The Bar
- 4 years ago
- 22
- 0
Matilda gasped as Patrick’s fingers touched her arm. They were freezing cold. He chuckled and slipped his hand around her waist, sneaking his fingers under the thin material of her top. She shivered but made no attempt to move his arm.
The air was cold, it was to be expected, winter in London was never a warm time. God knows why Steve and Nick had suddenly decided they wanted to go bowling. It had been a text message about two hours ago that had started this madness.
Patrick had felt the familiar vibrating just as he was about to switch on a movie and settle back to watch it. Reluctantly he checked his phone and it had announced that Steve and Ashley had decided to go bowling, Nick and Emily had agreed and they wanted him and Matilda to join.
Calling Matilda, he had half hoped she would give him an out and say she was busy, but instead she had been glad of something to do. So he had swung by to pick her up and viola here they where, stood outside the packed bowling alley and shivering to death because the management were still getting the VIP area ready.
Nick sighed, his breath escaping his lips in a puff of white condensation.
“Dude, it’s freezing” he muttered, the others nodded their agreement.
Steve was cuddling Ashley for all he was worth. She was shivering and making some half-hearted jibes about him stealing all her body heat. Was no surprise she was cold really, she had on jeans that couldn’t be any lower without being indecent and a minute top.
Emily was wearing tight jeans and a huge jumper than could have easily fit all three girls in and was shaking her head sympathetically at the other girl.
The only one that hadn’t made any comment about the cold was Matilda. She was wearing a short pleated pink skirt, which Patrick couldn’t look at without shivering on her behalf. Huge over-sized fluffy boots and a plain white t-shirt underneath a long beige cardigan.
Raking his eyes over her, he smiled and pulled her slightly closer to himself. She turned her eyes to him and he leaned forward placing a chaste kiss on her nose. Her lips curled into an indulgent smile and her eyes sparkled.
He wondered briefly how he’d gotten so lucky.
Steve straightened and pointed to the back entrance which had opened, a man was stood in the doorway and beckoning them in. They walked into the building and through a long corridor. It was lined with windows into the main bowling alley and Patrick assumed that they were one-sided mirrors.
There was another door with ‘V.I.P Lounge’ stamped onto it in silver lettering and they were led in and promptly told that should they need anything they were to inform the staff immediately.
The door was then closed and the group looked around the room. There where two bowling lanes in the middle of the room, suede couches around the walls, a cola vending machine and a few arcade games at the back.
The boys were quick to voice their approval, dropping their coats and selves onto the plush seating.
Ashley took full advantage of standing under a heating vent that was in the centre of the ceiling, while Emily was sticking close to Nick.
Matilda walked over to the arcade games and smirked at Christmas themed pinball machine. She walked up to it so that her knees touched the bar that was there obviously to indicate how you were supposed to stand to play and she shook her head. Safety laws were starting to get ridiculous.
“So, who wants to go first?” asked Steve as he made his way over to the computer to type in their names. He saw in the top corner of the screen a ‘total’ and noticed that they had already been charge £20.00 for actually using the room. He rolled his eyes and put Nick’s name in first.
After a while, the game was well under way. The boys scores were close, Ashley was in the lead and the other two had given up trying to win and where now competing for the coveted prize of ‘most gutter balls achieved’’.
So far, Matilda was loosing at that too.
After she had taken another go, managing to knock down a whole of two pins, she walked back over to the pinball machine and jumped up on top of it, feet resting on the safety bar. Patrick raised a questioning eyebrow at her but turned away in favour of his turn.
After he had rolled and he made sure that the others were engrossed he sauntered over to where Matilda was sitting, she smirked at him. Creeping forward he put his hands on each of her knees and looked up into her eyes. It was a rare occasion were he had to look up at her.
“You okay?” he asked, tilting his head to the side slightly to gage her reaction.
“Yeah” she answered, unconsciously running a tongue along her bottom lip,
“You never told me you were so good at bowling,” he teased she rolled her eyes in mock-exasperation and spread her legs slightly to accommodate her boyfriends slim hips. He took a step forwards and slid his hands up to her thigh’s. She leaned down, pressed her lips to his and he responded eagerly, tongue pressing for entry against her warm mouth.
She willingly gave it to him. Not even a second passed before his tongue was searching for hers, the softness massaging her own tongue in the familiar feeling that she knew so well – but still couldn’t quite believe was hers for the taking anytime she wanted it.
