Risen Star - Political Intrigue free porn video

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Marilyn (Maz) Foster was sitting up in my bed, her back to the bed head and I was lying across the bed with my head in her lap, looking up at her. Until a few minutes before I had been lying face down but when my objective had been achieved, I turned over.


“You’ve always been really good at that.”


“Thanks, Maz. One tries. Fancy a glass of wine?


“Marvellous.” I got up and walked to my kitchen. I was taking a month off after working on location in Singapore for a tv series in which I played a homicidal banker. It was all sharp suits and heels and a lot of blood. I swear Flick Caterham (my agent) gets me work like this deliberately. Anyway, I’d finished the series and was home in my London apartment and Maz was rehearsing for a West End show so, as often happened, she and I had got together for what she liked to call ‘a little catch-up.’


I slipped back into bed beside her and handed her a glass and rested back against the headboard.


“Oh,” said Maz. “I was meaning to tell you. You’ll never guess who I bedded when I was in Seattle.”


“I didn’t know you’d been to Seattle?”


“A screen test. Got the job, thanks for the congratulations. Anyway, guess.”


“Judi Dench?”


“Judy Hollander.”


“Judy Hollander? She’s not gay. Bugger me she’s positively the Doris Day of our times. Pure as the driven. You winding me up?”


“Not at all. She is deliciously kinky and very, very enthusiastic. She’s gone in the little red book.” The little red book was a term Maz used for those who merited a repeat performance.




“Yes, particularly about fisting.”


“Fisting? You do that?”


“Not until then.”


“Who was the fistee?”


“She was of course. What do you think?”


“What was it like? For you I mean?”


She thought about it for a few moments. “Well,” she said eventually, “it was nice and warm.”


I spluttered and spilled a little wine. “Nice and warm?” I began to laugh. Max did too and I kept saying ‘nice and warm’ through my laughter until we were both cackling inanely and laughing until it hurt. As so often happened with me and Maz our hilarity led to another bout of energetic sex. Mother nature’s way of shutting us up, I guess.




My agent, Felicity (Flick) Caterham had asked me, well commanded me to attend at her office. Her new right-hand woman was what Flick’s sister, my best mate Lilly would have called exotic. She was tall, extremely beautiful, Indian and built like a wet dream, well, my wet dreams anyway.


Rita, for such was her name, told me to proceed into Flick’s inner sanctum where Flick, to my amazement, stood up, came around her desk and kissed me.


“You’re firing me?” Strictly speaking, I was the client, she the agent but as so often in these relationships, the agent is the leader because it is she who gets the work.


“Cynic. No, I am not ‘letting you go’ I am showing my genuine affection and now we’ve got that out of the way, to business.”


Business was interrupted by Rita arriving with a tray of glasses and an ice bucket with champagne.


“It’s 10 in the morning for fuck’s sake!” exclaimed Flick.


“It’s Miss Millerton, Miss Caterham.”


“If you call me Miss Caterham again I shall explode. And this,” she waved a hand vaguely in my direction, “this is Millerton.” Rita popped the cork, poured three glasses and handed one each to me and Flick then sat down crossing those impressive legs. Flick maintained that the industry was still mainly run by men and having beautiful women in her agency did no harm. Yes, she always said, politically incorrect but economically substantiated, so fuck it.


Rita raised a glass to me. “Cheers, Faye.”


I smiled beatifically at her. “Cheers Rita.” I turned to Flick, “We like her, Flick, she’s a keeper.”


“Miss,” she stressed the word, “Miss Millerton has, it must be admitted, risen higher in the firmament than might have been predicted when first my sister begged me to take her on as a client.”


“You fibber! She told me you asked her to set up a meeting at one of her parties!” Lilly’s parties were legendary.


“Sparing your feelings, no doubt. But, as I was saying Rita, my sister, Lilly, begged me to take her on and since then I have guided her gently and kindly through the maze and up the greasy pole despite,” she tapped a glossy nail on her desk, “despite a string of embarrassing and potentially career-destroying indiscretions, not least the German girl outside that sleazy bar you found her in.” (For the full story, read the first Rising Star.)


