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Adriana crouched at the tap and turned it on. Water trickled out, she scooped some with

her hand and splashed it on her face. It felt refreshing. She was very hungry as she hadn.t

eaten since before her capture. They had only been given some water during the ordeal.

In the six weeks that they had been on the loose, they hadn.t gone too far. They had

followed the river in a northern direction. Sometimes it seemed like they were being set

up. For instance they found supplies meant for the prison camp along the way. They

grabbed whatever they could and that.s what kept the three of them going for so long.

They had set up camp in a dense, hilly section and those packets of nutrient powder,

pellets, soap powder and toothpaste came in very handy.

But now she was in a punishment cell, after spending the night suspended from a tree.

Her shoulders were very sore, she was exhausted and desperately needed to sleep, but she

was too scared to turn her attention away from the door of the near-dark cell. They

obviously wanted a full confession. who planned the escape, who helped them on the

inside? She knew that the three of them had schemed together and made a run for it on a

toilet break near the end of yet another long day in the fields.

Life on the loose was an adventure but they had managed to make the most of it. Now

Adriana, Kirra and Celeste were in individual 4x6 cells with concrete walls and a dirt

floor. The only light came trough a 6.x6. opening in the door, that had bars that could be

lifted. The toilet was no more than a deep hole near one wall, like the rest of the toilets

across the prison camp. There was a tap near the floor. And she was naked and shackled

at her wrists and ankles.

Naked. That.s what it had come down to. They had ripped her prison uniform to shreds

when they recaptured her. She had been wearing the brown baggy dress the entire time

she had been in prison, which was close to a year. The dress had held up pretty well and

when on the run, she was even able to wash it properly in the river and hang it on a tree to

dry while they hid in the shade during the day. The last bit of the uniform had been

removed before she was suspended from the tree for the night.

Adriana didn.t know what emotion to feel apart from fear. They were going to come back

and question her again. She knew that the next several days and weeks were going to be

sheer hell. They had been warned at the time of their initiation into the prison camp that

escape attempts would not be tolerated and hell awaited those who tried to get away.

But she got away and managed to stay out for six weeks with her two close friends. That

had now come to and end. Adriana sat against the wall, her legs outstretched, and stared

at the door, ignoring the hunger pangs. She fell asleep.


The sound of the door opening made Adriana jump up. She moved back into the corner

of the cell, her hands folded across her chest. The guard said nothing as she placed a

plastic pitcher of water, a banana and half a loaf of bread on the floor. She closed the

door and left.

Adriana reached for the water and drank half of it in one go. She was glad to have

something to eat. She ate the banana and most of the bread. She saved the banana peel.

With nothing to do but wait, Adriana rested against the wall and thought about life before

prison, life at the camp and life as a fugitive. She reckoned they would increase her

sentence from ten years to perhaps twenty years. Her life was ruined anyway. She would

be unrecognizable to the outside world after her release. There had been no contact after

her brief trial had ended. The camp was isolated from civilization.

She thought about Kirra and Celeste and how they were holding up in their cells. They

were probably down the hall from her but she couldn.t hear them. She wondered when

they would question her again. She fell asleep once again.

She dreamed of days gone by. She was on the beach, showing off her bikini to all those

young men. Life on the beach was great. sun, surf and drinks during the day. More

drinks and clubs at night. Sexy clothes, hot tubs and showers, full body waxes, great

food, girlfriends and boyfriends. Lots of sex. threesomes and foursomes, free love,

blindfolds, a weekend of no-stop sex, shackles, whips. Hot weather, shackles. the beach

dream began to merge with prison life. that awful uniform, her feet and legs covered

with dirt, 5 minute showers, pit toilets. no grooming, no underwear. Evil guards

hovered behind her as she crouched on the ground and continued digging. sleeping on

dirt floors in a cell shared with nine others. Drinking copious amounts of water each day,

sweating, peeing onto the ground. cornmeal mush and pellets for meals. bathing in the

river while on the run, making love to her friends under the trees. naked while the

uniform dried in the sun, lots of body hair, the closeness making her feel sexy once again.

She woke up and realized that she had been turned on by her dream. She was very wet

between her legs and her pussy was throbbing, aching for attention. She brought her

fingers close and felt herself through the thick tangle of hair. She couldn.t resist sliding

her fingers inside. She folded her legs to give herself better access and began to pleasure

herself, making sure she didn.t moan too loudly, being attentive enough so that she could

stop if she heard someone coming.

Nobody came by but Adriana had a powerful orgasm. Here she was, naked and dirty on

the floor of a dark cell, masturbating in silence. She withdrew her sticky fingers and

brought them to her mouth. She licked them clean. Hot, sweaty and contented, she curled

up on the floor and closed her eyes.


She couldn.t fall asleep this time. She had to use the toilet. She crawled over to the hole

and squatted. When she finished she washed herself at the tap, using part of the banana

peel as a washcloth, then tossing it into the hole. She drank the rest of her water and went

back to leaning against the wall.

She thought about her first day at the camp. They had been brought over the night before.

After a thorough, humiliating search and medical exam, they had been placed in a

transition cell for the night. just four walls and a hole. They were in their new uniforms,

which were loose and uncomfortable. They were wearing bras but no panties. The dress

came down to their knees. None of them slept much that night as they lay on the hard dirt

floor and stared at the ceiling. The light from the corridor was too bright.

The morning siren blared before the sun had risen. They got up and dusted their

uniforms. The chains around their ankles limited their movements a little bit, the chains

around their wrists would make simple tasks challenging. They had to get used to it.

The cell door opened and a guard ushered them out. They were led outside, into the cool

morning air. Other prisoners were filing out of their cellblocks, in various states of

raggedness. Some had very torn uniforms, while others were in better shape. All had

unkempt hair that was tied back. All were shackled.

Orders were given to line up. The newest inmates were at the back of a line. Adriana had

no idea what the routine was going to be like. She didn.t dare to ask anyone. Stern guards

walked up and down, glaring at the prisoners. One guard pulled a prisoner out of file and

berated her for not taking care of her uniform, which was torn from the underarm down

the side. The guard grabbed the tear and tore it further, all the way down to the hemline,

leaving it attached by a thread. She pushed her back into the line.

They marched to the work site where they were split into groups of four, handed shovels

and directed to specific locations to continue digging the canal system. Adriana had been

separated from her friends and was with three other prisoners, none of who said a word to

her. She really had to pee but didn.t dare ask for permission. She decided to follow the

lead of one of the prisoners in her work group. This is what it had come down to. while

the veteran prisoner, who looked like she could be 25, lifted her dress to reveal a thick

hairy pussy, Adriana had a smooth, shaved one to expose to the world. Both of them

relieved themselves at the work site, which actually helped soften the ground beneath

them and make shoveling a lot easier. Drops of piss clung to her as she lowered her dress

and resumed her work.

Work stopped on the hour, every hour, for a two-minute water break. Around midmorning came the first meal, a bowl of cornmeal mixed with a special nutrient powder.

That break was ten minutes, really the only chance to use the toilet which was a narrow,

deep trench dug at the edge of the work area. The sounds of tools hitting ground were

often interrupted by yelling guards or the occasional crack of the whip. An afternoon

meal, the same as the morning meal, brought some relief. After sunset came the end of

work bell.

By this time, Adriana and her fellow prisoners were soaked in sweat. Their hands and

feet were covered in dirt, their faces streaked with sweat and dirt. Exhausted, they were

marched back to the cellblock for their showers. Prisoners lined up at the outdoor sinks to

brush their teeth. Then they received some soap shavings and were ushered into a huge

shower hall where they lined up, inches apart from each other, under narrow pipes. For

five minutes cool water rained down on them as they scrambled to wash the dirt and

sweat and clean up as best as possible with the meager amount of soap. The water

stopped when they wanted it to go on forever. There were no towels so they had to use

part of their uniform to dry themselves. The evening breeze made them feel cool as they

collected their dinner bowls and water bottles and crouched in the courtyard to eat in

silence. Dinner was a bowl of pellets, specially made for labor camp inmates, high in

fiber and protein and other essential nutrients. They tasted sweet and a little tangy and left

a decent aftertaste when washed down with water. Finally, with the sun long gone and the

camp bathed in floodlights, the prisoners were ordered to their cells for the night,

clutching onto a bottle of water each.

Lights went out as soon as all the doors had closed.


This time the bright light from the corridor woke Adriana up. She shielded her eyes as

she struggled to sit up. Two guards were standing at the door, one of them motioned her

to stand up.

She had lost track of how long she had been in the punishment cell. Meals and water

came with some regularity. There had even been a small tube of toothpaste and some

soap shavings tossed into her cell.

She was led, still naked and shackled, and very dazed, down the narrow corridor and up

several flights of stairs to a small room. The room was windowless but had a bright light

on the ceiling. Hanging from the ceiling was a beam with a chain attached. Two small

posts were placed on the floor of the cell, near the center, several feet apart. A drain was

in the center of the floor. There were two chairs against the wall.

