- 1 year ago
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I'm sure I've been MORE nervous in my life, I just couldn't recall WHEN at the moment the countdown reached eight. I heard the ratcheting clank of the hoses separating from the external fuel tank of the shuttle, hoses which had just finished pumping in liquid oxygen to supply the oxidizer for the main engine burn. The main engines themselves were ignited a moment later, shuddering our compartment. The main engines would not actually be fired until launch of course but the shudder was the final sign of imminent blast-off. Only one previous shuttle had been aborted after this point. We were REALLY going up this time.
Two previous delays had scrubbed the launch of Endeavor. One, due to weather, had kept us from even entering the crew compartment. We'd never even donned our bulky spacesuits. The second had occurred fifty-three minutes before launch when a two-dollar fuse (for which the government had probably paid more than a thousand bucks) that regulated power to the crew escape hatch burned out, scrubbing us. This launch signified our last chance to hit our window this month. It looked like it we were finally going to leave the pad this time.
I braced myself in my chair as the countdown reached zero. I braced myself even though I was as strapped in as a man could possibly be. My shoulder and waist restraints were cinched tight enough to break a clavicle or a pelvis had I not been adorned with the eighty-pound space suit. A space suit which, I might add, the ill-fated Challenger crew had found pretty much useless. I had no illusions. If something went wrong, it was my ass. I only hoped it would be quick; so quick I wouldn't even notice it.
"Ignition." I heard in my headset. A moment later the solid rocket boosters were ignited, the main engines were throttled up, and the shuttle leapt off of the pad.
Vibration and incredible noise filled the crew compartment and I was pushed back forcefully in my seat under the effects of three times the force of normal gravity. It (the acceleration, NOT the noise) was less than I'd endured in training in the centrifuge, I'd made it all the way to nine G's before passing out, but it was different all the same, more intense. I knew that this pressure on my body meant I was being blasted off of the earth and into space. It meant that the launch had gone forward. The main engines could be shut down at any time but solid rocket boosters are like fireworks; hell, they ARE fireworks when you come right down to it. Once they are lit, there is no turning them off. They would burn, pushing our little vehicle upward, until they were out of fuel. We were committed.
I took a deep breath, inhaling the mixture of oxygen and nitrogen that came through the breathing system. I closed my eyes, enduring the uncomfortable sensation of acceleration, waiting for it to be over. This was the most dangerous part of a space mission; the part most likely to produce a catastrophic result; the orbital burn. More than a million individual parts had to work perfectly in sync with each other. If one little widget decided to say 'fuck it', we were toast.
I did not even have the luxury of monitoring what was going on as we ascended. I was not a pilot; I was a payload specialist, sitting two seats behind the mission commander. I heard his transmissions in my earpiece but I did not have access to his telemetry. If my ass was about to be obliterated, the last thing I would hope to hear would be 'Houston, I'm reading a failure on... '.
I heard the report of our transitional roll to orbital inclination. I felt the shudder of separation as the SRBs burned out and were ejected. I was particularly nervous during this period. It was about here when the Challenger had gone up.
This all went off without a hitch however. The main engines burned for a few more minutes and then shut off. The acceleration ended, literally lifting a great weight from us, and we were in zero-G. We were in orbit. My lifelong dream had been achieved. I was safely in space, moving at nearly eighteen thousand miles an hour.
"All right guys." Commander Buxely told us over the intercom. He'd flown in space four times before and was therefore a veteran. "Let's get these space suits off."
This was, as I may or may not have mentioned or implied, my first space mission. I'd been an "astronaut" for more than two years but the highest I'd flown before had been my flights on the so-called "vomit-comet", a KC-135 that had been converted for zero gravity training. It was a pathetic simulation of what zero-G was REALLY like I was quickly discovering.
I have a doctorate in orbital dynamics. Though I am assigned to NASA, my actual job it to oversee the development and deployment of infrared detecting geosynchronus spy satellites. Endeavor was tasked, among other things, to launch such a satellite who's purpose was to hover above the Indian Ocean, replacing an outdated satellite that had been there since the late 1980s. The satellite in question could detect the launch of something so small as a SCUD missile by it's infrared plume anywhere in the Eastern Hemisphere of Earth. I'd worked out the proper positioning for the thing in our limited slot of geo orbits and was tasked to oversee its deployment. I'd worked the last twelve years of my life for the moment I was finally shot into orbit around the Earth via highly explosive elements.
