Oh Coach free porn video

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I attended a small university in the Midwest where I was a decent basketball player. During my first year I was redshirted and basically practiced with the team and kept statistics. During that time, I got to know the coaching staff well and was able to play on the team while working on my degree in athletics. After I graduated with my BA, I stayed on to do post graduate work for my Master’s degree and with my additional year of eligibility continued to play on the team.

In the second year of my graduate studies I had asked my coach for a job if he had one. I was soon asked if I wanted to be an assistant coach. The thing was, it was for the ladies basketball team, he mentioned to Melinda Parr, the women’s head coach that I was looking for work. She had an opening on her team for an assistant coach and I was hired for the season.

I had played against some of the girls in open gym and knew most of the players on the varsity. Most of them knew me from the year before when I was a starter on the Men’s team.

Melinda was a tall redheaded woman, six feet two inches, who had played WNBA basketball until she met her husband, Mark and had a couple of girls. She was probably ten years older than me or so; I try to never guess a woman’s age; because I’m always wrong. I found I liked working with her and she not only taught me a lot about coaching but also a lot about playing basketball.

I enjoyed being around all the girls on the team but I had to learn to ignore all their comments or complaints and filter what was real from what they said. Most of the girls on the team were between eighteen and twenty-two, I had just turned twenty-five, standing six feet four inches, and weighing around two hundred thirty-three pounds, with dark hair and a descent tan. I have had many ladies compliment me on my eyes which are crystal blue.

We ended up having a very good season, made the playoffs, and finished in the top ten. I stayed on helping coach the spring training and finished my Master’s degree. I was getting ready to leave the school and look for a job when Melinda asked me to come to her office. I met with her and she asked if I would consider being her assistant one more year. Melinda told me the school had authorized her to hire a full time assistant coach, and she could offer them a salary and benefits. She told me, “You can probably make more as a high school head coach, but would it be as much fun. You know the girls would really miss you, I would really miss you.”

I had some interviews scheduled, but had not finalized them. I realized I would really miss working with the girls and agreed to work one more year as her assistant.

We had around twenty girls on the team but only suited up twelve girls for any game and the other girls kept statistics of the games. Usually there were four or five freshmen girls that were redshirted for the first year.

Our main five starters were Jackie, Linda, Sammie, Mercury and Diana, Jackie, five feet six inches, a redhead and a senior, played point guard and was the sparkplug of the team. Linda, also five feet six inches, blond, also a senior was the best shooter on the team. Sammie five feet ten inches, with dark hair, was a junior and had the fastest hands on the team. She was always making someone mad because she stole the ball from them. Mercury was stocky colored six feet five inches, a junior and a rebounding specialist. She was very athletic and was the first girl I ever saw dunk the basketball in real life.

Then there was Diana. Diana was probably the best looking girl on our team having a great tan and brown hair with green eyes. She was six feet two inches, a junior and the top scorer on the team. She could shoot from outside or drive it to the hoop using either hands. If we needed a basket, we would just clear out and let her drive to the basket. Most times she made the basket and was fouled, so we got a three point play out of it. She was a good enough player that she usually got double teamed. She was also the one I had the most fantasies about. Because she was so focused on basketball I don’t think she ever really knew I fantasized about her.

Our main reserves were Kathy, Stacy, Flo, Terry and Nancy. Kathy was six feet six inches redhead, a sophomore that played a very physical game but had a tendency to foul a lot. Stacy and Flo were both five feet ten inches, colored, juniors and twin sisters. Both sisters were very fast (both did track and basketball) and were forwards because of their speed. They were also the mouth of the team, their mouths running just as fast as they did. It kept everything interesting as you never had any idea what one of them might do or say. Terry was another six feet sophomore with dark hair and was the quietest one on the team. Nancy was five feet eleven inches blonde with a real stocky build. If the game got rough we would send her in until she fouled out or until the game got better. I would hate to play against her, she just played rough. We had another blond, Amy that was five feet nine inches a sophomore and a forward. Another colored girl was Jaz at five feet eight inches and a swing player.

Our season started good, but we lost a couple games in January and dropped to third in our division. Melinda was working the girls hard but it seemed like her mind was somewhere else.

In mid-February Melinda called me to her office. She told me she was leaving and that I would be the head coach for the rest of the season. I saw she was about in tears as she told me this and asked her if she was ok. She broke down and told me she had breast cancer. She then told me that she was having both breasts removed and would have to experience strong chemo.

I was in tears as I held her as I knew she was scared. She told me that her and Mark had been having some problems. He had started drinking a lot lately and was never home with her and the girls. I held her tight as I felt her damn burst from holding all this inside her so long. She told me she was going to be on medical leave the rest of the year and would be fine financially. I told her that her job was here when she was ready to come back. She hugged me tight and said we needed to go tell the team.

I walked with her to the locker room; she checked to see if everyone was descent and waved me to follow her in. The team took it really hard they all hugged her and cried with her. She promised to come back and visit us when the medical procedure was over. The girls promised to win the division and that she was to sit with the team at the championship game.

We lost in the semifinals of the championship bracket in double overtime. I tried to get a hold of Melinda and talk to her, but found out she was in a hospice. I went the next morning to visit her, but found she had passed away during the night, with her mother, father and both daughters at her side when she went.

I went back to the school and asked Tammy my assistant coach to come to my office. I had hired Tammy so I had a female assistant that could go to the locker room at any time. I told Tammy about Melinda and wanted her support and help as I told the team. The team took it hard with Diana taking it hardest because she was the one that promised Melinda that the team would be in the championship game with her sitting with them.

We attended Melinda’s funeral as a team and we all cried as a team at the loss of our dearest friend.

The following year the team voted to have a patch on the uniform with Coach Melinda’s name on it. The girls were on a mission and played every game to win, which they did. In the championship game, we played the team that beat us in double overtime the year before and had then gone on to be the overall champion for that year. We all felt winning the championship against them was in honor of Coach Melinda.

