Majorette Mirage 2 free porn video

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Anyone looking for easier reading of this chapter can message me at [email protected] for the raw file using Microsoft Notepad. Majorette Mirage 2 The next morning I awoke to Talitha's gentle nudges. "Jamie Lynn, it's time to rise sweetie." I rolled over on my side wanting to sleep more but she pulled the covers off of me and cracked my pantied ass. Crack! "Come on Jamie Lynn get up we have to get breakfast and then go over the routine." I reluctantly slid over to the edge of the bed and Talitha immediately began brushing my hair out. "Talitha, I'm not sure I can go through with this. I mean, what happens when the other girls find out I'm a boy doing all these girly things?" "No one but the Jasper and Auburn teams have seen you up close. So as long they don't figure out the switch, we're ok." "But what happens if they do?" "I don't know, we'll cross that bridge if we get to it? For now, I have to work on your makeup before you get your dress and heels back on. I want you to stick out from the other gilrs so everyone accepts your dressy mature look. This will take their minds off of seeing that girly boy sitting with us the past few days." "You better be right Talitha or my life's over with this stunt you have going on." For the next 20 minutes Talitha reapplied my makeup and then helped me into the dress and heels once more. The other girls were dressed and ready for us by 7:45. "Jamie Lynn looks awesome this morning. To bad she's not going to a movie or dance in that sophisticated dress she's wearing." "Yea, yea, yea, Daisy come on lets get over for breakfast." As we made our way down to the main sidewalk we could see a mob of girls fast approaching us. 'Talitha what am I gonna do!" 'Just relax Jamie Lynn and let us do the talking." In a few short seconds our team was swallowed up with several of the other teams. "Ok girls the jig is up, now where's sweet Jamie we saw on stage last night!" Talitha cleared her throat as several of the young girls inspected my dress and shoes. "Look girls, Jamie went home last night around 5:00. He was only filling in for his sister until she could get here. You saw his sister Jamie Lynn on the stage last night with the Crimsonettes." The girls got confused looks on their faces as they continued to eye us up and not allowing us to pass. "But, we thought that cute boy was the one on stage with the twirling elite?" Sorry to disappoint you girls but you need to ask Jamie Lynn here for lessons, not her brother Jamie." The girls eyes opened wide while checking me out from head to toe. "Well, why is she wearing a dress and heels this morning instead of sweats? I don't get it?" "Look girls we don't have time for this right now. We'll chat later this evening." Talitha plowed us through the mob of girls and we continued to the breakfast tables. Inside the dining hall we sat at our usual table with the Jasper team. As soon as they seen me in my prissy blue dress they all began to giggle and laugh. "So Jamie, how does it feel to be out sweetie?" "Come on Wendy, Jamie went home yesterday after those Auburn Bitches painted his nails and put those Pink ribbons in his hair." "Weeeell, then who is this girl who resembles sweet Jamie?" "This is Jamie's Sister Jamie Lynn." I gave a girlish wave as the Jasper team eyed me up. "So this is who was on the stage last night?" "It sure was." Jenny then pulled on Wendy's sleeve. "I told you Wendy! I knew there was no way a boy could twirl like that girl did last night. PAY UP!" "Shut up Jenny, I'll pay you when I'm sure of what she can do. What I don't get is the pretty dress and heels for breakfast. Everyone else is in sweats taking it easy but you're ready for a date or something?" Wendy stared me down waiting for my reply as I took a bite of my eggs. Talitha came to my rescue once more as I looked away. Lay off her Wendy, she just likes to be well dressed at all times." "well I'm not buyin it! And what's with the hour long makeup job, is she posing for a magazine cover today?" "Maybe, you just never know who might show up for one of these competitions. Take a good look at Jamie Lynn's nails and curly BLONDE hair! I beleive Jamie had light brown hair if I'm not mistaken?" Wendy then grabbed my hand touching the tips of my pink polished nails. "Hmmm, those nails are as real as it gets Jenny. They don't bend when I press on them. Maybe you're right?" For the remainder of our breakfast several other girls came over to give me a hug and shake my hand on my performance last night. Some of them even wanted me to teach them the balancing trick after today's competiton. This only pissed off Wendy even more because I was the one getting all the attention at the table. Talitha and the girls ate quickly so we could get back to rooms and get ready for some practices before we hit the stage. At 8:30 we were back in our building rehearsing our routine. We only had 3 hours to prepare for our 11:30 time and then we had to rush back to get another routine ready for our 2:00 afternoon time. The girls got me a pair of bright white sneakers, Shiny Suntan tights and one of the schools One Piece twirling uniforms. The Nylon/Lycra dress had bright orange long sleeves and a flirty 10 inch Black & White pleated skirt which showed off plenty of my shiny legs. The girls saran wrapped my waistline once more and added a sport bra complete with my silicone breasts to give me a peppy girlish figure. Being dressed in one of these tight fitting dresses was kind of intimidating but once I got a view of all of us in the mirrors reflection my jitters eased because of how well I fit in with them. By 9:00 Talitha began going over our routine. "Ok girls, somehow we have to cram in 3 months of practice into 3 hours to get Jamie Lynn good enough to fool those judges. Everyone grab your Poms and take your positions. Jamie I want you to sit this one out while we show you the routine. After you see it a few times, then we'll try it with all five of us. It shouldn't be to difficult to pick up because you watched us do it 100 times this year at practice." Talitha lined the girls up and then I turned on the CD player to the high energy sound of Beyonce's 'I'm a Single Lady'. The girls punched their Poms high in the air and then swayed their nylon clad hips side to side. All four of them looked great together as they jumped and Pom Pomed with every girlish twist and turn. Once again I began to tense up as I tried to come to grips that I was going to be doing this on that stage in front of 200+ girls! After watching the girls for two sessions, Talitha stepped aside and I took her place. "Ok Jamie Lynn, now lets see how feminine you can be in that outfit." "Talitha, I'm not so sure this is gonna work, I can't move and dance like you girls can." With a pissed off look she grabbed my wrist and raised my Poms. "Stop It Jamie Lynn! Right now! There is no can't! You'll be our 5th girl today so we can satisfy Mrs Carter's wishes of not forfieting our position. Now lets try it from the top!" She let go of my wrist and I stood at attention with the other girls waiting for the music to begin. Once the music began I threw my Poms high above my head and began to dance. As we made our way towards Talitha she softly called out to me. Hips Jamie Lynn! Sway your hips sweetie!" I began to femininely wiggle my hips and then accidentally bumped into Scarlett. "Stop! stop! stop! Jamie Lynn, what are you doing girl?" In frustration I threw my Poms to the floor. "This is never gonna work Talitha, I'm not a young girl!" She picked up my Poms and pryed them back into my clenched fists. With a very stern look she lifted up my skirt and gave my ass a good swat! CRACK! Scarlett and the other girls wern't shy in voicing their opinions either. "Lets get with it Jamie Lynn! If you can twirl like a girl, you surely shouldn't have any problems dancing like one!" Talitha gave my ass one more good crack before walking back over to the CD palyer. "Now, lets try it again Miss Hamilton!" The girls began giggling as I rubbed my nylon clad ass with my Poms to try and rub out the sting. Once again we took our spots and Talitha stood with arms folded up under her small breasts. With no way out of this mess I finally came to the conclusion to try and do as she wished just to get it over with. This time as we danced towards Talitha, her stern facial experssion was replaced with a wry smile! "That's it Jamie Lynn, keep workin those hips girl." Over the next hour Talitha coached and criticised my every unfeminine move, just like I use to criticise them on their flaws. I was taught to step, prance, dance on my tippy toes, fling my hair and roll my Poms like a real cheerleader does with the short amount of time we had to prepare. At 10:00 we did our makeup, brushed out our hair and then coated our nails in Black nail polish. I was so nervous trying to remember everything I was taught for the routine along with all the feminine gestures that went with it. The other issue I was having was the strange but sensual feelings I was getting from being feminized and dressed in one of the schools silky lycra cheerleader outfits. Needless to say my pantied cock was just as aroused with all the silky touching going on by the girls soft hands and bumps. After checking our look in the mirror one last time Talitha gave the nod. "Lets do it Girls!" We picked up our Poms and headed out the door to the performing stage. We signed in with the judging staff and made our way back stage to get in line for our turn. The auditorium was packed with young girls and coaches from all the schools that still remained in the competition. No one and I mean no one gave me a second look or questioned my true gender as I made my way past all the girls sitting in the front rows. Talitha and the girls did a fine job with my hair, makeup and unconventional feminine sculpting to create the much needed 5th girl for the team. As we got closer and closer to the stage I really began to get nervous. I was fidgiting and Talitha wasn't liking it. "Jamie Lynn! Will settle the hell down, you're attracting atttention from the other girls." Talitha was right, Several of the other teams were whispering and giggling softly to themselves as they eyed us up. All competitive girls could smell weakness in their opponets and they always try to intimidate them with stares and trash talk. Luckily these girls were not as mean as some of the potential winning schools who had already performed. At 11:00 the Golden Eagle from Athens were being announced over the loud speakers and we made our way out onto the stage. I took my position behind the other girls just like in practice. Talitha felt I should be as far away from the judges as possible because of my lack of experience in our routine. While we waited for our song to begin. I peered out into the audiance and noticed a sea of girls looking up at us. For a breif second My mind drifted off as we stood at attention. Here I was dressed in one of our high school cheer uniforms flashing sexy shiny nylon clad legs with poms in hand. The next thing I knew our music began blasting though the speaker and we followed Talitha's high reach with her Poms! With a sway to the left and then to the right I began to dance and flare my skirt with super slow twirls. My Poms rolled over and over as I smiled away in front of the judges. We were looking real good as the crowd of girls began to clap in synch with the upbeat song and dance. A toss of hair to the right and then to the left gave us all a second look as we wowed the crowd and judges. Over the next minute I missed a few steps but quickly got caught back up trying to mentally keep from losing it. To end the routine we stood to the left of Talitha and rolled our poms as she did sevral cartwheels and then a backflip with a solid landing firing her poms in the air with all the confidence in the world! As the song faded from the speakers the crowd clapped and whistled. We were all smiles as we slowly danced off the stage out of the sight from everyone in the auditorium. To my surprise the girls who were giggling at us just minutes before now had a insecure look in their eyes as they now had to go out and follow our dynamite performance! I just loved walking by them giving them the feminine cat stare! What an emotional rush of adreneline! I don't know if was the sheer terror of potential failure in front of all those girls or being dressed as a cheerleader and pulling off the unthinkable. After several hugs we headed back to our rooms to prepare for our 2:00 routine. We grabbed some orange slices and power drinks to help get us through another tough 2 hours of practice. Talitha quickly had us forget about the morning routine and made sure we were all focused on this afternoons performance while I tried to pick up another routine. We stayed dressed in our uniforms for our second practice. Talitha felt I would feel more comfortable than if we kept changing all the time. Since we did a cheer routine in the morning, we now had to grab our batons and twirl for our afternoon session. As I twirled my baton in warm ups the girls stood there with mouths wide open. I had mastered just about every move a high school or early college girl could do and it did not go unnoticed. Scarlett grabbed my baton from my hand and gave me a smile. "So Jamie Lynn, I guess it's now your turn to teach us?" I pulled the baton from her hand and then began spining it over my wrist while twirling around in a circle. The skirt of my cheerleader dress flared out almost completely horizontal with my waistline as I spined in a circle 3 times. "Holy Shit girls! Did you see that?" "I did Maybelle and I can't believe it!" "Jamie Lynn, where did you learn that twirling move? You looked like one of those professional iceskaters spining on the ice." I gave Talitha a smile and then a wink of my black outlined eye. "You girls don't have enough time to learn how to twirl like me. I've had a lot of practice since me and Talitha started dating last year." As I continued to twirl like a college twirling champ the girls jaws dropped wide open as they placed their hands on their hourglass waists. "Ohh my god! Just look at her go!" Finally Talitha grabbed my baton. "Ok Jamie Lynn, that's enough showing off! Save some for the stage." Over the next 2 hours Talitha revamped their afternoon routine. All the girls were full of spunk and high energy now that they would be sharing the stage with a 'twirlgirl' and not ditsty Dixie. After freshining up our make up and hair we headed back outside. Our trip to the stage was so different this time as