TandraChapter 67 free porn video

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Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos tried much the same thing. Word must have spread, for when we got to Hanoi only the ones we wanted were present. An old general by the name of Pham, stood almost tearfully as his troops were taken onto the ship. I asked the old man that had little family if he would like to start a new life as a pilot with the Tandra alliance. His eyes sparkled and before he committed himself, I said, "You will not be commanding those troops. You may not command any troops and you definitely will have to start at the bottom, but as a young man again. You will go from General Pham, to not even a private."

He smiled wide this time and saluted me the Tandra way. We both rose into the air and visibly headed for the Terra's Pride.

Medical was very busy with 2,200 recruits. Some stared wide eyed as some of their number disappeared. They were lowered into tanks in another room so as to not upset their friends at seeing an apparent body floating in a cloudy liquid.

Within an hour 1,850 much healthier troops walked through the ship to the various hangars. The men and Tandra using the same translating devices spoke to individual groups. Done this way, one bay held only a few recruits and only one language was spoken. They were surprised to be given some ships that were theirs, with their group's name on it. They proudly sat in the cockpit and the AI along with Hans started their education. Within minutes the hangers were quiet again. The trainers went back to studying, sleeping or went to the cafeteria. It would be at least an hour till the first would be finished.

We talked briefly with Captain Meech and found much the same thing happened for his Slavic recruits. The African and European contingent would be next. Then both America and Japan would give us troops to fight with. It was the Arab states that still opposed the Tandra. They were among the people that had the most to gain from the adoption of Tandra culture and technology, because of their low standard of living.

The next day we did the same thing in the next countries on our lists and then again for a third day. The ship should bustle with 6,300 new recruits but the truth was that it was almost empty and felt that way inside me as well.

Lam and Duc took a moment to go for a visit and meet with some of the people from their homeland. The soldiers treated them like high government officials and there was little they could do to get around this perception. After a few hours they left a little sad and mother was able to visit for the first time. She ran up to us and gave us a hug and I could see that most of the new people thought this young looking woman was our girlfriend. She knew this too and shamelessly flirted as if she was.

Mom altered the format of her tv show and brought the cameras to the Terra's Pride and showed our troops as they learned to absorb knowledge. They fell all over themselves at Mom's approach and treated her as royalty, as I thought only just. After staying less than an hour, counting commercial breaks, she went over to the Nautilus and eventually the academy to show all the recruits not in the tanks. I was quite sure now that the stations were charging an arm and a leg to the companies that were allowed to show their advertisements.

The next day, Paul and I were going over the records of the recruits and the trainers and we came on the last group that had checked the a small portion of the hull. Apparently from Hans' reports they were crying uncle, but I knew that this was just a ploy. One was Bolis a woman Uncle Henry had quite a fight with and thinking of the recordings, I saw she would not be an easy nut to crack no matter what she said. I was quite sure that her problems were quite a bit deeper and would take a lot of work to get out of her system, even if that were possible.

Captain Meech had used the nick name of a boyhood friend 'Pasha' for his AI and it happened to come in handy with his first group of recruits. All the new recruits from each country had been informed that they were to be trained as three separate groups and that they had to decide which of the groups they wanted to be in. In the end Hans and Pasha had to do the best they could. Mom had many other duties to perform and didn't need the hassle of doing everybody's job.

By the end of the ship's day it was necessary for the recruits to make their decision. The emblem of the Tandra/Earth alliance was prominent on all the large boat bays and was to remind them of who and what they could be. The trainers took only twenty minutes discussing the benefits and their feelings about their own choices. Later in small groups they were asked again, so the recruits would know they were not making a mistake. There was no political commissar forcing them into the choice, but I did know that no person would be able to stay if they did not truly believe in our goals.

The largest boat bay was partially emptied and the men and women that chose to join us were asked to show up. They came from the Nautilus and the academy for one large ceremony. The rest were to be taken back to their country of origin with nothing done to them, for they had no real secrets with them yet. Everyone not in a tank presented themselves in the bay and formed ranks. In the background a stirring anthem that impinged on all of our senses played from hidden devices. It made my back even straighter and then made me think of all the dedication that had gone into building this race from its beginnings almost 6 million years ago.

Mom this time, as our icon, lead the new citizens in their oath. In the future, as they learned more they would be asked to speak new oaths and I knew that I had not said any of them yet. With the recruits, I too gave my allegiance to the alliance and felt even better inside for doing so. The new citizens were given new ship's coveralls now with their name in Tandra written over the heart. There would be no more Earth languages written, so that one more impediment to understanding could be overcome.

