Darkness Falls
- 4 years ago
- 25
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Elizabeth’s eyes fluttered in the darkness. She was lying on a floor somewhere and her head was killing her. She brought her hand up and winced in pain as she felt the bruise on her forehead. Her breaths coming deep and slow, she tried to get up; rolling onto her side and pushing up with her arm, but it was too much and she slipped back down with a choked cry. The pain was too much. Opening her eyes and looking about, all she saw was darkness with a faint light that seemed to come through a doorway. Closing her eyes again, she tried to remember what happened.
“Just one more ride!”, Stacy begged.
“I have to be up at six-thirty tomorrow”, Elizabeth protested.
“So do I”, Stacy reminded her.
“Yea, but you already finished grading your papers. I haven’t.”
“Aaagghh! Ok ... I’ll see you tomorrow”, Stacy conceded.
Elizabeth Swann and Stacy had known each other since they first met at the University of Texas, where they were both majoring in Applied Learning and Development. Four years later, they graduated and were both hired on at Webb High School. Stacy taught writing and Elizabeth taught ninth-grade biology.
Now twelve years later, they were always together. Stacy had gotten married soon after graduating, but Elizabeth had never managed to find someone wonderful like Stacy had. Compared to Stacy, she was plain and a little chubby. Her shyness and being an introvert kept her from going out and was always a hindrance to being able to make friends. No one wanted to hang out with her outside of school, except Stacy, her only friend. When Megan, another 6th grade teacher, had gotten engaged, she had gone around to all the other teachers showing off her engagement ring, but never to Elizabeth. Elizabeth knew that Megan didn’t have any ill-feelings towards her, but it was simply that she, along with everyone else, simply forgot that she was there. It was like she was invisible.
That was why she valued Stacy’s friendship so much; because Stacy was the only one that actually cared and wanted to spend time with her. She jumped at every chance to hang out with Stacy, but Stacy’s husband and kids often came first so that Elizabeth spent many nights alone, watching other couples enviously who had someone. Now at thirty-five, it seemed that no one would ever be attracted to her and that she was destined to be alone the rest of her life. This was all too clear because she had never actually “been” with anyone. She had had a boyfriend in high school, but it didn’t last long. Neither of them had really been attracted to the other and although they had made out a few times, that’s as far as it went. So, a thirty-five year-old virgin with no boyfriend, no friends (except Stacy), and no life.
It was no wonder that when Stacy had invited her to the carnival, she jumped at the chance. She valued every second that she had with Stacy because she was her only company. But as the night grew later, she knew that she had to get back home. Although she wanted to stay, she had papers to grade and that always took too long.
“Do you need a ride home?”, Stacy asked.
Elizabeth looked in the direction of her apartment and replied, “No, I’ll be okay.”
“You sure? You know how scared you get.”
Elizabeth smiled in agreement, “I’m sure. It’s just five minutes. Besides, I need the exercise.”
Hugging Stacy goodbye and waving to her husband Greg, Elizabeth turned and walked along the dark, empty streets, the warm night air feeling good on her skin. Normally, she never went out at night. Being very timid, she was scared of everything. But, it was so nice out here. She looked up at the full moon through the bare tree branches and marveled at its beauty. It was so bright and she was able to see the grey and white areas on it. She used to know which one of the grey areas was the Sea of Tranquility and...
“Wha’re you doin out here all alone?”, a voice slurred. Elizabeth turned suddenly towards the voice. A haggard, disheveled man was leaning against the wall in front of her. Flinching, she stepped away to go around, when he also stepped in front of her, blocking her path. Suddenly coming to a stop, she turned around to go back and was startled to see a second man directly in front of her.
“My friend asked you a question.” Elizabeth tried to run, but he grabbed her arms. “Hey Earl, it looks like we got a wild one here.” Elizabeth pulled out her phone and opened her mouth to call for help, but a hand clamped over her mouth from behind.
They started pulling her when Earl cried out in pain, “OWW ... FUCK!! SHE BIT MY HAND!” He smashed his fist against her head, causing her to drop her phone. “YOU FUCKIN BITCH!!”
Reeling from the blow, she felt herself being thrown towards the wall. Smacking her head against it, she collapsed on the ground. As she tried to get up, she felt a blow to her stomach and suddenly couldn’t breathe. Dazed and gasping for breath, she felt herself being dragged along the ground. Her vision a blur, she tried to get up.
“Stop moving, bitch!” as she was shoved back down, smacking her head on the concrete. Blinded for a few seconds, the blurriness in her eyes cleared and she saw the wild-eyed man leering down at her maliciously. The other man beside him held her arms down with one hand while covering her mouth with his other hand. “Now if you’ll cooperate, you may live to see tomorrow”, the man on top of her sneered. Holding up a knife in front of her face, her eyes grew wide with terror. “Ohhh yesss ... I’m going to enjoy you”, he promised her. He proceeded to tear her dress open, then slipped the knife under her bra, cutting it open. Roughly grasping her breast, he grinned at the other man.
Staring at the knife in his hand, Elizabeth froze in fear. Trembling, tears ran down her face as she wondered if she would survive this. Then ... something caught Elizabeth’s eye, a movement in the darkness. Just behind the man. A small, black form creeping silently towards him, on all fours like an animal, then it disappeared from view behind him.
Seconds later, a face sprang up behind the man’s shoulder and sank it’s teeth into the side of his neck. He began screaming as his throat was ripped open, spraying blood across Elizabeth. The other man gaped in fear than quickly staggered up onto his feet and began running. The creature raised up, blood dripping from it’s mouth as it snarled at him, then dropping the lifeless body it was holding, it swiftly bounded after the fleeing man on all fours before springing onto his back and tearing open his neck. The man fell down, screaming hysterically for a few seconds and struggling wildly, then was silent.
