Not So Picture Perfect free porn video

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As I sit here waiting for his arrival, I can remember back to Chicago. I remember it like it happened yesterday. It started one morning when I was down town shopping. My husband was a professional photographer and owned a studio just a few blocks from the store so, after shopping I had intended to surprise him, maybe even have lunch together if he wasn’t too busy.
Instead I ran into Pete Jeffers, an old friend I hadn’t seen since high school. Pete was an unrequited love of my from those days. I was kind of gangly in high school and, to say I didn’t have a lot of boyfriends was putting it mildly, I didn‘t have any. Pete was always so nice to me though. I always had a crush on him even though I was too shy to ever act on it. Later, when I got into college, I filled out and did some modeling to help with the high cost of college. After the first year my modeling career took off and I dropped out of college and became a full time model who was very much in demand.
Pete and I had many years to catch up on. Since my husband wasn’t really expecting me anyway, I decided to accept Pete’s invitation to have lunch with him. Although we both touched on our spouses, the conversation was generally about our days in high school. I revealed having a crush on him and he asked me why I never told him.
Before each of us knew it three hours had passed. We both had to bring our reminiscing to an end, but we exchanged phone numbers and promised to call and get together again. I had absolutely no intension of cheating with him or anyone else. After ten years of marriage, I was still desperately in love with my husband.
When Gary, my husband, came home that night I was about to tell him about meeting an old friend when Gary asked me for some advice regarding a photo shoot he had to do the next day. Being an ex model, he often asked me for my opinions. We spent some time discussing different ways to shoot the assignment and, by the time we were finished, I had forgotten all about meeting Pete.
A few days after that I had lunch with another old friend. Amber was also an ex model. She never achieved the success I had, but we became good friends back then and had remained so ever since. Amber had one character flaw that I always had to overlook, she had, had several affairs outside of her marriage. She knew my feelings on the subject so we had an understanding, I didn’t ask her about them and she never spoke of them in my presents.
We talked for a while before I told her about meeting Pete. I told her how good it was to see him and confessed, even after all those years, I got a little tingle when we were together. I told her about the intense crush I had on him in high school.
“I know how you feel about affairs, but I have to say this, why not, just once, sleep with him,” Amber said.
I frowned. “That’s right,” I said, “you know how I feel about cheating. You’re just lucky you haven’t been caught. You’re risking your whole marriage. You think for one moment I would cheat on Gary, your nuts.”
“Okay, okay,” said Amber, “but just one time, just for old time sake. When you’re old and gray and wondering what it would have been like to sleep with him just once, you’re going to look back and wish you had done it when you had the chance.”
I was getting agitated with her suggestion and she could see that so she dropped the subject. We talked for a little longer then I excused myself so I could get home to be there when my daughter, Tammy came home from school. As I drove Amber’s statement about being old and gray and wondering what it would be like kept going over and over in my mind. When Gary got home that night I was surprised he didn’t pick up on the guilt feelings I was having for just thinking about it.
The following week I had, pretty much, stop feeling guilty and really hadn’t thought that much about Pete until my cell phone rang, it was him. We exchanged pleasantries and a little small talk before he got to the reason for the call.
“Judy,” he started, “since we had lunch together that day I just have not been able to get you out of my mind.”
I could feel the blood draining from my face. I knew I had some kind of feelings for him too, but it took two to tango and I didn’t think he had any such feelings. He had spoke of his wife and I knew he loved her just as I loved my husband. If he really wanted to go to bed with me I wasn’t sure I had the will power to refuse. Amber’s damn statement about becoming old and gray kept going through my head. We talked for several minutes before deciding this was not something that should be discussed over the phone so we agreed to meet for lunch the following day.
When Pete walked up to the table I could tell he was as nervous as I was. He sat down and we ordered a couple of stiff drinks with our lunch. It was too early in the day for either of us to drink, but we both thought it might settle our nerves. Again we talked around and avoided the subject we both knew had drawn us there. All during the conversation Amber’s words kept going around in my head. I had eaten here before and had not even realized there was a motel across the street until it caught my eye as I drove into the parking lot that day.
Pete was the one who finally got up enough guts to say it first. “So, are really going to do this?”
I looked at him. “If we do this, Pete, we have to both agree it is a one time thing.”
“Absolutely,” he said, “I can not, nor will I, jeopardize my marriage for anyone, Judy, not even you.”
My answer brought tears to my eyes as I said the words. “Then my answer is yes.” We paid the bill and walked across the street to the motel. I stayed outside while he went in to get a room. While walking to room 106, I know neither of us could believe this was really going to happen. Once inside the room it was a complete and total disaster. We both fumbled with our clothes. We turned out the lights, not to make it more romantic, but so we would not have to face each other. We were both so nervous and felt so guilty neither of us could even perform. I tried to get him hard and finally succeeded to getting him hard enough that I thought he could get inside of me. There was no real foreplay, no romance, we just wanted to get it over with. When he got between my legs I was so dry I yelled in pain when he tried to enter me.
That was it. “I can’t do this,” he said. I was never so relieved. When we both knew we weren’t going to actually has sex we started to relax. When we had talked that first time down town we both mentioned we were happily married, but our conversation was of days gone by. Now we both sat on the side of the bed and started to talk a little about our spouses. He told me his wife was a homemaker, like me, and they had two wonderful kids. I told him my husband was a photographer. When I said that he looked surprised.
“Jeez,” he said, “Asher, damn, I should have put two and two together. You’re Gary Asher’s wife.”
My eyes must have been as big as saucers. “You know my husband?”
“Yeah, the ad agency I work for hires him from time to time.. I worked with him on a couple of projects.”
I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry. We walked back to our cars saying very little to each other. We gave each other a peck on the lips and got into our cars. As I drove back home, again I had mixed emotions about what just happened. On the hand I was relieved that we did not have sex, but on the other hand, I felt cheated out of my one chance to have sex with my high school idol.
The one emotion that I could not shake was the guilt. I tried to busy myself that night with a project that my daughter was working on for school and I was actually relieved when Gary went into his office to do some work. Things started to fall apart when we went to bed that night. Gary was feeling amorous and started stroking my face. I was so full of guilt I didn’t think I could get wet, not even for Gary. For the first time in our ten years of marriage, I said I was too tired to make love to him. He tried not to show it, but I know it knocked him for a loop. Neither of us got any sleep that night. I stayed up all night trying to justify my actions and telling myself I didn’t really cheat because we didn’t screw, but I knew I was lying to myself. I knew Gary was aware that something was wrong, but I doubted he would guess infidelity. I finally told myself, it’s over, the past is past and there is nothing I can do about it now. I will make it up to my husband.
The next day I made fatal mistake. I went by Pete’s office to see him in the flesh just to make sure he didn’t want to pursue this any further. He closed his office door and ask me to sit down. He told me he couldn’t believe what happened the day before. Although he was, some what, relieved, he was also very embarrassed and felt very cheated. I told him I felt the same way, exactly. We sat and looked at each other. We both knew we couldn’t live with the memory of that motel room. Not unless we had one good time in bed together. I wanted to run, but I couldn’t. This, one time thing, was becoming an obsession, but how could I be sure, if we do make another attempt, that we will not have the same results, I wondered. One time, just once we need to be able to relax and enjoy ourselves. I wanted that memory that Amber talked about. He had the same concerns. As we talked more he said he was pretty sure the same thing wouldn’t happen again because, just from talking about it, he felt he was getting a erection . I jokingly said let’s see. To my surprise he stood up, pulled his zipper down, and pulled his cock out. He was right, he was almost hard. It was like a strange force was pulling me, I got down on my knees in front of him, and licked his cock from the base to the tip. It jerked and became instantly hard. I knew he would have no trouble performing next time, but what about me. Would I be able to get wet for him. Sucking Gary’s cock always made me unbelievably wet so, to see what would happen, I lowered my head and took his shaft into my mouth. I could hear his moans of ecstasy. I worked him up until I could tell he was about to cum then pulled his cock from my mouth and finished with my hand. Pete reached over and got a piece of paper from his desk and blew his load so it wouldn’t get on the carpet. I could feel I was moist between my legs and knew, if I agreed to have sex one more time, we would have a good time. We would then never again cheat on our spouses, neither of us, but we would have a secret memory that would last forever. This time I was actually looking forward to it. Then we ran into a snag, location. Pete did not want to go back to a motel. He thought it would remind him of the other day and he might not be able to perform again. His place was out of the question because his wife was always home. I remembered Gary was heading out of town at the end of the week. I didn’t want to do it in my own bed, but it seemed like the logical choice. We made our plans and I left.
