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When Doves Cry by Natalie Nessus Part 1 Dig if you will the picture This is the journal of Robert Amati. Although it sounds impressive, this so called journal is just a few pages scrounged from Julietta's study and will be, I fear, all that is left of me. Calmness has descended on me, filling me, and I am no longer constantly afraid. I am, I fear, now accepting of what I am and that means more of my memories are leaving like smoke from a candle. And I know my memories, my male memories, will vanish. Some memories, the general historical memories, will be changed so I remember them as a woman but ones that relate to my former identity will vanish, leaving me forever. The reality is that Robert Amati will die, which is slightly humorous considering the state I was in when this happened. I am vanishing, therefore I believe it's important for me to write things down so I don't forget who I am, who I was. Will I, the person I've become, believe what I have written? Even now, I can't believe what has occurred. My name was Robert Amati and I am, or was, the owner of The London Mirror and various other newspapers around the world. Perhaps you've read one of my newspapers and chances are, you would probably remember me as an obnoxious, multi-millionaire who controlled the media. Don't worry, I was used to it and, after a while, I didn't care what people thought of me - success was all that mattered. I say 'remember', as Robert Amati is dead. I'm sure you remember the mystery of his death and the police investigation? It was certainly a constant topic of conversation for a while and there were a great number of people who were glad of his passing, much more glad than sad, but that's the way he was. It is confusing because even now, in the first days of this crazy experience, I still see my old self as separate, Robert Amati as 'he' instead of 'me'. Robert Amati was successful in business, dominating the media, but not successful at anything outside of business. He had been married three times and all marriages had ended in divorce. Julietta was his first wife and, although she was seventeen years younger than he was, I believe she was the only one who actually loved him, at least in the beginning. At first the arguments were about the time they spent apart, then about children. Julietta wanted children but Robert laughed at the idea, saying a child would infringe on his lifestyle. "What lifestyle?" Julietta had snapped in bitter tones. In the end, they almost hated each other. They fought constantly and it was relief for both of them to part at last. Roberta, the second wife, was much younger than Julietta and enjoyed herself in the social pages of the newspapers until Robert became tired of her not-so-secret boyfriends. Brittney was his third wife, almost a clone of Roberta, and Robert endured her for only seven months. No children resulted from any of these marriages, which was not surprising considering the time Robert Amati spent involved with his business. He/I had been alone for some time and was alone again when the doctor delivered the terrible news. "I'm afraid it's terminal, Robert," he said, getting the bad news over quickly. "How long have I got?" "Three months." Of course, I visited other doctors, I was a healthy fifty year old man, and I couldn't just die like this! After all the tests, each doctor gave me the same bad news and I realised I was finished. It's over, the voice inside my head chanted, you are dead! Wandering along the riverbank, looking back at the city of London, a city I had dominated for two decades, I realised it had all come to nothing at the end. I dismissed my bodyguards and chauffeur and sent them away, what was the point? I wanted to be completely alone to come to terms with my private reality and I did not want them knowing what I was up to, how desperate I was. As I walked alone from the last specialist, an older man with long white hair caught up with me in the hall. "Commiserations," he said and I started in surprise. "What are you talking about?" I blustered. "Your bad news," he said gently. "You've been to three specialists and I assume you've been given terrible news. I'm sorry." "That's life," I muttered in what I hoped was a sharp retort and turned to walk away, but he held my arm. "There may be an opportunity. Can I buy you a coffee and explain?" "Explain what?" I demanded. "I'm awfully busy, I'm afraid." "I understand. I am a scientist and I may have a solution." That stopped me and I turned to him. "You can cure my... what's wrong with me?" "Well, in a matter of fashion," he smiled. "How can you when you don't even know what the illness is?" "It doesn't matter." "You're crazy!" "Can I explain?" What did I have to lose? Nothing, I had nothing to lose so I said yes and listened over a cup of coffee. He introduced himself as Professor Gideon Benson and explained he was a research scientist with a radical new procedure to change DNA. "You mean rebuild a person?" "Yes." "You could get rid of the disease?" "Completely, and I could make you younger as well." "What's the catch?" "I haven't tested it on humans, you'd be the first. Of course, there is a risk. That's why I been searching for someone in," he coughed delicately, "your condition." "Let me think about it." "What is there to think about, I'm offering you a solution." "I'll think about it." I spent a sleepless night coming to terms with the fact I was dying, and that I had no one to call and tell. I thought about calling Julietta but remembered I hadn't seen her for five years so I had no idea what her circumstances were. In three months I would be no more and, as the first morning light peered weakly into my luxurious apartment, I realised I had nothing to lose. The practical and controlling part of my character took over and I began making plans. In case the process worked, I transferred a couple of hundred thousand pounds from my account to a safety deposit box and mailed the key to a new postal box before visiting my solicitor to change my will. "Leave everything to Julietta," I said. "Your first wife?" James was startled, as, of all the wives, she was the only one that had not demanded any money. "Julietta Amati, you do remember her?" I snapped sarcastically. "Of course I remember Julietta, I think she was the best thing in your life," James said gently, "but she hasn't been Amati for a long time. Julietta reverted to her maiden name almost ten years ago. She's Julietta Rossini." "I don't care. I'm dying, James," I said to my trusted solicitor. "In three months I'll be dead and I want her to have the money. How much will it be?" James frowned. "On paper you're a billionaire but the company owns the media outlets as well as your city apartment and your country house. You went into debt so much to fund the expansion of the empire that I'm afraid there won't be that much. After taxes and debts, I'd say your personal wealth is, at the most, a million pounds." One million pounds, is that all I've got to show for a life of hard work? "Leave it to her. She can give it away for all I care. We never had children so I really don't care what happens to the money or the newspapers. Do you know where she's living?' "I think it's the same place, she hasn't moved," James said as he rang for his secretary to take notes. "Robert..." James began, looking over at me, sadness flickering within his eyes. "Save it, James," I said brusquely. "It doesn't matter, nothing matters anymore." While waiting for the taxi that was going to deliver me to Gideon's lab, I examined myself in the mirror. A bald man in his fifties with a grey beard stared back through lost eyes. I had shed most of my dark hair in my thirties, strange because I was quite hairy on my chest, back, arms and legs. I think all of my wives had, at some stage, asked me to at least get it thinned but, of course, I had refused. I stared at myself for the last time. It didn't matter if the procedure was a success or not; either way, the man in the mirror wasn't coming back. What was in store for me I didn't know - the only certainty was death. The doorman rang to tell me the taxi had arrived. I looked around the cold apartment once more before taking the lift down and stepped into the cab without looking back once. The taxi driver tried to begin a conversation but I ignored him and watched the city streets slide past. My senses were suddenly acute, living on the last edge of life does that to you, and I stared at the small unimportant points of life as we glided past. All noise had dissipated, slow scenes unfolded and I watched them all; the young girl walking the family dog, a young woman meeting her lover with a vibrant kiss and hot embrace, an old man lighting a cigarette; I eagerly sucked in all of these small scenes and more as if to preserve myself with those last fleeting images of life. Gideon showed me in and led me to a laboratory that was crammed with equipment with a strange clear tube in the middle of it all. Soothing classical music played in the background. "Are you sure?" he asked quietly. "There are no guarantees." "I think I'm out of guarantees, Doc," I snapped, trying to be brave in my last moments. "Money can't buy everything, I've discovered." It buys nothing, nothing at all. "Then if you're sure, I suggest that we start immediately. Please disrobe there." Naked, I stood in the clear tube as Gideon, dressed in a white coat, hooked me up to some sort of apparatus. "When I launch the program, your body will start to adjust, discarding some elements and rebuilding as per the data I've coded. Your hair, I mean all your hair, will fall out and then the rebuilding will begin. You will thrash around a little so I will fasten your wrists and ankles with these straps," he said, buckling them around me, "and now I will close the door to the DNA Tube." "How does it work, Gideon?" I asked quickly, suddenly trying to stall. "Will I lose my memories?" He smiled thinly, recognizing my sudden panic attack. "We are not altering your body dramatically so your mind will cope and retain memories. Our object is to remove the disease and make you slightly younger so you will be able to retain your life. I suspect you're an important man," Benson said a little coldly. "However, if the changes were dramatic, say regressing you to infancy, I suspect your memories would be affected. My theory suggests that if gender were altered, say a female to male, that subject would lose all their female memories. Some would become male, not instantly, but gradually." "But, they'd be like a baby's?" I said, still stalling nervously. "No, in the code I would imprint natural behaviors and skills, just like I am for you. You will be younger so you will walk with the gait of a younger man and you will be able to run. When was the last time you ran?" "A long time ago," I mumbled. "So the behavior and skill of running will be in your new code. Now," he asked gently, "should we begin?" "How long will it take?" I asked weakly, afraid as I realised I might not even have the three months left now as the procedure might kill me. "The process will take five to eight hours but you won't recall or experience any of it except perhaps for the loss of your hair. You will be in a state similar to a coma. Any other questions?" I shook my head and again he asked, "Shall we begin?" I nodded and Gideon gave me an encouraging smile. "I put your code on a mini-disc last night," he said, opening a small box. "I have several but I changed yours slightly and you'll be exactly ten years younger as you requested and, of course, completely disease free. Good luck." He flicked a switch, a hum filled the room and I immediately felt a tingle over my body. That tingle was the last thing I remember. The room swam back into focus, the hum of the machinery was still there and I immediately sensed something was wrong. I shrieked when I looked down and saw breasts and then it registered that the voice I'd heard screaming was definitely female... and mine! Fighting rising panic, I looked around urgently for Gideon and saw him slumped over the panel of his apparatus. "Gideon!" I screamed out in an exotic voice, and it was a strange sensation to hear a female voice shout the words I had formed. I pulled against the straps binding me and saw that they were now very loose around my wrists. I managed to pull free, the strange sensation of my breasts moving making me feel even more frightened. When I bent to free my ankles, I saw the legs of a woman. They were now my legs, and I also noticed the floor of the DNA Tube was covered in hair. Pushing