Cathy Pt 2 free porn video

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Cathy. (Chp 2) It's not easy trying to write a character with a voice impediment, especially with the spell checker red lining numerous the spelling errors. So at times you may have to read a sentence twice or read it out aloud to make more sense of it. - I apologize most profusely for the frustration. THIS story is a complete work of fiction. And because it's about a young girly boy it WON'T have any NASTY sex in it - Sorry! ************************************************************************ Hello again, Although my eldest sister Annette turns 18 tomorrow, mummy had arranged for a small celebration a day earlier, because Annette had already planned on going out to celebrate with her friends tomorrow, so mummy had us all up very early today to get the house ready for tonight. *********************************** And we had a lovely small party that evening, with Annette getting presents from all of us. So we had all decided to finally call it an evening, when mummy asked us to be quiet for a moment and then told us that there was going to be a family meeting tomorrow night, concerning the next stage of my life and she needed to have suggestions from all my sisters, because I would be turning 10 very shortly and was getting closer to puberty (whatever that was) and whether they would agree with her thinking on what should happen to me next. *********************************** The following night, Amanda/Panda and I had just finished packing the dishwasher up with the dirty plates from dinner that evening, when mummy called everyone into the lounge room for the family meeting. As we seated ourselves around the room, mummy asked me to go upstairs and get undressed and then come back downstairs in only a brunch coat. "Don't worry about putting on any underwear," mummy told me. "Just put on a brunch coat and come back downstairs and join us." "Yesth mummy" I said and started to head upstairs to my bedroom to get changed. As I walked away I heard my mummy telling my sisters that the doctor was very pleased with how everything was proceeding, but had told her that I was on the highest levels of hormones my body could possibly handle at this stage of my life. Cathy actually spoke to me the other day without her lisp I heard mummy say. I didn't hear anymore as I'd started up the stairs. I entered my room and began to get undressed, before reaching into my wardrobe and pulling out a lovely bright red satin peignoir nightie set with a top that had ties at the neck and a sash around the middle. Slipping it on, I tied the sash around my tummy before going back down stairs. As I got to the bottom of the stairs, I paused for a moment as I heard my mother and Annette having a loud exchange of words. "Doesn't he get a chance to find out about maleness" I heard Annette say to mummy. To which mummy replied to Annette if she remembered the first few years before the decision was made to try the hormones? The temper tantrums I use to throw she reminded Annette and what about how Amanda's face looked after I'd punched her. And what about all the endless fights and screaming. Puberty's going to be affecting her in god knows what ways that we can't even begin to imagine. The surgery's the only kind way to go. The hormones she's taken for the past 3 years have completely destroyed the sexual organs so there's nothing from a male perspective to even consider I heard Mummy say and in a more reasonable tone of voice then asked Annette couldn't she understand and see that too? There was a complete and sudden silence when I walked back into the lounge room and I could see that everyone was looking at me with a feeling of concern and interest on their faces. "Cathy, come over and sit next to me honey" Annette said, as she made space for me on the 2 seat sofa she was sitting on, so I turned towards her and sat myself down being careful to smooth my coat around me as I sat. She leaned over and gave me a sisterly kiss on the cheek. "We've just been talking about you little sister and aren't you just the cutest little angel in that red top" she gushed. I'm certain my face started to blush as red as my coat as I tried to hide my body in on itself in shyness at her words. "Cathy" mummy said. "Dr Joan had a long talk to me last Thursday, after she sent you out for some blood tests. All the tests have come back showing that your medications are helping you to an enormous degree. She wants you to have the surgery to correct your body sometime next year Cath." Mummy was smiling when she said this and I simply smiled and nodded back at her. "What thurgery dosth thee want to do thith time mummy" I gently and lispingly replied. I'd had several surgeries which had begun shortly after my 6th birthday debacle, when my best friend Colin had suddenly and for no reason punched me in the face and started calling me names. The last major one, about 8 months ago had left my throat very tight, sore and unable to speak for several days. When I finally could speak in an audible volume, it was in a much higher pitch and I couldn't seem to pronounce my words properly as I seemed to lisp every second word most of the time. Mum and my sisters were absolutely thrilled with the result of the surgery and for a little while they made playful, gentle fun of my impediment, but they all told me that my lisp sounded very nice and made me sound sweet and cute and suited me perfectly. After about 2 weeks, even I didn't think twice about my speech and started to speak naturally with a high pitched feminine lisp, as if it was the most normal thing for me to do. As a reward for the pain I had been through that time, mummy had taken me out and had my lips injected with collagen to make them more full and lush and my ears pierced so I could wear dangly earrings. "Mummy" I said, ever so gently. "Will it hurt like lasth time?" to which mummy smiled back at me kindly and suggested that we all play a game of "nymphs" and she started to get undressed. I glanced around the room to find my sisters all standing up and taking their clothes off, so I joined in the game. "Cathy, come over here for a moment," mummy said, which I quickly complied with. "You see honey.....MOST girls are fortunately born without the need for further surgery. They can grow breasts naturally, they have periods and can have babies and so they don't have the problems that you're having, like when you have to go to the toilet. You're just the unlucky one in ten million girl, who needs some surgery to get rid of that bit of hanging flesh down there and give you a healthy vagina like mine and all your sisters" she said as she gentle took a hold of my penis. Annette had walked over, leaned down next to me and gently took my hand and put it on her breasts and then placed it between her legs. "Cathy" Annette said. "Just imagine sis. You'll look just like I do down there, be able to wear skimpy bikini bathing suit bottoms, not have to worry about bumping into things, and hurting yourself down there. Look at all of us down there. Wouldn't you like to look like that too?" she asked reasonably. "Doesth that mean I'll look like all of you down there and gwow hair there ath well" I shyly asked her, a trace of hopefulness in my voice. Annette reached over and lovingly hugged me tightly rocking me from side to side at the same time. "It sure does little sister. And you'll never have to worry about that ugly bit of growth you've got down there, ever, ever