An ClochánChapter 19 free porn video

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Siobhan's Clan stirred as the morning chimes sounded. The sound startled Ahha and Mapk. Although it was softer, it triggered their memory of the horns squealing the previous morning. Both quickly sat up with anxious looks on their faces. It took them several moments to remember where they were and to realize that it was only the morning chimes. Looking through the open door, they could see their friends beginning to get out of bed. They sighed as they placed their arms around each other and hugged, neither noticed their nakedness. Although they had not talked about it, both already felt like they were in a place that they could call home.

Keira came in and said, "Did you guys sleep well?"

"It was the best," they both replied. Mapk continued with, "It has been a long time since I have slept so soundly."

"I agree. It was great," added Ahha.

"Good. Let's exercise then freshen up before breakfast."

Ahha and Mapk followed Keira to the exercise area where the rest of the clan was already getting onto their exercise machines. Keira showed them how to use the machines. She watched as they began, before stepping over to her own machine. Mapk and Ahha watched as she stepped onto a foot pad and then put her leg over the bench seat. Once seated, she moved forward, placing her breasts into small cups and then leaning her head against the headrest. Once in position, she began her exercises. When she initiated the exercises, the small cups holding her nipples began to suck, pulling her breasts in further. After a few moments her milk began letting down.

Ahha and Mapk then turned their attention to their machine's instructions and focused on their own exercises. It was some time before they felt comfortable enough with the exercises to look around at the others. Ahha noticed that only the women's machines had cups under their chests. Looking closer she saw a white tube attached to the cups. She soon realized that the white color was the women's milk and that they were letting it down. She glanced over at Mapk and saw him starring at May who was next to him.

Between breaths Keira said, "We will talk about it after we finish."

Ahha just nodded as she was now breathing hard.

They had been exercising for about 45 minutes when the machines began to slow and then stop. "Wow," said Mapk, "that was really different."

"I agree," added Ahha. "Someone may have to help me up."

"All of us felt that way after the first time," said May. "The first time you use the exercise machine it determines your fitness level so it is a bit more strenuous. Next time it won't be quite as exhausting."

"The white liquid in the tubes was our milk," said Keira. "We let our milk down at least twice a day. This is usually done while we exercise. Some days we may also let our milk down just before lunch."

Blushing slightly Mapk said, "I kind of guessed that the white fluid was milk. My apologies for watching but it was quite fascinating. At home, some women would get upset if you paid too much attention to them while they were nursing. You guys are so different."

"Watching us doesn't make us uncomfortable. In many ways, we are different from humans. We need to take our showers so we can go to breakfast."

They were drying off after their showers when Ahha said, "I have a question, but..."

"Just ask it."

"Well it is a little embarrassing."

"Let me guess, you have some questions about our bodies." Both nodded and blushed.

"Okay. We have a little time now. Keira and I will be the models," said May. "Siobhan and Aisling can guide the tour." Several laughed at May's wording. With that, Siobhan began describing the features of their bodies, starting with their overall appearance.

"We need Conan for part of this. You guys can't model everything." Everyone laughed with Siobhan as May blushed.

"Conan, I'm sorry."

"Not a problem, but I was wondering how you were going to cover that part of the anatomy lesson," replied Conan with a smile.

After the laughter died down Siobhan continued with, "There is a more detailed description given in the video you need to watch later today. Our height is between 198 and 214 cm, while Sarah's Clan are the tallest Órarduine at a little over 230 cm. It is unusual for Órarduine to be that tall. We only have hair on our heads, mane, tail, eyebrows and eyelashes. The hair on our head grows to just below our shoulder blades and usually stays at that length. We can cut it but very few do. It is very easy to take care of as it just needs washing followed by combing or brushing. You've no doubt noticed our mane. Our hair runs down our back over the spine, beginning at our neck and going down to cover our short tail which is 4 to 6 inches long. Our hair color has as much variance as humans do. Our yellow brown skin tone is due to a protective layer that reduces our sensitivity to UV light. Because of this, we can be in the sun a long time before there is any redness. Some refer to our skin color as golden.