For some reason I didn’t feel like I did before. I still felt guilty, but I knew this would be a one time thing and I was actually excited. I felt like Eve picking the forbidden fruit. I knew the chance I was taking, but there was no way Gary could ever find out. Pete was as much afraid of losing his family as I was so he would never talk to anyone. I was certainly not going to say a word to anybody, not even Amber. There would only be two people in the whole world that knew about it, Pete and myself. I think it was part of the allure. When Gary took me by the hand later that night, we made passionate love together. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I know now that Gary still felt I was being bothered by something. He knew something was up but didn’t let on.
The next day I was feeling guilty again so I called Pete at his office as I was driving to a girlfriends house. I was trying to relax so I teased him that I was going to tell my girlfriend and I could hear him almost jumping out of his shoes. I assured him I was just teasing him, I knew better than to say anything. I flitted with him. I said some silly things but he played along. I said I couldn’t resist him, that I was his love slave, silly things like that. He asked me if we were still on for Friday and I said as far as I knew but that Gary hadn’t mentioned the trip for awhile so I was wondering if it had been cancelled. He teased me back a little and said he wanted to come over now, but I teased right back and said he would have to wait.
That night I got the shock of my life. Gary called from the studio and said he was working late and decided to sleep at the studio. My heart dropped. My immediate thought was that he knew about Pete and me, but how. It was impossible. Gary made some excuse about the drive home, but at that hour it only takes fifteen minutes. Was this punishment for the other night when we didn’t have sex?
I didn’t sleep a wink that night and I called Pete’s office the minute he walked in the next morning.
“Pete,” I said in a panic, “I think Gary knows.”
“What!” I could hear the same panic in his voice. “How, how could he possibly know?”
“I don’t know but he spent the night at the studio. As long as he was in town we have never, ever spent a night apart. I’m worried.”
“Okay,” said Pete, “I really don’t think it’s possible Gary knows about us, it has to be something else.”
I said I didn’t think it was a good idea for him to come over Friday, but he said if we didn’t do it Friday, he was sure we never would. While talking to him it occurred to me, this wasn’t a, “one time” thing, we had been together twice already.
“This is absolutely the last time!” I told him.
Pete agreed. Whether it worked out or not, there would be no other, “just one more time.”
I had to get Tammy off to school so I hung up, but I was on pins and needles all day. I didn’t know what to expect when Gary came home, if Gary came home. I kept busy all day doing house word. Then it was time to pick Tammy up from school. I think even Tammy could tell something was bothering her mommy. I started fixing Gary’s favorite dinner, then went up stairs to fix myself up. When Gary walked through the door I met him with a passionate kiss. I did my best to question him about not coming home, but he insisted he was simply too tired to drive.
We had dinner then Gary played with Tammy for a while. They loved to wrestle around on the floor. A little later Gary said he was going up to pack for his trip. Ever since meeting Pete my emotions had been in turmoil. Day after day it was like I was on a roller coaster. This was no exception. When he told me the trip was still on, I first felt relief, certainly if Gary was still going on his trip he didn’t expect that Pete and I were having an affair. I also felt regret, I was almost hoping the trip was cancelled, that would have called a halt to Pete and I getting together. Then there was the excitement I felt knowing Pete and I would get together. I couldn’t imagine how people had continual affairs. The constant threat of discovery and guilt would drive me crazy in no time. I was excited that it looked like Pete and I would really get our time together, but I was thankful that this would be the end of it. I wondered how long it would take me to lose my guilt and be able to live with myself again.
In bed Gary was magnificent. I couldn’t understand why I even wanted to have sex with Pete, I really didn’t think he could stack up to my husband. Gary gave me orgasm after orgasm. I had absolutely no doubt now, that Gary did not expect any infidelity. He would go on his trip, I would have one glorious session with my high school crush, Gary would be back on Sunday and he and I would go on with our lives.
Gary left early the next morning. I sat at the kitchen table sipping my morning coffee. As the time approached my mind became more and more in turmoil. I called Pete as soon as he walked into his office. I told him Gary left for his trip. He was anxious and wanted to come over right then. I told him no, I still had to get Tammy to school and I wanted to get fixed up before he came over. We had one more shot at this. I wanted to make sure things went well this time.
I was just finishing with my make up when I heard the door bell ring. He was early. I wanted to make sure I put him at ease so I opened the door, put my arms around his neck like I usually did with Gary and kissed him. I could tell he was getting nervous again so I suggested we sit and talk over a cup of coffee for a little while.
We both started to relax and I decided it was now or never. Pete followed me up to the bedroom. This time was better. We slowly undressed each other. When I pulled his jockey shorts down his manhood sprang free. I was still a little worried about myself. I didn’t think I was very wet yet. I laid down and Pete scooted down and nuzzled his face between my legs. He used his tongue only to get me wet. He wanted to stick in me. I knew he wanted to get this over with and I felt the same way. I took a hold of his stiff shaft and guided into my pussy. Pete immediately started to pump away. I was beginning to think he would shoot off and I would never climax. I closed my eyes and tried to work myself up. I cried out, YES, YES, FUCK ME trying to tell myself I was enjoying this more than I really was.
Just then my world came to an end. I thought I heard Gary’s voice. My eyes opened to see him calmly walking beside the bed. I let out an uncontrollable scream. Pete pulled out and actually fell off the bed hurting his head. I stared in disbelief as Gary unplugged a new alarm clock he bought, knocked a smoke detector down, and walked out the door and down the stairs.
I jumped down from the bed and ran down the stairs after him. I begged him not to leave. Some how I could explain this, Gary loved me and loved him, I knew I could make him understand if only he would stop walking. Please stop! I hung on him trying to keep him from leaving but he simply pushed me off of him and left the house. I didn’t even realize I was standing on our front porch, stark naked, pleading with him to come back. Pete, who was also still naked, came out and pulled me back inside. I simply collapsed on the floor and bawled my eyes out. Pete kept trying to console me, but he was worried as well. Our stupid obsession probably cost us both our families. I tried for a couple of hours to call him, but Gary wouldn’t answer. Pete was, of course, dressed by that time and was in a hurry to get home. He was going to tell his wife he was sick and stay home. He was hoping to fend off any calls to his wife from Gary.
I was just beside myself. I had tried to call and e-mail Gary thirty or forty times. I knew it was hopeless. I called a friend who had a daughter Tammy’s age and asked if she could pick Tammy up from school and keep her at their house for a while. She asked me if I was okay and accepted my explanation that Gary was on a trip and I was not feeling well. I thought of going down to the studio. I knew that was where Gary would be, but I figured he would just go out the back door when he saw me come in the front. I saw my world coming to an end. Thoughts of suicide were next. I couldn’t see how I was to live in a world with out Gary.
I spent the rest of the day and night in a trance like state. I didn’t eat, I didn’t sleep, I didn’t even exist. Then the phone rang. I almost killed myself getting to it, praying it was Gary. It wasn’t. It was Pete. So far Gary had not called his home, but Pete had an idea.
“I can’t promise he would ever love you again,” Pete started, “but I think I have an idea to keep him from leaving you. The rest would be up to you. Maybe, in time, he would forgive you.”
I couldn’t see any possible way to keep Gary from leaving me, but if there was even a glimmer of hope I was willing to listen. “What?” I asked, “what could possibly keep Gary from leaving me?”
“Blackmail,” said Peter.
“Blackmail? You’re crazy, what could you possibly have on Gary that you could blackmail him with?”
“Listen, there is a group of guys that work out together at the gym. Everyone in the place knows these guys are gay. They don’t hide it, in fact, they’re proud of it. They belong to some gay men’s club.”