again." Amanda cried out and jumped out of her chair and came over and hugged me as well. "And Cathy, this should also help you as your breasts start to grow," Maree said as she and mummy also gathered around me to show encouragement and enthusiasm. "Mummy, when can thith all be done" I asked hopefully. "Can it be thoon?" Mummy sat back on the lounge chair and smiled at me so tenderly. "Well Cathy. Dr Joan has booked you into the hospital in Colorado in America for Xmas next year, and with luck she may be able to get this date moved forward if there are some cancellations. In the mean time, she wants to book you in for some breast augmentation at Xmas time or early in the New Year. She also wants to talk to both of us about whether you might like to have a more rounded and pronounced bottom or not. If we're going to make your breasts bigger we should also look at increasing your bottom as well" she said. "Look at the time" mummy said. "Its way past your bed time young lady" "But mummy, I'm to exthited to thleep" I said. To which she laughed and told me to go to bed young lady and that she'd have a surprise for me in the morning. Next morning I was woken up by mummy whispering into my ear telling me it was time to wake up. I looked up and saw through blurry eyes, mummy looking down at me with a kind gentle look on her face. "You can have today off from lessons Cathy. We're going to be doing some special exercises this morning and then, why don't we go down to the park" mummy asked me. "That thounds niceth" I sleepily said, as I started to get out of bed. I looked at the clock on the bedside table and was shocked to see it said 9.30am. "Mummy, look at the time" I said. She smiled at me and gently told me to relax and reminded me she'd already said there were no classes today and that she'd be back in ten minutes with my usual morning douche. I lifted my nightie up as I sat down on the toilet seat, suddenly recalling last night and that in time, I wouldn't have the deformity I had between my legs that I had at the moment, and went through the routine of wiping myself afterwards so mindlessly, I simply didn't give it a thought. Somehow, I managed to get through my morning enema, although still not yet use to the larger bag that mummy was using on me now, before having my shower and heading back into the bedroom to get dressed. But this morning my usual routine must have been going to change. Mummy was sitting on the chair at my vanity table and there were no clothes laid out on my bed for me to wear. She must have seen the confusion on my face, because she asked me to sit down so she could talk to me, before I got dressed. "Cathy. The surgery that you need and we talked about last night will mean that you have to do some preparatory work to yourself so that when the surgery is all done, that you won't have to worry about doing any strengthen exercises for your genital area and ensure that your anal area is also strengthened to ensure that your bottom doesn't sag in any way. Dr Joan suggested we try teaching you to walk in heels, which should strengthen your calves and bottom muscles but also suggested some other ideas as well. So will you please lie down on the bed on your tummy for me please sweetie?" "Now I want you to relax your body completely for me because I need to give you a bit of a massage," mummy said as she started kneading the claves on my legs. She worked her hands up my body until they were kneading the cheeks of my bottom and then she started to softly knead the insides of my thighs. As my body started to sag into the bed, mummy stopped and reached across to my vanity table. I tried to turn around to watch and spied her putting on a pair of gloves and she then proceeded to open a tube and squeeze something onto her fingers. "This shouldn't hurt you, but it may be a surprise to you, so try to relax because I need to inspect your bottom, alright Cathy?" She then proceeded to part my anal cheeks with one hand before taking the other and probing my entrance with two well lubed fingers, gently but firmly pressing against the opening until my anus opened up to allow her to slide two of her insistent fingers inside of me. I gasped at the intrusion, but was not overly uncomfortable, as my morning douches had gotten me use to having something inserted into my bottom. She allowed me to relax and get use to the intrusion before she started sawing her fingers back and forth inside of me slowly stretching me and having me get used to the fingers. What ever she was trying to do to me, the effect may or may not have made me start to involuntarily push back against her fingers, and my pushing back may have been what she was looking for, as she quietly encourage me, as she slipped in another finger and then a fourth finger, all the while pushing down on my anus, while my body was trying to push back against her hand. She then stopped the thrusting and removed her fingers from my anus quite suddenly, leaving me with a feeling of emptiness down there. She then took a small hand towel and proceeded to wipe off all the lube like substance she had used in the first place. "Now I'm going to push something up inside of you. It may cause you a bit of discomfort at the start, but it's important that you try to ensure that you clench your bottom and hold it in once I've pushed it inside of you," mummy told me, before reaching over to the vanity again and picking up a small box and bring it up behind me out of my sight. "Now I want you to think you're on the toilet and try to squeeze out a big poo for me and push outwards, NOW." As I strained and tried to push outwards, I felt something hard and firm pushing back in against my opening. It was starting to hurt me and I was panting and crying out that it was hurting me and was too big, when mummy put a hand firmly on my lower spine and pushed downward on me with all her strength. I let out a loud gasp and I felt the object suddenly pop itself way up inside of me and then I felt my bottom begin to close up and relax. But it couldn't close entirely and I was lying there, whimpering in a high pitched voice, partly in shock, wondering what it was that my mummy had pushed up into me. "Thanks for your assistance Ann. If you hadn't put your hand on mine and pushed I may have never had had the hand strength to do it" my mother said as I heard my eldest sister Annette, acknowledge my mother. "Now let's get her standing up and then get her to lie on her back." And with that they helped me to stand up, take a few short steps before turning me around and getting me back onto the bed, but this time lying on my back. "That was very brave of you Cathy. Now that the worst part is over, you'll find that in about 10 or so minutes, your bottom will start to stretch and accommodate the plug. Trust your mummy on that, because Dr Joan told me that that is what would happen." "And now for the next part of your body's preparation, but don't worry Cathy, THIS time I PROMISE YOU, it won't hurt at all. Annette, be a doll and get that other box over on the vanity and pass it over to me please," to which Annette walked over to my vanity and picked up a small pink box and removed the lid, before handing it over to mummy. "What size are these?" Annette asked mummy. "They look like B's." "They are" she replied. "Do you want to put them on her, although lord knows YOU'VE never had a need to have a use for these, have you?" chuckled mummy. "Nope, the apple doesn't fall far form the trees when it comes to