An ClochánChapter 66 free porn video

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The Órarduine were quiet as they looked off in the direction that the Deities had taken before vanishing. A few moments later they heard Star say, “Good afternoon Command Staffs.”

“Good afternoon,” they replied.

“It is good to have a strong link with you all again.”

“Well it is good to hear from you. How is everything?”

“About normal, although we’ve recently had a few incidents on our primary ships and at Tara. They’ve all been dealt with very effectively, however this has resulted in some concerns among the family.”

Terry of Sarah’s Clan asked, “What is the most serious of these incidents?”

“Probably the attack on Briana’s Clan by four large cats that strongly resembled Earth’s Saber Tooth tigers, perhaps a bit larger. This was the first sighting of any animals like them on the island. The puzzling part is that the Clan is fairly certain that they were lured to the location of the attack. Fortunately they effectively countered the attack and put the cats down.”

“Were they injured?”

“No. They are fine, well perhaps a little shaken up. Creidne and Fidelma assisted Briana’s Clan in the final stages of the engagement. Both of them praised the Clan for their handling of the attack.”

“What else?”

“For the last two nights there have been some dust ups in the entertainment area. Most of them occurred last night. These were the result of undesired physical contact between members of different breeds. A few of the construction crew don’t like being told ‘no’ and believe groping is acceptable and normal. This issue has been simmering between different groups for some time, but not enough to draw Security’s attention. The sudden increase in incidents is puzzling. In response to this Tara Security group has increased staff in the entertainment and recreation areas for tonight.”

Sarah scanned those with her then said, “We’ll stop by there this evening on our way back.”

“So you’ll be back tonight.”

Looking at the others before replying she noticed several were shaking their heads no. “Just a minute I need to check with the others.”

Joyce said, “We are at least 2 hours from Tara, plus they are 3 hours ahead of us so even if we left now it would be fairly late when we arrived.”

“I think we should discuss what we’ve learnt before we return,” added Keriann.

“Star, our preference is to return tomorrow afternoon due to the distance and time difference. We will stop at Tara and have dinner there. However, if there is an emergency then we will do what is necessary. Anything else?”

“There was an odd series of incidents on the Dóchas class ships and at our construction sites. Nothing serious occurred but resolving them was time consuming. The issues were different at each location. The oddity is that while they all appear to have been intentional there isn’t any indication as to who was responsible and in nearly all cases there should have been. It is very puzzling and has quite a few scratching their heads.”

With a smile Siobhan said cheerfully, “Gee, it seems like you missed us.”

“Well if your clans being out of touch leads to stuff like this then no one here will want you to ever be out of touch again.”

“Look at it this way, you all responded as needed so everyone should be very happy about that. You all just lived up to your capabilities that we know you have. As to the dust ups, perhaps it is the result of too many hours working and not enough time spent relaxing.”

“Some believe that that is a contributor for some of it, but the dust ups always involve the same group of people from the construction crew.”

“Anything else?” queried Sarah.

“Nothing that can’t wait until you are back and probably some of what I told you could have waited as well.”

“We appreciate the update, and we will see you tomorrow afternoon. We’ll send you an ETA when we depart tomorrow morning.”

“Good. We are all looking forward to your return.”

Once the connection closed Brandan of Maureen’s Clan said, “Looks like the bastards were busy creating mischief the last couple of days.”

“It would seem so,” responded Molly.

Sarah said, “Keriann, thanks for reminding me that we planned to discuss what we learnt before returning. Let’s go back to the meeting area for this discussion.” Everyone nodded their agreement and returned to the area.

After they sat down Jackie said, “Before we begin, I would like to propose that we set up our meeting area for the Councilors similar to this.”

“While I like this arrangement,” said Alma of Jackie’s Clan, “there really isn’t a place for visitors to sit so why don’t we add a section or two. We may also want to consider adding a balcony.”

“Aye,” replied the group.

Angie of Kathryn’s Clan said, “I think 2 sections. Also we should only sit as a Clan for formal occasions. I like the mixed seating as I think it makes communication easier, as it is easier to see my spouse’s expressions. With our links we know each other’s perspective on a topic but with the mixed seating it is easier to interact with others as well as giving us a different perspective on their thoughts.”

“Good point Angie,” responded Oriel of Keriann’s Clan. “While we can sense a person’s feelings seeing their expression is a lot more meaningful, even when I use my spouse’s vision to see it. I like Angie’s suggestion as she made some good points.”

Sarah said, “From what I am sensing we all agree.”

Jim of Amy’s Clan said, “We will advise site Engineering of the change.”

“Now, I think we have several things to sort out before we return. The first is, how are we going to respond to the issues apparently caused by the tricksters? Is any response necessary?

“The second is, what do we say about our visit here?

“To me those two points are key but another is, do we say anything about what is occurring on the 6th planet? While I know we agreed not to mention meeting our Deities I have some doubts about taking that path. Primarily because, with very few exceptions, we’ve always been very open with our family.”

Aine said, “If you would like we can handle the trickster issue. We know from our travels that there are tricksters, demons, or similar beings, in other parts of the universe besides those alluded to on Earth. The incidents that happened recently definitely have all the earmarks of something they would do. From our perspective the likelihood of a repeat is reduced provided everyone continues to be as thorough in their work and continues to communicate. Our information indicates that, except for the four that Airmida’s group is dealing with, there are no others currently in this System or this galactic region.”

“Thank you. We accept your offer,” said the Órarduine.

Once they had sorted out how they would handle the issues they spent the rest of the afternoon with their children enjoying their surroundings.

Early in the morning they began the walk back to their shuttles. When they reached the garden’s entrance they all paused to look back at the site in the early morning light. Together they marveled at the beauty of the location before turning to head toward their shuttles in the nearby meadow.

