Pinochio free porn video

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Years after Pinochio was made into a real boy by his fairy godmother, he was strictly instructed not to lie any longer. He vowed never to lie again. He really meant it when he made that promise. He went to school for dummies. So the boy grew into a man. He worked hard and his labor paid off. He made enough money for him to leave Gipetto and Jiminy Cricket to go off on his own to seek fame and fortune. He had grown up despising the pair. Not so much Gipetto. Everytime the gay insect rubbed its legs to attract other male crickits, Pinochio ground his teeth. Moreso if the cricket's legs were pumpiing the former puppet.

On his last night in his own bed, Pinochio was visited by his fairy godmother in a dream. She showed him if he were honest, industrious, and dealt with other people diligently; he would end up famous, rich, with a very beautiful wife who would worship the ground he walked on.

The very next morning, Pinochio arose early. Gipetto stayed up all night to make him a presentable set of clothes. Gone was the ridiculous shorts and white shirt. Gone was the stupid pointed hat that seldom left his head. Gone were the awful shoes he wore. In their place was a nice modern white shirt, brown slacks, a hat that'd draw attention to him because of its splendor. The shoes were well made and comfortable.

After a wonderful breakfast, Pinochio hugged Gipetto warmly. He resisted the temptation to stomp on that overly dressed cricket to end his ridiculous insect existence. He left as the first rays of the sun were lighting the horizon. The path was bright and cheerful as he carried a stick with a large poke for lunch and dinner.

Pinochio was happy to seek out his destiny in life. It wasn't too long before he spotted some dark clouds behind him. It was too late to turn back to town so he went into the forest. The birds sounded more cheerful in their song, the animals had that extra step as they pranced about happily, and the trees looked like they were in full bloom more than ever before.

He took a little path off the main road getting into the woods. He glanced about looking for shelter as the clouds drew darker. Then went deeper into the trees knowing he was going to get soaked to the skin if he didn't find anything soon. He found an old tree rotting away. It would keep him warm, dry and comfortable. He crawled in, pulled out his blanket and wrapped it about his shoulders. Being a real boy now, he felt cold. When he was carved out of wood the elements didn't bother him. Except that time he spend in the belly of that whale.

Soon the lightening cracked and the thunder roared. The birds flew to their nests, the animals raced for their burrows and warrens, all the while Pinochio started feeling sleepy. Water always made him feel that way. Many times the former puppet would fall asleep while taking a bath. He tucked his chin into his chest and closed his eyes. He thought of Gipetto's house laying by the fire and sleeping while nature's violence went on outside. The hollowed hole faced in the right direction from the wind swept rains keeping him warm and dry. His eyes drooped until he fell he fell into a fitful slumber.

A droplet of water fell on his button nose which woke him up. He looked around and saw it was dusk. The last rays of the sun were growing darker by the second. He decided to stay right where he was at for the night. He finished what little of what was left of his lunch. He wanted to be in Sedgwick by now but the storm had delayed that. He pulled his blanket tighter to get more comfortable.

"Hello!" a sweet high pitched voice called out from the dark.

"Hello," Pinochio replied unable to see who was there. It was now night and he didn't know the direction the nice sounding word came from.

"Who are you"? she asked. She stepped forward but he could only make out her shadow. If she were as pretty as her voice, she'd be a beauty.

"Pinochio," he answered.

"Oh you are the puppet made into a real boy. You used to lie all the time and your nose grew longer with each fib you told."

"I did not!" he insisted. Just then he felt something move between his legs.

"Yes you did," she declared.

"Not!" he felt another movement. "Who are you anyway?"

"I'm Zelda, the wood nymph. You didn't ask me permission to sleep here overnight. This section is my part of the woods."

"I don't have to ask anyone. I'm the world famous Pinochio. I was once a puppet and now I'm a real boy."

"I know who you are. You are Pinochio and you lie all the time."

"I do not lie!" he shouted at her, lying again.

Zelda reached into the hollow of the tree and grabbed between his legs. "Pinochio, your cock grows harder each time you lie. Feel, you're hard as a rock."

"I do not!"

"SEE! You grew again and now you're even bigger."

"Uhhhhh, okay, I do tell little white lies once in a while," he admitted.

"Are you going to ask permission to stay in my woods tonight?"

