Love Of PoliticsChapter 2: 1991 A Political Junkie Finds Sexuality free porn video

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Thinking it over - Home and Hearth

"You were great last night, you sexy devil!" His-fresh shaved face nuzzled my ear and I smiled without opening my eyes. "I gave them their cereal, so you can sleep in for half an hour."

David lingered and fondled my bare breasts while he nuzzled my neck.

"Thanks. I'm almost awake," I said. "You're a brute. Just look at the state you left me in."

He laughed with self-congratulating pleasure. "I gotta go, see you tonight!"

I sat up and then realized how accurate my description had been. David's cum slipped down my leg as I stood up and hurried to the bathroom, one hand trying to keep the flow from spotting the soft yellow carpet of our bedroom.

Cathy was at the door to catch her mommy darting across the room with wilted nightgown pressed between her legs and boobs bouncing gaily before her.

"Good morning honey, Mommy's coming. Just give me a minute."

I got welcome-home hugs and then they told me all the things that happened while I was gone.

A beautiful and welcome silence descended over the house as they ran for the school bus, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I took the pot of coffee and toast onto the terrace, settled into a cushioned chair by the glass table and stared into the rising sun of a beautiful fall day.

With elbows on the table and steaming hot cup clutched with both hands, I began reviewing what I had done.

Well how bad was it? I had leaned on his shoulder most of the drive home. I had enjoyed the male scent of him. I had flirted with him, but that was not out of the ordinary, we all flirt, right? But,... and it's a big BUT, I had definitely touched him first. Drowsy or not, I touched his cock. What's more I squeezed it and teased him into a state!

I fought to keep the smile off my face. But, I had really, really, teased him into a state! Poor Mark!

The question was whether or not I dared be around him anymore. Assuming that he wants to be around me, that is.

"Wait, wait a minute!" I heard myself saying, what about the fooling around you did?"

"But,... I didn't let him... you know. We didn't actually do it."

When I closed my eyes with guilty pain, I could see Mark's straight, strong cock jutting through my fingers and the soft warm cream flowing down over my hand.

"Well, it would have been terribly unfair to leave him without,... you know, to leave him hanging,,... I mean... it would have been... cruel," I argued.

The coffee tasted good this morning, I thought idly.

"But you enjoyed it! And besides, you showed him your boobs! You let him FEEL your boobs."

I winced at the memory of how brazenly I had shown them to him.

"And you enjoyed it, girl, you enjoyed him looking at them!"

"Well, he is so charming. So handsome."

"That's no excuse!"

I hate having a conscience. Consciences are always nagging.

"God, but he enjoyed them!" I couldn't resist the smile remembering how excited he was, sitting there looking at my breasts and then the gentle way he fondled them.

My conscience rattled on.

"I wonder if he is sitting with a cup of coffee thinking about my breasts this morning?"

"You're incorrigible! Not only that, you let him put his hand in your panties!"

"Not in! Not exactly in." I complained. "Just a little... just a little finger, actually."

My Rationale -

Throughout the day, the argument continued.

By afternoon, my decision was still not clear, but I had decided to let things run as they were. Mark and I saw each other rarely except for political meetings and they were not frequent, except in election years. We had few close friends in common, so we would not likely be thrown together more often than in the past. We both had agreed that we did not want sex to ruin a good friendship and that both of us were clearly devoted to our families.

"Why can we not enjoy the friendship and even some intimacy if it was not overdone?" I argued, out loud.

We both had plenty of energy. No one at home would be short-changed by anything we were likely to do. And besides, we would both always be involved in political activities, so much time was going to be spent away from family anyway. David had his own separate hobbies and pastimes that did not include me; this was my pastime! I truly loved being around politics and political people.

And so, if neither of us tried to push the friendship into something it could not be, we should be able to have a truly rewarding relationship. Why not? Let's see what develops. I just have to hope that he doesn't push for something more than that.

"You better hope you don't push for something more that that!" I muttered quietly as I watched the school bus stop at the corner. Mick jumped out, coat flying, book pack over one shoulder and ran toward home. Cathy sauntered along behind him, primly feminine, as if she marched to a different drummer entirely.

"Like father like son, and her mother's daughter." I thought with pleasure. "Aren't they beautiful?"

Just then the phone rang.

"Hi, Beth, it's Mark."

I wasn't sure if my heart sank or if it bounded.

"Oh, Hi! Got home all right, then?"

"Yep. Long ride, but awfully good company, I thought!" he said.

"True. I agree. Thanks for... everything."

"Listen, I don't want to keep you. Just wanted to hear your voice tell me that you will manage my campaign again next year?"

"Yes, yes, I thought if over some more, and I think I'd like that, Mark. If you are sure?" We were both fencing. I guess.

"Great! I couldn't be happier. Time flies so we we'll probably need to get together... soon, if that's OK.

"Yes, fine."

"Meanwhile, of course, if anything comes up, questions or anything, you can always give me a call. Anytime."

"Yes, always on the job! Right? I'm glad you called, Mark. And,... thanks for being such a friend."

"You too,... you too, Beth. Wonderful... being... with you. Bye, now."

What a relief. Enough of a call to be reassuring; enough to hear each other's voice. And yet just the right touch to reinforce the pleasure. On balance, I was glad that he called. I hoped that it wasn't just that I wanted to be romanced no matter what my resolve was.

Life is not simple, I concluded with another sigh.

First Slip - Alone By Accident, The Perfect Opportunity

In the new year, the fund-raisers became more frequent. Mark's second year in the legislature began and so he was in Lansing for sessions on Tuesday through Thursday. He liked to meet for updates at least every two weeks and so we would meet for coffee or occasionally lunch at various little restaurants.

Each time we were to meet or attend the same meetings, I found myself giving extra time to how i was dressed. At first I would shake my head to the mirror and scold myself for preparing as if it were a date. I eventually gave up and admitted that I couldn't help it.

Panties that had got a bit worn or tattered were not acceptable and I would toss them away and find a pair that were crisp and clean and pretty. I always wore skirts or dresses, because I knew that he liked them. But, for a few months, it was unnecessary because we were doing well at keeping our behavior perfectly businesslike.

