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If you want a short story move along. Like all of my stories this is a mixture of truth and fantasy. You as the reader can determine which is which. Enjoy.

Our Secret Game

I rinsed the remaining shaving cream off my face and pressed it closer to the mirror. Except for a few lines I appeared to be aging rather well. My blue eyes stared back at me as I inspected my shaving job. Shaving had taken longer than the shower, but I wanted a very close shave for I was planning to spend plenty of time between Joy’s thighs.
I stepped back from the bathroom mirror and as I did so the towel I had wrapped around my waist fell to the floor. This allowed me to check out my sixty year old body. I had gained a few pounds and there was less hair on my head but time had been kind to me.

As a precaution I had taken some Viagra earlier and between the pill and the excitement of what I was about to do I was pleased to see my seven inch cock had swelled up and was now pointing straight out from my body. I took it in my left hand and slowly stroked it as I stared at myself in the mirror as I announced to the world; “If I was ten years younger my cock would be pointed to the ceiling.”

I released my grip on my cock and turn to reach for my robe and stopped myself as I was lifting it off the hook. Changing my mind I left it hanging and walked out of the bathroom. Passing through the bedroom I entered the hallway and walked the fifteen steps toward the attached studio apartment, the head of my cock leading the way. The door to the apartment was open and I paused at it. Standing at the doorway the bedroom and bathroom were to the left and as I looked toward them I was excited to see the door leading to them was open and it gave me a clear view of the bed and the person laying on it. I took three steps into the apartment and was now standing at the doorway of the bedroom and I paused to take in the view.

The covers had been neatly folded down and the dark blue sheet provided a stark contrast to her milky white skin. Her head and shoulders were being propped up by two large pillows. Her short salt and pepper colored hair was neatly brushed and the aroma of her perfume she was famous for always wearing wisped through the air and had an intoxicating effect on me. Her two breasts lay to the side and her left hand was resting on her left breast with her nipple pinched between two of her fingers. The brown areolas provided a stark contrast to her milky white skin and her pink nipples. Her knees were raised and slightly spread apart, with her feet flat on the bed. Her right hand was down between her legs and her index finger was slowly rubbing up and down the lips of her pussy. The hair of her pussy was sparse but the same color of the hair on her head. Our eyes met and she was the first to speak:

“I thought you might have changed your mind.” She said as she brought her right hand up to her right breast and began pulling on the nipple.

I took three steps to the foot of the bed as I replied: “Not me. I was afraid you may have second thoughts about this.”
My eyes felt the size of saucer plates and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I took in the sight that lay before me.

“So how do we want to do this?” She asked as she moved her hands down and rested them on her navel.
“Well I did tell you yesterday that my goal for today was to eat out.” I answered back as I climbed onto the foot of the bed, between her legs.

Without waiting for an answer I plunged my head toward her inviting pussy. There was no sensuous moment, no real foreplay or anything romantic about what I was going to do. I just did it! My mouth made contact with the lips of her pussy and at the same time I drove my tongue past her pussy lip in an attempt to tickle her ass with it. She moaned loudly and placed both her hands on the back of my head to try and pull me deeper into her pussy. I had caught her by surprise and after several moans and gasps for air she said: “I haven’t had a man’s tongue in my pussy for years. God, it feels so good!”

I was lost in the moment and no longer really heard anything she was saying. I was only thinking about the fact that I was finally where I had planned to be almost five years ago, even though my plan had not included me fucking my Mother In-Law with my tongue.

It all started like I said, about five years ago. The wife was at work and I was wasting some time “surfing the internet” and happened onto one of a billion porn websites. As I was perusing through videos of mature women I came across one of an older man sitting in a recliner in a living room. It was titled “flash cock to wife’s mother”. Across the room sat this old lady and as they carried on a conversation he had his cock out and he was jacking off. I was mesmerized and the idea formed in my brain I’d like to try that with my wife’s mother. Now up to then I really had no strong desire to do anything like that with Joy, my Mother In-Law. The rest of the day the desire grew and I began to formulate a plan to make it happen.

I wasn’t sure how she would take it and I knew I had to have an alibi in case it all backfired on me. I started out with subtle changes on how I interacted with my Mother In-Law, Joy. Hugs hello and goodbye lasted a little longer. I began touching her, not inappropriately but more often, whenever the chance arose I complimented her on her looks and what she was wearing. I even began using the phrase “Hey good-looking” and finally our kisses to the cheek changed to kisses on the lips. The reactions I got from her were no help in me determining if I was going too far. The only encouraging thing was I was not hearing about my actions from my wife, Debbie. My plan had been in motion for about three months when fate stepped in and helped me along. My Father In-law had some medical testing that needed to be done and it required him to be hospitalized for overnight and I volunteered to drive them to the city where it was located. The trip over was uneventful but it was the drive back to their place where I entered the next phase of my plan. Up to then I had been playing it safe and with butterflies in my stomach and throwing caution to the wind I proceeded.