“I don’t get it,” I said, “Gary’s certainly is not gay. What do they have to do with him?”
“Okay, here’s my plan. I figure Gary is staying at the studio. I’m sure, if I pay four or five of guys a hundred bucks a piece, they’ll go with us and intimidate Gary into letting one of them put their cock in his mouth. You take some pictures. We tell Gary the pictures will never be seen by anyone if he goes back to you, but if he doesn’t, we’ll publish the pictures on the web and send them to all his business associates. Gary is a business man. He could never afford to take a chance like that. Embarrassing pictures like that could ruin his business and he know it. We use them to blackmail him into going back home to you and to make sure he never calls my wife to make trouble for me.”
“Pete, that’s ridiculous,” I said. “You really think you’re going to get Gary to suck some guy’s cock……no way.”
“He doesn’t actually have to suck it. Gary’s not stupid. These guys are big. If I can get several of these guys there’s no way Gary is going to put up a fight. He’ll have to get down on his knees and let one of them put their cock in his mouth. That’s all we need. In the pictures it’ll look like he’s sucking it. I know it sounds crazy, but desperate times call for desperate measures.”
As idiotic as Pete’s plan sounded, I had nothing better. I told him to go ahead and see if these guys would even do it. Then call me back a let me know what they say. He was pretty confident these guys would have no problem with it, especially when he told them he would pay them a hundred bucks a piece.
A few hours later Pete called back. “It’s all set,” he said, “they’ll meet us in front of Gary’s studio at three a.m.”
“Are you sure this will work?” I asked.
“Of course I’m not sure, but I do think we have a chance. At this point we have nothing to lose do we?”
A agreed to meet Pete and the guys he hired in front of the studio at three a.m.
When I got there I saw what Pete meant by big. They were also kind of mean looking. Pete assured me no one was out to hurt Gary so I reluctantly opened the front door with my key. I had my digital camera with me. I had put new batteries in it and made sure the flash was working.
Pete and the guys went inside first.. I hung back so he wouldn’t see me until the guys had him in position. Gary must have heard us come in and was already charging out from the back room. Instead of meekly allowing the guys to intimidate him though, Gary charged them and started kicking and punching. My God, this was not what I wanted. Two of the guys jumped on him and started hitting him. I ran up and started yelling at them, “Don’t hurt him, don’t hurt him.” They finally subdued him with out hurting him too much, but when they finally got him into position he threatened to bite off the guy’s cock if he stuck in Gary’s mouth. Much to my horror, they decided to fuck Gary’s ass. It was too late to stop them. Gary was, some what, beaten up and we didn’t have a single picture yet. I’ve never been so ashamed of myself as when I looked into Gary’s face as one of the guys stuck their cock into him.
Even with the pictures I didn’t see how Gary could live with me now. He would hate me for the rest of life. After it was over I gave the camera to Pete and he took off. I stayed behind. Before they left they cuffed Gary’s hands behind his back and gave me the key until he calmed down. I just sat there for a few minutes while Gary struggled with the cuffs. He finally asked me to take them off and I did.
That’s when Gary did something neither Pete or I had counted on, he called the police and reported the rape. Gary didn’t know it, but he saved my life that night. After what had just happened I knew there was no way Gary would ever forgive me and I had an ample supply of sleeping pills waiting for me on the night stand when I got home. The police, however, took me off to jail and I was charged with conspiracy to commit rape. I never got a chance to get to the pills.
I saw Pete one time after that, in court, at an arraignment. He was caught with the camera and the pictures in his car. I never saw him again after that. I don’t even know if he’s alive or dead.
I served a year in jail. Not even my folks came to visit me during that time. I knew Gary had divorced me and got full custody of Tammy, but it wasn’t until I got out that I learned they had moved out of state. I went to see my mom and dad who, reluctantly, took me in. They swore they had no idea where Gary and Tammy were.
My dad, who was recently retired, got me a job with his old firm. The catch was, the job was in their New Jersey branch office. They thought it would be good for everyone if I left Chicago.
I took the job and moved. Little did I know they moved me as far from Gary as they could. I worked hard and got along with my co-workers, but never even dated a man. Years went by and my heart still burned for Gary. I knew I would never get him back, but the thought of him hating me was unbearable. If I could find him and explain my side of it, maybe I could, at least, diminish some of that hatred.
I started searching Google for Gary Asher, but there were hundreds of them and none of them sounded like the right one. I also searched for Tammy Asher, but again, there were many and most were too old to be my daughter.
Then one day it happened. I typed out, Tammy Asher, and an article from a small L.A. newspaper popped up about Tammy Asher, age 12, who had scored three goals in one soccer game for her school team. At the end of the article it said her father, Gary Asher was a very proud daddy. I couldn’t believe it. I immediately went into my boss’ office and said I needed a leave of absence. He said he couldn’t do that so I quit on the spot. I rushed home and packed a suitcase. I drove all night until I reached Chicago. I had to see my parents. I needed some extra money. When I got there they weren’t home. I needed a cup of coffee or I was going to pass out from exhaustion. It was too late for restaurants, but I knew of a little bar around the corner that served coffee. In fact, it was the first place Gary took me. At that time I was one of the top, cover girl models. It was Gary’s first big job. When we saw each other it was love at first sight. After a day of shooting he asked me if I’d join him for a drink, this was the bar we went to. God! So many great memories.
When I got there I saw Sammy, he was a friend of Gary’s years ago. I was hoping he didn’t see me. I hadn’t eaten, or slept in the last twenty four hours. I must have looked like some thing the cat dragged in, but I didn’t care.
When my folks got home I pleaded with my dad to give me some money. He didn’t think it was a good idea for me to see them again, but he could see in my eyes, this was something I needed to do. If I didn’t, I would just die.
Once he knew there was no stopping me my dad gave me enough to live off of for a little while when I got to L.A. I had the name of Tammy’s school from the newspaper article and I went down there to see if I could spot her. I didn’t see her the first day, nor the second, nor the third. Then one day a car pulled up in front of the school. The man driving was Gary and the beautiful young lady he was dropping off was Tammy. Gary hadn’t changed a bit, but Tammy had grown into a beautiful young woman.
I didn’t try to make contact. I knew that would be hopeless anyway. I was content to just look at them. I needed to be around them even if they didn’t know I was there.
I found a job and an apartment and decided I would watch my little girl grow up from afar.
A year went by and my little girl was starting high school. I wished I could be there for her but knew it was impossible. I did see her on her first day though. I was across the street and saw her talking with some other girls. I continued to watch her from time to time from my favorite spot. Then, one day, when I was watching for her I heard a voice from behind me.
“Hello mom.”
My knees went weak. I turned around to see my lovely daughter standing in front of me. My mouth was so dry I couldn’t speak. I wondered how I would react if this moment ever came. I completely lost it. I grabbed her and squeezed so hard I thought she would break in half. I was crying and tears flowed down my cheeks. To my amazement, I felt her hugging me back. Now we were both crying.
She asked if I had time to sit and talk so we went to a little restaurant down the street. We were both very emotional . I couldn’t believe, after all these years, I had contact with my daughter again.
“How is you father?” I asked?
“Oh he’s great,” she said, “I can’t promise he’ll be as glad to see you as I am though.”
“Oh now, honey,” I didn’t want him getting a restraining order or something, “please, don’t even tell him you saw me. He’ll never let me see you again.”
“What ever happened between you and dad anyway. He never talks about it.”
“I did a stupid thing, honey, and ruined our lives. What I did was unforgivable and I know your father still hates me very much.”
“I think you’re wrong there mom,” said Tammy, “he still has pictures of you. Shots that he took when you were still modeling. I’ve seen him in his room with them spread over his desk. He usually has tears in his eye when he’s looking at them. I think he still loves you mom. I want to tell him I saw you and, maybe see if he’d talk to you. Would you talk him if it was okay?”
My heart skipped a beat. I couldn’t imagine Gary wanting to see me but I would give anything just hear his voice again. “Honey, do you really think he would talk to me?”
“Yeah mom, I do. I’d better go now or dad will start to worry. I’m going to talk to him tonight and see what he says.”
We kissed and hugged and then she took off for home. She talked to Gary as she promised and, much to my surprise, he agreed to see me. I’m sure it will be simply to tell me to take a hike, but I will chance that.
Now I’m sitting here, remembering everything that brought me to this moment. I look up and see him standing in front of me. It’s been seven years since that terrible night at the studio. I find it hard to breath as he sits down and ordered some coffee.