against the door, I managed to get out and rushed over to Gideon. "Gideon!" I demanded, shaking him. "What have you done?" He moved suddenly and fell back, his eyes wide and glassy, staring at the ceiling. I knew he was dead, possibly from a sudden heart attack. I ejected the disc and saw written on it was 'Female, sixteen years'. "He put the wrong disc in," I whispered, fighting the sudden urge to cry. My mind raced. Should I call an ambulance? No, how do I explain me, I have no proof, no identification, nothing! Frantically, I found my clothes and pulled the shirt on. It swam on me - further evidence of how small I was compared to the six foot six man I had once been. "I can't wear that," I cried in my high female voice, throwing it away. At last, a lab coat, and it was a small one, perhaps a woman's, and I slipped it on, buttoning it up. As I bent down to fasten it, my hair again brushed around my face and I felt very sick in the pit of my stomach. I was suddenly wracked with pain and bending over, I clutched my stomach as my body attempted to vomit, the heaving sending more spasms of pain through me. At last I could stand and, after rummaging through my old clothes, my fingernails catching on threads, I took my wallet and keys and dropped them into the pocket of my lab coat. The hum of the machinery suddenly grew louder and I saw the apparatus was shaking, rocking from side to side. I have to get out of here, I thought and desperately ran to the door. No keys! Forcing myself to do it, I looked through Gideon's pockets, constantly brushing my dark hair out of my eyes, and found a ring of keys. As the machinery rocked and rattled, I tried the keys in the door. At last, it opened and I ran, barefoot, out into the car park. It was surreal, my breasts were moving as if they had a mind of their own, and the dark hair that reached below my bottom was brushing against me, constantly moving around, I could consciously feel it brushing against my back and bottom. Which car is his? I looked down at the keys and identified a BMW key and walked slowly down the line of cars. It was dark and I felt very vulnerable and frightened, my mind spinning with wild voices. You're a woman alone in a car park, look out! No, I'm not, I'm a man! I'm a man! I found a black BMW and pushed the button on the key. The car beeped, its doors unlocking with a click, and the interior light came on. I felt like cheering with relief. I leapt in thankfully and unconsciously locked the doors behind me. I had to move the seats forward a long way and lower the steering wheel but at last I could get away. Driving slowly from the car park, there was a huge explosion behind me and I just knew the laboratory was no more. "Goodbye, Gideon," I whispered, driving onto the street and I suddenly realised I was crying. What is happening to me? Where do I go? The only identification I had was that of a man called Robert Amati. Noticing the disc on the passenger seat where I had thrown it, I again saw 'Female, sixteen years' on the label in the passing streetlights. I don't even have a license to drive, I realised, and I probably don't even look old enough to have a driver's license. I have to get off the road and out of this car! Technically, it's been stolen and I have another person's wallet with me. The police would see that as clear evidence I was a thief! No identification, no records, nothing, and I began to panic at the thought of being thrown in a jail somewhere or, worse, in an insane asylum! Everything was strange - my body, the way everything felt, and even the way the world looked to me. Not only was I seeing everything from a different perspective but my eyes felt different, too. The steering wheel seemed so large and bulky and I felt so small. I was still crying when I realised I'd driven to Julietta's townhouse. I turned back and parked the car several blocks away. Scooping up the disc, I left the car unlocked with the keys in it and ran through the streets. With some luck, the car would be stolen quickly. I ran up the steps, my bare feet cold in the puddles, and rang the doorbell, praying she would be home. It took awhile, she must have been asleep, but a light came on and I shrank back. "Yes? Who is it?" Julietta's voice was crisp and detached through the intercom. "Julietta," I said in that strange voice that was now mine. "Please help me." "Who is it?" Julietta asked again and I detected concern in her voice, although she was undoubtedly suspicious. "Please, Julietta," I pleaded, "you're the only one that can help me. Please!" The door opened a little and Julietta peered out over the chain. "Who are you? How do you know my name?" Her eyes traveled over me as I shivered in the lab coat and she looked warily up and down the street. "Have you been attacked? Do you want me to call the police, an ambulance?" My arms were clenched in front of me, my long fingernails digging into my palms, and I was now shaking from the cold and the terror. "Please," I begged again. A deepening sickness swam up and I clutched my stomach again and then the lights went out. When I came around I was lying on her sofa and Julietta, in a dressing gown, was looking down at me with concern. "You fainted," she said reassuringly. "Take a sip," she said, offering a glass of water. "What's your name?" she asked as I sipped the water. "I don't really have one," I whispered and her eyebrows shot up. "No? Can't remember? And what are you doing running around in just that thin coat." She smiled at my reaction. "I carried you in, half dragged you really, so it was obvious you're naked except for that coat." My head spun as I struggled up. "Here, let me help you," Julietta said, lifting me into a seated position. I smoothed the lab coat down over my knees and cleared my throat. "Do you have a mirror?" I asked, voices still murmuring in my head. "Of course." She opened her purse and handed me a compact mirror. A dark haired young woman stared back at me, shock in her dark eyes. I touched my new pouting lips and the reflection did the same. Her hair was really long, down past her shoulders, I almost sat on it, and I shook my head, feeling the hair move. "Are you ok?" Tell her! She won't believe me! Tell her! Putting the mirror down, I took a deep breath and said slowly, "I'm going to tell you something and I want you to promise you won't interrupt until I finish, no matter how weird it sounds." Julietta nodded slowly. "All right." So I told her, told her everything, and did not leave out any details. I sat silently waiting for her verdict. "So," she said after a long time, "you're Robert?" I nodded, my hair moving again and falling across my face, strands sticking to the corner of my mouth. "Really Robert? You're now a woman and you can't change back?" I nodded again while staring at my long fingernails and small hands. "Impossible." "I told you it was weird," I said softly. Don't cry again, I silently told myself, not again! Men don't cry! I'm not a man. Yes, you are! "Where did we get married?" "London," I said softly, eyes still down. "St. James' church." "Honeymoon, where did we go?" "We didn't have a honeymoon, you wanted to go to Paris but I wanted to go back to work. So, no honeymoon." "What's my sister's name?" "Madolana. She died in a car accident a long time ago." Julietta stared at me, her face pale, and then suddenly stood. "I'll put the kettle on." Julietta told me later that I was asleep on the sofa when she returned so she covered me, turned off the light and left me. My dreams were strange, someone was chasing me and I was chasing someone. Part 2 Animals strike curious poses I woke early with a scream, totally disorientated and it took a few minutes before I remembered where I was and what I had become. It wasn't a dream, the nightmare was still with me - for that's what I thought it was - and I was still in this crazy body. With my heart pounding, I raised my hand to stare at the delicate shape, the thin wrist and soft skin, the extremely long fingernails. I was a woman, it was true! "Are you ok?" Julietta asked, rushing from her room to sit beside me, one arm around my shaking shoulders. I buried my face against her, trying to control my body and my mind, fighting the urge to sob my heart out. "You're trembling," Julietta said, stroking my hair, arranging it over my back. Finally I regained control and pushed back from her. A flickering smile was all I could muster. "Good morning," she said with a forced smile and I tried weakly to smile back. "Are you better?" "I think so," I said in a small voice. I am so scared. "Let's get you some warm clothes." Wrapping the blanket around me, I followed her into her room and she rummaged through her wardrobe. "I have some clothes that my niece left here last year, she doesn't want them and they should fit you." Julietta laughed self-consciously. "I never throw anything away. Would like a shower?" I looked past her into the bathroom. "I'd love a bath," I said and Julietta looked at me in surprise. "If that's all right?" "A bath? Where did that come from?" I knew what she meant, I ? Robert - hated baths. I'd always said they were a waste of time but now all I wanted to do was soak in suds. "I don't know." "Is there something you want to tell me?" Julietta stared at me, eyes narrowed and arms folded. I was puzzled and looked up at her. "What do you mean?" "Look, if you were in trouble and needed a place to stay, fine! But the joke has gone on long enough. I don't know how you got those details but..." "It's true, Julietta," I protested and to my horror, began to cry again. "It's true! Please believe me. How could I make this up?" Julietta shrugged. "Whatever." She led the way went into the bathroom, began running the bath and I could tell she was angry. When she stood up, I was staring at myself in the mirror, and a young dark haired young woman, incredibly long hair tousled by sleep, stared back. Julietta watched me and I guess she saw the pain and the confusion mixed with terror on my face. Smiling softly, she stood beside me and put her hand on my shoulder. Julietta had always been tall for a woman and now she was taller than me, which was a decidedly strange feeling. Suddenly, she bent forward to stare at my reflection, examining me, and then looked me over before saying; "Your fingernails are incredibly long, almost dangerous. Let me clip them a little and then we can get a manicure later." I felt her eyes on me as she clipped my fingernails and I smiled weakly. "That's better, I'll let you do your toenails. Enjoy your bath." When the door closed behind her, I slipped the blanket and the wrinkled lab coat off and cautiously examined my new body. It was like watching an old movie as the images flickered before my eyes and within my mind. Dark hair and eyes, olive complexion, medium sized young breasts, abundant dark pubic hair, and shapely legs. As I turned sideways to get another view, I realised I was clinically examining the body of a naked woman and felt no sexual desire at all. I used a small hand mirror so I could examine my genitalia within the forest of pubic hair and the sensations were definitely foreign but at the same time, not so. It was as if I was remembering the plot of an old movie, one I had forgotten but it was now slowly returning, piece by piece. Even using the toilet was the same. One part of me thought it was weird and yet another part of me was comfortable and performed automatically. I stared at my face, my new face, the face of a strange woman and my stomach churned again. I'm a man, I whispered, I'm Robert Amati! No, you're not! The bath was glorious and I soaked for as long as I could, the wash cloth spread over my breasts, before the water began to turn cold. Julietta knocked on the door and opened it as I was wrapping a towel around my body. "Feel better?" "Much, thank you, Julietta." She had laid out a white bra and plain cotton knickers, a denim skirt and a white sleeveless top. "I tried to find jeans but there aren't any that would fit, mine would be too big and you'd be tripping over the legs. Are you okay about wearing a skirt?" "I have to be, I guess," I said carefully. "I'll pretend it's a kilt." She smiled at my weak joke and I dropped the towel to dress. The knickers fitted but the bra didn't, my breasts were too large for it. "You're probably a little larger than Sharon," Julietta said after struggling to fit it. Through the thick fog that was moving through my brain, I still knew what she was doing. "You're testing me again. Your niece's name is Gina," I corrected her sullenly. Julietta acknowledged my point with a wry smile and began