Thinking this would please her, he said, "Can I stay tonight? I have to get to Sedgwick tomorrow."

"Permission is given," Zelda grabbed him by the hand and pulled him up.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Taking you to my house, what kind of a hostess would I be if I gave you my permission but did not offer you my hospitality? Follow me!"

Zelda held his hand as she led him through the trees and brush to her place. It seemed like it took hours. The fact was that she was leading him around in circles to make him feel lost. At last she stopped at a huge tree. She took a special object out of her skirt and opened the trunk. There was small light coming from the entrance as they descended the steps. He followed her through the root structure that was a maze. Pinochio was literally lost.

Finally they were in a large room. There was a roaring fire in the stone fireplace with a table and bench nearby. Kitty corner was a large comfortable bed. In another corner was a vanity and the other was closet of clothing of all kinds. Pinochio saw they were pixie outfits. In the center of the large room were four upholstered chairs with all kinds of books stacked on the sides of each seat.

He looked at Zelda and saw that she was a beautiful young girl. Her dress with an uneven hem was a see through as if spun by a spider. She was small, half the size of Pinochio with long blonde hair and captivating blue eyes. Pinochio never saw such a looker in his life. Wood or flesh.

"This is my place, like it?" she asked, prancing about the large room. "Bed, closet, my vanity to make me look pretty, fire and table with seats, and a large kettle of stew cooking so we can have something to eat later."

"This is nice!" he admitted.

Zelda looked at his crotch and saw he told the truth. She skipped over to him and grabbed his arm. She led him over to the bed blowing out candles on the way. She pushed him on the bed. It was so luxuriant that he bounced several times. Zelda sprouted her wings and hovered over him. She undid his belt and pulled his trousers off. He was large but flaccid.

"You know, I really didn't give you permission to stay in my forest tonight. But only for tomorrow night."

"You did too!" Pinochio turned red with anger.

"It works!" she pointed to his large erection. "I've never see one as big as that." Zelda grabbed his cock lovingly. "Would you like to have some fun with me?"

"Yes, I would," he answered excitedly.

"I haven't been with a man in such a long time," she softly stroked his hard on. Each slide up and down his cock made it grow a little each time. "I see you don't have to lie to get big," Zelda giggled. She leaned forward and took his penis into her mouth and sucked it lovingly making mmmmmmmmm noises everytime her tongue circled its head. It didn't take long to unload his seed down her throat.

Zelda smiled with delight as she folded her wings back under her skin then slid under his body. Pinochio was frail everywhere except in his genitals. Here he possessed such a large cock that men world wide dreamed of possessing. Did he realize what awaited him in life? Females would flock to his cock in lust to have it in them.

She was amazingly wet as he slid in. She was able to use some of her magic to expand her pussy to easily take him all the way. She had extra sensorary nerve endings in her vaginal muscles so she practically orgasmed with each of his strokes. She let out "mewls" and "ooooo's" as she lost control of herself. 'This guy really knows how to fuck', she thought, enjoying every movement they made together. All Pinochio could say was, "Uh ... uh ... uh..." He poked her cervix and each time he did, it brought him closer. He would have cummed long ago except for that quick blowjob she gave him five minutes before. Zelda thought, 'I can get used to this doing it everynight for the rest of my life.'

Meanwhile Zelda's small sounds turned into screams, shrieks, and shouts. She was having one long lasting orgasm. Never had she felt as wonderful as she felt at that moment. His erection was still rock hard as she screeched out so loudly she thought she her voice extended beyond her domicile. Her sound hurt his ears but he was so caught up with the moment the pain was temporary. Little did Pinochio know that his cock was curved upward. Each time he slid in and out, his big rod was caressing her g-spot. No other person she had intimate relations with knew of this. Not even Pinochio but when she bucked her hips and screamed bloody murder, he felt he was doing something right.

All too soon she felt his burning semen shoot into her. He kept going and going and going. No man could shoot so much. It seemed like gallons and gallons and he continued. It appeared as if his balls would never empty out. Finally his ropes started to slow down. It took over two minutes before his last drop was milked out by her strong inner muscles.