"Our breasts are large by human standards being between an H and J cup. Even though they are large, there will be very little sag as we age. This is due to a difference in tissue structure, along with more muscle support from our back, shoulders and in our chest. As we mentioned before, we begin lactating when we complete our transition from child to adult. Another way to think of it is that it starts a year or two after onset of puberty. It is best if we let our milk down at least twice a day as it has a better flavor. We can stop lactating at any time, however our milk is used in our diet as it provides special nutrients that we must have in order to be healthy. There are synthesized substitutes, but they are only partially effective."

May said, "You can touch us if you want to. Touching is a sense that can help you learn." Keira smiled as Ahha tentatively reached out to touch her hair and the other parts of her body. Mapk soon followed Ahha's lead.

"Your hair is so soft," said Mapk with a look of amazement. "Your mane feels just like the hair on your head. Your skin feels so silky soft but if I push a little I can feel the hardness of your muscles."

After a pause for the children to explore May and Keira, Siobhan continued with, "As a rule, we don't wear clothes because we are more comfortable without them. A soft material like we wore yesterday is OK for short periods of time. Anything rougher, or having more stiffness, is like wearing sandpaper, and for us would quickly become quite painful. Both sexes are equal in stamina and strength but it does vary from individual to individual. Gender differences are primarily in reproduction. Our vision has a wider sensitivity range than humans, such that we can see when it is nearly dark. Dark for humans is like a moonlit night for us. Let see, what else?"

"Well you've skipped our feet and reproduction," said Aisling. "The joint you know as an ankle is made differently for us. It is more like a ball joint, and distributes our weight evenly to what you refer to as the balls of your feet, so we look like we are walking on our toes. As a result our foot segment is longer and wider than a typical human foot. There are also significant differences in the muscles and ligaments in our legs and feet. We have tough pads where our feet touch the ground. This is similar to what some animals have, like dogs or lions on Earth. Now for reproduction, I presume you both know how to make babies." Both Ahha and Mapk nodded and blushed. "Our female genitals are significantly more visible than in humans." As she spoke, Keira spread her legs increasing the visibility of her labia; she then caressed them causing them to swell. "As Keira is showing you, our outer labia extend at least 3 cm from our body with the inner labia extending a little further." As she was speaking Keira's labia had swollen, with the center opening slightly. "The best part is that we have some control over their movement which adds to our pleasure when we share the physical side of our love." Keira then began to flex the muscles in her labia causing them to pucker and relax as if kissing. After a few contractions, the tip of her clit extended just beyond its hood. Ahha's and Mapk's expressions indicated their fascination with the change Keira exhibited.

Keira said, "You can touch them if you want to." Ahha and Mapk slowly reached out and touched her labia. When Ahha's fingers slipped between Keira's lips, they tightened around her fingers and pulled on them. Ahha gasped and jerked slightly, then looked up at Keira.

"Amazing," said Ahha as she pulled her fingers away bringing them up to her nose.

As Keira's labia pulled on Ahha's finger, Mapk gently touched Keira's clit causing her labia to become very wet. After Ahha pulled her fingers back, Mapk let his fingers slide between Keira's wet labia. Keira again flexed the muscles, grasping Mapk's fingers to pull them in. Mapk smiled as he felt Keira caress his fingers with her labia. After a few moments Keira relaxed, letting Mapk pull his fingers back, now dripping with her cream. He sniffed his fingers then began licking them clean. Looking over to Ahha, he saw that she was doing the same thing.

"Thank you Keira," said Mapk, "that felt amazing. It feels so different. Your cream is as tasty as it smells."

"I agree," added Ahha. "I hope you let me taste it directly from the source sometime."

Keira said, "I take it you had sex with the staff at the boarding school?"

"Yes," they replied. Ahha continued with, "We always had to comply with whatever the staff member wanted us to do. Some of it I think I would have enjoyed in other circumstances."

"Here sexual interaction will only occur when all of those involved agree."

"We understand," said Mapk. "I think both of us are looking forward to experiencing it with someone we care about and who cares about us."