rummaging in the wardrobe again, producing a plain white bra. "I'm bigger than Gina, she is quite small, let's see if that fits if I pull the straps in." It did after adjusting the straps some more and she watched as I struggled to fasten it. "Let me help," Julietta said. "Are you hungry?" Julietta asked, zipping the skirt for me. "I'm starving." You're wearing a bra! What are you doing? I need a bra. No...no...no! We sipped tea, munched on toast and Julietta started to speak and then laughed. "I can't call you Robert, what name would you like to use?" "I don't know, anything, but definitely not Roberta!" We both laughed, as Roberta was of course the name of Robert's ? my ? second wife. "I guess not," Julietta laughed. "So, which name?" "I don't know. You choose," I said with a sad smile. What does it matter? She thought for a moment. "Pia, you look like a Pia." Pia was Julietta's mother's name. "Then Pia it is." I put the cup down. What does it matter, a harsh voice screamed in my ear, the world will just call you FREAK! "Pia," she said, using the new name for the first time. "Does it feel strange?" she asked after moment. "Being a woman?" I sighed. "It does, it's weird. Everything looks different, colours are different for God's sake, everything feels different, it's a nightmare," I finished, bravely trying to stop crying. "If I could change back, I would." "But you're healthy now, the disease is gone?" "I don't know, I'm hoping it has. I just want to be me again." "But you can't change back, can you?" Julietta gently reminded me and I wondered if she was beginning to believe me. "No," I said, tears beginning to start again. "I can't and I cry all the time, I can't stand it," I sniffled." Julietta patted my hand and began to clear the table while I sat still, staring down at this strange body, wondering what I was going to do, how was I going to survive. "You can stay in the guest bedroom until we get everything sorted out," Julietta said later. "I can stay here for a while?" Thank God! Where else would I go? I knew they wouldn't let me back into my apartment and, the office would laugh at me and probably have me locked away if I claimed to be 'me'. "For a few days," Julietta said, looking away. "I work from home so it's easy but," she smiled, "you know that." It was another testing question. "Yes, you work as a research consultant for government agencies. Whatever you do, it's never been clear, although you said you were involved in organisational behaviour studies or something like that." I suddenly felt strange again, the spasms hit my stomach and I urgently bent over, face contorted as I fought against the pain. The room was spinning, ceiling lights dancing in blurred vision, my entire body throbbing before I thankfully slipped into darkness. When I opened my eyes, Julietta was staring down at me, her own eyes wide with concern. "Pia, are you alright?" "Pia?" I tried to look around. I was on a bed, probably the guest bedroom, and my hair was in my eyes again as I moved. "Yes," I croaked, "I think so. What happened?" I asked, trying to remember but my mind was like Swiss cheese, some pieces of data seemed to have fallen away. "You fainted again. I should get a doctor," she added worriedly. "No! No doctor, please, no doctor. I just need sleep, I think." Julietta smiled, absently stroking my hair. "You're probably right, you've been through a lot. Sleep for a while." I rolled on to my side, sleep beckoning me. "No doctor," I said sleepily, "remember you promised, no doctor." "No doctor, Pia," she assured and I fell immediately to sleep. Part 3 Alone in a world that's so cold A man sat alone on a bentwood chair in a white room, his hands on his knees, his eyes wide, round and staring at a window. Through the glass, a young girl ran down a green hill, leaves rustling under a cloud streaked blue sky, a swing dangling from a wizened branch. Slowly, the flesh from his hands began to peel, slipping away into the air and floating through the window, piece by piece, layer by layer until blood stained bone remained. The girl stood next to the swing, hand resting on the rope, gently pushing it in the breeze and smiled through the window. I woke again with a scream; my brain frying with the nightmare and Julietta was holding my shaking body as I attempted to calm down. "Shhh," she whispered, rocking me, "it's all right, you've had another bad dream." Save me, God, if you exist! Save me from this nightmare! "Where am I?" I muttered, still in the grip of the nightmare. "Who am I?" "You're okay, Pia," Julietta whispered, gently rocking me until I relaxed. Pia? The girl stood next to the swing, hand resting on the rope, gently pushing it in the breeze and smiled through the window. Finally, my heart returned to normal rhythm. I was ok and smiled weakly at her. "I'm sorry," I apologised. "No need, you've been asleep for a long time. It's Sunday morning." "I slept a day, a whole day?" Julietta nodded and I saw I was dressed in large pink pyjamas. "I changed you when I realised you weren't waking up. It was like changing a dead person. I was really worried." "But you didn't call a doctor?" No doctors, please!" Julietta slowly shook her head. "No, I didn't. I promised. Hungry?" Another breakfast and I managed to keep it down; my stomach wasn't churning as much. I seem to eat nothing but breakfast, I can't endure a day in this body. A trip to the bathroom and I was like a sleepwalker, subconsciously using the toilet, washing my hands and half-heartedly glancing at my reflection in the mirror. You're turning into a real girl, aren't you? Didn't even think about it when you sat down! Leave me alone! Julietta left me in front of the television blankly staring at some stupid show as she worked in her study. As time wore on, despite myself, I began to become interested in the program. It was some sort of serial, history of a family or something. The relationships were easy to work out, fascinating in detail, and I began to become involved with the relationships of the main characters. I was disappointed when it finally ended. Then a mini-movie commenced and I was soon immersed in it, working out the relationships and trying to guess what was really going on behind the smiles and the words. That was how I spent my first real morning as a girl, dressed in ill-fitting pink pyjamas, watching television and I struggled to remember the last time I had watched television for pleasure or relaxation. Julietta returned and smiled when she saw me frowning at the screen while I was watching a well-known serial. "What's wrong?' "That Melanie is such a bitch!" "I know," Julietta smiled. "Lunch?" "Okay. Can I help?" Julietta stared at me. "If you want, that would be nice." "Alright," I said, getting off the couch, "but you'll have to show me what to do." We had fun, I admit it, talking and laughing as we made sandwiches. Every now and again, Julietta would glance at me and I suspected she was still making up her mind about me but I also saw concern within those dark eyes of hers. I also suspected she was steering clear of subjects that may alarm me and cause what she was now calling my 'attacks'. I was explaining what happened in the first program and Julietta was laughing when I described one of the main characters and what she wore. "What are you laughing at?" I asked crossly, taking plates from the cupboard. "She murdered her husband!" "I know, I'm sorry," Julietta laughed, "but you remember everything she wore, it's a very girl thing to do." "Oh," I said softly putting the plates on the table. Is my mind turning into a woman's as well? We ate silently until Julietta asked, "Why are you so afraid of doctors?" I shifted uneasily, the hair again reminding me what I had become. "I don't want them to find out what I am," I said softly, eyes down, staring at my half-eaten sandwich. "What you are?" "A freak." Warmth shone in her eyes and she quickly stood up to hug me. "You're not a freak, Pia, definitely not a freak." "I am," I said brokenly. "A man who is a woman, alone because no one in his or her right mind would believe me." "Pia, where was I born?" Julietta sat down and she appeared very business like. I looked up from sandwich. She's still not convinced and who could blame her? "You were born in Milan," I sighed. "Your mother is Italian and she was visiting relatives at the time." That's why Robert was attracted to you, you're both of Italian descent. Don't you mean 'you'? Leave me alone! Julietta nodded. "My mother died last year," she said quietly. "Oh." I put the sandwich down. "I'm so sorry, Julietta, I didn't know." "They wondered where you were, at the funeral, I mean, Robert," she said, her eyes filling but smiling. "Mum always liked you, liked Robert, even after the divorce." Without thinking, I quickly went to her and hugged her. "I'm sorry," I said softly. "I'm beginning to dislike Robert very much." "Don't, he was okay." Was okay? I smiled weakly, sitting down again and she nodded firmly, as if she had just made a decision. "Okay, I believe you," Julietta announced, "I believe your story." "You do?" She nodded and began to munch her sandwich. "But," I said fumbling for words, excited that someone else would believe me, "Why? How?" Julietta grinned. "Okay, you do know stuff about me that no one else knows but you could have found that out somehow. I know the all information is out there; you just have to know where to look and how to put it together. It was the combination of the things you knew and the other things I saw when you were taking a bath." Bath? I was puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?" Julietta put down her sandwich and began to tick off her points on her fingers. "One, your hair looks like it's never been cut or styled and it reaches below your bottom for goodness sake. No sixteen year old girl would have gone through her life without experimenting with hairstyles." I reached out and grabbed a handful of my hair and realised she was right. "It is rather long," I said weakly. "Too long!" Julietta said firmly, "like it's grown wild. Two," her finger ticked off another point, "your ears have never been pierced and your eyebrows are a forest. No tweezers have ventured there, ever!" I laughed at her serious expression and touched my eyebrows as she continued. "Your legs and your armpits are hairy, really hairy," she said with a mock serious expression, making me laugh aloud. "And I don't want to discuss the impossibility of a girl of your dark colouring getting through life wearing swimsuits with your pubic hair!" She wriggled her eyebrows and I nearly choked with laughter. "And let's not forget the long fingernails and toenails. Let's face it, Pia, you appear just a little primitive. It could be a nice look, many older women comfortable with themselves may choose it and I admire them, but a teenage girl would have tried to change at least one of those things." "I suppose," I said with a smile. "Thank you," I said after a moment, "thank you for believing me." "I didn't want to," Julietta said a little sadly, "but the evidence mounts up." I suddenly felt good about everything; perhaps it was knowing I was no longer alone to face this nightmare. Later, when I completed my journal for the day, I reflected on that feeling. I was very fortunate in choosing to run to Julietta, I wrote later, the outcome could have been dramatically different if I had chosen anywhere else. I began clearing the table while Julietta watched in amazement. Humming to myself, I washed up, stopping sometimes to catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror or on a glass. Other times, I would just stop what I was doing and stare at my hands and, looking down at the basin, I couldn't ignore my breasts. The bra helped, although I hated wearing it and hated the tightness of it. Julietta was at her computer in her study when I finished. "You've cleaned up? Thank you." "That's okay, I kind of enjoyed helping out," I added sheepishly. "I've checked out the disc you had, hope you don't mind?" I shook my head and she continued, "It has weird code on it so I'm guessing it's the code to change the DNA but there's no machine to use it in so that's useless. There was nothing else on the disc. I've been doing some research on Professor Gideon Benson. He's published a lot of papers on his theories. None of them have been accepted I'm afraid, but they make interesting reading. In his theories, he predicts where there would be drastic changes; exhaustion and mental turmoil would be expected for a few days after the rebuilding process. We have to remember that your body was rebuilt in