boobs, does it" replied Annette, who on inquiring as to how long the glue solvent would last, carefully brushed some onto my chest area before gently pressing down a warm jelly like mould, but a bit firmer then jelly onto the left side of my chest, before repeating it on the other side. On mummy's advice Annette then carefully placed a hand on each mould and pressed firmly down on them for about a minute. "Well Cathy, you've just been given a pair of falsies, kid," Annette informed me. "Okay Cathy" I heard my mummy say to me. "Now we're going to help you up off the bed, but your body's going to feel confused. You're going to feel some weights on your chest and offsetting those is the plug that you've got in your bottom, so let's take it easy getting up," and with that they helped me off the bed and made me stand still. "Now walk towards the door and back for us please Cathy" mummy instructed me. I could feel the funny weight on my chest and as I started for the door, swaying a bit from side to side I found I couldn't walk a straight line. Mummy suggested I try it again and I did so several times, before finally getting the hang of the weights moving around on my chest as I took each step. Eventually I was walking confidently in a straight line. Annette remarked to mummy that I wouldn't possibly be able to handle heels today, to which mummy said that it was only mid morning and we had the whole day to train her, before saying it was time to try the corset on me, as I looked at her in a puzzled way. "Why don't we all stop for a breather" mummy suggested and sat down on the chair at the vanity. Annette stood over near the door and I began to sit down on the bed, before suddenly bolting upright as my weight started to sink into the bed. "You'll have to get use to the plug eventually Cathy," mummy told me. "The only time it's ever going to be out of you is when you have your douche each morning. Just relax slowly when you sit and NEVER try to sit down in a hurry. After a while it'll be like second nature to you and you won't even realise it's inside of you" mummy told me. "Oh come on mum. Something that big is unnatural" remarked Annette. "Someone as delicate and small as Cathy can't possibly ever get use to something that big inside of her," "You don't know what you're talking about Annette" retorted mummy. "Your father, may he rest in peace, was as big as that plug is and used to roger my bottom on a regular basis, she laughed. And do you know what. Sometimes I use to get so horny when I was pregnant with each of you, I used to beg him to wop it up my arse" recalled mummy. "Mum, I really didn't need to know that bit of information" groaned Annette. To which mum advised her that once she got married, she'd better get use to the idea of anal sex, because after blow jobs, most husbands wanted to screw there wives up the arse at least every so often, especially if it was that time of the month when they wanted sex and if you don't like giving head you'd better get use to the idea. "Oh thanks for THAT reality report mum" Annette said before walking over to hold me and rub my back for me. "Cathy, will you come to my bedroom so Annette and I can help you try on your very first corset that I brought especially for you." I headed for the door following Annette out and down the hall to mummy's bedroom. As I entered the room, mummy was walking out of her wardrobe carrying a box with her before placing it down on the bed. "Annette, will you do the honors please" and Annette walked over and opened the lid of the box and lifted the paper tissue out onto the bed. What I saw as Annette took out the garment, was a beautiful teal blue fabric that seem to have laces down one side and hooks down the other. "Oh Mum," breathed Annette. "It's beautiful, O M G, it's absolutely gorgeous. But where did you get it from she squealed excitedly." "Dr Joan recommended a place just off Oxford St" she replied. "She told me they'd have sizes that would be small enough to fit Cathy. This one's a size 4 and Cathy's measurements are actually a size 8, before we added on the breast inserts. I think I'd better explain how this one is worn to Cathy, judging by the look on her face" remarked mummy. She went on to explain to me what a corset was and what it did, but in particular why THIS model was so special and why I had to learn to wear it, along with some others she'd purchased, almost every day from now on. "Now first thing for you to do Cathy, is to put on the matching satin panty before you try to on the corset" said mummy. "Good girl" she told me as I pulled the panties up my legs. "Now, step into the corset, take a deep breath and pull it up your body as far as you can. Annette will help you fit into it" advised Mummy. And with that, Annette took the garment and knelt down before me and helped me step into it, before allowing me to slide it up my body. I managed to get it up but I found that I couldn't get it past the jelly things Annette had stuck to my chest, to which Annette firmly told me to take a really deep breath and hold it and tug. I still couldn't get it any further up my body, so Annette said for me to take one more deep breath, where upon she grabbed a hold of the sides of the corset and pulled them up and over my falsies, before loudly proclaiming, "It's well and truly on her now, Mum. Do we tie up the lacing now?" I was now standing upright. The corset itself felt very constricting and I couldn't really move in it and loudly said so. "If you think its tight now, wait until we've tightened the lacing up at the back, young lady" pronounced mummy. She then spoke to Annette, telling her that the lady at the store had advised her to make sure her breasts were positioned comfortably before starting to tighten the lacing. "Cathy, I want you to hang on tight to the bedpost, because we're going to tug and tighten the lacing up at the back of you. Annette, you grab the metal hook tag and as I tighten a set of laces, place the metal hook into the next set of laces down and while I pull them tight you then take the strain up and maintain the tension and so forth until we have all the laces tighten up to the bottom. Cathy, take a deep breath and try and hold it for as long as possibly can. GO." The effort required to tighten the corset, had me losing my grip several times as I desperately tried to hang onto the bed post. At various times, either Annette or mummy would shout at me to take a deep breath, as they tugged the laces tight at the back. There was a lot of joking between the pair of them as they proceeded to tighten the lacing until at last they announced that they had finished. The garment was so tight on me that I couldn't do anything but stand stiffly erect, swaying from faintness and lack of breath. Mummy and Annette were holding me up, quietly encouraging me to relax and breathe as normally as possible. They then discussed my bottom and how the corset narrowed my waist but that my bum didn't really have any shape at the moment. Mummy said that Dr Joan would be able to help there when the time came. "Annette, if you look in the box you should find some padded forms to fit into the bottom of the corset to puff her butt out. Yes, that's them. Simply slide them into the pouches at the bottom of the corset, yes like that. Now let's see how she looks in the mirror." The two of them led me over to the mirror and surveyed their handiwork. They made me stand facing away from the mirror, then either side of them, then facing back towards