They had just reached the shuttles when Deirdre exclaimed, “Wow!”

“What?” queried several people.

“Look behind us. The path to the valley of the Gods and Goddesses is barely visible.”

Sarah said, “I suspect that it will reappear for us when we return as They said that we were welcome return at our leisure.”

On hearing Sarah’s comment Earnán started back. Seeing this Rusty asked, “Son, where are you going?”

“To see if it will reappear when we approach.”

“Do you have any reason to doubt what we were told?”

Earnán paused then replied, “No, not really.”

“Then why do you want to test it?”

“Curiosity, I guess. I really liked it as it is a really peaceful and beautiful place. One that I wouldn’t have minded spending a lot more time there.”

“Consider this, by testing what you were told, some may see that as you not trusting those who made the offer.”

“Oh, I do believe in Them and what They’ve shared with us. It is a beautiful place.”

“I am sure that we will visit it again, so you have that to look forward to.”


Siobhan said, “I wished I had looked back when we reached the bend, but my thoughts were focused elsewhere at the time.”

“I did,” responded Mirial of Molly’s Clan. “It looked just like it did when we arrived, except They weren’t there.”

“Well I expected that, I just wanted to refresh my memory.”

“I am more than happy to share my memory.”

“Great,” responded the group.

Once on their shuttles Keriann said, “So our plan is to take the scenic route back.”

Alissa of Molly’s Clan said, “Yes. But let’s take a look around the immediate area before we start our journey toward Tara.”

“Fine with us,” responded the other clans.

Brittany of Kathryn’s Clan said, “According to my calculations we have 4 to 5 hours that we can use for side trips and still be back well before dinner.”

“We’re for that,” responded Eleánóir of Keriann’s Clan.

“We’re in,” replied the other clans.

“We need to verify that we have enough fuel for the additional flight time,” said Claudette.

“Aye,” they replied.

Each confirmed their fuel status then confirmed, “We’re good to go.”

After lifting off the eight shuttles shifted to a modified V formation. With this positioning they would need to make wide turns when changing directions but it gave everyone an almost unobstructed view of the surrounding landscape. After looking over the area around the valley they turned in the general direction of Tara to begin their return journey. Their altitude was low enough that the terrain below them was distinct, but high enough that it wasn’t a blur.

They had only been in the air for about an hour when the tactical threat alarm began sounding on all shuttles. At the same time the AIs said, “Attention, sensing active weapons scans. Aircraft approaching from our rear.”

Keriann responded immediately, “All shuttles, shields up, now!”

While the shuttle AIs complied, preparations began in the cabins. The two normally on the flight deck closed their survival suits as they hurried to their positions. The other adults helped their children with their survival suits before finishing with their own.

On the flight deck Sarah said, “Dóchas FOC, this is DSTA01 with the Command Shuttles. We are being approached by 8 bogies. Sensors indicate that their weapons are hot.”

“DSTA01 copy 5 by 5. Understand you’re being approached by ships with hot weapons.”


“Your location is?”

“We are 5,150 km West of Tara at 400 meters heading East at 300 km/h.”

“Our scan is showing a group of 8 objects with unknown IFFs at those position parameters. Two flights of Star Fighters were dispatched to identify them.”

“Why are their weapon systems active? At their current range their sensors should have identified us without the need for the IFF.”

Hearing the exchange Keriann said, “All shuttles. IFF off! Invoke cloaking now!

“All shuttles, execute sweep to starboard. Initiate descent immediately to 200 meters at maximum rate. At 200 meters reduce speed to 200 kph.”

“Aye,” replied the shuttle AIs.

After a few moments Dóchas FOC said, “DSTA01, the Star Fighters report loosing contact with unknown IFFs. All of them are reporting that their weapon’s lock will not reset.

“Our scans are not showing the 8 unknown IFF signatures.”

Keriann replied, “Aye, Dóchas FOC, this is ISTA01, Keriann in Command. We’ve initiated defensive response.

“As to the fighters, recommend diverting them to the weapons range at Carey as that is the only place where they can easily be serviced while their weapons are active.”

“Aye. Will advise them of your directive. All FOCs are now linked in.”

“Aye. We’ve deactivated our IFF. We will reset those systems then advise you when that is complete. Meanwhile we remain cloaked.”


Rusty said to the other shuttle Commanders, “We will recycle our navigation system then reset it to the coordinates of when we arrived at the meadow.”

Aine said, “If you are concerned about losing those coordinates, don’t be, as we have them saved.”

“In that case we should reset the system to when we departed for the trip here. AI, do you agree?”

“Aye that will work, but I don’t understand why the IFF would be incorrect.”

“Although we might be jumping to conclusions, our current suspicion is that it was due to some mischief by the tricksters.”

“I’ve heard them mentioned, but I don’t really understand what is meant by ‘tricksters’ or who they are. Initiating navigation power down sequence.” Several minutes later, she said, “No errors on power down. Restart initiated.”

A few minutes later she said, “No errors on restart. Restoring configuration.” There was a pause then, “IFF activated.”

Sarah said, “Dóchas FOC. DSTA01, our IFF has been reset. What do you see?”

“An IFF for the DSTA01 Dóchas Command Shuttle near where we saw the unidentified craft.”

“Good, ‘cause that is us.”

“Well, come on home.”

“We are. We will be there this evening. Our first stop is Tara.”

DSTA01 AI said, “Star Fighters are departing.”

Sarah said, “Command Staffs, power cycling our navigation system has cleared up the IFF issue.”

“We heard,” replied Keriann. “We are resetting ours.”

Keriann’s comment was followed by similar responses from the other shuttles.

Several minutes later Dóchas FOC said, “Command Staffs, the shuttle IFF codes now identify you as our Command Shuttles. Advising other locations of your status and location.”