a short time and all the changes that would have occurred at a much slower pace over sixteen years, are happening at once. But, your tiredness and the other things should disappear soon, so that's good news." "But there is bad news?" "I'm afraid so," Julietta said quietly and I stood in the doorway waiting. "I'm going to lose my memories," I said woodenly. "He said something about it." "The femaleness, if there is such a word, will gradually take over and the male memories will eventually go or be changed, probably a combination. It could be fast or it could be slow according to his theories, but they will go." "I feel them going every moment," I said quietly, smoothing my skirt underneath me as I sat down. Julietta saw the gesture and, concerned, asked, "Does it worry you, losing the male part of you?" "What choice do I have?" I asked bitterly and then remembered how comfortable I was when I just relaxed and became the person I was now, instead of fighting. "The male was going to die anyway, I mean I was going to die! I guess I have to accept the new me, I have no choice," I said bitterly, "I can't stop any of this!" Julietta nodded and it suddenly became too much for me, the tears just flooding my face. "I'm just so frightened, what am I going to do? How am I going to live?" Julietta immediately embraced me and comforted me. "It'll all work out Pia, it will, I promise." Sniffing, I dried my eyes. "In the meantime, you can stay here for as long as you like." "Can I?" Relief swept through me and Julietta smiled. "Yes, you can. We'll have to get you some clothes so you can live, we must be as normal as possible." "Normal?" I said, still sniffling. "Can I ever be normal?" "Of course," Julietta said firmly. "You are normal now, remember that. Now, do you feel like shopping?" "Sounds great," I said with a smile and laughed when Julietta looked at me in amazement. "It does, weird as it sounds, it does sound great but," I said suddenly, "I can't go looking like this, can I?" "No," Julietta said seriously. "I think you need to get some stuff fixed. Do you want to?" "How?" "You will have to go to a hairdresser to get your hair cut and styled, maybe some waxing," she said, warily watching me. "So you'll blend in." A salon, my mind shrieked, a woman's beauty salon! "Will you be there with me?" I asked quietly and Julietta smiled. "Of course." "Then, I guess I should, if you think it's a good idea," I added hopefully. "I do," she said firmly, "you'll have to sooner or later." Julietta smiled warmly. "We all do it, Pia, it's life." I took a deep breath and then sighed. "Ok, let's do it." Part 4 This is what it sounds like Julietta rang her friend Vicky who owned a salon and she agreed to stay open after lunch to help. I noticed that Julietta didn't completely tell her what was required so it was a shock when she saw me. I was wearing the same clothes with old sneakers so I wasn't a picture of glamour. I watched as Julietta and Vicky hugged, then Vicky turned to look at me with professional eye, an eye that was immediately horrified. "Oh," she said in a small voice, "you weren't kidding." "Can you help?" Julietta asked softly while I shrank in a corner. "She needs help." Vicky seized Julietta's arm and dragged her to the counter, away from me but I could still hear them. "You are kidding! I can't do all that in just an hour!" "Vicky," Julietta said firmly, "she needs help and I need that favour you said you would do if ever I asked. Well, I'm asking." Vicky stared at me, then back at Julietta and then smiled. "I owe you, Julie, I do." Vicky sighed deeply. "Okay, this is going to take all afternoon and you're going to have to help me. Let me change some appointments and we'll get into it." Later, when she was cutting my hair, Vicky exclaimed, "I can't believe this hair! It's so healthy, there's no shampoo or conditioner residue and no split ends. Amazing!" My hair was cut to my shoulders, styled, and a wave was put through it. When I finally looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't believe it; a beautiful young woman stared back. "Now," Vicky said firmly, "in a moment the dreaded waxing but first, those eyebrows." My eyes were stinging after my eyebrows had been thinned but began to water and then became real tears while the waxing took place. Julietta gripped my hand and I gritted my teeth, especially during the bikini wax. "What about her ears?" Vicky asked Julietta. "I could pierce them and put in sleepers until she gets earrings?" Julietta looked at me and, after a moment, I nodded slowly. It was a relief to sit back while I had a manicure and a pedicure. Vicki had called a friend in, Mary, who worked on my fingers and toes while Julietta and Vicki cleaned up. Tingling and stinging all over, feeling strangely free now my hair was shorter and Vicky, sipping coffee, told me some make-up tips as she watched. Finally, she put her coffee down and applied a red lipstick to my lips. I tasted the lipstick and looked in the mirror. "You are gorgeous, Pia," Vicky said, smiling at me. "She has beautiful dark eyes like yours Julietta." Julietta stood behind me, arm resting on my shoulder and I saw her smile in the reflection. "Yes, she does, doesn't she?" Julietta said. "Well," Vicki said, lighting a cigarette, "that's it." "Thanks, love," Julietta said, embracing Vicki. "Thanks for all of this." "It's ok, you were there for me so it's my turn." Vicki smiled at me. "She's turned out well, you'll be beating the boys off with a cricket bat." "Yes," Julietta said slowly, staring at me, "I suppose I will." That night we cooked together. Well, I peeled vegetables while Julietta cooked and we chatted lightly, talking about clothes, what I should buy and how to look after my hair. It was light conversation and I guessed Julietta was attempting to steer me away from the reality of my situation, to help me to relax. She laughed when I grimaced a little when I sat down. "Stings?" "Yes, a little." "Over?" Julietta laughed. "You'll have to go back for more waxing in a month or so. It's a way of life, my dear." We watched a movie on DVD, a romantic comedy, and we were both sniffling at the end. As I washed my face, I stared at the new me in the mirror. A girl in pink pyjamas, a girl who was once a man! But, deep down, it wasn't bothering me as much and I was struggling to remember my male childhood, another sign that the memories were draining from me. That night, before going to sleep, I wrote in the growing number of pages that were becoming my journal, At first I hated this but now I'm beginning to see a new world and, at least, I'm alive, alive with a new life! Thank you, Julietta, thank you so much. Part 5 Even doves have pride The girl stood next to the swing, hand resting on the rope, gently pushing it in the breeze and smiled through the window. I woke in the middle of the night in a wave of panic, crying and shaking. "Shh," Julietta whispered in my ear as she held me, stroking my hair. I felt her slide into bed, holding me close and, reassured, I slipped back into sleep. The next morning, I woke without a nightmare and I rubbed my eyes as Julietta smiled at me. She had obviously stayed the night in my bed with me. "Sleep well?" "Yes," I said sleepily and spontaneously kissed her cheek. "Thank you." Julietta appeared a little embarrassed touched her cheek and said, "You're welcome. A cup of tea and toast?" I sat at the table in my pyjamas buttering toast while Julietta, in her dressing gown, made a pot of tea. The radio was playing soft music and I felt at home, peaceful. "Pia, did you ask Gideon to change you to a woman?" Julietta asked suddenly. "No, of course not." "What did you ask for then?" "He was supposed to remove the disease and make me about ten years younger. I wanted to keep my business; I was just going to tell everyone I had cosmetic surgery. Why?" "It's just that, you seem so natural, almost comfortable." "I suppose I am," I said quietly, "it must be the memory thing we spoke about." It was true, I thought, I am becoming more comfortable and I'm thinking of my former self as Robert, not as me, as if I was another person. I suppose in a way, I lose a little of me every day. Julietta patted my arm and poured the tea. "Are you ready for shopping now?" "Yes." "Really?" "Yes, really," I said. The truth was, I realised, and I was looking forward to it. "I can pay you back," I said. She was about to protest so I added, "I have money set aside in a safety deposit box, I arranged it before I went to Gideon's, so I can pay you back when the key I mailed gets there." "Now, that sounds like Robert," Julietta said with a smile. Julietta lent me a coat and we caught a taxi to the department store and spent the morning shopping for clothes, cosmetics and other items. It was a weird experience but, at the same time, I loved it and gave myself over to it. Whenever I found a top or a skirt that I thought was perfect, I felt an emotional surge. "Look at this," I said excitedly to Julietta who smiled. "Lovely colour, perfect for you." The older woman who took my measurements for the bras smiled at Julietta as she paid. "Your daughter has your eyes." Julietta opened her mouth, glanced at me and back at the woman but before she could say anything the woman asked me, "What's your name, dear?" "Pia." "A beautiful name," she said as she wrapped our purchases. "It was my grandmother's name," I said softly and Julietta stared at me. "There you go, ladies," the shop assistant said, handing us both carry bags crammed with the parcels. "Enjoy the rest of your day." "Why did you say that?" Julietta asked as we walked through the perfume section. "I don't know, it just came to me and it just seemed right." I looked at her anxiously and Julietta smiled. "It was perfect," she said softly. It was when we were taking a break and having coffee in a cafe that we saw the newspaper. It was on another table and carried details of the explosion. "Police fear that at least two people were killed in the explosion," Julietta read. "Two people?" "There was no one else there." I shook my head. "I don't understand." Julietta picked the newspaper up. "The body of Gideon Benson has been identified but the police have yet to identify other remains found at the scene." Julietta to read more and then peered at me. "It's just newspapers," I said stirring the coffee. "It's your newspaper, Pia," Julietta said, tapping the newspaper with her finger. My newspaper? "Not any more," I said softly and smiled, feeling my eyes fill. "Shit!" I said softly, "I'm crying again!" Julietta reached over and squeezed my hand. "It doesn't matter, cry as much as you need to." I wiped my eyes and Julietta folded the newspaper, putting it on the spare seat at our table. "Pia, when I was researching Benson, I discovered that the newspapers, Robert's newspapers, ridiculed him. Did you know that?" "No, I didn't. What do you mean?" "They made a laughing stock of him. Do you think what he did was revenge?" Revenge? Benson planned this? My mind whirled with the concept. He hated me and planned to do this? "You think he did this to me on purpose?" Julietta shrugged. "Maybe, perhaps he was just going to teach you a lesson but the excitement was too much and he had a fatal heart attack or was electrocuted, something. I don't think he planned to die so, I guess, we'll never know." "Tomorrow," Julietta said as she was dicing the carrots, "I'll start working out how to get some things done." We were back at her townhouse after shopping and preparing dinner after a long but enjoyable day. "What?" "We have to establish a history for you, birth date, birth place, full name and so on." I looked up from peeling potatoes. "We?" Julietta smiled, leaned over and kissed the top of my head. "Yes, us, even though you are so different from what Robert ever was." "You loved him once," I said softly. "Yes, I always loved him but love dies, Pia, it happens. When we parted we were like enemies and when we met again after a long time apart, it was like we were distant friends. He couldn't get close to anyone." Julietta looked at me sharply. "Could he?" "I don't think he knew how to." "No," she said slowly and I could see she regretted asking me. "I think you're right. Potatoes finished?" I modeled the new clothes after dinner and we laughed and joked until the doorbell rang. Julietta put her glass of wine down and went to the intercom. "Who is it?" "Police," the stern voice echoed through the townhouse and I gasped in shock. Julietta looked at me and opened the door. "Identification, please," she asked. The men showed her and than they were inside, introducing