A world in darkness
- 3 years ago
- 57
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Crackling, sizzling, booming, pouring through the air, there was little doubt that there was something going on, something neither one could have predicted or accounted for, let alone understood. And they stood there like dragons, breathing and snarling as though it was the others' fault. They both knew better, but that changed little. Breathing fire, they circled each other watching waiting for whatever might come next, knowing whatever it was could ultimately destroy them; caring not.
As the energy arced across the sky, they began to move, abandoning logic and all that they had stood for previously. And they moved thus, ever wary, watching each other carefully, longing for the inevitable, and staving it off in favor of the dance. Hunger pounded through their veins but no one and nothing could sate this hunger. It was consuming, this blaze, and it meant to devour them, but it couldn't have conceived of the power each possessed. And so they circled. Each waiting for the other to make themselves vulnerable. Waiting for a weakness, a soft spot, something to lead them into the darkness they both craved and denied. To those who could see, the dance was moot. Those strong enough could see the dance would merely intensify what lie ahead. The denial is what would eventually do them in, take them hostage. To those who couldn't see, who were not in possession of that strength, nothing was amiss. Everything was as it should be. All was right with the world. But to the few who held that power, everything lie in the balance.
If she lunged first, but did so with any hesitation or doubt, she would be beaten. If he reacted slowly or with fear, he would be devoured by her need. She was unaccustomed to the hunger; it was strange and unfamiliar to her, but he knew of it. He knew that eventually he would confront it, but even so, the depth and depravity of it shocked him. Nothing could have prepared him; yet he was ready. He had prepared for an eternity and while he had misjudged the hunger, he had always carried the appetite. He could taste her; even now, even through her fight, he could taste her. He knew her scent, her sound. He knew how it would be for them. And that knowledge should have calmed the beast within, should have quelled the hunger but it did not. He still felt a desperation to have it done. To feel her heat, her need. He wanted to drive that need to a fever pitch so that it thrummed throughout her being, leaving no part of her untouched.
As fate would have it, she felt his call, became aware of his hunger, and it unsettled her, left her naked and open to his attack; and attack he did. Within her vulnerability, she was awakened to her want, and he lifted the edge of that, exposing it for what it was. With a moan, her head dropped; her eyes closed without will, to show her what lie ahead. As she shook her head no and began to draw from the strength she knew was there, he moved forward, to within a thought of her. He could feel her calling to what she held inside and let her build it for a moment before he touched her. The battle could only be won; truly won, against an enemy well armed. So he let her feed her power until he could wait no longer. He touched her then, and in touching her, broke through the wall of restraint she had in place. He reached her with one move.
He was not prepared for what she carried. As skin met skin, her power coursed through him, strong and sure. He felt his own surge to meet it, whether to fight it off or to combine strengths, he knew not, but the surge lanced from his fingers to her flesh, causing them both to pause, or more appropriately, freeze. It wasn't a moment for indecision or hesitation, yet neither could move. It lashed them as strongly as a rope. All at once, seemingly of its' own accord, their strength pulled them closer, leaving nothing but cloth between them. Her hands wound themselves about his neck, leaving her to fear what had come over her. She was removed from herself, unable to control what came next. Her lips parted, emitting a sigh or moan, maybe both, and her body loosened itself, becoming pliant and willing. She saw herself weaken with horror. Closing her eyes, she shook her head slowly from one side to the next, denying the truth.
As she moved her head to the side, making her neck vulnerable, he lowered his head slowly, so she might know of his intent. But the need rose within him, and as he dropped his face to breathe of her, he felt the shift. It should have been under control, but it was not and the more he let it go, the stronger it became. He felt her tremble as though she knew, felt her rest her head on his shoulder, keeping herself open for his attack, and still he fought it. He tried to draw himself back, to pull his power in, but he could not. With what strength he did possess over the power, he began to reign it in, but her own curled itself around his and refused to let it go. He felt hers twine itself sinuously around his caressing it, calming the fire, but feeding the hunger. Her pale blue began to move on its' own, leaving her to marvel at the need she could scarcely hold back. Nor did she want to. Her body had hungered for so long, with such desperation, that she was nearly relieved to find her completion. She let it go, pouring her entire being into it, feeding it with her own worldly hunger.