Tammy was right, in spite of everything, Gary never stop loving Judy. Gary sat at the table that night and calmly listened to Judy’s story. She broke down several times and Gary could see the love that brought them together the first time, was still there. Gary slowly allowed Judy to be a part of their lives again. Judy got her hopes up when Gary told her he’d like to get closer to her, but didn’t know how he could ever trust her again.
As her reply she asked him, if you put your hand in a meat grinder just to see how it feels, would you ever do it again?
The following month was Tammy’s birthday and Gary had a very special present for her. They collaborated together, and invited Judy to the party. She was a little confused when she found out it was just the three of them at the party. When it came time to open the presents Tammy opened a small box from her father. Inside was a beautiful diamond ring. She showed it her mom who looked at it with wonder.
“I don’t understand, she said, “it looks like an engagement ring.”
“That’s exactly what it is, mom,” Tammy said, “and dad wants me to give it to you.” Judy looked up and the tears started to flow.
“I,..I don’t deserve this, I don’t deserve your love.” she said.
Gary and Tammy both put their arms around her and hugged. “I have forgiving you,” said Gary, “now it’s time you forgive yourself.”
They invited Judy’s mom and dad to the wedding along with Gary’s old friend, Sammy. When Sammy got up to make a toast he said never has there been two people so much in love. Judy was the perfect wife once again. The love making took some time, but eventually even that became incredible once again and, never again did one ever refuse the other of their passion.


