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Patrick got to the dance fashionably late. It was one of the rare times that he didn’t have a date, the object of his most recent attentions had smiled and told him that she already had a date.

Jennifer was the most popular girl in their freshman class at State. Patrick had dated her in high school, just a few times.

Like always, she was either with one jock type or another most of the time, even getting her attention for a few minutes wasn’t easy. If she wasn’t surrounded by a half dozen of the other upper crust girls in class, then she was cornered by some over sized football player.

Part of everyone’s interest in her was the constant happy smile on her face, the other part was that she was blessed with a kind of beauty that went way past normal.

Jennifer was magazine quality and she made sure of it. Every hair on her head was perfection, every piece of clothing she ever wore was intended to demonstrate that she was something special.

Yet it was not a flaunt, everything appeared natural. Jennifer was somehow always the center of attention, some people just are.

The other wonderful thing about her was that she treated everyone she met equally, unlike some of the other self proclaimed ‘special’ girls that acted like their poop didn’t smell.

Jennifer did date, but it was always with the athletes, the popular ones.

So Patrick, not being from one of the ‘better’ families and unlikely to be confused with being an athlete, was slightly surprised when he asked her to go to a concert with him and she said ‘Sure, love to!’

Patrick was hopelessly and totally head over heels in love with her by the end of that first date, she was all that he could think of.

Jennifer at 5’9′ was tall as women go, with long flowing hair that had every color possible in it.

Her body shape was easy to ascertain because the clothing she wore was intended to make it clear that she was well built, yet she always looked well dressed, never slutty in the slightest.

Some of the other girls let skin show, Jennifer not only didn’t do that but had no need to. Patrick did see her up at the lake in a bathing suit a few times. She wore a one piece white suit, the only one piece outfit on the entire beach. It looked like someone had made it to fit her, she was easily the best looking female there.

Jennifer was also the star on the high school woman’s basketball team, some of the other girls were taller but Jennifer was faster and far more athletic.

On the third date he had with her in high school, he had leaned in for a kiss, not completely sure of himself. The surprise was that she not only allowed that but joined in eagerly.

Patrick was far too fearful of trying for any petting though, but he did have plans on finding out if she just might allow that, given some time.

There were a few rumors going around about her putting out for a few guys, mostly from the blowhard athletes. Patrick didn’t believe any of that, though.

Jennifer was just too sweet.

Then came the crushing blow, she already had a date for the big dance. She didn’t mention who it was with and Patrick didn’t ask.

He spotted her the instant he walked in. She was dancing out in the middle of the room, the center of attention, like always.

She was dancing with Terry, one of the football jocks.

Of course. Patrick hated Terry, he delighted in picking on people. He was around 240 pounds, hell, he looked like he had muscles behind his ears. In the gym he used his weight and size to bang people around, Patrick being one of them. At 5’9′ and 155, Patrick more or less bounced when Terry put a shoulder into him.

Then in the locker rooms it was a wet towel on the ass when he went by, no end to crap like that. Patrick knew damn good and well that a part of the problem was his going out with Jennifer.

It was like Terry thought that she was the football team’s property or something. Most of the rest of the class had acted like that was the way it was, so Patrick had almost been floored when he mustered his courage and asked her to the Stones concert.

As luck would have it, the concert was completely sold out, but he had two tickets that he had snagged. His Mom worked for the sales company which helped, and got those for his birthday.

That turned out to be a bit of an advantage. Jennifer’s odd look when he approached had turned into a huge smile when he asked her, showing her the tickets.

Up to that point the only thing he had ever done was nod to her in the halls and say hello. She would smile and nod back but that was it.

That concert had been fun, Jennifer was bouncing up and down on her feet the entire time, screaming, her face flushed. A few of the other women did the shirt pulled up thing as Jagger ran around the stage, Jennifer didn’t though.

Terry had nailed him at least three times with the wet towel in the locker rooms once he found out. Patrick knew Terry was pissed off but he didn’t give a shit. He even popped Terry right back, got him good too, making it out the door before Terry could do anything about it.