“She was American.” How many times had I said that?


‘And the Mayoress of Bradford.” Oh God, yes, that was a truly embarrassing moment.




A brief digression. The manager of the Compton Theatre, Bradford was a mate from drama school. He, Lionel Gammel, was a brilliant director but also a man who believed art was good for communities and instead of going to Hollywood or the west-end where he would no doubt have made a fortune, he had chosen to work in less auspicious surroundings, doing what he loved for the people around him. I loved him and occasionally did a show for him at mate’s rates (which Flick pretended to frown on). Lionel had called me.


“Faye, I need your help.”


“It’s not the goats again?”


He laughed. “No, it’s subsidence.”



“The fucking theatre is falling down!” The long and the short of it was he needed to raise over a million pounds to get the building repaired. We mounted a campaign and I got a few actor and actress friends to do a show gratis and we all did a few local and national tv appearances to raise interest and eventually we raised the money.


The incident to which Flick referred was the night of the last performance of the charity show. It had been a review, a series of sketches or extracts from plays etc. Maz Foster was with me and we shared a dressing room. Most nights we left at the interval because we had nothing to do in the second half but because there was going to be a bit of a presentation when the curtain came down, we stayed in the dressing room and, inevitably, shared a bottle of gin Maz had brought.


We sat there in our underwear and drank and chatted and, because Maz looked fabulous I knelt in front of her and gave her a good tongue exercise until she had a fairly noisy orgasm. None of this would have mattered if, whilst wired for a microphone and later on stage, I had not forgotten said microphone and whispered, ‘I can still taste you,’ and it was heard by, the press, the cast, a few of the audience and, of course, the Lady Mayoress. Needless to say, in our cups, Maz and I thought this was hilarious but not everyone shared our opinion.


Flick was absolutely incandescent and would have told us both to fuck off had it not been for lovely Lionel who called her and said the publicity had gone ape and he’d had money pouring in from all over. Every cloud.




“So,” said Flick, “despite her success it is incumbent on us, you and me, when she is here in England and on Hattie, when she is in the States, to keep her fucking leash on.” Her voice had risen a little. “She is a loose cannon; totally unreliable, juvenile, idiotic.”


I poked my tongue out at her and said, “You missed out adorable.”


“QED. She has been doing the Singapore thing and, so far as we are aware there have been no unfortunate incidents there. But she is about to be considered for a part, a very big part.” I could tell Rita knew all this, so it was for my benefit. “Tell her, Rita, I cannot bring myself to give the silly cow good news.”


Rita smiled. “It’s called ‘The Court of the Kennedys.’ You get to play Jackie.”


“If,” Flick interrupted, “if you behave!”


“Is it right for me?” Now, I knew Flick would never let me do something that wasn’t right for me but I always loved winding her up.


She slapped her hand on her desk. “No, you moron, it’s completely fucking wrong for you so it’ll end your career and I shall earn no more fees from you. I’ve been trying to sabotage you for years!”


I raised my glass and did my sweetest smile. “Well, cheers Flick, cheers Rita. Let’s see if I can fuck this up?”




The director, Delia Coraventone met me, early one evening, at the Savoy, one of London’s most opulent hotels. She was a striking women, not much taller than I but very slim, understated clothes which were obviously expensive, short greying brown hair, minimal makeup, absolutely no jewellery.


“What do you know about her?” I’d read all I had time to read and reeled it off as if I was dragging it from my memory – I’m an actress don’t forget. She seemed impressed. “Let me hear your American accent.” That seemed to pass muster. “You have a reputation.”


“Is that good or bad?”


“In your case it is, I would say, mixed. Okay, you can act and you’re bankable but you have been described as accident-prone.” Her tilted eyebrow made it a question.


