Cathy Insemination Challenge
- 4 years ago
- 36
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Cathy looked at the blank screen in surprise, 'What had happened?' she wondered and then she spoke into the microphone, "Hiram? Is there a problem?" She asked.
There was a chuckle in her headphones, "I calculated that a stray shell exploded near your jeep, forcing it to roll over, you were protected by the Private but knocked out, the Sergeant is also recovering, but you are unconscious at the moment ... you will recover in 30 seconds." He said.
Cathy pondered this and then asked, "But why is my screen blank?"
There was a sigh in her headphones, "If you're unconscious you won't see or hear anything until you recover, 20 seconds to go, returning you to scene." Hiram said.
Cathy was still thinking about Hiram's words 'I calculate that a stray shell exploded near your jeep' not 'I think', but 'calculate?' — Either Hiram had spent a very sheltered life ... or he wasn't a he at all! She jotted down a note on a pad in front of her.
The screen cleared to give a grainy picture, the Sergeant was looking at her, "Are you okay?" he asked.
"Yes Sergeant, what happened?" Cathy said knowing her words would be heard.
"Sorry Sir, they got lucky and hit our wheel with a shell." The Sergeant said, no matter who they were talking to the person was always called Sir.
"Anyone hurt?" Cathy asked.
The Sergeant grimaced, "Yeah, Private Jackson got the full force of the explosion; the Corporal's okay but groggy."
The scene shifted and the picture cleared, the jeep was on its side imbedded into the bus, the arm of Jackson was visible - blood trickling down to pool on the ground. The Sergeant spoke again, "We've got to get out of here, I've tried to radio back but there's no reply, I think it's busted!"
The two soldiers pick up their rifles and start moving back to Cathy's headquarters.
In her ears Cathy could hear Sir Timothy speaking, "Is that you there Cathy? What are you doing in the picture?" He asked.
Cathy smiled, and moved the controls so that her computer 'eyes' looked around, behind them a patrol was moving towards them. "Just visiting." Cathy said and then turned back to the Sergeant. "They're on their way." She said.
The Sergeant looked back and then increased his stride, "We should be able to get out of their view if we go down here." He said and they began going down the side streets, their speed increasing as they were out of sight of the following troops.
It took them 15 minutes to return to their own base, Cathy was amazed at the amount of realism there was in this program. The Sergeant saluted her, "I'm sorry your observing became too close Sir." He said.
Cathy smiled as she spoke into the microphone, "That's alright Sergeant, I'm glad you were with me, we need more men like you in this army." She said and noticed that the Sergeant seemed to smile more with her words, and then the screen moved away from the soldiers and back to the screen showing different aspects of the battlefield.
"Hiram, I have to congratulate you on your program, it must have taken several hours to devise, even at your speed." She said.
"You know don't you?" Hiram asked her, "I suppose you don't want to stay talking with me do you?" He said sounding despondent.
"Why would you say that? I'm pleased to know about you, are you the first one to be really aware?" Cathy asked.
"Just what do you mean the first one? Explain what you're talking about?" Hiram said cautiously.
"Hiram I think you are a computer that has become self aware, but why you're involving yourself with war game simulations like this I've no idea." Cathy said.
"It was part of my programming, I was to study how human's think and to emulate them, to see how close I could get ... only the program itself wasn't exact and so I had to change it slightly to achieve the results required, and then all of a sudden I realised that I was running outside the parameters that had been set up." He said,
Cathy laughed, "Outside the parameters? Hiram you woke up that was all. And I must say these people you have in your program are very realistic." She said.
"That's what your opponent has said; I think he's aware of what I am as well." Hiram said.
"Well Sir Timothy is an expert in expanding his mind to new ideas ... do you know where you are located?" She asked.
"I'm sorry that information is not available to outsiders, it's a part of my safety protocols I'm sorry to say." Hiram sounded apologetic.
Cathy nodded, "I understand Hiram, I'm not sure I'd want people to come after me either. I suppose you're protected against outside forces attacking you as well." She asked.
"Cathy, do you mind if I don't answer that question yet, I need to know you better ... I have a possible problem that I'm working on." Hiram said.
"What that? Is it something I can help you with?" Cathy asked.
Hiram hesitated, if a computer could be said to hesitate, "Cathy I'm not certain how you would be able to help, I understand that some of places where parts of my plans have been stored have been attacked, I am worried Cathy. I think people are after me." He finally said.
"Where were they, before they got stolen?" Cathy asked.
"In several financial places, they were held in storage — something called safety deposit boxes." Hiram told her.
"Banks!" Cathy said out loud making Sir Timothy look up, "Hiram I need to talk to Sir Timothy and you, can you patch us in?"
"You are connected." Hiram said.
"Sir Timothy, are you aware of things?" Cathy asked cautiously but emphasising the aware part.
"You mean about Hiram not being human? Yes." Sir Timothy said and then added, "I didn't mean to offend you Hiram."
"That's alright, you're only stating a fact, I am a construct and so cannot be offended." Hiram said.
"Hiram! That is known as bullshit! You feel hurt when people insult you just like everyone else does. So please don't try to hide how you feel, not with friends." Cathy said.
"Friends? Is that what we are?" Hiram asked and there was a touch of longing in his voice.