‘I’ll get you, you little bastard!’ Terry let loose with a rewarding howl, rubbing his over muscled ass.

A few days later Patrick asked Jennifer out for a Pizza, damned if she didn’t smile and say, ‘Sure!’

Then there was the picnic, that was the best date because it was warm and nice out, and they were all by themselves. She wore that same white one piece bathing suit that day, it really didn’t show anything at all yet looked like she was showing everything.

He was having a bit of a time keeping himself under control, several times Patrick noticed her sly smile, as she was well aware of the effect she was having on him.

Jennifer told him about her plans to go to college, her dreams of becoming a model for awhile, but she wanted a backup degree in business.

Patrick told her about his plans to work designing and developing electronics. That evening, when he dropped her off he leaned down for the kiss. She kissed him right back, too.

He was in heaven, the best looking and most popular girl in the entire school actually seemed to like him!

Now there she was, out on the dance floor with Terry. Terry, the over sized loud mouthed jerk whose only real claim to fame was his ability to carry a football and run over people.

Not a thing he could do about that, so Patrick mixed a little, he had dated several of the other girls in class. None of those had ever really led to anything, though.

He finally ended up dancing with Karen, a short and cute young woman he barely knew from class. Karen wore glasses, and she felt soft, her body had some obvious extra padding on it.

He couldn’t really concentrate, and kept glancing Jennifer’s way to see what she was doing. The only reason he asked Karen to dance was to get closer to Jennifer and keep an eye on things.

Karen and Jennifer did hang out together sometimes, odd in a way, a bit like a Rose and a Dandelion. Karen was one of those straight A students, an advantage to be friends with.

She had a nice smile but she was only 5 feet tall, plus the heavy dark framed glasses she wore were were so thick it made her eyes look monstrous. She seemed to own just three dresses, he had seen the one she had on no less than two dozen times.

Patrick did notice that she felt like a feather in his arms, she was very easy to dance with. Even being a bit on the heavy side, she felt like she was floating.

‘Hung up on that one, huh?’ Karen finally said, grinning up at him.

‘What?..I…Sorry.’ He told her, looking down. Her face was tilted up to him, like she was trying to see him through those thick glasses.

He felt himself blush furiously, was he making it that obvious?

‘It’s OK. Everybody likes Jennifer, she is nice.’

Patrick didn’t say anything more, he led
Karen back to her seat, thanked her and then wandered off to where some of the other guys were standing around.

Patrick never did get another date with Jennifer in high school, he asked her a few times but the answer was always the same. She had a date already, so she would smile and then tell him ‘Maybe another time.’


By the time he went off to the community Junior College he had given up. Jennifer of course went on to the State College like nearly all of the other kids from families with money did.

Patrick had no other choice, he wasn’t big enough or athletic enough to have any chance at a sports scholarship, and while his Mom and Dad both worked hard, their combined income was nowhere close to enough to pay his way. They doted on him, and did send along a dab of cash each and every month, Patrick knew that was hard on them and was grateful.

Normally his parents were so busy trying to make ends meet that they had little time to invest in Patrick, he had picked up on doing household chores like laundry and normal cleaning at an early age. That early work ethic meant he was different than many of the other young men around, he was never in trouble, never raised any hell at all.

His Mother did notice the change in his manner, though, so she took the time one evening to sit him down for a talk. She just listened quietly as he told her about liking Jennifer and how he wasn’t really getting anywhere with her. Then life wasn’t fair, so many of the other boys were larger and more athletic, it was like he always found himself on the outside of everything, looking in.

‘You just do the best you can and try, life has a way of working things out the way they are supposed to be if you do.’ She said.

‘You know, your Dad didn’t interest me at all when we first met, he was smaller and was not any good at sports or anything like that. But he just would not give up. It took me a long time to realize that he was such a good man, then one day I knew I just wanted to be with him all the time.’

Then she just hugged him, that was all she really had to say.

That didn’t help much.


Patrick took a job on the night shift at the local Texaco, his life became work until midnight, sleep until 6 AM, get up and study some and then go to class. Weekends he slept in to catch up.