In shock, Elizabeth watched as it kneeled down, its face buried in the man’s fallen body. Though in a lot of pain, Elizabeth tried to get up, but couldn’t focus through the haze in her eyes. Turning to look at the creature, she watched in horror as it stood up and began walking back toward her. Panicking, Elizabeth tried get up ... and then everything slowly faded to black as she lost consciousness.
Elizabeth awoke. Gasping as she remembered the two men and the creature, she reared up, desperate to flee. But suddenly feeling dizzy, she fell back, panting for breath. Looking around wildly, she saw that there was only darkness. After several seconds, there was a faint light off to one side, illuminating a room that she was in. She was laying on the floor in a small carpeted, empty room.
She slowly raised up, her head still hurting. Grasping her forehead, she winced at the pain and looked around. Her dizziness seemed to be gone. Carefully getting up, she stumbled to the open doorway and looked out to behold a large empty warehouse before her; not just empty, but long abandoned. Where she had been laying was once an office. At a loss as to where she was, she slowly walked out into the cavernous warehouse. It was huge; bigger than a football field and completely empty. She looked all around and could only see one door that seemed to lead out.
Complete silence. At one time, this place was full of life with people and things moving, now it was dead and still. No sounds. No movement...
Something moved behind one of the steel columns in the middle of the floor. Elizabeth stared at it in fright, wondering what it was. Then the small, pale face of a little girl peered at her from behind it. A little girl?! In a place like this in the middle of the night?! She walked towards the girl, calling out, “Hello. What are you doing here?”
Half hidden in the darkness, the girl didn’t answer. Elizabeth slowly came around the column trying not to scare her. “What’s your name?”, she quietly asked.
Still no answer. The girl, who appeared to be no older than the freshmen that Elizabeth taught, continued to stare curiously at her as Elizabeth came around the column. She was dressed in a dirty, torn blue t-shirt and jeans with shoulder-length dark hair. She looked homeless. No longer afraid by her surroundings, Elizabeth’s attention was completely on this girl. “What’s your name?”, Elizabeth repeated.
“I’m Elizabeth. What are you doing here?”
“Watching you”, the girl replied.
Elizabeth slowly asked her, “Do you know how I got here?”
“I brought you here.”
Elizabeth was stunned by this and looked at her silently. “How ... Why did you bring me here?”
“You were hurt.”
Elizabeth felt goose bumps on her skin as she remembered what happened. Her mouth dry, she slowly asked, “Were ... were you there?!”
Elena didn’t say anything.
“What were you doing there?”
The girl answered in a low voice, “I was feeding.”
“You were... what?” Then in Elizabeth’s memory, she remembered the face that appeared over the man’s shoulder, biting his neck and spraying blood out. The face looked ... like a girl. A girl that now stood before her. She blinked a few times.
Elizabeth gasped, “That ... That was you?! What the hell were you doing?!”
Elena said quietly, “I was hungry and needed to eat.”
“You were hungry?!”, Elizabeth choked, “What the hell are you?!”
“I’m a vampire.”
“A what?!”, Elizabeth asked, not believing what she just heard.
“A vampire”, the girl replied calmly.
Elizabeth asked, “You’re not serious?!” Elena nodded. “You mean fangs and drinking blood?” Elena nodded again. “Elena, I’m not in the mood for jokes. Vampires aren’t real.”
“We are real.”
“We?”, Elizabeth’s eyebrows raised.
“There are others.”
Elizabeth sighed and told her, “Okay, look. I was dizzy and don’t know what I saw, but it wasn’t a vampire. I’m tired, my head is killing me and I need to figure out how to get back home.”
“You don’t believe me?”, Elena asked.
“No. I don’t believe in vampires or werewolves or Frankenstein. Now, I need to go home”, Elizabeth turned away and began walking towards the door, “And you need to go home too.” She turned around to face her, “Your parents must be worri...”
The words died in her mouth. Elena wasn’t there. She was gone; as if she had never existed. Elizabeth looked all around; turning slowly in a circle. There was no place that Elena could have gone in the emptiness of the warehouse. Not the darkened office, not out the door, nowhere. In the silence, Elizabeth suddenly felt chills go down her spine. “Okaaayy ... This is getting creepy”, she muttered. Looking all around one more time, she turned to head back toward the door...
“AIIGGHH...”, she shrieked.
Elena was standing right in front of her, her lips slightly parted, exposing the two fangs hanging down half an inch. “Do you believe me now?”
Two days ago.
“Come on, Elizabeth”, Stacy begged, “It’ll be fun! Everyone says this movie is really cool.”
“I don’t like horror movies.”
“You’re such a pussy! It’s not scary”, Stacy teased her.
“They are to me. There’s already enough sickos and violence in the world”, Elizabeth told her emphatically, “I don’t understand why you would want to watch such a thing.”
“It’s not real!...”
This was real. Elizabeth’s breaths started coming in gasps. The combination of the pain throbbing in her head along with the realization of something standing before her that used to only exist in horror movies overwhelmed her to the point that she suddenly felt light-headed. Elizabeth stepped back, staring wide-eyed at the girl.
“I won’t hurt you”, Elena told her, “Please don’t be afraid of me!”
She continued stepping back, keeping her eyes on Elena fearfully.
“Please don’t go! I’m not gonna hurt you!”, Elena beseeched her.
Elizabeth paused, then asked “You won’t hurt me?”
Suddenly feeling faint, Elizabeth said, “I think I’m going to throw up.” Seeing a couple of pallets stacked on top of each other nearby, she quickly went over and sat down, hunched over and breathing shallowly.
Elena asked, “Are you alright?”
Hunched over, she wrapped her arms around herself and closed her eyes. She took a few deep breaths to keep from vomiting.
Elena quietly told her, “I’m not the monster that books and movies portray me as.”
Elizabeth looked at her fearfully, “I saw what you did to those men!”