“Aye,” they replied.

“We’ve sent another flight of Star Fighters to verify your identity. Before departing they checked their weapons systems.”

“You should alert weapons maintenance of the issue,” said Kelly.

“We have.”

Eileen of Siobhan’s Clan said, “Dóchas FOC, as a starting point weapons maintenance should focus first on where the first 2 flights of Star Fighters have been for the last 3 days.”

“So you think this might be related to the other recent incidents?” queried James.

“Wow, you linked in quickly.”

“Well we are all a little edgy at the moment. Even more so when we heard that you all had issues.”

“To answer your question, we don’t know if we can prove it but we suspect that there is a very high probability of them being related. We can discuss it when we get back.”


With the IFF issue resolved Keriann said, “We should drop our cloaking and get back on course.”


“But with heightened monitoring of our surroundings,” added Chester.

“Definitely,” they replied.

The group had travel a little of 200 km when they heard, “DSTA01, this is ISFG01 approaching on your port for a visual id of your group.”

“Aye, we see you,” replied Sarah.

“Iarracht FOC, ISFG01 has group with DSTA01 in sight. All IFF ids are correct for the 8 ships.”

“Iarracht FOC, copy. Return to original assignment.”

“ISFG01 executing. Command Staffs, have a pleasant flight and we are glad you’re back.”

“Thanks,” the Command Staffs replied.

It was a few minutes later when Calvin of Kathryn’s Clan said, “I am having difficulty understanding why the first 2 groups arrived with their weapons active. Everything else seemed to follow procedure.”

“As far as we can tell no one attempted to contact us,” added Kelly. “So do we have a protocol problem or was it part of the sabotage?”

Chester replied, “We need the relevant groups to review what happened and identify whether any corrective measures are needed.”

Joyce said, “While all that maybe true, we did not check in with an FOC before we lifted off nor did we specifically advise Star of our ETA.” Sensing several folk were about to respond she added, “We told Star that we would and we do it around the ships, Gaillimh, and Carey. I know that this is mainly due to traffic but it would be a good idea for us to do it all the time.”

“Good point,” said Keriann. “I have to admit I thought about it as we were walking back but obviously didn’t say anything and forgot about it.”

“Do you know what prompted the thought?” queried Melissa of Siobhan’s Clan.

“Hmm ... because we hadn’t communicated with anyone except Star since leaving the vicinity of Carey.”

“Don’t the Shuttle AIs maintain contact?”

“Usually,” responded the AI on Keriann’s shuttle, “however it is not required. We didn’t this time because our impression was that you wanted minimal contact while you were with Them.”

Chester said, “Before we say anything, once the dust settles, we need to review what happened.”

“Agreed,” they all replied.

Molly said, “Calvin, I am sure glad we followed your suggestion and beefed up the defensive array on these shuttles.”

Smiling he replied, “Thank you for the compliment but I am disappointed that we needed to use it.”

“Should we upgrade our shuttles to have the capabilities of our cruisers?” queried Mairia of Jackie’s Clan.

He immediately said, “No, there is really no need to take that step. Besides, it would be obvious and that would send the wrong message to our family and those visiting us.”

“Yea, but today was scary.”

“Yes it was, but remember the old adage, ‘life is boring except for those moments of moderate to sheer terror’. As for me, I’ve had my share of the latter.”

“We are missing seeing the scenery,” said Kathleen of Molly’s Clan.

“I’m not,” responded Brittany of Kathryn’s Clan. “I’ve noted some coordinates for us to come back to and have a closer look.”

“So have I,” added Kaitlin of Maureen’s Clan.

Taking the hint everyone sat back and relaxed as they watch the scenery pass by. Occasionally they would slow their speed to have a better view of the landscape. Several made notes of especially interesting areas that they felt were important to explore. At lunch time they landed on a wide beach to give everyone a chance to stretch and walk around.

After they were underway again Siobhan said, “Amy’s Clan, how are the cartographers coming along with mapping the planet?”

Donna said, “Not as fast as we would like. It is considerably more complicated than we originally thought it would be but they have made good progress. Unfortunately they’ve had to redo some of the map of Gaillimh Island but that is nearly complete. Their next focus will be Carey and then the general outlines of the continents where we’ve identified major landmarks. The general outlines will be just that and won’t have any detail except for the immediate area around our installations.”

“Can they show us what they have? Perhaps a better option would be to make it available on our net then update it as more details are finalized. I was thinking along the lines of the maps some of us had in school. Those gave you a perspective of where you were in relationship to other things on the planet, along with a general outline of the continents and major tributaries.”

“I think that is what they plan to do, but we’ll chat with them this week.”

“Having a map of the planet will likely prompt some to plan extended exploring adventures,” added Brandan.

“Those could be viewed as the vacation opportunities that we’ve been encouraging everyone to consider.”

“You know the forest canopy looks pretty dense in this area,” noted Colleen of Maureen’s Clan.

Caitlyn of Keriann’s Clan said, “I wonder if the dynamics between forested areas and grasslands are the same here as they were on Earth.”

“So far we think they are quite similar,” replied Amy. “Forest and prairie fires play the same role here as they do on other planets. As those on Earth are learning, over controlling them often leads to other problems which are then quite difficult to resolve. If a fire is too hot it destroys everything rather than having the rejuvenation effect that smaller more frequent naturally occurring fires do.”

Molly said, “So we need to consider that in our overall planning for the future?”

“It is already in the plan but it has a fairly low priority although circumstances could change that. One issue that should have more prominence in choosing a place for a settlement is the consideration of wild fires.”

Once over the ocean they substantially increased their air speed. It was mid-afternoon when the coast Gaillimh Island came into view.

Jordana said, “It won’t be long until we reach Tara.”

“Great,” responded several.

