Pinocciette free porn video

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Pinocchiette By TwoSpiritsTG --------------------------------------------------------------------- If you enjoy the story please leave a review. I always read them, and love hearing back from those following my works. It's the inspiration that keeps me writing. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The night was young, but the sun had already set and the people returned home from their long work days. It was a clear night in the small town of Mill Valley, a quiet area only a 35 minute drive away from San Francisco, California. Winter had recently passed and the weather was at its prime. Joseph, a single father of one working two jobs, sat at his open window staring out into the night sky watching the stars slowly make their rounds. The kitchen counter extended along the wall below the window forming a bar that Joseph Pinenut often used to sit at and stare longingly at the night sky as his only form of respite. He was a tall man with little to no muscle tone. He was once fit and toned, but the passing of his wife 11 years ago put him in a slump that he never really got out of. He was now sporting a small pot-belly that has slowly been creeping up on him over the years. Still, he ran around enough at work and around the house to try and keep it at bay. His blue eyes sagged with fatigued, and the wrinkles on his face added years to him, making him seem to be in his late forties or early fifties despite being 38. He has short brown hair that he keeps in control. It's the only thing he is able to keep in control. Joseph's son, Cameron, was an unruly 17-year-old boy that never got over his mother's death. He got into trouble often with his lies. It started off as stealing small things like crayons and saying they were his, but has escalated to tall tales with the neighbors. He's causing fear and panic in the neighbors with his stories of burglars and fires, and when they stopped believing him Cameron started calling 911. The fines alone crippled any plans for a vacation, but Joseph was more scared that it would escalate to something much worse if left unchecked. Work was stressful enough, but his son more than tripled his stress-load. Joseph's gaze fell upon a star his eyes have kept drawing to over the past hour and uttered under his breath. "" He laughed to himself, recognizing how desperate he must sound to be asking a random ball of burning gas billions of miles away for assistance, but that quickly turned to a nervous laugh as the star grew larger and brighter. The larger it got the more stars it eclipsed and the more red it got. Joseph could even feel a warm glow on his face when he realized that it wasn't getting larger, it was getting closer! Ducking, the light at the size of a baseball whizzed into the room. It flew around until flying back over and landing on the window sill. The light was produced by a small red-haired woman dressed in an elegant, glittery cocktail dress. She had small wings similar to a dragonfly's and an air about her akin to a flickering candle. Her tiny little mouth creased into a smile. "Joseph," she said with a light tone that indicated she had just found out his name, "you have asked for help, and we deemed your situation worthy of intervention, so I have come. Tell me, what is it that you require?" Joseph was at a loss for words. "uh, um, are, but, what?" he managed to stammer out. "Wishes upon stars... work?" The small woman laughed playfully. "No, no. We do not grant wishes. We help people alleviate their problems. All wishes are inherently selfish." "World peace? Hunger?" Joseph asked, confused not just from the claim that all wishes are selfish, but from talking to a tiny, flying, glowing person. The fairy shook her head. "The idea is pure, yes, but those who wish such things want it to just be done. They do nothing to work towards those goals, and their resistance to do anything themselves are what make the intention selfish. We simply help those who try. You are a good man, and you put forth 100 percent and still do not make the progress you desire, and deserve. We help people who do all they can to help themselves and still fall short." Joseph shook his head. "You're saying that you can help me be the parent I always wish I had?" The red fairy flew up a little nodding. "I cannot make any promises that the problem will be fixed, but I will be able to give you the tools to make it happen. I need your permission to do this, however. May I help you?" Joseph was still suspending his disbelief and smiled. "Yes, yes anything!" The fairy flew over to the center of the room, raising her wand into the air and a bright red light flashed throughout the whole house. "It is done," she said. "I have merely planted a seed. If you continue to raise your son as you have been, you will be farming and helping that seed grow. If you stop, so will my magic. We reward hard work, something I am not worried about with you." She flew out the window and started to head back to the sky. "W-wait!" Joseph yelled out. "What if I need you again?" Stopped, the red fairy turned around. "You will. You will have questions. You may even question my methods. I just ask that no matter how things turn out, you follow through to the end and trust me." She smiled again, winked. "You are a good man, and you will be rewarded one way or another. A friend will come to help guide your son when you are not around," and flew off back into the sky. The star she seemingly came from flashed again and faded away. "D-Dad?" a voice came from behind. Cameron, Joseph's son, had woken up and wandered into the room. He was a well-toned boy with the starting of a six-pack. He had short, wiry black hair and hazel eyes. He was only wearing socks and his boxer shorts at the moment rubbing his eyes. "What was that flash? Who were you talking to?" he asked with a heavy yawn. "Oh, just a bit of fairy magic to make life easier," Joseph said, still staring out the window. "You're on fucking crack dad," he said with a sneer. Joseph merely sighed, he'll start 'farming' in the morning. ***** Cameron was a sophomore in high school, having been held back once in elementary and once in middle school he was easily one of the oldest kids in his grade at 17, and rivaled only by some of the other kids that failed. He didn't have any friends to speak of, but he certainly thought he was popular since he had so many riveting stories to tell. At least, stories to tell when he wasn't being picked on. He had skipped school on Thursday, the previous day, to stay home and play video games, so when he sat down at lunch one of the boys, Aaron, asked, "Where were you yesterday Pinenut?" mashed potatoes half filling his mouth and falling out as he spoke. Cameron puffed his chest out. "Hunting with my uncle," he said with an air