Mom displayed the ceremony on TV and told the people on the planet below of a fly by to be performed. The recruits all got into their ships and with only a little guidance from the major AIs they formed ranks in space. At almost 27,000 kilometres per hour they circled the Earth and dove into the atmosphere to fly one last time over their old homelands. Ships from the Nautilus had come over with some of the trainers as had the academy. People from all over the world came outside, if possible, to see the ships. On the night side the shields were altered and they saw bright streaks of light go from one end of their country to another then back again.

After the spectacular show the new citizens split up and went to either the academy, the carrier or the battleship for further training. Mom was getting phone calls from the Earth and a much lower percentage were antagonistic to her goals. She didn't bother having any more religious zealots on the air and took only the calls that would allow her to expound on what she wanted to say.

Paul and I took our turns in many of the smaller ships to become familiar with their quirks and capabilities. We did this one at a time so as to always have somebody onboard for any emergencies. The ships took a lot of concentration to make them perform up to their capabilities and not to what the raw recruits had used them for. I saw a need to start running simulated battle scenarios against fixed targets, other fighters, larger ships and finally, some ships using our new missiles.

Mom had talked to the leaders of the various countries about visits by the Tandra and now citizens of our alliance. They wanted to throw so much red tape at us that it almost looked like they didn't want us. Using her old strategy, she just made a deal with Canada and they were caught a little off guard. We only had to tie in with NORAD in North Bay to register our flight. We fought hard to keep any further data from changing hands, or it would seem like a border check, as apposed to a safety warning. There was no way they would worry about the importation of Tandra technology.

The Humans in the tanks were about all done and came out to an entirely different world. The old were young again and eager to take on any challenge. The sick and crippled were much the same and had to get over the problems in their minds associated with their old infirmities. They all studied even harder because they were almost four days behind their former countrymen.

The next week the cadets with the highest achievements were given the honour of transporting Lam, Duc, mother or even Kitten to Earth when the need arose. Lam and Duc, even had an escort of one of the cadets dressed in his dress uniform cap and now shoes to protect him from the cold and snow on Earth. Within a minute of entering 'Bay Variety and Groceries' more and more customers came in to ask questions.

"Is that really you Lam?"

"Are you a Tandra now?"

"Can you make me young again?"

"Are you going to fight the Samutz?"

"Did you have a baby on the moon? Was Duc the father or was it one of those Tandra?"

They stopped dead in their tracks at the short thin Tandra that walked up to protect his charges. He wore a dark tunic with crystalline buttons and a glowing white billed cap. His sudden appearance shocked them into silence.

The owners looked at the Tandra boy, then at their relatives. They could not get over the changes. They now looked as if in their early twenties and moved about as if the same age.

Lam got angry, as if she still owned the store, shooed the customers outside and locked the front door. She could feel the relief coming from the cadet. "People are not always nice," she said to the boy. She felt she was the one that was doing the protecting.

They did their shopping and bought much more than they needed, thinking of all the problems in getting the shopping done. She felt at home in the store and felt her new life almost a fantasy world.

Bao and Anh were not as blasé with the cadet and watched him constantly. The others before were dressed as Humans and this one looked much more impressive. The rest of the time, they looked in wonder at Lam and Duc. Many of the questions just asked were already asked when they were on the phone. But it was difficult to actually see the proof before their eyes.

Duc had been quiet most of the time. He was just marvelling at the change in his wife. He saw the store much the same as it always was, but now, he saw a beauty talking very fast and waving her hands it emphasize a point, then go to an entirely different topic. Women were like that and even though he figured he was boss, it still was a good thing to let her go, or he would suffer for it later.

When he looked at the younger couple, he saw how Anh and Bao looked even older, than they should. Their other relatives would not understand Lam's young face and body and no doubt would not have seen much of the television programmes in the village. It would be good to see the family in one place and take a few gifts. Reading the occasional letter was not close enough now that there was available transportation.

After saying their goodbyes, Bao unlocked the door. The groceries in boxes floated upward and disappeared into the invisible ship. Bao raced into the store to get another box so it could be taken from his hands. It too floated up and disappeared. The entire sidewalk and road was completely closed with people wanting to see anything of the Tandra.