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Picture Perfect

       My name is Gary Asher, I’m a professional photographer. I have a small, but profitable, studio in down town Chicago. Because of the nature of my business, I, sometimes, work with the most beautiful women in the city and, not once, in ten years of marriage, have I ever considered cheating on my wife, Judy. I was the luckiest guy in the world and I knew it. My wife, who still looks and good as ever, is the loving mother of our seven year old daughter, Tammy, and the most loving, devoted,...

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Hypnotism Doesnt Work

Michelle Williams was a smoking hot 22 year old legal secretary. She was tall, blonde and had a killer, voluptuous body that drove men wild. The busty blonde still lived at home with her father and stepmother, as well as her young 18 year old stepbrother Hugh. Michelle was currently single, but never had too much trouble getting guys, most of them easily drawn to her curvaceous body and open sexual nature. Where Michelle was popular and outgoing, her Hugh stepbrother was the exact opposite....

2 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 22 Picture Perfect

"You're incredible," Kathy's mouth dropped as Christi took off her coat. "Oh, this," Christi shucked. "It's just the outfit mom made me for the Submissive Miss pageant." "No wonder you won," Kathy admired her blue-eyed friend. Christi's thick brown hair framed her high-cheekbones and dazzling smile with soft cotton candy curls then cascaded over white shoulders and firm full breasts. An elegant floor-length electric blue gown began just below her bosom, the split front made a...

3 years ago
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Picture Perfect

I'm 24 and a professional photographer. I lucked into taking erotic photos after a model I had photographed as an "audition" for a website made it big.After that, I was flooded with requests from websites to photograph models in erotic poses. Needless to say, I enjoyed my work. If there was a downside it was knowing I could hurt my reputation by having relationships with the models I photographed.Even though I'm concentrating on my work it's not easy to get through a shoot without getting...

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Dr. Lewis was ill tempered when he unlocked his office door. It was a little after eight and he had sessions back to back through out the day. He hated it when Ginger booked them like that. He needed time to recuperate and ground himself. He was doing memory work with some of his clients and that kind of therapy could be intense. He ached for Thursday – two days to go before he could see her. In his journal, which stayed in a locked drawer in his office at home, he had started referring to...

4 years ago
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Picture Perfect

I woke slowly, aware of a flash of light. I groggily half opened my eyes as another flash occurred. I dimly recalled drunkenly finishing off the bottle of Pinot Grigio at around 4 am as I skyped my girlfriend back in the UK. We'd spent about an hour masturbating together, watching each other slide slippery juicy fingers into our respective pussies, urging each other onto our orgasms both visually and with a stream of obscenities. We'd been apart for two weeks, ever since I'd left the UK to...

4 years ago
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The Picture Album

The Picture Album By Brit Part 1 Brit couldn't believe his luck! He had been waiting for weeks to get his girlfriend Brooke alone in his house so they could finally, maybe, do a little fooling around that went further than kissing and petting. As he stood on the corner and waited for her to come out of the Cheerleader's tumbling practice he was almost bouncing with anticipation. His mom, dad, and sister had all headed out of town over an hour ago to see the grandparents up in Kansas...

4 years ago
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The Perfectionist

I think Gods best creation of man and women is meant to make love and it’s to us that how beautifully, technically and perfectly you can enjoy it. Lovemaking is an art and it can only get matured with regular practice and our dear friend Mr Vatsayan had explored 184 Asans and most of us used only 2-3 Asans in which most of the time Man on top and totally ignoring women’s feeling and her desires. I had experienced and shared very light moments with my partners during love making and understand,...

3 years ago
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The Picture

The Picture by Heidi "But Henry, why don't you want to go fishing with your father and Uncle John? It will be great fun," asked Mrs. Miller, Henry's mother. She was quite frustrated because she knew her husband did not want Henry to spend so much time in the house. The two men had planned a three day fishing outing at her brother's mountain cottage. "Aw Mom, I really don't want to go. I have so much I want to do here at home on the long weekend." With a sigh Mrs. Miller...

2 years ago
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Take Another Picture

Hi Folks. I was browsing through a bunch of old CDs ... remember those? ... in a music store ... remember those? Anyway ... AK came over and brought me a CD she’d found. It was called Harden my Heart: the greatest hits of Quarterflash. She’d never heard of them, which isn’t surprising since she wasn’t born yet when they first hit. So, I bought it and this story came out of it. Although AK and I both loved, “take me to heart,” this one, “Take another picture,” just begged to be written. It’s a...

2 years ago
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__I’m Ms. (Tami) Clark. I’m a new female high school graphic arts teacher. I had attended this very high school just 3 years earlier. We had computer art and non-computer art. I had one male student that was very handsome and really good at any kind of art. I found myself taking a personal interest in him. I took him to paint scenes for the drama department. We were doing some set design one day alone on the stage. He had his notes and drawings for his suggestions. Without thinking I put...

2 years ago
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Ssterrsquos Underwear Picture Message

S!ster’s Underwear Picture MessageMy phone vibrated along with the sound of the tone to indicate a message had been received. I was nearing the end of the game on my PlayStation in my room as I glanced at the phone to see my s!ster’s name as the sender so decided to finish the last 90 seconds of play guessing that she was only abusing me in some way or was sending me a funny picture she had found on the net.As the last few seconds counted down my phone went again indicating a second message...