the mirror, remarking how simply amazing my waist looked and the breast inserts will look a treat once I have a dress on. "If you think she's slim now, wait until we learn how to tighten it up properly. There's still a lot of corset to tighten to get it closed up completely" mummy remarked to Annette. "And according to the lady at the shop, we might even be able to eventually fit Cathy into an even smaller corset. Image what she'd look like then?" "Next are the stockings" declared mummy. "We'll have to use the chair for that Annette and help her to sit down, so we can put them on her. I'm blessed if I know how a woman would be able to get dressed in a corset all by herself" declared mummy and I heard Annette agree with her on that. And with that, they slowly guided me towards the chair in mummy's bedroom and decided to put a pillow onto it before carefully easing me down onto the chair. I was worried that with the plug that they had put inside of me, that I wouldn't be able to sit down, and the fitting of the corset definitely had exhausted my stamina. However, between the pillow and the gentle lowering of my body, I actually felt quite comfortable in the chair, as I watched mummy ease on pair of sheer silk stockings up my legs and fasten them to the suspender clips attached to the corset. "You really do look quite lovely in that color" mummy told me. "Now Annette, how about we go down stairs for morning tea, and then we'll come back up and find a dress for Cathy to wear to the park today." "Come along Cathy, and you'd better bring your pillow with you" mummy light heartedly remarked. Annette reminded mummy that the floor downstairs was timber and that stockings and timber equaled snags and runs. "Oh yes. How silly of me, I almost forgot about it. Mummy said, looking directly at me. Cathy, it's important that you know how to walk in heels because large high heels will tighten up your bottom when you walk and strengthen your calves. We'll start you out with a pair of training heels. They're 3 inches high and you can potter about in them this morning, but I'm hoping to try you out on some special 5 inch heels when we go out this afternoon. And with that she handed the pair to me and suggested we wait until I was downstairs before trying them on. So I followed Annette and mummy downstairs to the kitchen and having placed the pillow on the kitchen chair, grabbed a hold of the table and slowly eased myself down gingerly onto the chair. Mummy watched my antics with an amused look and a shake of her head, reminding me aloud that, I needed to learn how to sit as a lady if I wanted to be accepted as one. Annette knelt down beside my chair and began to put my heels on me, before suggesting she help me to stand up and give them a test run. I took her hand and used her strength to ease me up from the table. I seemed to wobble a bit, but with her quiet encouragement started to move away from the table. "Little steps dear," encouraged Annette. "Just take little steps for the moment and we'll get bigger later on." I moved about awkwardly at first, arms out trying to steady myself like a circus high wire performer, but started to gather speed and found my feet starting to find a gait that I was able to use that propelled me along with the noisy clack, clack, clack that I could recognize as heels on timber. But I was still unable to turn around without help so I started to try to walk about the kitchen in small circles and spent the time mastering my walk while they had morning tea, watched all he while by mummy who looked on with an amused expression. With morning tea finished, mummy turned to Annette and decided out loud, that perhaps Maree or Amanda may have an old dress that we could try on me to see if it fit. "Mum don't you think that with the corset actually reducing her body size, wouldn't she be able to wear one of her own dresses" remarked Annette. Mum looked at me with a smirk on her face, before looking at my false bosoms and saying that while my body may have been slightly reduced in size, certain parts of me had blossomed to new proportions and headed for Maree's closet in search of that elusive dress. She searched through the wardrobe, picking out one and putting it up against me before discarding it as to long, to big, or simply the wrong shade of colour. Then it was off to Amanda's wardrobe to try and find the right dress for the occasion. "This one might do the trick" she announced pulling out a hanger and on it was a pretty aqua blue dress that Amanda use to wear but had grown out of it. "Let's go back to my bedroom and try it out for size princess" said mummy and led the way. Back in her bedroom, mummy then ordered me to put my arms up in the air and proceeded to put the dress on over my head and ease it down onto my body. "The length's not to bad, her bust shows out quite well, though the dress does seem a bit big around her waist," remarked mummy. "But if I put a gold or silver chain around it, that may help." So Mummy hurried me over to the wardrobe and began rummaging around in her jewelry box and fished out 2 necklace type chains and brought them across and held each against my waist, before deciding on the silver one. Annette looked at my ensemble and also thought the chain would cover the slightly large waist of the dress and remarked that all I needed now was to style my hair, a pair of drop earrings and a bit of make up and I'd be ready for my own coronation. "Hair first decreed mummy," and grabbed the pillow and eased me down onto the chair which she had strategically moved away from the vanity mirror, before she started to brush and primp my hair using a bit of hair spray and a few hair pins, until she turned me round to ask for Annette's opinion who thought it was just right. Then mummy placed a towel over the front of my dress, and proceeded to start on my face. She started with liquid bases, then powder blushes, highlighting the eyes and carefully touching my lips up, when about 20 minutes later she turned the chair towards Annette for her comments, who looked back in horror. "Mum, she's supposed to only be 10 years old, Annette protested aloud. You've made her up to look like she's 18 and entering a beauty pageant for goodness sakes! It's too much, take it off and let's keep her young and simple." Annette's reaction woke me up from my daze and I squealed out that I wanted to see how I look, to which mummy picked up the mirror and placed it so I could see my appearance. I looked at the reflection with my mouth wide open and staring at the face looking back at me, the heavily accented eyes, the 2 tone lips, the liquid base which made my skin look blemish free and glowing. Mummy attached a necklace and matching earrings slid into my pierced holes and looking back at me in the mirror was a very young but "blonde" looking Elizabeth Taylor like in National Velvet. "Mummy, I love it. Can I practice some more in my shoes, before we go out to the park", and started to get up and fidget in excitement. Annette simply shook her head and protested that it didn't look right and that I was only a 10 year old. But mommy knew that it looked just right on me and I knew it too, as I looked up, startled by the flash in front of my eyes from the camera mummy was holding. I only hoped that I could wear those 5 inch high heels today that she'd let me see earlier on, which she said that I'd eventually have to be able to wear if only to tighten my calves! ........................Bye for now, hugs and kisses, Cathy.

