Soul Catcher
- 3 years ago
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"Coffee or tea?" I asked Catherine when she joined me in the Dining Hall a little later.
"Tea, thank you," she told me. I went to the counter for her tea, and some more coffee for myself. There were only a few people up at this time on a Sunday morning, so we had the place to ourselves.
"Why didn't you have sex with her?" Catherine asked with no preamble.
"Why, good morning to you too!" I laughed.
"I'm sorry. I'm just not used to being so stimulated this early in the morning," she explained. Of course, it explained nothing.
"I don't understand what you mean," I lied. "And I haven't read you yet to see where this is going. So what is it you really want to know?" It was a little white lie. I had read her, and I knew where this was headed. However, I wanted to see if she knew what she wanted.
"I don't know if I can take much more, Michael," she said, staring out the windows at the mountains in the distance. I doubted she was really seeing them.
"Much more of what?" I asked as innocently as I could.
She turned her head and looked directly at me for a long time.
"You. I don't know if I can avoid you much longer," she stated. Then immediately after saying that she turned beet red.
Before I could tease her any more, Candy and Mandy showed up. They were dressed in jeans and western shirts with the Twin Springs logo above the pocket on the left side. Even though we had only been here a day, it seemed unusual to see them dressed.
"Aunt Catherine, can we charge a pair of boots and a hat to our account here?" Candy asked.
"Good morning girls. Why are you wearing clothes?" Catherine asked.
"We're gonna be wranglers at the rodeo this afternoon and Zack gave us shirts and said to wear jeans," Candy replied.
"Yeah. And there's gonna be a guy there today who sells boots and cowboy hats," Mandy added.
"Zack said he could probably fit us, and he'd just charge it to our account here," said Candy.
"But he said we had to have our Mom's permission," Mandy said.
"Except she's crying in the bathroom and told us not to bother her right now," Candy told us.
"And we have to get down to the stock pens early. We're gonna be wranglers!" said Mandy.
"Why is your mom crying in the bathroom?" Catherine asked, concerned.
"We don't know. But we have to get down there early. We're helping to wrangle calves for the calf-roping contest," Mandy explained.
Catherine looked at me.
"I'm on it. Give me a minute," I thought to her.
"Well, I don't see a problem with the boots and hats, but why don't you sit down and have some breakfast before you go," Catherine suggested to the twins.
"Okay. Then we can go?" Candy asked.
"Of course," Catherine replied. "But eat something more than rolls and fruit. You'll need a good breakfast if you're going to be working all day."
"And can we get a hat and some boots?" Mandy persisted.
Catherine nodded absently, so they took off for the serving lines. Catherine looked at me saying nothing, but the question was on her face.
"It appears to have been some sort of female problems. I don't think it's a problem with the babies, because she's angry with Jeff. She was sitting on the toilet crying, but she's gone back to bed now. Jeff's still asleep. I can tell she's in some pain, but no specifics. I'll keep an eye on it," I told Catherine.
The twins returned with full plates, excitedly chattering about the cowboy boots they were going to get.
"What time does the rodeo start and where is it going to be?" Catherine asked the twins.
"It starts later this morning, but we have to get the calves ready," Mandy supplied.
"Because there will be a lot of people there who aren't nudists, they hold it at the stockyards. That's a part of the ranch where they have to wear clothes. They have an arena and everything," added Candy.
They continued to chatter on about the rodeo and being a wrangler as they gobbled down their breakfasts. I didn't realize that wranglers were so important at a rodeo. But I guess somebody has to care for all those animals.
"Will you tell Mom where we are?" Candy asked as they finished their breakfast and stood to leave.
"Okay. You both just be careful," Catherine told them.
"Bye, Aunt Catherine. Bye, Michael," they called over their shoulder as they left.
The two sets of twins passed each other at the front door. Natalie and Grace were coming in as Candy and Mandy ran out. The redheads got coffee and juice and headed towards us.
After explaining what Candy and Mandy were up to, Natalie and Grace started talking to Catherine, telling her how much they were enjoying the ranch and being included as part of the family.
"So, are you girls having any problems with the nudity?" Catherine asked them.