of adventure. Everyone rolled their eyes, and a few boys turned away. One of them laughed in his face. "Hunting? This time of year? It's mating season." Cameron collected himself. "Yeah, well, we were hunting bears. The state wanted them gone because they were killing the game animals, and called my uncle because he's the best. He took me since I taught him everything I know from the documentaries I've seen." "You're so full of shit, Pinenut," one of the girls said, "you don't have an uncle. My mom knew your mom, and she was an only child, and fro-" But Cameron wasn't listening anymore. The mere mention of his mother struck a nerve, and he shoved his food forward, spilling it on Aaron and stormed out of the cafeteria. He went into the bathroom to a sink, ran the water, and splashed his face. He looked at his reflection, turning his head as he noticed the beginnings of a 5 o'clock shadow. It was much more uniform than the patches he had been embarrassingly shaving off. He smiled at this grand progress, being renewed with vitality again. After lunch and his math class, Cameron headed to P.E. and started changing in the locker room. "Nice fuzz," James, one of the guys from the football team joked, a little jealous. "What's your trick?" "Oh? This?" Cameron said, stroking it. "It's pretty simply. I read that once you start having sex, your body matures. Once I found that out I got with a few girls and jump started it all." James scoffed, "You're so full of horseshit. You've been held back what, twice?" he walked over and grabbed Cameron's chest. "Starting to get flabby there Pinenut, better hit the weights." With a laugh he wrapped his towel and rat-tailed Cameron in the thigh with a loud crack, tossing it into his locker as he entered the gym. Cameron grabbed his chest, cursing the genetics that gave him the facial hair he wanted, but started taking away all his hard work to start toning up. What was starting to become firm pecs were now soft pieces of flab. He put his shirt on in anger, and headed into class. The rest of the day went by uneventfully. He bragged about playing some early releases of games that haven't come out yet, talked about a fight he was in, and said he might be excused from classes to help the police with an investigation on the neighbors across the street. None of these were true, and everyone knew it, but Cameron refused to admit that anyone was the wiser. One the bus a kid pulled his hair. "Need a haircut, No-Nut?" Cameron turned around to see one of the girls, Amanda who was known for being a real piece of work, leaning on the back of his seat and pulling on his hair. "I got one just last Friday!" he said, which was actually true. He turned to the window, reflecting his image slightly. His ears were covered and his bangs almost to his eyes. It must be some kind of trick of the light or something, that couldn't possibly be right. The other girl in the seat behind Cameron grabbed his hand resting on the back of the seat and held it to her friend. "Look at his nails, they're better than mine!" The two girls squealed, pointing at Cameron and laughing. The teenage boy slouched in his seat, looking at his dainty hands and semi-long nails. It was time for a trim, but did they really have to grow so rounded and even so he was made fun of? When he got off, Amanda did as well, following him home instead of going the other way. "Hey No-nut! Looks like we got you right with your name, huh?" she said, laughing in stride. Cameron didn't look at her. "It was my girlfriend!" he shouted back at her. "She wanted to practice so I let her in order to have sex, okay?" Amanda laughed mockingly at him. "Your girlfriend, huh? Who is she? I know EVERYONE is school." "She, uh, goes to another school," Cameron said, picking up his pace. Amanda laughed again. "Sure she does," and turned around. Cameron stopped. "She does too! And she's hot! You would see her at prom, but I'm going to her school because she's graduating! She's going to show me off to all her friends and- ugh- and-" but Cameron couldn't continue. A knot was churning in his stomach so bad that he turned and hurried home, Amanda laughing and mocking him as she continued the other way. When Cameron got home he peeled off his backpack, tossing it aside, and ran straight into the master bathroom connecting to his father's bedroom. His father wouldn't be home for another few hours from his second job, so he had time to pilfer his medicine cabinet. He looked in the mirror rubbing his face, swearing that he had the showings of a beard starting to grow, but it was smooth as a baby's bottom. He continued to rub his face, looking at his hands. He realized that it was more than just his baby soft face, but his hands too. They showed no signs of use, and his fingers were much thinner than he remembered. His shirt seemed baggy, but shorter. Has he gotten a little taller? Cameron took his shirt off, taking special notice that the flab on his chest seemed worse. He was able to cup each portion in his hands, and they almost were large enough to hang freely. "This isn't happening," he said to himself, watching as his hair grew longer and lightened to a dark brown. Cameron jumped backwards in disbelief, his slightly larger chest jiggling lightly. Terrified he looked into his pants to make sure he was still a man, breathing a sigh of relief as his dick was still hanging between his legs. "Good, I must be going crazy, I'm not turning into a woman." As he said it, though, his penis retracted a little. "No! This isn't happening! I don't believe it!" As Cameron broke out into hysteria, he knew what was happening as the changes started to rush in. His voice rose and cracked, jumping three octaves up to a quiet, soft voice that sounded delicate despite the panic. His hair rushed out of his head, bangs parting to the side and framing his face while the back grew much longer and streaming down his bare back. As those changes occurred his waist shrunk in on itself, sending chills through his body as the cramping in his gut suddenly ceased and changed itself to a pleasant, desirable feeling. "No! I don't like this!" he lied desperately in an attempt to deceive himself. He may not have wanted it, but it felt good and he couldn't deny it. His chest continued to swell and push out while his face rounded out and aged. His hair shifted to a light brown and eyes became emerald green. His lips pursed and expanded, separating with a loud smack of surprise. His hips pushed, stretching and stretching his underwear and khaki cargo pants. He had moderately-sized hips and an ass that was inflating with the same degree of euphoria as his waist and still growing chest. He fell backwards, leaning against the wall and watching his body alter to a stunning, beautiful woman right before his eyes. He reached a hand up, grabbing his finished B-cup breast and moaned