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With their marriage on the rocks, Abby and George turn to a most unlikely source for help. Unbeknownst to George, Abby has agreed to let the incubus, Damian, and his mate, Britt, act as marriage counsellors. Little does Abby realize how unorthodox their methods are.
The doorbell rang at six o’clock exactly. Abby was alone, George having left the university directly for his appointment with Britt. Abby had puttered around the house since returning home from work, looking at the clock every five minutes like some adolescent on the eve of her first date.
Damian stood at the doorstep in all of his sartorial magnificence. He brushed a kiss on her cheek and she quickly ushered him inside. Her heart fell when the neighbour across the street raised a hand in salute.
‘Damn,’ she whispered to herself as she closed the door.
‘Are you ready for our big night?’ Damian leaned casually against the railing to the stairs leading to the upper floor. His eyes raked over her body, sizing her up. Nothing in his face betrayed his feelings.
No, thought Abby. ‘Of course,’ she said.
‘You’re nervous,’ observed Damian.
‘Perhaps a little.’
‘You can trust me.’
‘I don’t have to trust anyone. Besides, trust is earned.’
Damian smiled. ‘You demonstrated your trust when you retained Britt and me.’
Abby shook her head. ‘I demonstrated foolishness and gullibility.’
Foolishness and gullibility indeed. Here stood her nocturnal visitor in the flesh. The man — no, the demon — who had insinuated himself into her life unasked, who had taken liberties with her. Denying him as she had so many weeks ago had been an act of unthinking desperation. She had denied him then, only to consciously invite him into her life now. What had she been thinking, agreeing to this arrangement? Not to mention placing George into the hands of his partner.
‘Be that as it may, I’m taking you out for dinner tonight. It’s a place you probably know well, so if you have any issues being seen with me, you had better speak up now.’
Damian waited.
‘That’s fine.’
‘Good. Just so you know, I bet Britt that you wouldn’t be up to this. You might think that you’re a strong woman. You might even think that you’re flexible and daring. I doubt it. Britt seems to think that you’ll rise to the challenge.’ Damian shrugged. ‘Personally, I think you’re probably a stick in the mud and you bored poor George into indifference and took up with your business partner to prove to yourself that you still had some life in you, but that’s a discussion for another time.’
Abby’s mouth was set in a firm line and she felt her face flushing. Damian had hit the mark.
‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to cause offense.’
Like hell you didn’t, Abby thought. ‘You said something about a challenge?’
Damien threw Abby a bag. ‘Put these on. The pantsuit might cut it for Hillary Clinton, but it won’t do for you.’
Abby glared at Damien and wondered whether she despised this man. She stomped upstairs and locked herself into the ensuite.
When she was sure the door was locked, she peered into the bag. She blanched at what she saw. She was about to march back out and tell Damian in no uncertain terms where he could shove this collection of slut fashion when she hesitated.
The bastard knew her better that she would have thought. She’d never been one to back away from a challenge. What have I done? she asked herself.
Damian lay on the bed, leafing through one of Abby’s romance novels. Abby snatched it from his hands. ‘How dare you come into my bedroom?’
He ignored the question. ‘You seem to have exotic tastes. A bit Victorian, perhaps, but exotic. Mound of Venus? Throbbing manroots? I’m all a-tingle.’
Abby blushed again at having her one guilty pleasure revealed to this man.
‘By the way, you look pretty hot.’
‘I look like a slut.’
‘Maybe, but it’s a good look. It works for you.’
She could have hit him. God, she wanted to hit him. Instead, she took a deep, steadying breath. ‘You have to help me with this.’ said Abby, turning to indicate the lacing of the corset she wore.
‘It has always fascinated me what women fantasize about. Kidnapping, ritualized rape, bondage. Why is it that they can be so accepting of kink in theory and so prudish in practice?’
‘Perhaps we read about it so that we don’t have to find our very own pirates to ravish us.’
Damian laughed. ‘You’ve got me there.’ He swung his legs to the floor and motioned Abby over.
As she stood between his splayed legs, he tightened the laces of the corset, asking Abby to exhale. ‘Too tight?’