After the last box floated up, an older Vietnamese man pushed his way forward and handed an envelope to Duc. The man then turned and melted into the crowd. Duc saw that it had his and Lam's name on it. He placed it in his pocket and floated up last.

Lam was talking fast to Doris and to Kitten on the moon. Duc reached in his pocket to read the letter. After breaking the seal he looked at the paper. It was all written by hand in Vietnamese. It basically said that his relatives in Binh Minh were in danger, and both Duc and Lam were to phone a number at a specified time, to find out where to meet a person that could help.

Duc was so upset, that Lam quit her conversation with her friends, and looked into Duc's thoughts. She became worried just as her husband was. Why would anybody harm a simple family living in a remote village? It was incomprehensible. In moments Kitten knew of the problem too and wondered why the man that had given the letter had not stayed to explain more. Was there a danger to the man too?

Doris soon joined in and for a moment thought the same till she saw the similarity to some books she had read. Mom was brought in right away and told of Doris' feelings. She scanned the threat analysis module on the ship and found the image of the man with the note and quickly used her own viewers to find him. There was no trace, but she kept up a continuous search.

Duc was getting more worried as the ship approached the moon. Was the man a friend of his family that just carried the message, or someone who knew of a danger that the family could not overcome?

Paul and I were looking through some reports. The malcontents were talking to the other Tandra and trying their best to ferment a revolt. This was close to mutiny and was covered in Tandra legal code, but hardly ever happened in their long history. The close part was the stickler. They must know that they may be found out and watched their thoughts very well, so as to not step over that fine line.

Cadets were being told that even they could run a ship better than Paul and I. The cadets being male, were supposed to suck this up and agree. The males on the moon were a little different in that they could see the benefit of an alliance and had a good education now to make it quite clear.

Hans was now keeping a close eye on all of them and found the males were gullible and just more lazy than the usual. The females were manipulating them as was the old custom and letting them do most of the dangerous talk.

The people from the vats had to be taken care of next. The Nautilus and the academy sent their allotment over to us and they all met in the large boat bay used before. Mom said to them, "I have learned a lot about Humans and know they will try their best to get any information they can from any of you. It is actually your job to give all you can so that they will understand us better. When you come back to us in 10 days, you will be offered a citizenship. If you wish to remain with your birth country that is entirely up to each of you."

There were 341 potential recruits left on a shuttle with money in their pockets and wafers in their packs. They had enough knowledge to explain a bit about how things worked and get Humans more familiar with mindspeak. Most did not want to leave, even for a visit.

Over a meal Paul said, "There has been some fighting among the Tandra."

"That is odd, they usually get along much better than us. Was anybody hurt?"

"Not very much. That group of malcontents finally provoked some of the cadets too much and a fist fight broke out. I confined all of them to barracks till we have an inquiry. I already know what I will find but I am following all the rules."

"Are you formally telling me this? If so, I may have to take some drastic action."

"I was thinking of handling it myself. I was going over some of those tricks you learned and found some that might help."

"What do you have planned?" I was really interested now.

"There are 30 females and 5 males in this group. If charges are layed, then we can use the evidence within their own minds to convict the remainder of their group of attempted mutiny. With that explained to them, they would be willing to take a less severe punishment. Among the Human troops we picked up are a lot of over achievers with little patience. If we were to pair them up with the disgruntled group, the Human portion would have the problem of straightening each of the Tandra out. There may be a few broken bones, but they will not be our problem if we don't hear about it."

"That sounds good. Perhaps we can give these groups the larger ships to train on. The ones that perform the best get to captain the new destroyer for a month when it is finished. We just have to keep all the discontents separated so they can't reinforce each other's rebellious attitudes."

"With an incentive like that, the Tandra will be under a lot of pressure. The males will buckle under sooner and the females are not under achievers, only elitist when their race is involved. I think the female Humans have an unfair advantage."

Small scale war games started soon after and the ones that stood out were given the option of fighting for the temporary captaincy of the destroyer. All knew that if they won they would probably be given the rank full time after they were fully trained.

One day soon after, they stood in a line steadfastly facing forward. Most were male and it was worked out so there were only 24 here. Paul said to all of them, "You have all learned to fight well and now you need to work closely with the Tandra portion of our forces. Your education has included Tandra law and customs. Here is where you will show true leadership abilities. We have with us 35 Tandra that resent Humans using Tandra equipment, or even thinking that we are on the same level as them. I plan on pairing you off with the best choice possible, so that each of you has an equal chance to win our contest. If you do not like your choice there are 11 more that you can chose from."