I was but one member of a crew of seven on the Endeavor that mission. The spy satellite launch was but one of our tasks. We were also studying solar flares from the sun, the development of chicken embryos in zero gravity, and, as always, the effects of zero-G on the human body.
Of the seven of us astronauts, only two of us had never been in space before. They were Jackie Yee and myself. Jackie was not really an astronaut. She was not employed by NASA but was a research specialist; a biologist at Harvard. She'd received a few months of NASA training prepatory to being launched with her experiment; which she'd worked six years upon. Jackie was in charge of the chicken embryos. She was THE authority, not just on chickens, but on any kind of poultry you could possibly imagine. She had a Ph.D. in poultry. The chicken doctor, we called her, good naturedly of course; and she'd always taken this well. Eventually her nickname (astronauts LOVE giving each other nicknames) evolved into "CD". By the time of launch we were all calling her this. From her I'd learned more about the life cycle, breeding cycle, and death cycle of chickens than I'd ever hoped to know. She was an accepted, though minor member of our crew. She'd trained with us in the simulators, had gone up with us in the vomit comet, had participated in the pre-launch flight in the F-16s, even taking the stick for a short time in the back seat of the specially modified trainer that Commander Buxely flew. She'd proved to us all that she had a set of balls.
She was my age, thirty-one, and in exquisite shape; a NASA requirement. She was an attractive woman of oriental descent, her family having come to America in the post World War II era. She was childless and twice divorced. As the two "virgin" members of the crew, Jackie and I had bonded during training. On the rare occasions when we, the crew, had time to go out to a bar for a few drinks, Jackie and I used to sit together and talk, sharing our experiences in life. I learned that she had incredible trouble maintaining relationships with men. The problem was that she was almost eerily intelligent; her IQ was nicely above what was considered to be genius. Apparently most men were intimidated by that simple fact. Men don't like women who are smarter than they are.
My own IQ, while up there on the scale, was nowhere near hers. But she never intimidated me. On the contrary, I found conversation with her stimulating and thought provoking (when she wasn't talking about chickens, that is). Her points of view on every issue from the Bill Clinton scandal to the Crisis in Kosovo were well thought-out and well-spoken, full of insight. As the weeks prior to launch went by I found myself infatuated with her.
Like her I was divorced and childless, though I could only claim a single previous spouse. My wife had been a pediatrician that I'd met in graduate school. An attractive woman and a wonderful wife that had simply been unable to adapt to the amount of time I had to spend away from her at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, my previous employer before joining NASA. By the time I'd been picked up as a future astronaut our marriage had been teetering on the brink. The additional time away from home that NASA required had been the final push. My story is not unusual in the ranks of astronauts.
As our training progressed CD and I fell in love with each other. One night, after a particularly drunken barbecue at Coco Beach, we rented a cheap motel and spent the night screwing our brains out. I licked and sucked every inch of her beautiful, shapely body. She licked and sucked every inch of mine in return. We had sex in a variety of positions until nearly two in the morning, at which time we finally fell into an exhausted slumber. The next morning we had a long talk and proclaimed our deep feelings for each other. But we also knew, though we both wished to continue this relationship, that propriety would have to be our God.
NASA, you see, is as prudish and puritan as those seventeenth century New Englanders that used to burn witches at the stake. If they'd heard so much as a rumor that CD and I were sleeping together, or even CONSIDERING such a thing, one or both of us would have been pulled from the mission. Can't have people that are ATTRACTED to each other in a shuttle together, can we? Though we loved each other we had both worked for many years to be put on this mission. We had no intention of fucking that up. Our relationship would be kept secret, at least until AFTER we'd touched down at Cape Kennedy.
We are certainly not the first pair of lovers that have had to work in close proximity to each other while keeping their affections secret. Those that have been through similar situations can, I'm sure, commiserate with me. I can't begin to tell you how frustrating it was to be next to her each day, to have brief, seemingly accidental contact, but to not be able to be alone with her in the way I wished. We did manage SOME encounters together during the final phases of training, but they were few and far between and they were NEVER enough.
