Phoenix Ch 08 free porn video

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“Well,” the ranger said, “the original owner was a movie mogul who had it built some fifty years ago. The last owner had it donated to the Forestry Service upon his death. I was lucky enough to be assigned to it a few years back.”

“You’re really lucky!” Frank replied. “This place looks like the Ponderosa!”

“The what?” the ranger asked. “Oh, I think I know what you mean.”

He shook his head. He didn’t have a clue what the female’s companion meant, but he was just a thrall. He didn’t matter. The Arian female was much more interesting – especially the way she completely ignored the charcoal burns she’d made on her stomach earlier that morning.

He invited them all in, including their prisoner, then made excuses to go upstairs to call a deputy sheriff from the radio room.

“What am I being charged with?” the man asked, pretending innocence.

“Assault with a deadly weapon,” the ranger replied, “manslaughter, kidnapping… Your choice.”

“I didn’t have the gun,” the man whined, “and that filthy slag killed…” He stopped as the filthy slag took a menacing step toward him.

“I’m certain that all those petty details can be sorted out later,” the ranger replied candidly. “In the meantime, I can offer you two a drink, perhaps?”

“You can offer me a bath,” Tanya replied. “I’m covered with Deet, charcoal, and…” She shrugged her shoulders and looked at their host.

“Oh, of course! How thoughtless of me,” the ranger replied. “The bathroom is right through here.”

He guided the aromatic young blonde through his living room and toward a doorway, noticing that her burn marks beneath her tied-off t-shirt were completely healed. He had expected they would be. “Everything you need is in there, My Lady, and I am at your complete disposal. You need only call out.”

“What should I call out?” Tanya replied, standing half in and half out of the doorway. “Rape? Murder? Your name, perhaps?”

The ranger laughed. “Of course. I haven’t told you my name.” He hesitated for a moment as though deciding what to call himself now. “It’s Tommy. Tommy Torque.”

“Thank you, Mister… Torque,” Tanya replied, smiling. “I appreciate your hospitality.” With one last uneasy glance at her husband, she disappeared through the doorway. The room immediately smelled fresher.

“She’ll probably need some fresh clothes,” Frank suggested. “I’ll take her some from her backpack.”

“No need,” Tommy the Ranger replied. “This house is well supplied with clothing. She’ll find something suitable in the dressing room, I’m certain.”

“Well, you certainly are nothing if not accommodating,” Frank said. “How do you afford all this on a Ranger’s salary?”

Tommy smiled as he prepared drinks. “The house, of course, belongs to the state. Most of the furnishings were left behind by the last owner, as was the clothing. In addition, campers always leave things behind when they depart.”

'I bet they do,' Frank thought to himself, 'especially if they depart on the end of a stake…'

He’d caught Tanya’s look – her warning for him to be careful – as she disappeared into the bathroom. He politely held out his hand to accept the drink offered by his host.

“Do I get anything?” the thug asked from his sitting position on the couch.

“Would you like some water?” Tommy asked, smiling coldly. Without waiting for an answer, he drew a glass directly from the tap and offered it to the prisoner – no filters, no ice, though the glass was clean.

“If you’ll excuse me,” Tommy asked, ever the gentleman, “I must return to the radio room for a moment.” Frank nodded and the ranger left.

There was no sound other than the shower turning on at the far end of the house. Tanya was finally getting the chance to wash off the last few hours of their outdoor adventure. Frank smiled as he recalled watching his ‘slave’ play with the hot charcoal stick. Her body had writhed sensually when those sparkling red embers dripped down from the stick and hotly bounced across her flesh. If they had been alone, he would have raped her right then. He wondered if he could get her to do that again. His hard-on throbbed just with him thinking about that.

“You know,” the stranger on the couch said, interrupted Frank’s daydreams. “You could jus’ lemme go, you could.” He looked as though he was ready to leap up and bolt for the door.

“Yes, I could,” Frank replied, smiling coldly. “I would enjoy nothing more than giving you a two-minute head start then hunting you down in cold blood. I’d let her…” he indicated the distant bathroom… “take you down. She likes to kill with her hands.”

The man looked more frightened, and sat back, evidently deciding not to run for it after all. He remembered how fast his partner had gone from living to stone cold dead the instant that evil skank touched him.