There were inaudible groans at the thought of carrying dead wood.

"Each of the Tandra know thinks that will help their partner win. They have been giving courses that complement this idea and it is up to you and your leadership abilities to get them to pull as hard as you do. Make no mistake, they are the junior half of each team and it is up to you to lead. You have the Tandra legal code to use, or Human ingenuity. Do not kill them and do not kill yourselves trying to win."

"You will be given larger fighters. They will provide more room for extended missions and for heavier ordinance. Your base will be the Nautilus. She will be leaving soon for her own patrols along our frontier. Captain Meech in conjunction with Pasha, Hans and Mom will supervise and rank your standings. You will be pushed very hard and the results will be televised. Mom tells me the Earth will look at it as the Olympics and each of you will be your old countries favourite."

The taciturn Tandra were brought in and introduced to their new officers. Nothing was said or even broadcast, but I knew that they were still fighting this concept as much as they could, regardless of their word. Hans gave ship locations and we all went to a small boat bay to see what they had gotten to fight with.

They saw sleek four man attack craft fitted with large ship killers that would give even a battle cruiser pause if they knew they were tipped with a galvanized nose cones. The ships were 23 metres long and were intended for extended stays away from the mother ship. Already TV audiences saw what the smaller ships could hand out and it was only logical for them to feel that these ships could do even more.

As per Paul's instructions, the ships left right away. They would separate and begin training in private. In four days they were to come back for any things they thought necessary, then head out of the system and link up with the Nautilus when it took up station outside the Oort Cloud.

Doris was sound asleep, dreaming of her husband of 26 years, filing her much tighter and sensitive uterus. They were in the missionary position and Carl made deep thrusts that seemed to fill her each and every time. Her dream-self had come many times and now it was Carl's turn as he sawed away at her clit with his large cock and rubbed her with his pubic bone. The feelings were getting so good that when she could not contain herself any longer and convulsed many times. Her groans filling the air with her pleasure and her legs stretching out and back again till the feeling finally left.

Opening her eyes finally, she saw a small black boy with a wet dildo in one of his four hands, and a contented look on his face. She realized what must have happened. She looked into the child's mind and found she could not blame him, for she had called out for relief and he came to give it to her as he did the other children.

"Oh Roger honey, you aren't supposed to do that," As she took the befuddled child into her arms and hugged him tightly.

"You caal mee."

"I know darling, but it was a dream and I couldn't help it. I have been so lonely." She caught herself telling the simple child and said, "Thank you Honey, but if I dream like that again, you mustn't do that to me, even if I call out."

She found herself rubbing his body against her breasts and pushed him away quickly. "I am sorry honey, I can't seem to help myself. You better go to bed now."

As the boy left the room he looked back as if he did something wrong and Doris had to cry. It was a long time without Carl and after her body had been fixed up it was even worse. Her hand and fingers had satisfied her a little, but it was not good enough. She could hear, smell and see with her mind, and her own eyes all the children having sex. At first she thought it wrong, but over the weeks she had come to accept it. She had never taken part though and felt bad for corrupting such a sweet child as Roger.

After a few more hours of fitful sleep she got up and had a hot coffee to help her mind start to function. Kitten got up to feed her children a little later and Doris took one of the babies and fed her as Kitten did the other two. It was so common place now to wet nurse all the children and feel so close to them, but last night with Roger still plagued her mind.

She had neglected to hide her feelings, but it was no use for at some time she would slip and everyone would know what she tried to conceal.

Kitten sat back with the two children contentedly nursing at her breasts and said, "There is no reason to hide what happened. Your mind was calling for some relief and Roger was the one that tried to give you what you needed. I know exactly what you feel like. The younger girls called out to me to help them and I make them feel good for a while. They try now to make me feel good too, but I am an adult and my upbringing says this is not right. Ever since Henry came we have been exposed to new ideas and those ideas felt right, as long as he was here."

"I miss our candasu, but even that is not the right name, for even though Susan is my metsu, Henry is still more important. Just a few months ago a boy or girl would never think of making an adult feel good. Now they strive to do that all the time. Have you seen some of the younger boys wiggle their backsides in front of the Human men hoping to get some love from them?"

"I have seen that. But I thought that common for the moon."

"It is, but we were not exposed to it on the Earth and now we are. I can't wait for my Henry to come home, but when he does I will also welcome the children to nurse between my legs as the younger ones do to my breasts."