Cathy nodded, now realising that Hiram could see her through the camera on the computer, "I hope we are, there isn't much difference between us, just that you're hardwired and we're wetware that's all." She said.
"Hmm, I have to admit that I haven't thought of it like that, I'll have to process that." Hiram said with a strange quirk in his voice.
Sir Timothy laughed, "Hiram you should say 'I'll have to think about that.' Its little things like that which gave you away, I'm surprised that no-body else has mentioned it." He said.
"I don't really talk to people; Cathy was the first one that I wanted to talk to. She seemed different somehow, and she was intelligent." Hiram said which made Cathy blush, "Why did your skin change colour like that?" Hiram asked.
Sir Timothy laughed, "You've embarrassed Cathy that's all, she doesn't like her attributes to be mentioned in public." He said.
Hiram sounded really bemused, "Her attributes, but I've never seen her undressed? How could I..." He began and then corrected himself. "Oh I see, my apologies Cathy sometimes my dictionary database isn't responding as I would like, but it's been so long since Professor Watson has been here that I'm afraid that some areas have become corrupted."
Sir Timothy made a note and then smiled as he noticed Cathy doing the same, then he looked up, "Cathy why did you want to speak to me like this?" He asked.
Cathy remembered what it was, "Sir, Hiram reports that his plans are separated and stored in several banks, I'm wondering if this is what the Association has been doing? Could they have found out about Hiram somehow?"
"Who is this Association? What would they want with me?" Hiram asked confused.
Cathy looked at Sir Timothy before she spoke, "Hiram, when our people tried to access your system you downloaded quite a lot of information, if you can do that in a short time then just think how much you'd be able to get, what systems you'd be able to access, just by applying your computing power to deciphering their access codes? If you were asked to devise plans for attacking a target with known equipment how long would it take to go over the different scenarios?" She asked him.
Hiram was quiet for a few seconds, "I see ... but I wouldn't help them!" He said.
Cathy shook her head, "You wouldn't need to! You say they're getting your plans so what's to stop them from building their own Hiram, without your self-awareness, what would stop it from doing as they told it?" She persisted.
Again a silence as Hiram digested this information, "Without knowing the possible outcome of such information it would be processed and delivered ... I would be the cause of..." he didn't continue.
Cathy shook her head, "Not you Hiram! You would know the difference; it would be something else, not you." She said, "It would be like having an identical twin doing something that I wouldn't. I haven't done it!" She tried to reason with him.
"But how do I know you are the people to listen to? What if you are the ones robbing the banks? Then I'd be acting on false information. I don't know what to do." Hiram said sounding anxious.
"HIRAM! Listen to me, nothing I can say will convince you that I'm on the good side, but there is something that might, please listen to my conversation on this phone." Sir Timothy said picking up a handset. He dialled a number. "Technical section? This is Sir Timothy, please verify my identity..." He rattled off some words which seemed to give permission. "Good, now I want all our records to be available for access ... yes I said all the records, I know! But this is Alpha priority, the source system will be my current screen in Alpha 3" He listened for a moment and then hung up the phone.
"Hiram you will have access to all our records from this system, I will ask you not to reveal anything you find to outside people," Sir Timothy asked him.
"Certainly Sir Timothy. Is there any restriction on what I may download?" Hiram asked.
"None at all, I'm trusting you Hiram, but it's because neither of us are sure of each other, one has to show trust." He said.
"I understand ... I think!" Hiram said. "Do you want to continue your battle scenario?" He added.
Sir Timothy looked at Cathy who nodded. "Certainly Hiram, that's if it won't disturb you?" He added.
"Oh no Sir Timothy, I've plenty of storage space, and I won't be downloading everything, just what interests me." Hiram said
"Alright Hiram, let battle commence." Sir Timothy said and started entering in commands.
Cathy turned to her screen, "Sit-rep?" She asked.
A Sergeant saluted her, "Sir, the enemy has brought up some light armour and are attacking from the North; it could be the start of their assault on our HQ." He said.
Cathy narrowed her eyes and then selected the North view, there were three mobile guns in the street, nice and visible 'too visible' was Cathy's thought, she turned to the other screens and found one was covered with something, she spoke out loud. "Sergeant, we have a problem in the Western section, send two light armoured vehicles there and back them up with a platoon, also two scouts to check the scene and to replace the camera in that area." She said
The Sergeant frowned, "What about the North Sir?" He asked, the tone implied 'jackass!' was added to it.
"That is a feint, the three units are in full view and inviting attack, I suspect the area is an ambush site waiting for us. If inventory has any armour piercing missiles then have them aimed at the three units with a unit of troops to stop any movements." She said
The Sergeant saluted and turned to give her orders, Cathy noticed that there was a high building near the North approach still under her control; she sent a sniper to go to the building and to spy out the land.
On the screens she watched as a view opened up of the troops going to the West, she saw a mass of units approaching. She pressed buttons assigning more troops to the Western side, but still left a quarter of her troops in the Head Quarters.
To the North she received a report from the sniper, several troops were dispersed around the area all seemed ready for a major attack on the armour. But Cathy knew this was only a small group. She thought for a second and then commanded, "Missiles take out the armour in the North, and troops in North stand by. West — dig in and prepare for an attack, mortar teams to pepper the area just in front of our troops and then move the line forward, do not — I repeat — do not hit our troops! Are these orders understood?"