4 years ago
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Picture Perfect1

Picture Perfect “Oh come on! It can’t be that bad!” Amy chuckled to herself in front of the glow of her computer screen. “There is no way on earth that I would sleep with a 50 year old pervert just to get my share of the rent together.” Sarah had argued for the past ten minutes with her roommate about the dangers of using Craigslist to make money, but as always with Amy, she had to feeling she was fighting a losing battle. “You don’t have to sleep with someone, you can just do what I...

3 years ago
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Commanding PresenceChapter 14 Picture Perfect

"Holy shit! You two look great!" Evan was practically drooling as he watched his two beauties step out of the dressing room. Pam was leading Cheri since the leather hood she wore completely covered her head including her eyes. The rest was all leather, black vinyl or rubber. Well, maybe a few chains and other such accoutrements. It hadn't taken very much persuasion to get Cheri to agree to help with the modeling. She whined that she was too old and fat; a ridiculous statement firmly...

2 years ago
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Sisters underwear picture message

As the last few seconds counted down my phone went again indicating a second message from her too. I congratulated myself on my win and exchanged the controller in my hand for the phone on the bed beside me. I swiped the screen notification with my thumb to open Chrissie’s message and sat gawping at the picture that met my gaze. I stared at the screen which was filled with a selfie picture of my sister in her underwear wondering why the hell she had sent it to me. Despite her face not...

2 years ago
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The Picture of Dorianne Gray

"Ugh," I thought with disdain the first time I saw my tenth grade pictures. I'm not really sure what I expected. There is only so much the camera can work with. I stood in the hallway, just outside the school office, examining the atrocity that were my school photos. There I was, Charlie Hawthorne, looking like the king of all dorks. With a mop of dull, red hair, a smattering of zits across my face, an oversized pair of plastic-framed eyeglasses, wearing that goofy, shit- eating...

3 years ago
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Just one Picture OK Daddy

Just one Picture, OK Daddy? Narrator&hellip,. __We have two very horny females in this family. Mom and daughter. Can the dad handle them and find harmony between them all?&hellip, lets find out&hellip,. ___My daddy (Ben) and I ( Millie) had our super secret. I was a real daddys girl and would do anything for him. I was his little spoiled brat, and we both liked it. I started doing little sexy things to get his attention. Mom (Lena) would get pissed and tell me to go get a bra on&hellip,or...

4 years ago
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Picture Perfect

“Do that to me please.’ I grin and look back at Ben, there is a picture on the computer screen, I turned it towards him so he could see. “I want this.” I crouched on his lap like a kitten, in my black thong and lacy bra. The computer is on the couch and I am leaning forward my chin resting on my hands as I peruse the images. My round peach of a bottom is in the air, I am sucking on my pinky as I adjust my glasses so I can get a better look at the bodies floating in front of me.

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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

Oral Sex
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It'd been sixteen months since Jessica broke up with me, and I was drunk. She'd been everything to me. Blindingly clever; a great cook; my best friend. She'd been a lab assistant with me under Professor Kingston while we both studied graduate chemistry at university. She wasn't the prettiest girl on campus, but she was cute, and funny, and as professor Kingston loved to point out with a chortle, we had great "chemistry." And then, after a year of dating, she left me. For her...

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Club Perfecto

Club Perfecto Xxx A short story giving a slightly different angle on someone's transformation. As always, love to hear some feedback on it (or any of my previous stories if you read them). Slip on some satin and enjoy - S.S. xxx Tall, muscular and handsome, in his late twenties with chiselled good looks, Stuart Cameron was a highly succesful broker with his own business. He should have been an extremely eligible catch, with his pick of women, but he had a slightly...

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I Took That Picture

I Took That Picture I was checking out some of the nude web sites on the Internet when I ran into this: “Hi, I'm Carrie Leaser a horny (and constantly wet!) student! Love to see myself naked online - and elsewhere! Please share, re-post, display and expose me! Make my pussy wet by sharing me! Carrie XX” So I printed out one of the pictures and showed it to my daughter asking, “Isn’t this a picture of your friend Carrie Leaser?” My daughter looked shocked then said, “I took...

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Playtime with a picture

The story is actually a pretty funny one when I think of it, from the point of meeting him until now when I’ve been constantly talking to him. A couple of nights ago Me and my friend Alicia were drinking at my house when we decided we wanted to make French toast, sadly though we didn’t have any bread. So Alicia, the amazing person she is, decided to call this guy Zack she liked to bring us bread (I mean obviously we couldn’t drive after drinking, my dad had our keys). So since he couldn’t drive...

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The Picture

It never occurred to me that a picture on my desk would change my life so drastically. But I suppose that’s the way life really is: the small things sometimes make the biggest difference. I was preparing for the day’s practice of coaching girl’s basketball at Stoneridge High School. I was in my office reviewing some scouting reports and set plays that I wanted to work on while I waited for the girls to troop in from their last class of the day and get changed into their gear. As was...

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Playtime with a picture

Introduction: Ok, so this is one Im not so sure about but I felt i should submit it. Comment and let me know what you think or if you want more. Hopefully, Youll enjoy as much as I enjoyed writing it. Im considering continuing the story into more chapters, What do you think? Goodnight daddy, I said with a smile as I closed the door to my room. Even though I was nineteen I still lived with my parents though I didnt mind. Life was pretty okay, especially since I had just met a guy that I was...

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Pretty as a Picture

Pretty as a Picture By Cassandra Morgan Sometimes, all it takes is a photograph to put one's life into focus. I have lived as long now as I had before I saw the photo, but I have never forgotten it. I was a junior in high school at the time, one of those background students you barely noticed. I was an inconsequential football player for Forbes High School in a town called Smiths Station, Alabama, a quiet town just outside of Auburn. I was Ryan Sutton, but no could tell you that...

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Hypnotised to Quit Smoking Ch 01

My name is Kate and I am 28 years old. I have been married for 5 years and have a little boy. I started smoking when I was 14 and just before I gave birth I was smoking 20 a day. I managed to cut back but soon after giving birth I was quickly back to 20 a day again. Whilst my husband has never smoked, he has never pressurised me to quit. That was until our little son had arrived. I love smoking. Despite all the negatives, I find nothing better than kicking back lighting up and indulging in...

