Rainbow Girl
- 2 years ago
- 18
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Good weather had been so very rare that spring.? A beautiful weekend was promised and Ms. Catherine Langston looked forward to her ride with vast enthusiasm.?
She woke early on Saturday and got an early start.? Traffic was light and she made excellent time.? She parked her car in the designated area at High Gate stables and changed her drab civilian garb and worn cross trainers for her riding attire and shiny boots.? She strapped on her rowelled spurs.? On her way to the stables, she stopped briefly at the coffee shop. She filled her thermos with ice and diet soda and tucked it back into her backpack.? Almost as an afterthought, she grabbed a shiny red apple from the large bowl lying on a table next to the door.? She had wanted to bring Big Boy a treat and almost forgot.? Sugar cubes were so bad for a Pony?s teeth.? As an afterthought, she stuffed a secpomd apple in the backpack.
The apple was just so tempting.? She allowed herself just one bite at first and then treated herself to a couple more as she crossed the yard.? She wasn?t disappointed.? The fruit was fragrant and crunchy. Its sweet juice flowed over her tongue and into her mouth.? She took another bite and another.?? She just couldn?t help herself.
Madison, one of the exercise girls greeted her in the yard.? ?Hi, Ms. Langston.? You?re taking Big Boy up to RainbowFalls??
Catherine nodded, yes, and smiled in anticipation.? The RainbowFalls was a very special place.? She felt a vast desire for its beauty and solitude.
?Well, he?s saddled and ready.? You should have a great ride, but there?re rumors of ferals up there.? Are you sure you want to go alone??
?I?ll be safe,? she reassured the girl.
Exactly as promised, Big Boy stood saddled and bridled.? He waited for her impatiently, tied at the slip rail.? He was an impressive Pony.? At 2.1 meters tall, he stood a full 50 cm taller than Catherine.? His weight was almost three times hers.? He was naked, of course, except for his gear.? His heavy muscles hung in thick well-cut plates.
His grooming was painstaking.? The hair on his head was shaped into a thick dark mane.? The hair on his face was clipped to an even quarter inch.? His profuse male body hair had been meticulously depilated.? His ample male paraphernalia were on naked display.
Despite the well-known male aversion to hygiene, Big Boy smelled only of his leather gear and the proprietary ointment favored at High Gate Stable to protect Ponies from sunburn and insects.? Grooming was important for more than appearance sake.? Methodical grooming accustomed even the most skittish Pony to handling.
??????????? Catherine remembered the days before she could afford membership at the stables.? She volunteered as a groom in exchange for privileges and more than once tended to a male secured over a solid sawhorse.? Her friend Caitlin held his buttocks apart, while Catherine, flashlight in one hand and tweezers in the other, pursued the last stubborn hairs around his anus, all the time hoping that this male at least, had civilized bathroom habits and a settled stomach.
?Hey, Big Boy,? Catherine called out in case Big Boy hadn?t heard her approach.? Her rowelled spurs jingled as she walked.? Catherine felt almost naked without them.? Big Boy did not overlook their glistening sharp points or miss their meaning for an instant.? Passing quickly behind him, Catherine moved smartly.? She knew the tendency of some Ponies to kick when they had the chance.? She took the opportunity to drag her hand over his right buttock, just above her brand.? She ran her hand over the thick muscles of Big Boy?s back.? He pulled against the slip rail and pushed himself back against her hand, trying to increase the physical contact.? She patted him fondly on his muscular rump. He was a spirited creature, and he was hers.? Her brand marked him unmistakably as her property.
Strong buttocks and legs were the foundation of a good Pony.? Big Boy was among the best.? His strong legs supported muscular buttocks and his broad back offered his riders a secure seat.? His male size and strength were undeniably impressive.? Her confidence in her undeniable mastery thrilled her.
??I?ve brought you a treat, ? she said brightly, then suddenly realized that not much of the apple remained uneaten.
Big Boy brayed his excitement.? As always, he was glad to see his mistress, even giddy.? His surgically modified larynx could not form words.? He opened his mouth in eager anticipation.? He thirsted endlessly for his mistress.? He lived and died for her approval.? His craving was unquenchable.? Ponies are herd animals and Catherine, had impressed herself thoroughly on her Pony as the uncontested leader of his herd.
Trying to turn toward her, Big Boy pulled unsuccessfully at the sturdy slip rail.? His attention focused on her fist.? As often than not, she brought him some sort of treat.? Salty or sweet, anything with flavor was a welcome relief from the bland monotony of the nutritious stable diet.? Often Catherine reached into her small pocket and retrieved a piece of dried fruit from her slit pocket.? Eagerly, Big Boy would open his mouth to receive it.? He anticipated its tart sweetness.? He sensed that the treat shared the warmth of Catherine?s body.? The dirt and grit acquired in its passage through her tight pocket did not diminish his pleasure; rather he relished its nearness to her body.
Big Boy shared the stable with a number of Ponies and he disliked each of them individually and despised them all collectively.? His hatred was returned intensely.? Today, Big Boy would not have to share Catherine?s attention.?
Catherine?s dark hair was braided in a tight ponytail for riding.? A brilliant white silk blouse and black leather jodhpurs accented her olive complexion.? Knee-high black leather boots enclosed her small feet and accented her shapely calves.? From her belt, hung her worn leather crop.? A smile illuminated her face.
??????????? Catherine pulled on her thin leather riding gloves.? She could feel a male?s beard through the thin black leather.?? She slipped Big Boy?s reins from the rail.? The reins were connected to the control rods set securely in his sensitive ear canals rather than to a bit as used with equines.? Eagerly, Big Boy turned his head and nuzzled her fist, hoping for a treat.
Grinning, Catherine pressed her opened her empty hand over his open mouth.? His fat tongue tickled her palm through the fine thin leather.? Big Boy?s enthusiasm faded when he found her hand was empty.? A sad frown darkened his guileless face.
?Silly boy!? Catherine said affectionately.? She popped the remnant of the three-quarters eaten apple into his gaping mouth, not much more than a core, careful to avoid dirtying her fingers and his sharp teeth. He took the core eagerly and chewed noisily. He seemed to enjoy it immensely? ? seeds and all.
She pulled his head down to her by his nose ring and planted a kiss on his forehead. ?Big Boy, you?re such a good boy!?? Curiously the word ?man? had passed out of common usage while the word ?boy? had not.
??????????? ?Mount!? she commanded and Big Boy knelt smartly with his left knee on the ground and right knee bent at right angles.? He wanted to please his mistress with all his being.? Catherine stepped up on his brawny right thigh and swung her left leg over the saddle.? She slipped her booted feet into the stirrups.? ?Up!? she ordered and dragged her rowelled spurs over his flanks and let him feel their sharp points.? Big Boy respected her spurs and acknowledged her mastery instantly despite their vast disparity in size and physical strength. .
Catherine loved to ride on the sandy beach below High Gate Stables in the first hours of the morning.? The fierce power of the summer sun was still gentled by the morning mist. The seaside sounds and smells admixed to form a perfect balm to the hustle and bustle of her busy life.? Her palm pilot lay peacefully in her locker. Her cell phone lay turned off and quiet.?? Wave following wave, the waves rushed up onto the beach and receded smoothly into the ocean.? Her Pony?s harness creaked rhythmically as his powerful thighs rose and fell.? His callused feet pounded the hard sand with each distance-devouring stride.? Raucous calls of sea birds accented the complex euphony. Catherine inhaled the tangy sea air, aroma of richly polished leather and the faint musk of her Pony?s perspiration. Her phone?s incessant ringing and her endless schedule of urgent conferences and critical meetings slowly faded from her consciousness.
Her saddle, perched high at the back of her Pony?s neck, set solidly between his wide shoulder blades.? The saddle?s light-weight aluminum frame secured his heavy arms and transferred her weight downward to his pelvis and lowered their collective center of gravity.?? His neck was even thicker than either of her trim thighs that draped over his broad shoulders and chest.? The toes of her soft, leather mid-calf boots rested in the hanging stirrups. For now, her heels rested lightly on his flanks.
One might well wonder how a woman might manage so large and strong a male. At 160 cm, Catherine was not short, but the top of her head reached no higher than the middle of Big Boy?s back.? He outweighed her more than 3-fold.?? However, experienced riders, even smaller than she, easily controlled even larger Ponies with the padded wooden dowels ? called control rods - inserted deeply in their exquisitely sensitive ear canals and held securely in place by a sturdy bridle ? a leather strap that passed around the forehead and over the back of the head and two cross straps.? Stout hand grasps were provided on either side where the strap passed over the temples. The slightest pressure from the heel of a hand on a control rod pressed against the ear canal and turned the Pony promptly to the right or left.? Pressure on both rods brought him smartly to a stop. A male?s size and strength were firmly restrained to the service of his female rider.
The rising sun shone brightly.? The sky was a brilliant cloudless blue.? The run had been simply exhilarating.? Big Boy had answered her spurs promptly and thundered down the hard packed sand along the ocean?s edge.? His strapping thighs rose and fell tirelessly like the indefatigable pistons of a smoothly running engine.? His long, steady strides simply devoured distance.? He responded to the touch of her crop with yet more speed.? It was enough to take one?s breath away.? The wind had blown her sun hat back and it hung around her neck precariously by its tie. Her thick ponytail streamed out behind her.? She chuckled to think that Big Boy?s strength and endurance had perhaps even surprised himself.?
At the mouth of the small stream, Catherine ?whoaed? Big Boy and pulled gently on the reining rods.? He slowed smoothly to a walk.? His chest was heaving and perspiration poured from his great body but his efforts had not flagged until his rider had finally called him to a halt.
Catherine looked up the trail and saw the lower pool and behind it, the lower waterfall.? She had seen it many times before and its beauty never failed to take her breath.
Catherine?s hand on the right reining rod directed Big Boy up the trail.? Big Boy turned.? He was less taken with the beauty before him. Rather, he studied the softly rising path that ran beside the stream up to the lower pool and then climbed more steeply up to the top of the falls.? He examined the slippery ground, doubtfully.? Given his druthers, he would not venture up the treacherous path to the pool above the waterfall. However, he was not the one to decide.
The day was hot.? The secluded pool was waiting.? Somewhat impatiently, Catherine brought her spurs against his flanks gently at first and then again more sharply when he seemed to hesitate.? She swore she heard him sigh, but he started slowly up the track.? An experienced rider, Catherine let Big Boy pick his own way and set his own careful pace up the path beside the stream and then up the difficult path beside the falls.? Downhill was likely to be even more treacherous.? However, he was a sure-footed Pony and he wanted a tumble no more than she.? The waterfall soon roared before her and then beside her.? Its spray wet the ground and made the track slippery.? Her weight was little burden for Big Boy even on the steep trail, even given the uncertain footing.