To make things worse, CD had a nasty little teasing streak within her. She used to delight in whispering things in my ear during training exercises when we happened to end up next to each other. We would be about to climb into the simulator and she would whisk by me and softly comment, "my pussy is SO wet from looking at the bulge in your shorts that I'm gonna have to rub myself off in my seat". Or as we were enduring a lecture on emergency procedures (the kiss your ass goodbye lectures) she would pass me a note that would read: "I had to fuck a cucumber last night because you weren't there." The note would have been rubbed across her vagina and would be emitting her sexy musk. These teasing gestures were almost more than I could take at times. I remember having to fight down hard-ons on several occasions so that my fellow astronauts, as well as my bosses, and on one occasion, the press, would not have to wonder why there was such a tent in my shorts.
But, thanks to our painful discretion, and despite CD's teasing, we managed to keep our relationship a firm secret from everyone but ourselves. Neither one of us were scrubbed from the mission.
As we donned our space suits prior to boarding the shuttle before what would turn out to be our launch, CD whisked by me once again. She paused for a brief moment, so brief that I doubt anyone even noticed. In my ear she whispered, "Somehow, some way, I'm going to figure out a way to get your cock in me up there." She blew a quick breath of air in my ear and then moved on. She paused and gave me a saucy smile over her shoulder before turning her attention to the task of suiting up.
I wonder if I am the only astronaut who has ever ridden the boarding elevator with a throbbing hard-on.
Once in orbit it took us nearly an hour and a half to strip out of the spacesuits and stow them in their storage compartments. Beneath them we all wore the standard work outfits, I'm sure you've seen them on TV before, blue shorts, white NASA T-shirts, and deck shoes. What you don't see in those television shots is what is UNDER the clothing. A thin vest with sticky electrodes all over it monitors our heartrate, respiratory rate, blood oxygen saturation level, and skin temperature. This information is sent to the shuttle's communication computer and downlinked, via a series of communication satellites, to Houston where a doctor watches over it (Yes, the government pays a doctor an obscene amount of money to do this). Why they feel the need to do this, I've never been given a satisfactory answer but I knew it would make CD's evil plan somewhat difficult to accomplish without detection. I could just picture the flight doctor down in Houston wondering why two of the crew members, a male and a female, suddenly developed heartrates in the mid one hundreds, respiratory rates in the upper thirties, and a sharp rise in skin temperature. It would certainly be odd enough for him to question it over the communication system. The only time we are not transmitting this information is when we are bathing; which is done with very damp sponges. Though the idea of screwing CD during the mission was exciting I couldn't conceive of both of us being able to shut off our transmitters at the same time. Oh well, she was the genius. Maybe she would think of something. In the meantime, there was weightlessness to enjoy.
Zero gravity. I can not begin to describe what it feels like to be able to float through the air at will, propelling yourself along with gentle pushes against the walls or the various handholds placed throughout the two decks of the crew compartment. Or how strange it is to pull yourself DOWN the ladder between decks, going through the opening headfirst, spinning to horizontal, and then kicking off the ladder to push yourself across the room. The first time I did this I did not push hard enough and stopped halfway across the room, leaving myself stranded in the air with nothing to grab hold of to propel myself. Contrary to popular belief, you do not simply keep going across a room inside of a spacecraft. There is air pressure in there; 15 psi to be exact, and it exerts enough friction to stop your forward momentum. The second time I tried this I kicked too hard, nearly breaking my wrists when I reached the other side. CD had similar problems learning the fine points of moving about the work areas; she racked her head painfully on the ceiling between decks when she pushed upward at the wrong angle. This amused the other astronauts to no end as we went about the initial tasks of setting the shuttle up for work.
The cargo doors were opened (they have to stay open during the entire flight; they are what radiates off our waste heat), the shuttle was rolled over so it's belly was facing the earth, and we began to unpack what needed to be unpacked. CD set up her chicken embryos. I went about the task of unpacking our consumables from lift-off storage to flight storage. The other crewmembers had other tasks to do. Though the crew quarters is a small environment for seven people it was made larger by the absence of gravity. People could pass each other in up and down orientation instead of being limited to side by side. I did notice the curious fact that we all oriented ourselves with our feet towards the floor whenever we were stationary. There is something decidedly unnerving about hovering in what your eyes tell you is an upside-down position.
As we embarked upon our first workday CD's teasing manner did not alleviate in the least. In fact, she became more daring, more brazen. My first indication of this came before lunch. We found ourselves momentarily alone down in the lower deck. She was still working on her embryos, which were set up near the rear of the larger deck. I was working on a fouled CO2 scrubber that the computer had said was malfunctioning. The only other crewmember down there with us was Shellie Angst, the pilot. Her domain was the flight deck of course but she was locked inside the bathroom, dealing with a case of irritable bowels (another common consequence of space flight). The rest of the crew was working on the flight deck at various tasks.