"Not really," said Grace. "It is still a little unusual seeing Michael like this ... and him seeing me naked too."
I raised my eyebrows as I looked at her.
"I mean, the whole time I was sitting with him in the hospital, I had lots of time to think. But in all that time, I NEVER thought I'd be sitting here talking to you and him, and none of us have on any clothes!"
"Tell me about it!" Catherine said as we all laughed.
We continued to sit and talk as the others joined us. When Debbie came in with Jeff, I scanned her. But except for a few lingering memories of the pain, there was nothing I could put my finger on, and she seemed okay.
It appeared everyone was going to the rodeo. So after getting dressed, we all headed that way.
I immediately noticed the large number of military personnel stationed around the support area, but if anyone else did, nothing was said.
Grace held my hand as we walked, but she was quiet. I spent a moment reading her, and saw she really wanted to spend time with me. I already knew she was a romantic at heart, so I begin to try to figure out how to make a trip to the rodeo into a romantic outing.
I pushed everything else out of my mind and focused on Grace. She was truly beautiful and I began to gently push my feelings of attraction and desire to her. Soon we were chatting about the ranch, and the rodeo and other things. Neither of us had ever been to a rodeo, so we were looking forward to the new experience.
I was surprised at the number of people that were there. Sandy later told me the crowd numbered over five hundred for the day. It turns out that this was a pretty big occasion for the community, and there were lots of young would-be cowboys and cowgirls, trying to earn points on the junior rodeo circuit, for which this was an annual event.
There were a couple of dozen vendors set up with everything from cotton candy and soft drinks, to homemade candies and ice cream. I wasn't carrying any cash, but I discovered that ranch guests could charge purchases to their Twin Springs account, so I bought Grace and me this cool Mexican treat, a puffy, pastry shell with cinnamon sugar and honey on it. It was so delicious, I had two. I'm not sure what they were called. Soapy-somethings.
There were souvenirs, crafts, and T-shirts with different images and sayings printed on them. Most had a rodeo or western theme. There was also lots of western wear. Cowboy hats and boots. Western shirts and belts with big belt buckles. There was also some Indian jewelry, mostly silver with topaz, in a stall run by a very old Indian woman. She saw us coming and made eye contact immediately, as if willing us into her place of business. We just kept going, but I could feel her eyes boring into the back of my head as we passed.
Suddenly I heard a strange phrase in my mind.
I stopped and turned, half expecting to see the Old One, but one glance confirmed he wasn't there. Curious, I returned to her stall, bringing Grace with me, and acting as if I was interested in one of the pieces of jewelry she displayed. What I really wanted was time to figure out where the strange phrase had come from, and if it represented danger.
I quickly scanned the area for hostile emotions, and there were none. So I focused my energy on the old Indian woman and scanned her.
I'm not sure what I expected when I read her, but it wasn't fear. And then, as I continued to read her, the fear turned to awe, before she finally dropped from the small stool she was sitting on, to her knees, burying her face in the dirt.
"Forgive an old woman, Oh Great One! I was forewarned many moons ago you would come. But my age has made me slow to see," she said with her head still touching the earth. The thing is, she said it in a language I had never heard before, but on hearing it, I knew it was called the old tongue, or sometimes the spirit's tongue.
And I understood every word!
Reaching for her shoulder, I pulled gently, saying in the old tongue, "Arise Asuratante."
She rose slowly, with Grace on one side of her and me on the other, helping her to stand. She just looked at me, without speaking.
"Greetings, Star Catcher," I told her. For that is what her name, 'Asuratante', meant. "Are you all right? Would you like to sit?" I asked.
"Please. I am an old woman now, and must regain my breath," she said as Grace got her stool for her.
"I am sorry if I caused you discomfort," I told her.
"No! You must not say that, Great One," she said in a panic. "I should have known and been ready to greet you properly!"
"Please, Star Catcher. Your greeting was fine. My friends call me Michael. And this is my very special friend, Grace. We would very much like to hear your tale ... if you would share it with us."
"I know you go by many names, but I have never heard that name foretold, Great One," she mused. "So I shall address you as Waharahi, which means 'child of the sun'. This is the most common name given you through the ages."