“I saw what those men did to you”, Elena replied quietly.
Elizabeth thought back to the men holding her down. It came back to her ... being hit and held down, staring at the knife in his hand. Her eyes squeezed tightly shut, she drew in a shuddering breath as she remembered wondering if she was going to die.
She heard Elena’s voice quietly in her ear, “Who is the monster? Me or them?”
Elizabeth raised up her head to look at Elena and was shocked to see that she was still standing where she was, about twenty feet away. Distracted by how she did that, she had to admit that the little girl didn’t seem ... well, evil. She had saved her after all. Wringing her hands nervously, Elizabeth asked, “How did you get to be this way? I mean ... how did you become...”, she took a deep breath, still not believing she was talking to, “ ... a vampire?”
Elena came over and sat down beside her. “I grew in a village called Tsenovgrad, in the Balkans. It doesn’t exist anymore. Life was completely different back then; harder, more uncertain. Back then, everyone believed in various monsters. But to me, they were just tall tales that the superstitious and children told each other. I didn’t believe any of them, though some of my friends did. Anyways, I was fourteen years old when the plague came.”
“Plague?”, Elizabeth wondered, “I don’t remember seeing anything on the news about a plague.”
Elena looked at her, “You wouldn’t remember because it happened hundreds of years ago. It was the Black Death.”
“Hundreds of years ago?!”, Elizabeth interrupted, “But you’re only fourteen.”
“Actually ... I’m almost 700 years old”, Elena explained.
Elizabeth’s eyes and mouth dropped open as she felt a chill come over her and exclaimed, “700 years?!” to which Elena nodded. Elizabeth stared off into space for several seconds trying to visualize this.
Elena continued, “Nobody in my village had heard of the plague until it was too late. Every day, more people died. Their bodies were carried outside the village and burned. My mother eventually got it and then my brothers and sisters. They got sicker and sicker and I wondered when I too would get it. Soon, they were gone. I carried their bodies outside the village to the pit where we burned them. For awhile, I thought that maybe I had been spared, but I had not. I knew it was just a matter of days, but I did not fear death anymore. After being surrounded by it, it was just another fact of life. Being alone, without my family, I almost welcomed it.”
“Finally, it got to be that I was too weak to get out of bed and I could barely breathe. I knew it wouldn’t be long before I would join my family in the afterlife, so I waited for the end.” Elizabeth wiped her eyes. “That night, a dark shape, like a shadow, appeared beside me. It looked like a ruddy, bloated man. It asked me if I wanted to live. Before, I thought that there was no choice. Now, this dark stranger was giving me a choice ... and I took it. It leaned over me and I felt it biting me on the neck. I don’t remember anything after that.”
“When I woke up, the dark man was gone and I didn’t feel sick anymore. In fact, I never felt as good as I did. I was somehow stronger, faster. But in the morning when I tried to go outside, the sun burned my skin as if I had been set on fire. I learned that I couldn’t go out in the sun anymore. I had to wait for it to be night to go out.”
Elena looked down at the ground as she whispered, “I was also hungry.” She paused, then continued, “I had gone a full day without eating. I tried to eat some of the vegetables that we had in our garden, but they tasted awful and I had to spit them out. We also had some chickens. I killed one and tried cooking some of the meat, but it was like the vegetables, I threw it up. That’s when I noticed the rest of the chicken with the blood in it. I tried some of the meat raw and I found out that I was able to take the blood as food, but it didn’t taste very good. Over the next several days, I learned that I was no longer able to eat food anymore, but could only sustain myself by drinking the blood from our chickens. And if I went too long without drinking it, I would get weaker and weaker.”
“Everything changed one night when a thief broke into my house. When he saw me, he came at me thinking I was alone. I fought back and easily killed him. Afterwards, I looked at his blood on my hands and licked it.” Elena paused then said, “It was better than the chicken blood. Much better. In fact, it was delicious. I drank more of his blood. It filled me and made me feel...” She paused again, “It made me feel so good, almost giddy. I kept drinking it till I couldn’t hold anymore.”
Elena turned her head away from Elizabeth so she couldn’t see her face, “I changed that night. I no longer wanted chickens. I wanted people. But I didn’t want to hurt anyone and so I had to learn to control my thirst.”
Elizabeth said, “How can you drink another person’s blood?!”
Elena replied, “I have to. I need to eat, the same as you. Most of the time, I’m able to do it without killing anyone. Are you able to eat without killing plants or animals?”
Elizabeth thought for several seconds before admitting, “No, ... but it’s not the same! What you do, it’s ... it’s a curse and immoral.”
“This thing that I am may seem immoral, but life before it was much worse. Every day was a constant struggle to fend off disease, starvation and evil people who wished to harm you. You had no control over your life. There was no medicine, no police, no cell phones, no social services, ... nothing! It was up to fate whether you lived or died! Now, I am in control! Fate has no hold over me! This curse, as you call it, is not a curse at all. It saved me from the plague and from the man who tried to hurt me. And it has saved me hundreds of times from those who wanted to harm me because they thought I was a defenseless little girl.”
Staring intensely at Elizabeth and in a rebuking tone, Elena told her in a low, quiet voice, “You have no idea what it’s like to have your life be in the hands of someone else ... or do you?” Elizabeth stared back blankly, condemned by her words. Elena asked, “Do you regret my saving you?”
“No”, Elizabeth whispered, shaking her head sadly and wiping her eyes. She felt nauseas as she realized that something this vile, ... a parasite even, had saved her life because of what she was. If you had something that could keep you safe ... from disease or accidents or evil people ... well, how could that be a curse? Thinking back earlier, to the alley, as she was held down with her life in the hands of someone else, she realized that she too would have done anything to be safe. “I’m sorry...”, she mumbled quietly.