From the flight deck Keriann said, “Tara FOC, this is ISTA01, we are 30 minutes out.”

“ISTA01 Tara FOC ETA noted as 19:40 hours.”

“Aye. That is correct.”

“ISTA01 use standard Easterly approach. Enter pattern 100 km West of Tara.”

“Aye. Standard Easterly approach.”

“There are 4 transports ahead of you.”


“There are 8 of you correct.”

“Aye. We will land by twos.”

“Indications are that several clans will be here to meet you.”


To those commanding the shuttles Sarah said, “We suggest that Keriann’s and Amy’s shuttles lead us in.”

“Suits us,” responded Keriann. “Let’s have Sarah’s and Siobhan’s follow us, with Kathryn’s and Molly’s in the third group. Maureen’s and Jackie’s will be the fourth group.”

“Aye,” they replied.

“Let’s shift our formation now.”

Thirty minutes later they were on final approach. They were only a few minutes from touchdown when ISTA01 AI said, “Abort! Abort! Abort! Runway obstructed. Abort!”

As he was speaking the 8 shuttles accelerated and began a climbing turning to port. Keriann said, “Tara F0C, group with ISTA01 aborted landing due to obstructed runway.”

“Aye. The second transporter was slow in moving to the designated area thus blocking the others. Circle around and use inner pattern. You are clear to land.”

“Aye. Inner pattern, rapid descent.”


It wasn’t long before the Command Shuttles were parked in their designated area. As they were getting ready to exit Keri said, “Moms, Dad, we would like to return to our ship.”

“Fine,” replied Sarah. “We are planning on having dinner here then visiting the entertainment area for a short time.”

Keri then said to the others, “We are heading back to Dóchas. Your children are welcome to come with us.”

“Cool,” replied several children. “We’ll take you up on the offer.”

Grinning Kathryn said, “So you think we are going to be here longer than we indicated?”

“We think it is a possibility, which is one reason we would like to continue on home. Besides, we can talk more freely there.”

Anna of Siobhan’s Clan quickly added, “This is because we want to discuss the events of the last few days. All of you are welcome to listen in. It definitely wouldn’t surprise us if your return is delayed longer than you are anticipating.”

“Reading tea leaves again?” queried a smiling Aoife.

“Not that I am aware of,” Anna responded before sticking out her tongue.

Sarah said, “DSTA01 AI, hold at Dóchas rather than return.”

“Aye. I will remain ready for an immediate return if needed.”


“Sarah,” said Maureen, “Colleen, Crystal, Courtney, and I are going up to our ship with the babies.”

Marnia said, “We don’t mind them coming with us.”

“We know and we appreciate your offer, however this way we can spend some uninterrupted time with our babies and still be available to our spouses through our link.”

“Well you can ride with us as there is plenty of room.”


“Can we hitch a ride with you as well?” asked Eileen.


Oriel said, “Is there room for Brigid, Celia, and I?”


After DSTA01 had departed Keriann said, “Between just us, the adults going back didn’t think it was fair to burden the older children with those still nursing. While we know the children see it as a way to help us, none of us want to take advantage of them. Besides, we like our special time with our babies.”

Maeve queried, “Are we expecting our children to be too grown up?”

Calvin snorted, “No, I don’t think we are pushing them into anything. From what I sense, they see it as a way they can assist us. They do have fun in everything they do but they only take measured risks. It is not like some of the stuff I did when I was their age, however that was in a very different time and environment.”

“Maeve, that is a question I often ask myself and each time my assessment is the same as Calvin’s,” said Janet.

Chester noted, “We need to move off the ramp as we are impeding operations, besides, standing around here is not the safest place to be.”

When they reached the group in the waiting area they said, “Good afternoon, all.”

“Good afternoon,” was the reply.

Clarence said, “We are certainly glad that you are back.”

Terry of Sarah’s Clan responded, “While we had a great time and learnt a lot we are happy to be home, well sort of home. What can we do for you?”

“Over the last few days there have been a few issues. We would like to take a few moments to review them with you. Fortunately, so far none of them are real serious but we think you need to be fully aware of them.”

Sarah said, “We were going over to our office area, so let’s do it there.”

As they walked over to the Councilor’s offices they spent the time talking about their observations during the return trip. On entering their meeting room Chloe queried, “Are you planning on sharing what you saw?”

Siobhan replied, “Sure, like we’ve been doing. The photos will go up on the net with their coordinates, date, and time of day sometime within the next clock cycle. Why? Do you think more needs to be done?”

“Oh, sorry, I was hung up on the vivid descriptions I heard. Now that I’ve opened my mouth I don’t understand why I asked as I know that we always post them. Obviously I wasn’t thinking very clearly so my apologies.”

“Not a problem as we all have those moments.

“Now what is the issue?”

Clarence said, “As you know when the construction crews began using the recreation area we had several instances where they didn’t adhere to the off-limits criteria. Some were caught making solo visits into the active construction sites despite being told they were off-limits. We dealt with those individuals by giving them a warning then escorting them out of the area. As we were doing this we noted that failure to abide by the restrictions would lead to them being denied use of the facilities. To alleviate some of their curiosity we set up tours of the construction sites, which seems to have satisfied most of them.

“Since then we’ve identified a few construction workers who are attempting to do more than just look around. Engineering is very concerned that their actions will either result in them being injured, or that they will do something that leads to an accident. While our robots are designed to not respond to tampering, nothing is perfect. Two construction workers even attempted to carry off one of the small robots that was inactive. They were shocked when it started moving on its own, as it is programmed to do, and were almost injured because of that. Several others have been notified that another trespassing incident would result in revoking their access to the facilities here.