He knew several of the other students, and of course Karen. Karen lived a half mile away, she was in the same boat financially as he was, she worked for commissions down at the furniture and appliance store.

Karen regularly seemed to be around somewhere, but he never really paid much attention to her. She always wore those dumpy dresses, those thick glasses. She had heavy eyebrows and a cute round face, but the clothes she wore couldn’t hide the 20 extra pounds on her. Patrick would go out and ride his bike in the evenings, most of the time she would be out there on hers. They became friends, sometimes going down to the little nearby cafe and have one of their sodas that they made, with foam piled way up high on top of the glass.

The idea of dating her never even crossed his mind, she was just a friend, someone to talk to.

One day at work he looked up and saw Ray, one of the bad asses from high school drive in for gas.

The guy drove an older Chevy that you could hear coming for about a mile. The thing was not only noisy but had flames painted on the hood and fenders. He probably thought it looked cool but to Patrick it only looked silly.

He wore his hair in a pony tail, and always had a T-shirt on, his arms covered with poor quality tattoos. The word was that if something happened around town, something came up missing, anything at all like that, then Ray wasn’t too far away.

Patrick really didn’t know him very well, Ray was one of those types that it wasn’t a good thing to be seen hanging around with much.

It was also a bit of a surprise to even see Ray pull in for gas, since the off brand place a few blocks down the street was always a couple of cents less.

The other surprise was Karen sitting in the passenger seat.

Karen, out with Ray? Patrick didn’t like that one bit, Ray had a reputation for always being in some kind of shit. Patrick looked at her, something was different, it took him a moment to realize she wasn’t wearing her glasses. Her hair was shorter, too, in a page boy style with different colors in it. Up until then it was always just black, long and straight.

Still, it wasn’t any of his business, he filled the tank and collected. As he was walking back with the change Karen rolled down the passenger side window and smiled at him.

‘Hi Patrick!’ She called out.

‘Hi, Karen. What’s up?’

‘Oh, we are just going to a movie.’

‘You look different.’ He told her.

‘My Mom got me some contacts, and she cut my hair differently. Do you like it?’ She smiled at him.

‘Yes, I do. You look really nice.’

That was it, Patrick handed the change to Ray who glared at him. Then he saw Ray turn to her and say something, he looked angry. Karen flushed and looked down, then he started the car and did a huge burnout off the lot, sliding the car sideways out into the street.

He was so intent on displaying how much power his old Chevy had that he missed the huge 4 wheel drive pickup truck coming and nailed it dead square in the left front fender. The man in the big truck was at full speed, he had no time to reach the brakes. The older Chevy lifted up on the left side and back down, something happened and it swerved out of control to the right across the street, the engine screaming.

There was a flash, all the power around went out as it sheared off a power pole and went on for another few feet, down over the bank and into the ditch. The power pole came down in what appeared to be slow motion, crashing across the top of the old Chevy.

There were more flashes of light as the wires shorted out, Patrick didn’t hesitate, he was already running.

The engine was still screaming at full throttle, one tire spinning wildly, off the ground. Patrick reached inside through the smashed window and shut off the ignition. Ray was slumped over to the right of the the steering wheel, the driver’s side door and his side of the windshield caved in against his body. Patrick could barely reach through the smashed glass to the ignition switch, managing to slash the back of his right arm in the process.

He looked over at Karen, her body was crumpled on the floor boards. Jerking on the driver’s side door, he found it was jammed.

‘The guy pulled right in front of me!’ Someone said behind him. Patrick looked back, a middle aged man stood there, his face a mask of blood.

‘Karen!’ Patrick yelled at her, but got no answer. Tearing on the passenger side door, it wouldn’t budge. He reached out and tore the remains of the passenger side window out, slashing his hands even more in the process on the shattered glass, struggling to get inside the window to reach her.

Looking in, blood was pouring out of a gash on her neck in huge spurts, he reached into his back pocket for the rag he had stuck there, pressed it to the wound. It was all he had. She came awake, turned her head and looked at him. Her face and upper body was a mass of blood.

‘Patrick, thank God.’ She said.

‘Just lie still, help is coming.’ He told her.