I simply nodded.
Grace looked at me in confusion. So I smiled at her.
"It's okay. We'll be fine. Let's see what her story is," I thought to Grace.
Star Catcher must have heard my thoughts too, for she immediately told us, "My story is simple Waharahi. Your coming has been foretold for many generations. My mother and her mother before her, and her mother before her, were what the white men call medicine women. We are actually the spiritual leaders of the tribe. And the healers, and the historians, and on occasion, the leaders.
"It has been foretold that one day, the Great Spirit, what some call the Spirit of the Sun, would send one to walk our paths with us. And this Great One would help us save our world, and all that live here," Star Catcher said in the ancient rhythm of storytellers.
"Wow! Michael! Can you believe this?" Grace asked.
"I understand the prophecy, and Star Catcher's genuine belief in this Waharahi. But I don't understand why she believes that I am Waharahi."
"Because you are Waharahi!" Star Catcher insisted.
"Grandmother? Are you ill?" came a new voice approaching the stall from behind me.
Her grandmother immediately launched into an excited narrative in a different language, a language that was neither English nor the old tongue, with the young girl who appeared close to our age. The young girl heard the older woman out, then she turned to me and said, "I apologize if my grandmother has offended you. She is getting old, and I'm afraid her mind is not what it used to be."
Star Catcher was feeling frustrated that her granddaughter would not believe her. So I thought to all three of them, "I was never offended, young one. Quite the opposite actually. I was both honored by her actions and her words, and humbled by her reverence."
"Thank you for saying..." the granddaughter started. Suddenly, she stopped. "You did not speak, yet I heard you!" she exclaimed.
"There is no need to speak, Morning Star. I can see your heart, and I know your words without speech," I thought to them.
Star Catcher thought something in their language which I assumed was the equivalent of 'I told you so' as she smiled at me.
Morning Star just stood looking at me with her mouth gaping. Her thoughts were jumbled and confused, questions rapidly entering her mind, as long forgotten memories slowly surfaced. I found myself becoming fascinated with her thought process, as they all had deep emotional ties to them. So we stood staring at each other, saying nothing and not moving.
I still had Star Catcher and Grace tied in. Star Catcher was sitting on her stool, grinning at her granddaughter as she watched her think this through. Grace was silent. Amazed at what she was seeing. It was also Grace's first time experiencing someone else's thought processes.
"Oh, no!" Morning Star gasped. "Eve!"
Morning Star was obviously becoming even more upset at something she had just realized. I had quit following her emotions because they were in two different languages and she had kept switching between them. But when she cried out, I immediately tried to read her.
"Uh, oh!" I thought.
"Oh No!" Grace thought.
The Omugi were an old tribe, numbering now less than two hundred families. They lived on a small reservation an hour or so away.
"I can't believe it Grandmother! It's true? The stories foretelling the coming are true?" Morning Star said when she had calmed down enough to speak.
"Rose! Please! You show much dishonor. I thought I had taught you better than that," Star Catcher told her, but not harshly. "Waharahi wishes to know our story. I was just about to tell him, but now I think he should hear it from you."
"But Grandmother!" Morning Star cried. "I never knew ... I didn't think ... I mean I didn't believe the stories were really true!"
"Your grandmother called you Rose. Is that your name?" I thought to her.
"Yeah," Rose answered like a typical teen. However, the sound of her own voice caused her to realize that my 'voice' had no sound.
"You do not have to speak aloud; I know your inner voice," I told her.
"Ohmygod! I'm sorry. Please forgive me, Great One. I was surprised, that's all."
"Rose, there is nothing to forgive as you have done no wrong. And although I have lived a long time and have been known by many names, please call me Michael, for now," I thought to her.
Grace was taken aback by the statement and started to speak, but I placed my finger to my lips stopping her questions before she could start. I'd explain things to her later, but I did not want to break my concentration on Rose and her grandmother.
"But you're so ... so young!" Rose said aloud.
"Looking with only your eyes can shield the death that awaits," I said in the Old Tongue, quoting an old Pueblo Indian proverb.
