Unless Darkness Falls
- 3 years ago
- 36
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“See you when you get back from vacation Stephanie,” I said as I took off walking down the sidewalk. It was 9:30 on a beautiful Sunday night. The sky was clear and all the stars were shining brightly. I was quietly humming as I walked home, looking up at the sky often. When I was only a few blocks away from my house, an arm tightly wrapped around my neck. I tried loosening the stranger’s arm with my hands, but to no effect. This person was strong. The harder I tried to free myself, the tighter the arm wrapped around my neck. I was quickly running out of air. I raised my right leg and stomped as hard as I could on the stranger’s right foot. The arm loosened and I was able to break free. I took off running as fast as I could. I could hear heavy footsteps right behind me. When my house came into view, I began thinking that I was going to make it. I risked sneaking a glance behind me.
I was now sure the stranger was a man, a big man. He didn’t carry one pound of excess fat, he was all muscle. As I turned back around, I tripped and fell. Within seconds, the man was on top of me. He forced my arms out above my head. I kept struggling even though I knew it was pointless. As I was struggling, I noticed his head was back as if he was looking at the stars. All of a sudden, he moved, so his face was inches from my own. I was absolutely terrified! His eyes were bright red and two of his teeth (canine) were extra long. He pushed my head to the right, so my neck was exposed. I closed my eyes tightly as I felt his body moving and his breath getting closer to my neck. What happened next was truly unexpected. When I expected him to bite my neck, I felt all of his weight lift off of me. I opened my eyes just in time to see him land hard in the street. I jumped up, terrified of whomever, or whatever had been able to send that man flying through the air and into the street.
It looked as though my savior was a woman. My mind was ordering me to run, but my body would not cooperate. I stood frozen with fear, while the stranger and the woman fought. I was worried the girl wouldn’t stand a chance because she was much smaller than the man. She was shorter, probably 5’5. The man withdrew something that I wasn’t sure what it was. Whatever it was, it was long and pointy. He leapt forward trying to stab the woman. At the last second, she did a back flip. The man, even angrier now, leapt at her again. This time she held her ground and kicked the weapon away. The woman tried to kick the man, but he got a hold of her foot and threw her backwards. He started looking for his weapon. It was only a few feet away from me, so I started running, hoping I could get a hold of it before him. When the stranger saw me running for it, he let out this shrill hiss and took off after me. Right when I reached the weapon, the stranger’s big hand grabbed the weapon. I only saw a glimpse of it, but I was sure the weapon was a stake.
“What the hell?” I said, wondering why he was carrying a stake, but also wondering what I was going to do. I looked at the stranger’s face, his eyes so red, I was surprised steam wasn’t coming off of them. He smiled at me, so I could see his two long teeth. All I could think was what a bastard. Here I was about to be killed by him and he knew it, so he just had to smile. He took one step towards me to close what little gap was left and then his head snapped to the left and I heard his neck break. As his body fell to the ground, I saw the woman standing there. She was looking at the body, as if making sure he was dead.
“Was that a vampire?” I asked her in a barely audible whisper. She continued to look at the body. I bent down and picked up the stake. When I stood up, she was looking at me. Her eyes were bright blue, brighter than any I had ever seen. She had long blond hair that stopped at her lower back. She had black highlights spread throughout her hair.
“Here you go,” I said handing her the stake. She slowly reached her hand out and when her hand touched the stake, she let it rest there. I couldn’t help but notice how pale her skin was. I felt awkward because she wasn’t talking, or accepting the stake. She then removed her hand and said very quietly, “Keep it.”
I was just about to ask her why, when the stranger’s body jumped up and grabbed me. I let out a scream and forced the stake into his heart. He fell to the ground quickly and I knew he was really dead. The woman bent down and pulled the stake out. This time, she handed me the stake. I quickly accepted it.
“Thanks,” I said
She still stood silent.
“My name’s…”
“I know who you are,” she said still ever so quietly. She looked into my eyes. It felt as though she was reading my every thought, searching my very soul.