When she reached the top, she knew once again why she had come.? As beautiful as had been the lower falls, the RainbowFalls were yet more beautiful and the Rainbow pool deeper and more suitable for swimming.? Not one other person could be seen.? She saw no sign of any feral.
?Dismount,? she ordered.? As trained, Big Boy knelt promptly, with his left knee on the ground and his right knee bent at right angles.? Eager to swim, Catherine slipped from his back and stepped onto his thigh almost before he had braced himself for her weight.? Impatient to swim, she pulled on his reins and half lead and half dragged her much larger Pony to the railing the stables had so conveniently constructed.? Deftly, she secured him to the railing, choosing the shadiest spot.? His arms secured to the saddle, he would be unable to free himself.? In any event, his thumbs had been amputated and his four-fingered hands had no ability with knots or latches.? This morning, no other Pony was tied at railing.? Finally, she cuffed his right ankle with one of the fetters placed to keep a safe two yards between Ponies.
The ever-shifting feuds and desperate competition among the stable?s males were a constant source of trouble for the stable?s trainers, grooms, and exercise girls.? Caitlin had always said that an intact male was conventionally lazy, impulsive, and prone to violence.? Catherine agreed that a girl?s first Pony should always be a gelding.? Her first Pony had been a black gelding, named Beauty. He had been a graduation present from her granny.
Doc Andrews first visit to the stables after graduation in the summer was always especially busy.? Eager, chattering girls stood in line with their newly purchased Ponies dressed in their crisp, new equestrienne attire.? The stable?s always-hungry dogs ran about, yapping excitedly.? Confronted with the gelding frame, many Ponies balked, once they perceived its purpose. Many embarrassed new owners needed help from the obliging exercise girls to secure their Ponies. The newly made geldings offered no resistance as they were led away.?? Their freshly taken testicles lay ignored on the grounds until some dog or other overcame his fear and darted in to seize his bleeding prize.
More experienced riders often preferred an intact male. One might impress herself totally on her spirited Pony and construct a deep and durable bond.? An impressed Pony?s craving for his mistress? attention was unquenchable, his need for her approval desperate.? His feelings were often deeply ardent and quite poignant in a sentimental sort of way - a source of public humor.? In the stables though, jealousy among intact males was rife and anxious rivalry sometimes erupted into actual physical aggression.
Her second Pony had been a superannuated intact male named Prince Charming.? She still had had her studio apartment then and his price was right.? He had a great heart and served her well for three years before his joints failed and she had had to put him down.
Quickly, Catherine checked Big Boy out and found everything in order.? She placed her gloved hand on the sweat-slick skin of his back. He was hot to the touch.?? He gave off a tantalizing musky aroma.? ?You?ll be all right here,? she said.? Eager for her touch, Big Boy pressed himself backwards against her hand.? Playfully, she slid her hand down along his spine to the top of the crease between his muscular buttocks.
?I?m going for a swim and I?ll be back.?? Catherine said and then wondered why she had bothered to explain herself to the beast.? She slapped his firm buttock playfully.
Catherine looked for a dry place to put her clothes and undressed.? She shucked off her backpack. She pulled off her thin leather riding gloves.? Careful to avoid the sharp points of her rowelled spurs, she wrestled off her boots.? She unbuttoned her white blouse and peeled off her jeans.? She folded her blouse and jeans and laid them carefully on top of her backpack.? Then she stripped off her socks and panties and piled them on top, much more casually. She almost forgot to remove the hat that still hung around her neck.
Catherine stood stark naked except for her waterproof watch, the fine gold chain around her neck, and her battered sun hat.? The rounded lines of her soft breasts accented the definite feminine sweep of her trim flanks and hips.? A pouting navel decorated her toned tummy.? A rectangular thatch of tightly curled hair crowned the unseen folds of her hidden sex.
?She looked quickly to her Pony.? Big Boy stood at the railing, saddled and bridled.? Otherwise, he was naked and inarguably male.? Once upon a time, Catherine had learned, a male might terrorize a score of adult women simply by threatening to expose his male apparatus.? That time was also safely in the past.? His thick sex hung blatantly between his brawny thighs.? Her outstretched fingers could barely contain his ripe scrotal sack.
Big Boy strained against his lead.? He tried to turn his head and look back at his mistress.?? Stark naked, Catherine looked at her own bare limbs and snorted.? Her soft feminine curves contrasted with the male?s harsh angularity.? Thick plates of muscle hung from his large frame.? Her skin was smooth and unblemished.? The stable?s grooms worked diligently to depilate the exuberant body hair that betrayed Big Boy?s kinship with the bestial.
It was all so difficult to believe.? Now a woman?s female parts are recognized as her glory while a male?s paraphernalia are universally acknowledged as proof of his vulnerability.? A metal ring pierced the glans of Big Boy?s circumcised cock.? The grooms clipped this ring onto a second ring that pierced his navel, lifting his penis safely out of his groin and away from his brawny thighs, exposing the fat scrotum beneath.? No one might now doubt who commanded and who obeyed.
??????????? Catherine checked her watch.? She lowered herself into the crystal clear water.? She lay back and luxuriated into cool water and warm sun.? She pulled her sun hat over her face and closed her eyes.? She let her mind wander, totally at peace and serene.
??????????? Suddenly, a loud crash recalled her from her reverie.? One female voice called out cheerfully.? Another answered, more distant, and a second crash sounded, followed by a shower of spray before Catherine could locate the source of the noise.? She pulled off the sun hat that shielded her face and saw two bobbing heads, one blond and one brunette, in the deep pool.? Twotwenty-something young women squealed and splashed, gleefully.? Apparently, they had jumped from the Rainbow falls, thirty feet above.
??????????? ?Hey,? Catherine called, ?watch who you?re splashing.?? Her friendly tone removed any hint of scold from her words.
??????????? ?Hey,? called the brunette, ?Look, Emma, we?re not alone.?
??????????? ?Where?? called out the blonde.? ?Where, Sheridan??
??????????? ?See, over there!?? Sheridan pointed.
??????????? ??
?Hey, over here,? Catherine waved and stood up.? ?How did you guys get here???
Emma and Sheridan swam over and stood in the shallows.? They were as naked as Catherine. Once upon a time, a woman found unclothed might feel absolute fear and if not fear of violence, total shame.? Today, no one felt either dread or indignity, only honest and complete surprise.
?Hi, I?m Emma.? We were camping above the falls,? the brunette answered.?
?Isn?t this spot beautiful ? simply brilliant,? said the blonde.? ?Oh, I?m Sheridan.?
?Catherine could only agree.? ?I?m Catherine Langston.? I rode up from High Gate Stables.? It?s really splendid up here? - or I guess, down here, depending how you look at it.??? She remembered that they had leaped from the RainbowFalls.? Taken with their na?ve enthusiasm and friendliness, she had already forgiven their uninvited invasion of her solitude and disruption of her serenity. The two girls reminded her of her niece.? She just wondered what they might think of her suddenly ancient, thirty-something body.
?Have you seen any ferals??? Sheridan asked.? ?We saw some signs around the upper falls.?
Catherine shook her head, no.
?You rode!? Then where?s your Pony??? Emma scanned the bank.? One simply didn?t see a mature male every day.
Big Boy heard all the commotion.? The control rods blocked his ear canals and diminished his hearing significantly.? He pulled against his reins and tried to turn.? However, he had little slack and he could see little.
?There! There he is!?? said Sheridan.? In a flash, she was out of the water. The water streamed from her very female body as she emerged from the neck deep water.? The water formed droplets in the neatly trimmed blonde brush that crowned her sex.?
?He?s really a big one!? said Emma joining her friend at the railing, shaking the water from her brown hair.? Both were fit and attractive.
Big Boy could see the young women now.? The women were as naked as he and their gender was obvious and unmistakable.? He was very aware of their nudity and close proximity. Saddled and hobbled, he was completely helpless.? Anxiety growing, he looked urgently for Catherine.? He had no idea of what next they might do.
Catherine saw the two women by her Pony. She could sense Big Boy?s escalating agitation and reluctantly left the water to join them.? Ponies were known to kick.? She was relieved that she had hobbled him at the rail.
??????????? ?He?s so cute and he?s so huge!? marveled Sheridan.? Mature males were rare in the years since the Revolution when women had finally discovered that a simple reduction in male numbers had ended war and violent crime.? Big Boy was a truly exceptional specimen in that severely reduced number. ?Can you imagine a time when half the people walking on the street looked like this guy?? No wonder women felt intimidated.?
??????????? ?Big Boy is huge,? Catherine agreed, then continued, ?but we?ve got even larger males back at the stables.? Very few ordinary males were ever this large and they never walked around with their male paraphernalia just hanging out there - ever.?? Mature males were now confined to their ranches away from population centers until they were processed.? Except for those who visited the stables, worked on the ranches or at the processing plants, few had contact with adult males.
??????????? ?His skin?s so smooth,? Emma observed. She stroked his skin gently but to his increasing anxiety.? ?He has no hair on his pubes ? silky as a baby?s bottom.? Just touch him, Sheridan, if it?s okay with Catherine.?
??????????? ?Go ahead.? High Gate Stables maintains very high standards for grooming.?? Catherine wondered if the two young women understood just how much care Big Boy required.
Sheridan touched him, tentatively at first. ?His pubes are smooth!??? Her curious finger explored the ring that pierced his glans and secured his sex to his navel ring.? Like all the males in the stable, he had been circumcised to facilitate hygiene.? She ran her carefully manicured finger down the length of his exposed sex and gently cupped his fat ball sack in her outstretched hand. Wickedly, she ran her finger back up the length of his sex, all the time watching his face.? ?I heard they really like this.?
Big Boy shuddered visibly.? He was utterly confused.? He was surrounded by naked female skin ? bare butts and tummies, soft, ripe breasts topped by pink areolas and darker nipples, and the mysterious hidden place he could not name between naked female thighs. He had never been the beneficiary of any sort of sex education.? However, he had powerful, uncontrollable urges he simply did not understand.?
Feelings of panic rose.? He brayed his distress.? His nudity did not bother him.? He had always been naked.? He had also had some experience with women.? Women had reared Big Boy at the cr?che.? Women had broken him to saddle and bridle.
He remembered when his body changed, demonstrating his undeniable otherness.? He had sprouted hair in all sorts of unexpected places.? He had grown rapidly in height and weight.? Within a short time, he was taller and heavier than any of the grooms and exercise girls and he kept on growing. His strength increased; his muscles enlarged and took new definition.? He had seen other joeys change before him but unable to speak, had been unable to question them.?