Elena looked down sadly, “I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to be so stern. It’s just ... I’ve been feared and hated for centuries. I can’t help who I am. In the past, I have feared people as much as they’ve feared me. That’s how I came to America. In the eighteenth century, a mass panic over vampires in eastern Europe drove me from my village. People began hunting us down and even went as far as digging up graves of people who recently died and staking them through the heart. I had to head west, traveling at night and sleeping in caves during the day so I wouldn’t be discovered.”
They were silent for a few seconds, then Elizabeth asked, “Where do you live now?”
“Here”, Elena looked about the warehouse, “I’ve been here for the last two years. Before, I was at a closed textile plant, but they started tearing it down so I moved here.”
“You live here?!”, Elizabeth asked, looking around at the dirty emptiness.
“But it’s so dirty”, Elizabeth exclaimed, “and there’s ... nothing. No furniture ... nothing...” As Elizabeth looked around at the warehouse, she found her heart going out to this girl ... despite what she was, “Don’t you have any friends that you can stay with?”
She shook her head, “I don’t have any human friends because of the whole stigma against vampires. And vampires are kinda solitary. We don’t live together.”
Elizabeth’s eyes felt heavy as the lateness of the evening began to take its toll. Noticing that it was probably really late and needing to get home, she stood up. She had lost her phone when the men grabbed her so she didn’t know what time it was and she couldn’t call anybody. “I need to go home and get some sleep.” She walked toward the door, leading outside, with Elena trailing her. Opening the door, she saw a dark, empty parking lot surrounded by the silhouettes of trees and buildings. Still fearful, Elizabeth was reluctant to leave and hesitated.
Feeling something touch her hand, she looked down. Elena smiled up at her, “I can walk you home if you like.”
Elizabeth smiled weakly and nodded. “Thank you. I’m already afraid of the dark and after what happened earlier...” She looked around the parking lot and with Elena by her side, she stepped out into the night and moved forward across the parking lot.
As they walked along, Elena asked, “What do you do?”
“I’m a teacher. I teach 6th grade science.” Coming to a road and recognizing it, she now knew where she was. It was a closed down factory near her apartment. She began walking along the road, which was as silent and empty as the warehouse. She looked up at the sky and again saw the moon with its white and grey patches. Seeing this, she asked, “Do you miss the sun?”
“Yes”, Elena answered sadly, “I can’t remember what it’s like anymore.”
They walked along for a while and then Elizabeth asked something she had been wondering for awhile, “Elena ... why did you tell me all this; about you being a vampire?”
Elena didn’t answer right away and when she did, her voice was sad and distant, “I left the human world when the dark man brought me into the night. I further stopped being human when I began to feed on people.” Elena looked up into the black sky, “Since then, the night has made me ... do things. Things that I have regretted.”
“Humans and vampires have always had a mutual hate and disgust for each other”, Elena’s voice became more upbeat and hopeful, “but there has been a movement in the vampire community about integrating with and living in peace among humans. Not everyone wants it, but many do, although we still have to hide what we are. There are too many unaccepting people in the world. This is something that I’ve wanted for a very long time. I want to be able to talk to and interact with people like I used to before I was turned ... I want to have a friend. A few decades ago, I began mainstreaming.” Elizabeth looked at her with a confused look. “It’s another word for mixing with humans. I go into places where people are, such as a store, and I just hang out and talked to them. I love how it makes me feel ... like I am one of them again. Then when I get hungry, I leave and go look for a stray dog or...”, Elena saw Elizabeth’s shocked look and told her, “I have to eat. It’s either an animal or a person. Animal blood can nourish me, except it doesn’t taste as good.”
“So ... you’ve been feeding on dogs all this time?”, Elizabeth asked, her face wrinkling in disgust.
“And other animals, most of the time”, Elena answered dejectedly, “Sometimes I can’t find one, so I have to search the alleys for a homeless person that is passed out. I don’t kill them, I just take a little blood from them as they sleep. They aren’t even aware of me doing it.”
Elizabeth winced as she imagined Elena in a dark alley, kneeling over a sleeping man, blood running down her cheeks as he quietly bled into her mouth. Elizabeth asked nervously, “What do you do if you can’t find an animal or a homeless person?”
“Then I have to hunt as I’ve always done.”
“People?!”, Elizabeth stared at her horrified, “How can you do something like that?!”
Elena looked down as she quietly said, “The night has its price. I’ll never grow old and I’ll never die...”, she looked up at Elizabeth, “but I must feed. I try to do it without hurting anyone.”
They continued walking in silence until they came to Elizabeth’s apartment. As they approached, Elizabeth found herself in a bit of a quandary. Over the past half-hour, she had actually found that she had grown really close to this little vampire girl. Elena wasn’t just a vampire; she was also a little girl and she was nice. Someone that could be a friend to her. She hated the idea of Elena having to live in a dingy, dismal warehouse, especially since she wanted a friend too. And Elizabeth knew how it felt to desperately want a friend. Elizabeth was so desperately lonely herself that she was willing to give someone like Elena a chance.
After walking up to the door, Elena smiled, “I’m glad I met you Elizabeth. I hope I’ll see you again later.” She turned and walked away.
Elizabeth watched her leaving and then reached out through her loneliness and concern. “Elena?” Elena stopped and turned back. “Would you maybe ... want to spend the night here ... with me?”
Elena walked back, “Why?”
“I just ... don’t you to have to live in that warehouse, especially when you’re wanting to have a friend”, Elizabeth smiled weakly, “I hardly have any friends myself and it would be nice to have company.”
“Why would you trust me?”
“Because of everything you’ve told me.”
Elena thought for a while, then said, “If I were to spend the night here, I would have to leave early to get back to the warehouse.”
“If you want to, you could sleep here during the day while I’m at work, except...”, then she asked questioningly, “Do you need a coffin to sleep in?”