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20Jas0007, The Labors of Jasper Episode 07; 1972 words Working on the code for the coin provided insight into the collar. Yara found several clauses that acted like contracts and an unfolding spell that acted in a similar way to the spell that folded the imps. She had another demon. It wasn't an imp. This one had hundreds of modules of Hive code, XNA for hundreds of different hive monsters. A living ark, a walking Hive infestation of the worst type, a magzi. Yara hosted a...

3 years ago
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New Boss

My company recently brought in a new boss to take over our branch since the former retired the previous month. He is a black man. Tall, broad-shouldered with a chocolate complexion; he's got the build of a quarterback, and he's married. I am his secretary; my name is Alicia.I have been with the boss going on six and a half months now and I could tell that he's got a thing for the ladies. He certainly enjoys flirting with them and sometimes I've noticed how often he tends to keep late hours...

2 years ago
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My Unwanted Transition 8

( Disappointment )I stepped up to the apartment door, knowing that Andy was inside. I hadn’t responded to his texts, so I was sure he wanted to know how I felt about it. With a deep breath, I opened the door and went in. I went to my room first so I could change into fresh clothes. Next, I went to find something to eat since I skipped breakfast at Skylar’s place.I sat down at the table and ate some cereal while waiting for Andy to come out, which didn’t take long. He came out of his room, sat...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Street Name Samanta

Street Name: Samantha! Players: Sam/Samantha, the lead in this story; Chief Helen Sanders, Sam's boss; Rose, Sam's teacher and dominate; Ruth/Ray, Chief Sanders brother/sister; Helen, Rose's Sister and her husband Jack, an adult baby. Julie, A male-to-female transsexual, and Sam's co-worker at the boutique; John, Sam's new sissy friend, Patrick/Patty Cake, the bookkeeper, Sandy, the self proclaimed "Queen of Tarts", and owner of Swirls and Curls. Synopsis: Sam's job, in...

2 years ago
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Crazy Beautiful

Some people talk about "chemistry" with a partner. I feel sorry for them, sorry that they haven't experienced the kind of natural law defying magnetism that we deal with every time we are remotely close to each other. And here we are again, a group outing, family, friends, and longing wanton glaces across the way between us. We know it's wrong, so very wrong, but it's wrong in the very best of ways. Why they always volunteer us to go together to do things I'll never understand, but my heart, my...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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a night with morning glory

I was at home on vacation and i lived 2 weeks with a girl I fucked.My ex girlfriend lives just a few miles in the next village.She saw due to facebook that I was in town. So she contacted me in order a meet me.I never expected that she is gonna contact me as she broke up with me and I made me really ridicilous afterwards.However, I was all excited but then she became sick over christmas and we did not meet upAnyway, I still fucked the hot 21 year old hottie where I lived while I was in my...

3 years ago
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Just Another ConferenceChapter 4

The car was waiting for me as I walked out from my apartment. Instead of one of the usual restaurants that our company frequented for corporate dinners, I was driven to a small lodge about thirty miles northwest of the city. It was very remote, there were not even signs identifying it to passing motorists. Either you knew what it was and where it was, or you drove right on by. I was impressed that nearly all of the vehicles in the front were limousines. This place must be really top drawer, I...

2 years ago
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Visitors from out of town Part 1

This fall some great old friends of ours from out of town finally found the time to come for a visit. We’ve known them for decades but had nearly lost touch over the years since we moved away from the city and out to the countryside. Out of the blue they sent us an email asking how we were. We chatted back and forth quite a bit getting caught up. We all had k**s, changes in lifestyle, etc. After quite a bit of back and forth catching up they asked to come for a visit with their son James and we...

1 year ago
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The B Train

I hated the commute to and from work, trains have always bored me and the forty-five minute journey to work and back was mind numbing. I've never been able to read on the train, and so I spent most of my time people watching. Wondering where people were going and what they would do when there. I had a fun imagination so that passed some time, but bored me too after a while. Today had been a good day at work, mainly due to the long liquid lunch we'd been treated to after winning a very lucrative...

1 year ago
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The Hill

“Mmmm, Jack, I’ve missed you,” Jill whispered in his ear as she held him tightly while he showered her with kisses. “Do you think anyone followed you here?” She gave a quick look behind him for any sets of eyes that may have been lurking behind the edge of the trees on the hilltop. Her nipples tingled as she felt his lips travel from her ear down her neck and rest upon her clavicle, pulling the sleeve of her dress from her shoulder.Jack lifted his lips away from Jill’s skin and yanked her dress...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Blair Williams Sex With My Step Sister

Alex D. has hurt his arm, and though he looks at pictures and videos of his stepsister Blair Williams he can’t seem to make masturbation comfortable. As he’s trying to jerk it, the object of his affection walks in. The compromise that he will delete the pictures if Blair helps him get off. Crawling onto the bed, Blair starts sucking and stroking her stepbrother’s dick. When Alex’s mom comes in, she hides under the covers and keeps her blowjob up in secret. When sucking...

4 years ago
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Its a Wonderful LifeChapter 4 Wake Up Maggie

“Wait, where’s Hermione?” said George, who was having trouble coping with time and reality shifts. George was a teenager in an office. “This is the reality when you don’t go to university. You started in the office straight after school didn’t you?” “Yes” “Yes, there you are. There’s your uncle with his bottle in the cupboard. You have to love him, he thinks no-one knows. But everyone keeps an eye on him and makes sure he doesn’t do anything too bad. And he’s good with the customers....