Adriana was secured to the beam, her arms stretched above her. Her legs were spread as

far as the shackles would allow and her ankles were secured to the floor posts with a new

set of shackles.

The guards left here alone, closing the door behind them.

The heat from the light was intense, Adriana was sweating profusely, also from fear. The

dreaded interrogation was about to begin. When the door finally opened, a guard entered

holding a hose. She aimed it at Adriana.s face and turned it on. A cold jet of water hit

her, offering some relief but the sheer power made her feel like she was going to drown.

The hose was quickly moved over her body, rinsing off the dirt that had collected during

her time in the punishment cell. The guard made sure that she aimed the hose between

Adriana.s legs longer than necessary and then proceeded to wash her back and butt. The

water collected in the middle of the floor and slowly drained away.

Another guard entered and served Adriana a bottle of water through a straw. She was

getting a little hungry. Her last meal had been half a loaf of bread and she had slept for a

while after that.

One of the senior officers of the prison finally entered the cell and took her seat. She

placed a folded whip on the chair next to her. Two guards remained stationed in the cell,

one at the door and the other behind Adriana.

The officer began by reading the new charges and then asked her first question, .So who

masterminded this escape?.

Adriana softly replied, .the three of us..

.That.s not what we.ve heard,. the officer said sternly, .your friends said that it was your


Mind games, Adriana thought to herself. There.s no way her friends would set her up to

take the fall for what was a joint effort.

.We planned it together,. Adriana said, her voice trembling.

The officer picked up the whip and handed it to the guard who was positioned behind

Adriana. She continued, .Again, were you the mastermind of the operation that

undermined our prison system? Did you, or did you not, hatch the plot and lead two

innocent inmates to their downfall?.

.No,. said Adriana, .I did. owwwww.. The guard let loose the whip, two swift strokes

across her back. She fought back tears as she felt her skin sting. The whips were specially

designed to redden but not scar.

.Let.s try this again, one more time as I have limited patience. Explain how you planned

this operation and your stay in this room will be short. Lie again and you.ll see what

happens,. the officer said, rising to her feet and heading for the door.

.We always wanted to escape. We did it together. We stole and hid supplies on toilet

breaks. We broke into supply drop-offs along the way. It was a team effort..

.That.s a lie,. the officer said before leaving the cell, the sounds of Adriana.s cries

fading in the distance as the guard whipped her all over her back, butt and thighs, before

locking the cell door and leaving her shackled and sobbing.


At least in the punishment cell there were the occasional footsteps in the corridor. She

could even hear the guards talking. Now there was no sound whatsoever. She wondered

how they delivered her food and water in absolute silence. The walls and door were very

thick, she figured.

Adriana crouched in the tiny cell, a box much smaller than the punishment cell, with no

room to stand straight or lie down. Still shackled at the wrists and ankles, she had been

brought here after one final question and answer session that ended with another

whipping and a hosedown. This time they had shaved her head.

There was some light that came in through cracks above and below the door. She had no

idea how long she would spend in this cell. There was no toilet or tap, just a drain. They

allowed her out once every 26 hours, the only time she saw another human or heard any

sounds other than her own shackles. Those precious 15 minutes were spent in a room as

small as her cell but with a higher ceiling. That room had a hole in the ground and a tap.

She also got her toothbrush, her daily water refill and bowl of pellets and bread. Small

comforts meant a lot to her. She would wait patiently for those 15 minutes of freedom.

One false move and she.d lose that.

She counted the days but would soon be thrown off as they let her out at random times,

sometimes after 18 hours, sometimes after 30. Even then she made the most of her time at

the tap, washing her face and private parts. Her hair was growing back, she wondered

how she looked. She hadn.t seen a mirror since her incarceration.

Months went by and the silence and isolation was broken by the toilet visits and

occasional hose-downs. Still well fed, Adriana remained in decent health but began to

wonder how long this would go on. In some ways, she was beginning to miss the hard

labor that she had gotten used to before her escape and capture. At least she saw other

people all day long, heard conversations and breathed fresh air.


.Back to work,. is what the guard said as she pulled Adriana out of her hole. Her hair

now shoulder-length and unkempt, her body hairy and unwashed for a few days, her

ankles and wrists still shackled, she was led down the narrow corridor and out into the

open for the first time in months. The fresh air almost made her cry. It felt so good to be

outside again. It was a cloudy day so her eyes didn.t require much adjusting after all

those months in the dimly lit cell. Still she tried not to look at the open space. She stood

near the back of a van, with a guard at her side. After a few minutes passed, her friends

Kirra and Celeste appeared, both looking tired, haggard and broken. All three managed a

smile as they were ordered into the back of the van. Adriana wanted to grab them and hug

them tightly, but she knew that the guards wouldn.t like that at all.

As two guards got into the front of the van, the guard on the passenger side handed the

prisoners water bottles and paper bags containing bread crusts and pellets. She told them

to remain quiet and off they went.

They stopped once along the way but the prisoners weren.t allowed to get out. The road

was narrow and unpaved and cut through the forest. After nearly six hours on the road,

they pulled up at a huge iron gate, which swung open and they finally stopped near a

small building.

With both guards out of the van, Adriana spoke softly, .how are you?.

Kirra replied, .glad to be out of the hell hole..

Celeste asked, .I wonder where they have brought us..

.It can.t get any worse,. Kirra said, .look at us. We look like animals..

.At least they fed us and let us wash somewhat,. Adriana said, her voice trailing off as

she heard the guards return.

The back of the van opened and they were ushered out. Leaving their empty bottles and

paper bags on the floor of the van, the prisoners stepped out onto the grass.

A stern-looking woman approached the guards and asked gruffly, .so what have you

brought us this time?.

One guard replied, .we.re here to exchange the last load with this load. Have they been


.Very much so,. the woman replied, staring at Kirra. .I can sure use these prisoners,

there.s so much to do down there. Bring me a few more if you can..

.Will do,. said the guard.

.Follow me,. the woman said to the trio. She led them into her office. She sat behind her

desk and looked them up and down for several minutes, glancing at some files at the

same time.

She continued, .the work you will do here is related to the work at your previous camp.

However, conditions here are tough and we watch you more closely. One false move and

you.ll think of your last cell as a five star hotel.

.We will continue to feed you and give you opportunities to wash but if you.re

unproductive, life will get tougher. I want no trouble from any of you. My girls are all

hard working and obedient and disciplined and if there is the slightest hint of trouble

anywhere in this camp, I will blame the three of you and personally administer your

punishment. Now you.ve had a long trip. I.ll be nice and allow you to rest for the rest of

the day and night and in the morning I will lead you to your work zone..

She called in a guard and ordered her to take the prisoners to an overnight cell. .Before

morning bell they should be led to site 14,. she told the guard.

The overnight cell was at the end of the corridor. It was nothing more than a 8x6 concrete

windowless room with a light fixed to a high ceiling. There was a hole and a tap and

some soap shavings.

The door slammed shut after the guard had given each of them large pitchers of water to

drink from.

The three prisoners embraced tightly, their warm bodies locked, tears flowing freely but

silently. After several minutes each took turns relieving themselves in the hole and

washing up with some soap shavings. The cool water felt nice, even though it just

trickled out of the tap. Still, they were cleaner than they were a few minutes ago.

They sat down on the floor, leaning against the back wall of the cell, their bodies

touching. They held hands and sat in silence. After some time, the cell door opened and

they were handed bowls of broth with vegetables floating in them. They smiled and

accepted food that wasn.t bread, pellets or grits. They ate their broth with bread. The cell

door remained open as they ate. The guard arrived and gave them water and took the

bowls away, leaving a tall pitcher and a cup for the night.

They slept like babies that night, embracing one another, even kissing each other with

some passion. After months apart it felt good to be together.

New Job

Their deep sleep was rudely interrupted by the opening of the cell door. .On your feet,.

the guard shouted, .time for transfer to work zone.. They were led down the corridor,

groggy and confused, and out into the darkness. They were marched through a wooded

area and led down a shaft into an underground bunker where they were greeted by the

woman who ran the operation, the same woman who had greeted them when they arrived.

.Sit down, ladies,. she said. The prisoners sat down on the narrow bench while their host

sat on a table.

.We are laying an underground plumbing network, that will connect to the overground

irrigation system you were working on at the previous labor camp. You will spend the

next several months down here, working long shifts with short breaks. We expect you to

step up to the plate and be productive. We know you are an energetic and creative bunch.

The sooner this project is over, the sooner you get to go back and work in the field again.

I have chosen three locations for you so you will be separated. At each location you will

find tools, rations and safety equipment. Detailed instructions are also posted there. Any


The prisoners said nothing.

.Good,. the woman continued, .now let.s get to work..