we proudly strutted our feminine glow and confidence. Once again I was getting so excited as our time slot to perform grew closer and closer. Little goosebumps began to prick through my hairless skin and waves of cool fall air swirled up and under my femmy Nylon/Lycra skirt. With my head held high I could now look into my competitors eyes with ZERO fear. I was fooling everyone, even myself, as I femininely walked into the auditorium full of girls. Just like in the morning, Talitha signed us in and gave the music coordinator our song. This afternoon we would be twirling to Rachel Platten's 'Fight Song'. This was one of my favorite songs, Talitha and I had twirled together many many times in her basement over the past 6 months to this music. I knew our whole routine inside and out. Today however, instead of the usual finish with all 5 girls twirling in synch, Talitha and the girls decided it would be me in front for the finale leaving me to come up with a twirl move that would get us to the next round of 40. As we waited back behind the stage, Several other teams including that top 5 Auburn team were eyeing us up. That's when the tall well built senior who made an ass out of me yesterday came over twirling her baton with her squad by her side. "Well Taffy, looks like you and your lucky Golden Gumdrops are way outclassed being back here with the big girls." Talitha then grabbed her twirling baton from the air just as she was about to catch it. "How many times do I have to tell you Gretchen, my name is Talitha not Taffy you stuckup queen for a day!" Scarlett then took the baton from Talitha's hand and pointed into Gretchen's size 2 waist. "Ohhh like you're the best or something? I don't remember seeing you at the state championships last year! And it's Golden Eagles, not Golden Gumdrops." "Give me that baton little girl before you hurt yourself!" The tall blonde took back her baton and once again began twirling it very fast. "I wasn't at the State championships last year because of an injury, but as you can see, I'm clearly the best around here this year." She did a couple twists and then rolled her baton around her slender waist with great grace and agility. "Lets see if any of you 'Hanna Montanas' can top that." The girls quickly cowered under the powerful stares of the classy senior but I placed my hand on my hip and nudged in front of my team with a confident pose. She then eyed me up with a silly grin. "You, you think you can top me? Let me tell you something girl, you ain't built for twirling. Just look at your undeveloped thighs and frail arms. I bet you can't even do a figure eight yet?" I took another step towards her and without saying a word I grabbed Talitha's baton. "Jamie Lynn what are ...." I then began twirling REVERSE figure 8's with a baton in each hand. Everything went silent as the sound of my batons twirling like propellers filled the air. Then gasps from the crowd of girls filled the back of the stage as I rolled my batons over my hands with lightning speed! One of the Auburn team members then began pulling on the tall blonde's short skirt. "Ooooh MY God! It's her! It's her! The girl on the stage last night! Just look at her go! The Auburn team slowly began inching away from my confident twirls while shaking their heads from side to side. "Gretchen, I never seen you do anything like that!" "Shut the hell up Amanda, I see it but I don't beleive it!" The tall blonde looked on in amazement with mouth wide open as I increased my revolutions for 20 more twirls and then I completely stopped pointing the ends of my batons right under Gretchen's nose! She was visably shook to the core as several soft girlish whispers and applause from the crowd of girls filled te air. Talitha then stepped in front of me and snickered. "Since you're the best around here I guess you wouldn't mind showing everyone how fast you can do those reverse 8's. hmmm?" Gretchen lowered her baton and placed her hand on her hip as she looked down on me with a snear. "Well, looks like you do have some tallent, but you're still way outclassed girl." She and her squad quickly disappeared into the crowd of girls and I handed Talitha's baton back to her. All the girls waiting for their turns to perform took a few steps back from me and our team as we eyed all of them up with powerful confident smiles. As the 2:00 hour arrived me and the girls took our spots on the stage. The crowd of girls sitting in the auditorium chairs quickly began whispering and pointing breaking the silence as we waited for our song to begin. I took a few deep breaths as my adrenaline rush began to run wild. As soon as the music began all five us tossed our batons high in the air. We caught our falling batons and then rolled them over our hands several times while prancing to the front of the stage. The shine off our nylon clad legs and batons looked so awesome with the bright stage lights shining down on us. Talitha knew what she was doing when she picked out those Peavey Suntan High Gloss tights for our legs. As our routine continued Talitha and Scarlett began tossing their spinning batons to each other while me, Maybelle and Daisy stood to the side spinning on our tip toes while twirling our batons. Scarlett and Talitha practiced for months to perfect their timing for the 10 tosses. One wrong move and the batons would've collided and landed on the stage floor. With the girls wrapping up their duo toss, it was now time for me to come front and center. From the back of the stage I took the lead position with the girls two steps behind me to the left and right. I then began to twirl my baton around my saranwrapped waist several times. The girls and I inched our way closer to the judges table with perfect feminine grace. To finish our number I began to do one of my favorite twists and rolls. My shiny baton rolled up and over my shoulderblades and then under my neck. I did this 3 times bringing more ooohs and aaaahs from the crowd. I then began to pirouette clockwise while twirling my baton around my waist counterclockwise! This is a move that no girl has ever seen up until now and it took me almost a year to master the moves. The crowd erupted with applause as I spun on my tip toes for 5 continuous revolutions. As my piouette came to an end my long hair fell back to my shoulders and I continued to roll the baton up and over my shoulders once more. I raised my baton high above my head and then began rolling it across my hand. Just like the night before I extended my index finger to the ceiling and everyone watched my spinning baton slowly lose its cintrifical force on the top of my feminine Black nail. Normally I would not have any problems getting the baton to stop on my fingertip but the nail extention made it a more challenging than ever. With a loud applause already filling the auditorium I managed to get my baton to stop on my extended nail with perfect balance for a few seconds just as our song came to an end. All five of us raised our batons high above our heads with the crowd getting completely out of control. There I was just inches from the judging table taking in slow controlled breaths with a sexy confident smile! As soon as we pranced off the stage all five of us hugged each other and jumped up and down. "Ohhh Jamie Lynn, you were so awesome out there!" I was so caught up in the moment as my tight uniform and feminine rush consumed me in a bigger way then this morning. It wasn't until several girls from the other teams came over and hugged me that I realized I had just done something truely amazing! When we got back to our rooms we continued to celebrate our great showing. This is when Talitha sat me down with the other girls and began to pry. "Ok you little show off, start talking!" I looked on at the girls as they waited for my reply. "Come on Jamie Lynn start spilling your guts. How on earth did you ever get that pirouette perfected, and where did you learn to do it?" I knew Talitha wasn't gonna take any half assed explainations so at this point the truth must come out. "Ok, ok, so I practiced a little over the spring and summer." The girls mouths dropped wide open at my cofession. "Did you here that girls, our little Jamie Lynn has been practicing for months now on her own! No wonder you dropped out of the Boy Scout troop." The girls busted up in giggles as Talitha glared down on me. "I knew it! I knew it! I should've never handed you that baton last year or dressed you up in one of our uniforms." Once again the girls busted up with embarrassing giggles as I sat there with no where to hide. Talitha then kept up her interrogation with more questions. "So does your Mother know about your twirling abilities?" "Oh my god No, she has no clue what I do when she's working those 12 hour weekend shifts at the Hospital." "And how long do you twirl little girl when she's not home?" I hesitated with my response for a few seconds as I thought about how much I really spend down in the den. "Ohhh I guess 8 hours sometimes 10 hours each day. The girls shook their heads in disbelief as my twirling secret began to crumble in front of me. "Well that explains it, no wonder you were able to put that Auburn snob Gretchen in her place with those reverse figure 8's!" Daisy then came over to me and put her arm around my shoulders. "So Jamie Lynn, where did you learn all those twirling moves since you can't practice with us at the school?" "The internet, I watch Youtube videos of hundreds of twirlers and then try to mimic their moves. I also try and do things that they can't!" "Like that pirouette move I just wowed the crowd with." "Well you sure did sweetie! I was getting dizzy watching you spin for those 5 full revolutions. How on earth were you able to spin that long?" Before I could answer, Scarlett jumped in with a curious question. "So do you have your own baton and twirling outfits?" I cracked a girlish smile and then opened up even more. I have 10 batons and 3 uniforms I bought off of eBay." Talitha put her hands on her waist and looked down on me. "Jamie! You little twirling sneak!" Girls wear cute little dresses and twirl batons, not boys!" "Come on Talitha lay off her, at least she's being honest with us. The bad thing for you is your boyfriend can twirl better than you can!" All the girls busted up laughing as Talitha put her opened hands up to cover her face. "Ohhh my god Jamie Lynn, why didn't you tell me about this when we were dating?" "I'm sorry Talitha, I guess that first day when we were twirling in your basement I kinda liked the early success I had and fell in love with the challenge. I began to practice and practice every weekend. I then realized that I now was good at something, but I could never show anyone beacuse of being a boy, that is, up unil today. The uniforms I have are super nice and full of sequins. If Mom ever found out what was in that big box in the attic she would flip out to say the least." "Well your little secret's out now sweetie, and this jeanie is not gonna get back in the bottle to easily." At 5:00 we were were all cleaned up and I was once again put back into some feminine clothes. The girls freshened my makeup and then helped me into a flowery white knee length dress and white low heeled shoes. My black nail polish was replaced with bright red polish to match my sexy Red lipstick covered lips. Another round of Jamie Lynn's confessions were in order as the girls continued to hear about all my training and practice sessions from the past 18 months. At 5:30 we were getting ready to head for dinner when the sound of Mrs Carter's car pulled up aside of the building. Everyone including myself now had 'ohhh shit' looks on our faces as she quickly ran up the steps to the door. "Girls, Girls, Ohh my god Girls!" She pushed the door wide open and waved a piece of paper in front of us. "Look at this! Look at this! Her manicured finger tip was pointing to a list of schools and the days results. Maybelle raised her hand to cover her opened mouth and then let out a poud piercing squeel! "We're in 19th! 19th palce! Woooo Hoooo!" The girls were beside themselves as Mrs Carter Hugged and congatulated them. "You girls have really outdone yourselves! Who ever you got to take Dixie's spot must be one hell of a pom or dance expert!" Then the furious rush of joy hit the girls right in their stomachs. I stood there waiting for the ground to swallow me up as Mrs Carter and I made eye contact. "Is this our new Golden Eagle for the week?" Talitha grabbed my hand and then looked back at Mrs Carter. "Uhhh, Well, yea, sort of Mrs Carter, but..." She came over and gave me a big hug and kiss on the forehead. "OOhh my dear you have made me so proud! Here I thought I was coming back to take the girls home tonight after getting knocked out of the second round, but we're actually staying for Wednesday's round three. Now tell me, what school are you with so I can call your coach to thank her for helping us out today?" Silence filled the room as Mrs Carter grabbed her phone from the nightstand. "I'm so glad to have this back, that damn Dixie pissed me off so bad yesterday that I forgot to take it with me last night. Mrs Carter looked down on me with great anticipation as she prepared to dial the numbers. "Daisy then chimed in to break the slience. "Uhhh, Mrs Carter, we girls have to fill you in on some of the things that happened while you were gone. You see, we had to...." "Hush Daisy, let me make this phone call first so I can send out a big thank you. You can tell me all about it after my call." Once again Mrs Carter stared down into my terrified eyes as I nervously bit my lower lip. "Come on girl, what's the number and by the way, what's your name? As Mrs Carter waited for my reply she began looking around the large room. "So where's Jamie at? Don't tell me he's being held hostage again?" Mrs Carter noticed the girls staring at me as they stood in silence. Thats when 2+2 added up to 4 in Mrs Carter's head. She picked up the skirt of my dress and noticed the tiny buldge hiding in my panties and pantyhose. "JAMIE! what the hell are you doing dressed like that?" Before I could answer, Maybelle grabbed Mrs Carter's hand and my short skirt fell back down onto my nylon clad legs. "Mrs Carter calm down for a second!" "Calm down! Have you girls lost your minds?" Talitha put her hands on her waspy waist and calmly walked over to me. "Come on Mrs Carter, Jamie Lynn makes a very cute prissy girl don't you think?" "Talitha darling, you may not know this but girls twirl, not crossdressed boys!" "Well, we have the real deal on our team and Jamie Lynn is better than anyone here! Besides, We couldn't find any team to get a fifth