Stupid II free porn video

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Stupid (Part II) By Sascha Davison "Okay, sweetie, this is what's going to happen next." purred Deborah. Deborah and Isabelle had come down to my room having spent a long hour up in Deborah's room together. I had changed back into my male clothes. Deborah was standing with her hands on her hips and with the help of her beige tight skirt and brown knee high boots, she had assumed her usual air of somebody not to be messed with. Isabelle stood at the door with her arms folded over her ample breasts. My eyes quickly flitted over her and I thought about how magnificent she would look naked with her long black hair falling over that lovely olive skin. When I met her gaze, it became clear she was thinking of me in her red French knickers, and she wasn't enjoying the thought. I'd heard a lot of laughing come down from upstairs while they were talking, but the expression of disgust on Isabelle's face had returned to how it was last time I saw her-contempt and disgust. "We have been wracking our brains to find a way to turn your... hobby... to our advantage..." said Deborah. "While we get even with you at the same time." interrupted Isabelle flatly. "Yes, that was the tricky part. You see we could destroy you by telling everybody about you fact that you get your kicks by dressing in our underwear..." as Deborah said these words, Isabelle shook her head slowly, her eyes fixed on me. Deborah continued, "But as soon as we'd let the cat out of the bag, that would be that. Yes you'd be fucked and we'd have fun watching it, but we'd still be here, and we'd probably have to pay for your room too." "Another possibility would be for you to take our jobs over." I groaned silently. They were both working every night and at the weekend to pay for the extra room. There was no way I could take over their jobs. "Yes, we might still do that. Thirdly, we've got some other options that we're going to explore, but that requires some further investigation. So, take your clothes off." I stood in the middle of the room looking from one to the other pleadingly. "NOW!" barked Isabelle. "Yes, that would be a good idea if you want this to stay just between the three of us." said Deborah I slowly stepped out of my clothes and lay them on the floor. Once naked, I stood red-faced with my hands covering my crotch. "Now do a little turn for us, lovely. Stand so that we can see you from the side." I followed their instructions with my head bowed. "Oh do stand up straight Martin. See I told you Isabelle, he's got pathetically girly shoulders." "Put your arms down and pull your stomach in gay boy." ordered Isabelle "I'm not gay." I said quietly Deborah walked over to me and grabbed my head by the ear and pulled my face to hers. "What did you say? Did you say something to Isabelle?" "I said I'm not gay." I grimaced. "Oh you're not gay? You just like to pretend to be a girl, well whatever, I don't give a shit really. But you seem to have forgotten something. DON'T!" with her other hand she suddenly slapped me across face with all her force, "TALK!" another slap, "UNLESS WE ASK YOUR OPINION. NOW, put your arms by your sides, pull your stomach in and STAND UP STRAIGHT." Fighting back tears, I did what she said. I lifted my head to the ceiling and closed my eyes. My cheeks were already red from the slapping, but I could feel the blood flow into them even more. The situation was bad enough, but I knew that my dick was pointing straight up and with my hands by my sides, there was no way I could cover it up. I tried to imagine I was somewhere else "Oh, look, he's hard again. What is it with you, you little pervert?" Isabelle spat. She grabbed my long hair and roughly pulled my face close to hers so that I could feel the spit as she spoke. "Hey gay-boy! Are you listening to me? What are you? Why do you dress as a woman?" "Yes, and why don't you tell the truth," Deborah had walked over. "because if we think you're lying, we'll call Cathy." She showed me the face of her mobile phone and there was Cathy's number. Isabelle continued the questioning "How long have you been dressing like a woman?" I decided to tell the truth. "Since I was a little boy. I don't do it often, normally I don't want to. I tried to give up, honest, but every do often, I just feel... like..." Isabelle finished for me. " you want to put on our underwear, we know. But tell me this. Why do you dress as a woman if you don't want to fuck men? Don't you ever think about fucking men?" "NO, like I said, I'm NOT GAY!" I shouted. "Oh come on," Deborah walked over and started to twirl my hair in between her fingers. She started to speak in a sexy whisper "you're trying to tell me that all these times you've been wearing my lovely, sexy satin undies and stockings, you haven't imagined what it would feel like to be in the arms of a real man?" I was flustered. I'd already said too much, but the situation was moving too fast for me, and the thought of breaking down and telling all was turning me on all too easily. "You've never imagined feeling his hands on your butt or wanted to touch the bulge in his trousers?" "...No, honestly. Please..." I tried not to think. Deborah walked away. "Bullshit." she pressed the call button on her phone and I could here the number dialling. "STOP! Please don't do that!" I was shaking as Deborah was holding the phone to her ear. "Well tell me the truth, then." "Okay, okay, a couple of times, maybe." Deborah stopped the call but kept the phone in her hand. Isabelle grinned. "And? What exactly did you think about?" "Just, ... you know... stuff." Deborah walked back over to me. "Listen, sweetie tell us every detail of your favourite fantasy in gory details now or I'm going to phone her and tell all. And I want to hear ALL the details!" with that she pressed to call button