Aisling said, "All of us have found much more pleasure from our physical interaction since we have been here. Now, let's shift to the male. Conan's penis will increase from his current state in both length and diameter as his arousal increases." As she spoke, Keira began to caress his penis with her fingers, causing it to begin swelling. She then placed her fingers around his growing penis, raising it up and showing his ball sack. "His testicles are larger than an average human. They are sensitive to pressure and cold just like a human's, but he can pull them into his body for short periods of time." Keira softly caressed Conan's penis before releasing it. Ahha looked at Conan and saw him nod before reaching out to touch his penis.

"You mean like when you're cold," said Mapk.

"Yes, or threatened."

"It is much bigger than any I have ever seen. Will it really fit? Oh, that is a silly statement. It just seems so big."

"Oh it fits very well." Several of the clan chuckled. "The last item is babies. We control when we are fertile. It is normal for us to have either twins or a pair of twins. We can carry as many as 4 pairs of twins, but it is rarely done as it puts a lot of additional stress on the body. I know of only one who has had three sets of twins and that was Claudette of Sarah's Clan. Can you guess why I speak of them as sets of twins?"

"Because each set of twins are identical," said Ahha.

"Nearly identical would be a better description, but they are much closer to being identical than paternal. When a male is one of the twins the big differences will be in their sexual attributes. If you want more details, ask our doctors. That pretty much covers everything and we need to get to breakfast as we are late."

"Thank you," said both Ahha and Mapk. Ahha continued with, "It is strange to realize that I know more about your bodies than I do mine and it took me longer to learn about my body than it did yours."

"Ahha, Mapk, please don't hesitate to ask about anything," said Siobhan as they walked through the exercise room where each woman picked up the bag of milk from their exercise machine as they continued toward the dining room. "We are very open. We think we remember how you feel because we were new here at one time."

"I think that would have been when we were about 5 or 6 years old," replied Mapk. "Weren't you some of the first to become crew members and then Órarduine."


The group had just sat down to breakfast, when Ahha said, "After we went to bed last night, we noticed a blue glow coming from your room. I started to point it out to Mapk when I heard this voice asking us to not disturb you. Why was that?"

"We've heard of the blue glow but haven't seen it," said Eileen. "You remember that Siobhan was concerned about something before we went to bed?"


"Once we were in bed, we joined together in a special way. Then, as one, we sought to determine what was bothering Siobhan. It stemmed from events occurring at your old school. When we saw the place, we observed two approaching groups. Neither of them were the Spec Ops group that the PM had ordered to investigate the school. Our Security Teams had just finished checking it out. So using our abilities, we reached out to coach them. When we connected with them we learnt that they were extremely upset. In searching the school they found that several staff were sexually using the older children for their pleasure. It was clear that the children weren't resisting, but that they weren't willingly participating either. By the way, your map helped a lot. In their anger, the Security Team had overlooked the two approaching groups. One was the group of criminals who operated the school for the money they earned in selling the teenagers into slavery. They were coming as they had heard that the school was going to be raided by their primary customer. Earlier, the criminal's customer had demanded that they immediately sell them all the children now at the home regardless of age. The buyers for the children were a very powerful international group and the dealer was afraid to say no. The criminals didn't want to sell them all at once as it would cause them too many political and legal problems in Russia. It would also end this source of income for an extended period, as it would take several years before they would have more teenagers ready to sell.

"When we checked on the Russian Alpha Spetsnaz team, we learnt that they hadn't received their orders to check out the school until late in the day. The orders also gave no indication of urgency or interest by the PM. The commander, a Commander Oleiv, scheduled the operation for this morning. This was due in part to being unable to get any clarification on what their objective was, or when the operation should take place.