2 years ago
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The Crush

A Big 'Thank You' to Mistress Lynn for taking the time out of her busy schedule to edit this story for me and make it a much better read. "Wow! What a knockout," I said to my friend Lee. We were both computer nerds in our first year at the university. One afternoon while working together on a software program, an older woman walked in. She was probably in her thirties and built like a brick shit house. Everything about her made me think of a supermodel. I got a hard-on just looking at...

3 years ago
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Melvin had worked the plan over and over in his head, and when he saw her he knew  she was the perfect one.  Mary was plain in almost every way.  She rarely looked people in the eye at work and appeared almost afraid to speak to people. Her clothes and appearance were both awkward.  Her desk was in an obscure corner and she ate lunch by herself.  Her badge showed she was a temp, just like Melvin.He had taken the job just to search for the right woman, he already had his inheritance and the...

2 years ago
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Stories by EckieI received an email from a friend, inviting me to a party where they wanted to hold a sort of slave auction. Several Masters and slaves will be invited and during the evening the slaves will be auctioned off for the weekend - or in case the two right matches are finding each other, even for lifetime. The email stated that for the weekend enough toys and space is provided for all to enjoy the party and results of the auction.I do not consider myself master or owner, in fact I...

4 years ago
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A Limo and a Rose

Buzz… It is early Saturday morning and I am still fuzzy with sleep as I walk to the door to see who is calling so early. I peak out through the window and see a local delivery service there. He is holding an envelope, a shirt box and a red rose. I look quickly down at what I am wearing and decide that I can open the door in this long white nightie that I have on. I use the door to block myself somewhat and smile at the deliveryman as he hands me the rose, the box and the envelope. There is no...

2 years ago
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Hot Office Seduction

HOT OFFICE SEDUCTION:So I finally find out where this guy I had been chatting on line with a while works, he makes me so fucking hot... Some time in the late afternoon. I slipped into his office locking the door behind me... He was on the phone, he had his back turned away from me. I came in so quietly that he did not even hear me, I was nervous. I slowly put my hands over his eyes and slipped a soft silky perfume scented eye mask over his eyes. Quickly I knelt and I tied his hands to the arms...

2 years ago
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Adventure Time

Introduction: Innocent love… Gone wrong It was the first time I had been out in a long time&hellip, Just needing to get away from mommy hood for awhile and have some fun. I show up dressed in my usual, tight jeans and a black tight tee. As Im In my car, I check my make up one for time, making sure I look acceptable, then I hope out and walk as cute as I can to the door, as I notice youre standing there to greet me. I give a flirty smile and follow you into the living room. We sit, bullshit and...

3 years ago
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Dads Loose ShortsChapter 2

"My first time was with Fred when I was 14. He was gentle though and took it slow. Then we both had a wild climax. Unfortunately I was fertile myrtle and found a baby growing in me. Luckily we both had parents who were understanding and supported us until we graduated from high school." "Oh that was neat your parents went along with it." "Fred's parents went along with it but my parents were really angry and didn't like it. So I moved into Fred's house and we fucked almost every...

3 years ago
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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 35

After Joey got Jimmy’s twin sister to the Home for Unwed Mothers, he introduced her to Dianne Benson saying, “This is Janie Aldrich. She is going to be living here. For the past week, I have been fucking her. If she is not already pregnant, she soon will be.” The young dark-hired beauty stood there beside Joey with her head slightly bowed, not looking at the beautiful woman in her thirties. Janie remained silent while he talked about her as his newest sex slave. Joey looked at Jimmy’s twin...

3 years ago
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The interview was pretty ordinary , there were not many things to improve on academically, this was probabley because I either spent my time jacking of or studying. Mr Spaleney was a good teacher, but he was still a bit harsh when it came to my grades. After the short interview, all the parents were sent into the school gym where principle Franklin would talk to them, this meant that i had time to go talk to Oliver , long story short, Oliver wanted me to come to his house that night, and this...

2 years ago
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Love is in the Air

‘Attention passengers boarding Pan Am Flight 3235 with nonstop service to Denver. We will be boarding first class at his time.’ ‘About time, bastards…’ muttered the guy next to me. I gave my newspaper back to the fellow I borrowed it from and picked up my briefcase. The flight had been delayed three hours due to an equipment problem, and I had been sitting at gate C5 in Richmond for what seemed like ages. I was so bored I had begun to read the movie showtimes. The lady at the counter tore my...

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Fun With an Older Daddy

It was another day at the YMCA, it was getting late, and I had just finished my workout and walked into the locker room. Since it was late there wasn’t too many people at the Y so I figured the locker room would be pretty empty. I was right, there was nobody in there unfortunately but I could hear a shower running in the showers so I had hope. I had gotten undressed and grabbed my towel to head to the showers, when I got there I hung my towel up and walked in and was surprised to see a very...

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Thats So WrongChapter 9

Day 3—Terry and Barbara Terry woke with a hardon and a smile. Memories of Tina's hard little body bouncing on his dick fueled his morning masturbatory fantasies. Eyes closed, he stroked his cock picturing his sister doing all sorts of sexy things for him. She said it wasn't a one-time thing. Can't wait to go again. Wait, what's that noise? The sounds of drawers opening and closing pulled him out of his morning stroke session. He peaked at the dresser. Holy shit! He bolted upright,...

3 years ago
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Adhunik mahabharata

Se aj theke bohu kal ager kotha. Tokhon cable tv ar eto tv channel er romroma chilo na. Matro duto channel dd-1 ar dd-2, tao barite antena lagate hoto. Se samoy barite barite sada kalo tv-r chol chilo. Khub borolok hole ekmatro rongin tv kinte parto. Karon colour tv-r dam tokhon khub beshi chilo. Se samoy tv te sobcheye popular programme chilo ramanand sagor er ramayana ar mahabharata. Robibar bela 9 ta bajtei rasta ghat sunsan hoye jeto. Bhison dorkar na porle keu bazar-e beroto na. Barite...