‘I won’t be running any marathons in this getup.’
‘This thing does wonders for your figure. Not that your figure needs that much help.’
Abby, who had been sneaking peaks at herself in a wall mirror while Damian busied himself behind her, grudgingly had to concur. The gold paisley of the corset suited the light tan of her chest. Black lace ruffles adorned the top and bottom edges and matched the crushed taffeta, knee-length skirt Damian had brought.
‘Exhale once more,’ Damian commanded, whereupon he further tightened the laces.
‘Enough,’ cried Abby.
‘How do you feel?’
‘Like an over-stuffed sausage. Self-conscious.’
‘And perhaps a little sexy.’
‘Perhaps a little.’
‘Good.’ Damian approached and placed his hands on Abby’s hips. He gazed intently at her. Abby thought that he might kiss her, but he did not. Instead, he reached behind her head and removed the clip that held her hair in a pony tail.
As her hair unfurled, Damian said, ‘Much better.’
Abby shook her head. ‘Regular cougar, huh?’
* * *
Abby finished applying her makeup in the bathroom. Although it was entirely out of character for her, the outfit did wonders. Her breasts swelled voluptuously out of the top of the corset and her waist narrowed considerably. She cringed at the thought of appearing in public like this. She emerged from the bathroom self-consciously.
‘You look great,’ said Damian from the bed.
‘I look like a whore.’
Damien shrugged. ‘One more thing.’
‘This isn’t enough?’
Damian didn’t reply.
‘What then?’ asked Abby.
‘Take off your underwear.’
‘Absolutely not.’
‘Absolutely not,’ mimicked Damian. ‘I asked you to put on what was in the bag. Not put on what was not in the bag.’
‘What kind of counselling is this?’
Damian shrugged again. ‘I told you that I’m not a counsellor. Tell you what, you can call it off and I’ll leave right now.’
‘And let you win your bet? I don’t think so.’
Damian smiled.
‘And dropping my underwear is supposed to prove something?’
‘Don’t knock it till you try it. Who knows? You might find it immensely therapeutic.’
‘You’re a bastard, you know that?’
‘I’ve been called worse.’
‘I should tell you that you’re dangerously close to crossing the line.’
‘If that’s the case, perhaps we should call this off now. I’d love to win the bet, particularly since Britt is a much better judge of character than I. Just so you know, I’m not even within sight of the line. I wonder if George is close to his.’
Abby reached under her skirt, careful to not expose herself, and shimmied until her panties lay on the floor.
‘There. Happy now?’
‘Good God woman,’ exclaimed Damian, horrified. ‘You need to do some shopping, or did you borrow those things from your mother?’
‘They’re perfectly sensible!’ protested Abby.
‘For a nun. Throw them out. Or burn them.’
Damian swung his legs from the bed and stood. ‘Oh, I almost forgot.’
‘What now?’
‘I need to get closer to the line. Maybe even cross it. Unless, of course, you have reservations.’
Damian smirked.
Abby glared at him. ‘Just do it already.’
Damian moved quickly and pinned Abby against the dresser, grasping both wrists in one hand behind her back and pressing one leg insistently between hers. He was strong and his hands held her arms together like a vise. She struggled against his grasp and the weight of him that trapped her. There was no fighting him now. No escape.
‘What are you doing?’ she whispered.
‘Shh,’ whispered Damian.
He slid his hand between her legs and worked his fingers up until they brushed the folds of her pussy. Her body recognized the touch and wavered between hunger and flight. Abby’s breath caught in her throat and she grew still. Between the outfit, her bare pussy, and his insistent fingers, she knew that her body would betray her. His fingers teased her opening and she silently cursed her traitorous body for the slick warmth that greeted him.
‘And I was worried that you were frigid,’ he whispered into her ear.
Abby clenched her eyes shut but didn’t struggle. Damian reached into his pocket and withdrew an object. He used his leg to spread hers wider and worked his hand up again.
Abby felt his hand and a smooth object rubbing against the lips of her pussy. Abby gave a little cry as he inserted it without warning and pushed it home.
