy head. Two minutes go by and he takes his cock from me and tells me "Open wide faggot". I do and I receive an oral showering of cum. It's light in texture, not as thick as I like, but it goes down the same. Peter steps up and tells me to put my hands behind my back. I oblige. He holds my head and starts fucking my mouth pushing my head back onto the bed. He's being very forceful and choking me with his cock. I can barely keep my eyes open as he continues to ram my tonsils. I'm covered in spit and tears. Snot's running from my nose. His nuts are slapping my chin.
He says "Here it comes boy. Swallow it all cumslut". I can feel him throbbing and my mouth fills with hot cum, but he continues to fuck it so some spills down my chin. I'm trying so hard to keep it in because I really want everything he's got. He pulls back and sees I've made a mess of myself. I desperately use my hands to scoop the cum slipping down my chin back into my mouth. He tastes good. I swallow.
"Wow. That was awesome. Thank you" I say.
Peter looks at me sideways "Who told you we're done boy?" and slaps me.
"No one Sir. I'm sorry" I quip
"You can't leave here dirty like that. You're a fucking mess. We're gonna have to shower you off".
"Um. Okay"
"Come with us"
We head back into the living room. They grab the beers left on the table.
"Let's go sissyboy. Time to get you cleaned up." Peter grabs me by my arms and pushes me in front of him. They take me into the bathroom. Peter puts me in the shower and tells me to get on my knees. I do.
"Remember when you said we could do anything we wanted with you?"
"Yes Sir"
"Well, we're going to give you a shower now. You ever drink from the tap boy? Do you know what that means?"
"No Sir. I do know what it means though I've nev-"
"Shut up" he interups.
Daddy says "You're going to drink our piss. And you are going to swallow it. You want to make Dad happy right?"
"Yes I do Sir, I'll do my best."
"Good boy. "
They surround me drinking their beers. Dad turns my head towards him and says "I'll start slow, but you better drink up. No cheating"
"I promise Daddy"
"Ok. Look at me. Here's a taste."
He directs the head of his cock at my lips. I open up with my eyes locked on his. He starts to dribble a bit, then it goes to a light stream that starts at my belly and gradually moves up to my mouth. He lets a small amount build up in my mouth. He pinches it shut.
"Swallow". I do. It's like drinking a bitter warm beer.
"Thank you Sir"
Okay boy. Here comes some more"
This time I get a mouthful. I close my eyes and imagine I'm just drinking beer. I swallow one big gulp and open my mouth for more.
"That's it boy. Drink your Dad's piss." Peter says.
Dad's now shooting a steady stream into my mouth. I swallow and immediately open for more. Some spills out my mouth, but I keep at it. It's a lot, but I have to. They own me now. They fucked me so good. They fed me loads of cum. I needed it. I need this. I want to show them how much I appreciate them. Especially Daddy.
He's finishing up. His stream lightens and he sprays it all over my face and hair. Some gets in my eyes and it stings, but I don't care. I keep my mouth open anyway. He wicks the last drops at me and steps aside. Anthony takes his place and starts a heavy stream that's goes just about everywhere but my mouth. He gets control and starts filling me up. I swallow. His piss is a bit stronger in bitterness, but by now I'm fine with it. Give it to me. I can take it. All of it.
I keep my eyes on him and even give him a wink as he fills my mouth to entirety. He smiles back and shakes it. Piss sprays my face, but I'm quick to shut my eyes this time. His stream lessens and I hold the remaining piss in my mouth. I gargle a bit, swallow, and say "aaaahhh". They like that and laugh.
Peter's next up. He tilts my head back and gets his cock really close to my mouth. He starts filling me at close range and stroking it too. He pinches the tip when he sees my mouthful. "Swallow it". I gulp him down. He lets go and fills me up again. "Swallow". I do. I'm much more comfortable now so I wrap my lips around his head while he pisses in my mouth. I swallow while he's still in my mouth and I don't need him to stop before I drink it. He continues to piss and I stay on his head gulping down his piss. He finishes pissing and I start sucking on him. He gets fully erect in a matter of seconds. I slow down my movement and focus on deep continuous sucking, working his head, and licking the length of his bent shaft. He begins to cum and I keep my mouth on him at a steady slow rythym. I happily swallow him again. His balls are now completely drain.
I turn to my Dad and give him the same treatment. He's happy that his boy is doing such a thorough job. I take my time with him making sure his balls get the proper attention they deserve while I stroke him.
I put his cock back in my mouth and slide a finger up his ass. I move it around in a swirling motion and pull towards his prostate. He starts to throb. Again, I keep him in my mouth while he fills my mouth with his hot, thick, sweet cum. I swallow it, but I continue to suck him. I love his cock.
He pulls me off and Anthony's already hard. He's been jerking watching me while I was sucking down those last two loads. I pull back his foreskin with my hand and tongue his head in circles. Every so often I pump his foreskin forward and take him deeper. He comes quickly, glazing my mouth with cum. Like the others, I keep my warm mouth on him while I gulp it down.
I stand up. They're very happy with me and I with them. Dad turns the real shower on and they let me wash their bodies off and they wash mine.
Being the complete slut I am, I tried for a third round of cum, but they were dry.
We got dressed, I thanked them, and I left the apartment. I caught a glimpse of myself in a reflection of a window. I look like I had been roughed up. I was roughed up. They put a hurting on me. My asshole felt like pudding and looked like I injected botox into it. My eyes and lips were swollen. My throat hurt for days after, but hey, it was totally worth it. I continued to see Daddy, and even met some more friends of his, but never saw Peter or Anthony again. A shame really.
I felt like I had accomplished something special that day. A surreal feeling flowed through me. I had a belly full of cum and piss and it felt fucking great no matter what.