The trainers had added more and more weight to his training saddle.? He had answered their challenge readily.? He remembered the first time he had been bridled and saddled without any extra weights.? Leah, the smallest exercise girl, clambered up on his back.? He carried her proudly around the ring, like one of the fully-grown Ponies.
He also remembered the new feelings that he could not name.? He awoke to find his penis swollen and hard.? He felt pleasure ? intense pleasure - not pain ? when he touched himself.? He remembered the time when Caitlin groomed him and his body reacted. He was afraid but he knew he had done nothing on purpose.? Caitlin had laughed ? but hadn?t seemed angry with him.? He felt betrayed by his body.? She had touched him gently and the soft touch of her hand had felt so very good.? She had smiled kindly, and told him that he was a big boy now.?? Unable to talk, he could not ask any questions or share any feelings.
Later, alone in his stall, he had touched himself.? Even with his vigorous training schedule and thorough grooming, he had many long hours alone.? With enough touching, his penis spurted.? It was different than pee and felt so good.
He remembered the night he awoke to a flashlight?s harsh glare to find Caitlin and Catherine standing over him.? He started to stand.? Standing, neither of the women reached his shoulder and he weighed more than the two of them together. When his eyes adjusted to the light he saw the electric prod in her hand.? A touch of the prod could reduce a full grown male to a urine-dribbling heap of twitching arms and legs, choking on his own vomit.
?Don?t move, Big Boy,? Caitlin warned.? Hastily, he lay back down. ?Okay, Catherine.? One more chance ? truth or dare!? Just tell me who you went out with last night.?
Catherine looked at Caitlin.? ?Dare!? she said, defiantly. Then she squatted next to Big Boy?s supine form.? ?Don?t worry, Big Boy I won?t hurt you,? she reassured him quietly.? Given the disparity in their sizes, her reassurance might have seemed almost ridiculous.
?Just tell me who you were with last night,? Caitlin repeated herself.? ?I could make you use your mouth.?
Catherine looked up at Caitlin and even in the darkness, her eyes flashed with anger.? ?Dare!? she repeated.
?Okay, just jerk him off.?
Catherine steadied herself with one hand on Big Boy?s belly and took his large sex in her small hand.? That night, she gave Big Boy real comfort.
Today in the bright sunlight, Big Boy closed his eyes and fought to calm himself.? They seemed to swarm over him.?? Even without sight or sound, something of their female essence called forcefully to him and moved him deeply to his masculine core.? Sun and exertion worked a subtle alchemy on female flesh, eliciting a delicate but enthralling scent, accented by the faint residua of enticing shampoo, sunscreen, and perfume. His poorly understood feelings roiled.
His control totally overwhelmed, he groaned in misery.? His sex engorged under Sheridan?s provocative touch. Without volition, his pelvis thrust rhythmically against her, trying to increase the delicious pressure.
??Do you want to have sex with me??? She asked laughing.? ?See, he wants to have sex with me,? she said brightly to the others.? Lady, he?s as thick as my wrist! Well maybe not as thick ? but almost.?
Emma remembered that enough manipulation might cause the creature to spew his mess.? ?Sheridan, just be careful!? This might get a bit untidy,? she snorted, wrinkling up her nose.?
Sheridan pulled back her hand and jumped away. She had no desire to see the beast spurt his filth on her clean body.
?I had a dog once who humped like that,? Emma offered.
?Give my poor Big Boy a break,? Catherine gathered up her Pony?s reins.? ?He really can?t help himself.?? She was truly fond of her Pony.? His diligent service had earned him at least a little bit of indulgence.? She felt a delicious ache between her thighs, but the idea of intimate relations with livestock was primitive and repulsive.
?I think he?s disgusting,? ventured Emma.
?I think he?s kind of cute,? answered Sheridan.
?Would you like to go up on him,? Catherine offered.? She retrieved her crop from Big Boy?s saddle, then removed his hobble and unshackled his ankle.? She gathered up his reins in her fist.
?Great, I?ll try.? responded Sheridan.? ?I wish I had a camera.?
?Mount!? Catherine ordered.? For a long two seconds, Big Boy was confused.? Catherine stood in front of him and not positioned to his right.? She swatted his knee with her crop and his confusion vanished.? He went down on his left knee and bent his right knee at right angles.? ?Grab the bridle and step up on his right thigh,? Catherine instructed Sheridan.
Sheridan grabbed his bridle and hesitated a long moment.
Catherine shook her head. ?Step up on his thigh with your right foot and swing your left leg over his neck.?? Big Boy won?t bite!?
Sheridan lifted her right foot onto his right thigh and swung her left leg over Big Boy?s thick, strong neck.? Her bare bottom, still wet, settled into his saddle heavily.? Her feet still sought the stirrups awkwardly, when Catherine ordered Big Boy, ?Up!?
Big Boy rose quickly and Sheridan?s slippery bottom almost slipped from the saddle, her feet not yet in the stirrups.? To keep from falling, she threw herself forward and wrapped her arms around Big Boy?s head and her legs around his thick, muscular neck.? ?Don?t look at me, don?t look at me,? she called, laughing at her own folly.
Emma laughed aloud.? Her dark head shook with merriment.? Catherine worried that the raw girl might hurt herself.? Sheridan hung on fiercely.
??????????? Big Boy found himself smothered in wet, cold female flesh.? Sheridan?s soft breasts pressed against his head.? Her trim thighs squeezed his neck tightly and her coarse bush scratched the back of his neck.? Naked fear spiced Sheridan?s enticing female essence. Big Boy turned his head and pressed his cheek into Sheridan?s bare breast, thoroughly overwhelmed.? If he could turn his head a bit further, he could take her nipple in his mouth.?
Aware only of the danger of falling, Sheridan was oblivious to his presumption.? Catherine, though, saw it all.? She flicked her crop against Big Boy?s exposed scrotum and he quickly regained his manners
??????????? After what seemed an eternity, Sheridan?s feet found the stirrups. She disengaged slowly and carefully, now firmly in the saddle.? She grasped the reins in something like the appropriate grip.? ?Hey, Emma, look at me! His facial hair ? his beard -? tickles.?? She touched her itching breast.?
??????????? ?Sheridan, just be careful,? Catherine warned.? ?Okay.? Emma, do you want a turn too??? She dropped the reins and spun around.? A heavy rock had crashed into her shoulder.
??????????? ?Run, you asshole, run!? a coarse male voice shouted.? The women looked up. Two feral males had appeared suddenly out of nowhere.? Filthy rags half covered their male parts.? Their odor was as overpowering as their appearance.? One had thrown the rock at Catherine.? The second wielded a sharpened stick as a spear.?
Big Boy hesitated.? He looked at Catherine.? The rock had almost knocked her from her feet.? She stood stunned and cradled her injured shoulder.? Her pain was apparent in her face.? Then he looked at the ferals who just stood their ground and taunted the women ? males like him but unrestrained by control rods and reins, living free without spurs or whips.? Suddenly he realized that no one held his reins, no one at all.? For once in his life, he was free.? Big Boy took off at a run.? However, the saddle still restrained his arms. He sprinted toward the males.?
Sheridan shrieked.? She bounced in the saddle and hung on precariously for dear life.? She didn?t know whether to hold on or try to slip off Big Boy?s back.? She had no idea how to use the control rods.? Big Boy ran, totally oblivious to her screaming.
Emma watched.? Her mouth gaped open but she was unable to make a sound.
Big Boy neared the male who had thrown the rock at Catherine.? A novel expression appeared on Big Boy?s face ? anger.
The first male did not see it.? He turned to leave and presumed that Big Boy would follow and make his escape.?
Big Boy ran after him and Sheridan hung on grimly.? He negotiated the difficult ground with ease and continued at his very swift pace.? He had been raised and trained for speed and endurance.? No one gave chase.
Finally, Emma found her voice.? ?Sheridan!? she wailed.
At that instant, Big Boy caught up the feral who had thrown the rock at Catherine.? He changed direction slightly and ran full tilt into his back.? Big Boy outweighed him by a half and the impact threw the male forward.? Utterly surprised, the wilding hit the ground hard.? Big Boy stumbled but kept his feet and came to an unsteady stop.
Sheridan took the welcomed opportunity to slide from the saddle.? She hit the ground and fell, heavily.? She stood shakily.
The feral rose unsteadily to his hands and knees.? Big Boy kicked him hard and he fell again. The fighting skills that had served Big Boy in the stables, helped him here.
The second feral hefted his makeshift spear and ran toward Sheridan. It was all so fast that Emma had no time to do anything.? Big Boy ran to put himself between Sheridan and her attacker.? He ran into the spear shaft and spun the feral around.
The beast staggered but quickly regained his footing.? He saw that he faced three women and the large male alone.? His companion was unconscious and no help.? He recalculated the odds in a flash, turned, and ran off with typical male courage.
?Mount? Catherine commanded and Big Boy dropped on his left knee.
Sheridan squatted naked beside the downed male.? He began to stir.? ?Has anyone got a knife?? she asked, searching the ground to her left and right.
?I?ve got a pocket knife in my back pack somewhere,? Catherine offered, trying to be helpful.? Her painful shoulder still throbbed.? She started toward where her backpack lay with her clothes.? ?Someone get Big Boy.? The pain in her shoulder was obvious.
Emma quickly grabbed Big Boy?s reins.? She gripped them tightly.
The feral male moaned and began to rise, slowly and unsteadily.? He struggled weakly to his hands and knees again and paused.
Anxiously, Sheridan looked quickly at Catherine and then at Catherine?s backpack.? Surrendering to the emerging crisis, she grabbed a fist-sized rock and hit the side of the wilding?s head.? She hit him again hard and he collapsed back to the ground.? She hit him two more times and bloody fluid ran from his nose and ear.
Sheridan stood with the bloody rock still in her hand.? She looked down and studied her victim.? She rolled him onto his back with her foot.? Without resistance, he flopped limply over supine.? Sheridan took careful aim and soccer-kicked his lolling head.? The side of her foot lifted his entire body from the ground to the waist and when he landed, his neck was bent at an unnatural angle.? ?It?s a lot easier if you have a knife,? she said very matter-of-factly.
Sheridan straddled his unmoving form and looked down.??? ?Someone had better call the rangers.?
?I?ve got a cell phone just somewhere in my backpack,? Catherine confessed as she went to retrieve Big Boy?s reins from Emma.? She thought she might also find an uneaten apple for Big Boy.
Good weather had been so very rare that spring.? A beautiful weekend was promised and Ms. Catherine Langston looked forward to her ride with vast enthusiasm.?