“The most recent incidents were in the entertainment area, with a few in the recreation area. It seems that some of the construction workers are seeking more personal entertainment services and expect us to provide them. From their comments many of them see our lack of covering as an enticement to engage in sex. This has led some to consider our rule requiring physical contact to be consensual as inconsequential so they are testing it. To me that is not surprising because as a group construction workers traditionally have the reputation of being on the wild side and pushing boundaries. Now to be clear, we are only talking about a few who frequent the areas where problems have a risen. So far none of the incidents have reached the point of a physical confrontation but it is only a matter of time. They usually begin by making loud off-color comments, persistent groping, and being generally obnoxious. When ever members of this group enter an area, there is a definite change in the atmosphere. Just their appearance prompts some people to leave immediately, but it isn’t long before many others also drift off to other locations.”

Same as An Clochán
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My First Blowjob A Quid Pro Quo

The School Dance had come around again. These horror shows were part of our Socialisation Program and attendance was compulsory. Having a date was preferred but not compulsory.I dodged most of them by using the Asthma Card but that was wearing thin. The School Nurse told me it was too much of a coincidence that I would have an asthma attack before every event that I didn’t like. I told her it was brought on by the stress of being forced into unpleasant and painful experiences. She told me she...

2 years ago
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Aunt Karen Shopping www Author unknown

We were on our way to the mall when Aunt Karen started talking to me about the “rules.” I don’t remember exactly how she put it, but she talked about how she knew we had both been having fun for the last few days and that she wanted us both to feel comfortable and continue having fun. But she was concerned about my being only 14 years old and that certain things were i*****l for her to do with someone my age. She said she would feel more comfortable if we set out some rules that would protect...

3 years ago
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DaddyDorsquos Sissy Slave

Arrived at Master’s house , as instructed at 10.30am wearing black lacy lingerie under my normal clothes and waited nervously and excited for him to answer the door. Master soon appeared and showed me into a darkened room. Sitting, he watched as I stripped down to my undies and paraded before him like the Sissy I am, desperately seeking his approval. Knowing he would not be pleased if he saw my small girly clit getting hard inside my panties. Standing up, Master told me to pull my panties...

1 year ago
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Lusty email

Hey hun....firstly...I wanted to say...that you were great last night and I really enjoyed both your conversation and the cybering of course. I know cybering does little for you, so I thought I would write you a story to see if I can turn you on like this instead. I'm not a very good writer, English being a second language ...but here is a try anyway OK...enjoy. xxx I wake to find the bed empty. I lie there for a few minutes slowly waking and wondering where you are. I crawl out of bed and...

Straight Sex
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Alba Damned

So let me tell you a story I'm not even sure I believe happened......About a week ago I was working on a lounge suite (I'm an upholsterer by trade) listening to the radio when the DJ asked what his listeners thought would be good New Years resolutions could be for celebrities.I'll tell you he sparked some interest (among his listeners) and the calls came pouring in. Britney Spears should release another album, Lindsey Lohan should re-think her whole alternate life-style, and Angelina Jolie...

3 years ago
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The dark mistress pondered her dilemma. She had no control over who took what pills at a rave. As other pushers had done, she donated her samples to the promoter's supply even though her motive was a bit different than most. Yet, her dope was popular, and she usually had a selection of a few potential victims each time. Her last two pairs of subjects had perished of starvation and dehydration within days of being placed in her dungeon. The third, she hoped, would be the charm. This was the...

2 years ago
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Nocturnal NurishmentChapter 2

I have had Jack and Andy in my employ for these several months past and I have been circumspect in commanding that neither of them deposit any of their commoner folk seeds into my vaginal tract and catch me in a way that I would find personally distasteful. I was most gratified to have both of the lads at my beck and call and admit I had succumbed to a certain sense of joy at their enthusiastic efforts to bring me to satisfying orgasm with excellent skills whenever I was in need of such...

2 years ago
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my sister caught me

DISCLAIMER! ALL OF THIS STORY IS FANTASY! Let me start off by describing my sister to you. About 5'4-5 and mostly legs. Big tits, and a great round ass. I've wanted to fuck her for a pretty long time. One time she had a loose shirt on, and she bent over to pick up something. When she did, I got an eye full of hard nipple. I nearly came right then and there. I ran to the bathroom and came everywhere, but yeah now to the story!My sister had just gone through a bad divorce and was looking for a...

2 years ago
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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 3

"...And the emergency exits can be found here, here and here," Marie announced in English and in French as all four stewardesses on board the luxurious aeroplane performed the hand and arm gestures. "If you need anything at all, our expert team of stewardesses will be only too happy to oblige," Marie continued. "Your stewardesses for this flight are Chloe," Marie gestured to a petite dark-haired girl, who bobbed a quick curtsey, "Sara," Marie gestured to a tall girl- over 6 feet tall...

3 years ago
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Reading the Defense Ch 05

Many thanks need to go out for this one. Estragon –Thank you doesn’t even do complete justice, however, for now– you know where you are thanked. You’ve taken yet another chapter on, and given insight—and good pointers! PennLady — Thank you for being so incredibly nice, and listening—er reading my fear of writing conflicts between characters. And opening the doors to a certain football team! EastCoastChickPA- There is not enough hours in a day for you! Gracias for your awesomeness. As...

1 year ago
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My innocent Aunt

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi my name is jason and i live in india. i am 18 years old and was still a virgin. Two years my uncle had died and my father asked me to visit my aunt just for formality. Then i suddenly got the idea of fucking her as she must have not had sex for a really long time. I took a plane and went to New York where my aunt lived then.When she opened the door i gota booner.She was fucking gorgeous since i had seen her last, that is four years back.She was...