I knew either she or the producers or both wanted me for the role and I knew this was a bit of posturing; maybe even an attempt to keep my fees down. “Cora, you have an amazing reputation. People say you are brilliant, demanding, eccentric, passionate and a fucking nightmare to work with. We’ll get on well, don’t you think.” It’s funny how having a shed load of money makes one braver. Fifteen years earlier and I’d have been on my knees begging.


Despite my lack of need, I was relieved when she smiled. “Yes, I rather think we will. I’ll get the suits to sort things with Flick. We don’t need to sully our hands with money, do we?”


We ordered champagne and drank it. Cora, disappointingly, was straight so the meeting over I made my way to one of the clubs that I’d learned about from other stars who shared my interests. If Maz had still been around I’d have called her but she was off on a trip to what she called her ‘almost woman’ who lived in Scotland so she could have some fun before her West End opening.


The club was elegant, expensive and exclusive. I went into the bar and took a seat at a small table. It was almost ten o’clock and the place was busy.


“You’re Faye Millerton.” I hate it when people say that. It’s as if I might have forgotten and the temptation is always to reply with something like, “Gosh, really? I thought I was Joan of Arc,” but I didn’t because the woman who said it was tall, slim, very short-haired, a little more than slightly androgynous (which often does it for me) and a front bench member of the government.


“You’re Martina Hope.” She smiled. Who wouldn’t recognise the Home Secretary? What if I were to be photographed entering or leaving her home? Well, I thought, she’s open about her sexuality, she’s single, what can go wrong?


“Well, now that we have reminded each other who we are, can I get you a drink?”


“I’ve ordered but you’d be very welcome to join me.”


She sat. “Are you a new member?”


“Yes, I am relatively new. I joined but had to go abroad for a while, so I only came in once before.”


“Well, welcome then.” We sat in silence as the waitress, legs to heaven, good tits, big smile, long hair, served our drinks. “It’s a very discreet club which is, of course why I like it.”


“My agent likes it, she thinks I am indiscreet.”


“And are you?”


“No, but I like to wind her up.”


“You like mischief.”


“Of course. I live in a trivial world and sometimes it’s fun to make a bit of mischief.”


“I live in a very serious world and mischief is good there too.”


So we chatted, fenced verbally and generally sniffed around each other, drinking good Champagne until we both knew we were going to fuck.


“It had better be my place,” she said, “my bodyguard hates strange places.”


Her place was in Chelsea, near the harbour, a delightful little mews cottage. We travelled in her car with mine following. We sat together in the back and her bodyguard, a very athletic looking woman called, apparently, Michelle, sat in the front. She called me Ma’am and had checked my bag before we left the club. I nearly said, ‘you’re ok, I am not an assassin,’ but decided that might not be a good idea.


“Goodnight, Michelle. We’ll be fine till the morning. Would you tell Miss Millerton’s driver to come back around 8?” She turned to me. “I’m sorry if it makes you feel like a diary entry but that is what being in politics is I’m afraid.”


When Michelle had left, she sat down and said, “Would you mind taking your clothes off?” It was phrased like a request but this woman had command, authority and, I thought, an armed bodyguard. I stripped. She watched and if she was salivating, it wasn’t obvious. “Everything, please.” I had intended to but I thought a little display of modesty might wind her up a bit so I hesitated, then slowly eased my knickers down.


She stood up and came close. She touched me, first my hair, then my face, then my shoulder, then her hands grazed down my arms and she moved close. I could smell brandy on her breath. She loosened her tie (yes, a real man’s tie but, unusually, done right up – she even had a hankie in her breast pocket). She turned me around and pulled me back against her and continued her exploration, my tits, my stomach, my arse. Very gently, she pushed me so I was almost face down on what looked like a very expensive table. The next thing I knew she was tying her tie around my eyes. “Stay there.”


