Dominated By Unsatisfied House Wife
- 4 years ago
- 19
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The Órarduine were quiet as they looked off in the direction that the Deities had taken before vanishing. A few moments later they heard Star say, “Good afternoon Command Staffs.”
“Good afternoon,” they replied.
“It is good to have a strong link with you all again.”
“Well it is good to hear from you. How is everything?”
“About normal, although we’ve recently had a few incidents on our primary ships and at Tara. They’ve all been dealt with very effectively, however this has resulted in some concerns among the family.”
Terry of Sarah’s Clan asked, “What is the most serious of these incidents?”
“Probably the attack on Briana’s Clan by four large cats that strongly resembled Earth’s Saber Tooth tigers, perhaps a bit larger. This was the first sighting of any animals like them on the island. The puzzling part is that the Clan is fairly certain that they were lured to the location of the attack. Fortunately they effectively countered the attack and put the cats down.”
“Were they injured?”
“No. They are fine, well perhaps a little shaken up. Creidne and Fidelma assisted Briana’s Clan in the final stages of the engagement. Both of them praised the Clan for their handling of the attack.”
“What else?”
“For the last two nights there have been some dust ups in the entertainment area. Most of them occurred last night. These were the result of undesired physical contact between members of different breeds. A few of the construction crew don’t like being told ‘no’ and believe groping is acceptable and normal. This issue has been simmering between different groups for some time, but not enough to draw Security’s attention. The sudden increase in incidents is puzzling. In response to this Tara Security group has increased staff in the entertainment and recreation areas for tonight.”
Sarah scanned those with her then said, “We’ll stop by there this evening on our way back.”
“So you’ll be back tonight.”
Looking at the others before replying she noticed several were shaking their heads no. “Just a minute I need to check with the others.”
Joyce said, “We are at least 2 hours from Tara, plus they are 3 hours ahead of us so even if we left now it would be fairly late when we arrived.”
“I think we should discuss what we’ve learnt before we return,” added Keriann.
“Star, our preference is to return tomorrow afternoon due to the distance and time difference. We will stop at Tara and have dinner there. However, if there is an emergency then we will do what is necessary. Anything else?”
“There was an odd series of incidents on the Dóchas class ships and at our construction sites. Nothing serious occurred but resolving them was time consuming. The issues were different at each location. The oddity is that while they all appear to have been intentional there isn’t any indication as to who was responsible and in nearly all cases there should have been. It is very puzzling and has quite a few scratching their heads.”
With a smile Siobhan said cheerfully, “Gee, it seems like you missed us.”
“Well if your clans being out of touch leads to stuff like this then no one here will want you to ever be out of touch again.”
“Look at it this way, you all responded as needed so everyone should be very happy about that. You all just lived up to your capabilities that we know you have. As to the dust ups, perhaps it is the result of too many hours working and not enough time spent relaxing.”
“Some believe that that is a contributor for some of it, but the dust ups always involve the same group of people from the construction crew.”
“Anything else?” queried Sarah.
“Nothing that can’t wait until you are back and probably some of what I told you could have waited as well.”
“We appreciate the update, and we will see you tomorrow afternoon. We’ll send you an ETA when we depart tomorrow morning.”
“Good. We are all looking forward to your return.”
Once the connection closed Brandan of Maureen’s Clan said, “Looks like the bastards were busy creating mischief the last couple of days.”
“It would seem so,” responded Molly.
Sarah said, “Keriann, thanks for reminding me that we planned to discuss what we learnt before returning. Let’s go back to the meeting area for this discussion.” Everyone nodded their agreement and returned to the area.
After they sat down Jackie said, “Before we begin, I would like to propose that we set up our meeting area for the Councilors similar to this.”
“While I like this arrangement,” said Alma of Jackie’s Clan, “there really isn’t a place for visitors to sit so why don’t we add a section or two. We may also want to consider adding a balcony.”
“Aye,” replied the group.
Angie of Kathryn’s Clan said, “I think 2 sections. Also we should only sit as a Clan for formal occasions. I like the mixed seating as I think it makes communication easier, as it is easier to see my spouse’s expressions. With our links we know each other’s perspective on a topic but with the mixed seating it is easier to interact with others as well as giving us a different perspective on their thoughts.”
“Good point Angie,” responded Oriel of Keriann’s Clan. “While we can sense a person’s feelings seeing their expression is a lot more meaningful, even when I use my spouse’s vision to see it. I like Angie’s suggestion as she made some good points.”
Sarah said, “From what I am sensing we all agree.”
Jim of Amy’s Clan said, “We will advise site Engineering of the change.”
“Now, I think we have several things to sort out before we return. The first is, how are we going to respond to the issues apparently caused by the tricksters? Is any response necessary?
“The second is, what do we say about our visit here?
“To me those two points are key but another is, do we say anything about what is occurring on the 6th planet? While I know we agreed not to mention meeting our Deities I have some doubts about taking that path. Primarily because, with very few exceptions, we’ve always been very open with our family.”
Aine said, “If you would like we can handle the trickster issue. We know from our travels that there are tricksters, demons, or similar beings, in other parts of the universe besides those alluded to on Earth. The incidents that happened recently definitely have all the earmarks of something they would do. From our perspective the likelihood of a repeat is reduced provided everyone continues to be as thorough in their work and continues to communicate. Our information indicates that, except for the four that Airmida’s group is dealing with, there are no others currently in this System or this galactic region.”
“Thank you. We accept your offer,” said the Órarduine.