Elena smiled as she said, “We don’t sleep in coffins. That’s just a myth. In the past, people thought that people who recently died became vampires and with that 1931 Dracula movie, people thought that we all slept in coffins. I just need someplace away from the sun.”
Pulling her key from her pocket, Elizabeth opened the door. She turned on the lamp nearby, revealing a small kitchen and living room. “It’s small but you’ll have your own room to sleep in and you can watch TV.” She looked at the clock. 12:13. “Ugh...”, she groaned. Just over six hours before she had to get up. Turning back to Elena, she closed the door and saw for the first time how pale she was. ‘So that’s what happens when you don’t get any sun’, she thought.
Walking towards the second bedroom that she used as a storage closet, Elizabeth told her, “I have to be up at six-thirty, so I need to go to bed now, but this is where you can sleep.” When she reached the doorway, she saw that Elena was still standing back out in the living room, just inside the door leading outside and staring apprehensively at the kitchen.
“Elena...”, Elizabeth walked towards her, “What is it?”
“Could you put that away?”, she whispered apprehensively, pointing at something just out of sight on the wall.
Confused, Elizabeth walked over to see what Elena was pointing at. As she rounded the corner, she saw what it was. A cross hanging on the wall that her dad gave to her when she moved in. Elizabeth looked at Elena and saw her staring intensely, almost fearfully at it. Her confusion turning into nervousness, Elizabeth slowly and quietly mumbled, “Okaaayyy...”, then went over and took the cross off the wall and took it to her room. Just before she entered her bedroom, she looked back at Elena and saw that she had walked further into the living room, no longer afraid. As Elizabeth walked towards her closet to put it on the shelf, she stopped mid-stride and after thinking for a few seconds, she went over to the nightstand beside her bed and laid it down within easy reach. Coming back out, she asked, “Do you have any clothes or things?”
“Not really”, Elena simply said.
“You mean, that’s...”, looking at the worn, dirty clothes she was wearing, “what you wear everyday?”
“I wash my clothes at the laundromat and I also search the clothes donation bins that are around town for new clothes.”
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SECRETS OF BUTTERMILK FALLS PROLOGUE ? Bunky and Skip, two waiters at the Golden Spoon, Buttermilk Falls's Cajun restaurant, stared at the couple. "He's kind of geeky, Four Eyes there, to be with a chick who looks like that," Bunky said, but Skip had noticed the Adam's apple on the "chick" and wasn't surprised...she was hot, but it was still disgusting! ? Ellis? McKeigue shook his head as his friend Claudia Thibodeau explained her life to him. He couldn't believe that this used to be his cousin...
This is my first submission on here, I wrote this dreaming about my girl back home. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I have. Please leave some comments to help out with future stories. After being away for three weeks at work, the energy has just been building up. I just got into town the day before, and with me getting in late and driving all day, I was so tired the night before that we didn’t get to use any of that spend up energy. There were lots of kisses and caresses that were missed. ...
Renee’s words hurt but not as much as I knew as they should. I sensed something was wrong. Her attitude had changed over the last month, after she returned from a family camping trip. She was less affectionate towards me, less attentive when we were alone. ‘I’ve found someone,’ she told me. The words shocked me, but didn’t cut me. There was no dagger to the hurt, no stomach upset. I didn’t beg her to stay with me, didn’t act childish. I could have shown her the two acceptance letters, the two...
You come for solitude, and solace. This place is your special paradise, upstream, above the torrent of the lower falls, which gather into an awesome cascade, attracting so many to its beauty. But these falls are smaller, more personal in scale, and a harder climb to reach for the throngs of tourists who crowd the base of the falls far below. Here you are alone, feeling the special beauty of a natural wonder which is yours to enjoy in peace. As you have done many times before, you’ve waded nude...
Pooja saw the waterfall and couldn't resist. Glancing around, pausing, listening, she decided no one was nearby and dropped her gear. Stripping away the clothes, she stretched a moment in the sun, naked as a baby. A soft breeze made her sigh as she tipped her face to the sun. Perfect.She stepped into the pool that had formed in the rock at the base of the falls. With another sigh, she sank down into the cool water and then under, surfacing a moment later to smooth her wet hair back from her...
GID'S REUNION Gideon??Reinicke and his sister Kate had quite a reunion It was a yearly thing at this point, but they always both looked forward to it.! He'd picked her up at the airport, and taken her to lunch, and they'd discussed old times, and Kate's art gallery, and of course Gideon's practice as?the most prominent?allergist in Buttermilk Falls. ? Kate had asked Gid over lunch whether there were any romantic prospects in his life. "You know, I know you must be lonely, Gideon, are you...
THE TUTOR OF BUTTERMILK FALLSONE Alfred Nemirow rubbed his throbbing dick tentatively, and gave Fanchon an imploring look. His wife of?three years was impervious to such looks,but Alf tried anyway. He looked down at the steaming Starbucks cup, and then checked? the mirrors of the Mitsubishi Galant...was anyone looking? ? God knows no one wanted to catch Kissler Systems's head Accounting and Financial Recruiter commiting an act of obscenity right outside the damn office...even if he was with his...
Athea sat on her horse surrounded by the matriarchs of the Ghallan Clans. She was the center of the group but no one talked to her. They talked amongst each other, mostly whispering. Often one of them would look at her, shortly, and abruptly look away again, before it could have been considered staring, and maybe noticed. To be noticed by Athea seemed unlikely, though. Her gaze, trying to pervade the darkness, was directed far away to the west. Menja and Denyssa, sitting side by side on the...
Roban watched Rhabina. Her halo bright and annoying, but on the other hand it illuminated her figure in the dimly lit chamber. Roban liked her figure, he liked it a lot. Rhabina noticed her figure as well, maybe her reflection was visible in Roban’s lecherous grin. She shrieked and sat up, one arm covering her breasts and one hand flew between her thighs to hide her sex. Roban snorted. “I’ve seen you before,” he pointed out. “Where am I?” She asked ignoring his remark. “This is the...