themselves. They both looked over at me and Julietta said, "This is Pia. My daughter," she added quickly, glancing at me. Both men nodded and they sat down, Julietta sat opposite, I perched on the sofa arm next to her. "Have you seen your ex-husband lately, Ms Rossini?" Julietta glanced at me. "No, not recently." "When did you last see him?" I could answer that; it was five years ago at some stupid political event when we were distant friends. "I think it was five years ago?" Julietta said. "Not since then?" Julietta shook her head. "He was ill, did you know that?" She's so calm, I thought, but then again, she's worked in investigation for so long, she knows exactly what to do, how to handle it. My heart was still pounding and I wondered when they were going to start on me. Again, Julietta shook her head. "No, I didn't. What do you mean by ill?" "I'm afraid," the older one said, "he had a terminal illness. His doctor and his solicitor have confirmed it." The young one smiled at me but at the same time seemed to be examining me. "Terribly sad to bring you bad news about your father." I must have looked surprised and his brow furrowed instantly. "There is no record of Robert Amati having a child and yet I see a rather strong resemblance." He appeared ready to pounce, glancing at Julietta and then back at me. "You are quite mistaken," Julietta interjected quickly, "Robert Amati was not her father." Julietta glanced at me. "I see," the older one said and the younger one was still staring intently at me. "Who is your father?" the young one asked me and I worriedly looked at Julietta. "That," Julietta said firmly, "is none of your dammed business!" The older one quickly said, "Of course. There was an explosion at a research institute last night and we suspect that Robert Amati was there at the time. The scientist who runs the laboratory was involved in," he consulted his notebook, "DNA research." "Why would Robert be there?" Julietta asked and I was again amazed at her calm manner. "We think he was involved in a an attempt to find a cure for his illness. According to his solicitor, he changed his will before he went and we think that was the plan. Some people become desperate when faced with a terminal illness," he said, apologetically. "How do you know he was there?" Julietta asked quietly. "We've identified his DNA from some remains there. I'm sorry," the older man said and looked away. "I see," Julietta said slowly. "He's dead?" "It's not confirmed, the Coroner will need to do that, we're just following all leads," he said, standing. "Thank you for your time." Julietta stood to show them out and even though they spoke softly, I could still hear them. "Your daughter appears nervous, is she ok?" It was the older one who asked but both policemen looked over at me. "Pia is not that well," Julietta said softly. "My daughter had a mental collapse earlier this year, a mental breakdown." "Oh," the older one said in sympathy, "I'm sorry." He turned and smiled at me. "Goodnight, miss," he called as Julietta opened the door. "Goodnight," I murmured. After Julietta had shown them out, she turned to me, a worried look on her face. "They'll look into it, to find out what they can. We'll have to move quickly." I didn't understand what she meant and smiled weakly. "It's official, I'm dead." "Not you," Julietta said, hugging me. "Robert Amati is dead, not you." "I know," I said quietly. Julietta held me at arm's length, staring into my eyes. "Is Robert still there, inside you?" I smiled weakly. "Yes, but I think he is fading fast. I'm struggling to think as a male, I can't remember certain things, certain memories. I'm a sixteen year old girl with nothing," I said softly, hunching forward, fingers over my eyes. It was a relief to cry. No, it was more than just crying, I sobbed with a guttural force, my body shaking with the pressure of it all as Julietta held me. "You're not alone," Julietta said over and over again as I sobbed into her breast as she cradled me. "I'm here." Part 6 An ocean of violets in bloom It was strange living within this body. So different, and I admit I had taken the male body I vaguely remembered I had inhabited for over fifty years, for granted. There were times when a sharp slice of cold memory surfaced and I felt incredibly strange in my new body. The centre of gravity was wrong, the breasts always there, legs that could cross each other in the strangest way, a multitude of things. Those times were becoming rare though and, most of the time, I unconsciously performed all the day-to-day tasks of living as a woman. When those moments of memory happened, it came as a small shock that I was doing those things easily and unconsciously and I was beginning to be comfortable with the face that stared back at me from the mirror. A face that was sometimes foreign and enigmatic, the face of a stranger on those rare occasions when old memories glimmered, but, at other times, my face. I awoke again the next morning without nightmares, which was a relief. After a shower, I managed to style my hair and was quite happy with the look, almost finding something I could live with. After making some coffee, I crept outside for the newspaper in the light blue pajamas we had bought, noticing for the millionth time how this strange body moved. I made toast and carried the tray into Julietta's room where she was sleepily stirring. "Breakfast," I said softly and smiled as her sleepy eyes focused on me. She had asked me to wake her at eight but I don't think she thought I would wake her with breakfast. "What's this?" Julietta asked, sitting up, rubbing her eyes. "This," I said dramatically, "is breakfast." "You're joking, you giving me breakfast in bed?" Disbelief spread over her face and I smiled as I sat on the bed, placing the bed-tray in front of her. "I'm doing this," I said quietly. Concern flooded her face. "I see, is Robert still here?" "Sometimes," I said softly. "I think he's almost gone but I can still remember bits, strange bits like where I had breakfast two weeks ago, but I can't remember my mother." "I'm sorry," she said, touching my arm. "Don't be," I said brightly, blinking the tears away. "I'll be a new person soon, just Pia, I think." "I like Pia," Julietta said quietly. I smiled. "Eat your breakfast." "What would you like to do today?" Julietta asked later as she poured a glass of water. We were both dressed, seated in the living room and Julietta was about to do some work in her study. "Don't know," I said softly. I adjusted my skirt. I had chosen the new skirt and top Julietta had encouraged me to purchase and wore them proudly. It's not so bad being a woman; in fact, I cautiously admitted to myself, it was pretty good. "I think we need to talk," Julietta said firmly, sitting down, "I think we do. We can't go on like this." "No," I whispered, my heart sinking. "Do you want me to leave?" Where do I go? "No, of course not!" "Then what?" Julietta looked away. She was a solid figure in my life, a different woman from the woman I vaguely remembered as my wife; memories of her as my wife were fading fast. It was as if I was seeing her in a different mode. Her finely chiseled Italian features, the dark hair with the hints of grey. I was seeing her differently than I had, as Robert, ever seen her. "I don't know either," she said, sadly smiling at me. "You burst into my life and I just don't know." "I don't want to go away, Julietta," I said softly, head lowered and afraid. "I want to stay with you." "Why?" It was firmly asked and a good question which I struggled to answer. "I trust you," I whispered. "I need you to guide me. I think I would have killed myself without your love and understanding. I am dependent on you." "Really?" Her eyes were glistening and so were mine. "Yes." "I have arranged something," Julietta said calmly, stirring the noodles, that night. I looked up from setting the table. "What?' "I have found a way to arrange a birth certificate and all the other stuff," she said, stirring furiously. I moved close to her, waiting. "And?" "We have to get it done urgently as I'm sure the police will be searching. It'll cost a lot, but I figure you won't care." "No, I won't, and?" "Well," she said, stirring furiously, "I was wondering how we were going to do this? What name you would want." "I thought we agreed on Pia? I like it." "I do too, but I'm talking about your last name, and maybe a middle name." I paused. "I don't know, what would make it easier for us?" "Well," Julietta said, pushing the poor noodles around, "If we were related it would..." "Sisters?" "That's an option," Julietta said, staring at the pot, hand stirring slowly. "Or you mean mother and daughter?" I interrupted. Julietta put the spoon down at last. "I don't want to be your mother," she said and suddenly laughed. "I'm not, for God's sake, but we are friends and I'm thinking the age difference will cause problems, so it seems an easy solution," she said, her voice tailing off, looking away. "I love the idea," I said with a smile and impetuously kissed her cheek. "Mum," I added cheekily and Julietta laughed. "That sounds weird," she said, but I knew she liked it. "How about Pia Julietta Rossini?" "Why?" "You're my family, I have only you." Julietta stared at me with wide eyes. "Are you sure?" I nodded and she crushed me in a huge hug. "Thank you, Pia," she whispered and I knew she had tears in her eyes. Actually, so did I. She found a way, obviously illegal, through her many connections and we had to make trip to the safety deposit box for the cash to pay for the birth certificate. "I'll wait for you here," she said, wrapping her coat around her at the entrance to the bank. "No," I said calmly. "I think my mother should come with me, otherwise it will look strange." "You want me to see, are you sure? Robert hated me knowing anything about his business." Her face was puzzled and, again, I hated Robert, hated what I had once been. "Yes, Mum," I said softly, "I trust you with everything." I stared at the birth certificate and murmured, "Pia Julietta Rossini. Hey," I said as I noticed the date, "I've just had my birthday." "I chose the date of the day you came here. Is that ok?' "Perfect." And so I had the documents that proclaimed me Pia Rossini, daughter of Julietta Rossini, father unknown, and, you know, I didn't care how much it cost. I just cared that I had a relationship with Julietta, who was the most important person in my life. Part 7 You've got the butterflies all tied up And then we went to the funeral. Robert Amati was declared dead by the court and we stood in the rain as a small casket containing the last remains was buried. I tried to remember who some of the people attending were but my memories were becoming lost very quickly. Friends and acquaintances of fifty years were now strangers and that made me a little sad for Robert. As we were walking back to the car, a young woman stared icily at Julietta and another glared at her. "Who are they?" I whispered and Julietta smiled sadly. "Robert's other wives." I stared at the two angry women as they strode away, trying to remember them, remember anything about them, but couldn't. "They seem upset?" "They're annoyed, there is a rumour Robert didn't leave them anything," Julietta said with a sideways glance at me. "He obviously didn't love them as much as he loved you," I said watching them stride to their cars and Julietta looked at me with a strange expression. I remembered James at least, or I think I did, and he was startled when he saw me in the back of the car. "My God," he said to Julietta, "is she..." "Yes," Julietta said, cutting him off, "Robert didn't know." "The resemblance is uncanny." James nodded, still staring. "Then he made the correct choice about the will. Speaking of which, the reading is tomorrow. You don't have to be there but you're welcome. Or I can send the details in a letter?" "The letter will be fine," Julietta said and we drove away from the grave of Robert Amati. The next morning, I found her reading a letter and hugged her, kissing her head. "Good morning, Mum," I said. "I like the dress." "It's nice, isn't it? "Yes," she agreed, fingering a letter. "What's that?" Julietta sighed. "A letter from James, it was delivered by courier. The rumours were correct and it appears that Robert left everything to me. I'm a millionaire." "You deserve it," I smiled. "I don't think so, it's a gift," she said with a small laugh. "A million pounds. I'll pay off the house, it'll help, we'll need it to get settled," Julietta murmured and I wondered what she meant. "You wanted me to have it?" Julietta suddenly asked, a