Same as Tandra
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Reddit AlbumBabes, aka r/AlbumBabes! Do you ever get the feeling that just one picture of a hot chick isn’t enough? I certainly do. Sometimes you come across a girl who is just so hot that you want to see more of her, but she just uploaded one picture of herself! Anyway, if you want to avoid that kind of bullshit, you can go ahead and check out /r/AlbumBabes. This subreddit is known for doing one thing and one thing only. Do you know what that is? I mean, you can probably guess from the name of...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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EvilAngel Autumn Falls Evil Starlets

Busty Latina teen Autumn Falls approaches hung stud Logan Long in lingerie and kisses him passionately. Logan pulls down her panties and reams her cunt from behind, till the comely girl turns around to suck his cock. Autumn slobbers as she gives a nasty blowjob. She soon hops onto his lap for furious twat fuck. The rowdy encounter includes a flashy tease sequence, steamy 69 and fervid cunt pounding. Logan bangs her as she lies face-down on the bed. He rewards the feisty fuck doll with a cum...

1 year ago
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My Second Piece of AssChapter 24 Ollie Confesses

{My thanks to those who have read and commented on previous chapters of this series. Welcome to new readers. Familiarity with characters and events described in previous chapters is recommended. Read chapters 1 through 23.} On Monday Huley interrupted my conversation with two guys who had applied for the painter helper jobs. I was in the process of telling them we could use them on Saturday when she broke in. "Your phone was busy last night. Papa wants to talk to you," she advised me...

1 year ago
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New Company PoliciesChapter 1 Once there was a girl

Five months later. Susan finished booting up her computer. Once again she was faintly annoyed by the mandatory garish logo she was presented with for her desktop wallpaper. The picture depicted a scantily clad woman with improbably large breasts, barely contained within a minuscule lace bra. The woman was holding a large dildo pointed towards her open mouth, she appeared like she was about to lick the toy. Below, strategically placed so that anyone looking at the image could not be sure if...

2 years ago
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“Did you like my pics, can we confirm some arrangements?,” she asks confidently two minutes later. “How old are those pics?” I ask. “A few hours, the room service boy took them for me this morning. Poor boy, his hands were shaking. He was most impressed with my body, specially my ass, forty-two inches I told him.” “Let’s make it four in the afternoon honey, if we hit it off we can have dinner together and make it a real event.” Zoe is staying on a high floor of a top hotel as I take in the...

3 years ago
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Making Dreams Come True

Making Dreams Come True by Writer345 1. Helena's Request I was waiting nervously in my library when I heard the doorbell ring, I didn't move: Concita would see that it was answered, that was one of her duties. Besides I knew exactly who was there, I had invited the damned woman after all. At 6'2" I am tall for a woman, I'm also blonde and people say that I exude confidence: I suppose that it goes with the job, I'm a merchant banker. As I am used to being in total control I...

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The Abandoned Magic Shop

Today was the meetup. Me, Blake, and Sandy were gonna break into Rezzo's Magic Shop. Now, I'm not exactly the type of guy who breaks into places: 24, average build, decent job. But I'm always down for whatever my friends are doing. Sandy always is trying to get us to do whatever weird punk stuff she's still clinging onto from her High School days. I looked in the mirror to check my hair. Black and shaggy, as usual. As I picked up my toothbrush I flex my arm, hoping to see some progress from my,...

2 years ago
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Bank Holiday Break pt2 The swimming pool

An hour had passed after what I shall call ‘my initiation into swinger naturism’ with four very experienced people. Ken & Kathy rose to their feet and kissed Helen, Dave, and I, goodbye saying they would see us later. I also got up and said, "I need to go shower." Helen hugged me cupped my balls, kissed me on the lips. “See you later,” she said. I shook Dave’s hand and went to my caravan. I put my kettle on to boil while I took my shower, as I needed coffee to try and sober up a little from...

Group Sex
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Remote ViewingChapter 15

One thing the secret service did start doing. Shortly after they learned what the questioning of the members of congress happened, concerning their real or imagined trips to an other place revealed, they started shuffling. The president, vice president, secretary of state, and the cabinet were constantly moved around. It was funny, really, yet it was also a logical response. For some reason they assumed that Air Force One was one of the safest places on Earth... or rather, 'over Earth'....