It was only myself I was teasing. Feeling all sexy and looking starry-eyed at my handsome hero from across the room. I wore short skirts because he liked seeing my legs. At one fund-raiser I had even gone without a bra under a very fluffy, loose sweater. As I came down the steps of the stage I tripped and Mark caught me. His hand landed on my breast and so I figure he knows I am dressing for him too.

"I remember the feeling -- from my dreams," he whispered later. It sent a shiver down my spine and my panties were moist from his touch and the flirting.

I was looking for a place for a golf outing fund-raiser when spring arrived. A likely spot was a new course opening as a resort and conference center. They would open for the first time in the spring so it would be a new course and it would be good advertising for them. I had been invited to come for a meal to check the place out and bring someone along as a "date." At the last minute, David was called out of town and couldn't go with me, and so I called Mom to sit with them. I'm lucky that she's always willing to stay with her grandchildren.

My cell phone rang and Mark was there asking to set up a coffee meeting. I told him that I was on my way to look over the conference center.

"Really? Well, I'm ahead of schedule. I'd like to see that place. Why don't I meet you?"

So that's how it happened.

I met the manager who showed me around the conference facilities.

"I'm Lisa," she said. "Anything at all I can do, please let me know."

She opened doors on several conference rooms, each different.

"We can accommodate groups of any size, as you can see. Small cozy rooms with fireplaces for committees, medium size with refreshment bars in the back and all the AV equipment in the cabinets in the back."

She strode down the outdoors walkways from building to building. and finally came to a separate lodge at the end of a long walkway. "And this is an example of one of the guest suites. Yours for the night, by the way." I was confused. I had told them I wouldn't stay overnight, but it had seemingly gone unnoticed. I told Lisa that someone else would arrive shortly and want to look around, too.

'Oh, good. I have to leave shortly, though. I'm sorry. Do you think if I gave you keys you could do the tour? Of course any of the staff will be happy to help, but people usually are more comfortable on their own, to discuss the facilities."

"Yes, of course, that's no problem," I replied.

Back at the main lodge, she introduced me to Gene the bartender and Carl, the chef. She said her goodbyes and left me in the little bar off the dining room.

"There is a big gang coming in for dinner. Some company kicking off a training session, So things will liven up soon, I'm afraid," Gene said as he delivered his specialty - a tall, cool, Long Island Iced Tea. I sipped gratefully and relaxed in the soft high stool and thumbed through the material Lisa had left.

"Aha, there you are!." Mark said, putting his hand on my shoulder briefly and then taking a stool. Gene offered a drink and we moved to a table and huddled over the layout of the place. All very businesslike, we were.

"I have keys to everything, so we can see the conference facilities if you want to. Not much to see on the golf course in the dark."

Mark raised his eyebrows and grinned.

"And still too cold for that!" I laughed. The drinks went down like velvet.

"You look pretty, by the way," he said with a sincere smile.

"Thank you galant sir. You always make me feel so good!" I said, my hand on his arm.

We began our tour, me searching the key rings for the right ones and turning lights on as we explored.

The AudioVisual supplies are terrific. Look at this closet. It's like an extra room!

Being in the little room together was too much. We stood close together at last and I looked up at him. His lips nuzzled mine and we just stood still like that for a minute, then parted and he turned and walked out. My nipples were turned on by the kiss and I knew that my panties were already getting moist.

We continued the tour, meeting only a few staff members who offered help or made suggestions.

And finally we went back to the main lodge for dinner. I had not mentioned the suite. It had caught in my throat unspoken. Just thinking about it made my nerves tremble and my knees weaken slightly.

Dinner was in a high ceiling room with huge wood beams and stained glass windows. The big group had arrived and was milling around the dining room having drinks and getting ready for dinner. They had a small combo playing dinner music in one corner of the room and a bar set up in the far end.

"Are you pressed for time Mark, or can we have a leisurely dinner?" I asked.

"Yes, of course. Actually, I'm completely free. Phyllis is out of town for the weekend."

After I caught my breathe, I said, "Ah... Oh, good, two bachelors... out on the town? I mean, David is away too." I was suddenly a little uncomfortable. And, I knew it was going to be impossible to mention the suite now.

We sipped the wine and talked about the legislative session Mark had just come from. The fun of the political activities had me on a high again and our conversation was lively and fun. The big group gathering in the room went largely unnoticed, we were so engrossed in our own conversation. Mark was alternately amusing and serious. I hardly noticed when his ankle made contact with mine under the table. I answered with a slight pressure of my own and conversation stopped for just a moment as we looked into each other's eyes.

Mark excused himself for a few minutes and I looked around at the business group. It passed through my mind that my husband was in just such a group tonight, in some place just like this. There were more men than women, but quite a few women. I could see the little clusters of men and women flirting, laughing, having a good time. It was impossible not to accept the fact that David was somewhere doing this same flirting. But I had long ago accepted that fact about his life as a salesman and then sales manager.

Mark glanced around the room and sat down again. "Now, enough of this political stuff. How have you been? I think about you often when I don't see you."

They brought rack of lamb and we made eyes at each and let the succulent juices run down our cheeks like one of those Henry the Eighth dinners.

"This is the most relaxed I've been in months. Do you know why?"

"Half a bottle of wine and two of Gene's best drinks?"

"No, because of you. You are the one person I seem able to be completely comfortable talking with."

"Now that's not true, you are the most... no, I won't say the obvious. I do happen to know what you mean. It is nice to have someone to talk to. I feel it too. So, I won't boost your ego by telling you how good you are talking to people." I laughed.

"Yeah, well you know what I mean. Some of that's like being onstage and reciting lines."

Dessert was something wild and pretty. Caramel dribbled all over a chocolate construction and berries alongside.

Our waiter arrived with a bottle of Champagne. "This is the best in the house, sir, would you like me to open it now?

"Shall I put it on a room charge? It's 201, isn't it, the Cottage?"

I looked into Mark's eyes and replied, "Yes, that's it."