again on her phone. Isabelle clapped her hands and laughed, "NO, oh come on..." I was panicking even more; Deborah just waved the phone in the air at me and raised her eyebrows. I began to sweat. I tried to make something up, but I couldn't think. I screwed my face up, took a deep breath and told the truth. "Okay, I fantasize about being with a guy and being forced to do stuff." My voice shook. My face was red. "Come on! It's nearly ringing!" laughed Deborah. "What do you want? Its the truth." "SMUT!" roared Isabelle "DETAILS!" "Okay... I dream about being made to suck his dick." Deborah stopped the phone and smiled, "Go on quick, we're listening." She held the phone at arms length with one finger on the call button. "Hurry up!" "Look, in the fantasy, he's my master and I dress as a woman, and I'm his slave and I have to do whatever he says, or get punished, and he ties me up and whips me and stuff, and after that I have to suck his dick. Okay???" I was shaking. The girls went quiet. I thought I'd shocked them, and I took the opportunity to try and talk my way out. "So please, Okay, I've told you, now, tell me what I've got to do, and I'll do it, but please stop this..." "I bet you swallow in your fantasies. Do you think about him fucking you too?" interrupted Isabelle. She put her hand on my naked bottom. "Does he give you a good pounding? WELL?" Tears filled my eyes. I couldn't believe she wanted more. "Y-yes." I sniffed. "YES WHAT?" Shrieked Isabelle into my face. "YES, I like to imagine him fucking me and pounding into me!" I sobbed. I had never heard these fantasies come out of my mouth before, and now I was telling them to these two I felt ashamed and disgusted. Tears were rolling down my cheeks now. Isabelle smiled contentedly. "GAY-BOY!" she exclaimed exultantly. Deborah took over. "Right, we don't have all day, hold your arms out away from your sides and stand still." She walked over to me and started to spray what looked like shaving foam all over my body from the neck down. "Oh God, Deborah is this hair remover?" I was still mewling. "What are you doing? What am I going to tell Cathy?" I moaned. I started to put my arms down and moved to get a towel. Deborah grabbed my arm tight. "DON'T move a muscle..." she barked, "if you want us to keep your secret, you're going to have to do what we say and we say NO HAIR. You're going to have to let us worry about Cathy; you've got no choice. Now get back, stand still and SHUT UP!" I knew what she was saying was true so I returned to the centre of the room and she continued to spray from my neck down to the tips of my hands and to my feet. There was a brief pause while Isabelle tied my long hair up onto the top of my head. By the time she was finished, the can had started to make noises like it was running out and the parts that she had sprayed first were starting to burn. "Now stay like that until I say you can move." I stood there in the middle of the room with my hands out. Nobody said anything for a couple of minutes. The burning sensation from the cream had levelled out. The girls stared at my foam covered body with smiles on their faces. Isabelle started to chuckle and muttered to Deborah under her breath. "I'm enjoying this you know. I can't wait." Deborah started to speak, and although they were standing behind me, I could tell she was smiling. "Me too. I want to see the expression on his face." Then she rose her voice and spoke to me loudly like she was talking to someone deaf or stupid. "You okay over there?" Isabelle burst out laughing. I was confused, they were obviously disgusted when they found me in women's clothes, but now they seemed to be encouraging it by getting rid of my body hair. The girls carried on talking to each other quietly. "Uh, girls, can I ask a question? Uh... please?" "What is it gay-boy?" laughed Isabelle. I decided not to complain again. "Why are you doing this, I mean taking my hair off?" "None of your business!" said Isabelle. "We feel like it." Deborah walked up to my face smiling. "We just want to help you look as pretty as you can be, isn't that right Isabelle?" She smirked at the other girl. "That's it, we are consumed with curiosity, so we're going to go and buy you some sexy new clothes and make your face up." "Right, times up, go and get in the shower and then we can go out." Deborah ordered. The hair remover worked, and as I watched my hair run away down the plughole I ran my fingers up and down my smooth legs and arms. This was a feeling I had dreamt of many times, but I was unable to stop thinking about what Cathy would say, and how I was going to explain the lack of hair. I thought about making up some medical story, but I knew that it was hopeless. Suddenly the curtain flew back and Deborah was there. "We haven't got all day you know. This place only stays open till 10." A few minutes later, we were in the car. Isabelle turned to Deborah and said, "Any progress?" "Yes, I got another text. It's going better than I expected." Isabelle's car pulled up outside my bank and Deborah turned to me in the back seat "Okay, give me your bankcard and tell me the code." My mouth opened and shut a few times, but the situation was clear. I reached into my pocket, pulled out my card and handed it over. "1768" "Thank you sweetie!" Deborah beamed as she opened the door. A few seconds later she was back with a wad of notes. "It'll only give me 300. We'll have to come back again tomorrow, but this should be enough for now." She held onto my card. "Hey, look, I've only got 1300 in there for the next three months. That's for food and stuff. What am I going to eat?" Isabelle turned round from the wheel. "Don't worry, we'll find something to put in your mouth!" At this the two girls starting giggling uncontrollably and my blood ran cold. "Anyway, you didn't think we were going to pay for everything," said Deborah "you are the man, after all!" They burst out laughing again. I sat back and sighed. Ten minutes later we had parked on what appeared to be perfectly boring street just outside the centre of town. We walked down some steps to a shop below street level. As Deborah opened the door I could hear the deep throb of some industrial techno and smelt marijuana. Isabelle pushed me in and I saw that there were rubber garments hanging from the ceiling and bondage equipment on the walls. On the other side of the room was a beautiful Goth girl with long black hair standing behind a counter smoking a joint. She was wearing a long black dress, which was loose apart from a tight corset around her mid-riff that pulled her waist into an hourglass figure. "Hi there!" she said. Deborah put her arm around me and pulled me over to the counter. "Hello, this is our flatmate. We caught him jerking off whilst wearing our underwear and so we've come to make him dress like a slut." I lowered my head to the floor in complete shame. Deborah hit me around the back of the head. "Look at the nice lady while we're talking to her sweetie." As I looked into the eyes of the shop assistant, she smiled and winked at me. "Who's a lucky sissy then? Two lovely girls to play with you!" Isabelle leaned over and whispered something in her ear. As she was talking, the girl stopped smiling. Whatever Isabelle had said seemed to shock her. Isabelle leaned back and smiled. "Oh, uh. Okay..." stammered the assistant and walked around the front of the counter. Her air had become distant, and she seemed a bit taken aback and seemed to pretend I wasn't there. "So do you have any idea what you're looking for?" Deborah took a list out her bag. "Yes, we've done some research and we've got a pretty specific list." she handed it to the shop assistant. "Does that look about right?" "Okay, lets see, yes, I think we can help you." She turned to me. "Take your shirt off, I'll have to take some measurements." I muttered something about a changing room but Isabelle started to whack me round the head, so I pulled the shirt off and she carried on. "Waist, 30, chest, 38, yes, no problem. Okay, I'll be right back." She disappeared into the back of the shop. I started to pull the shirt back on but Isabelle stopped me. "Leave your shirt off, you're going to have to try it on." I stood in the middle of the shop with my hairless torso exposed. The assistant returned. "Right, he'll have to try the corset on, you never know which one will fit." She held up a black satin corset. The back of the corset was heavily laced and there appeared to be a great deal of boning, as well as 6 thick suspender belts. "You sure you don't want PVC for this as well?" "No, satin is fine for the corset, besides, I doubt this will be his last one. Let's see how it fits. Take your jeans off, sweetie." Soon I was standing in my briefs and the assistant was trying to ignore the wet patch. The assistant took a long time undoing the laces to the point where I could step into the thing and then the three women started to lace it up. I realised that I was right about the boning. As they pulled the strings tighter and tighter, I started to find it difficult to breathe. Suddenly, I heard the bell go and a blonde woman holding a motorcycle helmet walked into the shop followed by a tall man who was clearly the owner of the bike. I looked at the muscles in his chest visible through the T-shirt underneath his motorbike leathers and contrasted them to my weedy torso. I felt their eyes bore into me, and the woman giggled something into the man's ear, which made him laugh. Isabelle and Deborah smiled at each other and then at me. The shop assistant started to hurry with the strings, wanting to get rid of us. "This should reduce his waist by about 4 inches and give him more than the right shape." As the strings got tighter, I found I could only take short breaths, and the heady mix of hyperventilation and humiliation made me feel woozy. "Okay, that seems to be okay. Now these pants, don't you want something a bit more flattening?" "No, I want to be able to see how much he's enjoying it!" Deborah smiled. "Okay." The assistant walked around the shop and threw some stuff into a bag, which she then brought back to Deborah. "That's everything except the boots. Size 9?" During the trip back, Isabelle and Deborah discussed make up. When we got home they lead me up the stairs into Deborah's room and ordered me to strip. Having sat me on a chair in the middle of the room, Isabelle started to pluck my eyebrows while Deborah knelt down and painted my finger and toe nails bright red. "You'll be wearing gloves tomorrow, but it's important to feel pretty underneath, don't you think?" "Tomorro..." "STAND STILL!" After making me shave my face closer than I ever had before, the girls set about dressing me. I soon found out the PVC they were referring to were black glossy PVC panties which clung to the contours of my bum while "allowing plenty of room for when you start imagining Geoff naked." The corset went back on, along with seamed brown stockings. They pulled the corsets strings tight again, and the same feeling of light headedness that I had felt in the shop came over me again. Things started to take on a dream like quality. Finally they did my make-up and I sat still while they applied foundation, eyeliner and mascara. "You're going to have to learn how to do this yourself, you know." said Deborah. Finally they put on lipstick and stood back to admire their work. "Wow, what a sexy little slut." gasped Isabelle. "I'll get the camera!" She left the room. I looked up at Deborah pleadingly. "Now don't be scared, we're just going to take a few little pics for our personal use. Take a look at yourself." I stepped over to the mirror and my mouth dropped. The make up and the new eyebrows had transformed my face into that