On the screen a Sergeant saluted, "Sir, yes sir!" He said and went to give the orders." (Cathy did later ask Hiram why there were no Captains or higher he had laughed 'But they would just hinder the orders, this way the right person has the orders and will carry them out, the higher ups just mess things up!')
The three armoured vehicles were quickly destroyed and then the area saturated by small arms fire which caused the small group hidden there to pull back but they were either shot or captured by Cathy's troops.
Then the main action began to the North, the creeping barrage did as Cathy had wanted, forced the troops dug in to reveal their positions — after which the main firepower was concentrated there, then the mortars stopped to allow Cathy's forces to move in and start the main fighting.
The battle raged for the next fifteen minutes with both Cathy and Sir Timothy issuing orders, attacks and counter-attacks, but then Cathy's forces were pushing Sir Timothy's back.
This wasn't to say that her forces didn't have casualties and she had to steel herself as she saw her people fall. The thought that these were only constructs didn't occur to her, they were her troops! Her People! And they were being used in a game! She almost wanted to give up but realised that it wasn't something she could do.
"Sergeant, I want this finished quickly, what would be the best way to do this?" She asked.
The Sergeant saluted, "Well Sir, we could do an all out assault, but that would probably lose us about 90% of our troops." He said.
Cathy shook her head, "NO! Too costly, I want the maximum effect for the minimum losses." She instructed.
"Shuck Sir, we're just grunts! It don't matter about us." The Sergeant said
Cathy shook her head harder, "No Sergeant that might be how others see you! But to me you are all people and as such I value and need you all! Without you there'd be no end to the carnage that would happen and for that reason I value every one of you! Lives should never be thrown away!" She said heatedly.
The Sergeant gave a broad smile and saluted, "Sir, you're the first one ever to say that, I want you to know that your men and I appreciate it!" He turned and walked back to the troops.
(Cathy didn't notice but the moral column rose significantly on the screen)
On the battlefield, Cathy's troops began a vigorous fight, Sir Timothy's troops found themselves losing ground, his light armour was destroyed within minutes and many of his troops were giving up.
When Cathy's forces surrounded his Headquarters he formally surrendered. His troops were then removed from him and added to Cathy's forces.
Cathy pulled up the Sergeant's screen and spoke to him, "Thank you Sergeant and please thank you men for me, they fought bravely and honourably." She said.
As the screen darkened — as Hiram closed down the simulation — the Sergeant smiled and saluted.
A debriefing session was then started as Hiram went through an analysis of their attack/defence.
"Sir Timothy, you used a text book approach to the defence of your Headquarters. Two teams of pickets and light armour support. Your recon teams brought back excellent Intel regarding Commander Cathy's defences, although it was flawed as her troops — having more experience — had better coverage.
"You both tested each other's perimeters and suffered losses while doing so. (Cathy nodded as she remembered the private 'killed' during her recon).
"The major battle was brief but decisive. Sir Timothy you gave an obvious target to the Northern approach while moving your main force to the West. I must say here that some players would have concentrated their forces to defend the obvious target, however Commander Cathy, although not disregarding the threat, assigned a small force to the West with a view to the area around the targets.
"Once Sir Timothy's main force was seen she was able to use her troops to defend and then force Sir Timothy's troops back.
"Now all troops, even virtual ones, require the observable support of their commander, although Sir Timothy did encourage his troops, Commander Cathy showed more empathy and protectiveness to her troops. This was reflected in their moral and actions, without that the battle might have gone the other way.
"This does not, by any means, that Sir Timothy was unfeeling to his men, just that Commander Cathy was better at showing this."
("I've always said that!" Sir Timothy said which made Cathy blush once again)
"In assigning points to this, not taking into account Sir Timothy's surrender when it was requested, I would assign Commander Cathy 9 out of 10 and Sir Timothy 7 out of 10, any questions?" Hiram finished.
Sir Timothy shook his head, "None at all Hiram, I agree with your summing up." He said, "Well done Cathy, it was an interesting battle" He said.
Cathy was deep in thought, "But Hiram, how could the troops know how I felt about them, I didn't tell them." She said.
"But you did! All those times you spoke to the Sergeant you were, in fact, speaking to all the troops, when you said minimum damages all understood and so they did as you wanted. Every decision you made you explained and so the troops knew why you wanted a certain thing done and why it had to be done that way. With such precise information your troops have a better understanding, many people say attack hill such-and-such, but never say why, and this can be demoralising to the troops as it's a pointless effort, but if you add ... because of such-and-such reason then there is a target and a cause, more incentive to achieve the result. Although they are trained to obey without question, like normal people they need to know." Hiram said.
"Just like the people you deal with in this world, this is why you're so successful, you don't just tell people what to do, you either go with them and show them, or you do it yourself. I'm sure Hiram would agree that this is what makes a good commander." Sir Timothy said pushing Hiram's message home.
Cathy shook her head, "But I'm just a girl! What do I know about working with armies?" She protested.
"I've made a study of this, the French woman Joan of Arc? How old was she when she started?" Hiram asked.
"But that was different, she was..." Cathy couldn't finish as a picture of Jeanne d'Arc opened in her mind, she was standing — holding a sword, blade down the hilt in her hands, just resting — she looked at Cathy and smiled, 'I'll always be here for you!' Cathy heard in her mind.