“I’ve been watching you for almost a year now.”
“Creepy,” I thought to myself.
“Don’t worry I only watch you when you are out in public, never during your personal time.”
I stared at her, amazed she knew what I was thinking.
“I know you still think it’s creepy, as a matter of fact, you’re thinking this whole thing is rather creepy.”
I gasped. It was as if she was an authentic mind reader.
“My name’s Anastasia,” she said, though this time she wasn’t whispering.
“Can you read my mind?”
She smiled. It was a beautiful smile.
“Not every word, but close enough.”
“How do you do it?”
“All it takes is concentration and it really helps when I make eye contact with the person.”
“Is that why you were staring so intently at me?”
“Oh and here I thought it was because you found me so beautiful,” I said laughing.
Anastasia didn’t laugh, she didn’t even smile.
“It was a joke,” I told her.
“Shhh,” was all she said.
I was silent for a moment. When I looked up at Anastasia I thought she was staring at me again, but I soon realized she was looking at something behind me. I slowly turned around and there was another man behind me. This one wasn’t as big as the other stranger, but this one was a vampire as well. His teeth were long and pointy, ready to feed. His eyes were fiery red. He took a step forward and I heard a loud, furious hiss. At first I thought it came from the man, but I realized it came from Anastasia. I spun around and my mouth dropped open. Anastasia’s beautiful blue eyes were now a deep red, and her teeth were long as well.
“You’re a vampire?” I shouted at her. I know she heard me, but she was focused on the other vampire. I watched them stare at one another for what seemed like an eternity. Finally Anastasia lowered her gaze down to the body of the other vampire. When the live one saw the dead body, I guess he decided not to take Anastasia on because he turned and bolted down the street and around the corner. When I looked back at Anastasia, her eyes were returning to their natural blue color. When her eyes and teeth were normal once again she said, “Everything’s okay now.”
I took off running down the street. I knew something was up with Anastasia otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to kill the one vampire, but I never thought she was a vampire as well. I figured she was going to bite and kill me. I hadn’t even passed two houses, when Anastasia caught me. She put her hand on my shoulder and told me to stop. I turned around and threw a punch. She caught my fist with her hand and pushed me backwards, so I fell on my butt. I jumped up terrified and angry at the same time.
“Are you going to kill me or not?”
Anastasia’s face remained the same.
“What the hell is going on?”
Anastasia held out her hand. I was hesitant to accept it.
“It’s okay, I won’t hurt you.”
I reached out and when our hands met, it was as if there was a little spark. We walked sile
ntly until we reached her car. She opened the passenger door for me and I got in. She drove for almost a half an hour and stopped in front of an abandoned warehouse.
“Is this where you live?”
“For now.”
We both got out of the car and I followed her inside. Once inside, Anastasia took off her leather coat. She was wearing a black long sleeved shirt. I couldn’t help but notice she had big breasts. She caught me staring, so I quickly looked away and glanced around the room. There was hardly anything in it and there were cobwebs everywhere.
“Nice place,” I said sarcastically.
Anastasia looked at me funny and then slowly said, “No it’s not.”
“I was being sarcastic.”
Anastasia continued to look at me with a funny face.
“I was kidding, lying, whatever you want to say. I was saying the exact opposite of what I was thinking.”
“I don’t understand,” she said.
“Yeah well that makes two of us, except I don’t understand this whole vampire thing.”
“I’m a vampire,” she said.
“Why are you here?” I asked.
“To protect you.”
“Why are they after me? What did I do?”
“You didn’t do anything.”
“Then why…?”
“You’ll find out soon enough,” she said cutting me off. “For now just try to get some sleep.”
“Sleep? How am I supposed to sleep when I’m in a strange place and I’m not even sure I’ll live through the next minute?”
“Nobody knows about this place.”
Anastasia came over to me and ran her hand down my arm.
“I’m not going to hurt you, I’m here to protect you.”