‘There. That wasn’t so bad, was it?’
Abby shook stood against the dresser, quaking.
‘Now we can go,’ he said with a grin and took her hand in his.
* * *
Abby followed Damian from the house and locked the door. Her neighbour wasn’t there, but she could feel the unseen eyes studying her. To hell with them, she told herself.
Damian opened the passenger door of a gleaming black Porsche 911.
‘Lease?’ asked Abby without thinking.
‘No, it’s mine. I don’t believe in leasing, or owing for that matter.’
He held her hand as she eased into the low leather seat and then reached across to buckle her in.
‘Business must be good,’ said Abby as the engine rumbled to life.
Damian smiled. ‘I can’t complain.’
They drove through the quiet suburban streets in silence for a few minutes. Abby tried but couldn’t completely ignore the foreignness of the egg nestled firmly in her vagina, pressing insistently against her g-spot. Though she tried to will it away, she could feel the warmth there and the slickness of her arousal.
‘I had it modified,’ said Damian.
‘It’s very nice.’
‘I meant the egg.’
‘Oh,’ said Abby, who’d been thinking about the car. ‘That’s nice too.’
‘Commercial eggs are fine, but don’t pack much bang for the buck.’
‘I see,’ said Abby. She had no idea what Damien was talking about but didn’t want to admit it. ‘Is the object of this exercise to make me feel like a hen?’
Damian laughed as he turned onto a brightly-lit boulevard. He placed a hand on her bare leg.
‘Are you and Britt a couple?’ asked Abby, to get her mind off his hand.
‘In a manner of speaking.’
‘And she has no qualms about what you are doing?’
‘She knows what I am. Besides, she’s likely doing something as well.’
George. Abby had been so wrapped up in her experience that she’d forgotten entirely about George’s appointment with Britt. She felt a sudden, unexpected pang of jealousy.
Damian removed his hand from Abby’s thigh and pressed a button on a small, black device. The egg began vibrating.
Oh, my, thought Abby.
‘That’s the first setting. The others are increasingly intense.’
‘Uh-huh.’ The sensation was mild but entirely enjoyable, perhaps more so because of her bareness down there. Abby spread her legs slightly, hoping that Damian did not notice. The air from the car’s ventilation system eddied in her short skirt, caressing her bare pussy.
They left Abby’s subdivision and merged onto the highway. ‘We need a safeword,’ said Damian.
‘A what?’
‘A safeword. We might be doing something together and you’ll say ‘no’. I need to know that no means no and not yes or maybe or more. Are you with me? So a safeword is something other than no that indicates, in no uncertain terms, that you want me to stop.’
‘Believe me, if I want you to stop, you’ll know it.’
‘You’re absolutely right. Yet much to my surprise, here you are, dressed as you are, and you haven’t told me to go stop yet. I just don’t want any misunderstanding. I’d like you to think of a word that signifies that you want me to stop whatever I’m doing. Normally, the safeword signifies that you have hit your limit. In our case, I’d like it to also signify that you want to halt to our entire agreement.’
Damian smiled. ‘So what’s your safeword.’
Abby thought for a moment. ‘Thumper,’ she said finally.
‘I like it! Thumper it is.’
The car quickly gobbled up the miles. Too quickly, Abby thought, for soon she would allow herself to be seen in public in this impossible outfit with a man who wasn’t her husband. She squirmed in her seat to try to dislodge the egg from a particularly sensitive spot. A few weeks ago, the notion that she would find herself in this position would have strained credulity. A few weeks ago, she’d been completing a questionnaire, completely oblivious that what she had started then would lead to this.
She remembered one of the questions: ‘There’s nothing I won’t try at least once.’
There were no examples. Skydiving? Perhaps. A threesome? Um. Anal sex with a midget? Gross, and unlikely. She’d circled the number two, indicating that experimentation was very unlikely. Yet here she was…
‘Equality between partners is the key to successful relationships.’