loudly as he reflexively played with his nipple. His legs grew as well, thickening and tearing his shorts a little, his crotch in agony from the pressure. His penis shrunk away, vanishing inside of him as his testicles did the same, popping inside and leaving a hole and slit behind. He felt the canal creeping up into him, and furrowed his brow in emotional anguish. He was coated in sweat, breathing heavily as all feelings of change subsided. He stepped forward, grabbing and lifting his tits. Each one was about a single handful, and the weight of was strange and alien. His hair was long, full, thick, and beautiful. It was very soft to the touch and felt like silk against his back, falling down to halfway. His eyes glowed with a deep green, wide in shock and fear. He placed a thin, dainty hand on his face, his pillowy lips open in awe. His face was much older now to, and if he had to guess he would think early thirties. He took a step back from the counter, admiring his model-esque physique. He had an ample chest, a small waist, and hips that only lightly flared out. He lifted his boobs up, looking straight down at them. They jiggled strangely in his hands, moving almost like water. The feeling sent chills down his spine at first, but was quite pleasant. Cameron let them drop, wincing from the sting of their sudden descent. He touched the nipples lightly with curiosity, and his crotch started to tingle and his nipples grew perky. He reached a hand into his pants, hesitating a little, and looking down. The mounds on his chest didn't obstruct his view, but were unsettling to see, so he gently shifted one to the side with his other hand and slipped a hand in and cupped his crotch. It was warm and inviting, and a little humid down there. He slipped a finger into his new vagina, gasping as he easily penetrating himself with his wet finger. He started to pull out, again in denial, and accidentally brushed against something that sent electricity surging through his body. The feeling scared the living hell out of him at first, but after a second thought he realized it was an extremely good feeling. He has masturbated before as a guy, but this... this was something on a whole new level. He started to undo his torn clothes and started to reach a hand down as a voice interrupted him. "Enjoying yourself already, are we?" The soft female voice, startling Cameron, caused him to nearly fall over. He scurried to the shower, grabbing a towel and covering himself, crouching down and looking for the source of the voice. "Wh- who's there?" his now higher, sing-songy voice rang out. "Introductions already?" the seemingly disembodied voice called out. "They call me Eureka." A fluttering of insect wings rang through the room, grabbing Cameron's attention. Landing on his bosom was a praying mantis, though unlike a normal insect her eyes were white with a blue iris and pupils. Her mouth creased and moved like a regular human mouth, showing facial expressions. She wore a blouse and pinstripe jacket over it, with a scarf around her neck and stuffed into the jacket. Cameron screeched, hating himself for such a feminine reaction. The praying mantis shook its head. "And here I thought they might have been wrong about your manners. A proper lady introduces herself when meeting a new acquaintance." Cameron's eyes scanned the room and back onto the mantis. "I- I'm not a lady," he said with uncertainty, though the warm feeling welled up inside again, and his chest started to grow and expand. The mantis seemed to be moving away, but in reality his bust was getting larger. He was now a C-cup. He moaned in pleasure as they grew, grinding his thighs together and closing his eyes. Eureka laughed lightly to herself. "Lies are very unbecoming of a lady." She fluttered over to the counter and turned around to face Cameron again. "Do you know why I am here?" Cameron walked over to the toilet awkwardly as her center of balance was completely altered. She sat down still covering herself with the towel. "You're- you're a praying mantis." "Holy mother of- what?!" Eureka yelled out in panic. "When the hell did that happen?!" "You... didn't know?" Cameron asked, hair spilled over her shoulder as she leaned forward. "You're gullible, aren't you?" "I am not, I'll have you kno-" "-STOP!" Eureka boomed, voice louder than Cameron's full, human sized voice. "If you tell another fib then you will only make things worse for yourself. Again." "I don't lie!" Cameron cried out, almost breaking into tears. Her hips skidded along the toilet seat with a mild screech as they grew and her flesh rubbed against the ceramic. She tightened the towel around herself in an attempt to cover, but all that did was accentuate her fuller ass. Eureka continued, "You have been turned into a woman to teach you a lesson. Every time you lie you will become more and more of a woman." Cameron wiped a tear from her eye. "How long *sniffle* do I have to stay like this?" Eureka sighed. "The weekend. You'll be a boy again on Monday, but-" "-But what?!" Cameron exclaimed loudly. "-But you can end up like this again if you continue the lies." "That's not fair!" Cameron lashed out. "Please! I didn't know yet!" "And now you do," Eureka said with a nod. "This lesson will not come easy. But don't worry! I am your guide to help you stay a boy again! However, if you ever fully change to this form two more times you will be stuck like that, forever." Cameron yelled out, standing up, "You can't do this to me! I'm good and well behaved! You're making all this up just to torture me!" her breasts and ass both grew as she stood up. Her towel was being pushed open by her perky tits as they filled up to a D-cup. She ran out of the room, her wide hip growing and clipping the door and causing her to fall onto the ground in pain. Her towel fell, and breasts bounced freely as she did so. She stood up, the milk bags under her crashing into her arms from how quickly she was moving, and she scurried out of the room holding her breasts in her arms and crying, her hips swaying seductively with every step as she made her way back to her room. Cameron laid down in bed crying into her pillow, holding herself. She laid there for about 30 minutes sobbing until the tears stopped and she rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling, unsure of what to do. After an additional hour she ran her hands slowly over her sexy body, wishing she could be a guy again and fuck someone like this. Running her hands up and down was making her crotch warm, and she slipped a hand down, pushing into herself again and looking for that electric spot again. She used her other hand to grope and grab her breasts, barely able to suck on one, moaning and thrusting forward. She masturbated for what seemed like minutes, but was really almost an hour. When she was finally done chaining orgasms, she let