I wanted to ask her once again why they were after me, but I knew it would be useless. I sat down on the mattress which rested on the cold concrete floor. Anastasia must have been reading my mind because she said, “I’ll explain everything tomorrow first thing.”
I lied down on the mattress and after a few seconds said, “Cool.”
“You cold?”
“No,” I answered. “Haven’t you ever heard someone say cool instead of okay or fine?”
Again, Anastasia presented me with that funny expression. I couldn’t help it, but I started thinking about how beautiful her face was when she scrunched it up like that. The way the lines appeared in her forehead. She came over to me and sat down on the edge of the mattress. I began praying she hadn’t read my mind.
“Are you going to lie down?” I asked innocently.
“Don’t leave me here alone,” I said starting to sit up.
“Lie down and get some sleep, I’m not going to leave you.”
I was amazed at how quickly I was able to fall asleep. The next morning, I awoke to find Anastasia sleeping next to me. I started to get up, when her eyes opened.
“Sorry,” I said.
“I wasn’t really asleep.”
“Did you get any sleep at all last night?”
“Vampires don’t sleep at night.”
“Oh, right.”
“Are you ready to hear the story?”
“I’m afraid to say yes.”
“Then you are indeed, a very smart girl.”
Anastasia got up and went over to a chair a few feet away and sat down. I remained on the mattress, but I sat up.
“A couple of years ago, a group of vampires form our clan turned against us. They had been revealing secrets over to our enemy clan. When my people learned of this, they immediately and unwisely confronted the traders. There was a huge confrontation which turned into an all out war. We were able to kill the traders, but the other clan grew upset and now they are seeking revenge on my clan and I. About a month ago, they got one of my most trusted friends, so now I am the last of my people.”
“How many are left of the clan?”
“About a hundred.”
“And you are the only one left from your family?”
Anastasia slowly nodded her head.
“Isn’t it useless, you being the only one left?”
“Not entirely. Every vampire I kill, makes them angrier. It’s like I’m seeking a little bit of revenge. Besides, I don’t have anything else to do with my life. This way I eliminate some vampires from this world.”
We were both silent for a few minutes. I was grateful for the silence because I needed the time to process this information. Finally, I asked the question I was dying to know the answer to.
“Why are they coming for me?”
Anastasia stared at the floor and remained silent. I knew better than to ask the question again. Finally, her gaze lifted from the floor to me.
“They know you are special to me.”
“Special? What do you mean special?”
“About a year ago, when all this started happening and getting out of hand, I moved to this area. I didn’t travel far, but this area was still new to me. I began walking around at night, reading people’s thoughts for sport and making sure only a few vampires occupied this area. One night, I happened to be behind you and your friends. I read all of your thoughts a well as your friends, but I found your ideas and opinions the most interesting. A couple days went by and I ran into you again. From then on, I kept my eye on you whenever I could. I fell in love with your personality and pretty much your whole being. Somehow a couple of my enemies figured out how special you are to me and now they want to kill you, to take away the first person I care about.”
I couldn’t believe my own ears! I was somewhat freaked out knowing I had been spied on for the past year by this beautiful vampire. There was only one thing I didn’t quite understand.
“What do you mean by special? Do you care for me as a friend or as something more than a friend?”
Anastasia’s reply caught me off guard.
“I know you find me attractive as well.”
That answered my question. I stood up from the mattress. Anastasia stood up as well and walked over to me.
“So now they are after me?”
Anastasia put her arms around me and held me close.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered.
I placed my hand above her left breast. There wasn’t a single heartbeat. I began wondering when the last time her hear beat.
“I was changed at nineteen.”
She put her hand over my heart and left it there.
“A friend.”
I placed my hand on top of hers.
“I had bone cancer in my leg. I struggled for almost two years, but I knew I was about to be beaten. I told Marissa I was giving up because I knew fighting was pointless. Two days later, I was extremely ill and in excruciating pain. I knew I was about to die and I wanted to say goodbye to Marissa. At first, I wasn’t sure Marissa would arrive in time, but she did. Whether for better or worse, she bit me, changing me into a vampire.”