Her pencil had hovered over the four. She briefly pictured her mother, beautiful, university educated and wickedly smart, frittering away the best years of her life as a traditional housewife in a nondescript, cookie-cutter suburb, selflessly supporting her husband on his slow climb up the corporate ladder and raising a pair of ungrateful kids. Abby couldn’t imagine the sacrifice. She’d vowed, even as a young girl, never to sacrifice her potential for anyone. She’d circled the five.
‘I act on my fantasies.’
Abby assumed the question related to sex. She had plenty of fantasies about success, about the next big deal that would put her over the top, but she doubted dreams of a bigger office and faster car was what Damian and Britt had in mind. Trouble was, Abby could not remember when she had last fantasized about sex. Hell, she didn’t even know whether mature adults did fantasize. Had she known about the question, she might have asked someone. Maybe there was something wrong with her. Maybe she worked too hard. Maybe she was too busy to engage in fantasies. Maybe you should answer the question, she told herself. She’d circled the one.
‘I characterize my love life as creative and exciting.’
Abby had circled two, adding a point by virtue of an exciting but regrettable fling. The question did not, after all, specify with whom.
* * *
Abby had to admit that Damian was devilishly handsome. As they were led to their table, many of the female diners paused to trace his progress between the tables, much as the males, she noticed self-consciously, traced hers. Abby felt conspicuous in her corset, though a small part of her revelled in the heady, old-school femininity of it. To her surprise, she was stimulated rather than uncomfortable at her lack of underwear. It was an erotic secret she and Damian shared.
They were seated in a secluded and dimly-lit corner and Damian soon dispatched the waitress with their food and wine selection.
The glow of the candle excluded all else.
‘Tell me about your affair.’
Abby suppressed a flash of shame and annoyance that Damian would bring it up now. ‘It wasn’t planned. One thing just led to another. He took me and I let myself be taken.’
‘You didn’t resist?’
Abby forced herself to meet Damian’s gaze. ‘I can’t say I did. I’m not making excuses, but by the time Steve and I got together, intimacy with George had dwindled to the kind of obligatory screw that you do to avoid becoming your parents.’
‘And why is that?’
‘If you hadn’t stuffed a vibrating egg up my pussy, I could almost believe that you were a therapist.’
Damian goosed the control and Abby gasped.
‘I asked you a question,’ said Damian, turning the device off.
Quietly, Abby said, ‘I thought that’s what happened to couples. There comes a time in every relationship when the symphony packs up and goes home, the angels fly back to heaven, and you’re faced with an endless vista of domestic mundanity.’
Damian grimaced. ‘You don’t think that’s sad? Lazy?’
‘Sad, yes. Lazy? Perhaps you’re right. Truth is, the business has taken so much of my time and energy that at the end of the day, there’s very little of either left.’
‘But enough for Steve?’ asked Damian.
‘We were working closely together. Hell, I’ve spent more time with Steve than I have with almost anyone. We were responding to a request for proposal. This was the big deal, the deal that would make our company and secure it for years to come. The stress, the exhaustion, the availability — all roads led to what we did.’
The waitress returned with the salads and directed an ingratiating smile to Damian.
Damian pushed the plate away as though he had suddenly lost his appetite.
‘It doesn’t sound like you regret it.’
Abby lowered her eyes.
‘Then why go through all of this? The counselling? Why invest so much in a relationship you were so willing to sacrifice?’ asked Damian.
Abby’s eyes flashed. ‘Because I’ve never failed at anything, okay?’ She angrily stabbed her fork at the salad. ‘Losing George would be a failure.’
‘It’s all about you, isn’t it?’ Damian shook his head. ‘Have you ever refused George?’
Abby hesitated. ‘Maybe a few times.’
‘I’d wager more than a few. Why?’
‘The usual suspects. Tiredness, disinterest, familiarity.’
‘Yet when your business partner takes you, you let yourself be taken.’
‘Listen,’ said Abby angrily. ‘I’m not saying that what I did was right, but it was good. Do you understand? I can’t bring myself to apologize for it.’