"That was a good one," Zelda praised him. Pinochio was drained. He couldn't keep his eyes open. Quickly Zelda filled a goblet and ran back to the bed. He didn't have the strength to lift his head. She gently lifted his head, she made him drink as much water as he could before it sputtered from his mouth. Seconds later Pinochio was sound asleep snoring while Zelda ran outside to take a bath to clean herself for the next time. In minutes she was at his side holding his dick while falling asleep herself.


A light soft breeze slowly brought Pinochio out of his deep slumber. He found that he had drooled all over the pillow. The breeze increased until he opened his eyes. Hovering above him was Zelda with her wings working furiously to keep herself afloat in the air. She was completely nude but her hair had been brushed and she had put some makeup on. She smelled like the sweetest bouquet flowers.

"Good morning, lazy bones," she giggled, staring into his big blue eyes. She had blue like his only Pinochio got lost in hers. "I think you need a little pixie dust so you can wake up."

"Pixie dust?" he questioned.

"So you can stay awake for breakfast. I'm so lonely! I need someone to talk to. I haven't had a good conversation with a person in ages. Jump into that tub and bathe yourself. You smell like dry sweat from all that ... um ... exercise you did with me last night."

"You mean it wasn't a dream?" Pinochio climbed in the tub full of warm water. In seconds he was feeling sleepy again. Recognizing this, Zelda flew over to wash him clean. Once finished, a droopy eyed ex-puppet was pulled out of the large wooden tub. Zelda dried him briskly with a fluffy towel. To awaken him, she took his mammoth tool into her mouth.

"It wasn't a dream," she let go of him for a moment. "You must lie in your sleep because this is much bigger than last night."

"Bigger?" he looked down to his erection as half of it was hidden by her mouth.

"Bigger is better," she mumbled without releasing him.

"How can you talk and suck me at the same time?" Pinochio asked.

"Magic," she giggled. Then spit him out. "I've made a delicious stew for us. You'll love it." She took him by the hand leading him to the table. She flew about her house under the big tree getting him some food and wine.

"You said magic?"

"Yes," Zelda giggled like a teen aged girl. "Pixies, Sprites, Wood Nymphs all have been known to dabble in magic. Awful witches too," her smile turned to a pout.


"There are many witches in this forest. I have protected this home of ours to keep them out of here but my magic outside does not work as well. Now come, eat up, I have a special dessert for you."

"What kind of dessert," Pinochio smiled. He loved sweets.

"It's called Pixie Pie. But you can only have some in the bed."

"Pie in bed!" he frowned. "I never heard of that!"

"It's the only pie ever made to be eaten in bed," she flew off her chair, gathered all the dirty dishes and dumped them in a pot of boiling water. She hovered over to the bed, turned in mid air, and slowly let her drop onto the soft mattress. "Get over here while it's still hot."

Pinochio climbed in but didn't see any pie. "Where is it?"

"Here," Zelda used her mystic strength to put his face into her pussy. "Start licking."

"Mmmmmmffffffffhhhhhhhmmmmmfffff," he sounded, feeling bound up not able to move about.

"Shut up and start licking. You'll find it."

Pinochio almost died of asphyxiation as he licked the Pixie Pie. Zelda's thighs, though small, were muscular and kept him in one place while he pleasured her. She gave him drugged water for him to settle down then mounted his face until he could lick no more. Just as she came down with an orgasm, Pinochio passed out.

"More later, my love," Zelda flew off to clean up. She contemplating on making him lie a few more times to make his penis bigger and fatter, but decided against it. She liked their sex just the way it was.

It took quite a while in time for Pinochio to realize that he had stay more than one night. Pinochio wasn't the brightest star in the sky. In fact if he were a star at all, a black hole would have swallowed him up ages ago. Pinochio had only a few talents in this life. Eating then shitting, drinking then pissing, lying then his cock would grow longer. The only thing he needed in Zelda's domicil was to be able to fuck. And this he was able to accomplish nicely.

In the drugged water was the ability for him to lose time, be constantly tired except when it came to screwing Zelda, and a small dose to prevent him from making her pregnant. One thing Zelda wanted to avoid and that was there would be no little Pinochios running around. The world only needed one and she was determined to keep it that way.

Zelda knew that sooner or later, as stupid the former puppet was, he would finally find out that he had stayed longer than over night. Too many meals that were eaten, too many times Zelda did his laundry, too many times that all the candles were blown out then darkness. Too many times Zelda had to leave the shelter to go out for food. Until that time came, she was content to let him fuck away until he wised up.