I was sad in the spring as I had to say goodbye to my seniors on the team. It was especially difficult saying goodbye to Diana, as I had gotten to know her really well but was really happy that she was drafted by the WNBA to play.

I had a good team the next year, but not the super one I had with Diana leading the team. I tried to keep up on her playing in the WNBA, but got busy working with the girls.

Tammy told me in the spring that she would not be returning the next year as she was getting married and was going to have a baby. I was happy for her and knew I would need to start looking for another assistant, but I put it off.

I walked in my office about two weeks later and there was Diana waiting for me. She had heard Tammy was leaving and she wondered if there might be an opening for her. She had torn up her ACL in the WNBA and was looking for a job. The doctors told her she would never be able drive to the basket like she always did even after it was repaired. I hired her and was glad to have her back. She had decided to come back to school and get her Master’s degree. The girls were glad to have Diana back teaching and coaching them with me.

I tried to keep a good working relationship with her, but was failing miserably. If she hadn’t been so good looking I might have had a chance, but I found myself dreaming more and more about her. Diana and I were going to an awards banquet and ceremony for the university teams. She had asked me to pick her up at her house so we could go together.

I knocked on her door and when she opened the door, what a vision she was. I helped her put her coat on and we went out to my truck. I held the passenger door open for her, and as she slid into the seat. I saw those gorgeous legs bared as her skirt slid up her legs. Busted! I was caught staring at her legs and was embarrassed. She really knew how to work it. I had been dating a couple of secretaries, but nothing in Diana’s league. I kind of wondered why she didn’t have one of her many boyfriends, which I’m sure he had, escort her to this event.

The thing that really got me about her short skirt and legs was that they were bare legs, no hose or nylons on them. Now, kill me now, I wondered what kind of underwear she had on under that dress? Hell maybe she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

Oh shit, something was alive in my pants as I walked around to the driver’s side of my truck. I opened the door to the driver’s seat and was hoping my friend down there would go away. I started trying to think about Miss Head, my high school principal, undoubtedly the ugliest women I have ever seen. I was able to slide into my seat and thought I did a pretty good job hiding my friend.

It helped me being able to drive us to the ceremony, but when I held the door open for Diana to exit my truck, I was again treated to those gorgeous legs and her skirt sliding up to almost expose what color her panties were. She seemed to blush, but with her great tan I couldn’t really tell. It was fun watching her pull her skirt down as she exited the truck. I walked behind her to the entrance and excused myself to use the Men’s room. I snuck in a stall and helped myself relieve the problem of my little friend.

When I walked out in the crowd I was able to find Diana right away and we made our way to our seats. I had forgotten we had to present awards to the players on our team at this event. Lucky for me, Diana had taken care of all of it. Everything was on a table on the platform up in front of everyone. Thank God I had gone and taken care of my friend. Diana and I went up to present the awards to each of my players. We called their names and then had each of them come up on the stage to receive their awards. My players were all dressed to the “Nines” and I had never really noticed how good looking some of them were. I thought more about Miss Head, thank God for Miss Head. I didn’t even have to think about her naked.

I made it through the event and walking Diana back to my truck was again treated to her sliding on the seat of my truck and the vision of those gorgeous legs. I was busted again for staring at them and was blushing as I closed her door. As I got in the driver side, Diana spoke up. “If it’s okay with you, can we go somewhere and get a drink? I don’t want to go home just yet.”

“Sure, I think we are a little over dressed to go to the Ramble Inn where I usually go. So where would you like to go?

“How about going to the Blue Goose? I’ve been there a few times. It’s kind of semi-dress fancy, if you get what I mean.”

“Ok, we’ll have to park on the street though; my truck will not clear the height of the parking garage.”

“Ok, I don’t mind a little walk but these heels aren’t made to walk very far on uneven ground though.” She said with a gleam in her eye.

Once again I was treated to her sliding out of my truck and those gorgeous legs. We walked to the Blue Goose, and as we entered, found that they had a cover charge for the night. I paid the charge, found a table and we sat down. I ordered a beer for myself and she had a rum and Coke. We tried to talk but the music was too loud, so I asked her to dance. It was a slow song and I enjoyed dancing close to her, smelling her scents. We finished the dance and was about to suggest another when she waived to our table.

“Sorry, I can’t dance to these songs in this dress.” she said apologizing.

“Ok!” I replied with a questioning face.

“It’s so embarrassing.” She muttered. “I ... a ... a well, you may have noticed I’m not wearing hose or nylons on my legs. I hate them. If you don’t wear pantyhose with this dress, you have to wear a thong. I hate thongs also.”

“A ... a ... what? Ok.” I asked rather befuddled.

“Maybe you’d better just take me home.” Her reply was making me wonder what I had done wrong.

We left the lounge and walked to my truck. I held the door for her as she once again slid onto her seat. The view of her legs was there but I looked away as I continued to worry that I had done something wrong and didn’t want to add to it. Closing her door, I went around and got in to the driver’s seat turning to look at her, noticing tears in her eyes.

“Can we talk?” I asked as I looked into her eyes.

“Oh God, I’ve made a mess of everything.” She cried, as I watched her eyes and actions. “I wanted to make this the best night. I wanted it to be so special.”

“I’ve enjoyed this night. What have I done to ruin it for you?”

“Nothing, I’m just so stupid. God, you have been the perfect gentleman?

“I am sorry. I guess I’m a little dense. What’s the problem?”

“Oh God, you really don’t know! I have the worst crush on you and I planned this night because I so wanted to make you want to be with me.”

“What? You’re so out of my league! God, you’re beautiful. I bet you have guys standing in line to date you.”

“You got to be kidding! I’m a freak. I’m taller than ninety percent of the guys in this school and now I’m also older than most of them.”

“You really wanted to date me?”

“Yes Coach, I’ve had a huge crush on you since I first saw you play basketball my freshman year.”


“You think I would wear this dress if I wasn’t attracted to you?”

“Tell me about this dress.”