girl from because they were all still in the competition, and if Dixie wouldn't of swaped out Jamie's clothes with hers before you left yesterday things might be a little different today." "Girls this is insanity! I can't have a boy on this team! I need 5 girls!" "Hold on Mrs Carter, before you blow up on us you better look at this first." Scarlett then pulled out her phone and began to push and slide her fingers over her screen. She then handed the phone to Mrs Carter. "What the hell is this Scarlett? "Just watch what our star can do for the next minute." Me and Mrs Carter watched the Youtube video of me showing off in front of the Crimsonettes the night she left to take Dixie home. As the video played her stern look began to change to one of enjoyment and amazement. "Ohh my, this girl is like a professional twirler or something!" By the time the video had ended her arm was wrapped around my Saran wrapped waist. "You know, I really can't make out the face of this girl in this video. You're telling me this was Jamie up there in front of of all those girls maquerading around as a teenage twirler?" Daisy then handed me my baton and gave me a wink. "Show her Jamie Lynn, make a believer out of her!" Mrs Carter put her hand on her hip while handing Scarlett her phone back. With great expertise, I began to twirl with my right hand and then my left. After sever neck rolls I twisted my baton between my legs and then spun it on my extended index finger. Mrs Carter's mouth dropped wide open as the center of my baton came to a stop balancing perfectly on the top of my manicured red nail. The girls rushed over to me and gave me several encouraging hugs. All of us then looked over to the lonely Mrs Carter who stood alone. "Ok, ok, I can see she's the best we got, but you girls have to understand, I need 5 biological teenage girls to compete with. What happens when one of the other girls finds out what's hiding in Jamie's panties?" Talitha quickly replied as we waited for Mrs Carter to give in. "Jamie Lynn, her name is Jamie Lynn that's what's on the registration form." "What! Her name's on the registration form?" "It sure is Mrs Carter, and she signed it herself just like we signed our names the day we got here!" "Girls, listen to me. I know you want to compete but we can't break the rules to do it. Now I really must insist that we pack up our things and head home in the morning before this gets way out of hand! You had your fun and made it to the next round which I'm proud of you for. However, the consequences are too great to continue with our team the way it is." Talitha rolled her eyes to the ceiling and then made one more attempt to persuade Mrs Carter to join the new team. "Look Mrs Carter, don't you get tired of finishing out of the top spots? I mean, this school has been coming here for the past 20 years and never did any better than 15th." "I understand that Talitha, but what you girls are proposing is gonna get us in big trouble if it goes bust. Besides, one of the reassns this school has never made it to the podiums is because we never had a superstar to carry my average tallented teams." Talitha then pulled me right up to Mrs Carter. "Well we do now! Jamie Lynn is the best of breed and she'll carry this team where no Athens cheer team has gone before." Mrs Carter looked deep into my eyes as we waited for her reply. "What about it Jamie, are you ready to face some tough consequences if this little scheme blows up?" "I... I... I guess so?" Mrs Carter shook her head from side to side and then let out a sigh. "Confidence Jamie Lynn! I didn't hear any confidence in that response?" The girls huddled around my feminized body and gave me some encouraging words. "Come on Jamie Lynn, that stage is where you belong! Here's your big chance to put all those practice hours to good use sweetie." "3 more days Jamie Lynn, give us 3 more days." As a surge of adrenaline rushed through my body I took in a deep breath and then responded to Mrs Carter in an enthusiastic girly high pitched voice. "Yes Mrs Carter! I will not let the team down!" Mrs Carter cracked a smile and then ran her hand over my trembling shoulder. "Now that's more like it girl! As of now, Jamie Lynn is in and Dixie is out!" The girls erupted with high pitch squeels and long embraces as Mrs Carter encircled me several times. "You girls did a great job getting him all dolled up, but how does she look in one of our uniforms?" Scarlett quickly chimed in as the girls continued to high five each other. "She looks ok, kinda thin in the legs but her chest is quite nice." "I can't beleive he's able to pull off the dancing and prancing moves like you girls can? Of course, if he's practicing twirling on a daily basis, I'm sure the dancing just comes naturally to a softer sided boy." "You'll see tomorrow Mrs Carter, we're on stage at 11:00 and Jamie Lynn will continue to blossom in front of your eyes." "Well, the 4 of you can explain to Principal Skinner what went wrong if Wonder Girl here gets exposed! Now, how about we get some take out rather than heading to the dining hall so we can start planning tomorrows routine?" For the reaminder of the evening we began to put together our one lone routine for tomorrow. Now that the teams have been whittled down to 40, each school gets only one routine to make it into the next round. This helps whittle down the teams for Thursday's round much quicker and gives the better advancing teams more time to prepare. The next morning was like the others I was dressed and made up to be a prissy well dressed teenage girl before we made our way to the dining area for breakfast. Today Talitha dressed me in a white blouse and denim mini skirt. My makeup and hair were perfect along with my manicured fingernails and toenails. The girls made sure the seams of my pantyhose didn't cover up my polished toenails and that they were clearly showing through the opened area of my shoes. As we made our way to the dining area I held my dolled up head high and gracefully stepped in synch with the girls. My busty chest bounced with every low heeled step I took along with a soft feminine slide of my skirt over my pantyhosed beige legs. There was no way of hiding my emerging feminine side as I grew more and more into my competitive twirler girl role. Several girls went out of their way to come over to us and compliment me and team on making it into next round. Some of the teams even invited us to hang out with them after today's competition which Talitha quickly accepted. Our usual table was now empty as the Jasper girls failed to make it to the next round. Throughout breakfast I took in all the stares I was getting along with the concerned whispering and head shakes of my competitors. With my feminine legs crossed I ate my cereal and the girls talked about today's competiton. Even though I was impossible to be recognized as a young boy, the thought of being exposed in front of all these girls was kinda intimidating. I just wanted to get through today without any blunders so I could prove to Mrs Carter that she made the right decision to add me to the team even though it was only for possibly 2 or 3 more days. When we got back to our room Mrs Carter had our uniforms all set up and the makeup table was full of sparkles, metallic stars, scrunchies and loads of makeup. Since I was already made up I was stripped of my pantyhose and given my shiny suntan tights. Mrs Carter tightened up my bra straps to give me a better looking figure before stepping into my one piece pep dress. I just loved the feel of my shiny Lycra sleeves and the way my dress hugged every inch of my hairless body. The feel of my short black and white pleated Lycra/Nylon skirt over my shiny legs sent so many mixed signals to my brain. I knew this was all wrong but it felt so wonderful! After Mrs Carter zipped me up, she checked my nails and teezed out my hair before putting my Orange scrunchie in place. I was then given my short white ankle socks and bright white sneakers to put on while the girls began to apply their makup. I worked my socks into a ball with my fingers and then watched my shiny red nylon covered toenails disappear inside my bright white socks. My adrenaline level began to build as I put on my white sneakers giving me the complete twirler girl look. I loved looking at myself in the mirror to see the new me. I just loved it! Here I was doing what I loved to do and now dressing as a girl to fit in with Talitha and the girls was an added bonus. For the next hour Mrs Carter and I helped the girls get ready. Talitha gave me several eye winks and soft touches on my pantied ass just to let me know that she approved of my new look. Her soft hand on my nylon clad body felt so nice and I wanted more and more of it. It also began to create a little problem in the silky trunk of my one piece dress. "My cock was begining to stir like never before. I tried to put the wonderful sensations out of my mind but the constant touching and casual bumping into the girls intensified my confused emotional state. After 20 minutes of fighting with my emotions I had to get into the bathroom away from everyone. Without any hesitaion I lifted up my skirt and noticed the large bump in my tight covered cock. When I rubbed my hand over my stiff cock I felt an extremely erotic sensation run through my body! My feminized hand then lowered the waistband of my tights and my stiff cock sprang out! This was not good! My first real true erection was before me and the only girl in the room was me! For the next 5 minutes I waited for my cock to lose its vigor before I had to run cold tap water on it just so I could get it back to normal. My disappearing act didn't go unoticed as a knock on the door made me jump! "Jamie Lynn, are you ok in there? Come on now girl, it's time to practice before we head to the stage." The sound of Talitha's voice shook me up as I stuffed my limp cock back inside my shiny tights and trunk of my dress. I put on a happy face and then walked out like nothing had happened. "Well girl, you're fitting in just like the rest of us, hogging the bathroom for 10 minutes." Daisy quickly ran into the bathroom and shut the door as Talitha handed me my baton. "Everything ok sweetie?" She looked deep into my eyes and could see there was something a miss with the team's new star. She then bent over and whispered into my ear. "Now you be a good girl for me today and I'll pull on that cock of yours all night if we make it to the next round!" Another electrical shock ran through my feminized body as her soft hand slid down onto my shiny thigh. "Ok girls break it up! Daisy get your ass out here so we can begin!" Mrs Carter handed us our batons and then wlaked over to the CD palyer to start the music. I tried my best to get it together for the next 10 minutes. I eventually righted the ship and continued to mimic the girls moves and motions. Mrs Carter gave me several pointers as she picked out some of my unladylike flaws. The girls and I were so nervous and Mrs Carter had to settle us down several times as our practice went on up until 10:30. When we arrived at the auditorium the competiton was well underway. Mrs Carter walked us over to the judges table to sign us in and handed them our music for the routine. That's when one of the judges began to chit chat with Mrs Carter. "Well Gloria, not use to seeing you here this late in the competition? That wonder girl you have sure gives your team a different look." Mrs Carter signed us in and then handed back the woman's pen. "So nice of you to notice the New Golden Eagles, Erica. Perhaps we'll have another chat tomorrow when my girls make it into round 4?" "You'll have your hands full doing that hun. So far this morning we've had nothing but great performances from the girls with no disqualifications." The women exchanged smiles for a few seconds and then Mrs Carter turned to us. "Good luck girls and remember to keep your kicks high!" We headed back behind the stage and got in line just like yesterday. Today however, there was no trash talking or intimidation by the other teams looking us over. No one wanted a piece of us in any way before their routine and this was fine with me. All of us were very jittery as we slowly twirled our batons to relieve the tension. Several times Scarlett and Daisy dropped their batons which brought smiles to the seniors on the more powerful teams. As our turn drew ever so close Talitha huddled us for one last pep talk. "Ok girls, we may be a little outmatched here but we got Jamie Lynn, a great piece of music, and dynamite routine. Now lets do it!" We placed our hands one on top of each others and then gave everyone a confident "GOOOOO EAGLES!" As the Montgomery team exited the stage we gripped our batons tightly and pranced out into our positions. From the loud speaker a voice yelled out. "Lets hear it for the Athens Golden Eeeeeagles!" The crowd was emotionaly chagred and wound up as they all began to ponit in my direction and whisper "Jamie Lynn!" "There she is!" We took in our last few deep breaths as the sound of Sia's fast paced hit 'Cheap Thrills' began to blast out with our opening twirls! Three steps to the left and then three steps to the right made our skirts flare out and showed off the glossy shine of our legs! Spining batons around our waists and then a toss high in the air, all in perfect synch, as we twirled around two times making our skirts flare up to our waists showing off the Black trunks of our dresses. We caught our batons a little out of sequence as Maybelle's baton fell to her hand quicker than the rest of us. This got her twirling a little quicker while the rest of us played catch up. Maybelle did a few extra wrist rolls with our routine begining to balance back into perfect harmony. The crowd was really getting into our song and routine which brought smiles to the judges faces. Maybelle and Daisy continued to be in the front as Scarlett, Talitha and myself laid back waiting for our big finish. I was getting a little nervous as we once again spun in circles with batons once again flying high in the air. This time we all nailed our catches bringing the crowd more and more into it! Maybelle and Daisy reversed positions with Talitha and Scarlett. They then parted to the left and right clearing a path for me. The crowd all stood up to get a better view of me as I furiously brgan to twirl away! With confident feminine prances and strides I twirled my way to the front of the stage just a few feet from the judges table and first row of seated girls. I twirled around in a circle three times flaring my skirt to my waistline. With baton in hand I slowly swayed my hips to the left