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First Night Out as a Sissy Pt 2 By Crystaled

So picking up where I had left off from my last published story…. I had just ventured out for the first time as sissy, determined to find a man. I went to a local sports bar dressed in in my tightest jeans and favorite panties and teased a group of guys. Was able to get one of them into my car for my first blow job ever and after swallowing his enormous load, his friends busted us before I could know the pleasure of him inside of me. After being busted (but feeling sweetly naughty) I was going...

3 years ago
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A Cipher Unencrypted

A Cipher Unencrypted A true confession, word for word I have been away. I have been lost in dreams, in dreams of you, in dreams of togetherness. Love--I do not understand it. It consumes me, abandons me, beckons me, saddens me, disappoints me, arouses me. But, then, a breakthrough: a realization. Love is an idea; it is not real. Nothing we think or feel--especially feel--is real. Only the moment is real. The now. The incident and the event are real, but only as long as they...

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Virginia or The Cryochamber

Body temperature rises in careful stages from the near absolute zero of suspension. The muscle called the heart warms enough to resume it's boring but vital beat, after the application of some voltage It only falters a couple of times before the cellular memory recalls its purpose. Organs long inert once again recall their job, pouring chemicals through the body, triggering hormonal responses and brain activity. Microscopic robots begin the task of repairing the inevitable cellular wall...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 44 Jamies Cryin

Outside on Lynette’s Driveway 8:07am, Saturday, March 10, 1979 “Good morning, Ms. Lynette. May I take your gym bag for you?” Jason, the Labatt’s chauffeur asked as he watched the sixteen-year-old blonde bounce down the drive towards the black limousine. “For a Saturday morning, ‘You look mahvelous!’” he added in his best Billy Crystal voice as Lynette, in a tight white t-shirt, scurried past him around the front of the long black car. “Why, thank yoo, kind seh,” I heard Lynette reply in...

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The War of the CrystalsChapter 16 Crystals

It was well after midnight when Jack felt himself stir awake. Sharley had done a magnificent job of wearing him out, and the bed was in the same wrecked condition they had left it that afternoon. She was now sleeping deeply, her nightie a thing of the past, and had collapsed finally in utter orgasmic bliss. Jack had slept soundly for a few hours but had woken shortly before two. “I seem to be sleeping less,” he commented. “Yes, Lord, that is to be expected. Your mental powers are continuing...

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The Tainted Crystals

The numbness begins to fade and you slowly become aware of you cheek, resting on a scratchy surface. You body feels hot and warm but your feet and legs feel cold. You hear what sounds like waves lapping at a shore. You open your eyes and are blinded by the sun in your face. "Ah..." you squint as your eyes struggle to adjust. You sit up slowly, looking around you in confusion. You're on the shore of a great body of water. The sky is light blue with a few small clouds lazily moving by in the...

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Annies Rania Crystals

It was very late in the office in the Finacial District, and Annie, an experienced manager, was in a closed conference room on a video call. She was not working though, but connecting with her also busy husband undressing for him from her upscale office clothes. They worked in different countries, both stayed late, and this was one of the ways to entertain one another. Several days ago, he was telling her a story, and she was wildly pleasuring herself to it. Today, Annie was feeling like making...

Wife Lovers
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Big Girls Don’t Cry It’s been said that they grow them bigger in the country. Well, I don’t know if that’s really true or not. What I do know is that, at 17, I’m what some folks call a big ‘strapping’ boy. My six foot tall frame easily carries my 180 pound body which is made up of solid, muscular tissue and bone. I’m strong, healthy, and full of masculine virility. As to virility, well, one of my past girlfriends once said, “Goddamnit Jess, you’re ‘hung like a horse’!” Of...

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The idea of actually doing it was set in motion when I found stories about women having sex with animals on the Internet. I was intrigued by these stories and after some time , I knew that I was going to do it myself. The idea wasn't something that occurred overnight, I was interested before I read the stories. Why? One reason was that the act was forbidden by society which made it very appealing to me- to do something so far out of the norm was sexually exciting. But the real...

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EverywhenChapter 2

[Sunday, July 5th, 2020] Right now, I wanted to play with gambling with this ability for a little while, so I jumped back into the tunnel. Once again I was in the tunnel, facing another end section. The scene on the wall showing my monitor, keyboard, and mouse sitting upon my desk. I figured this would be a good way to leave it as I would probably be back at some point. I headed back down the tunnel to the intersection and considered going back in time to the last time I was in Vegas....