Once they had sorted out how they would handle the issues they spent the rest of the afternoon with their children enjoying their surroundings.
Early in the morning they began the walk back to their shuttles. When they reached the garden’s entrance they all paused to look back at the site in the early morning light. Together they marveled at the beauty of the location before turning to head toward their shuttles in the nearby meadow.
They had just reached the shuttles when Deirdre exclaimed, “Wow!”
“What?” queried several people.
“Look behind us. The path to the valley of the Gods and Goddesses is barely visible.”
Sarah said, “I suspect that it will reappear for us when we return as They said that we were welcome return at our leisure.”
On hearing Sarah’s comment Earnán started back. Seeing this Rusty asked, “Son, where are you going?”
“To see if it will reappear when we approach.”
“Do you have any reason to doubt what we were told?”
Earnán paused then replied, “No, not really.”
“Then why do you want to test it?”
“Curiosity, I guess. I really liked it as it is a really peaceful and beautiful place. One that I wouldn’t have minded spending a lot more time there.”
“Consider this, by testing what you were told, some may see that as you not trusting those who made the offer.”
“Oh, I do believe in Them and what They’ve shared with us. It is a beautiful place.”
“I am sure that we will visit it again, so you have that to look forward to.”
Siobhan said, “I wished I had looked back when we reached the bend, but my thoughts were focused elsewhere at the time.”
“I did,” responded Mirial of Molly’s Clan. “It looked just like it did when we arrived, except They weren’t there.”
“Well I expected that, I just wanted to refresh my memory.”
“I am more than happy to share my memory.”
“Great,” responded the group.
Once on their shuttles Keriann said, “So our plan is to take the scenic route back.”
Alissa of Molly’s Clan said, “Yes. But let’s take a look around the immediate area before we start our journey toward Tara.”
“Fine with us,” responded the other clans.
Brittany of Kathryn’s Clan said, “According to my calculations we have 4 to 5 hours that we can use for side trips and still be back well before dinner.”
“We’re for that,” responded Eleánóir of Keriann’s Clan.
“We’re in,” replied the other clans.
“We need to verify that we have enough fuel for the additional flight time,” said Claudette.
“Aye,” they replied.
Each confirmed their fuel status then confirmed, “We’re good to go.”
After lifting off the eight shuttles shifted to a modified V formation. With this positioning they would need to make wide turns when changing directions but it gave everyone an almost unobstructed view of the surrounding landscape. After looking over the area around the valley they turned in the general direction of Tara to begin their return journey. Their altitude was low enough that the terrain below them was distinct, but high enough that it wasn’t a blur.
They had only been in the air for about an hour when the tactical threat alarm began sounding on all shuttles. At the same time the AIs said, “Attention, sensing active weapons scans. Aircraft approaching from our rear.”
Keriann responded immediately, “All shuttles, shields up, now!”
While the shuttle AIs complied, preparations began in the cabins. The two normally on the flight deck closed their survival suits as they hurried to their positions. The other adults helped their children with their survival suits before finishing with their own.
On the flight deck Sarah said, “Dóchas FOC, this is DSTA01 with the Command Shuttles. We are being approached by 8 bogies. Sensors indicate that their weapons are hot.”
“DSTA01 copy 5 by 5. Understand you’re being approached by ships with hot weapons.”
“Your location is?”
“We are 5,150 km West of Tara at 400 meters heading East at 300 km/h.”
“Our scan is showing a group of 8 objects with unknown IFFs at those position parameters. Two flights of Star Fighters were dispatched to identify them.”
“Why are their weapon systems active? At their current range their sensors should have identified us without the need for the IFF.”
Hearing the exchange Keriann said, “All shuttles. IFF off! Invoke cloaking now!
“All shuttles, execute sweep to starboard. Initiate descent immediately to 200 meters at maximum rate. At 200 meters reduce speed to 200 kph.”
“Aye,” replied the shuttle AIs.
After a few moments Dóchas FOC said, “DSTA01, the Star Fighters report loosing contact with unknown IFFs. All of them are reporting that their weapon’s lock will not reset.
“Our scans are not showing the 8 unknown IFF signatures.”
Keriann replied, “Aye, Dóchas FOC, this is ISTA01, Keriann in Command. We’ve initiated defensive response.
“As to the fighters, recommend diverting them to the weapons range at Carey as that is the only place where they can easily be serviced while their weapons are active.”
“Aye. Will advise them of your directive. All FOCs are now linked in.”
“Aye. We’ve deactivated our IFF. We will reset those systems then advise you when that is complete. Meanwhile we remain cloaked.”
Rusty said to the other shuttle Commanders, “We will recycle our navigation system then reset it to the coordinates of when we arrived at the meadow.”
Aine said, “If you are concerned about losing those coordinates, don’t be, as we have them saved.”
“In that case we should reset the system to when we departed for the trip here. AI, do you agree?”
“Aye that will work, but I don’t understand why the IFF would be incorrect.”
“Although we might be jumping to conclusions, our current suspicion is that it was due to some mischief by the tricksters.”
“I’ve heard them mentioned, but I don’t really understand what is meant by ‘tricksters’ or who they are. Initiating navigation power down sequence.” Several minutes later, she said, “No errors on power down. Restart initiated.”
A few minutes later she said, “No errors on restart. Restoring configuration.” There was a pause then, “IFF activated.”
Sarah said, “Dóchas FOC. DSTA01, our IFF has been reset. What do you see?”