At this point, I was softly crying. Anastasia wiped my tears away.
“Marissa was your trusted friend who was killed a month ago?”
Anastasia just nodded.
“From the time I awoke as a vampire, she called me Anastasia, one who will rise again.”
I hugged Anastasia. I needed the hug just as much as she did. I felt so sorry for her, losing her closest friend especially the way Marissa died. I also couldn’t help but to be grateful she kept Anastasia alive. Granted her heart didn’t beat even once, but she was up and walking. When we were finished hugging, Anastasia surprised me by kissing me. I was only caught off guard for a couple of seconds. I kissed back with an intense amount of passion. The heat arose between us as if we were animals. As we were hungrily kissing, Anastasia pulled me over to the mattress. I lied down and Anastasia climbed on top of me.
At that moment, I felt protected as well as loved. I felt as if I would never be alone again. That
afternoon, Anastasia and I made love. At first, it was hard and fast because we wanted each other so badly. Then it was slow and tender. We were beautiful together. We belonged together because it felt as if we were made for each other. Anastasia and I fell sleep and slept until late evening. When I awoke, I was on my side with Anastasia beside me on her side as well. Her breasts were pressed into my back. She was running her hand down my arm, caressing me.
“That was wonderful,” I said.
Anastasia just continued caressing me. After a little while, she said, “I love you.”
I rolled over, so I was facing her. We embraced and began kissing.
“This feels so right,” I whispered.
Anastasia smiled and said, “Thinking that again?”
“You read my mind the whole time?”
“That’s the easiest time because we’re like one person.”
“Makes sense I guess.”
Anastasia said, “Hungary?”
I smiled and said, “Yes,” knowing she was reading my mind.
“Well you better grab something on your way home.”
“Aren’t you eating?”
“I will after you leave.”
“I don’t want to go home. I want to stay with you.”
“You can’t.”
“Well you don’t expect me to go home alone, I might be killed.”
“I won’t walk right beside you because that’s too obvious, but I’ll keep an eye on you.”
“Then what?”
“You’ll be home and safe and I will go feed.”
I stared at Anastasia.
“You feed on people?”
Anastasia looked at the mattress instead of at me. Finally, after some time for her to gather the courage, she locked eyes with me again.
“I need to feed to live. Mostly I feed on immoral people, people who have hurt others. If I’m watching people and one man hits a woman for example, I’ll feed don him later. Usually though, while walking around late at night, I’ll see a crime committed and I’ll kill and drink the blood of the criminal. Last week, I fed on two criminals.”
“What if you don’t encounter a criminal and are forced to feed on an innocent person?”
“Then I have no choice.”
“So no one is safe from being fed on by you?”
“You are. I would die before I fed off you.”
I leaned in and kissed Anastasia.
“You’re already dead,” I said smiling.
We embraced, our tongues fighting and then slowing, as if dancing.
“Yes you are,” Anastasia said and then rolled on top of me.
“Yes I’m what?” I asked.
“Staying with me,” she answered.
I rolled over, so I was on top.
“Do you know how much money you could make from mind reading?”
Anastasia laughed and I ran my fingers across her cheek. I loved being on top, therefore, in control for our next love session. I had a beautiful vampire under me doing whatever I asked of her. Afterwards, I was starving, so we went to a fast food joint. I ordered a turkey sandwich with chips and we talked while I ate.
“Remember that one vampire that showed up after the much bigger vampire?”
“You mean the one who ran?”
“What about him?” I asked as I ate my last chip and started on my sandwich.
“That was Cadmar, Ambrose’s right hand man.”
“Who is Ambrose?”
“Ambrose is the leader of the enemy clan.”
I stopped chewing and looked at Anastasia.
“He is also the one who killed Marissa.”
After I swallowed I said, “I’m sorry.”
Anastasia took a deep breath and continued.