"No, no, this is personal, it's a gift. Don't open it. Here, I'll give you my credit card."

Turning to me, he held the bottle out to me with a smile. "I hope it's all right. I want you to have a reminder on your bookshelf or someplace."

"A reminder?" I asked, taking the bottle and staring at it.

"You don't remember? You said our friendship would be like a bottle of champagne that you save to open for special occasions? On the way back from convention."

"Oh, sorry, Mark. Yes, I remember, it was beautiful! And thank you. I'll put it away. Such a nice way to remember; do you have a pen? I want to put the date on it."

"The date of the convention, then, Beth. I'll always remember it. September 9, 1990." Mark wrote on the label and handed it back. I leaned across and kissed his cheek.

"He said you had a room?" Mark finally said. It had clearly just dawned on him. Or was he embarrassed.

I stared across the candles and watched the candlelight flicker on his face for a long minute.

A shiver ran down my spine. "Yes... I... told them I wouldn't need one,... but they forgot... but then, when they handed me the key,... I didn't... I kept it."

Our ankles pressed together more tightly. Mark leaned his elbows on the table and looked into my eyes.

"Does that mean that we need to make a decision?" He looked at me, a question on his face.

I nodded slowly and his eyes melted mine.

After a long time he asked. "And have you decided?"

"Yes?" I said, with a question in my voice.

His smile answered the question.

Maybe we could have one dance? he said. We could hold each other close on the dance floor without causing a scene. As we swayed with the music, neither of us said anything for a minute. Then I felt his lips kiss my ear through my hair.

"Wonderful," he said quietly.

'Do you think?" I replied and nodded against his shoulder.

He pressed my body tightly against his and I pressed my thigh between his. We rocked back and forth together feeling the heat between our bodies. I thought I could feel him getting hard already.

"Yes, wonderful. You're wonderful!" His lips nibbled at my hair.

We returned to the table and had trouble with small talk. Just touching under the table.

"Why don't we sign the check, then?"

I smiled at his eagerness, and nodded.

"Sorry," he grinned, "but it's true, I... really... can't wait. Sorry." He laughed and looked skyward.

"I'd let you feel my heart pounding, but I'm afraid it would cause a scene. I'm exited too.'

We thanked the waiter and signed the ticket.

"I should go out the front door and move my car. Shall I come back..."

"I'll go to the suite. You can walk over from the car park." I slipped one of the key cards into his hand and squeezed it. "'Ill be waiting."

We parted and I strolled across the boardwalks to the suite, alone, deep in thought.

The Suite - Preparing The Scene

My heart rate must have been about the level of a marathon runner. I was about to have my first extramarital affair. I don't know what others feel when they take this step, but I was scared and tense. I slowed my walk, almost stopping, and thought it over once again. But, I decided that I wanted this. What I didn't want was to have it turn out badly, to feel cheap and tawdry. I began to focus on what I could do to make it as perfect as possible. I wanted it to be a thrill and to be beautiful. I wanted the earth. That made me smile; it was too close to that old saying about having the earth MOVE! I giggled and felt a little naive.

I wished that I had take off a couple more pounds. And thought of the imperfections of my body, that a new person, a new man was about to see. My god, I'm going to be naked with someone other than David!

"Maybe he'll chicken out!" I heard myself say as I fumbled the key card in backwards and got a red light. I turned it and got the green light. I pushed the door in with relief. I hurried into the bathroom to make myself over. How did I want to appear? Undress and hope there was a robe. Leave my clothes on. Would David prefer to undress me, or have me spring on the scene nude? Besides, I wanted Mark to undress me himself. I wanted to see that excitement in his eyes again, the way he looked at my breasts on the drive home from the convention.

"Ah, well, there's no way I can get my nerve up to do that anyway."

I took off my pantyhose and piled them on the vanity, leaving them like a little cloud of femininity that men can't resist. Pantyhose may look tacky hanging around the bathroom to dry, but puffed up and warm from a woman's body was sexy and exciting to men. I'm not sure why exactly, but who am I to argue?

Then I began thinking that he had changed his mind. I paced. I examined the fruit basket the manager had sent and a second bottle of champagne also from the manager. I found some candles and lighted four of them, two in the sitting room two in the bedroom.

The room was decorated in muted fall colors with splashes of orange as accent. There was a tiny kitchen and two soft fluffy loose pillow sofas an easy chair and a TV. Soft music was coming from the TV, but no picture was on.

"Where should I be when he comes in?" I thought in a panic. " Lounging against the doorway? Sitting over here on the sofa?"

One wall was a huge mirror and I looked at myself critically. I wore a blue dress with white trim and a full skirt with slash pockets. I put my hands in the slash pockets and found myself posing in front of the mirror. I liked the dress. The slash pockets gave me a gracious, leggy, casual, confident look of a woman fully ready to be seduced. I smiled nervously about that thought.

I was nervous about everything. I realized that I was trembling.

I finally got hold of myself and took a deep breath, trying to relax.

When I heard the door rattle, I lost it and ran to meet him there! Not cool, but...

Mark slipped inside. "Sorry - got lost on the paths," he laughed.

"I'm so nervous I can't believe it. Are you? Do you think..." My voiced faded, not sure I wanted to ask if he thought we were doing the right thing. Wanting to go ahead, but not wanting to.

"Yes,... my heart is in my throat. But... nervous happy, though."

And then he simply swept me up into his arms and began a long kiss. I leaned back in his arms, my hands behind my back, determined to let my body just be worshipped for a few minutes. My hands found the back of a sofa and I just let him have his way. Mark's hands cupped my face as his lips explored mine softly. I didn't touch him, I just let my body go and he quietly and gently explored me. His tongue searched and found mine. His hands moved slowly from my face down my shoulders and then discovered my breasts. I thrust them into his hands and watched him devour them with his eyes and then press his lips between them in the V of my dress. He left me wanting more as his hands fondled my waist. His head moved back and forth as he continued our kiss. I nibbled his lower lip, then let him press his tongue deeper in my mouth. His hands moved my body in a little rocking movement as he held my waist and sank slowly lower, his lips finally coming away from mine.