Thanks for reading!



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Meeting Margot

I Dan Thomas felt completely adrift. The blazing lights, the blaring jazz, and the buzz brought on by the two or three industrial-strength Hurricanes he had been sipping all throughout the day had clearly lasted well into the evening. For many of the revelers, it was just another Mardi Gras, but for Dan, it seemed like a rebellious celebration of his rebirth. 45 years old, he was celebrating his first year as a free man. Free in more ways than one: It was one year ago this week that he had...

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Daddies Love

Note : This story is completely fictional! On Saturday mornings I lay in bed and ponder the wonders of the world. My wife gets up early and goes to grocery store. Our 21 year old daughter Crystal has been living with for a short amount of time. My usual horniness was showing with a full mast causing a tent under the blankets. Having seen Crystals bare-ass protruding from under her blankets on numerous occasions it did not take long for the stroking to begin. I had just started hammering my cock...

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Maggots By Bill Hart Another one. Don't they ever get tired? There was once a time when I despaired over getting no responses to the stories I posted on that Internet bulletin board. But after the responses finally started coming, I just sort of figured out I'd been kind of lucky. At that time at least I wasn't beset by people continually saying my shit stunk. And just how did they ever know with certainty that someone else's shit was any more or less fragrant then...

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TwinsChapter 8 The Quest for Clifford

Clifford sat up in bed feeling the warm body lying next to him. He looked down at the shape in the near darkness. Janet. Christ, why did it have to be this way? He had loved Tracy, he still did. So why was he in Janet's bed? Why did he have sex with her? Four times? Not one of them was anything like the times he had been with Tracy, and yet... He got out of bed and made his way to the window, padding in his bare feet across the carpet. He slowly pulled open the curtains and looked out at...

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Erin Ashford

Reddit Erin Ashford, aka r/ErinAshford! Erin Ashford is not a pornstar from a bygone age, nor is she a famous modern-day pornstar. She’s also not a semi-famous Twitch streamer gone nude, not an Instagram model that promotes flat tummy tea, and definitely not a XXX cam model. So who is she exactly, and why should you care about her? Truth be told, she isn’t really known outside of Reddit - she made her XXX debut on /r/GoneWild after posting a large selection of XXX pictures (and some videos) on...

Reddit NSFW List
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e10 Margot 60 retired Police inspector Cardiff

Series 2, Episode 10: Margot Heydon, OBE We’re going from our youngest ever subject, to our oldest... We’re in the kitchen of a neat and tidy little cottage in South Wales. Infront of us, a very respectable looking older lady – shoulder length blonde hair turning to grey, with a few wrinkles around her gleaming blue eyes. She’s in good shape – apparently healthy and not unattractive. Her neatly put together outfit, white blouse tucked into black skirt, suggests that she’s quite trim....