2 years ago
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Dad8217s Friends 8211 Part II

After the Mahabaleshwar incident I enjoyed a lot with Anand and Rajiv. At times they put in such an awkward position that the secret between us was clearly noticeable. Am going to narrate few of the incidents. They both stayed in my house for almost a month and I had become their toy. They used me however they liked. They had formed many pictures, videos of me. And many times we all 3 used to masturbate by just watching them. When my parents returned, Anand, Rajiv showed they took care of me a...

4 years ago
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Couple In Love 8211 And Love Making Part 3

So, coming back to the story. As the characters were Arman, Neha(girlfriend), Shobhita (milf and Neha’s sister). Sorry guys this part will be little longer than the last one. Please stick to the story and read it fully to enjoy every bit of pleasure you get from this lustrous family. This is going to be a lesbian threesome between mother and both daughters. Coming to the only remaining character which is going to be introduced in this part is Neha’s mom Vaishali. She was 45-46 years with nice...

3 years ago
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My girlfriends brother in law

This story goes back quite a few years ago when I was 18.I was seeing my girlfriend for about 6 months and had not been able to fuck her.I don't know if it was her or me.I was not a virgin, but not that experienced either.I have not had that many girlfriends or dated much.I happen to bump into her sister and husband at the mall on Saturday and we stop for coffee and chatted.She was about 6 yrs older and married.In confidence, I asked her if she knew wither her sister was a virgin and what the...

2 years ago
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A Chance Encounter Part III

Introduction: I know its been awhile, However I got a new job so I have been Busy/ Chance Encounter Part III Friday Night Marie stop wiggling I am almost done. Aé,lita demanded. Sorry, Im just nervous. I know baby doll, but when I get through you are gonna look drop dead gorgeous. She already looks drop dead gorgeous Aé,lita youre just enhancing it. Simon called out from the sitting area. Both Marie and Aé,lita laughed at that. There Im done, take a look. Marie turned...

3 years ago
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The Office Whore Part 38

Reina woke up to the scent of her favorite Constant Comment tea. She peeked open her eyes and saw a tray with not only the tea, but two slices of her homemade English muffin bread toasted perfectly.She sat up and saw Chad sitting next to the bed and asked, “Is there some holiday I have forgotten?”Chad smiled, “No, it’s just me trying to make up for being such a jerk still.”Reina sighed, “Well, this is a nice start.”Chad looked at her pensively. She’d forgiven him already, but she wasn’t going...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Rental Car Service with a Smile Part II

Jenn had called, and gave me her address. She had an efficiency apartment across town from my hotel, but I didn't care. This was about her, and making her birthday special. I arrived at her apartment, and there she stood at the stoop. She came to the car, but I intercepted her 1/2 way. "I said I was going to call for you! Why were you on the stoop?" "Well, that's what guys do - they expect girls to be ready." I challenged her again. "Jenn, you need to start spending time with men, and disregard...

3 years ago
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FateChapter 19 First Trip Back

At Brouden things continued pretty much the same as the next few days passed. We were making progress and a lot of the weaker employees were nervous about their jobs. They needed to be. They could improve. It wasn't all that difficult to do well at our company. Just took a little effort. I had to bounce the one year plan Dave (head of Marketing) presented. He brought Ann with him in a very short mini skirt and a low cut very revealing top, no bra. She was obviously supposed to distract me. I...

2 years ago
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Mansion of Mayhem

Disclaimer: This story contains adult language, themes, and the like; it should be viewed only by those of legal age. All other usual disclaimers for stories sent to this newsgroup apply -- we already know them, so there's no reason to retype them here. Any resemblance to anyone, living, dead, or undead, is entirely coincidental. Reposting on archival sites is permitted with the following provisions: (1) I am notified when such a posting is made, (2) this story may NOT be posted...

3 years ago
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Realms of Eden Home Fires B2A112

Chapter 9 — Playing Games Kelsey awoke as she had gone to sleep. Surrounded by three beautiful girls holding onto their stuffed toys as they had snuggled down beside her as she read them a story from a book of fairy tales. The man, Daddy, had cuddled into his oldest daughter stroking her dark hair as the brown eyes closed finally into sleep. Kelsey had wept as she lay there under his soft gaze, his hands had touched her temples gently and she had fallen asleep almost immediately. Her dreams...

1 year ago
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My Boss John

John my boss.When I had just turned 22 years old I took a job in an office environment working in administration. It was a small office with a boss John , three older ladies and myself. Occasionally there was another assistant manager or partner I’m not sure of his title, but he did not work in the office much. The office itself was small located in one of those two story business parks.  There was one office for John and one for the assistant and us four women worked out in the main area....