He saw her then, not as she was now, but as she had been before. They way they were long ago. With that, he let the shift take over, let himself become what he had always been for her and her alone. For a second, she tried to bring about fear over what she knew was coming but it was a weak attempt and she failed, only knowing she needed this. Had always needed this. With the scraped of his teeth on her flesh, anticipation took hold, leaving her breathless and desperate. And still, the battle within her waged on, the need for possession and the need for individuality.
Nuzzling her neck, lightly nipping his teeth along sensitive skin, he drew her clothes from her body. He wanted the possession to be complete; all encompassing. He wanted to fill her, her senses, her thoughts, her body, and her blood. Shedding his own, never letting her know what he was about, sensing her fear, he drew her heated flesh back to his, shaking with need. Nipping more roughly, needing her to be prepared for what was coming, he moved his hands over her body, intensely, claiming and marking her as his, his nails biting into her flesh, but never hard enough to draw the blood that would overcome him. Moving with her, guiding her backwards, he braced them against the wall, drawing her legs around his waist, lifting her hips flush with his own.
When his teeth pierced her flesh, he drove into her, claiming all that she was, drawing her life, her need, her hunger, and feeding it all into his movement. Her need for possession won out, and she tilted her head back to further his hunger, to feed his hunger, to demand that he feed from what she offered. The fear never took hold, but it lurked in the background, waiting for sanity to return. On some level, she knew that he had taken more than she offered, but the thought didn't have a foothold. She let it drift to the back of her conscious mind, taking what he had to give and focusing only on that.
Gripping the flesh of her hips, he drove more forcefully into her, needing to hear her cry out, needing to know that she felt his possession, that she would never question it again. Moans, soft and incoherent, slipped from her lips, and in them, he heard what he longed for, her verbal acceptance, the vocal pledge to be his, no matter what. It shook him to his core and as he felt her begin to shudder, he let go of all that he kept hidden from the world, let it go all for her, this one person who could shake the control he was so valiantly protective over. As he stopped moving within her, she slumped in his arms. Terrified that he had taken more that she could give, he began to withdraw, frantically afraid that his hunger, his need had robbed him of what he needed so much. But she whimpered at his movement, and pulled him back to her, drawing him even more deeply inside her than he would have dared. He sighed, letting himself rest against her, drawing strength from her presence.
Feathering her fingers through her hair, she wondered at the complete sense of wonder, of possession that washed from him through her. And in that moment she knew she was his. No matter what tomorrow held, no matter where their lives took them, she had this. She would always know to whom she belonged.
He carried her across the floor to what had brought them here in the first
place. The bed had not been there, in its' place had stood a fire, but other
forces were at work and he would never dare question it. He lay her upon it,
following close after, needing her heat to keep him going. He pulled her back
against his chest, his face in her hair, breathing of her, lulling himself to
sleep with the rhythm of her breathing.
Pounding, driving itself like a punishment, just sheer pain and evil energy. Locking itself away, but not hiding its’ true nature; sluicing down the windows, caressing everything in its path. Nothing escaped the reach of its downpour. Destroying the fragile, seriously diminishing the strength of the hardy. She could feel it as though it were a physical touch, something tangible and real. She felt as though she were completely surrounded in its embrace and surrendered herself to the darkness it brought out from within her. Eyes closed, face to the sky, she fed the hate, anger, need, desperation that resided in her mind. Pushed it to a level higher than she ever had before, letting it become more than what it had started as. Every breath she took garnered more strength.
Her strength fed itself into her anger, pushing it higher, tempting her power,
teasing itself around the edges of who she’d become. Intention stronger than
time, distance, space, and even beyond the realm of possibility dwelt inside
her, growing ever stronger with each passing year… yes, even with each passing
lifelike. The core of who she is, who she was meant to be, remained intact past
the boundaries of life and death. The strength she ignored, denied, grew even
stronger as time blew past.
The next evidence of her power comes in a dark, cold, hateful time. Born into a poor family, taunted. The strength built over the decades of disuse was unleashed on a people not strong enough to stop it. She fed into the hate, the dark, the anger building herself higher and into a position of power and authority. From her place on the cliffs, she could look upon all that she ruled. Cold and mirthless, she reigned over this Time, this snippet of history.