‘He took off before I could get the seat belt on.’ She whimpered. Patrick glanced over at Ray, he still lay slumped against the wheel, the top of the car jammed down against him. He was breathing slowly in short gasps, but it sounded rattled, and bubbles of foam was coming from his mouth.

Patrick hung there half inside the window and held her wound closed, keeping her face turned his way so she wouldn’t see Ray like that, it was all he could do. He felt her go limp, said a prayer for them to hurry.

Then far off in the distance, he heard the siren

Finally some men arrived, pushed him out of the way. They were busy through the window for quite a long time.

They cut open the car and got Ray and Karen out. One of the ambulance attendants looked at him as they wheeled her by. Patrick couldn’t see her face, it was covered with bloody bandages.

‘You saved this one’s life, son.’ He said.

‘How is Ray?’

The man just shook his head.


Patrick went back to the station, found a flashlight, digging out the medical kit. Inspecting his own cuts, he saw they were all minor. There was no power and it was already after 9 PM, so he locked up and went home.

The next day he stopped at the hospital to see how she was doing but they wouldn’t let him go in.

‘She is doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances.’ A tired looking nurse told him. He went on to work, the next day he tried again.

This time an older woman was standing at the reception desk, she was an obvious mature version of Karen. She looked over at Patrick when he asked about her.

‘Are you a friend of my daughter’s?’ The woman asked.

‘Yes, we went to school together, I was at work at the Texaco when the accident happened, I tried to help.’

‘Oh. I am Margeret, you are the young man who saved my little girl.’ She grabbed Patrick and hugged him.

That flustered him a bit, he stood there unsure of what to do.

‘Can he come in and see her also, please?’ The woman asked the desk nurse, she nodded, not taking her eyes off the computer screen in front of her.

Karen lay in the bed, her face and left side of her neck covered in bandages. All he could see was one eye, Karen looked at him.

‘Hello, Patrick. Thank you for coming. Hi, Mom.’

‘How do you feel, honey?’

‘Better now, they gave me a shot.’ Patrick noticed her voice sounded very tiny, and her words were slightly slurred. Then she reached down and pushed a button on the bed controls, bringing it up slightly to a reclining position. She let out a small moan when she did that. This caused the blankets to slip down, revealing the thin gown.

She had her right arm tucked into it but the left side was just draped over her, they couldn’t get it all the way onto her since her shoulder and arm had a huge cast on it.

The cloth fell away to reveal her nakedness, Patrick glanced quickly away as her Mother reached out and tugged it back into place, tucking it over her shoulder. He barely got a glimpse of her left nipple, the bandages covered her from there upwards to the side of her neck.

Karen glanced at Patrick but didn’t say anything.

‘They have her gown on this way for easier access, they don’t want her turned or moved much for a few days. She has some broken ribs and a broken leg.’ Her Mother explained to him, like she was apologizing for the momentary accidental display.

He left soon after and went to work, then began a regular ritual of stopping off to see her every single day. He walked in a few weeks later to find her with the bandages off. Her face bore angry red scars where the glass had slashed her, the one on her neck started just under her ear and continued on down out of sight, it was by far the worst one, raised and angry appearing. The cuts on her face were going to leave very bad scars.

‘They told me I would have bled to death in a few minutes except for you. You will always be my hero.’ She smiled at him.

‘I guess, I just did what I had to.’ Patrick felt himself flushing at her comment, he really didn’t feel like any hero.

He did notice she had new glasses on, these were smaller with gold colored round wire frames. Someone had cut her hair again, instead of the just below her ears and straight look, it now was in an even shorter page boy style than the way she wore it the day of the accident.

‘Your hair looks cute that way.’ He smiled at her.

‘Thank you. They let my Mom trim it last night. I got these new glasses, they never found my contact lens but Mom says insurance will take care of that.’

They had changed her cast, now she was up and walking the halls, with the aid of a cane. Each step was a struggle, she had an injury to her back also. Her hospital gown was on the correct way now, she had it carefully tied at the waist for modesty. It was obvious that she was naked under the thin gown, he was cautious to not look at her blatantly.