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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This was a club formed by a group of interested first/second year students at university in the 1980's They decided it would keep the old fashioned discipline of Corporal Punishment and spanking alive.They all had been humiliated by their Father's mostly at home. Their mother's gave the odd beating which some maintained was crueller than their father's especially if using the slipper or switchAll had tasted the strap/cane at barding school not just on their hands but their covered and...

3 years ago
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Angels Call Ch 02

Thanks a lot to Techsan who edited the story pretty quickly and turned it into a better one. * The next thing Chris remembered was a very bad smell and a nurse leaning over him. He jumped up and went crazy thinking that the woman and the baby were still in the car. ‘Woman, car, baby, woman in the car,’ he muttered. ‘Calm down,’ said the nurse, ‘You’ve had a concussion, possibly because of the combination of alcohol and the excitement. As you mumbled about her right when you were falling,...

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The Exhibit A Tale Of Dominicas RealmChapter 2 Six Months Later

Mistress Black always enjoyed relaxing in a warm, quiet bath like this, after her workouts in the gym. Her long, raven tresses were pinned up, tight around her head, and she wriggled around in the scented water, surrounded by candle light, as she trailed her hands up and down her smooth, muscular thighs and stomach. Massaging them. Squeezing her own nipples. Teasing herself. Planning what she was going to do with her slaves this evening. Especially the new one, the female. Oh yes, she was...

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Aeishwarya gets treated to dinner and a romantic night filled with sex0

You were so warm when I woke up this morning. I didn't want to leave you. When you read this I'll be already at work for the day. I'll be thinking about you all day. I left you some tissue paper so you won't have to bother getting up out of bed." He loved her so much. She had a runny nose all night. He left her some tissue paper so she wouldn't be trouble with getting up out of bed. The letter continued: "What do you want to do today? Anything in particular you have in mind?...

1 year ago
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Now This Wont Hurt A BitChapter 27

She is alone. Yet she still feels the need for appearances. And still, her body betrays her. It trembles slightly, the eyes not the cold and sharp ice blue they usually are. Now they appear clouded and troubled. There is a faint tremor to her body, as if she were nervous as well. Yet her face is still set hard, and she tosses back her head, golden hair cascading proudly down her back. She will not be cowed by it. She will not show it weakness. "I do your bidding," she says, a tone of...

3 years ago
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The Fall of Captain Marvel Chapter Two The Nightmare Rape of Captain Marvel

"Superhero. The slut was one of those Avengers type." - and there wasn't anything she couldn't do. She landed in the desert, and there was Yon-Rogg standing before his crashed Kree escape vessel. "No shit, yeah?" "Yup. Bitch got what was coming to her, you ask me. She's been in this coma for five years. Been three since Stark last came to visit." Carol could faintly hear the voices that didn't belong in this memory as Yon-Rogg sheathed his pistol and started to shout at her to...

3 years ago
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Dot 2

Dot Two ........... {Dot's doctor has decided that her secret friend Dick will have to be disguised and made to replace her doll Dorothea. Otherwise the street urchin boy will be discovered by her parents and forbidden to live near the consumptive girl.) After Dick's skin was cleansed, the doctor rummaged in his copious bags and retrieved what looked to the boy to be a spring or clip with the two ends sharpened to a point. "Are...are you going to cut me open?" he asked...

1 year ago
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Valeries Monday night tennis match

Valerie’s Monday night tennis matchValerie always looked forward to her games of tennis with Jill. In the summer they would play outdoors but in the winter they continued to play in the local school hall. Although she enjoyed the tennis it was really the after match sexual activities with Jill that she enjoyed the most. Both Valerie and Jill were happily married mothers but for several years now they had been enjoying satisfying each other sexually.Valerie was getting ready for her Monday night...

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MySistersHotFriend Mia Kay 29975

Mia Kay is hanging out at her friend’s house waiting for her friend to get home, but Mia finds out that her friend isn’t coming home anytime soon. Mia really doesn’t want to drive back in traffic so she decides to hang out with her friend’s brother until traffic dies down. After talking, Mia tells her friend’s brother that she can use some kissing lessons. Her friend’s brother is hesitant to help at first but eventually gives in and kisses Mia. It...