She woke early on Saturday and got an early start.? Traffic was light and she made excellent time.? She parked her car in the designated area at High Gate stables and changed her drab civilian garb and worn cross trainers for her riding attire and shiny boots.? She strapped on her rowelled spurs.? On her way to the stables, she stopped briefly at the coffee shop. She filled her thermos with ice and diet soda and tucked it back into her backpack.? Almost as an afterthought, she grabbed a shiny red apple from the large bowl lying on a table next to the door.? She had wanted to bring Big Boy a treat and almost forgot.? Sugar cubes were so bad for a Pony?s teeth.? As an afterthought, she stuffed a secpomd apple in the backpack.
The apple was just so tempting.? She allowed herself just one bite at first and then treated herself to a couple more as she crossed the yard.? She wasn?t disappointed.? The fruit was fragrant and crunchy. Its sweet juice flowed over her tongue and into her mouth.? She took another bite and another.?? She just couldn?t help herself.
Madison, one of the exercise girls
greeted her in the yard.? ?Hi, Ms.
Langston.? You?re taking Big Boy up to
Catherine nodded, yes, and smiled
in anticipation.? The
?Well, he?s saddled and ready.? You should have a great ride, but there?re rumors of ferals up there.? Are you sure you want to go alone??
?I?ll be safe,? she reassured the
Exactly as promised, Big Boy stood saddled and bridled.? He waited for her impatiently, tied at the slip rail.? He was an impressive Pony.? At 2.1 meters tall, he stood a full 50 cm taller than Catherine.? His weight was almost three times hers.? He was naked, of course, except for his gear.? His heavy muscles hung in thick well-cut plates.
His grooming was painstaking.? The hair on his head was shaped into a thick dark mane.? The hair on his face was clipped to an even quarter inch.? His profuse male body hair had been meticulously depilated.? His ample male paraphernalia were on naked display.
Despite the well-known male aversion to hygiene, Big Boy smelled only of his leather gear and the proprietary ointment favored at High Gate Stable to protect Ponies from sunburn and insects.? Grooming was important for more than appearance sake.? Methodical grooming accustomed even the most skittish Pony to handling.
??????????? Catherine remembered the days before she could afford membership at the stables.? She volunteered as a groom in exchange for privileges and more than once tended to a male secured over a solid sawhorse.? Her friend Caitlin held his buttocks apart, while Catherine, flashlight in one hand and tweezers in the other, pursued the last stubborn hairs around his anus, all the time hoping that this male at least, had civilized bathroom habits and a settled stomach.
?Hey, Big Boy,? Catherine called out in case Big Boy hadn?t heard her approach.? Her rowelled spurs jingled as she walked.? Catherine felt almost naked without them.? Big Boy did not overlook their glistening sharp points or miss their meaning for an instant.? Passing quickly behind him, Catherine moved smartly.? She knew the tendency of some Ponies to kick when they had the chance.? She took the opportunity to drag her hand over his right buttock, just above her brand.? She ran her hand over the thick muscles of Big Boy?s back.? He pulled against the slip rail and pushed himself back against her hand, trying to increase the physical contact.? She patted him fondly on his muscular rump. He was a spirited creature, and he was hers.? Her brand marked him unmistakably as her property.
Strong buttocks and legs were the foundation of a good Pony.? Big Boy was among the best.? His strong legs supported muscular buttocks and his broad back offered his riders a secure seat.? His male size and strength were undeniably impressive.? Her confidence in her undeniable mastery thrilled her.
??I?ve brought you a treat, ? she said brightly, then suddenly realized that not much of the apple remained uneaten.
Big Boy brayed his excitement.? As always, he was glad to see his mistress, even giddy.? His surgically modified larynx could not form words.? He opened his mouth in eager anticipation.? He thirsted endlessly for his mistress.? He lived and died for her approval.? His craving was unquenchable.? Ponies are herd animals and Catherine, had impressed herself thoroughly on her Pony as the uncontested leader of his herd.
Trying to turn toward her, Big Boy pulled unsuccessfully at the sturdy slip rail.? His attention focused on her fist.? As often than not, she brought him some sort of treat.? Salty or sweet, anything with flavor was a welcome relief from the bland monotony of the nutritious stable diet.? Often Catherine reached into her small pocket and retrieved a piece of dried fruit from her slit pocket.? Eagerly, Big Boy would open his mouth to receive it.? He anticipated its tart sweetness.? He sensed that the treat shared the warmth of Catherine?s body.? The dirt and grit acquired in its passage through her tight pocket did not diminish his pleasure; rather he relished its nearness to her body.
Big Boy shared the stable with a number of Ponies and he disliked each of them individually and despised them all collectively.? His hatred was returned intensely.? Today, Big Boy would not have to share Catherine?s attention.?
Catherine?s dark hair was braided in a tight ponytail for riding.? A brilliant white silk blouse and black leather jodhpurs accented her olive complexion.? Knee-high black leather boots enclosed her small feet and accented her shapely calves.? From her belt, hung her worn leather crop.? A smile illuminated her face.
??????????? Catherine pulled on her thin leather riding gloves.? She could feel a male?s beard through the thin black leather.?? She slipped Big Boy?s reins from the rail.? The reins were connected to the control rods set securely in his sensitive ear canals rather than to a bit as used with equines.? Eagerly, Big Boy turned his head and nuzzled her fist, hoping for a treat.
Grinning, Catherine pressed her opened her empty hand over his open mouth.? His fat tongue tickled her palm through the fine thin leather.? Big Boy?s enthusiasm faded when he found her hand was empty.? A sad frown darkened his guileless face.
?Silly boy!? Catherine said affectionately.? She popped the remnant of the three-quarters eaten apple into his gaping mouth, not much more than a core, careful to avoid dirtying her fingers and his sharp teeth. He took the core eagerly and chewed noisily. He seemed to enjoy it immensely? ? seeds and all.
She pulled his head down to her by his nose ring and planted a kiss on his forehead. ?Big Boy, you?re such a good boy!?? Curiously the word ?man? had passed out of common usage while the word ?boy? had not.
??????????? ?Mount!? she commanded and Big Boy knelt smartly with his left knee on the ground and right knee bent at right angles.? He wanted to please his mistress with all his being.? Catherine stepped up on his brawny right thigh and swung her left leg over the saddle.? She slipped her booted feet into the stirrups.? ?Up!? she ordered and dragged her rowelled spurs over his flanks and let him feel their sharp points.? Big Boy respected her spurs and acknowledged her mastery instantly despite their vast disparity in size and physical strength. .
Catherine loved to ride on the sandy beach below High Gate Stables in the first hours of the morning.? The fierce power of the summer sun was still gentled by the morning mist. The seaside sounds and smells admixed to form a perfect balm to the hustle and bustle of her busy life.? Her palm pilot lay peacefully in her locker. Her cell phone lay turned off and quiet.?? Wave following wave, the waves rushed up onto the beach and receded smoothly into the ocean.? Her Pony?s harness creaked rhythmically as his powerful thighs rose and fell.? His callused feet pounded the hard sand with each distance-devouring stride.? Raucous calls of sea birds accented the complex euphony. Catherine inhaled the tangy sea air, aroma of richly polished leather and the faint musk of her Pony?s perspiration. Her phone?s incessant ringing and her endless schedule of urgent conferences and critical meetings slowly faded from her consciousness.
Her saddle, perched high at the back of her Pony?s neck, set solidly between his wide shoulder blades.? The saddle?s light-weight aluminum frame secured his heavy arms and transferred her weight downward to his pelvis and lowered their collective center of gravity.?? His neck was even thicker than either of her trim thighs that draped over his broad shoulders and chest.? The toes of her soft, leather mid-calf boots rested in the hanging stirrups. For now, her heels rested lightly on his flanks.
One might well wonder how a woman might manage so large and strong a male. At 160 cm, Catherine was not short, but the top of her head reached no higher than the middle of Big Boy?s back.? He outweighed her more than 3-fold.?? However, experienced riders, even smaller than she, easily controlled even larger Ponies with the padded wooden dowels ? called control rods - inserted deeply in their exquisitely sensitive ear canals and held securely in place by a sturdy bridle ? a leather strap that passed around the forehead and over the back of the head and two cross straps.? Stout hand grasps were provided on either side where the strap passed over the temples. The slightest pressure from the heel of a hand on a control rod pressed against the ear canal and turned the Pony promptly to the right or left.? Pressure on both rods brought him smartly to a stop. A male?s size and strength were firmly restrained to the service of his female rider.
The rising sun shone brightly.? The sky was a brilliant cloudless blue.? The run had been simply exhilarating.? Big Boy had answered her spurs promptly and thundered down the hard packed sand along the ocean?s edge.? His strapping thighs rose and fell tirelessly like the indefatigable pistons of a smoothly running engine.? His long, steady strides simply devoured distance.? He responded to the touch of her crop with yet more speed.? It was enough to take one?s breath away.? The wind had blown her sun hat back and it hung around her neck precariously by its tie. Her thick ponytail streamed out behind her.? She chuckled to think that Big Boy?s strength and endurance had perhaps even surprised himself.?
At the mouth of the small stream, Catherine ?whoaed? Big Boy and pulled gently on the reining rods.? He slowed smoothly to a walk.? His chest was heaving and perspiration poured from his great body but his efforts had not flagged until his rider had finally called him to a halt.
Catherine looked up the trail and saw the lower pool and behind it, the lower waterfall.? She had seen it many times before and its beauty never failed to take her breath.
Catherine?s hand on the right reining rod directed Big Boy up the trail.? Big Boy turned.? He was less taken with the beauty before him. Rather, he studied the softly rising path that ran beside the stream up to the lower pool and then climbed more steeply up to the top of the falls.? He examined the slippery ground, doubtfully.? Given his druthers, he would not venture up the treacherous path to the pool above the waterfall. However, he was not the one to decide.
The day was hot.? The secluded pool was waiting.? Somewhat impatiently, Catherine brought her spurs against his flanks gently at first and then again more sharply when he seemed to hesitate.? She swore she heard him sigh, but he started slowly up the track.? An experienced rider, Catherine let Big Boy pick his own way and set his own careful pace up the path beside the stream and then up the difficult path beside the falls.? Downhill was likely to be even more treacherous.? However, he was a sure-footed Pony and he wanted a tumble no more than she.? The waterfall soon roared before her and then beside her.? Its spray wet the ground and made the track slippery.? Her weight was little burden for Big Boy even on the steep trail, even given the uncertain footing.