He watched her, always from a distance. He did not know how or why she was in the controlling position she was in, but it enthralled him. The sheer magnitude of what she held inside her could not be hidden, no matter how she tried to hide it. Tidbits always shone through. He was drawn to that, to the darkness she both fed and denied. And so he obeyed her orders, day in, day out as he was taught to do from birth. Providing warm water for her to bathe in, bringing in a hot meal. She ruled with an iron fist and never looked upon those beneath her with anything less than contempt.
It was the first of his twentieth year, somewhere around the fortieth of hers, when he realized he craved her. Craved her with a hunger unquenchable. But it was his own fault, you see, for allowing himself to watch her covertly after bringing her bath water. Listening to her tears at night after the rest of life was long asleep. He knew this woman of strength, power, and control was human. He had seen the evidence, been there to revel in her weaknesses, filing them away in his own mind for perusal later. He knew the Time would come when he would exploit them, show her for what she was and so he watched.
It was just an ordinary day. He had brought her fruits and breads for her breakfast, standing silently in a shadow until his services were needed for another purpose. It was this day, this one occasion when he felt his own power, simmering just beneath the surface. He knew it was today.
“Boy, bring me my water and make it fast. I have little patience for your slothful nature and will not tolerate it today, of all days. Bring it and make sure it is plenty hot. Do not dawdle as you go, or the punishment will be severe!” It was, he thought, exactly the moment for which he’d been waiting. She got sloppy in high temper and sloppy went hand in hand with careless. She would only make that mistake once, but once was all he needed.
Bringing in the final round of water, he tripped and stumbled, spilling water enough to cover a large part of her floor, splashing her in the process. She rounded on him, eyes blazing, power licking out around the edges. With a flash, she moved before him, palms up, hands to her side, gathering the heat, angry past coherent thought, preparing herself to destroy this person, the anger irrational for the crime it represented.
Lashing out in her anger, as though it were a whip, she advanced on him as though he was prey. Her movements were graceful and sleek, strong and powerful. He held her gaze as he bent forward to empty his hands, allowing her to see the dare in his eyes. “You would challenge me? Me, of a strength and power you couldn’t possibly understand?” Laughing without humor, she reached for him, her cockiness making her vulnerable. So sure was she in her imminent victory, she was unprepared for a fight. As her hand closed about his wrist, he twisted it, dropping her arm behind her back, grinning. Calling to what he’d hidden within himself for so long, he lifted her so that just her toes touched ground. Her eyes round with shock, blazing with anger and hatred, she thrashed in his hold, searching for ground, trying to regain her balance.
At a near whisper, he spat, “All this time, the watching, the doing as I was bid. It stops here. You will acknowledge power shared.” Walking forward, driving her backwards until her back hit the wall, eyes locked on hers all the while. “You live each day ruling over us, over me, without a care for what you control. You never accounted for me, never figured into your plan that there was one of the same blood, with the same strength. Did you?” Laughing to himself, he answered his own question. “Of course you didn’t. But you do, or you will, now.”
But the anger, the hate could only get so far. This is what he had longed for nigh on a decade and that hunger could no longer go unsatisfied. She saw, sensed this hunger, this need and her eyes grew weighted, falling nearly closed. Her breath rasped from her unevenly, jaggedly. “Yes,” he murmured. “God yes, submit to me.” Her head dropped back, her power feeding into a need now rather than anger.
This… she thought to herself, this is what has been missing. She poured herself into his embrace, no longer hiding, no longer needing to. This man knew who she was. He could give her all that she lacked, all that she had desired. In him, she would find her completion.
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xmoviesforyouI stood up and went to pull up my knickers, my cock covered in the last drops of cum Sally clean his cock She kneeled down and licked and sucked my softened cock,, she licked every drop off , my cock started to get hard again Sally stood up she looked a mess mascara running down her cheeks , she took a tissue and blew her nose Kate undid the other cuff and said are you OK baby and kissed her on the forehead, sally smiled yea I’m fine Kate kissed her on the mouth , sally seemed really turned on...