1 year ago
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My First Couple

I had been away from home for 2 weeks; I was in another damn hotel! I was starting to get really bored of spending my evenings alone with my laptop. I had visited every erotic site known to man but after 2 weeks I needed the real thing! I got to the office, where I was working, at about 07:30am. I logged onto the net and checked my various e-mails. I decided to log onto my favorite personals site. When it got to Women seeking men, it was full of the normal idiots who had posted their ads in...

2 years ago
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A Party with Carol Pt 2

The sight of two beautiful small firm arses presented to me certainly made me grow. Okay, I am around six and a half, maybe seven inches, is that enough girls? Was this heaven? They parted their legs allowing me access to push my hands between them and stroke two hot and very moist pusses. Wow, that had me even more turned on. “Oh yes. More, more,” they were moaning, writhing under my touch. I stood back and spanked Jane’s right cheek. “Ooh, yeah.” Taking my very swollen and hard cock in...

Straight Sex
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NubileFilms Eliza Ibarra Jessie Saint The Christmas Kiss

Eliza Ibarra has had a crush on her friend Jessie Saint for years. Every Christmas, she goes to visit Jessie, which is bittersweet torture. Eliza has thought about making a move, but every time she gets ready to try, something gets in her way. This time, it’s Jessie’s boyfriend, Tyler Nixon, who’s gonna be there all weekend. Too bad for Jessie and Tyler that Eliza is sick of putting her wants on hold. Eliza gets her opportunity when the trio are decorating for Christmas. She...

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12th GradeChapter 13

I was very aware that nothing had been resolved by the phone conversation that I'd had with Shirley. What had changed though, was the way I felt about things, having had the opportunity of speaking with her again. I felt less pessimistic. It wasn't that I thought we'd be able to patch things up, or that we'd work out our differences. I didn't believe that we might get back together. It was only that we had somehow changed the direction of our being apart. We weren't still moving away...

3 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 22 Homeward Bound

The trip back home took a lot longer than the trip to Hawaii. Adding to their woes, their plane had been delayed and they arrived at home two hours late. They had gotten used to Hawaiian time and the time change was unsettling. In Hawaii, it was only eleven, but here it was one in the morning. It was extremely cold and, with the overcast sky, it was very dark when they stepped out of the airport. Andrew pushed the cart loaded with luggage out to long term parking. His car was parked way the...

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Midtown Meat Mall 2 of 5

Over the course of the next week Teddy and his father made several trips to the meat mall to perform their duties and impregnate the cows. In that short time, Teddy had become quite the celebrity around the mall amongst the employees. Whenever he and his father stopped at the diner, there was always a catfight amongst the servers over who would get to serve the table. A part of it was that all the girls wanted to see and feel the Teddy’s gigantic dick they had all heard about. But more so...

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Summer Paradise Ch 02

This is the second part to the series. Like the first, this may appear short and there is not must sexual activity in the this chapter, this is coming later. Please feel free to leave comments as they do help to improve the story. If you haven’t already, please read Chapter 1 of the series to get a feel for the characters and plot so far. ***** I was dumbfounded. A few hours ago she walked off and left me mad at her, now she was kissing me. That really surprised me ‘She never does anything...

1 year ago
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Pakkinti Any Akka Awesome

Na peru raj. 26.Madi oka mandalam head quartera.Own house.Ma pakkillu kuda own ye .Vaalla father ma father employees.Ma intlo parents andaru aa roju camp vellaru.Mamma nenu ye unnam intlo.Pakka ammai peru anu radha. Naa kante 4 yeara peddadi. Antha apsarasa kadu. Kaani mukku moham teeruga umtai.Chamana chai.Inka sttucture gurinchi adagakkarledu. Ekkaduikakkasa vompulatho chekkina silpam untadi.Nenu 9 ke aa roju padukunna.Thanu around 10.30 ki vachindi memu iddarame unnam kada thoduga...

1 year ago
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Watcher By The Cliff

Watcher By The Cliff----------The purchase of the farm next door was finally completed. I was excited begin marking out new riding trails. Unlike our relatively flat and hilly property, the new land had many rocky ravines and dotted with small dry creeks. I dressed as I would normally, shorts, a loose blouse and a light jacket before heading out to the barn to gather up my horse and supplies for the day. I grabbed my leather chaps to protect my legs in the thick brush and weeds and headed...

2 years ago
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Naming ConventionChapter 3

It was a very different Chelsea that went to school in September as a junior, accompanied by a much more confident Matt. The very pretty girl that Mel had known was there had been revealed as the pounds dropped away. She was not yet a hard-body and might never be, but the soft spots were only where they looked the most appealing. She was proud of her new look and Matt was proud of her. Chelsea's parents' strange reaction to their daughter's makeover extended to a refusal to allow her to...

2 years ago
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Business Liaisons Ch 01

-= Business Liaisons, Chapter 1 – Initial Proposals =- Cyndi was finding that Sean’s concentration and his usual attention to details had deteriorated over the last couple of months. His sense of humor also had all but disappeared as he rarely kidded around anymore and his now infamous practical jokes around the office had stopped completely. He’d fallen into the all to familiar ‘workaholic’ pattern as well. Their manager had noticed Sean had missed some of his milestones on the project...

3 years ago
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Hockey Camp Part 2

However, all of that came to a screeching halt when the head counselor announced to all the boys in the camp the activity for Saturday night was a special trip down the road to a girl's equestrian camp. Ethan had to ask his cabin counselor what equestrian meant. When he found out the evening with the girls would consist of a barbecue cookout and dancing, Ethan was horrified. There was nothing worse he could have imagined than spending an entire evening with a bunch of girls, and possibly...

4 years ago
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A String of PearlsChapter 3

About a week after the incident I just described, Amy had to go out of town to a realtor’s convention of some kind. It was assumed Chas would stay with me. It wasn’t even discussed. My relationship with Chastity had been completely normal that week. She hadn’t gotten weird on me. She’d come to the range three days, and done whatever on the other days. It was summer and I assumed she got together with friends. The day her mother left was a day she worked at the range. It was a hot day and we...