"We pushed the two Security Teams to reevaluate the area before doing anything else. That was enough for them to identify the two approaching groups. With this information, they arranged for the two groups to arrive at the same time. We gave Commander Oleiv a very vivid insight into why he was ordered to check the school out. As a combat veteran the vision was vivid enough that he immediately initiated the operation. As his unit was being alerted he demanded immediate air transport, obtaining the use of stealth helicopters. They arrived at the school just after a gun battle started between the criminals and the dealers. Seeing the two gangs engaged in a fire fight in front of the school, the Spetsnaz Alpha team chose to quietly land behind it, as it was the school that was their objective. From that point on the operation went very smoothly. Alpha team was able to secure the school and capture a couple of those involved in the gun battle before they finished each other off. The prisoners were questioned intensely before they died. The interrogation of the staff members they caught engaged in sexual activity with children was just as intense. The interrogations and records at the school provided a lot of detail about the young adult slavery operation. We understand that there are several more raids planned for today."

"You mean that was going on at other schools?" said Mapk.

"Yes. At day break the local police arrived. This was shortly followed by a shouting match between the senior police officer and Commander Oleiv. The Commander settled it by calling his headquarters. After a few moments both were surprised when, after identifying himself, a senior officer said, "Tell the police officer that you are there at the specific request of the Ministry of Justice and you, as the Spetsnaz Commander, have full authority to act as necessary. If the police officers have any questions, they should contact their superior. If he continues to cause problems, he could be a suspect." Again, Commander Oleiv was thankful that he had acted when he did, but the feeling was tempered by the realization of how close they came to being too late.

"Commander Oleiv was surprised when several children demanded that they find the two of you. The children knew that you had disappeared just a few days earlier. After they found pictures of you, the Commander sent a message to his command asking that they distribute the photos as the children shown were believed to be in extreme danger. The response was: 'Why? This is outside of your assignment and is a police matter.' He almost blew a gasket but then quietly said, 'these are the orphans of Spetsnaz Alpha group members. We take care of our own!' After he finished, he hung up before he said something stronger. It wasn't long before he was informed that both of you were very safe. It was then that he learned that the PM had a special interest in this case, which caused him to again thank God for directing him to arrive when he did."

"So everyone is safe?"

"Well the children are safe. The Spetsnaz group took them back to their base, along with all the records from the school."

Mapk looked deep in thought as he finished his breakfast. "Would it be possible to see them again? It would be nice to say good-by." After a few moments, he added, "While it would be nice, it may cause some complications."

"We can see about arranging it," replied Kendra. "It may be several days before it's possible, besides, it might be better to let them get settled first."

Siobhan said, "Mapk, Ahha, the next time I talk to the Prime Minister, I will ask. Is that okay?"

"Yes," they replied with big smiles.

"So, you had some good friends there?"

"Yes," replied Ahha. "Most were around our age. Some of the younger children saw us as older siblings. No one was as close as we are. In fact, some would kid us about how close we were when there weren't any staff nearby. That wasn't often as we were watched constantly, and doing anything other than what we were told would invite some kind of punishment. Besides, drawing their attention increased the chances of them taking you to their room for the evening."

"Mapk, what complications are you seeing with respect to them coming here?" asked Kendra.

"They would see how nice it is here as it is so much better than the school. This difference could blind them to any other considerations. If they don't meet the criteria to stay, their blindness could make it difficult for them to accept the rejection. It is quite possible we won't meet the criteria. There is also the possibility that some may have had dreams similar ours."

"With the exquisite detail contained in both your dreams, we don't suspect you will have any problem with the criteria. The real question for both of you is: What is the correct choice? Not just the best, but the correct choice."

"We think we know that now," replied Ahha. "We will learn the correct answer when our telepathy is active. If we understand sharing correctly, we will know the answer then. As to our school mates, I think it is best for us to wait until everyone is settled. That way the turmoil will be at a reduced level."

"After our meeting here this morning," said Conan, "May will go with you to An Clochán for your medical evaluation." Both teens had a worried expression. "Nothing to be concerned about. An Clochán is our largest facility and the physicians want to thoroughly evaluate the injuries you received from your abuse. You should be done by lunch time, so you can eat here or there. May will be with you the whole time, but she could be a bit distracted at times as we also have a conference with the other Command Staffs on An Clochán this morning."

"We would like to eat lunch with you, wherever that is," replied Mapk with Ahha nodding her agreement.

"Kendra, Aisling, were you two going to lead this morning?"

"Yes. Come on up with us," said Aisling as she held out her hands to Ahha and Mapk.