2 years ago
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The Portrait Studio Senior Picture

The Portrait Studio: Senior Picture By JDCopyhack (c) 2000 JDCopyhack. All rights reserved. Jeff Marsden opened the door and walked into the well-lit waiting room. After scribbling his name on the sign-in sheet, he grabbed a magazine and sat down nervously. This is the day he had been dreading. For much of his high school life, Jeff managed to avoid having his picture taken for the yearbook. His reason was a simple, yet painful one. A serious case of acne had scarred his once...

4 years ago
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Paint a Picture of Dominance

Painting a Picture of Dominance By :Blmorticia “I’m missing you honey. I can’t wait to get back and make love to you.” “I know, baby, but it’s only been one night.” “Yeah, one lonely night,” he said. Distracted, I looked at our wedding photo on my desk. Here I was, at home because I had a deadline to meet while he was enjoying a trip to England to visit family. As I listened to my loving husband and slave on the other end, I chuckled, “You’ll be back in our bed before you know it, besides...

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Picture This

Part I: Hospital Morgue Picture this! You've just come on duty as the night shift morgue attendant. The phone rings; they have a client for you that was DOA at the emergency room. You arrive at the elevator and take possession of the body and roll it into the morgue. You roll the gurney up next to one of the stainless steel tables and remove the sheet. Imagine the shock as you are staring at an incredibly beautiful woman! She is tall and well tanned with shoulder length dark brown hair with...

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Picture Perfect Part 2

Picture Perfect Part 2By all means it looks like my tiny wife is hooked on very humongous black cock. Yes just about all black cocks are bigger than mine and I would be happy with just about any black cock impaling my wife’s little red mink. But her standards for black cock fucking were set by Lil Dwayne. Damn you Lil Dwayne with your big black cock for spoiling my wife. Well to tell you the truth I do like my wife’s standards and I pretty sure her little red mink does too.Cheryl told me when...

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Picture perfect trilogy Pt 2 Judys story

Introduction: re-write of, Not so picture perfect Picture perfect Trilogy Judys story (part 2) (The revised edition) Prologue, If you havent read, Picture Perfect Trilogy (Garys story) (the revised edition) I would advise reading that before this. My original story, although very popular, did have some criticisms that I thought were very valid so, I have revised the story. I hope you enjoy this as much as you did the first story. Thank you very much, And now: Picture Perfect Trilogy...

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Taking pictures0

"I think I want you to get in touch with Lamont," I said and went back to my cottage cheese. "What? You want me to fuck him again?" she asked with a funny look on her face. She'd dated him, briefly, in college as her lone conquest at black dick. "No, I want to watch you fuck him," I told her. "I want to take pictures of his big cock in your ass." "I wouldn't let him do that," she said and browsed her lettuce with ranch and bacon bits. "Well, we'll see," I...

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The Pictures1

The only situation that should be noted is back when Shell was about thirteen she had some friends living in the same apartment complex as us, Tina and Suzy. Shell and Suzy were the best of friends. They both liked to draw and would create stories around each others drawings, exchange clothes, all those things that teenage girls liked to do with each other. One weekend Suzy asked Shell to spend the night and from what I understand Tina was not invited. So on Monday a rumor started going...

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Taking pictures1

She was white, tan, about as tall as me, maybe a little bit taller. She had a large, hot ass, it was the perfect size and shape, she had semi small tits. She was a blonde, with brown highlights, she had brown eyes and a beutiful body, she wasnt skinny nor was she large. She was the perfect size. She was always playing games with me, she would rub up against me or sit on my lap or do some other sexual thing, but we never took it seriously. It was a friday night, my family was gone, they...

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Enticed Pt 3 A Pictures Worth

I knew Blaise’s birthday was coming up in a couple weeks. I wanted to do something special for him, especially after the expensive lens he got me for Christmas. But, I couldn't afford much. It had to be special, specifically tailored to him, and yet, uniquely me all at once.When the idea came to me, it hit me like a thump on the head. Nude pictures. Glamour shots. Whatever you want to call it. As a professional photographer, it seemed only natural that I take some provocative shots of myself...

Gay Male
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A Pictures WorthChapter 1

Sally Turner took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She touched the picture in front of her. Focusing her mind on the picture, Sally ignored everything else around her. Her mind began to fill with images. At first, if she did not know better, she would have just assumed that she was just remembering the picture. Moment by moment the picture became clearer in her mind filling in details until shortly, it seemed she was actually standing before the young girl in the photo. The girl was...

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A Pictures WorthChapter 2

The next morning Sally woke slowly, opening her eyes she focused on her clock radio. 11:00 I must have been more tired than I thought. She was about to roll over and see if she could get some more sleep, when she jumped at a knocking on her bedroom door. "Sally, are you ever going to get up?" her mother called through the door. "Come on, your father and I are going out for brunch. Do you want to come?" At that moment, Sally's stomach decided to remind her that she had not eaten...

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A Pictures WorthChapter 3

The next morning Sally again, slowly woke up. She let out a little groan. Why do mornings need to be so early? she asked herself, not for the first time. Through her bedroom door, she could faintly hear, her father's voice coming from the kitchen. Her clock said it was already 10:00 am, she decided to get up and see if there was any more news about Jessie. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Sally shuffled into the bathroom. She picked up her electric toothbrush and brushed her teeth. Sally...

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A Pictures WorthChapter 4

The next day, Sally arrived home after a normal day at school. Her homework load was starting to pick up, as her teacher started finalizing lessons, before final exams in a couple weeks. Sally a normally good student, had managed to finish most of her work at school, during a spare period. She went to her room and tossed her backpack, with her remaining homework onto her bed. She went back downstairs. Going to the fridge she opened it up and grabbed a bag of baby carrots, an apple and the...

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The Picture Album

A really good friend of mine, who occasionally roomed with me, had a breakup with his girl friend. After taking a majority of her personal items she asked that he return the last few items she left behind when she left. One important item she mentioned to him was a set of photo albums. While she didn’t want the entire album set, she did want to go thru them and choose the photos she wanted to take out of them. So, as his best friend I volunteered to be the arbitrator for the albums. We arranged...

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My Picture Perfect Revenge

This event is based on a true story. If it seems exaggerated it's only because some parts of the story were kind of hazy. This was about 6 or 7 years ago. “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” My voice boomed throughout the small two bedroom apartment. “Damn. What the fuck are you yelling for?” Jason asked me. Sometimes I wondered about him. Does he act dense because he’s really not that bright? Or does he do it for the sole purpose of agitating me? If it’s the latter, he’s doing a damn good job...