1 year ago
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WatchingMyDaughterGoBlack Zelda Morrison 10232016

A few weeks after her mom re-married, Zelda Morrison caught her step-dad jerking to interracial porn on the internet. Her step-dad was very embarrassed, but Zelda told him it was cool. Then, she confessed to him: “I’m a black cock slut!” Since then, they’ve come to an agreement. Zelda gets pretty much whatever she wants as long as she lets step-dad in her bedroom while she’s entertaining her African-American friends. It really works very well. When Zelda needs...

2 years ago
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Double Take Part Seven Amazing Grace Double Jeopardy

Double Take © 2003 by Nom de Plume Episode Seven: Amazing Grace, Double Jeopardy What a difference a fraction of an inch makes! Sandy Lane reflected on this as he brushed the loose powder off his nose. When it was a centimeter smaller, with a slightly different curve to it, his nose had given him the face of a beautiful girl. Now, although he was still nice-looking, nobody would be mistaking him for Ashley Vaughn. Standing side by side at the his-and-her vanities in their...

3 years ago
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Aimees First Fuck With Daddy

My mom took off when I was a baby and left me and my sister with my daddy. We didn't have it any worse than anyone else in my hick town in rural Georgia. I guess we were what would've been known as trailer trash but people were too polite to say it to our face. We were fed and warm so I guess I can't complain much. Daddy spent a lot of money on booze and girls but as long as I didn't suffer it was none of my business. I watched as he brought home a string of bar skanks. They all fit the...

2 years ago
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How I lost my virginity to an older boy

Introduction: I lost my virginity at a young age, to an older boy. This is my first story, please no mean comments. Im sorry if my writing/grammar sucks. Im sorry if its not a good story, Im not writing to entertain. Im writing to tell how I lost my virginity. When I was younger I used to have low self-esteem. I was a little over weight, not alot, maybe 10-15lbs more than I should be. I used to think no one would ever want to date me, thats why I loved attention whenever I got it. I eventually...

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The Return of Lilly RoseChapter 6

Christina reminds Lilly to get her mind back on her job. She has three contracts to finish. Her first one is a state highway patrolman. He is running security for a drug dealer out of Texas. The drug dealer's shipments kept getting hit in Missouri on the way to Saint Louis and Chicago. He bought insurance in Sergeant Don Hoyt. Hoyt reported the location of officers on duty and escorted the shipments to Saint Louis. She has his work schedule and decides to take him out on the job. She rents a...

3 years ago
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The TravelerBinghamtonScrantonChapter 1

As the Chevrolet Silverado turned onto I-81 South, Roger found that the salt crews had done a masterful job and the roads were clear and starting to dry. The asphalt had thin coating of salt making the road look a dirty gray. He began to think of his adventure of the past few days. He had made some friends in Utica and had changed a few lives, hopefully for the better. He began to feel a bit sad when a vision of Pooh came to him. He really wished that he could stay; it would have been...

2 years ago
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Saras Journey Ch 05

‘Heather you sure know how to make a girl feel good.’ I said when my senses returned to normal. ‘I don’t think I could have done anything like that if you were still your old self. You’re my nasty little sister now and that’s what I’ve always wanted to do with a little sister. I could just lay here and fondle you all night long.’ ‘I’ll let you,’ I said, cupping a generous handful of her tit and kissing the nipple. ‘You know, I really like being your little sister. It’s funny, now that I don’t...

1 year ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 10

The Carolina sun beat down on Collette's back yard, as Collette, her brother Dave, and Patty sunned themselves by the pool. Jackson Brown's "Fountain of Sorrow" seeped from the speaker rocks surrounding the teens as they drowsed on their lounge chairs: "But when you see through love's illusions, there lies the danger And your perfect lover just looks like a perfect fool So you go running off in search of a perfect stranger While the loneliness seems to spring from your life Like a...

3 years ago
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The Wimp and the DebChapter 53

Rory When we drove off in our own car after the wedding with tin cans rattling behind and just married signs posted on the window and confetti scattered all over it, we made a good bit of noise. When we arrived back at our house we went inside and collected the suitcases we had already packed and stowed them in the Range Rover. Before leaving, however, Rebecca suggested we make ourselves a cup of coffee as this would give us time to calm down after all the excitement. I agreed as we were...

1 year ago
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Felicity Ch 66

The Captives Twelve years after the Gulf event Cel still sent out crews looking for survivors. The few discovered were in poor shape. Shelters had been advised to keep sufficient supplies for ten years so most shelters would have run out of food and water by then. The ones in shelters that managed to leave them usually found supplies to carry them through until the Cel ships found them. The containers the supplies were in had been rigged with a silent pinger that alerted the searchers the...

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Annas Humiliation Continues

People looking at Anna and Mark Menendez nowadays see them as a successful couple; both in their relationship and business life. Married for ten years they have managed to grow ever closer in that time. To Mark, Anna is more beautiful at forty than she was at twenty when they married. Despite the years her figure is as firm as in her youth. Her red hair had no hint of grey, and her eyes still sparkle with mirth and innocence. Mark, her husband is more distinguished over the...

2 years ago
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Auntie Mabel Ch 11

Chapter Eleven. Weekend at Alison’s At last it was time to go, Jane had been looking forward to this moment eagerly. She was going to stay at Lady Alison’s mansion for the weekend. As if that wasn’t enough she was going to be with John and Mabel, her two lovers, and she was determined to try and fuck them both on a four poster bed. In her fantasies Jane was fucking Mabel up the arse with a strap on, whilst John was buggering Jane at the same time. However for that to happen would mean...

3 years ago
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Emilys First Solo Holiday Part 08

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 08 DAY 13 ****** I woke to sound of Dani shouting my name. As usual, I’d gone to bed leaving the balcony door open so Dani’s shouting soon woke me. When I emerged Dani told me that I had about an hour before we were getting picked up to go to the Party Boat. “Plenty of time.” I said and rushed to the...

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