Star Catcher's eyes went wide at hearing my thoughts. Morning Star was still trying to remember enough of the Old Tongue to translate my words. It had been many years since her grandmother had taught them to her.
"You must feel your enemy to know their presence," I finished the ancient proverb, again in the Old Tongue.
The tumblers finally clicked into place as she heard the rest of the proverb. "On, NO!" Rose gasped as the tears began to trickle down her cheeks. "It's true! You are the Waharahi!" Rose gasped.
"Morning Star!" Her grandmother said harshly. "You are Omugi! For all the ways of the new world, you are still a Princess of our People." The translation from her native language was a rough one and I'm sure there was more to it. But that was the gist of her words to Rose.
Rose hesitated and then turned towards Grace and me, drawing herself up to stand tall and proud. "Grandmother is right," she said in a more formal tone. "I am a Princess of my People, Waharahi. I am sorry I doubted you." Then, she dropping to one knee, she added, "I am your servant."
"Michael?" Grace could contain herself no longer. "Why do they think you are a god? Why is she crying? Why must she sacrifice herself to you? And who is Eve?" she whispered fiercely.
"Please be patient, Grace," I told her soothingly. "All will be explained shortly."
Then to Rose I said, "Arise, Morning Star."
Finally, I scanned for Catherine. She was not far away. Finding her, I tapped her mental shoulder and thought to her, "I am so sorry to bother you, Catherine, but something has come up and I find myself in need of your wise council."
I could feel Catherine's raised eyebrows at the formality of my words. I didn't normally speak like that.
"Where are you?" came her reply. That's one of the things I admired about Catherine, she didn't bog things down with frivolous questions.
"I'm at the Indian jewelry stall just outside the entrance to the arena," I replied.
"Okay. I'll be right there. Are you all right?" she asked.
"I'm fine. Take your time." I told her. Then on a hunch I added, "If John's handy, you might want to bring him along."
"Are you in trouble Michael?" Catherine asked.
"Well, I guess that all depends on your definition of trouble." I laughed as I thought back to her.
Grace and Rose looked at me with questioning looks. They were the same look, but different questions.
"Honored Leader, I have summoned my grandmother to advise me. I'm sorry if the wait inconveniences you," I said out loud to Star Catcher. I could tell she enjoyed the formal title I used.
"Our people have waited many lifetimes for you to arrive. A few minutes more is nothing!" she replied.
Behind the stall, was an older RV with a canvas roll-out awning for shade. Star Catcher invited us to be seated in the shade, then excused herself, and with Rose's help, began to remove her jewelry from the stall. I guess her vending was through for the day.
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SpankingRole Playing II - Star Lily and the Temple of Horrors F/f, bondage, D/s, gothic, romantic, slavery The temple was dark and cold, the trail of spiders clearly visible in shadowedcorners. The stone ceiling was so low that a tall man would have to crouchto walk around. The floor was covered with dust and crawling insects. Deep in the bowels of the earth, it had been forgotten for long aeons. Scholarsmight recall the foul rituals once carried out here, the summoning of monstrousdemons and foul...
Chapter Forty – The Third Task Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mmmf, Mf, mg, anal, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, mc, spank, uniform, voy The Triwizard Tournament was finally coming to an end; Harry and the other Champions had faced numerous challenges throughout the tournament and each of them had made it to the finals relatively unscathed. Harry’s lack...
Sumati pulled her uniform jacket taut over her body, glancing down briefly to confirm that she looked suitably smart. It really shouldn't matter, she thought to herself, as she flicked aside a few stray hairs from her jet black fringe. Here, just beyond the borders of Federation space, nobody was going to care that much.Except that the senior officers might very well care, especially with the Captain being such a stickler for rules. The Captain always looked immaculate, almost infuriatingly...
Chapter Thirty-Two – Ancient History Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: ff, Mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, spank, unif, voy Hermione Granger was lying on her bed all alone with the Spellbook of Desires under her sheets. She had been reading through a few of the more wicked spells, including one which had something to do with the golden coins she...
Book I - Awakening dealt with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self - it is a coming of age story. Book II covers the remaining eight days of Dani's vacation and her kinky little band's further exploits. Although each Book is meant to stand on its own as complete, the reader is urged to first read Book I. It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex together with all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of appropriate age or...