They broke apart when they heard cheering from behind.
Ashley had gotten a strike.
“Well done” Matilda encouraged, “what do you get if you win?”
“Ah, she’s right. We should have put money on this” Ashley grinned, “I would have made a bomb,” she added to a sulking Steve.
“You wouldn’t have because I’ going to win” he added, picking up his ball and getting ready to take his turn.
Matilda rolled her eyes. Amused at the banter between the couple, although her full attention was on the boy between her legs. Of course, she wasn’t going to let him know that.
“Where are you?” she smiled, locking eyes with Patrick,
“Third I think,” he added smiling warmly, his hands moving gently over her thighs,
“Fourth” came Nick’ correction from behind, Patrick shook his head.
“How’re your legs so warm” he pondered, running his fingers in circles over the pale skin of his lover. Matilda shrugged tucking her hair behind her ear. A little put out by her elusive behaviour Patrick moved his hands to underneath her legs and lifted them up, so the support she got from the safety bar was gone. As a result, she slid down the surface of the pinball machine and ended up flush against Patrick’s body. Her feet still helplessly off the ground she scowled at Patrick who leaned forward and kissed her again.
She kissed back, her hands running down his back and stopping just above his arse, then sliding down and pulling him closer to her. In this position she could feel him harden against her, the hard denim of his jeans pressing against her thin cotton knickers. Tilly knew she should feel exposed like this in front of his friends but for some reason she did not.
Patrick pulled her into a kiss again and she shifted on the pinball machine to try and get more comfy, however the shifting caused her to rub against Patrick who instantly started to harden more and had it not been for her lips over his, he would probably have moaned.
The couple continued to kiss for a while, until Steve politely announced that it was Matilda’s turn. She pulled away from Patrick’s mouth and looked at the others.
Nick had a curious eyebrow raised, Emily was looking rather amused, Ashley was frowning slightly and Steve himself looked rather uncomfortable to be the one to break it up.
It was then she became aware of how she must look, flushed from the arousal of Patrick’s hardness pressed insistently against her, lips swollen from the kissing and slightly breathless to boot. In addition, her hair must be quite matted because Patrick had spared nothing in running his hands through it.
“Oh just drop one in the gutter for me” she laughed, shifting against the brunette in front of her and trying not to laugh out loud when he had to bite his lip to stop from groaning. Steve rolled his eyes and placed a ball in the middle of the lane, he then sat next to his girlfriend and draped his arm around her. The ball was moving very slowly and despite themselves, they all watched it with rapt interest.
When it knocked down all the pins, every single jaw dropped.
“Bloody hell!” Nick gasped. Steve looked at the lane in disbelief.
“That isn’t fair,” Ashley stated, casting a good-natured scowl at her boyfriend.
“Kay, Patrick you now” Steve added,
“Er, Chaz can you give me a minute?” Patrick asked, his face bright red from embarrassment. Matilda giggled and the others groaned.
“Get a room” Emily mocked.
“I think I’m just going to go for a walk.” Patrick announced, “make sure Steve takes my go” he winked. Then he turned his attention back to Matilda, “wanna come?” he added, voice ladled with innuendo. Beaming she nodded and slid down his body until she was standing. He laced his fingers with hers and guided her out of the room, which was now filled with suggestive whistling and catcalls.
“Are you okay, sir?” came a voice from behind him and he turned to see and staff member looking at him warily,
“Yeah,” he replied, “just looking for the toilets,” he mentioned casually,
“Oh, the V.I.P one is around that corner” he pointed behind him.
By that, Patrick deduced that there was only one, which he was glad for because he was beginning to formulate a plan in his mind. Tightening his grip on Matilda’s slim hand he guided her into the single bathroom and grinned as he shut the door behind them.
“So, what now Mr Jameson?” Matilda asked an edge of cheekiness to her smooth voice. He regarded her with a cool look at pointed to the sinks. There where a row of them (three) against the wall, with a long mirror stretching from either side. Opposite those where three toilet cubicles.
“Jump up.” He ordered and she was happy to oblige, he stepped towards her and she spread he legs eagerly to accommodate him. Pretty soon they were mimicking the position they were in on the pinball machine.
Locked in a passionate kiss, Tilly had to break away and gasp when she felt one of Patrick’s long fingers slip under the side of her now wet knickers and run down her slit.