Frank smiled, more friendly now and glad that his bluff had worked. He hadn’t wanted a struggle and he would have had one if the prisoner made a break for it. A moment later, Tommy the Ranger reappeared. He was carrying two rifles.

“Oh,” he said, seeming surprised and perhaps a little disappointed to see the man still sitting on the couch,” You’re still here. I was hoping perhaps you would provide us with some entertainment.”

“What?” the man exclaimed, definitely frightened now. “You WANT me to run?”

Tommy smiled toothily. “It occurred to me that you might. That’s why I brought these down.” He hung the two rifles on the wall.

Frank noted that the bolts were drawn on each, and there was already a cartridge in each bolthole. Depending on how good Tommy the Ranger was, he could possibly get two well-aimed shots off in less than three seconds, even though each rifle was a single-shot weapon.

“Your choice of weapons appears to be exquisite,” Frank said admirably. “May I look at them?”

“Of course, sir,” Tommy said, half bowing. “Be my guest.”

Frank lifted one off the wall peg where it was hanging and inspected it carefully. It was a well-made rifle, and except for some exquisite carving on the stock, there were no identifying marks on it. It had a Kerns sight on it, so it could be of Swiss manufacture. He simply didn’t know that much about rifles. But, the one he was holding was at least a hundred years old.

“This seems very well made,” Frank conjectured. “Is it Swiss?”

Tommy smiled, “Yes. It’s a Schmidt-Rubin – made around the turn of the century, I believe, although it could have been made much more recently, perhaps as recently as the 1930’s.”

“I think perhaps your original estimate may be more correct,” Frank said, guessing wildly. “The more recent models were equipped with magazines. The war, you know.”

“Perhaps,” Tommy said. He smiled and gently took the weapon back and returned it to its peg on the wall. “It’s not important. Would you care for another drink?"

“Hum? Oh, uh, no,” Frank replied. “Thank you.” He had poured most of the last one down the sink as soon as the ranger had gone back upstairs.

The shower had turned off, so Tanya should be coming out soon. He was surprised how anxious he was to have her safely by his side again. Was he worried about her, or did he feel safer when they were together? He smiled to himself, wondering which truth was more correct.

“She should be rejoining us, soon,” the ranger interjected, noticing Frank’s unease.

The sound of an approaching helicopter became evident now that the shower was off. In another moment, it was very loud.

“Your ride is here,” Tommy said to their captive, indicating that he should get up, now. Guiding him to the door, they both went through.

Frank headed back toward the bathroom and Tanya as soon as his host was out the door.

“Tanya?” he called out.

“Back here,” Tanya replied.

She grinned in relief when she saw him. He grinned and hugged her damp body against his.

Tanya sniffed at him. “You’re the one who smells now,” she said, then laughed. “Look at all these clothes. I could dress like a queen with these exquisite gowns.”

“Well,” Frank murmured. “There goes my theory that campers left this stuff behind. Perhaps our host is telling the truth – the last owner left the house and its contents to the Forest Rangers. He suggested that you could wear one of these outfits to dinner.”

“Hmm,” Tanya smiled. “A formal dinner in the middle of nowhere. Sounds like… a bad plot for a screamer. ‘The House on Haunted Hill’ comes to mind…”

“I know what you mean,” Frank replied, laughing. “That guy gives me goosebumps.”

“Well, he’s obviously not from around here,” Tanya replied. “But half the people we’ve met today were from somewhere else – that Brit we took prisoner, for instance.”

“How could you tell he was British,” Frank asked. “I didn’t notice an accent.”

“ ‘Slag’ is metal that’s been heated so much that it’s worthless for recycling,” Tanya informed him. “It’s usually found in bombed out buildings that contain steel girders. There haven’t been that many gutted buildings in the U.S. for the term to become popular here. Overseas, the word has recently become popular for describing girls who are so loose and well used that you can’t feel when you’re inside them. It’s very insulting.”

“Well,” Frank replied, grinning, “I hit him in the head with a rock. Did that make you feel better?”

“Yes,” Tanya said, then kissed him lightly on the cheek. “Immensely. Which do you like better, the red one, or the black one with the silver?” She held up two beautiful gowns, both very sheer.