His hands were on my hips as he knelt in front of me, looked up into my eyes and then slowly pressed a kiss on my mound through the dress and panties. The silky quality of the dress made it slip sexily over the panties. My hands were still on the back of the couch and I looked down at his big brown eyes. My knees might not have held me if I weren't leaning on the sofa.

Mark moved his hands around my hips and spread his big hands on the cheeks of my bottom, squeezing me, fondling me. I noticed his eyes close for a moment as he sensuously explored me. I love having my bottom fondled. It must be one of my most erogenous zones. I loved the way Mark did it, too. He spent a lot of time teasing his hands back and forth; then he slipped his hands under my dress and continued with his hands on my panties. Then he slipped his hands up under my panties and his hands felt loving and gentle on the globes of my bottom. I shuddered with the sensation and suddenly wished my bottom were a little smaller. What was he going to think when he saw me without clothes?

I lifted my full skirt and put it over his head. He moaned and I could feel his cheek press against my stomach as his hands played under my pink panties. His hands slipped from under the elastic and down my legs, fondling and stroking along to the back of my knees. His lips pressed against my pussy mound and I could feel his mouth moving from one thigh to the other across the firm mound of my pussy. I parted my legs a little further and his hand slipped up my thigh to touch my pussy. I could feel the length of his finger pressing along the crotch of my panty and exploring the fleshy lips of my pussy.

"Am I wet there?" My nervous voice said in a hushed question.

"Mmmmm Hmmmmm!"

"See what you do to me?"

I pulled my dress up and reached for him, leading him into my arms and back to my lips. I spread my legs wider and pulled him closer, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Oh, Mark, that was sweet."

Neither of us wanted to move and we stood in each other's arms pressing against each other. I pulled at his tie and dropped it behind me. I unbuttoned his shirt and slipped my hand inside to feel his chest and squeeze his nipples.'

"At last I have had a good view up your skirt," he said through clenched teeth.

"Well, you've been trying for nine years. I got tired of fighting." I said.

"I don't want to move away from this position but I do need to visit the men's room. Also, maybe I can find something and for you to sip while I continue to drink you."

"I didn't come prepared to entertain strange men. Would you consider lending my your shirt as a nightie?"

"Mmmmmmmm, sounds nice," he murmured against my lips. "But what will I wear?"

"Nothing!" I giggled. "Nothing at all!"

He hurried off down the hallway. My "poufy" pile of pantyhose waited to further entrap him.

He came out of the bathroom with his shirt in his hand but with his suit still on. "Didn't have the nerve. He said, grinning. He looked sexy though, a smooth tanned bare chest under the jacket of an unusually rich shade of medium brown.

The Seduction - First Time Clumsy Partners

He led me to a sofa in front of the fireplace.

"Now where were we? I mean the last time?" he said, smiling at me. I pulled my legs up on the couch and slipped into his arms.

"Like this, I think."

"Mmmmm, yes, but you were letting me see more of you," he laughed, reaching for the buttons of my dress.

As the dress came open, he slipped his hand over my pink lace bra and squeezed me. Our kisses were moist and full of tongues searching each other, trying to get closer and deeper into each other. He turned me so I was lying across his chest, my breasts visible. I thrilled at the way he looked at them, such an excited, hungry look. He slipped his hand under my dress and between my legs. He explored my pussy with his fingertips and urged my legs apart so his hand could cup me in a delicious, comforting caress that made me feel completely secure in his hand. He seemed to be holding my whole body in that one hand. At last, I was relaxed. I moved my pussy against his hand, encouraging the caress. It felt like I was caressing his hand with my mound.

"Oh, you're making me so wet. Sorry."

"OH, god, that is so... nice... knowing you are that excited." He squeezed me and i moved against him as my lips devoured his a little bit more. "And I'm so glad you are wearing lipstick. I like the taste." His finger slipped past the elastic and touched my clitoris.

"Oh!" I muttered into his lips.

"Your breasts look beautiful like that," he said with a catch in his throat. I looked down to see that my pink bra was pushing curves up for his pleasure.

"Victoria's Secret! " I said. 'You like? I think it's a pretty bra. Last time I was embarrassed that I was wearing sort of tattered underwear, I'm a tramp. Since showing you my undies I've been shopping and replacing things... just in case... in case you looked again Am I terrible? I can't believe that I just confessed that to you!" I threw back my head and laughed.

"God, Beth, that is so... exciting... hearing that... is that true? For me?" I nodded and returned to sucking on his lips with enthusiasm.

"It's sexy having you talk to me about your underwear you know..."

"Yes, I guess I know that1" I whispered in his ear, sticking my tongue into the opening and feeling him shudder.

"I want you," he rasped. His finger slipped into my pussy for the first time and I gasped slightly. It was the initial surprise followed by a glow of pleasure that took my breath away for a moment. I pressed against his hand, asking for more.

"Put in another one, Mark." I said quietly, still nibbling his ear. He slipped the second one in and began finger-fucking me gently as I lifted my pelvis to encourage him. 'Oh,... that is nice."

He kissed my neck and then brought us to the brink, his voice tight.

"I want you, Beth." I clutched him closer and rolled my head as I lunged for his lips and delved in for his tongue as I answered his question.

"Just a moment." I murmured, let me take this off." I reached for the light blue shirt on the back of the couch. Mark squeezed my pussy snuggly and continued to stroke his fingers in my wet pussy for a little longer as he sucked on my tongue. He took his fingers out of me at last and sucked my taste from his fingers and then offered me a taste, too. I licked his fingers and then we put our tongues together with eyes closed and tasted together.

"You taste... so good." he breathed. And then smiled.

I walked toward the bedroom.

"Take it off there, Beth,... please?"