An intense punishing vibration erupted in her loins. More pain than pleasure this time. Her fork clattered against the plate and she gripped the edge of the table. She squeezed her thighs together, hoping to dampen the noise she was convinced everyone could hear. Her breath hissed out from between clenched teeth.
The waitress hurried over. ‘Is everything alright?’ she asked Damian.
‘Yes. Perfect. Thank you.’
The waitress flashed her over-white teeth to Damian before hurrying off.
Little did she realize, thought Abby, that she was smiling at a wolf in Armani.
‘Stop,’ she whispered.
Damian leaned back and regarded her closely for several moments.
Her eyes pleaded. If he was enjoying her discomfiture, she couldn’t tell. Damian’s face was inscrutable.
‘Where did Thumper come from?’
‘Huh? Oh. A stuffed bunny. When I was young girl. I couldn’t pronounce ‘th’, so it came out as humper. Seemed appropriate.’
The egg stilled, leaving behind a tingling after-echo.
‘Thank you,’ Abby whispered.
Damian pulled his salad towards him and speared an arugula leaf.
‘Do you like being in charge all the time?’
‘It’s what I’ve worked for.’ Abby’s voice was faint.
‘But you’re not in charge of your marriage. For that matter, neither is George.’
‘To tell you the truth, when I get home from work, I’m tired of being in charge.’
Damian nodded. ‘I can imagine,’ he said with more than a hint of irony.
The waitress removed their salad plates and soon delivered the main course. Damian sipped his wine.
‘Tell me about your family, your parents.’
‘Not much to tell. Dad was an engineer, mom stayed at home to raise the kids, despite having been university educated.’ Abby shook her head. ‘Kind of a waste when you think of it.’
The egg hummed softly, as if to quietly announce its presence.
‘Did your mother feel that it was a waste?’
‘Not in so many words. No, that’s not right. She didn’t.’
‘And your father?’
‘A good man, hard-working. The quintessential strong, silent type.’
‘And they were happy?’
Abby squirmed in her seat. ‘They’ll be celebrating their golden anniversary this year, so yes, they were happy.’
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I didn't know him. I didn't remember seeing him on campus before. I went to as large state university so this was no surprise.It was a Wednesday night, just after closing time at the student gym. He and I were the only ones left in the locker room. The place would be locked down in 15 minutes which was enough time for me to take a quick shower.I walked into the shower room and there he was. A very attractive looking black guy, tall and lean, with chocolate brown skin. We nodded hello as a...
Hello this is Raj,25. from uran, raigad,navi-mumbai 5’8″ in height & i have 6″ good looking. Ye story pichhle sal pahale ki he. mere pados me ek bhabhi rahati hai. uski shadi hue 4 sal hue the lekin usko abhitak koi aulad nahi thi. Uska pati jyadatar bahar hi rahata tha. ghar me un dono ke alava koi nahi rahata tha. Bhabhi mast hot mal thi.bhabhi ka figure 34-28-36 hoga.Bhabhi ki kapde pahananeke tarike vajah se bhabhi aur sexy lagati thi. Uska transparent blouse,blouse ke andar stylish bra aur...
Hi to all readers my name is Raj from Mumbai. I am regular reader of this Indian sex story site I am an average good looking guy and always good for girls company as I just love spend time with beautiful lady. I am also very much flirty I just love to flirt so coming to story. I will not give any details of the lady But in short she is so.Beautiful and sexy.And hot I just get aroused by seeing her. Please if any mistake or story is not proper, forgive me as I am.Mot a writer Pls give feedback...
“Anthea obtains the finest sapphires I have ever seen.” Shadrach said, taking the jeweller’s loupe from his eye. “These literally outshine the last consignment she sent.” “Where do they come from?” I asked. “These are from Ceylon, as we Europeans know the island, and are acknowledged by jewellers to be the most exquisite, and far superior to those from other parts of the world. Ceylon’s sapphires are a medium to light blue in colour, cornflower blue I think you English call the shade, and...