“Well if you haven’t noticed, it is impossible to wear a bra with it as it has built-in cups to contain my breasts.”

“Ok, I can understand that, but that doesn’t make it bad, does it?”

“No I guess not. Yeah, I guess in that respect, it’s ok.”

“So, what else do you think makes this dress so bad?”

“You’re really going to make me tell you, aren’t you?”

“Well, if I can keep your eyes sparkling like that, why wouldn’t I want to push you to tell me?”

“You are wicked. Ok, I told you I hated nylons and pantyhose. I also told you I hated wearing thongs and didn’t want panty lines showing on the dress. It’s rather tight and fairly sheer, so anything shows. So now think about it.”

I grinned at her and was sure she was blushing. “Really”

“Yes really! I have never in my life gone out in public wearing so little. Do you realize that all I have tonight is this dress, a pair of 4” heel shoes and my tiny handbag?”

“Oh my God, you mean you don’t have any underwear on at all?”

“That is what I been trying to tell you. I can see your friend likes that idea.”

“God, he has embarrassed me all night long tonight.”

“I thought that when I first got in the truck tonight, and my skirt slid up, that you saw I was not wearing anything down there.”

“No, I was looking but it stopped short. I have been wondering all night what you might be wearing. It was the thought of you being bare under your skirt that made me rush to the restroom when we first got to the ceremony.”

“You’re going to think this weird, but the thought I’ve made you horny has got me horny as well or as they like to say very wet, I know this is our first date. Well anyway that is what I thought it was. I’m sorry but could you take me somewhere and just fuck my brains out ‘cause I really need it.”

Starting my truck I headed for my apartment. I pulled up in front and went around opening the door for her. I wasn’t disappointed, as she slipped forward on her seat letting her skirt go farther up exposing her dark bush to me.

I led her to my apartment, letting her enter ahead of me and watched as she slid the dress up, working it above her hips. She soon pushed it up over her head and then dropped it on the floor. All she had on was her heels. She had perfect breasts, not huge, but definitely there, and the most perfect brown nipples. I noticed she was totally tanned, she noticed me looking at her. I pointed to the bedroom and she walked toward it with me close behind her.

I asked about her tan and she said. “One of my friends likes for us to go and get tanned at the spa. I use to have tan lines, but I been tanning naked the last few times.”

“You are so beautiful. Is your friend as pretty as you?”

“Prettier. You know her.”

“I do?”

“Yes, but I am not telling you who she is.”

“Ok, but can I leave the light on? I love looking at your perfect body.”

She shook her head up and down while I moved her to my bed. I hadn’t taken my clothes off yet but just pushed her back on the bed and moved between her legs. I could smell her arousal and moved to taste it.

“No, what are you doing?

“I want to taste you. I want to watch you come.”

“Oh my God! ... I’ve never had anyone do that before. Oh my God, shit, I’m going to cum. Fuck! Oh God, Don’t stop, Oh Fuck! OH ... OH ... I’M CUMMING. God yes, now fuck me! Oh God, put it in me. Please fuck me! I am begging, fuck me. I need your cock NOW!!”

I was sucking her clit as she screamed and carried on. I loved her taste but wasn’t so sure I liked her dense bush. I would put up with it if I could enjoy her charms. As she was cumming so hard, I was able to slip off the bed, strip off my clothes and then join her on my bed. I was soon sliding my very hard and above average cock into her depths.

“Oh my God, give it all to me. Fuck yeah, that is so nice. Oh fuck, how much more do you have? You’re hitting the bottom of my pussy. God, you are stretching my pussy. Oh so good, yeah, pound it in me. I may not be able to walk after this, but give me all you’ve got. Give this greedy bitch everything. Oh yes, right there. God I’m going to be so sore, but I don’t care, hammer it into me. Oh my God, what are you doing? Oh shit, did you climb in my pussy? Oh my God, I don’t think it’s meant to be stretched that far. Oh God yes, I am cumming again and again.”

I could feel her pussy grabbing me as she was cumming, but I had gotten into a rhythm and her pussy felt so good. It was tighter than I would have thought. Her last orgasm was huge and I felt the juices flowing from her body as I kept thrusting my cock into her time after time until I felt my cum flowing from my cock filling her pussy full. I collapsed on her with my cock still fully embedded in her tight pussy.

A few hours later I woke up with my soft cock still inside her tight pussy. I noticed my bed felt like a lake; there were love juices everywhere. I moved to slip my cock from her depths and she squealed a little as I came free. I fell back on my back and went back to sleep.

I woke up later with her laying on her side, her thighs wrapped around one of my legs and her very wet pussy pushed against my leg. I stared into her face watching her sleep until she started to wake up and then saw those gorgeous green eyes looking at me.

“Oh my God, next time I tell you to fuck my brains out, we better call 911. I’m never going to make it through another of those. I have never cum more than twice in one night before. I don’t have any idea how many times I came. Do you always make someone cum that many times?”

“No, but you made it rather easy. I never had a girl talk dirty like you did before; it seemed to make me try harder. I didn’t want it to ever end as your treasure felt so good wrapped around me. I felt that one orgasm you had when your juices flowed out on to my cock and I could feel your heart beating through your pussy. I’ve never ever felt anything like that before.”

“Can I use your shower?”

“Yes, if I can I join you?”

“Just a shower, my pussy is so sore, that if I can walk it will be a miracle.”

I stood up, held my hand out to her, helped her to her feet and then led her to the bathroom. I noticed she walked very carefully and that she kept her other hand over her pussy as we entered the bathroom. She hurried to the toilet and sat down on it.

“I didn’t think I would make it. Your juices are flowing out of my pussy. God, how much cum did you pump into me? I know I’ve asked but do you always cum that much?”

“Probably not, but I think you got me rather turned on tonight. I mean, you did just wear that incredible dress and oh yes, you didn’t wear a stitch under it. I think you may have been the one that started all this. While we’re at it, you keep talking about what my cock did to you. What about your pussy? She worked my cock pretty hard, put it away wet and I ought to mention that I think he might be just as sore as your pussy is. Oh and by the way, that is one fine pussy I must say.”