"Are you going to jump?" Ted almost did. The unexpected voice from behind startled him, his body taking a half step towards the edge of the rock. He caught himself, hands not quite flailing for a safety railing which was not there. The roar of the waterfall filled his ears, the rocks far below suddenly very close. Balance once again regained, he turned. She stood on the dirt path, hands clasped before her. She was not pretty. To him, at least, not that he was influence much by physical...
I am Creation, I am the beginning. I made the sun and the moon, Calmyra, the Underworld and Atyseos. I made every mountain and every grain of sand, all the animals and mankind. When all was done, I made myself, Ghania, and then I watched what I had made. I watched it grow and rise, and saw mankind make its own creations. A language, science, arts, and then they looked at the heaven and created the gods. The first man hunting down a deer thanked Nyome. The first two people falling in love...
Nature or nurture, what makes a man like me? Sadistic, cruel, perverted, depraved, I am an insatiable sexual predator who lives for the screams of helpless beautiful women who will know nothing but pain, terror and sexual degradation for the remainder of their short lives. All that I know is that the darkness has been part of me for as long as I can remember. But it wasn’t until my senior year in high school that I got my first real glimpse of who and what I am, and almost fucked up my life...
This story starts when I found myself lying face down on a cold, hard, and wet surface. My reaction was, “Oh no, not again.” Raising my head, I saw I was in the middle of a street. Literally the middle, I was staring at the center lines. It was dark, the rest of the scene was blurry, mostly just out of focus lights. I didn’t have my glasses on. I could see a yellow diamond shaped road sign, so was I in Ireland, Japan, Oceania, or the Americas? The center lines were yellow as well, so...
The first two that were killed were a couple in the woods, at night - a horny young man, and a reluctant girl; he was found with his throat slit and his ears cut off. She was the second victim, and she died from a stab to her throat, and her chest. The killer tweeted that before she took her last dying breath, she asked him, "Why ears?" His answer was, "Because a head is way too hard to cut off with a knife!" The third was a blonde girl with big... eyes. She was killed in the school...
“Okay, he’s awake.” Those three words reverberated around the inside of his skull like it had been hollowed out with a blunt instrument, possibly a large serving spoon. He recognised them, he understood their meaning, but was unable to string them together to grasp the context. A dull ache behind his eyes blossomed into a bright white pain as he gradually eased into consciousness. A blurry glow of cold, clinical light was all he could see as he tried to focus on the indistinct shapes around...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI was killing the weekend in Salt Lake City checking porn sites and wishing I could have the real thing. But, as usual there was nothing available. Bummer. During the day I did notice this gal walking around with a back pack, sitting at the smokers table looking like she wanted a ride. Being shy and watching all the guys trying their luck, and getting nowhere, I just let her enjoy her day. Later that evening I saw that she was again at the smokers’ table. Well, I decided I would walk in and...
AnalMatthew is late for his class and it isn’t the best morning for him; since being dumped by his childhood sweetheart, he is making the most of his freedom (while hiding his broken heart) by sleeping with a different hot girl almost every night for two weeks. He had to leave his latest conquest half naked in her dorm to quickly shower, go back to his room to get his stuff and run to his class. Skimming in the back of the lecture theatre, he slides into an empty seat and gets out his notebook. As...
Straight SexWhile in Africa I learned of a German couple, who in their own desire to enjoy the opportunities of Africa allowed their two pretty daughters to be taken on a camping safari to Murchison Falls in the company of three African men. They never thought for one moment that their daughters were being placed in sexual risk. Their host, on the other hand, knew full well that both girls would be broken in to African cock while away from the shelter and eyes of their parents. He had very definite plans...
The sound of booming horns hadn’t faded yet as the war machines setup along the frontline shot their first volley of missiles. The Manthakin army used every kind of war machine known on Calmyra. Ballistae, catapults and trebuchets in every form and size, hurled their arrows and javelins, jars and pots filled with burning or explosive mixtures, or simply large rocks at the defenders of Vernya. Roban watched several burning jars made of clay thrown in his direction, but they overflew his...
The sun had vanished behind the mountains when Ghania finished her tale. It was silent, and in the twilight of dusk the lands looked peaceful again. Maybe even the dead on the battlefield felt at peace, at least until their souls arrived at the Underworld. For the day’s survivors it was no more than an armed truce, and for some of them there wasn’t any rest at all. The fighting continued within the seclusion of their minds. Another war fought on another battlefield. “It was you; it’s all...
All characters in this story are 18 years or older, and any high school aged character depicted in any sexual situation in any following chapter is a senior 18 years or older. Bryan groaned groggily as his alarm began blaring. Reaching out blindly, he fumbled for the offending device on his bedside table, eventually finding it with his groping fingers and managing to silence it. There was a loud crash as it slid off the table and onto the floor, and the sound of snapping plastic. Bryan swore...
IncestAthea watched Feya’s daughter riding away through the thousands of risen dead. The dead ignored her and continued clawing their path in the opposite direction. Farther in the west, the Norgar were chasing the Manthakin army towards the mountains. Tomorrow they could close them in, and end the battle with the biggest massacre in the history of Calmyra. Bigger even than the massacre in the north, where fifty-thousand Ogusi riders were ready to trample down the Ghallan Clans. The slaughter of...
They watched him. His face was contorted in anger and his fists balled so tightly that his nails pierced the skin of his palms. Blood seeped from his fists on the wooden surface beneath his hands, forming a slowly growing puddle. There was a new god at their table and he was a very furious god. “She betrayed me.” The sentence escaped through his grinding teeth. The silence was broken, and then it was totally destroyed when loud laughter exploded from the others at the table. “May I suggest...