1 year ago
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Purple Shade pt 1

“He’s too busy trying to prove aliens exist,” Weston says. “You’re a freak, you know that right?” Ken asks. “Alien lover, I bet you wish you could get probed by them,” Weston says. “Leave him alone,” Jordan Taylor, the new starting quarterback says as he walks up to us with his girlfriend at his side. “Why don’t you just stay out of it, golden boy,” Ken says. “Just because you got the starting quarterback position, doesn’t mean shit.” “Regardless, you’re still going to leave him...

2 years ago
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My College Crazies

I was studying at Boston College one time (before I went back to Jersey), and I was doing good in classes, English, Math, Psych, the whole nine. One woman named Erica, asked me in my Math class ‘Hey can you help me, with my homework.’ i replied, ‘sure, I dont have class after so why dont u come with me to the dorm, Im alone.’ So after class she went with me to the dorm, and we studied. While we were studying, she asked me, ‘Have u had sex with a white girl before.’ Considering the fact that Im...

2 years ago
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Curiosity greeted

That seemed a far time off as I woke up at eight AM on Friday morning. I went through the usual morning routine of showering and making breakfast, catching sports highlights on the television and loving the forecast for the rest of the day's weather. I hit the basement to work out after shooting the basketball around in the front yard. I wasn't a jock or buff, but decided to keep in shape for personal health, and female attraction. I stood just under six feet tall and weighed 160 pounds. I...

2 years ago
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The Doctors Assistant and the StudentChapter 5

I said, "We will go out to eat. You will have to wear some clothing. No underwear. Wear skirts, not shorts. Don't wear a lot above the waist either. I want people to see my sluts and envy me for having two hot bitches." They both grinned and went to dress; well, sort of. I went to one of the restaurant/bars in the area. My two got a lot of attention with their scanty clothing. Even for twenty something's on a night out, they were a bit under clothed. The skirts were very short. Bethany...

1 year ago
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Xhamster profile of Love2bused Chap

Profile of Love2bused Chapter Three To say I got my throat hammered all through the rest of the week would be an understatement. My camera team did their best to get me ready for deep throating cock like it was my second nature to have big cocks shoved down my throat. Even Harold volunteered to come back and help me after Monday. Of course I understood they were getting to receive a bunch of great blow jobs but, that...

4 years ago
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Vacation with my family part III

************************* When I woke up next morning it was ten in the morning. I got ready putting on a nice bikini and went for breakfast. Dad was sitting at the table reading a newspaper while Chris was playing with his Xbox. Mom and Sarah were in the kitchen preparing pancakes. „Good morning Dad. Hey Chris.“ „Good morning sweety.“ answered my dad while Chris only smiled „Morning sleep-head.“ All were dressed in swimwear because it was one of our rituals to go to the beach...

2 years ago
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I am a male in my 40’s from Minnesota, and I love to let my wife fuck other men. I do not have a very large cock, it is only about 6 1/2 inches long but a little on the thicker side. My wife loves large cock, and by this I mean at least 8 inches. I used to be the type of guy who was totally against this kind of stuff until 1 night watching a porn with my wife that was full of swingers. Ever since, the door has been open for my wife to fuck other men. We have been married for 20 years now, and...

1 year ago
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Motherly Love

This story had taken place during my summer vacation; I was back home from my boarding school to meet my family. My dad is a doc and my mom is a school teacher and I am their only son.I am around 18years and doing my secondary school. I am avid sportsperson and have a athletic body. Both my parents have a very hectic work life and are busy with their professional career. We stay in a small city in north india.we have moved to our new house. My parents have built this house with lot of passion;...

1 year ago
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My Fathers Cock

100% fiction! I was not a virgin and I told my future husband about the relationship I had with a guy when I was in college. What I didn’t tell him was that my relationship in college was with my father and that my father had taken my virginity when he came one weekend to visit me and we continued fucking for the years! I was the splitting image of my mom when she was my age but she had gained weight over time and no longer sexually attracted him plus she was just not interested in sex anymore....

1 year ago
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The Taboo Family Files Chapter 7

'Wow, I have Hank in the palm of my hand, I just don't know how far I should take it before I can get Ted to be with me. I gotta be close, Ralph did accuse Hank of being in love with me, so Ted has got to get the message at some point. Well, after being together for a couple months, he might be getting it by now. At least Ralph never said anything to my mom,' I thought, strolling down the hallway and smiling. As I passed the bathroom, suddenly a hand came out, grabbed my arm and yanked me in...

3 years ago
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99 First Dates RevisedChapter 2

The litany of romantic horror continues... 18. Ms. Stuck-Up Bitch - I've had first dates where the woman was rude or snide or otherwise disagreeable, but never to the extent that this woman demonstrated. If she had anything nice or pleasant to say during our brief coffee date than I must have blinked and missed hearing it. She made especially rude comments about Farah and loudly wondered why 'those sort of people' were being allowed in this country. I wondered if this is how she always...

1 year ago
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Teenage Porn X doesn’t make you guess what kind of smut they’re peddling, instead spelling out half their gimmick right there in the title. “Best of Teen HD Porn” reads the deceptively simple motto beneath the logo. Unless you’re brand new to the internet, you already know that most sites claim to the biggest or the best or the easiest to jack off to, which is why it’s often a good idea to consult a certified expert like myself to make sure it's worth the squirt of lube. I will say that the...

Teen Porn Sites
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This Little Piggy Goes to Town

I felt Him first, my breath suddenly short. Slowly I perused the room again from my stool at the end of the bar, as good as off in the corner as I could find. Across the room at a little table He sat with His wife and another couple. He held my eyes and grinned almost imperceptibly before casually moving on. I could see the warning in his eyes, the one he knows I don’t need, the one he can’t resist….could almost hear that damn honeyed heroin voice, “don’t make me kill you.” Our very own...