When she called my name, sex and teasing were the last things on my mind. I was concentrating all of my energies upon keeping my grip on the handhold while trying to keep the little screws that held the back of the scrubber motor from floating away from me as they came loose.
"Yeah?" I asked, looking at her. Her face was neutral.
"Can you help me with something for a sec?" She asked.
"Yeah, hang on." I said, removing another screw and then stuffing it in my pocket.
I was amused to find myself looking for a place to set down the cordless screwdriver I was using. You don't HAVE to set anything down in zero-g. When I realized this I simply removed my hand from it and it hovered in the air near the scrubber. I had no reason to believe it would not still be there when I got back. I pushed off the wall and drifted over to her, stopping myself upon arrival by hooking my foot around a rung of the deck ladder.
"What do you need?" I asked.
She gave me her teasing smile, holding up her right index finger. "I was just putting this in my wet pussy." She whispered to me, sliding it between my lips. She was not joking; I could taste her juices on the salty flesh of her digit. My dick immediately sprang upward.
"CD, Jesus!" I said as she withdrew the finger. I cast a nervous glance at the bathroom door where I could clearly hear Shellie grunting and farting over the vacuum noise of the "solid waste relief tube".
"I just thought you'd like to know." She said, reaching out and giving my dick a quick squeeze through my shorts, making my hard-on even stiffer. She looked in my eyes. "Somehow," She told me again, "I'm going to have you up here. Count on it."
I couldn't help but smile back. If there were a way to do it, she would figure it out.
Over the next two days a routine was established. We worked more than twelve hours a day at various tasks that were both related to our specialty and in the category of general housekeeping. My specialty was the satellite, which would not be deployed until the third day of the mission. I checked and rechecked its programming, fuel status, engine status, and a thousand other things about its future operation. My housekeeping duties included changing the CO2 scrubbers when they became saturated and monitoring the consumables. CD worked on her chicken embryos most of the time, monitoring things about their development that I could not even fathom and transcribing the results. She seemed pleased about whatever she was finding. Her housekeeping tasks involved making sure the solid and liquid waste dumps were made at the proper times. We were rarely alone together for any length of time, but on those few occasions that we were, she never failed to steal a quick kiss, or grab my cock for an instant, or put my hand on one of her breasts, allowing me to squeeze it, or, on one memorable occasion, thrusting my hand down the front of her shorts, allowing me to finger her wet pussy for about fifteen seconds before someone started coming down the ladder.
After that encounter I'd excused myself to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. Floating there eight inches above the floor I picked up the liquid relief tube and clipped on my personal urine attachment. I pushed the initiation button and the vacuum came to life. I pushed down my shorts and hauled out my stiff, rigid, much in need of relief dick. I began stroking it, the image of CD's wet pussy against my finger in the front of my mind. I imagined sinking the object I now held in my hand (my cock, not the relief tube) into that wetness. Within thirty seconds I was shooting a pent-up load into the mouth of the tube where it was sucked down into the bowels of the shuttle, eventually to be discharged into space by CD during her routine housekeeping duties.
Feeling much better, more relaxed than I'd been the entire mission in fact, I shut off the vacuum, stowed my attachment back in it's proper place, and pulled my shorts back up. I cleaned my hands and opened the door, floating back out into the crew quarters. CD was giving me a knowing smile as I emerged. Since no one was paying me any attention at the moment, I drifted over her way.
"I just jacked off in the bathroom while I was thinking about fucking you." I whispered at her as I drifted by.
Her face blushed red, showing me that she could dish it out but she couldn't take it.
From above me my last name was barked out, making me jump a little. It was Buxely's voice.
"Yeah Bux?" I yelled upwards.
"Come on up here a minute." He told me.
CD and I exchanged a quick, nervous glance. "On my way." I said, pushing towards the ladder and maneuvering my way upward.
The flight deck was my favorite place to be during the mission. It was the nerve center of the shuttle, the place where all of my instruments were, and it offered an absolutely inspiring view of the earth nearly three hundred miles below us. As I emerged I took a quick glance outside, despite my slight nervousness about what Bux was calling me upstairs about, I couldn't help it. We were on the daylight side of the planet I saw, and I was able to identify the West Coast of South America far below.