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We Meet Again on a Train

Caution–No DD’s, no 8 1/2 inch plus, no ANAL, no force. Everyone over 18 and on birth control. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX It was just after 11:00 PM. I had boarded my train in Harrisburg that morning and spent most of the day in my compartment. I had a lot of studying to do and I could enjoy the scenery through the panoramic window. I ate a late lunch and skipped supper. I made my way back to the club car with the intention of enjoying a late snack and a drink or two. I was on my way to Denver for...

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Our First Experience At A Swingers Club Tru

Being Friday afternoon, my wife and I wanted to do something fun, erotic, sexually charged. We decided to post an ad on our local website to see if we could drum up another man for our sexual appetite. Tonight we were looking for a man with a very large cock. So I wrote up an ad, put in the pictures, and had my wife approve it. This is what we said, “We are a couple in search of a third for sexual fun. She is 40wf, BBW, redhead, 42DD's, shaved smooth, and loves oral (giving and receiving. I am...

3 years ago
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Don and the Pool Guys

Don and the Pool Guys I locked all the doors and windows, checked the area lights outside, and the security system. I felt like a prisoner in my own home. Time to put away my new stash from the mall. I neatly hung up the skirts and dresses, and folded up each tee and some other tops and put them in my middle dresser drawer. I did not want the swimsuits to stretch out too much so I folded them away too. The shortalls I hung up with the skirts. Shoes and sandals went on the closet...

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Lady Jane xxx

I play bass in a jazz quartet, just for fun and we all have day jobs. Music is a hobby, and if I had to do it for a living then it would start to become a chore. We play at small clubs now and again, also weddings, friend’s birthdays, charity fundraisers, and so on. We try to appear in public no more than about once every two or three weeks. Our sax player Mike lines up most of our gigs as he is a bit of a social animal with a wide circle of aquaintances. He and the...

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Jimmy P10

I arrived back home, and instantly my mother asked where the dips were?"Didn't get them!" i replied."Why?" she asked."Because... they didn't have any!" i replied, lying of course."Fine! give us the tenner! Your father will have to go to the supermarket to get them then!" my mother said, gesturing for the money.I sighed and pulled out the tenner, before my father sighed, not happy he had to get off his big fat arse and do something, then he took the tenner from me, called me a dickhead, and...

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Next Years Reality TV

Next Year’s Reality TVby AbeMonday:"Now, from the beautiful St. Rastus Resort,America's newest reality game show, YouBet Your Butt!  I'm Mark Stark, your host,for a show that's got lots of T and A."  Markgrinned as the audience reacted. "That'stension and anticipation, folks.  Tonight,five beautiful contestants, chosen fromamong more than 600 applicants, will viefor prizes totaling more than one milliondollars!  Let's bring out our contestants."Five young women, identically dressed,pranced out...

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Bosom Buddies Ch 8

It took us forever to find her bra. Corrine hadn’t thrown it far, but it was pitch black on that beach, and we spent a good fifteen minutes crawling around on our hands and knees in the pouring rain, blindly groping at the grass before I stumbled onto the damn thing. On the way back to her house, I told Corrine that I wanted her to come back to Rachel’s cabin with me, to be with the rest of us for the week. “But I wasn’t invited,” she protested. “And everyone hates me right now.” “I’M inviting...

Group Sex
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Dressed like a girl III

Looking in the mirror I had to agree with Ann. The pink dress made my eyes look bluer and the white thights made the outfit. I turned side to side looking at myself. I lifted the hem up, and we seen the panties I was wearing. Megan slapped my hand and said good girls don't do that. Ann went to the closet and came back with a black dress with white trim and a belt that tied in back. They unzipped the dress and slid it down. As I was stepping out of it Megan was sliding the black dress up my ...

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Chace McCartson Part IX1

Things got really complicated this time and this chapter almost didn't make it. But it is here. It should be bigger, longer, but I decided to post it before it took an even longer time to post and ended up never doing so. I expect it attends your expectations. I'm also not promising anything related to a date for the next chapter because, now, I'm thinking about releasing it as soon as possible, but I know it doesn't work like that. I hope this one is not the last. Here goes some...