go and rolled over, seeing that praying mantis from before on her nightstand watching. "You finished?" she asked. Cameron threw her blankets over herself to cover. "It isn't what it looks like!" Cameron said before moaning from another surge of growth in her tits and ass. Her waist remained the same in all of this, giving her an extremely pronounced hourglass figure. "Relax," Eureka replied with an eye roll, "you aren't the first. We can't put a teenage boy in a body like that and not expect you to play with it." Cameron didn't move except for poking her face barely out of the covers, hoping that this dream would fade away. Eureka sighed, turning around. "Fine, you're still adjusting. Go check your closet." "My. Closet?" Cameron hesitantly asked. "Yes, make yourself decent so we can end this game." "Okay, just, don't look," Cameron said shyly, slithering out of bed and dragging the blankets with her, covering her entire body as she went to the walk-in closet and closed the door behind here. Eureka shook her head and sighed, but kept her back to her misguided little MILF. ***** As Cameron entered the closet and her jaw dropped at all the women's clothes. "What, what happened to all MY clothes?!" she screamed. "Relax!" Eureka called out. "They're in a box out here. We'll switch them back when you switch back." Cameron plopped down onto the floor with her soft, juicy ass and crossed her legs, staring at all the dresses and skirts. "Aren't there more things that are less... girly?" "No! You will dress and act like the housewife you are," Eureka replied curtly from the other side of the closet door. "Start with the bra, trust me." Cameron sneered, picked her breasts up and bouncing them again, her new proportions feeling alien to her. She crawled on all fours to a small plastic container with drawers and kneeled, opening them and seeing one devoted to panties, another to bras, and a third to stockings. Next to it dozens of shoes laid out on display, all with some form of heel. She pulled out all the panties, thankful not to find any thongs, but upset at how 'cute' they all were. The larger they were, the more bright colors were used, the silkier they were, and the more patterns were used. The only ones that were plain, white cotton were definitely too small to put on. She parted her giant mammaries and looked down at her flat stomach, thin waist, and flared out hips. If she were out in the world she would probably get more catcalls than the few women that try to get them. She refused to wear the pink cotton panties that seemed to be the best fit and grabbed the white ones, stood up, lifted one leg to put through, but started falling over. She jumped to stay up, shifting her tits with her and her ass shaking, and fell over with a loud crash. She laid down on the ground, holding her sore breasts in place with her arms groaning. "They hurt, don't they?" Eureka said. "If you listened and put the bra on first then you wouldn't be having trouble." "Shut up!" Cameron yelled. "I'm not having trouble!" The anger subsided quickly, though, as she let out an orgasmic moan as her heavy tits pushed out to an F-cup, and her hips grew to child-bearing size. The panties halfway up her legs stretched and started to tear. A loud flutter of wings could be heard, and Eureka's voice was a lot closer, presumably on the door. "If you listen to me then things will become much better for you." Cameron sat up, her breasts swaying and knocking into her arms, ebbing and flowing until they rested in place, mouthing silently in mockery, "If you listen to me blah blah blah." Sitting up, Cameron took off the panties and looked for a size that would actually fit. He grabbed the pink panties and purposefully fell backwards to raise her legs and pull the panties on, her juggs hitting her in the face with a loud clap. She closed her eyes and held her breath as her large, soft breasts covered her face, and arched her back to pull the underwear up. It was barely too small, but they were the largest of the cotton and she refused to go too far with this. There was a loud tear, and her hands sapped up, hitting her breasts and shaking them. She groaned, peeling them off and tossing them aside, begrudgingly grabbing the silk panties and sliding them on in the same fashion. "What was that?" Eureka asked. "We're not replacing anything you destroy." Cameron was about to tell her it was nothing before she stopped herself, cupping a hand over her mouth. She winced, waiting for changes to occur, but nothing happened. "Alright!" Eureka announced the other side. "You're learning already! Now finish up, your father should be home soon." Her father. That thought hadn't even occurred to Cameron. Her heart started racing and she felt it throbbing inside in pain as anxiety started to set in. She opened the drawer with bras regrettably, looking for the plainest bra she could, but, like the panties, only the smaller ones were basic. The ones that seemed to match the most were pink silk with laces and frills. She looked at it in despair and slid her smooth, womanly arms through the bra straps, putting her tits in the cups and struggled to reach behind and close the clasp. She shifted and fidgeted, shaking so wildly that her boobs came out of the cups and moved with her every shift. "You can close the clasp in front of you and turn it around," Eureka suggested. Cameron dropped the bra, the straps sliding partially down her arms awhile she covered herself again. "I said don't look!" she scowled. "I'm not, I'm respecting your wishes," the mantis replied. "However I can hear you struggling and cursing under your breath in there." Cameron groaned, taking the straps off and doing the clasp in front. She turned it back around, pulling the straps over her arms and doing her best to maneuver her breasts into their jail cells. She continued fidgeting for a few minutes until giving up and accepting that this was how a bra felt. However, they were much more manageable. The straps were rough on her shoulders, but it was so much better than the neck and back strain. She stood up, jumping lightly and smiled as they didn't hurt with each fall and stayed in place. She shook her chest and they jiggled around, stayed in the confines of the bra. She still felt every shift and change in their shape, but at least they weren't completely out of control. Next she turned her attention to the clothes hanging. Everything was a skirt with a blouse, or a dress. There were no pants. nothing of that nature. "Do I have to wear this? There aren't any pants," Cameron groaned. "No," Eureka replied, "but you do know the neighbor's son has a camera, and he likes to use it." Cameron shuddered at the thought. She would have loved to have those pictures, but the idea of some pervert masturbating to her made her extremely uneasy. What made it worse was that it was probably