I dragged my eyes away from the view when Bux waved me over to an unoccupied corner near the left side. Shellie was in the pilot's seat, monitoring shuttle systems. The communications officer was sitting next to her, looking at me with a knowing grin that I didn't care for in the least. The hydraulics specialist, Dan Freeling, was lost in a world of his own, working at a screen that showed the status of his beloved hydraulic robotic arm; the arm which would lift my satellite into orbit. I pushed myself over to Bux, stopping neatly by putting my foot against the wall when I got there.
He stared at me for a moment, his face expressionless. "You okay?" He asked me.
I blinked. "Sure." I told him carefully. "Why wouldn't I be?"
He chewed on his lip for a second and then said, "Houston just reported that you had a momentary surge in your heartrate, temperature, and respiration. They said it shot up alarmingly for a minute." He paused. "I notice you were in the head when this happened."
Holy shit! Did they know I'd just jacked off in there? I knew that actually performing coitus would be detected but it had not occurred to me for an instant that simply whipping off would push up my baseline values. I thought quickly. "I had uh... some stomach cramps in there." I told Bux. "They passed."
"Uh huh." He replied, obviously not believing me. "Well let me give you a little advice virgin." He said. "We all get 'uh stomach cramps' up here from time to time if you know what I mean. I would suggest that you time your stomach cramps a little more carefully if you don't want the entire control center knowing about them. Personally, when I get 'uh stomach cramps', I get them just before my workout period; after I've reported impending exercise to Houston but before I've actually begun to do it." He grinned. "That way they don't think anything unusual about the sudden rise in values that the 'uh stomach cramps' produce. You get me?"
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My intimate sex with mom Hi incest lovers! Incest is good to enjoy. I am saying this through my personal experience. Don’t miss this opportunity. Let me introduce myself. I am a 32 year old working person, staying in Bangalore and I am the great fan of ISS. I started reading stories since many years. Now let us come to the story which I had experience with my own mom. She is now 52 year old woman, a housewife. Her stats are 36-36-38. She is a traditional woman but good looking. I got interest...
IncestHi guys mera nam Nik hai….Maine last time meri real story name…Mami meri pehli biwi likhi thi….Usi story ko aage badhate hue mai ye uske aage ki story bata raha hu …Ke kaise maine rat bhar mami ko choda…..Meri pehli story aap logo ne padhi aur use pasand karte hue mujhe accha response mila…..Uske liye thank u very much….Aur usi bat se inspire hoke mai ye aage ki story batane ja raha hu….Hope aapko ye story bhi acchi lagegi…. Is bar mai aapko usi rat ki story bata raha hu.Jis rat 1st time maine...
Zoe Oliver’s mom, Lynsie Lee calls her ex husband Marcus London to let him know that his ex-stepdaughter is on the way. Marcus really owes Lynsie, so he agrees to watch her wild daughter and keep her occupied and happy. Zoe kicks off their weekend by asking if Marcus has any weed. He unknowingly takes her to a dealer so she can get her fix. Later, Zoe sneaks in on Marcus while he’s in the shower. Cracking an adult beverage, she waits for Marcus to notice. She continues to sexually...
xmoviesforyouMy mother-in-law is a good person. Good to her two grown children. Good to her grandkids– I’ve given her two of them. A good mother herself, and a heartbroken one, for the daughter she lost, lost when my husband was ten. She’s good to me: kind, thoughtful, yes, like a second mother. In the eyes of God, probably, better than the one I had. Better than my stepmother, surely. And a loving and faithful wife, that too she was. Much better than the one I‘ve become. I don’t know why I think of her,...
Heather's mom and I divorced a few years ago. Not a big, dramatic fallout. Just a marriage that slowly declined until we both decided it was time to give up on it. We never fought, really. But we grew apart and didn't want it to get to a point that we started resenting each other, and making a bad situation worse for Heather. Lori and I are still best friends and our resolve to raise Heather together and keep things "normal" for her has worked out really well.When Heather told me she was...
IncestA Second Chance -- Chapter 6 By Dawn Natelle SATURDAY, April 30, 2016 Rachael was up at 7, only slightly later than school mornings. When she reached the kitchen she noticed there was a half-loaf of store bread in the fridge. Once the family had tasted Bread Baron bread, no one wanted to clean it up. Rachael knew that it would go stale soon, and didn't want to waste it. Then inspiration hit. She got out the bread and some eggs, and started whipping up French Toast. "What are...