of a genuinely passable female. The thick black eye make-up and blood red lipstick had indeed made me look extremely sluttish. The corset had completely changed the shape of my body and my waist looked almost unnaturally small. Isabelle came back with her digital camera. "Here we are, now just strike a few poses for us." I stood motionless. "Oh come on!" said Deborah, "Let's see a smile on those pretty lips." I smiled feebly. "No, no, give us a pout, that's it, now put your hands on your hips." The camera flashed more times than I could count as the girls made me take up various provocative poses. I resigned myself to giving them what they wanted and followed their instructions as they told me to get down on all fours and to lie on the bed with my head in my hands and my stocking clad legs up in the air. Isabelle disappeared and returned with a lollipop. "Now lick it... no, put your tongue out further, that's it. Now put it in your mouth. Try to look like you're having fun, good! Stick out your bum!" After a good half hour of this, they decided they'd finished and told me to go back to my room and take off the clothes. "After that, get something to eat then go back to your room and stay in there until we come to get you, we've got a lot of work to do." ordered Deborah. I stood there thinking I should ask about what they were going to do with the photos, but nothing came out of my mouth. "Well go on!" shouted Isabelle, and I scurried out. I fixed some food and then returned to my room and waited for them. I tried to read a book, but my mind was filled with the day's goings on. About an hour later, I heard Geoff arrive and the three of them laughing and talking in the kitchen. Some time later, I heard the doorbell ring again and I wondered who it could be. After the arrival of the new guest, I didn't hear anything at all. Soon, however, Deborah walked into my room. "Right, come on, there's someone who wants a word with you. Don't worry, I've arranged things so that only us four will know about it." Four? "But if you want it to stay like that, you'd better keep your mouth shut." I followed her down the corridor into the living room. There, sat at the table was Isabelle. Next to her Geoff smiled up at me shaking his head. Next to him sat my beloved Cathy. She had obviously been crying for a long time, as her eyes were red. My heart sank as I looked in front of her on the table where there lay print outs of the evening's photo session. Nobody said a word for a moment, then Cathy stood up and walked over to me. "Cathy, I..." But Cathy silenced me with another hard slap across my face. I was getting used to being slapped. "SHUT UP!" Tears began to roll down her face afresh. "Just shut up." I could tell from the way she was talking that she had been drinking, and I knew she couldn't handle her alcohol. "I feel so... ashamed, it's so humiliating what you've been doing." she'd obviously been planning her speech. "I loved you so much, you'll never know, but Deborah has shown me that you're a dirty little pervert, and I don't want anything else to do with you." At that she fell down onto a chair and began to weep. Geoff put his arm around her to comfort her and she wept into his large chest while Isabelle poured her some more wine. Deborah turned to me. "Well I think you've caused enough trouble for tonight, don't you? Now I want you to go back to your room and stay there. We've got a big day tomorrow." "But Cathy..." Geoff stood up then. "Get the fuck out of this room you little maggot before I beat the crap out of your sissy arse." I looked at Deborah and back to where Cathy lay in tears and then I turned and left the room. Two hours later and I hadn't heard anybody leave. I thought that I'd heard people go to bed, so I assumed that Cathy had crashed out onto the sofa. Seizing the opportunity, I tiptoed down the corridor to the lounge to see if I could talk to her, but I didn't see her anywhere. Confused I went back to my room and lay on my bed. A few minutes later, I heard the familiar sound of Geoff and Deborah having sex. My room shook as they went for it harder and harder. I could hear Deborah crying out and tried to imagine the scene. Geoff was so much bigger than Deborah; he must have been lifting her off the bed with his large hands. I started to think about the things that the girls had made me say. I had to admit to myself that when I was in the mood for crossdressing, I did fantasize about men. However, I knew that I wasn't gay normally, only when I was en femme, and the majority of the time, my femme side stayed quiet, and I cringed when I thought about it. I thought about how Deborah must be feeling with the big strong man pounding into her and after a couple of minutes, I reached for Isabelle's red French knickers and pulled them over my smooth legs. I lay on the bed running my hands over my soft skin. They got louder and louder until Deborah came to a shrieking orgasm and there was a moment of quiet. However, I quickly heard the Geoff fucking machine starting its long wind up again and small whimpers coming down from above. Suddenly, I realised the sound of the voice was different, surely Isabelle hadn't joined them? Then as I slowly came to realise that the new groans were Cathy's. My beloved Cathy, innocent Cathy was being worked over by that caveman Geoff while Deborah looked on. I heard her groans get louder and louder as he speeded up, guttural animal noises and purrings I'd never heard her make for me. Finally the whole room was shaking, much more than I'd ever known it before, and I started to hear her unearthly screams and groans quite clearly. "Uuuuh, yeees, oh God, fuck me, ummm FUCK ME!!!" And then an out of control gurgling shriek drifted down. I was weeping uncontrollably as my hand moved up and down, my penis hard inside the silky fabric of Isabelle's French knickers.