“I figured Ambrose would send people to capture you, I just didn’t expect him to send Angus and Cadmar.”
“It means one of strength, exceptional one,” Anastasia answered.
“That big, strong bastard.”
“The one you killed with a stake,” Anastasia replied proudly.
“Oh thank you, thank you.”
“Seriously though,” Anastasia began again, “By sending Angus and Cadmar for you, that tells me Ambrose isn’t fooling around. He just wants you dead and the sooner the better.”
After I finished my dinner, it was 2:00 in the morning. I knew it was late because it was already late evening when we had discussed her eating habits and then we made love again. I was exhausted even though I hadn’t been up that long. Even Anastasia admitted she was tired since she hadn’t had a good days sleep since she had rescued me.
Anastasia fed on an innocent man since we were in a hurry. I felt sorry for him, but I also knew Anastasia needed his blood to remain alive and strong. I watched the entire event. I could tell Anastasia wasn’t happy about killing him by the way she moved so quickly. She changed into a vampire before she even grabbed her victim. When she was finished, we went back to her place. When we both were lying on the mattress waiting to succumb to sleep she said, “I wish you hadn’t watched me kill him.”
“I just don’t want you thinking less of me, or think I enjoyed killing him.”
“Look at me,” I said.
Anastasia rolled over so our eyes met.
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"I stood up and looked into the sky, Damon was out there somewhere, somewhere far. I was going to find him, and then kill him. I wanted vengeance for Devon... That was exactly what I set on doing..." -------------------------------------- I turned around to Russell and Jamie, a look of determination on my face, a feeling of darkness spread throughout my body, I took a heavy breath, and fell to my knees; a mixture of red and black smoke flew out of my mouth, a giant demon,...
PRINCE OF DARKNESS vs PROM QUEEN coldhandsÌwarmheart ©2013 Hi — This is my first submission to Literotica, so I’m looking forward to all comments. Hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading. Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì Chapter 1 — Meeting the Prince The iron gate was imposing. The damp night air was chilly. This part of town, with its mansion sized homes on expansive properties, hidden behind high stone walls and acres of woods, was downright intimidating, especially on this dark, misty, moonless night....
Roban watched Rhabina. Her halo bright and annoying, but on the other hand it illuminated her figure in the dimly lit chamber. Roban liked her figure, he liked it a lot. Rhabina noticed her figure as well, maybe her reflection was visible in Roban’s lecherous grin. She shrieked and sat up, one arm covering her breasts and one hand flew between her thighs to hide her sex. Roban snorted. “I’ve seen you before,” he pointed out. “Where am I?” She asked ignoring his remark. “This is the...
"Are you going to jump?" Ted almost did. The unexpected voice from behind startled him, his body taking a half step towards the edge of the rock. He caught himself, hands not quite flailing for a safety railing which was not there. The roar of the waterfall filled his ears, the rocks far below suddenly very close. Balance once again regained, he turned. She stood on the dirt path, hands clasped before her. She was not pretty. To him, at least, not that he was influence much by physical...
I am Creation, I am the beginning. I made the sun and the moon, Calmyra, the Underworld and Atyseos. I made every mountain and every grain of sand, all the animals and mankind. When all was done, I made myself, Ghania, and then I watched what I had made. I watched it grow and rise, and saw mankind make its own creations. A language, science, arts, and then they looked at the heaven and created the gods. The first man hunting down a deer thanked Nyome. The first two people falling in love...
Jacob Bard Daniel called her at work just before quitting time and told her he would be waiting for her at their loft downtown and for her not to be concerned about the lights not working. He had removed the fuses. Obviously, this was not going to be their usual romantic Friday evening rendezvous. He went on to assure her he had everything taken care of and that dinner could wait a little—adding that he had thought of nothing but her all week, and she was all he wanted. She giggled shyly,...