Tony emerged into the vault in the bank. He placed his finger into the hole in the machine, and his storage box appeared. He removed his warmest clothes, his weapons and his saddle, closed and returned his box and went to leave the vault. As he stepped through the door of the vault the first thing he noticed was not the smell, but the cold. It was freezing. Even though he was wrapped up like Nanook of the North, he felt frozen. He had every scrap of his clothing on, but the cold seemed to...
Went for a stroll, starting from my Kent Street apartment, looping around Gladstone Ave and Elgin St and finally back to Kent. No luck.Tuesday evening was mild here, but there was a breeze that was chilly. I didn't mind, because I was wearing a thin cotton blouse with no bra underneath, so my nipples were erect and protruding. I also wore a short skirt, powder blue in contrast to my white shirt, with no panties on underneath. My sandals made no sound on the concrete as I did the Slut Strut,...
When I was 9 years old my mom remarried, and we moved in with my step dad and his two boys. One was 9 like me and the other was 14 and heavy (fat but Solid like a linebacker). The boys each had their own room, so I had to share a room with Jerry (not his real name) and he did not like it one bit. He was a little taller but was about 20lbs more than me and let me know I was unwanted. They had bunk beds which they separated and moved to each side of the room but whenever I tried to get in one of...
Suddenly, there was a loud bang. I could feel myself losing control of the car and I swerved, trying to avoid letting the soft shoulder suck me too far into the ditch. At last the car stopped my foot heavy on the brake. For a few minutes, I just sat in the driver's seat, gasping for breath and tightly gripping the steering wheel, as I tried to compose myself. Then, as my breathing stabilized I slowly started to get out of the car. Car trouble Part-1-of-1 Beverly, I call her Bev had been so...
Sex With StrangerAfter 12 years of marriage Maggie and Jay had both become bored with their sex life. Both found it tedious and boring. When Maggie finally talked to Jay about her feelings she was actually pleasantly surprised to fing Jay felt the same way and together they immediately started to work on ideas to put some excitement in their sex life. The first thing they did was tell each other their most private and dirty secret fantasies. At first Jay was unsure but finally told Maggie that he gets excited...
The initiation lunch was filled with light conversation and fun filled jest and groping. Tom had pulled our mother in his lap and they both chewed the shit rolls and fed each other. Grandpa and Ellie were doing the same. Josh stood up and kissed me whispering, "Mom, can I offer you a warm fresh pee drink?" My sons knew what got their mother ticking within a nanosecond. I took Josh's heavy thick but soft penis in my mouth and soon was rewarded with the warm acrid but sweet to me nectar. My...
When I was eighteen I met my best friend Sam; Sam would have all the k**s he hung out with in school over to his house to play when the day was over. This is when I met the women of all my teenage fantasies, his mother Kate. One day he had me over and his mom was there. She was a very soft-spoken calm lady with fair skin, a large ass and thighs and big round breasts. She also had long brown hair, which I now like very much. Kate and I would talk for hours at...
The day before Thanksgiving, I went and collected Vic Greene and the Guard and brought them to the Focus. Cor was there waiting. "Welcome to Arbor." I said. "You all know what a Focus is, and what an important role it can play. Especially you Preci." I guided them to the edge of the little plateau, letting them gaze out on the valley below and the Tower across the valley. "This is Arbor's Focus, and while the Tower you see there is its heart, this Focus is its soul." I turned and...
(Yahiko leaps from the roof with a mighty yell. Unfortunately he lands, on his feet, but rather painfully.) Tsubame: Yahiko-chan! Yahiko: I told you not to call me that!! Tsubame: Sorry! Yahiko: Throw away any stupid thoughts of stealing! Or else Myoujin Yahiko of the Tokyo samurai is your opponent! Fighter: You brat! I'll make you eat those words!! (Yahiko blocks his stroke, then gives his a blow to the stomach. He follows it up with a strike to the face, knocking him out.) Yahiko...
A few years ago I was on holiday in Jamaica. The hotel had a nude beach with jacuzzi tucked away in the corner. During my second week there it was very quiet. I was alone on the beach with an older woman. We started talking (not about sex!) and she said she fancied a dip in the jacuzzi. I suggested I join her. We sat on opposite sides of the jacuzzi. She told me that her husband was out playing golf while she was there. She said they had not had sex for 15 years! Her toes began to move out and...