The drive home took a little over two hours and as luck would have it we left the city in the early afternoon. As my Mother In-Law and I drove along I moved one of my hands from the steering wheel and placed it on my crotch as we carried on our conversation. Minutes later I began grabbing and stroking my cock through my pants. I avoid looking over at my Mother In-Law but rather used my peripheral vision. I guess it was the nervousness but I was only able to get my cock to swell just enough to create an obvious bulge. Keeping most of my attention on the road was my main goal but on several occasions I caught my Mother In-Law glancing down at my crotch and judging from her reaction to me playing with myself I assumed she did not mind. We were about an hour away from her house when I caught not only her looking at my crotch but I noticed her hands were on her thighs. They were not just lying there, she was slowly running them up and down and around over the pants of her thighs. Once I thought I saw a hand dip down between her crotch but using only my peripheral view I was not certain.

When we arrived at her home we fix dinner and after I showered I came out to the living room wearing what would become my “go to sweats”. Under them I wore a pair of underwear along with a T-shirt. My Mother In-Law picked up her book and I proceeded to watch television. I positioned my head so that I could view the television and all I had to do was to move my eyes to the right and I was able to observe what my Mother In-Law was doing. I was still very nervous and unsure but with encouragement from my action earlier I once again placed a hand on my crotch and began rubbing and grabbing at my cock. Feigning interest in whatever was on the television I kept my eyes on her most of the time. Once again I caught her looking over at me while I played with the bugle in my sweats. This time I did not have to deal with keeping my eyes on the road and I watched as she moved a hand down onto the thigh of her pants and began rubbing over it. This time there was no doubt as on several occasions her hand dip down between her crotch and remained there for several seconds. We never made eye contact the entire night and at one point she put her book down was watching the television with me. Only now she had both her hands on her thighs as I caught her looking my way. She didn’t stare, but would look over for several seconds then look away.

The following day I used the same tactic as we drove back over to the city to pick up my Father In-Law. After driving them home I left for my home, two hours away. On the drive home I was on pins and needles as I waited for the hammer to fall on me. I knew my wife and her mother would be talking over the telephone and even though I assumed my Mother In-Law enjoy my little show I could not be certain but when I arrived home nothing was ever said about my perverted actions.

For the next several months I provided these mild porn shows to my Mother In-Law and as time went on I began to think we both enjoyed them. Whenever we managed to spend a weekend at the In-law’s home or them at ours I made sure I sat in a location that allowed me to hide my actions to the wife and her father but gave her mother a clear view of what I was doing. I became even bolder and several times I managed for her to catch me in various stages of dressing, including being naked. My Mother In-Law and I never spoke of our actions but this became our private and secret game. She and I began throwing sexual innuendos out on occasion and our hugs and kisses lasted a few seconds tighter and longer. It came to the point we were now making eye contact which left little doubt the two of us were enjoying the others actions. On one visit to their home I was providing her my little show and in return she made the gesture of her hand wrapped around a cock and moved it up and down. Looking back I think we both had clearly back a decision on whether to stop or continue what we she assumed was harmless, naughty fun. Me, on the other hand had further plans. My ultimate goal was to openly jack off while my Mother In-Law watched me. I still had no intention or desire to form a sexual relation with her. That is until not only fate, but tragedy stepped in.

The little game My Mother In-Law and I was playing had been going on for almost nine months when my wife’s father became sick and died. By then the relationship between me and my Mother In-Law had become even stronger because of our little game. All of that was put on hold until the chaos settled down and the decision to move my wife’s mother into our attached apartment happen. Six months or so after my Father In-Law’s death the game resumed. I recall the night as if it happened eight hours ago.

The couch is located between two recliner chairs. My wife’s is to the left. In the evenings she’ll sit there and get on her laptop while her mother will sit in the chair on the right. I was positioned on the couch, wearing my famous sweats. The way I was sitting only Joy, my Mother In-Law could see what my hands were doing in my lap. Only this time I had left the button undone on the fly of my sweats. This not only allowed me to reach into my sweats but to show more. Even though the two us at one time or another had manage to provide the other a naked view it was not done that often and most of the time I still wore underwear. But I now sat on the couch and manage to allow my bulge to poke through the opening of my sweats.

It had been now almost two and a half years since I had put my plan into motion and the three of us, me, my wife and her mother had fallen into a nightly routine. Whenever my wife went to bed early, her mother would go to the apartment for the night. I stayed up later this allowed me to jackoff after playing the game with my Mother In-Law.
A little over three years passed before I was able to actually complete what had been my goal when this all started.
The three of us had gone out to dinner and along with dinner my wife and her mother managed to consume almost a bottle of wine. I on the other hand only had three beers but it was enough to lower all of our inhibitions and the talk at the table and on the drive home had turned a little risqué. When we got home Debbie, my wife made the announcement she was drunk and going to bed as her mother made her way to the attached apartment. I came out of the bedroom after changing into my sweats thinking I had the living room to myself. For that reason I had ditched the underwear and was now commando. I was surprise to find Joy, my Mother In-Law sitting her recliner. She clearly had changed into her pajamas but also had a terry cloth robe over them and was trying to reach a book. I knew she was drunk and I assumed her true intention was to have us play our game. As I stepped over to the couch I made the decision to take our game a little bit further. After positioning several cushions on the left arm of the couch I now had a spot where I was able to recline comfortably with entire body on it.

By this time in our game we both knew what the other was going to do. Keep in mind up to now the two of us had not made any sexual advances on the other and even then that was not mine or her intention. Other than the occasions where I caught her putting a shirt on or pulling up her pants, I’d not seen much of her body. The times she had seen me were just as few and there was never a time she caught me openly stroking my cock. But that changed that night.
I plopped down on the couch and looked over at Joy and said:

“Aren’t you a little too drunk to try and read a book?”