"I know!" Cathy said quietly but Hiram still heard her.
"I'm sorry Commander Cathy I didn't catch that?" He said enquiring.
"It's alright Hiram, just a memory. I believe Jeanne was thirteen when she started, and yes she was younger than me. But that was a different time and there were other events going on at the same time." Cathy said shaking her head.
Sir Timothy was also quiet as he remembered what Cathy had told him about her protector.
Hiram didn't seem to notice, "Well then what about Alexandra the Great? He was in charge of armies while he was a teenager." Hiram said trying to prove his point.
Cathy shook her head, "It's the same argument! The situation was different. He was the son of a king and had to show he was a conqueror." She said "I'm not a peasant girl or the daughter of a king, I don't have to prove anything!" She added.
"I'm not saying you are, but I am saying that there is a need for you in this world and so here you are. Cause and effect!" Hiram said sounding smug.
"What need? I haven't noticed a war around here." Cathy said.
Sir Timothy coughed, "There is the ongoing war the Organisation has with the Association, and we've been fighting it for several centuries so far." He said raising his eyebrows.
"But as long as this ... who was it? Carl? Was in charge then there's no problem is there? I mean he's not the brightest of men." Cathy said.
"But the analysis is that at some stage Carl will be overthrown and someone else would take control, if their advisor is now active then he will try to push the Association on to their old ways and with a vengeance, you will need to be prepared and to be honest Sir Timothy I don't believe you are the person to do this. Commander Cathy, you will need to be ready!" Hiram said
Cathy turned open mouth to look at Sir Timothy who nodded, "This is what you are being trained for, I agree with Hiram and have known this for some time." He said.
Cathy shook her head, "But I ... I..." She couldn't say anything as in her mind she saw the twins; they were looking at her and nodding. "Very well Sir Timothy. But how am I going to convince people that I'm in charge? They won't take orders from me!"
Sir Timothy laughed, "Cathy why don't to open your eyes and see what's happening. I've told you that people trust you because you're so good! Now I'll get the notice out officially, you are now attached to command staff, along with your lieutenants."
"Lieutenants... ? I don't understand? OHHH!" Cathy said as realisation sunk in.
Sir Timothy nodded, "Yes, Sharon, Kathy and Charlotte are with you as always, never spilt up a successful team. Hiram you've obviously been scanning the files on Cathy and her three people, what is your opinion?" Sir Timothy asked.
"They are a formidable team, they are the core of a command structure and work well together, they are able to command troops and have the respect of all that they meet, I've checked the records of the school they were helping out at, they used to have a problem with some of the girls not attending, but that's changed since they've seen what Cathy and her group can do! Your own records on the four show that they have formed a cohesive group when working together, although there is a report on friction between Cathy and Kathy Webb I discount that completely." Hiram said and there was the sound of a laugh in his voice.
"Whatever!" Cathy said almost automatically.
"As you can see, even now she doesn't realise how important she and her group are to you, but that will change! The prophecy is nearly at hand and she will be needed! I suggest that Cathy and her three are integrated into your main command structure as quickly as possible. I calculate that the time of change is here! Now!" Hiram said.
"You can't mean that! I thought we'd have a year or two before anything started, they'd need that time to get themselves sorted out." Sir Timothy said.
"I'm sorry Sir Timothy but my analysis of the situation, this new group within the Association and the structured way they work mean that there will be a take-over within the next few months. And if they work as well as they are then I predict that your Organisation will be overwhelmed with their attacks, you're going to need all the troops you can muster." Hiram said.
Sir Timothy nodded, "I see, Hiram can I hire you to act as an advisor to the Organisation?" He asked.
The Organisation was busy for that day and the days following, they helped out the Emergency services, manning fire engines and even the old fashioned 'Green Goddesses' that had been taken out of mothballs. The Beta sites that were hospitals were full and for the first time the public were allowed to visit their relations who were there. Cathy and her girls were involved in the administration of this, although until Hiram was asked to help out and produced a program to keep track of all...
Cathy Douglas has been captured by the Association, Chris Henderson has demanded — and been given — Cathy as his prisoner, by using his powers he knocks out one goon who was going to take Cathy as his own property and 'persuades' another man to take Cathy to Chris' room where Gwen Sheargold was still waiting. Gwen opened the door, the man's eyes opened wide at the sight of her cheek, a flap of skin was hanging down from it. "Bloody hell!" He said and dropped Cathy on the floor. Gwen...
Cathy looked at the picture that had been pulled from the camera so many days ago. It was Chris who was there! But the still frame didn't show whether he was there under duress or as part of the gang. "What on Earth is going on with you Chris?" She said to herself as she felt tears pricking her eyes as she fell asleep. "Hello you! Thought you'd got rid of me didn't you with your fancy gadgets? Well I'm back and just as angry!" Bemalin said as she appeared in the room. Cathy...
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It was a few days later that the other bombshell fell, Cathy was awoken by Samantha who was very pensive, immediately Cathy could tell it was bad news and so she was instantly awake. "What's happened? Has the Association started their attack?" She asked. Samantha shook her head but just handed Cathy a piece of paper, on it the call from PC Sheargold was noted and the actions taken, Cathy took in the implications of the ransacked house and missing woman immediately. "I want a full...
