JuniorChapter 11: The Summer Of 1991 Beginning Of The End. free porn video

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Mission accomplished; Howard and Sara Carpenter agreed to retract their lies about Patti being promiscuous and, in the process, I fulfilled my commitment to get Smyth laid.

Actually, I had very little to do with either feat; everything just fell into place. It's funny what motivates people. Howard's objective was to get a shot at the ceiling work at the Oldham building and he was willing to have his wife 'do anything' in exchange. Sara wanted the same as Howard, but she also wanted to reverse the wrongs they had done to her friend, Patti.

Once I saw that Howard was offering his wife to me, all I had to do was to suggest that Sara taking Smyth's virginity would be a huge favor to me. Sara was agreeable and Howard didn't object until he was forced to support her while Smyth fucked his wife from behind. Even then, he was too busy refilling his glass with scotch to voice a serious protest.

The Carpenters acted on faith only. They agreed to make things right with Patti's clients with no real assurance from me that Howard's company would be awarded the ceiling work at the new Oldham building.

Sara thoroughly enjoyed herself. She guided Smyth's every move and ridiculed her husband for being inept, calling him 'Rookie'. She was aware that Patti, Wanda and Marsha were watching from the upstairs bedroom. I don't think Howard ever saw them. He hardly took notice when Sara let Smyth fuck her the second time.

The evening was a success. Smyth was overjoyed, Sara was happy and Howard was out of it. We stuffed him in the back seat of his car and I drove him home, following Patti and Sara in Holly's car. The drive took the better part of an hour and except for an occasional slurred sentence from my passenger, was uneventful.

I wondered if Howard would remember seeing his wife being fucked by Smyth. More importantly, I wondered if he would remember his promise to correct the wrongs he had committed toward Patti. There was no use talking to him; he was incoherently comatose.

It was Sara's decision to let her husband sleep it off in the car and we didn't try to persuade her to let him come inside. I locked the car doors and handed the keys to Sara, saying goodnight. "Thanks, Sammy. That was fun," she said, sounding a lot perkier than she looked.

We were both quiet on the way back to Holly's house, lost in our private thoughts. Patti didn't reveal how she felt about what had happened. Hell, I didn't know how I felt about it either. Should I expect her to thank me for humiliating Howard and persuading him to agree to admit that he had lied about her? Should I pat myself on the back for getting Smyth laid? No, I wasn't proud of what I had done.

Patti broke the silence. "We need to discuss our schedule for the rest of the week. Is your offer for Italian food still open?"

From the way she phrased the question, nonchalantly, I could tell she already had our schedule planned and all I had to do was to listen.

"Sure, do you have a restaurant in mind?"

"There's a small café near my apartment. It's very informal and looks like a fun place; we won't have to dress for dinner."

Seeing that I was enthusiastic about having dinner at the small café, Patti continued laying out the rest of the schedule. She would give Howard and Sara time to retract the lies they had spread about her before making appointments with the three clients who had expressed interest in discussing projects with her. Although she didn't mention it, I assumed she was accepting my offer to go along, posing as her assistant.

"Crystal invited us to dinner on Friday night. She and Clifford want to talk to me about doing the remodel plans on their house."

Again, I didn't complain about her planning our week. It wasn't until we reached Holly's house and entered the breezeway that either of us gave a thought to my house guest. "I forgot to turn the air conditioner back on!" I exclaimed when I felt the sauna-like air hit me. And then, we looked at each other and shouted, "WANDA!"

"She's going to be pissed at me. I should have told her how to turn the air conditioning on," I muttered as we walked through the kitchen, already feeling perspiration trickle down our backs. As we opened the back door we heard the girls splashing in the pool. I stopped to flip the A/C switch on before following Patti out to the pool.

Wanda and Marsha were having way too much fun to even listen to my apology. Nor did they respond to Patti's invitation to have dinner with us the following evening.

"Jump in, Sammy, what's stopping you?" Marsha asked and Wanda chimed in, urging us to join them in the water.