“The black-and-silver will accent your hair,” Frank said, smiling as he envisioned her ample breasts and curvy waist filling out the transparent material.

“Black and silver it is, then” Tanya exclaimed, then shoved him toward the bathroom door. “Your turn, darling. You stink.”

Frank laughed, then started undressing.

Tommy the Ranger came back in from getting rid of his prisoner and found the living room empty. He searched long enough to discover that his two guests were both in the bath-dressing room area, then proceeded to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

“Oh, Honey,” Tanya cried out, softly but sympathetically. “How long have you had to suffer with this?”

She was gazing at Frank’s hard-on. He grinned at her, loving the little role playing games she indulged in.

“Since you almost shoved that burning stick up in your pussy,” Frank murmured. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Liked that, did you?” Tanya grinned. “Good! It gives me some ideas for the future… In the meantime, why don’t you let Nurse Tanya take care of that terrible swelling? I’m sure that we can…”

Frank interrupted by pulling his wife against his body and kissing her passionately. Before she could do anything more, he had her back against the wall and his cock buried deep in her hot, willing pussy.

“Tell me what it felt like,” he hoarsely whispered into her ear.

“That felt great,” Tanya whispered back. “I love the way you stretch me when you ram it in like that all at one time; especially when I'm really horny!”

She sighed to emphasize her words as he began stroking in and out of her with his marvelous, hard cock. She felt confused when she heard him chuckle, seeming to laugh at what she just told him.

“I’m glad you like that,” Frank replied softly. “But I want to know what playing with that fire stick felt like…”

Tanya growled, feeling Frank’s cock throb as he spoke. That silly fire stick must have really turned him on. That realization opened up all sorts of future possibilities for expanding their sex play.

“Well,” she whispered, “the heat from the fire was hotter than I expected when I held my hand out. My heart was racing, wondering what you were going to command me to do. I was thinking that maybe you would make me straddle the campfire or something. That would have been exciting.”

She groaned as she felt Frank’s cock throb inside her wet, tight cunt again. He was very close to spewing his cum up inside her and was breathing very slow and steady, trying to control himself. She knew he wanted to hear the rest of her story before he came.

“I felt relieved and disappointed at the same time,” she continued, “when you told me to pick up that stick.”

“Why were you disappointed?” Frank wanted to know.

“I wanted to do something fantastic for you – maybe scorch my cunt over the campfire, then have you men gang-rape me or something…” she hesitated as she felt that now familiar throb between her legs as Frank’s cock jumped again inside her.

'God! This is really revving his engines! I had no idea…'

“What did it feel like when those hot embers dropped on your stomach?” Frank asked, his voice shaking with desire.

“About like you’d expect,” murmured Tanya. “They were a lot hotter than matches, and I couldn’t blow them out. All those little sparks of pain set my pussy on fire! I was almost sorry that he gave up that gun so soon. I would have let him fuck me with it!”

That was all it took. Frank’s cock started spasming, spewing load after load of silky slick cum up inside her hot, tight pussy. Tanya arched her back against Frank’s almost painfully tightening grip around her as her own orgasm started.

Frank hugged Tanya tightly as her pussy quivered and her entire body went tight – every muscle quivering intensely, then she relaxed in his arms as the dam broke between her legs, letting the cum run down and out of that hot tunnel of sensation. He felt his cock respond to her quivering pussy with one last feeble spurt.

“Oh my god,” he panted as he kissed and nipped at her cheek and neck afterward. “You are the most… incredible woman…” Their lips met and held together for a few seconds before she broke away.

“God, I needed that,” Tanya gasped, then pushed him away. “Shower!”

Frank grinned, then stepped, somewhat wobbly-legged, into the shower and turned it on. He was almost finished when she squeezed in next to him and took the showerhead away from him.

“I need this for just a minute,” she explained, shoving the spray unit between her legs and cleaning away the mess they’d made a few minutes earlier. Then she was gone and he had the shower to himself once again.

“Come back,” he called out, not too loudly. “We can play with the showerhead.” He sighed as he realized she was ignoring his hopeful request. Maybe she hadn’t heard him.

Two hours later, Frank, Tanya and Tommy the Ranger were seated around a dining table with rather simple fare – roast venison and some unusual but very colorful, half-cooked vegetables.