“An IFF for the DSTA01 Dóchas Command Shuttle near where we saw the unidentified craft.”
“Good, ‘cause that is us.”
“Well, come on home.”
“We are. We will be there this evening. Our first stop is Tara.”
DSTA01 AI said, “Star Fighters are departing.”
Sarah said, “Command Staffs, power cycling our navigation system has cleared up the IFF issue.”
“We heard,” replied Keriann. “We are resetting ours.”
Keriann’s comment was followed by similar responses from the other shuttles.
Several minutes later Dóchas FOC said, “Command Staffs, the shuttle IFF codes now identify you as our Command Shuttles. Advising other locations of your status and location.”
“Aye,” they replied.
“We’ve sent another flight of Star Fighters to verify your identity. Before departing they checked their weapons systems.”
“You should alert weapons maintenance of the issue,” said Kelly.
“We have.”
Eileen of Siobhan’s Clan said, “Dóchas FOC, as a starting point weapons maintenance should focus first on where the first 2 flights of Star Fighters have been for the last 3 days.”
“So you think this might be related to the other recent incidents?” queried James.
“Wow, you linked in quickly.”
“Well we are all a little edgy at the moment. Even more so when we heard that you all had issues.”
“To answer your question, we don’t know if we can prove it but we suspect that there is a very high probability of them being related. We can discuss it when we get back.”
With the IFF issue resolved Keriann said, “We should drop our cloaking and get back on course.”
“But with heightened monitoring of our surroundings,” added Chester.
“Definitely,” they replied.
The group had travel a little of 200 km when they heard, “DSTA01, this is ISFG01 approaching on your port for a visual id of your group.”
“Aye, we see you,” replied Sarah.
“Iarracht FOC, ISFG01 has group with DSTA01 in sight. All IFF ids are correct for the 8 ships.”
“Iarracht FOC, copy. Return to original assignment.”
“ISFG01 executing. Command Staffs, have a pleasant flight and we are glad you’re back.”
“Thanks,” the Command Staffs replied.
It was a few minutes later when Calvin of Kathryn’s Clan said, “I am having difficulty understanding why the first 2 groups arrived with their weapons active. Everything else seemed to follow procedure.”
“As far as we can tell no one attempted to contact us,” added Kelly. “So do we have a protocol problem or was it part of the sabotage?”
Chester replied, “We need the relevant groups to review what happened and identify whether any corrective measures are needed.”
Joyce said, “While all that maybe true, we did not check in with an FOC before we lifted off nor did we specifically advise Star of our ETA.” Sensing several folk were about to respond she added, “We told Star that we would and we do it around the ships, Gaillimh, and Carey. I know that this is mainly due to traffic but it would be a good idea for us to do it all the time.”
“Good point,” said Keriann. “I have to admit I thought about it as we were walking back but obviously didn’t say anything and forgot about it.”
“Do you know what prompted the thought?” queried Melissa of Siobhan’s Clan.
“Hmm ... because we hadn’t communicated with anyone except Star since leaving the vicinity of Carey.”
“Don’t the Shuttle AIs maintain contact?”
“Usually,” responded the AI on Keriann’s shuttle, “however it is not required. We didn’t this time because our impression was that you wanted minimal contact while you were with Them.”
Chester said, “Before we say anything, once the dust settles, we need to review what happened.”
“Agreed,” they all replied.
Molly said, “Calvin, I am sure glad we followed your suggestion and beefed up the defensive array on these shuttles.”
Smiling he replied, “Thank you for the compliment but I am disappointed that we needed to use it.”
“Should we upgrade our shuttles to have the capabilities of our cruisers?” queried Mairia of Jackie’s Clan.
He immediately said, “No, there is really no need to take that step. Besides, it would be obvious and that would send the wrong message to our family and those visiting us.”
“Yea, but today was scary.”
“Yes it was, but remember the old adage, ‘life is boring except for those moments of moderate to sheer terror’. As for me, I’ve had my share of the latter.”
“We are missing seeing the scenery,” said Kathleen of Molly’s Clan.
“I’m not,” responded Brittany of Kathryn’s Clan. “I’ve noted some coordinates for us to come back to and have a closer look.”
“So have I,” added Kaitlin of Maureen’s Clan.
Taking the hint everyone sat back and relaxed as they watch the scenery pass by. Occasionally they would slow their speed to have a better view of the landscape. Several made notes of especially interesting areas that they felt were important to explore. At lunch time they landed on a wide beach to give everyone a chance to stretch and walk around.
After they were underway again Siobhan said, “Amy’s Clan, how are the cartographers coming along with mapping the planet?”
Donna said, “Not as fast as we would like. It is considerably more complicated than we originally thought it would be but they have made good progress. Unfortunately they’ve had to redo some of the map of Gaillimh Island but that is nearly complete. Their next focus will be Carey and then the general outlines of the continents where we’ve identified major landmarks. The general outlines will be just that and won’t have any detail except for the immediate area around our installations.”
“Can they show us what they have? Perhaps a better option would be to make it available on our net then update it as more details are finalized. I was thinking along the lines of the maps some of us had in school. Those gave you a perspective of where you were in relationship to other things on the planet, along with a general outline of the continents and major tributaries.”
“I think that is what they plan to do, but we’ll chat with them this week.”
“Having a map of the planet will likely prompt some to plan extended exploring adventures,” added Brandan.
“Those could be viewed as the vacation opportunities that we’ve been encouraging everyone to consider.”
“You know the forest canopy looks pretty dense in this area,” noted Colleen of Maureen’s Clan.