I watched her sitting on the pot with her legs spread feeling her pussy. I felt a twitch as I watched her stand up and move to the shower. I joined her in the shower and helped her soap her entire body.

I have a bench along one side in my oversized shower that I truly love. I sat on it as she rinsed herself clean while enjoying my shower. I could sit here and watch her for the rest of my life. She noticed me admiring her.

“You really do like watching me clean my body?”

“What’s not to like? You have a perfect body, perfect tits and an almost perfect pussy.”

“What do you mean, almost perfect pussy? I thought you liked my pussy?”

“I do, but it could be even better, if it wasn’t quite so hirsute.”

“Oh, so you want me to shave it bare and make it like a little girl’s pussy?”

“No, but that might be fun to watch.” I got poked in the arm for that last comment. I liked watching her pull the hair on her pussy and tease me with it.

“I can’t. You have no idea how much shit I would get from my friends if they found out. In the middle of her senior year Jackie shaved hers bare for her boyfriend and we all use to razz the shit out of her. Oh God, I might have even been the worst. I remember the first game after all us girls found out about it. I said something in warm ups like “Hey Baldy, throw me the ball” and some players on the other team heard it. During the game they kept saying “Hey Baldy” as they thought it would rattle her. I think it backfired as she made like thirty points that game and I can’t remember how many assists.”

“I remember that game. I didn’t know about the heckling that went on, but she played incredible that night. And, if I remember correctly, the last four games of the season also. I remember that at the next game I think everyone started calling her Bambi, and I thought it was because she was the shortest and smallest player on the team.”

“It was kind of the reason. Coach Parr found out about the “Baldy” slip and told us to cool it. We all decided that Coach was right. It was too much information; however, Jackie was the one that asked if we would call her Bambi instead. She said “I feel like a baby when I undress in the locker room anymore. I mean now what little bush I had is history, I don’t have any tits and everybody here is taller than me.” I walked over and hugged her and said “You may not have these damn things getting in your way, and your floss is history, but you are the leader of this team and don’t you forget it.” I think after that for the rest of the season you could have said anything to her on the floor while she was playing and she would just have scored a few more points on you because of it.”

“There is no way anyone would mistake you for a little girl, you’re all woman and very sexy. I was just talking about a little trimming, but if you wanted to totally blow my mind, then I guess you might know how to do it.”

“You think I would look good with a bald pussy?”

“Well yeah.”

“Oh my God, I would be so embarrassed if anyone found out.”

“This coming from the woman who wore that sexy dress last night without a stitch under it. Like I said, I just wanted you to do some trimming. Now that I think about it, if when I saw what was under that dress earlier was also bald, I would have probably creamed my pants right there.”

“Really, that would have blown your mind?”

“Well you blew my mind with that naked pussy under that short skirt. Now let me continue. I haven’t ever seen a bald pussy live except maybe my little sister when Mom would change her diaper. But to see a full grown mature woman with a bald pussy, and know she did it for her lover or even better yet lets you watch her do it. Well I can’t think ... Oh shit, if you need any evidence, look at this.”

I was holding my dick in my hand and he was so hard from this conversation. She glanced at it, bent over, and kissed the head of it. I melted into the seat as she then kneeled down and sucked the head of my dick.

Sliding my cock in her mouth, she took it in till it hit the back of her throat. She slid my cock back out of her mouth, and holding on, she talked to it like it was a microphone or something. “You want to fuck my bald pussy; you’re going to have to make me cum again and again. I can’t remember my pussy ever being bald before. I think I got my pubic hair when I was like ten or eleven and before that I remember having like peach fuzz there. I remember mom talking about me having hair on my legs when I was born.”

To say I was turned on is being liberal. Oh my, she stopped talking and took the tip of her tongue and started working on the part below the head that’s like a seam. Oh fuck. “Oh God Diana, you better watch it, I am going to cum.”

She sucked my cock deeper into her mouth; I don’t know if she put it in her throat or not. I started shooting my cum in her mouth. Oh my, I’ve never had cum in a girl’s mouth before. She was still sucking on my cock as I became coherent again.

Smiling at me, she released my dead soldier. “So you’re telling me that if we shave my pussy super silky smooth, bald as a baby pussy, that you won’t have lead in your pencil?” She had a wicked grin as she teased and tormented me.

“You are so wicked! Fuck! I already feel him thinking about it.”

“You said you wanted to watch me shave it. Wouldn’t you rather shave it for me?”

“I’ll tell you what, let me get my beard trimmer and I will reduce it to next to nothing, but I would love to see you twist yourself around and shave what you can. If you need me to touch it up afterwards, I would be honored to do so. I would love to be able to film it, but I know that’s not going to happen.”

“Really, why not? Would that turn you on? What would you do with the movie?”

“I would like to fuck you later while watching it together or even have you watch it as I lick that oh so silky smooth and very bald pussy.”

“Oh my, I’m getting turned on by our talking about shaving my pussy. I never thought I would say this, “Shave it bald baby” I’m ready when you are.”

I left the shower and got my beard clippers, they were freshly charged and ready. I turned the shower off as I handed her a towel to dry herself. She then sat on the bench and spread her legs. “You want me to get a bag for the clippings in case you want to keep them?”

“Should I?”

“It’s up to you. I guess I could always keep them, and then if you want them back, you just ask me for them.”

“Ok, but please don’t put my name on the bag and could you not leave the bag out where others might discover it, it could be very embarrassing to me.”

“I will keep your treasure in my safe where no one will ever see them, except you or me.”

“Will you promise to keep the movie with them?”

“So I can film this then?”

“Yes, like I would deprive you of the pleasure.”

I went to the kitchen for a plastic sandwich bag and on my way back I grabbed my tripod and camera. When I got back to the bathroom, Diana was lightly playing with her pussy with her right hand while her left hand was playing with her right nipple. As I approached her, her right hand was lightly tugging on her pubic hair as I watched.