The evil king of Racka was called Pee Wee. He hated that name and in essence he killed his father Shorty for giving him that monicker. He was the bully on the block or rather his kingdom. His mother, the beautiful Hedy the Hottie, bestowed love upon her son. She hated her late husband because his manhood was so small. It was no bigger than her clitoris. In many ways Queen Hedy coddled her son because her fascintion of the Legend of Pinochio. She had heard rumors of the size of his penis both flaccid and hard. If true, and if Pee Wee could get his hands on Pinochio, she prayed to the goddess of orgasms that he be brought to her. She promised to throw away her Jade Dildo.

"Mother, what will I get if I find this Pinochio guy?" King Pee Wee asked.

"I will make sure that all the girls in the land give you a blowjob. And you may keep the ones you like best."

"Really!" King Pee Wee jumped about the throne room. Queen Hedy rolled her eyes in disgust. He was the King. He was a stupid King. He had the ability to do all this himself if he just realized that no man had the authority or power that he had.

"I promise, Mother, I'll find him for you."

"Go find him for me," she sighed disgustedly, waving him away.

"I leave tomorrow," he ran from the room.

"Where are you going to look?" the Queen shouted after him.

King Pee Wee was gone so fast, he did not hear her. She left the throne and went to her chambers to use the Jade as she called it. She undressed and slid her magnificent body into the hot bath her ladies drew for her. After dismissing them, she slid down and put Jade up her. She closed her eyes and pretended that it was Pinochio. His bulk, his masculine handsome face, his strong arms. Then of course that enormous thing between his legs. Oh well, the Queen had one out of four right.

After an hour of pleasuring herself, she rang the bell for the ladies. They patted her dry with at least six towels and brought forth another glorious gown. She stepped out and was immediately clothed. The beautiful smile on her face told the ladies that Jade has pleasured her.

King Pee Wee and his mighty army of six took off north, opposite from where Pinochio was plotting his escape from this wicked wood nymph. Zelda really loved him but was determined to allow him to go. It took a week before Pee Wee was going in the wrong direction. A small clue of the Ocean told him that he should have gone south. He laughed, pretending it was all a joke, and told them to start the other way.

Two men were sent out to hunt deer for their dinner that night. They returned hours later with someone's cow claiming it was easier to catch. King Pee Wee shrugged and ordered the slain animal cleaned and cooked. He'd just cut the man's taxes if they got caught.


Pinochio sneaked out of Zelda's lair at two am. Despite falling all over himself going up the steps to the ground and keeping Zelda from sleeping, Pinochio thought his getaway went smoothly. The birds were wide awake, the animals were racing about as if Ott the Orc was on a rampage, and even the trees were drawing their leaves back into their limbs and twigs. Zelda knew he was gone as a tear drop fell to her pillow.

By daylight and destroying half of Zelda's little property, Pinochio found the main road leading to Sedwick. With the day being warm, sunny, and the pathway dry; he set out with a whistle. By ten he was horny. Getting all the pussy from Zelda he wanted, he felt that he should have stuck it in just one last time before leaving.

Up ahead he heard men shouting, swords clashing, and horses neighing. He threw himself into a bunch of brush which just so happened to be a nest of hornets. He ran as fast as he could but not as fast as hornets fly. He felt the hot stings all over his body, limbs, and face. Hours later he had made it back to where he run from.

He decided that cowar ... oops, discretion was the better part of valor. So he turned in there for the night even though it was only noon. This would give the victors to pick over the losers and be gone by morning.

"I see you got far," Zelda hovered over him about an hour later.

"I heard fighting up ahead. I hid myself but the brush was full of hornets and I've got these swelling bumps to deal with," he complained.

"Let me fly on ahead and see if what you say is true."

"It's true!" He insisted.

"You've been known to lie," she sang out, just out of his reach.

"I don't lie!" Pinochio gritted his teeth.

"Look! You're pee pee thing is growing," she pointed out.

"It's only because I'm horny and nothing else."

"I better fly ahead or I'll want to give you head," she said then took off.

Pinochio was starting to worry. Zelda had been gone for hours and no word from her. It was starting to be dusk. He even didn't have his hands on his cock forgetting all about that. If one could. "Help me," she whispered.