When she reached the top, she knew
once again why she had come.? As
beautiful as had been the lower falls, the
?Dismount,? she ordered.? As trained, Big Boy knelt promptly, with his left knee on the ground and his right knee bent at right angles.? Eager to swim, Catherine slipped from his back and stepped onto his thigh almost before he had braced himself for her weight.? Impatient to swim, she pulled on his reins and half lead and half dragged her much larger Pony to the railing the stables had so conveniently constructed.? Deftly, she secured him to the railing, choosing the shadiest spot.? His arms secured to the saddle, he would be unable to free himself.? In any event, his thumbs had been amputated and his four-fingered hands had no ability with knots or latches.? This morning, no other Pony was tied at railing.? Finally, she cuffed his right ankle with one of the fetters placed to keep a safe two yards between Ponies.
The ever-shifting feuds and desperate competition among the stable?s males were a constant source of trouble for the stable?s trainers, grooms, and exercise girls.? Caitlin had always said that an intact male was conventionally lazy, impulsive, and prone to violence.? Catherine agreed that a girl?s first Pony should always be a gelding.? Her first Pony had been a black gelding, named Beauty. He had been a graduation present from her granny.
Doc Andrews first visit to the stables after graduation in the summer was always especially busy.? Eager, chattering girls stood in line with their newly purchased Ponies dressed in their crisp, new equestrienne attire.? The stable?s always-hungry dogs ran about, yapping excitedly.? Confronted with the gelding frame, many Ponies balked, once they perceived its purpose. Many embarrassed new owners needed help from the obliging exercise girls to secure their Ponies. The newly made geldings offered no resistance as they were led away.?? Their freshly taken testicles lay ignored on the grounds until some dog or other overcame his fear and darted in to seize his bleeding prize.
More experienced riders often preferred an intact male. One might impress herself totally on her spirited Pony and construct a deep and durable bond.? An impressed Pony?s craving for his mistress? attention was unquenchable, his need for her approval desperate.? His feelings were often deeply ardent and quite poignant in a sentimental sort of way - a source of public humor.? In the stables though, jealousy among intact males was rife and anxious rivalry sometimes erupted into actual physical aggression.
Her second Pony had been a superannuated intact male named Prince Charming.? She still had had her studio apartment then and his price was right.? He had a great heart and served her well for three years before his joints failed and she had had to put him down.
Quickly, Catherine checked Big Boy out and found everything in order.? She placed her gloved hand on the sweat-slick skin of his back. He was hot to the touch.?? He gave off a tantalizing musky aroma.? ?You?ll be all right here,? she said.? Eager for her touch, Big Boy pressed himself backwards against her hand.? Playfully, she slid her hand down along his spine to the top of the crease between his muscular buttocks.
?I?m going for a swim and I?ll be back.?? Catherine said and then wondered why she had bothered to explain herself to the beast.? She slapped his firm buttock playfully.
Catherine looked for a dry place to put her clothes and undressed.? She shucked off her backpack. She pulled off her thin leather riding gloves.? Careful to avoid the sharp points of her rowelled spurs, she wrestled off her boots.? She unbuttoned her white blouse and peeled off her jeans.? She folded her blouse and jeans and laid them carefully on top of her backpack.? Then she stripped off her socks and panties and piled them on top, much more casually. She almost forgot to remove the hat that still hung around her neck.
Catherine stood stark naked except for her waterproof watch, the fine gold chain around her neck, and her battered sun hat.? The rounded lines of her soft breasts accented the definite feminine sweep of her trim flanks and hips.? A pouting navel decorated her toned tummy.? A rectangular thatch of tightly curled hair crowned the unseen folds of her hidden sex.
?She looked quickly to her Pony.? Big Boy stood at the railing, saddled and bridled.? Otherwise, he was naked and inarguably male.? Once upon a time, Catherine had learned, a male might terrorize a score of adult women simply by threatening to expose his male apparatus.? That time was also safely in the past.? His thick sex hung blatantly between his brawny thighs.? Her outstretched fingers could barely contain his ripe scrotal sack.
Big Boy strained against his lead.? He tried to turn his head and look back at his mistress.?? Stark naked, Catherine looked at her own bare limbs and snorted.? Her soft feminine curves contrasted with the male?s harsh angularity.? Thick plates of muscle hung from his large frame.? Her skin was smooth and unblemished.? The stable?s grooms worked diligently to depilate the exuberant body hair that betrayed Big Boy?s kinship with the bestial.
It was all so difficult to believe.? Now a woman?s female parts are recognized as her glory while a male?s paraphernalia are universally acknowledged as proof of his vulnerability.? A metal ring pierced the glans of Big Boy?s circumcised cock.? The grooms clipped this ring onto a second ring that pierced his navel, lifting his penis safely out of his groin and away from his brawny thighs, exposing the fat scrotum beneath.? No one might now doubt who commanded and who obeyed.
??????????? Catherine checked her watch.? She lowered herself into the crystal clear water.? She lay back and luxuriated into cool water and warm sun.? She pulled her sun hat over her face and closed her eyes.? She let her mind wander, totally at peace and serene.
??????????? Suddenly, a
loud crash recalled her from her reverie.?
One female voice called out cheerfully.?
Another answered, more distant, and a second crash sounded, followed by
a shower of spray before Catherine could locate the source of the noise.? She pulled off the sun hat that shielded her
face and saw two bobbing heads, one blond and one brunette, in the deep
??????????? ?Hey,? Catherine called, ?watch who you?re splashing.?? Her friendly tone removed any hint of scold from her words.
??????????? ?Hey,? called the brunette, ?Look, Emma, we?re not alone.?
??????????? ?Where??
called out the blonde.? ?Where,
??????????? ?See, over
??????????? ??
?Hey, over here,? Catherine waved and stood up.? ?How did you guys get here???
Emma and Sheridan swam over and stood in the shallows.? They were as naked as Catherine. Once upon a time, a woman found unclothed might feel absolute fear and if not fear of violence, total shame.? Today, no one felt either dread or indignity, only honest and complete surprise.
?Hi, I?m Emma.? We were camping above the falls,? the brunette answered.?
?Isn?t this spot beautiful ? simply brilliant,? said
the blonde.? ?Oh, I?m
could only agree.? ?I?m Catherine
Langston.? I rode up from High Gate
Stables.? It?s really splendid up
here? - or I guess, down here, depending
how you look at it.??? She remembered
that they had leaped from the
?Have you seen any ferals???
Catherine shook her head, no.
?You rode!? Then where?s your Pony??? Emma scanned the bank.? One simply didn?t see a mature male every day.
Big Boy heard all the commotion.? The control rods blocked his ear canals and diminished his hearing significantly.? He pulled against his reins and tried to turn.? However, he had little slack and he could see little.
?There! There he is!?? said
?He?s really a big one!? said Emma joining her friend at the railing, shaking the water from her brown hair.? Both were fit and attractive.
Big Boy could see the young women now.? The women were as naked as he and their gender was obvious and unmistakable.? He was very aware of their nudity and close proximity. Saddled and hobbled, he was completely helpless.? Anxiety growing, he looked urgently for Catherine.? He had no idea of what next they might do.
Catherine saw the two women by her Pony. She could sense Big Boy?s escalating agitation and reluctantly left the water to join them.? Ponies were known to kick.? She was relieved that she had hobbled him at the rail.
??????????? ?He?s so
cute and he?s so huge!? marveled
??????????? ?Big Boy is huge,? Catherine agreed, then continued, ?but we?ve got even larger males back at the stables.? Very few ordinary males were ever this large and they never walked around with their male paraphernalia just hanging out there - ever.?? Mature males were now confined to their ranches away from population centers until they were processed.? Except for those who visited the stables, worked on the ranches or at the processing plants, few had contact with adult males.
??????????? ?His skin?s so smooth,? Emma observed. She stroked his skin gently but to his increasing anxiety.? ?He has no hair on his pubes ? silky as a baby?s bottom.? Just touch him, Sheridan, if it?s okay with Catherine.?
??????????? ?Go ahead.? High Gate Stables maintains very high standards for grooming.?? Catherine wondered if the two young women understood just how much care Big Boy required.
Sheridan touched him, tentatively at first. ?His pubes are smooth!??? Her curious finger explored the ring that pierced his glans and secured his sex to his navel ring.? Like all the males in the stable, he had been circumcised to facilitate hygiene.? She ran her carefully manicured finger down the length of his exposed sex and gently cupped his fat ball sack in her outstretched hand. Wickedly, she ran her finger back up the length of his sex, all the time watching his face.? ?I heard they really like this.?
Big Boy shuddered visibly.? He was utterly confused.? He was surrounded by naked female skin ? bare butts and tummies, soft, ripe breasts topped by pink areolas and darker nipples, and the mysterious hidden place he could not name between naked female thighs. He had never been the beneficiary of any sort of sex education.? However, he had powerful, uncontrollable urges he simply did not understand.?
Feelings of panic rose.? He brayed his distress.? His nudity did not bother him.? He had always been naked.? He had also had some experience with women.? Women had reared Big Boy at the cr?che.? Women had broken him to saddle and bridle.
He remembered when his body changed, demonstrating his undeniable otherness.? He had sprouted hair in all sorts of unexpected places.? He had grown rapidly in height and weight.? Within a short time, he was taller and heavier than any of the grooms and exercise girls and he kept on growing. His strength increased; his muscles enlarged and took new definition.? He had seen other joeys change before him but unable to speak, had been unable to question them.?
The trainers had added more and more weight to his training saddle.? He had answered their challenge readily.? He remembered the first time he had been bridled and saddled without any extra weights.? Leah, the smallest exercise girl, clambered up on his back.? He carried her proudly around the ring, like one of the fully-grown Ponies.
He also remembered the new feelings that he could not name.? He awoke to find his penis swollen and hard.? He felt pleasure ? intense pleasure - not pain ? when he touched himself.? He remembered the time when Caitlin groomed him and his body reacted. He was afraid but he knew he had done nothing on purpose.? Caitlin had laughed ? but hadn?t seemed angry with him.? He felt betrayed by his body.? She had touched him gently and the soft touch of her hand had felt so very good.? She had smiled kindly, and told him that he was a big boy now.?? Unable to talk, he could not ask any questions or share any feelings.
Later, alone in his stall, he had touched himself.? Even with his vigorous training schedule and thorough grooming, he had many long hours alone.? With enough touching, his penis spurted.? It was different than pee and felt so good.
He remembered the night he awoke to a flashlight?s harsh glare to find Caitlin and Catherine standing over him.? He started to stand.? Standing, neither of the women reached his shoulder and he weighed more than the two of them together. When his eyes adjusted to the light he saw the electric prod in her hand.? A touch of the prod could reduce a full grown male to a urine-dribbling heap of twitching arms and legs, choking on his own vomit.
?Don?t move, Big Boy,? Caitlin warned.? Hastily, he lay back down. ?Okay, Catherine.? One more chance ? truth or dare!? Just tell me who you went out with last night.?