“I must apologize in advance for the meal,” Tommy announced. “I wasn’t expecting company.”

Tanya sat in a stunning black gown with silver threads running through and creating a flower design over her breasts. The material was barely thick enough to hide her nipples. In other places, the material was stretched so that her smooth skin was easily visible behind the fabric – the fabric seeming to add an extra dimension of depth to her voluptuousness.

In addition, her golden hair, freshly washed, flowed out over her shoulders; each hair defined and made more delicately radiant resting on the dark fabric covering her smooth shoulders and back.

Frank was wearing a tux that he’d found in the bedroom. Tommy had set the table, then quickly changed into a rather old-fashioned formal costume that reminded Frank and Tanya of old European royalty – a dark material with plenty of silky frills around the wrists and in front.

“This is certainly better that the fare we could have prepared over an open campfire,” Frank murmured, his mouth watering at the sight and smell of that hank of deer leg that had to have been smoking for at least a couple of days.

‘I’m glad you approve,” Tommy said. “A toast…” He raised his glass.

Frank and Tanya stood, raising their glasses, as well.

“Here is to your ethereal and hopefully eternal beauty, my Lady,” Tommy said, then held his glass out to be touched by the others.

“One always hopes to live forever, your Grace,” Tanya said tentatively. She smiled very slightly at the intense stare Tommy gave her when she’d named him royalty.

“Here’s to our host,” Frank interrupted. “May you live a long and productive life.”

He held his glass up. Tanya met him, but Tommy did not. He smiled, instead, and said, “I do not believe in drinking to one’s own health and productivity, sir, although I accept your good wishes. Instead, I would suggest we partake of this meager fare before it cools so much as to jell on our tongues.”

“I’ll eat to that,” Frank jested, trying not to be scared to death of their strange host.

They each allowed Tommy to cut portions for them. Frank didn’t complain when Tanya seemed to receive almost half again as much meat as he did, realizing that perhaps their host recognized who the true carnivore was between the two of them. Besides, he had plenty of meat on his plate to satisfy him. He was only feeling greedy because it smelled so good.

The meal progressed smoothly in the eating of it, but in fits and starts regarding conversation. There were so many innuendoes and references to things that Frank didn’t understand that he was thoroughly confused and ended up eating in relative silence.

Tanya handled herself somewhat better, understanding that their host seemed to want her for something. But many of his comments, while she recognized them as references to events that happened hundreds of years ago, indicated that he expected her to have some first-hand knowledge of them.

“I’m sorry,” Tanya begged off one more time, “I’ve spent most of my life in the northern regions. News travels more slowly in the colder climates.”

Tommy seemed to accept her answer, but then Frank stuck his nose in.

“What’s so ‘northern’ about Montana?” he asked. “It’s not like Alaska or the North Pole…” His voice trailed off as they both looked at him with strange expressions on their faces.

“You are from Montana?” Tommy asked, sounding concerned.

“He is,” Tanya quipped, trying to maintain her cover as someone that Tommy would be interested in, rather than someone who might be hunting him. “I’m from a little further east.”

“I see,” Tommy replied. Using a silk napkin to dab at his mouth, he stood up. “Please excuse me for a moment, and I will see about dessert.”

“Oh, God!” Frank exclaimed. “I don’t think I could hold another bite!”

Tommy smiled condescendingly and nodded, then turned around and left. Frank and Tanya remained silent during that time, uncertain how much their host would hear if they began discussing him.

Their total conversation ran like:

“You think?” Frank asked quietly, nodding toward the kitchen.

Tanya nodded. “I may get up during the night.”

“Be careful…”

Then a silent kiss was blown across the table. They smiled at each other, aware of their potential danger if their host was the one who had staked out all those poor people.

The noise of a wheeled silver cart announced the return of Tommy the Ranger. Three bowls of crumbled sweet bread were set on the table. Then a creamy pudding was ladled over each. The topping was a thick, sugary sauce with a bite of whiskey mixed in. It was very tasty.

In minutes, both Frank and Tanya were asleep – Frank sliding down out of his chair sideways and Tanya gracefully bending forward and dropping her forehead onto the table. Tommy finished his dessert in peace and quiet, then proceeded to tie Frank up. He remembered the man now.