Since I was still wearing my swim trunks, I shot a quick look at Patti, shed my sneakers and jumped into the pool, disregarding the 'shower first' rule. What difference would a little sweat make to the water's PH? Sara and Smyth had been in the pool between fucks and the whereabouts of the rubber he had used was still unknown.

As soon as I hit the water both girls were on me, like flies on dog crap, demanding that I get naked, like them. I squirmed and swatted them away, accidentally grabbing a handful of tit in the process.

Marsha was even more aggressive than Wanda. The two girls worked a tag-team approach, one of them getting my attention by bouncing her tits against my chest while the other one snuck behind and tried to lower my swimsuit. I fought them off and got away three times before Marsha grabbed my hand and guided my middle finger to her slit. That did it; I was overcome by surprise long enough for Wanda to take possession of my single piece of clothing.

I wasn't the only one surprised. Marsha's eyes became enlarged when I pushed my finger into her pussy and Wanda was able to get me naked with very little effort. Marsha didn't try to get away and if Wanda hadn't taken the opportunity to stroke my cock, no telling what would have happened between Marsha and me. I got away, but not before wiggling my finger and watching her shudder with a look of delight.

"Help us, Patti. He's getting away," Wanda urged and we turned our attention to Patti, who was still fully dressed.

It took several minutes of pleading to persuade her to join us in the pool, but as it turned out, she was anxious to come in and cool off. She didn't even object when Wanda told her she had to strip, slowly.

We stood in the water at the shallow end of the pool and clapped our hands to a slow beat while Patti stepped out of her shoes, wiggled out of the short skirt, dropping it an inch at a time as we clapped.

With the girls' tits in full view and their pussies at the water line, my cock was pointing upward at a forty-five degree angle. Fortunately, their eyes were focused on Patti and the strip-tease she was performing. She was very graceful, strutting around in her top and bikini-style panties, posing and putting on a show. We clapped and pleaded for her to "take it off, take it all off".

Next, she turned her back to us, leaned forward and lowered her panties, slowly. With her panties around her ankles, she parted her legs as much as her panties would allow and put her pussy on display. Our rhythmical clapping stopped abruptly and we watched, spellbound as Patti wiggled her ass and inched the blouse over her head.

I knew Patti was self conscious of her tiny breasts and wasn't surprised when she stepped out of her panties, turned and ran toward the pool, screaming as her jump cleared all three of us. A light from the house behind us came on and a warning, "it's after midnight," was issued.

I yelled an apology, saying we would quiet down and the light went out without any further discussion.

For the next thirty minutes I suffered and enjoyed constant groping from the hands of three aggressive, very bold females. They grabbed, poked and felt my most private places, separately and together. At one point I had a finger inserted into my rectum, a hand around my cock and third hand cupping my balls.

I was outnumbered, three to one, but on the other hand, there were six breasts to fondle and three pussies to finger.

The final warning, "I'm going to call the cops if you don't quiet down," was met with stunned silence. We got out of the pool and dashed into the house without stropping to pick up our clothes or to dry off.

My naked companions dashed for the stairs and it only took a minute to make sure the house was locked before joining Patti in the bedroom. She was drying her hair, but stopped when she saw how my cock was standing erect and in need of attention.

Our bodies were wet and slippery as we collided, dropping on the bed, hungrily devouring each other and having the kind of raw, spontaneous sex that leaves you exhausted, but contented. We fell asleep and were awakened by Wanda, who wanted the keys to Holly's car so they could get Marsha's car out of the garage.

Patti and I looked at each other, questioningly. She yawned and stretched and I did the same.

"What time is it?" I asked, aware that Wanda's eyes were on my naked body as I searched for the car keys.

"You're already late for work," Wanda answered, still watching me move around the bedroom.

Patti got out of bed, found the keys where I must have dropped them on the floor the night before and delivered them to the fully dressed and bemused Wanda. "You didn't say if you want to have dinner with us tonight. Do you?" Patti asked.

Wanting to get away from Wanda's prying eyes, I dashed into the bathroom and was already in the shower when Patti joined me.

"What did she say?" I asked.