“Yes I am.” My Mother In-Law replied as she closed the cover of the book and sat it down. “I think I just sit here and watch some TV with you for a while if that’s OK with you?” she added and smiled at me.

“Well I was planning to watch the scifi channel and I know how much you dislike scifi.” I said as I turned on the TV.
“Well I see how long I can put up with it as long as it’s a good show.” She answered back as she rested her hands on her thighs.

At that moment I made the decision to finally reap the rewards of my plan. With one hand holding the remote for the TV I put my left hand onto my crotch and began playing with my cock. As the show on the TV played my cock grew and my head was as if it was on a swivel, going from the TV to looking over at my Mother In-Law. She was ignoring the TV and her entire attention was on the action that was occurring only ten feet away on the couch. I know it was the alcohol that helped me over that final hurtle and for a few seconds our eyes met and we both smiled and that’s when I did it.
In one jerky motion I reached inside the fly of my sweats and pulled my hard cock out for her to see. Even though both of us were somewhat drunk I still paused and waiting for her to scream or chastise me for what I had done. I watched her keenly for her reaction I saw her eyes get as big as saucers and a smile appeared. That’s when I began slowly stroking up and down the entire shaft. Both her hands were busy lightly touching and moving around on her thighs and I watched as one hand moved down between her thighs to her crotch and remained there as a droplet of precum form on the tip of my cock. I stopped stroking and dapped at the tip of my cock with an index finger and swirled the precum around on the head of my cock. I then resumed stroking my cock and as I did so I used my right hand to expose my cum laden balls. I heard my Mother In-Law gasp and I watched as she began licking her lips.

For those that don’t know, alcohol tends to effect older men differently and not in a good way. So I was completely taken by surprise when I felt the oncoming explosion, for it happened quickly. I don’t think five or six minutes had passed since I pulled my cock from my sweats. The orgasm was as strong as any I can remember. The cum came spurting out and began to gather on the T-shirt I was wearing. In less than fifteen seconds it was over and as soon as it was I made eye contact with Joy, my Mother In-Law. Both of us had smiles on our lips but she abruptly stood up left the room, to her apartment, leaving me there with a mess all over me and wondering and worrying if I had gone too far. It would be close to two years before I would learn she had run off that night to her apartment and finger fucked herself to three orgasms.

The barrier had been broken and for the next almost two years this would be our secret game. It never went past that, even though there had been plenty of time when the two of us were alone together for several days at a time. If the opportunity arose I would pull my cock out and she’d watch me jackoff. We never discussed any of it at any time. Several times I asked to see her tits as I stroked my cock for her to see. Her answer was always the same;
“I don’t think so, not today.”

After I would cum she’d leave and go to her apartment and take care of business.

I knew it was wrong and so did my Mother In-Law but the two of us were on a downhill slope and over the next couple of years we just kept going. But it’s funny in one way. The sex life with my wife, Debbie just got better and better and the two of us even seem to grow closer to her mom. Joy’s outlook on life a turn for the better and those dreadful words “I can’t do that or I don’t want to try” that faded away. My Mother In-Law became active with several of the local volunteer groups. Then we hit the ultimate point in our secret game just a few months ago.

My wife, Debbie received a hard earned promotion. It came unexpected and she had to travel out of state for training for four days. The day before she was to leave the three of us celebrated by going out for dinner and agreed we would wait for her return to properly celebrate. The following day her mother and I drove her to the airport and saw her off. On our return home Joy suggested we stop at our favorite restaurant and have our own little celebration. Fortunately it was only a few miles from where we lived. After dinner we sat around there and as we talk more as close friends we consumed one to many. Spring was upon us and it wasn’t getting dark until 7pm and after the sun went down we lost track of time. It was only when I received an email from Debbie that I became aware it was going on 8:30pm and her mother and I left to go home. I wasn’t drunk but the drinking did remind me of the first time my Mother In-Law and I truly played our secret game and I had plans to repeat it. Once we were in the house I announced I was going to get comfortable and watch TV. Joy said she would do the same and fifteen minutes later the two of us were sitting in our favorite spots in the living room. I was using several couch cushions to prop myself up facing toward my Mother In-Law. I was wearing my old favorite sweats. Joy was seated in her recliner wear her pajamas and her robe only this time she had left it open. Within minutes my cock was exposed and I was slowly stroking it while she watched. Again I asked:

“Will you show me your tits?”

Her reply was the same as in the past; “I don’t think so. Not today.”

Over the last couple of years I have tried many things to get her to at least show me her tits. I had even asked Joy if she would like to help me jackoff, but the answer was always the same. This night I took a different approach and as she watched me I could clearly see she was rubbing her pussy through her pajama bottoms and as a drop of precum appeared on the tip of my cock I spread it around with my index finger and I asked the question;

“Do you want to taste my cum tonight?”

I was fairly certain of her reply but that’s not what she said as for the first time one of her hands came up to a breast and she began tugging on the nipple through her pajama top:

“That is really tempting, but I don’t think so. Not tonight.”

Her reply sent me over the line and as my cum erupted from the tip of my cock I caught a good amount of it in the palm of my right hand. Now I’m sixty years old and in all that time not once have I ever put my own cum into my mouth and for the life of me I still don’t know why I did it but I did.