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last time with a maggot

the last time that i played with maggots i find a medium size maggot to play with on the garbage, i was looking for more to play but i didn't find any other so i run to the bathroom and pull my dick out that it was hard already, so i tuck my dick opener and i penetrate my dick very deep so i started to feel a little pain because the dick opener was hurting me a little bit so i take the maggot that was moving like crazy on my palm and put it on the head of my dick, so i waited to see if the...

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Life After Margot

I hadn’t seen my ex-wife, Margot, since the divorce over three years ago. We’d gotten married fresh out of high school, and it took me just over a year to realize what a huge mistake I’d made. I’d been the star quarterback, and she was the head cheerleader. Neither of us had been especially mature, nor ready to really settle down. I caught her in bed with a former friend, whupped on him a little, and filed for divorce. It was an especially nasty break-up. She’d made her boyfriend file assault...

2 years ago
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Wie ich zu Gott Fand 2

Dann wartete ich.Um viertel nach acht checkte ich mein Handy, dann fing ich doch an, die Wohnung ein wenig aufzuräumen, das Geschirr wenigstens in die Spülmaschine zu räumen und die leeren Pizzakartons in die grüne Tonne. Um halb neun ein erneuter Blick auf das Handy, dann hatte ich das Bett gemacht, und fing an, noch schnell den gröbsten Dreck aufzusaugen.Um neun öffnete ich ein Bier, ließ mich in meinen Herumhäng-Sessel fallen, warf einen resignierten Blick auf das Handy und drehte den...

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We waved bye to Forrest’s and my parents as they drove off. It was summer break and they would be gone for several days. My friend Forrest and his 9 year old sister, Scout, were staying at my house for the time they were gone. None of our parents wanted us to be home alone, but they were fine if we were together. I was 15 and Forrest was 14, but he looks 10 or 11. I live in the middle of nowhere, but we found plenty of things to do during the day, but my favorite time was at night. My...

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Mrs Sanford

It was the summer before my second year of high school when I got a call from Darci Smith asking me to meet her at the high school the next day to help her clean out the costume room. Now Darci is the drama club teacher and the art teacher. Every guy in the school wants to fuck her and masterbates to her. Darci is in her early thirties, married, and looks like she is still twenty one. She has nice mid size tits, a fine ass, big blue eyes and blonde hair. She has a pert little hard body and...

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Mr Forrester

"There's a man here to see you, Mr. Forrester; he says he's a detective from the Denver Police Force." Oh-oh, thought John. "Ok, send him in, Angela." "Hello, Mr Forrester; my name is Paul Donohue, I'm a detective from the Denver Police Force." "What can I do for you, Detective Donohue?" as I pressed the intercom so Angela could listen in discreetly out at her desk. "Well, Mr. Forrester, sometime last year I was handed a case in Denver that has us all baffled. It seems that two...

4 years ago
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 04

Title A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 04 ((Authors Note – This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 03’ and is the final part of this series. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the earlier episodes, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. Of course you’ll probably need to know about the Alien spaceship, stranded in Gotham due to a lack of a key energy source, and the innovative way that they found to replenish it with some involuntary...

1 year ago
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Daddies little girl

A story that is totaly ficional.As a little girl dad was always there from when mum left us to find herself (what the hell does that mean anycase.) I was always comfortable around him in nothing more than a pair of nickers and a vest even being naked. I was going to school like any k**, dad would drop me off go to work, nan would pick me up take me to her house for tea, dad would pick me up later.This caried on until I was 14 when my nan died, we sold both houses and decided to move up the...

1 year ago
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Femdom Faggot Transformation

It all started back in high school... I had a crush on this super hot girl named Danya. She was in all my classes and her locker was two down from mine. I would spend the whole day dreaming of fucking her. I would stare at her sexy fit body, her perfect round bubble butt and thick thighs. Her evenly tanned skin and beautiful face. Her long brown hair and her medium firm tits. Even the way she dressed made me horny! I would often go into the bathroom and jerk off after seeing her, blasting cum...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 02

((Authors Note — This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 01’. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the first episode, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. In brief though, this follows a part of Batgirl’s life where she’s been through a long recovery and rehabilitation period after the near tragic events in that old warehouse battling Leopard Man. It was a period where she established a close relationship with Catgirl, became aware of...