Hello, My name is Krish from Bangalore. I am good looking and always want love, lust and much more ;) . I am going to write a few sex stories from now on which happened already and might happen in near future hope you guys masturbate a lot :D . I love sex and evening thinking about sex makes me hard. I am not so jolly type and not so gloomy type. This story is regarding how I made a girl who met online on facebook to sleep with me. Here we go.. I usually send random friend request on facebook...
It was late afternoon Autumn and Mist were watching the nine four olds on the playground. Autumn did her best to engage Mist in light happy conversation while they kept their eyes on the children but Mist still had that sad look in her eyes that had been there ever since Steve had left and secluded himself in the cave house. Mist loved Steve and missed him very much. Mist was at a loss as to how to help Steve and that bothered her a lot. Autumn gave up on the conversation and just stood next...
South Africa. Present day. 10 pm. The band of drug traffickers...numbering 40 strong had made camp for the night in the jungle. They gleefully counted the gold, diamonds and other trinkets they had bribed out of some of the unsuspecting exchange for the powerful narcotic they were peddling. The traffickers were a band of roughnecks..hired by a wealthy kingpin who lived in a palatial mansion in Cape Town..built on the profits from his nefarious trade. His reach was long. He had...
LTD MA, Star Clan Seekers, On the Run By: Malissa Madison Kessa had no idea how long they had been there, she knew her two brothers were still alive. They were in cells across from her. There seemed to only be two cells built into each of the three walls. Only one door opened into the corridor beyond the fourth wall. They had Crystal Matrix' here that they wanted her brothers to use. Of course, it had taken a very long time before any of them would seem to cooperate, this group of...
I was in Moscow meeting a business contact for a possible sale of a little mechanism we made that he wanted to use for a kitchen appliance. These things were reliable and would last forever. It wasn’t one of our big selling or normal line items, but it would be lucrative if I could sell this guy ten thousand or so of them. We did mostly government stuff, but one of my engineers came up with this thing to fix his wife’s stand mixer and patented it. He’s making a fortune off of them, but...
Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...
The further east we traveled, the worse the weather seemed to get. It had been overcast and drizzly most of the day, and visibility had been limited. Now, as night time approached, there was no twilight, just a dreary darkness as the rain fell in sheets against the coach's window, only to be whisked away by the wind rushing past the speeding train. Catherine and John were in the lounge car as I came through the vestibule connecting it to the Dining Car. The door to Catherine's custom...
As the five new figures appeared in the center of the classroom, I heard Grace gasp in surprise. "Natalie?" she cried, rising from her seat. "Grace?" Natalie replied as she looked around the strange room. "What's going on?" "All will be explained, Miss Richards," said Narvenia as she held up her hand to stop Grace from running to Natalie. Spiro turned to the other four figures beside Natalie. "Welcome to our classroom, Your Majesty," Spiro said, bowing slightly as she addressed...
Guide to Major Characters in Circle, Cohousing Units, Pilots, Atlanta Group and Other Information for Readers - Through Book 8 Numbers in the form (A:B) after each name refer to the Book and Chapter where the character is first introduced. CIRCLE MEMBERS AND CLOSE FRIENDS (Alphabetic by first name, through Book 8) Aaron Prentiss – (2:10) Ages 29-34 in Books 1-5. Dave Prentiss’ younger brother. Goes to work for the Bennett Foundation handling finances and grants. Married to Shelby; father of...
On one gloomy, rainy Saturday in October, Star decided to take a three-hour drive back home to relax for the weekend. During her time back home she paid a visit to her 101-year-old grandmother, whose mind was still sharp enough to ask her when she was going to get that special man. At 22-years-old and emotionally unavailable, Star just smiled and said: "Grandma, when I meet a man who is good enough to meet you, is the day I will settle down."That was all her grandma needed to hear before...
Quickie SexHer name is Star and she is about to be used as an anal testing ground for four men and their craftsman handiwork.There was a whirring noise as she felt her bound body rise back up. Her spread, suspended and very sore ass cheeks had been just kissing the cold hard floor as her body hung there from a wooden beam, tied up by ropes biting into her ankles and legs. Her arms were pinned tight with yards and yards of rope behind her. They were aching from the pressure of more rope that was tied off...