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Bse Geschichte

Die Überschrift "Staatsanwalt von Mob ermordet", erregt Kevins Interesse und er klickt den Beitrag auf. Der Text ist schnell gelesen. Staatsanwalt McMurphy, der McMurphy, der versprochen hatte, mit dem Einfluss der Mafia aufzuräumen, war gestern am späten Abend mit zwei Schüssen in der Tiefgarage des Gerichtsgebäudes regelrecht hingerichtet worden. Mit McMurphy wurde eine junge Angestellte eines privaten Sicherheitsunternehmens, die zu seinem Schutz engagiert worden war, ebenfalls...

2 years ago
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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 23 SeaGuard Trucking LLC

October 12th, 1995, 8:15 AM MST, Holiday Inn & Suites, Phoenix, AZ The evening before was interesting to say the least; John was impressed with how efficiently his son had sorted wheat from chaff in the information relating to the train derailment. He had quickly concluded a number of things that even the trained investigators of the NTSB and FBI had missed. It wasn’t evidential; it was logical, and based on understanding the motives of human beings. The derailment narrative being...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Mary Rock Sex And Games

Mary Rock is letting Jason X teach her how to play chess. She’s feeling pretty good about herself until Jason puts her in checkmate. After her loss, Mary decides she’s had enough of that kind of games. Getting to her feet, she peels off her shirt as Jason trails a chess piece across her slim belly and small tits. Getting to his feet, Jason puts his hands to work caressing Mary’s tender body in a patient exploration of every curve. He cups Mary’s breasts, slides his hands...

2 years ago
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Will it ever happen Pt 2

We walk out to the car park, my husband and the stranger move to far side of his car; I can’t quite hear what they are saying. My husband walks back to our car as the stranger is getting in his. My husband unlocks our car and we both get in. I ask him what is happening he smiles and says “You’ll see, were going to follow his car, it’s about fifteen minutes drive, is that O.K.”I answer in the affirmative although I’m a little nervous of where we are going and what may be in store when we...

1 year ago
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A Girl Growing up in a sexual way

As you read, I will give examples of sex for a girl through those informative years, stuff that really happened to me, and how it affected me and my friends, that way we will see that it's not isolated or individual experiences, my friends were also experiencing similar things, so read on and look into a females introduction and eventual integration in pleasing men, both forced and willing.As usual like most, please comment at the end of the story, especially if you get something from it, dont...

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Erics Journal

My best friend Andy Martin's big brother Kyle keeps a journal. He asked Andy and I to provide some personal stories from the trip we just took to Algonquin Park in Canada. I hope I write this good enough. Writing isn't what I'm good at. I guess I should introduce myself first. I'm Eric Connell. I'm fourteen years old and starting ninth grade in a couple weeks. I live a couple blocks from Andy Martin in Paradise, Pennsylvania. We have been best friends as long as we can remember. Until the...

4 years ago
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Returning Huda Waxed Whipped FuckedTweaked

Huda danced and went home but returns several weeks later for some hanging wax treatment and nipple torment. She woke up after a night tied to the coffee table commenting to us that she experienced the strangest dance in her life, pleasure was beyond any fantasies she had ever imagined only to go home to her hubby and leave him tied every day for the last two weeks. The wife and I invited her to visit after her hubby called asking us to tire her again, we were informed that while he was...

2 years ago
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Wifes 5k Out of Town Part 1

I thought I'd let you know what happened during my trip up here in the DC area.  No secrets, right?  After Angela and I ran our 5k this morning we went out for lunch.  While at the restaurant, we had a server that was really nice and extremely easy on the eyes.  He was flirting with both of us but especially me.  I've been away for a couple of days now so I was already super horny without you here.  Anyway, he was really attractive and seemingly kind and asked me what I was doing later that...

Wife Lovers
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Annie and her Granny Chapter 4

Annie and her Granny By Susannah Donim Chapter 4 - Annie and her Auntie Ingrid Steve walks a mile in his mother's shoes. Annie's results came through the next day. She had got a very creditable 2-1 and that night we went out together to celebrate. Unfortunately I was still totally Ingrid so we were limited to a chaste meal at a posh restaurant. We would attract a lot of unwanted attention if we went to a rave, for example. At first, I suggested that we go as boss and employee...

3 years ago
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Body Swap

Author's Note: The people and places in this story are a work of fiction. There is absolutely no basis in reality or fact. Body Swap Well I am not really sure how or why it happened. But I am now stuck as a 7-year-old girl. Well, it better if I started at the beginning. My name is or well it used to be Michael James Maxwell. I was a businessman for a local business. It was after 5:00 PM I was walking home from work like I do on occasions. A woman in her early to mid 30's with...