"What's up?"

"We are hosting our ships morning meeting and would like you to join us." Both Ahha and Mapk looked a bit uneasy but went with Kendra and Aisling.

Later that morning Sarah's Clan greeted the other Command Staffs with "Good morning," as they entered a room at An Clochán.

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Story 1 Our Conjugal Amorousness

Cast of Characters with their Profile: Sushma: Her relation with Mahir: Wife Her age: 27 years Her occupation: A knack housewife Her face: Alluring and nymphish, oval in shape Her eyes: Deep set, heavy-lidded, and dark brown Her nose: Straight Her mouth and lips: Full and rosy pink Her hair: Black, silky, ample, and mostly intertwined by her into a thick plait which runs down to her arse Her voice: Musical Her figure: Voluptuous, hourglass, and soft – contoured Her BWH:...

4 years ago
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Jan Acts Out Her Slutty Fantasy

Jan was now retired, she had lived a safe predictable but comfortable life watching her children grow up, marry and make her a grandma. When she had passed sixty-two and became a widow she realised guys didn’t look at her with desire anymore as they did when she was young, she could not recall when it changed?After four decades of marriage her husband Mike passed away, Jan tried another relationship, but it didn’t last long because she realised she did not want to be tied to a man again. Jan...

2 years ago
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Last Chance

"The containment is gonna fail. We have to get out of here now!" "Just another minute--" "We don't have another second! We have to go! Now!" "If I just reverse the--" "No! C'mon! Take my hand!" "I can stop it..." "No you can't! We--" Screams. Flame. Charring flesh. My melting arm. "Tom!" The head turns. Skin sloughs away. Eyes boil and burst. A blackened skull smiles with blackened teeth. Screaming again. My own screaming. Noooooo! "Excuse me? Are you okay?" He awoke with a ugly, convulsive...

3 years ago
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GenerationsChapter 41 Prom Night

It had been a pretty good evening, all things considered, thought Robby. First, dinner had gone very nicely, even though his attempt to order a couple of drinks had been laughingly dismissed by the waitress. Heather had simply looked luminous in her evening gown, an effect heightened when midway through dinner she had removed the jacket. Every man in the restaurant had turned to stare, some discretely and some less so, at the beautiful young woman, and Robby had felt unbearably proud of...

1 year ago
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Skinny Dipping Part One

Jon and Liza were our best friends. We spent a lot of time together socially, playing softball, attending company picnics, or going to parties. We also enjoyed just hanging out with them because they were very like-minded and just plain fun to be around.Then one day, we invited them to come over for a cookout. I noticed that we didn’t have any drinks in the upstairs fridge, so I said I would go down and grab some. Jon followed me into the basement to help me bring up another case of beer. When...

1 year ago
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A Little Trap Whore Gets What She Asked For

Hi Folks, please vist my page here Please read and look at it. I f you like what I said and have, then send me an invite and the PM I ask for in my "About Me"Okay Here we go!Folks, the way I act in this story was requested by the person who asked me to write it for her. So if I seem a little brutal, that is what the person wanted in the storyA girl who I work with really flattered me. Sammie my supervisor, we get along well except for one time she berated me in...

4 years ago
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Jolina and me

Jolina and me She was 12 when I first saw her. She was with her dad, a handsome man. Very handsome to be completely honest. But handsome guys had their downside. They were men, and never treated a woman like me good. He saw me, started to blush as I smiled at him, and he walked my way. Are you single? he asked. He had a deep voice, almost trembling. Well, now thats a good pick-up line! I responded with a smile. He smiled as well. The ice was broken. We started dating and after a few months...