"She said they're having dinner with friends of Marsha and that she'll stay with Marsha tonight."

"Male friends?"

"She didn't say," Patti answered and we turned our attention to washing each other, thoroughly.

After stripping the bed and having a leisurely breakfast we said goodbye, promising to talk on the phone as the day progressed. On the way to work I wondered what Wanda and Marsha had planned for the day. Wanda was treating her business trip like a vacation and Marsha had designated herself as the tour guide. I hoped she wouldn't get into trouble with Rob Reardon for neglecting her duties.

It was mid-morning when I arrived at the construction site and it took the rest of the morning to catch up on the flurry of activity. Neill didn't comment on my tardiness. He did inform me that I had missed an exciting soccer game the evening before, telling me that Cassie scored a goal and I expressed regret that I hadn't been there to see it.

"I'll call and congratulate her," I said, knowing that what I had witnessed the night before; Sara taking Smyth's virginity right in front of her husband, far exceeded the excitement of watching Cassie score a goal.

Patti called to find out how my day was going, but really to discuss our plans for the evening, wanting to know what I was going to wear. When I said I hadn't thought about it she dressed me over the phone, telling me which slacks, shoes, jacket and tie would be appropriate. I didn't argue. Actually, I told her they were good suggestions.

She called again to report the good news; according to Sara, Howard had personally spoken to everyone they had lied to.

"Should I make appointments with the clients who said they have projects? Will you go with me?" she asked.

I assured her that I was looking forward to accompanying her. "I've never been an architect's assistant before," I laughed.

She called once more to tell me to bring my shaving kit and clothes for the next day. "We'll stay at my apartment tonight," she said, letting her voice sort of float to show it was a suggestion, not an order.

I assured her that I was agreeable to staying at her place and was pleased to hear her response. "We'll have a good time," she promised.

It bothered me that all of Patti's telephone calls were requests for me to do something. Sure, there were questions about my welfare sandwiched between her 'suggestions'; "How's your day going? Are you up for tonight? You're not too tired, are you?"

Since I owed Marcie a telephone call anyway, I decided to tell her about my concerns.

"What happened last night?" she demanded to know.

"Everything went as planned," I answered, not wanting to be reminded of the specifics.

"I was worried about you. Are you sure you're okay?"

"The evening was a success. Smyth is no longer a virgin and we solved Patti's problem. But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about."

Marcie groaned. "What is it, sweetie?"

"Suzanne and Mr. Oldham are getting married and I don't have a date," I said.

"Sammy Oldham! Are you... are you... is this what I think it is?"

"Yes, they haven't set a date yet and I don't have a date."

"That's too bad," she said, sounding dejected and I realized why. She had thought I was inviting her to the wedding.

"Will you be my date?"

"I would be delighted. When is it? Oh, you don't know. Where is it? What should I bring to wear? Is it formal?"

"I don't know," I laughed and suggested, "why don't you talk to Suzanne? She loves to talk about her wedding plans."

"Perhaps I will," Marcie said and I could tell by her dreamy voice that she was already making notes as to what to say to Suzanne.

I didn't have the heart to tell Marcie what was really on my mind. She wouldn't appreciate hearing my concern that Patti was becoming dependent upon me, giving me little tasks, telling me how to dress and relying on me to help her make decisions. I already knew what Marcie would say if she were thinking clearly; "talk to Patti."

"Let me know if Suzanne sets a date," I said, pleased that Marcie was becoming involved in the wedding plans. She was the one person I knew who would be of help to Suzanne without her even knowing she was being helped.

Marcie thanked me for inviting her to the wedding and I let her go without discussing what was really on my mind.

As I drove to Patti's apartment I thought how complicated my life was becoming. Getting Howard and Sara to retract the lies they had spread about Patti was opening a new set of problems. Her attitude toward me had turned around. Suddenly she was treating me like a boyfriend, seeking my advice and telling me what to wear.

There was also the future to contemplate, returning to school, attending Trisha's wedding, looking forward to seeing Becky again and now I had invited Marcie to be my date at Suzanne's wedding.