I stopped and took a deep breath and pulled the dress up over my head, slowly unveiling my bottom to him. I folded my arms over the shirt and dress and smiled over my shoulder at him and walked into the bedroom. I put on fresh lipstick and dabbed perfume behind my knees, on the inside of my thighs, between my breasts and behind my ears. I even ran a comb through my hair quickly and looked at myself in panties and bra, adjusting my breasts back into the uplifting cups. I slipped on Mark's shirt, smelling the faint sexiness of his scent. I left the top three buttons open and noticed that he would see a hint of my panties just below the tail of the shirt; I opened the bottom button too. I was as ready as I could be and I leaned forward for one last check in the mirror; looking at the cleavage he would soon be nuzzling.

Same as Love of Politics
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One of my good friends is a cum junkie. She'll take cum anywhere she can get it, and she'll swallow every last drop, but the one thing she loves the most and goes absolutely NUTS over is when guys cum inside her.She's obsessed with the feeling of it - she's, in her words, "addicted." When I asked her to explain why she loved it so much, she said that most women who can feel a guy cumming inside of them, but they can't necessarily feel the cum itself once the guy pulls out unless it oozes out of...

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Silkie Rachel Denis and Julian in Paris 1991 fr

Twenty years go by. Silkie Greene had to give up her dream of singing opera roles on stage and has been singing jazz for many years. She is headlining at Club Crocodil in Paris. Her sister Rachel, an internationally famous pianist, is on stage with her. Her friend and lover Denis DeRuhe is at the club to see both of them. All three of them have been lovers for and wth each other, for may years:Two months before this evening,Silkie had learned that her friend and lover, Denis, was HIV positive....

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JuniorChapter 5 The Summer of 1991 Meeting Pattis friends

It was the Fourth of July, 1991, and I was washing Holly's car when Sandy came out her front door, obviously dressed for a party. "Do you have someplace to go today, Sammy?" she asked when she reached her car. "Yes, I'm going to a cookout." Her smile was one of relief, probably because she wouldn't feel obligated to ask me to tag along with her. "I hope you have a good time." "Thanks, Sandy. Are you ready for your trip?" "I've packed everything, but I'll probably have to...

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A Fresh StartChapter 110 1991 In Our Nations Capital

I got a call from Marty on Monday afternoon, late. “I need to have my head examined, but I’m in. If you still want me, let me know. I haven’t given any notice yet.” “What about your law firm, Dewey Cheatem and Howe? Is this going to screw up any partnership bids? How does that work, anyway?” Marty snorted. “That’s part of it. I have been weighed in the balance and found wanting. I nosed around some this morning, and there won’t be a partnership offer made to me. At least, not under current...

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Teenage homeless junkie whats not to love

So, I had just left a strip club and was feeling unsatisfied. I'd managed to get out before handing over my life savings in the hope of a discrete handjob that was never going to arrive. So I was walking down the street, in a slightly seedy part of town, horny and frustrated, and slightly pissed off.I saw a girl walking by herself, pulling a small rolling suitcase behind her. Heading home from a trip, perhaps? I decided to have some fun. I slowly caught up with her and walked beside her for a...

5 years ago
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Teenage homeless junkie whats not to love

So, I had just left a strip club and was feeling unsatisfied. I'd managed to get out before handing over my life savings in the hope of a discrete handjob that was never going to arrive. So I was walking down the street, in a slightly seedy part of town, horny and frustrated, and slightly pissed off.I saw a girl walking by herself, pulling a small rolling suitcase behind her. Heading home from a trip, perhaps? I decided to have some fun. I slowly caught up with her and walked beside her for a...

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Cyber Junkie Tea 3

Tea: A juicy bit of gossip; it is a colloquialism. “Open your legs vide for me please.” “Okay,” Natalie lifted her legs and she inhaled the frazzled anticipation of what was coming next. “Varm vax now, dear.” Natalie felt a sensation about two degrees above warm on the left side of her vulva. This wasn’t bad at all. Nothing like Lauren told her a couple months ago. The downward strokes on her kitten were arousing. “And now, this should feel good.” The application of one white strip to the...

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Cocksucker 6 anal junkie

Cocksucker 6 - anal junkieA couple of days later I was on the way home from school and got a text message. "Ben, drop by when u can, P." It took a moment and then I remembered that Mr Dixon was called Peter. I texted back "OK around 6" and spent the rest of the bus ride thinking about his cock entering me again.As soon as I got in I went and showered, paying special attention to my cock and balls and asshole. Before I dressed, I took some lubricant and pushed it up into my ass with my fingers....

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Junkie Step Daughter in the hotel

I have a wife with a step daughter who is currently an addict on the street. It was my task to fly to Montreal and meet with her to see how we could help. It has been years since I have seen her and not sure what I was to expect. She was a brunette, perfect body, with a taller stature, so I just didn’t know what to expect. I arranged for her to meet me in the lobby of my hotel and I waited in the lounge. We were supposed to meet at 8PM and it was already 9PM. She arrived, in a red mini skirt,...

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Due Some LoveChapter 9 Council Political Wisdom

One of the Council Manager's tasks was to make reality, whatever imaginative fiction councillor's vote up, and to make sure that the council organisation operates efficiently, even if those two tasks were mutually exclusive. A certain someone, politically right of centre who sat in 'D' Ward, believed that all council staff should be able to do every other staff members jobs, and used his best car sales techniques to make a majority of other councillors agree with him. And ... no one...

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A Political Rally

I met Lisa at a political rally. She was standing behind me, cheering wildly, almost obnoxiously as the speaker revved up the crowd. I had gone with a friend, who left me alone while she charged off to network with fellow revelers, leaving me all alone in the grandstands.Lisa was a fiery red head, with steely blue eyes, a loud mouth, and an intense disposition when it came to politics. Her t-shirt screamed “look at me”, since it was about two sizes too small and she had a rather healthy bust...

Straight Sex
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Political Correctness

Political Correctness The Politics The political context of this story is important and increasingly real. Depending on your proclivities it may offer hope or despair or perhaps fantasy will become reality. I will leave you to judge. The UK Government seemed to be attracting more and more politicians who wanted to impose theoretical principles and social engineering techniques on its unsuspecting population. It was doing this whilst disregarding issues of infrastructure, good...