2 years ago
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The White GhostChapter 11

It took a month to get the rest of the crossbows converted and to get the 50 new bolts made. Joe now had enough money from the meat business to contract with the woodworker to make new crossbows. It was his intention to have everyone in the family or on the tavern staff reasonably proficient with the weapon. Even though King Philip's War was nearly over, Joe knew from his history lessons that more wars were coming, and these wars might actually involve conflict with formal army...

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Interlude Master is making me write an update about our daily lives and tells me I need to apologise for taking so long between chapters. So to all that enjoy the stories I am writing but get frustrated at the pacing I am sorry but I have a hectic life. It got a lot more hectic after I met Master online. Naturally I was very apprehensive about this and for a number of years in denial about my sexuality and of course my submissive desires. To compensate for this I would chase after...

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Taming Fire

Just a small story that came to me. Hope you enjoy it. Please remember to vote and leave comments. Thank you! –~~– ‘How badly do you want this guy?’ Jessie Quinn lounged on her best friend’s couch, sipping her tea, and quelling the urge to celebrate her friend’s frustration. Her small, shapely body was the epitome of comfort, her bright blue eyes gleamed with amusement, and her usually long wavy strawberry blond locks were tucked up in a fashionable black pageboy hat. Tessa Elroy paced back...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Sandra Hot busty cougar exhibitionist E439

– Is 58 years old – Single mother of 3 making her first porn – Has been divorced for 20 years after 25 year marriage – Currently works in the medical field and has been for the last 20 years – Has had a sexual encounter with a patient of hers in the exam room – Is an adventurous women who loves exploring the outdoors – Has a lot of phone sex, has phone 3way with a couple every week – Is into Anal sex but has not had it in years before this shoot – Not only was her ass super tight but she loved...

1 year ago
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An Introduction To Manhood

This story is a continuation of “You can learn a lot in college. Part 2” The day Gail had been looking forward to for nearly three years was at hand. She wanted to fuck her landlady’s son, Chris. Gail had her eyes on Chris since she moved into the upstairs apartment of his mother’s home. But Chris was just 16 years old then, so Gail had to wait until he was legal. Well, Chris turned 18 just two days ago. Professor Harris, Chris’ mom, was throwing a birthday party for her son. Gail and her...

Straight Sex
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Nanum en chittiyum

Hello viewers of this wonderful site. My name is Babu , I would like to narrate my first sexual encounter in Tanglish (Tamil & English). I am the only son of my parents and details of my family are irrelevant as they are not the part of the story. My heroine in the story lives somewhere else. During summer vacation, I used to visit Bangalore where my maternal grandparents live. They have a large house and there were only three members, grandpa, grandma and my spinster aunt. My aunt did not...

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The Sexual Saga Of My Family And Me 8211 Part IV

Hi Friends thank you much for your response to Part 1, 2 and 3 of this story. I really appreciate your good words. Any ladies, bhabhis, aunties want to contact me please do so on Now read on for Part 4 Now my Bua, Kanta was a 45 year old widow who was working in a bank. She was very fair, about 5 feet 8 inches tall, and very well endowed after her husband had died she would only wear light coloured cotton saris and matching cotton blouses. Many a times I had caught a glimpse of her boobs...

2 years ago
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Tropical sub tranny anal slut

I was heading into the country to visit a girl the next day, had some time to kill so I hit up a trans girl I met on tinder the week before. She would come stay with me if I got us our own place.I checked in and got a bottle of wine and set it on the bedside table.She was dark skinned and beautiful. Toned body, black hair, thick lips. She came in the room and we kissed. We sat for a minute drinking wine and smoking a joint. I kissed her big glossed lips. It tasted good. My heart was beating in...

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Animal UrgeChapter 8

"Darling, please don't do anything else to me," she pleaded, waiting dully for her husband's voice to break the silence of the room. "I'll leave if you want me to, but... I can't take anything else right now. Wolf... I can't say anything to make you believe me, but, it did, it did happen that way!" Diane braced herself for the blistering sarcastic reply that she was certain would soon come directly as a result of her husband's injured pride. Naturally he would make her pay for what...