Frank had been much older – almost fifty – when he’d last seen him. Frank was the ‘friend’ who’d rescued Hethemtima before ‘Bram’ realized that she was the vampire he’d been seeking. Hethemtima, or perhaps this Arian beauty, had evidently rejuvenated him.

He was fairly certain of this Arian beauty who had played promising word games with him all during the meal. Her comportment was not that of the twenty-year-old girl she appeared to be, and it was likely that she was whom he was seeking. He decided to find out.

Reaching across the table, he picked up the carving knife and stuck it into Tanya’s limp arm. Then he pulled it out and watched, his grin widening in triumph as the wound slowly began to close. He’d found his vampire.


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aaj mai apko jo kahani sunane ja raha hu wo kahani meri badi bahan ka unke premi ke sathh kiya gaya sex ki hai. sabse pahle mai apka parichay apni badi bahan se kara du. meri didi jiski umar athais saal hai, rang to thoda gora hai lekin itni sundar hai ki dekh ke koi bhi unke sath karne ko taiyar ho jaye. mere dono dost jinka name vikram hai. yeh kahani pichhale se pahle ki hai. mai apne bahan ke saath do room ke ek flate me rahata hu. Vikram jo ki didi ka premi hai sahar me yaha aya. usi din...

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The Snow Maid 5 END

As she urinated, a niggling thought crossed her mind. There had been about her reflection. What was it?Her head snapped upright, and ten seconds later she was in her bedroom, looking in the mirror, horrified.Rather than the long, straight river of gold which had been hers since the moment she had first come into existence, her hair was fire-red, tumbling about her head in a mass of riotous curls. She looked wildly from the mirror to Bill, her hands shaking as she clawed at...

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Pretty Girl

"It's just a tube of lipstick..." This was the thought that started it all, but back then, all I wanted was to know what it was like, what it was for, but above all, how I would feel after using it. I was seven years old, and this wasn't the first time I'd ever had worn makeup of any kind, but it would be the first time my curiosity would allow me to do something like this... I was four when my mother decided to dress me up as a fairy princess or something for Halloween, and she...

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Last summer my sister-in-law Helen and her kids came to stay with us after she left my brother. We had not seen them for over a year, after my brother and I had a big fall out. Soon after that, they had moved to the US for my brother’s career and partly because of the fallout. The last year had been tough for us not seeing my little nieces and Helen. It was only my brother we did not miss. The colossal prick was so involved in his career that he made no effort to follow them or try to patch...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Briana Banks Sophia Grace My Ultimate Vip Experience

Normally strippers just want to take your money and go…but not these two. Briana and Sophia noticed Mike and Nathon While performing on stage and wanted more than what was in their wallets. These blonde hotties make the best use of the private room by not only taking their clothes off, but pulling out these lucky studs cocks and trading off fucking them. The only thing they love more than fucking men is fucking men together!! Watch as they use their juicy asses and perky, full breasts to...

3 years ago
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Do the Math

I am 32 years old. Jonathan is 18. You don't need to be an accountant to do the math. For the record, I am starting this account Sunday evening, March 1, 2015. The date the account actually begins is May 27, 2014, a Tuesday. The time was just after 11 p.m. It was the day between Jonathan's birthday, and my own. Jonathan's father is long out of the picture. I haven't seen him in almost four years. For Jonathan, it's been nearly three years. His father lives in Laramie, Wyoming, with his...

1 year ago
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Ricks RevengeChapter 19

Friday night arrived with Lisa and me preparing for her Christmas Party. Donna made sure I was freshly shaved and showered. Once again, my efforts to get Donna and Lisa into the shower with me laughed away. “You look so sexy and handsome in your dark suit,” Donna complimented, smoothing my lapel. “Lisa won’t be able to keep her hands off you,” she smiled, smelling my cologne. “I think it’ll be a quiet night for us. I know we’ve done some good flirting from time to time and she’d been quite...

2 years ago
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I own you now

Back at he table. I put two fingers in your beer then I suck them slowly while looking straight in your eyes, smiling. I put my hands on your shoulders, kissing your lips, then I whisper in your ear: "Wanna get outta here?" You smile satisfied, your self-confidence visibly increases. As we head to the exit I wonder if your ass looks the same as hot bare as it looks clothed. I'm a little too horny. We are on the back seat of a cab, heading to my place. Both of us a little dizzy and a...