and right as I got back in line with Talitha and Scarlett. Seperated by only a few feet from each other we threw our batons high in the air for our big finish. I was to catch Talitha's baton, Scarlett was to catch mine and Talitha was to catch Scarlett's. Unfortunatley Scarlett's baton twirled to fast and hit Talitha's baton on it's end while my baton soared above them all. The crowd let out a dissapointing "Ohhhh nooo!" as our batons began to fall back to us! That's when Talitha softly cried out to me. "Jamie Lynn you got to save us!" The girls stepped aside giving me plenty of room as the first baton reached my extednded arm. As quick as I grabbed it I tossed it back up into the air with a soft circular twirl. Then the second and thrid batons found my open hands! After hesitating a few slpit seconds I tossed them high above my head just as the first baton was returning to earth. The girls stood by me with hands on their hips as I slowly began juggling all three batons! The song was still 45 seconds from the finish and it was up to me to keep it going now that our whole routine was shot to hell. Maybelle and Daisy continued twirling in the background as I flipped my batons one after another. The crowd of girls were going nuts with whistles and cheers as they muffled out our song banging through the speakers. With a few seconds to go I gave Talitha and Scarlett a wink. "Don't drop em girls!" When the next baton left my hand I tossed it towards Talitha and then one over to Scarlett. All three batons fell back to us with perfect speed as we snatched them out of the air and then struck a pose as our song came to an end! The noise from the crowd of girls in front of us and behind us was ear piercing! Mrs Carter was hopping around like a school girl and the judges stood up to applaud our efforts. We waved to the crowd one last time and then pranced off the stage. As soon as we got behind the curtain I was mobbed by not only my teamates but several of the other girls who were waiting for their turn to perform. Talitha and Scarlett hugged each other while Maybelle and Daisy wiped tears of joy from their Black outlined eyes. As the mob of girls nudged as close as possible they shook their heads and smiled at their new role model to follow. After taking in a few deep breaths I came to realize what I had just done. I then started to get a little teary eyed as waves of nervousness and feminine feelings rushed through my body. "Jamie Lynn, please teach me how to juggle like that!" "Me to! I want to be able to pull that off!" After a few minutes of craziness the judges and stage hands got control of the situation and restored a little order while the next team waited for their que to head on out. The girls and I rushed back out to Mrs Carter who gave us big hugs in between shaking hands with some of the other coaches. "Ohhh my girls that was so great! I don't think I ever heard a louder crowd in here." Mrs Carter then eyed me up as I took in a few more deep breaths. "And you wonder girl! How on earth can you possibly top that?" I gave her a wink with my heavily mascara covered eyelashes and smiled. "I guess we'll have to see if we make it to tomorrow's round of 20 to find out?" We sat down to watch the final 5 teams perform. I must have had 30 girls tap me on the shoulder, ask for lessons or give me a hug throughout the 45 minutes we sat and watched. After getting out of our uniforms and having some snacks Scarlett and Talitha approached me. "Hey Wonder Girl, thanks for saving our asses out there today." "Yea, you sure were incredible. How on earth did you learn to juggle batons like that? I mean, that's something 1 or 2 College girls might be able to pull off along with a few world class twirlers." I sat there for a few seconds thinking about Scartlett's question and then gave her a very direct answer. "It's like this Scarlett, you think about something to try in a minute. Then you practice doing it for hours, then days, then weeks and then months. Without breath control and calmness you'll never be able to do that juggling routine. I'm 100 times better than every girl here because of practice, concentration and breath control. Just like today, I was the one who didn't panic when things began to fall apart. I knew we had but one chance to save the routine with my juggling and it just worked out perfectly because I didn't panic at the wrong moment." "It sure did! Everyone thought it was part of our routine." The girls gave me a hug and then playfully sprayed me with perfume for fun!" I never seen the girls so happy and full of energy. They were clearly on cloud nine and enjoyed every second of the success we had today. At 5:00 Mrs Carter returned to our room as she went to see the results of the day's competition. By the look on her face you would swear she just won the lottery. "Eighth place girls! you're in eighth place right now! I can't believe it I'm gonna have a chance for my first top ten at one of these things!" High pitched yells and screams filled our room as we all hugged each other! "Ohh my god! I can't beleive it, eighth place! Jamie did you hear that!" Talitha gave me a big kiss on the cheek and then picked me up off my heels with a huge bear hug! "Ohhh you have made me so proud today!" She softly rested my heels back on the floor and Mrs Carter then sat us down for a little talk. "So now what girls, you have your choice of Dance, Poms or Batons for tomorrow. What's it gonna be?" Talitha and the girls looked at each other and silence filled the room. It got so quiet you could hear the second hand on our clock tick away. Scarlett then broke the silence. "Come on Talitha, you're the captain, what's on for tomorrow?" Talitha stood up and began pacing the floor as Mrs Carter watched her nervous steps. Daisy then got up from aside of me and grabbed Talitha's arm. "Well Talitha!" She removed Daisy's hand from her arm and then got a little upset. With arms folded up under her breasts she looked over to us with an unconfident facial expression. "I don't know where we go from here! I have no clue what to do for tomorrow because we wern't expected to make it to the round of 20!" Once again silence filled the room as we all came to realize that Talitha was right. We had no extra routines set up and very little time to put one together. Mrs Carter then gave us all a hug and broke the silence. "Girls, girls, don't look so down! We have the best twirler right here in our room. Now all we have to do is let Jamie Lynn wow them one more time with one of her amazing tricks and maybe you'll make it to the Friday finals?" Daisy then let out a big sigh. "Ohhh come on Mrs Carter! You know we all have to contribute in the routine not just Jamie Lynn. We got lucky today and that's all it was. We were lucky that she was able to catch those batons before they hit the floor." "Knock it off Daisy! I'll have no negativity on this team at any time! However, you're correct my dear, we did get very lucky today but sometimes you need a little luck to win one of these competitions. Now why don't we let Jamie Lynn talk for a while and let her come up with a twirling routine that will take some of the attention off you girls. I'm sure she could figure out something in the next 16 hours. You see, you girls will have even more pressure tomorrow because you drew the last time slot at 1:00pm." Scarlett threw her hands up high in the air and let out a sigh. "That's just frekin great! That means all the other teams will be finished and watching us from the chairs." "It sure does Scarlett, and the only one they'll be watching is our Wonder Girl here including the judges." Mrs Carter began rubbing my shoulders as my brain began thinking on how to come up with a miracle routine. "I'm sure you girls can whip up something new for tomorrow. Now get busy thinking while I run out for some Pizzas." Mrs Carter grabbed her purse and headed out to the school van while we all stood together. I raised my head to notice all the girls eyeing me up with very concerned looks on their faces. It wasn't until I let out a wry smile that a glimmer of hope filled their brains. "Come on girls, we have a lot of work to do for tomorrow and we're gonna get started right now with a little twirling 101." The girls grabbed their batons while I routed through the CD collection looking for one of my favorite songs to twirl to. After our Pizza was washed down with some diet Coke I began to lay the foundation for tomorrow's routine. Mrs Carter and the girls were all in on my routine and loved every part of it. It was now time to explain the big finish. Mrs Carter crossed her legs and the girls sat back on the couch eagerly waiting. "Ok girls, we need another home run tomorrow so I have an idea that might just get a trip around the bases if I can pull it off." Maybelle stood up and gave me a big encouraging hug! "You can do it Jamie Lynn! You can do anything!" "Well Maybelle, I haven't been able to pull off this manouver yet, but with all this extra adrenaline I'm having this week I beleive I might be able to pull it off!" I walked over to Mrs Carter and whispered into her ear." As the girls anxiously looked on Mrs Carter grabbed my frail arm. "Jamie Lynn, you must be joking?" I placed my hand on my feminine waistline and looked her right in the eye. "You heard me Mrs Carter! " "But Jamie where are we gonna get that kind of baton to pull this off?" "That's where you come in, perhaps your friend Erica can get us one? Without it, our chances are slim to make it to the final round? It sure wouldn't hurt for her to let it slip around the judging table of the batons use in tomorrows competiton either." She began to nod her head and threw back the rest of her soda. "Ok, you girls chill out while I head over to talk to Erica." Talitha and the girls then grabbed their purses and phones. "Oh Mrs Carter, we were all invited to hang out with the Oxford team for a few hours. We should be back around 9:00." "Ohhhhh Talitha I don't hink this a good idea? I mean, having Jamie Lynn out at night. He's already been ambushed twice in the past few days." "Come on Mrs Carter, nobody suspects a thing. They're in awe of our Wonder girl here and nothing is gonna happen in 2 hours." "Well alright, just be back at 9:00 so we can go over the routine once more before bed time." The girls freshened my makeup, spritzed on some perfume and brushed out my hair. We then headed out to meet up with the Oxford girls two buildings over. Before we knocked on the door Talitha gave us some final instructions. "Now look girls, they might be on the up and up but just play it safe and don't tell them anything about tomorrows routine, got it?" Talitha gave the door a few raps while we waited by her side. When the door opened up a tall brunette filled the door space and looked down at us. "Well, you must be those Golden Eagles who are flying so high this week?" "We sure are Mam!" "Come on in the girls were hoping you could stop by tonight." We followed her to a room where the five Oxford girls were waiting for us. "There she is girls! It's Jamie Lynn!" I was immediately surrounded by three of them with batons in hand. "Jamie Lynn, me first, please please teach me that balancing trick!" Another girl pulled at my arm almost making trip over in my heels. "No no Jamie Lynn, teach me how to juggle!" "Girls, girls, how about starting with some introdcutions first?" For the next few minutes we exchanged names and curious looks as the Oxford coach poured us some drinks. All of the girls were jacked up except for one of the taller twirlers who I had seen watching me throughout the week. She was so beautiful and very well proportioned! Shapely thighs and sexy developed breasts complimented her tall frame. She stood a good 5 inches taller than me and I was in 2 inch heels! She stepped by her teammates and encircled me many times as she sipped her drink. while trying to satisfy her curiosity she brushed her shoulders with mine ever so softly on two separate occasions. Eventually she gave me a smile and wink of her eye while I was showing one of the girls how to balance her baton on her finger. Talitha and the girls played some card games and exchanged makeup techniques with the girls while I continued with giving out some pointers to the yound girls. Then out of the blue the taller girl named Blair grabbed my hand and held it up to her eyes. "Hmmm, you have very long nails for a twirler Jamie Lynn, How come you don't file them down for competition?" Her soft hand felt so nice and I was like a deer in the headlights as I stared into her black outlined green eyes. "Uhhhh, I guess I just never thought about it to be honest. You see, I can twirl with long or short nails." I tried to pull my hand back but she wasn't quite finished with me yet. Her other hand then found its way into my curly hair. "You have beautiful hair sweetie, what kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use?" I thought to myself, Shampoo? Conditioner? Nobody told me about any of that. I swallowed hard as she continued to make eye contact with me. I was in awe of her beauty and feminine charm which only clouded my mind on the subject at hand. "Wha... wha... what was the question?" Her smile got bigger and bigger as her hand slid down and onto my waistline. I said, what shampoo and conditioner do you use?" With one hand on her hip she continued to coil my curly hair around her extended manicured tipped finger. She had me in a transe as we continued to stare into each other eyes. She then bent over to my neck while inching closer to me. I could feel her breath in my ear as she took in a few sniffs. "Hmmm, I just love the smell of your perfume. Are you wearing a jasmine scent by chance?" She ran her tounge across her Pink lips while her extended finger delicately glided along my throat. Talitha wasn't missing a thing and quickly came to my rescue. "Hey Jamie Lynn, how about playing some cards with us before we go?" She gave Blair a stern look while pulling me from her grasp. I began to breath again now that my interrogation session was over. Blair left the room leaving us to play girlish card games for the next hour or so. When we got back to our room Mrs Carter was waiting for us with some Popcorn. "Well, did you girls have a good time?" Daisy quickly threw her purse on the sofa and cried out. "That bitch Blair was eating Jamie Lynn alive! Did you girls see her drueling all over her!" Maybelle began grinning from ear to ear and then ran her fingers through my hair. "I sure did! Jamie darling what shampoo do you use, is that jasmine perfume your wearing?" The girls busted up laughing as Mrs Carter raised her hand and