Caitlyn of Keriann’s Clan said, “I wonder if the dynamics between forested areas and grasslands are the same here as they were on Earth.”
“So far we think they are quite similar,” replied Amy. “Forest and prairie fires play the same role here as they do on other planets. As those on Earth are learning, over controlling them often leads to other problems which are then quite difficult to resolve. If a fire is too hot it destroys everything rather than having the rejuvenation effect that smaller more frequent naturally occurring fires do.”
Molly said, “So we need to consider that in our overall planning for the future?”
“It is already in the plan but it has a fairly low priority although circumstances could change that. One issue that should have more prominence in choosing a place for a settlement is the consideration of wild fires.”
Once over the ocean they substantially increased their air speed. It was mid-afternoon when the coast Gaillimh Island came into view.
Jordana said, “It won’t be long until we reach Tara.”
“Great,” responded several.
From the flight deck Keriann said, “Tara FOC, this is ISTA01, we are 30 minutes out.”
“ISTA01 Tara FOC ETA noted as 19:40 hours.”
“Aye. That is correct.”
“ISTA01 use standard Easterly approach. Enter pattern 100 km West of Tara.”
“Aye. Standard Easterly approach.”
“There are 4 transports ahead of you.”
“There are 8 of you correct.”
“Aye. We will land by twos.”
“Indications are that several clans will be here to meet you.”
To those commanding the shuttles Sarah said, “We suggest that Keriann’s and Amy’s shuttles lead us in.”
“Suits us,” responded Keriann. “Let’s have Sarah’s and Siobhan’s follow us, with Kathryn’s and Molly’s in the third group. Maureen’s and Jackie’s will be the fourth group.”
“Aye,” they replied.
“Let’s shift our formation now.”
Thirty minutes later they were on final approach. They were only a few minutes from touchdown when ISTA01 AI said, “Abort! Abort! Abort! Runway obstructed. Abort!”
As he was speaking the 8 shuttles accelerated and began a climbing turning to port. Keriann said, “Tara F0C, group with ISTA01 aborted landing due to obstructed runway.”
“Aye. The second transporter was slow in moving to the designated area thus blocking the others. Circle around and use inner pattern. You are clear to land.”
“Aye. Inner pattern, rapid descent.”
It wasn’t long before the Command Shuttles were parked in their designated area. As they were getting ready to exit Keri said, “Moms, Dad, we would like to return to our ship.”
“Fine,” replied Sarah. “We are planning on having dinner here then visiting the entertainment area for a short time.”
Keri then said to the others, “We are heading back to Dóchas. Your children are welcome to come with us.”
“Cool,” replied several children. “We’ll take you up on the offer.”
Grinning Kathryn said, “So you think we are going to be here longer than we indicated?”
“We think it is a possibility, which is one reason we would like to continue on home. Besides, we can talk more freely there.”
Anna of Siobhan’s Clan quickly added, “This is because we want to discuss the events of the last few days. All of you are welcome to listen in. It definitely wouldn’t surprise us if your return is delayed longer than you are anticipating.”
“Reading tea leaves again?” queried a smiling Aoife.
“Not that I am aware of,” Anna responded before sticking out her tongue.
Sarah said, “DSTA01 AI, hold at Dóchas rather than return.”
“Aye. I will remain ready for an immediate return if needed.”
“Sarah,” said Maureen, “Colleen, Crystal, Courtney, and I are going up to our ship with the babies.”
Marnia said, “We don’t mind them coming with us.”
“We know and we appreciate your offer, however this way we can spend some uninterrupted time with our babies and still be available to our spouses through our link.”
“Well you can ride with us as there is plenty of room.”
“Can we hitch a ride with you as well?” asked Eileen.
Oriel said, “Is there room for Brigid, Celia, and I?”
After DSTA01 had departed Keriann said, “Between just us, the adults going back didn’t think it was fair to burden the older children with those still nursing. While we know the children see it as a way to help us, none of us want to take advantage of them. Besides, we like our special time with our babies.”
Maeve queried, “Are we expecting our children to be too grown up?”
Calvin snorted, “No, I don’t think we are pushing them into anything. From what I sense, they see it as a way they can assist us. They do have fun in everything they do but they only take measured risks. It is not like some of the stuff I did when I was their age, however that was in a very different time and environment.”
“Maeve, that is a question I often ask myself and each time my assessment is the same as Calvin’s,” said Janet.
Chester noted, “We need to move off the ramp as we are impeding operations, besides, standing around here is not the safest place to be.”
When they reached the group in the waiting area they said, “Good afternoon, all.”
“Good afternoon,” was the reply.
Clarence said, “We are certainly glad that you are back.”
Terry of Sarah’s Clan responded, “While we had a great time and learnt a lot we are happy to be home, well sort of home. What can we do for you?”
“Over the last few days there have been a few issues. We would like to take a few moments to review them with you. Fortunately, so far none of them are real serious but we think you need to be fully aware of them.”
Sarah said, “We were going over to our office area, so let’s do it there.”
As they walked over to the Councilor’s offices they spent the time talking about their observations during the return trip. On entering their meeting room Chloe queried, “Are you planning on sharing what you saw?”
Siobhan replied, “Sure, like we’ve been doing. The photos will go up on the net with their coordinates, date, and time of day sometime within the next clock cycle. Why? Do you think more needs to be done?”