going to happen anyway. Cameron stared at the ground, running her finger in the carpet silently. Eventually she grabbed a sundress from the ground and started to pull it over her head. It was white at the top, and slowly faded to green at the waist. The bottom skirt was three separate colors, the top a horizontal solid shade of green, the middle a slightly darker shade of blue, and the bottom black. She stood up, refusing to tie the string at her back that would pinch her waist, adjusting herself and bouncing on the balls of her feet, watching the movement, and came out of the closet. Eureka flew off the door, landing on the bed post and brought her large front legs together over her chest. "You look fantastic!" She raised her arms behind her head, moving them outward. "Um," she said, signaling to something. Cameron tilted his head a little and realized her long, wavy hair was still stuffed in the dress and she brought her hands behind her neck and freed it. It took several sweeps, but it all came out with little problem. She looked gorgeous with her auburn hair fluffily resting on her shoulders and bosom, going down either side of her soft, delicate face. Cameron couldn't help but cup her hands together in front of her as Eureka inspected. The mantis flew between her legs and around until landing back on the bed post. "I see you're at the silks, which you weren't at before you entered the closet," she said, bringing an arm to her chin as if in contemplation. "No stockings or shoes though?" "I'm not wearing heels!" Cameron said, uncupping her hands and stopped a barefoot in a cute little tantrum that sent a light shockwave through her entire body. Eureka shook her head. "No, no. It's your first day. This much was optional." The front door opened, changing pressure in the whole house and Cameron turned and looked in horror at his bedroom door as her father called out, "Cam? I'm home!" "It's okay honey," Eureka said, fluttering over and landing on the doorknob of the open room. "Just sit quietly on the bed and I'll handle this." Cameron did so, breathing heavily and crossing her legs unconsciously with her hands cupped in her lap. Her head hung low, her breasts in most of her peripherals and hair taking up most of the tops and sides of her vision. ***** Joseph placed his keys in the dish on his night stand and took his work vest off and undid his tie. His second job was barely above minimum wage and much more demeaning than his corporate office job, but he needed it in order to make ends meet. He took off his tie and heard a fluttering in the room. He groaned, grabbing his shoe off his foot and sure there was a palmetto bug or cockroach around somewhere. His eyes rested on his keys were a small, green, clothed insect was. "Dammit Cameron, these things are great to have outside, why did you bring it in here and put tiny clothes on it?" he muttered to himself, walking over and ready to catch Eureka. "Excuse you," she said, waving him backwards. "Ah!" Joseph shouted, jumping backwards. "You- you-" "I am Eureka," she said with a curtsy. "The fairy you spoke to last night told you I would be coming." "Yes, well I expected, um, anyway, you're here to help me?" he said, shaking away all of the disbelief about what was happening. Eureka tilted her head from side to side. "Yes and no. I'm here to help Cameron when you are not around to guide him, or her as the case is." "Ex- scuse me?" Joseph asked squinting, sitting on his bedside and looking at Eureka perplexed. "Think of me as a babysitter," she said. "I don't deal punishment, but I can warn her of the consequences of her actions." "I- I understand that," Joseph continued. "It's your use of pronouns that I am unsure about." Eureka flew onto Joseph's shoulder. "We... should go to Cameron's room so you can see for yourself." ***** Cameron rubbed her dangling feet together. She didn't know what to feel. Depression? Fear? Anxiety? Hopelessness? Helplessness? She felt all of these things and couldn't decide on which as she waited for Eureka to return with her father. The sun had set while Eureka was gone, and Cameron sat sobbing to herself in the darkness. There was a light knock on the door and Joseph stepped in. "Cam?" Cameron tried to reply, but only a muffled moan came out. Joseph flicked the light switch and jumped a little. "C-cam? What happened?" he said, walking over to the bed and sitting next to his now daughter, barely younger than he is now. Cameron turned and put her arms around him, crying into his shoulder. Her breasts pressed against his arm, making him uncomfortable, but he placed his arm around her in an attempt to comfort. "This, this isn't what I asked for. I didn't sign up for this!" Eureka flew to the bedpost. "Joseph, it may seem unconventional but this is the only way to guarantee it works out for you in the end." "S-sign up for what?" Cameron asked sobbing into her father's shoulder. "I-" Joseph started to say, but Eureka cut him off. "We, as in myself and the others, work to help those in desperate trouble. You, Cameron, have been giving your father hell and we are here to fix that situation." "Unbelievable!" Cameron yelled, letting go of her father and standing up to face him. "You did this to me! I didn't deserve this! I've been good, it's everyone else that- that's-" but she was unable to finish. Cramps started up again, and Joseph watching in amazement as his son's hips started to grow, pushing out the skirt and her breasts expanded, straining tightly against the bra and starting to overflow out of the cleavage. What was most unsettling for the father was the loud moans of pleasure and the smile on her face, despite hating the result. Eureka closed her eyes and shook her head. "What? How? How was I lying?" she said looking up from the ground where she was huddled with her knees in her chest and her humongous boobs on top. "Because you know you are a monster to your father and those around you, Cameron," Eureka said. "It is not too late, this can still be fixed." "I- I should go," Joseph said, getting up. "Go?" Eureka asked, looking at him. "But you still need to parent him. He did nothing but lie all day." "Isn't this punishment enough?" Joseph responded. "You were told to deal with your son as you always have. He may be your daughter now, more akin to a sister, but you must continue as normal. This change is on her side of the street, you still need to keep up on your own side." Joseph looked down at Cameron, now sitting with her legs forward and head hanging. "Okay, you're grounded this weekend. No video games or TV." "What?!" Cameron exclaimed, whipping around with her hair in a flurry. "What am I supposed to do?!" Joseph shook his head. "I don't know, I really don't. But that's the normal punishment and I'm not changing it. Go outside or something." Cameron stood up quickly, boobs bouncing up as she