3 years ago
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Busty Neighbor Bangalore

My Id Hi this is Guru a hot male with a cute encounter with a matured Bangalore city lady. As usual I am 34 years nice looking guy but married. Recently I got an opportunity to fuck a matured north Indian woman of 38 named Preeti. The owner Mr. had rented me one building. As he is above 55, he is unable to cut the grass. So his wife Preeti daily used to come for the grass, trimming. Every morning I used to go there to check the stocks. By the time I found Preeti the sexy women. She used to cut...

2 years ago
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Chairs 4 Sale

Things were getting a little cluttered in my townhouse, and I decided to sell an extra set of dining table chairs I had. Thank goodness for Craigslist! I got numerous calls but on a Saturday morning you called and wanted to come by and look at the chairs and we set it up for 4pm.. Being the good host I am - I showered, cleaned up, and cleaned up the place for you - and being coy I put on just a touch of mascara, perfume and then a unisex shirt and some wickedly tight tush shaping...

2 years ago
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Boy Toy The End

I wanted to slam the door in his face and continue on with my little fantasy but when I looked up into his eyes there was just no way I could have closed the door at that moment and we both knew it.I stepped towards him and slid my hands up his chest in an obvious gesture for him to bend down and kiss me. I smiled into the kiss as his lips touched mine and our tongues briefly touched as the kiss deepened there in the doorway. I felt his hands reach for the bottom of my t-shirt and start to pull...

3 years ago
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Adultery II

After breakfast, when they were back in the car, the talk slowed and Joan moved her seat to a reclined position. Her eyes fell shut. "A nap?" Gary asked. "Naw, just relaxing, you know?" He put the car in gear, they had some seventy miles to go before their destination and he heard her breathing grow steady as he turned onto the highway. Joan dozed but didn't sleep, opening her eyes and sitting forward at turns and stops. After a while she found the steady soft vibration of the car...

2 years ago
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My brother Perving on My Wife

For some of you, this is very tame. For me, it was exciting. My wife and brother are very close and both very conservative...My wife, Karen, is 33 and in very good shape. My brother, who is two years older than us, has always thought my wife was hot. At our pool we hang out together. She looks great in a one-piece. It's amusing when I catch him looking at my wife's boobs. They're not overly huge, but nicely shaped (34d). When we are alone he's made comments about her, but not in an obnoxious...

2 years ago
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Albion Elizabeths StoryChapter 14

"Sponsor Elizabeth, you have a visitor at the door," intoned the AI. "And, who, pray tell, would that be?" answered Elizabeth. "Prince Andrew." "Then by all means, open the door and bid him enter. AI, in future, would you please simply say, 'Prince Andrew is at the door and wishes to enter, '" "Acknowledged." Elizabeth went to the foyer and found her brother standing there. She gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Come in, come in. I'm glad to see you." "Well, yes,...

2 years ago
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Playboy Back With New Experience In Hyderabad

Hi friends thanks for iss and all my readers. After long time I am back with new story which happened few days back in hyderabad with couple and one matured woman. This experience was really good experience in my life. One day I got mail from one couple they said they got my contact from one of there friend I s aid Okay and asked them what are they looking for they told me for good fun and relaxation I said okay they me that there friend told them how I fucked her and licked her and they want...

3 years ago
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Relaxation Like a lot of other guys, my work is something I endure so I have the money to enjoy my weekends, when I can relax. Although, the way I "relax" is a little different than most guys ... See, once I get home on Friday afternoon until I have to get ready for work on Monday, I spend the whole time in women's clothes. I dont think its a fetish, at least not exactly, because for the most part, I dont get turned on by dressing up. What I mostly feel is ... at...

2 years ago
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Who Me a Wizard III

The Queen In a gilded cage hanging from the ceiling of a large somewhat cavernous dungeon and suspended over a black abyss. Was a very dejected and angry lady... The Queen. Along side her cage was three more containing Tobar(Elf) the Red, Stommp ( dwarf ) the Yellow, and Anil (Human ) the Blue. The Queen's alter ego was a majestic Eagle. To avert her escape in this form a silver mesh covered the cage. The mesh could be seen through but was so tightly woven a needle would not...

4 years ago
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The Student Masseuse

It was a cool dark March night. Having caught the early train I arrived at the station a little after 7 pm. A light drizzle was falling as I began the half mile trek to the house. By the time I was half way home, the misty sprinkling had developed into a light rain which seemed to increase with each step I took. An umbrella would have been helpful. Of course, I didn’t have one. If I ran the rest of the way home, I could have avoided getting drenched. But, since I didn’t have the energy for...

First Time
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Virgin princess Anita

After Swati, I got another student in the same house who was pursuing her management studies. She is Anita (name changed). She is very beautiful like an angel. She had very fair complexion. Her figure stat is 34-28-36. I started her teaching BBA maths and dreaming about her to have sex with her. I used to masturbate thinking of her daily. She didn’t know about my feelings for her. One day, I went to teach her. She was alone at home. I didn’t see anyone in her home that day. I was teaching her...