“Oh, sorry, I was hung up on the vivid descriptions I heard. Now that I’ve opened my mouth I don’t understand why I asked as I know that we always post them. Obviously I wasn’t thinking very clearly so my apologies.”
“Not a problem as we all have those moments.
“Now what is the issue?”
Clarence said, “As you know when the construction crews began using the recreation area we had several instances where they didn’t adhere to the off-limits criteria. Some were caught making solo visits into the active construction sites despite being told they were off-limits. We dealt with those individuals by giving them a warning then escorting them out of the area. As we were doing this we noted that failure to abide by the restrictions would lead to them being denied use of the facilities. To alleviate some of their curiosity we set up tours of the construction sites, which seems to have satisfied most of them.
“Since then we’ve identified a few construction workers who are attempting to do more than just look around. Engineering is very concerned that their actions will either result in them being injured, or that they will do something that leads to an accident. While our robots are designed to not respond to tampering, nothing is perfect. Two construction workers even attempted to carry off one of the small robots that was inactive. They were shocked when it started moving on its own, as it is programmed to do, and were almost injured because of that. Several others have been notified that another trespassing incident would result in revoking their access to the facilities here.
“The most recent incidents were in the entertainment area, with a few in the recreation area. It seems that some of the construction workers are seeking more personal entertainment services and expect us to provide them. From their comments many of them see our lack of covering as an enticement to engage in sex. This has led some to consider our rule requiring physical contact to be consensual as inconsequential so they are testing it. To me that is not surprising because as a group construction workers traditionally have the reputation of being on the wild side and pushing boundaries. Now to be clear, we are only talking about a few who frequent the areas where problems have a risen. So far none of the incidents have reached the point of a physical confrontation but it is only a matter of time. They usually begin by making loud off-color comments, persistent groping, and being generally obnoxious. When ever members of this group enter an area, there is a definite change in the atmosphere. Just their appearance prompts some people to leave immediately, but it isn’t long before many others also drift off to other locations.”
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"I'm going to be home a little late today honey; I need to finish up this account. Dinner is ready in the crock pot... don't worry about my laundry, I'll get it when I get home. I love you, see you soon!" I knew he'd be in a meeting at that time, so my call would be directed to voicemail. I had carefully planned the message to plant the seeds I knew would trigger his curiosity. Things were falling into place nicely. It was about 6 months before this day that my life started to...
have been married for over 30yrs to a 62yr wife I love but after our 2nd c***d was born she went off sex which I thought was due to pregnancy and baby but over the years nothing changed and there was always an excuse no matter what I tried ,Flowers , Kissing cuddling, Romantic weekends breaks, Underwear, Sex toys and more .So it was down to the wrist work and porn and few times got caught and get an earful from the wife usual thing dirty old man pervert etc this didn't help our sexual...
The day was hot, about 80 degrees, and everywhere in the neighborhood you looked you saw tank tops or tshirts and shorts. Working in the back yard I heard voices from Kevin's own yard beyond the high fence. Knowing that if I went upstairs I could look down into their yard, invading their privacy, but after seeing what I had seen earlier I didn't care. Getting a pepsi from the fridge I went upstairs and looked out the window. On the deck, lying on a lounge chair in the bright sun, was...
Love, Treachery and Love - Part-1 This is a story of two robust and bold men residing in a small city called "Almor" in India. Almor is a small city but is located very near to Delhi which is the capital of India. Because of its nearness to Delhi, the city plays a very important role in the Country's politics. Such is the power of politics that the political parties in Almor can take each other lives to be in power. There are two main political parties here headed by Mr.Diwakar...
THE MEETING ©1997 THE MEETING As I walked down the street one evening, shadows falling all around from a vanishing sun, I saw her, walking slowly in my direction. As we got closer, I could see she was very well shaped. Her swelling breasts were pushing up and out against the fabric of her dress, a light weight cotton, knee length dress. I could see the outline of her bra against the fabric as we finally were but a few feet from each other. As our eyes met, the instant bond between us was...
Originally submitted under my old log in BigsofteeI never took a train ride in my life but here I was heading to South Carolina to meet my cousin for an early summer vacation and the cheapest and easiest way for me to get there was train. I boarded the train at 5:45 AM. My eyes were barely open when I got on and trudged my way through to a car that was almost empty and sat myself against the window. I had worked the night shift that evening and with the exception of stopping at home to shower,...
Hi dosto this is waseem again, back with part 2 of my previous story jisme Maine aur Ruby ne enjoy kiya aur ruby ne apni virginity gawayi aur wo kamsin Kali se ek khila hua phul Bani. Jo yeh story first time padh rahe hai unse request hai ki wo meri baki ki stories bhi padhe aur mujhe feedback de mere email pe Jo hai. () is story ka first part hai “Dream night for a virgin girl” Apne bare main bata du main age 29 ek MNC Mai acche post pe hu medium body and fun loving person hu. So ab story pe...
Across the street from Chris lived his friend Jason, two years younger than he. Jason had an older sister named Danielle, and lived with their divorced mother Christine. Danielle, two years older than Chris, was a popular cheerleader at the local high school and had great tits, a 36c, and an ass that would make any boy hard. With her long, dirty blonde hair, she constantly paraded around in nothing more than short shorts and a sports bra. But it was clear she got her looks from her mother....
I was in a daze when I left Patrick’s later that morning. “I’ll call you,” he told me, watching while I put on my clothes and slipped into my shoes. He only wore boxers. I stared for a minute, even if I was freaking out inside. Patrick had a picture of me on his fridge. Now I was pretty sure he always wanted me, even when he was with Chloe. If I was going by the look on his face in that photo, he wanted me even before they were married, too. It made me feel like everything around me had...