2 years ago
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TandraChapter 34

"I trust you Henry," he said, seconds before he was hoisted aboard the pinnace. He gave me the standard open mouthed, incredulous look. "You don't look as stunned as Frank did. Come over here and sit down." He ambled over and looked at the odd seat and sat. "Would you like to see below us?" He nodded his head. "Carlton, would you give us a stern view." The state shrunk, and then the country did the same. We came to the top of our curve and descended. "Carlton, a bow view, if you...

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My grandparent recently past away and I was given the task of clearing out there house, I had finished clearing the main house and went to the garage to start on that. In one corner under a sheet i found a old cardboard box, it was taped up so I threw in on the back of the ute and thought i would check it later at home, guessing it would be old books or something. I finished clearing up and took it all home, later in the evening I bought the box inside and opened it up, surprised i found...

3 years ago
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My Alone Time

My husband and I have been married for six years. In those six years he hasn't given me one single orgasm. He doesn't know this, of course, because to fuel his ego I have faked many of them. It's not his fault and I don't hold a grudge against him, it's just he is too gentle and loving to ever get me off. I know most women would kill for a guy like that, but I need more. Luckily for me he works away from home a lot so that has given me plenty of opportunity to fabricate my own devices to aid...

Straight Sex
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Sarah Chapter 1

All participants in this story are 16 years of age or older. This is a work of fiction/fantasy. Any resemblance to any person - living or dead - is purely coincidental. This story is published strictly for the entertainment of Lush Stories members and guests. It may not be published or copied in any form or format. * It has been at least five years since I’ve seen little Sarah, my granddaughter. I was to fly out west to attend her Sweet Sixteen Birthday party. My daughter Jane called and...

2 years ago
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It's the middle of august, your family all decided to go on a final road trip before the season ends, the destination is a large ravine that was discovered right near your home. everything seemed to be going well except for the fact that your sister kept nagging you about how you didn't look happy enough, she said that since they were taking you with them you should be happy about it, she kept talking on and on and you couldn't help but put your earbuds in. Her eyes squinted and her teeth...

4 years ago
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Adrastes Gift

The woman, wearing a heavy wool shawl, stepped out into the early grey dawn to inspect her coops and small barn for damage. It was a fierce storm the night before. All was well and her chickens and her goats were fine. After tending to the animals, she took the path that lead to beach and the sea. The sea was grey to reflect the bleak sky but at least the worst was now over. She approached the shore and was alarmed at all the debris strewn across the beach. She stopped and stared at the...

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Cookies and Cream

I laid there in a makeshift bed on the floor with my ex boyfriend. He really had to start paying his bills and get some oil to heat this big empty house. We snuggled together covered in several blankets trying to keep warm, watching some silly movie on his 13 inch television. In comes his roommate complaining about the cold and how he was bored. He sat on the bed and grabbed some blankets covering himself over. Still to this day I don’t know if this was planned out or if it was something...

3 years ago
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Step brother part 1

So I've never really been the pretty or outgoing type. My Step brother on the other hand was super sexy and he could makes anyone fall for him. He could have any girl in the world. He was about 5'11, great muscular body, and one hell of a bulge. For all of the 9 years I knew him, I had the biggest crush on him, even though he was partially my brother. So anyways, one night I'm lying in bed, half asleep, and i hear someone walk into my room. I decided to keep my eyes shut and pretend to be...

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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 11

The replacement of the police force in the north had been a bad move. The Nationalists had interpreted it as an undercover method of replacing the locally elected authority with soldiers who would do the government's dirty work. Students in the university towns of the north went on strike, and found some sympathy with those in the capital. Their demands escalated from the reinstatement of the police to better pay for state employees, a shorter working week and a minimum wage. The television...

2 years ago
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The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Lacey and Ricky Modeling One day I invited Ricky to walk me home from school so we could share some after school treats that mom would have for me when I arrived home. We walked into the house together and noticed an unusual silence. In the kitchen was a plate of fresh cookies, still warm from the oven, alongside a note. Mom had left for her meeting with the book club and said that she should be home about 5:00. Dad was gone to work and my brother was at football practice and...

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Trust MeChapter 3

Our dinner was uneventful, and even pleasant. No, it was better than that. It turned out to be delightful, because despite all of my fears about the way I looked, nothing happened. The "first time" experiences accumulated so fast I didn't even notice many of them after a while, and Monica had to remind me about them. Monica drove to a modest-priced Italian restaurant, and when I saw it was crowded I protested. "No, that's what we want, dear, for you to be out among lots of people who...

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