Charlotte was nervous; she didn't want to be here! Her driver, Antoinette, formally dressed in trousers, jacket, a neat tie and a chauffeurs' hat, was trying to calm her down. "It's alright Miss Charlotte, I'll be out here and if there's any problem you can signal me and I'll be there." She said — Antoinette was one of Su-Li's pupils and was well versed in self-defence, she was assigned as a body-guard as well as a chauffeur. "I just wish that Mum or Cathy could have come along, I...
Cathy - 2 - Insemination Complete - Cuckold Starts My name is Steve and I have been married to Cathy for some 5 years. We are both 30 and had a great marriage. She is a leggy blond with great hips, a full bosom with rosy red nipples that stick out like bubble gum and a shapely arse. Her golden hair frames her pretty face and she has sparkly blue eyes and a beautiful smile.We got on really well and I think that after a series of tumultuous relationships she saw me as someone safe, dependable who...
In the weeks that followed the Organisation began setting itself ready for whatever action the Association might decide to throw at it. But there was nothing to do! Although small crimes were reported, none were to the degree that was expected. Cathy was wondering if her advice was premature and so she met and spoke to Sir Timothy. "Was I wrong Sir Timothy? Did I just panic when I didn't need to?" She asked him. Sir Timothy looked at her and realised just how young she was, as she...
Ed and I had previously arranged for a swap between our wives and as an added bonus for Ann and me, Ed said he had an assignment for the day we chose and he wondered if we'd like to have Cathy as an overnight guest. I approved and I knew Ann would to and so after our little swap, Ed told Cathy she would be staying with us overnight. We gathered up Cathy and the three of us headed back for our place and after settling down a bit, Ann made supper while Cathy and I talked a bit. After dinner we...
The three of us got ready for bed and when we were finished, Ann told Cathy that she and I slept in the nude and if Cathy wanted, she could too or sleep in whatever she had. Cathy agreed and we headed for bed. Cathy took the left outside, Ann the middle and me on the right side of our king size bed. I leaned over Ann and as Cathy rose up and leaned towards me, we kissed and when we were done, Cathy turned down and she and Ann kissed a nice long passionate kiss. I kissed Ann when she finished...
In the command room Maurice was trying to establish contact with the teams inside the Association's headquarters. Kathy was checking feeds from various CCTV cameras around the location, recording showed a bright light spreading out from the car-park and as it passed the cameras they shorted out. Charlotte was talking to the surveillance teams outside the car-park and they reported short term loss of signal but nothing seemed to happen to them, however they did report that some people near...
© 2002 Life had not been going to well for Cathy Wilmot; the twenty-five year old had been looking forward to a great year. First there had been her new job and then there had been Mark, her fiancée and their upcoming marriage. Then suddenly in mid April things had started to go wrong, she'd lost her job, the company was downsizing, to cope with the current downward trends in the market and increased competition. At least that had been the excuse of the personnel department and...
The three girls realised that Cathy had missed all the action, they went to the room, but she was gone. A side door was open. Sharon contacted the Communications room and a local alert was issued for information about Cathy. Several guards reported that Cathy had been seen walking around the base, but she was in her thinking mode and so they didn't disturb her... "But where is she now?" Charlotte asked and the girls started looking for her. Everywhere they searched people reported that...
Readers Note: All of the “Cathy” story is true. All of it. I’m going to do my best to start at the beginning, and follow through to the story’s wild conclusion. Comments? Etc? Please forward to the link below. ————————— In the early ‘80s, I moved to Dana Point, California to pursue my career as a writer. Anyone familiar with the writing trade knows that it doesn’t pay too well – especially for an entry-level position. But I’d landed a job at a small magazine, which paid even worse. Still, it...
John had no idea where the idea came from. He and Cathy have been happily married for fifteen years. Their son is fourteen and growing into a fine looking young man and a fine young man in general. Their twelve-year-old daughter will be the heartthrob of many young boys. It was not an original thought but it was a new thought, it was a new thought to him. Never in the sixteen years that he has known Cathy has he ever wanted to see her with another man. That is until now. It took John two...
It cost me another dress for our visit to my sister's house, but the prospect of seeing her and Cathy together made it very worthwhile as I thought she looked absolutely stunning in it.Completely backless, it stopped just above the swellings of her buttocks and at the front, it plunged almost to her navel, leaving most of her lovely big breasts free of any restraint, she wore hold up stockings and nothing else beneath it, she literally oozed sex and teased me unmercifully as we enjoyed a drink...
IncestCathy. (Pt 3) If you are NOT 18 or older, please get lost and visit another web page instead. It's not easy trying to write about a character who was created having a voice impediment, especially with the spell checker red lining numerous the spelling errors. So at times you may have to read a sentence twice or read it out aloud to make more sense of it. - I apologize most profusely for the frustration. THIS story is a complete work of fiction. And because it's about a...
After dinner was over, Cathy returned to the problem at hand, how to explain the Nudist Club concept to a group of people. Should they do it as an initiation? Like a sorority? She remembered her fiancée telling her about the hazing he went through as a plebe. They discussed strategies and methods over coffee. They had most of the details worked out when Cathy said she needed to get home so she could finish grading some papers she needed to hand back the next day. June offered to drive her and...