As I held out my hand with my cum on it I asked:

“Are you sure you don’t want a taste?”

“You really are tempting me tonight, but I don’t think I should.” She replied back at me as one hand was busy rubbing her pussy and the other was tugging on her nipple.

Once she had answered, my hand moved to my mouth and I licked the cum from the palm. As I swallowed I stared her in the eyes and said:

“Hmm it tastes so good.”

“Oh my god, that is so hot!” She stated loudly as she rose out of the chair and disappeared into her apartment leaving me all alone.

The following morning I was awaken by pans banging together in the kitchen and I staggered out to see what was going on.

My Mother In-Law was still in her pajamas and when she saw me she exclaimed:

“I didn’t get any sleep last night and we need to talk.”

“Did I go too far last night?” I replied with fear in my voice.

“No you didn’t go too far. It’s been years and years since I’ve had a good fucking and I’m afraid what you did and said last night has convinced me we need to fuck.” She replied while gaging me for a reaction.

I moved around the counter and pulled her into me. As our eyes locked on each other I leaned down and kissed her. The kiss was not like any in the past. This was a kiss of pure lust and passion. Her lips yielded to my probing tongue and together we both moaned. The kiss seemed to last forever and when we broke it she looked up into my eyes and said:

“Give me about half an hour and come to my bedroom. I want to take a shower first.”

With that she turned to leave but before she left she reached down and squeezed my cock with her hand.
That brings me to where I started this saga. Now here I was eating my Mother In-Law’s pussy.

Her moaning was growing louder and her grip on the back of my head was tighter. In-between the moaning and gasping for breath she informed me she was going to cum. At first it was just a trickle but the more she humped my face the wetter her pussy became. For a second I thought she would drown me. Just as quickly as she came she was now pushing my head away and saying:

“Give me a chance to catch my breath. I haven’t orgasmed like that for thirty years.”

I crawled up further onto the bed and lay down so my head was below her armpit. I turned my head slightly and had a bird’s eye view of her right breast and nipple. As I closed my eyes I took her nipple into my mouth and lightly sucked on it. It was as if I was once again an infant and as I suckled I felt my cock twitch against her bare thigh.
With her right arm she cradled my head as I continued to suck and tenderly bite her nipple.

“I think today is the day and when you’re ready I’d love to feel your dick in my pussy.” She said as the realization hit me that I was having sex with my seventy seven year old Mother In-Law.

I released her nipple from my mouth and quickly maneuvered my body between her spread legs. I let the tip of my cock make contact with the lips of her pussy and as I hovered above her I paused to say:

“They call it a cock and I want to hear you say it.”

With both her hands she reached down between her legs and took hold of my throbbing cock and replied as she guided it into her pussy:

“Well put that cock in slowly. It has been a long time since I’ve been fucked with a cock.”

With my hands supporting my upper body I watched as the head of my cock slowly slid past her wet pussy lips. Her orgasm had lubricated the walls of her pussy but as more of my cock disappeared I began to feel just how tight her pussy was from lack of proper use.

Once fully embedded I remained still to give her pussy time to adjust. In the meantime I leaned down and took her other nipple between my lips and lightly tugged on it just as I had watched her do with her hand in the past.
It was only a minute or two that we remained still. Using a soft but commanding tone she said:
"Fuck me slowly with your hard cock.”

“God you feel so good.” I said as I began slowly thrusting in and out.

I had lost track of time and I didn’t know how long I’d been slowly fucking her but I noticed she was now pushing back at me each time I thrusted forward. My Mother In-Law’s breathing turned to small gasps each time I thrusted into her and she’d groan when I pulled out, leaving just the head in her pussy.

“Fuck me faster. Shove that hard dick, I mean cock in my pussy and make me cum.” She was now panting.

I increased the tempo of my thrusts and each time I thrusted forward the headboard of the bed would bang against the bedroom wall.

“Oh god I’m getting close. Are you ready to fill me with your sperm?” She asked between moans of pleasure.

“I can feel my balls tightening up. You let me know when you cum and I’ll fill you up.” I replied between my own groans of pleasure.

“Oh sweetie you’ll know when I cum because I’ll start squirting like a faucet under full pressure." She answered back.

A minute or two later I could detect a different tone in her moaning but her orgasm and the squirting still caught me by surprise. Her cum squirted out around my thrusting cock and it triggered my own orgasm. I thrusted deep and hard one last time as my cock splashed cum into her pussy and in return I felt the walls of her pussy contract, gripping my cock in an attempt to get ever last drop out of it.

The sheet under us was soaked with her cum as I remained perfectly still with my slowly shrinking cock inside of her pussy. When I felt it slowly slip out I straightened up onto my knees and looked down between her legs. I watched in awe as my cum slowly began to drain from her pussy. I moved further up on the bed and lay down next to her. Not a word was said between us. The both of us just lay there for what seemed like an hour until my Mother In-Law slowly rolled over and somehow managed to get on all four.

“I know you’ve been waiting for this.” She said as she slid her lips around my cock.

I never said a word and I don’t know how old she was when she started sucking cock but she was definitely a pro at it. Between the use of her hands, lips and tongue I filled her mouth in less than seven minutes and as she swallowed the last of my cum she looked me in the eye and said:

“You’re right. It does taste really good.”