Copyright© Yotna El'toub 2004 "Yet from those flames no light, but rather darkness visible". John Milton, Paradise Lost. Chapter one: Finishing off... The skip was almost full; Jeff bent down and picked up the broken board he flipped it, scattering snails in the process. He could just make out the faded green script. 'SSSI - Warren's Wood, welcome please take care of... ' Sighing he flicked his wrist, the shattered sign spun through the air, and clattered into the steel...
Introduction: She has that darkness inside her, that darkness whose finality is to reveal her true nature… I wish you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing, and I hope you like it enough to let me a comment, ok? Special thanks to my friend Arizona1664 for checking it for me. ———————————————————————————————————————————————- Darkness Inside. I was born on a dark day. The day my loving mother ceased to exist. And the dark gray clouds filled my sky for years, since Ive born. Im in...
Coming to the story in the last part I fucked my mom in the bathroom. Now my sex adventures continued in grandma’s house with my mom. After a fuck in the bathroom, I am still in the mood and I need to fuck, but I don’t know how. So I started to cook up a plan. My grandma’s house is in a forest area and it has a small waterfall nearby where nobody comes. So I asked everyone shall we go to the waterfalls. Every one said no because Grandma was ill. I pleaded with my mom at least you come with me...
Incest"I can't wait.", Charles says to himself in the bathroom mirror as he straightens the collar of his shirt. Smiling to himself, he turns his head slightly, glancing into the bedroom where Janine is dressing. He watches as she tosses one of her multi-colored floral sundresses over her head. For Charles, time seems to slow down, his eyes following the dress as it slowly slips down over her wonderfully athletic body. It almost seems like liquid fabric slowly trickling over her slender arms, full...
EroticAuthor of Another Yard and Driven Lust presents: CUMBERLAND FALLS Chapter 1 Jesse Cumberland was a simple man. Born and raised in Kentucky, he was an outdoorsman by nature. He served in the military after graduating high school to earn a living and learned the brick layer’s trade from his tour of service. He applied that trade after his tour of duty with a construction company that built new homes. At $25.00 an hour, he could make a decent living and live a comfortable...
The Darkness Part one: the gatekeeper falls: "Won't you share the darkness with me?" - Irish saying It must have always been there, when the light gave way, hidden in the shadows. Those same shadows grew longer now as the sun disappeared. They crept across the playing fields on the edge of town, covering the ground first, then climbing up the bramble encased fences of the houses that bordered the playing fields and across the small patches of grass that were called back gardens up...
This past summer, I was sent to Niagara Falls, ON, on business and was put up in hotel for two weeks. I had been with guys before, but hadn't had any kind of fun for about 5 years, with the delusion of holding out for a relationship. Since I figured that wasn't going to happen anytime soon, I decided to let loose and have a little fun while staying in the hotel. So, My first night in the hotel I pulled out my iphone and got on the Grindr app, and sought out guys in the area. There were a few...
GayThe Ogusi Fusans had witnessed the preparation of Jenaya and her departure. Obviously disapproving of what had happened they were frowning at Roban and the remaining women. “So the mystical might of the Norgar Chieftains lies in his blood and you use it to task a woman with the job of a warrior. The legends of the Norgar never spoke of such cowardice,” Fusan Djargis said. All the women spun around, their furious glares colliding with the Ogusi’s condemnation. “You are lucky that I know...
Crackling, sizzling, booming, pouring through the air, there was little doubt that there was something going on, something neither one could have predicted or accounted for, let alone understood. And they stood there like dragons, breathing and snarling as though it was the others' fault. They both knew better, but that changed little. Breathing fire, they circled each other watching waiting for whatever might come next, knowing whatever it was could ultimately destroy them; caring not. As the...
Erotic“Is my Beast resting, dreaming of dark desires for his prey? Are your dreams: taunting, teasing, mocking you?” Anna walks through the darkness, barefoot on soft earth. “I whisper your name ‘Allan’, from a distance. The faint smell of Anna’s heat drifts through the air. The scent stirs and hunger, that can’t be sated. “you feel me. My breath on your skin. You can’t find me. You know I’m here. You’re searching. Your body is cold, it aches” Alone in the darkness stands Allan the Beast....
a slave I still feel like a queen. I sense your eyes on my naked breasts, especially those areas that seem to be painted in the darker chocolate hue that accentuates my areolas. You love to try and get your mouth around it all. From there your eyes travel down my voluptuous chocolate body, over my flat stomach with the butterfly tattoo, to the kinky blackness of my sex; and further on to my softly sculpted things and long legs. I have been waiting for hours. You woke me this morning by sticking...
Andra screamed into her ballgag. She screamed as my whip hit her beautiful ass again. She'd been screaming herself hoarse since I started working my way down her back with the horsewhip. She screamed when I hauled her up by her bound tits, her wrists tied to them and they tied to a pulley fixed to the ceiling. Her ankles were tied together with cruel handcuffs, almost too tight for her. Her big toes were tied with wire to a D-ring in the floor and her head was covered in a gag and...
Darkness Porn! It’s time I let you, horny bastards, into the back room. It’s time to peel back that crusty curtain and give you true degenerates access to the most fucked-up shit I could find that was still, well, legal and all of that. I’m not trying to get my door caved in by some trigger-happy fucks with riot gear. I’m not about that life. But I know that loads of you fappers like the darker shit. So, it’s time that we take a look at the kinkier side of porn. And, man, this content isn’t...
Extreme Porn Websites1. Nadava 2. Alana 3. Jake Previews Preview: Nadava “Noah,” I hear. “Noah,” the voice repeats itself. “Noah,” it continues. I open my eyes to see a woman standing right in front of me. “Noah,” she repeats in the same tone. I feel the small rocks under my hairless arms poke into my skin. I sit up and look around. I look ahead to see there is no end to this cave I am in. I am trapped by a grey circular wall that...