The DST Agent, Star Command Bravo It had been a long trip to get here, Stephanie sat back now cuddled in Tops arms, feeling his strength and love as he held her. They'd watched the rest of her command as they filed past two days ago. Some saying they were going to retire, others asking her blessing to go sign on with the Slammers, and following Major Jinx Hammer's squad. She still had no clear idea what she wanted to do though. She kept telling herself she was retired, or going to...
Twinkling Star Written by Dauphin Fame is a strange addiction to have. You are in the media and there are even fan clubs and fan pages for you. It can be strange when people discuss your every move on the Internet. It is strange when you read and hear people that love your work and others that hate your work. This is the story of Angel Valesnski. Despite the name, he was a boy. He started in commercials when he was 4 and was in a block buster...
"It's almost midnight," I thought to myself as I stared, unseeing, out the window. "If it is going to happen, it should happen in the next few minutes," Usually, I loved this view of Manhattan, overlooking Thirty-Third Avenue and The Madison Square Gardens. But tonight, I barely noticed the late-night traffic or the snowflakes drifting past outside. Alone in my office on the forty-second floor of One Penn Plaza, my mind was busy running through the carefully prepared and long memorized...
Sunday, June 27, 1971 "Huh?" I sat up in the bed, shaking my head. Had it really been a dream? It had seemed so real. "Before you ask, it's almost the fifth hour of the new cycle," Narvenia said quickly. She was sitting on the loveseat with her legs tucked beneath her. Dressed in a robe, she had a book open on her lap. The small lamp on the end-table cast her in its soft glow while leaving the rest of my bedroom in darkness. "Uh, what did you say?" I asked groggily. My heart was...
This story is entirely 100% fictional! I always wanted to be a singer, but I lacked the confidence to get up on stage. However, every day had me in front of my mirror faking it as I sang into my hairbrush and copying the moves of the real stars. I dreamed of what it would be like to have the fancy clothes, and the guys lusting after me and all the perks of being someone famous, but it was never going to come true for me, not in a small town, and not with me lacking the guts to actually try. One...
IncestI heard Sarah gasp but I kept my eyes on the nurse I had not been introduced to yet. She had an odd grin on her face. "David, call Lt. Cable," Grandmother said. "Have him bring someone from forensics," I added. Peter, who evidently was handling communications, just nodded. Doctor Bales' knuckles turned white as he squeezed the arms of the chair. "Watch him close! If he moves his hands, shoot to kill!" David barked to Beth, who had drawn her gun. The slight click of the safety...
Galaxy star [email protected] (Sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes. I am not perfect. Most readers have patience; others think the story sucks if there are mistakes. I do try though) Did you ever have a bad day at school? When you came home, you just wanted to hide in your bed and forget all about life. That's the way I felt one day. I mean it was not the teacher's fault, which is a change, but it was the boys in my class. Why can't they just be normal? My name is Jade....
I sat in the makeup chair in the late afternoon on Wednesday, smoking my cigarette as the girl touched up my lipstick. I was getting ready to shoot my sixth DP this week, the first four of which were shot two on Monday and two on Tuesday. My morning shoot was done and I had already cleaned up and changed for my final regular scene in my Double Penetration series of films. I had taken on two different actors for each scene and they all had ended with internal cum shots in both my ass and pussy....
If you have developed a taste for a pornstar in specific, then you might as well check out My PornStar Book where you should be able to find thousands upon thousands of pictures of the prettiest girls in the porn industry. My PornStar Book can be both viewed on your desktop PC, but it also can be viewed on your phone since the website has a mobile version as well. The page allows you to get your own dose of the most beautiful pornstar pictures in the highest quality. What you decide to do with...
Pornstar Databases---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reggie and the haunted clothes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Word gets around when you are good at what you do. Other agencies were hearing about this very good investigator who had a turn of bad luck and was now taking the unusual stuff, things that a police investigation team wouldn't want to work on because of the "TG" factor. Lets face it, most policemen are...