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Elsa bit her bottom lip in a cute and sexy but also slightly nervous mannerism. She nodded her head slowly at first but quickly gained confidence. She gave her hips a little wiggle. Her pussy stretched wide around the head of my cock. Her tight pink lips were rubbing over the hyper sedative glands of my cock. The thick tip of my cock brushed across the thin veil of her hymen. I held her slim waist, holding her steady. Her waist, barely 22 inches, looked even smaller with my hands around it....

3 years ago
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I Cant Waste Any

I eased the screen door closed trying not to make noise. The summer night air was warm. I looked left then right to make sure the coast was clear. I quickly took off down the side walk. Two blocks later I pulled my phone out. “I’m here where are you?” I muttered under my breath and hit send on the text. Seconds later my phone buzzed with Joel’s reply. “Pulling onto Oak St… be there in a sec.” I typed a quick response and waited in the shadows trying not to be seen. I wore a red and black...

2 years ago
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A Teen Titan enslaved

This story takes place at an undefined point in the story line, but right before a large battle. I'm not really concerned if plot is taken from TV show or comic books. Whichever works. FYI: I broke up the introduction into 3 parts to make it easier to read. Every hero and every villain the Teen Titans had ever encountered were preparing to fight. This battle would ultimately sway the pendulum of good and evil far to one side or the other for many years. Which direction would depend on the next...

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Adiwasi Maid Ladki Ki Chudai

Hi doston mera name hai nimku aur mere lund ka size hai 7inch agar koi ladki ya aurat free mein satisfy hona chahti hai toh mail karen par. Toh iss desi hot sex story ki heroine hai deepali jo ek adiwasi ladki hai aur woh abhi 18saal ki hui hai mere ghar par kaam karne ke pehle. Uski figure 32-26-26 hai aur dikhne mein ikdam sexy kaali tho lekin cute face aur sexy figure ke sath kisi bhudhee ka bhi muthgir jaye bina hath lagaye. Nidhi agarwal jaisi hai dekhne mein. Meri purani maid ko kisi...

3 years ago
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In autumn of 1961 Maria Bellucci and I just couldn,t keep our hands off each other. My first serious sexual affair at age sixteen I loved and lusted after her tight pussy and she couldn,t seem to get enough of my cock. Having gone pheasant hunting with me she suggested we go fishing before the season finished November 1st, but basically she wanted a remote spot to fuck undisturbed and I was Up for it in All ways. Being a chilly damp day I packed my two man tent with it,s waterproof floor, an...

4 years ago
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Witch Ch 03

Author’s Note: I started writing this story right before a rather difficult time in my life which ended in me not writing for several years. However, I always meant to come back and finish out all of the series that I started and never completed. I’m thrilled to be able to do that now for Witch. There will be one more chapter after this one to conclude this novella… I hope you enjoy! ******* There are certain rules that even a demon must follow, whether he wills it or not. Lyana had called...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Kenzie Anne Big Dreams Do Come True

Sex kitten Kenzie Anne is back to take on Dredd’s girder in one fierce femme banger from Jules Jordan. Things jump off with a beautiful Kenzie tease. Laden in sexy lingerie and smoking flesh colored nylons with pink pumps (ironic as her pink will be pumped…). Blood will flow south during the outdoor tease. Kenzie smiling and arching unsparingly. Inside a lurking Dredd awaits upstairs for his candy gal. He creeps downstairs and meets grinning Miss Anne. When they smooch Kenzie brutally raises a...

1 year ago
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Apne He Ghar Me Padosan Bhabhi Ki Chudai

This is my first story and  I  am also new here…So please tell me how’s my real story so..My name is (aryan) 20 college nd student hu height 5’10 good face with normal body and my dick size 6″5 but mota jyda h …And my bhabhi name is (suman) ….Bhabhi ke bare me bta du unki age 33 wo ek gore face wali with [36 30 38] ki fig h …Bhabhi have two children both are girls ek 5 years ki or ek 7year ki …Bhabhi bht ghul mil ke rehene wali lady h bt bht simple h jb bhi wo chlti h unki hilti hui gand mujhe...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Maddy May Tattooed Hottie Maddy May Gets A Good Fucking LIVE

Maddy May is ready to get wild and is downright sexy as fuck in her lacy white lingerie. Be ready for a fucking great time as Maddy lets you experience her wacky and awesome personality and gets down on Alex Jetts large cock too! Size is not everything but Maddy loves taking every inch of that shaft. Bend her like a pretzel and fuck that pussy hard and she will push right back when you think she has had enough but she really just wants more and more. Alex almost can not contain himself but...