did so. "I can't go out like, this." she said taking a step backwards and holding her hands out to the side and looking down her figure. "Then figure something out," Joseph said, leaving the room and walking down the hall. He went into the living room and started his routine of disconnecting the cords and hiding them in his room. Cameron threw herself on the bed, landing painfully on her chest, and buried her face in the pillow crying her heart out. Eureka simply fluttered to the light switch and turned it off, landing on the dresser and watched Cameron cry herself to sleep. "Sorry little one, it's tough, but you'll work through it. We really are trying to help..." ***** The next morning Cameron rolled over, heaving her chest and sitting up with tear stained cheeks. She frantically patted her chest, then her face and hair, and finally her crotch and hips. She started to hyperventilate. "I- I thought that was all a weird dream. Why- why am I still in this body?" "Shh, shh," Eureka said from the bedpost. "Take a deep breath." Cameron did so, heaving her chest up and down slowly. "And again." Cameron did so, preventing from passing out, but was still visibly upset. "Okay," Eureka continued, "quick review. When you lie you become this, and get even curvier if you continue to lie. Today is Saturday, you only have to live through today and tomorrow like this. On Monday you will be normal again. Okay?" Cameron nodded in understanding, taking deep breaths and fanning her face with her hand. "Now, we have work to do today," she continued, "since this is your first time you do not have to go outside. You can stay indoors. Is that okay with you?" Cameron nodded again, wiping a tear away and settling down again. "Wha- what kinds of things?" "I told you yesterday that you were a housewife, and you will be one today. You will clean today, and if you do well tomorrow you will have off to reflect." "Yeah, but-" "-No, no buts," Eureka scolded. "You are getting off easy this time. Next time won't be as casual." "Next. Time?" Cameron asked with a gulp. Eureka nodded. "Yes, next time. If you ever end up in this body again it will be longer, and you will have to go outside and run errands as well. Since you can't drive, you will use public transportation. Trust me, you really don't want to do that. In addition you wou-" "-There's more?" Cameron started to interrupted meekly. "-Just follow directions and don't ever become this again, understood?" Cameron nodded again and stood up. Hanging from the door was a yellow sundress, the collar plunging low to show her cleavage. The bottom skirt was various shades of light browns with vertical creases every inch, making it open up more as she moved. Beige stockings hung as well as yellow heels on the ground and a new bra and panties. An apron hung behind all this to complete the ensemble. "What's that?" Cameron asked, pointing to the door. "Your clothes for the day," Eureka simply stated. Cameron looked down at what she was wearing. "What's wrong with this?" Eureka scoffed, "Um... You slept in it? There's also a larger bra to fit and new panties since you almost tore the current ones. Change out to this and we'll begin our day." Cameron reached down, pulling the dress she was already wearing off and tossing it aside. "You have a problem with that?" she asked, voice dripping with poison. Eureka simply smiled. "No, but you might later." Cameron maintained eye contact, pushing her panties down and kicking them off to the side. She lost her balance a little, but was determined not to give up this struggle for power. She took the bra straps off her shoulders, turned it around, and unclipped it, breaking eye contact to do so, but then threw it aside and sat on the floor defiantly. Putting the brasserie on the previous day was relieving, but having slept with it on it was stuffy and taking it off felt freeing. Eureka, however, was less than amused. "Cameron, if you don't get serious about this you'll never become a teenage boy free of responsibilities." Cameron just sat on the floor, legs apart and glaring at Eureka. "Free of responsibilities?" he asked skeptical, starting to stand up naked. "I have chores, schoolwork, so much is expected of me!" Eureka laughed. "Yes, your ten hours a week of homework that you shirk off is so hard. I'm sure taking out the trash once a week, loading the dishwasher and pressing a button, and keeping the bathroom YOU have to use and your bedroom clean are such a hassle." "It is!" Cameron argued, crossing her arms angrily across her chest and rolling her eyes. "No, it cuts into what you WANT to do," Eureka stated, laying it all out. "Let me tell you something missy, if you get stuck like this you will get all the responsibilities of adults dumped on you. Cleaning, cooking, paying the bills, work, and if you're lucky you might get an hour to yourself. You have an opportunity here to build a future for yourself and prevent working at two dead end jobs to support a child that doesn't care what you do or even thank you once." Cameron, however sat back on the bed, not listening, and lifted her nipple to his mouth and started sucking on it, moaning extra loud. Her other hand was sliding into her moistening pussy, parting her lips and getting off. She was embarrassed yesterday, suddenly being thrown into the situation, but today she had the power. "I'm sowwy," Cameron moaned through her muffled face buried in her tit, "I'm boo busy efloring lipe you efpepted. I'm busp a beenabe boy." [I'm too busy exploring like you expected. I'm just a teenage boy.] Eureka rolled her eyes, flying out of the room and into the kitchen. Cameron laughed to herself in triumph. She had planned to go find the cords to the game consoles after her victory, but was so horny from her little show that she leaned back, still sucking on her nipple and digging into herself that she closed her eyes decided to finish herself off. She masturbated for nearly 20 minutes, cumming many times, before stopping. She hated being a woman, but loved the sex drive of the thing. It could just keep going, and each time it filled her whole body with strong, pleasure filled surges of energy that washed over every part of her. It was so much better than a male orgasm, which lasted only moments and centered entirely on the crotch. She lied in the bed on her back, breathing happily. Pain surged through her for a moment and she cringed as her bust grew even larger and her hips flared out. Her lips puffed very slightly, making it feel weird when she closed her mouth, and her nails were slightly longer and more well-kept. She wondered what the hell that was about, having not lied, but played it off as Eureka and her employer's sadism. She spotted her cell phone and an idea popped into her head. Cameron grabbed some paper from his desk and sat down, writing things like: Cameron's girlfriend