Night on the Town Barbara Marsh“Well, come on, chicken!” I responded, “Cluck, cluck.” Okay, so I know it’s not original, but it was the best I could do. Despite my misgivings, I got out of the minivan, smoothed my skirt across my hips, and waited for Alexis. Her name’s really Alice, but she was Alexis for the night. The same way Jeanna was Gina and I was Betinna. I don’t remember whose idea it was, but it was supposed to make us more exotic. Yeah, right. Three going on forty (or slightly over...
CrossdressingThe security detail arrived for the diplomat and was waiting for him to depart. Anyone taking close notice of the detail would recognize the similarity this group had to that of a band of bandits know to be in the area. There were 9 mounted on horses; 3 dark elves armed with long bows and twin short-swords, 2 half-elves armed with X-bows and long-swords, 3 humans armed with lance & shield also a broad-swords, the last was an ogre armed with a bastard sword and obviously the leader, there...
10 Days in the 70 Acre Wood Plot & Cast: Setting: The private domain of our antagonist. Set amongst the hardwoods, mountains and a rushing river in West Virginia. Only one access road goes in and out and it’s guarded with three electronic guard gates. No other homes for miles about. A compound made up of the Main House, the Guest House and the Dairy Barn. Antagonist: Harry – a self-made multi-millionaire with both...
This is about a female friend in school that wanted to be naked in public and asked for my help with do it. She is a pettie woman with very small next to nothing for tits. She had sex for the first time just months earlier and it was in her ass. That was the only time she had any attention from men and she wants more. She asked me to pull her dress off of her leaving her naked in the hallway during classes changing. She said she wear nothing under the dress. No panties or bra and she didn't...
----------------- Authors Note: I've read a lot of the fiction on this site, and it tends toward something I find strange and unappealing for it's finales. This is kind of me talking about it ----------------- Lessons for a Reality Warper by Mushrambo There was a buzz in the back of Charlie's mind, the kind that meant trouble. It seemed that this confrontation couldn't wait any longer. At his locker, Charlie dumped his textbooks on Math and was preparing to grab his book for...
Here is the story of how I seduced my beautiful blonde friend, Amy. We were both eighteen at the time, and in our first year at college. It was the start of my first proper lesbian relationship and my second relationship involving BDSM. This all happened a few years ago, but thankfully I wrote detailed diaries about what happened at the time.In retrospect, there is a lot that still makes me smile, and a few things that I regret... but let's leave that aside for now. Why don't we start at the...
BDSMIt was late on a work night and I was still at the office working after hours in order to meet a deadline later that week. This is required from time to time for my position and I don’t complain too much as my boss is very flexible with when I work. As long as I get my work done he could care less how many days I take off or work from home. Since I am frequently working late I have come to know by name the afterhours cleaning and maintenance crew. The cleaning crew consists of four individuals...
Wearing just a t-shirt and a thong, Jill Kassidy lays in bed reading a book. Ryan Driller just can’t resist the urge to massage Jill’s feet and to then kiss his way up her body to her firm ass, where he uses his hands, lips, and tongue to divert Jill’s attention from reading. It’s not long before he has slid her thong down her legs, freeing her creamy bare twat for a good time. Getting up on her hands and knees, Jill welcomes Ryan’s attention with soft moans and...
xmoviesforyouPulling up outside Sarah’s house you check your make up and walk up to the door, before you can knock the door opens and Sarah stands there smiling nervously. Giving her a hug as you enter as she quickly shuts the door and you both go into the kitchen. You watch as Sarah moves round the room talking continuously without looking at you. Stepping up to her you touch her arm, ‘Sarah what’s on your mind’ you ask her, ‘you’re acting like a nervous schoolgirl’ you tell her. Sarah stops and looks...
Kick, stroke, kick, stroke breathe. Kick, stroke, kick, stroke breathe. I tumbled into the last turn. Three laps down, and only one remaining. This should feel harder, I thought. My muscles felt fine. A little warm but that was to be expected after a hundred-fifty metres of butterfly. I knew I was overdosing on adrenalin. Who wouldn’t be high after posting a personal best to within a second of the Olympic record for the fifty freestyle? That performance in the final guaranteed me a slot on...
Note: I’ve submitted this story for the Winter Holiday’s Story Contest 2016. If you enjoy it, please vote. Also, per the non-erotic focus category, there’s no sex. * ‘You’ll be fine, Stanley, until the kids come along,’ an older friend warned me before I married Jill. ‘Then there could be issues.’ Now I know what he means. Like me, he’s Jewish. Also like me, he married a Christian girl. Before we had Crystal and Michael, religion wasn’t an issue. She went to church and I went to temple. We...
Writer’s note “All names and information about characters in this story are fake." Part #1 ~ Being a very attractive woman, with super sexy looks at my twenties, I had a side job of being a “call girl” but not any call girl; I was specialized in meeting VIP’s, rich and high class men and very big shots in town, being bisexual woman gave me the opportunity to meet very important women as well, as all of my secret and discrete clients, on my private and very special undercover side job. My...
It was Friday afternoon very near the end of the sixth and final period of the school day. Jeannie Boyce sat at her desk in the classroom and watched the students gathering their books and papers and baggage and getting ready to dash out. The bell finally rang and she watched as the students scrambled and dashed for the door. She noticed that one of the students did not join the scramble. She saw him walk back to the rear of the classroom and open the door of the cloakroom and enter it. She...