4 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 10 The Hermaphrodites Passion

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Ten: The Hermaphrodite's Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Twenty-Eight: Inspiring Naughty Art Sven Falk – The Forest of Lhes, The Strifelands of Zeutch Nathalie's sweet mouth felt wonderful as she sucked my cock clean of Aingeal's pussy juices, her pigtails spilling over my thighs. I groaned, the pleasure racing up and down my dick as I glanced over at the aoi si. Her cock...

2 years ago
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Mother may I part 1

Introduction:Three brothers discuss r****g their mom, and fuck eachother in the processDisclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not condone **** or i****t. This is a fantasy and nothing more. Parts II and III will be out later this week."So? What? You fucking got me in trouble in third period by texting me you douche!" Jacob stormed in, throwing his basketball at me full force before throwing himself down hard on my bed and covering his head with a pillow. "Wait for it." I said, swatting the...

1 year ago
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Camp Boring

Story is done is FP PoV. Follows a Femboy and has a lot of flirting and some oral in it. I watched my mom and my step dad drive away with a feeling that was a mix of excitement and abandonment. This was going to be my first time at a Summer Camp, which was what was making me feel so excited right now. But at the same time I was really going to miss my step dad’s attentions he’d been showing me for a last month or so. I mean, I was really going to miss that! And of course Brad wasn’t going to...

1 year ago
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The Orion Legacy

Lance Bauer had one thing that made his life worth living. He hated his job. He hated the apartment he lived in. He hated his next door neighbor. She was smoking hot with big tits and a huge ass. He especially hated her kid. An entitled high school brat that was probably going to be as gorgeous and hot as her mom and probably as big a bitch. Lance had a motorcycle. A Yamaha R6 that went fast and handled like a dream. This made all the bullshit in his life tolerable. Knowing...

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California CrewChapter 33

I was jerked awake. My cell phone was ringing. I climbed over Craig and Amy to get to it. I grabbed it as I leaned against the wall, my head spinning from the sudden upright position. They were waking up because of my running across the bed, probably stepping on legs and what not. "Hello?" I answered, dreading what would be coming through this conversation. "Sophie?" It was Kaitlin's mom. "Yes?..." I was so scared I was shaking. Craig was waking everyone up, and soon they were all...

3 years ago
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Fiona gets a job Chapter 2

I looked at Goldie and my mind was racing. I knew if I touched his head it was a signal for him to dive into my crutch. I pondered and he stood there his tail wagging. I snapped out of her trance and resumed my work. “I can’t do that” I mused “that is really weird”. But the thought of what would happen could not be forgotten. Goldie followed me everywhere. “I should have left you outside” I said, scolding him. Goldie put his head on the side and stared at me. “Don’t look at me like that” I...

1 year ago
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The Newtons

The Newtons Part One PAUL It was the car accident that changed my life, though it was bound to have changed anyway, but not in the way that it did. The change that had been foreseen was the relationship with my wife, Christiana, not, as it happened, with other people. I slowly came out of my coma completely disorientated as to where I was, eyes unfocused, seeing only whiteness all around me. I think I coughed for I found I couldn’t speak. My tongue felt twice its normally size and...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 22

Meghan certainly took my mind away from the hassles of overwhelming security. She camped out with me in the bedroom of the safe house and we went at it like rabbits for two straight days. Other than to shower and eat, we were in bed, having sex non-stop. That girl was hornier than a busload of virgin girls at a college football game. I talked to Rebecca and Colleen and gave them the gory details of Meghan's talents. Between the sheets the dowdy, chubby girl disappeared and a ball of fire...

3 years ago
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Family sex

I am 35 and my beautiful wife 30. My sis-in-law, 28, also gorgeous, stays with us. This incidence happened when i insisted my sis-in-law to get married, on insistence of my wife. She refused, claiming that she was ditched by her boyfriend. I was shocked when she told me that she wanted me to fuck her. Getting over the shock i agreed. We decided that we would go out somewhere in a classy hotel and enjoy. Next day, during lunch hour, i informed my secretary that i would be going out for luncheon...