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Daddys Secret Favorite

"I'm no good at anything, and nobody pays any attention to me!" I heard my daughter Mindy whine in the next room. "Josh is Dad's favorite, and Tammy is yours!" It was a familiar refrain, and she was once again complaining to my wife about her perceived persecution in the family. I suppose it wasn't entirely groundless. As the middle child, she suffered from the "Jan Brady" syndrome. She wasn't the oldest — that honor fell to her fifteen-year-old brother, Josh. And she wasn't the...

3 years ago
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Halloween party

Back when I was younger a friend asked me if I wanted to go to a Halloween party. I asked do I need to dress up. Of course he said. Wondering what I should dress up as, my sister came in carrying her costume. Having a kinky side I asked her it I could wear some of her clothes. She just stared at me for a minute, then said are you for real. Yes I said. Steve invited me to a party and I wanted to surprise him. She said I have to think about it. Little did I know she ran to her room and called a...

1 year ago
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NeighborAffair Mia Lelani 23779

Mia Lelani is going about her business, lounging in lingerie, making her tea, and just enjoying the night to herself. But does she know that someone’s lurking in the shadows? Does she see the hooded man who’s made entrance into her home and is watching her from afar, but closely? Who is this suspicious man stalking her within her own home, following the sexy Asian beauty into the kitchen, then in through a window and into the master bathroom? Could this mean trouble? Mia’s frightened when the...

3 years ago
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Tony and Carols First Christmas an Oil of Roses PrequelChapter 2

If there was a downside to serving as ‘Santa’ Tony Juliana’s “Carol Elf” during the Christmas season for Carol Riley it was that no matter how hard she worked or how fast, there were never enough hours in any given day to do all she needed to do and all she wanted to do. And although she tried not to consciously acknowledge it, her second year on the job was complicated even more by the fact that Tony himself was no longer able to do as much as he had the year before. He grew tired more...

3 years ago
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A Planet Is BornChapter 16

Ben and Sarah scuttled back into the cave and managed to get some sleep. The first thing Ben did when he awoke was to check on David to make sure he was still all right. He could see the boy was making progress but his speed had slowed quite a bit due to the snow. He had watched David take three days to make it to where he had camped, but with current conditions it would take much longer for him to make it back to his cave - if he made it at all. Ben's forecast about when his own group...

3 years ago
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Angry Half Brother

Jon was about 21 when he came back home after college. He was stressed out from the work, and his little step sister Cassie, who was only 18 didn't help. She was pretty sexy having 32D's and sexy curves with a plump butt herself. She had brown hair like Jon, and same with the brown eyes. She and her friends always came over at night and used to make Jon angry by doing simple pranks. They would steal all the food and drinks he got for himself on the weekends, and then upload massive amounts of...