Well, one thing at a time. First, I would talk to Patti. I was planning what I would say when she opened the door and pulled me inside. Her kisses purged my mind, erasing the few tentative thoughts I had formed. Her hair smelled faintly fresh, like a meadow full of wild flowers.

"Did you miss me?" she asked as she took the clothes bag I was carrying and hung it in a closet.

I was intrigued by the way she was dressed. The full skirt flared from her waist and my attention was drawn to the peasant-style blouse, cut low at the neck to show her bare shoulders and a hint of cleavage.

"Yes," I said without elaborating.

"I missed you, too," she said, wrapping a large scarf around her shoulders and handing me the keys to the outside door. We walked three blocks to Carlo's Italia where we were greeted by a balding waiter. He introduced himself as Franco and directed us to a table for two.

I looked around the room. The only decoration was a map of Italy on the back wall and less than half the tables were occupied, mainly by couples dining quietly. Everyone else seemed to know each other; we were the strangers. I played with the silverware, asking myself, this is a fun place? I could tell that Patti found the drab atmosphere depressing.

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Hi friends, en peyar Meenachi, vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Enaku iru pasangal irukiraargal, avargal schoolku sendru kondu irukiraargal. En kanavanuku 45 vayathu aagugirathu. Ippozhuthu ellam en kanavan ennai sex seivathe ilai naan eppozhuthum iravil en kanavna udan sex seiyalam endru ninaikum pozhuthu avar asanthu poi thungi vidugiraar. Intha vayathil thaan enaku athigamaaga moodu erugirathu, pengal 35 vayathil irunthu 40 vayathu varai thanga mudiyaatha kuthi aripu ear padum. Avargal athai...

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Ilam Aanai Kanavanuku Theriyamal Oothen

Hi friends, en peyar Meenachi, vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Enaku iru pasangal irukiraargal, avargal schoolku sendru kondu irukiraargal. En kanavanuku 45 vayathu aagugirathu. Ippozhuthu ellam en kanavan ennai sex seivathe ilai naan eppozhuthum iravil en kanavna udan sex seiyalam endru ninaikum pozhuthu avar asanthu poi thungi vidugiraar. Intha vayathil thaan enaku athigamaaga moodu erugirathu, pengal 35 vayathil irunthu 40 vayathu varai thanga mudiyaatha kuthi aripu ear padum. Avargal athai...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Summering in Femininity Part 1 A Bummer Summer

A Bummer Summer? It was the dream of every seventeen year old, during the summer before his senior year of high school to spend it miles away from all his friends and all his stuff. In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, because for Taylor Hughes, that was the last thing that he wanted. Unfortunately, he had no control over the matter. His parents were going out of the country on business for the entire summer, and trying as he might, Taylor was unable to convince them to let him...

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A Stepmothers sin Ch 8 Robert returns to college the end of a wonderful summer

And as you would expect, Robert shared my bed with me the rest of the summer. We had fallen into a routine of sorts. Every day, before I came home from work, I would insert my diaphragm, even after the pill was supposed to be adequate protection.I believe we made love virtually every night, often more than once. Even when I was menstruating, Robert still wanted me and had me. Robert found a sturdy, two step plastic blue step-stool that he placed in the shower when I was menstruating, and he...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 16 Operation Granby Kuwait November 1990March 1991

We flew out from RAF Brize Norton on the 14th November in some huge Yank aircraft, a Galaxy I think, they all look alike to me. As I sat in my relatively comfortable seat I thought of the last time I had gone to war; in a luxurious cruise liner no less, the QE II. Of course we had travelled squaddie class and didn't have white coated stewards waiting on us hand foot and finger. It took nearly 5 weeks to get down to the Islands, and I made some good mates amongst 3 Para, my travelling...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 17 Back home March 1991

The battalion arrived back in Aldershot around the middle of March and were given a week's leave. Pippa was overjoyed to see me home safe and sound, and during my first two days back home we hardly stirred out of her bed. That sounds as if we had a frenzy of a sex- fest, but nothing could have been further from the truth. I couldn't get it up. I couldn't do the business. I was impotent- I was mortified! She was sympathetic and loving, and gave me blow jobs and hand jobs, but it wasn't...