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Clueless older step brother Brad finds his little nerdy step sister Leana’s panties and bra in his pile of laundry and barges into her room and tells her to stop being lazy and do her own laundry. Disappointed Leana finally spells it out to him saying to take the hint and see that she is trying to get him to fuck her. Still confused Brad gets made fun of as she pulls her nice perky tits out and demands he come take her body now. But the tables turn when Leana tries to suck his big fat...

3 years ago
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Babysitting Alex Part 6

Friday I woke up, Aky was with his arm over my waist and Mark had his leg over mine, it felt warm…so good…I gave both a small kiss on their cheeks and slowly got up to prepare the usual stuff of the morning, it was actually pretty much the first time I had woke up and they were not already up, playing. I yawned moving to the kitchen, in some minutes only Aky came walking down. “morning..” He said rubbing his eye and holding his glasses, I always loved that scene. “morning sunshine..”...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 74 Reminder to Fear Malls

Morgan's question stuck with me for the next two hours as we wandered the mall. Beatrice had handed out cash to everyone when we first arrived and told us to spend it as we pleased. Angelique had been given a twenty and begged to be shown where she might purchase a teddy bear. I found a children's store and took Angelique inside as my friends scattered throughout the mall. Angelique wandered the entire store, gazing longingly at a couple of the dolls before heading over to an area filled...

1 year ago
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The Wish

The two friends were having a coffee, a ritual that had been in place since they both retired from the workforce. "You know mate" said Trevor who was just a few months older than his companion. "It amazes me how people can fall for this sort of rubbish". "What rubbish is that", Harry replied. "These fortune telling advertisement", Trevor replied. "This one for example says 'Your wish is guaranteed, just a small cost of ten dollars and what you have wanted will be yours within...

2 years ago
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Good Things Come In Small Packages Chapter 4

Life, for the most part, was almost unchanged for the next five weeks. The new cage was noticeably tighter, but after a couple of days, I ceased to really notice I was wearing it at all, with the exception of being awoken by a raging nocturnal hard-on on a few occasions. As usual, a quick trip to the bathroom fixed this problem.I still wore the cage six days a week, with Mandy releasing me on Saturday nights for our usual evening of sexual frolics. Mandy still got her juicy pussy serviced by my...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Audrey Grace 24065

There’s something sexy about a girl who just won’t take no for an answer. Audrey Grace somehow believes that just because she fooled around with her friend’s brother Peter they’re now in a relationship. But when she comes a-knockin’ at Peter’s door while his sister and parents are home and tells him she wants his cock, he tries to let her down easy. But that just makes Audrey hornier, so she decides to start masturbating right on his family’s back...

3 years ago
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Having Two At Once

Having Two At Once It was a first that we had waited on a long time. Rock knew that I wanted and sometimes needed a cock in my mouth at all times during sex. So we set out to find a single guy that would fulfill that fantasy. It didn’t take long really to meet someone who had a cock. However it took a little longer to meet someone who had a very laid back, easy going, positive, personality to go with that cock. SG is what I call him for short. It stands for single guy. I think I might...

Group Sex
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07 Home 2Chapter 59

Present - Ben and Destiny - At the cabin We watched as the fucking greenies hauled Jens and others out of the tunnels - they were bagged, tagged and taken toward the concertina wire prison. I was pissed as hell and wish I had blown Mike's ass to hell in the PortaPotty. However right now I need to help Stacy and the others escape before the greenies get back with Jens so I blow the hell out of a fencepost and the concertina wire and smile as Stacy, Linus and a couple of younger Marines haul...

3 years ago
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Annas AwakeningChapter 1

First Day - Anna The car tires screech when I leave the school's parking lot. There's just a twinge of guilt about treating the car like that, but I'm too damn upset to worry about what my dad would say if he heard the rocket-launch like take off. This is the worst damn day of my life! I thought it would get easier once I got in the cheerleading team. I thought that the short skirts and constant jumping and bouncing would take their minds off the fact that I already have a scholarship...

2 years ago
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Josephine My First Whore

I had some spare time in the big city after concluding my business and had usually gone to strip shows to conclude such trips. This time I wanted to see what it was like to hire a prostitute. The idea of a woman who would sell her body was intriguing to me. I knew that many of them did it not only for the money but also for the pleasure.I saw the ad in the weekly paper. "I am Josephine and I love men. You will enjoy yourself as will I. Call this number." I called the number and asked if...

1 year ago
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The road to womanness

When I left the surgeon's office, I had the feeling my happiness had finally reached its completion. When he diagnosed I could successfully undergo orchiectomy without losing material for my future vaginoplasty, I burst into womanly tears of spiritual elevation. Ever since starting my transition six months earlier as a sissy, I had been obsessed with ridding myself of the unsightly presence between my legs. My male organs grossly disgusted me. Wearing hard gaffs to flatten my pubic...

3 years ago
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Sex with my best friend wifepart 1

My name is Tarzen I am a 40 years old man a divorcee the story below is my personal experience story..On last Wednesday I was at a supermarket where I saw my best friend after a very very long time, he asked to come home for a lunch at his place. So I went for with him and at his home saw his wife Rosy. She was around 39 years old with perfect figure and 5.5 height. We three spoke a lot and I, rosy exchanged our numbers.From the same day we both started to chat I phone for hours. And so after 1...

1 year ago
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Fun and games with my brother

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Sue and I am 21 and for the last few years have been working away.I had some holiday due and thought it about time to see what was happening back home so I managed to contact my brother, Dave, who is 18 months older than me but we were very close and often played together. Guess I was a real tomboy when I was young, playing the rough and tumble games that boys played always seemed more exciting than playing with other girls. It turned out...