Catherine looked at Caitlin.? ?Dare!? she said, defiantly. Then she squatted next to Big Boy?s supine form.? ?Don?t worry, Big Boy I won?t hurt you,? she reassured him quietly.? Given the disparity in their sizes, her reassurance might have seemed almost ridiculous.
?Just tell me who you were with last night,? Caitlin repeated herself.? ?I could make you use your mouth.?
Catherine looked up at Caitlin and even in the darkness, her eyes flashed with anger.? ?Dare!? she repeated.
?Okay, just jerk him off.?
Catherine steadied herself with one hand on Big Boy?s belly and took his large sex in her small hand.? That night, she gave Big Boy real comfort.
Today in the bright sunlight, Big Boy closed his eyes and fought to calm himself.? They seemed to swarm over him.?? Even without sight or sound, something of their female essence called forcefully to him and moved him deeply to his masculine core.? Sun and exertion worked a subtle alchemy on female flesh, eliciting a delicate but enthralling scent, accented by the faint residua of enticing shampoo, sunscreen, and perfume. His poorly understood feelings roiled.
His control totally overwhelmed, he groaned in misery.? His sex engorged under Sheridan?s provocative touch. Without volition, his pelvis thrust rhythmically against her, trying to increase the delicious pressure.
??Do you want to have sex with me??? She asked laughing.? ?See, he wants to have sex with me,? she said brightly to the others.? Lady, he?s as thick as my wrist! Well maybe not as thick ? but almost.?
Emma remembered that enough manipulation might cause the creature to spew his mess.? ?Sheridan, just be careful!? This might get a bit untidy,? she snorted, wrinkling up her nose.?
Sheridan pulled back her hand and jumped away. She had no desire to see the beast spurt his filth on her clean body.
?I had a dog once who humped like that,? Emma offered.
?Give my poor Big Boy a break,? Catherine gathered up her Pony?s reins.? ?He really can?t help himself.?? She was truly fond of her Pony.? His diligent service had earned him at least a little bit of indulgence.? She felt a delicious ache between her thighs, but the idea of intimate relations with livestock was primitive and repulsive.
?I think he?s disgusting,? ventured Emma.
?I think he?s kind of cute,? answered Sheridan.
?Would you like to go up on him,? Catherine offered.? She retrieved her crop from Big Boy?s saddle, then removed his hobble and unshackled his ankle.? She gathered up his reins in her fist.
?Great, I?ll try.? responded Sheridan.? ?I wish I had a camera.?
?Mount!? Catherine ordered.? For a long two seconds, Big Boy was confused.? Catherine stood in front of him and not positioned to his right.? She swatted his knee with her crop and his confusion vanished.? He went down on his left knee and bent his right knee at right angles.? ?Grab the bridle and step up on his right thigh,? Catherine instructed Sheridan.
Sheridan grabbed his bridle and hesitated a long moment.
Catherine shook her head. ?Step up on his thigh with your right foot and swing your left leg over his neck.?? Big Boy won?t bite!?
Sheridan lifted her right foot onto his right thigh and swung her left leg over Big Boy?s thick, strong neck.? Her bare bottom, still wet, settled into his saddle heavily.? Her feet still sought the stirrups awkwardly, when Catherine ordered Big Boy, ?Up!?
Big Boy rose quickly and Sheridan?s slippery bottom almost slipped from the saddle, her feet not yet in the stirrups.? To keep from falling, she threw herself forward and wrapped her arms around Big Boy?s head and her legs around his thick, muscular neck.? ?Don?t look at me, don?t look at me,? she called, laughing at her own folly.
Emma laughed aloud.? Her dark head shook with merriment.? Catherine worried that the raw girl might hurt herself.? Sheridan hung on fiercely.
??????????? Big Boy found himself smothered in wet, cold female flesh.? Sheridan?s soft breasts pressed against his head.? Her trim thighs squeezed his neck tightly and her coarse bush scratched the back of his neck.? Naked fear spiced Sheridan?s enticing female essence. Big Boy turned his head and pressed his cheek into Sheridan?s bare breast, thoroughly overwhelmed.? If he could turn his head a bit further, he could take her nipple in his mouth.?
Aware only of the danger of falling, Sheridan was oblivious to his presumption.? Catherine, though, saw it all.? She flicked her crop against Big Boy?s exposed scrotum and he quickly regained his manners
??????????? After what seemed an eternity, Sheridan?s feet found the stirrups. She disengaged slowly and carefully, now firmly in the saddle.? She grasped the reins in something like the appropriate grip.? ?Hey, Emma, look at me! His facial hair ? his beard -? tickles.?? She touched her itching breast.?
??????????? ?Sheridan, just be careful,? Catherine warned.? ?Okay.? Emma, do you want a turn too??? She dropped the reins and spun around.? A heavy rock had crashed into her shoulder.
??????????? ?Run, you asshole, run!? a coarse male voice shouted.? The women looked up. Two feral males had appeared suddenly out of nowhere.? Filthy rags half covered their male parts.? Their odor was as overpowering as their appearance.? One had thrown the rock at Catherine.? The second wielded a sharpened stick as a spear.?
Big Boy hesitated.? He looked at Catherine.? The rock had almost knocked her from her feet.? She stood stunned and cradled her injured shoulder.? Her pain was apparent in her face.? Then he looked at the ferals who just stood their ground and taunted the women ? males like him but unrestrained by control rods and reins, living free without spurs or whips.? Suddenly he realized that no one held his reins, no one at all.? For once in his life, he was free.? Big Boy took off at a run.? However, the saddle still restrained his arms. He sprinted toward the males.?
Sheridan shrieked.? She bounced in the saddle and hung on precariously for dear life.? She didn?t know whether to hold on or try to slip off Big Boy?s back.? She had no idea how to use the control rods.? Big Boy ran, totally oblivious to her screaming.
Emma watched.? Her mouth gaped open but she was unable to make a sound.
Big Boy neared the male who had thrown the rock at Catherine.? A novel expression appeared on Big Boy?s face ? anger.
The first male did not see it.? He turned to leave and presumed that Big Boy would follow and make his escape.?
Big Boy ran after him and Sheridan hung on grimly.? He negotiated the difficult ground with ease and continued at his very swift pace.? He had been raised and trained for speed and endurance.? No one gave chase.
Finally, Emma found her voice.? ?Sheridan!? she wailed.
At that instant, Big Boy caught up the feral who had thrown the rock at Catherine.? He changed direction slightly and ran full tilt into his back.? Big Boy outweighed him by a half and the impact threw the male forward.? Utterly surprised, the wilding hit the ground hard.? Big Boy stumbled but kept his feet and came to an unsteady stop.
Sheridan took the welcomed opportunity to slide from the saddle.? She hit the ground and fell, heavily.? She stood shakily.
The feral rose unsteadily to his hands and knees.? Big Boy kicked him hard and he fell again. The fighting skills that had served Big Boy in the stables, helped him here.
The second feral hefted his makeshift spear and ran toward Sheridan. It was all so fast that Emma had no time to do anything.? Big Boy ran to put himself between Sheridan and her attacker.? He ran into the spear shaft and spun the feral around.
The beast staggered but quickly regained his footing.? He saw that he faced three women and the large male alone.? His companion was unconscious and no help.? He recalculated the odds in a flash, turned, and ran off with typical male courage.
?Mount? Catherine commanded and Big Boy dropped on his left knee.
Sheridan squatted naked beside the downed male.? He began to stir.? ?Has anyone got a knife?? she asked, searching the ground to her left and right.
?I?ve got a pocket knife in my back pack somewhere,? Catherine offered, trying to be helpful.? Her painful shoulder still throbbed.? She started toward where her backpack lay with her clothes.? ?Someone get Big Boy.? The pain in her shoulder was obvious.
Emma quickly grabbed Big Boy?s reins.? She gripped them tightly.
The feral male moaned and began to rise, slowly and unsteadily.? He struggled weakly to his hands and knees again and paused.
Anxiously, Sheridan looked quickly at Catherine and then at Catherine?s backpack.? Surrendering to the emerging crisis, she grabbed a fist-sized rock and hit the side of the wilding?s head.? She hit him again hard and he collapsed back to the ground.? She hit him two more times and bloody fluid ran from his nose and ear.
Sheridan stood with the bloody rock still in her hand.? She looked down and studied her victim.? She rolled him onto his back with her foot.? Without resistance, he flopped limply over supine.? Sheridan took careful aim and soccer-kicked his lolling head.? The side of her foot lifted his entire body from the ground to the waist and when he landed, his neck was bent at an unnatural angle.? ?It?s a lot easier if you have a knife,? she said very matter-of-factly.
Sheridan straddled his unmoving form and looked down.??? ?Someone had better call the rangers.?
?I?ve got a cell phone just somewhere in my backpack,? Catherine confessed as she went to retrieve Big Boy?s reins from Emma.? She thought she might also find an uneaten apple for Big Boy.
-->Rainbow - Copyright 2000 by Samantha Michelle Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept...
"Those pride rainbow panties look good on you." John nodded his head approvingly as he sat on the side of the bed."Thanks. Nobody's ever given me panties before," I responded, feeling a slight blush on my face."Turn around. Slowly. Keep turning..." John reached over and gave me a light slap on my ass before announcing "Before I come over, I want you to wear these panties.""Sure, I guess so. You're the only one I bottom for, so, sure.""Good. Now come over here and get me ready."I walked over to...
AnalThis is the third song I'll submit as poetry to FM. Those who saw these songs first on the message board know I have more songs, but I think I'll wait a bit before submitting them. If these songs do fairly well, then I'll go ahead and submit some of the others. "Rainbow Connection" is one of those songs that transcends time. It is about fantasy, magic, and the power to dream. What better song to parody with a TG twist I say. "Transgender Connection" Why are there so...
You come for solitude, and solace. This place is your special paradise, upstream, above the torrent of the lower falls, which gather into an awesome cascade, attracting so many to its beauty. But these falls are smaller, more personal in scale, and a harder climb to reach for the throngs of tourists who crowd the base of the falls far below. Here you are alone, feeling the special beauty of a natural wonder which is yours to enjoy in peace. As you have done many times before, you've waded nude...
LesbianPart 1 After a cold and rainy winter in Taipei, Laurie, my wife, convinced me to take her on vacation to the Philippines where she could warm up a little. After getting "massaged" to orgasm on the beach by a pretty little Filipino named Lupe, Laurie then fucked Lupe's friend, Rey in our room. Me? Well, I had lost a bet and was now paying off... I got Rey hard for her and then licked her pussy clean after he left puddles of cum in her cunt. Laurie offered me to Lupe for the rest of our trip,...