pointed to us. "You see! That's what I was talking about, maybe some of these girls would like a better look at Jamie Lynn here. The last thing we need is for one of those pissed off girls to find out whats hiding in Jamie Lynn's control tops." Talitha poured herself a glass of water and then sat down next to me. "Pissed off girls, what are you talking about Mrs Carter?" "Well, on my way over to meet with Erica, I overheard 4 seniors talking about how pissed off they were now that Jamie Lynn is the talk of the competition. "You know how bad girls can get when they're thrown out of the spotlight." I then got up and straightened the skirt of my dress out. "Never mind that Mrs Carter, were you able to get that baton I wanted?" "Our lucky streak continues sweetie because Erica had one in her collection of 100 batons. You girls should see that collection of star studded batons from over the years." The girls and I went to the table and Talitha quickly recognized the special case with several bright Pink graphics on it. Her hands grabbed the elaborate Gold case and she ran her fingers over the raised lettering. Maybelle then broke the silence as we all waited for Talitha to open it. "Whistler? What is Whistler?" Talitha clicked open the snaps on the side of the case and flipped open the top exposing the shiny golden colored baton. I then filled Maybelle in while we all stared at the baton. "Whistler is a brand of baton Maybelle and it is a very special one!" Talitha pulled the baton from the purple velvet tabs and showed it to Maybelle. "I don't get it, what's so special about this Baton, and what are these tiny holes in the shaft for?" Mrs Carter pulled the baton from Maybelle's hand and explained. "You see girls, this baton is called the Whistler just as the name on the case suggests. Erica tells me that she has never seen any girl succeed in getting the baton to whistle except at worldwide competitions in Europe where they use a baton with larger holes to make it easier for the air to pass through." Scarlett then pulled the baton from Mrs Carter's hands and prepared to twirl. "Step aside, I'll show you how easy it is!" We watched her spin the baton as fast as she could but at no point could we hear any whistling coming from the tiny holes on the shaft of the baton. Mrs Carter then took back the baton just as Daisy was ready to take a turn. "Hold on Daisy, you're twirling speed is slower than Scarlett's and from what I hear you need to produce 125 revolutions per minute get this Golden Baton to whistle. Here Jamie, show em how it's done." Mrs Carter handed me the baton and I slowly began to twirl it. "I don't know girls this feels a little heavier than the one I have at home. This will make it even more difficult to get the speed and revolutions we need to pull off this miracle." "Wait a minute Jamie, you have a whistler baton at home, where on earth did you get it?" "Talitha, the whistler baton I have came from an online auction site and I paid over $500 for it last year." The girls mouths dropped open as I stood there like it was no big deal. Mrs Carter then took the baton from my hands and placed it back in the case. "Well Jamie, you'll have time to practice with it tomorrow, for now lets work on our routine before we hit the sack." For the next two hours we went over the routine and hitting our marks. There was no room for errors since we were down to 20 teams with one performance to make it to the round of 10. When morning arrived I was out of bed first and waiting for the girls to get up. I opened the whistler case and stared at the golden baton that shined so brilliantly in the light. For the first time in a long while I felt I bit off more than I could chew. My trembling hands gripped the shaft as a rush of doubt filled my brain. I then felt a tap on my shoulder making me jump! "Morning Wonder girl!" "Ohhh Mrs Carter, you startled me!" She took the baton from my trembling hands and placed it back in the case. "Are you sure about this Jamie Lynn?" She could see the doubt in my eyes as I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know Mrs Carter, this baton is gonna be a challenge and I have very little time to master it." "Well dear, no matter what happens today I want you to know I'm so proud of you and what you've done for me and the girls. We would've never got his far with Dixie twirling for us. Now how about getting a shower before I do your makeup and style your hair?" It was 6:30 and the girls were gonna be crawling out of bed shortly wanting their turn in the bathroom so I grabbed my feminine underwear that Talitha had laid out last night and headed for my morning shower. When I returned to my bedroom Talitha was setting up our makeup and glittery sparkles to complete our competitive look. She gave me a big hug and grabbed the box of Saran Wrap. Once again I sucked in as much air as possible while she zipped the roll around my waist until the wrap was all off the roll. She squeezed the loose ends tight together to give me back my teenage feminine figure. A pair of Bright Pink panties, bra and Beige pantyhose completed my feminine underwear. Talitha filled my bra cups with the silicones breasts I had been wearing since this crossdressing thing started. A pretty pink dress and matching low heeled shoes finished me off along with a good amount of hairspray and perfume. "Ok love, you're ready for breakfast! Now go help Mrs Carter with some of our chores while the girls and I get dressed." She gave me a big hug and sound of my heels walking on the tiled floor filled the room. At 8:30 we headed to the dining hall for breakfast. Once again I was mobbed by several of the younger girls who were knocked out in some of the earlier rounds. They and their coaches decided to stick around to see how the competition would end up never dreaming they would be witnessing such twirling excellence. Talitha and the other girls hurried me along so we could eat and get back to our room for some more practicing which we desperately needed. The crowd of girls had dramaticaly thined out now that we were down to just 20 teams. As we ate our breakfast the constant whispers from the amazed young girls continued as they looked our way. Unfortunately I also noticed many of the intimidating snears by the older Seniors. I was the talk of the competition but what really got my attention was when I heard several of the girls talking about a girl who was gonna try and conquer the Whistler baton in today's competition. Obviously, Erica leaked out the juicy information to more than the judges that the Whistler Baton would be on stage today. This started all kinds of speculation on who was gonna be gripping that Golden baton when the competition started. Not the way I wanted the day to start because it added more nervousness to my fragile phsyche, now there was no turning back or changing the routine. The girls snears and all the Whistler talk began to turn my well wrapped belly. I only ate half my breakfast and sat nervously rocking my nylon covered leg while the girls finished up. Some of the nasty Seniors made it a point to walk right past me as they exited the dining hall. They could sense a little insecurity in me while they gave me their confident intimidating facial expressions. I needed very little encouragement to get out of the dining hall when the girls stood up to leave. When we got back to our room we got dressed into our uniforms and the CD player was ready to go for practice. I was now ready to take the Golden Whistler Baton from Mrs Carter's hand. "Here you go Wonder Girl! Make that thing sing this afternoon!" I took the baton from Mrs Carter's hands and immediately began to slowly roll it across my hands and wrists just like any other warm up. The shine off this baton was amazing! It felt so nice in my hand but I knew it would be the end of us if I couldn't wow the judges and crowd one more time. For the next 2 hours we practiced our routine. Mrs Carter pushed us like never before while trying to hit our marks in perfect harmony and synch. Maybelle and Daisy were improving on some new triwling moves I showed them last night while Scarlett and Talitha worked on their high leg kicks to show off their long suntaned shiny legs. Several times I twirled my baton only to disappoint me and the girls because I was unable to create enough speed to get the air through the holes fast enough to generate a whistle. It was then that Daisy walked over to Mrs Carter. "So what happens if Jamie Lynn can't get that thing to whistle?" "Well dear, she's not gonna wow the judges by just twirling her baton. If there's no whistling, the judges won't be awarding us many points for Jamie' Lynn's efforts. We need that crowd yelling and applauding like yesterday or we will be going home tomorrow morning. You girls are swinging for the fences today and sometimes you end up striking out." I then gathered the team in a huddle. "You girls just hit your marks and dance your hearts out! I have the hard part and I'm gonna twirl that thing like I never before!" Once again we put our feminine hands one on top of each others and cried out "Gooooo Eagles!" We shared a long embrace and Mrs Carter grabbed her purse before heading out the door. The sidewalks were empty with the remaining girls in the auditorium watching the competition. The sound of our shiny nylon clad legs rubbing together filled the air with every step. My busty chest bounced around inside my uniform just like all the other girls. The Sky was overcast and very depressing which didn't help me in getting that positive emotional rush that I needed badly today. When we entered the auditorium the girls surrounded me blocking the view of the other girls. Several 'There she is', 'I want to be just like her' and 'I can't wait to watch her' whispers filled the air. Mrs Carter hurried us up to the sign in table and once again was greeted by her friend Erica. "Good morning Gloria, you and your girls ready?" "Yes, we're ready!" The girls moved closer to me as we tightly bunched together while I clutched my well hidden Whistler baton. Several of the girls and other coaches were watching us like a hawk as Mrs Carter handed Erica our music CD for our routine. When Erica looked at the CD she began to giggle. "Your kidding right? This song has been out of date by 15 years!" "That's why everyone's gonna love it! This is one of Jamie Lynn's favorite songs to twirl to." "I don't know Gloria, I think this time you bit off more than you can chew?" "Just play it honey and wait to lose your eardrums when this crowd erupts." Erica took the CD and then began checking each one of us out. "So Gloria, where is it? Where's that thing I gave you last night?" Mrs Carter snickered before answering. "It will turn up shortly, just be patient. Good luck girls, knock em dead today!" All five of us slowly made our way down the aisle and around to the back of the stage. While stepping up to get behind the curtain a group of young girls began whistling at us. We stopped in our tracks and I snapped head back to them. I gave them a wink of my eye just as their whistle was finishing up. As soon as my Golden shafted baton came into view, the girls began whispering and pointing. "There it is! I told you Jamie Lynn would be the one!" "Wow, a Whistler baton! Do you think she can pull it off?" We made our way behind the curtain and got to the end of the line. The Seniors who gave me a good helping of breakfast snears once again made it a point to walk over to us for a little trash talk. "Looks like the Eagles get their tail feathers pulled out today girls!" The tall long legged debutante towered over us as she ran her hand over my baton. "You'll never be able to pull this one off you twirling twirp! Me and my girls are gonna be in the front row to watch you crumble once we show you a thing or two!" She took the end of her baton and played with my curly hair as she confidently smiled down on me. I was so pissed by her snotty attitude that I reacted to her completely out of character. I took the end of my baton and pushed it right into her size 2 wasitline. She fell backwards and landed on her pantied ass making everyone ooooh and ahhhh! "You little bitch, how dare you do that to me!" When she got up off the floor she quickly began to brush the dust off herself. Then her ringed finger snagged her tights in two spots on her thighs putting big holes in them. "Oh my god! My tights are ruined!" Her other team members ran their fingers over the 1 inch holes and 8 inch runs that ran down the front of her thighs! "Lets go Cindy we're up next!" "I can't go on stage with run filled tights!" Come on, we don't have time to get another pair!" Tears began to fill up in her eyes as her teamates pulled her to the edge of the curtain and then out on the stage. For the next 3 minutes we watched Prissy Cindy miss her marks and drop her baton ending any chance to advance to tomorrows final round of 10. She was completely out of control and crying when she ran off the stage. "You fuckin golden beagle look what you did to me and my team! I've never been so embarrassed, I'll get you for this some day!" The girls shielded me from the pissed off Senior as her teamates pulled her from the stage. Even though Talitha was giggling, she was still very concerned about what just happened. "Way to go Jamie Lynn, looks like you have another enemy to add to your list?" For the next 20 minutes things calmed down as we watched the Birmingham girls wow the crowd. We were up next and by now everyone had figured out that the Whistler Baton would be found in the hands of one of the Golden Eagles since it wasn't spotted on stage in any of the previous 19 teams. The girls and I did one more motivational cheer together as the Birmangham girls pranced off the stage. One of those girls stopped and grabbed my arm as she caught her breath. "You can do it Jamie Lynn! We know you can do it!" I gave her a smile and my adrenaline rush slowly began to build inside me. As the crowds applause wound down we heard Erica's voice echoing from the speakers. "Our last team for the day is the Athen's Golden Eagles!" I gripped my Whistler baton firmly and followed Talitha and Scarlett out onto the stage. Unlike previuos days, today Flashbulbs illuminated from the auditorium seats as we took our starting positions. We raised our batons high in the air with great anticipation for our music to begin. Today the girls and I would be entertaining the crowd to Pink's 'Get This Party Started'. The girls in the audience tried to control their emotions but I heard several of them whisper my name while the judges eyed me up as with the prestigious Whistler Golden colored baton." When our song began the crowd began clapping to our opening twirls along with the unfamiliar beat and opening lines. 