I heard her padding away and, after a few minutes, returning. Her hands roamed over my arse, my hips and at last and thank fuck between my legs because Faye was getting eager now and I wanted it. I knew it was going to be rough, I could tell. Without warning, she grabbed my hair tightly and pulled my head up. At the same time, she pushed the tip of her strapon between my lips, held it there for a few seconds and then, leaning down and kissing my neck she rammed it into me.


I gasped and I am sure she growled. She was having me, taking me and it was all for her. No question it worked for me too but this was a straight forward, rough rogering which was exactly what I had wanted. She didn’t last long. She suddenly tensed, drove into me and held herself there, deep, pressing and pulling my hair and a long moan escaped her lips. Seconds later, she stood me up, indifferent to whether I had cum or not and removed the blindfold. She was naked and her body was fabulous in the half-light. Her tits were high and proud and her nipples were hard, her eyes dilated.


“Come with me.”


Taking my hand she led me upstairs to a small, tidy bedroom. The sex that followed was gentler. “I needed that, “she said, “selfish, I know but I did. You were fabulous.”


“I thought you upheld Home Office values splendidly.”


She laughed. “Get on that bed, legs apart and welcome the Minister of State into you.”


“Like the holy ghost?”


“Oh, fuck no. Not the least like the holy ghost.” She fucked me again, over me and, a little later behind me and then with me on my knees. I don’t know how many times I climaxed but I do know that by morning I had slept about fifteen minutes and knew I needed a good sleep when I got home.




“Do you ever fucking learn?” Flick on my phone a couple of days later. “The Telegraph has an exclusive. I quote, ‘Does this mean a Damehood for Millerton? Famous actress leaves the Home Secretary’s home in Chelsea after an early breakfast meeting.’ I simply don’t believe you.”


“I’d like a Damehood.”


“I’ve had the producers of the Kennedys on.”


“They must be pleased I have an interest in politics. Breakfast meetings are very much the thing with senior politicians. Very useful background for my role.”


“I have no idea why, but they do seem okay about it. They were simply asking if you were in a relationship with the Home Secretary and that it might make any of the political stuff difficult. I told them you were a total imbecile, incapable of any sort of intelligent behaviour and the Home Secretary was simply interested in the arts.”


“Well, that’s all good then. Delia Coraventoni liked me.”


“Don’t tell me you tried to bed her too.” I hung up, smiling.

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Nicole slowly opened her eyes and looked around the sparsely furnished room, sighed and wondered one more time if she had made the right decision. She scooted up in the old rickety wooden slated bed, leaning back against the headboard her back supported only by a single dingy yellow pillowcase. The movement to sit up caused the stiffly starched yellow-white sheet to slide down her body revealing her smallish breasts to the morning light that was streaming in through the broken Venetian blinds....

3 years ago
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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poachers ProgressChapter 17 The Western Star

If I had dropped my breeches and exposed my buttocks it would not have exceeded the astonishment my statement caused on the quarterdeck. Mouths dropped open in amazement, and I dare say also in ignorance as to where Pondicherry was located. Captain Ramsey was the first to react. “Mister Stiles, a heading for Cape Town, if you please.” The sailing master gave a quick ‘aye, aye, Sir’, and went to the binnacle and his charts. “Mister Moore, all hands to wear ship. We will take a southerly...

4 years ago
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Star and a Quickie Squirting on a Car Seat

On one gloomy, rainy Saturday in October, Star decided to take a three-hour drive back home to relax for the weekend. During her time back home she paid a visit to her 101-year-old grandmother, whose mind was still sharp enough to ask her when she was going to get that special man. At 22-years-old and emotionally unavailable, Star just smiled and said: "Grandma, when I meet a man who is good enough to meet you, is the day I will settle down."That was all her grandma needed to hear before...

Quickie Sex
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Star An Anal Testing Subject

Her name is Star and she is about to be used as an anal testing ground for four men and their craftsman handiwork.There was a whirring noise as she felt her bound body rise back up. Her spread, suspended and very sore ass cheeks had been just kissing the cold hard floor as her body hung there from a wooden beam, tied up by ropes biting into her ankles and legs. Her arms were pinned tight with yards and yards of rope behind her. They were aching from the pressure of more rope that was tied off...