“You’re so wet” he breathed into her ear as he dipped his head and lapped at the milky skin of her neck.
She groaned as his thumb started to rub her clit gently and two of his fingers slipped inside her.
“It’s” she paused to gasp in a breath “your fault” he grazed his teeth lightly against her neck in response, she shivered,
“Cheeky” he moved his hand away,
“Tease” was the disappointed mutter, but was cut short when both of Patrick’s hands slid up past her stomach and cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples lightly.
“I love it when you don’t wear a bra” he growled, his voice raspy with lust,
“I know, now stop talking and get on with it!” she flattened her hands on his taut stomach and pushed him back a bit. Her fingers fumbled clumsily with his belt and she could barely believe how aroused she was. When it was open, the baggy jeans fell to the floor easily and left him stood there in his black Calvin Klein underwear.
Matilda dipped her hand into them and reached inside. She heard him moan when her fingers curled around the velvety flesh. Acting quickly she let go and pulled his boxers down as far as she could freeing her prize.
Patrick was so hard he was leaking and Kenz momentarily wondered how many more strategic shifts she would have had to do in the other room to have him creaming his shorts in front of his friends.
Probably only one or two more.
She licked her lips and leaned in, claiming Patrick’s in a passionate kiss. When she broke away, she looked at him with an eyebrow raised. He watched her for a second and the realisation dawned. He leaned down and groped in his jeans until he stood up holding his wallet. Matilda took it from his hands and opened it, pulling out a small square package and then dropped the wallet on the side next to her.
She ripped open the packet and pulled out the thin condom. She made a move to put it on Patrick but he grabbed her hand and shook his head,
“Let me, if you touch me I think...well, just don’t okay” she smiled at his blush; pleased she could still get him this worked up after nearly a year.
When his erection was fully sheathed, he leaned into kiss her again, moving her knickers away once more and pulling her forward. Gently he moved into her.
She gasped, tightening her legs around him. Patrick noted that the fur on her boots was a very odd sensation on his arse but the thought was gone in a second as the feeling of pure pleasure enveloped him.
He pulled Matilda towards him even more, so she was more on him that the sink. Her arms circled around his neck, he cupped her arse and started rocking into her smoothly.
“Ahh” Matilda moaned, as quietly as she could, but if he kept doing that, she knew that wouldn’t be the only one that escaped. She was about to moan again when Patrick kissed her and swallowed the sound. Before long, they where moaning into each other’s mouths, lost in the pleasure of each other’s bodies.
“Oh god, I’m gunna cum – “Patrick panted heavily, moving one of his hands from Matilda’s butt and massaging her clit. She yelped and he groaned.
They were too far gone to worry about people knowing what they were doing. The rest of their friends could probably guess anyway.
The double sensation was too much for Matilda and she spiralled into her orgasm, Patrick’s name falling off her swollen lips. She gasped and panted and tensed.
She tensed around Patrick, which sent him into his own orgasm.
After the two had ridden it out, they stayed perfectly still, leaning on each other, sweaty and panting. They were so spent that even when they heard the door open the most they could do was turn their head, and since they had been resting forehead to forehead this left them cheek to cheek.
They both looked at a very shocked Nick.
“Oh, erm, sorry” he stammered and left quickly.
It took a moment and then Patrick started to laugh. Matilda followed and they shook their heads, both too sated to be embarrassed.
“What do you do to me?” Patrick asked, looking in wonder at the girl in front of him as he pulled out and tossed the soiled condom into the bin at the side of the sinks. Her remark was a smile as she jumped down and fixed herself up in front of the mirror.
Patrick pulled up his pants, fastened his jeans and ran a hand through his hair, which was damp with sweat.
“You look well-shagged” Matilda jibbed,
“So do you” he grinned pulling her in for another quick kiss. He ran his hand down her face and neck and pulled at the chain around her neckline. Smiling as it brought out the plain silver ring. He stepped back and dropped his hand to clutch hers,
“I love you”
“I love you too, it’s why I married you” he grinned and Kenz couldn’t fight back a beaming smile,
“Shush” she said lovingly, tucking the necklace back under her t-shirt, “I thought you didn’t want anybody to know!”
Together they walked back into the main room.
Against all odds, Nick had won.