'IIIII'm comin out so you better get this party started!' All five of us twirled our batons with an unmistakenable reverse piroutte. Our sexy short pleated skirts floated on air as we spun counterclockwise to the demanding beat of the song. The song was about 3 1/2 minutes long so we had very little time to wow the judges or recover from any slip ups like yesterday. As the second chorus of the song beagn we took our spots for a repeat of yesterday failed baton toss. Today we would try it again but with all five girls. With left hand on our hip we twirled with our right hand. I gave Maybelle a wink of the eye and she tossed her baton high in the air. A split second later Talitha tossed hers, then Scarlett, Daisy and finally me. As soon as my baton left my hand I caught Maybelle's falling baton and began to twirl just like we started the sequence. Talitha, Scarlett, Daisy and lastly Maybelle grabbed their batons from the air and confidently twilred away as the crowd of girls jumped out of their seats applauding! All five of us did a little skirt flaring with some feminine steps to our left and then to our right with zero missteps. While we pranced and danced Maybelle and I quickly swaped our batons with just 30 seconds remaining in the song. The girls stepped to the right and left of me as we tiptoed up closer to the edge of the stage and the judges table. With only 15 seconds to go the crowd of girls quieted themselves and I began to double wrist roll my Golden Baton! Once again more flashes illuminated from the crowd as I began to twist the baton around my wrists as fast as I could. The girls contiued to twirl 2 steps behind me as my speed quickly increased. With as much wrist speed as I could produce, I completely stopped breathing and concentrated. With everyone watching my efforts were beginning to pay off! I began to put a little air under the jugdes scoring papers making them flutter into their laps! The song began to fade from the speakers as I furiously hancuffed my hands with the golden baton. Now with lighting speed of my golden propeller, an increasingly loud whistling sound broke the silence making many of the girls in the audience raise their hands up to cover their ears! I kept up the magical performance for 5 full seconds which only increased the ear piercing whistling. When one of the windows high in the auditorium broke the girls followed my lead and stopped in perfect synch with proud heads extented high and hands on our feminine waists. For a brief second or two the judges and crowd applauded me and the girls as we held our pose and caught our breath! Then we heard a second window break followed by a third and then a fourth! Everyone looked on with falling window glass hitting the auditorium floor. A few seconds later we heard the sound of tornado sirons begin to fill the air. Panic set in and we were all instructed to head downstairs to the storm cellar. "Come on Jamie Lynn!" Talitha grabbed my hand and we ran off the stage out into the crowd of girls. Erica and another adult tried to keep everyone calm as they pointed to the staircase. "This way girls! Everyone, this way quickly!" The roar of the wind outside the building clearly shattered the festive mood of the competition. While we headed downstairs to the storm cellar the lights went out which only made everyone panic even more! The pushing and pulling twisted everyone in circles. This was when Talitha and I lost our grip for a brief second or two but I quickly managed to interlock our fingers as we quickly got inside. The door was closed good and tight as crying and a sense of fear filled the cellar. We were stacked in like sardines. My body was tightly up against several other girls who balled like babies as the storm grew closer and closer! Talitha was behind me and interlocked her fingers on my other hand before folding her arms across my busty chest. Her nylon clad legs rubbed with mine as the girls in the cellar twisted and pulled at each other. Finally one of the coaches yeled out to everyone. "Girls, girls, please calm down! You're safe down here and the storm should pass in a few minutes! Now everyone please be quiet so we can conserve our air supply. " The girls began to calm down but many of them were emotional wrecks. With every passing second the roar outside drew closer and closer. To my surprise Talitha removed her hand from my chest and slid it down onto my shiny nylon covered leg. Her tounge then found my ear making me quiver with a bit of excitement! As she sucked on my ear and rubbed my nylon clad leg the storm roared just outside the building. Talitha's warm body with mine and all her licking began to make my cock very hard! Even though we all could die in the next few minutes, I thought to myself what a way to go! I could feel a smile work across my face as I enjoyed every touch of her sexy teeze. When her hand reached up under my skirt and onto my stiff nylon covered cock her lips engulfed my ear while softly biting on my earing clad earlobe. She played with my stiff nyloned cock for about 30 seconds getting me closer to my first climax. Everything was so perfect! Her warm breath and tounge in my ear and her soft hand massaging my pantied cock. This went on for about another minute while the storm moved on down the line. We heard the tornado siron stop the adults gave the all clear for us to leave the cellar. As soon as the door was opened the mob of claustrophobic girls rushed out into the darkness! Once again Talitha and I were separated as I was rolled out into the dark hall with all the other girls. When we got back up to the stage area the janitorial team were cleaning up all the broken window glass. Me and Maybelle found each other first and then Mrs Carter found us. "Ohh my god are you girls allright? We all got seperated and I had no idea where eveyone got to." Maybelle began crying and Mrs Carter gave her a comforting hug. "Take it easy sweetie the storm is gone!" I heard several of the coaches talking about how close the Tornado was but it appeared that we ended up getting straightline winds and 2 inch hail which smashed some of the windows. About 20 minutes had passed before we all were back together. Now that the danger had passed several of the coaches and mobs of young girls congratulated me and the team on our one of a kind performance. Talitha gave me a big hug for over 10 seconds before kissing me on my forehead. We gazed into each others eyes and hugged once more while Mrs Carter talked with Erica. I wanted so bad to head back down to the dark storm celear with her for another hour after the way she made me feel. I don't think I was ever so turned on by the way she fondled my cock and licked my neck and ears. I had never seen this side of her before and could tell she was extremely turned on by the way her feminine body trembled while holding me so close. For the next 2 hours we chatted about the storm and the days competition. Erica stopped by and picked up her Whistler Baton and congratulated me on my amazing accomplishment. After she left we chatted about the crazy scene down in the storm cellar. That's when Mrs Carter jokingly commented to us. "I knew you girls were safe down in the storm shelter, but did any of you panic while being cooped up in there for 10 minutes?" I gave Talitha a wink of my sexy eye and she cracked a smile. Mrs Carter then looked down on me as I inspected my nylons for any snags or runs. "How about you Jamie Lynn, were you scared like the rest of us?" "Mrs Carter, I can honestly say that was a great 10 minutes of my life! I was in safe hands the whole time with Talitha." Talitha put down her drink then looked over at me with a very concerned look. "Jamie Lynn, what are you talking about?" "Come on Talitha, you know what went on?" She placed her hands on her hips and eyed me up with a shake of her head. "Jamie Lynn, I don't know what's going on here but I got pushed from behind just before our hands separated and I never made it inside the storm cellar. Me and about 15 girls got pushed down the hall and were forced to take refuge in one of the bathrooms aside of the shelter." "But, if you wern't holding me, who was?" "I don't know Jamie Lynn! Now think hard and try and remember who you saw in the shelter." "Damn it Talitha, it was pitch black you couldn't see anything or anyone even after the door was reopened 15 minutes later." I stood up and began nervously clicking my heels along the tiled floor trying to make sense of what had happened. Mrs Carter could see the tears building in my eyes as I softly began to cry. "Jamie Lynn! What's wrong girl?" Talitha held me in her arms as the other girls tried to make sense of my mini meltdown. "Come on sweetie, it's no big deal so some girl needed a hand to hold to get through the storm." I wiped a few tears from my eyes and then dropped the bomb on Mrs Carter and the girls. "It... it... it's not that simple Mrs Carter. This girl had her tounge in my ear and she was holding me romantically tight. Her hands fonldled me all over and I thought is was Talitha." Mrs Carter was outraged that any girl would pull this while the storm raged outside. Talitha then held my makeup ruined face in the palms of her hands as tears streamed from my eyes. "What else did she do Jamie Lynn?" I swallowed hard and then confessed. "Sh... sh... she touched my you know what!" "Your cock! She touched your cock!" "My very stiff cock!" "Girls, girls, stop your swearing, we all know how a penis works and reacts! We're so screwed now! One of these remaining girls now knows our little Wonder Girl's secret, and we have no clue who she is or if she's told anyone?" Daisy and Maybelle voiced their opinions as Talitha cleaned up my face. "Well I think we should report this girl to the competition committee and have her thrown out for being a lesbian." "Great idea Maybelle, that'll teach her!" Mrs Carter threw her hands in the air and gave them both a stern look. "Just like that huuh? And how do expect us to find this girl, and then, what do we say to the committee when she suggests that they take a peek inside Jamie Lynn's panties? Damn you girls! I knew this was gonna blow up in our faces! Get Jamie Lynn washed up and reapply her makeup while I head down to see if the judges have posted today's results, I'll stop back with some Pizzas in about an hour." Talitha walked me into the bathroom to wash off my face. As soon as the door shut she grabbed my arm with a pissed off look on her face. "So you were having fun with another girl hmmm." "Talitha please, I thought is was you?" "Yea sure you did, you should know my soft touches by now! You were in the arms of another girl getting hard and there's no other way to look at it!" "Look Talitha, we're in a lot of trouble right now, can't we talk about this later?" "There isn't gonna be any later Jamie Lynn! If I find out you're cheating on me, we're through!" "But Talitha, this isn't fair I had no..." "Keep your mouth shut, so I can wash your face off!" It took about 45 minutes for us to stop arguing and to get my makeup back on. When we came back out to the room Scarlett was waving a piece of folded paper in her fingers. "While the two of you were yelling for the past half hour, someone knocked and slid this note under the door for Jamie Lynn." I went to grab it from Scarlett's hand but Talitha reached for it just as I was about to pinch it with my fingers. "Give me that thing!" Talitha quickly unfolded the paper and then read us the note. "Dear Golden Eagles, by now you've come to realize that we know all about Jamie Lynn's little secret hiding in his panties and pantyhose. Have her dressed in her uniform and at the auditorium at 8:00pm sharp. She can get in on the side door and make sure she's alone. If you girls try anything cute, the competition committee will be notified first thing in the morning." Talitha let go of the piece of paper and it glided to the floor. "Well, what do we do now?" "I have no clue Daisy, but we can't serve up Jamie Lynn to one of those pissed off Seniors who are still hanging around." "Yea you're right there, who knows what they'll do to her, especially that debutaunte she made a fool of today on the stage." As we pondered our options Mrs Carter came back with Pizza boxes and wonderful news. "Girls, you won't beileve this, we're in 4th place right now!" Her smile quickly disappeared as she gazed down on our sad facial expressions. "It dosen't matter anymore Mrs Carter! We got this note while you were gone." Talitha picked the note from the floor and handed it to her. After reading the note her enthusiasm sank just as ours did. She opened one of the Pizza boxes and then placed a piece on a plate. She handed it to me and then ran her fingers through my hair. "Well Jamie Lynn, what do you think we should do? We've been riding your lucky streak for three days now." "I don't know Mrs Carter, I know this is a trap by one of those snotty Seniors! Who knows how rough they might get with me? They may work me over and then turn me in to the competition committee anyway to finish me off good and proper." Daisy and Maybelle grabbed a slice of Pizza and then sat right next to me. "You sure would need a lot of courage to face this unknown. But any girl who can make a baton whistle, should be able to stand up to a bitchy Senior on the rag?" Maybelle gave me a wink as I crossed my nylon clad leg and placed my face in my hands. "Ohhhhh I don't know what to do!" Talitha said nothing as she watched me squirm to the pressure." After a long debate we took a vote and it came out 4 to 2 in favor of getting me dressed in my uniform and head to the auditorium for 8:00. My hair was brushed out and my makeup was touched up. A nice amount of feminine perfume was sprayed over me and Talitha handed me my Orange Pom Poms. "Good luck Jamie Lynn, be careful!" Everyone gave me a hug and I walked out the door with poms in each hand. It only took 5 minutes to make the walk to the Auditorium. Just as planned, I walked in through the unlocked side door. The sound of the door closing behind me echoed through the now empty auditorium. After about 3 minutes I called out into the darkness. "It's me Jamie Lynn, is anyone here?" I heard the curtain rustle on the stage and then the sound of someone walking down from it. I inched my way over to the darkness of the stage when I herad a soft whistle. I jerked my head over by the hallway where I saw a hand sticking out from behind a door. Her feminine finger began motioning me to head over to the hall next to