3 years ago
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Debt Paid

My roomate Jerry and his bitchy girlfriend Brittany had split up and she was over to pick up her stuff. I sat there folding my laundry making sure she didn't steal any of my stuff and smiling at her bitching about Jerry. She was a rude little slut and she had borrowed $200.00 from me a few weeks back and hadn't paid me yet. I asked her when I could expect my cash and she said, "I'd get it soon.""Bullshit", I growled, "I want it now." Brittany moaned on and on about not having it and she was...

2 years ago
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Richards New Life

The entity looked down on earth. Hundreds of years of watching and he was finally getting bored. He considered using his power to entertain himself, but the others would interfere. No, they would only interfere if he messed with the course of human history too much. His predecessor did that, he helped some human rise to power. The others stepped in and destroyed the empire the human had created. If he kept the changes small the others would not interfere. The entity began looking at all the...

Mind Control
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Orgiastic CultChapter 6

At approximately the same hour that day, Alida sat at the desk of the outer office counting a pile of bills. Marion stood before her, trembling and ashamed. Seated nearby, watching his mother, was Raoul. "Two hundred dollars!" Alida said with contempt. "That's not nearly enough." "I... I don't have any more," Marion said in a frightened voice. "It's my whole savings..." "You must bring more," Alida said imperiously. "I-I haven't got any! I told you." "No?" Alida asked,...

2 years ago
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Seasons of the Heart Fall Ch 03

As Claire stepped from the shower much later, she realized how badly she wanted something to happen between Mr. Daughton and herself. Having it put to thought startled her, she had never, ever, imagined doing anything with a teacher. Quickly she understood what her feelings could make her do, and she made the decision to take the tact of propriety and maintain a safe, professional distance from Mr. Daughton, and not allow herself to encourage him any further than she already had. Though, God...

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The Man Next Door

The man next Door Scenario:? Stepfather sells young teenage sub to a Dom on her sixteenth birthday. She discovers being a sex slave is more than she ever dreamed.???????????  ???????????????????? (D/s, M/f, F/f, lingerie, BDSM, consensual.)?????????? ????????????????????????Disclaimer; This is a work of pure erotic fiction and is in no way to be construed as having any basis in fact. All characters in this work are fictional. ??????????????????????????????????????? The man next...

3 years ago
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Public Sex Fucked in a Parking Garage on a Car

Hey all. I finally decided to give all of you a little holiday treat. It all started on a Valentine's Day a year or two ago with my friend with benefits. We can call him Bill. Bill and I were out and about in a college town, ordering finger foods and drinks celebrating the single life. But we have fucked before and we both wanted some that night, the question was where? We hardly plan anything at all, we are very fearless and spontaneous. After enough drinks to keep us warm we were walking back...

2 years ago
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Ms Priss and the pick up

I never go out to bars. My friends asked me to meet them at the local watering hole and I said yes. I had been lonely and bored. I sat at the bar and ordered a Tom Collins while I waited. I was dressed conservatively in the skirt and modest cardigan I had worn to work. I crossed my legs and swung my high heeled pump nervously. I barely noticed a man sit down next to me. I drew shapes with my finger in the condensation from my glass and pretended to be relaxed. Where was everybody? The man next...

2 years ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 6

None of that happened the first time. The first time? 1955 wasn't fun at all. The fat older brother ... the miserable younger sister ... the mother who hated the very air I breathed. No... 1955 was no fun. This time around, Grandmother sold me the farm ... for what my mother sold it for after Daddy died ... the first time. 39.6 acres of rocky swamp, swaybacked house and joke for a barn cost me seven thousand dollars after it was all done. But, my side of the family? The men have a heart...

3 years ago
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They all Wore Pearls Chapter Four

Jack woke at seven thirty; Ruth was awake, but May and Kay were fast asleep. Jack signalled for Ruth to follow him. They went into the Master Bedroom lounge. Jack knew what Ruth liked in the morning. He sat her on the sofa then went down on her. He soon had her really wet, then he went inside her in the missionary position. Ruth had opened her legs and was holding her legs against her breasts. Ruth was gripping Jack’s cock as he rode her. They were looking at each other. The eye contact said so...

4 years ago
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Love with lust 01 A problem

I smiled. “What you mean..” “When he had a stiffy, he let me feel me it, pushed in against my behind…” I looked in her eyes. “Hmm… that sometimes happens..” She looked back. “I know, a stiffy happens…but…pushing it against my behind like he did? And there is more, the way how he looks at me…how to say it…is undecent… Peeking at my tits… my ass… ” “It means he has a good taste… you are pretty… a cutie, I think..” Her expression not really changed. “Yes I know. But…you are my man…..i like...

1 year ago
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Danni Archer Gangbang 2

Ms. Sturm walked Danni to the front door and when it was opened, stripped her of the trench coat, pushed her inside gently but firmly before leaving. It was a woman who caught her, Danni could tell but she realized that it was not Mrs. Beaker as she had hoped; she quickly forgot about her disappointment because the woman took a moment to push her back against the wall and plant a warm wet kiss on her mouth, the woman also caressed Danni's breasts, tugging lightly on her erect nipple with her...

1 year ago
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Lucy of Little Hope

lucy of little-hope.chapter 1.By j.If only anyone would care to notice, the sublime picture-of-girlish-perfection that is thirteen year Lucy Green would seem utterly inappropriate for the tiny decrepit bedroom where she now sits.With blonde hair as yellow and shining as a summer cornfield, so neatly arranged into a pair of ribbon adorned bunches, the beautiful nymph-like girl glows, despite the barest of illumination. Just a flickering 20 watt bulb hangs above her, from the now-rusty ceiling of...

1 year ago
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The room next door

Last summer I was translating for my boss on an international business meeting in Okinawa. We stayed at one of those fancy resort hotels with a great view over the ocean. Of course we had a double suite room, because we make love every night, but one evening he had a meeting with some old friends, and I wasn’t invited. So I did what a girl would do. Take a swim in the hotel pool and check out a few boys on the beach. But there weren’t any. So I went to our suite room, sat in the chair at the...