The end of the Sai and Saundarya saga is here! Let’s embark one last time in Sai and Soundarya’s life. How did the family’s life change in just 7 days! What do light (life, happiness, prosperity) and dark (chaos, death, and the underworld ) actually pertain to? Did you enjoy this lovable dark tale of the passionate family? Feedback and comments? reach out to me at So, we were in the bedroom. A scream just changed the environment, mood and settings in the room. Scared, they all turned their...
IncestOver the next twenty years, the world was slowly getting back to normal. I was now married to Jamie, we had two kids, there was a population boom worldwide, places were being rebuilt. Things were normal again; primal, but normal. That was until, one, very unexpected person, showed up at the doorstep of my kingdom... ---------------- This man, I had seen in my childhood, I never had talked him, I had seen him everywhere I went. I thought he was a manifestation of my young and naive...
Abigail stood naked in the waist deep pool of warm water. The 19-year-old blonde watched as her jeans, T-shirt, underwear, shoes, and all the personal possessions she had had on her were put into a black drawstring trashbag and taken out of the stone chamber by a figure in a dark hooded robe. Three women, dressed only in swimsuits, attended to her; two vigorously scrubbed her with sponges and bars of floral-scented soap, as the third washed her hair, massaging the shampoo into her scalp. Such...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThis is a completely non-erotic story. The closest I come to ‘sexiness’ is a brief description of the protagonist’s co-worker’s breasts in a halter top. Sorry. ****** Trapped in the darkness, I didn’t know what had happened. Was anyone alive? Was I alive, or was this my own personal version of hell? There had been an instant of complete, unsettling quiet. The birds had stopped singing, the insects had stopped their complaints. It almost seemed as though someone had cut the speaker wires on...
Nature or nurture, what makes a man like me? Sadistic, cruel, perverted, depraved, I am an insatiable sexual predator who lives for the screams of helpless beautiful women who will know nothing but pain, terror and sexual degradation for the remainder of their short lives. All that I know is that the darkness has been part of me for as long as I can remember. But it wasn’t until my senior year in high school that I got my first real glimpse of who and what I am, and almost fucked up my life...
This story starts when I found myself lying face down on a cold, hard, and wet surface. My reaction was, “Oh no, not again.” Raising my head, I saw I was in the middle of a street. Literally the middle, I was staring at the center lines. It was dark, the rest of the scene was blurry, mostly just out of focus lights. I didn’t have my glasses on. I could see a yellow diamond shaped road sign, so was I in Ireland, Japan, Oceania, or the Americas? The center lines were yellow as well, so...
The first two that were killed were a couple in the woods, at night - a horny young man, and a reluctant girl; he was found with his throat slit and his ears cut off. She was the second victim, and she died from a stab to her throat, and her chest. The killer tweeted that before she took her last dying breath, she asked him, "Why ears?" His answer was, "Because a head is way too hard to cut off with a knife!" The third was a blonde girl with big... eyes. She was killed in the school...
“Okay, he’s awake.” Those three words reverberated around the inside of his skull like it had been hollowed out with a blunt instrument, possibly a large serving spoon. He recognised them, he understood their meaning, but was unable to string them together to grasp the context. A dull ache behind his eyes blossomed into a bright white pain as he gradually eased into consciousness. A blurry glow of cold, clinical light was all he could see as he tried to focus on the indistinct shapes around...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI was killing the weekend in Salt Lake City checking porn sites and wishing I could have the real thing. But, as usual there was nothing available. Bummer. During the day I did notice this gal walking around with a back pack, sitting at the smokers table looking like she wanted a ride. Being shy and watching all the guys trying their luck, and getting nowhere, I just let her enjoy her day. Later that evening I saw that she was again at the smokers’ table. Well, I decided I would walk in and...
AnalMatthew is late for his class and it isn’t the best morning for him; since being dumped by his childhood sweetheart, he is making the most of his freedom (while hiding his broken heart) by sleeping with a different hot girl almost every night for two weeks. He had to leave his latest conquest half naked in her dorm to quickly shower, go back to his room to get his stuff and run to his class. Skimming in the back of the lecture theatre, he slides into an empty seat and gets out his notebook. As...