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Skunk Junkies

genre: ass worship,ass kissing, fondling, licking, butt sniffing, facesitting and facefarting._________________________________Allen and I had several things in common which drew us into friendship early in college. We were both from small towns and we fell somewhere between the labels of "dweebish" and "geekish". Throw in a little "nerdish" and I think you get the idea. We weren't bad looking. Just skinny and socially awkward, especially when it came to girls. If one looked our way, we...

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This wasn’t the first New Year’s Eve party we’d attended at our friend’s house but it was the most memorable one. When we got there the party was in full swing, probably about 60 people mostly couples but there were quite a few single people. I was chatting up a divorced woman, Lucy, she was 47 and had been ‘single’ for seven years. Donna had had a few lagers and was on the whisky, we met up in the kitchen when she said “Anyone here you fancy?” “Yes her over there” pointing at Lucy, “You” I...

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Silkies story for DenisParis 1991

(author's note): Silkie, now thirty-eight, is telling her lover Denis, about things that happened in her life before she was eighteen. I don't know if her anecdote violates guidelines for this site or not. Can fictional adults in a piece of fiction talk about events in their past? Silkie might even be making some of this up for Denis' pleasure, which adds yet another layer of fiction to the story, I don't know the answer, so I'll just put it out there and see what happens. Thanks!...

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Silkie and Denis in Paris 1991Silkie spins a tale

Denis went to his hotel.Silkie had to run a few errands. She went to his room two hours later. Denis had already finished most of a bottle of wine."You know I'm the kind of man who has a hard time getting hard after I've been drinking, Silkie...""Denis, I love you hard or soft, lover. I 'm going to take off my clothes for you. No, I don't have a body like I did when I was you like to see it? Do you?""The sight of you nude haunts me, Silkie. Your neck, your back...

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Silkie Rachel Denis and Julian in Paris 1991 co

"Julian, we would like some more wine and that hashish you and I had the other night............yes, that night, any of that left?.............but before you go............ "Rachel what do you prefer, men or women?" "Silkie, you are messing with me..........I like............ummmmm...what shall I say?.............I like to have my face between a woman's thighs while I feel a man do me from behind..........oh..I like that a lot.....Julian, I packed Sylvia's ass with...

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This wasn’t the first New Year’s Eve party we’d attended at our friend’s house but it was the most memorable one. When we got there the party was in full swing, probably about 60 people mostly couples but there were quite a few single people. I was chatting up a divorced woman, Lucy, she was 47 and had been ‘single’ for seven years.Donna had had a few lagers and was on the whisky, we met up in the kitchen when she said “Anyone here you fancy?” “Yes her over there” pointing at Lucy, “You” I...

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JuniorChapter 2 Summer 1991 Hollys pool

Work on Monday got off to a horrendous start when Neill rejected a load of concrete. The driver became enraged and for a minute I thought he and Neill were going to come to blows. I overheard Neill speaking to the concrete company on the phone, telling them the consistency was not up to spec and what they could do with the load. Sending the driver away with a truckload of concrete threw the schedule into turmoil and the mood of everyone at the construction site into the dumpster. Tradesmen...

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JuniorChapter 3 The Summer of 1991 Doris endures Smyth

The ringing telephone disturbed my sleep and before I even picked it up a thought entered my clouded mind; I'd slept like a baby. The dream was gone. Cassie, realizing that she had awakened me, apologized before delivering the good news. She and her family would accept my invitation to use Holly's pool. "What time should we come?" she wanted to know and I told her any time would be fine. She must have handed the phone to Doris, who said they would leave their house about four P.M. It...

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JuniorChapter 6 Summer of 1991 Keyword Fling

We stopped at a market and while Patti was shopping, saying she preferred to shop alone because my tagging along would distract her, I killed time at the drugstore next door. I found what I was looking for, Dining out in Atlanta, the magazine Smyth had boasted his articles appeared in. I picked up the July and August issues of the magazine and on my way to the cash register I spotted the condom display, my favorite section in the store. How could I not stop and admire the colorful packages?...

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JuniorChapter 7 The Summer of 1991 Wanda

Admittedly, we were late getting to the airport, but finding Wanda barricaded inside a telephone booth, crying because I didn't answer the phone at Holly's house was ridiculous. We had to pry the door open because she had dragged both pieces of luggage inside with her. (Yes, two pieces of luggage for a one week stay.) "Wanda, this is Patti, Patti, Wanda," I introduced them. Wanda wiped her eyes and half-heartedly shook Patti's hand. Patti wrapped her arm around Wanda's shoulder and...

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JuniorChapter 9 The Summer of 1991 Making plans

It may have been the lack of sleep, but I attributed my bad mood to Wanda. When she didn't respond to my knock on her bedroom door I burst into the room. "Wake up and get ready if you're going with me," I shouted. The lump in the center of the bed made a slight movement. "Wanda, are you awake?" The lump wiggled its ass. "Be ready in thirty minutes," I said, and as I turned to leave the room the lump rolled over and Wanda's head appeared, grinning. "Don't grin at me," I...

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JuniorChapter 10 The Summer of 1991 Getting Smyth laid

The first thing I did when Wanda and I got home on Tuesday afternoon was to place a call to Marcie. Mrs. Cochran said she hadn't arrived home from work yet, but she would have Marcie call me. I went upstairs to change clothes and open my mail. "Dear Sammy, Jessica's still in the same apartment although she's living alone now. She'll be thrilled to hear from you, as will I, hint! Thank you for remembering our birthdays, hint, hint! It's hard to believe I'll soon be on this earth...

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JuniorChapter 11 The Summer of 1991 Beginning of the end

Mission accomplished; Howard and Sara Carpenter agreed to retract their lies about Patti being promiscuous and, in the process, I fulfilled my commitment to get Smyth laid. Actually, I had very little to do with either feat; everything just fell into place. It's funny what motivates people. Howard's objective was to get a shot at the ceiling work at the Oldham building and he was willing to have his wife 'do anything' in exchange. Sara wanted the same as Howard, but she also wanted to...