4 years ago
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Exciting Wedding

Exciting wedding Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Well yes, I suppose I can ask him do that.... I'll let you know." She turned to look at me, with that look on her face. "Janice wants you to be her sons bride! I told her that I would ask, but really, after all that dressing up you think you do in private, I would think that you would jump at the chance to be a bride!" "Just why would he need me to be his bride?! I mean, he does have a reputation with the ladies, so...

3 years ago
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Poor Amy Learning a Lesson

Poor Amy Jameson was lying face down on the table, arms and legs bound to the table legs. Her body was covered in cum, her pussy and asshole were enflamed and sore, her back, ass and thighs were covered in welts. Her breasts, her tender breasts, were dotted with the marks that the teeth of nipple clamps leave when pressed between abused breasts and the tabletop. Her mind was buzzing, in that place that was neither here nor there — just floating in a space that only the abuse that she had...

3 years ago
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Misjudgment By Zedd I was at the Mall early Saturday trying to decide whether to blow what little allowance I had saved for the music CD or a new set of head phones, and checking out all the babes that frequent its air-conditioned tiled spaces, when I ran into a girl from school I knew. I saw her coming, passing right in front of the music store I had been heading to myself, and didn?t have time to duck and run. I knew she had it in for me, and I could tell she?d seen me...

4 years ago
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How I solved my relationship problem

Me (Sophie) and my partner (Hillary) had been together for almost 2 years, after meeting at collage we went out on a few dates, got to know each other and around six months we were both early 20s had blonde hair and were slim, she had cute medium size boobs and a tight ass, I had slightly smaller boobs then her but only roughly a cup size and according to Hillary I had a peachy ass. I had moved in with her at her apartment, we enjoyed each other’s company and had met and got on well with each...

3 years ago
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Tentacle Rape

Before we begin, here's a little background info: You come from a distant planet, searching for live victims to lay your eggs in. On your planet, there are only males, so in order to reproduce you need to lay eggs in humanoids. You appear in the shape of a man, which is a trait your race has so you don't stand out on humanoid worlds. Unlike most humanoids, you are a bright orange color and you do not have just 1 penis like organ. You have MANY. There is the main penis, which is roughly around...

1 year ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 5

McCock was swiping his card for Room 3003, when he heard the lift door open and then light footsteps. He braced as a remembered voice said "Ah! Making a good impression I see. Its first names – respectfully, please note – between officers at least. Paul.", all said with a pleasant smile. "Uh. Well I was called "Aggy" at the Academy – I came from the R.M. Agricultural and Military College" in response to the interrogating eyebrow. "Good engineering that lot" as he padded ahead of...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 47

The next week I made the appointment with transportation to send my personal belongings home. One nice thing, they would take care of everything. Send a crew to my room to pack everything in boxes, then pick them up a day later. I arranged to have them all sent home, figuring that way I can just grab what I needed when it was time to move to Yuma and take what I needed there myself. The “Game Design Classes” were surprisingly popular. Each week around 25 people would show up, and starting on...

4 years ago
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Tracy Becomes a Gangbang Whore

Well one of my most fun experiences with Tracy was well into our relationship. I had moved but we were still together thanks to airlines. We would get together three out of every four weekends and it was still a dom/sub relationship.On one of the weekends we were not together my neighbor invited me over to watch a fight. He always sent his girlfriend to her mothers for the events. He would have 6-8 guys over and hire a stripper. So the stripper arrives and she is hot but all she does is strip....

3 years ago
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Training Sarah PArt Eight

After the absolutely “hot” scene Ginny and Sarah at displayed on the sofa, Gail and Mary were left as stunned as Ginny and Sarah were exhausted. Mary was both extremely horny and a little embarrassed at the role she had played, masturbating her friend Ginny to an orgasm with her leg. As she pulled her leg back from between Ginny’s ass cheeks, she looked down at the thick smear of pussy juice her friend Ginny left on her shin. Little did Gail, Mary and Sarah know, Aunt Judy had captured the...