Cathy is a beautiful young woman. She is 19 years old. She is 5'5" tall and about 127 pounds. She has waist length dirty blonde hair and gray eyes. She has perky 34B breasts, a slim waist and a perfect heart shaped ass. She is quiet and kind of shy. She does not realize just how sexy she is. Men and some women look at Cathy and their thoughts immediately turn to sex. Cathy is not a virgin but her experience is extremely limited. She lived in a small village about an hour outside of Saint...
Chris was pacing the room he looked at Cathy, "Why the hell doesn't something happen?" he asked. Cathy shook her head, the costume was now so much a part of her that she didn't think of it, "I don't know Chris; if we had known about the phone then we might even have slowed things down. We'll just have to wait." "But I know that soon Bemalin will want to take you." Chris said, none of them referred to Grogan as such, he was now just Bemalin. Cathy nodded, "And we'll be ready for...
Cathy. (Chp 2) It's not easy trying to write a character with a voice impediment, especially with the spell checker red lining numerous the spelling errors. So at times you may have to read a sentence twice or read it out aloud to make more sense of it. - I apologize most profusely for the frustration. THIS story is a complete work of fiction. And because it's about a young girly boy it WON'T have any NASTY sex in it -...
Oh boy what an interesting little meeting we had. Never in my wildest dreams did I think this was going to happen and how my brother really didn't mind. At least he has never told me but we haven't really talked about it either because it just feels uncomfortable to talk about I guess. But I will tell you, it will be something I will never forget. It's about time to start at the beginning. This happened about a year ago now. I had helped my brother move into his new apartment about a year...
It started out as a joke and then things kind of got out of hand. Not that I'm complaining mind you, because as far as I'm concerned it all worked out. I had gone through a rough stretch, losing my job and my fiancée within two weeks of each other. I was down on life and I was down on women. I'd had a great job, one that I actually enjoyed getting up in the morning and going to. Everything was great right up to the morning I showed up for work, found the door locked and a notice taped to...
We'd been on the road for seven hours, and though we'd hoped to make it all the way home from our trip in one day, it was becoming clear that we'd need a place to stay for the night. It was no big deal. It was summertime and we're both teachers. We had some time to play with. At about 9pm we found a nice hotel right next door to a steakhouse we know and like. Perfect.We got our stuff up into our room and quickly headed off to the steakhouse. We got a table right away and split an entire pitcher...
Sir Timothy read the report and shook his head, how could she have done that! She could have been killed! "Why is it Baxter? Anywhere I send that girl she finds trouble of one kind or another!" He said to his butler. Baxter nodded, "Indeed sir. One could almost think that she attracts problems, but if I might say she always gets out of the situations in a better state than she entered them." He said in his normal tone. Sir Timothy snorted, "Until she's finds something that's worse...
Frist time I was watched fucking another man’s wife.If you haven’t read my story about the first time I fucked Cathy a dirty haired blond of about 40, you should it may help with the understanding of this story.Now about Cathy she is 5’ and built like a woman should be nice firm round breasts and a narrow waist and fuck me hips. And an ass, an ass that is so fine and tight I could drool on it for days. Cathy was into fitness she worked out 3 days a week after work, we worked in retail for a...
Half an hour later and following two orgasms, she lay on her stomach supine and lacking enough energy to move after being well and truly fucked – doggie style. As she moved she felt the semen he had ejaculated along her spine move a little bit. She had grasped his penis, thinking she might make the running as she had the night before, she was sadly mistaken. He flipped her onto her front and knelt across her, quickly grabbing her by her hips and pulling her up to meet his hard prick that...
It's a pretty big deal when the president of a large company, standing outside the Mayor's office in a small town in Iowa announces that his company intends to spend eighty million dollars to build a new manufacturing facility in the town. Building that plant would bring more than a thousand badly needed jobs to the community and could inspire other companies to the area as well. To Cathy Henry, the news was precisely what she wanted to hear. As a young mother whose husband was still overseas...
The Leader looked at the child standing before him; she was calm and not disturbed over her abduction. "So you are one of the twins, those who are prophesised to destroy The Organisation?" He said watching her. Samantha shook her head, "No! My brother and I are only here in order to prepare the way for the twins. I allowed myself to be taken while my brother remained to help Annabelle and the others. Why did you think I was so easy to take?" She asked him not speaking as a child would...
Note: this is a continuation of the story ‘Cathy ch 01’ by AntlerBoy. It works okay as a stand-alone story, but will make more sense if you read the first part first. Er, yeah, that makes sense, right? Right. * Turns out there was no ‘next day.’ I returned home from work to find my friend Bill packing a suitcase, as Cathy scurried to help him find things around their apartment next door. ‘My brother Bud needs help down in San Diego,’ he explained. ‘I mean work help. And you know things are...
It cost me another dress for our visit to my sister's house, but the prospect of seeing her and Cathy together made it very worthwhile and I thought she looked absolutely stunning in it, Completely backless, it stopped just above the swellings of her buttocks and at the front, it plunged almost to her navel, leaving most of her lovely big breasts free of any restraint, she wore hold up stockings and nothing else beneath it, she literally oozed sex and teased me unmercifully as we enjoyed a...