1 year ago
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The DST Agent Star Command Bravo

The DST Agent, Star Command Bravo It had been a long trip to get here, Stephanie sat back now cuddled in Tops arms, feeling his strength and love as he held her. They'd watched the rest of her command as they filed past two days ago. Some saying they were going to retire, others asking her blessing to go sign on with the Slammers, and following Major Jinx Hammer's squad. She still had no clear idea what she wanted to do though. She kept telling herself she was retired, or going to...

4 years ago
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My WarChapter 7 Intrigue

Maria was waiting for Tony at the reception when he arrived at the Embassy, she jumped into his arms, and gave him a big kiss, taking him by surprise as he came in the door. She had gone to great trouble with her hair and appearance for the event, and Tony felt quite honoured to be escorting such a beauty. She had to wipe some of the lipstick off his face before she introduced him to her parents. Her father was Senor Carlos Calverez the Military Attaché and Tony assumed from the way he held...

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Twinking Star

Twinkling Star Written by Dauphin http://dauphinsworld.activeboard.com/ Fame is a strange addiction to have. You are in the media and there are even fan clubs and fan pages for you. It can be strange when people discuss your every move on the Internet. It is strange when you read and hear people that love your work and others that hate your work. This is the story of Angel Valesnski. Despite the name, he was a boy. He started in commercials when he was 4 and was in a block buster...

1 year ago
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Daddy Makes Me A Star

This story is entirely 100% fictional! I always wanted to be a singer, but I lacked the confidence to get up on stage. However, every day had me in front of my mirror faking it as I sang into my hairbrush and copying the moves of the real stars. I dreamed of what it would be like to have the fancy clothes, and the guys lusting after me and all the perks of being someone famous, but it was never going to come true for me, not in a small town, and not with me lacking the guts to actually try. One...

2 years ago
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Galaxy Star

Galaxy star [email protected] (Sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes. I am not perfect. Most readers have patience; others think the story sucks if there are mistakes. I do try though) Did you ever have a bad day at school? When you came home, you just wanted to hide in your bed and forget all about life. That's the way I felt one day. I mean it was not the teacher's fault, which is a change, but it was the boys in my class. Why can't they just be normal? My name is Jade....

2 years ago
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OHGIRL Porn Star 4

I sat in the makeup chair in the late afternoon on Wednesday, smoking my cigarette as the girl touched up my lipstick. I was getting ready to shoot my sixth DP this week, the first four of which were shot two on Monday and two on Tuesday. My morning shoot was done and I had already cleaned up and changed for my final regular scene in my Double Penetration series of films. I had taken on two different actors for each scene and they all had ended with internal cum shots in both my ass and pussy....

4 years ago
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Political ReElection

Wendy walked around my desk to stand next to me. She reached down started rubbing my cock. I told her, “Don’t start something you can’t finish.” I felt myself getting hard as she kept rubbing me. Then she looked up at me and asked, “Just how big are you?” I have to admit, I have always felt that I was well endowed, being just a little over nine inches long and real thick, almost as thick as a ball bat. I replied to her, “Let me show you,” and I pulled my pants down slightly and pulled my...

4 years ago
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Lactation Inspires BigCocked Political Bedfellows Part One Big Jim

I think it’s fair to say that most people don’t grow up thinking about running for political office, and it’s usually personal circumstances that evolve to encourage them to do so. That is certainly the case with my husband Ed, and you might be interested in learning the path we took to his becoming elected to be the State Representative for our district in 2012. My name is Abigail, but everyone calls me Abi, and Ed and I grew up in a rural, farming county in the Deep South in the late 1990s....