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EverywhenChapter 3

But being an 18 year old me? Now that has some serious potential. In my base timeline, when I was 18 years old (1986) I had just finished up my senior year of High School and I was facing the prospect of finding a job. After graduation, my Mom informed me that I was not going to screw off all summer and she needed me to hit the pavement looking for full-time work. I parlayed a couple of weeks in a trade school machine shop into a job working at a mill and operating a turret lathe at a...

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EverywhenChapter 4

[Friday, June 20th, 1986] Up in my room, I started with setting the box on my bed and pulling things out. I liked a few of the shirts she had in there, so it was good to see them again. I had no interest in the stuffed animals, but maybe Anne would like them. There were a few crystal animals in there, they would probably go to Anne too. One of them did not look familiar to me, hell, it probably came from some other guy. That’s kinda funny actually. I can’t be certain it wasn’t from me, but...

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EverywhenChapter 5

[Saturday, June 21st, 1986] I awoke to the sounds of our next-door neighbors pulling their truck out of the driveway. It was a big Ford F-350 diesel with dual rear wheels and he had a camping trailer hooked up to the rear bumper. His wife was loudly playing spotter for him, and apparently she was making absolutely sure that they took out their mailbox as they pulled out. Much cursing and blame throwing was involved. They were both assholes about it if you asked me. With the windows open it...

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EverywhenChapter 6

[Saturday, June 21st, 1986] As we started up the stairs I warned Kim that my room was in the attic and that there was no A/C up there. I also told her, “We probably should have brought some water to help us avoid heatstroke.” Sadly, I wasn’t kidding much. It gets damn hot up there during a summer day. When we got there she said, “Nice room, but you weren’t kidding, wow it’s hot. We better do this quickly.” She asked me to pull out any clothes I had in dresser drawers that weren’t socks or...

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EverywhenChapter 7

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] I woke up and looked over at the alarm clock on my nightstand. It showed 07:55 am. I climbed out of the waterbed and stretched. I was enjoying having this 18-year-old body again. I was still way too thin at this point in my life. I remember my first Military ID showed my weight at 135 pounds. Which was about 10 pounds less than normal for me at the time. Sure, I was a bit of a beanpole, but not quite that bad. I figure all the exercise in basic made me lose more...

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EverywhenChapter 8

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] I met Sam back at the table with his lunch. I offered him a choice, “Sweet tea, or Coke?” He opted for the Coke. We shared a side of the picnic table with a comfortable space between us as neither of us wanted to lose the best views. I opened a bag of potato chips and started my questions with, “Well, I guess there is no sense tiptoeing around. Feel free not to answer any questions you feel are too personal and I won’t hold it against you. The personal ones are...

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EverywhenChapter 9

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] Sam sat there staring at either me or the ticket for a good 5 minutes. Eventually, he shook his head and said, “John, my temper can get a little out of hand sometimes. Normally, someone trying to give me a handout would piss me right off, but you’ve managed to kinda blow my mind here. I don’t know if I can make you understand, but I’ll try to explain.” “You see, I need to live my life by certain rules. I won’t lie. I won’t steal. I will earn my keep. That’s it,...

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EverywhenChapter 10

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] Sam and I pulled back into the parking lot at about 6:45 pm. I briefly considered using the valet parking, but as much as I loved my old 626, it would have been embarrassing to pull up behind the Jaguar and Mercedes crowd. Sam and I headed to the valet area anyway and our passes quickly gained us access to the stairwell. When we got to the Lounge we found only about 40 people in the whole place. We didn’t exactly fit in, but it wasn’t the Red Carpet event I half...

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EverywhenChapter 11

[Wednesday, June 25th, 1986] I woke around 6 am and made it into the shower without running into anyone, as I would expect for the time. After getting dressed, I headed to the kitchen and was in the mood to make some breakfast. I had come across a jar of instant coffee the other day and decided to go for it. We were going to have to get a coffee machine soon. This instant coffee stuff was going to be horrible. I put the kettle on the stove to work and started rummaging for food ideas. Two...

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EverywhenChapter 12

[Wednesday, June 25th, 1986] The next thing we knew, the front door was opening, and my mom was home. Fortunately, she spent a little time putting groceries away in the kitchen and pantry. Kim and I had time to get our shirts buttoned up again. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, smashing the volume button and hoping it wouldn’t be deafening when it came on. It wasn’t, and I flipped through the channels until I came to MTV and slowly increased the volume. One video was just...

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EverywhenChapter 13

[Thursday, June 26th, 1986] When I woke up, the alarm clock told me it was nearly 8 am. In case I ran into anyone to or from the shower, I donned a pair of shorts from the laundry hamper to cover myself. I should get myself a decent robe for that. The bathroom was surprisingly free. I took my shower and headed back upstairs to change for the day, carrying my shorts and wrapped in just a towel. I dressed in jeans and one of my new polo shirts. I liked my new wardrobe a lot better than the...

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EverywhenChapter 14

[Saturday, June 21st, 1986] I awoke to the sounds of our next-door neighbors pulling their truck out of the driveway. Damn-it, I forgot about them. I wondered if I could help them out. Let’s find out. I jumped into the tunnel. If the time between sections were roughly two seconds, then that would be 30 sections per minute. 300 sections would be ten minutes. I started moving quickly, but still slow enough to count individual sections. I stopped somewhere after 500 sections. And tried to...

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EverywhenChapter 15

[Sunday, June 22nd, 1986] I woke again to the sunlight coming through the window. Looking at the alarm clock showed me it was almost 7 am. I got up and took my morning shower. After getting dressed for the day, I headed out to the car and made my way to the nearby diner. While I drank the coffee that Carol had poured for me, I considered the menu. Carol soon came back and asked, “So what can I get for you this morning?” I replied, “I think I’ll go with a short stack of pancakes and a side...

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EverywhenChapter 16

[Monday, June 23nd, 1986] I got to Kim’s house right after 7 am, as requested. She had made french toast for all of us. Her mom was still in a nice comfortable robe, but her dad was dressed in a suit for the office where he worked. We all enjoyed the food, and Kim and I left for the mall right after her dad headed out for the day. Our day of shopping went very similarly to the first time, with a couple of notable changes. Kim modeled almost a dozen dresses for me. After she decided on the...

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EverywhenChapter 17

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] I woke up and found the Sun shining in my eyes. Looking over to the alarm clock, I saw I had slept in a bit this morning. It was nearly 8 am. I quickly got showered and dressed for the day, but I took special care to shave well and apply a little cologne. I wanted to look nice, and I opted for khakis and a light blue polo. The penny loafers we had purchased went well with them. I grabbed my backpack and headed out to the car. I headed to the diner and grabbed the...

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EverywhenChapter 18

[Wednesday, June 25th, 1986] I woke up to a heavenly sensation. Kim had decided to start her day with a little more practice. I could only applaud her dedication. There was more than enough light in the room to see that Kim had crawled under the covers, and the alarm clock on the nightstand showed it was just after 8:00 am. We were up pretty late last night. I’m not surprised I had slept in a bit later than my norm. I said, “Well, good morning to you too.” I heard and felt what I could...

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EverywhenChapter 19

[Thursday, June 26th, 1986] I opened my eyes and found myself looking at another pair of eyes from about a foot away. I blinked a couple of times to clear the sleepiness away, and Kim smiled at me. I said, “Good morning, my love. How did you sleep?” She grinned and said, “Other than that very friendly wake-up call at 2 am, I slept fine. Why don’t you go use the bathroom then come back out here so I can thank you again for that. I enjoyed it very much.” I said, “Yes, ma’am. I’ll be right...

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EverywhenChapter 20

[Saturday, June 28th, 1986] Kim and I made it to the kitchen just a few minutes before Amanda and Rob joined us. If the smile on Amanda’s face was any indication, we weren’t the only ones in the house who had a little fun this morning. Kim had just started the Coffee going, and I was looking in the fridge for breakfast ideas. I noticed a pound of breakfast sausage and a nearly full carton of milk in the fridge, so I offered to make biscuits and gravy. Everyone liked that idea, so I got to...

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At first glance, you might think that WHentai is just like any other hentai-image website out there, but there is a lot you probably do not know. Do not worry, because I am an expert when it comes to hentai and manga, and I will explain all the necessary shit you need to know when it comes to this place.Now the first thing I will mention is that whentai.com has created a game called Fap Titans, so check it out if you want, I could not have been bothered. The reason why I mentioned this first,...

Hentai Porn Sites
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The Girl Who Wouldnt Cry

VIGNETTE: THE GIRL WHO WOULDN'T CRY By C So far, it had been a pretty easy week for Sly Foxx. His assignment: bringdown a gang of Full-Bodied Land-Fays who'd infested the woods and fields ofSnootley-under-Throckmorton. These bad girls had devoured produce, drainedthe blood of livestock, and driven the occasional farming family to madnessand death. But their fun was now over: for one by one, Sly had bagged themall. They were big and strong, but they had a weakness: the extreme tendernessof...

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Eagles Cry

Eagle's Cry *** This is my first attempt at a western genre TG story. I wrote it to stretch my comfort zone and hopefully improve my overall writing. This story contains no graphic sex, but does contain a rape scene and thus I rated the story X. This is my twenty-fifth story submission to fictionmania. I love writing but what keeps me writing are your reviews and comments. Please consider reviewing this story. I hope you enjoy it. *** The sun scorched the high desert heating...

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Song Cry

Song Cry By Starson Daly "Everything's going to be taken care of, trust me." Everything is going to be fine, he says. I wish I could truly believe him. Throughout this entire ordeal, Thomas had been so comforting and understanding. Even though it was so close to ending, I felt that it was only another step towards the impossible. I looked over to him nervously and tired to manage a weak smile. I honestly wanted him to think that I believed in him, and I suppose in some ways...