2 years ago
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Whos Your Daddy A Daughters Love

Who’s Your Daddy? (A Daughter’s Love) Angela stood at the head of the casket holding on tightly to her dad’s trembling hand. She was so proud of her father’s indomitable courage. The long line of well-wishers saw only the pretense facade of determined acceptance enlightening the man’s face. This daughter of a tender, sensitive, and passionate man knew her father was holding on to his nerves by only the thinnest of threads. Angela knew how precariously close her dad was to breaking...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 63 St Martin Part III

May 29, 1993, St. Martin, Leeward Islands, Lesser Antilles Ellie and I swam far enough down the beach that while it would be obvious what we were doing, it wouldn’t be in plain sight. We had a fun, energetic screw with small waves breaking over us, and then swam back to where the other girls were waiting. “Have fun?” Samantha teased. “You should try it!” Ellie giggled. “I can’t swim that far!” “You could WALK down the beach, for heaven’s sake,” Justine laughed. “So, Justine,” Mary said...

2 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 39

“This is one hell of a procession, you know!” Shelby whispered in my ear, just as one of the ladies in the crowd rushed at me, full force, and nearly toppled me. While the whole harem ... and all of the bystanders watched in fascination, the young woman in question planted her pussy right on my cock and started riding me without any kind of embarrassment or shyness whatsoever. She didn’t seem to care about any possible consequences, risks, dangers, or anything of the sort. She just wanted to...

4 years ago
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Getting Laid With My ExTeacher

Hey girls and guys , me Ankur from Meerut back with my new story, this incident happened 7 days ago, now let’s get back to the story. The story is related to the time, I was very weak in my studies, my parents were worried about me and contacted the school staff. Nothing much helpful was found. I tried my best but I could reach my father’s expectations. At my bus stop, Our school teacher aruna mam also comes, since we had good relations and she was our client, dad considered useful to contact...

2 years ago
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19 Manga and Ankle and Spider Oh My

Manga no Hentai! 11:57 A.M., Saturday, July 4, 2015 PLUR-MAkKikM, just outside Honolulu, HI Two children, a boy and a girl, each nine years old, sat naked under a fig tree, looking over a skirt with a broken zipper, an ice cream scooper with a defective mechanism, and one more item which commanded their immediate attention. Paula Akron was excited as she examined this new treasure her boyfriend, Paul Macon, had brought her from the recycle bin. It was like a small magazine, with tears and...

3 years ago
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Love Treatment Part 1

Hi Indian sex stories readers, myself raviprasad.I live in Chennai. I am of 20 years at my B.Tech. I am a fair guy with sexy looks for a girl to take a second glance at me. I am of 5’ 8” height. I have athletic body with 6.5” dick. I am very good at bed to give priority to partner’s feelings and fantasies. Any girl of age 18-25 can contact me for love treatment. Now coming to the female lead of story. Her name is Pooja (name changed). She is of good fair body, sexy curves, dimple cheeks, and an...

1 year ago
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Alicia Ch 18

I woke up the next morning lying in the damp evidence of my copious emission of the night before. I got up, made myself breakfast, and set about cleaning the house really well. Then I took some stew meat out of the freezer to thaw. I wanted to make homemade soup for my Mistress, and it would take most of the day to cook. Later that day, I would go to the bakery and buy a loaf of crusty bread to eat with the soup. We would also have a salad and a nice red wine. I had missed my wife very much,...

2 years ago
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Irvin and Isabel Davis

"I don't know, Minnie, it's just so damnably frustrating," said Isabel. "Izzy, count your blessings. Your last husband, Hollis Cort, beat you up—regularly!—and that the whole one and a half years you were married to the asshole," said Minnie. "The way I see it, you've got no gripe. So what if Irv is kind of a pussy. He works, pays the bills, and treats you pretty good as far as John and I can see." "Yes, he pays the bills—barely. But, he's been passed over for promotion at least...

1 year ago
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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 2

The Doctor went to a closet, opened it, and wheeled out a small padded table, attached to a base by 2 upright bars. It reminded Tonya of a pommel horse. On the base were 4 leather cuffs, one at each corner. He looked at Tonya. "Take your clothes off!", he ordered. "What???" The abrupt change to the harsh voice startled her; she stood and stared at him for a moment. His voice returned to its gentle tone; "It's all part of the therapy, Tonya... I told you I'd be strict, didn't...