Three guards entered and each took charge of one prisoner. Adriana was led by her arm

down the narrow corridor and down some more stairs. An air-handling system kept fresh

air flowing through the underground work site. Dim lights lit up the place. She couldn.t

see which way her friends were going but they were not behind her any more.

They stopped at a door. Her name and photo was on it. The guard opened the door and

pushed her in. The door slammed shut and a light came on. She was standing in a 4x4

room with a high ceiling and a domed light. Against one wall was a wooden box with the

word .supplies. printed across. On top of the box were a small shovel and a piece of

paper that said .Instructions.. She picked it up and read it.

Instructions for Employee

This is your home.

What you need for the next 14 days is in the wooden crate.

Dig yourself a toilet.

Your job is to look at the .X. on the back wall of the cell and dig a uniform hole, 12

inches in diameter (use ruler) until you reach an opening on the other side.

Wear a facemask at all times.

Deposit dirt into shaft in wall above crate.

We will be watching you.

Adriana opened the box. There was a crate of drinking water, loaves of bread and bags of

pellets and nutrient powder. There was a toothbrush, two tubes of toothpaste and a bag of

soap granules.

She picked up the shovel and wondered how long it would take her to dig trough the wall.

But first things first, she crouched on the ground and began digging a toilet. She dug it as

deep as she could, almost two feet deep and 8 inches wide. She was sweating profusely

from the labor and finished by piling the dirt in one corner and leaning against the supply

crate to catch her breath.

She got up, drank some water and began her assignment.

How thick is this wall?

Adriana had dug as far as she could reach. Her arms were aching and covered with dirt.

The face mask kept the dirt out of her nose and mouth. It seemed as though she would

have to dig wider so she could crawl into the hole in order to dig deeper. She could

always replace some of the dirt and return the hole to its 12 inch diameter.

She had been at this for several days it seemed. She still had enough to eat. The powder

was quite filling, a few scoops with water kept her going for a while. She spared some

water to wash her hands and she used the paper wrappers as toilet paper.

Her body was covered with dirt, with streaks of sweat running across. She figured they

would wash her after she was done so she just had to suck it up and carry on. She took

frequent breaks, to get dirt and sweat out of her eyes. The shackles made it difficult to dig

efficiently but she soldiered on.

If they were watching her, they must.ve been happy for no one opened the door until it

was time for fresh rations. The warden appeared with a guard and inspected her progress.

She didn.t say a word. The guard placed new supplies in the crate and gave her a bucket

of water and said, .wash with that and use it to collect dirt..

Adriana washed her face and between her legs with the water. She felt refreshed. She had

been brushing her teeth regularly and had set aside some drinking water for washing her

eyes at the end of a long day. She had no sense of time. No sense of day and night. She

just used her body to figure out an approximate time scale.


Adriana was lying flat on her stomach in the tunnel, she was several feet away from her

cell, trying to make her way to wherever the end was going to be. She would dig for a

while and then slide back through the two foot wide tunnel, hauling the dirt back for

disposal. Her body was caked with the damp soil and dirt, which mixed with her sweat

and formed a coating on her skin, almost like a protective coat. She knew she had dug a

wider tunnel than instructed. There was no way she could.ve burrowed far without

physically going into the earth.

She was catching her breath, drinking water from the bottle she carried with her. She was

getting a little hungry so she crawled backwards and out into her cell, grateful that she

was able to stretch a bit. She dusted herself off with no avail, then pulled off her face

mask and picked up some pellets and washed them down with more water. She looked at

her handiwork, she had dug at least twenty feet into the wall. She squatted over her toilet

and relieved herself and then returned to work.

She felt the earth loosen rather easily and then give away to nothing as she had reached

the end. She was ecstatic, letting out a scream of delight. She crawled further to see what

was at the other end. It was a cell like hers, but empty. The supply crate was empty.

Whoever was in there had only dug a few feet into the wall. She heard the cell door open.

A guard walked in.

.Get out of the tunnel now!. she ordered Adriana, who crawled out of the narrow

opening onto the ground. She stood up and dusted herself off. She pulled off her mask.

The guard handed her a wet towel. She gratefully used it to wipe her face and hands.

.So you.ve made it to the end I see,. the guard said. Adriana just smiled. She forgot her

plight momentarily as she reveled in her sense of accomplishment. The guard continued,

.too bad the warden isn.t here to see this. But I.m sure she.ll be pleased..

They heard noises through the tunnel. Someone was in Adriana.s cell. She could hear

someone say, .we.re done here, transfer the supplies.. Adriana wondered if she was

going to be moved to another work zone. The guard stepped closer and looked her in the

eye. She grabbed Adriana.s face and stared right into her eyes and said, .pretty girls like

you deserve far worse. You come to our country, break our laws, and end up here. By the

time we.re done with you, you.ll have no memory of what life was like before your

arrest. Right now you dream about clothes and parties, good food, boyfriends, sex,

beaches and whatnot. You had it all, you threw it all away. Now you.ll forget it all..

Adriana was shaking with fear. No guard had ever gotten in her face like this without a

warden being present. The guard continued after relaxing her grip on Adriana, .you

know, we have men working in our system as well. Nice muscular strong men who

haven.t seen a woman in years. They work hard for little reward. Nothing will please

them more than a tight white chick like you, for whom sex was always meaningless..

The guard pushes her back towards the wall. Adriana was truly scared now. She began to


.Yes,. the guard said, .cry all you want. Even our men wouldn.t want anything to do

with you. Look at you, covered with dirt, caked in mud and sweat. But when natural

urges take over, the men will ignore all of that. Your friends have paid their respects to

our hard-working men. You will do the same, soon..

Adriana slumped to the floor and buried her face in her hands. She sobbed uncontrollably

as the guard left her alone in the empty cell, leaving a water bottle behind. Her cell in the

meantime had been emptied and the end of the tunnel sealed. She wanted to crawl back

inside and disappear. That.s how she felt. She thought about Kirra and Celeste, what they

must.ve gone through. Was the guard telling the truth? Maybe not. Maybe she was just

messing with her mind. What if she was telling the truth? Adrian wondered who would

want to have sex with her in this condition? She hadn.t masturbated in ages and hadn.t

had any sexual urges since the night with Kirra and Celeste in the overnight cell. Even

then, they just kissed and fondled one another.

Her face streaked with tears, Adriana composed herself and drank some water. She

quietly waited for whatever lay in store for her. She ran her fingers through her hair,

which was tangled beyond repair and full of dirt. She shook off as much dirt as she could.

In the dim light of the cell she looked down at her body. Her breasts were holding up

well. She felt her nipples and with a bit of water, cleaned the dirt off them. She leaned

back against the wall and stretched her legs out in front of her. Her hands relatively clean,

she decided to feel her pussy for the first time in days. Working her fingers through the

thick, tangled hair she found a wet spot. Was she really aroused, she wondered? She did

have to pee so she slid to the corner of the cell and crouched. As she reached the end of

the warm clear stream, she cupped her hand beneath her and felt her piss collect in her

hand. As she finished she brought her hand closer and rubbed the warm liquid over her

pussy lips, cleaning off a fair amount of dirt from the hair. She took some water in her

hand and applied the finishing touches and then plunged two fingers inside herself for the

first time in months. She lay on her back, her legs bent at the knees and feet firmly

planted on the wall and began to furiously masturbate. It didn.t take long before she had

an explosive, wet orgasm. She rubbed her cum over her pussy until her hands tired. She

fell asleep.

She woke up when she felt the warden.s boot tapping her side. She rose to her feet and

tried not to look her in the eye. .I see you.ve relaxed a bit since your success at digging

the tunnel. Come, it.s time for a new project..

Adriana followed her out of the cell and down the maze-like corridor, turning every few

feet until they came to an area where there was a wide crack in the ceiling that allowed

the evening breeze in from outside. It felt nice. A guard walked in, holding a hose.

Without warning, she turned the hose on Adriana. The cool water hit her dirt-covered

body, almost pushing her back against a wall. The water resulted in the dirt becoming

mud and slowly running all over her. With instructions like .turn around. and .bend

over., Adriana was hosed from head to toe, without the chance to scrub herself or soap

up. When the hose was turned off she managed to get some of the mud off her body and

hair. It was still something. She was a lot cleaner than a few minutes ago.

Adriana crouched in the corner of the room, holding a bowl of pellets and bread floating

in water. She slowly ate her meal. As she was finishing she saw Celeste and Kirra being

brought in, caked in dirt from head to toe, virtually unrecognizable. They too were hosed

down and returned to some semblance of cleanliness and handed food bowls and the

three were together again.

Together again

The guard had lied about the men. Adriana made sure she confirmed that. Both Kirra and

Celeste had their own digging jobs. Kirra had to dig an underground tank so she most of

her time in a deep pit that she dug. It was too deep for her to rise to the top and into her

cell so she just took her supplies down with her. Celeste also dug a pipe tunnel like

Adriana. Now they were together in this empty room, washed, but with patches of dried

mud on their bodies. They sat in the corner, close to each other and held hands and

waited for whatever was in store for them. They fell asleep and woke up when the

sunlight streamed into the space. It was very refreshing. They got up and tried to look out

through the cracks in the ceiling. Their joy was short-lived when two guards appeared

and ushered them back into the maze.