Straight SexWhile in Africa I learned of a German couple, who in their own desire to enjoy the opportunities of Africa allowed their two pretty daughters to be taken on a camping safari to Murchison Falls in the company of three African men. They never thought for one moment that their daughters were being placed in sexual risk. Their host, on the other hand, knew full well that both girls would be broken in to African cock while away from the shelter and eyes of their parents. He had very definite plans...
The sound of booming horns hadn’t faded yet as the war machines setup along the frontline shot their first volley of missiles. The Manthakin army used every kind of war machine known on Calmyra. Ballistae, catapults and trebuchets in every form and size, hurled their arrows and javelins, jars and pots filled with burning or explosive mixtures, or simply large rocks at the defenders of Vernya. Roban watched several burning jars made of clay thrown in his direction, but they overflew his...
The sun had vanished behind the mountains when Ghania finished her tale. It was silent, and in the twilight of dusk the lands looked peaceful again. Maybe even the dead on the battlefield felt at peace, at least until their souls arrived at the Underworld. For the day’s survivors it was no more than an armed truce, and for some of them there wasn’t any rest at all. The fighting continued within the seclusion of their minds. Another war fought on another battlefield. “It was you; it’s all...
All characters in this story are 18 years or older, and any high school aged character depicted in any sexual situation in any following chapter is a senior 18 years or older. Bryan groaned groggily as his alarm began blaring. Reaching out blindly, he fumbled for the offending device on his bedside table, eventually finding it with his groping fingers and managing to silence it. There was a loud crash as it slid off the table and onto the floor, and the sound of snapping plastic. Bryan swore...
IncestWithin my darkness there is of course a dedication… So to the one known as ‘derfauster’ this one is all yours… * You talk of darkness but do you have any thought to base this talk on? Herein lies darkness of the most terrible kind. Because you see my friend, this darkness was once lightness in and of itself. It was a real person. It was a person who had so much to give, and sadly she chose the wrong one to give it to. She mistakenly thought she’d met her dark soul master… You want to know...
No light reached this part of the room. The solitary sunbeam that had managed to poke its way through the curtains fell on a dirty heap of ripped up clothing in the far corner. But here, there was only darkness, and the ragged breathing of the room's sole inhabitant. Tyler lay naked, his arms and legs strapped to the corners of the bed with leather belts, allowing him no room to move or stretch his sagging limbs. Premature wrinkles lined the strong, angular features of his now gaunt visage....
SupernaturalOnce upon a time, there was a land called Theras. A prosperous land that was home to the elves, humans, dwarves and gnomes, the four races living in peace and prosperity with one another. At least that was how it was until their land was assaulted by a dark force, a being of evil that would rain death and destruction and darkness upon the land for a century before finally reaching a stalemate with the "heroic" forces that were defending Theras. The Dark Lord would throw up a barrier to protect...
FantasyAs she disembarked from the plane at JFK airport, Sara Manning couldn't help thinking how relaxed this flight had been compared with two years ago. Waiting to pass through security, she had time to focus on the reasons why that should be. First, she knew exactly what to expect, and what her duties would be. As head UK representative for one of the leading book publishing companies in the world, her last visit had given her confidence. The boss on this side of the Atlantic was the charming...
Straight SexStuffy…. officious… prude! Lauren ran through the list of insults in her head. Her Vehement hatred blazed clearly in her eyes. Overpaid! She brushed brusquely past an office secretary, who made a slight sound of protest, which was stifled by Lauren’s incredible rage. Lauren reached the elevators at long last and pounded the button for the bottom floor, which was, in fact, underground. The building was made on some soft dirt, or something, and all the entrances had been moved up a level, but...
It had been almost a year and a half and I’d still never grown used to the darkness. Every once in a while, on what must have been especially sunny days, glimmers of light would come through the miniscule spaces between the boards of the false wall. But most of the time I could barely see my own hand even when it was just a few inches from my face. I didn’t need to see myself to know that I was fading away, that were I to somehow catch my reflection I wouldn’t recognize the man staring back at...