3 years ago
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Maa ne Kitchen Main Khana Khaya

hi guys i m kabir from delhi this is story of my chudakad mom. main hamesha sochata tha ki meri maa badi sharif hai par aisa nahi hai wo bahut badi chudakad raand hai meri maa ke bare main thora batata hun aap sab ke lund or chut gili karne ke liye.uski age 42 saal hai bobo ki size 40 hai or gaand ki size 42 and waist 34 hogi bobe ekdum gore hai doodh ke jaise or gaand ek dum gol dosto.mere papa ka business hai to wo aksar out of city jate rehte hai.meri ek cousin sister hai tau ji ki ladki...

1 year ago
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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 14 Fireworks

Stephanie kissed her children good-bye and reminded them to behave for their grandparents. Darren's arm felt perfect around her waist as they waved from the doorway. They watched as his parents drove off to their cabin in the mountains for a week. Stephanie felt both sadness and excitement. A week without kids meant more time to spend with Darren. They hadn't connected this well in years and she wanted badly to be with him all day. Tomorrow was the fourth. Fireworks. Yes, she wanted to see...

2 years ago
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A good nights sleep that changed our lives

My name is Paul. I'm a gorgeous lad in his early 20s, with brown, bushy hair and rare black eyes. My mother's name is Christine. She's an amazing red head that looks a lot like Lea Massari in her youth-early middle age (FYI, Lea Massari has starred in an i****t theme film; lol, life's coincidences are hilarious sometimes). My father died a few years ago and bequeathed a small business empire to us. Mommy found trustworthy hands to leave the empire's management to, so the two of us just...

4 years ago
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Suresh8217s Long Ride

Suresh’s head nodded up and down rhythmically, in tandem with the click-clacking of the train. He struggled to keep his eyes open. He had tried not to fall asleep, but it was hard not to. Endless plains seemed to stretch out infinitely from the barred window of his compartment. A herd occasionally broke the dull scenery of livestock or small shacks or houses painted with the same muted pastel enthusiasm. The family in front of him gawked and wowed at the sights, but not him. He had taken this...

4 years ago
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A Weekend To Remember Part 2

"The Shower" “Quickly go hide in the shower” Kelly frantically whispered to me, and I obeyed and whisked to the shower (naked), as Kelly and Brooke got there clothes on. Then I heard the door opening, and Kelly greeted there parents, explaining that Brooke had stayed the night. Kelly talked with her parents for about another minute, and then announced she was going for a shower. I heard her walking down the hallway, opening up the door to the bathroom, and stood there. “That was...

1 year ago
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A Family MixupChapter 3

Nancy: So, I told him, come to my room after Amanda's in bed, I had his special present ready for him. I had candles lit and just a trace of perfume between my breasts and legs, places I knew he would want to explore. My hair was just right, my skin nicely smoothed by lotion, a fresh shave to welcome him to my body, I was ready as I slipped under the sheet, all naked and eager. A slight tap at the door, then it opened and Will came in wearing a pair of navy briefs, well-tented out in the...

3 years ago
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Cousin Bob Part2

Introduction: Inspired by Lubrican. Rose is positive her secret will be kept, for the price she already paid, it should be! But Bob has other plans. Now, please understand that this one is probably better than the last which was my very fisrt but then again, what the fuck do i care? I dont You people keep your comments to yourself Rose, wake up, dear, wake up&hellip, Hmm yes? I said pissed I was being woken up. Lou and I are leaving so itll just be you and Robert today alright dear? Yes,...

4 years ago
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Free Spirited 07Rock Bottom Part 2 1998

Basically for the two weeks when I was in the house I had worn dirty knickers, Ugg boots and a tee-shirt when it was chilly. After a few days I had not been embarrassed to look at the other girls. They too were dressed like me; either topless or with loose fitting clothes. The younger kids were used to us girls walking around naked or being used for sex; so it did not shock them. I was now sleeping covered with just a doona (quilt) and wearing knickers only. It was Thursday and Tex was...

2 years ago
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Special MotherChapter 10

Mitzi was smiling when Rita opened the door at her knock. She was also looking very pretty in high heels and a dress that was several sizes too big, but neatly tucked in at the waist to reveal her trim figure. "Come in, honey," Rita said. "Sit down over here on the couch. We need to talk." Mitzi sat primly, with her feet together. Her smooth skin was glowing and her long dark hair had been brushed until it shone. She looked squarely at Rita, who was sitting across from her in the easy...

1 year ago
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An instructional for heterosexual dominate women for the introduction of strapon sex with your man

Like most masculine heterosexual men, your husband or boyfriend is likely to strenuously object to and actively resist taking the strap-on at first. Just the idea of having something forced up his ass like that will feel foreign and unnatural to him. Treating his tight little asshole like it’s just a hole to be fucked will be abhorrent to him. He will feel violated and abused. He’ll try to talk you out of it. He’ll plead with you to stop because it hurts, because it’s...

1 year ago
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Her First Affair

I'm not Sean Connery, Brad Pitt, or Harrison Ford. More like Brian Denehey or Wilford Brimley. I'm mid 50's, overweight, and don't drive a Porsche. What attracted this woman to me I don't know. I didn't make half the money she did, dress in the manner she did, or in any way walk in her circles. But for a few short weeks we carried on a tumultuous affair. Her first, and who knows, probably her last. Her husband was a district manager of a major retail outlet. Her parents were both retired...

Wife Lovers
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RenewalChapter 4

The small crew consisting of Regina, Greiss, Marion and one other Extroneon landed the small secondary craft just under the canopy next to a little expanse of open field in the middle of forest land. The smaller craft has a large enough cargo bay to store captives until they return to the much larger ship that awaits them back on the opposite side of the moon. Greiss and the other Extroneon are merely with the ship to ensure if anyone stumbles upon the space craft, they won’t be leaving to...

3 years ago
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My husband shares me with his best friend

My blood ran cold as I heard the surgeon explaining my husband’s prognosis and future physical prospects. Then, more than ever, I despised his reluctance to use the seat belt on long car journeys, as he might well have escaped serious injury, as I had, by belting up at the start of the excursion. All that is as well maybe, but there we both were listening to the surgeon’s miserable prophecies. “Does that mean we can never make love again?” I asked in trepidation, fearing the possible...