Now I’d like to tell you we fucked like rabbits for days. The truth is both of us are a few years past our youth. But rather than playing our secret game that night we fucked. For two more days we fucked in the morning and at night. To this day we fuck whenever we get the chance.

The two women in my life keep me very busy and in shape.

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Detours Part 1 of 3

It was Bonnie’s dad who had instilled in her the love of a good, long road-trip. Her appreciation of the finer things such as a car loaded with snack-food and CDs, rest stops, and the nuances of “roadkill bingo” were all because of him. He enjoyed planning his routes as much as he did just tossing the bags in the trunk on a whim and picking a direction and driving. And Bonnie always went with him. “North American roads have more total distance than the rest of the world combined,” he told...

Straight Sex
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A Secrete Affairthat went wrong

Robert had become my secrete sex partner, he's somewhat kinky. He only wants to engage in sex acts out doors or in basements. We both were students in the same urban college, but resided in different dorms. Not once had we ever had sex in our respective dorm rooms. Robert stood 5'8" tall and weighed close to 190lbs, he wasn't heavily built, yet he was well defined. His penis was average, about seven or eight inches long and 1 to 1 1/2 inches wide, balls the size of a peach stone that hung in...

2 years ago
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Affair With Married Secrete Friend In Discrete 8211 First Love Making

Hello friends, this is karthik here again. This is a continuation of the first part published on the topic “Affair With Married Secrete Friend In Discrete”. First part is more about how we started the affair. Here let me describe how wonderful was our first love making session. It was awesome, I get tempted even today when thinking of what happened on that day.we grew very strong relationship just like a real husband and wife. We use to meet whenever we get time. chat for the whole day through...

1 year ago
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My secret was not so secrete

It was a few months after my sexual assault by Charlie, Bruce and Daniel. I was staying much to myself as I continued my classes I was still the my ninth grade. The three ruffians had taken numerous of me being sexed by them in numerous positions. When they wanted me again a picture would some how end up in my locker or posted to the students info board. Most would have a note saying ' ... meet where we ran ... '. I knew it was the wooded area behind the track field so I would head there and...

3 years ago
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Our Secret

She was creating quite a stir. She always did. Amongst the endless sea of blonde, half-naked college lovelies gyrating tothe pounding hip-hop with her, she simply stood out. It wasn’t that she was tall, with full breasts and slim hips. It wasn’teven her long, wavy black hair, or the way her legs seemed to end somewhere in the vicinity of her throat. It was far lesstangible than that. Perhaps it was the way she danced; uninhibited, pornographic, alone. No matter how many bodieswere pressed...

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Our Secret Part Two

If any has not read the first part, you need to do so first before you read this.  It will make more sense if you do.Our Secret: Part TwoWell, here I am again. Sitting at my desk, my laptop open, and my journal projecting on the screen. This is yet another entry about Misty and me and our secret. I still feel like it is not “our secret” any more since I am writing about it, but I am the only one that has access to this laptop, so I feel reasonably safe. If anyone breaks the code to my...

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Courtney and Tony start their life together

Tony and Courtney start their lives together This is a sequel to the story Wrestling with myself, by Katie Leone. Tony, a senior, befriended Courtney (formerly Corey) when she appeared as a 9th grader at Dunedin HS, in Florida. Tony is a deeply committed Christian, who never expected to fall in love with a transgendered girl, or face harassment from his Christian friends to the point of being attacked and hospitalized. The last scene of the book shows them at the homecoming dance...

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ScourgeChapter 2

Upon arrival at the stalker’s camp, Audra notices that there are two massively built men at the gates, acting as guardians. Neither of the men moves as she and her captors pass by. She begins to wonder how fast the large men would move if she decided to suddenly escape. But why would I? She is led through the encampment, which with the exception of the two men at the gates, have no guards. There are, however, a slew of breeders. They are lined up in rows and too far gone. Their limbs are...

1 year ago
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ScourgeChapter 7

Audra wakes up in a very cushiony and comfortable bed. She can’t remember the last time she was in a bed that felt this good. She also finds herself alone in a private room. Looking around the simple room, she is struck by how luxurious it seems to be. The clean sheets are crisp and fresh, the furniture looks brand new. As a rebel she never came close to being in a room this nice let alone having crisp, clean sheets. Often times, before and after joining the rebels, she was lucky to have...

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Our little secret

As I sat in the lounge with Aunt stood in front of me in her underwear, and listening to her explain that everything would be fine and not to worry, I hadn’t realised that time had passed quickly as I looked at the clock on the fireplace shelf, crikey I blurted, its 12.30pm, if I don’t leave soon Mother will be wondering where I’ve got to,I think I should just get dressed and leave now I said.Oh nonsense “Brian” declared Aunt Sheila, and besides your trousers and ‘Y’ fronts are in the washing...

2 years ago
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Courtesan Ch 07

We pulled onto Jackson Street. Jackson was a three lane one way street going towards downtown. Charles Street was one block west. It was a three lane one way street leaving downtown. Kelly and I both agreed that when we were driving downtown it was faster to take Jackson and Charles than to drive a mile east and get onto the freeway. It was 5:00 o'clock, rush hour. Most of the cars were on Charles Street heading south out of downtown, but Jackson was still busy. As soon as Kelly settled her...