“What?” Was all Sammy had said. Sammy had been petting the back of Hercules’ neck when I asked her a crazy question. When she stepped back she must have grabbed hold of his collar because he moved away from me. I looked around and found both Sammy and Hercules together. I was about to complain when I noticed a worried look on Sammy’s face. I walked over to her and said, “I’m so sorry if I offended you with that question. I hope you don’t hate me for asking.” Slowly she responded, “Do you...
Career Day "My daddy is prettier than your daddy!" Eight-year-old Billy Tayler stood in front of the classroom, his tiny voice growing larger by the moment. He was waring a short blue tie and a white shirt. The adults and children in attendance laughed gently at his opening line. Billy looked at the faces in the crowd, and he continued, just the way his mother and he had rehearsed. It was Career Day at Reagan Elementary School. You know the kind of day. The adults come to talk...
Engineer Mike Giles and wife were unable to start a family and neither would undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria took a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive was pregnancy. Then his girlfriend at his worksite 200 miles north becomes pregnant which answers the question about his alleged infertility problem. Gloria agrees to a divorce and Mike’s reunion with his girlfriend Nancy ends in disappointment so he’s back playing the field. THIRTEEN I arrived...
I've been a gynecologist for several years now. I love the female body, and all it's splendor. The curve of flesh riding over muscle, and the sweet aroma that a woman gives off when she is at her sexual peak. I love the sensual and sexual arousal that women give me, and most times, it's not so hard doing my job, but other times, it's down right cruel, unjust and tough to be who and what I am. I stepped into exam room 4 on a hot July day. Our air conditioning system had failed and the whole...
Chapter 5 Awakening He overslept and was late for work, but that was the least of his worries IT was morning. He could tell by the light, even though his eyes were still shut. And he was in bed. The last thing he remembered was a blackout, or the computer going blank at any rate. How had he got to bed? Never mind, he felt rested and refreshed. He gave a little stretch, while keeping his eyes shut for just a little longer. The first thing to disturb his sense of luxuriating...
Nicholas's promise (A Christmas tale the third) Chapter 1 Tyler Tyler Monroe was what could easily be described by the casual observer as a thug, a vandal and, at present, a borderline criminal. He was the scourge of the neighbourhood and had been throughout his teen years. His neighbours were nervous of him, and his friends, as he terrorised the local estate with his gang. Tyler, who would be twenty on his next birthday, it seemed was now destined for a life of petty crime and...
Dinner was fine. We finished the bottle of wine and had another. She was laughing, friendly and inviting. I made a point to touch her when ever possible. Always nervous that she might object to my aggressive moves. I had no reason to worry. Most guys moved too soon with a gem like this and blew their chance to become close to her. Not me. I planned every move. The moment came and I took my chance. “ Would you like to come back home with me and have a night cap?” What a corny line! “ Sure” she...
Tanya and I were friends from college, she was the better looking, was Indian Gujrati, 5’4, slim, 34C/32/34 curves. She was the more party and wild type, had a boyfriend named Ben, Indian Punjabi from Delhi,6’2, muscular, longish hair was also the really wild type/clubbing type. They were a couple and got married after college. I was more low key from a conservative Pakistani background with 5’6, 36C/34/36 figure ok curves with shoulder length hair. I was looking for true love and had more guy...
Jessa Rhodes is a boss bitch, and she doesn’t beat around the bush when it comes to what she wants. When her new personal assistant, Danni Rivers, isn’t living up to expectations, she lets the cute redhead know she’s in the hot seat. Danni will do anything to please her gorgeous MILF boss, so she joins her in the bedroom with her husband. The beautiful babes suck his cock together, kissing and slurping as they slobber. Then, the lucky guy plows them out and delivers a gooey load of cum for them...
xmoviesforyouI had more and more men messaging me to try to get together every day I'd see 3 or 4 messages to me admittedly half of them weren't even hardly worth looking into and I was starting to be a little more selfish wanting a man that could make me moan, or dreaming big, good enough that he had to stuff a gag in my mouth to keep the neighbors from calling the police. And since I'm going to put this out there for other people to read might as well tell them what I really want.WOW IT REALLY HAPPENED!My...