2 years ago
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Moms Happy Endings Massage

One Saturday morning after looking at porn in his church office, he started rubbing his cock through his pants and I couldn't look away. He said "why don't you rub it for me" and I immediately put my hand on it and felt it throb. He said "go lock the door" and I was more than willing to take this further. When I came back, I noticed that he was still sitting in his desk chair but his pants and underwear were around his ankles and his big hard cock was sticking straight up with the...

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Sailing Holiday

This happened a few years ago and is completely trueWe were on a sailing holiday and had chartered a 36 foot yacht in Croatia. I don’t like wearing clothes and sailing in a warm climate is great for naturist.Our normal plan is to sail to a lunchtime swim spot and move on to a more sheltered anchorage for the night, planning our lunch departure to arrive in daylight. Normally there is time for another swim then get showered, Gin and Tonic evening meal out or on board depending on where we are....

1 year ago
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A Bachelor of Laws

“Something wrong little man?” Ashley asks in a mocking voice. “Getting a bit nervous? Chilly?” “Just show your hand,” you sneer. You would give anything to wipe that arrogant smirk off her face. “Damn,” you think to yourself, “how can anyone so annoying be so smoking hot.” As one of your Marine friends use to say, “the pretty ones are always the evil ones.” It is inconceivable that this spoiled, pretentious, tree-hugging, air-head, feminist, might actually beat you in poker! The cards don’t...

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A Nanny Femtastic 7

A NANNY FEMTASTIC! Chapter 7 After that first dinner Bradley and Felicity retired to their bedroom. And even though they were in a separate wing of the sprawling villa I could hear them making love! I thought of what Felicity felt as a transsexual woman having had a vagina created out of what was her penis. To feel Bradley rigid penis inside her. I wondered how nice it would be to put on a skimpy pair of knickers or a g-string and feel it flat against your own vagina. The thoughts turned me on...

4 years ago
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At first I thought I'd imagined her aura from across the room simply because she was heart-stoppingly beautiful. Blamed a product of too many movie moments in my head: the slow-motion swish of her charcoal plait and an orchestral swell as her head turned, those malachite eyes connecting with mine, set atop high cheekbones. But on second look, the shimmering full-body halo remained. Singled her out from all the other guests. Love at first sight wasn't a myth, it seemed. If only I'd known then...

3 years ago
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Educating Anne Ch 3

Anne was in a turmoil. For weeks afterwards, she had wondered what might have happened if they had had a little more time. Alone in her bed, she had imagined Philip’s hand slipping under her dress and caressing her upper thighs until it reached her panties. She still did not know whether she would have – could have – stopped him, but, alone with her imagination, she did her best to convince herself it was Philip’s fingers, not her own, sliding inside the leg of her panties and expertly seeking...

1 year ago
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First Time

Introduction: PLEASE, read the tags for this story and if they do not appeal to you, pass this one by. This story is Masters idea, given to me by him to write for everyines enjoyment…and yes, there will be more First Time Part One Its a nice neighborhood in a high end subdivision. There is a new couple moving in and everyone is watching curiously as the truck is slowly emptied by the movers. The silent and mostly unseen watchers, as they peek through their windows, notice that a lot of the...

3 years ago
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Family trip to Jamaica Part 2

"If I didn't know any better, I'd guess you were excited about this little mix up," I whispered to her. "As if you aren't. I saw you sporting a half chub staring at that guy and girl in the lobby. What do you say, should be find them so you can finally fuck?" She was teasing about my virginity again but this time it felt different. She wasn't was more playful. Even flirty. I decided to play right along. "Let's do that," I joked back. "And you can come along since you...

2 years ago
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A Wheel of Time Collection

This story will cover a number of different time periods within the story, and perhaps beyond with different characters and interactions. Feel free to add to this story from whoever's point of view and whatever time period you like. I will provide a list of characters that you can use if you're not familiar with the lore.

3 years ago
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Brother on Brother

My family was staying in a hotel, and we had two connected rooms, one with two beds and the other with one bed. The first night we were there, my brother John and I were assigned to sleep alone together in the room with just one bed. I waited until John was asleep, pulled down his pants past his ass, and began to hump him. He must have known that I would try to fuck him that night because his asshole felt like it had been played with earlier in the day. As he started to wake up I started...