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Present Day “I’ve got one stop to make before we can go home,” said Mike Dubois as his daughters climbed into his car. His oldest daughter, Tamara, groaned silently and rolled her eyes. Her father didn’t normally take them on work calls, but it had happened in the past and would probably happen again. At sixteen she was surprisingly mature about that sort of thing. Her one-year-younger sister, Samantha, was not as sympathetic. She groaned loudly and complained, “Daddy!” “Hey, it wasn’t my...
Wednesday came, and so did Mark Welch, to the club. He paced around looking at the objects hanging on the wall. He scoffed and muttered things under his breath. Finally he said he could do a deal, but he was a bit short of the necessary funds. I knew handing over the money would make me the buyer, and it wasn’t a good idea, but I made him think I hadn’t thought of that. Eventually I agreed to get him the cash. The one thing he wouldn’t agree on was me accompanying him to Spain. I didn’t want to...
Hi all I am back with my other encounter with Uma Aunty, If any ladies,girls,aunties,widows,divorcees want to have sex in Bangalore can contact me on full secrecy guaranteed. After years of sex we decided to be together always she told let us get married I without taking a second thought agreed to her. We decided ok let us go ahead and get married and be together always, we told our relatives that we are going to chennai to visit our relatives and left to chennai after reaching there we took a...
IncestLife is good. Scratch that, life is freaking wonderful right now. I can’t see any reason to complain. I only see reasons to celebrate. I’m in a stable, fruitful, passionate relationship with a girl straight out the pages of a Maxim magazine. She worships the ground I walk on. I never imagined loving a woman as much as I loved my late wife, but the love I have for Alex eclipses that by a good distance.We never argue. We only laugh and make love. I enjoy her company immensely and she has brought...
TeenWe decided to take a trip to an all exclusive adult retreat we had heard about. It was about 6 hours way and we had to fly to San Martinez and then a boat ride to this all inclusive island. We arrived and we were greater by 2 two naked females with numbers on their thighs. We went to registration checked in and they gave us a list of the events. We walked to,our room and we saw many couples walking around all naked and most of the women were on leashes being led around and as we turned the...
I married my high school sweetheart, Kathy. Kathy is now 30 years old, a blond well buildgirl that goes 3 times a week to the local gym. Slim waist, big butt and beautiful tits. Allthough there had been rumors in school that Kathy was having a fling with one of the athletes, to me it was just rumors. Another rumor was that she could be found, occasionally, behind the gymnasium giving blowjobs to some of the athletes. Since I didn’t take these rumors seriously, I kept dating her and after...
McKenzie Lee is busy training a new masseuse, Morgan Rain, when a regular client, Chad White, arrives for his appointment. While McKenzie is nothing but professional, Morgan is instantly attracted to Chad and isn’t shy about making it known to him. However, McKenzie seems completely oblivious as she asks Chad if it’s okay for Morgan to give the massage today. Although he’s unsure, he agrees, giving Morgan questioning looks. As Morgan begins the massage, she keeps coming onto...
xmoviesforyouNote : This story is completely fictional! Hi I m Kumar .This is my story, that I want to share with you all. I completed my PU and want to join degree coerces . But there were no good colleges at my place so I had to come to nearby city i.e. Bangalore. In Bangalore I had my uncle and aunty. So I decided to stay there and do my studies. I got admitted to college with help of my uncle and started staying there. Uncle and Aunty were so good they used to co operate me well so that I can...
IncestNote from the author: Please do not read this if you are under the age of 21. This story contains some sex scenes (and some with under age children) and is not suitable for under age reading. All characters are fictional and bear no resemblance to real life people. Enjoy. THE GIFT By Jane Astin CHAPTER ONE The morning began as normal. A bowl of cereal served with a cup of coffee black by my lovely wife Jan. I glanced up from reading my paper and smiled. Across from me in...
The Role Exchanger: A New Phase of Study (Part 1) Note: I am an admirer of Morpheus and all his work. His Role Exchanger stories are the obvious inspiration for this story. I can only hope that I do his visions justice. Also, the tg elements are only barely uncovered here, but I have every intention of incorporating that element more decidedly in chapters to come. The shimmering globe descended on the strange world again, its random wandering leaving in its wake curious and...
After Mistress placed the chastity cage on slave's tiny clitty and slave placed the key to the cage around Her neck, T/they were officially Mistress and slave. That was the end of the ceremony and it was time to proceed to the Reception or Bridal Feast as Mistress prefers to call it. Mistress turned and tugged on the leash. "Come slave" is what She ordered before leading slave, who was crawling on all fours behind Her past the assembled guests, family, and friends. slave was still wearing it's...