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JuniorChapter 12 The Summer of 1991Leaving Atlanta

As the summer progressed, Sandy Santeria became a frequent visitor to Holly's pool and I saw less of Patti. She said it was because of her increased workload, which was a valid excuse, but I believe she was preparing herself for my departure because our time together was drawing to a close. During my last four weeks in Atlanta our schedule became predictable and repetitive. Patti came to Holly's house on Friday night and left early on Sunday morning. She preferred to do our shopping while...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 2

Eddie and Joe tied one on at the wake. Joe’s wives too, and almost everyone else there. Joanne stopped for an hour, but by the time they closed the bar, she was wasted too. But Eddie would have the dubious honor of being the most shit faced. And Joe did notice him going off a couple times, usually with members of other local bands who somehow found out about the wake. And his sniffing and hopping and more extreme lunacy suggested cocaine rather than cannabis. He seemed to making up time for...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 3

Two days later, and Cheryl and Joe sat around in Joanne’s living room, the house otherwise deserted. Both Ella and Charlie were in school. Joanne was at work, still supporting local artists. The couple were doing what they had done ten years before. Both working on their writing. Cheryl somehow responding to Joe’s questions while finishing a memorial article honoring Nigella for Rolling Stone. Still staff, but with an ideal contract and better pay. Complete rights of refusal. When an editor...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 4

When Cheryl and Joe got home to their Upper Westside townhouse, he knew where he needed to go immediately. Top floor. The floor for their offices. To Moe. Who stewed in her anger. Probably had been for a while. “He’s fucking here, Joe,” she said. He opened his arms. She filled them. “What’s he doing here?” she asked. “I don’t know. I’ll find out.” “He wants another chance to fuck all your women.” “I hope not. But I don’t think so.” “Then why?” “Maybe he needs a friend.” “But he hates...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 5

Joe got up late for him. 10 am. Whatever he did prior to awakening, or in its act, farting, shifting, making some vocal noise or other, awoke Cheryl. They smiled at each other and she snuggled against him, her head resting between shoulder and chest, her fingers exploring his sparse chest hair. “Eddie wants me in the band again,” he told her. “How is that going to work?” “I think his regrouping is regressing.” “Which means?” “We didn’t go out in the world for months. Just rehearsed. A...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 6

Very early the next morning, Rachel woke up Joe and his wives. “Where is he, Joe?” she growled. “Where is that little cocksucker?” He couldn’t help laughing. Appropriate word choice. But then he got serious. “Be quiet, Rachel. Let’s go downstairs.” “I don’t want to be quiet.” “Shut the fuck up, bitch,” said Moe. “You better not wake the kids.” “Fuck you. What are you going to do?” “Beat the bitch out of you?” Moe growled, getting out of bed, dressed like Cheryl and Joe, in t shirt and...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 7

Joe woke alone in bed, hearing giggles and splashes from the bathroom. A glance at the clock informed him he’d slept for a couple hours. Walking naked to the source of the sounds, he saw two very different women share a bath. One tall and lean, dark hair, her skin the color of coffee and cream, her smallish round breasts hovering above the suds of the bubble bath. The other pale, reddish blonde, her much fuller breasts on a thicker body, shorter body resting on those suds, the pink nipples...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 8

Joe awoke with a start, but the beautiful body before him quickly calmed him. The covers had lowered so he could look at her soft skin and her gentle curves. He kissed her shoulder. “Mmm,” Essie reacted, turning to him. “Hey,” he smiled. “Been awake?” “Just a few minutes. I enjoyed having you behind me and especially that amazing cock pressed between my thighs. “Morning wood,” he explained. “I know.” “I figured you would, smart ass.” “You seem to like my ass, smart or not.” “I love...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 9

“Nice,” said Liang about the townhouse. It had been built originally in the late eighteen hundreds, but refurbished and changed in the 20s, including the art noveau entrance. The open, shaped metal slat elevator also reflected that soft, decadent style. Definitely attractants. “We like it,” said Joe, unlocking the door. Joe and Cheryl greeted their kids with kisses on cheeks, and their wife with kisses on mouth and a hug. “This is Liang,” Joe introduced her to his family. “Hi,” the kids...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 10

When Joe exited the padded room in the morning and passed the studio, Rachel called to him from there. “Is she up?” she asked him. “In a hurry?” Joe chuckled. “I’ve wanted this for a while.” “She’s up. How about we have breakfast and then we’ll meet in Cheryl’s office. I’ll get Joanne and then get Cheryl.” “For the contracts.” “Yes.” “I’ll go make coffee.” “Thanks. See you in a minute.” He sighed he when returned to the padded room and sat on the bed. “Rachel’s ready to meet,” he told...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 11

The threesome in the padded room awoke making love. That is, Joanne woke Liang, both giggling like girls, Joanne a far greater distance from it than Liang, and they worked together again to harden Joe’s cock and wake him with their sucking. “Go ahead,” said Joanne. “Fuck that beautiful thing.” “But you’re leaving,” Liang pointed out. “She’ll get hers too,” Joe chuckled, then moaned as Liang practically flung her cunt onto his cock. “Slow down,” he warned, catching her hips. She winced...

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Scenes From an AffairScene 8 1987 to 1991 Chicago and etc

Marisol happily attended the wedding. The parents of the groom had not been invited. Phil's choice of bride would never have been accepted. Though less than a quarter black and from affluence, Missy would have enough impure blood to be rejected by Phil's parents. At first meeting, Phil intimidated the Taylors, including Missy. His largeness, what with the horrible encounter with Marisol's ex-husband, made them uneasy. The elegance of his attire and grooming gave them thoughts of him...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 12

The master bathroom had been redone when both Joe and Cheryl had bestsellers a couple years before. A bigger tub with whirlpool jets. Room for four there and in the enclosed shower that had water spraying from all kinds of different angles. There for the first time Joe and his three wives showered together. It had been a whirlwind romance times four to be sure for Liang since Friday afternoon. Joe and his wives. Essie. As many she had been loved by, that’s how many times better the sex had...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 13