3 years ago
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A Day in Gotham Batgirls Turmoil

A Day In Gotham – 5 — Batgirl’s Turmoil – (Catwoman’s Revenge, excitement at Wayne Mansion) (Follows episode 4 — Batgirl’s Revenge) Author’s Note : It’s generally a bad idea to start with an apology, but here I go anyway! This should have been one story, it was always designed that way. Unfortunately, as I penned it, it just seemed to take on a life of its own and now it’s too big! My fault, poor discipline I suppose. I considered taking out the scalpel and hacking a few bits out, but I...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Begins 02

Title A Day in Gotham — 2 – Batgirl Begins2 ((Author’s note — this is the second part of my Batgirl Begins trilogy. As with all multi-part stories, it would be better read after Batgirl Begins 1, but for anyone who wants to dive straight in I’ve added a very brief summary of events in the story so far below. I really, really recommend reading the first part first though! And, before moving on, a quick vote of thanks to NaughtyIrishGirl for her unwavering support and enthusiasm. Please enjoy...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e18 Sylvia Distin 55 from Chelmsford

We’re cruising along a wide and quiet suburban street. Green lawns stretch back from the pavement to the nice semi-detached homes. There’s a slim woman walking a large dog along the side of the road, and we pan around to look at her as we pass – it’s no-one we know, but we kind of wish we did! Then we’re looking forward again – seeing an intersection infront of us ... Then pulling up, looking out of the side window right at a single story, flat-roofed building. A sign outside reads,...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wishes Pt 01

((Authors Note – Please note that this is adult fiction, so only read further if you qualify! I’ve received a number of queries about whether I was going to come up with any more Batgirl stories, and I must confess that I do enjoy writing them, so here’s a little series taking our intrepid young warrior beyond that rather traumatic ending in the last story – Batgirl Wins 04. I hope you enjoy, and please comment and/or vote. I love to hear from you… Duke )) Index :- 1. The Start of...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirls Dilemma

A Day in Gotham – 3 – Batgirl’s Dilemma Chapter 1 – Good Dream, Bad Dream? She woke up with a start, instantly awake and scanning her surroundings urgently. What had happened!? Her heart was racing, but her breathing quickly returned to normal as her brain registered the air of normality in the bedroom. The early morning Gotham City sunlight was streaming through the curtains and already it felt pleasantly warm as her home city prepared itself for another baking hot mid-Summer day. She...

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Batman The Telltale Game Series Season 3 Bruce Wayne Becomes Mayor of Gotham

(Emergency Press Conference, Wayne Tower) ''Thank You all for Coming, as you all Know my name is Bruce Wayne, and this Past Year has been Trying not just for Me or for Gotham, but for every Man, Woman and Child who has Ever set foot in Gotham. I have Seen a Man I once considered my unofficial Brother Fall to the Allure of meting out Criminal Justice, I have seen this city betrayed, and in spite of it people like the Batman and his Team have shown that There are those who would Do both whatever...

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Gotham girls

Mr Stark! Yes Pepper ? Bruce Wayne Is on the Phone! I have got to go to Gotham . Bruce Needs my help. Can you handle the Mayor today! Yes! Good I have to fly out,.Call the Pilot. I do have time for you to suck my Dick before I go! Get on your Knees Pepper and Service Me! I want you to suck it hard I need a boast in my power cell! Take it deep you whore. Im thinking about what Bruce ask me to do and it don't take long and I Cum In Pepper mouth! Thank You Pepper ! Now I have to go! Four Hour...

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Gotham girls

Mr Stark! Yes Pepper ? Bruce Wayne Is on the Phone! I have got to go to Gotham . Bruce Needs my help. Can you handle the Mayor today! Yes! Good I have to fly out,.Call the Pilot. I do have time for you to suck my Dick before I go! Get on your Knees Pepper and Service Me! I want you to suck it hard I need a boast in my power cell! Take it deep you whore. Im thinking about what Bruce ask me to do and it don't take long and I Cum In Pepper mouth! Thank You Pepper ! Now I have to go! Four Hour...