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And The Dog Made ThreeChapter 6

Jennifer polished her brother's purple knob to a glossy luster, licked up and down his cock-shaft and lapped at his drained scumbags, gathering up the stray cum drops that had escaped her lips. When she drew her mouth away, she left the lad gasping like a landed fish. Her cunt-ring pulsed and rippled, milking out a few last blobs of Shepherd spunk into her swampy pussy. Adolph's prick was still hard as a rock and Jennifer wondered if they might be tied together, like mating dogs -- if Joe...

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Do As Youre ToldChapter 10

Life just didn’t get better than this, except when the doorbell rang again, with Julian letting Annie answer it to find ... Will Mann and Felicia Montes, with their bag full of sex toys, of course. Will had some slave-type fetish gear on, of all things, including a dog collar with a leash, which Felicia held in her hands. Evidently, Will was in a rather kinky, submissive mood, much to Renee’s shock at least, as she had never seen him like that. Felicia herself had on a latex corset, a pair of...

3 years ago
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A very nice trip of commission 4 P

It was end-winter/begin-spring about, April i remember it :-P, when i and my sister have an another trip of commission, this time the trip, that of going, it was in bus at difference of the previous trips of commission (recounted in my previously stories :-P) that i and my sister did always in train and my sister had always a nice clothing namely skirt and pantyhose and low shoes and also in the last trip previous at this (recounted toward the end of the previous my story of this story :-P) she...

4 years ago
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Mastubation Series Story 4th

Freaks, welcome this is my 4th I think I may have lost count by now. This is a series of multiple stories they are all mix and match. Those of you reading thank you and enjoy. Story 4(i think) a special not for this story my FIREY REDHEAD (mental model for this, think of Venus Lux with straight long long dark reddish hair, go search her,,, I”ll wait….YEAH, I SO TOTALLY GO BI FOR HER!!! Ms.Lux your image and likeness were used in this story. I am broke no need to sue me but your welcome to my...

2 years ago
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Sex In School

I was sitting in history class listening to another lecture on world war two when I spotted a speck of blue out of the corner of my eye. It was Rachel. Her skirt was riding up exposing her soft blue panties. I stared at her imagining the things I want to do to her. She is 5′ 7′ with dark brown hair and olive skin. She is shapely and had beautiful curves. After about five to ten minutes of fantasizing about this lovely girl sitting next to me the teacher slams his book on his desk and yells at...

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How I Became Big Sisters Sex Slave part 2

It was a particularly busy day a work, and by the time I pulled into the driveway that afternoon I had more or less forgotten the whole incident, having made up my mind to simply act as if nothing had happened. I walked in the front door, tossed my keys on the kitchen table and then stopped dead in my tracks. Karen stood in the middle of the living room with that arrogant yet sexy smirk on her face. She wore a jet-black tank top that showed off her toned stomach and bellybutton ring...

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The Trespasser Invites

Chuck's POVAlice gently played with my soft cock as we relaxed and watched the deer from my blind window after just having great sex. I was explaining what we would be doing if it was deer hunting season and how we would be using the little doe to determine whether a buck was nearby. The doe had a fawn with her and was feeding peacefully while the fawn nursed. They suddenly both looked back in the direction they had come from. A pair of bucks walked out. Their antlers were not mature yet, but...

Straight Sex
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Gina 4

Gina's daughter Sandra, had been living back at home for just over a month and was keeping out of our way as much as possible, not that we made it easy for her. When at home, Gina would always wear just a pair of stockings and shoes beneath a see through gown, even when I wasn't present and when I was there, I was naked. Sandra just had to live with it. We even fucked a few times when she was present and to really rub her nose in it, Gina even made her watch us once as I drilled her arse. We...

2 years ago
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Tech Whore

I had just returned home from my deployment. I was a tech hacker for the military intelligence warfare department. A Glorified Tech pirate for the government is what I really was. I had been offered jobs from teaching to business IT tech jobs. But I had also been developing a project of my own design and she had finally come to fruition. Everyone knows the government has had AIs to some extent in satellite tracking the smart bomb self-guiding systems but on all fronts, the AI’s have been...

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