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This wasn’t the first New Year’s Eve party we’d attended at our friend’s house but it was the most memorable one. When we got there the party was in full swing, probably about 60 people mostly couples but there were quite a few single people. I was chatting up a divorced woman, Lucy, she was 47 and had been ‘single’ for seven years. Donna had had a few lagers and was on the whisky, we met up in the kitchen when she said “Anyone here you fancy?” “Yes her over there” pointing at Lucy, “You” I...

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Silkies story for DenisParis 1991

(author's note): Silkie, now thirty-eight, is telling her lover Denis, about things that happened in her life before she was eighteen. I don't know if her anecdote violates guidelines for this site or not. Can fictional adults in a piece of fiction talk about events in their past? Silkie might even be making some of this up for Denis' pleasure, which adds yet another layer of fiction to the story, I don't know the answer, so I'll just put it out there and see what happens. Thanks!...

2 years ago
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Silkie and Denis in Paris 1991Silkie spins a tale

Denis went to his hotel.Silkie had to run a few errands. She went to his room two hours later. Denis had already finished most of a bottle of wine."You know I'm the kind of man who has a hard time getting hard after I've been drinking, Silkie...""Denis, I love you hard or soft, lover. I 'm going to take off my clothes for you. No, I don't have a body like I did when I was eighteen.....................do you like to see it? Do you?""The sight of you nude haunts me, Silkie. Your neck, your back...

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Silkie Rachel Denis and Julian in Paris 1991 co

"Julian, we would like some more wine and that hashish you and I had the other night............yes, that night, dear...........is any of that left?.............but before you go............ "Rachel what do you prefer, men or women?" "Silkie, you are messing with me..........I like............ummmmm...what shall I say?.............I like to have my face between a woman's thighs while I feel a man do me from behind..........oh..I like that a lot.....Julian, I packed Sylvia's ass with...

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This wasn’t the first New Year’s Eve party we’d attended at our friend’s house but it was the most memorable one. When we got there the party was in full swing, probably about 60 people mostly couples but there were quite a few single people. I was chatting up a divorced woman, Lucy, she was 47 and had been ‘single’ for seven years.Donna had had a few lagers and was on the whisky, we met up in the kitchen when she said “Anyone here you fancy?” “Yes her over there” pointing at Lucy, “You” I...

3 years ago
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Love of PoliticsChapter 2 1991 A Political Junkie Finds Sexuality

Thinking it over - Home and Hearth "You were great last night, you sexy devil!" His-fresh shaved face nuzzled my ear and I smiled without opening my eyes. "I gave them their cereal, so you can sleep in for half an hour." David lingered and fondled my bare breasts while he nuzzled my neck. "Thanks. I'm almost awake," I said. "You're a brute. Just look at the state you left me in." He laughed with self-congratulating pleasure. "I gotta go, see you tonight!" I sat up and then...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 2

Eddie and Joe tied one on at the wake. Joe’s wives too, and almost everyone else there. Joanne stopped for an hour, but by the time they closed the bar, she was wasted too. But Eddie would have the dubious honor of being the most shit faced. And Joe did notice him going off a couple times, usually with members of other local bands who somehow found out about the wake. And his sniffing and hopping and more extreme lunacy suggested cocaine rather than cannabis. He seemed to making up time for...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 3

Two days later, and Cheryl and Joe sat around in Joanne’s living room, the house otherwise deserted. Both Ella and Charlie were in school. Joanne was at work, still supporting local artists. The couple were doing what they had done ten years before. Both working on their writing. Cheryl somehow responding to Joe’s questions while finishing a memorial article honoring Nigella for Rolling Stone. Still staff, but with an ideal contract and better pay. Complete rights of refusal. When an editor...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 4