Twenty minutes later, Ashleigh began to stir. As she opened her eyes, she saw Sharon sitting on the chair a few feet away, drinking a cup of coffee and watching her. Sharon was still naked and Ashleigh could see her pussy lips between her legs. Ashleigh moved to her hands and knees and crossed the few feet to kiss Sharon’s knees. At her first kiss, Sharon opened her legs. With this invitation, Ashleigh continued kissing the insides of Sharon’s thighs, first one side then the other. Sharon...
One night me and my husband was driving on the highway but it was a really snowy night and we hadent eaten dinner yet so we were starving i said”lets go to thay bar i see in the distance”,”sure”said my husband.we went I’m and we saw puncks most likley around 20 years old we went to sit and they actully really nice.Then my husband went to charg his phone and then thet grabed me and stared to kiss me and i started screaming “NO NO LET ME GO!”,i coudent get him to stop so i started to kick and...
John was a HGV driver and spent most of his working week away from home sleeping in his lorry at night. From Monday morning to Friday evening, his only means of contact with Julie, his wife of eight years, was either by phone or video calling, which he did nightly. This tale took place in the middle of summer. It was a Wednesday and John was collecting goods from a regular customer in south east England and would be delivering them to a customer in Manchester the following day. At his...
CheatingAlexa Grace starts working for Jax Slayher to pay her way through college. She feels under appreciated by him and can’t seem to figure him out. She can’t even tell if he likes her at all. One day she is bent over while cleaning up the office. Jax is stunned by her perfect tight ass. He’s never seen her in that way before. She sneakily teases him asking if he likes what he saw. It might be inappropriate but she quickly seduces him by kissing him. Quickly he grabs her and starts...
xmoviesforyouChapter 10: The Hero’s New Family This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. Special thanks to Mistress Lynn for her assistance and advice. * The day after my birthday excursion started out normally enough. Jenny and Erika had gotten me dressed and Sally’s friends helped her. After that, we ate breakfast which Sandra and Shelly made for us. After eating, we went out back where the girls started chatting while I read one of...
To: Reverend Mother Concepta,Convent of Perpetual Repentance,Old Convent Road.From: Miss Ethel Woods,Mayfield Community School for Girls,Lotamore Road,January 10th,2015.Dear Reverend Mother, I am writing to you to ask for your help in a most serious matter. I am a principal of a community school catering for girls. At present the school has 437 girls enrolled in our day school and 343 women enrolled in after school courses. I have noticed for sometime the complete lack of respect for...
I sat in the chair by the window as I waited for the truck. The postal service was always on time. My heart raced as I watched the driver open the mailbox and place the white envelope in it. If she only knew what she just delivered. I jumped up, grabbed my jacket, and headed for the door. My heart beating faster as I opened the box and got the mail. There it was, the package from the land of the midnight sun. My fingers trembled as I tore at the envelope. I reached inside and pulled out the bag...
CHAPTER 8 - A double date Once safely secreted in their room, George could not wait to strip off his suit and free his little man, discarding the cellophane between his legs. He nibbled on what was left of their fruit and eventually pulled the shades and crawled into bed and fell into a troubled sleep. Ellen looked for Heather at the pool. Not finding him there, she headed for the only other place he could be their room. Quietly opening the door, she marched over to George. ...
It was three days before they would let him have visitors. His mother and Wanda never left the hospital. Brock's father had arrived and when he heard about where Brock was, he brought bags for both Wanda and Brock's mother. I talked to them for a long time before getting them all to see things my way. At this point, I think I'm the only one he would trust anyway. I convinced them to let me be the first one to talk to Brock. I was hoping that I could straighten things out between Wanda and...
Toby and I had one thing in common right off the bat. We both hated our jobs. He was the assistant manger of a convenience store and I was one of his cashiers. We both worked second shift along with another cashier but it was never the same person every night. Second shift was always hectic in our store. Most of the time we had to play catch up from day shift and we definitely had higher customer volumes than day shift because I had worked day shift and didn’t have to run around like a chicken...