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Courtesan Ch 06

"So how did you make the transition from having sex with your bosses to becoming a courtesan?" Looking at me with a puzzled expression, Kelly asked, "Why do you keep using the word courtesan?" "I thought that was the term you and your fellow workers preferred." "It was. It makes what we do seem almost elegant, but why would you use it? I'd think you'd choose a word like hooker or even whore." "Those words are pejoratives, especially whore. They imply that there was something wrong with what you...

4 years ago
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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress The School Secretarys secret spanking desires Part One

“If you don’t ask – you don’t get.”That’s what Amber Fox, Amelia Marks’ secretary, kept telling herself.The thirty-two-year-old woman with the flowing red hair had been unable to get the experience of watching Amelia Marks caning those two naughty Year Eleven girls in her office out of her head. It had been a couple of weeks since Miss Marks had punished Emily Richardson and Chloe Williams in her office and a couple of weeks since she had invited her secretary to witness the girls’ punishment....

1 year ago
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Courtney and Robin Meet

Courtney and Robin meet Again, here are two characters originally created by other writers of TG fiction-Courtney by Katie Leone and then expanded on by me in a previous sequel to her work. Robin Smith was created by Zoe Taylor in a (so far) three volume trilogy. Since martial arts figures so prominently in many of my stories, and Robin is already established as a student of Kenpo Karate, it seemed a natural to write her into one of my own crossovers. Again, I take no credit for...

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Our Game

"I've seen the way you look at me," I whispered in her right ear, my body brushing against her back, my nose flirting with her straight hair, my mouth hanging an inch away from her skin, my own flesh surprised that I had the will to halt its road to her neck and achingly begging me to tilt forward just a little bit more.It had taken me six months to muster up the courage to say those words, six months of internal struggles over the nature of my feelings, of debates on how she'd take it and of...

1 year ago
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Chapter 1 "And the world's shrunken to a heap of hot flesh straining on a bed." -E.R. Dodds British Classical Scholar To be frank, I wanted her the moment I saw her, which is strange because she was 20 years older than me. But there was that certain something about her that attracted me to her, and I knew that if the feeling was even slightly mutual, I would act on it. Courtney was the wife of a co-worker. Don had come to our company first as a consultant, and then as he proved himself...

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CourtneyOne Crazy Little Bitch Part 2

I knew what we were doing was wrong. What more can I say? That I knew it was wrong and that I didn't care? Well,fine. "I didn't care!". There. I said it. Does That Make You Happy? I had pleaded with Samantha,Courtney's Mother,never to ask me to babysit for her again! Granted,I didn't go into any great detail,but that's besides the point,damnit! I'm sure She has a pretty good idea as to my reasons why.I mean,it's not My fault,that Courtney is litterally "certifiably insane"! It's not My...

2 years ago
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CourtneyOne Crazy Little Bitch Part 1

Courtney has been a bubble off plumb since she was a toddler. There's just no two ways about it. If You don't keep a constant eye on the girl,she'll do the damndest things! Like the last time I had to watch her. We were in the den,watching cartoons on the TV,and all I did was go to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. When I got back she was gone! I searched the whole house and finally found her,after I heard her voice coming from the back yard. I was in the attic by then,so I looked out the...

2 years ago
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Our Little Secret

Liitle Secret. By Sweet Renu Dear readers I am not new to this site. Previously i have contributed to this site. After a long time I am gain here at the disposal of loving readers. I thank all very uch for the encouragement given by hem. Now with a new venture. I went to Vijayawada for my Anand annayya’s marriage. (peddamma koduku). He only took my virginity wheni was 17 years. I went 1 week before the marriage. That day my self anand’s own sister Jaya were alone at hme were as all the people...

4 years ago
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Your Secret Admirer

Joan Carr found a vase with red roses sitting on her front porch. She scratched her head in wonder who sent her the roses. Her daughter doesn't send roses to her. She picked up the vase and noticed the card attached to the flowers. Joan picked the card out of the flowers and opened it up. The note read, " To a Sexy Woman." It is signed by ' Your Secret Admirer' Joan couldn't believe they were for her. It had to be a mistake and delivered to the wrong house. She turned the note around and...

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Our Bedroom Boardgame

My wife Donna is the love of my life after eight years of marriage and having sex is always good but we had become somewhat bored with ‘the same old thing’ in the bedroom. We wanted to keep the sexual spark alive and to please each other so after some discussion we agreed on several erotic activities that we could feel comfortable with ‘if we worked up to it.’ We got the idea to invent a bedroom game. We agreed to try just about anything once and thought that the game would make things...

1 year ago
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Jacks Big Secret

Last Entry: Bobbi Sue?s Diary, May 2003 I'm a dud diarist. I've only made nine entries in mine since May 2000. And when I reread what I wrote, I realize that I'm too thick-headed to keep a diary. I mean: I must be the most na?ve girl living in North Texas. It's embarrassing to look at the entries. I should have cottoned on to Jack's big secret long before I did. First Entry: Bobbi Sue?s Diary, May 2000 Jack is my best guy friend, so I wish knew more about him. But he's k...

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Courtney Part 1

The wind was blustering outside Adam’s window. October’s colored tears swirled in the streets as a chill descended upon the town. The trees were almost completely bare and heavier jackets were becoming an essential part of any trip outside. Winter was slowly creeping in. Courtney stared out his bedroom window into the gray dismal sky. Heavy snow was forecasted to begin falling this evening and continue into the next day. Like every other teenager, she couldn’t help but hope school would be...