4 years ago
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After the pub

She was stunning, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I was at the pub with friends, enjoying a beer or two. We had attended the festival in the park and the day had been a scorcher. The air was finally starting to cool as day turned into night. The pub was quite crowded and we were sitting outside undercover, I was chatting to Tom, one of the boys I knew when I first noticed her. She was young, too young for me to be staring at but I couldn’t help myself. Long blond wavy hair with the face of an...

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Best Friends

I remember the first time I met her like it was yesterday. She had moved to town a few months ago, I had seen her around over the summer and now we were starting high school together. She walked into my home room late, so everyone looked at her. Two of the boys in the back of class did an annoying wolf whistle at her, at this point I could tell she was a bit shy by the rose color that flushed over her sun-kissed cheeks. "Ah, decided to show up late for your fist day? Take a seat." Our home...

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Wife Stories Denise

Introduction “I know how your marriage to Wayne ended,” Henry said, slowly licking in between Denise’s large breasts. Her head was back, her mouth open, eyes closed, an orgasm subsiding. She was straddling Henry in bed, giving herself to him – like she does daily. Their naked bodies faintly illuminated by the orange glow of candles next to their bed in their new Charleston, South Carolina home. Henry squeezed a breast, sucking its nipple, “I know he was a horrible person. ...

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The Farm LegacyChapter 4

Diana never neglected her work but she did make an effort to join Hal whenever he was off to see the bullocks or the lambs. As the harvest drew nearer she wanted to know what they grew and what it was used for. She took an interest in the machinery. She climbed up onto the combine and looked down inside while Hal explained what each compartment did. She gazed at the round baler. "How big are the bales?" she asked. "Five foot diameter and six foot across. They weigh little short of a...

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Big things come to small girls with short skirts

I love watching girls. Best of all I love to watch them playing tennis. I am in heaven as they stretch, Bend and flex not to mention flash enormous amounts of bare flesh. It surely must be one of the best male entertainments ever devised! Now when it comes to the finest display of the female form my wife Al and her friend Eina are way up there with any of the world’s best female tennis professionals. They may be over 35 but they look as supple and athletic as any teenager. Little do they know...

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Robert JenkinsChapter 6

If anything, Jay's party reinforced my opinion that the South was better for me. I knew that Spring Break with a popular Auburn football player at PC wasn't a normal sample, but I felt more comfortable with Tommy and Thornton, than with Jay's group, or even with the coeds at his party. In a way I was thankful for the putdown by the face queen and the transparent shallowness of the others. Pitts was a reminder of what I wanted to avoid. I didn't want to become Will. Eunice and her sister...

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i was thrilled to go out naked with my lover

This is a true story; my name is Nisha above average looking women got married to vinod an accountant in a construction firm after our marriage we moved to his workplace Mumbai. We were staying in a far off place as it was quite expensive to stay near to office. I was not working. Initial days of our life have been quite good. One day my husband told me there is a party at the club and we are also invited. I was excited as I never attended a party. We went to the party and met a lot of his...

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Sex With My Maid In Hostel

This is truly my first story. I would like to introduce myself. I am Saif from Pune.My mail id is I am an ISS reader from last 4 yrs. From ISS only I got the inspiration for my first ever sex experience. I was in second year b-tech student in hyderabad. I lived in a hostel over there. Coming to the story. My hostel was well facilitated. Everything including fucking was there. Starting with the story which actually happened with me. I was in third year of my engineering. And used to stay at...

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BBW Senior Loverrr

I'm walking across a dealer parking lot looking over the new cars when I spot her.She was older and she was on the heavy side. She walked with a bit of a limp thatwas probably due to the wearing her feet and knees take from carrying the extraweight.As she came toward me I see her straightening out her blouse down over her pantson one side, then switching her purse to the other arm to do her other side. Thenshe straightens her collar, all the while taking glances at me. The lady wants to...