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Lexi Luna 24997

Johnny Castle and Lexi Luna are coworkers. Johnny is in an amazing mood since he’s planning his buddy’s bachelor party this weekend. He’s telling Lexi all about it and what the plan is! Bad news drop: Johnny has to work OT over the weekend and he’s at his wits end, he’s about to quit. Lexi does not want that to happen. How does she convince him not to quit? She sucks his dick and fucks him really good. He’s skipping the party, keeping his job and will be...

2 years ago
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The Labors of Jasper Episode 10

20Jas0010, The Labors of Jasper Episode 10; 2979 words They stopped where the road lost itself into water. The ground here was littered with used condoms and empty beer bags. Icky looked around. "Who says sex is dead in the States? Right, it's just dead with you people. Okay, let 'er rip. Pun intended. Open a rip. It's time to finish our contract." She kissed Yara on the lips. "You've been fun." She tapped Yara's forehead. A name reverberated in Yara's...

3 years ago
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Stripped By Magic

The soft clink of a bell rings throughout the store as you enter. You hardly notice the door sliding shut behind you as you gaze at the shelves, which are lined with some of the strangest things you’ve seen in your life. Warped candles, strange idols, vials of multicolored liquid; at some point you see… what looks like a mummified monkey’s hand? Shaking your head, you step further into the store. “Ah, a customer!” You jolt and turn as short, elderly man comes through a door behind the counter....

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Fu Sazanami Puts on her old uniform for some fetish fucking

We have a favorite model back, This is Fu Sazanami who belongs to the uniform club. She will wear a uniform she has dug out of her closet and put it on and walk the streets of Tokyo. Sometimes she will pick a spot outside a subway stop and watch people walk by and will wait until someone tries to pick her up. The uniform can be from her old place of education or from the gym when she was a vollyball player. She will also pack her own swimsuit in a bag in case her new friend will want her to put...

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Road Side Fuck

Hey hi, friends, this is my 1st story here. I’m taking indian sex stories as a platform to share my sex escapades.   Dr Rohit here i am a very lusty person, among many of the fetish I have I have this, that whenever I see a girl a complete stranger to me in a new city I get attracted and straight away go to her and hit This is what happened to me just today.   I am basically a doctor in central government posted to the northeast in Assam. Soo today I was actually strolling around the market...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 430 42000 Marks We Go Clothes Shopping

Tuesday, July 1 to Thursday, July 10, 2008 It was much easier to get the non-Mom members of my family onto my side. I went running with Donna the next afternoon. We had a long conversation about topics that I knew were important to her. Naturally there was a lot of talk about sex, as Donna was very curious about it anyway and had been bursting to ask me about what she'd observed. She already knew enough about sex to know that she'd seen something very unusual. She was also amazed that...

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Pleasure World

Pleasure World: is an island connected by man-made bridges and tunnels. They were made by Galaxy labs. This was to be a spin off of their popular “Create a Fembot” project that made them untold fortunes. Each inland was meant to represent a moment in time so men and women could live out their fantasies. They could save the women and be heroes. They could fuck and suck whoever they want. They could kick the butt of the bad guy who trying to hurt the princess Nobody was meant to get killed on...

2 years ago
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Wechat To Wagamon Trip

It was the month of February and I was bored at home(cochin).I was going through the new app I downloaded in my mobile(wechat).I was checking out the feature called people nearby and found many people in it but all with fake profile pics.I had no interest in anyone because none have used their own pics and it was difficult to trust anyone. So I closed the app and thought to sleep for a while as I had nothing else to do. After sometime I got a notification from wechat.The notification tone from...

4 years ago
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Shooting the MoonChapter 9

“So, Arlen, wasn’t it? Not such bold and brave words, anymore, would you say? Care to see the family jewels? Now that you’re not so ... um ... attached to them, that is? Well, Buddhism teaches that attachment is suffering, but in this case, the case could be said for detachment. The good news is that you won’t be thinking anymore with body parts that you no longer possess,” I dangled Arlen’s testes in front of him in a mason jar. He was strapped to a gurney and need only to look down to see...

3 years ago
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Uncle and niece

Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...