Katie before she left home.....On a dark winter evening, on a motorway or highway near you, the truckers, the guys who deliver much of what you consume are a long way from home. I like to think that I offer a home from home service, a little warmth, some entertainment and my holes for their pleasure.I have lots of fun with truckers on lorry parks, mostly with international drivers, but I have heard a ‘hard’ time from quite a few British truckers too. At first my hit rate was close to 100%, but...
So you're about to venture into the world of wam. This can involve food play, slime, cream etc. This is more of a hub/jump off point and you can select a character below to follow the adventures of. More will be added over time, these first 2 are just ones I've adapted from my previous work and I'm hopeful to continue both at some point I'm more than happy for people to contribute their own chapters/characters etc
FetishGianna and I rode the horse out to our pond. We decided we would spend the night there, then decide in the morning where we wanted to go. She wanted to be nowhere near the remains of the house she had lived her entire young life in, which I completely understood. Neither of us slept a whole lot that night. We laid out under the stars, with me holding her. She laid her head on my chest. We talked some, but not much. When morning came around, I asked her if she wanted breakfast, but she said...
by BrettJ © 2013 For the first time in years, I am going back to revisit some characters from my early work on LIT. Those who are new to my work my want to read the stories ‘Library Loving’ and ‘Reward for a Job Well Done’ to get a full understanding of this story, although I think it stands on its own. As always, thanks for your support. ~~BrettJ Arleigh Madison tried to keep from crying as everyone wished her good luck on her new job and said her good-byes. She had been at the library for...
Hi everyone my name is Mohan Vaithiya 28 years old from Chennai but now working in UK. This is my first true story ever written after a long thought to share with the viewers worldwide. About my sister her name is Amala, she got married to a civil engineer in January 2006 and have a beautiful daughter born in November 2007. Her husband died in April 2008 after a stone fell from above in his head. I got a job in UK and came to work here in 2011. This is a short detail about the past of as now...
IncestIt started one morning when I decided I wasn’t going in to work, I felt a bit groggy so I decided to stay in bed, normally I am up and out for 6am and my step-daughter normally gets up around 8(ish) and then goes to college, the night before her boyfriend had stayed over and as I hadn’t gone to work they must have assumed they had the house to themselves, my bedroom door was slightly open and I could see clearly from where I was into the hallway – as I was watching Jaz (my step daughter) walked...
Jeff got up to go to the bathroom during the night. When he came back, Amy had rolled into his space on the crowded queen-sized bed they’d shared with Neal and Shelly. Their parents had obviously returned at some point because Uncle Bob ripped a muffled fart in the next room. Jeff chuckled silently as he padded softly to the other bed. Lori sprawled there bonelessly, alone and wearing a long nightshirt, so he eased her over and joined her in the sheets. She made whiny objections to being...
The “Fulge”,--------------------------------------------------Her knee-high translucent skirt was oscillating at the cadence of her purposely slow pace set by the sharp sounds of her high heels. The sweet movements of her model like hips, up and down the popular Madrid street was generating the desired effect on the now transfixed set of on-lookers. Helena’s long wavy hair were almost indistinguishable from the tight, black, interweaved top that was meant to show more of her beautiful olive-tan...
My roommate Tom and I are doing postgraduate work in biochemistry for a notable Professor. The work is interesting but time consuming, we both hope to get our doctorate and a good job in some pharmaceuticals lab. We like girls though and would like sex now and again, but we can't seem find the time to establish a relationship with anyone. We were talking about this one night, in our room, when I said. "Look Tom, we're both experts in biochemistry, surely we can discover a aphrodisiac or...
Georgina By Samantha Jay © January 2010 Chapter 1 "MOMMYEEEEEEE" I awoke with a start, my breathing was fast and shallow, and my heart rate was elevated. I couldn't remember who or where I was. A bedside lamp was switched on and its light illuminated the room. "You okay, love?" a gentle, but concerned voice asked. I closed my eyes and forced my heart to slow down. I willed myself to take slow, regular breaths....
All his life, Bradley Kenton had lived in Marickville, New York. He was born there in the summer of 1972, and had gone through his entire school years up until college there. He grew up in a suburban neighborhood with his mother, father, and younger sister. When he was ten, Bradley could remember his father and mother having a terrible argument. Screaming and insults had gone on for hours. Bradley was sitting in his room, on the floor, playing a game of Monopoly with his eight-year-old sister...