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Courtney the Crazed Athlete

After a refreshing day at the golf course in which Vince sunk an eighty-yard chip for birdie, we decided to celebrate the shot of his life with a trip to I-Lounge. I had always been a fan of I-Lounge. It wasn’t a huge club, but it had a certain dynamic that made it perfect for my style. I loathe bars that are simply one giant room. The animal in me thinks it essential to hit on girls without the whole damn place as witnesses. I-Lounge was different; there were six separate areas where I could...

Straight Sex
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Hannahs Secret pt 1

Meeting Hannah that afternoon was one of those bizarre events that convinced me how important it is to say “yes” to life, to be open to what presents itself and to not have expectations. I hadn’t been to New York City in over twenty years, and in fact, rarely leave my off the grid cabin in Maine for any cities. I shop at a local food co-op in our small town, pick up mail at the post office, sometimes get a bowl of soup or a cup of coffee and exchange greetings with friends and neighbors then...

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Courtney Rich Mans Teen Niece

Courtney: Rich Man’s Teen Niece The Tower Organization’s Boeing Business Jet made a super smooth touchdown at New York’s JFK Airport. One of my stewardesses unlatched the airtight hatch and swung the door open. I exited the aircraft and raced down the mobile staircase with the ease and vigor of a man half the age of my fifty years. My Cadillac limousine pulled up and the driver jumped out then opened the rear door. “Welcome home, Mr. Tower,” he said with genuine enthusiasm. On...

3 years ago
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Courtney Sure Grew Up

Courtney Sure Grew Up I hadn’t seen Courtney in about two years then one day she knocked on my front door. Courtney said, “Hi. Before Judy left she said that if I ever need to talk to a real adult that would help me, that I should talk to you. May I?” I invited her in and assured her that I would listen and give her whatever advice or help that I could. That seemed to calm her down somewhat. I offered her a soda and she asked for something stronger like Vodka and orange juice....

2 years ago
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Courtney Who Needs Pictures with a Memory Like Mine

You may want to read about my first date with Courtney but it certainly isn't required reading. Courtney and I dated for only 3 or 4 months. It turned out that since we didn’t really have that much in common and came from completely different backgrounds that we weren’t as compatible as I had hoped. Don’t get me wrong, when we were between the sheets, life couldn’t get any better. Once we had out clothes on, we had little in common and it was like the pink elephant in the room. At least it was...

Straight Sex
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Courtney and Michael

I wrote this last Christmas Eve and sent out to friends who've provided me their email. I tried to include the photo that was the inspiration but couldn't get it to show ... it was stellar! So enjoy ..."Oh Michael, you're company's holiday party is always so boring! Do we really have to go?""You know Courtney that I am expected to be there. I AM the Senior Vice President, after all."Michael wore his typical grey business suit with a festive tie to the event. Courtney, a tall,...

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Mera office ka secret ashiq

Hi, mera naam Neelam hai. Main 24 saal ki hu. Meri height 5.4 hai, average complexion aur figure 32-28-34. Main Delhi mein government job karti hu. Meri job lage abhi kuch hi mahino pehle lagi hai. Mera office theek chal raha tha. Subah office jaana, waha friends ke saath gappe ladana, kaam karna aur wapas ghar aa jaana. Jaise hi mujhe salary milti main dher saari shopping karti aur city ghoomti. Main Instagram pe har weekend apni pic daalti thi. Bohut saare likes aur comments milte the. Kafi...

3 years ago
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ScourgeChapter 6

Within a week, Saige was dead. Audra spends the days afterward in a haze. The loss of her lover has hit her hard. She rarely left the quarters they were assigned and because she never saw any other stalkers or chasers near, she assumed she was alone, that the Scourge had forgotten about her. If it fine with her because the only tow that mattered any are Saige and the queen and neither are there. Today is no different than the past few. The only difference today is that she finally decided to...

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ScourgeChapter 10

Over the next few weeks things begin to settle down a little. Patrols reported in less and less encounters with the Scourge. Recon teams reported the same. It seemed the Scourge was pulling back. The red fungus that covers the trees and other plants seem to even vanish, leaving behind incredibly healthy plants. General Eisley took it as a warning where as many of the others a victory. But the woman is not fooled. Though she is young, she is far more experienced than her years. A handful of...

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ScourgeChapter 14

Morning comes quickly for the group and despite Gunnar’s previous night’s activities he is ready and waiting for the rest to fill in. Kate is the first to arrive with Harlan right behind. Caprice is the last, but after those activities, Gunnar isn’t surprised. “We have a general idea where the Scourge headquarters are,” Gunnar begins once everything is settled in on the chairs placed before him. “Our goal is to rescue Audra. Of course if we can deal a major blow to the queen’s forces then we...

2 years ago
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Our Secret0

"What about Amy?" she has a hard time looking me in the eyes. I can feel that she is afraid that if she looks in my eyes my desire for her to say yes will influence her. "This is not about Amy, this is about what you want. If you want this, there are things I can show you that no one else has yet, all you have to say is yes. I will take care of everything." Her eyes dart away and look to the opposite wall, thinking. I can see the war in her mind. She wants this. She wants it the way a...