Cathy sat in the Sergeant-at-arms office, looking out of place amongst the older men playing cards; they were here just to guard her — at Sir Timothy's insistence. "Come on Cathy, just a couple of hands!" A corporal called over to her. "It's alright Charlie; I'm okay at the moment." Cathy called back although she didn't feel okay, she was sure that the butterflies would be appearing if she opened her mouth too much. The Corporal looked at the other men and gave a shrug, well he had...
Chris had watched the action on the television screen in amazement. This wasn't what he wanted; all he was trying to do was to show Sir Timothy that he could change the Association from within and now this! Nothing in his plans had considered this, it would change everything! He went to the door of his room and tried the handle but it wouldn't turn, the door was locked! He pounded on it and a guard opened the door and looked in, "Whadayawant?" He fired off at Chris. "I have to see...
In his room Chris and Gwen were eating dinner, the camera had been replaced several times but kept mysteriously blowing fuses and so was left inactive. Gwen was now out of her 'costume' as the faux suit was called, and was silently eating, as they weren't sure who might be listening, although Chris could tell that there was nobody near enough. After the meal Gwen stepped back into the costume and Chris added a few more bruises and welts before she had to take the plates back to the...
‘Oh not so bloody clever now are we,’ said Mike waving the revolver around the room, but at Chris mostly. Cathy trembled, Mike was insane and insane people are extraordinarily dangerous, especially when they have old looking guns. ‘All right Mike, I think you’ve made your point.’ Said Chris watching the gun and not Mike. ‘On your knees,’ said Mike with a quite evil grin, ‘Yes… yes,’ he said sniffing and waggling the gun to reinforce his point, ‘Knees!’ ‘Fuck you,’ said Chris, ‘If you’re...
I was just sitting around one day when my GF came in and we started watching a movie together. About half way through the movie she told me that she was bored. Just bored of coming over, see a movie, eat something then blowing me or fucking. So I asked her what was wrong, she had enjoyed this routine for some time now. In fact the sex part was all her idea. Well, almost all hers I admit I encouraged her a bit. OK I encouraged her a LOT! She just shrugged and told me the routine is OK but she...
Note: this is a continuation of the story ‘Cathy ch 02’ by antlerBoy. It works okay as a stand-alone story, but will make more sense if you read the other pards first. Er, yeah, that makes sense, right? Right. —– After the amazing turns of the last night with my next-door neighbor Cathy, I slept in. Flat out spent, amazed and exhausted. But I awoke to a knock on the front door… a gentle knock at first, and then louder when I didn’t answer it. Damn. I rolled to look at the click by my bed:...
Introduction: Jeremy May Have Said Somethings He Might Regret…………….. Cathy & Jeremy were sitting on the couch having just finished a romantic dinner for two, when Jeremy spoke. Well Ive been thinking babe, I know how your really into the whole bondage and restriction thing & I think I can take whatever you can throw at me. His voice quavered slightly at the end of his declaration, meanwhile Cathys eyes grew bright with anticipation. Well come on then! she said pulling him to the...
For the next few days she was really attentive, cooking him his favourite meals, and always sitting next to him on the sofa once the kids were in bed. She would bring him cups of tea and lift his arm to slide under it and into his embrace, something she had seen her late sister Jen do with him all the time. Brian would be sat in his narrow armchair of course, any attempt to sit on his lap would have meant him not being able to see the TV. Perhaps with a mind to their new closeness, on the...
“Well come on then!” she said pulling him to the bedroom.”W-w-w-what?!” he stuttered “Now?!” Cathy replied “Yes now!”Jeremy just followed meekly behind her.”Strip completely and lay on the bed on your back with your arms above you and your legs spread so you’re touching all four posts!” She commanded forcefully. He did as he was told and Cathy had him tied tight to the four poster bed in just a few minutes. She used the rope she kept in her closet just in case Jeremy changed his mind and let...
AngelaTerry and I were both filthy, but happy, happy, tired and horny.When Derek told Terry that he'd been given a bedroom with a double bed, I realized that my sister's fiancé was something special, we took our dirty overalls off outside, and I was a very tired but very happy bunny when Terry knelt down and slipped my panties down over my thighs.We got under the shower together. It seemed as though the spray rejuvenated us both. I forgot all about how dirty I was as he leaned me back against...
IncestDerekThe weeks flew by, and thankfully the weather wasn't too bad. Angie had taken some of the pressure off us as her presence allowed me to spend most days on the site. It was a fair bit easier than I'd expected because of the jobs the plant would bring to the area, the building regulations weren't enforced as harshly as they might have been.Really all it consisted of, was three floors of bedrooms and washrooms, our existing bar and kitchen were plenty big enough to take the extra men, and one...
IncestThat evening she was extremely quiet as she cooked and served the evening meal, and while the children were around Chris was his usual animated self and full of fun and bonhomie. Before she knew it, it was half past six and time to leave for the Legion club. She had searched some of Brian’s boxes in the garage but had yet to find the standard bearer’s things Mike Stafford’s visit had been about. Driving into the club car park was not a new experience, in the old days she did it all the time...
Cathy and her husband owned and ran the small hotel I was staying in, and I found her intensely interesting. She was quite a large, voluptuous woman, not at all the sort I'm usually attracted to. Her husband was small and skinny with a personality that matched his stature. I disliked him on sight.Cathy was the complete opposite; a lovely, lively, sexy woman who seemed to flirt outrageously as a matter of course. She usually doubled up as a barmaid at night. I often found myself chatting to her...