When Cheryl and Joe got home to their Upper Westside townhouse, he knew where he needed to go immediately. Top floor. The floor for their offices. To Moe. Who stewed in her anger. Probably had been for a while. “He’s fucking here, Joe,” she said. He opened his arms. She filled them. “What’s he doing here?” she asked. “I don’t know. I’ll find out.” “He wants another chance to fuck all your women.” “I hope not. But I don’t think so.” “Then why?” “Maybe he needs a friend.” “But he hates...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 5

Joe got up late for him. 10 am. Whatever he did prior to awakening, or in its act, farting, shifting, making some vocal noise or other, awoke Cheryl. They smiled at each other and she snuggled against him, her head resting between shoulder and chest, her fingers exploring his sparse chest hair. “Eddie wants me in the band again,” he told her. “How is that going to work?” “I think his regrouping is regressing.” “Which means?” “We didn’t go out in the world for months. Just rehearsed. A...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 6

Very early the next morning, Rachel woke up Joe and his wives. “Where is he, Joe?” she growled. “Where is that little cocksucker?” He couldn’t help laughing. Appropriate word choice. But then he got serious. “Be quiet, Rachel. Let’s go downstairs.” “I don’t want to be quiet.” “Shut the fuck up, bitch,” said Moe. “You better not wake the kids.” “Fuck you. What are you going to do?” “Beat the bitch out of you?” Moe growled, getting out of bed, dressed like Cheryl and Joe, in t shirt and...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 7

Joe woke alone in bed, hearing giggles and splashes from the bathroom. A glance at the clock informed him he’d slept for a couple hours. Walking naked to the source of the sounds, he saw two very different women share a bath. One tall and lean, dark hair, her skin the color of coffee and cream, her smallish round breasts hovering above the suds of the bubble bath. The other pale, reddish blonde, her much fuller breasts on a thicker body, shorter body resting on those suds, the pink nipples...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 8

Joe awoke with a start, but the beautiful body before him quickly calmed him. The covers had lowered so he could look at her soft skin and her gentle curves. He kissed her shoulder. “Mmm,” Essie reacted, turning to him. “Hey,” he smiled. “Been awake?” “Just a few minutes. I enjoyed having you behind me and especially that amazing cock pressed between my thighs. “Morning wood,” he explained. “I know.” “I figured you would, smart ass.” “You seem to like my ass, smart or not.” “I love...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 9

“Nice,” said Liang about the townhouse. It had been built originally in the late eighteen hundreds, but refurbished and changed in the 20s, including the art noveau entrance. The open, shaped metal slat elevator also reflected that soft, decadent style. Definitely attractants. “We like it,” said Joe, unlocking the door. Joe and Cheryl greeted their kids with kisses on cheeks, and their wife with kisses on mouth and a hug. “This is Liang,” Joe introduced her to his family. “Hi,” the kids...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 10

When Joe exited the padded room in the morning and passed the studio, Rachel called to him from there. “Is she up?” she asked him. “In a hurry?” Joe chuckled. “I’ve wanted this for a while.” “She’s up. How about we have breakfast and then we’ll meet in Cheryl’s office. I’ll get Joanne and then get Cheryl.” “For the contracts.” “Yes.” “I’ll go make coffee.” “Thanks. See you in a minute.” He sighed he when returned to the padded room and sat on the bed. “Rachel’s ready to meet,” he told...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 11

The threesome in the padded room awoke making love. That is, Joanne woke Liang, both giggling like girls, Joanne a far greater distance from it than Liang, and they worked together again to harden Joe’s cock and wake him with their sucking. “Go ahead,” said Joanne. “Fuck that beautiful thing.” “But you’re leaving,” Liang pointed out. “She’ll get hers too,” Joe chuckled, then moaned as Liang practically flung her cunt onto his cock. “Slow down,” he warned, catching her hips. She winced...