Crawling a bit, feeling the larger plug spreading her insides a bit, her back hole stretching around the foreign object, Niki could feel her skin as it began to cool, her nasty juices and urine drying as she moved slowly across the grass. Milo, looking back at Max walking back into the house, centered in on their new bitch as soon as saw that ‘Master’ was done with her. Licking, he darted his snout between her crawling legs, and his long tongue ran from her clit up to the odd protruding...
I had just gotten out of the 4th grade. I was 9 years old and I was more happy than ever to have Summer here. That Summer my brother, my sister and I spent most of our time playing outside with our cousins. We would be at each others houses constantly. If we weren't jumping on the trampoline then we would be swimming. One hot July day everything changed. My cousin Fred (also 9 years old) got the idea to play cops and robbers. They had an old busted "creeper" type van that was broken...
Butterfly Curse Written by Dauphin http://dauphinsworld.activeboard.com/ [email protected] I always hated my name! Why do parents call their children strange names? Do they not realise that these names stick with children all their life? I am 11 and I also want to change my name. My mother called me Harper and I am a boy. Besides me hating my name, I had the perfect life. I had a good mother that was not an evil bitch, or worried too much about us. She gave us freedom and...
The girls reappeared at lunchtime. I’d given Faye a key but of course it was Alice’s confident twist of the lock that I heard, before the front door and then the door from the hall swung open. She threw bags onto the sofa next to me, while Faye peeped round clutching my old helmet. “Been missing us?” asked Alice, taking off her black helmet and jacket. “Oh have you been out? Somewhere nice?” “Hahaha,” she laughed. “We got Faye her catsuit. Have you ever seen anything like this?” She...
A droplet of sweat rolls down my neck and slips in between my heaving breasts as I reach for the air conditioner switch. My heart beats rapidly, my breath shallow, not from the heat, but from anticipation. You had kissed me softly before you walked into the hotel room, telling me you had one or two things left to prepare before you came to get me. I reach into my purse and get out my lipstick, applying it to my lips. As the color glides against my lips, I can almost imagine that it is your...
My name is Sanya. At least that is my name today. I do not know what it will be tomorrow or six months from now, but that matters little. It shouldn't matter at all. Not to you. I will try to tell you everything you need to make you cum. Knowing that while I'm writing this, I have a vibrator strapped between my legs and I have to stop every few minutes while I cum. It turns me on to describe to you that I am not good for anything but abuse and humiliation. It turns me on, it makes me hot....
Homecoming week is always a big deal and Fitzpatrick High was no different. Both Jacob and Ann Marie were roped into chaperoning the dance and helping out with some of the other things. They went to the football game—separately—on Friday and generally avoided each other, at least in public. They didn't have plans together. Both were in charge of something at the dance; Ann Marie was supervising the refreshments and Jacob and a couple of the other male teachers were the "bush patrol"...
A week later, Bonnie found herself standing in line once more at the gas station waiting to pay for her coffee. The incident had all but been forgotten by then, and she was thinking of how she was dreading the coming work day. The firm had just settled a few cases simultaneously, and everything about them had to be sorted through and filed. Unfortunately, hard copies of legal documents had to be kept on file rather than in a computer or on a disk. To make matters worse, there was a new...
I’d driven by the bookstore lots of times. Often, I’d thought about stopping, but I never did. Sometimes, when I got home, I’d close my eyes, and pretend that I had stopped, and gone into one of the booths, and had, well, I’d had a good time.I’m fifty, married, and work in a profession where discretion is absolutely necessary (I‘m a CPA). My wife has pretty much given up on sex since she started menopause so I’m left with porn and masturbation. Neither does an awful lot for me. I mean, it gets...
Gay MaleENJOY :) I had been fingering my hole on a daily basis because my itchy spot had started a craving deep inside me and the only way to satisfy it would be to poke and rub it repeating an endless cycle. My time alone with myself after my discovery of my itchy spot deep in my big round plump butt however was cut short because my mom told me i was going to visit my dad, Paul and that side of the family for the summer. At 6:30 pm, off to Rankin, Illinois i went..... Three and a half hours...