the door. I made it to the hall and stepped onto the hallway tiles. The lighting was very poor as I began walking down the hall. Then another whistle stopped me in my tracks. Once again a feminine extended finger curled up and baited me to walk over to the staircase. As I got to the top of the steps I heard the sound of someone walking down the steps to the tiled floor below. When I got to the bottom of the steps I walked my way down the dark hall. I walked up to the opened door of the storm cellar and stuck my head inside. "Hello, is anyone in here?" The next thing I knew I was pulled inside and the door was slammed shut. I nervously clutched my Poms in the darkness as I waited. "Please, I don't want any trouble, I didn't mean show any of you girls up!" A lone match was struck and illuminated just a small portion of the room. When it was touched on the wick of a candle the match was blown out. Then the candle came towards me. The feminine silihouette came into view and then she raised the candle up to her face. "BLAIR! You sent me the note?" "I sure did little girl!" She set the candle on a table and then grabbed my trembling hand. "Don't be afraid Jamie Lynn, I just wanted to talk for a while." I dropped my poms to the floor as she walked me over to one of the padded benches against the wall. She was completely dressed in her majorette outfit and sat her nylon clad ass on the leather cushions. I went to sit aside of her but she pulled me onto her skirted lap. "There we go Jamie Lynn, now lets talk about how cute you look in that outfit." "Look Blair, I have a girlfriend and I like her a lot." "Well any girlfriend that can get her boyfriend to masquerade around as a Majorette must have a sissy for a boyfriend." "Ohhhh Blair, you got it all wrong. I'm not a sissy! I'm just helping the team out for the competition this week." She busted out laughing as her hand began to caress my nylon covered legs. "Oh come now Jamie Lynn, you have such pretty shiny legs, and an eye catching uniform. You wear makeup and perfume just like all of the other girls do. You can't tell me you don't enjoy being trasformed into a girl?" She wrapped her arms around my waist while her green eyes stared deep into mine. "OK, so I like the feel of my tights and tight uniform, that dosen't make me a pretty boy or crossdresser!" "Calm down baby, don't get your panties in a bind. It's ok to be different, I'm the same way. You see, I love seeing young boys transformed into cute girls, it's such a turn on for me! I wanted to dress you up so bad the first day you showed up with those pink ribbons in your hair and smelling so sweet." Our warm nyloned covered bodies began touching and both of us realized something was brewing. "Come on Blair, what do you want from me? Are you gonna spill the beans and tell everyone about my secret?" "Your secret's safe with me sweetie. I got wise and noticed your masquerade / little secret last night when you and the girls stopped by our room." "What do you mean, noticed my secret?" Once again she purred out a girlish giggle and interlocked our fingers together. Her hand then found its way up under my skirt right to my pantied cock! "Remember last night when I asked you what shampoo and conditioner you use?" "Yea, so!" "Well you got a fearful look on your face as you tried to think of answer. I knew then something was up because any girl would've quickly responded with an answer in 2 quick seconds! Of course, the clincher was when I softly began touching your neck with my fingertip." The tip of her finger once again found my neck and began gliding up and down on it once more. "You feel that invisible bump Jamie Lynn, that's called an adams apple and as soon as I felt it I wanted to have you for dinner some day!" I began to squirm as her grip tightened. "Now don't be shy sweetie I just want to pick up where we left off this afternoon. You'll have to give Taffy my apollogies for pushing her in the back while we scrambled for cover." "YOU DID THAT?" "I sure did! I just loved the way Taffy fell on her ass giving me the perfect opprtunity to snatch your wandering hand and pull you inside." "Well her name's Talitha, not Taffy, and I don't understand why you would do that?" "Because Jamie Lynn, I wanted to be in that dark room with you and have you all to myself." I laid my head on her shoulder as she began to pull on my limp cock. "Blair, I'm so confused, what do we do now?" "Weeeell, I never got to be with a hot boy/girl before so why don't we stop talking and start makin out?" Her lips were just inches from mine with our nyloned legs intertwined. "But I'm going steady with Talitha, I can't make out with you, she'll kill me if she finds out." "I know you want to kiss me Jamie Lynn so how about showing Big Bad Blair how you make out!" She pulled me closer and moved in for the kill. "Blair, please, I..." Before I could finish her lips pressed to mine and her tounge was all the way down my throat! I tried to squirm free but she was just to strong for my frail arms. The more and more she fondled me the more and more I began to relax and not resist. "That's a good girl Jamie Lynn now let me see how hard I can get this thing of yours!" Her free hand massaged my growing cock while her lipstick covered lips pressed with every pore on my neck! "It only took a few minutes to get me as stiff as could be. The feel of our nyloned legs rubbing together and the sound of our dresses rustling in the darkness turned me on like earlier today. "Come on Jamie Lynn shoot it for me honey!" With her hand fully wrapped around my nylon cock I whispered out. "I... I... I never shot it with Talitha!" "Sounds to me like she's not the right girl for the job!" With powerful strokes from Blair's soft hands I began to feel the base of my cock tense up. "Cum for me Jamie Lynn! Show me how a bad girl cums!" Her fingers touched the tip of my swolen head and a orgasmic sensation ran through my body! "Blair! STOP! STOP! I can't hold it any longer! First a jolt and then a second jolt as I softly moaned out! "Ohhhh Blaaair! Squirt! Squirt! Squirt! My first cum explosion was shot in the trunks of my Majorette uniform and it felt so wonderful! Blair felt the spermy mess in my nylon/lycra trunks while she continued jerking me off. "That's a good girl Jamie Lynn! You see how much more fun we can have together?" She let out a little laugh and smeared her cum covered hand all over my skirt! What A feeling! I finally shot my first load but it happened while being dressed as a young majorette! We made out and held hands for the next hour. She even managed to get me to cum one more time adding to the terrible mess in the crotch of my uniform! After we shared our last passionate kiss we exchanged email addresses and phone numbers before leaving the auditorium. On the way back to our building I hurried my steps as it was now almost 10:00. I could see the lights of our building and a few of the girls standing on the porch waiting for me. Just as I was about to raise my hand and wave to them someone grabbed my other hand. When they spun me around I got an eyeful of a pissed off Cindy! "Not so fast Jamie Lynn!" Another girl wrapped her hand over my mouth while they hurried me back down towards one of the vacant Buildings. "Hurry up girls, this way, this way!" I mumbled through her hands but coudn't get anything out. They quickly got me down the path and inside the building. "Get your ass moving Jamie Lynn!" Cindy gave my pantied ass a nice swat while I was hurried down the hall and into an empty room. "You son of a bitch! You're ass is mine now!" She grabbed a hold of my long hair and began to pull! "OUCH! Let me go bitch!" She pulled me up onto my tippytoes and glared into my terrified eyes! "You fuckin weasle! Coming in here and making us Seniors look like amatures! Well, you're gonna pay dearly for making us miss the cut today!" Tears began to fill in my eyes as one of the girls pinched her nose and got a foul look on her face. "Jesus Cindy, what the hell is thet smell!" Cindy got a big smile on her face and her free hand lifted up my damp skirt. "Its called CUM girls! Just look at the sissy's crotch!" The girls bent over and looked on while Cindy held up my skirt. "Oh my god Cindy you were right! She's a he!" "Your damn right! I knew there was no way a 14 year old girl could twirl a baton that fast! And to make things even better, we caught her after one of her little jerk off sessions!" She left go of my hair and the tears began rolling down my cheeks. "Aaawe, what's the matter Jamie Lynn, or shall I say JAMIE!" I was shaking terribly as the 5 girls surrounded me. "Ple.. ple... please let me go! I never wanted to make anyone look bad." "Shut the hell up! It's way to late for apologies." Two of the girls took out their phones and Cindy grabbed a hold of my hair once more. "Now you little sisssy, I want you lift your skirt up and pull that cock out right now!" Cindy pulled my hair forcing me up onto my tippytoes again while I began to unmask my true gender. "Just look how small it is girls!" They started snapping pictures as the flashes illuminated my hidden secret. After 20 good pictures Cindy left go of my hair and I tucked my cock back inside my cum filled tights and uniform. After Cindy viewed the images she sat down on the chair and grabbed my arm. "Now sweetie, I'm gonna give you a lesson you'll never forget! The girls quickly pushed me over her lap and Cindy flipped up my skirt. "Such a nice ass you have Jamie!" Her bare hand cracked my ass making me jump in her lap! "Hey! that hurts!" I then watched one of the girls hand her a wooden paddle! "NO! NO! PLEASE DON"T!" I began to squirm with all I had but she had my waist securely bound up with her free hand. "Now girls how many cracks does Jamie deserve for being caught crossdressing as a majorette?" "Give her 10 good ones Cindy!" "Him Jasmine, refer to the sissy as a him because that's what he is!" CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! "How does that feel sweetie?" While Cindy wailed away on my pantied ass one of the other girls softly stepped on the tops of my hands that laid flat on the cool concrete floor. I was balling my head off as the spanking went on and on. "Now girls, how many cracks should he get for ruining our performance today?" ""Give the sissy 20 more good ones Cindy!" "N..., N..., No! Please stop! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Cindy wasted no time in continuing my pantied ass spanking as she giggled out to her girls. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! "Ohhhh this feels so good girls!" By the time Cindy finished with me my pantied ass was on fire and my face was a makeup disaster! I was pulled to my feet and once again Cindy took a firm grip of my hair. "Now Jamie, listen up! Tomorrow afternoon in front of hundreds of girls and coaches YOU will perform as bad as possible, I want that baton hitting the stage floor and I want you to fail miserably just like we did today." "I HATE YOU CINDY! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! " Her bare hand slapped me across the face and then she grabbed my hair once more. "You better bomb out like I said or all those pictures we took will be sent to every coach who competed here this week! Now get out of my fuckin sight!" Two of the girls walked me to the door and pushed me out into the darkness. I ran as fast as I could to our building crying hysterically. When the girls saw me running and crying they immediately came to my rescue. "Jamie Lynn! What on earth happened to you?" I fell into Scarlett's arms and the past 2 hours finally caught up we me emotionaly. "Come on girls get her inside!" They sat me on the sofa and I immediately jumped up onto my feet. "Jamie are you ok?" "They spanked mr Mrs Carter! They spanked my ass forever!" The girls stripped me of my uniform and slowly peeled off my tights. "My god, look at those red welts on her ass!" "Daisy get some of that noxema from the bathroom so we can cool this forest fire down!" My ass was so sore and tender! Mrs Carter carefuly dabbed on the noxema and it instantly began to relieve the burning and sting. Maybelle handed me a cold drink to help repair my shattered emotional state. For the next 20 minutes I told the story to all of them and how I got ambushed just 30 yards from our building. All the girls had sad facial expressions and each one tried to take the blame for sending me out alone. It was now 11:00 and we now had a monumental decision to make on what we gonna do tomorrow. After discussing our options for a half hour Mrs Carter told us to sleep on it and make our decision in the morning. The girls gave me a hug and apologized once more as they now looked down on their falling star! Talitha and I crawled into bed and then she wanted some answers. "So where did that all that cum come from Jamie Lynn?" I hesitated with my response as she cleared her throat. "Well, I knew you didn't shoot it while that bitch Cindy was spanking your ass!" I let out a sigh and then fessed up. "Ok Talitha, you win, you win. Remember that all brunette Blair, from the Oxford team?" "Yea so what, they got knocked out yesterday." "Well didn't go home with the team, she kinda stuck around hoping to have another talk with me. She also confessed she was the one who gave you a push in the back this afternoon. She grabbed my hand from you and pulled me into the storm shelter." "BLAIR! Ohhhh that sneaky bitch! I knew she had the hots for you when we were over at the Oxford camp the other night, and it's quite obvious the two of you were doing more than just talking! Maybe the two of set this nighttime rendezvous up earlier today to throw me off your trail?" "Come on Talitha I didn't do anything, she was the one setting everything up." "I'm so crushed! Jamie Lynn please tell me she didn't make you cum, tell me you jerked yourself off!" I laid there silent for about 5 seconds before opening up. "I'm sorry Talitha but she was able to do to me what you couldn't do for the past 4 months. She got me to cum while we were making out. There, it's out!" Her rage grew and grew as I replayed those wonderful moments sitting on Blair's shiny nylon clad legs. "How could you Jamie Lynn? How you could you let her do those things to you?" "I'm sorry Talitha, but she put so many feminine moves on me and she knew exactly which of my buttons to push, I'm sorry!" "Well tomorrow she's gonna feel my wrath when I see her. You're not some little toy that can be played with. How dare she get my boyfriend to cum and put her moves on you!" She laid her head on her pillow and We didn't speak another word as we drifted off into a deep sleep.