This wasn’t a part of town that I had ever really visited before – just driven through it. A bit down at heel, not particularly safe. But my friend Jack had insisted I came here with him to experience “something I would never forget”, as he put it. I followed him off the high street into a dark side road full of shuttered small industrial units and closed cafes until he stopped at a door with a dim light above it and the words “Fingers Club” on a small panel. He knocked and the door was opened...
There was a moment years ago during my husband's student teaching, when he wasn't sure if he could handle being a high-school teacher, in a position of authority over near-adult girls. A teacher has to not only resist, but disguise any temptation he might experience. He was never really worried about actually making a sexual advance on a student, but he was concerned about maintaining a poker face. If his thoughts were to drift in the wrong direction, or if his eyes were to drift in the...
Despite what Iega had told me concerning Broc's location and the estimated time of his return, Sheel thought it best to continue with the lookout schedule both day and night. But, now having five hunters as opposed to three (Treeya and Martreen were now considered hunters) and a few other clans women trained in the use of thrusting spears the schedule that night was very light for the five of us. Sheel modified the hunter's schedule so that only one of us was out on guard at any given...
“So when are you coming for the real thing?” he asked. Was this actually happening? Was I actually about to arrange a meeting with a stranger I met online? I couldn’t believe it had gotten this far, yet there was something inside of me that wanted it more than anything despite all of my nerves and doubts. To give some background, I am a white, 26 year old male with an average build, 170 pounds, a naturally large, feminine looking butt and smooth features. In my early teens I was pretty shy, and...
One Saturday night after our daughter was fast asleep in her room, I joined my husband in shower. After exchanging a few kisses and washing his hard cock rather carefully, he took control and bent me over. He switched off the water and then to my suprise me, he started fingering my bum hole. He squirted shower gel onto my bum and entered his middle finger into it and moved it in and out my bum hole. He started loosening up my bum hole and after a minute or so we moved to our bed. He got the...
Ye story padhkar aapko maza aaye ya na aaye laikin ye story aapko older women k bare me naya expriance zarur degi,q k is me banawati kuch bhi na hoga,mai 23 saal rang gora evrge body,is story k liye mera naam john hai. Jab koi kisi k saat ziyada waqt guzaarta hai to jate waqt dukh bhi hoga aaisa hi kuch mere aur 53 saal ki aurat balamma k saat huwa.aklote bete ki shadi k bad bete ne bahu ko lekar apne sasur k diye makan ko chala gaya,aur ab balamma aur uska pati hi uske ghar me rahte the,8 saal...
The Congolese government went out of its way to make everyone feel welcomed. It also went to great lengths to squash any media coverage of the research team and it's objectives. I was happy to see that because it answered one of my main concerns. Even if Bonnie was unique among her clan, the last thing we needed was to have to deal with sightseers or worse. Once her clan was located and the base camp set up, there would be a need for intense security in that region to protect the habitat...
The Retreat Jesse and Alesha walked up the ramp, hesitated a second, then stepped through the hatch, both feeling the tingle. "What's that tingle for?" Alesha whispered to her Alpha as they slipped out of their coats. "It has many uses, but primarily," Ship answered, "it rids each person's body and clothing of contaminants, both internally as well as externally, which, of course, includes the snow you just walked through on the way out here." Alesha had started when Ship spoke,...
Pandemic “Who is that?” her husband spoke loudly into the phone after hearing at least 10 hard pounding noises in the background disrupt their conversation. “There’s some Army guy at the door.” Jim heard his wife Jessa open the door and start to say something. “What do you mean? No I don’t want to do that!” “Jim he’s telling me the country is on lock down as of now for a least a month, and to expect company as they do not have enough separate dwellings to house everyone. The people that...
“Hurry up! Or you’ll be late for school!” I roused myself from my deep slumber and wiped the sleep from my eyes. The rising sun cast a warm beam of light onto my blanket, warming me, and tempting me to drift back to sleep. To keep myself awake, I yelled back. “You tell me this every day, and yet I’ve never been late!” “That’s because I tell you every day!” I pulled off my blankets and stood up, completely naked. I went into the adjoining bathroom, and quickly took a shower, letting...
Halloween is supposedly a good time to be a TGirl, a time of year when society seems OK with a guy dressing and acting like a girl. Several times on or around Halloween I have walked through Macys or a mall and had salesladies call out "Nice Costume". Or, I as I go into a 7-11 or supermarket, and a couple walks by, the woman will smile and say to her boyfriend, "Hey, next year, let's dress you up as a girl". What's that all about? On the other hand, if my wife and I are invited to a...