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Why Mothers Cry

'Ello, Alex=), again. This time I'm going to do an incest since I was told so many times not to in my last story. Aren't I just the worst =] Another difference is that I'm going to put this in a boy's point of view. By how well I do this, I'd like to bring the question up again. Am I a boy or a girl? =) No offense to mothers, it's just a story =} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My...

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Jennas Turn To Cry

Introduction: Sequal to The Neighborly Thing To Do!, Now its Jennas Turn To Cry. The Neighborly Thing To Do! The Sequal Jennas Turn To Cry Story: #44 Copyright 2009 Written: March 22 2009 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** At 6pm Jessica could be smelled all over the neighborhood by this time she was dead and almost ready to be served, Ok we need to get the pig moved over to...

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This tale is an ADULT experience. It contains strong sexual content that is not at all suitable for minors.-------------------CRYSTAL.-------------------WrittenbyMiss Irene Clearmont.This story can be read separately, or be regarded as a continuation of ?Phoenix Rising?. Be aware that there are spoilers here for ?Phoenix Rising? and that you may wish, therefore, to read that story before you tuck into this one?As you wish, it?s your experience not mine?Copyright ? 2012 (Feb) Miss Irene...

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I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....

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I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....

1 year ago
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*** This tale is an ADULT experience. It contains strong sexual content that is not at all suitable for minors. *** This story can be read separately, or be regarded as a continuation of ‘Phoenix Rising’. Be aware that there are spoilers here for ‘Phoenix Rising’ and that you may wish, therefore, to read that story before you tuck into this one… As you wish, it’s your experience not mine… *** CHAPTERS. CRYSTAL A job with prospects. CRACKED CRYSTAL A service with no prospects. LEAD CRYSTAL The...

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Broken Crystal

Broken Crystalby AbeCrystal left her job at King Softy about nine.  It was a pretty good job, serving soft ice cream, hamburgers, and shakes.  In the winter, the owner closed the place and went to Florida.  It was late summer, still light , still warm.  Crystal was a brown-eyed, dark roots blonde, pretty sexy looking, she thought.  She wore her thrift store shoes, short white shorts, and her King  Softy tee-shirt, which nicely showed off her boobs.  Her fancy Frederick's bra was, she thought, a...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 41 Getting Reacquainted with Crystal

Since we were both still mostly clean, Crystal pulled me into the bathroom to hunt for deodorant. I was reminded that I was not supposed to talk to girls about sweating and that included under the arms. She was very stern about it. Once she found what she wanted, she told me that it was ok to talk to her about questions on etiquette around girl's hygiene, periods, and stuff. There is a whole lot that girls can talk over in front of boys, but boys can't ask girls about. "Just so you know...

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Jennas Turn To Cry

The Sequal Jenna's Turn To Cry Story: #44 Copyright ©2009 Written: March 22 2009 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** At 6pm Jessica could be smelled all over the neighborhood by this time she was dead and almost ready to be served, "Ok we need to get the pig moved over to the prep frame now" Susan said as she picked up a large...

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shelf and retrieved the video I was interested in. Her skirt barely hid her pronounced buttocks, and the slight smell of sexual excitement was in the air. seemingly, we were the only ones in the store at that time. "This video is hot, hot, hot," she said as she turned and bumped into me suddenly. Slightly flushed, I could tell her temperature was rising as we headed toward the checkout stand. I could hear the heavy "Swish" of her wetness as she walked toward the counter. "My husband and I...

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Dark Crystal

The Dark Crystal (revised and updated) by Olivia Evans "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C. Clarke The Dark Crystal? is a key major component of the standard survival kit of a starship. Intended to be used by shipwrecked survivors to make modifications to their bodies in order to survive in otherwise hostile and deadly. Depending on the environment some changes are merely cosmetic and minor, others involve complete restructuring down...

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The ExtraChapter 9 Crystal

CRYSTAL HAD BEEN frantic trying to find Sierra, as the infuriating girl would not pick up or switch on her cell. It was clear from what clothes she’d packed, and the way she left the drawers and wardrobes open and hangers scattered on the floor of her bedroom, that she was gone and not just overnight. Ordinarily, a mother would assume she was staying with friends, but knowing how Sierra reacted yesterday to her Mom’s confession about the lies she told about her father that, wherever Walker...

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Amity 3 TempestChapter 17 Crystals

The sextet had a busy time ahead. They spent most of the first week just sorting out who was to do what to get the girls set up. Aaden was a huge help as he outlined what was required and how Lord Storm ran his presses and printing shops. One of the first things they decided to do was fix the road between the two cities, as it needed some serious work. Keven’s City, Rockville, was also on the coastline. The road from Greco her city was severely rutted and had to cross several low-lying...

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Creating Crystal

Creating Crystal I Jennifer and I met when we were both in college. She was in the pre-med program specializing in Psychology and I was studying finance. We just seemed to be made for each other. We had the same likes and dislikes in everything from friends and food to ideology and lifestyles. We both enjoyed the outdoors and were kind of fitness nuts. We were married shortly after I graduated and had landed a job in investment banking. Jennifer still had three more years of school...

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Dead Girls Dont Cry

Dead Girls Don't Cry All Souls Day 2008 Story Contest By Maggie Finson All Souls Day kind of sneaked up on Walt Hynes. With a soft, but insistent knocking at his front door at three AM. Turning over in his bed, unhappily without a partner, Walt groaned, stared at the bedside alarm clock and winced as the knocking at the front door got not only louder, but even more demanding. "All...

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SRU Big Girls Dont Cry

SRU: Big Girls Don't Cry By Heather St. Claire It was a beautiful late spring day when the SRU store appeared at the Twin Pines Mall. The Wizard felt a sense of delightful anticipation as he awaited his first customer of the day. All the years, he thought, all the years I've been at this, and there's always something new. The Wizard's back was turned at the moment George walked through the door. All he heard was the tinkling of the little bell, but he offered a cheery, "Hello,...

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The Dark Crystal

"The Dark Crystal" by Olivia Evans Chapter one: "Oh, God that feels so good..." the beautiful young woman moaned as she felt the surprisingly hot, thick shaft slowly enter her. She opened her eyes in the dimly lit room to look at her partner, trying to imagine the face of the current video star on the blank, mask like face of the android which had just so exquisitely penetrated her. The Surrogate Sex Partner...

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Azure and Crimson Magical Girls of Light Season 1Episode 2 The Purple Crystal

Gertrude Müller never gave much credence to rumors that floated around. The teens in Darmfurt were so encumbered by a lack of hardship and trouble, that their exaggerations far exceeded the bounds of believability. Like they said on the news, there’d been some kind of incendiary device at the school which blew up a few cars. That was plenty enough to be concerned about, she didn’t see any reason why they’d go on to say there were some super soldiers fighting a monster. More than that, what...

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The Blue Crystal

The Blue Crystal ___________________ This is my first story, so please be gentle. This is the story of a blue crystal that grants 2 wishes that can be undone if you do not like the results. Sounds perfect, right? Not so fast... ___________________ I loved my former girlfriend. Well, I guess I still do, but she just isn't my girlfriend anymore. Now, we're just really good friends, and I guess I am okay with that, all things considered. On a scale of 1-10 Missy would have been...

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SAD LAD & DAD After school the next day, Jeff goes straight to Sean’s house. “I thought you would be showing up soon.” “I see. You’re in your bikini already.” As they frolic in the pool Sean tells Jeff that Roxanne had called. “Oh, is she coming over to swim topless with us.” “Ha. Ha.” “Well, we’re topless too.” “Ha. Ha. Ha.” “So did she bare all at Black’s Beach?” “No. Jeff, when you saw her turn around, she went back to put her top back on.” “Why are you so...

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Can dreams come true The dream crystal

Can dreams come true? (The dream crystal) A man has dreams of being female, which become more and more realistic, with the help of the dream crystal. (If this seems a bit rough, it is because some of dreams are based on actual dreams I have had; p.s. it is only "autobiographical" in that sense.) --------------- I can't remember the exact details, but I am running in a forest and playing. Gradually I become aware that I am wearing a dress. A blue and white, frilly dress, with...

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Chasing Dove Chapter two

Introduction: I apologize if you thought it was boring and i find it funny that someone mentioned there not being a plot, I hadnt realized there was one plot in one chapter instead of the whole story building and developing. What type of books do you read? Are you fucking kidding me? Dove you know Im allergic to cats. Dove held the cat protectively against her chest. You know Im allergic to cats, Carter pointed at Hunter, who shrugged and looked amused. You arent even here most of the time,...

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Hawk A Dove Ch 02

(A special thanks to Mystic-Arrival, not just for editing but for putting her special touch in this story. Thanks a million S~) Gray Hawk and Little Dove lay under the sparse shade of the thin tree in the meadow of knee high grass and wild flowers. The distant snow capped mountains offered no coolness to the sun’s warmth as it rose. Lying there together wrapped in each other on their day of joining, their skin became sticky and tacky against each other as the warmth grew between them. Little...

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Cracking Crystal

CRACKING CRYSTAL! Chapter 1 – Arrogance Rewarded. By Anne Gray She was an arrogant, supercilious, stuck up, snarky bitch and it was timeto take her down a peg or two; it would be my pleasure to do it. Only in her mid twenties, and a dream to look at, she had an attitude thatnot even a mother could love. She stared down her nose at people like theywere something she had found on the sole of one of the high-heeled strappysandals she favoured. Her answer to everything was the platinum no limit...

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