4 years ago
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A Paladins TrainingChapter 5 When Demons Prey

all characters are over the age of eighteen years ***ARAN - One Year Ago, Emerin Forest Chapel*** Aran had thought his first day of training under Elaina was a nightmare, but the rest of that first week made it look like a summer evening stroll. Three times Aran had had one foot out the door, ready to run – or limp – back to his old life, but each time he’d stopped himself, if just barely. Elaina’s training was nothing short of brutal. She had him up before the sun every morning, then...

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MorganChapter 4

Tony missed Morgan, he had been working every spare moment since they had gotten out for Christmas vacation, during the day he was working in an electronics store, at night he was working in a tree lot. He needed to make a lot of money fast and he was hustling his ass off, making good money in commissions and bonuses. He had gotten his final check and had one more stop to make before he finally went to see his girlfriend. Tony had damn near pulled out all the money he had in his savings...

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The Alleycats A Lesbian Tale

THE ALLEYCATS (A Lesbian Tale)Note: This story takes place in a European city which exists only in my mind. It has the atmosphere of Amsterdam’s Red-Light district, also of London’s Soho and St.Denis street in Paris. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Actually, it wasn’t really an alley but rather a narrow pedestrian street. There were many of these in that district which occupied a part of downtown which was full of...

2 years ago
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Amy Wakes Up

"Good morning, Amy. How did you sleep?" "Like a baby. My head is killing me." We had a party last night - forty or fifty of our closest friends. We had a keg and a cooler. I was making my famous margaritas, but towards the end of the evening we just started on tequila shots. What a party. People were talking and dancing. A group went into the pool without their suits on. I don't even want to see the house when I'm sober. I'm sure we'll be cleaning for weeks. The whole house has a...

1 year ago
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Demon Dreams

Demon DreamsShe came to me in the night, she was like a dream. Very young and very hot, hardly dressed, with a mischievious smile, I woke up with this fine lady’s hand massaging my junk. I could not believe my eyes, it was like a night terror but I did not feel afraid, just paralyzed. My cock soon started to grow, without a word she took me into her mouth and started to suck the head. After torturing the head of my cock she swallowed it all the way down to my balls. Her tonsils massaged...

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SugarDaddyPORN Natalia Cross Natalia Cross was totally set on pleasing my every need Appreciate that darling

What a lucky guy I am to get to experience Natalie Cross. First off, I’ve never been with a woman 18 years old. I was majorly excited about this if I do say so myself. The reason I selected her was that beautiful body of her. Absolutely dig it and wanted to have it all day. I would say my favorite part of everything was Natalia’s blowjob. She got nasty with it and drooled all over my cock. She swallowed several nuts of mine and was begging for more. I was pretty tired by the evening...

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Swimming Pool Surprise

Behind my house I have a 16×32 foot in ground swimming pool. I planted vegetation around the pool to make it almost totally private so nobody outside the immediate area of the pool can observe what goes on inside the area because I enjoy skinny-dipping ether alone or with females. One of the things I planted was a muscadine (that’s a wild natural grape, if you don’t know) arbor about 30 feet long along one side of the pool. In the Summer months the arbor provides total privacy along that side...

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Airhostress ki chudai

Hello i.s.s ke sabhi readers ko meri aur se ….mera naam hai rahul(changed) aur mera cock 8 inch lamba aur 3.5 mota hai.. Waise mein is site par stories regular padta hoo..isliye aaj apni story tum sab ke saath share karne jaa raha hoo…about my first i fucked airhostress in winter’s days….agar koi mujhe se mitake hui ho tu usske liye sorry bcoz ye meri first story hai so isliye….chalo me story par aata hoo…me delhi me rehta ho..aur south delhi me study karta hoo….ek din me apne...

1 year ago
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1 IN 200000000

1 IN 200,000,000! On my 55 birthday I thought I would go to my favorite shoe store and buy me a new pair of hush puppies. As I entered the mall there was a table set up where they were taking swab tests of people's DNA with a sign that read " $1000.00 for those who will qualify for the test". So I thought why not and I went and they swabbed my enter cheek and it turned red. At that point the attendant shouted we have our first red YAY!!!! I was told they would give me a 1000.00 for my...

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