2 years ago
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Navers Evening Out

Naver’s Evening Out By Reay Williams ? Chapter 1 – Naver Prepares Herself ? Naver stepped from the shower and towelled herself off.? She checked the clock briefly – it was about 3 o’clock - and saw that she had plenty of time to prepare herself correctly.? She had already shaved herself, ensuring that all her body hair from her neck down had been removed and that her nail polish that she spent hours on this afternoon was good.? Naver began her preparation, as always, by standing in front of...

1 year ago
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Old wine tests better

Hi everybody, here is a 28 yr old guy from kolkata. I have been reading this site for years but it’s only now that I have the guts to recount one of my most memorable experiences. This happened last year. I used to stay in a rented house and my bedroom window used to face another apartment. Being a bachelor, I would usually wear only shorts and after bathing wud come out nude and change. One day I noticed a lady in the balcony opposite who was staring at me while I came out. Luckily that day I...

2 years ago
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Jackies Neighbour Part 3

Jackie didn’t waste any time when she got home, she was knocking on Ron’s back door and soon as the door opened, she was inside his kitchen door closed they were soon kissing undressing each other her hand soon tugging his erect cock he pulled away from her and pushed her over the table spreading her legs started rubbing the head of his cock over her pussy before ramming it deep inside he knew she liked it rough he was slamming her hard the table rocking with the force he didn’t care he was...

4 years ago
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Mirror Site A Fathers Love

I wrote this for Ms. Dauber's new universe and sent it to her. She seemed to like it, so I hope she doesn't mind my sending it to the lists. I hope it serves as an adequate introduction story. I don't write much, or often-so if you like it, I'm sorry there won't be scads more and if you hate it then congratulations, you shan't be plagued with large amounts of literary dross. Mirror Site: A Father's Love By Shadoe1 It was another small town. Non-descript Americana at it's best. An...

3 years ago
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Dare Devil Pt 1

Daredevil This is only for the experienced who like to adventure. I recently discovered a new way to heighten my orgasms to an incredibly higher plateau. I masturbate 3-4 times a week and recently have gotten bolder. It all started when this sexy Latina moved next door to me in my building…she has these great legs and a fantastic set of tits. Most likely a 34-36D. She had jet black straight hair, beautiful brown eyes, and full lips that screamed Take ME! I saw her as she came up from outside...

2 years ago
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Graduation Day

It was the last day of High School. Twelve years of hard work finally complete! The Senior Class' morning would be nothing more than outprocessing everything (turning in books, emptying lockers, last minute paperwork, class standings finalized, and last report cards issued), and the afternoon would be a chance for the students to say goodbye to favorite Teachers and share a few moments with friends. (Of course, the lower class members were stuck in class. Ha Ha Ha.) Graduation would be that...

3 years ago
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Love Grows in Her Mothers Arms

Sunday morning the traditional day of rest was instead a day of restless awakenings in three different households involving the Calloway and Edwards families. In the most troubled one a lone Jack Calloway was waking up for only the second morning ever without his wife Donna by his side. He looked over at the spot in their marital bed where she would normally be and couldn’t help but feel a sense of loss. It wasn’t as if she had left him or that they were splitting up as far as he knew. It was...

1 year ago
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First Anal

I want to tell you about getting my new toy and the fun I’ve had with it!My favourite way to masturbate has always been to rub my clit with a finger or old lipstick tube in my arse. This always gets me off! I’ve fantasised about having a cock up my arse, but always been too scared to try it and my husband hadn’t really made any moves in that direction.Last week I read about Tristam Taormino’s Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women. I was instantly hooked. I felt too embarrassed to do anything...

4 years ago
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Slave Tracey

Tracey got up and rang the bell as the bus approached her stop. Clutching her handbag tightly she stepped off the bus and looked towards the big gleaming glass building to the right.At just over a month since her eighteenth birthday she had decided it was time to learn to drive and as part of that under the new rules for females she had to report to the licensing centre and have a medical completed.She started walking towards the building with some slight trepidation, she was naturally a...

1 year ago
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Vermont RootsChapter 4

We packed things Tuesday evening since we would be leaving early in the morning. Linda and I had the clothes we had packed for our honeymoon. I knew when we added Loretta’s and the few things that Jimmy could not get along without, our vehicle would be terribly crowded from Keene, NH to Brattleboro. We would make do somehow. The child’s restraining seat would take up considerable room and there was no way we anticipated we would need one when we packed for our honeymoon. Maury handed Linda...

3 years ago
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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 14 Anxiety

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 14 Anxiety Some friendships can be tricky ONLY two more days to the end of term, Mandy reflected happily as she put her blazer into her locker and retrieved some books that she needed for her Biology lesson later that morning. She closed the locker and headed off down the corridor. "Ow! Watch where you're going!" "Oh, sorry,"...

1 year ago
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JamesDeen Kelsi Lynn Kelsi Lynn Anal James Deen Punishment

HOLY SHIT! That is really all I can say about this scene. Kelsi Lynn and James Deen have a special bond. She seems to want to be his sex slave and live out filthy fantasies with the porn star. That or she is just a total whore who loves to be roughly fucked up the ass with her head shoved into a toilet. Anything is possible. I think it is the former based on the way she begs for approval from James after she gets her asshole destroyed by him and drenched in his cum. Whatever the reason these...

2 years ago
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My anus used like a receptacle

I was still in high school, some where on the third floor, Daniel, Bruce and Charlie had cornered me and took me into one of the class rooms. I had tried to fight my way free, but Bruce and Charlie were too much for me, they beat me down. Daniel threw a few short pieces of rope to them and they trusted me up like a thanksgiving turkey. My wrist was tied to my ankles, a broom handled was tied to my hands in a matter that spread my feet and hands far apart. The worst part was the part of rope...