Erotic Fiction
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My True Gay Experiences Part One

I have been bicurious ever since I could remember. I didn't look at boys bodies or anything, I just wanted to fuck or get sucked by one. There was this feminine boy in middle school with me I fantasized all the time about fucking him. Never fathomed to ask him, living in a small midwestern town. I used a stall to a public restroom once and saw a cartoonish like drawing of a guy about to suck some cock and underneath someone wrote how he wanted some young dick to suck off and left a PO Box...

3 years ago
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Step Brothers Bride Pt4

It had been just over 2 weeks since the wedding. I had agreed to pick up the happy newlyweds after their honeymoon in Majorca. I was looking forward to seeing them especially Jennifer. They were flying into Glasgow airport which was almost a 2-hour drive from the small town we lived in. Jennifer had text me to let me know they had landed, so I parked in the short stay and awaited them. I noticed Jennifer first, her red hair and bronzed body attracted most men’s eyes. Then I saw Shaun,...

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The Girl I Never Met Though I Wish I Had Part 1

DISCLAIMER - Aside from my attending Job Corps in the Mid 1980s, the following story is FICTION based on an Erotic Dream I had last night. In other words - IT DID NOT HAPPEN & IS #NOT BASED ON REAL LIFE EVENTS during my stay in the Job Corps programI also posted it in my Pornhub Feed. As such, IT IS NOT STOLEN !!! ANY reports to the contrary are FALSE & UNTRUE !!!That out of the way, it all goes like this.....==============I had this VERY erotic dream last nightI dreamed of my days...

1 year ago
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Screw Virginity I Am A Call Girl

Hi guys. This is Nithya sen here. I am 25 years old. I have a little chubby figure of 38c 28 40. I have been married for 2 years now.My husband is a trader and is gone for business most of the time. so my sexual desires are always barely quenched. I take tuition for 9 to 12 std English. This is a story about how I lost my virginity. This happened when I was 20 years old. i was studying in bsc literature in Bombay. I lived in the hostel with my friend Rita. she was much naughtier than me. She...

4 years ago
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Padosan Larki Ne Strapon Se Choda

Mera naam ankit hai, main 23 saal ka hun, main Mumbai me job kr raha hun aur ek 1bhk flat me rahta hun. Mere flat k baju wale flat me ek bahut hi khoobsurat, hot and sexy larki rahti h jo abhi B. SC. kr rahi hai aur wo 21 saal ki. Ab main kahani me aata hu, jaise ki maine aapko bataya ki wo larki matlab shilpa mere flat k baju me rahti h to parosiyon ke taur par humari jaan pehchaan hue. Hum dono ek doosre se khoob milte aur dher sari baaten karte. Main ek software engineer hun isliye mujhe...

4 years ago
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Loris and MorgChapter 7 Windshift Pole Hunting

Wikipedia says: Pinus contorta subsp. latifolia (Lodgepole Pine; syn. P. contorta var. latifolia) – Rocky Mountains, Yukon to Colorado, Saskatchewan and the Black Hills. found in Aspen parkland and boreal forest. They didn't have Pinus contorta subsp. latifolia (Lodgepole Pine; syn. P. contorta var. latifolia) but they did have Aspen like parkland and boreal forest in the mountains. There, they found the tall thin trees they used as the foundation framework for their homes. It wasn't...

1 year ago
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Accidents Will Happen The Rehearsal

Accidents Will Happen, The RehearsalBy Maximillian Excaliber""What are you doing?" I asked Jenny, who was now moving her body back and forth against my naked body as I knelt behind her, with my hands holding onto her hips. "Rehearsing Tom, just rehearsing!" she replied.PreludeEarlier that day Jenny, my best friend, and I had been on the set of a movie we were to act in, for one of those cable premium subscription channels. It was one of those "NA" rated movies that they show only at night. In...

Straight Sex
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New Neighbourhood Friend

Hi all iss readers this is sundeep single male 27 from Brisbane. Moved here 6 years back and working in an IT company. Basically from Tamil Nadu – India. This is a real story which happened 7 years ago while doing my degree in Chennai. During those days I used to stay in an apartment alone, as my family are in Coimbatore. I rented this single bedroom apartment and cooked my own food. The next door was vacant for a long time and finally a couple moved into it. They moved on a weekend, it was a...

2 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 169 The Way Things Work Out

They started Tuesday on the mountain, with their skiing-fan friends, to watch the men's Super Giant Slalom. Another chance for Alan Zimmer and the Austrian champ, Ingo Buell, to battle it out. "As long as we don't have any more pesky Canadians getting in the way," Otto joked. They didn't. Ingo Buell skied excellently. However, three skiers later, Alan Zimmer skied the Super G of his life, beating Buell by a full half-second. When all was said and done, Zimmer had won his first Olympic...

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Ohne Hschen im Bus

Es ist einer der ersten wärmeren Tage und an wärmeren Tagen trage ich gerne mal einen etwas luftigeren Rock - nicht zu knapp, so etwa bis zur Mitte der Oberschenkel reichend, aber wegen der Wärme mag ich es, wenn die Luft zwischen meinen Beinen durchzieht. Am geilsten ist es natürlich, wenn die Luft nicht nur an den Beinen entlangstreift, sondern auch der Rest, der vom Rock versteckt wird, etwas davon ab bekommt - sprich meine Pobacken und meine Möse. Zu diesem Zweck lasse ich dann gerne das...