Their new task was to transport all the dirt that had collected from the digging to a dump

site at the end of the maze. This meant loading the dirt by hand onto carts and pushing the

cart through the passageway to a room that was being sealed off with the dirt. They stood

in a large room where several vaults had been cut into the walls. Two carts stood by the

door. They began working, cupping the earth with the hands and emptying their hands

into the cart. It was boring and slow. It took hours to fill up one cart. It took days to

empty the room of its contents.

Once the last delivery had been made, Kirra sat down, exhausted. She said the guards

were on their way. The prisoners were covered in dirt as usual. They were tired and

sweaty and finished what remained of their water.

Two guards arrived at the door and found the prisoners slumped to the floor, leaning

against the wall in the empty room. One of them handed them their toothbrushes and cups

of water. After they brushed they were given some food and water and left alone. They

finished eating and fell asleep.

No one came to wake them up this time. When she finally got up, Adriana finished the

rest of her water and went to the hole to pee. She looked over at Kirra and Celeste fast

asleep, naked and dirty, still shackled like she was, as far away from civilized living as

possible. Adriana walked over to the door and looked out of the barred opening. There

was no one as far as she could see. The underground prison was silent.

Kirra and Celeste finally woke up and relieved themselves. The three were now sitting

cross-legged on the floor of the cell, with empty water bottles lying by the door. Adriana

put her hand on Celeste.s thigh and smiled. .I.m glad we.re together, the three of us,. she


Celeste fought back tears, her voice cracking, she said, .they better not separate us any

more. I can.t bear to be alone..

Kirra put her hand on Celeste.s shoulder and moved closer. She kissed her on her cheek,

the few parts of her body not caked with dirt. She twirled Celeste.s stringy, matted hair in

her fingers. Celeste turned and kissed her on the lips, sliding her tongue into Kirra.s

mouth in a passionate lip-lock.

Not wanting to be left out, Adriana moved closer and began kissing Celeste on the neck,

running her hands over her breasts, feeling her nipples. Soon Kirra and Adriana had

Celeste sandwiched between them on the floor, Adriana cupping Celeste.s breasts from

behind while Kirra kept kissing her. Then Celeste turned and began to kiss Adriana. The

pent up passion was giving way to some steamy lovemaking on the floor of their

underground cell. They were oblivious to the fact that one of the guards was watching

them through the barred window in the door and had pressed her beeper to summon the


Celeste now lay on her back while Adriana leaned over her to kiss Kirra. Then the two of

them began to exchange kisses with Celeste and work their mouths down to her breasts,

each sucking one nipple. Adriana.s hands were between Celeste.s legs, navigating the

tangled mass of pubic hair and finding her way to her wet pussy lips. She began rubbing

Celeste as the moans started to get louder. Kirra tried to keep her quiet by kissing her.

Adriana slid her fingers inside Celeste and began moving them, then she kissed her way

down to her pussy and with her tongue she began to lick away, oblivious to the dirt,

sweat and piss that was tangled into her bush. Adriana was on her knees, between

Celeste.s legs, her butt in the air. Kirra, in the meantime was squatting over Celeste.s

face, her bush inches from her mouth, as Celeste reached for her with her tongue.

The orgy continued, each taking turns at pleasuring each other. The close-circuit camera

had been turned on so the warden was enjoying the show in her office, with some of the

guards. She was taping it for the male prisoners who would get the treat after completing

their tasks.

The guard at the door was deeply aroused and was eager to join the fun but it was against

the rules. Her pager vibrated with the message, .stop them now.. It was the warden. She

had had enough. The guard put the key into the lock and the sound of the key turning

scattered the girls, but they had enjoyed every bit of their lovemaking. The guard entered

with a cart of water bottles and food. She also left them a bucket of wash water and some

soap. She locked the door and left.


The guard came in when they were fast asleep. It seemed as though several days had

passed since they had been locked in this cell. In that time they had become consumed

with sex, making out at every opportunity, ignoring their pathetic existence and focusing

on the simple pleasures of life.

Now the guard escorted them out of the cell and out of the underground bunker and into

the open. The fresh air felt great. It was a full moon night and the mild breeze felt great

against their skin. The girls were taken to a building about 200 feet away. They entered a

large washroom. The guard pointed out a row of showers but before they could make use

of this tremendous opportunity, they were forced to crouch and have their heads shaved

once again.

The cool water felt great after all these months. The water easily slid off their freshly-

shaved heads down their bodies. The soap shavings were an additional blessing. Adriana,

Kirra and Celeste proceeded to clean up as beast as they could. They wondered why they

were being treated well after all they had been forced to go through. After nearly ten

minutes of scrubbing and washing, the guard gave them a warning to finish up, before

shutting off the water. She handed them fresh towels to dry off.

Clean and dry, the girls sat down on a bench outside the washroom. Another guard

appeared with some clothes slung over her arm. She handed each prisoner a regulation

prison dress, the same brown baggy dress they wore when they first arrived. The girls

were ecstatic. First a shower, now clothes, what next?

A transfer was what was next. They boarded a prison van, clutching water bottles and

bread, and were driven to another prison complex. They arrived at the crack of dawn,

after spending most of the time awake and enjoying the fresh air that came into the van

thanks to the open windows.

A stern-looking guard greeted them and ordered a junior guard to escort the new arrivals

to cell # 114, which was at the end of a long corridor on the main floor. They passed

several steel doors in the dimly-lit corridor. The place was silent, except for the noise

their shackles made as they walked to their cell. Their cell didn.t have a solid door. It had

a barred door. They entered the cell, which didn.t have a lot to offer. It was 8x8 and

windowless. The ceiling was high and had two fluorescent domes that glowed brightly. In

one corner was a tap and under the tap was a small plastic bucket. In the opposite corner

was the toilet, the regulation hole. There was no cot, no mat, just an unfinished dirt floor.

On a shelf that had been cut into the wall were three brown-paper packets. As the cell

door closed the girls grabbed a packet each to inspect the contents. they carefully

unwrapped the paper and saved it. The packet contained a toothbrush, a tube of

toothpaste, a sanitary belt, a small bar of soap and a six inch square washcloth. These

were the most perks they had in their possession since their arrest. The girls were ecstatic.

They couldn.t hold back tears. Little things meant so much these days.

New Order

There were no surprises in store for them for now. They had no contact with other

prisoners and never left their cell. They heard the other prisoners being escorted out of

their cells, possibly to work. They saw the same guard several times a day. She brought

them their food and water. Even though they didn.t see the sun, they could keep track of

the days thanks to the food and water deliveries. Breakfast was a bowl of grits, lunch was

bread and a banana and dinner was rice and beans. Nutrient powder was sprinkled on

their meals. Water was plentiful. Washing was still cumbersome as they had to fill the

small plastic bucket and carry it to the other corner of the cell as the toilet also served as a

drain. But they set up a relay system, whereby one would wash while the others brought

her water. Usually they would all do a full wash on the same day and minimal washes on

the remaining days. That way they were always equally clean, which made the

lovemaking equally pleasurable. Sex with each other was their only solace, and even

though the lights were always on, they made out as often as they could, stopping each

time they heard the guard approaching.

The cameras were hidden, and were always rolling.

The days became months, new supplies came every month, the uniform was never

replaced so they had to hand wash it in the cell and remain naked while it dried. Having

spent so much time in isolation and working underground, they still didn.t know how

many years had passed since their arrest. No one told them, they never asked. Their

sentences had been extended to fifteen years. They would be 36 by the time they would

be free again. Contact with the outside world was still forbidden. As the months went by,

their hair grew back. They spent time braiding each other.s hair and putting each other

through whatever pampering they could. Body hair continued to flourish and they were

okay with that. It really made their lovemaking more pleasurable. The girls felt relaxed in

spite of the fairly primitive conditions they were being housed in.

Meanwhile, the warden was entertaining a visitor in her office. It was the new head of the

prison labor system. The irrigation project had been expanded and he was looking for

fresh legs. He handed her a map of the new worksite. She studied it carefully.

Several new canals were going to be dug. Each canal would be six feet wide and six feet

deep, but anywhere from one to ten miles long. The manager of the worksite wanted to

position prisoners 24 feet apart. Their positions would be permanent, that is they would

be tethered by the ankle to short, deep steel posts, by a chain 12 feet long. They would

start digging six feet from their posts and be responsible for a part of the canal, 24 feet

long and 6 feet wide.

In the other direction, four feet away from the position posts would lie a sprinkler-pipe

that would spray the prisoners with water at the end of each shift. The entire site was in

the shadow of the mountains with trees providing shade all around. And six feet further

away there would be a deep trench that had dug to serve as their toilet.