1 year ago
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Lactation Inspires BigCocked Political Bedfellows Part Two Father and Grandfather

My name is Abigail, and in Part One of my story I explained how my husband, Ed, and I were thirty years old and owned a farm. We were in financial trouble due to a bad year for our crops. An old friend of my father, Franklin, and our family, named Big Jim, was a major political player in the county, and he had been trying to get Ed to run for State Representative. His daughter, Kimberly, and I were good friends in high school too. When Jim found out that we needed help and that I was also...

2 years ago
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The Memory Star

I was twenty-eight when my Grandma Pearl passed away. I still remember every moment of that call. I knew immediately it was bad news. My great Aunt Mary didn’t make many phone calls. “Emily, are you sitting down?” Aunt Mary said. “I don’t know how to tell you this. It’s your Grandma Pearl. She died today.” I didn’t cry then, or at the funeral, or even in the several months since. Grief waited, skulking in the corners of my mind before finally sneaking up on me, like a house cat – lazy and...

3 years ago
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A Star Trek Plot Suggestion

A Star Trek Plot Suggestion By Ricky Space... The Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise... If you are a Trekkie I don't have to continue any farther, you can hear Captain Kirk's voice reciting those famous lines until, without a shred of political correctness, he proclaims: "To go where no MAN has gone before!" I have just received a report from a Star Trek convention held in Buffalo, NY where someone, perhaps one of our sisters, brought a...

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Riding on this bus always sucks, but eventually we get to where we are going and then we get to play. There is always a good part with every bad part I guess. The ride gives me time to think between shows. I play bass guitar and lead vocals for a rock band out of Columbus, Ohio. We aren't too bad , actually we're pretty good. But this summer we've done a lot of traveling around the Midwest. All to finally get that big break. Pretty good for an 19 year old schmuck from a little town in Indiana....

Straight Sex
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Star Wars The Tie FighterChapter 5 A Dirty Little War

I suddenly had trouble breathing and my vision fogged up as waves of powerfully strong emotions crashed over me. Through the tears welling up in my eyes I reread the message several times to make sure that it was real. J'Una alive? Could it really be? Where the fuck was Tatooine anyway? I was so overcome that I became somewhat giddy and I think I even jumped up and down a little. Not what you'd expect from a veteran Imperial TIE fighter pilot, but there it is. I must have made more noise...

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A Star Is BornNaked

My dream was finally coming true, only now it seemed more like a nightmare. For years I labored trying to get a break in the theater. I worked dinner theater, summer stock in godforsaken places, small community theatres and even off-off-off Broadway. I eked out a living doing the usual waitressing and temp jobs. Sharing a rat-hole apartment in New York with three other struggling actors, I was the guest at more pity-on-me dinner parties than I could count. My small circle of friends tried to...

4 years ago
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Sally becomes a porn star by accident

Sally becomes a porn star by accidentThere are key moments in life which, when looked back on, change your direction and perspective completely.The seminar which Sally was contracted to cover certainly changed her life, but in the most unexpected way.Sally was a 24 year old free-lance journalist writing for magazines like Hello and FHM and occasional items for the local radio and newspapers when this story took place. Nottingham born in 1980, she was brought up since she was 12 years old by her...

2 years ago
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The Academy Chapter II The star of the show

A subtle yellowish light was sneaking through a small crevice in the curtains. In her exhaustion, Camille had forgotten to close them properly. The invading light slowly covered her skin as the sun came out; it had been a warm night and she had taken her clothes off. The light started at her feet, exalting her long legs. At 6 a.m. the lower half of her body was bathed in a golden light; her lace panties clearly outlining the shape of her pussy. She was damp and her clit hinted through the...

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Lucky Star

Born Under A Lucky Star By Stefanie Flowers Despite an unfortunate start in life, I believed that I had been born under a lucky star. Right now it's light was obscured by heavy clouds but at some time in the future the sky would clear, it's light fill the sky and good fortune would come to me. That thought was all that kept me going during the darkest days of my very troublesome childhood. Having paid my dues as a child I was sure to benefit from good luck and fortune for the rest...