4 years ago
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Girlie Knight

I. The Message Paul Norton sat in his dimly-lit room somewhere in the suburbs of Boston. He looked outside and saw a blizzard pounding the neighborhood. White-skinned and with blond hair, Paul suffered from an overactive intelligence which compelled him to notice things that other people did not. He disliked authority’s instructions, and frequently called people names which they would not otherwise deserve. Fortunately, those same people had been understanding as Paul learned to keep his...

1 year ago
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TeenPies Avery Adair Iced Pussy Pastries

Avery has spent all day baking a fresh creamy pie for her culinary class final. Everything has to be perfectelse she doesnt pass. Just as she puts it in the oven, she hears a knock on the door. It was her brothers friend chad who was here to chill, but Averys bro wasnt home yet. Chad vibed and watched as Avery completed her pie. As soon as she takes it out, shes furious. She somehow fucked it up. She throws it in the garbage and tells Chad about how it wasnt just any pie, it was a CREAMPIE!...

3 years ago
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Exceptional Room Service

Em was alone that day. She’d gone to the island on a holiday trip with her sisters and their children, without her husband Ambrose. It was her first visit and she’d found it very different to what she had expected. It had turned out to be somewhere, she thought, where you could have a six-star holiday at three-star expense. But high finance wasn’t what was on her mind today. She’d begged off the family trip that day, pleading a mildly upset tummy. They would not be back until late in the...

1 year ago
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All That GlittersChapter 9

There is no knock at the door, no warning to the intrusion. But the moment the door slams open Eris is on her feet, ready to meet the intruders. But she doesn’t expect to see who she sees. “Mother!” she cries out. “What is the meaning of this?” Anger flashes across her face. She is so menacing in this moment that it makes Eris take a step back. “The meaning is simple, Daughter,” Cyra snaps. “So far the evidence against you is stacking.” Eris looks past her mother to her brother. He has a...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Bunny Madison BigBoob Anal Angel

Blonde beauty Bunny Madison looks sexy in slinky swimwear, flaunting fleshy breasts and a plump rump. Bunny models a green bikini and black heels, stripping and smiling into the camera. She chats with director Mick Blue about anal sex, eager to get the action started! Bunny masturbates, oiling up her big boobs and booty as she diddles her twat. Next, she kneels to give Mick a worshipful blowjob. Slobber seeps from her lips as she sucks his big cock, and the nasty babe crudely rims his asshole!...

3 years ago
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Silver Moon Blood Red Lips

The bright moonlight bleaches colour from everything it touches, all around us is either black shadows or silver highlights. The full moon itself hangs above us in the black sky, full and heavy, as ripe and plump as a perfect peach. As ripe as you were once, my dearest, when you were in your pomp and prime. And I could neither squeeze you too much nor not enough, my sweet. You were so beautiful once, my love. As soon as I clapped eyes on you in your diaphanous gown as you flowed down that...

3 years ago
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The Best Birthday Party

Okay, so this is my first sex story here Please share reviews/contact/hookup on: A little about myself: I’m just an 18-year-old kinda attractive guy from the capital who is managing to swim through his raging hormones. It was summer 2016, yep last year. My friend was throwing his birthday party at a fancy pub in the NCR region. I was excited because that area is filled with hot guys (yes, hot in caps), all his friends from school, college and elsewhere came. It was fun. We all were dancing and...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Fuck Buddy the fun continued

So after our first session where my friend was forced to walk along corridors naked (amongst other things), it was pretty clear that she enjoyed being submissive and was open to try new things. A couple of days later i saw her and she said she was keen to meet up regularly. I couldnt see her for any sexual encounters for a week, so set her two tasks to do for my enjoyment. The first was drive to work with her ti*s exposed - not to much as i didnt want to distract other drivers causing an...

2 years ago
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Virginity Finally Lost To Maid Surekha 8211 Part 1

Hello guys. My name’s Harry (name changed). I’m a 24 year old academically well oriented guy who is regarded good looking by most people around but never managed to date any girl due to lack of confidence and moreover due to my ambitious behavior. I could never ever fantasies on any girl and the only reason being that my dick always worshiped the lady I loved for years.. My maid.. My Rani. Surekha Rani (name changed). I found her good looking to work as a maid. Describing her she was quite tall...

2 years ago
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Pay Back for my Cousin Plus Part 4

“Aunt Judy, what has happened between Patty and I has been somewhat traumatic.  For right now I am hoping that what happened tonight will make our relationship even stronger.  I certainly think that it will..  I was totally surprised at your suggestion that I use the paddle on Patty and I know that she was also.  I was so ticked off at her and her actions that I did jump at the chance.  In hindsight, I think, and I think that Patty will eventually agree, that your decision and suggestion was a...

1 year ago
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Amys Fantasy

Initially, Amy was hesitant when Alex had asked her if she wanted to take the bus instead of a plane. She knew that what should have been a couple-hour journey would now take more than a whole day, but when she saw the price difference she would have to say yes. She ended up being surprised with how much she liked the bus ride. Free wifi, air conditioning (which was nice for the dead-of-summer trip across state lines) and room for her ample legs to stretch and feel at home. It wasn’t easy...

3 years ago
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Teaching Luke sex Day Two

Following a complete re-vamp of the store a couple of years ago, the sex toys showroom at the rear was fitted out with open glass shelves, great lighting, and very realistic mannequins. We encourage customers to touch and feel the products before they buy, and as a consequence, the dildos, vibrators, and strap-ons need to be cleaned regularly. It’s one of those little jobs that we quite enjoy doing, and it was during one of these interludes that I told Megan and Carol about the evening I’d...

4 years ago
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Subway Sweetness

I was working in Japan and daily had to ride the subway trains back and forth to work. It was July and ungodly hot, with humidity levels off the scale. During the morning and afternoon rush hours, the trains were horrible. Always packed to capacity, plus extra people. The subways were so over-worked and over-packed, that they hired 'packers'. During rush hours, these people showed up in uniforms, with little white pith helmets on their heads and did their jobs on the subway platforms. Their...

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