Same as Majorette Mirage 2 Videos

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Majorette 3 No More Masks

Majorette 3: No More Masks By Lynn LeFey Gloria stood on a hillside of a cemetery, in the bleak gray of late autumn. Around her were her friends, gathered to say farewell to her brother. Wind blew and the air smelled of rain. She could hear the rumbling of far off thunder. The new stone at the head of the grave read 'Glen Camdon, loving son'. In the distance, lightning struck. ... Laura ran beside the stretcher holding the body of her best friend. The EMTs loaded the young...

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Majorette Mirage 1

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Paying the Coach

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The Rise and Fall of the Itty Bitty Titty CommitteeChapter 3

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The green Sofa by CodeRouge Redcode

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Sir Arthur Saxbys Legacy

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Nikis Family LifeChapter 2 Sunday Brunch

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Daddys Girl

To say I was a Daddy’s girl would be a big understatement. I adored my daddy from my earliest memories of him. I followed him around like a little puppy dog. I was my happiest when I was with Daddy. When I was sixteen, I began having sexual fantasies about Daddy. I always felt my mom was a bit jealous of the way I loved daddy.I was crushed when Daddy suddenly passed away when I was eighteen years old. I went into a deep depression that took years of therapy before I was back to my normal...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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EvilAngel Jesse Pony Flashy Anal Pantyhoser

Dirty blonde beach girl Jesse Pony entices in pantyhose, clear heels and tiny top. The flashy California girl doffs her top to reveal natural, 34-C mouthfuls. She slinks on the floor, arousing pornographer Mick Blue’s camera to linger on her sun-kissed bod. ‘Do you like anal sex?’ queries the director. ‘I love it’ she predictably replies. She rubs slippery lotion into her ass cheeks. Mick coats her covered cunt in more potion as her soaked feet stroke his feet. The...

3 years ago
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The Tutor Savanah and Josh Part 2

It was Wednesday, Savannah’s new favorite day of the week. Why? Because that’s when her new tutor Josh came over to help her with her studies and give her the proper motivation to do good with her homework. Josh was a married young man in his 20’s who had recently given into his passions and kissed the young girl after they exchanged a few flirty comments. Savanah was excited because her mom had to take her brother to football practice at the same time that she had tutoring with Josh...

4 years ago
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Fall Semestercontinued

Slowly I eased down allowing Chris's cock to invade my willing bung hole. As his cock head entered my bung hole I sighed deeply and raised slowly back up off his stiff cock. This I repeated about four time, each time letting more and more of Chris's throbbing cock enter my bottom. Chris allowed me to have my fun for a little while, than Chris raised and turned us over till he was on top and I on the bottom. I raised my legs up, Chris adjusted his arms till my legs were were inside his arms....

1 year ago
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Karlys Getaway Part 1 Pleasure With My Little Vibe

I don’t bother with clothes after towel drying my hair and rubbing the soft towel against my skin. Anticipation is making me hurry. I want that orgasm now. I’m here – London – for the start of a long awaited holiday . I still can’t believe Michael gifted this trip to me. It helps that he’s the boss, and if he says I can take a month off to travel Europe, who am I to argue? As an added treat, I’m booked in a luxury hotel for my two days in London and when we meet up again at the end of the...

3 years ago
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Lucy The Slut Part 3

Lucy – the Teen Slut – Part 3 Hiya again, If you’ve been reading my stories you’ll know what a dirty little blonde slut I was when I was younger (and am now) and how much I was looking forward to getting my first big, hard cock up my little pussy.PS – Before I start, I was out on Sat night 18-2-12 and am pleased to say I got a nice long fucking/s from a big, black a guy I met down in South Croydon, I stayed the night at his place and have still got his spunk in me as I write this. But i’m just...

2 years ago
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The Corner Shop

My name is Susan Smith. and I go to a mixed secondary modern school near London. I am fairly tall for my age with long blond hair and blue eyes like my mum, I suppose you could say I’m quite a pretty girl, possible a bit too slim but mum said that would change as I got older. I lived with my mum and my younger sister in a rented terraced house with a small garden in front, not that far from the school. So I was able to walk to school every day with my little sister. We’d lost our father...

3 years ago
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A Welcome to Cuckoldry

“Cuckoldry can be great fun. Get involved in grooming her for her dates. Trimming her pubic hair, for example, can be a very strong submissive experience when you know that in a few hours another man will be enjoying the scenery. Help her choose clothes. Better still, go shopping with her for some sexy clothes that she can wear on dates. Get her an anklet that she can wear on her right ankle to signal that she is a hot wife. Bathe her and then rub her down with perfumed oils before her dates.”...

1 year ago
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New Cock

I overheard my wife talking to her sister the other day. See my wife likes big cock. Specifically, she likes sucking big cock. I know this and I also know she gets satisfied by friends Brian and Jeff. Her sister is well aware of this and this why my wife shared this story. See I typically travel for work and she takes that time to get her big cock. Apparently the last time I traveled both Brian and Jeff were unavailable to satisfy her. One evening when I was gone, my friend Aaron stopped by....

4 years ago
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A very nice trip of commission 4 P

It was end-winter/begin-spring about, April i remember it :-P, when i and my sister have an another trip of commission, this time the trip, that of going, it was in bus at difference of the previous trips of commission (recounted in my previously stories :-P) that i and my sister did always in train and my sister had always a nice clothing namely skirt and pantyhose and low shoes :-P, in this trip instead my sister had, from under an anorak, a jeans, and therefore i felt myself less lucky :-P...

3 years ago
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Mami Ke Mommon Ne Pushpa Ko Maza Diya

Pushpa came to her hostel room after she finished her final year exams of her BA. She was very relieved that the exams were over and was equally excited. She started to pack her clothes to go to her Mama’s (her mother’s cousin) house which was 5 Km from her hostel and after a week or so she would go back to her home in Jabalpur. She had stayed in her Mama’s house till last year but as her Mami who was pregnant had gone her mayaka for the delivery so Pushpa shifted to hostel on her mama’s advise...

3 years ago
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Inviting a PickupChapter 8

Jake woke Sunday morning to the feel of lips wrapped around his cock, a feeling he always enjoyed. Looking down into Lana's eyes he grinned, that was definitely the best way to be woken up. He realized they were not alone and looked around the room. All of his concubines were present, standing or sitting on the floor. Except Bonnie, she was kneeling behind Lana, who was kneeling on the side of the bed. Bonnie had her face buried in Lana, her tongue obviously giving the girl a good work...

4 years ago
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A Summer To Remember

All of us have crossroads in our lives, when you either make a choice or a choice is made for you, and the resultant chain of events drags you into either Heaven or Hell, or maybe some wasteland halfway between.For me, it was the summer of 1999, the year I finished college and my parents announced they were going their separate ways: so much for the myth of happy marriage they'd rammed down my throat since early c***dhood. My mother planned to at last explore her enthusiasm for abstract...

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