Wife LoversThe Queen of Sorrow's Falls By Razor 7826Chapter One: The Trusted From an article in the Serenity Falls Bee: Local businessman Timothy Von Houten and his wife, Mary Baines Von Houten, passed away early yesterday morning after being involved in a single-car accident. Businesses owned and operated by Mr. Von Houten include Houten Insurance and Houten Automotive. The two are solely survived by their daughter, Michelle. No service is planned at this time. Instead, the family...
Gibraltar Falls I love my history class, but as I looked around at my classmates, I realized that I was pretty much the only one paying attention. Not that I totally blamed my classmates, as it was the last day of school before spring break, so most of them have ... other things on their minds. So did I, but I tried and focus on our teacher anyway ... "All right, let's just do a quick review of what we'll be covering when you come back before you all run away on me," our teacher...
This story is a little different from mt usual one, and while it will have some TG it will likely branch into werewolves and pure evil.....it will be horror so anyone who doesn't like that form should be warned...... Unless Darkness Falls Marcus Klines frowned as he exited the gym after a close loss. He'd been horrible in the game before dozens of college recruiters. Basketball had been his life forever....now it was slipping away....just like everything else in his...
ONE "You see, Entworth, I saw you last night at the PainCafe, when you were hitting that girl's breasts....she was tied down, her hands were, and you kept, like thrashing her with that wire thing." Jinx O'Casey smiled at Entworth beseechingly. ? Entworth's swarthy face?stared at Jinx through his prescription sunglasses, his copy of "Soap Opera Digest" forgotten. "You-you aren't here about my share of the rent?" He tried to look matter of fact, but this was an extreme relief. ? Jinx shook her...
Hi readers, this is Madhivanan from Chennai. Here I will explain you all my real life sex experience. I’m currently working in an IT company in Chennai. I’m a well built guy age 27 with medium complexion. Dick size quite normal enough to satisfy a girl. (I won’t claim falsely that I have 9 inch dick 3 inch wide etc when my girl friends have told I’m good in foreplay and I’m proud of that.) Well, this happened when I was doing MBA. Before that I used to please myself only with masturbation and I...
SECRETS OF BUTTERMILK FALLS PROLOGUE ? Bunky and Skip, two waiters at the Golden Spoon, Buttermilk Falls's Cajun restaurant, stared at the couple. "He's kind of geeky, Four Eyes there, to be with a chick who looks like that," Bunky said, but Skip had noticed the Adam's apple on the "chick" and wasn't surprised...she was hot, but it was still disgusting! ? Ellis? McKeigue shook his head as his friend Claudia Thibodeau explained her life to him. He couldn't believe that this used to be his cousin...
Team Six, led by Eliza Cohen, fought so hard to contain The Chimera Strand, which has evolved and adapted to a more subtle approach, hormonal changes in the brains of the hosts, memories left over from the previous strand flooded its primitive mind remembering his enemies, it remembered someone named ash to be responsible for its failure and decided to bring down its wrath upon her and her friends. Currently making its way to the brain of its first victim he had choices wait till its back in...
A large black helicopter sets down kicking up sand and dust from the desert ground in a thick cloud. A number of figures step out and run towards the lab, carry weapons and devices. You can't make out any of their features, or determine what all they're carrying in through the grainy black and white night vision cameras trying their best to get a clear picture through the dust, but they look similar to the devices the lab scientist used to stop you from escaping or attacking them. A weapon that...
This is my first submission on here, I wrote this dreaming about my girl back home. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I have. Please leave some comments to help out with future stories. After being away for three weeks at work, the energy has just been building up. I just got into town the day before, and with me getting in late and driving all day, I was so tired the night before that we didn’t get to use any of that spend up energy. There were lots of kisses and caresses that were missed. ...
Renee’s words hurt but not as much as I knew as they should. I sensed something was wrong. Her attitude had changed over the last month, after she returned from a family camping trip. She was less affectionate towards me, less attentive when we were alone. ‘I’ve found someone,’ she told me. The words shocked me, but didn’t cut me. There was no dagger to the hurt, no stomach upset. I didn’t beg her to stay with me, didn’t act childish. I could have shown her the two acceptance letters, the two...
You come for solitude, and solace. This place is your special paradise, upstream, above the torrent of the lower falls, which gather into an awesome cascade, attracting so many to its beauty. But these falls are smaller, more personal in scale, and a harder climb to reach for the throngs of tourists who crowd the base of the falls far below. Here you are alone, feeling the special beauty of a natural wonder which is yours to enjoy in peace. As you have done many times before, you’ve waded nude...
Pooja saw the waterfall and couldn't resist. Glancing around, pausing, listening, she decided no one was nearby and dropped her gear. Stripping away the clothes, she stretched a moment in the sun, naked as a baby. A soft breeze made her sigh as she tipped her face to the sun. Perfect.She stepped into the pool that had formed in the rock at the base of the falls. With another sigh, she sank down into the cool water and then under, surfacing a moment later to smooth her wet hair back from her...
GID'S REUNION Gideon??Reinicke and his sister Kate had quite a reunion It was a yearly thing at this point, but they always both looked forward to it.! He'd picked her up at the airport, and taken her to lunch, and they'd discussed old times, and Kate's art gallery, and of course Gideon's practice as?the most prominent?allergist in Buttermilk Falls. ? Kate had asked Gid over lunch whether there were any romantic prospects in his life. "You know, I know you must be lonely, Gideon, are you...
THE TUTOR OF BUTTERMILK FALLSONE Alfred Nemirow rubbed his throbbing dick tentatively, and gave Fanchon an imploring look. His wife of?three years was impervious to such looks,but Alf tried anyway. He looked down at the steaming Starbucks cup, and then checked? the mirrors of the Mitsubishi Galant...was anyone looking? ? God knows no one wanted to catch Kissler Systems's head Accounting and Financial Recruiter commiting an act of obscenity right outside the damn office...even if he was with his...
"Are you going to jump?" Ted almost did. The unexpected voice from behind startled him, his body taking a half step towards the edge of the rock. He caught himself, hands not quite flailing for a safety railing which was not there. The roar of the waterfall filled his ears, the rocks far below suddenly very close. Balance once again regained, he turned. She stood on the dirt path, hands clasped before her. She was not pretty. To him, at least, not that he was influence much by physical...
The first two that were killed were a couple in the woods, at night - a horny young man, and a reluctant girl; he was found with his throat slit and his ears cut off. She was the second victim, and she died from a stab to her throat, and her chest. The killer tweeted that before she took her last dying breath, she asked him, "Why ears?" His answer was, "Because a head is way too hard to cut off with a knife!" The third was a blonde girl with big... eyes. She was killed in the school...
“Okay, he’s awake.” Those three words reverberated around the inside of his skull like it had been hollowed out with a blunt instrument, possibly a large serving spoon. He recognised them, he understood their meaning, but was unable to string them together to grasp the context. A dull ache behind his eyes blossomed into a bright white pain as he gradually eased into consciousness. A blurry glow of cold, clinical light was all he could see as he tried to focus on the indistinct shapes around...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI was killing the weekend in Salt Lake City checking porn sites and wishing I could have the real thing. But, as usual there was nothing available. Bummer. During the day I did notice this gal walking around with a back pack, sitting at the smokers table looking like she wanted a ride. Being shy and watching all the guys trying their luck, and getting nowhere, I just let her enjoy her day. Later that evening I saw that she was again at the smokers’ table. Well, I decided I would walk in and...
AnalMatthew is late for his class and it isn’t the best morning for him; since being dumped by his childhood sweetheart, he is making the most of his freedom (while hiding his broken heart) by sleeping with a different hot girl almost every night for two weeks. He had to leave his latest conquest half naked in her dorm to quickly shower, go back to his room to get his stuff and run to his class. Skimming in the back of the lecture theatre, he slides into an empty seat and gets out his notebook. As...
Straight SexWhile in Africa I learned of a German couple, who in their own desire to enjoy the opportunities of Africa allowed their two pretty daughters to be taken on a camping safari to Murchison Falls in the company of three African men. They never thought for one moment that their daughters were being placed in sexual risk. Their host, on the other hand, knew full well that both girls would be broken in to African cock while away from the shelter and eyes of their parents. He had very definite plans...
All characters in this story are 18 years or older, and any high school aged character depicted in any sexual situation in any following chapter is a senior 18 years or older. Bryan groaned groggily as his alarm began blaring. Reaching out blindly, he fumbled for the offending device on his bedside table, eventually finding it with his groping fingers and managing to silence it. There was a loud crash as it slid off the table and onto the floor, and the sound of snapping plastic. Bryan swore...
IncestPrince Reiven fumed with rage. His father had no right to force him into marriage…and with a female, no less. The dark elves had long since been able to choose the sex of their mates freely, technology assuring that every couple could procreate a child no matter the sex of the parents. Unfortunately, ever since the intergalactic war had done away with the majority of the ruling class in just about every planet, royals struggled to arrange the marriages of their surviving offspring to form solid...
SupernaturalThe school door opened and the teacher, a middle-aged, plump, cheerful woman stood there holding it open. Children began filing in, greeted by their teacher. He looked down at his five-year-old daughter, Chloe, who held her arms up. He picked her up and she kissed his cheek. "Be good," he said. "Yes, Daddy." Then she was gone, blending into the stream of her classmates. His six-year-old son, Robert, (Robbie, never Bobby) stood next to him, waiting for his teacher to appear. She, a...
Coming to the story in the last part I fucked my mom in the bathroom. Now my sex adventures continued in grandma’s house with my mom. After a fuck in the bathroom, I am still in the mood and I need to fuck, but I don’t know how. So I started to cook up a plan. My grandma’s house is in a forest area and it has a small waterfall nearby where nobody comes. So I asked everyone shall we go to the waterfalls. Every one said no because Grandma was ill. I pleaded with my mom at least you come with me...
Incest"I can't wait.", Charles says to himself in the bathroom mirror as he straightens the collar of his shirt. Smiling to himself, he turns his head slightly, glancing into the bedroom where Janine is dressing. He watches as she tosses one of her multi-colored floral sundresses over her head. For Charles, time seems to slow down, his eyes following the dress as it slowly slips down over her wonderfully athletic body. It almost seems like liquid fabric slowly trickling over her slender arms, full...
EroticAuthor of Another Yard and Driven Lust presents: CUMBERLAND FALLS Chapter 1 Jesse Cumberland was a simple man. Born and raised in Kentucky, he was an outdoorsman by nature. He served in the military after graduating high school to earn a living and learned the brick layer’s trade from his tour of service. He applied that trade after his tour of duty with a construction company that built new homes. At $25.00 an hour, he could make a decent living and live a comfortable...