HistoricalChapter 14: The Road through Darkness Lightning flashed, illuminating the darkened room. Opening one bleary eye, Cal looked over and saw Tawny looking at him lovingly, her arm around his stomach. Althea was still asleep. "How'd you sleep, love?" Cal whispered as he slowly sat up and wiped the sweat off his brow. Tawny moaned and sat up, kissing Cal on the lips. "It was great!" she whispered eagerly, shivering from the chill bedroom air. Seeing the shudder, Cal pulled his blanket up...
I looked around at those who had come. Most of them I recognized only vaguely, Julies friends from school. Notably missing were her boyfriend, and her best friend. Their funerals were yesterday. There were tears, and lost looks. Julies band director and the school principal stood side by side near the minister. They both looked haggard. The toll of this dieaster would run far. I doubted anyone in the school was untouched, hell I doubted anyone in the town was untouched. Things like this...
Athea watched Feya’s daughter riding away through the thousands of risen dead. The dead ignored her and continued clawing their path in the opposite direction. Farther in the west, the Norgar were chasing the Manthakin army towards the mountains. Tomorrow they could close them in, and end the battle with the biggest massacre in the history of Calmyra. Bigger even than the massacre in the north, where fifty-thousand Ogusi riders were ready to trample down the Ghallan Clans. The slaughter of...
They watched him. His face was contorted in anger and his fists balled so tightly that his nails pierced the skin of his palms. Blood seeped from his fists on the wooden surface beneath his hands, forming a slowly growing puddle. There was a new god at their table and he was a very furious god. “She betrayed me.” The sentence escaped through his grinding teeth. The silence was broken, and then it was totally destroyed when loud laughter exploded from the others at the table. “May I suggest...
Alexia awoke slowly, though she wasn’t sure if she was fully awake if at all. She tried to open her eyes and either couldn’t or was in complete darkness. She couldn’t hear anything, not even her own breathing. There was something in her mouth, a hard bar held between her teeth. She could feel her ankles and wrists cuffed. Then she realized what was happening and her breath caught in her throat, then she started to struggle and whimper, for she remembered what her Master had done to...
Copyright© Yotna El'toub 2004 "Yet from those flames no light, but rather darkness visible". John Milton, Paradise Lost. Chapter one: Finishing off... The skip was almost full; Jeff bent down and picked up the broken board he flipped it, scattering snails in the process. He could just make out the faded green script. 'SSSI - Warren's Wood, welcome please take care of... ' Sighing he flicked his wrist, the shattered sign spun through the air, and clattered into the steel...
??????????????? From within the darkness submission appeared. Day1 Cold, shivering in the darkness, the noises coming from the other room muffled but it sounds like voices.I?m naked. I?m wet and shackled to the wall. The chain is barely enough to reach to the bucket which has been provided for me to urinate in.I had no idea when he told me the session was going to be a long one. I assumed it was because it was our first and we had many things to talk over and discuss. It hadn?t...
Chapter 1 The awakening. It was a dark day; the sun was hardly getting through those forever low gray clouds, which hang so very often in the sky here. Just an ordinary day. Greg felt not to bad at all really, he quite liked this darkish weather, it's all he's ever known and it makes him feel sort of "safe". In fact Greg is pretty well drawn to darkness, he hears it calling to him during those brief moments of sunshine that do actually happen from time to time. Drawn to darkness? Well, yes,...
BisexualIntroduction: She has that darkness inside her, that darkness whose finality is to reveal her true nature… I wish you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing, and I hope you like it enough to let me a comment, ok? Special thanks to my friend Arizona1664 for checking it for me. ———————————————————————————————————————————————- Darkness Inside. I was born on a dark day. The day my loving mother ceased to exist. And the dark gray clouds filled my sky for years, since Ive born. Im in...