Prisoners would be naked. At the start of each shift they would be misted with a

sunblock/nutrient solution from head to toe. Shifts would begin at 5 am and continue

until 7 pm each day, with hourly water breaks and meal breaks at 8 and 1, with dinner

served after the end-of-day sprinkler-rinse at 7 pm. Each position would have a large

barrel of drinking water, each prisoner would also receive a toothbrush, toothpaste and

some soap granules. Meals would be standard fare. grits, bread, pellets, powder and the

occasional banana.

.So, do you have a couple of foreigners I could use?. the man asked.

.I have three old hands, they.ve been in the system five years now. Even escaped for a

while,. the warden responded.

.I need only two. The foreigners we recently arrested have all been recruited,. the man

said, .I.ll send the doctor over to check all three out and recommend the two healthiest..

.They.re in fine health,. the warden replied, .do you wish to see them?.

.No, that won.t be necessary. I tell you what, let.s allow the doctor some time with them.

He.ll do a thorough exam and I.ll come back after he.s sent me his findings,. the man got

up and shook the warden.s hand.

.Fair enough, see you soon,. she said.

More change

The girls were surprised when they were taken from their cells to a room that looked like

a doctor.s office. A nurse ordered them to strip. She weighed them, drew blood, took

urine samples and checked their vitals. Still naked, they were brought before the doctor, a

much older man who thoroughly examined them. While Kirra was on the table, Adriana

leaned over and whispered to Celeste, .why are they checking us out? I bet they have

something in store for us..

.I can.t put anything past them anymore,. Celeste responded and shrugged her shoulders.

Nearly three hours later, they were back in their cell.

It didn.t take long for the transport van to arrive to pick up Adriana and Celeste. Kirra

was thought to be a little underweight so they decided to leave her behind. The warden

brought the head of the PL system to their cell. He looked at the girls and smiled. Then he


.Two of you are being relocated to a work camp. We cannot provide you a free ride any

longer. One of you will stay back for the time being until we find something appropriate

for you to do. You have a good track record of hard work and good output so we will

make good use of you at this new site. I don.t want any trouble from you, now or ever..

He pointed to Adriana and Celeste and motioned to the guard to take them away. Kirra

protested loudly, .no you can.t leave me here, please, no,.

.Shut up!. the man screamed, .don.t make me enter this cell..

Adriana, who was being dragged out by her arm yelled back, .you can.t leave her here..

Before she could say more, the warden had slapped her.

Kirra sobbed uncontrollably as they took her friends away. She remained behind in the

cell while Adriana and Celeste, both in tears, were placed in the back of a van and driven


Kirra crouched on the floor of her cell, her face buried in her hands and sobbed for a long

time. When she finally composed herself, she began ripping at her dress. By the end of

the day, a pile of string and shredded cloth was what remained, scattered all over the floor

of her cell, while Kirra lay there naked.


Adriana leaned on her shovel to catch her breath. It was another hot and humid day,

though the sun was partly obscured by the hills and trees and she was thankful for that.

Still she felt awful. The ground was just too hard and two girls had managed to break

their shovels and had been hauled off to be punished. Adriana feared that she would meet

with the same fate if she wasn.t careful.

She hadn.t seen Celeste since they had been transported. She was probably hundreds of

feet away along the same work line. Adriana wiped the sweat off her brow with her arm.

She was sticky all over, the sunblock mist mixed in with her sweat and covered with dirt.

She was caked from head to toe, the evening sprinkler never strong enough to wash

everything off her naked body. She resumed her work, gently chipping away at the hard

ground. She had a long way to go before she would fulfill her quota. But they weren.t

rushing her it seemed.

She had stopped counting after a month. It just wasn.t worth it anymore. Every day was

the same. The loud siren waking them up at 5. The two prisoners on either side of her

never said a word. One was Russian, the other Czech. This was their first assignment.

They had no idea what Adriana had endured so far in this prison system. 14 hours a day,

every day, is what they were putting in now, stopping for drinks of water and meals. The

prisoners had realized that one of the ways to make digging easier would be to just pee on

the ground, but once a day Adriana hauled herself, still tethered to the steel post, to the

latrine, with some old newspaper in her hand. She had forgotten what it was like to use a

real toilet, to use toilet paper, to use a sink, a shower, a bath tub. everything seemed so

foreign to her. Her past was slowly leaving her. She had no idea how many more years of

torment lay ahead of her.

She felt the blade of her shovel come loose. She was terrified. She gingerly dug with it.

Then it gave way and broke off. She dropped the handle and tried to dig with the blade.

She felt a figure walk up behind her. She dared not look. Crouching on the ground she

continued to dig. Then she felt it.

The leather belt came down across her back. She leaned forward and bit her lip to avoid

screaming. It came down again, and again. She could feel the welts form on her back.

Then she was pulled up by her arm and turned around. The guard looked her in the eye.

Adriana was fighting back tears. .I.m so sorry,. she muttered, .please don.t take me


The guard slapped her across the face and lifted her strap. Adriana took evasive action

but the strap never fell on her this time. The guard bent over and picked up the broken

shovel. .You dig with your hands,. she said and walked away. Adriana slumped to the

ground, partly relieved and partly angry, first at herself for breaking the shovel and

second, at the treatment the guard just dished out to her.

The sprinkler didn.t come on that evening. That was collective punishment for Adriana.s

broken shovel. Each prisoner accepted their bowl of pellets for dinner, ate and lay out on

the ground for the night.

Adriana ate her dinner slowly, chewing each pellet one by one and washing the dry food

down with plenty of water. She rinsed her fingers with some of her drinking water and

splashed some water on her face. Then she stretched her sticky, dusty body out on the

hard ground and stared blankly at the clear night sky and studied the patterns of the stars.

She was soon fast asleep.

Digging with her hands was not easy. She found some rocks to help her out. She

increased her water intake so she could pee more and soak the ground, but at this rate it

would take her years to dig the 24x6x6 trench and make it smooth enough. She longed

for the end of the day. She soldiered on, digging slowly, stopping to drink water and

stretch her legs for she was mostly crouching as she was digging. Or she was on all fours.

Heads were shaved that evening and wet cloths were handed out to the prisoners. That

certainly helped. Adriana was glad to be rid of her tangled hair. She wiped her face and

hands with the cloth. It was soon dry and dirty. The sprinkler allowed her to wash a little

bit but as always, it was never enough.


Celeste picked the last pellet with the tip of her fingers and put it in her mouth. She

chewed the somewhat sweet, fibrous pellet and washed it down with two cups of water.

As she put her cup down on top of her water barrel the siren went off, signaling that they

return to work. She got up and strolled to her spot, dragging the heavy chain behind her.

She was one of the lucky few who hadn.t yet broken her shovel. The prisoners next to her

had been digging with their hands for days now.

Celeste stepped into the trench she had dug so far. It was about two feet deep but only

two feet long and about four feet wide. She had a long way to go. She continued to chip

away at the walls, trying to break the hard ground, kicking up clouds of dust that just

stuck to her body and mixed with the sunblock mist and her sweat. She wiped the sweat

off her brow repeatedly so that it wouldn.t get into her eyes. Her hair was very short as

her head had been shaved only recently. She continued to suffer in silence, paying for her

mistakes, which combined with a harsh legal system, had resulted in her exit from

civilized society.

She wondered what she would tell people when she eventually got out. She wondered

how she would assimilate into the real world. She compared her plight to those of the

black slaves. At least they had clothes and shelters, she said to herself. Yes, they were

mistreated but did anybody suffer like she was suffering? She thought about Adriana and

Kirra, how they were doing. How they were holding up.

She kept digging, keeping in mind that her shovel could break any time. She tried to

make it easy for herself. She sat on the edge of her trench and peed down the side. This

reminded her of sitting on a real toilet, her shorts and panties pulled down to her mid-

thigh. She imagined her clear warm stream emerging from her neatly groomed pussy and

hitting the water below her. She imagined the wad of toilet paper in her hand, ready to

wipe herself dry before she got up and pulled her shorts and panties up and flushed.

There was none of that. Now the clear warm stream soaked the side of the trench and

pooled at the bottom between her feet, soaking the ground. There was no wiping herself

dry, the last drops clung to her very hairy pussy that would get a rinsing at the end of the

day when the sprinkler would come on.

Celeste got up and chipped away at the wet ground, breaking damp clumps off and

tossing them out of the trench into the pile. Her breasts dangled below her as she dug.

The absence of support was taking its toll on her breasts, which were once nice and firm.

She kept her arms close to her body as she dug so that she could support her breasts a bit.

She made the usual amount of progress with her digging. She drank plenty of water to

keep herself going. The sun began to set and the floodlights came on. Then the siren went

off, signaling the end of the shift. It was 7 pm. Celeste stepped out of her trench and

walked back to her post. She put her shovel down and drank some more water. Then she

walked over to the sprinkler and waited. The sprinkler came on, she squatted in front of

it and put her hands in the stream, clutching a some soap granules. She washed the dirt

off her hands and splashed some water onto her face, clearing the sweat and mist off.