2 years ago
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Whacked Round Ass Lass 5 Whipped Reporter Anal LostChapter 8

Only her panties separated his hand from her skin and Bart knew in polite society he was in dangerous territory, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves. So, lets start from the beginning. “Look, CK that lady is whacked!” “Really, maybe you are the one who needs to be whacked!” CK Delhi stated. These were the utterances of one Charlotta King High’s talkative flag girl who just happened to have the best bottom in school. And, when she wore the tight red short-shorts as she was now just, ahead...

2 years ago
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MF couple meet a FF couple

My girlfriend, Evie and I had been together four years, there is a big age difference between us, she is 22, I am 40. Life was good, sex was great. Yes, we experimented a little, but nothing major. One November day last year, I had to work late. I didn’t mean to sneak in, but I guess I must’ve gone in really quietly, as when I got home to my beautiful girlfriend I was very surprised to find her, legs spread, fingering her pussy, with pictures of me and some of my ex girlfriends all around and a...

4 years ago
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Just One Night Part One

A sigh escapes her as she finally decides to go up the stairs and knock at his door."... Matthew...?" she sighs again. "Matt, I'm sorry for earlier. I hope you know how important these exams are."She presses her hand at the door, expecting at least some kind of an answer back."Matt?"After a few quick seconds, she grips the door handle and opens the door. Greeting her is a dark room with nobody inside. She looks around. The lights are off, and there is no Matthew. The window is open, and over at...

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Smellyboysmellyboy Jonothons a smellyboy

The shirt and the tights are damp and stained off my sweaty body. I'm also kinda soiled at the back, if you know what I mean. My body stinks of B.O. and fish and faeces. My arm pits are smelly. I stink between my hips, like fish at the front, and faeces at the back. I have no friends. Nobody likes me. Everyone thinks I'm a smelly loser. I get bullied and mocked by the bitchy popular valley-girls, they gossip and giggle about me, about how I stink, about my lame clothes, about how much...

3 years ago
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One TimeOn Band Trip

Now that I roughly explained the setting, and the attitudes we had, I can introduce you to the girl and myself. For privacy's sake, and because I'm too lazy to write her full name a bunch of times, I'll call the girl Sue. Sue was beautiful. She had long dirty-blonde hair, green eyes, and a smile that can only be described as indescribable. She was fifteen at the time so all I cared about were those perky C-cup breasts and that round ass that fit perfectly into my hands. She was a...

1 year ago
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As the person with heels came closer, I was able to glance at her through the small barred hole on the cell door. Even from afar, she seemed like a formidable woman – beautiful face, long black hair, dressed in black from head to toe, and she somehow had this air about her… I can’t explain it, except that maybe the best word to describe her presence would be ‘charisma’. As she spoke to the jailor, her hands emphasized her words with vivid gestures. The jailor seemed scared, but showed...

2 years ago
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Hidden Agenda

Hidden Agenda.p1As they washed their hands after doing business at the ladies room, Stephanie (the new girl from DC) and Claire, got a little office gossip going: “So Claire, I hear ‘Jimmy the nerd’ has a thing for you uh?” Stephanie asked with a naughty wink.“Yeah right!” Claire answered in a voiced drenched in sarcasm.“Have you ever been out on a date with him?”“Hell no, what would I be doing with a geek like Jim? Puhleeeeease!” said Claire.“Oh really, just how much do you know about him...

1 year ago
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An Unusual Visit And Its Not Goldilocks

I’m a fairly tidy person; I always have been. I never got fussed at for not picking up my clothes or keeping my room straight. As an adult, I became more so. I’m not manic or fussy about it, but ‘everything has a place and everything in its place.’ That may be one of the reasons I’m a good software engineer. That was the opinion of a girl I lived with in college. It was also the reason she moved out. It’s the main reason I noticed that things would be moved slightly or something like a...

2 years ago
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Mom Wants More

I was born in a middle class family. We were used to live in a joint family system earlier. My father really worked hard to up-grade our standard of living and ultimately somehow achieved his target. He bought a separate house for us and provided us almost all the necessities. But my mom was totally neglected by him in gaining all those material things. I always saw people eyeing my mother with a different angle and she enjoyed their poking stares undoubtedly. That was the age of my puberty....

3 years ago
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Nanna Apoorva Sangama 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, my name is Samrat. My friends called me as smarty or Sam. But actually I am not smart looking guy. I am 25yrs old 5.3feet tall in height, medium built guy, and light brown in colour. Please forgive if any mistake in my grammar as it is my first story in ISS. I read many stories in ISS, so I decided write down my own story here. Actually this story is real n little lengthy, but you guys will never get bore while reading. This will I can promise you. So please drop your comments in...

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