Pynchon proved a bear to speed read. ““Glean what you can,” Joe advised. “We’re just a third of the way through.” “I figured,” said Liang. “You missed a week.” “Yeah. I’ll probably have to just have one week for Vineland.” “Or you could start the class a half hour earlier. And have the other class last a half hour longer.” “First, we’re talking about college students.” “With you, I bet they don’t mind.” “I’ll ask. And the afternoon class actually tends to go on longer.” “I’m not...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 14

The Thursday evening date went surprisingly well. Joe managed to get a table at a new French bistro, romantically dark. The heavy food, magnificently prepared, chased down the palate by a delicious rosé got danced away later. But while eating it, the five enjoyed a lively conversation, completely inclusive. Rachel even encouraged Trevor’s inclusion. It was clear at the beginning that he treaded carefully around her, used to her angry glares. Except for the first one when Eddie climbed into...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 15

When Liang asked her auntie about any recommendations for a rather large contingent for dining, Auntie Li thought she and her ladies of her exclusive women’s society could throw something together. The meeting place had a kitchen where the ladies could exchange recipes. It was highly unusual to have men present in the space, but since it wasn’t an official meeting of the ladies, and the members were fond of Liang, and the dinner would include her new lovers and new friends, curiosity as much...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 16

By Thanksgiving, not a lot had been done turning the duplex houses into a single townhouse compared to the immense amount that needed to be done. Tony and his helpers, Cheryl having gotten him a contractor license, had been focusing on Eddie’s basement studio and apartment as a priority during work hours. In the evenings he and Laura had worked on their own space. He had also built a huge bed, and found a mattress place that could create one custom sized and have sheets for it. It remained in...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 17

Joe survived Black Friday, although he wasn’t sure about his right hand. They had stayed open past 2 am. A lot of the later customers he actually recognized. His rock and roll friends. Boxes and boxes of his book had been sold. A lot them signed by him personally in front of the customer. More he had signed earlier in the day. All day. Yes, it was a wonder his hand survived. Advertising had been intense. In dailies and weeklies. Nationally. Television too. Using the image of the friends on...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 18

The Cube, as Eddie’s working vacation home had been appropriately dubbed, was designed by a mad genius with a sense of humor. A Barbadian, as were all who worked on it, whose design process had included smoking excessive amounts of ganja with Eddie. An impressively large cube had been the result, made of concrete, glass and steel. But it had a façade that pretended to be an English Colonial mansion. Being that Barbados had been an English colony, and had gained its independence as a part of...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 19

Joe and Liana entered a large room on the main floor, a huge bed at the back where his wives waved to him, still naked. “Hi Leo,” Cheryl said. “Do you mind if our man gives us a morning hug?” “Uhm, no,” Liana blushed. Joe took off his clothes and joined them. “Liana wants to meet with us this morning, Cheryl. And Moira,” he said as he lay on his back, his wives all around him, with Liang on top. “And we’ll need to get Rachel.” “I think she just wanted some time with Eddie this morning,”...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 20

In the morning, Anna made everyone eggs and sausage. Only Jonny looked worse for wear from the night before, the rest crested on a night of satiation. “A bit of the dog that bit you, Jonny?” Anna asked. “Yes please,” Jonny murmured. She put together a bloody mary for him that seemed to hit the spot, even though Joe noticed she put very little liquor in. A psychosomatic cure. She winked at Joe. After the recovery, Jonny remembered a part of the conversation from the night before. “You said...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 21

It rained the next day. Off and on. Making it cooler than usual, but being near the equator, that was relative. A balmy seventies. But it kept people indoors, mostly. It also revealed a missing aspect of the Cube. It wasn’t exactly designed for kids. So Anna and the Barbadian family matriarch brought out some cards and a couple cribbage boards and taught the kids how to play. Victoria, Essie and Liang decided to brave the weather and spent the day tooling around the island on the motorbikes....

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 22

As Joe promised, he spent the day with Victoria. They woke early and went to the naughty room to collect his wives and Essie. After showering and Victoria reporting to them her soreness but otherwise having a wonderful deflowering, they dressed and headed to the kitchen for a Continental breakfast of pastries and coffee. The Barbadian matron arrived midway through and offered something more substantial, but they passed. “Any place for exercising? A workout room?” Joe asked the older...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 23

Everyone, including Julian and Liv, returned to the Cube. Those two only stayed through dinner, deliciously created by Maria. Surprisingly, Anna went with them back to their ship. She said she needed to do some cleaning. But Joe noticed Liv flirting with her. He thought that a good thing. Anna and Julian loved each other. But sex seemed to have petered out between them. He hoped adding Liv might restore their sex lives. He decided to wait to talk to Victoria and Charlie until after dinner,...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 24

After Joe and his wives finally got up, enjoyed the large shower together and got dressed, Joe opened the blinds to the studio and saw Cynthia sitting with Rachel with Eddie playing his guitar between them. Joe fetched Cynthia and discovered how stoned she was. “Uhm, you okay working on the script?” he asked her. “Uh-hunh,” she giggled. He shook his head and chuckled. He went to the kitchen where his wives sat and the matron was making waffles. Maria, as she often was, was there as well....

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 25

It became a noisy place early near the garage entrance to the Cube. First thing in the morning the equipment for filming the tour/ad/orgy arrived. Two 35mm film cameras, one with steadycam to be held. Two top notch video cameras. A large wide format video tape recorder which would also be used for sound for the film. Lights. Cables. Mics. Experts for each of those things, though most would leave when Jonny demonstrated his knowledge of the cameras and lights and Eddie showed that he could...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 26

Joe woke up early, kissing Liana awake. “I need to check on Chandi,” he told her. “Yes Joseph,” she smiled tiredly and rolled away from him to return to sleep. Realizing his nakedness, he borrowed Liana’s longest robe and slipped out of her room. He ended up waking up Cheryl in the naughty room. “Do you know where Chandi went?” he asked. “I believe Eddie and Rachel ended up sharing her last night.” “Good,” he smiled. “Essie wants you,” Cheryl murmured, edging back to sleep. Joe crawled...

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