Then she placed her feet on either side of the sprinkler and rubbed her pussy clean. As the

water was beginning to die off she managed to rinse her ass before getting up and

walking back to her post, somewhat refreshed. She ran wet hands over her breasts and

arms and used a bit of her drinking water to clean her hands. She picked up her

toothbrush and brushed her teeth before sitting down with her dinner bowl.

She slowly ate the baby carrots and bread and washed it all down with plenty of water.

She put her empty bowl down and stretched out on the hard ground as the floodlights

dimmed for the night. Before long she was fast asleep under the stars, as was everyone

else. A row of naked, dusty bodies lay out on the ground, all tethered to steel posts, shorthaired, hairy bodies, sleeping after a hard day.s work, to be soon awoken for more of the

same, day after day, month after month.


Kirra returned to her cell holding a paper bag of food and a jug of water. She placed them

on the floor and walked over to the tap and filled the plastic bucket. Scooping water with

her hands she splashed the water on her face. She washed her hands with soap and

washed her pussy and ass at the tap.

She walked over to another corner of the cell and sat down, stretching her legs out

diagonally across the cell. She opened the paper bag and took out the apple and banana

and ate them, saving the banana peel and tossing the apple core into the toilet. She ate the

two slices of bread and drank half a jug of water to finish her meal. She stared at her dirt-

covered feet and the shackles that kept her ankles no more than two feet apart. The

shackles had long-scarred her ankles. She looked at her legs, covered with dark brown

hair, all the way up her thighs. The hair began to thicken inside her thighs and culminated

in a dense growth between her legs before tapering off in a trail towards her belly-button,

which was once pierced.

Her arms had a similar growth of hair. Her underarms were full, the hair tangled and

sweaty. Her head was once covered with long luxurious brown hair but the hair was

cropped short, well above her shoulders. She had no idea what her face looked like for

she hadn.t seen herself in a mirror since her imprisonment. Her breasts were still

reasonably firm. They were small and her nipples were dark brown and erect all the time.

She left her cell every day, shortly after breakfast. She was resigned to her latest fate. She

would spend her days in a smaller room, still windowless. There was a thin mat on the

floor as well as a hole and a tap. She was visited each day by the many powerful men in

the system. Her job was to service them. They were always gentle with her but always

got their way. She barely remembered the first few days she spent there. She never

resisted. She believed that if she gave in she would be quickly reunited with her friends.

Plus, she could never say no to sex. Before her arrest she was a sexaholic for sure.

Nothing was off-limits to her.

On some days she had two visitors at once. They always wore condoms. She was

thankful for that. She usually lay on the mat, her legs folded at the knees and let them do

the work. But sometimes they wanted her on top, squatting over them. Or she would have

to be on all fours, at which point they could decide which way to go. One officer

preferred anal.

She pretended not to enjoy the process but the fact that she got wet as soon as she entered

the room and had no difficulty accommodating her visitors, was a clear giveaway. As

expected, she got a few days off each month. Apart from that, rewards were few. The

food certainly improved. She also began to wash more carefully once she returned to her

cell, or even in between visits in her .day cell..

Still, she was naked, shackled and in prison.

Longer Shifts

The administration was unhappy with the progress at the work site. New orders were

handed down. Shifts were to run from 5-11 am, 12-5 pm and 6-11 pm. 16 hours a day,

instead of 14 hours a day.

Adriana was deep inside her trench. She had made progress with the depth and width but

not the length. Her hands were caked with dirt since she had long broken her shovel. She

was covered in mud, virtually unrecognizable. At the end of a shift she sometimes

remained in her trench, too tired to climb out. She had placed her water barrel closer to

her trench. She had to emerge at night for the sprinkler as well as the misting that began

everyone.s day. The recent rains had washed some of the dirt off her and softened the

ground, leaving it rather muddy. It made digging a lot easier. She kept at it, and so did

everyone else. There was virtually no trouble at the work site.

The siren went off signaling the end of the morning shift. Adriana leaned over the edge of

her trench, her shoulders in line with the ground. She poured some water into her cup and

drank it. A guard walked by and poured some pellets into her bowl. She poured them, a

few at a time, into her mouth, chewy slowly and washing every bite down with water.

After she finished eating she slumped to the damp ground. She closed her eyes and began

to dream.

But the dream was short-lived for the siren went off again. It was time to get back to

work. Adriana peed onto the ground and got up. She proceeded to work towards making

her trench longer. She had a long way to go.

The sprinkler gave her enough water to clean her hands and face and get some water to

her pussy and ass. It was never enough. Eight years had passed since she had been

arrested and incarcerated. But she wasn.t counting. She wondered how her body had

held up so well all these years. She was lucky. Maybe it was those pellets and the nutrient

powder they sprinkled on her grits. Or those shots the doctor gave her every now and

then. Either way, she was just tired and dirty. Her hair was always cut short.

She was no longer embarrassed by her appearance. She stopped feeling any shame years

ago. She was being rightly punished for breaking the law on her vacation. These spring

breakers would never learn. Each year someone or the other got arrested and ended up

providing free labor to the system. Everyone is tanned, toned and groomed at the time of

the arrest. By the time they are released they no longer remember what it.s like to wear

clothes, to wear makeup, to take long showers, to see themselves in the mirror, to shave,

to make their own decisions, to use a real toilet.

These girls got what they deserved. Plucked from their cushy existence thanks to their

own mistakes and placed in the harshest system of white slavery, where there were no

rewards or right, just privileges. Where they were surprisingly well-fed, albeit tasteless

but nutrient-rich food. Where they drank large quantities of water to stay hydrated and

healthy. Where the lucky ones wore uniforms but almost all toilet naked at some point.

Where the lucky ones got five minute showers at the end of their shift, while the rest had

to make do with a floor tap or a sprinkler. Where the lucky ones slept in cells with hole

toilets, while the rest slept outside and used pits. But no one had any contact with the

outside world. No one received any mail or packages. Everyone disappeared into the

system for anywhere from five years to twenty years. Adriana, Kirra and Celeste would

be here for ten years, if it weren.t for their ill-conceived escape attempt. They had

enjoyed six weeks of relative freedom, at the cost of an additional ten years in prison.

Would they make it that long? Both Adriana and Celeste were toiling away, digging the

long canal. Kirra was relatively lucky. She was housed in a cell, but used as a pleasure

post for the powerful ones. They would let her go after ten years and not tell her two

friends who dirt-covered bodies, knee-deep in mud, continued to dig away. After the

canal was complete, they had to dig another one. The reward for finishing the first canal

was a full body wash, a scrubbing like never before, to remove years of dirt, sweat and

tears. A medical exam and a head-shaving would follow and then it was back to work.

Job well done

Adriana lay on the mat and stared at the light on the ceiling. It was nice to be indoors, she

thought to herself. She thought back to the day the job was considered complete and how

she looked and felt. She relished taking that shower, though getting all that dirt and mud

off her body took a major effort. She had no idea what had happened to Kirra. They

weren.t telling her anything. Maybe she was still alone in that cell, she thought. At least

she knew where Celeste was. Celeste was lying next to her, snuggled up against her old


They were both wearing the new uniform. thin, cotton pants and a long-sleeve shirt.

Going from years in the nude to covered from neck to ankle felt weird. Their ankles were

no longer shackled, but the scar from years of being shackled remained, an eerie and

somewhat painful reminder of the bondage they had been in.

The cell was not very different from the one they were in before the outdoor assignment.

This time they had mats to lie on. They had each other for company, to alleviate the

inevitable boredom that prison life brought to them. Their hair was growing back. Both of

them sported short hair at this point. Adriana thought that it made Celeste look cute and

young. Both were into their 30s now. Years of bondage and labor had taken their toll on

their bodies. Their breasts were no longer firm, their eyes were somewhat sunken, their

skin tanned. The sexual urges had resurfaced ever since Adriana embraced Celeste when

they were reunited at the work site on the day they canal was declared .fully dug.. It

didn.t matter to them that they were filthy and covered in mud for the last few weeks on

the job were brutal with longer shifts and fewer breaks. In order to push them to finish

before the deadline, orders were given to operate the sprinklers once a week at first, and

then stop them altogether for the last two weeks that they were digging.

Their cell had a solid steel door with two slots, one for meals and the other to fill their

drinking water barrel. It wasn.t until they were washed, clothed and in their cell that

Adriana could kiss Celeste full on the lips. They lay on their mats and embraced and

kissed for hours, before falling asleep in each other.s arms.

Later that day, after dinner, Adriana slowly slipped her hand inside Celeste.s shirt and

felt her breasts. Celeste put her hand inside Adriana.s pants and felt her pussy and

yearned to taste it again. Their clothes came off in a hurry and they were in a 69,

devouring each other, moving their tongues through the hairy maze until they found each

others clits and began to suck passionately.