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Jenny becomes a porn star by chance

There are key moments in life which, when looked back on, change your direction and perspective completely.The seminar which Jenny was contracted to cover certainly changed her life, but in the most unexpected way.Jenny was a 24 year old free-lance journalist writing for magazines like Hello and FHM and occasional items for the local radio and newspapers when this story took place. Nottingham born in 1980, she was brought up since she was 12 years old by her grandparents on her Dad's side after...

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OHGIRL Porn Star 2

My summer vacation was nearly half way over and I was finally getting quite a few offers to do movies. Whether it was the parties that John threw, to get his contract girl’s names and faces out there to the directors and porn executives, or the connections I made at the events we attended. I had been hired to shoot 20 different scenes over the last 35 days. John explained to me that many of the films I would start out in would be low budget and he was right. He had told me that it was hard for...

4 years ago
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Little Star

Debbie stared off in a distance as she sat in the passenger seat of her husband’s car. The ground was covered with snow that December in Wisconsin. Her body was in one place, but her mind was in another. Debbie and Travis drove in silence just listening to the sound of the car engine roaring away. Once they arrived home, it was the same ritual. Travis would go and watch TV and Debbie would go to their bedroom and read. She’d managed to read over 75 books in the last six months. Reading was a...

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My Wife a Topless Dancer or a Porn Star

Introduction: A wifes fantasy about being a topless dancer or a porn Star almost comes true! My Wife a Topless Dancer or a Porn Star The Cherry Pit A GO GO topless Bar and My wife Jane. Most of this story is true as my wife actually did apply for a job as a topless dancer and could have went to work dancing as one! I almost always stopped at the Cherry pit on my way home, I was never there very long, just long enough to get a nice hard on. The women were almost always attractive friendly...

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Star Command Bridging the Gap

Star Command, Bridging the Gap By: Malissa Madison "Commander, we have a flash message from the Council of First Beings," said my Aide as I stepped into my office for the morning. I picked up the communication crystal and went to my desk, then pressed the security switch to make my office secure from everyone else before I slid the crystal into the decoder wondering what was about to happen now. The Holo display lit up and I found myself viewing the entire Council minus Ash' Nihau...

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Falling Star

I woke up lying on my front. That was weird. I never sleep on my front. I was sleeping on my hand and I was surprised that it wasn't tingling from being crushed by my weight. It was conveniently near my crotch and already moving in to take care of my morning wood as if it had a mind of its own. I squoze and noticed immediately that something was wrong. No wood. No nothing but soft smooth cloth where my cock and balls should be. "What the fuck?" I jumped out of bed, barely noticing that I was...

Love Stories
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Star City Stories Enter Sandman

Hi Folks, thanks to everyone who read last week's story. Thanks even more to those of you who commented on it whether positive or negative. Everyone has their own opinion and there's nothing that anyone can write that every single person will like. This story continues the weirdness I've been exploring of late so some of you purists who've been writing me letters telling me that some of the stories aren't LW probably won't think this one is either. The story does involve a wife having sex...

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Star Wars The Tie FighterChapter 3 From the Badlands to the Death Star

GUSTAV had been in orbit about Resead for three days. Our mission during this time was to fly patrols in the surrounding system to guard against any further Rebel attacks, while the stormtroopers and other ground personnel solidified Imperial control of the planet. The badly damaged orbiting platform was also undergoing repairs. In addition to the patrols, I used the time for training. Our TIE squadrons and those of our sister frigate SHAMUS, which had been badly damaged in the attack on...

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Porn Star Babe Part One

As a hot, 20 year-old girly boy, I was invited by another girly boy to star in a porn movie with her. It sounded fun and I was adventurous sexually, anyway. So, becoming an actress getting lots of big loads of cum from her handsome co-stars was very exciting to me.The movie was shot in a private house where I drove to with my girlfriend, Chrissie Licks, a pretty, 21 year-old, aspiring porn star. Chris was a cute blonde when dressed as a boy. He was also a call boy who was popular with older gay...


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