Sassy, young blonde Mia Kay looks darling in her tiny skirt and fishnets. The bubbly babe is horny for her private date with top director/performer Mick Blue. She teases and shakes her butt for the camera; her panties ride up her crotch, showing off her fat pussy. Mia pulls down her panties and oils up her ass, and Mick slithers down to eat her wet cunt. Mia returns the favor with a messy blowjob, giggling adorably as she drools over his big cock. The bold cutie then says, ‘I wanna taste...
xmoviesforyouSo its been awhile since part ten! With all the covid crap going on and k**s and healthcare jobs all combined we've had to stay apart for awhile, until this past weekend. We both were tested last week for work and negative, we'd been texting carefully over the past month and most of our interaction was that way. As we couldn't be together we had some great text conversations in which I told her about my posting stories on an x rated site and also a dozen or so pictures from screen grabs of the...
Busty bombshell Kyra Hot is back to give you a big orgasmic release on DDFBusty thanks to her latest naughty performance with legendary fuck machine, Yannick Shaft. Mr. Shaft is Miss Hot’s boss and he walks in on the blonde babe completely off-task with a vibrator between her legs working hard on an orgasm. The well-hung Frenchman sees that the glamour model’s toy is no match for his huge cock and he pulls out his beefy dick to the sheer delight of the curvy nympho. Watch the horny...
xmoviesforyouI had lived next door to Allison for about two years when her husband died in a car accident just before Christmas. It was hard on her and her two daughters but they got through it.Allison was in her early forties at the time. She had two daughters, of which one was married and had a daughter of her own. I was just a few years older than Allison was and I too had lost my spouse in a car accident a few years before. That was why I had moved in next door to Allison. After my wife’s death I...
Let me just start with one simple fact. I’m no virgin. I’ve had quite a few ladies over the years. I’ve come to enjoy sex, like many young men my age. I love fucking girl’s pussies and getting my cock sucked but by far anal sex is my favorite sexual activity. There is something so naughty and forbidden about fucking a girl in her ass. Sadly not every girl I’ve been with was willing to let me fuck her ass. I much preferred the girls who let me sodomize them. I’ve fucked small asses and big...
Sam and Ryan were both music majors at my university. We were all seniors and I had seen them at parties and they were friends with my roommates. I have a thing for musicians and we clicked right away. Sam and Ryan weren’t that close of friends with each other, mostly just classmates. I got to know each of them separately and they became my good friends. Sam was first to ask me to hang out. I was thrilled that he wanted to see me outside of the usual party scene and we made plans to spend time...
TrueDora's request was -“Robert, I am getting severe cramps in my thighs, I can hardly move. I am a bit embarrassed but as I know you’re discreet, could you by any chance come up and give my legs a healing massage, so to speakâ€. Unlike the other tenants in Norton Towers, Dora dressed smart but demurely. She was fairly attractive for a 60 year old but one thing I did notice was the fact that her demure dresses were always very tight – especially across her arse. One evening just as I was ready...
MatureJane experiences Pinkertons Prong.Jane Marbles stared at the approaching rain clouds. It was nearly a week since they had experienced a murder in Midsomer St Mary and she was getting bored.Inspector Wexford was getting worried, his crime figures projections were causing some anxiety, the numbers of murders had recently overtaken the Bronx and were almost as bad as the figures for Peckham, if unreported crimes were considered, and now Miss Marbles was back visiting one of her "Relatives".In fact...
LADY ANN'S EXTENDED HOLIDAY Original Story by Eric - Expanded Edition by Emma ENGLAND 1908. It seemed to Burt that his life was always spent with his face pressed against the glass. He worshipped Lady Ann Neville more than he did god in church. But Burt was only the stable hand at her father's vast estate. His job was to muck out and groom the horses and perform manual labour around the estate. He was forbidden even from entering the manor house. He scraped an existence in the...