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Daddy hunting faggot teen boy

He knew by now little white boy love sucking on his bbc , he learn the benefits of installing grndr and hunting down shy teen faggot boy when his wife was sleeping , him working the night shift as a security guythats when i realised the hot daddy txting me was that guy in the security boot near the parking lothis legs spread a pllow down under his desk, the picture was such an inviting sigh the pefect spot for little cocksuckers he txted mei put on my best little faggot panty knowing str8...

4 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 36 Formations

“Thank you ... Zax”. A middle aged woman with a combed black hair and a bit of weight around her waist walked toward him with hands down and holding one another. “You shouldn’t, Mrs. Inoki “. Zax shook his head. The woman was the mother of his childhood friends, Weysey Inoki. Mrs. Inoki came to stand beside him, but her view was on the large group of children having the time of their life fighting the living snowmen. “Our home is at the periphery of us, newcomers’ huts. The hut next to us...

1 year ago
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CynthiaChapter 15 Bradford

Sarah and I communicated well when she had time for conversation, often after her shift was over. She made it clear that she liked me as more than just a patient, and in addition to liking her, I found myself lusting for her constantly. It wasn't so bad in the mountains when there were no distractions, but to see it around me every day flamed my desire. She caught up with me while I was in physical therapy. After a couple of cheers, she said, "I got her cell phone. I'll see you...

2 years ago
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The primary (though not exclusive) use of a faggot is fucking it.Fucking its face.Fucking its cunt.Filling it with Cum.The faggot is a pleasure object for Men to use and fill.But some faggots are just too disgusting to fuck or even suck.What then? Is the faggot good for nothing?Not at all.Even the ugliest, foulest, most repugnant faggot can be made useful or make itself useful to Superior Alpha Men.Here are a few ways one can put hideous un-fuckable faggots to good use …MAKE THEM GLORYHOLE...

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Bigoted wife turned racist

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. NOTE: I detest the “N” word, however viewing this story without the use of the “N” word, the story did not show the true prejudice of the wife. Rachael was southern born and raised that black people were inferior to white. Her husband has spent years since their marriage to change her mind. That deep southern bigotry, instilled...

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Black Bigoted Wife Turns White Racist

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. NOTE I detest the “N” word, however viewing this story without the use of the “N” word, the story did not show the true prejudice of the wife. Rachael was southern born and raised that black people were inferior to white. Her husband has spent years since their marriage to change her mind. That deep southern bigotry, instilled by her...

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Gothic Surprise

The night started pretty ordinary, got off work around 9pm and was headed home. I remembered I needed some things for me and the roommate from the grocery store, so I stopped at the one closest to our house in the suburbs. As I was heading into the parking lot, I spotted this out of the norm girl with long, straight black hair wearing all black, just staring at the ground as she walked. We made eye contact for a short moment as I drove past, and she was a very attractive, young, gothic girl,...

4 years ago
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 03

Title A Day in Gotham — 9 – Batgirl Wins 03 ((Authors Note — This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 02’. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the earlier episodes, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. This is part 3 of what will be a four part story. In brief , this follows a part of Batgirl’s life where she’s been through a long recovery and rehabilitation period after the near tragic events in that old warehouse battling Leopard...

1 year ago
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Vexed

A Day In Gotham – 8 — Batgirl Vexed (A promise fulfilled, a catty surprise, a dangerous enemy) (Follows episode 7 — Batgirl Undone) (Authors Note — It’s taken a while to pull together, but thanks for your patience if you’re following the series. As this implies, this story follows on from my previous efforts, but it can be read as an isolated story if you wish. As usual, Batgirl is still trying hard to sort out all her complex personal relationships with friends and foe alike!) * ...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 01

Title A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 01 ((Authors Note – This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 8 – Batgirl Vexed’. I’ve had numerous comments about the ending to that particular piece, so in response, even though it’s a while since I posted that one, here’s a follow-up. I hope that you like it. As it seems with all my recent work, I’ve found it difficult to include all the content that I think that the story needs into one episode. As I also wanted to reduce the length of these pieces...

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