Prince Reiven fumed with rage. His father had no right to force him into marriage…and with a female, no less. The dark elves had long since been able to choose the sex of their mates freely, technology assuring that every couple could procreate a child no matter the sex of the parents. Unfortunately, ever since the intergalactic war had done away with the majority of the ruling class in just about every planet, royals struggled to arrange the marriages of their surviving offspring to form...
The Darkness Part one: the gatekeeper falls: "Won't you share the darkness with me?" - Irish saying It must have always been there, when the light gave way, hidden in the shadows. Those same shadows grew longer now as the sun disappeared. They crept across the playing fields on the edge of town, covering the ground first, then climbing up the bramble encased fences of the houses that bordered the playing fields and across the small patches of grass that were called back gardens up...
This past summer, I was sent to Niagara Falls, ON, on business and was put up in hotel for two weeks. I had been with guys before, but hadn't had any kind of fun for about 5 years, with the delusion of holding out for a relationship. Since I figured that wasn't going to happen anytime soon, I decided to let loose and have a little fun while staying in the hotel. So, My first night in the hotel I pulled out my iphone and got on the Grindr app, and sought out guys in the area. There were a few...
GayChapter 1: Night Falls by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Abigail D'Angelo controlled her fear as she pushed open the doors of Neil Armstrong High School. She hadn't expected to be on the hunt when she came back to town to visit her sick mother. She stared into the dark school. It had been fourteen years since she strolled the hallways. The last time had been to kill a vampire, too. In some ways, the school looked unchanged since that bloody night, in others it was radically...
Your name is Lance Pines and you mom sends you, your sister Mabel, and your brother Dipper to Gravity Falls, Oregon. You arrive at your Gruncle Stan's home....which is also a tourist attraction? You and your sister share the attic and your brother has his own room. Which seems dumb, but you had no power choosing where to sleep. You and Mabel unpack, the attic has a mirror in it so you walk up to it and look at yourself, you have brown eyes, brown hair, high cheek bones, your pretty fit, and you...
Rayne and Carter Stern go shopping in the Falls and get a hands on product demonstration at Lex and Lacey's toy emporium.
Group SexThe Darkness Part two: the gatekeeper falls:: Normally I would have approached an intruder on my land like the clich? of a farmer shouting something like "Oi, get off my land!" but that did not seem appropriate here. I was looking at a lady. A lady like this could not be an intruder, could she? She had long straight jet black hair with black orchids in it. The orchids held down a long black transparent veil which went down to her shoulders but which did not at all cover her f...
Most of us it is true, cannot forget our first sexual experience, no matter how trivial or fleeting it might be. It was this thought that made me take up writing this after being a regular reader on the site. To make the story more interesting some facts – this happens in one of the smaller towns in India – where it is normal for children to be at neighbors houses and for them to watch over young kids etc. I would be around 18 at that time and had just about discovered the surprise of night...
Hi, my name is Jean Wenc and I am 23 years old. I work as an Internal Auditor at one of the largest organizations in Zimbabwe. I am black, short and a great athlete. My boss told me I had to go on a business trip to Victoria Falls, 1 of the 7 wonders in the world, with 2 other guys I worked with. Soon as we got there we made ourselves comfortable that night by hanging out at this great club called Shoestrings were a lot of white guys normally chilled at. Opposite to our table, was sitting a...
Drunk sexAugust 17, 2004 - I stood naked, hidden, watching intently as Maria Celeste Molloy, or sister Maria as she now preferred to be called, slowly disrobed, unaware of my evil intentions, unaware she would soon be thrashing under my hard unforgiving body, pierced by my throbbing cock. I had taken the young woman, soon to turn 22 years old, out to dinner in one of the nicer French restaurants in Cleveland and then escorted her back to my home where we had spent the rest of the evening reminiscing as...
August 17, 2004 - I stood naked, hidden, watching intently as Maria Celeste Molloy, or sister Maria as she now preferred to be called, slowly disrobed, unaware of my evil intentions, unaware she would soon be thrashing under my hard unforgiving body, pierced by my throbbing cock. I had taken the young woman, soon to turn 22 years old, out to dinner in one of the nicer French restaurants in Cleveland and then escorted her back to my home where we had spent the rest of the evening reminiscing as...
Oops! Giggle... Van was drunk. No! She was totaled!! Ninety-nine percent of the time, she’s a wonderful wife and mother. But, sometimes she lets her freak flag fly; drinks too much, flirts with every man, woman, and child at the party, then yaks out the window on the way home. Van is sex on a stick. She’s tiny, dark-haired, dark-eyed, and very curvy, with pert boobs and smashing long legs. All that succulent glory was on full display in a tight LBD. Her best asset is her muscular ass, pun...
“See you when you get back from vacation Stephanie,” I said as I took off walking down the sidewalk. It was 9:30 on a beautiful Sunday night. The sky was clear and all the stars were shining brightly. I was quietly humming as I walked home, looking up at the sky often. When I was only a few blocks away from my house, an arm tightly wrapped around my neck. I tried loosening the stranger’s arm with my hands, but to no effect. This person was strong. The harder I tried to free myself, the tighter...
Creatures of the night are pursuing me in utter darkness. Running through the shadows, tripping, stumbling as I go. Wolves howling and dogs growling, snarling, as well as barking as they close in upon me. An owl hoots as I run past it. I fall down and a dog bites my arm but I pull free, severely bleeding. Dashing away with my shirt half torn and bloody, I head toward a light further ahead. I hear bats flapping their leathery wings and screeching overhead. I'm getting...
Ms. Parker had a reputation for being the Ice Queen or an Iron Bitch; those were actually the names the majority of the girls called her when she was not around. Ms. Parker actually knew about the names and revelled in them. She was tough, but fair. She ran the sorority with an iron fist. She had gotten pregnant, when she was twenty-two and in college, to a loser one-night stand and she sure as hell wasn't going to let that happen to one of her girls. And, for the past ten years, she had an...
The three of us arrived at the Hollywood hills house a little before five pm. We were greeted by Kim, Vicky and Jen with happy smiles and hugs, and it was obvious to me that they recognized the change in Maria's demeanor immediately. They spent an inordinate amount of time making sure Maria felt welcome. I assumed they were trying to tell her with actions rather than words that they understood things were different between me and Maria and that they were okay with it. Maria, who had...
Part 1 After a cold and rainy winter in Taipei, Laurie, my wife, convinced me to take her on vacation to the Philippines where she could warm up a little. After getting ‘massaged’ to orgasm on the beach by a pretty little Filipino named Lupe, Laurie then fucked Lupe’s friend, Rey in our room. Me? Well, I had lost a bet and was now paying off… I got Rey hard for her and then licked her pussy clean after he left puddles of cum in her cunt. Laurie offered me to Lupe for the rest of our trip,...
It was the first weekend back at University after the Christmas break. The new semester had begun mid-week, so there really wasn't much studying yet and it gave the week a bit of frosh week feel. There were welcome back events going most of the week and on the Friday there a faculty dance that I went to with some friends. The dance was held at the campus cafeteria, and for the most part, it was a pretty lame event. There was hardly anyone there when we arrived and it never got much better....
First TimeElizabeth’s eyes fluttered in the darkness. She was lying on a floor somewhere and her head was killing her. She brought her hand up and winced in pain as she felt the bruise on her forehead. Her breaths coming deep and slow, she tried to get up; rolling onto her side and pushing up with her arm, but it was too much and she slipped back down with a choked cry. The pain was too much. Opening her eyes and looking about, all she saw was darkness with a faint light that seemed to come through a...
"Did you have to be so rude?" Thea asked with annoyance. "I wasn't the rude one, I was simply retaliating." Holly shot back, "it's what he gets for rubbing up against me." Thea sighed in frustration, blowing her shoulder-length, blonde locks out of her face. "Don't you think that maybe it was an accident caused by the store being so crowded?" "Look, you can be as naïve as you want, but I know men. You didn't see him bumping into that old fat guy, did you?" Holly countered as...
Maloth leaned back on his elbows with a satisfied sigh. He was sitting on his huge bed inside his tent, his crimson thighs spread to accommodate Shaelor. The statuesque Morgai knelt on the floor before him, her mountainous breasts enveloping his cock. The deep orange caverns of her eyes glowed hotly as she gazed up at him, contrasting with her silver-grey skin in a most appealing manner. Her plump, dark lips curved enticingly before she dipped her head to take his crown into her...
The next morning, I was still a bit stiff and sore. I got up slowly and put my bathrobe on. Going to Uncle Dar's room, I saw that he was awake so I asked him if he minded me using the tub for a long soak. He looked at me and asked, "Bit sore this morning? Bet that teaches you to start a bit slower." I glared at him and said, "Well at least I did good. Jimmy and Megan were both happy with what I could do." "Yes," he said. "But you have to learn moderation. You've been out for a bit...
Got Gal slowly awakened from the animal tranquelizer Tony had injected her with. Her mouth was cottony and her head ached with one terrible migraine. When she tried to move, she realized her arms and legs were tied to the four legs of the chair she was in. She shook her head to try to clear it but that only accentuated the pain coming from it already so she gave up and relaxed. She struggled to adjust her eyes to the dim light of the room to see where she was. Several minutes later Ramon...
We left at dawn the next morning. I was less than pleased to be awoken only a few hours after I normally went to sleep, but as I have learned time and time again since my sentence began my wishes count for little. I was wearing all new clothing and boots, something unprecedented in my life. My hair was clean, combed and trimmed. In fact all of me was much cleaner than I was accustomed to. On the streets, I bathed perhaps once a month and cleaned my clothing once a tenday at most, but both...
I am in gym class, outside doing track. I am with a small group of people practicing to throw javelins. My back is to the school, so I don’t notice the Principal walk up until he addresses me, saying, “Trent, can you come with me, please? There is something we need to discuss.” I turn to see him and am a bit surprised. I haven’t done anything wrong, and all of my employees are doing quite well in school. I have no clue what he wants. He directs me over to the bleachers at the tennis courts,...
Matt and I had close to a year already in our affair and as time would pass, I would realize that it started to be more than just sex and pleasure for me. Well the fact that he would man-handle me and pleasure me so much was definitely a bonus. One night at about 11 o'clock at night he sent me a text telling me he had some cousins who came and visited him out the blue. He told me that they were planning on staying some time, he said maybe even a week. I asked why was he telling me this and he...
Cheating WifesAs we travel along the mountain road, you look over and give me a smile. I reach over and take your hand wrapping my fingers around yours. You pull our hands down to your lap and rest them against your leg. I can feel the warm rising from your leg against the back of my hand. You lean over and whisper ‘Don’t I even get a hint on where we are going?’ I smile at you and say,’ Just another minute Angel, we are almost there’. After a few more turns we pull over the side of the road and park next...