3 years ago
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Sunday Morning the Aftermath

Sunday - the aftermath I woke up Monday morning after a long night of dreams. The front of my underwear wet and sticky. Wet dreams, like a teenager. At least I was lucky in my dreams. Reality was a frustrating bitch. My dreams starting coming back to me. I could see Mrs. Richards under me. I remember taking pleasure watching my dick push those big lips apart and then slide all the way in. She was tight and moaning. I doubt the dream was a long one. In any case, now I needed a shower and fresh...

2 years ago
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Quick as a flash grannie

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies (lol) - you choose which you think they are! Names are real in the hope that the people involved will read about themselves and get in touch, (except where because of reasons that should be obvious, it could cause the person to be put in an embarrassing situation)If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail...

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Lets Not Tell Mom

Even as I drove in through the open garage door, the pounding rain which had made it impossible to hear the car radio continued its staccato on the tin roof of the garage. Though I'm not particularly religious, or at least not very observant, still a silent prayer ran through my brain to the effect that the deluge might help save our bone-dry section of the country. Still, I believe that if the rain noise had simply been one of mere pitter-patter, somehow my life would be different. That was...

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A Birthday SurpriseChapter 3

That next Monday, Brad called me and asked that I pick him up from practice again. I said that I would be there. In the car, Brad said, "Dad, can we go by a drive-thru and get something to drink, then go somewhere quiet and talk, OK?" "Sure thing, Brad." After getting our drinks, I pulled into the big supermarket parking lot and parked away from the store, where most of the employees parked. We sat for a few minutes while Brad seemed deep in thought. "Dad, would you be real upset if...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 33

This one is compliments of Hmwinc A mother was working in the kitchen while her 5-year-old son played with his electric train in the living room. She heard the train stop and her son announce, “All you bastards who want off, get the hell off now! And all you bastards who want on, get your ass on the train ‘cause we’re headin’ down the tracks!” The horrified woman ran into the living room. “You know we don’t use language like that in this house. Go to your room and stay there for two hours!”...

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Nudist Resort

Finally, Kyle inhaled the islands air. Im off that ship for however long to live around a bunch of nudists. I always had a fetish for being nude in public so it wont be too hard to fit in. I walked up to the front desk that was nothing but a platform with a thatch roof, the old hawaiian vibe type roofing. At the front desk I saw 2 girls, one behind the desk who revealed small perky tits, blonde hair and a petite tannef body. The other to her left, Full latino, big tits, nice beach body and a...

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How I Got My Wife To Try Black

How I Got My Wife To Try Black by floridaguy2001 © Copyright © 2003 by Floridaguy2001. All rights reserved. I have always fantasized about getting my wife to have sex with other men especially a black man. But every time I brought up the subject she acted as she was not interested. Let me describe my wife Linda she is 33 years old 5 foot 6, long blond hair, she has 38c breasts and a beautiful round butt. She looks a lot like a young Kim Basinger with bigger breasts. As for me I am 43...

1 year ago
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The Best Sex of My Life

Introduction: How a woman asking me for directions turned out to be the best fuck of my life Hello Readers, well this is the first time ive come to write a personal experience of mine. If you do copy the story, you can atleast show some respect by crediting the orignal writer :[email protected] . Do ignore the grammar, Because Im writing this on a cell..The draft of this text has been read and edited by the one person I shared this experience with…..Rita(name changed), this is for U. I miss...

2 years ago
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My webcam slave session 1

Here is chat show with my mistress in public on parking, where sometimes passed people, enjoy ;)Horny4you: hibambie69: mmm in car baby, good boiHorny4you: yeesbambie69: lower ur jeans now boilowergood boitake them off & put 1 leg out of the carso ur legs r opendo it now boigood boiwank it like I was sucking itdeephardin publictake t-shirt off bitchyeah wank itjust think getting caughtHorny4you: hahabambie69:open car door boiyeah good, now step out, get on ur knees & wank tht cockI want...

3 years ago
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First Orgasm To First Fuck

Introduction: All With The Family I grew up with my mom, dad and 2 sisters. My parents were naturists, naturally my sisters and I were to. We grew up being naked all the time and there was never anything sexual about it. Whenever we went on holiday we used to always go to the same naturist resort, since we had alot of friends there. I loved going there, I always remember playing with the older girls and trying to squeeze their breasts and feel their bums i didnt really think there was anything...