Straight Sex
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My Picture Perfect Revenge

“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” My voice boomed throughout the small 2 bedroom apartment. “Damn. What the fuck are you yelling for?” Jason asked me. Sometimes I wondered about him. Does he act dense because he’s really not that bright? Or does he do for the sole purpose of agitating me? if it’s the latter, he’s doing a damn good job of it. “Mr. Thompson told me he called you because I put you down as a reference! Why the FUCK did you give me a evaluation?! What kind of insensitive asshole...

Cheating Wifes
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(This is a chyoa version of a story I am writing on Hentai Foundry. You can find it by searching there for Unnoticeable by Galloway.) Alex just wanted to be invisible. He had just seen his long time crush, Sasha, flirting with some guy he didn't even recognize. As he walked through the halls of his high school, dodging people to get to class, he tried to be angry at her, but really he knew it was his own fault. This was the first semester where he had actually gotten to sit next to her in...

Mind Control
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Lifes Imperfections

I can only imagine what life would be like with her. That future is perfect, immaculately flawless, yet I know life is never without an imperfection. There will always be a negative to a positive, bad luck to good luck, a downfall to an up rising. And yet I expect so highly and I expect perfection that could never be accomplished, even in a hundred lifetimes. Dramatic lies and brutal honesty contrast yet without one, the other ceases to exist. The pretense that I live and the limitations that I...

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At work, I and a co-worker had been talking about a hypnotist that was coming to town with his show. My co-worker told me he knew somebody who could do that as well and we agree to go see him sometime. So a few days pass by and we go to see him with a whole group from work. He does his routine, and I'm told I have eaten sour grapes like they were oranges and that kind of stuff. What they actually did, I find out the next day. I go to work, and I felt the need to dress really sexy that day....

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Picture Man

Philip Johnson Chapter One ‘What do you mean we’ve been selected?’ ‘Gwen Hargrove has chosen our studio to do their formal portraits.’ ‘Lee I know you’re a good photographer but…you?’ ‘Thank you for that vote of confidence.’ ‘You know what I mean Lee, people like that go to New York or someplace to have their work done, not here in Memphis.’ ‘I met Gwen when I photographed the executives at Hargrove Industries and she seemed to like me.’ ‘You mean she selected you because she...

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Picture Story Hotel Softcore Photo shoot

Hotel photo shoot picture story – Softcore first meeting!!I was ready to pull out of the hotel parking lot when the text finally came. “Go to front desk. Ask for envelope for Mr. Holmes in 1335” So I did.The envelope had a room key and the instructions, “Come up to 1335. Knock. When I call you in, just come in and get showered. =R” So I walked down the hall to the bank of elevators and went up stairs. My heart seemed to pound louder as I went higher until I thought it would echo in the...

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Picture perfect trilogy Pt 2 Judys story

Judy’s story (part 2) (The revised edition) Prologue; If you haven’t read, “Picture Perfect Trilogy” (Gary‘s story) (the revised edition) I would advise reading that before this. My original story, although very popular, did have some criticisms that I thought were very valid so, I have revised the story. I hope you enjoy this as much as you did the first story. Thank you very much; And now: Picture Perfect Trilogy Judy’s Story (The revised edition) My name is...

1 year ago
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The Sex Picture 1

Just out of high school, I had no job and my parents had died in a car wreck and I had no brothers or sisters. I had inherited a three story building on fifth street that had recently been renovated by my dad. He was going to put a store on the first floor and rent apartments on the upper two floors, so he had made ten apartments on floor two and five on floor three with a rather large meeting or common room also on the third floor. The more I looked at the building the more I thought that...

Erotic Fiction
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Pretty as a Picture

When the concert finally finished, she’d watched the group of old men on the stage raise their hands and salute the crowd. Their music still sounded as fresh as it had on her Dad’s old vinyl 12 inch LPs she had listened to when she was growing up. She’d always regretted that she was too young to have seen them live. In fact, she hadn’t even been born when they had split up but thankfully, twenty years later, they had reformed for their one-off 'See the World 2014' world tour. She was lucky...

3 years ago
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Picture This

There's an old saying in the world of photography that "sooner or later, everyone will shoot a nude," but I never really pursued it. Not that I wouldn't have loved to spend my time and effort recording the beauty of naked young women, but being married to a rather conservative woman, I concentrated my artistic efforts on flowers and landscapes instead. I've managed to build a pretty good portfolio and client base of fine art print sales and publications over the years, so it's not like I...

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Hypnotizing a Mistress

(Disclaimer: In regards to the cover image, I do not own any intellectual property or proprietary rights. I have no association or affliation with the owner/owners of the image or any of their content. The image is being used for demonstration purposes only, with no monetary or personal benefit of its use. If the original content owners wish for me to remove it, i will do so without hassle.) (Also. The porn actress in the cover image is called Sinn Sage. The video the image is from is called...

Mind Control
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Picture This

Picture This By JinSoo They say a picture's worth a thousand words. You'd be surprised just how true this is. It was about 2 years ago when I purchased a very strange camera. It had all your basic features 13 megapixel camera, facial recognition, 8 gigs of memory on an SD card, and very basic recording capabilities. But that wasn't all! It also had a feature that wasn't advertised on the box. It wasn't until I was messing around with it in the park that I found out just what it could...

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Picture of my wifes choice

I am posting a picture of Isaac on my page tonight. This is not a random act on my part, I can tell Helen is going to cuckold me with Isaac it's just a matter of time. The following inspired me to share his picture on here. Tonight my wife got off work and after getting home got in her pajamas to watch some TV while laying in bed. I was in the other room watching TV when she came in and said I want to show you something you will be interested in. She walked over to me with her phone in her...

3 years ago
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Picture This

Introduction: First and foremost my name is Rolf Hasitup, I was sixteen, I stood 5/6, with dirty blonde hair, dark blue eye's, I weighed about 145 lb wet, with a 34x30x32 with no real muscular build, with a thin 5 inch dick, when this started. My parents are Ruth and Randolf Hasitup, they have been very loving and supportive of myself and my sister's Lena and Tulane. Who happen to be identical twin's they were fourteen, they stood 5/3, with a 33bX23X34 build, with red hair and green eye's...

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