The cameras were always rolling. The videos were a hit everywhere. Videos of Adriana

at her work site were especially popular and were even used to initiate new prisoners and

remind them that they would meet the same fate if they misbehaved at the more humane

labor camp.

After all the love-making, Adriana leaned against the wall, smiling. Her uniform was

crumpled on the floor. Celeste got up and walked across the cell and poured some water

and handed Adriana the cup. Celeste drank from hers and took the cups and put them on

top of the barrel. Then she walked over to the toilet, placed her feet on the rests and

squatted. She smiled at Adriana, who was watching her intently, while stroking herself

once again. She looked at the hair on Celeste.s legs, a nice dark brown coating. She

focused on what was between the legs, both hers and Celeste.s. She watched as the clear

stream emerged from Celeste and hit the steel pan below her. Celeste was holding her

knees and leaning forward as she peed. She finished and got up and poured some water

down the pan. Adriana was masturbating passionately and she slid down onto her mat.

She asked Celeste to come and squat over her face. Celeste did just that, bringing her wet

pussy close to Adriana.s mouth. Adriana wanted the taste of fresh piss right off Celeste.s

pussy. She got just that and began to probe her further with her tongue, all the while

pushing her fingers inside herself. Before long they were resting in a sweaty heap on the

floor, ecstatic with pleasure once again.

So the days went by with nothing to do but eat, sleep and make love. They took turns

bathing one another by filling the small bucket with water and carefully soaping each

other. A full bath would take an hour as they would have to drag the bucket across the

cell to the toilet. But they made it as sensual as they possibly could. It was usually a

weekly undertaking, the same day they would wash half of their uniform. But the uniform

was falling apart readily. Holes and tears were everywhere, so they decided to rip the

pants and make shorts out of them, and use the legs as short wrap-around skirts. They

tore the sleeves off the shirt and fashioned tube tops to give their breasts some support.

They braided each other.s long hair. These little pleasures gave them a lot to smile about.

Same as Darkness Videos

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Darkness I open my eyes but it’s still dark. I have no idea where I am last thing I remembered was sitting under a tree reading a book. I can’t move, my legs and arms seem to be tied to something. I can only move my head a little. Everything is hazy and I seem to drift off. I suddenly awake when I hear noises, I find myself straining to hear more. Slight breathing noises. I want to say something but can’t I have something soft gagging my mouth. I hear three distinct claps and a door opening and...

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DarknessI open my eyes but it’s still dark.I have no idea where I am last thing I remembered was sitting under a tree reading a book.I can’t move, my legs and arms seem to be tied to something. I can only move my head a little.Everything is hazy and I seem to drift off.I suddenly awake when I hear noises, I find myself straining to hear more. Slight breathing noises. I want to say something but can’t I have something soft gagging my mouth.I hear three distinct claps and a door opening and...

First Time
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I stood in the darkness under the trees, my back against the still-warm stone wall. The dead-end street was gloomy at the best of times. The single street light was too far away to penetrate the canopy of willow trees. Just as well. He'd phoned and told me what time to meet him. I'd insisted I couldn't, but we both knew I'd be here, and so would he. Just then the street lit up as a late model car cruised toward me with a familiarity that had to be him. He turned off the headlights before...

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The author kindly advises that this story and its characters are fictitious. It describes exhibitionist situations and hardcore sex. It contains graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old. An image gallery on aristidis500 accompanies this scenario.Dark(A junior reporter discovers the real story behind the sudden dismissal of a female business executive.)Late Tuesday afternoon, Keystone building, downtown Boston. The newsroom of The Atlantic Observer. I’m frantically...

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Ok, Hal likes us to write stories about our first experiences and here's one that I'll always remember.Hal and I have been fuck buddies for several years now and one of my favorite things to do is let him fuck me in my ass bareback! I like feeling his cum shoot in me and then I like to pull my legs back over my head and he and I will take pix and video of his sperm spilling out and running down the crack of my ass. He usually scoops it up and feeds it to me and somestimes, even uses a spoon to...

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Sister8217s Indian Lesbian Sex Experience 8211 Part 2

Hey, readers, welcome to the next part of sisters Indian lesbian sex. As you remember, in the last part, my sister had her first-ever lesbian sex encounter with her roommate. My sister Shaila and Anushka continued their hidden sexual relationship while being in relationships with boys. One night Shaila was at home alone. Anushka had gone to attend her friends birthday party. When she came back, she brought along with her another woman. She introduced Reema to Shaila and told her that she was...

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Planetary lottery

My name is Adam Ferguson, a 22 year old who has generally had a bad life and what I'm going through right now would have to be one of, if not, the toughest time in my life. I was broke and had nothing to go on due to me blowing my savings on a gamble. My career was young and I wanted to make a name for myself but to my bitter disappointment my gamble hadn't payed off and damaged the company's reputation. As a result of this, I'd been fired by my boss and was looked down upon by my colleagues....

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Making Milk for You Part 2

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BlackCocksMatter Jennifer White The Chocolate Princess

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First bi experiences Part 3

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The Weekend of 2007

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Eternity of Desire

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After Anita

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The Dream Ch 03

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Yes Dale

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Sins of a Submissive

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My MotherinLaw Kate

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Private Lilit Sweet The Girl Next Door

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Adventures of Anita and seema the ice breaker

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Cheating Wifes
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Maggie Briggs

My name is Allie.   It was the summer before my senior year in college. I had worked in a summer camp outside Portland , Maine ever since I was in High School. Today, I had worked alongside my summer buddy Rodger Briggs, preparing for the campers arrival tomorrow. Rodger had been a counselor in the camp for about as long as I had been. After work we were shooting pool enjoying a beer in a local pub. I was a big city guy, Rodger was local. He was the same age as I, but much larger. I’m...

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Coital BlissChapter 6

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Little tranny for old pervert

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The Slave Girl

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Taking The Next step to cuckold

The day I learned that my wife, Jennifer, was fucking her coworker was the turning point in both our lives. My reaction to the news, even surprised myself. Instead of getting angry and yelling, I began to slowly undressed my wife. I then had Jennifer tell me what her lover did to her in the throws of passion. All the while, she slowly sucked my cock. As I read aloud the texts messages on Jennifer’s phone, I filled my wife’s tight pussy with my engorged cock. When I couldn’t take the erotic...

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Indecent Proposal

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Sweet Sixteen Part 4

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The difficulties of fucking my wife

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Tess gets home from a long day at work to find a man in her apartment who proceeds to 8220rape8221 and abuse her

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My Boss the perv

hi guys,Thank you for all your nice comments on my first two stories bus trip home part 1& 2.This story is about an incedent that happened me at work about six months ago.I dont get turned on by fantasy so i will only write true experiences.I work in a busy office with three other guys so as you can imagine i get a lot of stick from them on a daily basis usually good humoured sexual banter.I give as good as i take lol.After securing quite a big contract and as it was a friday we had all...

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Futa Reporters Wicked WishChapter 2 Beccarsquos Naughty Promos

“What are you doing here, Jenna?” I gasped, staring at my seventeen-year-old daughter as she sucked the last of my futa-cum out of my new clit-dick. I shivered, her lips drawing up it, her sandy-blonde hair spilling about her face. Jenna’s mouth popped off my dick. Her cute, pixyish face stared up at me, her blue eyes twinkling. “Well, I’m your fluffer, right? I keep your futa-dick nice and hard, and let you cum whenever you want.” “My futa-dick...” I bit my lip. “How’d you even know I had...

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Amber reluctantly got to her knees in the pine needles. It was another one of their "dates". The cuffs holding her hands together behind her back hurt. She looked forward and watched as he unzipped and pulled out his penis. The rumor at school about his size was true. He had a big cock. Amber should know, she had been forced to suck it for him at least a dozen times now. "You know what to do, Amber" he said pointing it at her face. Amber leaned forward and took it into her mouth. It would...

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College Friend

> > > Hi every one. This is > Raja here with my first story on ISS. I have > been following this site regularly for quite some time and > finally decided to post my first encounter with my sweet > girlfriend. It all happened in 2005 when I was in my second > year of engineering. > > I had a crush on this girl > called Sweety right from the first day of my > college. Slowly we became of group of some 8 friends with 3 > boys and 5 girls. I shared very good understanding with all > of them as I...

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Hillcrest Academy for Girls Part II Art Class

Cassie left the Head Mistress flustered and extremely aroused. She never expected that she would enjoy the spanking as much as she just did. Was it because it was a new experience or that Mr. Williams, the new male teacher spanked her, or that he touched her wet pussy or that she was able to momentarily brush her tongue against his pant’s bulge? She didn’t know what it was but she felt her body tingle all over. One more moment of Mr. Williams spreading lotion on her red ass and she would have...