3 years ago
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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 23

Staff Sergeant Rogers. 11 am Tuesday, November 1st, 2006 I met my superior in the oddest place yet. The abandoned outhouse of an 18th century farm. I understood the need for secrecy, but I swear they were finding me some really out of the way places to meet at. I swear if satellite photography revealed the entrance to the mythical Greek underworld, they'd plan a meeting in it's lobby. "You're early." Major General Edwards informed me. I turned and saluted. He returned my salute....

1 year ago
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Broken Vows

ONE Grey light filtered through the barred window, creating faint lines in the dusty air above her head. The little clouds made by her less than steady breathing eddied around her mouth as she sat on the cold stone floor. She gazed out through the iron lattice, to the courtyard which formed the nucleus of the prison complex. A pre-dawn glow lit the stones, and lent a slight colour to the bonsai firs which stood clustered around a lone figure in the centre of the circular space. One might have...

1 year ago
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Bill and Haley and DeenaChapter 26

Sandy’s turn: I am Sandra June Gleason. The ‘June’ part is from Mom’s grandmother. It fills in a block on forms. I never met the lady. Mom said she was worth emulating, though. I hope I’m doing that. Mom’s not around to tell me. Mom’s health went bad and she passed away when I was ten. Ever since then, I’ve lived with Dad and his wife, often referred to as ‘The Evil Stepmother’, always with a smile. I missed Mom because she was, after all, Mom, but after she’d cut me loose for a couple of...

3 years ago
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More wanking stories with Stan

Stan and I became cock buddies at high school. I have referred to early incidents in earlier stories. We first started by discussing Matron, she was, after all the only woman, in a school of over 1050 + boys and staff. A mature and attractive woman , we would watch her with interest. I started our relationship by mentioning that looking at Matron bending over in her tight white uniform gave me a hard on. Stan then told me he had one as well and moved around to show me the large bulge in his...

2 years ago
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How I became my Sons whore Part 1

It all started when I decided to fly into Buffalo to visit my son. It had been several years since I had seen him last, mostly because of monetary reasons. He had attended college in Buffalo and was lucky enough to acquire a job right out of the gate due to his interning. He bought a place about an hour outside of Buffalo and had been doing well ever since. I hadn’t seen him since he was 19, a bit scrawny, and insecure. Now, he would be 23, soon to be 24, and other than a few pictures I’d...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 13 Back at School with Julia

Monday, March 28 to Thursday, March 31, 2005 Julia walked me into school, firmly attached to my good arm. I felt no pain whatsoever. We were early, but the school was filling quickly. Virtually everyone knew who we were. I was aware by now that the press were ALL OVER this story. It'd been front-page news day after day because prurience sells big time. The press had been bothering us repeatedly at home, annoying Mom and Dad several times. Julia's role in the Annette incident was very...

2 years ago
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Old English teacher adventure Barry meets a very

I saw Su on several occasions before actually meeting her; her appearance drew my attention. She wore a silly, drab outfit that made her look like something out of a 1920s novel. She was 62 at this time but dressed like a woman of 90! She clearly did not care about how she looked; her hair was very short and grey and she appeared underfed too.She wore a very long skirt with clumpy boots and many tops, such as cotton tops and jumpers; this is in mid July. I could see that she was slim but...

3 years ago
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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 26

We all went to eat after cleaning up and changing clothes. Using Magic more than just casually always leaves one hungry. After the huge amounts of Magic that we had all used that morning, we were all ravenous. Consequently, we all overfilled our plates, and more food had to be brought in from the kitchen for the late arrivals, who were naturally our O’Neill Uncles and our four female Cousins. They had also been the last to return after the battle. Gretchen, of course, was eating for three...

3 years ago
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An Exhibitionist wife Park play

The sun was out and Mrs O suggested a trip to the countryside to catch a bit of sunshine. I wasn't really expecting anything other than a quiet day out as we got into the car and started out but looking at her sitting next to me i was secretly hoping for a bit more.We drove to a large country park that housed a stately home and settled down outside. Mrs O lay back on her towel and started to soak up the sun wearing a very short skirt and and a small vest top that she'd pulled up above her...

2 years ago
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Hunting For Love

After much planning, I purchased the supplies and made the trip to the game preserve. I had been there before but just to take photos. This time I was planning on bagging some real game. As I began the hunt one afternoon, I carefully looked around. I did not see much that warranted stalking at the moment but I was patient. My intended game was very elusive. I would have to use all my skills to be successful. I figured the final prize would be more than worth it so I was not worried about...

4 years ago
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Twins Little Sister Kittys Adventure

Twin's Little Sister, Kitty's Adventure 01Continuing from, Twin's Little Sister.The next morning, Rich left Hannah and her lil sister to go shopping for "special gifts" for Katie. Hannah told her sister to go and dress cute for Rich. She handed Katie a baby doll nightie.Katie stood and looked at herself in the mirror, pleased with the reflection. He had told her he was coming back bearing gifts for her, so she wanted to look good for him. Her new baby doll dress looked stunning on her, just...

2 years ago
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The dedicated customerPart 2

One day during a an unusually hot and sticky summer a girl was out and about doing her normal daily routines. After a long session of working out at the gym she decided it should be rewarded with some ice cream to help fight the blazing day. While still at the gym she didn’t want to be seen around town looking like she sat in a sauna and swam in warm syrup because her hair was all messed up but at least she knew she got a good work out in. She immediately went to the locker room opened up her...

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