One Bad Day "Damn," I cursed under my breath. I had smacked my leg on the corner of the file drawer and it snagged my hose. Now I had a run that ran from my ankle to just above my knee. I turned and opened another drawer that contained my emergency stash. Pushing aside other necessities I looked for a package of stockings but there were none to be found. "Could this day get any worse," I moaned. I had gotten a ticket on the way to work and the cop who stopped me didn't seem to...
There was Mike, my twin, who was 17; he was only 18 minutes older than me so my parents decided to name me with an ‘M’ name for some stupid reason, which turned out to be Maria. My other brother, john, had just turned 15, and our younger sister Rachel who was coming up 15 and a half. We lived in a three bed roomed house whilst my mum was looking for a new job; it was the summer holidays so everyone was home all day except for dad who was away on a business trip. I sat in my room which I shared...
Lady Janice, Chandra’s great grandmother, sat in her embroiderer chair sipping tea and waved me to sit after I thanked her for agreeing to seeing me on short notice. Her room was full of books stacked on either side of her chair, the den, well lit with numerous lamps and a large bay window to her left. The room had the same musty smell of my den plus a stronger odor than comfortable, consisting primarily of talc. “I told you, that you should have married that girl, now look at the...
Anyways, moving into my dorm was emotional. My mom cried. My sister cried. And then promised to visit with a whisper that we’d scour the school for our Prince Charmings. My dad tried to act like it wasn’t a big deal, but he was more nervous to see his eldest daughter move out than I was to be moving out. Anyways, I’ll spare you all the details of the goodbyes. My roommate had already moved in by the time we got there. We’d talked online a few times and she seemed really nice! I could tell by...
Knock! Knock! Knock! I stood on the doorstep of Kelly’s house again with another bag full of baby accessories that my wife wanted me to drop off to her friend. Images raced through my mind of our last encounter and my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest as I stood there trying to look as calm as possible. The fact that she called my wife and asked if I could drop off a few more things on my lunch break hinted to me that she wanted to play again. But I did my best not to get too...
I awoke to the savage beeping of my alarm clock. I whip out blindly with my arm until I find it and then beat it into bloody submissive silence. I roll over and start to drift back off to sleep. I lay there for what seems like forever and yet I cant get back to sleep. With a sour moan I drag myself out of bed and into the kitchen where I put on a pot of coffee, while brushing my teeth. I jerk awake, I had fallen asleep standing next to the coffeepot and someone had just rung the doorbell....
LesbianIt was a Saturday like any other. I woke up at 8am to get in a run before the weekend officially started. I live with my parents in Miami and will be starting school there in the fall. Being 18, in Miami, I vowed to have some crazy fun before I buried myself in schoolwork. This is just the place to do that. Miami is rich in culture and nightlife and finding something to do here isn’t very difficult. I was in the driveway stretching before my run when I heard rhythmic stamping getting closer....
01-31-20XX Defendant Lobby No. 3 5:30 PM "Oh god... Oh god oh god oh god, I can't believe I'm finally doing this." I'm hyperventilating. I'm actually hyperventi- I never hyperventilate! If the court sees me like this, they'll all know that I'm not ready for this! Okay... Okay, calm down Eliza. Calm calm calm calm calm- You can do this. It may be your first case, but you can do this! You've trained for this! You studied for this! YOU EARNED THIS! YOU. WILL. NOT. FAIL. My name is Eliza Hope. I'm...
With the help of good nutrition and what passed for a more concerned hand, the mom-hookers looked better than ever. Adriana recruited very attractive new women who'd been agency escorts before the sexual de-revolution. She filled my building with hookers! The landlord didn't care; he got fewer complaints since I had the cash to take care of any problems. The two piles of money would have become three if not for my freer spending. Unfortunately, a pimp kingpin draws attention from circles...
Secrets By Donna Sash [email protected] We all have them, secrets. We have them for many reasons, mine is to keep my self-safe from society. You see my main secrets are the kind that would cause members of my family and myself much humiliation. Ok, I'll just come out with it, I am a cross dresser. A transvestite, a man who wears the clothing of the opposite sex. Sure its ok for women to wear men's clothing, it is even looked at a sexy and it is accepted by society, but a man in...
I looked at the clock on my night stand and it read 7:05. I figured I may as well get up, so I slid from beneath the sheet trying not to wake her. I went to the kitchen, started the coffee before returning to our bathroom to relieve myself and shower. As I waited for the shower water to get hot, I held my semi-hard dick in my hand and took my morning piss. As I was entering the shower, she came into the bathroom to brush her teeth and asked if I was going somewhere. To which I responded, “No!”...
AnalI pulled out of her cunt with a dirty sounding wet slurping noise and grabbed the bottle of lube I had on the hotel room desk.- "Move to the bed. Lie on your stomach with your legs hanging over the side."I could have dragged her over but I thought it was time for her to follow a couple of orders instead of being dragged for a change. I watched her walk the couple of steps to the bed and jiggle her ass and then watched her lie down with her ass sticking up invitingly.- "Spread your cheeks with...
Introduction: Busted Twin Japanese Nieces Pt24 Kayko and I just stood for a moment staring at each other. What in the hell was Mark doing? Apparently he had something going with Eric, and whether or not Shiori was involved had yet to be determined. All I knew is that Kayko looked pissed, and I mean really pissed off. We had trusted Mark to keep the relationship with Shiori in the house, and now it appeared as though he had broken that trust. This was an issue that could potentially bring the...