It is the year 145 in the fourth age of Middle-Earth. After the death of King Elessar, his son Eldarion toik the throne of Gondor. At first, things seemed peaceful, but a great evil was preparing to unleash it's fury upon the free peoples of Middle-Earth. It was in early summer of the year when strange reports began to come from the outlying provinces of Gondor, as well as from Rohan. Some say that a darkness lay over the desolation of Mordor, abandoned since the fall of Sauron. Others say that...
Non-EroticMenja lay curled up on her side under an ash tree at the garden of the estate they called their home. Her back was snuggled into Bosko’s side as he lay dozing behind her. Her eyes were open but her gaze was blank. I don’t understand. You love Atady and want him to be your daddy. He loves you too and he wants to be your daddy. Why are you sad? “Because it’s not real, I’m a bastard,” Menja answered sniffling. There are no dragons, no faeries and no bastards on Calmyra. I never made one. “If...
Chapter 1: Night Falls by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Abigail D'Angelo controlled her fear as she pushed open the doors of Neil Armstrong High School. She hadn't expected to be on the hunt when she came back to town to visit her sick mother. She stared into the dark school. It had been fourteen years since she strolled the hallways. The last time had been to kill a vampire, too. In some ways, the school looked unchanged since that bloody night, in others it was radically...
Your name is Lance Pines and you mom sends you, your sister Mabel, and your brother Dipper to Gravity Falls, Oregon. You arrive at your Gruncle Stan's home....which is also a tourist attraction? You and your sister share the attic and your brother has his own room. Which seems dumb, but you had no power choosing where to sleep. You and Mabel unpack, the attic has a mirror in it so you walk up to it and look at yourself, you have brown eyes, brown hair, high cheek bones, your pretty fit, and you...
Rayne and Carter Stern go shopping in the Falls and get a hands on product demonstration at Lex and Lacey's toy emporium.
Group SexThe Darkness Part two: the gatekeeper falls:: Normally I would have approached an intruder on my land like the clich? of a farmer shouting something like "Oi, get off my land!" but that did not seem appropriate here. I was looking at a lady. A lady like this could not be an intruder, could she? She had long straight jet black hair with black orchids in it. The orchids held down a long black transparent veil which went down to her shoulders but which did not at all cover her f...
Most of us it is true, cannot forget our first sexual experience, no matter how trivial or fleeting it might be. It was this thought that made me take up writing this after being a regular reader on the site. To make the story more interesting some facts – this happens in one of the smaller towns in India – where it is normal for children to be at neighbors houses and for them to watch over young kids etc. I would be around 18 at that time and had just about discovered the surprise of night...
Hi, my name is Jean Wenc and I am 23 years old. I work as an Internal Auditor at one of the largest organizations in Zimbabwe. I am black, short and a great athlete. My boss told me I had to go on a business trip to Victoria Falls, 1 of the 7 wonders in the world, with 2 other guys I worked with. Soon as we got there we made ourselves comfortable that night by hanging out at this great club called Shoestrings were a lot of white guys normally chilled at. Opposite to our table, was sitting a...
Drunk sexSpecial thanks to my friend Arizona1664 for checking it for me. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darkness Inside. I was born on a dark day. The day my loving mother ceased to exist. And the dark gray clouds filled my sky for years, since I've born. I'm in the shadows, in a flawless, cruel and lustfull night I discovered it was meant to last forever. The three of us...
Darkness Adriana crouched at the tap and turned it on. Water trickled out, she scooped some with her hand and splashed it on her face. It felt refreshing. She was very hungry as she hadn.t eaten since before her capture. They had only been given some water during the ordeal. In the six weeks that they had been on the loose, they hadn.t gone too far. They had followed the river in a northern direction. Sometimes it seemed like they were being set up. For instance they found supplies meant...
Roban entered the house and was greeted by Patessa and Nigulla. They led him to a room on the first floor and rushed away before he opened the door. Light was coming from candleholders on the walls to either side of the entrance and a stack of wood was burning in a fireplace on the one outer wall of the room. Although it was a small room, a large four poster bed was placed in its center. The figure of a small girl huddled in a corner of the bed. It was the corner farthest away from Denyssa at...
Kassja leaned over the Emperor and whispered in his ear. “ ... Deliver this message with my best regards to my mother and Family,” Kassja finished, and then pushed Dharkuntis off his throne. There he lay, with blankly staring eyes, while his blood poured out of the wound in his throat and his existence was forced to leave Calmyra. Out of the corner of her eyes Kassja watched a guard storming towards her. He was roaring in anger and armed with a long spear. Two steps and he dropped to the...
After Roban had left the dinner table Athea took Rhabina, Hassika and Leandris aside. She had noticed their drawn faces and their uneasy movements throughout the meal. “What happened?” She asked the trio. “I followed Roban like you told me to do. He was at the smithy again, and at the market place. On the way back home he went inside a barn. When he didn’t come out again, I wanted to peek inside to see what was going on, and he noticed me.” Rhabina reported. “And you two?” Athea questioned...
Sure enough, two minutes later than he wanted, I turned up and slipped into the passenger seat of his car. I couldn’t resist his cockiness, slight arrogance. We went for a drive, getting 3 miles from where we started before he stopped the car and kissed me passionately, running his tongue along mine and leaving me moaning gently into his mouth. We drove for a while longer and he held my hand for a while before moving it to his crotch. I could feel the heat from his cock building up. It...
Introduction: Im a tease but why be good when being bad is so much more fun? The blonde stranger did text me back. Poor guy was very understanding about the whole thing, despite being stood up. His pride was bruised but I think the cock sucking he had received had helped ease his pain… He was in my thoughts for about 2 weeks, sending occasional texts to and fro, when he took the power out of my hands and told me he would be at a certain place at a certain time and if I turned up then great and...