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Lysandras Secret Desire by Michael Knight

The bright morning sunlight reflected back at Lysandra as she tilted her morning newspaper towards her for a closer look at an article that caught her attention:HOUSE SITTER WANTED Must be clean, professional, Bondable Some light cleaning duty, applicant must be willing to live on location in a three Storey Estate House, Free Room & Board Wage expectancy to be discussed. Apply by writing to: Margarete 365 Riverbend Rd. Hill valley.The Job was perfect, just the thing she needed to alleviate...

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In a Secret GardenChapter 19

I'd hate to admit it, but we wasted a pretty big chunk of the next two days before Amy and I gave up and quit the search for finding an entry into the final chambers for now ... and we just admitted defeat and handed over the entire project to our resident contractor, Jason who certainly understood mechanics better than we ever would. Besides, we still couldn't even figure out how to get the downstairs electricity turned on and that was starting to drive me nuts. "Of course you...

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So me and my brother,both grew up on WELFARE under a single parent who turn out to be an ALCOHOLIC.All of us lived in the Ghetto.He dropped out of school to help support us,basicly pay the rent and buy food,Because Mom was to busy getting her drink on.Me on the other hand became rebellious.I refused to be some strongout whore,and being pimped.So I got involved with d**gs as a dealer.I enjoyed that FAST LIFE AND FASTMONEY,until i got caught the first time was 6 months Probation,the second time...

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The Dildo Board Game

Loosely based on a dream I once had "Shawna and Jake are coming over right?" Felix asked his sister. Felix was a man of average height and build with short blonde hair. 'Yeah, tonight is game night after all," his sister, Jenna, responded. Jenna was a pretty redhead with C cup breasts. "What do you want to play?" Felix asks. "I don't know, any suggestions?" Jenna asks back. "Not really, whatever works for me," Felix says, "Hey you think Jake will ever confess to...

4 years ago
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Christmas Wedding Part 9 More Than A Football Game

College football wasn't big in New England but it was big enough to earn the city of Boston a bowl game. It wasn't a glamorous game, just a mid-to- low level game for teams that barely made it into a bowl game. The inaugural game was one that caught the sport by surprise but it was fitting as it would feature the two, "Local" teams in Boston Cambridge University vs. UMass-Amherst. BCU was unofficially the "host" team for the game as the university was "down the street" from the game's...

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The Initiation Game

The Initiation Game By Morpheus It was a nice day with great weather. The sun was out and a slight breeze whispered through the area to keep things from getting too warm. Countless people were surrounding me, all out to enjoy the weather. Unfortunately I was too preoccupied with some problems to enjoy it very much. My name is Dylan McKenna, and I'm an 18 year old Freshman who just started college. I was lucky enough to get most of the courses I wanted, but just found out that...

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The Game

The Game By Cassandra Morgan In the late afternoons, when the sun started to fade, our home was dark and lonely. When I got home from work, it felt lifeless and empty. I walked into the living room, and Zoe wasn't there. I went to the kitchen. Nothing there, either. Zoe was that way. She could be gregarious, the life of the party. But she was happy alone, too, getting lost in her own thoughts, retreating into herself. Finally, I found her in the den, sitting in the big leather...

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End Game

Copyright © 2005 All Rights Reserved Author can be contacted at [email protected] This story might appear to be quite vanilla, and, indeed, to begin with itis simply about a wife swapping party. But like all my stories there's a twistat the end, and the twist in this one is decidedly Femdom. So have patience.  End Game ?I am not going to fuck in front of other people! You can forget that', Tracypouted from the front seat of the car. We were on our way to my first swinging party. This was...

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Petras 2nd sexy secret about Alex

In fact, Petra found out two sexy secrets of Alex in the year after their first time together.The first sexy secret for Alex is whether what had happened between them was real or just a dream?In this story she will unveil some more of the sexy secrets of Alex, which she slowly discovered. First sexy secret As Alex does, Petra fondly remembers how she suddenly surprised Alex in bed after tugging her in.As always she had kiss-closed Alex eyes. After a big kiss on her fore-head switched off the...

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The WhoreforaDay Game

The Whore-for-a-Day Game by Ashley B. D. Zacharias?Let me be blunt,? Alex said. ?We've been married for more than a year and a half and it's not as good as it should be. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to have a better marriage. I just don't know what I should do.? ?I think everything's fine,? Leslie said, but there was no conviction in her voice. Alex waited for a long time, hoping that she would elaborate, but she remained mute. Eventually he asked, ?Are you happy?? ?Yes. Are you?? ?Not...

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Sex Game

The Sex Game by Randomking Warning: This story contains material of sexually graphic nature. I take no responsibility for anyone reading who shouldn't... yada, yada, yada. I used to be a normal business man who was only trying to make a living, but, alas, I was proving to be poor at what I did. As I came to the realization of that, I started getting very depressed. I realized that my love-life was not going anywhere, that I was just getting bored with life. Eventually, I...

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The Perfect Game

(The perfect game for lowering inhibitions is invented)When I was 23 years old, I invented the perfect adult party game.There may be some situations where other games may be preferred, but for my purposes (and probably yours) this was the greatest game ever. I have dozens of friends and partners who will back my claim.I never chose to share it, rather saving it for my own purposes, but now you will learn the secret that worked so well, so many times for yours truly. It started with a couple of...

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