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Scenes From an AffairScene 8 1987 to 1991 Chicago and etc

Marisol happily attended the wedding. The parents of the groom had not been invited. Phil's choice of bride would never have been accepted. Though less than a quarter black and from affluence, Missy would have enough impure blood to be rejected by Phil's parents. At first meeting, Phil intimidated the Taylors, including Missy. His largeness, what with the horrible encounter with Marisol's ex-husband, made them uneasy. The elegance of his attire and grooming gave them thoughts of him...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 12

The master bathroom had been redone when both Joe and Cheryl had bestsellers a couple years before. A bigger tub with whirlpool jets. Room for four there and in the enclosed shower that had water spraying from all kinds of different angles. There for the first time Joe and his three wives showered together. It had been a whirlwind romance times four to be sure for Liang since Friday afternoon. Joe and his wives. Essie. As many she had been loved by, that’s how many times better the sex had...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 13

Pynchon proved a bear to speed read. ““Glean what you can,” Joe advised. “We’re just a third of the way through.” “I figured,” said Liang. “You missed a week.” “Yeah. I’ll probably have to just have one week for Vineland.” “Or you could start the class a half hour earlier. And have the other class last a half hour longer.” “First, we’re talking about college students.” “With you, I bet they don’t mind.” “I’ll ask. And the afternoon class actually tends to go on longer.” “I’m not...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 14

The Thursday evening date went surprisingly well. Joe managed to get a table at a new French bistro, romantically dark. The heavy food, magnificently prepared, chased down the palate by a delicious rosé got danced away later. But while eating it, the five enjoyed a lively conversation, completely inclusive. Rachel even encouraged Trevor’s inclusion. It was clear at the beginning that he treaded carefully around her, used to her angry glares. Except for the first one when Eddie climbed into...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 15

When Liang asked her auntie about any recommendations for a rather large contingent for dining, Auntie Li thought she and her ladies of her exclusive women’s society could throw something together. The meeting place had a kitchen where the ladies could exchange recipes. It was highly unusual to have men present in the space, but since it wasn’t an official meeting of the ladies, and the members were fond of Liang, and the dinner would include her new lovers and new friends, curiosity as much...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 16

By Thanksgiving, not a lot had been done turning the duplex houses into a single townhouse compared to the immense amount that needed to be done. Tony and his helpers, Cheryl having gotten him a contractor license, had been focusing on Eddie’s basement studio and apartment as a priority during work hours. In the evenings he and Laura had worked on their own space. He had also built a huge bed, and found a mattress place that could create one custom sized and have sheets for it. It remained in...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 17

Joe survived Black Friday, although he wasn’t sure about his right hand. They had stayed open past 2 am. A lot of the later customers he actually recognized. His rock and roll friends. Boxes and boxes of his book had been sold. A lot them signed by him personally in front of the customer. More he had signed earlier in the day. All day. Yes, it was a wonder his hand survived. Advertising had been intense. In dailies and weeklies. Nationally. Television too. Using the image of the friends on...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 18

The Cube, as Eddie’s working vacation home had been appropriately dubbed, was designed by a mad genius with a sense of humor. A Barbadian, as were all who worked on it, whose design process had included smoking excessive amounts of ganja with Eddie. An impressively large cube had been the result, made of concrete, glass and steel. But it had a façade that pretended to be an English Colonial mansion. Being that Barbados had been an English colony, and had gained its independence as a part of...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 19

Joe and Liana entered a large room on the main floor, a huge bed at the back where his wives waved to him, still naked. “Hi Leo,” Cheryl said. “Do you mind if our man gives us a morning hug?” “Uhm, no,” Liana blushed. Joe took off his clothes and joined them. “Liana wants to meet with us this morning, Cheryl. And Moira,” he said as he lay on his back, his wives all around him, with Liang on top. “And we’ll need to get Rachel.” “I think she just wanted some time with Eddie this morning,”...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 20

In the morning, Anna made everyone eggs and sausage. Only Jonny looked worse for wear from the night before, the rest crested on a night of satiation. “A bit of the dog that bit you, Jonny?” Anna asked. “Yes please,” Jonny murmured. She put together a bloody mary for him that seemed to hit the spot, even though Joe noticed she put very little liquor in. A psychosomatic cure. She winked at Joe. After the recovery, Jonny remembered a part of the conversation from the night before. “You said...

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