First time with step Sister Pt 2 You should read first time with my step sister to keep up with where this story is going. A little re-cap from part one. Me and my step sister had just had mind blowing sex for the first time. She came into my room and seduced me. The rest of the story continues from that. The next day was like every other day around the house. Me and Lori were not around each other much so it was not uncommon for us not to see each other until night time. We went to different...
IncestCathy and Mike were working hard at reconnecting. I finally got to go to the sidelines without Cathy. She was in the game, and doing healthy things. With all the damage she and Mike had been through, it was so great to see them try again. They were, and they were not, the same people as before. A little older and wiser and much more mature. Did I mention scared, heavy on the scared part. I still got to hear when things were not so good, but that is what a parent is for. I listened and would ask...
“Allan B” If you want your children to listen, try talking softly to someone else. (Ann Landers) The other day upon the stair I saw a man who wasn’t there. He wasn’t there again today I think he’s from the CIA. The BBB (Blonde Bimbos Bureau) wishes to thank AOC for single-handedly putting an end to dumb blonde jokes. What is the most popular Country song n Iran? Sweet Home Allahbama... The female praying mantis devours her male minutes after mating, while the female human...
By Haramiru - [email protected] Disclaimer: This is an original work of erotic fantasy. No characters were consciously modelled after any actual people, or publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. Nonetheless, anything which may be construed as such are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media...
Jim reached over and rolled down the window on the passenger-side door as he made his way slowly through the cornfield. The ultra-high-tech 980-cc three-cylinder engine made almost no noise as he drove, and the sound of the buzzing insects in the cornfield was the only thing he could hear. He crept along for a couple of minutes at barely 10 mph, and then began to feel very foolish. "This has to be a joke. Why am I doing this?" He thought about backing up, but up ahead was a sign, and he...
Lincoln leaned forward, gently kissing my inner thighs as he worked his way up my legs. The scruff of his beard tickled my sensitive skin, causing me to squirm in pleasure. His strong, slightly rough hands gripped the back of my thighs as he ventured further up. I gasped as I felt his tongue run along the length of my pussy, ending with a light flick against my clit. He did this once more before teasing the inner folds of my pussy open; his tongue gently probing my depths. I moaned softly,...
Oral SexI wore my pretty yellow dress today to go out for a spring time walk. I wanted to spend time in the meadow and listen to the meadowlark. I had packed a nice plush blanket to sit on and have my lunch while just enjoying the ambiance of the world around me coming to life.The wind was blowing my hair gently. Then I felt it lifting my skirt as if to peek underneath to see what I was wearing. I laughed out loud as it did not know what I was planning once I found my comfy spot. So I carried my picnic...
OutdoorBefore I jump in I have to give you a little background. As indicated in the sub-title this is a true story that happened to me way back in the seventies. At the time I was living on the eighth floor of an apartment building and I was miserable. Basically you couldn’t fart without getting a noise complaint so fewer and fewer of my friends were coming to visit because there was no way to have any sort of even relatively calm party.A good friend knew I wanted out of there and told me a room had...
Hello Readers… This is Zainy from Gujarat with my first story which happened with my younger brother Abby… I am 27 Years old married lady with a curvy body and flesh at the right places. But my hubby has been losing interest in me as i have put on some weight but still my stats are 38-30-40, fair and a height of 5’4″. My brother is 6 Years younger and we are very close to each other and share everything with each-other. This happened about 4 years back… My sex life was getting boring day-by-day...
IncestMy name is Tony and I was a council housing officer (a crappy job) in East London when this happened...…The work took me to a lot of lower standard buildings so that I could take peoples complaints, as you can imagine there was no shortage of work. I was 24, six ft tall, have a good body and am aware of being well endowed, not particularly long, but very thick. I split with my girlfriend of the time after finding out that she had been fucking her boss on a regular basis. It wasn’t long after...
Avalanche is a earth type world. It was less than one third larger than earth with slightly lower gravity. It even had similar seasons, two months for spring, almost six for summer, one for fall and a bit over three for winter. Winter here was extreme though, it even snowed up to two meters on the equator and twenty to forty meters on the high plains. We were better known for some of the animals. All the animals were a type of mammal or marsupial and had eight legs. Bronto Bison were twice as...