1 year ago
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Jennifers First Time

I did not write this story this is a real first time storyThe first time I remember getting excited when I saw a naked woman was in the summer of 8th grade. My best friend Robin and I were just messing around at my house playing Marco Polo in the pool, it was her turn as she got closer I tried not to move and as she reached out feeling around with her arms she hit the strap of my bikini top and it snapped like a twig.She opened her eyes just in time to see my boobs drop out. I immediately...

2 years ago
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My Car My RulesChapter 2 You Look So Fine Look So Fine

On the third day, I was amused to see Rhonda wasn’t alone as she left the house. The second tape had clearly worked - she passionately kissed the lanky fellow before sending him on his way and jumping in the car. Today she was wearing a tight pair of jean-shorts, and a button-up shirt that only barely buttoned up. She’d gone bra-less, and the shirt was tied up right below her unrestrained tits, showing a generous amount of midriff. The whole outfit was enhanced by the black leather fuck-me...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Anny Aurora I8217m Yours

Anny Aurora and her boyfriend Oliver Flynn have the pleasure of waking up together most mornings, and today is just as hot as ever. They’re both in their underwear to start, which is just fine for a bit of foreplay. Their make out soon gives way to gentle caresses as Anny’s hand finds Oliver’s morning wood and Oliver works his way from Anny’s tight nipples down to the heat of her passion. Instead of gradually laying off after a few heated touches, the two settle in for...

4 years ago
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By Air Mail Ch03

*** This is a sort of split chapter in terms of locales, since a lot is going on in more than one place. Amelia still struggles a little to try to plan something for when Craig gets home – while Craig himself tries to urge his mechanical steed faster, hopefully without him needing to die for it. Later on in the afternoon, I’ll reveal another pair of characters altogether. I wanted to take the reader out of Cascade for a little while as well. 0_o ************* Craig woke in the morning and...

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Unexpected fun

I'm on the varsity wresting team and have always been gay, but know one knows about my sexuality and I'd like to keep it private because of the problems that could happen to me.Anyway I love the fact that I can wrestle guys and have them touch me in ways outside of the sport that might seem risky and being able to grab an occasional cock by accident always turns me on. The other part of being in a sport is the locker rooms, especially the showers. Watching all those naked bodies and their half...

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Vengence is mine

CHAPTER ONE            Carman and Nathan were both eighteen years of age, and they had been married two years. Both of them had good well paid jobs, and it was the end of spring; but because of factory refurbishment, Nathan was about to start a six week paid holiday. Carman was six foot tall with long black hair, and it originated from her Italian ancestors. She was also very pretty and quite slim in build. Nathan was also six foot tall and average build, and he was athletic and football on a...

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Mia Malkova Twitter 23000 3m

How fucking sexy is Mia Malkova? So goddamn sexy that she’s making some mainstream splashes. She’s hot as fuck, has a sexy personality, and she looks pretty damn stunning even with clothes on. No wonder she made a recent appearance on G4.And you would know that if you followed her on If so, you could follow all the latest happening in the crazy goddamn world of Mia Malkova. It’s all here for you to learn more about where is she, what she’s up to, and where she’s going....

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SusieChapter 3

It is now four years later since Bob dated Susie. In that time, Bob went to the local junior college and got an associate degree in Math and Science. Bob then transferred to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo where Bob was working on his engineering degree. Bob was living off campus in a two-bedroom apartment with three other guys. There were two guys to each room. And they shared the kitchen duties. The time was Spring and for this weekend most people went home. It was just me and my roommate. They...

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Daughters Friend Part 8

As the kids say, Miranda ghosted me. After she ambushed me in her home and tried seducing me, I haven’t heard from her. Not one peep. I thought for sure after that text she sent me I’d hear something, but not a word from that crazy woman.I was relieved, but at the same time dumbfounded. She swore she wouldn’t give up on her attempts to take me from Alex, so why did she just stop trying altogether? I’m ashamed to say Miranda had her hooks in me once more. My mind often drifted to the image of...


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