3 years ago
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Tina the horny old lady

I am Jim and a true guy with a very true experience. I have been reading stories from this site for almost 2 years… and this is my first submission. I really like this site. I am 30 year old male from Bangalore. The story that I am going to tell happened 10 years back in kerala. In Kerala we live in a join family. My Mom, granny, Grannys sister and their generations… Crazy? I know… Due to space constrain and shortage of rooms, I and my cousins and young uncles used to sleep in the hall. The...

4 years ago
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sir-calledSir called. He said very little, as usual. "Boy, be here at 7:30". He didn'thave to say anymore. He knew that i would arrive, open the door, strip offmy clothes and kneel in the foyer. He knew that i would wait. If he took oneminute or three hours. He knew. His boy would wait. And so, after a day ofnegotiating with colleagues and clients, of being in charge, sometimesenjoying the little victories and sometimes pissed because i didn't win, iwas walking to Sir's townhouse. My cock ached...

2 years ago
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Getting a haircut

My hair grows like crazy and I have to cut it once a month at least, if I dont, I look like a lion with all that messy hair...I have one place where I go when it's time to get my haircut. So I called my hair dresser and made an appointment...I know her her a long time, she around 35, tall, and has meat on her..She's always cheerful and happy, it's easy to talk to her..So she started her doings around my head. "the usual" I said...having in mind more than haircut itself....She was wearing black...

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Missys Revenge

Missy grew up in a very poor family, and lived most of her young years in the projects. Her family's small apartment complex was in one of the worst parts of town. Missy's mother had left when she was only five years old and she barely remembered her. Her father drank every meal, and spent all of his money on alcohol. Missy and her sister had to wear hand me down clothing, and were often un-bathed and unruly. She rarely had time to play with the other c***dren who were mostly black. Once...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Karla Kush The Move

Chuck has a house viewing scheduled for 4:20 with blonde real estate agent, Karla Kush. Karla takes Chuck for a walk through of the house, and he explains he is moving to California from Winnipeg because, as a maple tree farmer, he has invented a new sort of hybrid tree that prospers in warmer climates. This anecdote reminds Karla of an old college boyfriend, one who could really please her pussy with a move called the Manitoba Swirl! Chuck is well versed in “the move,” so Karla...

3 years ago
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The Bully Next Door

"Timmy" picked on me for as long as I can remember. He lived next door and he was three years older than me. I never saw him act like a bully to anyone but me. He called me a sissy and a fag all the time.He would back me up into a corner and tell me to beg him to let me go or he would beat me up. He was older and bigger and stronger than me so I had no choice. I did what he said and begged for mercy.One afternoon he had me cornered in his back yard with nobody else in his house or mine. I was...

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Commander Youngs Last Stand

Commander Young's Last Stand(MC MF FD)By Nialvan [email protected] November 2006An American soldier has been captured in Vietnam and is interrogated with hypnosis by four female intelligence officers of the People’s Army of Vietnam.? 2006  Nial Van HaydamThis story is copyrighted material and is the sole property of the author. It is intended for personal use only and may not be reproduced, copied, published, or distributed without the express written consent of the author. All rights...

3 years ago
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Maxs Lingerie Parties Ltd Chapter One

Your wife’s old college pal Jenny and her husband Max are having dinner at your house one night. Max’s most recent business has failed and he is pitching his latest harebrained scheme. “So the bankruptcy of my clothing boutique was finalized this week,” says Max casually taking a bite of steak. Your wife furrows her brow in sympathy. “Oh, I’m sorry Max. That must be very discouraging.” “Don’t humor him, Erin,” laughs his wife, Jenny. “He’s got plenty more where that came from.” Max smiles...

3 years ago
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I Always Wanted To Be A Cop Ch 02

Part Two took a little while longer to finish than I anticipated. I have enjoyed reading your comments and, as always, this story does have a happy ending. Chapter Five Three Years Later I was working the 3 to 11 shift and as I got ready for work Darlene came into the bedroom as I was dressing in my uniform. I asked her why she was home from work and she told me she had some errands to run and took the day off. ‘Rick,’ she continued, ‘I’m leaving to pick Suzy up from school and then I...

4 years ago
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HorseplayChapter 8 New Things

On the way back from the bathroom Neil found himself in a fairly sour mood. He desperately wanted to shake Mae out of her mental state, but knew it was all but hopeless. If his strategy didn't work, he'd be short one girlfriend and long on remorse and regret. He walked into the cabin and saw that Mae was still asleep, curled down near the lower part of his bed. He watched her for a few minutes. Her hair was a mess, laying in ribbons across her face and shoulders, red even in the low light....

1 year ago
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NFBusty Quinn Wilde Petite Curves

Alex Legend has more than a handful with his busty petite lover Quinn Wilde. He may think he’s going to work, but when his bigtit spinner struts up to him in a lingerie bra and thong and a pair of sheer stockings, he knows he’s going to have a change of plans. It isn’t long before Quinn has relieved Alex of his shirt and he has returned the courtesy with her bra. Taking a seat on the bed, Alex buries his face between Quinn’s big boobs. Sucking and licking, he samples...

2 years ago
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Office fuck

Jo came into the office as usual today, Gary was sat at the desk, Jo said hello and sat on the little sofa opposite waiting for Gary to finish what he was doing. Jo picked a magazine up and began to read it. Gary looked up and could see that Jo had on the skirt that he had fantasies about, it was a very sexy skirt which had buttons on the front. He admired Jo's legs as she sat opposite, he could see a little way up her skirt, but not far. As Jo was reading the magazine she began to move around...

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