4 years ago
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The Girl

Pam was forty five years old but still had a great figure and her looks. She also was a lesbian and preferred young girls. She taught sex ed at an all girls school where she found many of her lovers. She had been the lover of the school director for a couple years. Most of the female teachers were lesbians so it was never hard to find a nice pussy when sex was a must. Many days she had gone to the director's office and shut and locked the door and undressed her and feasted on her delicious...

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Playing House

When I was a child, I used to look forward to neighborhood gatherings, because it was one of the rare occasions that I was able to play with other kids. Being an only child, the neighborhood gatherings were a sure thing for me to have playmates. I had one friend who was my favorite playmate. His name was Josh. Josh was the youngest son of my dad’s best friend in high school Pete and his wife Jane. Josh and I would play house, Go Fish, and cry when it was time for us to leave.. As I got older,...

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The Black Rose

Night had fallen over Gotham City, and with it a blanket of darkness from which emerged those who would take advantage of its protection to break society’s laws. On most nights, the thought that Batman was also out there in the darkness was enough to give many of those pause, but for tonight at least a free pass had been issued in the form of a front page photo in one of the city’s more irresponsible papers, a photo showing the Caped Crusader on a case in far-off London. As feared at the Dark...

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An Aviance Night in Minneapolis

She typed the text and sent the selfie. “If ya got it, flaunt it!”The shoulder straps of her deeply plunged, split-front, fit-and-flare black dress were off her shoulders; her breasts perched outside, nipples erect. She’d debated between a long strand of pearls or several gold necklaces in different lengths around her neck. She decided to wear all of them. An intentional fashion faux pas.The photo showed pillows behind her back. She sat semi-upright against the bed’s headboard. In her right...

Wife Lovers
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Simons Instruction In The Oral Arts

After my sexually stale straight marriage ended a few years ago, I flung myself into getting as much sex as I could. I had always known that I was bisexual but had not had the time to explore the gay side of my sexuality. So I had very limited experience of sex with other men. Over the next few years, I became quite experienced in gay lovemaking.I found most of my sex partners through gay hook up sites. I'd been trawling a few sites one evening as I often do sifting through the profiles...

Gay Male
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YelloweyeChapter 15 The Letter

I remember dying. I guess when I was Phile, I started this by telling you I remembered being born. But there are more important things to remember now. I remember the births of my children. I remember my lovers. I remember living as a wild ranch kid in Wyoming and as a renegade in the nineteenth century. I remember holding my sweet sister in my arms at night and knowing there would never be a more perfect match. I remember Mandy welcoming me in both my bodies into her heart and soul. And I...

1 year ago
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My House Cleaner Part 2

My House cleaner PART 2 Please read PART1 first It was Tuesday morning just one more day before I would see Kate, this past week has taken an age to pass I could barely concentrate on my work. What if she didn’t turn up at home or even worse not turn up at the office how the hell I would explain that, as Kate was always happy and conscientious. I had booked a day’s holiday for the Wednesday, as I wasn’t sure what time Kate would arrive at my house. The minutes seemed like hours at around 11.30...

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Summer SailingChapter 3

DAY TWO Then fell back asleep until, at about 7am I was awoken by Cheryl getting out. She tried to be quiet, but we already knew this would be difficult - that’s why I was on the outside; in case any boating emergency required a leap from the bed. I woke and looked down the bed to see her crawling to the bottom. What I saw of course was a woman on all fours crawling away from me, her nightdress had ridden up so I was looking at her panties stretched across her very nicely proportioned...

2 years ago
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The Package DealChapter 17 Push

Well, no one is going to jail! At least not now. Lena has been good to her word; there have been no problems. Rose and Lily have been good to their words about how they were feeling. The only real change is that they have attached more strongly to Jake. Nic2 and I have a talk about the RN degree and what had gone on relating to that and babies. It seems I was completely left out of the loop on that whole matter. It's not that I needed to be in the loop, it's just that I feel miffed that I...

2 years ago
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Widows Whiskey and Willow SwitchesChapter 2

The low boom of a cannon rumbled from Fort Reno, giving him no time to wonder about the woman dressed in man’s clothes. She and that big horse of hers were a bare speck on the horizon before the cannon shot finished echoing. Several men on horseback chased after her, but she’d been ready for the starting gun. He cracked a rueful grin. She was probably looking for something close to the fort for safety, but a lone woman wasn’t going to have any luck holding on to it. He kicked his horse into...

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