This story is a prequel to "This Night Has Opened My Eyes" introducing us to Amy, and explaining her motivation for asking Gary out. What am I doing with my life? I've tried to fit in, have the right boyfriend, the right clothes, the right shoes and matching handbag, and for what, am I happy? Am I bollocks. I need to sort myself out and fast, I'm a nice girl and I need to show it. My name is Amy, you don't need to know my surname, I don't want you stalking me on Facebook, there must...
When Ryder Skyes brother in law shows up at her door, he is a little out of it. Either way she cannot help but notice how cute he looks in this heavy lidded state. He lays down for a little, but Ryder soon finds him on his hands and knees in the kitchen, cleaning up a spill like it is his job. When he sees Ryder in her lacy lingerie, he suddenly perks up. Finally, she cannot resist any longer, and embraces the goofy stud with her fat tits. She pulls his pants down and throats his long cock...
xmoviesforyou“No.” “Flintkote International?” “No ... wait ... International?” “Do you gentlemen and lawyers realize I can’t spend the interest on my trust fund ... I’ve tried ... seriously tried. Bought 18 million dollar boats ... a month worth of interest. I’ll admit mom bought it but she used my trust fund ... educational use. “Why on earth would an anonymous buyer want to buy my little shop? Now that I’m production I can build one a day ... start to out the door. Fifteen thousand a day. I’ve been...
I write for clients. If interested, email me at [email protected] I have a wealth of archives BB p2I had successful parents, and in other words, my position in Kelly College as well as the disgraced "Beckys", was secure. Not only was my place in this school secure, but I also had benefits. My dorm room was large, which I shared with my friend Alex, a German boy whom had preoccupied his time with an infatuation of Becky with tugging upon not so malleable, flexible flesh such as her...
Hi all, I am an ardent fan of iss and also an independent male escort which is more or less an earning hobby. I am not a hunk with 6 pack abs and a face cut to die for. But my abilities in bed take me places and I meet a lot of unsatisfied ladies. Coming to the incident which took place a week back. As usual, I was checking my email and I found an email with just a cell phone number and nothing else. After calling that number I heard a husky voice of a female and asked me about my services...
Priscilla picked up the leash and saying Heel gave a tug to the collar. I followed like a good dog until we were inside when she instructed me to go into the bathroom and wash my face to get the greasy vaseline off. It took several attempts to get the greasy feel off my face and hands. When I came out she again picked up the leash and led me back outside. I paid particular attention to walking on her right side and slightly behind her. I saw that a thick pad had been laid out on the patio...
October – Year 3 We sat and talked about logistics for a long time. We settled a lot of issues and I was still feeling like I had hospital ‘stuff’ all over me. “My loves, I am going to take a shower, if anyone wanted to join me, just to make sure I don’t fall and hit my head, I wouldn’t mind.” “The man of the house is that weak, is he.” Blossom stood with her hands on her hips. “No! I am a manly man.” I stood and put my hands on MY hips. “Well then, manly man, go take your shower and we...
Peg was up before Paul and Ron. She had showered and brushed her teeth. She seemed to have a funny taste in her mouth and throat, kind of bitter. Memories of her dream wouldn't seem to come to the front of her mind. She seemed to remember sucking and swallowing sperm from a dick. A dream didn't come with taste, did it? No more alcohol for her! A drunk can't even remember their dreams!Ron woke up and heard Peg rattling around downstairs. He walked across the hall and shook Paul awake. "Listen."...
We drove to town, and on the way I explained about the 'regular' group which met often, and the wider range of friends and siblings that would be there that evening. "All the close group are totally reliable and good friends, and it's our usual practice to dance with everyone else. I'm not totally sure of the others." "I'll keep my eyes open," she said. "I've had some experience with rats, you know." We checked in and took our bags to our room on the tenth floor, one floor...
Payton Preslee is having some neck issues so she makes a massage appointment, but her co-worker keeps bringing her more and more work. She’ll never make it to her appointment at this rate, but not to worry because her co-worker has magic fingers and can hook her up with a massage right there and then. Realistically though, her co-worker just wanted a chance to fondle Payton’s huge tits. He gets more than he bargains for when Payton gets into it and decides she wants to get dicked...