On Saturday we were walking along Thames Street in downtown Newport RI. A tourist trap if ever there was one. It was a street full of little shops and such with the occasional fisherman's bar thrown in for good measure and a LOT of restaurants. I had on slacks and a Polo shirt, Ellen, well Ellen had on a button up dress, heels and a smile. The dress was white, with brown buttons and a belt to add shape although Ellen didn't need to add shape. She was good looking enough as it was. Oh, did...
The evening began with dinner, as any fine evening with a fine woman should. The car arrived promptly, right on time, the two of us, dressed to kill, sitting comfortably in the back seat while the driver guided the car through the noisy city streets with skill. We lazily spoke of the day, how your day at work was, what stresses were involved in my hectic day at the office. Our hands clasped together lightly on the seat between us . . . you were beautifully decked out for the evening . . . black...
About 8 years ago, I was 12 and I had my first real sexual experience. I was watching the playboy channel and looking at porn on the net when I felt wetness in my underwear. I went to the bathroom and pulled down my jeans and looked inside. White gooey stuff. I told my cousin about it, at the time he was 14. He lost his virginity && enjoyed watching the porn. He wasn't into the whole incest stuff, neither was I. But we couldn't help sharing our experiences with each other. A month after I...
Dear ISS readers, this is Tarek once again from Bangladesh. I think some of you already know me from my first story titled ‘Ajeda’. Thank you so much for your feedback. It was so nice hearing from you about my story. Anyway, here is the second part of the story. In fact, Ajeda and me really had a nice time together. Now it became a good memory to be cherished through rest of my life. I still wonder, how physical love transformed a teen-aged girl into an all-sacrificing lover! She really changed...
An extract from a story about a hotel manager that I met through workShe asked us if we fancied calling in for a drink after we finished work, and though she asked us both, it was clear that the invitation was directed at me. I think the seniority in rank was what she liked. Stuart wasn’t free anyway that evening, but I was as my wife was away. I had to go home after work and feed the dog, but I arranged to call in about eight o’clock to have a drink with her. It was obvious we weren’t just...
Even through the haze and smoke of the club, through the fast-moving motions of engrossed dancers and the general din common to all nightclubs, Aidan recognized Rainey. Only, she didn’t look like the Rainey he’d grown used to seeing on his irregular visits to the magazine office. This Rainey had sleek, straightened hair pulled back into a stylish ponytail at the base of her neck, she wore a red satin lingerie-inspired top that hugged her full breasts and flared out around the shoulders to cap...
We’d all had a long but enjoyable day on the beach. It would be difficult not to take pleasure in the amenities that the isolated hotel offered. It was based on the southern tip of the Island and, for its heavy price, ensured privacy, great food and five star services. “We” was my wife and I and my step-sister-in-law. We are all in our fifties and, thankfully, the Gods had been kind to us and kept our figures reasonably trim and our minds alert.Shy, my wife, was trim and boasted a well shaped...
As I sit in the rain under a tarp exhausted all I can think about is the large black cock Pulsing thick loads of creamy cum deep into my wife’s pussy. I am exhausted but the thought of a dark shaft pulsing seed into her keeps me up. It all started a few weeks ago Jen and I where sitting down looking at our schedule and I realized I would be in a training for the military during her best friend’s birthday. Now I knew my wife’s friend was devious but I had no idea what was in store for me.During...
I went to the lake with a guy I have been seeing, he brought alone five of his friends and I brought 4 of my girlfriends. We were going to the biggest lake party of the year. As soon as we got on board we all started drinking, I was drinking orange vodka and sprite. At the party we were having a great time and I was getting quite drunk. My girlfriend went onto shore, I decided to stay on board and lay down inside on the v-berth. I must of passed out for awhile. I was real drunk and the boat...
So you guys know the story about me and Hannah. Cousins that fuck yeah, but here's some more for you. After North Carolina, me and Hannah went our separate ways. I went back to Minnesota to finish up my doctorate and she stayed in NC and finished up at Duke university. Then one day about three months ago, she called me up. "Hey Nick, how have you been?". "I've been really good Hannah, you?". "I'm good. Hey, I got offered a job in Minneapolis and I just to call you and tell you and ask you a...
Incest“If you say he wasn’t right for you, Angie,” Demetria Willis told her sister over the phone, “I’m not going to disagree.” This was definitely not the time to say, “I told you so,” though she had. “He was very wrong for me. He started to get violent there at the end.” “Maybe, though, if you’re not finding your permanent partner, you’re not looking in the right places.” “Dee! Who told you that I’m looking for something permanent? Now that you’ve settled down, you want everybody in the same...
It was an ordinary day, like any other when amber called me at work. "What are you doing this afternoon?" she asked sounding more excited than I've heard in awhile. "Nothing really, I was going to stop at the supermarket and head home, why?" Amber was always full of wild ideas, like the time she convinced me to wear matching see through dresses at a formal party...what were we thinking? We had been friends since grade school, always sticking together through the rough waters of adolensence....
BisexualI had just turned Eighteen and Lin was Twenty Eight, she had a slim body and medium breasts and quite a fit body as she used to play netball on a regular basis. I would always try to catch a peak down her blouses at or I would be sitting on the floor opposite her try to get a glimpse up her skirt to her panties. I managed a few stolen views when she fell asleep on the sofa a couple of times but not very often. One day as I was peeking up her skirt while she was asleep she woke up and...