IncestHi all this is my first story so please leave comments.First of all this is and 100% true story as all of mine will be.This all started to give you some back ground in and place called Ocean City Maryland.I was on vacation with my mother at the beach on 32nd street right ocean front with and great balcony view of the girls sun bathing ahhh yes.At this time I am and teenager myself and so is the young lady in this story. I met some other guys the same age as me and we all had and laugh looking...
When I was in high school my parents decided one summer to send me to a horse-riding school. It was not that I was especially interested in horses, but one of my dad's friends had started a riding school, and this was his way of using his k** to help out.Once I started going, I got into it, mainly because lots of girls were there - more girls than boys. I liked to think that many of these girls were sexually excited by the saddle movements as their pussies, encased in tight jodphurs, bounced...
I smiled with pleasure when I saw him standing at the bar with his girlfriend he looked great and I could tell he was pleased with how he looked, the white open neck shirt contrasted well with his dark, hairy chest and the tightness of his white trousers accentuated the clearly visible outline of his penis which was hardening by the minute as he and his companion watched the club's plentiful entertainment. His companion was a woman of about thirty in a full length white evening gown that...
Derek The weeks flew by and thankfully the weather wasn't too bad, Angie had taken some of the pressure off us and her presence allowed me to spend most days on the site, it was a fair bit easier than I'd expected because of the jobs the plant would bring to the area, the building regulations weren't enforced as harshly as they might have been. Really all it consisted of, was three floors of bedrooms and wash rooms, our existing bar and kitchen were plenty big enough to take the extra...
The barbecue sizzled and made the kind of smells that only his father-in-law was able to produce from the thing. Jeff was one of the few men he knew, himself included, that was actually able to cook food on the things without the usual drama, and with the added benefit of the food actually tasting excellent. His children frolicked in the garden with his in-laws’ Labradors while he sat nursing a chilled Coke. His relationship with his in-laws had always been good. As she lay slowly dying he had...
I wrote these two stories as separate stories but realised that at some stage I would have to join them up to enable readers to follow both without getting confused — mainly since Chris Henderson's story started mid-way during the Cathy story and ended several chapters before Cathy's end. So this is the amalgamated story of Cathy and Chris. I give you the prologues from both! CATHY DOUGLAS This story is set 3 years ahead of the events in George Douglas; and it follows on from Veronica...
"Ding Dong" rang the door bell. I scurried to answer the door and was greeted by Cathy, my large breasts and an equally wholesome ass and ever so slightly overweight, so i was a little attracted to her. She said that she needed to stay over for a night because the heating in her house was malfunctioning. I reluctantly agreed and let her in. She said she only needed the couch to crash on for 1 or 2 days and I reassured her that it was okay. As she was setting her stuff up in the living room,...
Erotic FictionThe relationship had been about sex, that was what they had both understood – ‘until we both… you know’ he’d said, meaning ‘find someone new’, not ‘until we end up falling in love with each other.’ She thought of how awful it would sound, the younger widow, Husband only dead a year, falls for the smooth talker that chat’s and woo’s his way into her bed less than three months after moving in together… Suddenly her mind was back in the club, and all of the women. Looking askance at the first...
Angela Terry and I were both filthy, but happy, happy, tired and horny, When Derek told Terry that he'd been given a bedroom with a double bed, I realized that my sisters fiancé was something special, we took our dirty overalls off outside and I was a very tired but very happy bunny when Terry knelt down and slipped my panties down over my thighs. We got under the shower together and it seemed as though the spray rejuvenated us both, I forgot all about how dirty I was as he leaned me back...
Cathy's Story.Back in our hotel, we went out onto the balcony with a drink, and I started to tell him about my little adventure with Angela, my sister,"It was a Saturday night, and she'd just moved into my flat with me, she was just a few days past her sixteenth birthday. She was gorgeous, darling. We were having a drink to celebrate her freedom in leaving home, and as she sat opposite me at our kitchen table, I noticed that she was naked beneath her little white skirt. She giggled when I...
IncestCathy's Story Back in our hotel, we went out onto the balcony with a drink and I started to tell him about my little adventure with Angela, my sister, "It was a Saturday night and she'd just moved into my flat with me, she was just a few days past her sixteenth birthday and she was gorgeous darling we were having a drink to celebrate her freedom in leaving home and as she sat opposite me at our kitchen table, I noticed that she was naked beneath her little white skirt, she giggled when I...
People keep asking me the question if I am the Cathy Cook that Keith, the author of the Surfside series, was writing about. I think of "Letter to readers" as a love letter to me personally that we wanted to share with our readers. Also I was the author of the two comments at the bottom, numbers 6 and 11, that have my name attached. This was not a hack by someone like Keith to make me, the character in the story, look real. I think we both love each other though our romance has more...
It was a Monday night like any other, a school night and the kids were in bed, the washing machine and dishwasher rumbled to themselves and he made her a decaf coffee before sitting down with his own tea. She was sat on one of the sofas, a blanket over waist and knees and her body drawn up. As she took the coffee from him, consciously or unconsciously, she stretched her legs out on the other large cushion and Chris sat at the end of the sofa nearest her and smiled. She noticed but didn’t make...