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I Fuck My Sweety In Bus 8211 Wonderful Experience

Hi all I am Hari new to ISS. This is my first story I’m posting here. This story is all about how I fucked my Sweety (named changed). I am from Chennai & working in MNC. I completed my B.E. Kindly send your feedback to Girls & aunty who are interest please drop a mail. Let me start This incident happen last one year back. I am working as Software Engineer in an MNC. Sweety is also working in the same company. We both are good friends. We also used to roam together. She doesn’t know Tamil but...

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so many so fast pt 5

Sitting there she hears a knock. “Hey Lisa are you ok in there? As Jose opens the door, Lisa looks at Jose “oh this is heaven. I feel sooo much better now. I’m ready to party now”. José looks at her with a sorrowful face. Oh about the party. Most of the people left. I guess they we’re here for you. How’d you like to go the bar and have a few? Jose asks. “I can’t. You know I’m not 21”. Then she grabs a towel and stands. “Its cool I can get you in. I know the owner. Lisa continues to dry off....

1 year ago
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My Instagram Girlfriend pt 01

My girlfriend, Danielle, is 24. She's 5'7, and her body's shape makes her stand out in a crowd like an exotic hooker. I'm just being honest when I say that. You normally expect taller girls to have smaller assets - but Danielle is unlike most normal girls.Her tits aren't enormous, but they are quite large, and they sit high on her frame. They are so perfect that they almost look fake. She is purebred Swedish, so her features are sharp, and frankly, a little cold and uninviting. She's addicted...

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start of a memorable weekend

Two hours of torturous pleasure, my mind racing with all the promises of the weekend, everything we had ever teased each other was all about to come true. The vibrations of the train’s engine had been teasing my clit for the last hour and half since I strategically tilted my pelvis forward, that and the vivid imagery of your fingers, tongue and long thick cock driving my body insane soaking my knickers and making me desperate to play. The train slowed as it reached the station and I could see...

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A Second Chance Chapter 16

TUESDAY, May 10, 2016 On the bus ride to school Mikki told Rachael that Danny's visit to the doctor on Monday resulted in an early appointment with a child psychologist experienced in gender issues for Thursday, due to a cancellation by another patient just hours before they called. The morning went fairly well and at lunch Rachael went around the cafeteria looking for students for the movie night. First she went and got 'dates' for the four guys who originally had sat at the nerd...

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My life as a dog slave

My life as a dog slave My life as a dog slave  Part 1 Isabelle I am 30 years now. Since 4 years I live my new life now. My name is Anja. I grew up quite normal in a small town. I have long brown hair and brown eyes. In my hometown I could not find a job. So I decided to move to the big city.I started working as a office girl. I was happy at this time ? I get my own flat ? my own money ? I was free ? and lonely. In the evening I lost myself in strange new fantasy. I dreamed about use...

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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 33

The sun shone high in the cloudless blue sky as he stood, out of sight, on a hill watching from behind a tree. Overwhelmed by how many people had remembered, he was both surprised and humbled. Focusing on the tears flowing down the cheeks of the ones he loved congregated around the plaque, every part of him become saturated with guilt and he wanted to run down to hold them. Made up of every colour of the rainbow, the floral tributes were beautiful. Gone but never forgotten had been spelled...

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The Arrangement Part 2

I stood there and tried to regain my composure. I saw Darcy’s plump ass scamper out the door. My cock leaped at the thought of getting to be with her. I then made a dash upstairs to clean up and as I rounded the corner into the master bedroom, Sara was emerging from the shower. Her body glistened with only a towel on her head. I always enjoyed just looking at my wife’s body. As usual, her pussy was neatly trimmed and her boobs hung at the most perfect angle. I felt like taking a picture, but...

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She got a bigger cock for a hot mmf

We enjoyed each other's company. She enjoyed mine for my open-mindness and go with-the-flow personality that allowed us to have different types of erotic pleasure. I enjoyed hers because of her casual approach to all things hot and erotic, but once she got turned on she was a blast sexually and always made my cock blast off too! We both enjoyed bi-fun which lent variations and interesting situations for us to explore. If we found a gal who wanted to join in we all could enjoy each other. If we...

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Annie in Atlanta

Annie Bradford, a highly respected College Dean from Minneapolis, Minnesota, was visiting some colleagues at Emory University in Atlanta, in hope of enticing one of them to accept a position at her university. Annie was a very young forty and divorced with no children. Her husband had left her for a younger woman four years before and, heartbroken, she'd thrown herself into her work.We meet her as she’s just finished watching a porno movie in her hotel room. She’s horny, almost desperate for...

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Sex education the first girls class

Cassandra smiled as she watched her first class of the year troop in. There had been a good turnout after the exact nature of the lesson was explained and the students sworn to secrecy on pain of expulsion. As the year 11 girls took their seats she appraised them silently. They were a good looking group of young ladies for the most part, though that partly because the ugly girls had mostly declined out of embarrassment. The eldest was almost 17, the youngest 15 (she had skipped a year and...

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First male encounter

It began with a few drinks with a friend who was moving away. We were sitting outside in the warm summer, night air, enjoying music and conversation. Part of the conversation being about the sexual encounters we had had with our girlfriends and previous women. We talked about things we wanting to experience with them and, out of nowhere, we both expressed how much fun it could be to have sex with another man. At this point it was getting late, so we ventured out into the shed as not to disturb...

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BimbotechChapter 4 Bimbo Wifersquos Special Ass

Alice Jackman, Chief Research Scientist of BimboTech Chemicals “I think that should cover it,” my husband said as he finished writing out the check. He tore it free and handed it to Mr. Peterson, the nice manager of the Lucky grocery store. His fly was still open, Natasha licking at his half-hard cock. Natasha was a new bimbo. I improvised her today, turning her from a doughty woman into a sexy, hot woman that understood just how yummy and wonderful sex was, like hot fudge drizzled all over...

1 year ago
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Carnival and Masque

Introduction: For one day, go without disguise. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. -Oscar Wilde, The Critic as Artist *** In truth, I often wonder what people look like under their masks. As she said it Portia pushed her hand against her own mask, as if to assure herself it was still there. Her skirts brushed the naves marble floor and she kept her eyes on it as she walked. The masks of the gods stared down at her from the cathedral walls. Do you? Well, theres little enough...

3 years ago
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Creative Nieces Get Punished

Creative Nieces Get “Punished”(Sequel to Sexy Nieces Turn the Tables) By billy69boyAs my two beautiful young nieces scampered off to the bathroom, sex toys in hand, I went down to the kitchen to turn on the oven and prepare the pizza. I figured we still had a couple of hours before my wife and the girls’ mother would return from their movie and dinner. When the girls sat down at the table, they were all cleaned up, and still naked, as was I. I poured each of us a glass of ice...

3 years ago
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She opened the invite, simple straight forward, come to the cottage wear your red rubber basque and dress! Be here at 8! Sharon was so excited she was getting her fantasy delivered!At 7.52 the was a knock on my door, when I opened it Sharon with a huge smile was there eager to enter and start. You are early I said, sorry Sir she replied, I stepped out removed her coat and told her to bend over the garden table and wait there for me, I returned to the house. At 8 I went out and attached her...

2 years ago
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Now I love it in the ass

I had a boyfriend at 18....and this was the only time i cheated on someone. i cheated with this older guy named Damien. he was 25 and so seductive and he had been trying to get me alone with him for a long time.....finally one night he convinced me..... Once we were at Damien’s he had his first drink of the night. He sat across from me and I couldn’t help but think about what might happen next. We talked for about 20 minutes before he made his move. He looked at me, took my drink, sat it on the...

4 years ago
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Good Hospital Care Is Hard to Find

The door barged open and before I could react, like a drill sergeant, she barked out, “Visiting hours are over… time to leave.” I must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights as I stood pressed against the safety rail of Maggie’s hospital bed pants puddled around my ankles and a very thick and swollen penis pushed through the rail opening so that Maggie could get her mouth to it. Six days earlier Maggie had entered the hospital for back surgery. Though the...

2 years ago
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Art ProjectChapter 4 Houseguest

We had Monday and Tuesday classes Thanksgiving week. That meant Fay had only one day of class since she had no classes on Mondays. Annette kissed me at the door of Lib Arts and I went in to sit beside Kendra. We didn’t even hesitate anymore. If I got to class first, Kendra just walked over and sat beside me. If she was there, I sat beside her. And it wasn’t always in the same place. Other students in our class usually arrived after us and decided which seats to take if we were in ‘their’...

1 year ago
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The Whistle BlowersChapter 5

“Okay, I guess it’s bike ride time for our newest recruits,” Sam announced. The other families were allowed to return to their quarters to rest up and get something to eat before preparing for another film. His men herded the Wheaton family into the punishment room. Despite some initial resistance the family was soon secured. A naked Katherine, her temper barely under control after the ordeal at the table was further embarrassed by being forced to walk naked in front of her step son. She was...

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